Definition, purpose and history of the formation of the state reserve

State reserve - these are reserves of raw materials and materials, fuel, grain and other food products, certain types of machinery and equipment created and systematically replenished by the state, necessary for the smooth functioning of the economy, for defense needs, disaster relief and meeting other needs of the state and society.

Purpose. The state reserve is intended for:

Ensuring mobilization needs Russian Federation;

Ensuring urgent work during liquidation of consequences of emergency situations;

Renderings state support to various sectors of the national economy, organizations, constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to stabilize the economy during temporary supply disruptions the most important species raw materials and fuel and energy resources, food, in case of imbalances between supply and demand on the domestic market;

Providing humanitarian assistance;

Providing regulatory influence on the market.

The formation, storage and maintenance of state reserve stocks is ensured Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv) that manages the state reserve, its territorial departments and organizations that form unified system of state reserve of the Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the state reserve system). The structure of the state reserve system and the procedure for managing the state reserve are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Legislative and regulatory regulation of work with state and material reserves:

General principles The formation, placement, storage, use, replenishment and refreshment of inventories of material assets is regulated by the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 79-FZ “On State Material Reserve”.


1. In Russia, public reserves appeared in the 9th century, when the tribal community of peasants was replaced by a neighboring one.

2. The increase in stock levels has made it necessary to store food stocks in canned in banks. Along with canned meat, they began to produce dried vegetables, and later, canned meat and vegetables. In 1907 it was approved “Instructions for monitoring the production, capping and acceptance of canned tomato cans entering emergency stocks” and a one-year shelf life was established.

3. In connection with the expansion of the range of goods and materials put into the reserve and the increased volumes of accumulation, the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated October 17, 1931 The Committee of Reserves under the Council of Labor and Defense (Committee of Reserves) was formed. This day is considered the date of birth of the state reserve system in the USSR.

4. At the end of 1939, the Department of State Reserves began work on preparing Regulations on state reserves- the first fundamental document on the principles of the formation in the USSR of a unified system of state material reserves, placement, storage, use, replenishment and refreshment of state reserves, the structure of the state reserve system, which in its main features has been preserved to this day.

5. To prepare the country for possible natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes, the USSR Council of Ministers decides to form a fund of material resources as part of the state reserve to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations. Since December 1990, a new structure has been organized in the state reserve system - Office of Material Resources for Emergency Situations.

6. The decisive moment in modern history state reserves began with the preparation and introduction at the end of 1994 of the federal Law " On the state material reserve." The law established that the state reserve is special federal reserve material assets intended to meet the mobilization needs of Russia, urgent work in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, providing humanitarian assistance and government support to enterprises, organizations and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, providing regulatory influence on the market. The issue of privatization has been put to rest: the state reserve, as well as buildings, structures, land, on which they are located, subsoil areas that are used to store reserves, regardless of location, are federal property and are not subject to privatization. In 1997, the Main Audit Directorate under the President of the Russian Federation carried out a lengthy and comprehensive audit of the state reserve system with the involvement of the VMD, FSB, and prosecutors. It was noted that the system of state reserves in the new economic conditions is working stably and has taken its place in the state structure.

Question 16

The structure of the mobilization reserve system for medical and sanitary equipment. The procedure for developing the nomenclature and volumes of accumulation of material assets.

Structure of the mobilization reserve system for medical and sanitary equipment(is an integral part of the state reserve):

· federal executive authorities (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ministry of Transport of Russia, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation);

· institutions and organizations located in the sphere of activity (responsibility) of federal executive authorities: federal government agencies healthcare and federal state institutions of science (Rospotrebnadzor), medical center of mobilization reserves "Reserve" (Roszdrav), enterprises for the production of Medical immunobiological preparations of Roszdrav, central Medical warehouses of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, medical warehouses of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and military districts (fleets), and at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - medical centers of mobilization reserves “Reserve” with warehouses under their jurisdiction.

The procedure for developing the nomenclature and volumes of accumulation of material assets .

It is carried out in the process of forming a mobilization plan for the economy of the Russian Federation.

Federal executive authorities (Developers of the mobilization plan for the economy of the Russian Federation), within 6 months after approval of the mobilization plan for the economy of the Russian Federation, develop and, after agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Rosrezerv, approve by their orders the nomenclature and volumes of accumulation of material assets in the mobilization reserve.

Question 17

Operations with material assets of the mobilization reserve of medical and sanitary property. General provisions on storage medical equipment and property, storage of medical and sanitary equipment, classification.

Budget- this is the totality of expenses and income of an individual entity established for a certain period of time. The state budget- this is the most important financial document of the country, which indicates the sources and amounts of revenues to the state treasury, as well as the needs met at the expense of the state.

Basic provisions

The state budget influences many economic forces countries and is adopted at the legislative level. There is even a special budget process, which includes the preparation, review, approval and execution of the budget, monitoring of execution and external audits. The budget process is carried out by authorized government bodies.

Main functions of the state budget:

  • Controls and limits government actions;
  • Regulates cash flows within the state and strengthens financial ties between the center and regions;
  • Defines economic policy states;
  • Provides information about government intentions to all economic participants.

The state budget serves as the financial base of the state and is a necessary component for normal functioning state system. By using budget funds, the government makes payments on its obligations, finances various government programs, creates state reserves.

The economic significance of the budget is that it largely determines final consumer demand. This is due to the fact that the income of the population largely depends on the size of the budget; various government orders are carried out using budget funds and large volumes of products are purchased. The amount of financial flows that pass through the state budget affects such important economic indicators as:

  • Volume of production;
  • Public investment;
  • Unemployment rate;
  • Magnitude money supply;
  • Exchange rate;
  • National Bank discount rate;
  • The size of internal and external public debt;
  • Inflation.

All these economic indicators are interconnected and the negative dynamics of one will immediately lead to a deterioration in the values ​​of other indicators. For example, the budget is reduced due to a decrease in funding for some government structure. In this case, the problem of non-payment wages is solved by reducing some of the employees of this government structure, which inevitably leads to an increase in unemployment and an increase in the amount of social benefits for unemployed citizens.

Another example. The government decided to reduce domestic debt not at the expense of budget funds, but by issuing additional money supply. In this case, an increase in inflation is inevitable, since funds are not backed up by the state gold and foreign exchange reserves.

For efficient work with the state budget, the following indicators are distinguished:

  • Income;
  • Official transfers;
  • Expenses;
  • Deficit and surplus.

State budget revenues

State revenues express economic relations arising between the state on the one hand and enterprises, organizations and individuals on the other hand. These relationships are expressed in the implementation of cash payments by enterprises, organizations and individuals, which are sent to form the state budget. State budget revenues are funds received irrevocably and free of charge into the state treasury, in accordance with current legislation.

Income is divided into current and capital. Capital revenues are official transfers, income from the sale and rental of land, and income from the sale of government reserves. Official transfers are irregular, optional and often one-time payments received by the state budget from various sources. As a rule, these proceeds are in the nature of donations. For example, a transfer is considered to be an amount voluntarily allocated by a private individual to the state budget for the construction of a hospital or school.

Current income is divided into tax and non-tax. Tax revenues are generated from taxes and fees provided for by law. Tax revenues make up the bulk of state budget revenues. They account for about 85% of all revenues, with non-tax and capital revenues accounting for 8% and 7%, respectively. Types of tax income:

  • Income tax;
  • Income tax;
  • Total income tax;
  • License and registration fees;
  • Contributions to state social funds;
  • Property taxes;
  • Payments for the use of natural resources;
  • Taxes levied on foreign economic activity;
  • Other taxes and fees.

Taxes are important tool fiscal policy of the state. The amount of taxes is determined by the legislative bodies of the country, and criminal liability is provided for non-payment. The totality of taxes forms the tax system of the state.

Taxes are divided into direct and indirect. Direct taxes are levied on the direct activities of a particular entity. These include: profit tax, income tax, total income tax.

Indirect taxes account for about 70% of all state budget revenues. They have a significant impact on pricing and consumption patterns. These include: value added tax (VAT), excise taxes, customs duties and duties.

Non-tax revenues of the state budget include:

  • Administrative fees and charges;
  • Income from state-owned property;
  • Payments for fines;
  • Other non-tax revenues.

Sources of state budget revenue include government loans and funds received for the sale of government securities.

State budget expenditures

Expenses are all non-refundable payments, regardless of whether they are reimbursable or gratuitous. State budget expenditures are economic relations arising in connection with the distribution of public funds and their use according to sectoral, target and territorial purposes. With the help of budget expenditures, the state provides the necessary financial support for all state programs carried out by the government.

Expenses, like income, are divided into current and capital. Capital expenditure is the expenditure allocated by the government for various investment programs. In addition, in this category includes expenses aimed at lending legal entities from the state budget. Current expenses are expenses that ensure the functioning of government bodies, as well as various grants and subsidies provided by the state for certain sectors of the economy.

State budget expenditures are intended for the following purposes:

  • Social. This category includes expenses for the payment of social benefits and pensions, as well as expenses for maintaining state-owned enterprises and institutions. This type of expenditure occupies the largest share in the country's budget.
  • Military. These expenses are aimed at increasing the defense capability of the state, financing and maintaining the army.
  • Economic. Expenditures from this category are used to finance government investment and economic programs, accumulation of government reserves, and repayment of government debt.
  • Foreign economic. Expenses aimed at ensuring and implementing international agreements and paying contributions to international organizations.
  • Contents of the state apparatus. Expenses related to the financing of judicial and legislative authorities.

State budget deficit and surplus

When adopting the state budget, the amount of income and expenses must be taken into account. The optimal budget is considered to be one in which the amount of income is equal to the amount of expenses, the so-called balanced budget. But in practice, such an ideal indicator, as a rule, cannot be achieved and a budget deficit or surplus arises.

A budget surplus is the excess of government revenues over its expenses. This phenomenon, in the modern economy, does not occur very often. Most countries have to face budget deficits.

Budget deficit is the excess of government expenditures over its revenues. IN modern world, the phenomenon of budget deficit is widespread and there is hardly a state that has not faced this problem. Acceptable level The excess of expenses over income is considered to be 5% of the gross national product.

Large budget deficits can lead to economic collapse and even state bankruptcy. Therefore, governments are trying in every possible way to prevent budget deficits. Today there are three main ways to solve this problem:

  • Reducing budget expenditures;
  • Issue of additional Money;
  • Borrowing money.

Reducing budget expenditures is one of the most effective and least popular ways to pay off the budget deficit. This is primarily due to the fact that funding cuts will mainly affect low-income segments of the population, whose only income is social benefits or salaries paid from the state budget. A government that has relied on this method of solving the problem is unlikely to enjoy the support of the population.

Issue of additional funds. This method is the easiest and most painless, but it leads to the depreciation of the national currency. Therefore, you can use it not often, so as not to exceed acceptable standards inflation.

Borrowing money is the most common way to “fix a leaky budget.” This method is popular because you can use the money now, but you will have to give it back later. Thus, shifting the problem of debt repayment to the next generations.

Public debt can be external and internal. External debt is loans from foreign creditors, and internal debt is from citizens or organizations of their own state. Very often, internal borrowing is carried out through the sale of government securities.

Federal budget of Russia

The federal budget is the main financial document of the Russian Federation, which displays the main expenses and revenues of the state. The federal budget is financial plan countries for 1 year and approved Federal Assembly RF in the form of Federal Law. The federal budget accounts for a significant part of the distribution process of financial resources between various sectors of industry and the national economy, between the production and non-production sectors of the economy, as well as regions of the country.

The federal budget is adopted State Duma RF in three readings. In the first reading, the main provisions of the future budget are adopted; in the second, deputies adopt the budget by sections; in the third, by subsections. After the federal budget is adopted by the State Duma, it is approved by the President of the Russian Federation. According to the law, the Russian government must submit to the State Duma a draft budget for next year, no later than October 1 of the current year.

As in many countries, in Russia, revenues to the federal budget from the regions are distributed unevenly. For example, in 2013 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug transferred a total of 27% of budget funds. And this is as much as 5% more than 72 regions of Russia.

The federal budget is calculated based on the ruble exchange rate and world oil prices. The Russian budget in 2015 was calculated based on a price of $96 per barrel of oil and at an exchange rate of 37.7 rubles per US dollar. The amount of income is determined at the level of 15.082 trillion. rubles, expenses - 15.531 trillion. rubles The budget deficit amounted to approximately 450 billion rubles.

The main “consumers” of budget funds of the Russian Federation in 2015 are: the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation - 29.49%, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - 10.89%, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 7.55%. 1.31% of the budget is allocated for healthcare, and 2.72% for education and science.

The largest income is expected from customs duties on oil and gas - 26.11%, value added tax - 34.15%, mineral extraction tax - 17.26% and various excise taxes - 4.46%.

Government budgets of countries around the world

Each country has the specifics of its own financial system. Therefore, to compare economic potential, the most important economic indicators are selected, the calculations of which are carried out by analysts of various international organizations.

For comparative characteristics Budgets use the amounts of government expenditures and revenues reflected in US dollars. In this case, the budget deficit/surplus is displayed as a percentage of the country's GDP. The table below shows the countries with the highest levels of government revenue in 2013.

a country Budget revenues, billion $ budget expenditures, billion $ budget deficit/surplus, billion $ GDP, billion $ ratio of budget deficit to GDP, %
1 USA 2 849 3 517 - 668 16 768 3.98
2 China 2 118 2 292 - 174 16 173 1.07
3 Japan 1 739 2 149 - 410 4 685 8.75
4 Germany 1 626 1 624 + 2 3 610 -
5 France 1 410 1 522 - 112 2 535 4.41
6 Great Britain 1 023 1 112 - 89 2 450 3.6
7 Italy 984 1 052 - 68 2 106 3.23
8 Canada 687.8 740.8 - 53 1 530 3.46
9 Spain 505.1 597.3 - 92.2 1 523 6.05
10 Australia 494.3 514.4 - 20.1 1 051 1.91
11 Russia 439 450 - 11 3 492 0.31

As can be seen from the table, only Germany was able to finish 2013 with a budget surplus. The United States of America has the largest budget deficit in monetary terms - $668 billion, and in relation to GDP, Japan has the worst situation - the deficit amounted to 8.75% of GDP. Among European countries, Spain has the largest deficit - 6.05, and on average the leading countries of the European Union have a deficit equal to 4.32% of GDP, which is in principle acceptable. Russia and China have some of the best indicators at 0.31% and 1.07%.

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State reserve is a special federal (all-Russian) stock of material assets intended for use for the purposes and in the manner provided for by the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 79-FZ “On State Material Reserve”.

The state reserve consists of:

- mobilization reserve, which includes - stocks of materials for the mobilization needs of the state, intended to ensure the deployment of military production, repair of military equipment and property during a special period, deployment in war time works on the restoration of railways and highways, sea and river ports, airfields, communication structures, gas pipelines and oil product pipelines, energy supply and water supply systems, for the organization uninterrupted operation industry, transport and communications, provision medical care;

- material reserve, including stocks of strategic materials and goods, stocks of material assets to ensure urgent work in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, providing support to sectors of the state economy and organizations, providing humanitarian assistance and regulatory influence on the market.

Thus, the state reserve created for:

Ensuring the mobilization needs of the Russian Federation;

Ensuring urgent work during liquidation of consequences of emergency situations;

Providing state support to various sectors of the national economy, organizations, and constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to stabilize the economy during temporary disruptions in the supply of the most important types of raw materials, fuel and energy resources, and food;

Providing humanitarian assistance;

Providing regulatory influence on the market.


The formation, storage and maintenance of stocks of material assets of the state reserve, methodological support and coordination of work on the formation of the mobilization reserve is provided by Rosrezerv, which manages the state material reserve by its territorial bodies (district departments of Rosrezerv) and subordinate organizations that form a unified system of state material reserve.

Formation of the state reserve starts with identifying the need for it.

State reserve is one of key factors national security of Russia. When developing accumulation standards, the following are taken into account: the concept of national security, military doctrine state, the likelihood of occurrence in the foreseeable period and the possible scale of natural disasters and man-made disasters, current economic and financial capabilities of the state, parameters of forecasts of social economic development and demographic situation in the country, structure and prospects for the development of industrial and agricultural production and consumption, level and pace scientific and technological progress, as well as the capabilities of the state reserve system itself. The purpose of this approach is to determine and create optimal reserves of necessary material assets that will be within the capabilities of the federal budget.

The state reserve stores over 13 thousand items of material resources - food, fuel, strategic raw materials, materials, industrial goods and equipment totaling over 4 billion dollars. It should be emphasized that Rosrezerv is not involved in the storage of ammunition and military equipment.

After the Government of the Russian Federation determines the mobilization task, further work is carried out by a special federal body authorized to form, store and maintain the state reserve - the Federal Agency for State Reserve (Rosrezerv).

Rosreserv: – forms proposals for the draft federal budget for the corresponding year on the structure of expenditures of the state reserve system. In 2006 44 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes, 80% more is planned for 2007;

– selects suppliers of material assets to the state reserve for concluding government contracts with them. Suppliers are subject to high demands on product quality and delivery conditions.

Rosrezerv practices pre-contract control. In particular, the conditions and production technology of not only the contractor, but also subcontractors, and their reliability as business partners are studied. Subtle physical, chemical, biological methods research. For example, studying a sample butter Rosrezerv specialists are able to say in what year, at what time of year, at what latitude and longitude the grass that the cow ate grew, what breed the animal was, what it was sick with, whether antibiotics, other medications or biological additives were introduced into its diet, and from what they were produced.

Suppliers occupying dominant position on the commodity market, as well as enterprises in whose production volume the state defense order exceeds 70 percent, do not have the right to refuse to conclude government contracts for the supply of material assets to the state reserve. Suppliers bear serious financial liability established by a special law for violating the terms and conditions of delivery. If it is impossible to ensure supplies from domestic producers, contracts for the supply of goods are concluded with foreign suppliers.

Stocks of material assets of the state reserve are placed in organizations specifically designed for storing state reserves. These include warehouses, bases, special enterprises and plants.

Storage bases - combines - were created mainly during the “ cold war”, were conceived as invulnerable systems capable of withstanding nuclear strikes, earthquakes and floods. Mining or salt workings were used to place them. In these multi-kilometer workings at a depth of more than 100 meters at a temperature of 9-10 degrees and a humidity of 70%, the state's food reserves are stored, capable of meeting the three-month needs of the entire population.

The issues of food storage in northern latitudes are being studied. In 1973, on the island of Taimyr, at a depth of 120 cm, a food warehouse was discovered, founded in 1900 by the expedition of Eduard Tol. After the study, the quality of the products met the requirements of GOST. In 2004, Rosrezerv organized a special scientific expedition to Taimyr for scientific and practical purposes.

In special ground, underground storage facilities and strategic reserves of petroleum products are stored in salt layers at great depths.

Part of the stock of material assets of the state reserve can be stored in industrial, transport, agricultural and other organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms. There are about 10 thousand such third-party organizations engaged in responsible storage of state reserves in the country.

The terms and conditions for storing material assets in the state reserve are established by Rosrezerv, taking into account the requirements state standards and technical conditions.

State reserve is a special federal (all-Russian) stock of material assets intended for use for the purposes and in the manner provided for by the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 79-FZ “On State Material Reserve”.

The state reserve consists of:

- mobilization reserve, which includes - stocks of materials for the mobilization needs of the state, intended to ensure the deployment of production of military products, repair of military equipment and property during a special period, deployment in wartime of work on the restoration of railways and highways, sea and river ports, airfields, communication structures, gas pipelines and oil product pipelines, energy and water supply systems, to organize the uninterrupted operation of industry, transport and communications, and the provision of medical care;

- material reserve, including stocks of strategic materials and goods, stocks of material assets to ensure urgent work in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, providing support to sectors of the state economy and organizations, providing humanitarian assistance and regulatory influence on the market.

Thus, the state reserve is intended for:

Ensuring the mobilization needs of the Russian Federation;

Ensuring urgent work during liquidation of consequences of emergency situations;

Providing state support to various sectors of the national economy, organizations, and constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to stabilize the economy during temporary disruptions in the supply of the most important types of raw materials, fuel and energy resources, and food;

Providing humanitarian assistance;

Providing regulatory influence on the market.

History of creation. Reserves existed back in ancient world. Well known biblical story about the wise Joseph - the creator and manager of strategic food supplies in Ancient Egypt. By skillfully using the strategic food supply he created, he managed to become the master of Egypt. The lives of not only the Egyptians, but also the neighboring peoples, who did not take care of creating their food supplies in a timely manner, depended on his will.

Archaeological finds indicate that the Slavs had public food supplies long before modern chronology.

In ancient Rus', large supplies of food were stored in monasteries, castles, estates, on the territory of which there were necessarily outbuildings and premises: cellars, dungeons, pits, barns and other devices in which food was stored.

From the middle of the 15th century, under the reign of Ivan Kalita (1462-1505), difficult process the unification of the principalities around the growing strength of Muscovite Rus'.

Taking advantage of the patronage of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Ivan 1 received the right to collect tribute from Russian lands. The unburdensome tribute made it possible to accumulate the resources necessary to strengthen Muscovite Rus', conquer and annex new lands to it.

Ivan Kalita established stores in all cities where stocks of bread were stored based on the 3-year needs of the city population. Every year, 1/3 of the reserves were sold and fresh bread was prepared instead. The quantity and quality of food supplies were subject to revision and verification.

Peter I transformed the inventory storage system by creating a network of stores. In these stores, in addition to the planned norm of bread, it was prescribed to have stocks of bread based on the two-year needs of the city garrison. Under Peter I, state raw materials and industrial reserves were created (reserves for iron and copper smelters). In 1700, the “Provision Order” was created - a body for managing state food reserves, which completed the construction of a system of state reserves in Russia.

Since the end of the 18th century, capitalist relations have emerged in Russia. State reserves are procured by contract (market) method, under agreements with suppliers and contractors, and as a variation of this, commission procurement arises.

After the war with Turkey (1877-1878), attempts were made to accumulate supplies of provisions and fodder for the period of mobilization in the event of war. The war with Japan showed that the Russian army was poorly supplied not only with food, but also with weapons, ammunition, and equipment. This war demonstrated the urgent need to create and manage government stockpiles of materiel.

With the outbreak of the 1914 war, significant food reserves began to accumulate. In a centralized manner, the government procured 305 million poods of grain in 1914-1915, 502 million poods in 1915-1916, and 540 million poods in 1916-1917. Such a massive withdrawal of food from circulation naturally led to a sharp shortage and rise in food prices, which was another important reason for the growing discontent of the population with the tsarist authorities. The revolutionary parties quite skillfully took advantage of this discontent.

The first years after the revolutions passed in conditions of hunger, mass poverty and devastation. Despite this, in 1926 the formation of a permanent state food fund began. Management and control of the fund was carried out by the People's Commissariat for Foreign and Internal Trade, the Council of Labor and Defense. In 1927, a wheat mobilization fund was created in the amount of 1.6 million tons. By 1931, grain reserves of 2 million tons were created.

In connection with the expansion of the range of goods and materials put into the reserve, the increased volumes of accumulation, the Reserve Committee under the Council of Labor and Defense was formed by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on October 17, 1931. V.V. was appointed the first head of the Reserves Committee. Kuibyshev. In the regions, departments and inspections of reserves were organized under the authority of the NKVD.

With the formation of the Reserves Committee, all mobilization reserves located in various institutions and enterprises, as well as mobilization and state grain funds, were transferred to its jurisdiction. The Reserves Committee, departments and inspections under local NKVD officials were entrusted with the tasks of replenishing reserves, their accounting and control.

In 1937, the Council of Labor and Defense was abolished, the Reserves Committee was transformed into the Department of State Reserves under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, departments and inspections of reserves from the NKVD system were transferred to the direct jurisdiction of the Department of State Reserves.

Since 1939, products and materials for the production of weapons, as well as medical and sanitary equipment, began to be laid down. Tables for equipping special units with medical equipment were developed. Consumable medical equipment ( medicines, dressings) for evacuation hospitals was designed for a three-month requirement, and complex and expensive equipment used in medical institutions in peacetime was assigned to special formations for the mobilization period.

In the first years of the Great Patriotic War Huge losses of raw materials, materials, and food products were replenished mainly from state reserves. The state reserve ensured uninterrupted supply of the front and industry with everything necessary. Despite the dire food situation in the country, by the end of the war it was possible not only to restore the spent reserves, but also to increase them. The volume of state reserves for bread and canned meat increased 1.8 times. Humanitarian aid was provided to residents of Vienna and other liberated European cities using state reserves.

The post-war period of operation of the state reserve system was characterized by repeated structural transformations of management bodies and storage bases. During the period from 1946 to 1960, the central bodies changed their name four times, twice the system was divided into parallel structures and twice merged.

The state of the state reserve system in the 1980s was significantly influenced by stagnation in the country's economy, the decline in agricultural production, and the beginning of deep socio-economic transformations.

Since December 1990, a new structure has been organized in the state reserves system - the Department of Material Resources for Emergency Situations. Stocks of material resources for emergency situations are used in the liquidation of emergency situations on a national scale.

In 1991-1992 – in connection with the collapse of the USSR, the unified system of state reserves of the USSR was divided and the system of state reserves of the Russian Federation was formed.

An important point in the modern history of state reserves was the introduction at the end of 1994 of the federal Law “On State Material Reserves”.

In 2004, Goskomrezerv was renamed the Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv) and it became subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia.

IN last years The reserve was used in many operations to eliminate the consequences of emergencies in the Russian Federation, and also ensured the prompt provision of humanitarian assistance to many foreign countries.

When asked by journalists how long the country’s strategic reserves will last, A.A. Grigoriev, the head of Rosrezerv, answered: “for 90 days from the date of complete cessation of supply.” It is difficult to judge how accurate these data are - after all, any information about the volume of the state reserve is a strict state secret.


IN ACCORDANCE with our legislation, “the state material reserve is a special federal (all-Russian) reserve of material assets.” Inventories are divided into two main parts.

First - state reserve- civil reserve. These are strategic materials and goods for the stable operation of the country’s economy, materials and goods for ensuring urgent work during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations and providing assistance to the affected population, including citizens of foreign countries. A recent example: just recently we provided humanitarian assistance to the Serb minority of Kosovo in the amount of about one and a half million dollars. Reserves of flour, butter and vegetable oil, meat, grain, sugar, as well as petroleum products, metals, powerful construction equipment, mobile power plants, medical equipment, and many other material assets are located in one and a half hundred combines (storage bases). The State Reserve is managed using a Unified Automated System.

Second - mobilization reserve to meet the country's defense needs. The mob reserve is stored in organizations that carry out mobilization tasks, and not at our bases.

The functions of Rosrezerv cover all stages of the technological cycle that goods undergo at our plants. From bookmarking to storage, control and maintenance required quality during long-term storage before release to the consumer. The situation is different with regard to mobile reserves. Due to the fact that the number of organizations where it is stored is currently several thousand, control of the safety of mobile stocks is carried out only periodically. But this control is very strict and is carried out on the initiative of Rosrezerv together with the Accounts Chamber, the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and other government bodies. Unfortunately, there are still cases of unauthorized consumption of supplies and even theft. Administrative and criminal cases are initiated annually based on these facts. But it is important to note that as a result of joint work, the number and volume of unauthorized expenses and thefts have decreased significantly since 2001.

Citizens have the right to know

IN SOVIET times, information about state reserves was a closed topic. Why is the public now being informed about this?

Russian citizens, as taxpayers, have the right to know where the money they earn is spent. These are the demands of the president - to respect his people. In addition, the awareness of the population about the availability and capabilities of the state reserve does not leave room for spontaneous or inspired mass fears in tense moments. That is, it contributes to socio-political and economic stability in society.

Openness has its limits. Let us remember that with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, state reserve facilities were the primary targets of German aviation. The location of our plants is not subject to disclosure. The norms, actual volumes and nomenclature of our reserves remain a mystery. Let's remember: the state reserve is a material resource of national security.

It is known that food prices are rising around the world. Moreover, there are forecasts that the world community will face real food shortages in the foreseeable future. Does this threaten Russia?

No. Here is a simple example: in the turning point years of the 90s, the state reserve system became a real economic shield of the country and made it possible to prevent a social explosion and the collapse of Russia. Thus, subsidized regions covered over 50% of their food needs from the state reserve. The total volume of reserves consumed during this period is comparable to the years of the Great Patriotic War. And then about 20 million tons of bread, millions of tons of other products and material assets were given to the front and rear. Today, thanks to the efforts of the country's leadership, the state of the state reserve is such that it is able to provide every resident of the country with everything necessary for three months.

We do not deal with intermediaries

- ARE YOU FAMILIAR with the state reserves of other countries? Do you maintain relationships with colleagues?

There are state reserves in almost all states. But their structure, nomenclature and volumes differ markedly. Cooperation with colleagues is, first of all, scientific and technical and in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations and providing humanitarian assistance. The CIS industry body, the Advisory Council of Heads of State Reserve Bodies, was created on the initiative of Rosrezerv.

As a recent example, in 2007 Rosrezerv held an International Scientific and Practical Conference, which was attended by delegations from 26 CIS countries, the European Union and the USA. An agreement was reached to make such meetings regular.

At the end of 2007, negotiations were held with the leadership of the State Reserve of the People's Republic of China. We agreed on cooperation. We are also working intensively with colleagues from Mongolia. Starting in September, our Torzhok Polytechnic College will begin training future specialists of the state reserve of this country.

- Material assets are also stored in other industries. How is the state reserve different?

It has its own specifics. The main thing is the duration of storage and at the same time ensuring the quality of material assets so that they can be used for their intended purpose or sold on the market at any time. Inventory storage times in other industries are many times shorter. When releasing products, our products must be absolutely suitable for use and at the end of their shelf life (I emphasize: “storage”, not “expiration”!) - competitive in the market. This circumstance determines special requirements to the quality of goods stored for storage. Rosrezerv carries out pre-contract quality control, starting with a thorough examination of the supplier’s production base. Rosrezerv does not deal with intermediaries, but works only directly with producers.

Human resources

- ALL of this requires specially qualified specialists.

There are many specialties in the state reserve system, but none of them have the highest educational institutions personnel are not trained for us in a targeted manner. We train mid-level specialists for ourselves on our own - at the unique Torzhok Polytechnic College. In relation to employees with higher education At this stage, the solution is to retrain them under programs that take into account the specifics of the state reserve. This is all the more important because, as the elected President of Russia D. Medvedev noted, today there is a need for continuous updating of theoretical and practical knowledge specialists due to increasing requirements for the level of qualifications and mastery of modern methods of solving professional tasks. Scientific and methodological support for this work has been entrusted to our Research Institute for Storage Problems. By the decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS, it became the basic organization of the Commonwealth for the scientific and technical development of state reserve systems.

The state reserve is intended for use in crisis and emergency circumstances. This significantly increases the requirements for personnel. But a significant part of the most professionally trained specialists and managers in market conditions are employed not in the public sector, but in the private sector. The US experience is well known. The so-called National Reserve of Management Personnel has been created there. The head of the federal executive body for the implementation of emergency programs has been delegated by the President of the United States the right to mobilize civilian personnel from the reserve of senior personnel. We propose to provide in legislative framework mobilization preparation of the Russian economy, the possibility and mechanism of staffing the relevant management bodies and organizations with specialists employed in peacetime in other industries and sectors of the economy.

The country's leadership has chosen an innovative development path. How does this decision affect Rosrezerv - a generally conservative structure?

And we didn’t expect this decision. The Russian state reserve found itself in too difficult a situation by beginning of XXI century. The depreciation of fixed assets has reached 70% for some items. There was only one way out - implementation innovative technologies in branch.

Let's take, for example, a tank farm for storing millions of tons of petroleum products. In 2003, the government approved our proposals for its modernization in a limited time and with minimal budget costs. One of the unique innovative technologies is the creation and operation of storage facilities for high-quality motor fuels at a depth of up to one and a half kilometers. Rosrezerv has developed and implemented a technology that ensures the achievement of this goal. Compared with traditional technologies capital costs for the construction of tanks are reduced by 2 times, construction time by 2-3 times, operating costs by half. The shelf life of petroleum products increases by 3-4 times without losing their quality. The risk of emergency situations is reduced by three orders of magnitude, that is, thousands of times (!), and losses of stored petroleum products are almost completely eliminated.

- How do you solve the problem of staff retention?

Working with us is interesting - our organizations are equipped with the most modern technology and scientific equipment, and our employees are provided with good living conditions. There is a permanent health camp in the Moscow region. Children of employees from all over Russia relax there. Construction of our own housing has resumed. Thus, in Nizhny Novgorod a residential building with 90 apartments was recently occupied. People also value belonging to the system because young employees and children of Rosrezerv employees study at our Torzhok College. Especially from the outback, where they were unlikely to have the opportunity to receive a decent and in-demand education.

The income of our employees in the near future is unlikely to reach the level of the business community. But the feeling of belonging to the most important state business, awareness of its importance play no less a role for many than the level of monetary reward. Therefore, significant efforts are devoted to caring for employees and veterans. To create truly decent working conditions and simply living conditions for our workers and their families.

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