Design basics for small hallways. Interior design of a small hallway, options, photos Decorating a small hallway in an apartment

Closer to the door it is better to place a place for changing shoes, a shoe dryer and a hanger for clothes. outerwear. A little further you can put a wardrobe.

Idea No. 2: install a narrow wardrobe

You can buy a multifunctional modular wardrobe that combines space for clothes, a cabinet for shoes, a chest of drawers with drawers and even a seat to put on your shoes.

Idea #3: Secure Wall Hangers

You can completely abandon the closet and choose wall hangers. Designer options look no worse, and clothes dry faster on them after rain. And in general we offer.

Idea #4: Decorate the ceiling with lamps

The design of the hallway should be minimalistic so that it does not seem cramped and cluttered. But you shouldn’t give up decor completely. The more lamps, sconces and small lanterns, the better. After all, it always seems more comfortable and spacious!

Idea #5: Install a mirror

You can't do without a mirror in the hallway. You can choose one large one or several small ones. In addition to direct functionality, all mirror surfaces have another superpower - to increase space. There are several rules

Idea No. 6: hang light wallpaper

Designers - white, beige, light gray, pastel green. They visually make the room more spacious. Dark shades They add crampedness and gloominess to the hallway, which most often is already devoid of windows.

It is important to choose materials that are easy to clean. For example, or stick on washable wallpaper. Another modern material, ideal for the hallway - Wall panels. They are very durable and easy to clean with household cleaners.

Idea #7: Buy striped finishing materials

If the corridor is long and narrow, we choose finishing materials and interior elements with transverse stripes. Checked: ! Wherein vertical stripes visually add height to low ceilings.

Idea No. 8: Lay a light-colored floor covering

According to the designers, it is ideal for the corridor floor tiles- it's beautiful and practical. Released today different types tiles - made of ceramics, marble and other natural and artificial materials. Budget options are linoleum and laminate. They clean well from dirt.

Idea #9: Don't forget the carpet

You can’t do without a doormat in the hallway. Tiny will further emphasize the cramped space. A heated floor will help to add coziness and comfort to the hallway - this way you can save space for drying shoes.

How to create a cozy atmosphere in a small hallway ergonomic space and move away from templates? Where to put shoes, put an umbrella, pouf, put away keys and hats? It's not easy to organize a space with the smallest set of furniture. But there are many interesting options, thanks to which it is easy to arrange a small hallway and make it stylish.

Unusual hangers

Like a theater, the hallway begins with a coat rack. Even this small interior element can make the space original and stylish. All thanks to efforts modern designers who are constantly in search unusual solutions. One of these is the “Mountain” wall hanger from the studio BraveSpaceDesign.

The inspiration for creating such a simple but creative interior detail was a snow-capped mountain peak. The hanger is equipped with hooks on which you can hang things different sizes, and she looks quite unusual.

Other no less original way storage of keys, gloves and outerwear offered David Cathro, designer from Sweden. These colorful Blomp wall hangers are easy to adapt to modern interiors. They have a textured ribbed surface, which makes it easy to hang clothes and store keys and other small items inside.

An excellent solution for a tiny hallway is an open hanger combined with shelves for hats and shoes. Such options are appropriate in an interior decorated in Scandinavian style.

Lovers of eco-style will love the hanger-rack in the shape of a tree. Such a piece of furniture can become a functional decoration even for the most small hallway.

When decorating the interior, it is worth considering the interests of all family members, especially if there are children in the house. In such cases, it is worth choosing furniture that the child can reach without any problems. These can be special hooks or a low hanger.

Spacious shoe storage systems

If outerwear can be hidden in another room in a closet, then placing shoes is not so simple. For small spaces, you should choose closed narrow shoe racks. This allows you to hide your shoes from prying eyes, save space and create a cozy atmosphere.

Umbrella holders

An original decorative element even for a very modest hallway is an umbrella stand. It does not take up much space, but it solves the problem of storing and drying such a necessary accessory as an umbrella.

Compact mini-hallways

For a medium-sized hallway ideal option will become a compact and ergonomic set that combines several pieces of furniture at once. It significantly saves space, while the interior looks neat and attractive. Today there are many such options on the furniture market, for example, a rotating niche cabinet is equipped with a mirror, hooks for clothes, and storage shelves. Or a set that contains five functional items at once - a chest of drawers, a storage cabinet, a bench and a hanger.

When decorating a small hallway, you should pay attention to the corners and use them. In this case, you can choose corner option with a rotating section.


Mirrors are real helpers of small spaces. They increase lighting and visually make the room larger and more spacious. But in a small room, sometimes this is not enough; the mirror needs to not just decorate the wall, but also perform other functions. For example, it acted as a clothes hanger.

Another, no less spectacular example is a mirror cabinet from a factory Longhi, made in a minimalist style, which is specially created for compact hallways. This solves the issue of storing things and visual expansion space. And, of course, the mirror in the hallway allows you to always fix your hair, tie or makeup when leaving, which is very convenient.

A floor mirror with an adjustable angle looks very unusual. It contains a key holder, a place to store bags and things. Such a mirror is appropriate not only in the bedroom, but is an excellent solution for the hallway.

True, when decorating a hallway with a mirror you need to know a few simple rules: You should not install mirrors opposite the front door or against each other to avoid discomfort and feelings of anxiety in the environment.

The entrance hall forms the impression of guests about the interior of the entire apartment. To make it pleasant, it is necessary to make the space of the front room stylish and original, and they will help with this.

The hallway is the first room that sets the tone for the rest of the apartment, serves as a kind of calling card for the owners, so its design deserves special attention. A small hallway is not a death sentence, even a few square meters of the entrance hall with the right approach can turn into a comfortable, stylish environment that surprises with its functionality and spaciousness.

When starting a renovation in a small hallway, you first need to evaluate the possibilities of expanding the space. IN in this case It can help to combine the entrance hall with the living room by dismantling the doorway and a fragment of the wall. To prevent street dirt and cold air from entering directly into living room, install decorative plasterboard partitions. Good decision will be the construction of arched vaults instead of interior doors, resulting in space small corridor will become more open and bright.

Often the layout of hallways provides for the presence of niches, this is especially typical for apartments in Khrushchev-era buildings. The recesses in the wall can be used for arranging built-in wardrobes, where clothes, shoes or equipment will be stored (sometimes there is even a place for a washing machine).

Start off renovation work costs from complete dismantling of old finishing materials, leveling and cleaning surfaces. Think about your future lighting system in advance, since even before you start finishing works It is necessary to equip the locations of lamps and sockets to disguise the electrical cable.

Before starting renovations, you should think through everything down to the smallest detail, from choosing the style and color of a small hallway to installing furniture, lamps and decor. It is better to draw a sketch on a piece of paper, following which step by step you can carry out repairs without unexpected problems.

When decorating small rooms, designers rightly give preference to a light palette that can visually expand the boundaries of the room. In the hallway, where there are no windows and virtually no natural light, light decoration is most relevant. As a rule, a primary color is chosen, to which one or two additional ones are added to create contrasts and small accents.

Today, many people prefer a white palette, which is typical for many modern styles (minimalism, Scandinavian, classic). Decorating the walls and ceiling in the same snow-white palette will “blur” the boundaries between the planes, making the room seem much wider. There is no need to be afraid that the hallway will turn into sterile hospital rooms, because you will fill it with original contrasts, the role of which will be assigned to original finish floors, rugs, wooden furniture, wall decor in the form of paintings, photos or a beautiful mirror.

To get a bright, but more comfortable environment, you can use a beige color as the basis for the design, which looks great in any style. The best company will create for him Brown color, but you can add white and pastel colors to the design.

Gray color is at the peak of popularity - it is neutral and laconic, therefore it is often the best solution for decorating rooms in modern discreet styles. To enliven a monochrome environment, install multi-level lighting, mirror surfaces, and use splashes of white, black paints and other contrasts.

Pastel colors such as light green, blue, pink, lemon, etc. will help create a soft, unobtrusive atmosphere in a small hallway. To avoid a chaotic atmosphere, it is better not to mix different tones, but to choose one main one and add shades from its own spectrum to it, alternating light and dark stripes of the same tone or make it more saturated accent wall against the background of a general light finish.

When choosing materials for finishing a small hallway, pay attention to the fact that pollution from the street, cool air flows and humidity can penetrate into this room, so you should give preference to coatings that are resistant to these conditions.


The hallway is a passage room where the floor surface is constantly under mechanical stress and quickly gets dirty. Therefore, you need to choose the most durable coating that is easy to clean.

The best option may be floor tiles or porcelain stoneware - the materials meet all the necessary operating requirements and have a huge range of designs.

A more economical option is linoleum, which, although considered somewhat outdated, today also has many interpretations and is made from artificial and natural materials. Parquet and laminate are much less resistant to moisture and sand and can become deformed over time.


For hallway walls, the choice of finishing materials is quite large and they are often combined to create a unique interior. Having previously leveled the surfaces, the walls can be painted with acrylic or water-based composition, decorate with decorative plaster, cover with washable wallpaper.

An interesting option would be to cover one of the walls with photo wallpaper, where the images are selected to match the style of the room. Individual areas can be decorated with decorative stone, highlight, for example, doorways, corners or niches. No less relevant are PVC panels, which have a wide range of colors.

With the help of finishing materials you can visually increase the space of a small hallway. Vertical patterns on wallpaper will “raise” the height ceiling surface, and horizontal ones will expand the room. Don’t get carried away with large patterns that can make the surface appear closer - if you don’t like a monochromatic design, choose wallpaper with a small pattern that adds dynamics to the design.


In a small hallway, a light ceiling looks best. A smooth surface can be whitened or painted. A popular trend has become finishing the ceiling with plasterboard and stretched glossy or matte fabric. Such designs allow you to do without preliminary leveling of the surface, arrange shaped structures and a spotlight system by hiding electrical wires.

The choice of furniture often becomes the main problem of a small corridor. There's no room here bulky cabinets, so it is necessary to select the most compact storage systems. You should try to make maximum use of corner areas, for example, install radius wardrobe or a hanger. You can choose a modular kit for the hallway by placing individual elements in less traveled places.

It is worth making the most of the space around the front door - equip a mezzanine in the upper part, and install compact storage systems on the sides. If there is a niche in the hallway, use it to create a built-in wardrobe - all you need to do is install shelves and sliding doors. You can buy a narrow shoe shoe, where folding shelves Allows compact storage of shoes.

In a small hallway, you can get by with a minimal set of furniture, for example, install a shoe cabinet-bench on which you can sit or put a bag, and attach a shelf with hooks for outerwear on top. All that remains is to add a wall mirror and a couple decorative elements.

In most cases, there are no windows in the hallway and the room can seem quite gloomy if it is not equipped with high-quality lighting. It may be small ceiling chandelier, Spotlights, spots.

The area near the mirror should be additionally equipped with lighting in the form of one or two lamps (sometimes makeup mirrors equipped with many lamps are installed). Ceiling and floor surfaces with hidden lighting in the form of neon strips and luminescent elements look original.

In a small hallway, you shouldn’t get carried away with oversized decor, which will clutter up the already small space. Its role can be played by finishing features, color inserts, a couple of photographs or paintings, a mirror in a beautiful frame, a bright floor rug or pouf.

To make the hallway furnishings look beautiful and orderly, it should be decorated in one of the interior styles, which should be combined with other rooms in the apartment. We suggest considering several good ideas for a small hallway.

Small hallway in classic style

For a hallway in a classic style, cream, milky, and light gray tones are acceptable, so the design is perfect for a small room. Here preference is given to white furniture made of wood, massive mirrors in luxurious frames, moldings and carved elements that decorate the decor.

Lays on the floor marble tiles or porcelain stoneware, and decorates the walls decorative plaster, stone or fabric wallpaper with small discreet ornaments. Classics do not get old and this is its main advantage - luxurious interior may be supplemented with more modern details, such as sliding wardrobes, spotlights, etc., but stucco elements, luxurious chandeliers, expensive finishing materials will always emphasize the presentability of the design and the good taste of the owners.

Small hallway in minimalist style

The design of a small hallway in the minimalist style involves a laconic design, practically devoid of decorations and useless elements. The interior contains strict geometric shapes, clear lines and angles. Preference is given to light finishing colors, built-in storage systems, and bright multi-level lighting.

Wall decoration is characterized by simple, but quality materials without drawings - this can be paintable wallpaper, plaster or PVC panels. An integral design element is large mirrors of any shape, visually increasing the space.

Small hallway in Scandinavian style

The style, which originated in the 18th century in Sweden, has resumed its relevance in our time thanks to its design features, where the desire for minimalism is perfectly combined with home comfort.

A small hallway in the Scandinavian style is most often decorated in a white palette, but this is not a dogma - gray, beige, and olive shades may well be present. Preference is given to wooden furnishings, of which there should be few: open hangers, a small sofa or pouf, a mirror in a massive wooden frame and a small bedside table - this is quite enough to accommodate the necessary things.

Plaster, painting, plain wall panels or decorative finishes are used as finishing. brickwork. Decorative elements are often vintage items ( old chest of drawers, worn rug), living flowerpots, photographs, bright elements furniture and clothing.

The hallway is the place where you find yourself when you return home, and where you greet guests before they enter the hall. Therefore, it is believed that the hallway is exactly the room in which the first impression of the house and its owners is formed. Therefore, many people strive to make the hallway more comfortable and beautiful, even if it has a small area.

This room should combine beautiful interior and functionality, so it is important to pay great attention to its decoration and furnishings. Each small hallway can accommodate small furniture, so it is important to take into account some rules when arranging this room.


In many Khrushchev-era apartments, the hallways are very small. It is the size that is the main feature that needs to be taken into account when creating a room interior project. When planning, you should follow the principles of a minimalist style. It shouldn't have a lot of small parts. Try not to clutter your small hallway different elements, this rule especially applies to the arrangement of a one-room apartment.

If you add a lot of decorative details here, such as photo frames, paintings, vases, flowers, and other items, then it will look untidy and a little ridiculous.

Also a feature of the arrangement of such a hallway is that all storage systems in it must be predominantly closed. Open hangers create a cluttered feeling and make the interior tasteless. It is better to place all clothes and shoes in closed compact cabinets and drawers.

Hallways for a small corridor should be more compact. The furniture in it should visually expand the space, and not narrow it. Therefore, it is better to give preference to cabinets with front hangers and a shallow cabinet.

Main feature arrangement of such a hallway is the principle of maximum space release. When decorating, they usually use small cabinets as furniture for storing things, which don’t even fit all the outerwear.

Thus, storage systems in such premises should be minimal. They can be presented in the form of a compact wardrobe. Such a cabinet is an excellent solution for installation in this room, since it does not require free space for swinging doors and is very narrow, so it takes up very little space. Another important feature of arranging furniture and arranging a small hallway is that you need to try to be as functional as possible. use all corners of this room. This way you can arrange the necessary things in the most compact way and take up little space.

If you decide to place large furniture in such a hallway, then it should be very functional and accommodate all items at once, including clothes.

It is better if the closet inside has a large number of shelves, drawers, as well as hangers for outerwear and accessories.

Some features should be taken into account when arranging corner mini-hallways. Such small rooms are the most difficult to furnish correctly. But the big advantage of such a room is that you don’t have to rack your brains about how to arrange the furniture along the corridor. In this case, the main functional content of this room is located in the corner. As a rule, a large, spacious cabinet is placed there. It is better to refuse other storage systems in such a hallway.

When arranging a small hallway, it is necessary to take into account some principles. So, all furniture located in this room should be uniform. Try to fit all large interior items into one storage system, including wardrobes for outerwear, drawers for hats, gloves and umbrellas, and drawers for shoes. In no case should you separate all these modules, since placing them together will take up much less space.

It is better to place the entire storage system in a corner or along adjacent walls. When arranging small hallways you should also consider important rule softening corners. It will save every square centimeter of the room and make it more spacious. It is better if the furniture is positioned smoothly along the entire functional angle and its design also eliminates sharp corners. Smooth lines and compact design– deposit comfortable interior small hallway.

The smallest hallways, which are most often found in Khrushchev-era buildings, are even advised by designers to be remodeled. This applies to those rooms whose area is two square meters. Also, a feature of the arrangement of this hallway is the absence of various high-height cabinets, since they clutter the room. It is better to give preference to narrow chests of drawers and shelves.

Under no circumstances should you leave your shoes in such a hallway. It is better to install shelves or a convenient cabinet for it. The passage must also be cleared in the case where a small hallway leads into a narrow corridor.


When you move into an apartment with a very small hallway, you have to look for solutions to make it visually wider and more spacious. In this case, you can change the situation using proper finishing. Initially, you will need to abandon finishing materials that can narrow the area of ​​​​the room and clutter it.

Therefore, refuse natural decorative stone, panels, embossed wallpaper and other voluminous elements. They hide the area of ​​this room and make it narrower. It is best to give preference to the thinnest wall coverings. Classic wallpaper or regular paint are perfect.

It is worth paying attention to the color of the coating. It should not add gloom to this room. If you prefer wallpaper as a finishing material for the walls, then it should be plain.

Try not to purchase bright wallpaper with large patterns.

It is better to choose for a small hallway suspended or suspended ceiling. Moreover, it is better if it is light and glossy, since it will allow you to place accents in a room decorated in a minimalist style. In addition, the glossy ceiling allows you to play with light and fill the entire room with it. Stretch ceiling suitable only if the height of the room allows it.

Glossy ceilings will also make the room taller and more spacious. Such a ceiling can level the walls and give this small room a more proper look. appearance. In addition, this coating is suitable for the hallway because it is easy to care for. A suspended ceiling will also allow you to create an individual lighting system, place light accents in the hallway and fill it with light and lightness.

When finishing, also try to buy only high-quality and durable materials that will retain their original appearance for a long time and will serve you for a very long time. Otherwise, this will lead to a change in the interior and disruption of harmony in such a minimalist design. Concerning flooring, then it is better to put tiles in such a hallway. It is better if it is made of ceramic or artificial stone. This perfect solution for the hallway, which will emphasize the neatness and rigor of its interior.

Ceramics and stone are not susceptible to moisture and temperature changes, they are very durable. Such coatings are also easy to care for. It will allow you to create the perfect ensemble together with glossy suspended ceiling and will make the hallway visually more spacious.

Laminate is perfect as a floor covering for such a room. It is better if it is not dark, lighter with a natural woody tint. It will look very strict and self-possessed. Such a coating will have quite long term operation.


If you want to somehow decorate the hallway, then try to give preference to small and not flashy elements. This could be a painting with an abstract pattern or a dim image. It is better to use one or two accent elements of a small size as decorative elements. The fewer various decorative elements in such a hallway, the more spacious it will seem.

A small hallway should have a few decorative elements - this is the main rule when arranging it.


Everyone knows that in hallways, and especially in small standard ones, there are no natural sources of lighting in the form of windows. That is why it is necessary to properly arrange artificial lighting. If this is possible, then It is better to direct streams of light with diffused light onto different walls. This way you can visually expand the space. The hallway may have a main light source - a chandelier with bright diffused light, or it may also have additional spotlights.

Some lighting placed on wardrobes. Better fill this room big amount light rays, using both lamps and lamps or sconces. If there is a wardrobe in the hallway, then it is also better to install lighting inside it. Additional lighting will never be superfluous in the interior of such a room.

An excellent solution is to buy a sconce with the ability to adjust the brightness of the light. So, depending on the time of day, you can change the brightness of the colors in the room and thus influence the interior of the hallway. It is better if the sconce is located on the walls above human height. If there is a mirror hanging in the hallway, then the bar needs to be hung near it. This way you can interestingly place light accents and play with lighting.

Try to illuminate the most attractive elements of the hallway and darken the least attractive ones. When choosing light bulbs, it is better to give preference to LED ones with natural daylight.

They are very durable and create the necessary lighting for this dark room light.

Current styles

Many people want to decorate their hallway in different styles:

  • Most often, a hallway with a small area is decorated in the style of minimalism. In this case, it has a minimum of furniture and decorative elements. Everything located in this room is designed to directly perform its functions and is not used as decoration. To decorate a hallway in this style, predominantly light shades and plain coatings are used. Bright patterns are not welcome. Such a minimalist room is complemented with bright light and pale colors.

  • To create an interior in hi-tech style you need to use more mirror and glass elements and colors such as white, gray, silver and other inconspicuous shades.

  • When decorating a room loft style it's better to use light metal finish. Such a hallway may have slightly rough interior items, for example, shoe cabinets with raw fronts. Bricks or decorative stone imitating bricks, as well as visualization of unplastered coatings, are perfect materials for wall decoration.

  • When decorating the hallway in classic style it is necessary to take into account the rule of observing strict and correct forms and the absence of unnecessary decorative elements. All lines must be clear and strict. In this case, coatings with light tones and furniture with bronze and gold finishes are perfect. Can be hung large mirror with a beautiful bronze design. Classic allows you to make such a hallway more formal and at the same time elegant, so it can also fill this room with space.

  • If you want to decorate your hallway in Provence style then it will become great solution for a small room. This is due to the fact that the Provence style is characterized by the use of pastel color range. In this case, only light-colored coatings are purchased as finishing materials. Plant elements can be used as decoration. This way you can enliven a small hallway and at the same time fill it with light. Provence style is also characterized by the presence of a large number of lighting sources. They allow you to create a feeling of freedom.

Furniture options

As a rule, a small hallway has the shape of a rectangle or square. That is why, when choosing furniture, many designers recommend taking into account the shape of the hallway, giving preference to pieces of furniture that are correct in shape. Therefore, it is better to arrange the furniture in such a way that it allows you to bring the shape of the hallway as close as possible to the shape of a regular square.

That is, if you have a rectangular hallway, then the furniture should be placed along one wall so that the free space forms a square.

The furniture you plan to install in the room should be predominantly modular. This solution will allow you to rearrange it at any time and lighten the interior of the hallway. The best solution for arranging a small hallway is a wardrobe. It takes up very little space and does not require free space to swing the door open.

You can also give preference to a built-in wardrobe. It is the most economical in terms of space, but to install it you need to do some redevelopment. The advantage of sliding wardrobes is that many of them have mirrors installed instead of door leaf. This way you can fill the space with light and make it wider.

The wardrobe should be quite high. This is necessary in order to take less area and make the most of the room's height. Everything should be located in it necessary elements, such as shelves for shoes, drawers, shelves for accessories, hangers for outerwear and some accessories. By installing such a cabinet, you can find free place for installing an armchair, ottoman, mini chest of drawers or other furniture. When arranging this room, pay attention to corner furniture, since it also takes up very little space.


When choosing materials, try to give preference to high-quality wear-resistant coatings and facades. This requirement must be observed, since the hallway is a room characterized by sudden temperature changes. It is better if the surfaces are smooth and easy to clean. Also pay attention to moisture-resistant materials.

When choosing furniture, try to give preference to lightweight products that are made using glass or mirror surfaces, because they are able to fill the room with space.

Color solutions

A small hallway should be light, since such shades can make it visually wider. It is better to use white, beige, light gray, yellow, light blue, and milky shades when decorating. Pay attention to light furniture with natural wood fronts in milky shades.

In the design of the hallway, it is important to take into account not only storage areas, but also visual effects in design, allowing you to make it brighter and more beautiful, and the first impression of your apartment to be as positive as possible. Let's see how to do this.

It's worth thinking about one or two bright accents in the interior of the hallway. This could be a fuchsia colored shoe cabinet Entrance door, a bright pink rug or a defiant yellow upholstery on an ottoman.

Large format porcelain tiles

Large-format porcelain tiles have a surprising effect on the appearance of a small hallway or narrow corridor. Use larger tiles than regular ceramic tiles that look like wood, marble or stone.

Narrow console tables, cabinets and cabinets

If you have very little space in the hallway, use console tables, cabinets for shoes and clothes, cabinets and wardrobe systems with shallow depth. Wherever possible, instead of 50-60 centimeters, choose models with a depth of 25-35 centimeters.

Furniture in the hallway: which one to choose?

Give preference to furniture with mirror finishes

Mirror finishing allows you to make large cabinets, cabinets and even shelves more weightless; besides, mirrors reflect light, making the room brighter and more spacious.

Shoe racks

Shoe cabinets can fit even into the narrowest spaces. And if you have very little space, this is practically the only chance to organize shoe storage in a laconic, modern way.

Use console tables and shelves, drawers and bright ottomans

Console tables, shelves and drawers will fit perfectly into a narrow space. They look beautiful in narrow and long corridors, on the loggias, at the entrance to the bedroom.

Bright ottomans will allow you to create a spectacular accent in the hallway in a very simple and glamorous way. For example, in eggplant shade, bright green, fuchsia or yellow sorbet. Choose according to your taste!

Color schemes for a small hallway

As we already mentioned, when choosing, it is best to use as many light shades as possible. For example, a beige or white hallway is always a good solution!

White and gray color scheme with and without dark spots

If you use white and gray as the main finishing colors, you will definitely get a light, modern interior. All that remains is to add a drop of shine and a few accent details.
For contrast, you can use black gloss, and for a feeling of luxury - gold or silver. Mirrored furniture will fit here just perfectly! This option is suitable for neoclassical and art deco and minimalism.

Black and white color scheme with added wood tones

IN modern style It's better to stick to a neutral palette. For example, choose a black floor, white furniture and very little wooden furniture or shelves. It is best if there are no red, red, or orange shades in the room; it is preferable to turn to blue and purple tones if you want to add accents.

Subtle creamy white palette with black accents

This palette is ideal for neoclassical and classic style. Delicate cream colors will perfectly complement the presentable appearance of your hallway, and decorating the walls with beveled mirrors will emphasize the geometry of the space.

In white and gray interior Turquoise accents such as teal, petrol, turquoise and cyan will look great. They are typically used to create either a seaside or bohemian atmosphere. And they can also be found. And in general, any interior in a white-gray, gray or white palette in a minimalist or modern style will respond positively to such additions. The shade of teal, for example, can be an ottoman, rug, door or small bedside table.

Color table with names

Pay attention to other fashionable ones.

Fashionable design ideas for the hallway

Suspended ceiling illuminated with neon thread and spotlights

Various options suspended ceiling will help you make your hallway much more beautiful with the help of built-in. These can be spot spotlights, LED strips, chandeliers and spotlights and many other options, including illuminated stained glass windows.

Built-in wardrobe system from wall to wall

There are two types of such systems - walk-in-closet and a regular built-in wardrobe. The first option provides the opportunity to go into the dressing room itself and take off shoes and clothes there. The second is simply a storage option in a closet.

Hanging cabinets and console tables under which shoes can be placed

This idea is modern and convenient for a hallway where you would like to leave some of your shoes in plain sight, under some cabinet that can accommodate several pairs at once. The same can be said for hanging console tables.

Transparent furniture

Acrylic and transparent furniture (and storage boxes for cosmetics and perfumes for console tables and cabinets), as well as mirrors will help make your hallway attractive and visually more spacious.
