Potato peelings as a fertilizer – for which plants are they used? Feeding recipes. How to use potato peelings as fertilizer? Dried potato peelings as fertilizer

Every gardener thinks about how to better and more efficiently fertilize his plot. This not an easy task Not only chemicals from the store can solve this problem, but also simple “folk” remedies. They are much more accessible and safe - because they are environmentally friendly. For example, you can use potato peelings as fertilizer.

Potatoes are one of the most popular products, but at least 1/5 of the entire tuber is cut off along with the peel. IN best case scenario cleaning goes into the compost, but most often straight into the trash can. But in vain! They can bring great benefit on personal plot.

Article outline

Potato peelings are easily digested by bacteria living in the soil. Moreover, during the process of their decomposition, all nutrients enter the soil and can be absorbed by the roots of garden plantings. This releases heat, which warms the soil, and this is also important for growing plants. Thus, the fertility of the land increases significantly. Therefore, the harvest.

Potatoes as a fertilizer are also useful because they contain a large amount of useful substances. Namely:

  • vitamins (primarily we are talking about C);
  • glucose;
  • fats;
  • starch;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • mineral salts;
  • a whole list of organic acids.

It’s hard to disagree that such a list of nutrients will have a positive effect on plant development. In addition, potato fertilizer has a number of advantages over fertilizing crops with chemicals:

  1. Cleanings are available raw materials, for which you don’t need to spend any special money. They are in every home, and you can accumulate a huge amount of them, thereby providing yourself with a supply organic fertilizer for the warm season.
  2. This type of fertilizer significantly increases the content of fertile humus in soils.
  3. Regular application of purifications also has a positive effect on other characteristics of the soil: it becomes looser, thereby facilitating the feeding process for root systems and ensuring the flow of oxygen to them.
  4. Organic fertilizers (in terms of their saturation with micro- and macroelements important for planting) are much superior to various mineral complexes. Potato peelings are organic.
  5. When using chemicals mineral fertilizers the content of chemicals in plants and crops increases. This is unlikely to threaten human health, but products with a high content of such compounds are unlikely to bring benefits. Potatoes are a natural fertilizer.
  6. Often, adding organic matter to the soil is accompanied by increased growth of not only garden crops, but also weeds. When using potatoes, this effect is less pronounced.
  7. Cleaning can help control plant pests.

The use of potato peelings is completely safe for both humans and the environment, because no chemicals enter groundwater.

The plants themselves will not suffer: with such care they cannot be “burned” or “overfed”, which is quite acceptable when using fertilizers from the store.

But not everything is so perfect! The use of potato peelings as a fertilizer still has its disadvantages, which must be mentioned:

  • large volumes of application are required (this must be done regularly to achieve the desired result; one-time fertilizing will only have a temporary effect);
  • it is impossible to control the concentration of added beneficial elements;
  • it is not suitable for all plants, as will be discussed later.

Thus, potato peelings are a completely effective and affordable fertilizer for the garden. It has more advantages than disadvantages.

Before we talk about options for preparing fertilizer from potato peelings, we need to talk about how they can be preserved during the winter for later use.

The benefits of future feeding depend on whether this is done correctly, so you need to treat this stage with responsibility. There are two ways to prepare peelings - drying them and freezing them.


Drying the peelings remaining after cooking potatoes is not difficult at home, but you still have to work hard and devote some of your time to this.

Step-by-step guide on how to dry potato peelings:

  1. The first step is to collect the cleaning materials and rinse them thoroughly in cool water. This must be done until traces of contamination disappear.
  2. Then you need to thoroughly squeeze the raw material and wait until most of the moisture has evaporated from it.
  3. Then you can proceed directly to the drying process itself, which can be done both at home and outdoors, and using an oven or microwave.

When drying potato peelings on outdoors they need to be spread out thin layer on paper or fabric. At home, this should be done in a ventilated area. For example, a balcony is ideal. You can also put cleaning paper on the battery in warm room, be sure to periodically open the window. Inflow fresh air can protect them from rotting.

If potato waste is dried outside, you need to make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and is not soaked by rain.

On average, it takes up to 10 days until complete drying. Exact date cannot be named, because this time depends on the thickness of the cleaning and layer, conditions environment, temperature regime. Those who do not want to wait a long time can do it much faster thanks to the use of household appliances.

To dry future fertilizer in the oven, it must be heated to a temperature no higher than 100ºC. At this time, you should place a clean sheet of paper on a baking tray, and pour it onto it and spread it evenly with a thin layer of potato peeling. The door should not be closed tightly so as not to block the access of oxygen. After 3-4 hours you can turn off the oven.

The process will be even faster using a microwave. The drying time of cleaning products in it depends on the power of the device, the selected mode and the condition of the raw materials. If you experiment, you can find a suitable quick drying technology.

The readiness of the fertilizer can be easily determined by eye: completely dry potato peelings become brittle and translucent.

In this form, they need to be placed in pre-prepared fabric bags (so that they are ventilated). If drying took place naturally in the house or under open sky, then it is recommended to store the workpiece in a cold place: on a balcony, unheated shed or garage, so that low temperature destroyed possible pathogenic microorganisms. If you used an oven or microwave, a pantry will do.


Potato peelings for the garden can be preserved in another way - freezing. Is it true, this method has one significant drawback: volume freezers limited, and most often food takes up most of it. Before freezing peelings, they must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

The solution is to store cleaning products on the balcony after the attack subzero temperature. True, after the thermometer rises above zero, they should be used immediately. Re-freezing cleaning is strictly prohibited.. As well as using boiled potato peels for fertilizer - after heat treatment there are hardly any useful substances left in it.

How to use potato peelings? There are three main ways:

  • flour;
  • gruel;
  • infusion.

Let's look at each of them in more detail:

Potato peel flour

To prepare the flour, you will need pre-dried peels (the technology was described above). Then it is ground in a meat grinder, blender and coffee grinder. Such fertilizer can be stored in bags, but it should not be left on for a long time, because the flour can rot or pests and pathogenic microorganisms may appear in it.

With the onset of spring, the time comes to use this product, valuable for plant growth. Ground potato peels are good as an all-purpose fertilizer.

To make the pulp, you will also need dried peels, as well as a barrel and boiling water. Dry potato waste is placed in the kidney and completely filled hot water. This is necessary to ensure that possible fungi, microbes and pests are killed. After a week, dry cleaning will absorb moisture and become soggy. All that remains is to mix them well. The resulting porridge is ready for use in the garden.


It's quite easy to make an infusion. To do this you will need either raw or frozen potato peelings. They are poured with boiling water for 24 hours, and then the resulting liquid is used for irrigation. By the way, such a tool will certainly appeal not only to gardeners, but also to amateurs. indoor plants– they also react positively to such organic “treats”.

Simply spreading potato waste on the surface of the soil is prohibited: this can attract rodents and other pests that will harm the crop.

How to use potato peelings as fertilizer

How and why to use potato peel fertilizer

What plants are potato peelings suitable for as fertilizer? For almost everyone, because such feeding is both universal and effective at the same time. There are only a few exceptions: representatives of the nightshade family. It's about about tomatoes, bell pepper and eggplants. The fact is that these plants, along with potatoes, have the same diseases that can be transmitted along with organic fertilizer from potato peelings. It's better not to take risks!

Plant seedlings especially need to be provided with useful substances, so potato fertilizer when planted in the ground will come in handy. You can use potato flour or gruel for this purpose. They are placed at the bottom of the hole when creating it (about 1 handful), then a small layer of soil is poured, and another portion of fertilizer is added on top of it.

Sprinkle with soil again and plant seedlings. This will provide the young plant with the necessary nutrients for a long time.

For melons (cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons, melons, pumpkins)

Potato peelings as a fertilizer are excellent as fertilizer for cucumbers and other melons. It is necessary to take care of feeding them even when planting seedlings in the ground, as described above.

For onions, garlic and root vegetables (radishes, radishes, etc.)

For these crops, an infusion will be effective. It should be applied starting from the last ten days of May. The space between " potato fertilizers» It is recommended to observe it for two weeks. There is no need to try to water each of the plants at the root - just water the bed with a watering can without a nozzle (the infusion can clog it).

It is important to ensure that particles of potato peel do not accidentally fall on the surface of the soil, because this can attract unwanted guests in the form of rodents.

Potato peelings are applied as a fertilizer for raspberries in the form of flour or infusion. After watering, the soil must be loosened. It is recommended to periodically (1-2 times a month) sprinkle strawberries with flour.

Fertilizing with potato peelings is very useful for currants, especially black currants. With regular feeding, its berries become noticeably larger, sometimes reaching the size of cherries. To do this, every spring you should bury the pulp or soaked peel under the bush to a depth of 20 cm. This procedure can be carried out every year. Also in spring and summer, you can use potato peelings for currants in the form of an infusion, watering the bushes once every two weeks. The effect will not take long to appear!

How to use potato peels as fertilizer

Potato peelings can be used as fertilizer for different cultures. This is a natural organic product that can impart a lot of useful substances to plantings.

There is probably not a single area that does not have currants: black, white, red or pink. And, as a rule, it works well in any area. As for the differences between the types of currants themselves, they are small: red and white, as well as pink currants (this is a variety of red) are more sun-loving and like to grow in higher places, while black currants grow normally in lowlands, love slopes, and in partial shade its berries will be even larger.

To taste, white and pink currants are the sweetest, then black is coming, well, red currant berries traditionally have the most sour taste. By the way, this acid is special and has bactericidal properties. Therefore, you can use red currant juice.

Blackcurrant Proximity groundwater, the composition of the soil is not decisive for currants, although, of course, it prefers loam and loose, fertilized soil best. Currant seedlings are planted in the same way as tree seedlings, and this is done in spring or early autumn. Contrary to popular belief, currant bushes can be successfully replanted at least all year round, in some cases this improves their productivity, only when replanting, prune the plant significantly. If the bush is very old, prune it completely, this will rejuvenate it.

Correct agricultural technology immediately affects the size, taste of berries and their quantity. Great importance for currants, mulch the soil between the bushes, but don’t make the mistake of not starting to do this in early spring, let the earth warm up thoroughly. - and you are guaranteed to have a harvest. Currants love frequent and abundant watering and organic feeding. You cannot dig up the soil under the bushes - just loosen it carefully.

White currant means pouring hot water over the bushes in early spring, before the buds open; usually this is done while there is snow. But during this period it can be difficult to approach the bushes, and moreover, they may be partially covered with snow. Therefore, you will get the same result if you carry out this “promotion” at the end of November. For currant bushes it would be good to make wooden or metal fencing so that branches with ripening berries do not bend towards the ground.

By by and large, the taste of currants depends on the variety, but they are always berries with varying degrees of acidity. There are a limited number of truly sweet blackcurrant varieties. But there is a way to help make the berries sweeter.

Red currant This is a starch feeding; currants are extremely responsive to starch. Moreover, ordinary powdered starch from the store will not work here - this form is practically indigestible for currants. You can successfully use potato peelings, but this is not the best option, since even thin peelings can germinate, but will not benefit the currants. Then you will have to weed out the potatoes from under the berry bushes.

That's why the most the best option is a special “bread” fertilizer.

It is prepared in a very ordinary barrel for watering, the cooking process goes on itself, without our participation - you just need to pour a certain amount of water into the barrel and over a period of time put nettle greens, snouts and pieces of stale bread there. Bread should predominate, the proportion is approximately this: 70% bread and 30% green mass. You can also put those same potato peelings there. To speed up the process and avoid odor, tie the barrel with oilcloth, like a “lid”. In about three weeks, you will have a wonderful fertilizer ready to use. If necessary, you can make another portion.

With this fertilizer, the berries will be larger than usual and much sweeter, even for red currants, not to mention black ones. It is enough to fertilize them berry bushes 2-3 times. The first time is when the ovaries are already large, the second time is when the berries begin to ripen, and the third time is shortly before harvesting. By the way, “grain fertilizer” is suitable not only for currants, but also for fertilizing vegetables - it increases productivity. And also - for the autumn “refueling” of the soil - in this case, simply pour the contents of the barrels evenly over all the beds.

Experienced gardeners are in no hurry to throw potato peelings into the trash or use them for compost. In order not to fertilize horticultural crops store-bought “chemistry”, they use the peels of everyone’s favorite potatoes as an excellent fertilizer. Today we will tell you why potato peelings are best fertilizer for currant bushes, how to prepare them correctly, how to use them and what results can be obtained.

How to prepare fertilizer

The use of fertilizers of natural origin, which are easy to obtain without fear of harm to health, is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. Potato peel contains a large number of microelements beneficial for plants. These are phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium, magnesium. For example, potassium allows you to get juicier and sweeter berries. And phosphorus is responsible for fast growth roots and helps normal flowering of crops.

Potato peelings are good fertilizer for plants such as gooseberries, currants, raspberries, many other types of berries and ornamental shrubs. They have a beneficial effect on growth fruit trees, wild strawberry and strawberry bushes, rows vegetable crops, flowers, including and indoor views. The use of such fertilizers for potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis and nightshade plants, as well as garlic is not recommended. Since pathogenic fungi sometimes remain on the peel, dangerous for the above-mentioned crops.

It is recommended to dry or freeze potato skins at home. If there is sub-zero temperature outside, it is permissible to lay them out on a cold balcony. With the arrival of early spring, the prepared raw materials should be immediately taken to the site. Otherwise, the peel may begin to rot and ooze bad smell.

Drying potato peelings is more reliable and convenient. Although you will have to spend some time on this. It is recommended to do this on a hot battery. You can place the peel in the oven. To obtain excellent raw materials for fertilizer, it is recommended that after drying, grind the material using a meat grinder and dry it again in the oven. When spring comes, the skins need to be placed in a barrel or other large container. They are usually poured with boiling water, left to soak for a couple of days and stirred from time to time.

How to use

First, the composition made by yourself is poured into the bottom of the prepared holes, and then the plants are planted. The frequency of applying such fertilizer is every 10 to 14 days. Do not forget to strain the infusion through a sieve before use. This applies to vegetable crops. In practice, potato peelings have proven to be an excellent fertilizer for currants and similar berry bushes. They give the gardener the opportunity to collect not only large, but also very tasty berries. It is especially important to feed the bush with such a solution during the period when the ovaries appear, when the berries ripen, shortly before the planned harvest.

To potato fertilizer brought clear benefits, you need to remember simple rules its use on the site. It is not recommended to place cleaning systems on the surface of the ground. Because this way you will not only spoil appearance plot, but you will also attract rodents. For currants and other fruit and berry crops, peelings should be dug in close to the root system. It is best to use dry raw materials for these purposes.

It is recommended in the spring, before the currants begin to bloom, to make a projection of the crown of the bush onto the surface of the earth. Next, a groove will be dug along the already outlined line. Its normal depth is about 15 cm. A layer of dry cleaning should be laid out at the bottom and buried. During the decomposition process, the potato peel will saturate the currant bush with all the necessary substances. If plants have recently suffered from scab or late blight, it is recommended to pre-disinfect the cleaning. A slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate will help you with this.

The result of fertilizer

Many gardeners have already managed to own experience verify the effectiveness of such fertilizer. It contains a lot of starch and glucose, which are so necessary for currants for full growth and development. Burying cleaning is permissible both in spring and summer. It is recommended to use them either dry or pre-filled with boiling water to obtain a solution. It must be cooled before use. When you remove fallen leaves in the fall, loosen the soil, do not forget to dig dry cleaning in a circle. And on top you need to place a layer of dry grass. Then you can realistically expect a good result.

The use of such fertilizer can increase the fertility of the land. Its structure is improved. The soil on the site becomes looser and lighter. These indicators are especially relevant for silt, clay and peat soils.

Top dressing is safe and non-toxic for both shrubs and humans. Unlike modern “chemicals” that can be purchased in the store, fertilizer from potato peelings is organic and begins to decompose faster, as it is processed by bacteria present in the soil structure. You can be sure that needed by plants For correct height and development of microelements in as soon as possible will reach them through the root system.

One thing to keep in mind is the minor " side effect" Due to rapid decomposition, significant heat will be generated. The soil will warm up much faster if you plan to apply fertilizers in the spring.

This fertilizer is very beneficial in financially. Because there is no gardener who does not grow potatoes in his garden and does not use them for food. And even with the excellent quality of the tubers, 5th of the total volume of your favorite vegetable must be disposed of during cleaning. Therefore, potato peelings can be safely called an almost free, useful and effective fertilizer.

If, when using other natural fertilizers, not only intensive growth is observed cultivated plants on the site, but also weeds, then in the case of potato peelings this effect is less pronounced. Such fertilizer is necessary for many agricultural crops at all stages of their development.

Video “How to use fertilizers from potato peelings”

From this video you will learn how to properly use fertilizers from potato peelings.

Gardeners practicing organic farming on their own summer cottages, know firsthand what a huge amount of organic matter is required per season. Therefore, nothing is wasted: rotten wood is burned to produce ash, wood chips and small branches are sent to the raspberry garden as mulch, kitchen waste goes to compost heap etc.

But then winter comes, summer residents return to their city apartments, where everything useful waste, which could help or improve soil fertility, turn into ordinary garbage. You can’t make a fire in an apartment and you can’t build a compost heap.

And yet... Some organic matter can and should be stored in the winter, so that later it can be used beneficially for your garden.

Dry onion peels do not rot or spoil. It stores well in fabric or open plastic bags, so it can easily be stored all winter.

The phytoncides contained in onion scales will subsequently help fight pests. Onion infusion is used, for example, for spraying currant bushes or cucumbers.

You can water any crops with an infusion of onion peels to increase their productivity; this procedure is especially useful for tomatoes.

Potato peelings are the best fertilizer for currants

Potato peelings are a source of starch, which currants like so much that their berries become the size of cherries. Want to ? Don’t be too lazy to dry out the potato skins over the winter.

Cleanings dry well on a radiator or simply laid out in one layer on a windowsill; when dry, they are best stored in fabric bags.

During the spring-summer season, dry potato peelings can be buried under the bushes or brewed with boiling water, cooled and the resulting decoction can be used to water currants.

It is also recommended to use potato peelings as fertilizer when planting cabbage and cucumbers. To do this, dry peelings are soaked and ground into a paste. When preparing the holes, “potato porridge” is placed on the bottom, sprinkled with soil on top, and then the seedlings are planted.

Egg shells as a source of calcium

It is very easy to accumulate a large number of eggshells over the winter. First, you should dry the shell a little so that the protein remaining inside does not begin to emit an unpleasant odor, and then simply fold it into the usual plastic bag and chop well. This way, the shells will not take up much space, and in the spring they will go to the dacha as an excellent organic fertilizer, especially valuable on acidified soils.

Eggshells are used for crops that require calcium. These are eggplants, peppers, melons and watermelons, and beets.

Crushed egg shells are added to tree trunk circles fruit trees, especially cherries, plums and other stone fruits, and are also buried under rose bushes.

If best use There are no eggshells to be found, they are simply placed in the compost.

Pumpkin seed husks - future mulch

Thus, a lover of pumpkin seeds can provide an entire bed of vegetables with excellent mulch over a long winter. You can also store pistachio and hazelnut shells, dry peanut pods, etc.

Citrus peels from pests

We are no strangers to drying citrus peels: many people like to add them to tea because of their excellent, unique aroma.

Lemon, orange and tangerine peels will also help cope with some pests, especially aphids.

There are several recipes useful infusions from citrus peels:

  • Pour 100 grams of dry lemon peels into 1 liter. water and leave in dark place 3-4 days;
  • 1 kg. Pass citrus peelings through a meat grinder, put in a 3-liter jar, add water and leave in the dark for 5 days. Dry peels should be pre-soaked. Then strain and dilute in a ratio of 100 ml. infusion for 10 liters of water. You can add 40 grams of laundry soap to the resulting liquid;
  • Pour the peel of 2 oranges with a liter of water and leave for a week in a dark place. Then add some liquid soap and strain.

Infected plants should be sprayed or wiped with citrus infusion at least 2-3 times.

Dried tea and coffee for feeding and fertilizer

The most hardworking and painstaking gardeners are not lazy to prepare tea and coffee for the benefit of the business. Any tea is suitable for this purpose, even in tea bags. The main thing is to dry the used “infusion” well so that it does not become moldy during subsequent storage.

It is very useful to mix dried tea and coffee with soil when preparing the ground for seedlings.

You can pour dried tea leaves into the moons when planting seedlings in the ground - they will serve as a good fertilizer.

Brewed tea is used to feed vegetable seedlings. To prepare this supplement, pour three liters of dried tea leaves into a glass. hot water and leave for 4-5 days. Then it is filtered and mixed with nitrogen fertilizers.

In addition, currant cuttings are treated with sleeping tea before planting to prevent infection. kidney mite. To do this, sleep tea is brewed at the rate of 2 grams per liter of water and infused for a day. You should not take fresh tea for this purpose, it can be harmful. Currant cuttings are dipped in tea infusion for 3-4 hours, then planted in moist soil.

Banana peels – organic potash fertilizer

Like peeling potatoes, banana peels can be dried and stored in cloth or paper bags. If you periodically visit your dacha in winter, you can simply freeze banana peels on the balcony and take away how much you have accumulated on each trip.

Today you can find many in specialized stores. But the high price does not always allow you to purchase necessary funds. In this case, you can use something that can always be found in any home - potato peelings. In our article we will tell you how to use this and for which plants this feeding method is suitable.

Useful properties and composition

Bacteria living in the soil digest potato peelings quite easily. As they decompose, all nutrients end up in the soil and are subsequently absorbed by the root system.

During this process, heat is released, which contributes to warming, and this has a positive effect on the growth of crops. Potato peelings can increase the fertility of the land and increase the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Important! When drying potato skins, be careful not to expose them to Sun rays. You should also protect cleaning from rain. Otherwise, they will either burn or rot.

The benefits of potatoes are obvious, as they are rich in nutrients and vitamins. It includes:
  • glucose;
  • organic acids;
  • starch;
  • vitamins;
  • mineral salts;
  • fats;
  • micro- and macroelements.

Such a set of useful substances will definitely have a positive effect on the growth of crops. In addition, potato peelings have the following advantages over:

  • they are available;
  • are able to increase the concentration of fertile humus in the soil;
  • can, which ensures the flow of oxygen to the root system;
  • are pure organic matter;
  • help get rid of.

Using potato peelings, you can be sure that the harvest is environmentally friendly, since they do not contain chemical elements.

For which crops is the fertilizer suitable?

Potato peelings can be used as fertilizer for or, because their use improves the soil and has a positive effect on the harvest anywhere in your area. Let's consider how to use this tool for different types crops

Vegetable garden

The infusion of purifications will also have a beneficial effect on crops. It will help increase green mass and gain strength, which will ensure a rich harvest.
You can also fertilize with infusion of potatoes and. Feeding should begin at the end of May and should be carried out every 2 weeks. It is not at all necessary to pour the infusion directly at the root - just water it with a watering can.

At the same time, make sure that pieces of potato peelings do not fall on the ground, as they will attract rodents and others.


Potato peelings are ideal for the role of fertilizer for, and we will tell you how to use them below. They will be especially useful for black berries. Fertilizing helps to increase the size of the fruit, in some cases catching up in size.

Every year, it is recommended to place potato pulp or soaked skins under each one in a hole 20 cm deep, after which the mixture is sprinkled with earth. In spring and summer time You can feed with infusion, once every 2 weeks.

You can also fertilize with potato infusion or flour. After fertilizing, the soil should be loosened. If you decide to fertilize, it is better to use potato flour for this, sprinkling it under the bushes twice a month.

Feeding currants and other crops in the spring with potato peelings will definitely ensure a healthy and rich harvest!


Potato peelings can also be used for fertilizer. Their pre-prepared infusion is recommended. This event should be carried out once every 3-6 weeks.

However, if you are at the dacha only on weekends, you should use other methods of storing skins - drying or freezing. If there is sub-zero temperature, you can store the skins on the stove until it gets warmer outside.

An increase in temperature can lead to their rotting, so in the spring the material for fertilizer should be taken to a compost pit.
You can also use a method such as drying for storage. This method is more troublesome, but reliable. You can dry the cleaning using radiators, or an oven is also suitable. Then it is recommended to grind them in a meat grinder, and then put them in the oven again to dry.

This way, you will already have ready-made raw materials that can be used as fertilizers.

With the arrival of spring, dried or frozen peelings must be transferred to a large container and filled with boiling water. The mixture is stirred for several days so that it is evenly soaked.

How to prepare fertilizer

Potato peels as fertilizer can be prepared in any form. We invite you to familiarize yourself with each of them.


Making an infusion is quite simple. You will need some raw or frozen skins. It is necessary to fill them with hot water and leave to infuse for a day. The prepared liquid can be used by watering plants. The infusion is successfully used both at home and for fertilizer.
