Send by email. The meaning of the moon in Pisces The moon in Pisces for a woman

30.04.2016 00:21

The moon in a man's horoscope is the image of a wife and mother. With which woman will he feel most comfortable, without feeling irritated by everyday trifles and everyday life? To answer this question, pay attention to the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located in the male horoscope.

In a woman’s horoscope, the Moon is a reflection of what kind of wife and mother she will be. By studying the position of the Moon in a woman’s horoscope, you can understand what to expect from her in the future. Everyday life when you wake up in the same bed, when you have one bathroom for two, when in the evening after a working day you want to rest and relax.

Moon incompatibility is a death sentence?

Of course, the incompatibility of the Moons is not a sentence to categorically refuse a wedding. This is an indication that your needs and ideas about comfort may be different. But that’s why we are reasonable “humans”, not to run away from problems, but to solve them using means acceptable to both partners. You can always resolve everything peacefully, and socks scattered around the house or reluctance to go to the gym in the evening is not a reason to break up.

The position of the Moon in the horoscope will help you understand the needs of another person, what he wants to get in order for his life to be calm, comfortable and cozy. It is important to feel “at home”, at ease. And it is within your power to create this calm world for another, of course, if this does not contradict your concepts of the limit of what is permissible.

Moon in Aries

Such a man will be interested in an emotional and impulsive woman. Self-sufficient, independent, she does not like to “pull the cat by the tail”, she solves everything quickly and at once. He expresses any desires vigorously and passionately, and always knows exactly what he wants. But she wants a lot at once. Such a woman thinks more about meeting her needs. And she can easily do it herself, without the help of a man. Active and active, easily excitable and does not tolerate calf tenderness and crybabies. She will raise her children in the Spartan spirit: “No tears! All around - march!

Moon in Taurus

She is an earthy, cozy and practical woman. She is the very embodiment of femininity. Charming, sweet, sensual and erotic. She can be an accommodating wife and a good housewife. She definitely needs to feel constant closeness with a man, to know that he is nearby, to feel his emotional support. She needs a permanent and stable relationship, so that she is surrounded by comfort and trinkets dear to her heart. Any changes in relationships for such a woman can be a real disaster, when the world completely disappears from under her feet. Sometimes she can be slow-moving, stubborn and too loyal to her habits, which she will never want to change. But he will create comfort in the house and surround his loved one with affection and loyalty, and will also be able to accumulate a fortune. Children will be treated with endless patience and love.

Moon in Gemini

This man will like a smart, inquisitive, young (in age or spirit) woman. Easy to communicate, she does not really like to think about the causes of her problems. But he really likes to discuss other people’s problems, and will happily begin to solve them. She loves flirting, communication and fun, she is a great inventor. She can be very skeptical of the opinions of others - she knows everything much better. Her inquisitive mind is interested in everything in the world. She knows what, where, when and to whom is happening. She doubts everything very often, her feelings are fickle, and she can control her emotions very well. She’s a little cold and doesn’t really let anyone get very close. Raising children is easy and fun. He solves family problems wisely, with maximum benefit for his children and for himself, his beloved.

Moon in Cancer

Romantic, gentle, affectionate, dreamy and sensitive woman. Infinitely loving and trusting in everything to a partner who provides her with protection and peace from the outside world. She is very attached to the object of her love, and has a hard time with parting. She is an optimist, but also very sensitive, and is capable of constant mood swings. Capriciousness is also not alien to this woman. She can sometimes behave like an eternal child. She needs a warm and cozy nest where she can hide from the realities of the rough world.

This woman is an ideal mother: loving, caring, adoring her children. However, it is very difficult for her to let go of her growing children, and she painfully endures parting with them.

Moon in Leo

Such a man will like a Queen woman, proud, demanding, passionate. She is looking for vivid impressions and exciting experiences. She creates around herself full of life and optimistic atmosphere. Such a woman makes those around her feel warm and joyful. She loves to be pampered. She is very jealous and proud. Being the center of attention is very important to her, and beware if you forget this! Then the house will turn into the stage of a theater of tragicomedy and drama. She is very proud of her children and raises them with praise and approval.

Moon in Virgo

This man will look for a serious, reliable and neat wife. Such a woman loves order in everything. She is smart and hardworking, an excellent needlewoman and craftswoman. She is often too serious, strict and even unkind. But he knows how to do everything perfectly and always manages to do everything. This woman loves to have everything under her control and always have a routine. All things simply must be in their place; she does not tolerate chaos. She loves to criticize, and often suppresses her emotions, not showing them to anyone, not even herself. She is so diligent in everything she does that she looks like a bee, and forgets that sometimes you need to relax. A very patient and reasonable mother.

Moon in Libra

Such a man will strive to start a family with a charming, friendly and tactful woman. However, despite this, she is defenseless and vulnerable. This woman easily gets along with people, can be the life of the party, but tries not to allow too close relationships with anyone. Flirting and coquetry are her element. For her, the main thing is love, attention, goodwill, and the possibility of constant change of impressions. She becomes sad and depressed if the relationship turns into a routine, and there is no place for flirting and light intrigue. She is emotionally unstable, and can often rush from side to side in search of a compromise in any matter. Encourages creativity in children. The main thing for her is harmony and peace in the family.

Moon in Scorpio

This man will look for a bright and passionate seductress. Strong and beautiful woman, able to manage and manipulate others. She is attracted to all mysteries and mysticism, as well as sex, various taboos and everything unknown.

She knows how to charm, so much so that people stay with her forever – not in body, but in soul. Very jealous, great possessive. She can be very vindictive and vindictive, and sometimes becomes sarcastic and poisonous in communication. A man must be ready for complete dedication in life with such a woman - he must belong to her entirely, without a trace, along with his thoughts and feelings. Often there may be attacks of depression and bad mood.

She strives to keep everything and everyone under her control, in the web of her power. She feels a very strong connection with children and wants to know everything about her children. Most of all, she wants her children to depend on her entirely. All contradictions encourage her to forget about condescension and pity.

Moon in Sagittarius

A cheerful, impulsive, cheerful optimist will attract the attention of such a man. She is easily captivated by new ideas and is open to everything new. Has a sense of heightened justice. He has a very high opinion of himself and does not tolerate criticism of himself for any reason. Likes to acknowledge only his own opinions and views. He is interested in high ideas, philosophy, religion, and loves to travel. Optimist and enthusiast. She idealizes and deifies her partner and child, attributing to them the best traits. He doesn’t let himself or his children get discouraged, trying to be ideal wife and mother.

Moon in Capricorn

This man is attracted to a reserved and serious woman, perhaps older than himself. In such a woman, emotions and joy are given strictly “according to the recipe” - in doses and moderation. She is very closed inside herself, even in relation to her loved ones. You should not expect spontaneous expressions of emotions from her. But she is very reliable, serious and hardworking. It is easy for her to provide peace and security to her loved ones. He prefers clarity and simplicity in everything, trying in every possible way to avoid emotions. She may not trust anyone, so she does not show her deepest feelings. Takes responsibility for everything. She doesn’t really like to play with her children, but she provides the child with stability and peace. She is very practical and prudent, a real support for her child.

Moon in Aquarius

A freedom-loving, witty and original woman could keep such a man company. Above all, she values ​​her independence. Outwardly it creates an image of self-sufficiency. Loves large open spaces. Emotionally she can be cold and unapproachable. Routine and a dull life are not for her, because she is a big lover of experiments and everything new, she talks about lofty matters. Lively, original and fickle temperament. She needs constant communication and impressions, but at the same time she is not emotionally connected to anyone. Does not like the same place of residence. Everywhere and in everything he goes his own way. Children can be treated as adults from birth, discussing their adult problems with them. Raises children in the spirit of independence and freedom.

Moon in Pisces

This man will be attracted to a woman who understands everything and feels everything. This is a sensitive, impressionable, unlike others, “magical” woman, a woman “not of this world.” She sees and subtly feels people. She is ready to merge into one with her partner, to surrender to him without reserve, she can easily take on the role of a victim and a martyr. She has a very high degree of empathy and self-sacrifice. She knows how to forgive easily. Well-developed intuition and a very vigorous imagination. She can easily succumb to all sorts of temptations, especially when they correspond to her fantasies and dreams. It is difficult for her to be independent, and therefore she definitely needs to belong to her partner, to be one with him. She can be visited by mood swings, depression, unsettledness and whims. It’s easier for her to hide in some hole and indulge in fantasies there than to solve problems. She feels her child very subtly, is tolerant of all children's antics, withstanding any suffering. She and her child are one whole.

*When considering the Moon in a horoscope, it is also important to determine which house the Moon is in, as well as aspects from the night luminary to other planets. For example, the Moon in Pisces with a tense aspect to Saturn can reduce the degree of empathy and tolerance towards loved ones. The Moon in Capricorn with a tense aspect to Neptune can give the character more sacrifice and a tendency to have one's head in the clouds.

The sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the godly planet. The Moon symbolizes the mind, so a person with the Moon in the sign of Pisces understands the meaning of religious life and has psychic and meditation abilities. Such people are observant and receptive. There is hesitation in their mind, an inability to make a choice. They are sensitive, emotional, sometimes biased. They should not allow their feelings to influence their views and judgments. They are romantic and dreamy, have an easy, compliant character, outwardly somewhat unstable, but having decided on something, they act quite confidently. They are easily influenced by others and should learn to say “no” so as not to become involved in conflicting actions. Such people have a good heart, they are generous, generous and happy to serve. Often such people can be seen volunteering in charitable societies. Tears easily appear in their eyes. They read and write willingly, and are sometimes absent-minded.
According to Brihad Jataka, a person with Moon in Pisces will “trade seafood products or earn money by working in transport. He will use the property of other people, have a beautiful, well-built body, a large head. He will love beautiful clothes. Such people are strongly influenced influenced by the other gender, they have very beautiful eyes, fair complexion.They will enjoy the possession of a hidden treasure or knowledge valued ordinary people"These people are beautiful, have dignity and are trustworthy.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here the Moon is in the sign of the element of Water, visiting Neptune and Jupiter. This appears to be the best position for the Moon.
In general, the presence of the Moon in a water sign gives a very strong intuition, but, as a rule, only superficial intuition; it is associated with the perception of already manifested things that are “on the surface”. And Neptune gives an intuitive comprehension of deep things, hidden secret processes, a feeling of world harmony and ideal. Therefore, you will usually be attuned to the perception of everything deep, hidden and secret; you will most likely have formed a very rich inner world with very deep experiences. Usually you try to hide the depth of your inner world from others, and in some cases you can be very sentimental. You are quite capable of comprehending the secret meaning of things, have a very good sense of rhythm (because Neptune shows a sense of rhythm and musical harmony). You may have excellent musical abilities, you are likely to be very perceptive and an excellent student in almost any field. Pisces give a deep perception of information, and you usually do not absorb it superficially, but feel its inner harmony, inner essence.
This often happens with occultists and mediums. You seem to be susceptible to hypnosis and can often exhibit mediumistic abilities while in a state of hypnosis, although this may not be observed in a normal state. Unfortunately, among people with the Moon in Pisces there are many alcoholics, drug addicts, and fanatics, since Pisces is associated with a sense of ideal, harmony, and if you do not see this and cannot perceive it, then an inappropriate environment may develop around you, in which case you will strive for compensation and can replace what is missing with illusions, delusional ideas (fanaticism) or through chemical substitutes (alcohol, drugs). That is, how to create some kind of artificial state that would become a surrogate for this feeling of harmony in the world. At the same time, you can be very suggestible and attached to loved ones (especially for women). You are most likely also characterized by some internal lethargy, sentimentality and secrecy. You may also be an excellent student or an excellent musician. Women with the Moon in Pisces are very gentle if the Moon is not afflicted.
You are also often capable of selflessness - this position of the Moon is perhaps the only one in which a person is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. In other signs this manifests itself somewhat differently. Not only Pisces, but also people with different positions of planets in signs, even Aries, can go to death, however, for him it will simply be an impulse of action, he is overwhelmed with energy. Capricorn can sacrifice himself to achieve his goal, but not in the name of a specific person, and we were talking now about higher manifestations Moons in Pisces.
Medical contraindications. You have an increased susceptibility to all infectious diseases, possible foot diseases, deformation of bone tissue, bones in the foot area. There may be overgrowth of bone tissue, calluses, and increased sweating. The Moon in Pisces can manifest itself in foot and ankle injuries, cones and crooked fingers, growths, and a tendency to blood poisoning. Any contagious disease can cause you to have blood poisoning, a tendency to edema, and not just your feet. You have a craving for strong medications, alcohol and drugs.
During the transit Moon in Pisces, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquids (especially alcohol) - this is unsafe, since there is a connection with the kidneys (Venus is exalted in Pisces). Vulnerable skin, increased risk of allergies. Surgeries and procedures on the sensory organs, liver and legs are dangerous.
At the same time, you need to walk less, as your legs are more sensitive; you need to wear soft shoes. The danger of fungal diseases is strong. Foot massage, water treatments, and taking narcotic drugs and medications are contraindicated.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Increased sensitivity, receptivity to the feelings and thoughts of others. This gives a feeling of mental vulnerability and forces one to isolate oneself for the purpose of self-defense. Tendency towards parapsychology. Lively imagination, which manifests itself in poetry and music. Courtesy, compassion towards others. With bad aspects, they constantly feel insulted, persecution mania, and other neurotic and psychopathic tendencies. Often extreme shyness.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Acute sensitivity, feelings overflow, drowning in endless impressions. The need to be devoted to another person, to feel needed. The woman is romantic, dependent, and needs protection. Sometimes there is a masochistic attachment. The man is vulnerable, looking for a companion who would understand his fears and worries. Tendency to imaginary escape.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Water signs. High sensitivity, ability to react to the slightest changes from the outside. It closes under external pressure, but can give an unexpected reaction. The inner world will reveal itself only in harmonious conditions. Very emotional.
Moon in Pisces, One of the most fulfilling positions is visiting its highest octave - Neptune. The subconscious contains a lot of information about past lives. Strong intuition and rich inner world.
They are characterized by innate lethargy, sentimentality, and secrecy. They are very helpful people, but everyone else wants to help them too. They have fantastic endurance. These are happy women, gentle, selfless. These are excellent students and excellent musicians.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

The Moon makes Pisces extremely sensitive to their environment; it must exactly correspond to their evolutionary level, otherwise they become bored and disorderly or suffocate.
An undeveloped Moon gives a capricious and hypersensitive Pisces, who find it difficult to deal with the real world, and when it does not suit her, she floats away into the boundless expanses of her imagination.
This position of the Moon is typical for subtle natures: poets, artists, musicians, what is called bohemia. They serve the subtle world, and the laws of the gross are not written for them, or rather, they are written, but not the same as for the rest, but which ones they must understand for themselves, so as not to degrade and end up in a madhouse, which is likely with severe defeat.
The high level of elaboration of the Moon in Pisces produces the most subtle mystics (other aspects should indicate this) who are able to reach the highest astral planes.
With defeat and weak energy, there is a great danger of becoming a victim of manipulators, magicians and lower astral entities or programs (so-called mediumship).
Very high flexibility and empathy in communication; Lunar Pisces can lift you to the heights of ecstasy and throw you into the abyss of hellish torment - and sometimes she does this in turn, becoming a good black teacher.
Here, the full development of the Moon in Pisces is extremely difficult, since it requires mastery of a very subtle instrument.
Complex: “I have nothing existentially to rely on in this world.”

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

You are unusually light-hearted, full of sympathy for people, and this understanding of their feelings and needs borders on telepathy. You cannot stand it when a living being, be it a person or an animal, suffers before your eyes. Knowing your kindness and responsiveness, people suffering from mental pain or in a confused state often turn to you for help. Sometimes they abuse your soft-heartedness.
You have a poetic soul, you love and feel music. Many of your feelings are foggy and vague, so you cannot easily convey what you think about life. It sounds like music is your natural language. In love you are romantic, often in love not so much with the person as with the relationship itself, with this pleasant state.
Hypersensitivity, receptivity to the thoughts and feelings of other people like a sponge, a vivid imagination that manifests itself in poetry and music. Love of travel.
Agreeable, sympathetic, shy and mentally vulnerable, often feel insulted, suffer from delusions of persecution, and if upset, then lack common sense and a sense of humor.
Melancholy, absent-mindedness, neglect of one's own appearance, threat mental illness and isolation. All diseases begin through the legs.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

Kindness, compassion, religiosity or mystery, self-sufficiency, imagination. The Moon in Pisces is sensitive to environmental conditions, therefore it strives not to give in to its position and maintain stable emotional attachments. The ability to pass through the rhythms of the environment creates mental strength and turns out to be very beneficial in the field of music (Bach, Glinka, Schubert, Ravel, Mahler, Respighi, Rimsky-Korsakov). These are people who understand religion well (Pascal, Augustine, M. Luther, Ramakrishna), although not necessarily very religious (Moliere). Sometimes this gives a tendency towards mysticism (Edgar Allan Poe, Hoffmann). The Moon in Pisces predetermines attentiveness to one’s own and others’ psyche, which helps to overcome obstacles and failures fixed by the inertia of mental processes, similar to the intuitive search of Cancer. The difference is that a feeling is expressed outward when it finds not necessarily a simple, but certainly beautiful shape. Like Leo, the soul for Pisces is, first of all, its own soul (and not a social affiliation, like Sagittarius and Aquarius). Accordingly, she respects others - hence the goodwill. In its spiritual fullness, the Moon in Pisces is somewhat self-sufficient - but this is compensated by receptivity to changes in the external world and beauty. A person strives to achieve aesthetics in his home; he is attracted to beautiful relationships with people.

The moon in the sign of Pisces manifests itself in very many faces and diversity - this is one of the most powerful and unpredictable positions of the night luminary. In this sign, the Moon gives a person increased emotionality, sentimentality and sensitivity. Often the lunar Pisces is a mystery not only to others, but also to himself. Such a person has a very plastic and flexible psyche, an unconventional worldview and a penchant for everything mysterious and unknown. Easily amenable to hypnosis and suggestion, he often experiences periods of melancholy, depression, and apathy. He is distinguished by his special emotional sensitivity to everything that happens. He often serves his loved ones as a cozy “vest” in which it is so nice to cry.

Moon Pisces seeks salvation from his fears and failures in psychotropic drugs or alcohol, but in most cases these actions only aggravate the situation, and he seriously undermines his health.

A person with the Moon in Pisces has developed parapsychological and mediumistic abilities, good artistic taste, a penchant for music, fine arts, theater. The most suitable professions: teacher, psychologist, doctor, actor, musician, artist, lawyer.

Attitude towards mother

The stories of adult owners of such a Moon about their mother can be very sentimental. Depending on the predominance of sad or joyful emotions, she appears either in the image of a holy martyr or in the image fairy fairy, but never in the form of an earthly person. They have unlimited faith in their mother, empathizing with all her emotions and states. Or, in rare cases, they express themselves in the sense that they did not have a mother at all, not wanting to understand, accept, sympathize, or have anything in common with her.


“Relative” perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Their psyche is the most plastic. They are easily rebuilt and adapted. The most important question for them is “why?”. Their perception of their mother's actions and words is determined by the context of the situation. For the sake of an idea, they easily agree even to something they are not very pleased with.

For such a child the most great importance has underlying emotions and moods of the mother. Why is she looking like that? What is he happy about? Why are you sad? If you observe, you will notice that the behavior, intelligence and mood of such a child instantly change following the change in your mood. It is impossible to hide these changes from him. And it's not necessary. This way you risk instilling indifference in your child. Rather, on the contrary, they should be talked about and explained. Otherwise, the child himself will create a whole story around your experiences. He will accept any of your states, except one - indifference. After all, for him, his mother is the person he trusts. However, it is unnecessary to dramatize what is happening, and you should not exaggerate your emotions: this will cause trauma to the child’s psyche.


A woman with this position of the Moon is truly born to take care of family and children. This is something that comes naturally to her. She knows how to create such an atmosphere in the house that both her husband and children want to spend as much time at home as possible. She always has enough patience and condescension towards people, and first of all towards her family. Many of her acquaintances strive to take advantage of her sympathy and compassion for selfish purposes. She can give her last shirt to those in need. This is where her husband will have to limit her. Otherwise, she won't be a problem.

What kind of woman is a Moon PISCES man looking for?

Such a man needs a woman who can stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut, and stand up for herself. She needs a husband so that she has someone to dedicate her exploits to. “Let the woman work with me on an equal footing,” such a man thinks, but I won’t have to carry the household, the children, and her in addition.” A real wife for him is, on the one hand, a guy he likes, and on the other hand, he is also an example of tyranny, in a life together with whom he will always have to fight and engage in “taming the shrew.”

At the same time, the wife must certainly be kind, sensitive and responsive. This is not when you call her and she responds, but when she can feel, without words, what condition her husband is in and what he needs. Of course, it is best if she expresses her concern in an unobtrusive form and is also able to adapt to any conditions. That is, she will accept her husband as he is, without complaining about his life or his salary. After all, a family is not only money and an apartment, it is also a sea of ​​love, in which this man’s companion must be ready to dissolve with him once and for all.


The Moon in Pisces makes a person extremely susceptible to any infectious and viral diseases, and at the same time, any contagious disease has a very negative effect on the condition of his blood. Lunar Pisces usually has a strong craving for alcohol and drugs, and easily falls into severe dependence on any chemicals.


It is difficult for the Pisces-Aries lunar couple to interact, because these are two antagonistic elements, it is not easy for them to understand and accept each other. Relationships are dual, changeable and incomprehensible for both: they always contain a certain mystery, mystery, understatement, intrigue. The Moon in Aries can give unexpectedly sharp reactions to the Moon in Pisces, often provokes conflicts, and the Moon in Pisces succumbs to these conflicts and suffers and suffers from this. The Moon in Pisces perceives the Moon in Aries softer and calmer, but it can also be tired and irritated by the harshness and uncontrollability of the “fiery” Moon. Although, with attentive attitude towards each other and with a sufficient level of spiritual development, these people can give each other a lot psychologically. Thanks to this interaction, the Moon in Aries becomes softer and more sensitive, and the Moon in Pisces, in turn, turns into more open and liberated.

The Pisces-Taurus lunar couple is characterized by good, harmonious, favorable interaction, especially for opposite-sex relationships. This couple will have a deep emotional understanding of each other's problems and needs, and common interests and mutual attraction provide a chance for a stable and long-lasting relationship. This is also a good combination for cooperation, but this tandem lacks activity and enthusiasm: they will expect initiative and determination from each other and can jointly “fail” the matter if one does not temporarily become a leader and take the reins of government. your hands.

The Moon in Pisces is attracted to the Moon in Gemini, but often this attraction is not mutual. The relationship is unstable, conflictual, these two people can meet and separate many times, the relationship is fickle and tense. More favorable for business cooperation and friendly relationships than for love or family relationships.

The Pisces-Cancer lunar couple is characterized by harmonious interaction, kinship of elements and souls, similar needs and passions. A favorable combination for friendship and joint creativity, as well as for love and marriage. Such a union is greatly strengthened by children and a joint home - in this case, the marriage will last for a very long time.

The relationship between Pisces and lunar Leo will not be easy and is unlikely to bring a feeling of happiness and harmony. Moon in Leo is drawn to Moon in Pisces, but Moon in Pisces often finds it difficult and uncomfortable with Moon in Leo. Marriage can be difficult and tiring for both, and in some cases even tragic. This combination is more favorable for friendship or for business cooperation, joint creativity. The Moon in Leo dominates in this union, and the Moon in Pisces occupies a subordinate position, and this must be taken into account.

The Pisces-Virgo lunar pair is a favorable combination for both, but still great benefit Lunar Virgos receive from this communication. They have a very strong mutual attraction, interest, desire to understand each other.

The Pisces-Libra lunar pair is a good, stable combination, especially for the Moon in Libra. She is drawn to lunar Pisces, but over time this relationship can become obsolete, become difficult and tiring for both, and lead to mutual fatigue and devastation. This combination is more favorable for love or for joint creativity than for friendship, especially same-sex friendship.

Lunar Scorpios and Pisces are drawn to each other, there is sexual attraction, psychological similarity, and emotional contact. But relationships are often difficult and painful, especially for lunar Pisces. The union can last a very long time, the couple will torment each other, break up and get back together, but since there is deep mutual understanding and strong emotional connection, they will not be able to break off the relationship. Here lunar Scorpios “win” - psychologically they receive much more and, under the influence of lunar Pisces, they become softer, calmer and more tolerant.

The lunar couple Sagittarius-Pisces understands each other perfectly, but it can be very difficult for them to exist together. Best option– joint creativity or business cooperation. Love and marital relationships will be full of disagreements and conflicts, but it is almost impossible to break this connection - it is quite stable, although difficult for both. A great combination for friendship, especially same-sex friendship.

Lunar Capricorns are drawn to the Moon in Pisces, which can give them a lot emotionally and psychologically. But lunar Pisces are burdened by these relationships, try to avoid communication and often break this connection themselves. Friendship or business cooperation is possible in this pair.

Lunar pair Aquarius-Pisces - these two people can have a strange, attractive, almost magical union. The Moon in Pisces is very attracted to the Moon in Aquarius, she is more interested in this relationship, but over time they become equal and emotionally stable. They form slowly, but then it is almost impossible to break this connection. This union contains a lot of experiments, impromptu, adventures, incredible coincidences.

Two Moons in Pisces is a good combination. They have excellent emotional contact, they deeply feel and understand each other, and they are psychologically comfortable together. But with all this, it may be difficult for them in everyday life, and because of this family relationships may collapse, the couple will get bogged down in domestic squabbles, economic instability and material problems. Although, if they do not focus on this, they have a chance for a happy future together. These two people can have a good creative union; in the field of art they will always understand each other. This combination is less favorable for friendship.

A woman with the Moon in Pisces is looking for a husband who can respond to her deep love with tender care and understanding. Her heart is hurt by inattention, coldness, and detachment. It is difficult, almost impossible for her to understand promiscuity, infidelity, dishonesty and betrayal in marriage. She puts all her emotions into fidelity and love, expecting the same from her husband. This is a caring mother, completely immersed in her children, caring for them and strengthening bonds with them. She patiently endures their whims and raises them with great affection.

Suspicious behavior of others, hidden unfriendliness that slips into the interlocutor are immediately caught and strengthened by the owner of the Moon in Pisces. She is able to guess who is calling her without even picking up the phone, and instinctively senses dishonest intentions, the desire to lure her into a trap. A woman with the Moon in Pisces distances herself from such people. Insincere people usually cannot stand her soft but reproachful gaze.

Women with Moon in Pisces

What is the most characteristic feature of the Moon in Pisces for a woman? This is a creative, sensitive and creative person. Under Selena's influence, she becomes indecisive, hesitant and secretive. At such moments it is difficult for her to concentrate, but it is easy to make contact. This position of the night luminary is very favorable in astrology.

Women with the Moon in Pisces from birth have rich in information(in your subconscious) about past incarnations. Their inner world is huge. Such a young lady is very responsive, and people pay her in the same coin. For those with whom she sympathizes, this girl is a real support. The owner of such a natal chart is a surprisingly reserved woman. She is gentle, selfless, knows how and loves to study, and has excellent musical abilities.

It is characterized by fluctuations, especially in severe life situations- a consequence of lack of courage. Her hypersensitivity often pushes her to use tricks (especially in problematic and crisis situations). In matters of finance, she is absolutely not businesslike and can easily harm herself: her excessive gullibility creates many problems. Incredible and unnatural, simply amazing things can happen in her life.

In general, the Moon in Pisces softens a woman’s character, making her internally more emotional and vulnerable. You can easily and quickly pity her, because she knows how to truly empathize and make any concessions (to her detriment). It is worth noting that our heroine tries in every possible way to hide such “softness” from others. Sentimentality, daydreaming and, unfortunately, self-deception - these are the most striking features of such a young lady.

All her feelings are sincere and deep, she is very prolific creatively, sensitive to different external influences, and therefore it is important for her good attitude those around you. The Moon in Pisces perfectly develops a woman's intuition, but in the case of an affected aspect of the planet, such a girl will be impractical, absent-minded and inclined to see the whole world in the wrong (lunar) light. In a new and unusual environment, a woman with the Moon in Pisces will behave modestly and shyly. She often gives the impression of a driven and pliable person, but only because her main need is a peaceful, calm environment.

This position of the Moon makes the girl compliant, adapting to other people’s opinions. It’s as if she doesn’t want to swim against the tide and make enemies for herself. In case of conflicts, she always sails to the side, and if her interests are hurt, she will not take either side, but will simply remain neutral. Since, due to the influence of the Moon, this young lady constantly worries and worries even for minor reasons, this makes her fearful and anxious.

In the case of negative character development, the woman is extremely nervous, restless and shows a tendency to depression. It is with the affected Moon in the natal chart that a woman can begin to abuse drugs and alcohol. Powerful emotional shocks are extremely harmful for her. She feels everything bad practically on a physical level, which is not in the best possible way affects health.

If serious problems arise, she may shirk responsibility and postpone their solution, or shift it to other people. Due to internal weakness, she constantly needs the care, support and guidance of a more experienced and stronger partner. The Moon in Pisces for a woman makes her devoted and faithful: she can forgive her chosen one a lot and close her eyes to his shortcomings and misdeeds.

A woman with such a natal chart knows how to be a good housewife and mother. But in love, she should be wary of self-deception, because she is inclined to see her beloved in the best (incorrect) light. She loves convenience and comfort not only in her home, but everywhere she goes.

She has a vivid imagination, rich fantasy and the most vivid dreams that can take her away from real life into the world of chimeras and illusions. However, although this makes her vulnerable and helpless in the face of reality, in this case this is good soil for creative self-realization.

Since she has an instant and sharp reaction to any kind of irritant, both external and internal, she often withdraws into herself, and then nothing can bring her out of this state. It is for this reason that such women outwardly look rather lethargic, indifferent, phlegmatic and dreamy, but in fact they are subject to extremely deep and strong emotional experiences. Such young ladies, despite their magnetism, which attracts the opposite sex, get married quite late.

The Moon begins its journey through the sign of Pisces. This means that you and I are entering into extreme difficult period of reflection what the entire month left behind brought us. At the same time, the time of the Moon in Pisces can hardly be called a period of summing up. The Moon in this sign does not contribute to a rational analysis of the month experienced. This is precisely the period of intuitive understanding based on our worldviews, inner world and spiritual depths.

What's stopping you? practical analysis when the Moon is in Pisces? There are many factors that suppress the rational part of our “I” at this time. Here there is all-consuming laziness, and immersion in the world of one’s own fantasies, and desire for self-examination, and out of nowhere a lyrical mood, on the verge of melancholy, came from. In addition, at this time, most of us suddenly have an irresistible desire to cry to someone, to feel sorry for ourselves.

The imperfection of the surrounding world becomes so obvious and tangible that many may feel feeling of hopelessness of life. It would seem that in these conditions it is necessary to mobilize, tune in to the positive aspects of our existence, and find internal resources to combat this, frankly speaking, not the most creative feeling. However, against the backdrop of all other emotions, during the period of the Moon’s stay in the sign of Pisces, people often think about the futility of efforts, which only fuels our reluctance to change anything not only outside, but also within ourselves.

With such initial conditions It’s hard to blame anyone for what a person unexpectedly decided take a break, retire and mope alone. It is quite clear that with the Moon in Pisces, negative emotions, so it is not surprising that during this period many of us may complain of unreasonable fear, an acute feeling of anxiety and even panic attacks. This is all the more understandable since there is only one step from the blues and tearful mood to depression.

In particular cases, such fleeting weakness can have a positive effect, since immersion in inaction during the Moon in Pisces gives us a kind of respite and, whatever one may say, rest for the body. However, if we are talking about a damaged Moon, the negative effect of all the sensations described above can increase many times over. At the same time, the likelihood of surviving the period of the Moon in Pisces without emotional turmoil and certain losses decreases sharply.

Moon in Zodiac signs: Pisces

Pisces is not just the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is a sign that is known to be far from material component of the surrounding world. When the Moon enters the sign of Pisces, people who in other periods are, so to speak, in the clouds, risk completely losing touch with reality.

We are not talking about some kind of insanity. It's about about slipping into a peculiar prostration– a state when many of our actions are determined by emotional impulses and irrational sensations.

Such transformations can bring a certain benefit only to those who are firmly on their feet, having long ago realized their path and finding your purpose in this world. During this period, the Moon gives such people the ability to look at their lives, as they say, from the outside. Such a view makes it possible for practical people to make appropriate adjustments to their life path, and, perhaps, attract desired and long-awaited events into your reality.

People, mired in doubts, angering God, denying the very possibility rebirth of the soul, feel a real powerlessness in front of the energy that the Moon brings down on them. Even greater powerlessness (on the verge of moral exhaustion) is felt in the days of Pisces by those who, unable to find a foothold in their earthly existence, live only in illusions, expectation of change and better life, which will come on its own, as if from nowhere.

Thus, the Moon in Pisces is, on the one hand, a very difficult period that can intensify the mental turmoil of some; and, on the other hand, this is a kind of period of rest and calm For others.

But for the first, as well as for the second, the Moon, which is in the sign of Pisces, is a kind of indicator. This indicator allows each of us not only to understand which direction his or her life is going, but also, having made the appropriate conclusions, to make the necessary adjustments to it.

Moon signs in everyday life: Pisces

Correct Actions:

The Moon in Pisces organizes a peculiar testing period, when we are given the task not to focus on our own weaknesses, sorrows and problems, but to pay attention to those who may need our support. Thus, during this period it is recommended to demonstrate openness to other people, participating in solving their problems, listening to them, helping them (at least morally!).

Following on from the previous advice, it makes sense to collaborate with various relief funds and charitable organizations; It is important to communicate with sponsors, help incapacitated people, and participate in the fate of the elderly, orphans and disabled people.

With the Moon in Pisces, it would be good to take time spiritual matters. These days, it makes sense to visit church, communicate with a spiritual mentor (who has one!) or with people who have chosen the path of religion and serving God as their path.

Is it worth forcing yourself to go to church at this time if you are far from religious dogmas and views? Not at all necessary. The period of the Moon's stay in Pisces also favors various meditation practices. If you have a desire to be alone with yourself, when the Moon is in Pisces, we recommend simple exercises as part of auto-training or ordinary contemplative pastime. In the end you can listen nice music or spend time with your favorite book.

This is a very good period for to dream. However, it is recommended to dream about things that are quite real and achievable, doing, if possible, visualizing your aspirations. Thus, our dreams cease to be just worthless floating in the clouds, but become a kind of moderation of our own destiny, aimed at a specific result.

It is no secret that the sign of Pisces patronizes such irrational manifestations as heightened intuition and the gift of clairvoyance. People who feel interested in such things can be recommended to immerse themselves in reading literature dedicated to the development of such phenomena or even attend relevant courses on self-improvement and the development of psychic abilities.

To summarize all of the above, it makes sense to emphasize that with the Moon in Pisces you shouldn’t even shy away from esotericists, if, of course, with its help you can take a creative path of rethinking your life. Conducting spiritualistic seances, contacts with mediums and hypnotists, and independent attempts at fortune telling also have the right to life in this period of time.

Moon in Pisces favors foreign trips and contacts with foreign representatives.

These days it is highly likely to be successful social and legal activities; a good period for investing capital and concluding business contracts.

It's a good time for raising the cultural level– visiting exhibitions, cultural lectures, theater, cinema; your creative activity during this period will also delight you with its fruits.

When the Moon is in Pisces, it is recommended to carry out family celebrations and friendly parties; These days it makes sense to schedule an engagement or just a romantic date. Favorable period for intimate relationships. Also, if the horoscope indicators are harmonious, Pisces day should be chosen for marriage.

For those who have the opportunity to spend time on themselves, we can recommend visit the pool go to the sauna; lovers of fishing and hunting should also pay tribute to their hobby during this period.

During the transit of the Moon through the sign of Pisces, it is recommended to devote time gardening and gardening, for example, this is a favorable time for tidying up lawns, for planting greenery (with the waxing Moon), for applying fertilizers for good leaf development (with the waning Moon) and for watering plants.

If speak about health, then the days of the Moon in Pisces favor moderate procedures to improve organ health abdominal cavity, liver, eyes, nervous system.

Incorrect actions:

If you guess on your own during the days of Pisces, this action is correct, but visiting fortune tellers and psychics prophesying the future is not the wisest pastime these days.

Not the best best time in order to begin any activity from which you expect dramatic changes in your life (including for opening a new business). Contemplative and evaluative components prevail. This is especially true during the waning moon period.

On Pisces days, you should give up anything that could lead to additional stress on the lower limbs. This is not the most favorable period for surgical operations on the legs, for aggressive treatments of feet, joints, ankles, toes. Even foot massage is not recommended. It also makes sense to postpone operations and serious treatment of the digestive, endocrine and lymphatic systems to another period.

Fasting or just a strict diet will not bring the expected benefits with the Moon in Pisces.

These days it is not recommended to harvest and make twists, as mold will quickly appear in the jars, canned food will spoil, will not stand for long. Also during these days, fruits and vegetables become watery and will not taste good.


Dejection is a sin! The danger of succumbing is clearly expressed defeatist sentiments and despondency when the Moon passes through the sign of Pisces. During these times, you should in every possible way avoid anything that can plunge you into depression, because this state in the days of Pisces will be especially destructive.

Our intensified desire for everything irrational and esoteric in the days of Pisces increases the likelihood of the risk of being deceived and disappointed. In general, during this period there is a danger of falling under the influence of charlatans and scammers. This is especially true when the Moon is afflicted by malefic planets and Neptune.

Extremely dangerous with the Moon in Pisces abuse alcohol and food– the risk of various poisonings (including food poisoning) increases. It also increases the likelihood infectious diseases and exacerbations of viruses. People susceptible to drug addiction risk no less than their health, or even their lives, in the days of Pisces.

Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Pisces

The Moon has a very specific effect on the character of representatives of both sexes born during its stay in the sign of Pisces. Such people, growing up, discover in themselves high emotional components, increased vulnerability, desire for everything touching, in need of help and pity. It often seems that people with the Moon in Pisces are deeply immersed in themselves and do not care about the outside world. However, this is only a mask that saves them from negative influence from outside.

MEN: As a rule, men born under the Moon in Pisces are extremely receptive and impressionable individuals. Such people are very dependent on comfortable conditions, which they try their best to create for themselves. This is often hampered by their tendency to fantasy world and pipe dreams. Under not very favorable external conditions, men with the Moon in Pisces demonstrate such negative sides characters such as immaturity, indecisiveness, defeatist moods.

Despite the fact that outwardly such men rarely show themselves in kind captivating and bright, in fact, they very often only restrain the manifestation of internal storms and emotions. An outwardly phlegmatic and inert man with the Moon in Pisces often has an extremely rich inner world. Such people can hardly be called successful businessmen, but their ability to empathize and participate in the fate of others can be envied by many.

A man with the Moon in Pisces will look for a sympathetic and empathetic wife who will always strive to understand them, take pity on them and give them the much needed maternal care.

A state of peace and tranquility is possible with a woman who is able, first of all, to take care of him basic instincts. The instinct for procreation in such a man is also very strong, therefore the opportunity and most importantly the desire (!) to give birth to children is most often one of the most important criteria in choosing a life partner.

WOMEN: it is customary for women to forgive almost everything, especially increased emotionality and daydreaming. Representatives of the fairer sex, born under the Moon in Pisces, have plenty of both.

Such ladies very often also show very developed imagination, which, however, does not prevent some of them from demonstrating extremely enviable pragmatism in rare cases. Sometimes this is expressed in their ability to manipulate others, which is difficult to expect from such vulnerable and romantic people.

In general, women with the Moon in Pisces are very susceptible conflicting emotions. On the one hand, they are more than romantic, charming and susceptible to outside temptations (delicious food, sweets, alcohol). On the other hand, their intuition and natural flexibility of mind allow such ladies to achieve amazing success in creative professions. This, in turn, allows them to live with dignity, despite some confusion in the decision monetary issues.

To sum up, we can conclude that, first of all, women should be grateful for their birth under the Moon in Pisces. Of course they also need control your emotional state at least to avoid depression. However, unlike a man with the Moon in Pisces, who are forced to live in a struggle, trying to pull their male “I” out of this “emotional swamp” by the ears, Moon Pisces women can say thank you for those truly feminine qualities that give them rewarded by fate and the Moon in Pisces.
