Natal chart for love with decoding. Individual horoscope online (free)

Fate cards by date of birth are drawn up in order to trace life path person, get a forecast for the future. By analyzing, you will understand how to behave in certain periods of life in order to achieve goals with maximum efficiency.

A graph, map or matrix of fate and will is a concept that was formed at the junction of and. Therefore, the calculation uses information from each of the disciplines.

The method of calculation that we will tell you about is quite rare and not widespread, which is surprising, because thanks to it you can quickly calculate the future of any person.

What opportunities does the fate chart provide:

  1. Allows you to understand how you should behave on a given day of life. The graph does not predict fatal, inevitable events, but indicates what needs to be taken into account and what to listen to
  2. Answers questions about what to do in this or that case: continue to move on or give in to an obstacle, taking it as a sign of a turn
  3. Gives you an understanding of when you need to pay attention to the signs of fate, and when the events happening in your life are only the result of your own actions, and you need to rely not on intuition, but on reason
  4. Shows critical points - periods of life when your energy drops to its minimum level. And it also shows the time when the peak of vital activity will occur

Most importantly, the chart divides your life into two types of stages. The first is fate. During these periods, you can rely on life-changing opportunities, work with the subconscious, practice techniques for fulfilling desires, grow spiritually, engage in meditation, and more.

The second is will. At this time, your life will depend only on your actions. Decisions must be made only with the mind, rationally and logically. Intuition is silent during these stages, so all the “signs of fate” you see will be false.

Calculation and decryption

The calculation of the Fate card is very simple. First, you make a table and enter the values ​​​​corresponding to the date of birth into it. And then build a graph based on the resulting parameters.

What the table will look like:

Calculation order:

  1. Draw a table with eight columns and six rows
  2. On the first line, write down the day and month of your birth. In our example it is 1704. Write the year in the second line: 1954
  3. Next, you need to multiply these two numbers: 1704*1954, we get 3329616. Write it in the third line. If the number is six digits, write zero at the beginning
  4. Next, we change the zeros to ones and repeat the calculation: 1714 * 1954, we get 3349615. Write it in the fourth line
  5. Our calculations are ready. The last line in them is the years of a person’s life in increments of 12. The third line corresponds to the graph of fate, and the fourth is will.

The first row of numbers under the line (the first product of the numbers of the date of birth) are indicators of fate. What you were born with.

The second product, obtained by replacing zero with one, means the manifestation of the personality “I am.” There is already a certain forecast, a version of how a person can, through an effort of will, change his line of fate.

Plotting a graph

Now we begin to build a life schedule: according to fate and by will. To do this you will need: a sheet of checkered paper, a ruler and two felt-tip pens or colored pens bright color. We all made graphs at school, remember or ask for help from schoolchildren or students you know.

On the Y (vertical) axis we will plot indicators of fate and will, numbers from 0 to 9. On the X (horizontal) axis we will plot age, years from 0 to 72 years.

What does the chart look like for the date of birth, which we looked at as an example:

First, we build a fate line by points:

  • At 0 years old, at birth the indicator was 3, put a dot there on the Y axis
  • At 12 years old, the indicator is also 3, we put a dot on the sheet at the intersection of X - 12 and Y - 3
  • At 24 years old the indicator is 2, at the intersection of X - 24 and Y - 2 we put another dot
  • At 36 years old, the indicator is 9, we look for the intersection of X - 36 and Y - 9 and put a dot
  • At 48 years old, the fate indicator is 6, we look for the intersection of X - 48 and Y - 6, put a dot
  • At 60 years old, the indicator is 1, we look at the intersection of X - 60 and Y - 1, put a dot
  • And at 72 years old the indicator is 6, we look for the intersection of X - 72 and Y - 6, put a dot

We connect all the resulting points one by one with one line and outline them with a bright color. We sign in the line that these colors indicate the line of fate.

Similarly, build a line of will, taking as indicators the bottom row of numbers under the line with your date of birth. Circle the will line with a different bright color and sign it too.

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Individual horoscope online (free)

On this page you can build your individual birth horoscope (natal chart) online and receive a free computer interpretation of it. The interpretation of the horoscope, which you will receive by filling out the form below, can be considered the first approximation to a full interpretation of the individual horoscope.

To study your personal horoscope in more detail, you can sign up for a consultation with an astrologer, who will carefully examine your natal chart and draw up your astropsychological portrait and tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of your character. You will receive comprehensive information on how to use the potential of your personality to the maximum.

Now on the page you see the “Current Horoscope” - a map with the position of the planets at a given moment in time for Moscow.

To construct a birth horoscope ( natal chart) Enter your name, date and time of birth. The page defaults to GMT (Universal Time) time setting. If you enter your local time of birth, be sure to switch the checkbox to “local” time. Do not forget that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope! The acceptable approximation is plus or minus 5 minutes.

Select from the list the country, region and city where you were born. You don’t need to enter anything in the longitude and latitude boxes, they are filled in automatically! If your locality is not on the list, you can select the city closest to your place of birth, but the horoscope will not be as accurate. Next, click the “Create horoscope” button.

A “Natal Horoscope” with your birth chart will appear on the page. To get it for free full interpretation Your individual horoscope, select “Interpretation” from the “Horoscope” drop-down menu.

Please be careful and avoid mistakes when entering data.

> Natal chart online

What is a natal chart? This is a personal horoscope created using birth information (date, time and place). With its help, you can learn about everyone's karma, as well as inclinations, opportunities and expected circumstances that can affect the path of life. When drawing up a natal chart, you decide on a cosmogram. It displays the arrangement of planets in the zodiac circle and houses. And based on this information, the horoscope itself is deciphered.

Online program for calculating the natal chart

How to calculate a natal chart

This is a unique program that allows you to find out detailed information about yourself. That is, by entering data about the place, date and time of birth, you will receive details about your character, inclinations, positive and negative qualities and even look into the future.

How to use the card?

To a beginner who is not familiar with all the intricacies of astrology, drawing up a natal chart may seem like a daunting task. In fact, everything is much simpler. To get the full picture, you only need to enter your name, gender, date of birth and time. As for the last one, this is important point. Of course, it’s great if you know exactly when you were born. But if you do not have such information, then put 12:00:00 (and next to it in the column check the time - exact, only date or + several hours). Below, indicate your country, region and city, then the latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 1

Next comes a column with parameters. In “Horoscope”, always start with the “natal” column. Only after its creation can you create an event one, etc. On the right you see the “aspect colors”. Just put the colors you need in the columns that interest you. This will make it easier to see the final diagram.

Problems arise in the "House System" because beginners who have not encountered them do not know which one to choose. This is not surprising, because even professional astrologers disagree on which of them is closest to the truth. You can read more about these systems online, or find out which ones your favorite astrologers prefer. And you can start with the “cosmogram”, which is located in the last columns. Her beauty is that she is able to describe psychological potential, point out strengths and weak sides inner world and give a lot of other useful information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 2

When everything is ready, click on “Create a horoscope” and get your card. Now, how to read it? It's quite simple. By hovering your mouse over the planets to which the lines stretch, you will discover their meaning for you.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 3

But to get a full picture, you just need to hover over the Horoscope, and all the necessary information will open there: Description of the card, Table, Psychological porter, Horoscope of professions, etc. You just need to open what interests you and read the information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 4

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 5

Below are the coordinates and status of the planets with explanations.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 6

Dear friends, we bring to your attention a very interesting method of knowing yourself - “Maps of Destiny” from Robert Camp.

The strongest and most important symbol in the book is the Birth Card. It indicates who we are in this life and gives an understanding of compatibility with other people based on their date of birth.

You can find out your Birth Chart using the attached table. To do this, you need to find your birth month and select your birthday. Opposite the day is your Birth Card.

Now select the suit of your Birth Card from the pages attached to the post (under the picture).
For example, if you were born on September 25th, your birth chart is Q. You need to find the right card and read a lot of interesting things about yourself and your life.

Two of Diamonds
Personal Description

Twos of Diamonds are characterized by innate intuition. If they are guided by it, they will definitely follow the right path that will lead them to success. Closely related to this gift of intuition are high system values ​​and a sense of a special mission in life, the fulfillment of which often involves partners and even just acquaintances of the Two of Tambourine. These people are to a certain extent ambitious and most often strive for money. This ambition is useful because it pushes them to get out of the well-worn rut (in which Twos of Tambourines tend to get stuck, especially in love relationships). If the Twos of Diamonds listen to their inner voice, they will quickly receive their well-deserved reward. As a rule, they try to devote themselves entirely to one thing and reach the top in this area. This is one of the luckiest cards in the deck, and if the Two of Diamonds could not achieve prosperity, then it only has itself to blame. This card has been called the "dodgy businessman" because the people associated with it are usually involved in business and financial matters. They often work in partnership with friends and acquaintances. The Two of Diamonds is generally a partner card: its representatives rarely work alone.
Two is the number of logic, and Two Tambourines are very reasonable and calculating. They often enjoy working on the computer (and are good at it). But if the Two of Diamonds experiences emotional problems, its sharp mind turns critical and pessimistic.
From a financial perspective, this is one of the most successful cards in the deck. As a rule, Twos of Diamonds manage to make great profits from their activities, especially after 35 years of age. They have a lot to thank fate for.
Twos of Diamonds need to carefully ensure that social obligations do not undermine their health and well-being. Sometimes they get so caught up in work that they forget to take care of themselves. They can become rich through real estate, especially in later life, and save it into old age good health. Such people are quite capable of living to be a hundred years old.
Some Twos of Tambourine feel that their life is filled with special meaning and is aimed at fulfilling a certain “mission”. This mission is to bring higher knowledge of one kind or another to humanity and loved ones. The Twos of Diamonds are the messengers of Light.

In the romantic sphere, the Two of Tambourines is characterized by strong and lasting attachments, clear ideals and principles in love, which, on the one hand, are absolutely delightful, but on the other hand, these same principles and attachments can become the greatest obstacle to achieving happiness in love. Twos of Diamonds should understand that love and marriage do not boil down to some rigid ideals. Having started a relationship with a partner, the Two of Tambourines usually cannot give up its rules, even if necessary. Because of this, unsuccessful relationships drag on for a long time. As a result, Two Tambourine can become bitter, turning into a misanthrope. Twos of Diamonds—men whose marital life has not worked out emotionally will take mistresses, but at the same time resist divorce at all costs. Before getting married, such people should abandon the belief that marital ties should be eternal. The Pluto card for the Two of Diamonds is the Ace of Hearts, indicating a strong, but usually secret need for love. Of course, the Two of Diamonds may not attach any importance to this, since people with this Birth Card pay too much attention to the mental side of life and professional activity. But the inner thirst for love and self-respect underlies most of the love problems of the Two of Diamonds.
Typically, Twos of Diamonds have developed intelligence. But while they are a great asset in their careers, their powerful mind can be an obstacle to success in personal relationships, as it blocks the ability to experience and express feelings. If you try, this obstacle can be overcome, and then the Two of Diamonds will learn to share their deepest feelings with their partner, which is necessary for the formation of a healthy relationship.

Two of Diamonds—women can enter into successful marriages with men of spades suit. Twos of Diamonds—men will feel more comfortable with female Hearts. All Twos of Diamonds have good friendly relations with female Clubs.

For love and money

Twos of Diamonds have a lot in common with Aces of Diamonds in terms of love relationship. These general schemes related to that. that in the Basic Life Set the Ace of Diamonds stands next to the Ace of Hearts. These two Aces are actively manifested in the Life Set cards of both the Two of Diamonds and the Ace of Diamonds, not to mention the fact that the Ace of Hearts is the Karmic Card of the Ace of Diamonds, and the Ace of Diamonds is the Karmic Card of the Two of Diamonds. The special emphasis placed on the two Aces mentioned above explains a lot about the character traits of the Twos of Diamonds and the Aces of Diamonds: both of these cards strive with all their might to succeed in work and love at the same time.
The Pluto Card for the Two of Diamonds is the Ace of Hearts, and the Outcome Card (Cosmic Reward) is the Ace of Diamonds. Often the Pluto Card and the Outcome Card personify a certain choice that a person must make. What do I want: happiness in love (Ace of Hearts) or success in my career (Ace of Diamonds)? Both the Twos of Diamonds and the Aces of Diamonds must answer this question. In the case of the Two of Diamonds, the Ace of Hearts as a Pluto Card indicates a deep need for love in people with such a card. They will have to solve this problem throughout their lives. Twos of Diamonds are endowed with excellent intelligence and often achieve great success in their work. But in their love life, the Ace of Hearts denotes their weak point - a problem that is very difficult to cope with. In this area, no amount of intelligence will help.
When falling in love, Twos of Diamonds give themselves entirely to passion. The opportunity to satisfy a long-standing need for love makes such a strong impression on them that sometimes it seems to them that they no longer need anything other than a relationship with a loved one. This feeling is similar to the sensations of a traveler dying of thirst who suddenly finds an oasis in the desert. Work and career immediately take second place for the Two of Diamonds: the influence of the Ace of Hearts is too difficult to resist. But over time, when the “honeymoon” stage in a love relationship is left behind, problems with your partner begin to arise. When this happens, Deuce of Diamonds panics. She tries to calculate the relationship in advance, applying her intellectual abilities to the sphere of emotions, but usually this does not bring good results. In fact, the Two of Diamonds needs to think not about their relationship with their partner, but about their own rigid idea of ​​love and marriage. Instead, Two Tambourine continues to tell himself: “I can’t get a divorce. I can’t get a divorce. It’s better to stay married than to get a divorce” - and similar things. The person continues to cling to an unproductive situation, constantly complaining about it, but doing nothing. Some Twos of Diamonds begin relationships with extramarital partners, which can drag on long years, but at the same time they never divorce their legal spouse. If they manage to break off an unsuccessful union, then, as a rule, they become disappointed in love and return to work in order to at least compensate for their failure. After some time, the whole cycle repeats from the beginning.
Such a cyclical nature of love life is not a strict rule for Twos of Diamonds, but is quite common in their lives. However, if a person manages to admit it to himself. that needs love and affection, he can overcome this pattern. In general, the Two of Diamonds is one of the happiest cards in the deck. You have the weight to achieve success in work and prosperity in family life.

Two of Spades

Personal Description

The Two of Spades is a card of working partnership and friendship. Twos are generally characterized by fears, especially the fear of being left alone. And the Two of Spades is no exception. Many people with this Birth Card are willing to do anything to keep company. They are especially hurt by betrayal of friendship or trust. Karmic Card of the Two of Spades - Six of Peaks, one of the most powerful Karmic Cards, giving the fate of the Two of Peaks a special fatality. Because of her influence, the life of the Two of Spades from time to time falls into a well-worn rut, from which it is very difficult to get out. This same exposure brings health problems; however, most Twos of Spades are not characterized by bad habits, which helps resist diseases.
The double connection of the Two of Spades with Uranus in the Basic Spiritual Set indicates that representatives of this card are gifted with tremendous intuition. But to realize this potential, the Two of Spades must be sincerely interested in the spiritual side of life; and cards of the spades suit, as a rule, ignore it in favor of professional or career interests.
Twos of Spades are distinguished by good mental abilities and developed logic. These qualities contribute to success at work, but sometimes become a hindrance in personal relationships. Many Twos of Spades become so engrossed in their work and mesmerized by the power of their own logical minds that they try their best to avoid situations that involve challenges in these areas, and these situations include marriage. Twos of Spades are very talented and capable of achieving a lot in social life, but the Three of Hearts as a Pluto Card indicates the skeptical and indecisive attitude of these people towards love affairs in particular and towards everything that can disrupt their usual way of life in general. But in general, the life path of the Two of Spades is smoother than that of most cards, and people with this Birth Card do not allow themselves to become lazy and relax in vain. They often marry for money.
Many Twos of Spades achieve fame and even fame in life. Men born under the influence of this card achieve particularly noticeable success and often find themselves in leadership positions. The King Cross as their second Karmic Card indicates innate leadership abilities that manifest very easily and naturally in the right situation.
If the Two of Peaks turns to the spiritual side of life, it will show greater progressiveness, flexibility and efficiency in working to harmonize the world around it. This is a card of cooperation and brotherly love - a card of the Age of Aquarius, which humanity is currently entering. In this regard, the Two of Spades can serve as a model of friendship that will define relationships between people over the next 2000 years.

Relationships with other people

The Twos of Spades have perhaps the best “marriage karma” among all the cards in the deck. But they usually enter into a successful marriage in the second half of life - after they have resolved the problem associated with indecision and fear of love relationships. Often their love life is built on alternating attraction and repulsion. They either allow their partner to come close to them, or push him away from them, fearing excessive intimacy. The Two of Spades is an extremely logical card, which is reflected in its ideas about love. People with this Birth Card analyze various concepts related to married life and try to develop some logical conclusions that allow them to manage their relationship with their partner. But in reality, love life is a realm of emotions, and Twos of Spades tend to neglect emotional matters.
The good karma of Twos of Spades is explained by the fact that in past incarnations these people were generous with their partners, and now the time has come for them to reap the benefits of this dedication. Twos of Spades are excellent husbands and wives; they are faithful and devoted to their spouse. There may be long periods of calm in their love life, but the Two of Spades have only themselves to blame for this. Fears and doubts often prevent them from starting new ones. romantic relationship, and only working on yourself in the area of ​​emotional problems can help here.
The main culprit for the indecisiveness of these people in matters of love and marriage is the Three of Hearts as the Pluto Card. Twos of Spades too often try to rationally “calculate” love and marriage - and as a result they begin to “walk in circles”, not understanding that all their grief is caused by an internal fear of the future. In other cases, the Three of Hearts simply pushes away their chances of happy love. Again, Twos of Spades are unaware of this because they pay too much attention to the rationalistic left hemisphere of the brain.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Two of Spades—men are happy with women of the suit of Hearts. All Twos of Spades make excellent friendships with female Clubs. Twos of Spades—women dream of love with men of their own suit, but men of the Tambourine suit are more likely to be attracted to them. And Club men often consider conquering Women of Spades Twos a worthy task.

Classic pattern of the Two of Spades

As classic example Two of Spades, I want to bring in a person who was born on May 4th and fits perfectly into the type of hardworking and rationalistic person that most people with this Birth Card are. This person is a programmer who has achieved great success in his profession. He works for one of the thriving manufacturing companies computer games. Florence Kzmpbell in "The Sacred Symbols of the Ancients" writes that all Twos, as a rule, are afraid of loneliness. Our Birth Chart, like our sun sign in astrology, represents an energy that we tend to identify almost entirely with our personality. Therefore, Twos usually consider themselves half of a certain partner couple - in contrast to Aces, who to some extent perceive themselves as individualists and loners.
Two of Peak considers friendship to be one of the most important values ​​in life, both with men and women. They prefer to work together with other people. Even when they are alone, they constantly talk on the phone with their friends. Almost always one of their friends is in their house or they themselves are visiting friends. Two of Peak spends a lot of energy trying to get everything done together with other people. Friendship is much more important to them than to the average person. For the Two of Spades, friendship means joint activities, and not just communication or business, as in the cases of the Two of Clubs or the Two of Diamonds. In the area of ​​love relationships, things are somewhat different. It happens that the Two of Spades is almost ready to get married, but never makes it to the altar. Either he is attracted to women who do not want to marry him, or he himself does not want to connect his life with them. Despite all his powerful logical mind, the Two of Spades often finds it difficult to come to a final decision on the issue of love and marriage.
The strong trait of Twos of Spades is that they are the best friends in the world. All of Paul's friends love and appreciate him; he knows how to maintain friendly relations with women who were his lovers in the past. The only vulnerable point of the Two of Spades is that it experiences severe pain if a friend leaves her.

Two of Hearts

Personal Description

The Two of Hearts, which belongs to a special group of Semi-Fixed Cards, has a Karmic Spiritual Double - the Ace of Clubs, with which it shares many common properties. Belonging to the Semi-Fixed Cards gives the Twos of Hearts willpower: they are confident in their actions and do not accept anyone else's leadership. They are naturally endowed with excellent intelligence and insatiable curiosity, which contributes to intense intellectual development. But at the same time, the Two of Hearts never changes the essence of their card: first of all, they are “lovers.” They are characterized by a great need for communication with people and very high, sometimes unrealistic ideals regarding love and marriage. Twos of Hearts always prefer the company of other people to loneliness. They can wait as long as they want for the only person they need in order to give him absolute and devoted love. However, in some cases, Twos of Hearts can greatly recoil from what they so desired if their fragile ideals are shattered by harsh reality. They need to find a balance between the desire for highly spiritual love and the reality in which we live and with which their dreams of love so often collide. Developing a more practical approach to love can greatly benefit them.
The Twos of Hearts have quite happy life, especially in the field of material well-being and business. But still they need to be careful in all their business dealings. To avoid problems, financial agreements should be drawn up very precisely. Twos of Hearts almost always come to partnerships in business - that's why they need to learn to be attentive. You should also, if possible, not mix business relationship with lovers (quite a likely situation for Twos of Hearts).
Twos of Hearts usually prefer the company of wealthy and influential people. From time to time, they have fears and concerns regarding financial matters and care must be taken to ensure that this does not affect their health and well-being. It is useful for Twos of Hearts to study metaphysics. Many of them are endowed with natural abilities of mediums and can use them for fun or for the benefit of their cause. But, being Capricorns (this Birth Card falls on just one day a year - December 29), all Twos of Hearts tend to be too demanding and practical with themselves and others.

Relationships with other people

The Two of Hearts is primarily a card of a love affair, and they must certainly have a partner in their life. Like the Ace of Clubs, Twos of Hearts usually prefer to have at least some partner next to them rather than being alone. But there are still times when they refuse love - if they are hurt in some way or if they are disappointed. Twos of Hearts have an intellectual approach to love, and they need to learn through experience to compare all theoretical ideas in this area with reality. They also need to be careful in expressing their passion, since Twos of Hearts often find themselves in a testing situation associated with the pursuit of pleasure (especially at the expense of another person).

Compatibility with other birth cards

Twos of Hearts—women are often attracted to men of the suit of diamonds, especially if they have money and success. They can also make a good marriage pair with men of the heart suit, who are very attractive to them. Men of spades are usually friends with female Twos of Hearts. Twos of Hearts—men are often good friends with women of the cross suit.

Karmic Spiritual Doubles

The Two of Hearts belongs to a special group of four cards called Semi-Fixed Cards. But this name does not reveal the full picture of the special relationships between the cards of this group. The fact is that the Semi-Fixed Cards are two pairs of cards that move annually about the Great Solar Spread. The Two of Hearts and the Ace of Clubs exchange places with each other annually (as does the second pair - the Seven of Diamonds and the Nine of Hearts). This doesn't happen to any other card in the deck. But the most interesting thing is how these two pairs of cards are connected. The Two of Hearts and the Ace of Clubs are so similar in their properties that it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. If we look at their Karmic Charts, we see that they are the same. The same applies to the second pair of Karmic Spiritual Doubles - the Seven of Diamonds and the Nine of Hearts. From this point of view, we can say that these couples are spiritual spouses. Although this does not mean that you will find many Twos of Hearts married to Aces of Clubs. Indeed, in life it is difficult to find even the Twos of Hearts themselves, since they have the only birthday of the year - December 29. And when you consider how rare it is to find people with this Birth Card, it is quite surprising how often their parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, lovers and close friends turn out to be Aces of Clubs.
When the Two of Hearts meets the Ace of Clubs, the same thing happens as if you met a person who was born on the same day as you or who has the same Birth Card as you. Such a meeting contains enormous potential for the possibility of marriage or the emergence of intimate relationships. If such people get into a romantic relationship, they consider it a fulfillment of their dreams. But the relationship of Karmic Spiritual Twins also includes some debts or unfinished business from a past incarnation that needs to be worked out. There is no way to determine what these debts are or which of this couple will give or receive them in this life. However, it has been noticed that Twos of Hearts form alliances with Aces of Clubs much more often than with all other cards in the deck. And besides, these two cards replace each other in the Life and Spiritual Sets. These facts alone indicate that there are good reasons for the mutual attraction of the Two of Hearts and the Ace of Clubs and that their relationship is very important for both of them.

Two of Clubs

Personal Description

You will notice that people with this Birth Card have a variety of personalities. Some of them are afraid of almost everything - especially loneliness - and do everything they can to surround themselves with people who love them or with whom they can talk. They are sociable and enjoy engaging conversations. But there are other Twos of Clubs - living alone and seemingly not needing anyone. However, in fact, they are just as afraid of loneliness and there is always some person next to them to whom they are very attached. The behavior of the Twos of Clubs is largely explained by their Karmic Card - the Ace of Spades, meaning a hidden fear of death or change.
Nevertheless, these people are endowed with many natural abilities and talents. They are indispensable in business and for people who prefer partnerships at work. Their life path often turns out to be surprisingly smooth. This card is provided with powerful protection, and the Two of Clubs has a lot to thank fate for. If they simply understand how abundant their life is, it will help them get rid of hidden fears.
Twos of Clubs love to talk and exchange ideas. They have brilliant mental abilities, which they know how to use perfectly. These people are witty and charming, unless they are overcome by fear, which makes them irritable and quarrelsome.
In the life of Twos of Clubs, much is predetermined, so part of their task is to simply accept things as they are (especially themselves and their immediate environment).

Relationships with other people

Twos of Clubs are one of the most beautiful, physically attractive and smart people. Looking at them, it seems that they can conquer almost any person they dream of. And it is completely incomprehensible why Twos of Clubs so often choose partners with whom they do not have a good relationship. This is more typical for female crosses than for men. Their love relationships are a reflection of their own inner well-being and self-love. If the Twos of Clubs do not realize their innate fears and do not confront them, then often, just to avoid loneliness, they simply settle down next to just anyone or with a person “offended by life.” This can lead to dependence in relationships and other undesirable consequences.
The Six of Clubs as the Pluto Card and the Queen of Hearts as the Outcome (Cosmic Reward) are often for the Two of Clubs an indication of the predetermination of partnerships, the task of which is to understand the full responsibility of a love affair. You should carefully study the meaning of the Six of Clubs as a Card of Pluto, since it is often associated with obstacles that arise on the way to happy love. The Four of Hearts as the Card of Mars suggests that the Twos of Clubs often choose partners with increased sexuality or aggressiveness, and that the Twos of Clubs themselves can be the instigators of conflicts that arise from time to time. Twos of Clubs know how to look for flaws and mistakes in other people, but it doesn’t seem to help them make right choice partner. Many of them choose people who are far from ideal in many respects. But as soon as they start a love relationship, their critical nature immediately manifests itself and they begin to spend a lot of time and energy focusing on the negative qualities of their partner. For the relationship to be successful, the Two of Clubs should moderate their critical inclinations and learn to find the best in their partner (but at the same time, avoid idealistic blindness and ignore the gross shortcomings of their partner).
The insight of the Two of Clubs in choosing a partner will be rewarded. This is one of those Birth Cards that can spark a romantic relationship with almost anyone. This freedom of choice in the field of love relationships is explained by the fact that the Twos of Clubs themselves have something to offer their partner. And if they try to understand their motives, needs, feelings and desires, then they can attract the most loving and attentive partner who completely satisfies the need of the Two of Clubs for a loved one with whom you can share everything.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Twos of Clubs—women get along well with men of the cross and diamond suit. If they are more attracted to the position of a housewife raising children, then, perhaps, Club men, especially the King of Clubs, are more suitable for them as husbands. With men of the suit of diamonds, the Twos of Clubs women have stormy love affairs, which bring them a lot of pleasure, but not always long-lasting. Twos of Clubs—men must take care of women of the heart suit, relationships with whom they do not develop very easily, but bring a lot of benefit.

Shy Twos of Clubs

Florence Campbell in her book " Sacred symbols ancient" is very harsh on the Two of Clubs. In her opinion, this is one of the most cowardly and psychologically unstable cards in the deck. In my experience, I admit that this is completely true for many people with such a Birth Card. The culprit for this is the Ace of Spades, their first Karmic Card. Being a great symbol of death, it can cause the Two of Clubs to feel apprehension and fear in a variety of ways. life situations. Two of Clubs, of course, is not alone in this regard, but it is in her life that this topic arises most often.
Many Twos of Clubs suffer from imaginary, or psychosomatic, illnesses; they can turn into hypochondriacs and waste a lot of energy due to worries about their health. Other Twos of Clubs develop specific phobias - for example, fear of heights or closed spaces.
Not all Twos of Clubs admit to such fears, but quite a few do. The Ace of Spades as their Karmic Card symbolizes the realm of the unknown that lies beyond the rational mind. And in the case of the Two of Clubs, this unknown can give rise to the most nightmarish fears. For example, one of my friends is the Two of Clubs. When his first wife left him, he fell into such horror that he curled up in bed and lay there for six weeks! And at the same time, he is a completely sociable person who has achieved certain successes in life. He has many friends, and his life is distributed in such a way that he is never alone with himself. Here again the fact is confirmed that the Two of Clubs will prefer the company of any person to loneliness. This observation is true for all Twos, but for the Two of Clubs it is about peculiarity.
If we make decisions in a state of fear, we usually end up becoming even more entangled in our problems. When we are afraid of something, we lose touch with our natural intuition. We are ready to grasp at any straw, at anything that comes our way, just to quickly get out of an unpleasant situation. And very often the choice we make in this state turns out to be wrong in the future. Fear is inherent in every person to a certain extent. This is a natural part of our nature, sometimes even beneficial in that it prevents us from doing things that would harm us or others. However, when fear goes beyond acceptable boundaries, it leads to undesirable consequences, which is what happens with some Twos of Clubs. They make decisions based on fear - and thereby make their lives extremely difficult.
The way to overcome this negative trait for the Two of Clubs is to face your deepest fears. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." - said Winston Churchill. This idea is quite applicable to the situation of the Two of Clubs. The main thing that people need to do with this Birth Card. - admit to yourself your fear, shed light on the hidden corners of your subconscious and turn your face to the monsters living there. If this succeeds, the Two of Clubs will acquire a new source of power - the mystical energy personified by the Ace of Spades, an ancient symbol of secret knowledge and the Order of Magicians.

Often, to learn more about their own future, people turn to magic, namely, fortune telling with cards, coffee, mirrors and other magical tools. But this is not the only way to unravel the mysteries of fate. In practice, astrological solitaire works well, but a more informative method is , wherein

The main tool can be called the natal chart. It is built on a specific time, date, geographical place of birth of a person and represents the basis of an individual horoscope.

Features of drawing up a natal chart

For those who are just beginning to learn the basics of astrology, before starting to build a natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with some mandatory rules, which will help to carry out a qualitative analysis and ultimately correctly interpret its results. Otherwise, a beginner risks getting confused in the variety of symbols, which will negatively affect the analysis process.

Knowing all the nuances that require natal horoscope, you will have the opportunity to correctly determine cause-and-effect relationships between past and future events.

So, it is important to know that at the birth of a person, the heavenly bodies and each of the planets known to us are located in one of the 12 astrological Houses in a specific astrological sign. And all the angular relationships that exist between the elements of the horoscope are called aspects.

Natal chart with interpretation– this is a great opportunity to predict fate, find out what surprises you should expect, and what events you can avoid. But in order for its analysis to be as accurate as possible, it must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to note the luminaries in the Houses.
  2. Next, we fix the Houses in the signs and determine the aspects that influence the formation of personality.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine the position of the fictitious points in relation to the Houses, aspects and signs (here it is important to take into account the Rulers associated with a particular House out of 12 possible).

After these simple steps, we will eventually get a picture that contains all the elements of the natal chart. It is these elements that require further interpretation. Of course, in in this case can be used online interpretation, but, if you really want to engage in astrology professionally, it is better to decipher such a horoscope yourself, in order to gain experience.

Deciphering the astrological Houses

Astrological Houses symbolize the main events in a person’s life, and the decoding of their meanings depends on the numbering of the House itself:

  • The 1st symbolizes a person’s character;
  • 2nd denotes acquisition, be it real estate or money;
  • 3rd indicates exchange;
  • The 4th stands for home;
  • The 5th is usually interpreted as creation;
  • The 6th is the present that exists at the moment;
  • The 7th symbolizes union.
  • The 8th is aloofness.
  • The 9th can be interpreted as an ideal, which implies optimism or travel;
  • The 10th signifies independence, as well as position in society;
  • The 11th is about aspirations, hopes and plans;
  • The 12th stands for willpower and achievement.

Deciphering the celestial bodies and planets

To decipher what the heavenly bodies and planets in the map can be used astroprocessor, a universal astrological program that absolutely accurately constructs an individual horoscope. But you can learn these secrets on your own by familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances.

So, the Moon symbolizes the subconscious and everything that concerns it. heavenly body The sun is associated with a person’s personality, its shortcomings, as well as its advantages. Mercury is responsible for communication connections. Jupiter is yours Professional Development. Mars signifies the degree of activity shown in solving important problems. Venus symbolizes love. Saturn is responsible for ambition. Uranus can warn of unreasonable actions. And Pluto is nothing more than intrapersonal metamorphoses.

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart

In the natal horoscope, zodiac signs are characteristics. As a rule, all other indicators necessarily pass through the prism of one of them. It is these signs that give their traits to all indicators, and this directly affects a person’s fate.

As for the aspects, they represent a connection of an individual nature between the planets and show the nuances that allow the individual to become unique.

Decoding "strange icons"

When all the indicators are known, the only thing that raises questions is the “strange icons” found on the natal chart. Therefore, their decoding requires special attention:

  • The letter "Omega" symbolizes suffering and phobias (Rahu karma);
  • The circle with the letter “K” on it is the career area (Midheaven);
  • The letter “N” – family, housing necessary for a comfortable existence (Depth of the sky);
  • Reversed Omega is responsible for a person’s purpose in life (Rahu-dharma);
  • The unshaded month icon is associated with good luck (White Moon);
  • The icon of a shaded month located on a cross is responsible for everything negative that is in the soul and for our mistakes (Black Moon);
  • “Ms” – human relationships (Descendent);
  • “As” symbolizes our individuality (Ascendant). For example, Ascendant in Scorpio indicates a strong personality involved in the world around him.

Horoscope by date of birth

We invite you to use a free service to compile a personal natal horoscope and to decipher the natal chart with an accurate interpretation.

As you can see, drawing up a natal chart is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge in astrology, the acquisition of which will allow you to decipher the horoscope with ease.
We invite you to watch an overview video about deciphering your natal chart yourself
