Naftogaz of Ukraine. NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine JSC Naftogaz

Naftogaz (Ukraine) is a national joint stock company

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Naftogaz is the definition

- This is a national joint-stock company of Ukraine that processes gas, oil, and condensate. The company has five gas processing plants that produce motor fuel, liquefied gas and other types of petroleum products. The company has a proprietary network of gas stations. In addition to commercial activities Naftogaz performs an important social function, providing utility consumers, budgetary institutions and the population with natural gas at prices set by the state.

Naftogaz Ukraine- This a vertically integrated oil and gas company that carries out a full cycle of operations for field exploration, production and exploration drilling, transportation and storage of oil and gas, transportation of natural and liquefied gas to consumers. The company's strategic goals remain strengthening vertical integration with entry into the retail market of petroleum products and the petrochemical industry; strengthening the position of the main transitor of Russian gas to European countries, creating a diversified resource base outside of Ukraine.

Today Naftogaz of Ukraine is a state joint-stock company that currently fully fulfills Gazprom's requests for the transit of Russian natural gas through the territory of Ukraine to European countries.

Activities of the Naftogaz company of Ukraine

The oil and gas industry is the energy basis for the stable economic and social development of the state. Since its founding, Naftogaz of Ukraine has occupied a major place in the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine. The company carries out a full cycle of operations for exploration and development of fields, carrying out production and exploration drilling, transporting and storing oil and gas, and supplying natural and liquefied gas to consumers.

Over 90% of oil and gas in Ukraine is produced by the Company's enterprises. Through its own production, Ukraine satisfies the need for natural gas by 34%, and for oil by 10-15% (data for 2011). The state imports natural gas from the Russian Federation, oil and petroleum products from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, the Baltic states and other countries. More than 70% of all Russian gas exports to European countries are transported through the Ukrainian gas transportation system, which is about 20% of the total natural gas consumption in Europe.

At the end of 2011, the National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine received a special permit (license) for geological exploration and pilot development with further oil and gas production at the Budishchansko-Chutovskoye field.

During 2012, the Company carried out a complex of geophysical surveys, and in the third quarter of 2012, drilling of well No. 110 Runovshchinskaya began on a tender basis. As a result, an oil field was discovered - one of the largest in Ukraine over the past fifteen years.

When testing Upper Carboniferous deposits in well No. 110 Runovshchinskaya, an oil influx with a flow rate of 106.8 cubic meters was obtained. m per day. According to operational estimates, the minimum oil resources of the field are about 12.8 million tons.

Naftogaz of Ukraine is making significant efforts to increase its own oil and gas production. Now we continue drilling wells in the Budishchansko-Chutovsky area, where well No. 100 Runovshchinskaya has already discovered a gas field, and well No. 101 Runovshchinskaya has discovered new gas deposits,” said Deputy Chairman of the Board A. Katsuba.

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine actively participates in prospecting and exploration oil and gas operations, including international ones. The company strives to improve the efficiency of hydrocarbon transport systems.

In 2011 alone, geological exploration discovered four new gas condensate fields in the Kharkov and Poltava regions. Naftogaz carries out seismological research in promising structures of the Black Sea shelf.

Potential reserves of Naftogaz gas condensate are 400 million tons, gas reserves are 5.4 trillion. cubic meters and oil - 850 million tons. Naftogaz's hydrocarbon production subsidiaries account for more than 90% of the country's total production. In total, the company operates about 240 oil, gas and condensate fields, but the majority of them have complicated operating conditions.

History of the Naftogaz company of Ukraine

Industrial oil production began in the 18th century. and already in 1909, oil production in the Carpathian region amounted to 2 million tons. The gas industry of the fuel industry of Ukraine dates back to the commissioning of the Dashavskoye gas field and the construction of the first Dashava-Stry gas pipeline in 1924. Intensive development was caused by the subsequent discoveries of oil and gas fields in the territory of the modern oil and gas regions of the Dnieper-Donetsk, Carpathian and Black Sea-Crimean regions.

Ukraine reached its maximum level of oil production in 1972 - 14.4 million tons (together with gas condensate), and natural gas - in 1975 - 68.7 billion cubic meters. m. In 1945, the first export supplies of natural gas began from the territory of Ukraine - to Poland, and from 1967 to Czechoslovakia, and later to Austria. Oil transit from Ukraine began in 1962 - to Czechoslovakia.

In the 1990s, the only gas pipeline from Russia to Western Europe ran through Ukraine. The Naftogaz of Ukraine company, which transited Russian gas through Ukrainian territory, accumulated a gigantic debt to Gazprom. In order to get rid of transit dependence on Ukraine, a project was implemented to build the Yamal - Europe gas pipeline, bypassing Ukraine - through Belarus and Poland. At the end of 1999 it was opened.

In 2000, the government of Viktor Yushchenko resigned, Ukraine paid off its debts, and Russia received leverage to put pressure on Ukraine. After the launch of the first Yamal-Europe branch, the gas wars between Russia and Ukraine stopped. In 1999-2001, Ukraine supplied Russia with Tu-160 strategic bombers and X-55 cruise missiles, which remained after the division of the Soviet military arsenal in Ukraine, to pay off debts for natural gas. For this, Ukraine was repaid $285 million of the 1 billion debt for Russian gas supplied.

In 2006, Naftogaz gave the rights to sell gas in Ukraine to Rosukrenergo.

In 2013, a memorandum was concluded between Naftogaz and Turkmengaz on the resumption of supplies of Turkmen gas to Ukraine and European countries.

Characteristics of the Naftogaz company of Ukraine

Main gas pipelines - 39800 km

Underground gas storage facilities - 13

Deposits under development - 235

CNG filling station - 91

Gas compressor stations - 74

Employees - 179,000

Structure of the Naftogaz company of Ukraine

NJSC includes three subsidiaries (DC Ukrgazdobycha, Ukrtransgaz, Gas of Ukraine), 2 open joint-stock companies (JSC Ukrnafta, Ukrtransneft), two state joint-stock companies (GAO Chernomorneftegaz, Ukrspetstransgaz) and five subsidiaries (DP Ukrneftegazkomplekt, Gas-teplo, VZP Neftegaz, LIKVO, Naukaneftegaz).

Another subsidiary company is Ukrnafta, the largest oil producing company in Ukraine. In addition, Ukrnafta is the largest Ukrainian producer of liquefied gas.

1) extraction and processing

DK Ukrgasvydobuvannya

GAO Chernomorneftegaz

OJSC Ukrnafta(has a controlling stake: 50% + 1 share)

2) transportation

DK Ukrtransgaz

OJSC Ukrtransneft

GAO Ukrspetstransgaz

3) distribution and sales

DK Gas of Ukraine

DP VZP Oil&Gas

JV Ukrgazenergo(owns 50% shares)

DP Oil and gas networks

4) ensuring production

DP Ukrneftegazkomplekt

DP Naukaneftegaz


Heads of Naftogaz of Ukraine

The company’s activities are of extreme importance for the economy of Ukraine, therefore issues of company management are resolved at the highest state level.

1998-2000 - Chairman of the Board Igor Bakai, initiator of the creation of NJSC;

March - June 2000 - Acting Chairman of the Board Igor Didenko;

2000-2002 - Chairman of the Board Vadim Kopylov;

2002-2005 - Chairman of the Board Yuri Boyko;

2005-2006 - Chairman of the Board Alexey Ivchenko;

May - August 2006 - Chairman of the Board Alexey Bolkisev;

August 2006 - January 2007 - Chairman of the Board Vladimir Sheludchenko. He left his post due to disagreements with the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Mykola Azarov.

Since March 1, 2007, the Chairman of the Board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine has been Evgeniy Bakulin, who previously headed the NJSC's subsidiary, Ukrgazdobycha.

since March 2010 - Evgeniy Bakulin.

Main milestones in the history of Naftogaz: Ivchenko and Tymoshenko (2005-2006)

In 2005-2006, the post of chairman of the board of NAC was held by Alexey Ivchenko, chairman of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. Ivchenko was appointed to this post by parliament - on the proposal of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko; Yushchenko left Ivchenko in this post even after the latter was elected to the Verkhovna Rada in 2006.

On March 4, 2005, Ivchenko replaced the Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine Yuriy Boyko at the head of Naftogaz. Boyko was officially dismissed for signing a contract for the supply of Turkmen gas that was unfavorable for Ukraine (see Foreign Economic Policy of Ukraine). Viktor Yushchenko himself tried to persuade Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov to reduce the price, but failed.

Ivchenko previously worked for the Intergaz company, controlled by Igor Bakai; this company became a monopolist in the trade and transportation of gas after Yulia Tymoshenko’s EESU company left the market (in 1997). However, Ivchenko, of course, was not “Bakai’s man, who was part of President Kuchma’s inner circle.”

On March 28, 2005, the head of Naftogaz of Ukraine, Alexey Ivchenko, during his first visit to Moscow, proposed to the chairman of the board of Gazprom, Alexey Miller (probably in agreement with President Yushchenko), to remove intermediaries in gas trade between Ukraine and Russia, and divide equally “ income received from the transit of Turkmen gas to Ukraine by intermediary companies" (we were talking about the Swiss company RosUkrEnergo AG).

·In addition, Naftogaz proposed increasing the transit tariff for Russian gas transported through Ukraine to Europe to the market level; and draw up agreements under which Russia would pay for “the transit of its gas to Europe” not with “barter gas,” but with money.

Gazprom agreed, subject to the transition to “commercial prices for Russian and Turkmen gas.” But a day later, Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko spoke out against such a scheme, who stated that without “barter gas” it would be difficult for the country to ensure low gas prices “for the population and the public sector” (in Ukraine “housing and communal services enterprises and the population” they receive gas that is the property of the state: either “barter gas”, or gas that is produced in Ukraine and therefore is cheaper; and industry receives expensive imported Russian and Turkmen gas). The transition to cash payments increased the profits of Naftogaz; but the disappearance of “inexpensive barter gas” led to an increase in “heating and gas fees for the population”; In addition, there was a danger of rising prices for “Russian gas for industry.” Yulia Tymoshenko (including based on her promises to voters) adhered to the policy of “stable and affordable tariffs for the population.”

Subsequently, in December 2005 (already under the Yekhanurov government), it was to the “March 2005 proposals of Alexey Ivchenko” that Gazprom would refer, proposing to stop barter transactions and switch to “market forms of relationships.”

Main milestones in the history of Naftogaz: Yushchenko and Miller (2005-2006)

Ivchenko, as head of Naftogaz, had to solve two problems that could potentially worsen Ukraine’s relations with Russia:

Stop the reverse movement of Russian oil along the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline to Odessa - according to the new Ukrainian authorities, the oil pipeline should pump Kazakh oil in the direction from Odessa to Brody, where the oil pipeline connects with the Druzhba pipeline (this was never done during 2005 due to the lack of sufficient volumes of oil for pumping to Europe);

Significantly change the conditions of activity of the Russian-Ukrainian gas transport consortium - or liquidate it.

Agreements between Gazprom and Naftogaz on the creation of an International Consortium for the creation and development of the gas transportation system of Ukraine, which was to become the operator of supplies of Russian and Central Asian gas to Europe through the territory of Ukraine, were reached under Leonid Kuchma, in the summer of 2004, on the eve of the presidential elections in Ukraine. However, with the election of Viktor Yushchenko as president, the new Ukrainian authorities considered it inappropriate to transfer the ownership of a share of the country's main gas pipelines to a Russian company.

On April 26, 2005, Viktor Yushchenko personally held many hours of negotiations with Gazprom Chairman of the Board Alexei Miller. In particular, the parties actually admitted that the gas transport consortium project had no future, since Ukraine was not ready to discuss the issue of transferring its entire gas transport system to the consortium, and Gazprom did not agree to invest in the implementation of that part of the project that was beneficial only Ukraine (construction of a new gas pipeline Bogorodchany-Uzhgorod). In addition, potential foreign partners - the German Ruhrgas, the Polish PNG&G and the French Gas de France - also did not show much desire to participate in the consortium.

For its part, Gazprom rejected Ukraine’s attempts to resolve the issue of Turkmen gas supplies after 2006 (when the Ukrainian-Turkmen agreement ends) on the basis of its own contract with Turkmenistan and the construction of a trans-Caspian gas pipeline. The Russian side stated that gas reserves in Turkmenistan, at best, are only sufficient for a Russian contract. The parties agreed that RosUkrEnergo will remain the operator of the transit of Turkmen gas to Ukraine and its re-export to Europe, and Naftogaz’s desire to become its shareholder can be realized through the purchase of a share from the Austrian owner.

At the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, the issue of the “disappearance” from October 2004 to March 2005 of 7.6 billion cubic meters of gas pumped into Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities in the summer of 2004 was raised for the first time. At the height of the “Orange Revolution”, from October 2004 to March 2005, Naftogaz of Ukraine refused to carry out Gazprom’s orders to take this gas from storage, citing a variety of arguments - including its physical absence. According to Gazprom, these volumes of gas were not exported by Ukraine, and Naftogaz itself claimed that the gas had not gone anywhere. During the negotiations, Alexey Miller tried to “sell” the entire lost volume of gas to Naftogaz. However, despite Naftogaz’s assurances that it would buy the gas, the purchase never came to fruition.

In mid-June 2005, Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko accused the former management of Naftogaz of Ukraine (who ran the company under Leonid Kuchma) of involvement in this story. According to Ukrainian experts, the “disappeared” volumes of Russian gas were used to maintain Naftogaz gas storage facilities in working order, which led to “some problems” with its pumping and transportation to Gazprom’s foreign clients.

In mid-June 2005, Ivchenko announced that the “missing” Russian gas had been found and offered to return it before the beginning of 2006 with a 40% discount.

On June 28, Gazprom unilaterally decided to credit 7.8 billion m³ as payment for the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine and notified Ukraine of supplies of no more than 1.1 billion m³ of gas by the end of the year.

On July 18, an agreement was reached between Gazprom and Naftogaz to include the “missing” 7.8 billion m³ in transit barter. It was also decided that Gazprom would receive $800 million for Naftogaz’s debt to RosUkrEnergo in the amount of 5.25 billion m³.

Main milestones in the history of Naftogaz: gas conflict

In June 2007, Gazprom, during negotiations with Ukraine on the regime of transit and gas supplies, demanded to increase the price for gas from $50-80 to $160-170 per thousand cubic meters, citing the level of average European prices. It was also planned to change the tariff for gas transit to Europe. An essential condition was the separation of gas payments from transit payments. Previously, payment for transit was actually carried out by an agreed amount of gas, that is, it had a barter form that did not depend on the price of gas. The transition to a monetary form of payment makes it possible to separate the price for transit from the price of gas, which is beneficial to Gazprom, as a monopoly supplier of gas and a monopoly buyer of transportation services.

Ukraine categorically rejected the Russian proposal, insisting on extending the existing gas agreements with Russia until 2013. In September 2008, the government in Ukraine changed, which, however, did not contribute to the progress of negotiations. In the end, the agreement on gas supplies was signed only on the night of January 3-4, 2009 - see Gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine 2008-2009. On February 12, 2008, due to non-payment of part of the money for the supplied gas, Gazprom intended to turn off the gas.

On March 4, 2009, the Naftogaz building in Kyiv was seized by security forces - SBU special forces. The basis was the accusation of illegal customs clearance of gas, which previously belonged to Rosukrenergo. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko supported the actions of the SBU. Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko claims that the disputed gas belongs to Naftogaz of Ukraine, and the conflict was provoked by the desire of the president and his entourage to maintain corrupt gas supply schemes.

Project for the merger of Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine

After the proposal in May 2010 by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to unite the gas monopolies of the two countries, Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine, in July 2010, Prime Minister of Ukraine N.Ya. Azarov said that the Ukrainian government is negotiating the creation of a gas transport consortium between Ukraine, the EU and Russia. After this, the Russian side proposed creating a joint venture based on the main gas pipelines of Ukraine and Gazprom’s fields in Russia.

On January 25, 2011, EU Energy Commissioner Günter Oettinger for the first time directly stated that the allocation of EU funds for the modernization of the Ukrainian gas transportation system depends on Russian guarantees for pumping gas to Europe, and advised the Ukrainian authorities to convince the Russian side to abandon the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline and finance modernization of the Ukrainian gas transportation system. Ottinger mentioned that the total capacity of the Nord Stream underwater gas pipeline with a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters, which is being built in 2011-2012, and the projected South Stream gas pipeline with a capacity of 63 billion cubic meters will be 118 billion cubic meters and will allow Russia to supply gas to the EU without the help of Ukraine or Belarus .

Relations with the Naftogaz company and Ukrgas-Energo

Naftogaz of Ukraine owns half of the shares of the exclusive distributor of imported gas in Ukraine - the Ukrgas-Energo company. The second half of the company is owned by the Swiss energy trader RosUkrEnergo AG. The structure of gas distribution in Ukraine is such that imported gas from Ukrgaz-Energo is supplied exclusively to industrial enterprises, while Naftogaz of Ukraine provides gas supplies for municipal needs.

The transit significance of the Naftogaz company

The uniqueness of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine also lies in its subsidiary Ukrtransgaz, which manages 13 underground gas storage facilities with a total volume of over 32 billion cubic meters, which are part of the gas transportation system of Ukraine and are designed to ensure uninterrupted supply of Russian gas to European countries through accumulation stock. Thanks to such volumes of Ukrainian storage facilities, Ukrtransgaz is able to stably provide transit of 80% of Russian gas exports to Europe.

In terms of volume and capacity, the gas transportation system of Ukraine ranks third in the world, behind Russia and the United States.

International partnership of the Naftogaz company

Naftogaz seeks to expand international cooperation, including with regional “neighbors.” These actions are aimed at positioning Ukraine as a reliable partner for the transit of hydrocarbons, for the development of the national oil and gas market. Naftogaz is a member of the Gas Center of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, the International Gas Union, Eurogas, and the European Energy Forum.

One of the priority areas of international partnership is cooperation with the Russian Federation. In 2009, the leaders of the countries signed agreements between Naftogaz and Gazprom on the purchase and sale of natural gas and transit conditions through the territory of Ukraine for 2009-2019. NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine ensures uninterrupted transit and promptly pays for natural gas supplied by OJSC Gazprom.

The search for cooperation is also aimed at other oil and gas companies in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. For these purposes, a joint venture “Naftogaz Middle East LLC” was created in the UAE, a branch in Egypt and a representative office of the company in Russia. The Ukrainian company, within the framework of ongoing agreements, is actively developing the Alam El-Shawish East concession area in Egypt.

In Egypt, Naftogaz of Ukraine produced about 400 thousand tons of oil, which is sold on the domestic market of this country.

Naftogaz, through its subsidiary Zarubezhnaftogaz, has been commercially producing oil at the Alam El Shawish East concession in western Egypt since April 2010.

Concession agreement for exploration and exploitation of the eastern block of Alam El Shawish East with a total area of ​​994 sq. km was concluded in December 2006.

The total hydrocarbon reserves of the three fields developed by NJSC as part of the project for the development of the Alam El Shawish East concession area are estimated at 10 million tons.

In addition, in February 2012, Naftogaz of Ukraine and the Egyptian state-owned company Ganope signed concession agreements for the exploration and subsequent exploitation of two more hydrocarbon blocks - Wadi El Mahareeth and South Wadi El Mahareeth, located in the eastern desert of Upper Egypt with a total area of ​​over 20 thousand. sq. km.

The validity period of the concession agreements is 28 years. At the same time, the primary exploration period is about three years, the expected payback period of the project is eight years. The total recoverable oil resources of the two blocks are estimated at no less than 363.82 million tons.

In the future, NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine plans to strengthen the vertical integration and enter the retail petroleum products market; the company’s strategic goal is to consolidate its position as the main supplier of Russian transit gas to European countries.

Naftogaz discovered its first own oil field

In July 2013, the National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine announced the successful drilling of oil well No. 110 Runovshchinskaya at the Budishchansko-Chutovskoye field. This first own oil field is also one of the largest in Ukraine over the past 15 years.

“According to operational estimates, the minimum oil resources at the field are about 12.8 million tons,” Naftogaz said in a statement, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

The company clarifies that when testing Upper Carboniferous deposits in well No. 110 Runovshchinskaya, an oil flow of 106.8 cubic meters was obtained. m per day.

Naftogaz recalls that at the end of 2011 it received a special permit for geological study and pilot development with further oil and gas production at the Budishchansko-Chutovskoye field, during 2012 it carried out a complex of geophysical studies, and in the third quarter of 2012 at the tender started drilling.

NAC emphasizes that it is making significant efforts to increase its own oil and gas production.

“We are now continuing to drill wells in the Budishchansko-Chutovsky area, where well No. 100 Runovshchinskaya has already discovered a gas field, and well No. 101 Runovshchinskaya has discovered new gas deposits,” noted Deputy Chairman of the Board Alexander Katsuba.

Let us recall that Ukraine reduced gas production in January-February 2013 by 1% to 3.346 billion cubic meters compared to the same period in 2012.

Environmental policy of the Naftogaz company

The areas of innovation and investment activity of the Company in the field of ecology and energy efficiency include:

Greening of production facilities of the oil and gas complex of Ukraine;

Gradual reduction in the impact of economic activities of oil and gas complex facilities on the natural environment;

Introduction of energy efficient and energy saving technologies;

Use of waste energy resource of technological processes of enterprises of the oil and gas complex of Ukraine as alternative energy sources.

To carry out coordinated environmental, energy and resource-saving activities within the framework of a single logic and content, in June 2009 the Company created the Department for Ecology, Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy.

Reforms aimed at preserving the environment, rational use of resources, and minimizing the technogenic impact on the environment are carried out by the Company at the regulatory, technical and organizational levels.

In order to establish cooperation in the field of environmental protection, energy saving and alternative energy with leading companies in the world, the National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine signed interaction agreements (Memorandums of Understanding) with international organizations and foreign companies: Environmental Protection Agency of the Government of the United States of America (regarding participation in the Natural Gas STAR program); Sumitomo Corporation (Japan); Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan); Sojitz Corporation (Japan).

Memorandums of understanding and confidentiality agreements are being prepared for signing with international organizations and companies: Battelle Memorial Institute’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Danish Energy Authority; Mitsui & CO., LTD; with other foreign corporations who wished to remain anonymous at the stage of signing agreements.

Also in 2009, Naftogaz of Ukraine became a partner of the Natural Gas STAR International program.

Scientific and technical level of the Naftogaz company

In order to facilitate the technological and technical updating of oil and gas complex facilities in Ukraine, the Naftogaz of Ukraine company has created a database

modern technologies, which uses information from such international Centers for the Dissemination of Energy Technologies as CADDET, GREENTIE, IEA, CREST, EREN and others.

Priority projects in the field of energy efficiency, energy saving and alternative energy, which are planned for implementation using the resources of the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Technology Fund and other environmental partnerships and initiatives:

Modernization of the Ukrainian gas transmission system by replacing the gas turbine drives of gas pumping units with modern ones with an efficiency of at least 36%.

Introduction of electric starter starting of gas turbine units.

Replacement of line valves and piping valves at compressor stations to eliminate methane emissions.

Reducing methane emissions in onshore gas transmission equipment and gas supply and gasification systems by sealing valve stems and flange connections.

Introduction of improved gas heaters and modern systems for controlling and regulating the supply of fuel gas to the natural gas heater burner at gas distribution stations.

Introduction of heat pump units to replace gas-consuming heat-generating equipment at compressor and gas distribution stations.

Construction of a workshop at the Berdichev compressor station with electrically driven gas pumping units.

Promoting the implementation of turboexpander power plants at gas distribution stations of the Ukrainian gas transportation system.

Installation of a system for remote control and regulation of technological processes on main gas pipelines.

Implementation of a system for modernization and repair of gas turbine gas pumping units based on technical condition.

Creation of a system and center for monitoring, searching and eliminating greenhouse gas emissions using TSOT technology (targeted inspection and maintenance).

Increasing the volume of available capacity of electrically conductive gas pumping units for the operation of the gas transportation system of Ukraine using the “night tariff” for electricity.

Financial policy of Naftogaz (2013)

The adoption of the financial plan of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine in 2013 was delayed. Finally, on July 17, the Minister of Energy announced that the document had been agreed upon. And, if all goes according to plan, the company will have to cope with an $18 billion deficit. However, the preliminary version assumed almost twice the box office gap.

The specifics of the work and financial situation of the oil and gas monopolist are such that the adoption of Naftogaz’s financial plan easily turns into a highly exciting event. In 2013, the situation developed exactly like this. Rumors that the plan might be about to be adopted have been circulating since mid-spring. Finally, the government began seriously considering the document at the end of June. But the long-awaited event turned into almost a scandal: on June 26, several departments demanded a revision of the state giant’s calculations. “Today at the meeting they tried to approve the financial plan for 2013 of Naftogaz... The Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Revenue, NERC expressed significant comments on the financial plan, there were significant comments from the Ministry of Justice and, accordingly, the decision was not made... They did not accept it because the figures are unrealistic, there is no money “It’s enough, the financial plan is not being fulfilled,” the Svoboda people’s deputy Yuriy Sirotyuk shared information about what was happening.

It was not possible to deal with the problematic issue at the next meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers - on July 11 it was again postponed until better times. And only on the 17th the relevant minister confirmed: there is a plan. But he will not remain without reservations. “We have accepted it, now it is still being finalized, there are still some issues related to taxation. In general, we have seriously reduced the deficit, (it will be, - “Details”) somewhere around 18 billion hryvnia,” said Eduard Stavitsky, not going into detail.

The government's optimistic attitude, recognizing such a "hole" in the corporation's budget, sounds interesting. Especially considering that the Ministry of Energy seems to seriously expect that such a deficit will turn out to be a cash gap - that is, it will be “covered up” as the budget progresses. In any case, the minister answered affirmatively to questions about the appearance of possible profits. “Taking into account all the indicators in general, then yes,” Stavitsky encouraged. However, despite the fact that 2012 ended for the company with 10 billion losses, almost 600 million in profit (with 166 billion in income and 165.5 billion in losses) this year was promised by the first version of the financial plan - the same one that the Cabinet recognized "unrealistic". True, even then the main problem remained the notorious cash deficit. Only we were talking about completely different numbers.

The list of complaints about the June plan traditionally opened with questions about the deficit of 32 billion hryvnia, or rather, about how exactly the company was going to “patch” this gap. Those present at the meeting later said that the methods of saving the gap were internal government loan bonds (and since the beginning of the year, several billion worth of them have already been issued for the authorized capital of NJSC) and amendments to the state budget. Taking into account the fact that within half a month of work the deficit was significantly reduced, the mission was considered impossible. So in what details could the “devil” be hiding?

Then, in addition to the main point about the deficit in general, a number of NAC initiatives were criticized by several ministries. For example, the Ministry of Finance was worried about Naftogaz’s intention to continue trading in petroleum products, which was practically going to zero: in 2013, profit from this type of activity was expected to be 27.1 billion hryvnia, and a loss of 26.9 billion. Some other questions concerned the company's intentions to overspend on administrative services, underpay (according to the Ministry of Revenue and Duties) taxes and selectively hope to repay debts. According to the first financial plan, Naftogaz expected that heat and utilities enterprises would pay off their debt of 12.9 billion. But for some reason this was not expected from industrial enterprises that owed 5.9 billion...

Until the financial plan is published, it is difficult to judge exactly how NAC is going to either increase revenues or reduce expenses so that the cash deficit is reduced from 32 billion hryvnia to more than 18 billion. But a number of actions by Naftogaz and the government allow us to make some assumptions. In addition, according to information disseminated in the press, modest purchases and extension of loans will help save the situation. Namely, such intentions were announced in advance.

One of the state company's main hopes for the best, it seems, remains a reduction in imports of Gazprom gas. It has not only been repeatedly voiced in statements by government members, but is also the basis for the annual gas balance. However, the laudable intention to buy less comes with a number of challenges. One of them is a lack of understanding on the part of Moscow, which, while leaving aside for now the threats of courts “for shortages,” insists on filling underground gas storage facilities more actively than Kyiv plans. The second problem is that even reduced purchases require serious funds. Until now, Ukraine has indeed reduced the rate of gas withdrawal from Gazprom, which has also affected costs. But no matter how much they are going to pump into underground gas storage facilities - 15-16 billion cubic meters or 19-20 - most of them still need to be purchased. “Before the start of the heating season, Ukraine will need to pump in at least 8 billion cubic meters of gas to bring its volume in storage to 15 billion. At the current price level, this is about $3.2 billion. Naftogaz now has $1 billion received from Gazprom in the form of an advance payment (for transit - “Details”). The remaining 2 billion will have to be found from other sources,” warns senior analyst at Dragon Capital Denis Sakva.

The need to find funds to pay for gas and cover other financial gaps complicates the situation for Naftogaz. The idea of ​​fixing it, for example, by increasing tariffs for consumers, is not popular with the government - for obvious reasons. Other basic options are state or near-state sponsorship and loans.

A massive bond issue has saved NJSC more than once. However, on the one hand, pumping up the company’s authorized capital directly or indirectly with budget money is a path that is regularly criticized by the same International Monetary Fund. On the other hand, such “temporary” money does not inspire confidence in everyone. “By tradition, only friendly banks buy them (government bonds,” Podrobnosti), and therefore the new issue of government securities further aggravates the risks for them - if necessary, it will be very problematic to get rid of such securities. Moreover, Naftogaz’s problems will not end this year , which means that this practice will be used in the future,” Kommersant-Ukraine quotes Vasily Yurchishin, director of economic programs at the Razumkov Center. The country's leadership appears to be aware of the controversial attractiveness of Naftogaz's financial obligations. In July, the Cabinet of Ministers registered a bill on amendments to the budget, which, if adopted, would allow the government to independently determine the scale of state guarantees for payments from the oil and gas giant. “The company’s bonds, in comparison with other investment instruments on the financial market, may turn out to be unattractive for investors. Securing the obligations of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine to pay bondholders the par value of the bonds upon their redemption and interest income with a state guarantee will allow them to be classified as assets with a minimum risks that do not require the formation of reserves and can be used as collateral for NBU refinancing loans,” says the explanatory note to the project.

And yet, even with government guarantees, bonds “named after” Naftogaz may not be very attractive to potential investors. However, in this case, the already familiar circulation of funds in the budgets often starts - due to their duty, state banks are constantly interested in the obligations of the NJSC. They are the main creditors of the company. And direct borrowing is another possible way, although it also requires insurance.

Obviously, Naftogaz simply cannot refuse the practice of borrowing money, and, again, with an eye on the state. During just one July, it became known about at least two “debt” intentions of the corporation. Firstly, NJSC expects to receive a “fresh” billion from government-controlled Ukragzbank in 2013-14. Secondly, the company’s management is making plans to improve the budget not only through new borrowings, but also through refusing to urgently repay old ones. “We plan to extend the loan contract with Gazprombank for 5 years,” said the head of Naftogaz, Yevgeny Bakulin, on July 17. And, according to him, prolongation of a loan of $2 billion will require 500 million hryvnia in state guarantees.

Naftogaz and Gazprom agreed to withdraw and settle legal disputes. Naftogaz Executive Director Yuriy Vitrenko said this on Facebook. “When I signed the settlement agreement, which provides for the withdrawal of all pending lawsuits and stings Ukraine 58 minutes ago 0

Naftogaz launched an unlimited online broadcast about transit

The Naftogaz company has launched an online broadcast on issues regarding the transit of Russian gas since 2020. This was reported on the Naftogaz Facebook page. “Receive official, reliable information first-hand about the current state of transit and the actions of all Ukraine 15 hours ago 5

The Cabinet of Ministers allowed Naftogaz to sign a 5-year transit contract with Gazprom

Naftogaz received the right to sign an agreement with Gazprom. This was stated in Cabinet Order No. 1405-r dated December 30. Naftogaz may enter into agreements “on the settlement of existing gas disputes and on the basic conditions for further relations.” Ukraine 16 hours ago 2

Ukraine gave Naftogaz the go-ahead for agreements with Gazprom on gas transportation

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allowed NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine to sign agreements with PJSC Gazprom on the provision of services for organizing gas transportation through the country for 2020-2024.

Interfax 16 hours ago 3

Naftogaz and Gazprom signed a settlement agreement

Naftogaz and Gazprom signed a settlement agreement to fine the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for $7.4 billion. Deputy Minister of Justice Ivan Lishchina announced this on Facebook. “I cannot disclose the details of the deal... but it is important that Russia withdraws from Ukraine 19 hours ago 8

Naftogaz completed the “marathon of negotiations” with Gazprom

Negotiations between Naftogaz and Gazprom on gas transit, which started on December 26, ended in Vienna. General Director of the Ukrainian GTS Operator Sergei Makogon wrote about this on Facebook. “Today at 5:28 am we finished an almost round-the-clock 4-day negotiations Ukraine 22 hours ago 6

The head of Naftogaz, Andrei Kobolev, said that the parties have not yet been able to agree on the texts of agreements on the transit of fuel from Russia through Ukraine. Now, according to him, three documents are being discussed - an inter-operator agreement between OGTSU and Gazprom

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov commented on RT on the statement of the head of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine Andrei Kobolev that the texts of agreements between Russia and Ukraine at the negotiations in Vienna were not agreed upon

Interfax 2 days ago 2

The head of Naftogaz spoke about the fight with Gazprom “for every comma”

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, the new operator of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (OGTSU) and Gazprom continue to work on agreeing on the texts of agreements in pursuance of the intergovernmental protocol signed in Minsk on preserving gas transit after January 1, 2020, according to

Interfax 2 days ago 3

Interfax 3 days ago 1

Zelensky called Naftogaz's receipt of $2.9 billion from Gazprom "another victory"

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky called the receipt of $2.9 billion compensation by NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine from Gazprom according to the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration Court a big victory for the Ukrainian state.

Interfax 3 days ago 0

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov commented on RT on the payment of $2.9 billion by Gazprom to the Ukrainian Naftogaz according to the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration as part of the settlement of the gas transit dispute. Read more

Gazprom transferred $2.9 billion to Naftogaz according to an arbitration decision

The Russian public joint-stock company Gazprom paid the Ukrainian national joint-stock company Naftogaz of Ukraine $2.9 billion according to the decision of the Stockholm arbitration. The company's press service reported this today, December 27. Gazprom stated

IA REGNUM 3 days ago 1

Gazprom paid Naftogaz $2.9 billion according to a court decision

Gazprom paid Ukraine $2.9 billion according to the decision of the Stockholm arbitration. The payment of this amount was agreed upon in advance when the protocol of the agreement on the continuation of gas transit and the settlement of mutual claims was signed

Russian newspaper 3 days ago 0

Naftogaz of Ukraine received $2.918 billion in compensation from Gazprom in pursuance of the 2018 Stockholm arbitration decision. Thus, in total, based on the results of transit arbitration, Naftogaz received $5 billion from Gazprom. This was reported by the Ukrainian company

Finam.RU 3 days ago 0

The Russian gas holding Gazprom paid the Ukrainian Naftogaz $2.9 billion according to the decision of the Stockholm arbitration. A representative of Gazprom told reporters about this, RIA Novosti reports.

Naftogaz transferred UAH 13 billion to the state budget ahead of schedule

NJSC Naftogaz transferred UAH 8.5 billion to the state budget of Ukraine on December 26, 2019. dividends and 4.5 billion UAH. other taxes and payments. Chairman of the board of the company Andrey Kobolev announced this on his Facebook. "The Cabinet of Ministers, according to Ukraine 4 days ago 6

Kozak called the $2.9 billion payment to Naftogaz “a drop in the bucket”

Gazprom's payment of $2.9 billion to Ukraine as part of the execution of the Stockholm arbitration decision is a “drop in the bucket” compared to the potential risks for Russia. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak

Russian newspaper 5 days ago 0

Experts: the agreement with Naftogaz will support Gazprom’s exports and reduce legal risks

Moody's also believes that the extension of the transit agreement will support Russian gas export volumes and will allow diversification of gas supply routes to Europe

ITAR-TASS 6 days ago 2

Representatives of Naftogaz and Gazprom will meet on December 26

Representatives of Naftogaz of Ukraine and Gazprom will meet on December 26 to finalize agreements on gas transit, said Naftogaz executive director Yuriy Vitrenko.

Interfax 6 days ago 1 Key figures

Evgeniy Bakulin


Extraction, transportation and processing of oil and natural gas.

Products Website

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine(ukr. NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine"- national joint-stock company "Neftegaz of Ukraine") - a state-owned company of Ukraine for the production, transportation and processing of oil (Ukrainian nafta) and natural gas.

About company

Naftogaz of Ukraine is a vertically integrated oil and gas company that carries out a full cycle of operations for field exploration, production and exploration drilling, transportation and storage of oil and gas, transportation of natural and liquefied gas to consumers. The company's strategic goals remain strengthening vertical integration with entry into the retail market of petroleum products and the petrochemical industry; strengthening the position of the main transit country of Russian gas to European countries, creating diversified resource base outside of Ukraine.

The largest company in Ukraine, in 2004 it accounted for 13.8% of Ukraine's GDP. 97% of the country's oil and gas is produced by enterprises of this companies. NJSC processes natural gas, oil and gas condensate at five Ukrainian GPZ(gas processing plant), which are the property of the company. Thus, the company produces liquefied gas, fuels and other petroleum products. In 2009, the company employed 172 thousand employees (1% of the working population of Ukraine).

The structure of the company

Member of NAC Naftogaz of Ukraine includes three subsidiaries (DC), five subsidiaries (DS), two state joint-stock companies (GAO) and two open joint-stock companies (OJSC). The company's activities are divided into four branches: 1) production and processing, 2) transportation, 3) distribution and sales and 4) production support.

List of companies that are divided into branches

1) extraction and processing

  • OJSC Ukrnafta(has a controlling stake: 50% + 1 share)

2) transportation

  • GAO Ukrspetstransgaz

3) distribution and sales

4) ensuring production

  • DP Ukrneftegazkomplekt
  • DP Naukaneftegaz

Affiliated companies

A subsidiary of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine - "uk:Ukrtransgaz" - manages 13 underground gas storage facilities (UGS) with a total volume of over 32 billion cubic meters, which are part of the gas transportation system of Ukraine and are designed to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies to European countries by accumulating reserves in summer months followed by winter use.

Another subsidiary company, Ukrnafta, is the largest oil producing company in Ukraine. In addition, Ukrnafta is the largest Ukrainian producer of liquefied gas. Repair of turbines "Ukrgazenergoservice".



Industrial oil production began in the 18th century. and already in 1909, oil production in the Carpathian region amounted to 2 million tons. The gas industry of the fuel industry of Ukraine dates back to the commissioning of the Dashavskoye gas field and the construction of the first Dashava-Stry gas pipeline in 1924. Intensive development was caused by the subsequent discoveries of oil and gas fields in the territory of the modern oil and gas regions of the Dnieper-Donetsk, Carpathian and Black Sea-Crimean regions.

Ukraine reached its maximum level of oil production in the city - 14.4 million tons (together with gas condensate), and natural gas production in the city - 68.7 billion cubic meters. m. In 1945, the first export supplies of natural gas began from the territory of Ukraine - to Poland, and from 1967 to Czechoslovakia, and later to Austria. Oil transit from Ukraine began in 1962 - to Czechoslovakia.


Current state

Currently, the share of oil and natural gas in the overall balance of use of primary energy resources in Ukraine is 61%. The priority energy resource is natural gas, its share in the energy balance is 41-43%. Ukraine is one of the countries with a deficit of its own natural hydrocarbon resources, satisfying gas needs through its own production by 23-25%, and oil needs by 12-15%.

In mid-June 2005, Ivchenko announced that the “missing” Russian gas had been found and offered to return it before the beginning of 2006 with a 40% discount.

On June 28, Gazprom unilaterally decided to credit 7.8 billion m³ as payment for the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine and notified Ukraine of supplies of no more than 1.1 billion m³ of gas by the end of the year.

On July 18, an agreement was reached between Gazprom and Naftogaz to include the “missing” 7.8 billion m³ in transit barter. It was also decided that Gazprom would receive $800 million for Naftogaz’s debt to RosUkrEnergo in the amount of 5.25 billion m³.

Gas conflict

Project for the merger of Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine

After the proposal in May 2010 by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to unite the gas monopolies of the two countries, Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine, in July 2010, Prime Minister of Ukraine N. Ya. Azarov announced that the Ukrainian government was negotiating the creation of a gas transport consortium between Ukraine , EU and Russia. After this, the Russian side proposed creating a joint venture based on the main gas pipelines of Ukraine and Gazprom’s fields in Russia.

National Joint Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine" is a state-owned company of Ukraine, whose main specialization is the production, transportation and processing of oil and natural gas. The name Naftogaz comes from the fact that oil sounds like “naft” in Ukrainian.

Naftogaz of Ukraine is a vertically integrated oil and gas company that carries out a full cycle of operations for field exploration, production and exploration drilling, transportation and storage of oil and gas, transportation of natural and liquefied gas to consumers. The strategic goals of Naftogaz of Ukraine remain strengthening vertical integration with entry into the retail market of petroleum products and the petrochemical industry; in addition, Naftogaz is striving with all its might to strengthen its position as the main transiter of Russian gas to European countries. In addition, Naftogaz of Ukraine is creating a diversified resource base outside of Ukraine. Naftogaz of Ukraine is the country's largest company, accounting for more than thirteen percent of GDP in 2004. Ninety-seven percent of all gas and oil in the country is produced by the enterprises of this company. The national joint-stock company Naftogaz of Ukraine processes natural gas, oil and gas condensate at five Ukrainian gas processing plants in the country, which are also the property of Naftogaz of Ukraine. Thus, the company produces liquefied gas, fuels and other petroleum products. In 2009, one hundred seventy-two thousand employees worked at enterprises owned by Naftogaz of Ukraine, which is about one percent of the total working population of Ukraine.

Structure of the Naftogaz of Ukraine company.

The National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine includes three subsidiaries, five subsidiaries, two state joint stock companies and two open joint stock companies. The company's activities can be divided into four branches, which include:

1) extraction and processing,
2) transportation,
3) distribution and implementation and
4) ensuring production.

Subsidiaries of Naftogaz of Ukraine.

The subsidiaries of the national joint stock company Naftogaz of Ukraine include companies such as: Ukrgazvydobuvannya, which produces and processes petroleum products. Chernomorneftegaz can also be classified as subsidiaries; the company also carries out production and refining of oil products, and finally, the same functions are carried out by the Ukrnaft company, which has a controlling stake of fifty percent and one more share.

Subsidiary companies that transport petroleum products are: Ukrtransgaz, Ukrtransneft, and Ukrspetstransgaz. The distribution and sale of petroleum products is carried out by such Naftogaz subsidiaries as: Gas of Ukraine, Naftogaz, Ukragazenergo and Neftegazseti. And finally, the subsidiaries that provide production include: Ukrneftegazkomplekt, Naukaneftegaz and LIKVO.

A subsidiary of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, Ukrtransgaz, manages thirteen underground gas storage facilities, the total volume of which is over thirty-two billion cubic meters. These storage facilities are part of the country's gas transportation system, and they are intended to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies to European countries. Uninterrupted supply is ensured precisely due to the fact that gas accumulates in the summer months in order to use resources in the winter. Another subsidiary company is Ukrnafta, the largest oil producing company in Ukraine. In addition, Ukrnafta is the largest Ukrainian producer of liquefied gas.

The history of the formation of Naftogaz of Ukraine.

Industrial oil production began in the 18th century and already in 1909, oil production in the Carpathian region amounted to two million tons. Ukraine reached its maximum level of oil production in 1972 - then it amounted to almost fourteen and a half million tons, and natural gas production in 1975 amounted to almost sixty-nine billion cubic meters. In 1945, the first export supplies of natural gas from the territory of Ukraine began, for the first time they were carried out to Poland, and then gradually exports began to increase, and supplies were already carried out to Czechoslovakia, Austria and other European countries.

In the nineties, the only gas pipeline from Russia to Western European countries ran through the territory of Ukraine. The Naftogaz of Ukraine company, which carried out the transit of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory, accumulated a gigantic debt to Gazprom. In order to get rid of transit dependence on Ukraine, a project was carried out to build the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, bypassing Ukraine, which ran through Belarus and Poland; this pipeline was opened at the end of 1999.

In 2000, when the government of Viktor Yushchenko resigned, Ukraine paid off its debts, and Russia received leverage to put pressure on Ukraine. After the launch of the first Yamal-Europe branch, the gas wars between Russia and Ukraine stopped. In 1999–2001, Ukraine supplied Russia with Tu-160 strategic bombers and X-55 cruise missiles, which remained after the division of the Soviet military arsenal in Ukraine, to pay off debts for natural gas. For this, Ukraine was repaid two hundred and eighty-five million dollars out of the 1 billion debt for Russian gas supplied. In 2000, Naftogaz of Ukraine gave the rights to sell gas in Ukraine to Rosukrenergo.

In 2013, a memorandum was concluded between Naftogaz and Turkmengaz on the resumption of supplies of Turkmen gas to Ukraine and European countries.

Now the share of oil and natural gas in the overall balance of use of primary energy resources in Ukraine is sixty-one percent. The priority energy resource is natural gas, its share in the energy balance is about forty-three percent. Ukraine is one of the countries with a deficit of its own natural hydrocarbon resources, satisfying its gas needs through its own production by twenty-five percent, and oil by fourteen percent.

In 1991, gas consumption amounted to one hundred and eighteen billion cubic meters and ranks third in terms of gas consumption in the world, behind the United States and Russia. Over the past 20 years, gas consumption in the country has more than halved and in 2012 amounted to about fifty-five billion cubic meters.

Characteristics of the company Naftogaz of Ukraine.

Number of fields in operation - 234
. Operating well stock (gas / oil / injection) - 2568 / 2494 / 312
. Length of high-pressure gas pipelines, thousand km - 38.2
. Number of compressor stations / workshops - 73 / 110
. Capacity of compressor stations, MW - 5450
. Length of gas distribution systems, thousand km – 347
. Number of underground gas storage facilities - 13
. Length of main oil pipelines, thousand km - 4.7
. Number of pumping stations - 28
. Power of pumping stations, MW - 357
. Number of gas processing plants - 5
. Number of automobile gas filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations) - 91
. Number of employees, thousand people — 172

Management of Naftogaz of Ukraine.

The company’s activities are of enormous importance for the country’s economy, therefore issues of company management are resolved at the highest government level.

During the existence of the company, personnel issues underwent changes several times, thus, at different times, management positions in Naftogaz of Ukraine were occupied by:

1998-2000 - Chairman of the Board Igor Bakai, initiator of the creation of NJSC;
March - June 2000 - Acting Chairman of the Board Igor Didenko;
2000-2002 - Chairman of the Board Vadim Kopylov;
2002-2005 - Chairman of the Board Yuri Boyko;
2005-2006 - Chairman of the Board Alexey Ivchenko;
May - August 2006 - Chairman of the Board Alexey Bolkisev;
August 2006 - January 2007 - Chairman of the Board Vladimir Sheludchenko. He left his post due to disagreements with the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Mykola Azarov.
Since March 1, 2007, the Chairman of the Board of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine has been Evgeniy Bakulin, who previously headed the NJSC's subsidiary, UkrGasVydobuvannya.
Since December 24, 2007 Oleg Dubina.

Naftogaz of Ukraine company in the Yandex search engine.

Over the past month, users of the Yandex search engine have typed the query “Naftogaz” 4,911 times.

In addition, analysts from the Exchange Leader publication compiled a table that shows how popular the query “Naftogaz” is among residents of Russia and the CIS countries

National Joint Stock Company (NAK) Naftogaz of Ukraine is a vertically integrated oil and gas company that carries out exploration work, drilling production wells, developing oil and gas fields, transporting hydrocarbons through main oil and gas pipeline systems (including transit of Russian natural gas, and also Russian and Kazakh oil to third countries), processing gas and condensate at five gas processing plants, supplying gas to consumers in Ukraine, selling compressed and liquefied gas and petroleum products through a network of gas stations and automobile gas-filling compressor stations, and also provides scientific support for the oil and gas industry. The company also takes an active part in international projects for the development of hydrocarbon resources and projects to develop and improve the efficiency of oil and gas transportation systems.

Naftogaz Ukrainian enterprises produce over 97% of oil and gas in Ukraine. NAC is a leading enterprise in the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, one of the largest companies in the country. The total number of employees of NAC enterprises by the beginning of 2006 was 170 thousand people.

NJSC includes three subsidiaries (DC Ukrgazdobycha, Ukrtransgaz, Gas of Ukraine), 2 open joint-stock companies (JSC Ukrnafta, Ukrtransneft), two state joint-stock companies (GAO Chernomorneftegaz, Ukrspetstransgaz) and five subsidiaries (DP Ukrneftegazkomplekt, Gas-teplo, VZP Neftegaz, LIKVO, Naukaneftegaz).

DK Ukrgasvydobuvannya- the main company for the production of natural gas and gas condensate. The subsidiary company includes 4 gas production enterprises, a well drilling enterprise, and a gas and gas condensate processing department (2 gas processing plants).

DK Ukrtransgaz carries out the entire volume of transportation and storage of natural gas on the territory of Ukraine (with the exception of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea), supplying it to consumers, transit supplies of Russian gas to European countries, operational maintenance and construction of gas transportation system facilities. The subsidiary company includes 18 main production and service divisions, including 6 enterprises that operate high-pressure gas pipelines.

DK Gas of Ukraine carries out the sale of natural and liquefied gas on the territory of Ukraine to the population, public utility enterprises, budgetary organizations, as well as industrial consumers, energy generating companies and other business entities; coordinates the activities of gas supply and gasification enterprises, and also organizes the development and operation of gas distribution networks.

OJSC Ukrnafta- the main oil production enterprise. The company includes 25 production and service divisions, including 6 well drilling enterprises, 6 oil and gas production departments, 3 gas processing plants.

JSC Ukrtransneft supplies oil to oil refineries in Ukraine, as well as transits Russian and Kazakh oil for export to European countries. The enterprise includes two branches - the Dnieper main oil pipelines and the Druzhba main oil pipelines, as well as the Odessa - Brody oil pipeline and the Yuzhny sea oil terminal.

GAO Chernomorneftegaz carries out exploration and production drilling, oil and gas production in the Black and Azov Seas, transportation and storage of gas in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

SJSC Ukrspetstransgaz provides services for the transportation of liquefied gas in special gas tanks from manufacturing plants to consumers within Ukraine and abroad.

DP Ukrneftegazkomplekt carries out the supply of equipment, components and consumable materials with further service to the enterprises of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine.

DP Gas-heat organizes the operation, management and development of energy generating enterprises that ensure the production of electrical and thermal energy and heat supply to consumers.

DP VZP Neftegaz carries out trade in liquefied petroleum gas.

DP LIKVO(militarized emergency rescue (gas) service) carries out the development and implementation of a set of engineering measures to prevent the occurrence, as well as emergency work to eliminate gas, oil, water and open fountains.

DP Naukaneftegaz provides scientific support to the industry. The enterprise, as branches, includes the institutes UkrNIIgaz, NIPIASUtransgaz, Information and Analytical Center for Geological and Geophysical Research in the Oil and Gas Industry and the Metrological Center.
