Incomplete higher education in the work record book. Information about education in the work book: sample. Expert opinion on the question of how to make an entry about education in the work book

On the main page of the work book, among other data, they enter information about the employee’s education, as well as the acquired specialty. The peculiarity is that they can be supplemented after graduation from new educational institutions. In addition, information is recorded differently, depending on the level of training. Instructions for filling out 2019 and practical examples can be found in the article.

The basic principles of making entries in the labor record are described in the relevant Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

In accordance with the provisions of this document, registration is carried out on the basis of the following rules:

  1. The wording of the name of the education received must exactly correspond to that given in the diploma.
  2. The name of higher education is given in accordance with its level (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate or specialty).
  3. If, as a result of amendments to legislation, the name of the education changes, no other notes should be made in the labor report. Notes are recorded only after the fact; the law does not have retroactive effect.
  4. Data is entered only on the basis of submitted documents or copies certified by an organization or notary. Recording information from the employee’s words is unacceptable.
  5. Amendments and crossing out inscriptions are also not allowed. The exception is cases of making incorrect entries - the corresponding example is discussed in detail below.

The first entry is made by the first employer, to whom the employee brings a blank work book form. If the previous company for some reason did not fill out the column, the subsequent employer independently makes a mark. The formulation is made in accordance with the level of education, which is confirmed by documents.

If initially the personnel specialist indicated only the word “higher” in the column, it is enough to simply enter the corresponding word without correcting the entry.

As already mentioned, no additional adjustments are subsequently necessary in connection with changes in legislation in the field of education.

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

The employer is not obliged to check a diploma or certificate that confirms the employee’s level of education. It is enough to receive the original or a certified copy of the document, from which you need to copy the necessary data.

Making second and subsequent entries

Subsequently, the employee can receive 2, 3 and other educations - for example, secondary vocational education after basic education or higher education after secondary general education, etc. The employer is also obliged to make the appropriate notes in the document, but the employee must independently bring a certificate or diploma, since the company is not obliged to check information about increasing the level of education.

To make a new note, you just need to put a comma in front of the old entry and enter the next information in accordance with the rules described above.

At the same time, the employee can receive further education - then you need to go to the next page (with job data) and enter the relevant information. Registration is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Enter the entry number (in chronological order) and the date of entry (based on completion).
  2. Then in the main column you need to enter information about the education received - in what period, in what educational institution (full name), in what program, what specialty received.
  3. The last column indicates the name, series and number, date of issue of the document that confirms the described fact.

Previously, it was practiced to make notes about completed education on the page to the left of the title page (in fact, on the cover of the work paper). The stamp and signature of the personnel specialist were affixed. At the moment, this method of registration is not used, although it is not considered a gross error.

It is important to understand that entering such information is strictly necessary only in cases where the employee’s work requires the availability of appropriate education. Therefore, in other situations, data is indicated only at the request of the employee - their absence is not a violation.

Profession entry

This line is filled in only if the corresponding information is available in educational documents. If there is no such data, the line remains empty, which is not a violation of the law.

In other cases, the line is filled in with information from the relevant documents:

  • diploma of secondary vocational or higher education;
  • diploma confirming professional retraining;
  • certificate of worker's profession;
  • another document confirming the fact of mastering a specialty/profession.

Salomatov Sergey

Real estate expert

If a personnel specialist confuses the name of the employee’s qualification and specialty (data from the diploma), there is no need to correct the error, since it is not considered a gross violation.

Correcting an incorrect entry

If an incorrect entry has already been made, it must be carefully crossed out with a pen of the same color. After this, a record of the correction is made on the page on the left (on the cover of the work book). The basis for the correction is also indicated - data from the education document. A stamp is affixed, the position and full name are written down, as well as the signature of the employee who made the corrections.

Hiring an employee with incomplete education is an ordinary phenomenon, but an employee of the personnel department may quite naturally have questions. As such, there are no rules for filling out a work book for incomplete secondary education. After all, according to the Instructions for filling out these documents, an entry is made in the education column of the work record book if there are supporting official documents.

In addition, the Instructions provide examples of possible entries in the education column:

  • 9 classes (basic))
  • 11 classes (secondary))
  • lyceum (primary vocational education))
  • college, technical school (secondary vocational education))
  • institute, academy, higher school (higher vocational education))
  • postgraduate professional education.

From this it is clear that the Instruction provides for the inclusion of only completed stages of training. In case of incomplete secondary education, according to the Rules for filling out work books, you should enter the entry “basic”, that is, 9 classes, again with supporting documents, for example, a certificate from school.

Another question and more correct: is it necessary to write anything at all to an employee who has not even graduated from high school yet? After all, if education is incomplete, then the employee continues training. After the required amount of time, the employee will receive a general secondary education, which will be confirmed by a certificate. This data should be entered in the column of the title page of the work book, since this is the only completed stage of the employee’s education, and it must be indicated in the work book.

An employee with incomplete higher education

If an employee with an incomplete higher education is hired, the HR employee should distinguish between incomplete and incomplete higher education.

In the case of incomplete higher education, we are talking about a student who continues to study at a university. Incomplete higher education is already a degree of education, confirmed by a diploma, awarded to students who have completed part (at least two full-time courses) of a training program in their specialty.

When filling out a work permit for an employee who has an incomplete higher education, “incomplete higher professional education” should be entered in the education column with reference to a diploma, which will indicate that the employee has the knowledge and skills necessary to perform his job duties.

Correctly filling out the work book of an employee who continues to study and at the time of employment has an incomplete higher education is not so clear and has two options:

  • the employee entered university immediately after school)
  • The employee entered university after technical school.

In the first case, the employee does not have completed professional education, which, according to the Instructions, must be indicated in the work book.

Of course, you can write “incomplete higher professional education,” but this should not be done unless absolutely necessary. After some time, the employee will graduate from the university, and it will be necessary to make a record of higher professional education in his work book, but on the title page there is only one line for information about education, and it will already be occupied.

It is wiser not to rush to fill out the line about education and add to it, even if not at the time of filling out the work book, but later, a record of complete higher professional education.

The second case requires a completely different approach. The employee received some level of professional education before entering the university. In this case, information about his professional education must be reflected in the work book, because this indicates that the employee has the professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform his work.

Consequently, in the second case, there can be no discrepancies regarding the question of how to fill out a work book if an employee with completed professional education continues to study at a university and has incomplete higher education.

Upon graduation from the university and completion of higher education, this information will be entered by the personnel service employee into the employee’s work book in full accordance with the Instructions as an addition to the entry made earlier.

An HR employee must be attentive to various situations and nuances when filling out a work book and make a decision about the need or advisability of an entry, based on the Instructions, Rules and common sense.

On September 1, 2013, the new education law came into force (with the exception of some provisions), but some of its provisions confused personnel officers. Let's talk about the issues that have arisen and ways to solve them.

So, the problem is that there are some contradictions between the provisions and wording of the new Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended on July 23, 2013; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 273-FZ ) and Instructions for filling out work books (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69; hereinafter referred to as the Instructions for filling out work books) regarding the names of types (levels) of education in Russia (Table 1).

Table 1. Correspondence of types (levels) of education

Federal Law No. 273-FZ

Instructions for filling out work books

Levels of general education

Preschool education

(Not entered into work books due to the lack of a legally established document on education)

Primary general education

Basic general education

Basic general education

(formerly 8th, now 9th grade school)

Secondary general education

Secondary general education

(formerly 10th, now 11th grade school)

Levels of professional education

Primary vocational education

Secondary vocational education

Higher education - bachelor's degree

Higher professional education

Higher education - specialty, master's degree

Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel

Postgraduate professional education

Forms of additional professional education


(confirmed by ID)

Professional retraining

(confirmed by diploma)

Many personnel officers who have studied the new Federal Law No. 273-FZ have a question: is it now necessary to make entries in all completed work books in a new way?

The answer will, at first glance, be paradoxical: both yes and no. However, this is exactly the case. The point is that we make entries in work books using the technology established by the Instructions for filling out work books, that is based on educational documents.


from the Instructions for filling out work books

2.1. […]

registration of education... is carried out only on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.);


Thus, the wording that is contained in these documents (certificates, certificates, certificates, diplomas) should be transferred to work books.

Accordingly, in education documents issued at different times, the wording is also different, since these documents were and will be drawn up in accordance with the legislation in force (in force) at the time of their issuance. And in work books (both issued for the first time, and in new ones, issued, in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to replace lost, damaged or absent from the employee for other reasons), as well as in duplicate work books and inserts in work books, we We will transfer those records that are contained in the educational documents submitted by employees.


It is impossible not to notice that there are discrepancies between the names of the lines in the work books and the information entered in the diplomas. So, in the work book you need to indicate:

1) education;

2) profession and specialty.

WAS In previously issued diplomas bachelor, master and specialist with higher professional education after the words “Bachelor's (Master's) degree awarded” or “Qualification awarded” the name of the degree or the name of the qualification was entered. Below the line entered the words “in the direction (or specialty)” and indicated in quotation marks the name of the direction of training (or specialty) for which the degree or qualification was awarded.

In diplomas about secondary vocational education it was indicated what qualification and in what specialty the graduate was awarded. And only in diplomas about primary vocational education the profession in which the graduate was awarded a qualification was entered.

Thus, the type of education was indicated in all diplomas. But whether profession/qualification/specialty/degree/direction was included depended on the type of education (Table 2).

Table 2. Information about education in the diploma depending on the type of education

Type of education

Higher professional

Degree or qualification, direction or specialty

Secondary vocational

Qualification, specialty

Initial professional

Qualification, profession

And, please note, not a single diploma contained the “profession, specialty” block.

Naturally, HR officers had a question about how to “fit” the information from the diploma into the format of the information provided for in the work book form.

Practitioners usually acted according to the principle: “more is better than less,” and transferred into their work books everything that was in their diplomas and for which there was enough space on the corresponding lines. At the same time, some personnel officers did not indicate the degree/qualification of an employee with a higher professional education, that is, they did not enter the words "bachelor", "specialist", "master". Others wrote these words in parentheses on the "Education" line, for example: "Higher professional (bachelor)", "Higher professional (master)".

We believe that none of these options violated the rights and legitimate interests of the employee, and therefore cannot be considered a violation. The main thing is that the entry was made on the basis of an education document, that is, the basic requirement of the Instructions for filling out work books was met.

BECAME The new Federal Law No. 273-FZ clearly defines the levels of higher education, and, of course, they will be indicated in diplomas, from which they should be transferred to work books.

However, it should be understood that new diplomas will be issued to those graduates who are already studying not by levels of higher education, but by levels. Russia is now gradually moving to level education (bachelor, specialist, master), which is why new forms of diplomas are being introduced. But for a few more years, old-style diplomas will be in use, where the graduate’s qualifications are assigned according to the levels of higher education.

Other “inconsistencies” between the title page of the work book and the diplomas remain, and we, apparently, will continue to enter into the work books the information contained in the diplomas.


In new diplomas graduate's last name fits in the nominative case. Instead of “The diploma was issued to Ivan Ivanov”, as it was before, now it is written: “The diploma indicates that Ivanov Ivan...”, and further in the text. It is no secret that in the past there were often problems with the declension of both complex foreign names and some Russian names and patronymics, which are sometimes very difficult to correctly place in the dative case. Now there will be no such problem.

The principle has also changed numbering of diplomas. Instead of an alphanumeric designation, the forms will be assigned a series and serial number. The numbering will be carried out by the manufacturer of these documents. The diploma number is now a seven-digit number.

There are six characters in the series, but essentially only the first two and last two digits are important. The first determine the status of the educational institution: federal universities - “10”, regional - “11”, municipal - “12”, private - “13”, seminaries - “14”.

The last two digits of the series are the number of the license issued to the manufacturer of the diploma. This enterprise code greatly simplifies the form accounting system, which is still not at a very high level.

Educational institutions order old forms from six different manufacturers, which creates confusion due to the use of a numbering system dating back to the last century, when there was one manufacturer for the entire country. In addition, if any violation is detected using the new numbering, it will be easier for law enforcement agencies to understand the origin of the diploma that has raised doubts.

From protective technologies the forms use a decorative “rosette” with the text “higher professional education” around the entire perimeter. This text will glow red in ultraviolet light. The number and series of the diploma and insert will be applied using red paint with magnetic properties.

The new standards provide two forms of diploma(regular and honors diploma) for each of the educational degrees: bachelor, specialist and master. Moreover, in diplomas with honors the words “with honors” will be written in paint, which glows yellowish-green under ultraviolet irradiation.

The new diplomas will be printed not on plastic media, but on high-quality paper with three-tone watermarks “RF”, but in design the document will not differ much from the sample that has become familiar to us over many years.

Form liner also hasn't changed much. The inserts will be printed on paper with iris prints from pink to blue and with the same anti-counterfeiting methods as for the diploma itself. The form depicts a decorative guilloche rosette with microtext “higher professional education” around the perimeter (on the diploma this element will glow red under the influence of UV rays). The series and number of the diploma and insert are printed with red ink with magnetic properties and the ability to glow orange when exposed to ultraviolet light.

(hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ); subp. “b” clause 9 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules); clause 2.1 of the Instructions, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions):

  • <или>it was not filled out by the previous employer;
  • <или>the employee is employed for the first time.

At the same time, the details of the education document itself are not indicated in the work book. The entry could be something like this:

Please note: it is correct to indicate modern higher education along with its level (bachelor’s degree, specialist’s degree, etc.).


Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

“Recording of education, including higher professional education, is carried out on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.). Considering that, according to the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, such levels of professional education are established as, in particular, higher - bachelor's degree, higher - specialty or master's degree, an entry about education in the work book should be made in accordance with the specified levels.

It seems that in order to correct an incorrectly entered entry on higher education, it is enough to add the missing information.”

If an employee brought you a diploma received before the reform of the education system, then you write in the work book the level of education indicated in the diploma (for example, “higher”, “primary vocational e”) clause 2.1 Instructions. Even if this level of education has already been abolished. In particular, primary vocational education is now equal to secondary vocational education, but simply higher education no longer exists, since it has become multi-level Part 5 Art. 10, clause 2, part 1, art. 108 of Law No. 273-FZ. Rostrud thinks the same.


“A record of education on the title page of the work book is made only on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, diploma, etc.). Therefore, the record must correspond to these documents. A change in legislation in the field of education in itself is not a basis for making new or additional entries in the work book.”


Before the introduction of multi-level higher education, bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees were considered levels of higher education (for example, a graduate was issued a diploma of higher education, in which he was awarded a bachelor's degree) clause 2 art. 6 of the Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ (lost force). In this case, in the work book it is enough to write only the level of education - “higher”, and there is no need to indicate the level clause 2.1 Instructions.

By the way, there is no need to check the validity of the employee’s diploma. The employer has no such obligation.

In the line “Education” you can also make an entry about incomplete education, for example: “incomplete secondary vocational education”, “incomplete higher education - bachelor’s degree”. Such an entry is made at the request of the employee upon presentation of his student card, record book or certificate from an educational organization about training or the period of study (academic certificate) clause 2.1 Instructions.

Previously, students who began their studies at a university before October 27, 2007, interrupted it and never completed it, were issued diplomas of incomplete higher education (if they successfully studied for at least 2 years) clause 3 art. 6 of the Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ (lost force); Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science dated April 21, 2008 No. YUS-232/03. If an employee brings such a diploma and asks to make an entry, then, despite the fact that the concept of incomplete education no longer exists and educational organizations no longer issue such documents, you still indicate “incomplete higher education” in your work book. After all, the entry must be made in accordance with the document confirming the training clause 2.1 of the Instructions; subp. "b" clause 9 of the Rules.

Fill in the line “Profession, specialty”

You make an entry in this line based on and clause 2.1 of the Instructions; subp “b” clause 9 of the Rules; Part 1, , , 15 Art. 60 of Law No. 273-FZ:

  • <или>a diploma of professional education (diploma of secondary vocational education, bachelor's diploma, specialist's diploma, etc.);
  • <или>diploma of professional training (based on the results of additional professional education);
  • <или>certificates of the profession of a worker or position of an employee (based on the results of vocational training or professional retraining as part of vocational training);
  • <или>another document on training in the form established by the educational organization (issued when the results of training do not require passing the final certification).


It is better to keep copies of all documents on the employee’s education and training, on the basis of which you made entries in his work book, in his personal file.

Nowadays, upon completion of vocational education or vocational training, graduates of educational institutions are assigned a certain qualification in the relevant profession, specialty or area of ​​training and clause 5 art. 2, part 8 art. 11, part 1 art. 12 of Law No. 273-FZ. For example, upon completion of vocational training, you can obtain a profession and qualification part 7 art. 73 of Law No. 273-FZ; List, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated July 2, 2013 No. 513, upon completion of secondary vocational education - qualification in profession or specialty and clause 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199, and upon completion of higher education - qualification in specialty or area of ​​training and clause 1 of Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated September 12, 2013 No. 1061.

Therefore, some diplomas do not indicate a profession and specialty, but only qualifications (in particular, in a diploma of secondary vocational education and Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated July 4, 2013 No. 531) or only the direction of training and qualifications (for example, in bachelor's and master's degrees appendices No. 1, 5 to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 01.10.2013 No. 1100). In such cases, you can leave the line blank. It will also be empty for an employee who has only finished school.


“If the document on education and (or) qualifications does not contain information about the profession and (or) specialty, failure to make an appropriate entry in the work book should not be considered a violation of the requirements of labor legislation.”


The name of the specialty in diplomas is usually longer than the name of the qualification. University graduates may be awarded, for example, the qualification “economist” with a specialty in “finance and credit”, the qualification “systems engineer” with a specialty in “software for computer technology and automated systems,” etc. And therefore, many indicate their qualification in their work books . However, it is correct to indicate the specialty subp. “b” clause 9 of the Rules; clause 2.1 of the Instructions; work book form, approved. Government Decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003. In our examples, these are “finance and credit” and “computer software and automated systems.” But if you mix it up, it's not a big deal. Inspectors from the labor inspectorate do not consider the indication of qualifications instead of specialty to be a violation. This was confirmed to us by Rostrud.


“Records about education, profession, specialty on the title page of the work book are made on the basis of relevant documents. The rules for maintaining work books and the Instructions for filling out work books allow you to make such entries, in particular, on the basis of qualification documents. It seems that indicating the name of qualification in the work book does not violate the rights of workers and should not be regarded as a violation of the requirements of labor legislation.”


We supplement the entries on the title page

The education record must be supplemented at the request of the employee when he increases his level of education, as well as in the presence of incomplete education pp. 2.1, 2.4 Instructions. The entry on the profession and specialty is supplemented if, in connection with an increase in the level of education (or without such an clause 14 art. 2, part 1 art. 73 of Law No. 273-FZ) the employee received a new profession or specialty clause 2.4 Instructions.

To supplement an entry, after the existing entry (there is no need to cross it out), you need to enter a new one, separated by a comma, based on the corresponding document (a link to the document itself is not needed) clause 2.4 Instructions.

If you need to make an entry in the lines “Education” and “Profession, specialty”, and there is not enough space there, then an entry about training can be made in the “Work information” section clause 3.1 of the Instructions; subp. "b" clause 21 of the Rules(how - see below). But there is no need to sew in an insert for these purposes.


“ The insert is sewn into the work book if all pages of one of the sections in the work book are filled out. Lack of space on the title page for the line “Education” is not a basis for issuing an insert. Therefore, if the employee’s level of education has increased, and there is no space in the “Education” line to make an additional entry, then you can make an entry about the period of training in the “Work Information” section based on subparagraph. “b” clause 21 of the Rules.”


We make entries in the “Work Information” section

Information about training is entered in this section if the employee, while working in your company, completed his studies in an organization that has an educational license (for example, received a second higher education, took courses, at a school for advanced training, retraining, personnel training) . And as a result of such training, he received a second or subsequent profession (specialty, qualification), improved his existing qualifications, or was assigned a new rank, class, category, etc.

When making an entry in the appropriate columns, you write e clause 3.1 of the Instructions; subp. "b" clause 21 of the Rules:

  • in column 1 - the next serial number of the entry;
  • in columns 2 and 3:
  • <если>If an employee has been assigned a new profession (specialty, qualification) with a rank (class, other category), then in column 2 the date of establishment of the new competence (the date of the document on its assignment) is indicated, and in column 3 - its name (for example: “A second profession has been established.” electrician-adjuster" with the assignment of the fourth category");
  • <если>the employee had other training (for example, he improved his qualifications or underwent professional retraining), then in column 2 the date of entry is indicated (that is, the date when the employee brought you the training documents), and in column 3 - the period and place of training (see .example below);
  • in column 4 - name, date and number of the document on education and (or) qualifications or training.

In general, it is mandatory to make “educational” entries in the work book only if the employee’s work requires special knowledge or special training and Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; clause 2.1 of the Instructions; subp. "b" clause 9 of the Rules. But there should be no fine for failure to include such information in the work book. Since this circumstance does not violate the rights of the employee. After all, this is not information about work, which is kept chronologically and is subsequently necessary for the employee to confirm his work experience and receive a pension. Agree that you can make “educational” entries at any time. But inspectors from the labor inspectorate may think otherwise and fine you for the lack of “educational” information in the work record book. Rostrud also believes that a fine in this case is possible.


“The rules for maintaining and storing work books, as well as the Instructions for filling out work books, require the employer, when hiring citizens for work that requires special knowledge or special training, to make entries on the title page of the work book about education, profession, specialty based on the relevant documents in Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; clause 2.1 of the Instructions; subp. "b" clause 9 of the Rules. If the employer did not make such entries in the work book on the basis of the documents brought by the employee, then in this case it is possible to bring the employer to administrative liability under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

It seems that failure to make such entries in the work book if the assigned work does not require special knowledge or special training does not violate the rights and interests of the employee and is not a violation of labor legislation. At the same time, in the order, the inspector may indicate the need to make a record.”
