Rooster: description and characteristics. Types of rooster according to the eastern horoscope

Date of publication: 04/05/2016

The rooster is an interesting “cocktail”... Benevolence and some belligerence, categoricalness and reluctance to listen to criticism addressed to oneself, efficiency and a penchant for contemplation - all this fits into one symbol, forming complex nature, which from the outside may seem illogical and contradictory. After all, the Rooster loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time, he carefully protects his personal living space; he easily makes new acquaintances, however, he can drive a person into a frenzy with his meticulousness and scrupulousness.

However, looking at how all these traits coexist in specific people, we can confidently and with pleasure state: the Rooster endows his “wards” with a set of properties that are successful for them, which allow them to feel comfortable and behave with dignity in the most different situations and circumstances. Well, as for liking them, all this, as they say, is a matter of personal taste. But we must always remember that before judging, it would be a good idea to try to understand...


The years of the Rooster are: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005. And, of course, the coming 2017.

In 2017, the Rooster will come into its own on January 28 (the night from the 27th to the 28th). His power will end on February 15, 2018.

Character traits

People born in the year of the Rooster are usually sociable and observant. Although " specific gravity“such properties may vary among different representatives of this sign, making some of them more insightful and calmly tolerating solitude, while others are talkative and overly straightforward.

Traditionally, this symbol gives a person an attentive attitude towards his own person. It is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to see an unkempt Rooster or something like a “gray mouse” merging with the crowd. On the contrary, such people usually attract attention with their ability to look creative, without going beyond the canons of good taste. Roosters can become a real decoration for any festive event. Moreover, they do not shy away from compliments, and they are never embarrassed that almost all eyes are focused on them. And even in flattery - but only subtle and smart - they see nothing wrong.

We must give the Roosters their due: they are not characterized by excessive vanity. Therefore, attention from others does not make them selfish. You can always expect an adequate response from them both to the suffering of others and to injustice. Roosters are brave, prone to help and mutual assistance. They are convinced that “there is only one warrior in the field.” But they often perceive other people’s help and advice critically, because they believe that they themselves know well what to do and what choice to make.

Areas of success

The very first thing that can be stated with one hundred percent certainty is the fact that Roosters are creative people. And they are clearly shown professions related to art. Moreover, they are able to achieve the greatest results in literature. The creative spirit of representatives of this sign is so strong that many of them, who are by birth professional activity has nothing to do with art, they acquire some hobby related to creativity. This could be, say, participation in an amateur theater, a choir, or a passion for one of the types of applied arts.

Second on this list should be military sphere. Roosters find great pleasure when they have to command, manage, manage something. Here they find many opportunities for self-realization.

The third area of ​​success for Roosters is politics. Confidence in their own rightness, commitment, meticulousness and methodicality allow them to lead even complicated matters to success and bring ambiguities and controversial issues to a common “denominator”. The politicians they make are thorough, consistent and often tend towards conservatism.

Fourth place can probably be given to sports. Here, too, there are enough points to apply the characters of people born in the year of the Rooster. The most promising sports for them are boxing and martial arts.

They should be careful in the financial sector. The fact is that these people are characterized by periods of waxing and waning luck. And if, for example, in sports or in the arts they can afford to take breaks and go into the shadows, then financial failures can reduce their efforts to zero or even put them in the red.

Personal life and relationships

The fact that Roosters are sociable and easily get acquainted with strangers, we have already mentioned. But it is impossible to say that they can strengthen and consolidate relationships with the same ease. People patronized by this symbol often strive to dominate. They do this not out of malice; their confidence in their own rightness is simply too strong, which they can try to extend to their other halves.

For their part, these people value personal independence and are unlikely to allow anyone to dictate their terms.

Living with Roosters is interesting, because they even try to arrange their everyday life with dignity and aesthetics. True, this means that you won’t be very relaxed with them. In any case, “defiling” in front of the Rooster in the morning, sleepy with disheveled hair, is definitely not recommended.

Women who have decided to connect their lives with a man born under the auspices of the Rooster need to be aware that their chosen one will invariably try to “fluff his tail” if there is a person in his field of vision who, in his opinion, deserves flirting.

But Rooster women are not so greedy for the opposite sex, so their husbands and fiancés can feel calm. But on the other hand, it is advisable for them to prepare for the fact that the Rooster has rewarded their chosen ones with a great passion for chatting on the phone, going shopping in the company of friends, and so on.

Rooster in the elements

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017) distinguished by pronounced leadership qualities. This person is capable of organizing almost anyone and anything. By setting a goal for himself, he will surely achieve it. At the same time, the element of Fire makes the Rooster deaf to the feelings of other people. This is expressed in a tendency to cut down the “womb truth” completely out of proportion to the feelings of those towards whom it is directed. And such tactlessness sometimes plays cruel jokes on them: Fire Roosters lose well-wishers and gain offenders in their place.

Earth Rooster (1969) insightful and deep. He knows how to be persistent in achieving what seems valuable and interesting to him. By the way, about the value aspect... All kinds of taboos regarding the Earth Rooster are removed financial activities. If for people who are patronized by the Rooster, in general, finances are a source of possible problems, then here all this is practically leveled out. Let’s add here the hard work and perseverance of the Earth Rooster, and now we have before us a potentially successful businessman.

Metal Rooster (1921, 1981) quite pragmatic and at the same time hardworking. This pair of properties is quite enough for him to persistently and effectively move forward towards his plans. In addition, the Metal Rooster, more than his other brothers, is prone to collectivism and mutual assistance. If there is some common cause, then he will show great personal interest in it and will not shift his duties or responsibilities onto the shoulders of others. True, at the same time (and in many other situations too) such Roosters can be stubborn, and sometimes - in attempts to insist on their own - they show harshness and rudeness.

Water Rooster (1933 and 1993)- intellectual. He is, as a rule, very well read, has a sense of humor, and can speak beautifully and convincingly. Such people are excellent debaters and willingly participate in discussions, disputes and simply communication. They enjoy respect and authority. The disadvantage of the Water Rooster is unstable emotionality. And he is also a reinsurer. Worried and worried about trifles, this person will mark time, waste time, measure not seven, but seventy-seven times where he can do it the first time and forget.

At the Wooden Rooster (1945, 2005) broad soul and an inquisitive mind. He enjoys traveling, making plans, and has a large circle of acquaintances. Treats his surroundings with care. Such a person loves to be in a crowded society, and even working in a team is much better for him than individual activity. When he has to do something alone, he begins to fantasize, set himself unrealistic goals and persistently try to bring them to life.

Compatibility of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope

The union of the Rooster with the Ox, Snake and Dragon is promising and harmonious. Together with the Ox, they will form something like a union of opposites, in which each will occupy their own “niche.” These two will be able to respect each other's strengths and be understanding of their partner's weaknesses. The Rooster-Snake couple will show the world an excellent example of spiritual unity; here everyone will become for their partner not only a lover, but also a friend. For the Rooster, the dragon is a subject of his pride and the feeling that in front of him is a person no less bright and extraordinary than himself; and the Dragon will answer him in kind.

Enough good chances for mutual understanding between the Rooster and the Pig. The Rooster will play the first violin here. But this will not offend or humiliate the Pig. True, the whole point will be that in almost half of the situations she will not even understand that they are trying to prick her or force her to play by someone else’s rules. But this doesn’t matter, because the Rooster will have enough common sense not to ostentatiously boast about his superiority. So both will be happy.

Two Roosters can exist together long years, or they may stop standing each other in a month. They are invariably interested in each other, however, their reluctance to notice own shortcomings could lead to the collapse of their relationship. In order for these two such similar natures, which seem infinitely different to each other, to be together, they must love each other very much.

Only 50% success can be predicted for the Rooster-Sheep couple. In general, the Sheep and the Rooster are doing well, but he will find many reasons for disagreement here. Although, if the Sheep loves the Rooster very much and does not try to demonstratively self-actualize, leaving him without attention for a long time, then “everything can still end very well.” Moreover, the chance of success increases if in this pair the Rooster is a man and the Sheep is a woman.

The Rooster and the Monkey, as well as the Rooster and the Dog, can be together for some time. And then, most likely, they will begin to have disagreements. With the Monkey - on the basis that she will seem shallow to the Rooster, and he will seem simple-minded to her. With a Dog, the main problem will be mutual criticism and attempts to re-educate each other.

A difficult and, most likely, short-lived union will be formed by the Rooster and the Tiger. Moreover, the sooner they part when they feel that they do not like each other, the greater their chances of not becoming enemies later. However, sometimes this couple manages to stay together, but then life path both of them turn out to be by no means covered with roses.

But with whom the Rooster definitely should not connect his life is the Rat, Rabbit and Horse. To the Rat, the Rooster seems superficial; besides, she will be annoyed by his inability (or unwillingness) to save. For the Rabbit, the Rooster is a complete set of shortcomings. It is simply impossible to stand such a strange (in his opinion) person for long; To the Rooster, the Rabbit seems like ordinary mediocrity, and a very evil mediocrity at that. The usual result of relationships between representatives of these signs is a scandalous breakup. Moreover, moral damage from them for the Rooster usually turns out to be much more than for the Rabbit. As for the Rooster and the Horse, there are two personalities whose similarity begins with touchiness and ends with pickiness. Neither of them will not only want to understand the other, but will prefer to silently leave the “game”, without bothering themselves with an attempt to explain themselves and understand what exactly is the reason for the misunderstanding.

Rooster and Zodiac

This is in a certain sense Don Quixote. But only without the knightly romanticism and noble forgiveness of his opponents. This person is always ready for open confrontation, to prove his (or someone else’s) rightness and principles of justice. But at the same time, he will not act contrary to his own interests. People often perceive Peuh-Aries as rude and stubborn. And at the same time, they recognize that they can count on him as a defender if he finds himself nearby in a conflict situation.

Usually handsome, always elegant, always responsible. Such a person expresses feelings with all his appearance self-esteem. He completely lacks frivolity, and he is not ready to be content with little. The Rooster-Taurus values ​​comfort and material wealth. Those around him, as a rule, treat him with sympathy.

Gemini Rooster often he doesn’t know what he wants. His mood, plans and even worldview may suddenly change. From such a person one can hardly expect too strong an attachment to people, objects, places... The only thing that matters is what is of interest at the moment. Moreover, this interest can captivate him, forcing him to forget about time and any argument in favor of common sense. And only the need to spend money on it can stop it! In this sense, the Gemini Rooster is more than pragmatic and calculating. And that is why he sometimes even manages to turn an ordinary hobby into a source of income.

Subject to mood swings. And such changes can occur both negatively and positively in a completely unpredictable way. That is, if in one situation he dramatizes events, then in another he will perceive the same problem quite easily, forcing himself not to waste emotions and act in the interests of his own future. In addition, the Rooster-Cancer is a sensitive nature. He is able to give helpful advice, suggest how to act. Although, on the other hand, such attentiveness may result in a desire to arouse admiration for one’s integrity. Yes... Whatever you say, this man is contradictory in many ways...

Harmonious personality. Moreover, first of all, harmonious for yourself. He is not shy about admiring himself and talking about his own importance. But, however, this is partially compensated by his willingness to bestow positivity on those around him, as if allocating to them a little “of his generosity.” The Rooster-Leo is inclined to set significant goals for himself, which, however, sometimes turn out to be divorced from reality, just like he himself, who is often in a world of illusions.

A smart person, out-of-the-box thinker, observant. He is a realist and pragmatist. A bird in his hands is no less (and perhaps more) valuable to him than a virtual crane. The Rooster-Virgo loves to make plans, and, as a rule, these are always achievable plans, which he then implements step by step.

A purely secular person. He knows his worth and loves comfort. He knows how to reach a compromise, and successfully uses this talent not only for personal benefit, but also to the great pleasure of those around him. This man is peaceful, and there is only one point that can wash away all his luster from him - his pride. In this case, he suddenly turns from a good-natured gentleman into a skilled intriguer, cold and calculating.

Scorpio Rooster can be considered a standard of reliability and responsibility. Whatever he undertakes, such a person always completes. And if it happens otherwise, then this means only one thing: there is an obstacle of insurmountable force on the way. Despite his seriousness and even meticulousness, the Scorpio Rooster is a sociable nature. And this makes him even more attractive in the eyes of other people, who often develop such trust in him that they are ready to embark on a risky undertaking with him.

Erudite, charming. He is an excellent speaker, ready to discuss anything with anyone. Because of this, from the outside he seems businesslike and competent in many areas. However, it is sometimes quite difficult to conduct real, practical business with him, because in reality it turns out that in front of you is a pure theorist. However, only half of these Roosters-Sagittarius are; no less than those who know how not to scatter their intellect in many directions, but concentrate on one. And these people are able to achieve really a lot in life.

Purposeful, consistent, objective. He does not overestimate his capabilities, but at the same time he does not underestimate them. In addition, this person is an individualist who strives to be outside the crowd; and if this is impossible, then at least stand above it, stand out from it. Among other things, the Rooster-Capricorn is reliable and very decent. You can always rely on his word.

Rooster-Aquarius does not threaten to get bogged down in the routine of gray everyday life. His thoughts are always somewhere in the future, in the future. He often dreams of the impossible, and his goals are mostly global and aimed at realizing some grandiose or even great idea. Naturally, with this approach to life, the Rooster-Aquarius does not always realize what he strives for. But he can’t do it any other way.

Charming, unobtrusive, modest. So it seems... And in his soul, meanwhile, vanity and a readiness to go almost straight towards his own goal are raging. However, let this not force anyone to be prejudiced towards such a person. After all, it is really pleasant to deal with him, because he is a good organizer, has excellent business qualities - responsibility, flexibility in communication, hard work.

Famous Roosters

Do you remember which field of activity is ideal for Roosters? Art! And it is enough to name just a few of the greatest talents who were born under the auspices of this symbol to be convinced that this is so. So, in the year of the Rooster, actors J.-P. Belmondo and Y. Nikulin, composers G. Verdi and I. Strauss, writers M. Prishvin and F. Cooper were born. And this list can be continued with even more significant names: Vladimir Dal, Enrico Caruso, Alisher Navoi...

Those born in the year of the Rooster, Catherine the Great, Alexander I, Richelieu, became famous in politics; in military affairs - A. Suvorov, A. Kolchak, marshals I. Bagramyan and I. Konev.

The Rooster is an incredibly cheerful, vain and bright nature, striking everyone around with its optimism, restlessness, and wild imagination. Such interesting, ambitious people are rarely born in any age. The Year of the Rooster brings to humanity vain and pedantic individuals with excellent financial sense.

Representatives of this sign are incredibly charming, which they use to achieve their goals. Like all other people, they have advantages and disadvantages. Roosters are always honest and open, sometimes they can be harsh in their directness. But you shouldn’t be offended by them. It is better to listen to criticism, because these words are not spoken out of malice.

Characteristics of a typical representative of the Rooster sign

Which years give people who are well versed in fashion, have leadership qualities, are cheerful, friendly and sociable? The Year of the Rooster gives representatives of this sign a sense of beauty, which is why they make excellent stylists and fashion designers. Such people are the life of the party, because they are cheerful, cheerful, and have a well-developed imagination that does not allow them to get bored. Roosters are incredibly intelligent, they are able to support any dialogue and conduct thoughtful discussions. They don’t like to listen to other people’s opinions because they are too self-confident.

The main problem of the Roosters is straightforwardness. Their honesty and openness sometimes leads to conflict situations, because the truth, spoken face to face, often offends people. Representatives of the sign are carefree, but only outwardly. Ostentatious gaiety covers up vulnerability and sensitivity, but only the closest people know about this.

Leadership abilities of the Fire Rooster

The year 1957 gave us a true leader, a strong-willed and purposeful person. Which Rooster are all subordinates afraid of? Of course, Fiery. He makes an excellent leader or organizer, but he is too tough and demanding. The Fire Rooster cannot be accused of being too callous; he treats people well, but at the same time does not pay attention to their problems; he cannot be moved by his poor health or family troubles. He knows how to gather a team of professionals around him and lead it to the goal. Fire Rooster doesn’t like to lose, so he’s ready to overcome any obstacle, even if it means cheating or deceiving. This is a leader to whom everyone must obey, smitten by his power of speech, intelligence and bright appearance.

Diligence of the Earth Rooster

Incredibly hardworking, dedicated, insightful and smart people born in what years? The Year of the Rooster is rich in bright and active intellectuals. The earth sign stands out for its excellent performance, the ability to achieve set goals without wasting time on trifles and without looking around. Such people are practical, they calculate all their steps in advance, and they make excellent strategists and tacticians. Earth Roosters are active and energetic, are respected in society, and often occupy high positions. People listen to their advice because they are smart, insightful and wise.

The Purposefulness of the Metal Rooster

“I see the goal, I see no obstacles” - this is exactly the motto of the people whom 1981 gave to humanity. Which Rooster should be placed at the head of the company? Of course, Metallic, because he is well versed in financial matters, knows how to gather real professionals around him, and unites the team.

Representatives of the sign are good critics, because they are quicker to notice people's shortcomings than their strengths. The Metal Rooster is often intolerant and harsh with others. If he promises something, he will definitely fulfill it, because he does not like to talk idle talk. It will come out of him good boss, but not a subordinate, because he does not like to listen to other people’s opinions and follow orders. The Metal Rooster is honest with partners and sincere with friends; you should not expect meanness from him, he will always support you in difficult times. He succeeds in business only with a good team.

Sociability of the Water Rooster

Sensitive, erudite, sociable people were born during this period. 1993 The Year of the Rooster was under the sign of Water. Individuals born at this time have the gift of persuasion, they are sincere and frank, therefore they easily lure people to their side and prove the veracity of their own opinions.

The Water Rooster is not as assertive as its brothers. This is an interesting conversationalist with whom you can talk on any topic. He always has his own opinion, which very often diverges from the generally accepted one. What years give hardworking and active people? The Year of the Rooster gives a person energy. People born under the sign of Water are workaholics, ready to work on interesting project for days. The Water Rooster is endowed with a sense of humor; it is this character trait that saves him in difficult times.

Integrity of the Wood Rooster

The year 2005 gave the world kind, honest, open, sociable people. Which Rooster is loved in the team? Of course, Derevyanny, because he is sincere, will not deceive, will not betray, and will support you in difficult times. This is a reliable person who can be trusted with secrets, because he will never go over to the side of the enemy. The Wood Rooster will occupy a high position and acquire material wealth if he does not set impossible goals for himself. He is versatile and loves to travel.

Roosters are honest, open, straightforward people with whom you will never get bored. They are vulnerable at heart, but this is not visible behind the feigned gaiety. Only those closest to you know how difficult it sometimes is for these hard workers.

In the year of the Rooster, leaders, speakers, philosophers, and financiers are born. Representatives of this sign can succeed in any field of activity, their intelligence and natural energy help them in this.

What is interesting about the eastern calendar? In that it differs from Gregorian, where New Year comes January 1, and it is cyclical, consisting of sixty-year repetitions. Wood Rat(02/02/1984) begins the cycle, and the Water Pig (01/29/2044) ends it. Twelve animals, changing each other, pass through the four elements for 60 years. 1993 was ruled by the Rooster.

New Year celebration date

The day and month of the beginning of the year in the eastern calendar are tied to lunar cycle. The first new moon on New Year's Day Gregorian calendar, indicates the start date of the Eastern calendar year. It turns out that the Eastern New Year comes on some day between January 21 and February 21. In China, the Year of the Rooster began on January 23 in 1993.

The Chinese came up with a cyclic astrological system called Jikan Danshi, literally translated as a ten-barrel system with twelve branches. The 10 trunks are the personification of the yin-yang principles and the vital elements: water, wood, fire, metal, and the 12 branches are the 12 earthly animals. The eastern chronology was formed thanks to the development of astronomy and is based on lunar calendar. January 23, 1993 marked the year 4691. People born on the days between January 23, 1993 and February 9, 1994 belong to the Water Rooster sign according to the Eastern Calendar.

Celebration traditions

New Year in Eastern countries is called Chun Jie or translated as “spring festival”. It is the longest of all celebrations. Previously, it was celebrated for a whole month, but currently it ends on the fifteenth day. Usually on the last day of the holiday there is a festival Chinese lanterns. Business life also comes to a standstill during this period. There is a good tradition in China: to be with your family during the New Year celebrations. Beautiful name given to the family holiday - "Family Reunion Day". Traditionally, the souls of deceased people are present behind New Year's table, this is how it is done in China. This is their holiday too.

Traditionally, Chinese people clean their homes to allow favorable energy circulation. Unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year are thrown away. Chinese holiday treats are dumplings. Houses are not decorated with spruce trees, as is customary in European countries, and trays with tangerines and oranges. And the people themselves, dressed in elegant clothes, the color of which is red, gold or green, participate in folk festivities, masquerade processions, and fairs.

Gifts for the New Year

During the New Year celebrations, people go to visit, delivering gifts in red envelopes as a sign of wealth. This is done on the first five days of the New Year. Gifts must be paired and also have a meaningful nature. Depending on what year 1993 was according to the eastern calendar, a gift is necessarily associated with the iconic patron of this year. These can be souvenirs, amulets and amulets with the image of the symbol of the coming year. When giving a gift, as mentioned above, one condition is mandatory - pairing. For example, when you come to visit, the owner is given 2 tangerines, if there is a red envelope with money, there should be 2 bills, if it is a picture, something paired should be drawn on it. Gifts are given in private and given with both hands. This is the tradition!

Symbol of the year

The eastern calendar has its own animal patron in each year, which is a symbol of the year. And he, in turn, is endowed with color and element. One patron of the year comes to replace another. And so once every 12 years. The elements and colors of the year change on a ten-year cycle. So the Water Monkey was replaced by the Black Water Rooster in 1993. This year was the second year under the element of the water sign. It was on January 23 that the Water Monkey handed over the reins of the sixty-year cycle to the Water Rooster. By the way, this is one of the most interesting symbols eastern calendar. According to the calendar, the element and color of the animal influence the events that occur this year for each person. So, if we talk about the varieties of the patron sign, then the Rooster, like any other animal, goes through the following elements: metal, wood, fire, earth.


As one of the heroes of the film “Hot Desert Sun” said: “The East is a delicate matter,” and he was right. Eastern countries not only observe traditions, but also follow beliefs. Moreover, this does not depend on the fact that 1993 is the year of the Rooster, and before that it was the year of the Monkey. The Chinese do not wash or wash anything for the first two days of the year. It is also not recommended to do needlework or any work with threads, so as not to confuse the lines of fate in the New Year (threads represent them).

Superstitions include a ban on bad words (death, insult, funeral...) that have a negative connotation; it is not recommended to shop for shoes or cut hair before the New Year, as this can bring misfortune. And an equally interesting belief is to not sleep at night before the New Year, thereby protecting yourself from troubles next year.

Characteristics of 1993

The strengths of a person born in the year of the Rooster according to the Eastern calendar are: strong-willed character, responsibility, accuracy and integrity. They do not succumb to other people's mergers and defend their point of view. They do not tolerate injustice, they do not pretend to belong to others. Main feature People born under the sign of the year of the Rooster have nobility.

There is no person without weaknesses, since in nature everything should be harmonious and balanced. The weaknesses of people born in the year of the Rooster include a lack of tact and poor diplomacy. People who are precise and principled, who set their goal to get results, are stubborn by nature and sometimes commit rash acts, going ahead. As a result, if something does not work out, they may become angry. People of the Year of the Rooster are not happy with their temper; sometimes this trait leads to discord in relationships.

According to the horoscope

The astrological meaning of such concepts as “Rooster” and “money” is identical. Roosters have a sense of business people and know how to be prudent with their income by making reserves. Sometimes they violate the articles family budget, demonstrating wastefulness. But this applies to male Roosters, who are more susceptible to squandering. Women born under this sign tend to bring money into the house. According to Eastern astrology, the rooster belongs to feminine sign Yin, therefore, whatever profession is chosen, that work activity, which is inherent female character, will be the most successful and profitable.


People are always interested in their future. Usually, before the onset of the New Year, the desire to look into the future, read horoscopes and predictions of magicians and astrologers intensifies. 1993 was no exception. What is the sign according to the horoscope and what does it portend, as always, interested people, and especially those who were born in the year of the Rooster.

Among the predictions one could find that the Year of the Rooster always brings with it changes. Nature endowed those born in 1993 with a quick temper and a tendency to worry about little things. Therefore, people who were born in the year of the Rooster were able to appreciate moments of true happiness in 1993, thanks to the difficulties that befell them. Great success should have been achieved by people who were able to learn to work with their weaknesses and manage yourself. Recommendations included wearing a talisman for the year of the Rooster, made of topaz or ruby.

It is worth treating with respect the animal of the Eastern horoscope, whose year has not yet ended. It is worth remembering that the Gregorian New Year is in no way connected with the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, which comes only at the end of January. Don't forget that "The East is a delicate matter."

  • 1909 January 22 - element of the year earth
  • 1921 February 8 - element of the year metal
  • 1933 January 26 - element of the year water
  • 1945 February 13 - element of the year tree
  • 1957 January 31st - element of the year fire
  • 1969 February 17 - element of the year earth
  • 1981 February 5 - element of the year metal
  • 1993 January 23 - element of the year water
  • 2005 February 9 - element of the year tree
  • 2017 January 28 - element of the year fire

The Metal Rooster is prone to thinking. He has the talent and ability to analyze, classify and reason. His mind sorts and examines everything in detail. He is hardworking and pragmatic, and all this together makes him a true treasure in any business, no matter what business he starts.

In addition to their intellectual interests, these people enjoy leading a rich and varied social life. Although he may retain his fighting qualities, he knows how to cooperate and get along with people. He can also be a close friend, faithful and sincere. Only his companions and relatives know about his desire for leadership and emotional poverty. Since these people were born in the sign of the Rooster, they are characterized by a share of narcissism and selfishness. However, they sincerely want to contribute to the common good and help alleviate the world's problems.

People born under the sign of the water rooster have a rich imagination and a magnificent imagination. They are much more flexible than their counterparts (lucky for them). They are able to put themselves in the shoes of others, and this makes them likable individuals. But still, it is sometimes difficult for them to resist the temptation to seem more significant than they really are. They love to charm their interlocutor.

This watermark is not as dreamy as its other counterparts. These people are obsessed with the pursuit of excellence, striving to achieve professional career. They are not as strict and sacrificial as others. These individuals are very contactable and excellent conversationalists. These qualities, coupled with his initiative and perseverance, make this sign an excellent leader.

Wood Rooster Sign

Cheerful, sociable, open, the Wood Rooster knows how to show himself with the best side and instantly win people over. He knows how to find an approach to everyone. This Rooster respects traditions, values ​​the family hearth and true life values. Of the Roosters, he is the calmest.

Despite the fact that the Wood Rooster is a pugnacious and boastful sign, he does not succumb to the influence of the moment, but remains true to his beliefs and ideals.

Since this sign is ruled by Wood, it gives it the ability to cooperate. He communicates with people respectfully, demonstrating good manners, and at the same time very subtly imposes his principles on his interlocutor. Thanks to all these qualities, the Wood Rooster has a good chance of occupying leadership positions. He is calm and therefore pleasant to work with. In a high position, he takes care of his subordinates.

Thanks to the Fire Heat, this Rooster is energetic and very temperamental. He demands from others as much effort as only he himself can give. He is a born leader; can be authoritarian, hot-tempered, harsh and intolerant. Lack of flexibility and a mania for examining other people's shortcomings under a magnifying glass lead to his alienation from the team, despite the fact that he does this with the best intentions.

The Fire Rooster is tireless, ambitious and plays big. He has great organizational skills, knows how to lead and relies only on his own strength, finding his place in the world. This is a persistent and tireless person.

In matters of the heart, the Fire Rooster is selfish, demands fidelity, but does what he wants. He plays a double game in order to avoid answering at any convenient moment.

This Rooster is ruled by the Earth, so he is attracted to security and comfort. He has a talent for deciding practical questions, he is a committed and efficient worker. At any job he is highly valued for his ability to make decisions and maturity of judgment.

The Earth Rooster rejects innovation, strives to adhere to established rules and traditions, and clings to them like a drowning man to a life preserver. He doesn't like useless or temporary things.

Year of the Blue Water Rooster

Element: Water

Blue color

Pride, assertiveness and determination are your main character traits. You do not like to be outside of events; you need meetings, impressions and communication with others like air. For the sake of friends, you are ready to move mountains and even sacrifice your interests, but in love you are jealous and often overestimate the shortcomings of your other half.

You reach heights in what you love, but you don’t always know how to enjoy the fruits of your achievements. But where assertiveness, passion and leadership skills are required, you can achieve success and maintain a leadership role for a long time.

Character traits

  • Cold;
  • Calm;
  • Force;
  • Restraint.

Distinctive features

Large and Strong arms, very thick lips and curly hair.

Suitable areas of activity

  • Teaching activities;
  • Policy;
  • Management;
  • Show Business;
  • Advertising.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

🐀 🐂 🐅 🐇 🐉 🐍 🐎 🐐 🐒 🐓 🐕 🐗

Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But achieving harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise relationships are very easy to destroy. Be considerate of each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other and get on each other's nerves. The duration of a relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If this sounds like you, then you have every chance of creating a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. Family relationships These people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to maintain peace. For the relationship to be long-lasting and useful, both you and your partner need to put in a lot of effort, constantly adapting to each other.


Ups and downs will constantly alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can get through difficult periods, the relationship will become harmonious and you can build a happy future.
