Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for love for a girl. Prayers for finding love - Irzeis

Have you had a very bad quarrel with your lover and don’t know how to get back to your old relationship? Then our article is definitely for you. From it you will learn how to return the love of your chosen one with prayers, spells and white magic.

  • Every person, regardless of age, wants to have a close and loved one in his life. But very often, having found their soulmate, girls relax and do not notice how they begin to take the presence of their loved one for granted.
  • It was during this period that two lovers begin to have quarrels, which subsequently lead to a painful separation
  • Some girls try to simply get over this unpleasant moment and again begin to try to build new relationships. But not all women can do this
  • After all, if the feelings were very strong, and the girl realized that she had really pushed her soulmate away from her, she had to look for ways to return her beloved. In this case, conspiracies and love prayers can be a good option.

How to get your beloved man or boyfriend back

Love magic will help you get your boyfriend or husband back

  • If you nevertheless allowed your beloved man to leave you, then the first thing you should do is calm down and analyze your actions with a cool head. No matter what anyone says, only one person cannot be to blame for a quarrel.
  • When a scandal arises between lovers, they usually utter a lot of harsh words and complaints out of emotion. Therefore, before you start taking measures to return your loved one, give both yourself and him a little time to calm down.
  • Before pronouncing a love spell, weigh the pros and cons. And if even a drop of doubt appears in your soul, then refuse to use prayer
  • You can resort to this method of solving a problem only if you know for sure that your feelings are mutual and you want to live with this person for the rest of your life
  • But in any case, do not expect very quick results. After all, after the correct conspiracy and prayer return your loved one to your life, you still for a long time you will have to restore trust in your relationship

Rules magical ritual:
Select right time day
Get rid of bad thoughts from your head and heart
During the ceremony, clearly imagine the face of your loved one
Believe as much as possible that he will return to you

Conspiracy, prayer read at home

Strong love spell

Remember, every new day that your loved one spends away from you moves him even further away. This process is aggravated by the fact that you broke up under rather unpleasant circumstances. Therefore, the faster you find a way out of this situation, the faster you can enjoy each other again.

If you continue to sulk and wait for your chosen one to take the first step, there is a chance that conspiracies and prayers will not have the desired effect. After six months, his energy will change so much that it will be impossible to get through to his soul by any means.

This spell must be pronounced on the young moon while looking at the rising sun:
Holy God I seek protection from you
I trust in you and place all my hopes
I pray for your grace and quick help
Lord, return to me my beloved (say the name clearly)
God do not leave my prayer unanswered
Do not deprive your servant of your attention (say your name)
Great God and Holy Mother of God, help and save my love
Let the soul of your beloved (name) be only mine
Amen (say three times)

Conspiracy and prayer for the return of an ex-man, boyfriend

Conspiracy to bring back your husband

  • When a person whom she loves deeply disappears from a woman’s life, her first reaction, of course, is pain and misunderstanding of what is happening. But after some time the girl comes to her senses and begins to try to regain the affection of her beloved
  • But remember, if you really want to return your loved one, then forget all the grievances and set yourself up for positive mood. While pronouncing conspiracies, your soul and thoughts should be filled with light, warmth and love
  • The right attitude will help direct your energy message in the right direction and magic words will quickly make their way to the heart of their loved one. The prayer described below should be read every day for a week.

Prayer for the return of my husband:
O Lord, omnipresent, help your servant (your name)
Mother of God and all the saints and I pray for your help
Cleanse the heart of your beloved (lover's name) from bad feelings and desires
I pray fill his soul with love for me
Holy saints, return my beloved and his love to me

Prayer for a guy to call or write

Prayer for a guy to call

  • If it happened that you quarreled with your loved ones at the moment when he was sent on a business trip to another city, do not be upset. And in this case, magic will help you make peace
  • You can try to build a relationship over the phone. All you need to do is create a strong desire in your lover to hear your voice or simply receive news from you
  • After the conspiracy has had its effect, all you have to do is say the right words to your loved one, apologize for what you said and patiently wait for his return
  • But remember, after a guy calls or writes you must constantly keep in touch with him
  • If he doesn't call you, then you should. Just find out how he is doing, how he feels and tell him how bad you feel without him. So in a simple way you will maintain love energy even at a distance

Spell for a call from a loved one:
My beloved dear (name), I think about you
They are waiting for pleasant news from you, I dream of hearing your snowy voice
Remember me, beautiful vice stately (name)
I think about you, my beloved, every minute of every second of my life.
Take God's servant (lover's name) your phone and tell me nice words
When I answer you, your heart will melt and fill with love.
As I said so be it

Spell to make a man love you at a distance

Spell for love at a distance

  • Love is a rather mysterious feeling that can appear completely out of nowhere. A person can simply run about his business and meet his soulmate with just one glance
  • After this meeting, people begin to feel each other at a distance and understand when someone is feeling very bad or good. Such an energetic connection can only exist between truly kindred souls. It is precisely this strong love energy that helps lovers make peace at a distance
  • If you quarrel with your loved one and he leaves for a long time, you can try to save your love with the help of a special conspiracy. To enhance the effect love magic you will need to undergo some training
  • During the week, eat exclusively lean food, read your prayers at night, listen to classical music and watch positive films. Try to make sure that your body is filled with calm and peaceful energies as much as possible.

Love spell:
Great God save and preserve and cross all paths
I pray you, may your slaves (names) come together on the path and never separate again
Guide us on the true path, save our love and preserve
Be with us always and illuminate our path with your earthly grace

White magic

White magic

  • Quite a lot of girls, when faced with love problems for the first time, will try to solve them with the help of magic. Quite a large number of adults consider it less dangerous than black magic. But in practice everything turns out to be much more complicated
  • After all, if you make even the slightest mistake during the ritual, the result may not be what was expected. Therefore, before returning your loved one using white magic, first learn all the basic rules
  • But keep in mind that it will be possible to return the favor of your lover only if love really exists between you. If she's no longer there, white magic can't help you
  • This is due to the fact that it can only carry pure restorative energy, fill it with love, grace and protect from evil forces. Love spells, evil eyes and sugar spells in white magic are strictly prohibited

Basic rules of white magic:
A love plot must be pronounced in a whisper, but all words must be spoken clearly enough
Before the ceremony, the girl must cleanse her body with water and read the church prayer “Our Father” three times.
In white magic, conspiracies and prayers are said only to strengthen relationships. Forcing yourself to love yourself is prohibited in this case.
A special amulet or amulet can enhance the effect of a spell. It will be better if you make it yourself and read a certain prayer over it

How to get your loved one back: white magic spells

White magic ritual

If with the help of these conspiracies you manage to have the right impact, then you will be able to ensure both yourself and your loved one a long and cloudless life together.

A conspiracy that will help you return your loved one and protect your feelings:
Buy two candles from the church and bless them
Warm them up slightly and twist them together
Say the words: say: Just as these two candles are intertwined, so you and I will be entwined
Next, place them in front of the icon of the Mother of God and set them on fire
Say the following words: I am not lighting a candle now, but I am filling my soul and heart with love with the servant of God (name of my beloved), for me, God’s servant (my name), forever
At the end, read the Lord's Prayer

Spell for strong love for husband:
Pray before the icons and cross yourself
Bite your tongue and say: I bite myself, I call the slave (husband’s name) to me
So that (husband’s name) misses me, remembers me all the time, does not forget about me neither in the bright day nor in the dark night
As I want, so it will be
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Repeat the spell 9 times

Prayer for the love of a man, a guy is the strongest

Prayer for a man's love

  • Before increasing a man’s love for himself, think about how ready you are to create a full-fledged family and children. After all, if you need a man’s favor solely for pleasure and comfort, then in this case magic may not help. It is very important that this particular man controls all your thoughts and heart.
  • Only in this case will higher powers be able to help you fill the soul of your chosen one with warm and bright feelings. But so that you can live together long life you will have to keep this fire of love alive all the time
  • This can also be done with the help of prayers. The main thing you must remember is that all the words you pronounce must come from your heart

A prayer that will help return the love of a loved one:
Buy a new white tablecloth and cover the table with it
Place three church ones on the table
Light them and start reading the prayer
After each reading, extinguish one candle
O great Lord, I pray to You
Create a high wall, create a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an insurmountable melancholy
Lock it, Lord, and block it, so that the servant of God (name) loves only me.
Lock it and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God’s servant (name)
Key, lock, tongue. Amen

Prayer to Matrona for a guy

Prayer to Matrona for a guy

  • Although it is assumed that when reading a prayer, one must adhere to some strict rules, in the case of love conspiracies, it is quite possible to deviate from these rules. In this case, the main thing is sincerity and a great desire to unite with your chosen one.
  • Therefore, nothing bad will happen if you supplement the prayer with your own words. The main thing is that they give the right message and attract all the best and brightest to you and your loved one.
  • If you are going to pray to Saint Matrona for your beloved, then before pronouncing love plot Be sure to spend some time in the temple and pray to God. Only after you receive God's blessing can you begin to pray to Matronushka for great and bright love

Prayer for love for Matrona:
O blessed holy Matronushka
I call upon your mercy
Beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive me my sins, iniquities and falls.
I pray that higher powers hear your prayers and send me great love
Let the servant of God (name) turn his gaze on me
Let his soul be filled with love for me
Holy Matronushka ask the Lord for our happiness
Contribute to the wonderful merger of our destinies. Amen

Video: How to get a man back using spells and love spells?

This is the best and most effective way improve your personal life. Such Christian prayers for a man to love deeply can be completely different. We will present here not a canonical prayer, nor a witchcraft spell, but a special one, very strong and effective. This prayer involves some ritual actions. Early in the morning, at the first sign of dawn, you need to go to the river and find the nets set by the fishermen. Holding on to the net right hand, say prayer words three times.

Church prayer for a man to love strongly: how to return your beloved man with strong prayer

God help me. God bless.
And you, net, catch fish for the fisherman,
And for me, the servant of God (name), the groom.
Rise, my fiancé, from summer and winter,
From autumn and spring, from north and south.
I am talking about this network to my dear friend.
How do fish get caught in a net?
How they never get out of it anymore,
Without water they fall asleep in it and don’t wake up,
So would my fiance (name)
He came to my house himself
And he never left me.
I close all the roads for you (name),
I’m closing the return thresholds for you.
Until the network itself unties itself to all its nodes,
Until then, my fiance (name)
He won't give up on me.
May my words be sculpted and strong.
I close with an amenem,
I cover you with an amen.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Great moments in the life of Jesus are marked by prolonged prayer - for example, at the moment of his appearance on the Mount of Transfiguration: “And as he prayed, the appearance of his face changed” (Luke 9:29), or at the moment of struggle with himself in the Garden of Gethsemane on the eve of death, shortly before he was captured by the guards of the high priests (Matt. 26:3647).

Eat 100% white way attract true love into your life and restore family relationships! Action strong amulet of love Many women and men have already tested it on themselves. With its help, you will not only find your soul mate, but also be able to remove quarrels and negativity in the family, for this you need...

It is not surprising that one day his apostles ask: “Lord! teach us to pray." It is then that Jesus pronounces in everyday language, in Aramaic, as if the concentration of his own personal prayer - “Our Father”, an echo of the most persistent prayers that Jesus turns to the Father for the sake of people (Luke 11:24).

He backs up his words and instructions with actions—liberating acts no less eloquent than words. The Gospel reports many miracles performed by Jesus: these are physical miracles - he heals and heals, he resurrects; miracles with evil spirits - he acts as an exorcist of demons and victoriously fights possession; miracles with the elements - makes storms on the lake subside. Jesus is essentially presented as a healer, and those around him regard him as such, flock to him and joyfully welcome him for this very reason. A more detailed study shows that miracles and exorcism were popular in that era.

There is hardly a person in the world who would not dream of love in its brightest and most sublime manifestation. It’s a pity, but today such a concept as love is being replaced by promiscuity. In our time of pleasure, not everyone is ready for love with feelings, sacrifices and the desire to live a long, common life together. Cope with the trials that fate sends, pour out your soul, be able to listen, invest all your strength in raising children together.

Orthodox prayers for love, love prayers for unhappy relationships, can help those who long to find a soul mate and are ready for these feelings and sacrifices. It is not a sin to pray for love if you count on God's help. It is sinful to use prayer as a spell or spell.

According to holy scripture and biblical teachings, Jesus Christ attaches great importance to marriage. He blessed marriages forbade the Jews divorce, although this was practiced before the Coming of Christ. There is nothing reprehensible in asking God's help for a happy family life and pray for love.

In addition to God, with Christian prayers for love, reunion and finding betrothed, they turn to the Mother of God. They also pray for help in settling a family:

  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Apostle Andrew the First-Called;
  • Great Martyrs Praskovya and Catherine.

And also Christian prayers for mutual love are read couples of saints who glorified love with their lives:

  • Joachim and Anna;
  • Peter and Fevronia;
  • Adrian and Natalya.

Do not under any circumstances confuse a Christian prayer for love with a conspiracy, love spell or Indian mantra. Love is a gift from God. You can love not only members of the opposite sex, but also friends and your family. The Gospel of Matthew says that the love of many will become scarce when lawlessness increases.

The text of the prayer to attract love must be read every day and ask God to soften our hearts. Orthodox Church warns parishioners against being forced to love with the help of love spells and conspiracies. Love should only be voluntary and mutual.

Many people are afraid of failed relationships. After a negative experience in communication or attempts to start a family, many girls are wary of new acquaintances and relationships. Prayer to the saints calms fears and gradually instills hope. A woman who believes in the power of prayer will soon find new acquaintances and romantic experiences.

Before you start reading a prayer for love, learn some rules: The saints to whom you turn will hear your prayer, but only sincere ones.

Honesty is not only in desire, but also in thoughts. If you have no evil thoughts in your heart, then the Lord will hear and always help you. It is advisable to know the text of the petition to the Saints by heart. Prayer in your own words is allowed, but its effect may be less.

Stick to these conditions and the desired result will soon come. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a miracle right outside the church threshold. God will reward you for piety, chastity, selflessness.

The maximum power of love prayer is in October, on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. The Mother of God is the intercessor of all women, but this does not mean that you cannot pray at other times of the year.

Remember in advance that prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant does not help everyone. The saint senses prayer with malicious intent, and if your goal is to lure a comfort man, St. Nicholas will only drive you further apart. Also, women who try to take their husband and father away from the family will not receive a certain result. Therefore, say the prayer only with pure thoughts and hearts and with sincere Faith in a miracle.

If you feel that you need to hold off on a real and permanent relationship, it’s better not to rush. If you want this with all your heart, go to church and pray at the icon of the chosen Saint. You can write down the text of the prayer on a piece of paper, but over time it is better to learn it by heart. The Holy Mother of God loves all her children and is ready to help to each of them. Therefore, if you have a specific good guy, then turn to her, the Most Holy Theotokos.

There should be sincerity in your prayers; sometimes the person himself is not entirely sure what he needs. Do not cause harm by prayer, nothing will come of it, you will only incur the Wrath of God upon yourself.

Before using prayers for love, it is important to know that love is a feeling that is not limited to joy and pleasure. It is important to realize that this is a big responsibility. We are responsible for our family, during life - before society and people, and after death we are responsible before the Lord.

The Lord gives people love to create a family, respect and prosperity. Life becomes meaningless without love, even for a confirmed bachelor. The words of a prayer for love cannot harm anyone and are considered harmless and harmless, provided that you ask for sincere and pure feelings with a free person.

The prayer for mutual love has its own structure, but it is not forbidden to pray in your own words, as long as it is from the heart. Begin your appeal to God and the Saints by reading “Our Father.” This prayer glorifies the Lord God and thanks for everything that the Lord gives us. After this, you need to ask for forgiveness for bad deeds, wrong thoughts and words.

Remember, prayer for a loved one is not request about fleeting feelings and pleasures, but the desire to create a family and procreate, the desire to care for loved ones.

To perform prayer correctly, it is best to:

  • come to the nearest church where you will ask the Lord for love.
  • choose an icon of the Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow or another;
  • light three candles near the images;
  • cross yourself three times;
  • read a prayer while looking at the candle flames.

If you pray at home, then you need an icon and 12 candles.

The most powerful icons and prayers for love:

  • Prayer to our Lord God.
  • Peter and Fevronia will take care of the man’s love.
  • The Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ.
  • Moscow Matrona about a man's love.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia for mutual love

Oh, great saints of the Lord, miracle workers, princes Peter and Fevronia, from the city of Murom. I come running to you and pray to you, with strong hope. Bring from us sinners your holy prayers to our Lord and ask us for goodness, for our souls and bodies, right Faith, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, prosperity in good deeds, fertile lands, health and eternal salvation for souls and bodies.

Ask the Lord for his faithful servants, who cry out to him day and night in grief and sorrow. Intercede with the Holy Church and our entire Power: silence, peace and prosperity. Wishing everyone a prosperous and kind, Orthodox death. Overshadow those who come to you and worship your relics with the gracious effect of your prayers and fulfill all requests for good. Don't despise our prayers, offered to you with tenderness, and grant us the help of your Saint to receive eternal salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever, Amen.

The most powerful prayer to Saint Matronushka

Oh, blessed Matronushka, hear and accept us sinners. Accustomed to listening to the suffering and mourning, who hope and believe in your intercession and help, thirsting for miraculous healing. May your mercy towards us, fussy and unworthy of help, not fail. In bodily illnesses, heal and deliver from the temptations of the devil, who is at war with passion.

Help me bear my everyday cross, endure the hardships of life and not lose the image of God, the Orthodox faith, until the end of our days. Have strong hope and trust in the Lord God and love for loved ones. Help us, at the end of our lives, to achieve the kingdom of heaven, with those who have pleased the Lord to glorify the goodness and mercy of the Heavenly Father.

Second option:

Oh, holy mother Matronushka, hear my prayer, from a pure heart, enlighten me, extinguish my mental pain and help me live in love, fidelity and mutual understanding, so that our love multiplies day by day and grows, take away all obstacles from our path, save our relations are fine. Help us to live together all our lives, forever, until death comes for us. Amen. Amen. Amen.

O Holy Mother Xenia, living under the protection of the Most High, strengthened by the Mother of God, having endured hunger and thirst, heat and cold, persecution and reproach, received from the Lord the gift of miracles and clairvoyance. Today the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you.

Standing at the place of your burial, in front of your holy image, we pray to you: accept our petition, bring it to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, ask us for eternal salvation for good deeds and undertakings, generous blessings, deliverance from all sorts of troubles and sorrows.

Intercede with your holy prayers before our Heavenly Savior, for us sinners and unworthy.

Help Blessed Mother Xenia to illuminate with the light of Holy Baptism infants, youths in faith, fear of God and honesty, to educate the sick - health, families - love and harmony, monastics to be honored with strength of spirit, preserve our country and people in peace.

We hope and trust in you, for speedy deliverance and hearing, with you glorify Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers to Jesus' mother, Mary

Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Blessed Mary, look into my soul, I pray you, help me find a loved one. Bring to me someone who also longs for love. My soul spouse, whom I will love and who will love me, until the end of our days. I humbly pray to you, who knows the secrets of women and their suffering, in the name of our God. Amen, amen, amen.

To pray to the Kazan Mother of God, you must not only believe in God, but also know what you can ask of her. She helps:

  • in difficult life situations;
  • in grief;
  • in serious bodily illnesses;
  • in deep spiritual sadness;
  • in adversity.

Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God

Most Holy Theotokos, with faith, love and fear I teach before your icon, and I pray you, do not turn your face away from the servant of God who has come to you, beg your son and our Lord, Jesus Christ, to preserve our country in peace; to establish the holy church from unbelief, schism and heresy. Intercessor, deliver all those who pray to you with Faith from sinful falls, from evil slander, temptations, sorrow and vain death.

Grant us humility of heart, correction of a sinful life, purity of thoughts, remission of sins. Singing your greatness, be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, with all the saints, and glorify the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love prayer for quick marriage

My Almighty Lord, I know that my happiness depends entirely on how much I love You with all my heart and soul, doing Your will. I ask You, rule my soul, fill my heart with love. I want to please only You, as You are my creator and, my God. Keep me safe out of pride. Let chastity, modesty and intelligence adorn me. Idleness gives rise to vices, so give me the desire to work hard and bless all my labors.

My Lord, You said: it is not good for a man to live alone and gave him a wife and a helpmate, blessed them to multiply and populate the earth, therefore I ask, lead me to this knowledge to fulfill Your destiny. Hear my humble prayer, I send it to you from the depths of my soul and heart. I pray, grant me a pious and honest husband, so that we can glorify Your name in love and harmony.

Prayers to Saint Catherine

Oh, virgin and martyr, Saint Catherine, bride of Christ. I pray that you, with your great grace and wisdom, will feed me with heavenly teaching and guide me to the light of the truth of faith. So that I, having despised the temptations of the flesh, would be worthy of Divine glory and the expansion of the Holy Orthodox faith. I will make myself worthy of our Lord Jesus Christ, I praise and glorify Him. Forever and ever. Amen.

Attention, TODAY only!

God loves each of the people. People are God's children and human race has its own special role in the Divine Plan. Philosophers and thinkers have long been trying to find the meaning of life, but it lies in simply living, engaging in spiritual self-improvement. People should live for the good of the world, for themselves.

People turn to God with different requests. If requests come from a pure heart, with zeal and faith, then the Lord will certainly hear them and will certainly provide help. But he gives only what a person really needs, if the fulfilled request does not bring any harm.

Often turned to God orthodox prayers for a guy's love. Young girls and unmarried women they use petitionary prayers in the hope of loving and being loved, and finding happiness with a specific guy. It is necessary to pronounce the words with your heart, thinking about the object of your love, asking the Lord for this particular man to come into your life as a spouse.

Pass prayer through your heart

Before using this or that prayer for love, you need to understand that the feeling cannot be limited to pleasure and joy. It is imperative to realize that this is a responsibility. We are responsible for our own family, so during life we ​​will need to answer to people, and after death - to the Lord.

Love is given to people for respect, creating a family, and prosperity.

Life without true love can become meaningless, even for the most avid bachelor. Prayer words for love cannot harm anyone, therefore they are considered harmless. In this case, it is necessary to ask for pure, sincere feelings with a free partner.

At the prayer on mutual love specific structure, but you can pray in your own words if you wish. But before that, it is important to read the Our Father. In this prayer, people glorify the Lord, thank him for everything that God gives him, only after that they ask for everything they want. Ask for forgiveness for doing wrong, bad things.

It is important to realize that praying for a loved one is not magic wand, so everything you want cannot come true in an instant. Prayer words for love are a request to grant mutual warm feelings, but not for fleeting pleasures, but for procreation and creating a strong family.

What are some prayers for a loved one?

Love represents the source of life, happiness and inspiration. There are many different prayers that help convey the request for love to the Almighty.

Many people use prayers to Matrona of Moscow, asking the saint for well-being, health and love. Sincere requests addressed to Matrona will certainly help to attract long-awaited love into a person’s life.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow “For a guy’s love”

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Do not be angry at my request, but do not refuse your mercy. Protect my love from unrequited cold and help me find happiness in a vulnerable soul. May the servant of God by name (state the guy’s name) love me with all his heart and unite his fate with
me together. Ask the Lord God for a holy blessing and do not punish me with stingy loneliness. Thy will be done. Amen."

Sincere words will definitely be heard, and requests will be fulfilled sooner or later.

They also often pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Anne, and the Mother of God. The saints, being mediators between people and God, intercede with him for the fulfillment of a sincere request, and your cherished desire will come true.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker “For a guy’s love”

“O all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer, quickly strive and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, coward,
invasions of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and With the help of His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be with all the saints. Amen."

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “For a guy’s love”

“Before You, Most Holy Mother of God, I bow and only before You can I open my heart. You know, Mother of God, everything that I, God’s servant (name), want to ask for, for my heart is free, empty, it cannot live without hot love. I pray and ask, give me a quick way to the one and only,
who can illuminate my whole life with light and open his heart towards mine for the long-awaited and happy merger of our destinies and the acquisition of one soul for two. Amen."

Pray sincerely and with your heart

After you read the prayer, you yourself will begin to wait for some signs from the Almighty. And they certainly will be. People usually see and feel these signs and try to use them to benefit themselves and their loved ones.

It is best to stop inventing signs yourself. They will come when it is needed - not earlier, not later. Prayer for a loved one changes reality, influencing not only those people who surround you, but also yourself. This is due to the fact that everything starts with us, including our problems.

Prayers do no harm.

Harm can only come from love spells and magic. And a prayer for love is based on positive emotions, on faith, so you can expect only good from her. This does not mean at all that after reading the prayer, your beloved man will immediately be next to you. Love is a reward, and in order to deserve it, you have to work hard. Take care of yourself, be an interesting conversationalist and a spiritually rich person, and the Lord will certainly send you a meeting with your soulmate.

Many men very often turn to magical help and prayers for a girl’s love are among the most common. Prayer words differ from conspiracies and love spells in that they belong to white magic and cannot harm a person. As a rule, Orthodox prayers contain appeals and requests for pure and sincere feelings, without any coercion.

It is believed that representatives of the fair half of humanity are more sensitive and emotional when it comes to subtle matters. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that magic to attract the girl they like is something very rare.

Prayers for a girl’s love, and in particular conspiracies for mutual feelings, most often have a specific structure that is recommended to be followed.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be changed. You can pray for love even in your own words. Before you compose your own prayer, you should read the “Our Father” and only after it say the magic words.

When carrying out rituals, you need to take into account that prayers for a girl’s love are not a harsh influence that gives results within a few days. Such rituals are a request, an appeal to the Almighty.

Mutual feelings will be granted to a person if it is the will of God and people are destined to be together.

It is best to use words that will contain a request to indicate the right path and connect with the right person. And based on the result of such a prayer, it will become clear whether the girl is suitable for the man or not.

To awaken feelings

This ritual is performed for seven days every morning, without missing a single day.

“To the Lord God, our Savior, Jesus Christ, Mother of God
I'm asking for help. My true path, my Helpers, point out,
Determine my destiny, bestow love on me.
Please take into account my desire to be with God’s servant (name)
Connect our lives, reward us with reciprocity.
I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t live without God’s servant (name).
I ask for help and blessings.

Magic words are repeated three times. It is very important to be completely alone while performing the ritual. In addition, you need to focus on your desire and think about your beloved.

Ritual to return a woman's feelings

Sometimes it happens that two lovers separate. And the reasons are very different.

Regardless of who is to blame for the breakup, you can perform a ritual that will help you regain your former happiness and improve your relationship. The love ritual must be performed every day until the beloved returns.

“Lord God, help me, Your sinful servant (your name)
Return the love and affection of my beloved (girl's name).
We were together, we knew happiness, but we parted against my will.
My feelings for (name of beloved) have not cooled down, love is warm,
The affection and tenderness remained.
To be with (woman's name) is my only desire,
If fate brings us together, Your blessing will be
So let our life together bring us only happiness.

The magic words are repeated seven times. When a week has passed since the start of the ritual, you can call the girl or arrange a casual meeting. If after two months of reading prayers nothing changes, this can only mean that you are not destined to be together. Of course, you can try, but in this case, you will turn to black magic and the feelings will not be caused naturally.

Ritual for reciprocity in couples

The words are read for the images of Natalia and Adrian, which can be purchased in the church:

“The sacred two, Natalia and Adrian, sufferers and spouses,
I pray to you, servant of God (name), sharing my tears and pain.
Send patience to me and my husband (name),
Ask the Almighty for our happiness,
So that he may have mercy on us, send his blessing,
So that we do not perish in our desires and passions.
Deliver our family from betrayal, quarrels and discord.

Prayers for a girl’s love are a magical effect that belongs to white magic. It can be used both to attract the girl you like, to awaken feelings in her heart, and to establish relationships with a representative of the fair half of humanity with whom the man has quarreled or broken up. The effectiveness of prayer may depend on how much you believe in the effectiveness of magic and how much you want to be with your beloved.
