Original script for the line September 1st at school

(Music for gathering on the line. Students gather and line up according to the markings. Near the central entrance there are children with bouquets in their hands (for visiting guests and speakers.))

Side greetings (7 min)



The summer has blazed away with hot heat,
The happiest days are behind...
And again, as before, you and I
On an early autumn morning they came...


And everything will start all over again
At school from bell to bell.
Again from the September pier
The school river will carry us...


For some this is the last year
In our school fairyland.
For some, the very, very first
And they are doubly worried!


We greet with trembling excitement
This day is in early September!
The school year begins its countdown,
And fanfare sounds in his honor!



Hello, dear children, teachers, parents and guests of our holiday! A new school year begins in all schools of our vast country. And everything repeats itself: lessons, breaks, everyday life and holidays. And today we have a holiday again -


Well, everyone is assembled, allow the First Bell holiday to be considered open! The right to raise flags Russian Federation, Moscow region, urban district of Korolev, is provided to our excellent students.

The Russian anthem plays.

Congratulations block (10 min)

Leading: The word for greetings and congratulations is given to the school director ______________

Presenter: People in Korolev have known and cared about our school for a long time. Now we will give the floor to the representative of GORONO. Head of the Quality Control Department of the Education Committee ________________

Leading: The floor is given to the representative of the city Council of Veterans _______________

Presenter: The floor is given ___________________


Main part block (20 min)

Leading: Today, 134 first-graders will cross the threshold of our school for the first time, as its full-fledged owners - students. They will be led to the magical Land of Knowledge by wonderful teachers.

Presenter: We sincerely congratulate our teachers on the new school year!

Happy New Year to you, teachers!
Festive autumn is on the doorstep
Leaves of congratulations are spread,
Poplars light up in autumn.
Happy New Year to you, teachers!

(music presenting flowers to teachers)

Leading: Our school always has something to be proud of. And her main pride is her students. Traditionally, on this holiday, the best students of the school are awarded certificates of merit for special achievements in learning.

Presenter: The floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work ________________

(music award ceremony)

Leading: School students achieve high results not only at their desks, but also on the sports fields.

Presenter: In the schoolyard, introduce the Kyokushinkai Karate school club. Supervisor ___________

(musical intro, performance by karatekas)

First graders block (5-7 min)

Leading: The first September morning is the beginning of a long school journey for first graders.


Dear kids,
We know you were prepared!
Tell your poems
You're already tuned in!

We invite our first graders to the school porch.

(music for first-graders)

1st grade performance:

Leading: Thank you, dear first graders! And now a word to those for whom this is the last academic year - our graduates.

Alumni block (7 min)

Music, output 11th grade, Performance 11th grade

An excellent pupil: Our dear first-graders, the school has opened the doors of the land of knowledge to you, but you still know so little about this country... Now, as senior comrades, we will tell you about the most important subjects that await you ahead...

(intro music)

A chair - a throne - is placed in the middle, and to the words of the author, the prince comes out, stretches, yawns, and sits down.

An excellent pupil:

To one distant side
The prince lived alone.
His life is boring,
What if the prince finds out...

(with a bow he hands the prince a scroll, the young man unrolls it, stands up, pretends to read with interest)

What does an overseas country have?
Kingdoms full of brides!


And why suffer and languish?
It's decided: it's time to get married!
I am sending messengers to all capitals:
I'm waiting for brides, I want to get married!

An excellent pupil:

Every other day in a designated place
The brides gathered together.

(music, brides coming out)


Hello, red girls!
If you want to be a queen,
Tell us something,
So that I can’t (yawns and stretches) fall asleep.

The first bride comes out to the Tsarevich and stands closer to the throne.

1. Bride from the Kingdom of Geography:

Tsarevich, hello!
I am from the kingdom of Geography,
Have you seen my photos?
(holding out one photo at a time)
This is Spain, this is Nepal.
Our train did not reach Finland,
But I know everything about every country
After all, this is what you dreamed of for your wife?

2. Bride from the Kingdom of Literature:

And I am from the kingdom of Literature
And in terms of the level of general culture
I'm ahead of many. thanks in advance
For your royal attention,
Would you like to read Crime and Punishment?
I will reveal to you Pushkin and Turgenev,
This generation was raised on them!!!

Tsarevich (surprised): Yah! Well, wow, how interesting!..

3. Bride from the Kingdom of Mathematics:

Do you know about mathematics?
She is the queen of all sciences! (pause, unfolds folded check)
You will always be satisfied with me,
After all, in a household there is no way without an account,
Everyone knows this...

4. Bride from the Kingdom of History (pushing everyone apart with her elbows, with a bow):

So be it.
But, pay attention to me!
I represent history and social studies,
Julius Caesar is like a brother to me,
And if I become your wife,
Let me introduce you to Napoleon
And with constitutional law!

5. Bride from the Kingdom of Art:

Ah, you need to be closer to art!
What is the most important thing in life? Feelings!
I'll draw your portrait,
I will put tenderness and light into it.
And if music and harmony are important to you?
Then the Philharmonic awaits us?

6. Bride from the kingdom of Physics (interrupting):

Do you know physics, chemistry, biology?
Why family troubles?
We will arrange such experiments with you!
The microscope will become a TV for us,
And not a single flower will wither in the house!


I don’t understand how to choose,
Do I only have one wife?
I'm interested to know
What is five five?
What is a cotillion?
Where was Washington born?
How did "Muma" end?
Is there a formula for the mind?
What should I do? What do i do?
Maybe we should open a harem after all?

An excellent pupil:

There is an answer to your question
And don’t hang your nose!
If you want to know a lot,
You need to go to school!


I don't want to get married
And I want to study!
I saved up over the summer
Strength and effort
I will give to study
All your attention!

6 Bride:

Dear first graders!
We address you at this hour,
Please accept a precious gift from us.

1 Bride. This key will help you discover one small but very important secret: (hands the key to the second bride)

2 Bride:

In our wonderful school,
There is a magic wall. (passes on to third)

3 Bride:

There is a treasured door in that wall,
Behind the door big country. (transfers to the fourth)

4 Bride:

Open with a golden key
The treasured door in the wall. (passes to the fifth)

5 Bride:

At the same time, everyone repeats their desire.
Which? Tell me? (hands over to the prince)


This is a secret known to everyone! You only need one wish...
The desire to LEARN!

An excellent pupil: Dear first graders! You were lucky enough to get into a wonderful school with good and beautiful traditions! Now it will be your second home! We welcome you to our friendly family! And today, on such a wonderful day, the head of the city district of Korolev _____________, gives each first-grader a memorable gift that awaits you in your classes. (applause)

Excellent student: Your first school year will fly by very quickly, and in the spring we will meet you again here at the ceremony to say goodbye, because for us this is the last school year. But it will be in the spring, but for now we are waiting happy year joint study. We want you to love our school as much as we love it!

(music, performers leave)

Final block (10 min)

Presenter: Thank you to our graduates for such a wonderful wish.

We can't escape these moments,
And each of us is familiar with this feeling.
These minutes make my heart feel so anxious,
And thoughts are connected with the first call.

Leading: The long-awaited moment has arrived. The right to make the first call of a new school year provided to: Student of class 11 B _____________ and student of class 1 B __________________

(musical background, an 11th grader carries a girl with a bell around the perimeter of the school yard)

Deputy Director of VR:

According to our school tradition,
Let the balls fly into the sky.
Happy New Year, beloved school!
Happy New Year, students!

(music background, balls are released into the sky)

During this cheerful Bell, graduates will lead first-graders by the hand to school. Have a good trip! Interesting lessons, new discoveries!

Ruler, dedicated to the Day knowledge is a classic event that is of particular importance not only for participants in the educational process, but also for parents.

For many decades, the holiday has been instilling awe in the hearts of people. Therefore, you need to approach its organization creatively. The ceremony should be festive and fun.

In order for the organization of the holiday to be a success, everything must be thought out and rehearsed, so that all guests feel welcome and the audience has a lot of fun. You can separate the ceremonial part of the holiday from the entertainment part, or combine them.

Knowledge Day is a special holiday. Opening of the holiday

As a rule, the hosts begin the opening of the holiday.

The words of the presenters should contain a welcoming and congratulatory character.

For example:

Presenter 1

Today everyone gathered for the ceremonial assembly. Knowledge Day has a special meaning for all those present. Every person remembers the first line to which his parents took him and the last, which was the exit to the finish line and had a special meaning in the life of every graduate.

Presenter 2

At our celebration there are people for whom the first line determined their life path - these are our dear teachers and school administration!

(Call administration representatives)

Presenter 1

At the celebration there are people who have dedicated their whole lives to children and are now on a well-deserved rest.

(Retired teachers are listed, if planned, invited to the stage)

Presenter 2

The holiday was attended by guests who take an active part in the life of the school and provide various assistance and assistance to our institution.

(They list the guests, invite them to the stage. The guests take their places)

There is a wonderful tradition according to which graduates lead first-graders out of the school. After all the invitees and participants have been named, the school director opens the festive lineup. The national anthem plays.

After this, the presenters give the floor to the school principal, who congratulates everyone on the start of the school year. The director prepares his speech in advance so that it sounds confident and organic. It should be concise and meaningful.

Dear children, parents, dear colleagues, guests. The long-awaited one has arrived autumn is time great knowledge! The holidays are over and everyone is bored with school bells and fun breaks! And also with native teachers who confidently lead you along the path of knowledge.

First-graders and graduates await the first bell with excitement and trepidation. For the first, this is the beginning school life, which is the main foundation for the formation of a person’s personality. For graduates, this call will be significant. It is a signal to mobilize all intellectual forces, because acquiring knowledge this year will guarantee a lucky ticket to the future.

I wish that this school year meets the expectations of all students and parents and brings only positive results! Which will be expressed in high grades.

As a rule, after the director’s speech, the floor is given to guests and patrons.

Scenarios for individual parts of the event

The “Queen of Knowledge” is invited to the school assembly. This skit is a great success and everyone likes it. The Queen of Knowledge comes on stage with her retinue, masters of science: chemistry, biology, mathematics, literature, physics, foreign languages. Masters wear robes.

Queen: It’s very joyful to see everyone who is directly related to this holiday at the line-up dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. These include parents who brought their children to school and students who wait with bated breath for the first bell to ring. Teachers who are reliable guides to the world of knowledge. And dear guests, without whom school life would largely lose its attractiveness and brightness. I wish you all success and fulfillment of your most cherished desires this academic year.

Master of Mathematical Sciences: I would really like to remind you that over the years our school has produced...silver medalists,...a person graduated from school with a gold medal. I hope that this academic year will bear fruit.

Master of Chemical Sciences:

Also, I would like to remind you that in the ... years since the opening of our school, ... people have received certificates of complete secondary education.

Master of Philological Sciences: And how many talents there are among them! Many of them became doctors, engineers, economists, and teachers. And they returned to work at our school. (Lists the names of teachers who were graduates of the school)

Master of Biological Sciences: How many more have returned to hometown(village) and work for the good of the Motherland!

Master of Physical Sciences: Many graduates of this school today have brought their children into its walls by the hand, trusting the skill of the teachers.

Queen of Knowledge: This song is played for all those gathered for this wonderful holiday at our school.

The participants in the skit leave, after the song performed by the student, the queen of knowledge comes on stage.

Queen: Now we must welcome the new School year, so that it will bring us good luck.

Applause sounds and the School Year takes the stage.

Academic year: Hello dear guys!

Children welcome the guest.

Academic year: Well, are you glad to see me?

Children: Yes!

Academic year: In order for knowledge to be successful, you need to take an oath to Study.

They read out the oath.

Queen: This day is subject to all sciences, so every student must make oath promises, fulfill everything that will be required for good study!

Academic year: The first director swears on his leather chair that he will show wisdom in management and strive for new heights and make the school the most beautiful and comfortable!

Queen of Knowledge: Now teachers swear! That they will open their hearts to children and give all their knowledge to the end!

School year: Today parents swear that they will be patient and do their homework skillfully. Then their children will be neat, and their bows and cuffs will be neat.

Everyone says together: We swear! We swear! We swear!

The School Year and the Queen of Knowledge are leaving to the sound of fanfare.

After this skit, it would be logical to give the floor to the first graders. In addition to words, the teacher must prepare a concert number with them. It could be a song or a dance.

Before the kids come out, you can perform a concert number, the song “First-Graders.” After the song is performed, a group of first-graders comes on stage, accompanied by the first teacher. It is not necessary to prepare a lot of words with first graders, the main thing is that the performance is well prepared and supports the main spirit of the holiday.

Example speech:

Student 1: We are first graders today. The smallest among all the students in our school.

Student 2: Small and remote! We learned all the letters and numbers!

Student 3: We know a lot of poems and fairy tales! We can sing and dance!

Student 4: We will worthily defend the honor and pride of our school.

After these words, the first-graders’ concert number starts.

It is traditional to present gifts to children from future graduates. They go on stage and say words of gratitude to the school, teachers, congratulate first-graders and give them gifts. Gifts can include sketchbooks, pens, notepads, pencils, in short, anything that can be useful in studying.

Student 1: Today is the first time you will walk the path of knowledge, dear first-graders. We want you to accept congratulations and gifts from us that will help you in your studies.

Student 3: Love and take care of your family and friends. Be a patriot of your homeland.

Student 4: Be worthy citizens of our Motherland. Bear the title of student with honor and pride!

Student 5: Along with your gifts, you will also receive a key to the doors of knowledge about us!

To the accompaniment of solemn music, I present a large key to the children and give gifts.

After this, you can amuse the first-graders and delight the guests with another skit.

Brownie Kuzya runs onto the stage to the music.

Kuzya: I won’t allow it! I will not let it! What's going on here? What's happened? Without my knowledge!

The brownie fusses and runs around the stage.

Head teacher: Kuzma Ivanovich, calm down, please! Explain what got you so excited?

Kuzya: What a disgrace! Where are you looking? That's what I thought graduating class will leave and the school will become quiet! And you? Have you brought new ones?

Director: Kuzma Ivanovich, don’t worry so much! After all, you are a school brownie; without children you will quickly get bored!

Kuzya (thoughtfully): It's true! (Looks sideways at the first-graders) Aren’t you going to break the flowers?

First graders: No. We will water them!

Kuzya: Aren’t you going to trample the beds?

First graders: No, we will look after them!

Kuzya: Will you make noise, make noise?

First-graders: Yes! (Kuzya clutches his heart) Only during recess!

Director: Kuzma Ivanovich! Don’t worry so much, these are good kids, right guys?

First graders: Yes!

Director: Would you like us to give you some sugar? (holds out the sugar, the brownie agrees incredulously)

Kuzya: Okay. Only then will you have to play with me. Do you agree?

First graders: Yes!

Music plays, Kuzya shows simple dance movements, the children repeat after him.

Kuzya: What good guys you are, I see that you and I will become friends! I wish you good luck in your studies!

The brownie leaves to the music.

You can use another scene, for example “Diary and Deuce”

The Diary appears on stage and proudly approaches the presenters. The music from Agent 007 turns on and Deuce catches up with him and pins him on his stomach a larger number 2.

Deuce: Yeah, gotcha! (Starts laughing)

The diary is crying

Presenter 1: What happened, Diary? Why are you crying?

Deuce interrupts: Hello! My favorite losers and losers! Glad to see you all today! Well, did you buy new notebooks and diaries for me? One has already been caught! Ha ha ha!

Diary: What should I do now? Who needs me now? After all, school hasn’t started yet, it’s only the first of September, and I already have a bad grade! Now I'll never find a friend! (Crying)

Presenter 2: Don't cry, don't you know that any deuce can be corrected! Guys, what will help you get a good grade and correct a bad one?

Pupils: Diligence, diligence, work!

An excellent student comes on stage and takes the Diary by the hand.

Excellent student: Don't cry, dear Diary! You will be mine best friend, I will help you and correct the deuce!

Director: And I will help you with this. Answer the question, what is the most important thing in life?

Excellent student: Kindness, honesty, hard work!

Diary: Hurray, now I am the happiest diary in the world!

The two, who had been standing in the background the whole time, pops up.

Deuce: Well, okay, if you’re like that, I’ll go to another school and won’t come back to you!

Runs away. Happy Diary and an excellent student leave the stage hand in hand.

During the assembly, they often give farewell to fourth grade students as they graduate from school at the end of the school year. junior school. The floor can be given to the deputy for educational work, the director or the class teacher.

Head teacher: Dear fourth grade students! This tutorial will also be very helpful for you. great importance, you will grow up and turn from kids into students high school. We wish you good luck in your studies and give you the floor.

After the head teacher’s speech, the fourth grade performs, presenting the prepared performance. It could be a song, words, dance.

In order to make the atmosphere touching, you can use a long-known tradition. When the graduating class leaves school to the music, parents sprinkle grain on their children. And after completing the line, they are brought into the classroom for the first lesson.

The 2017-2018 academic year in Russian schools and kindergartens will begin with a line. Teachers organize interesting activities for preschoolers children's party, and teachers will prepare presentations for first-graders for the Day of Knowledge. As a rule, on September 1, the script for the First Bell is written not only by teachers, but also by senior school staff. They may suggest spending the school day in an unusual way - for example, organizing an excursion to the library. When choosing a celebration scenario on Knowledge Day, students and teachers vote. Their final decision always depends on the number of people supporting the idea of ​​a children's party.

Scenario for Knowledge Day 2017-2018 academic year - Lineup for September 1

Examples of lineup scenarios for September 1 - Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year

When drawing up a scenario for September 1, the parent committee and teachers will select cheerful music to open the Day of Knowledge. The most popular songs heard on the first day of September are “What they teach at school”, “Hello, school”, “My first teacher”. All classes are built in the schoolyard or in a lined hall. First, the director and head teachers of the school take the floor. Then the parents and the class teacher speak. The most active, caring students taking part in the holiday read poems about teachers and subjects. Sometimes the ceremonial line follows a different scenario - it is opened by the presenters, each time introducing a person congratulating the boys, girls and teachers on the beginning of the school year.

Line September 1 in 11th grade - Interesting scenario for Knowledge Day

The ceremonial lineup opens on September 1st with the Russian anthem. Students watch our country's flag being raised. After this, the school principal introduces the first-graders to their first teachers. An 11th grader leads a girl from 1st grade by the hand, ringing a bell - this is how the First Bell is given. Typically, Knowledge Days are held according to this scenario in most schools. However, today some educational institutions abandon the ordinary and offer an original, incredibly interesting program, which is accepted by the children with a bang. For example, first-graders and their parents are asked to take their first oath. In 11th grade, future graduates can show skits depicting the upcoming Unified State Examination.

Repeat after us guys (Read by two 11th graders)

WE, high school students (take turns saying our first and last names) in the face of our comrades, parents and teachers, solemnly swear:

  • Never go to school...with lessons unlearned! (We swear)
  • Never carry a change of shoes... in the same bag with sandwiches.
  • Never solve problems by... copying from your neighbor.
  • Never open textbooks... with dirty hands.
  • Never finish a quarter...with bad grades.
  • Never invite parents to meetings... 5 minutes before they start.
  • Never show your diary to your parents... on holidays and birthdays! (We swear)

Oath of the Class Teacher:

I swear and promise:

  • Teach children everything!
  • Be an example to them in everything!
  • Serve the school faithfully!
  • Love your job! (I swear)

We invite parents to take the oath.

We, the parents of students, solemnly promise:

Parents' oath:

  • We will always help children with their studies! (YES)
  • So that the school is proud of the children!
  • We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks!
  • Formulas to remember are nonsense for us!
  • We swear to never scold children!
  • Just scold a little sometimes!
  • Let's be calm, like water in a river!
  • We will be wise, like a star in the sky!
  • Let's get up in the cold in the morning!
  • To be on time both here and there!
  • When the school holidays are over, we’ll go for a walk with the children! (YES)

11th grade students present gifts to 1st grade students.

Examples of interesting scenarios for Knowledge Day in 11th grade - Lineup on September 1 at school

For the 11th grade kids, the celebration on September 1 is a touching event. Future graduates realize that this first school bell rings for them for the last time. Very soon they will say goodbye to the teachers who have become true friends for the students. Many grown-up boys and girls will never meet their classmates again - they will choose universities far from home and will later work and live in other cities and countries. All this will happen... but only after four quarters of the school journey. Now, following the script written for them by the most creative high school students, students show interesting scenes from school life to the guests gathered for Knowledge Day, read poems written by them, sing fiery songs remade in new way, and are simply happy to see their home school.

11th grade performance

Graduates welcome newcomers and give them parting words in poetic form:

1st graduate:

Glad to see you guys

For the first time at our school,

Your boss is coming soon

Your family will show you the class.

2nd graduate:

School will help you grow up,

And will open the path to knowledge,

You just have to be very brave

You should quickly step into it.

3rd graduate:

First grade is starting for you,

We're at the end of the road

All we got here is

We wish you to find it.

4th graduate:

So that parting words remain

By your side until the end,

We sent gifts

Happy messenger to you.

Having gone through a difficult school path,

You have grown up unnoticed

We found friends and the key to life,

Over the years they have become wiser.

Now you gotta push

And pass exams in the spring,

So that they can keep the certificate

You are proud of yourself.

Scenario for an unusual holiday on September 1 - Knowledge Day in kindergarten

Before the start of the school year, kindergarten teachers and parents of preschoolers prepare a scenario for an unusual children's holiday. Since future first-graders cannot sit for a long time, much less stand still, active, outdoor games and fun events are often chosen for the Day of Knowledge at preschool educational institutions. Talking about the history of the celebration of September 1, the teacher can offer boys and girls a “train trip” to various stations. “Arriving” at the next station, preschool children perform certain tasks - answer quiz questions, guess riddles, sing songs together, recite poetry.

Examples of unusual scenarios for the holiday on September 1 - Kindergarten celebrates Knowledge Day

Educators who want to really interest kindergarten children in a story about the Day of Knowledge should invite preschoolers to join in an unusual game. The Fun Train scenario involves traveling through several “stations.” For example, at the Skazochnaya station, future first-graders meet Russian heroes folk tales lost in the forest. They will be helped by the correct answers given by preschoolers. "Baba Yaga" can ask boys and girls to help her count the mushrooms prepared for the magic potion. “Kolobok” may ask you to remind him of the words of a famous children's song. Arriving at the Igrovaya station on September 1, the preschool children, while playing, take a little rest from completing previous difficult tasks. The cheerful children's holiday ends with " sweet table", covered by the children's parents.

September 1 ― Scenario of the Day of Knowledge and First Bell for first graders

Since first-graders on September 1 are just beginning their acquaintance with the world called “school,” on Knowledge Day their first teacher must choose for them a holiday scenario suitable for their age. Children 6-7 years old will quickly understand what they have to do during the school year if the teacher prepares a presentation for them about the school. After the line and the First Bell, the teacher must invite all first-graders to the class and seat them at their desks. In some schools, teachers like to show slides - photos from the school life of other classes. In others educational institutions parents edit a video about future lessons and show them this short film on the first autumn day.

Examples of scenarios for Knowledge Day on September 1 - First bell for first graders

After the ceremonial school assembly and the First Bell on September 1, the teacher must lead the first graders to their class. Traditionally, the Knowledge Day scenario involves starting the school year with a Peace lesson. Despite the seeming routine of such a plan, today such events are more important than ever. The threat of war has again increased on earth, and the teacher is able to explain to children 6-7 years old how important it is to remain attentive and kind to each other. A person who perceives another as an equal will never come into conflict with him. Parents of students can help the teacher prepare a presentation for the lesson.

September 1 ― Script in the library

When choosing a scenario for September 1, some schools offer to hold events on Knowledge Day in the city or school library. Despite the intensity of the first school day, the children will be happy to meet after school with the guests of the holiday - modern writers and poets who write about the life of the city and its most restless inhabitants - students and kindergarteners. Together with their children, they can take part in unusual quizzes dedicated to the history of the region. Libraries often organize thematic book exhibitions to mark the start of a new school year. Schoolchildren get acquainted with the latest fiction and educational literature.

Approximate scenario for the holiday of September 1 in the library

Today, many teachers are very approving of the scenario of holding the September 1 holiday in the library. To encourage children's curiosity, they invite them to quizzes and poetry competitions held by local writers and poets. Writers can read excerpts from their new works to schoolchildren and even give each student who comes to the holiday a new book. The winners of the competitions will receive “smart” gifts - collections of poems, songs, stories about school. The library can also host a “video tour” - a presentation of slides dedicated to the historical places of the city.

Traditionally, on September 1, teachers prepare a script for an interesting holiday in school for grades 1-11. On Knowledge Day, a script for special events in kindergarten written by teachers and heads of preschool educational institutions. In the new 2017-2018 academic year, all educational institutions in Russia will host ceremonial assemblies, a Peace lesson for first-graders and unusual events, for example, excursions to the city library.


The song “Hello, school!” is played.

Presenter 1.

Good afternoon, students!

Presenter 2.

Good afternoon, parents!

Presenter 1.

Good afternoon, teachers!
It was not in vain that you came to visit,
After all, today is a holiday at school,


Fanfare. The beginning of the holiday

Presenter 2.

In the morning it lights our way

Golden circle of the sun,

We hurry to where we meet again
School iridescent bell.

Presenter 1.

Everyone here, with flowers and bows
They bring us in for the very first time.

Don't be sad, moms, because we're behind you
There are many kind eyes at school.

Presenter 2.

Like a textbook, we flip through the years,

Either the leaves are circling, or the white snow.

It's already taking our place

A small but brave man.

Presenter 1. Meet our first graders and their first teacher _________________________________.

The song “Hello, hello first class!” plays.

First graders come out.

Presenter 2. The ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

The Anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

Presenter 1. Today at our celebration there are guests:


Presenter 2. ___________________________________________________

Presenter 1. ___________________________________________________

Presenter 1.

Our school opened its doors.
Come in, we welcome students.
Golden autumn greets you again
And the path to knowledge will open for you.

Presenter 2.

Hello studies!
Hello school!
Let's go on a hike to gain knowledge.
It is a holiday today,
School holiday!
We welcome the school year!

Presenter 1. The floor is given to the school principal ___________________.

Presenter 2.

Presenter 1. The floor is given to ________________________________.

Presenter 2. The floor is given to ________________________________.

Presenter 1. And now we want to give the floor to our best student.

Music-backing track “We are now students”

Brownie Nafanya appears on the stage.


- Hi guys!

Presenter 1:

Wait, wait, there's some kind of error here! Who are you?


I am your school brownie - Nafanya. I was lucky when 20 years ago, at the council of all the brownies, the houses were divided. I liked your school. At first I was terribly upset and almost went to drown myself. But what about: running around, children, all sorts of children’s dirty tricks, riots, and I’m not a riot policeman.

Presenter 1:

What are you saying Nafanya?
Why are you spoiling the holiday?
Where did you even come from?
Why did you come?


After all, the guys are almost relatives to me. How many times have I pulled out their stubs from behind the batteries, how many times have I let the clock down in order to shorten the lesson, and tests and exams are sheer excitement.

Why not worry, today is the start of a new school year. Let him bring only good grades to the children and success to the school. Well, that’s not all. Our postman Pechkin asked me to read the telegrams, otherwise he was in a hurry to go to other schools.

(Takes out telegrams, begins to sniffle, peers at the paper, cries)

Presenter 1:

What's happened? Why are you so upset?


Presenter 1:

Brownie! We will help you. There is such a magical country - the land of Knowledge.


What’s the problem, I’m driving to this country now!

Presenter 1:

No no. Without the key of knowledge you cannot enter this country.


Oh, well, I’ll be quick, read the telegrams for now (runs away)

Presenter 1 (reads telegrams)

1. Students, close the taps more tightly and don’t drip on the teachers’ brains.


2. Dear teachers! If you are not sure, do not pass children on the way to the cafeteria.

/ traffic police /

3. Children! Take care of baked goods. Don't pull the wool over your parents' ears.

("Bread House")

(Nafanya runs in)


Phew, I barely made it! That's a lot of keys! (shows wrench etc.)

Presenter 1:

Yes, you need a key that opens all doors, but for this you must want to study, become a schoolchild.


I want! I want to become a schoolboy.

Presenter 1:

You need to contact the main person - the Director of the Magic Land of Knowledge and ask to be accepted into the school.


The main man of the Magic Land, take me to school: I want to become a schoolchild and know everything.


We take everyone to our magical land of Knowledge. We'll take you too. Only you must promise that you will study well.


I promise to study for “five”!
I promise to remember and know everything!
I promise to learn science
And immediately become an academician!


Our country needs academicians. I hope that Your wish will come true. But without a magic key you will not get into the Land of Knowledge.


25 again! Where can I get this key?


This is the key, I give it to the First Teacher, who will lead the first-graders to the Land of Knowledge.

(hands the key to the first teacher)

First teacher:

Dear first graders!

I'll open it for you
Knowledge of the bright path.
And you won’t go on your own,
Together we will go
Along unknown paths
Into the world of unknown wonders.
It will be a little difficult for us
But we have the Key of Knowledge.
He will open any door
Will invite you into the world of knowledge.
Only before, only before
At the ceremonial line
The loudest, the best
The bell will ring.

(The teacher leads the first-graders out to the music “The Road of Good”,

first graders read poetry)

1. Here we are! Meet us-

We are your new first class!

We're going to school

Early in the morning, at seven o'clock.

2. We all come with bows.

Now we iron the trousers ourselves!

Look, there are arrows:

Maybe five, maybe six!

3. We get used to order:

In the morning we do exercises,

And we get up every time

How the teacher enters the classroom.

4. We are now disciples,

We have no time for partying.

They will put hooks on the house -

Difficult task!

5. Everyone in class is busy

From call to call.

It's just a pity that there's a change

The school is very short.

6. I will solve problems

If there are failures,

I will not be discouraged.

7. I go to first grade with flowers,

I hold my backpack in my hand,

Because of the lush bouquet

I can't see the doors.

I bought the uniform with my mother.

I loved the school so much

That I often dreamed about at night.

9. We will remember forever

This day is beautiful.

There is no better school for us

Hello school, hello!

10. The door is wide open,

The school welcomes children.

We are all schoolchildren now

And we are proud of it.

11. And here is my class, my first class,

I will study there!

I give you my word - from me

You can become a scientist!

12. Our very first
Ring, ring, bell!
Go home, moms!
It's time for us to go to class!

They perform the song “Now we are first-graders”

A fragment of M. Dunaevsky’s song “School Years” is played and eleventh graders (future graduates) come to the microphone.

Response from eleventh graders:

1 graduate: September 1! We will never forget this day. After all, he is the last one in our school life. In a year we will come here on Knowledge Day only as guests.

2 graduate: But there is still a difficult senior year ahead and I want to wish my classmates health and confident victory, hard work! I am sure that the teachers of our school will not have to blush for us!

3 graduate: We, future graduates of our school, are proud to accept first-grade students into the school ranks today. And we hope that they will become worthy of our replacement.

Dear first graders!

Today is school for the first time

You will be led along the path of knowledge.

Please accept our congratulations

And many good wishes.

We decided from all of us

Give first-graders an order.

These are our edifications

They will lead you to strong knowledge.

So that they study better than us, this time!

Never been sick, that's two!

To study the computer,

Read smart books.

They loved physical education and sports,

Forgot about illnesses

Never lost heart

Songs were sung loudly.

So that you study perfectly,

And they behaved decently:

They didn’t go down the railings,

There was no jostling in the locker room,

Ate breakfast and lunch

And they didn’t know different troubles.

Have you all heard our order?

So that we don't repeat it!

Give us the answer then.

Do you agree with us? (First-graders in chorus: “Yes”)

4 graduate:

Happy Knowledge Day to everyone!
We wish everyone success and health!

Music. Presenting gifts

They perform the song “The school will open its doors to us”

Presenter 1.

Today we ask all students
Be a host at school, not a guest.
There are many schools, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you,
Which you will have to know!
Love, cherish, preserve longer.

Presenter 2.

So, the solemn moment comes.
Just a minute!
Freeze, student!
Now it will ring, your first call,
You will be invited to your first lesson.

Presenter 1. The right to give the first bell is granted to 11th grade student ____________________ and 1st grade student _______________________.

(bell rings)

Presenter 2. The ceremonial ceremony dedicated to the beginning of the school year is declared closed. And, according to tradition, 1st grade students are the first to leave the line, accompanied by future graduates.

Presenter 1. (To music) Pupils of 2nd grade, 3rd grade, etc. go to their classes.

Songs about school are played

Life in any school begins on September 1. And so that the beginning of school life will be remembered forever, every school on September 1 holds a festive line “Hello, school!” And the holiday itself on September 1 is called the Day of Knowledge.


- Good afternoon dear friends!

- Good afternoon, dear adults! Happy holiday!

— Happy start of the school year!

-/addressing the presenter/But they don’t study on holidays!

- It depends on which ones. Today is Knowledge Day! So?

— Is the school ready for the school year?

- Ready!

— Are the teachers happy to meet their students?

- As always!

— Have the students arrived?

- Even with parents!

“You see, that means we can start our first day of school.”

- It is forbidden! There's supposed to be a roll call.

- That's funny!

- Nothing funny. I've prepared everything. Here, keep the lists.

- Are you going to ………., list all the students like that?

- Of course, everyone. Or can you tell who is missing?

- Can! \looks at the lists/ These are present, these too, these I saw. These came...

- Something is suspicious. Is that all?

- And here. This one asked to be released.

- And what???

- I didn’t let go. So, I see 11A, I hear 11B, I know about 10A. All here. From first to last.

— I’ll check the last one anyway. Is 11B here?

- Now hello!

- Hello! Hello!

We speak to everyone from the heart.

We are glad to see you at the holiday,

Both adults and kids!

— The line dedicated to the beginning of the new school year is declared open. The right to raise the Russian flag is granted………………

- All. It's time to start studying.

- It is forbidden. There is no schedule for today.

- Eat. Today is the day of meeting with me, with classmates, with teachers.

- What is our first lesson? The first lesson is very important. As they say, “once you start...”

— The topic of the first lesson is “Let's get to know each other!”

- Today we invited to the holiday those whom you will meet every day at school.

- This is the school principal...

Deputy Directors…..

Social teacher ….

Psychologist …

Speech therapist...

Honey. sister …



- Do you think the guys have forgotten the names of their class teachers?

- Let's check. On the count of 3-4, let each student loudly say the name and patronymic of his class teacher.

- So, 3-4!

- On this day you will hear many congratulations addressed to you. A word from the school principal...

— The topic of the second lesson is “First time in first grade.”

- Indeed, today Special attention first graders and their first teachers.

— Despite the fact that our first-graders are so small, they are ready to perform for you today.

Word to students of grades 1A and 1B.

Hello school! First grade!
You won't recognize us today!
The eyes of all the people of the country
Now they are looking at us.

In a large and bright school
The door is open for everyone!
We all came to learn!
We are schoolchildren now!

Today is my holiday
There's never been a better day
Because "first grader"
Everyone calls me.

We know a little letters.
We learned to count:
One two three four five!
Let's be chalk like the big ones,
Write words on the board.

How much we learn at school!
How many books will we read?
We're on this path
There are still many years to go!

We promise to try
Work so diligently
To be the best at school
It turned out to be FIRST CLASS!

- In the sunshine of daisies,
Forget-me-nots across the sky
Our childhood is walking,
Simple, like a miracle.

Hot air balloon flying
And the globe is similar.
So let the one who is older
He will help the younger one.

Last time Our senior comrades - 11th graders - are present at the assembly dedicated to the beginning of the school year. Year after year we were glad to meet them. 11th grade students.

- This is the pride of the school. This is our hope.

- So, the third lesson “The last school step.”

— I invite students of 11th grade.

The distance of centuries is behind us.
For everything that we are given to keep,
You and I are responsible.

For those who made a covenant with love,
For the memory of glory and victories.
For the light of hearts and the sun,
For the light in the window.

We live in the twenty-first century,
And everything we dream about
We can do it with you -
We know this for sure.

You and I have everything ahead:
And a new song in my chest,
And youth and strength,
And the homeland is Russia!

- And now we want to give instructions for all school students:

Be persistent, inquisitive, persistent! REMEMBER! He who knows a lot achieves a lot! Study for the good of yourself and the Fatherland!

Be kind, truthful, generous, merciful. REMEMBER! The hand of the giver will never fail!

Take care and strengthen your health! REMEMBER! The only beauty is health. Healthy image life is the basis of human existence on Earth.

Love your neighbor, be faithful and truthful to the Fatherland! REMEMBER! The happiness of your Motherland is your happiness!

- I think that the students of our school will firmly internalize your order and will proudly bear the title of student of secondary school No. ......... city.......

- Today is an unusual day for everyone. Pupils of grades 5 and 10 will meet new teachers and children.

— Today’s bell will herald the beginning of the school year for 9th graders. Serious tests await them - the first exams.

— Today is a holiday for teachers, among whom are those who will continue their work and those who will come to the teacher’s desk for the first time.

— Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck!
Especially in the mornings
when you enter school classrooms,

The school welcomes guests again,

Good, reliable, loyal friends!

Meet the students of our school!
