Nazar is a Muslim name. Nazar: origin and meaning of the name

The name Nazar means “devoted to God,” “Nazarene,” “far-sighted.”

Origin of the name

Nazar – male name, which has several versions of origin. According to the most popular of them, the name has Hebrew roots and means “dedicated to God.” Also, the origin of the name is associated with the Latin word “nazarius”, which is translated as “Nazarene” or “one who comes from Nazareth”. In addition, there is a version according to which the name Nazar was formed in Arabic and means "look" or "far-sighted".

Characteristics of the name


Little Nazarka pleases his parents with his obedience and positive attitude. The boy is compliant and friendly, always ready to help others. He is very active and loves sport games, often participates in football, athletics, and gymnastics sections. Nazar often achieves considerable success in sports. He is interested in adventure films and books, and loves listening to music. Quite friendly, the boy does not like noisy crowded companies. He is more comfortable with one or two close friends.


May find mutual language with any person. At the same time, he is very hot-tempered, in the heat of a quarrel he can lose control of himself and initiate a fight.

Nazar has fairly high self-esteem. He is able to set goals for himself and gradually achieve them. In relationships with others, a man values ​​openness and sincerity. Thanks to good intuition and a developed mind, he perfectly senses lies. With those who deceived him or at least tried to do so, he practically ends relations, as a rule, after a huge scandal.


Nazar usually looks for a job he likes. And if he has already found such a job, no one can lure him to another. The profession of prosecutor, businessman, investigator, designer, engineer, operator, driver, artist, musician is suitable for the bearer of this name.

Personal life

Marries only for love. He wins the girl he likes carefully, gradually, using all his charm. Nazar's wife should be at the same time affectionate, gentle and strong, patient. It is very important for him that in difficult life moments his wife provides him with full psychological support. In most cases, Nazar becomes an exemplary husband and a wonderful father.

Name compatibility

The name Nazar successfully combines with the patronymics Egorovich, Grigorievich, Vladimirovich, Vasilyevich, Ivanovich, Stepanovich, Fedorovich, Tarasovich, Filippovich, Petrovich.

Good compatibility with such female names: Nelly, Ilona, ​​Vera, Bella, Alla, Hera, Victoria.

Name day

Orthodox name days at Nazar:

  • December – 9;
  • June – 17;
  • October – 27.

Famous people

Most famous people with the name Nazar: Nazar Kozhukhar, Metropolitan Nazariy, Nazar Gubin, Nazar Matchanov, Nazar Petrosyan.


The name Nazar is of Hebrew origin. Derived from the Hebrew word “nazar,” which literally translates as “dedicated to God.” Although there is another version of the origin, based on which, this name could come from the word “nazara”, which is interpreted as “truth”.

The male name Nazar is in demand only in countries former USSR, but has good characteristics, attractive significance, unusual symbolism and excellent compatibility with most zodiac signs and female names...

Popularity: Today the name Nazar in the ranking of male names is in 58-60 positions and from year to year it is getting closer to leaving the hundred. It now accounts for 3-5 boys out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Nazarius, Nazer, Nasser, Nazario

Modern English analogues: Nazarka, Zara, Zarya

Meaning and interpretation of the name

For the bearer, the meaning of the name Nazar promises a huge number of contradictory characteristics. This, according to astrologers, is an uncontrollable, independent, and frantic personality, uncontrollable and not subject to even the strongest manipulation.

From childhood, Nazar will be cheerful and cheerful, active, a lover of movement and adventure. Perhaps he will get into sports, achieve considerable success, but later he will change, in essence. He is closed and a little secretive, not very sociable and will try to spend time exclusively alone.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of people named Nazar is that they always have their own opinion on everything, and in no case allow themselves to be manipulated. And the Nazars, without exception, are very good-natured and love to help people in need.

Nazar has a bad attitude towards those people who do not value goodness and neglect friendship, although all the Nazars themselves are also not very friendly and try not to burden themselves with friendly connections.

In addition to the above-mentioned versions of the origin, there is another one, and according to it this name is interpreted as “originally from Nazareth.”

Character of the name Nazar

The character of the name Nazar, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that it does not imply leadership inclinations, or even an elementary sense of responsibility. Usually all Nazars are unreliable, unnecessary, non-executive and irresponsible people, craving only fun and entertainment. Moreover, the character of each Nazar, without exception, implies humor, sycophancy, cheerful disposition, optimism, eloquence and sociability, responsiveness, sociability, friendliness and openness. In other words, Nazar’s character is versatile, and if on the one hand the bearer of this nominal form can be reproached for his irresponsibility, then on the other hand he can be praised for his ability to communicate.

Among other things, Nazar’s character implies his popularity among representatives of the weaker half of humanity, the ability to win people’s trust, and devotion, which very few are endowed with modern people. His character will never allow him to betray a friend, deceive a loved one, or take advantage of someone else's weakness in order to achieve his own selfish goals. Plus, Nazar will help in any situation, if not with action, then with advice and support.

On the other hand, all of the above is just a theory. In fact, character, a factor, is too unpredictable, and even depends on a whole bunch of additional aspects. Thus, character primarily depends on upbringing, as well as on the influence of the energy of the zodiac, on the time of year of birth and a whole list of astrological factors.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy to whom his parents decided to give the rare male name Nazar should, in theory, have a very complex nature, but again, this is a different way to look at it. On the one hand, he is a very restless, noisy, active, efficient, unpredictable, uncompromising, disobedient and spoiled boy. The meaning of the name Nazar can turn him into a fidget with whom even his parents will find it difficult to get along. In addition, he never listens to anyone and always does as he sees fit. The boy, over whom the meaning of the nominal form Nazar protects, has no responsibility, no obligation, he indulges all the time and lives only for the benefit of his emotions and impressions.

On the other hand, the meaning of this name can reward such positive features such as sensitivity, responsiveness, friendliness, sociability, eloquence and sociability. It is thanks to them that the boy Nazar will have a fairly large circle, consisting exclusively of well-wishers and friends. At least this is evidenced by the meaning and energy of this name.

As for his parents, it will be extremely difficult for Nazar to get along with them. The whole problem is his unwillingness to obey, follow the rules, and do as he is told. Such children do not like the imposition of rules and obligations; they crave freedom of action, and no one should limit it. Although Nazar is a kind and benevolent person, always ready to help and support his mother and father, to help them in any way he can, if it is in his power...


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Nazar, should have many friends and like-minded people, moreover, not only among his peers, but also among other ages. This is a lover of communication, a child who loves to talk, have fun, get more new experiences, learn something new all the time and meet new people. Such a person will always lack communication, no matter how much there is.

Eloquence, kindness, generosity, talkativeness or even talkativeness, openness and responsiveness, good nature and cheerfulness, inconstancy and energy, mystery, charm, excellent charm and an exemplary sense of humor - these traits can further characterize the boy who is protected by the meaning of the name Nazar. Such boys even in adolescence For the most part, they behave like children who are just starting to get on their feet. Parents will have to try very hard before their education in him of responsibility and calmness will bear any fruit. And it’s not a fact that upbringing will help - the meaning of the nominal form Nazar conceals too strong energy, too stormy and endless.

Nazar may have incredible problems in his studies, especially in terms of studying the exact sciences - accuracy is not his strong point. But the boy Nazar should not have any problems with humanitarian subjects, but again, only if the teacher can interest him in his subject. Otherwise, you still shouldn’t expect responsibility and a desire to study the subject from him.

Grown man

An adult man, over whom the power and energy of the name Nazar matters, is still the same cheerful person and optimist in life as mentioned above. A man so named can be characterized by the following characteristics: inconstancy, unpredictability, thirst for attention and love, sociability, unprincipledness, compliance and complaisance, honesty, conscientiousness, integrity, frivolity, non-obligation, unreliability. An adult Nazar is a lover of fun, parties, active pastime, and freedom. By the way, the topic of freedom can be discussed separately in this case - the meaning promises such a love of freedom and such independence that no one, not even his beloved woman, can cope with. Freedom-loving and independent, longs for recognition of perfection, hates when they try to limit his actions, a little selfish, but in moderation - this is what he is, a Nazar man.

At heart, a man named Nazar is a romantic with an excellent imagination, a dreamer, an adventurer and simply a person who does not want to spend a boring time. He is charming and open, and this is what will help him become popular among the opposite sex. But there is one problem here - the fact is that Nazar is too amorous and does not always control his feelings - in the end this can lead to unrequited love, which naturally cannot but traumatize a self-respecting man. But it won’t be difficult for Nazar to find a new passion at any time.

Interaction of Nazar's character with the seasons

Spring - this mysterious period of the year, with its spring meaning, will give rise to a secretive, withdrawn, indecisive, but also unstable nature. Despite his indecisiveness, this boy will never keep an idea in his mind - he will easily begin to implement it. He will save his feelings only for himself, you won’t be able to be frank with him, but you can complain to him. He will always come to the rescue, kind and good-natured, dreamy, realistic, and also an idealist.

Summer - hot days will give birth to a bearer named Nazar with a self-centered, selfish, demanding, persistent, but also reliable and responsible nature by origin. You can rely on someone like that, he will never betray or let you down, he will not lie or become a hypocrite. He will approach any task responsibly and is also purposeful. In a relationship with his beloved, he will behave selfishly - he is jealous and demanding of his other half, and does not know how to listen to her opinion.

Autumn - capricious weather and the grayness of autumn everyday life will give rise to a prudent, principled, judicious, sensitive, successful nature in the boy’s soul. This is a man of firm calculation and plan; he always acts strictly according to a plan drawn up personally. He does not value generally accepted principles - he has his own. Hardworking and purposeful, he will definitely achieve his goal.

Winter - frosts and harsh weather promise the boy a difficult character - jealousy, stubbornness, perseverance, persistence, perseverance. Such a person will be successful and vitally active, active, but will never achieve his goal in bad ways - not selfish, not conflicting, not deceitful. In the face of an obstacle he will not give up - he will definitely achieve his goal. With his mistress he will be attentive and caring, but too jealous, which is what scares him off.

The fate of the name Nazar

The fate of the name Nazar in terms of relationships with the opposite sex, or rather, the bearer of this name, is very complicated. His fate involves a long search for a true soul mate and an even longer search for true harmony. Nazar himself is restless and unshakable, efficient and crazy, but he will probably look for a wife with a completely opposite character.

Nazar's fate suggests that he will have a good relationship only with a patient, demanding, non-selfish, moderate, calm, reverent and obliging, self-confident and tough woman. His wife must control him, and what is no less interesting is that in theory, freedom-loving Nazar, on the contrary, will like it if his woman tries to limit his freedom and actions.

Another important point– the fate of a man named Nazar is such that it implies becoming a good father and an exemplary family man, and even a faithful husband, despite his love of love and diversity. Nazar is a person prone to change, ready to change and sacrifice his principles for the sake of love. His destiny is to become the one his soulmate needs.

Love and marriage

Nazar is attractive and strong man, but with women he behaves quite modestly. He treats them with respect and interacts with them a lot in a friendly manner. He expects strong, mutual and sincere feelings. Finally, having met his lady of his heart, he behaves like a gallant and charming gentleman, carefully and carefully revealing his feelings. Nazar is afraid that his beloved will betray or deceive him. However, having convinced himself of the reliability of his chosen one, he readily leads her down the aisle. By the way, Nazar will never fall in love with a beautiful and sexy, but immoral and empty woman inside. It is important for him that his wife has a pure and open soul, and also that she can become a real keeper of the family hearth.

Nazar is ready to make concessions and may even give up some of his habits and principles for the sake of his beloved wife, but this does not speak of his weakness, but of the strength of his love. For him, love is a driving factor that can give a person wisdom and strength for new accomplishments and achievements. He tries his best to support his beloved family as well as possible; if necessary, he even looks for additional types earnings. Being the main breadwinner in the family, he has no problem handing over the reigns to his wife, and in most cases accepts her suggestions, allowing himself to be led. But he is by no means henpecked; he reserves personal freedom and in moments important decisions can insist on his own.

Nazar is indeed a very faithful and devoted husband. His moral principles will not allow him to commit abomination and cheat on his dear wife; he is simply not capable of betrayal. In addition, he is a man of action. He always does as he says. And he doesn’t feed his wife with empty promises.

Nazar as Father

Fatherhood is an extremely important stage in the life of every man, requiring enormous responsibility and strength. Each of them approaches the role of a father differently. Some men do not want to take on such responsibility at all, others only pretend to play the role of a father, others only earn money for their maintenance, but practically do not participate in their upbringing. And only the remaining part of men become truly good fathers. How a man will prove himself in the role of a father does not always depend on his name. However, some character traits characteristic of specific name can only guess what kind of father a person can become. The devotion, affection, responsibility, willpower, complaisance, and love inherent in Nazar do not even allow one to think that he could become a bad father.

Nazar will become simply a wonderful father, actively participating in the life and upbringing of the baby from birth. He can help his wife, earn extra money for the children and, of course, spend time with the child. He loves to play with it, show it various games, walk and breathe the air with your baby. By the way, Nazar’s love for children is so great that he wants to expand his family by adding more children to it. With his wife's consent, he has every chance of becoming a father of many children. At the same time, he will continue to cope with all expenses, providing for his children and wife so that one can say that his house is full.

He protects and protects his children from any troubles. If someone offended a child at school, he will not just leave it, but will figure it out and teach his child to fight back. He takes part in all stages of raising children. Tries to get them used to playing sports, healthy image life. It is important for him that children grow up as self-sufficient, independent individuals and educated people.

Compatibility with female names

Ideal options for marriage and family happiness in the case of the name Nazar there will be such female names like Camilla, Miroslava, Rosa, Maria.

In terms of feelings, the best will be Varvara, Sophia, Zlata, Natalia, Alesya, Milana.

But with Radmila, Bronislava, Elsa, and Stefania, better relationship do not build, because it will be bad.

In general, this efficient and active man needs a “tamer”, a woman with whom he would be a little calmer...

Translated from Hebrew - dedicated to God.

The color of the name is yellow or orange.

This name endows its owner with softness, pliability and, at the same time, quite noticeable stability and self-confidence.

Nazar usually has a calm and balanced character; he is not inclined to conflict and always looks for a reasonable compromise in controversial situations.

He has a sense of purpose, responsibility and commitment, thanks to which he gains authority in his environment quite early. He is principled and a little harsh in his assessments - he will no longer deal with a partner who violated the agreement.

He does not navigate well in unfamiliar surroundings, Nazar generally has a slow reaction, and he may miss some opportunities due to the fact that he does not know how to make quick decisions. However, in the main thing he still wins, because he has excellent intuition and an analytical mind. He soberly and clearly sees the causes and consequences of events and knows how to draw the right conclusions without repeating mistakes.

The most successful choice will be in the field of politics, economics, law or construction.

WITH strangers He behaves simply, but communication with him cannot be called easy. He doesn't talk much, never interrupts his interlocutor, doesn't express his opinion or suggest topics for conversation. IN business conversations tries to limit himself to the scope of the problem, but with friends and family he can show off his eloquence and wit.

Deep down, he is not at all as rational and pragmatic as it might seem to an outside observer. But Nazar shows his true feelings - good nature, vulnerability and love - only with very close people, of whom, as a rule, he has few.

He gets married late because he usually experiences defeats in his youth for a very long time. In a woman, first of all, he looks for a kindred spirit and a reliable friend. If he meets the one he dreamed of, he will become a faithful and caring husband. He values ​​family comfort and trusting relationships very much, and makes all important decisions himself.

For many qualities, women named Anna, Agnia, Veronica, Victoria, Galina, Daria, Elizaveta and Tamara are suitable for Nazar.

Relationships with Alexandra, Anastasia, Berta, Ekaterina, Zhanna, Zinaida, Nina and Tatyana may not work out.

The name Nazar is not a popular name, and, nevertheless, it is not so rare to name children. It is found both in the post-Soviet space and in some European countries, especially in Spain and Portugal. Let's try to figure out what characterizes this name and how it affects its owner.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

Happening given name from Hebrew נָזַר (pronounced nazar), which can be translated as “dedicated to God.” However, this is not the only interpretation of the name; it is also considered to come from the Hebrew word, which means “sprout” in translation. In some ancient sources, this name is derived from the word nazara, which translates as “truth.” A fairly popular version is that Nazar comes from the Roman Nazarius, meaning “originally from Nazareth.” The ecclesiastical form of the name is Nazarius.
A similar-sounding name is also common among Muslims. The Muslim version is believed to come from the Turkic word nazar, meaning "look". Widespread derivative names from Nazar are Nazarbay (“the gaze of the ruler”) and Nazarbek (“the gaze of the master”).

Did you know? The famous Orthodox theologian Fr. Pavel Florensky dedicated a work to the analysis of the meaning of names, which is called “Names”. Among other things, it contains a dictionary that explains the meaning of a number of names. Unfortunately, the work remained unfinished and Nazar is not in the dictionary.

Day Angel

In Orthodox church calendar the saints, called Nazari, meet three times. So, on June 17, the Monk Nazarius of Olonetsky is venerated. In the 15th century, this ascetic, together with Eliazar of Olonetsky, founded the monastery of John the Baptist on the island of Murma, on Lake Onega.
In the fall, on October 27, the martyr Nazarius the Roman (Mediolan) is venerated. This man lived in the 1st century. He was born in Rome, but his activities took place in Milan (then called Mediolan). There he preached, visited Christians in prison, and was subsequently captured and beheaded by order of Emperor Nero.

And finally, on December 9, the Hieromartyr Presbyter Nazarius of Shatursky (Gribkov) is venerated. He was a village priest, but in 1931 he was arrested and sentenced to exile, and in 1937 Nazariy Gribkov was re-arrested, convicted and executed.

Short and diminutive address

The following forms of the name Nazar, short and not very short, can be used in communication: Nazarik, Nazarka, Nazik, Zara, Zarka. There are also many diminutive options, these are Nazarchik, Nazarochka, Nazarushka, Nazaronka, Zarochka, Zarushka, Zaronka.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

The sound of the name Nazar in European languages ​​is not too different from the sound in Russian:

  • in Greek - Ναζάριος (Nazarios);
  • in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese - Nazario (Nazario);
  • in French - Nazaire (Nazaire).

In principle, this name sounds quite recognizable in eastern languages:
  • in Chinese - 纳扎尔 (Na-jar);
  • in Japanese - ナザール (Na-za-ryu);
  • in Arabic - نزار (But-za-ru);
  • in Hindi - नज़र (Na-za-ra).

Character, temperament and behavior

In various sources, the childish features of people called Nazars are described in different ways. They are credited with either restlessness, disobedience and unpredictability, or a balanced character and obedience. But all sources agree that young Nazars are sociable, cheerful people, not prone to melancholy and a sedentary lifestyle. During adolescence, Nazar usually demonstrates eloquence, responsiveness, generosity and cheerfulness. He is active and has a sense of humor. The consequence of this set of qualities is an abundance of friends, of all ages.

Having matured, Nazar usually does not lose his optimism, sociability and natural cheerfulness. He can be distinguished by honesty and conscientiousness, he is characterized by amorousness. But from negative traits he may develop unscrupulousness and lack of commitment, as well as moderate egoism.

Important! As a rule, Nazar is a big fan of all kinds of parties and generally having fun. At the same time, he does not like to be limited in his actions.

Study, hobbies and career choice

Nazar's school studies may be hampered by his restlessness. Most often he demonstrates success in humanities, but talents can also emerge in natural science disciplines. In addition, he usually demonstrates himself quite successfully in various types sports, can play sports professionally or, at least, achieve fairly high results in this field.

When choosing a profession, Nazar is usually guided only by own opinion, not paying attention to fashion trends, the opinions of parents and friends. People with this name are prone to creative professions; they can become journalists, actors or singers. But not excluded professional career as an engineer or scientist, and not necessarily a humanities scientist.

Friendship and relationships in society

Natural friendliness and sociability greatly facilitate Nazar’s integration into society. As a rule, he has many, if not friends, then acquaintances. Relationships with work colleagues usually go well, and no conflicts arise. He can maintain truly friendly relations with a limited circle of people, sometimes with only one person.

Love and family relationships

Usually Nazar is not deprived of the attention of women. If he liked a woman, he will persistently pursue her, however, without crossing the boundaries and showing delicacy. Such men are especially attracted to women who are sweet, gentle, but at the same time intelligent and capable of devoting themselves to their family.

For Nazar, it is natural to be a leader in the family, combined with a respectful attitude towards his wife. He extremely appreciates the support provided by his wife in difficult times. He loves children very much and willingly works with them in his free time. partial to comfortable life and she strives to provide this comfort for herself and her family on her own. Of all types of family recreation, he is usually especially attracted to picnics in nature.

Compatibility with female names

It is believed that the quality of future relationships between a man and a woman in a family format may depend on the name of the chosen one. All kinds of interpreters define both favorable and unfavorable female names for certain male names.

The union is favorable

So, Nazar is most likely to find strong relationships and a family idyll with women named Angelina, Ariadna, Vasilisa, Ekaterina, Euphrosyne, Zoya, Lilia.

Difficult relationships

However, there are female names, with the bearers of which it is much more difficult for Nazar to build family relationships. This is Varvara, Zinaida, Inga,.

Important! Having a “compatible” or “incompatible” name is not a reason to blindly break off or, conversely, force the relationship. Ultimately, everything is decided by the merits of a particular individual.

Decoding all the letters in the name and numerology

The name Nazar has five letters, each of which has its own meaning, just like the number five, which, according to numerologists, indicates the rich inner world of a person. People with a five letter name are more likely to be drawn towards humanities than science. Often, for these people, childhood or youth hobbies become a profession. Also, such people are distinguished by increased business activity and the ability to quickly make decisions. One more distinctive feature for people with a five-letter name is a respectful and attentive attitude towards women.
Now let's look at the name Nazar, interpreting each of its letters.

  • "N". This letter is commonly called the “Devil's Advocate”. Behind it lies skepticism and a critical attitude towards absolutely everything. Caution and suspiciousness when choosing contacts. This letter also speaks of caring for your own health, both spiritual and physical. Perseverance and diligence in work are an undoubted advantage of this letter.
  • "A". This letter is a “starting point” and symbolizes purposefulness, the desire for spiritual and physical perfection. The letter has increased initiative. The letter a" - charismatic leader who is able to lead.
  • "Z". The letter responsible for limitless imagination and, as a result, enormous creative potential. Also, one of the properties of this letter is isolation in oneself, in one’s ideas. In relation to the surrounding reality, the letter is corrosive and even boring. Indifferent to the problems of your neighbor. Restless. Faithful in marriage.
  • "A". This letter has already been described above.
  • "R". The ability to understand the essence of what is happening, the ability to bring dogma out of chaos, but without a religious connotation, distinguishes this letter. This letter is also responsible for a person’s ability to do applied labor and crafts. Perseverance, patience, thoughtfulness, painstakingness - these are the main features of this letter. But all these qualities are applicable to this letter only as long as the feeling is not hurt self-esteem. In this case, the letter “P” turns into a menacing growl.

Did you know? One of the most scandalous names is BOC rVF 260602, given by parents to their child (boy). It means “Biological Object Man of the Voronin-Frolov family, born on June 26, 2002.” They completely refused to register the child under this unprecedented name. Subsequently this case prompted Russian legislators to pass a law limiting the ability of parents to name their children in this way.

Name talismans

  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn and Aquarius.
  • Totem animal - tapir, electric stingray.
  • Wood - pine, barberry.
  • Treasured plant - azalea, alpine rose.
  • Stone - chrysoprase, amethyst, rock crystal.
  • Metal - aluminum.
  • The number is 8.
  • Days: Wednesday, Saturday.
  • Colors - purple, orange, as well as all the shiny shimmers and neon lights.
  • Element - air.

Celebrities with the same name

Among the Nazars there are many celebrities who have glorified this name. Among them were both military and religious figures, politicians and people working in the field of culture, poets, athletes, and artists. Let's note a few people who have become famous or even famous:

As we can see, people named Nazar potentially have many advantages, among which sociability, friendliness, and commitment to family values ​​stand out. However, ultimately, a person’s character is determined by his upbringing, the attitude of others and living conditions during his growing up period.

Nazar is a Hebrew name, derived from the city of Nazareth, translated as “dedicated to God.” The last or second child is born in the family. He is active and sociable. He will never refuse help, he has many loyal friends.

What does the name Nazar mean? Such a boy has an extraordinary nature, he is full of cheerfulness and energy, he can handle anything. Nazar usually puts forward ideas that shock society. Nazar is very demanding, especially towards those around him. He loves everyone to fulfill his wishes, to do whatever he wants.

Amulets, name signs

    Zodiac name - Capricorn, Aquarius.

    Planet – Mercury.

    Element – ​​Air.

    Color – orange, purple, shiny, neon.

    Day – Wednesday, Saturday.

    Number – 8.

    Metal – aluminum.

    Mineral – amethyst, rock crystal.

    Treasured plants – azalea.

    Totem animals - tapir.

    The talisman stone is chrysoprase.


Nazars do not like to sit at home; they willingly meet and communicate with new people. People named Nazar like to argue, so it will be difficult to come to an agreement with them or compromise. The meaning of the name Nazar in relations with other people is that Nazar never gets offended or offends anyone, even if he is unpleasantly offended. It is best to end an argument with him with a playful bet or just a joke.

Nazar is indecisive with the opposite sex. He carefully wins over the woman he likes, without resorting to rudeness. He will marry only out of great love and if he finds his ideal: an affectionate, gentle, tolerant and strong girl.

Very much for him great importance has the support and faith of his beloved. However, he will not tolerate monogamy; it will humiliate his dignity. Denials of intimacy hurt Nazar. Therefore, he withdraws into himself and does not look for a woman on the side like other men.

The time of year also affects the mystery of the name Nazar. Winter Nazar is very jealous and stubborn, thanks to which he achieves his goals. He is also vulnerable. Spring - hard to endure criticism and ridicule, jealous. Summer - jealous, but devoted to the family, a good owner, obligatory. Autumn - calculating, before he does something, he thinks a hundred times, has golden hands, good master.


The secret of the name Nazar is that a boy with this name needs to live in a warm climate. In childhood they can get pharyngitis. Smoking is prohibited because the respiratory organs are very weak.

Study, career and hobbies

Nazar loves active and sports games. Can achieve success in swimming or athletics. He loves to read, especially adventure literature, so Nazar has a well-developed imagination. He usually does well in school unless he gets involved with bad company.

It is necessary to take into account the meaning of the name Nazar when choosing a profession. He lacks patience and perseverance, so there may be problems at work, but he has a clear and insightful mind, Nazar thinks well.

Can become an engineer, designer, investigator, director, singer, musician or film artist. Nazar follows fashion, he is an individualist, there is a high probability that he will be interested in professions in the fashion field.

Parents should pay more attention to his health. It is necessary to control the circle of his friends, because some of them can get him into trouble. If you have read what the name Nazar means, then you yourself will be able to take into account the child’s shortcomings and raise him to be less selfish.

What were people with the same name known for?

Nazar Olonetsky - venerable, founder of the Forerunner Monastery in the Olonetsky district of the Arkhangelsk region in the 15th century. Nazarius, a holy martyr, suffered due to the spread of the Christian faith. Nazariy Ivanov (d. 1863) – mining engineer. Nazarius (II century) - saint of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr. Nazar Petrosyan (Petrosyants) (born 1951) is a Soviet football player, played in the positions of midfielder and striker.
