Wish card how to make it right. The best time to do it. Wish visualization board: how it works

“The cup of life is beautiful! What foolishness to resent it just because you see its bottom.” Joseph Renan

Unfortunately, people are not always familiar with simple rules on how to improve their lives and fill this cup completely with their own hands. A wish map (also called a treasure board) is a unique tool for creating happy life where dreams come true. Money, career, love, travel, health? Whatever you want, you just need to learn how to make a wish card.

By the way, they say that such a board was under the hands of many famous personalities (isn't that why they have achieved prosperity and success?) It's time for you to make yourself self-sufficient in different areas life. How to make a wish map correctly? Our instructions and simple rules for visualization will help you with this.

The map and the drawings that are in it help the conceived plans come to life. There is a call to the Cosmos to pay attention to you and take care of the fulfillment of all hopes and wishes. It is a collection of pictures that personify all the dreams of a person. The map is divided into 9 parts. Each zone is responsible for achievements in a certain area of ​​life.

An example of how you can place photos and pictures on a wish map (for each area of ​​​​life, you can place several thematic photos):

It is very important to map your desires for all areas of your life, not just your finances or your personal life. After all, happiness is possible only when a person develops harmoniously in all directions.

In the collage of desires, place the types of those things, objects, images that you like. Choose bright, colorful drawings. Beware of such pictures that cause rage, aggression, in gloomy sad colors. Add your wishes (thought forms) to each picture.

According to experts, it is better to write in affirmations-thought forms not “I want ...”, but “I have ...” (this is also evidenced by the reviews of those who have already used it). The wish visualization board loves accuracy, so it would be correct to indicate specific amounts of money, dates of events, etc. in the wishes. You can draw up a map for the current year, make another one for the next.

Manufacturing instructions

We will need:

  • Large sheet of paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Colored markers or pencils
  • Magazines with colorful photos
  • Believe in yourself

Divide a sheet of paper into 9 equal parts. It is not necessary to carefully measure and draw them. It is enough that you understand where which sector is located. The card itself, made by hand, can be of any shape (even round). The next step is to make a collage of desires (we glue a certain drawing with wishes on each sector).

Health (your photo).

This is where visualizations of one's own health take place. Choose the most on the map Good photo where you radiate good mood. You can make an application from your face and perfect figure dancers, models.

Tip: decorate yourself with stars, sparkles, kisses or hearts. Any fantasy is welcome here!

Wishes example: “I have a perfect body because I am fond of sports”, “I am healthy, happy and feel great!” Write your favorite thoughts.


In this area, you form your wishes for financial prosperity. Post photos of money, dream cars, apartments, etc. You can make a collage of desires by placing your own image in the interior of your new home and surrounding yourself with stacks of bills.

Tip: you can place money talismans here. For pictures, choose, for example, images of Hottei (the god of wealth) or attach a Chinese coin to the card if you are close to the teachings of Feng Shui.

Be specific in your affirmations. If it is about money, indicate the amount you need. Exact wishes can be diluted with abstraction. Example: “I attract finance, they come to me all the time”, etc.


This is the sphere of visualization of one's own ambitious aspirations. Here, pick up photos of awards, cups, lucky and prosperous people. Draw in yourself the rays of glory as you see them yourself. For wishes, you can write: “I am famous and loved”, “I have achieved fame, recognition”, etc. You can make a collage of your image by placing it in an environment of successful people.


The area of ​​responsibility for stable, harmonious relationships, full of trust in each other. For girls who dream of marriage, it is better to place pictures of wedding accessories, wedding rings here.

Tip: You can make a collage on the visualization card by attaching your face to the face of the bride (for those who dream of a wedding).

Just do not use images of familiar couples. You can draw a veil and a wedding dress.
For family people, choose a joint photo and add a sincere wish. Example: “We are together forever”, “Me and he are a happy family”, etc.

Family and close circle

This zone on the map is responsible for harmonious relationships within your environment. The concept of the family here includes both marital relationships and ties with all relatives (close and distant), as well as friends.

Tip: you can combine photos of all relatives, friends and dear people, placing them together.

In affirmations, write wishes about strengthening relations between relatives. Example: “My loved ones are healthy and happy”, “My friends love me, we see each other often”, etc.

Children, hobbies, hobbies

The sphere of visualization for creating a full-fledged family filled with children's laughter, for hobbies that fill your life with meaning. A childless couple through this zone can call the appearance long-awaited baby(for this, find a photo of a pregnant woman or a mother with a baby).

Tip: if you have several cherished dreams, you need to make a collage of all the pictures that embody their own aspirations. Do not forget to correctly formulate the wish.

For the fulfillment of desires related to creativity, place pictures of your hobbies, hobbies, collections.


Here is a zone of influence on the mind, intellect, worldview, horizons and learning. Photos of university graduates, emotions from successful delivery exams (if you are a student). Images of books, libraries, open pages of textbooks, etc. are welcome.

To fulfill your desires for admission to a certain institute, you need to make a montage of you against the background of the selected institution and write the corresponding wish. Example: “I successfully receive knowledge at my university”, “I entered here to study”, etc.


This part of visualization affects career success, in choosing a profession. If you plan to find a better job, post here photos of people working in your chosen field. To achieve the fulfillment of desires for organizing your own business, select an image of a prosperous enterprise with a certain specificity.

Tip: if you have not yet placed images of money or the god Hottei in the finance sector, you can do it here, then any undertakings in the field of work will become successful.

To fulfill the dream of prosperity own business, put here a comparative map with sales growth. Place logos of companies that will be useful as partners or clients. Photos of famous entrepreneurs who have achieved success.


It controls the responsibility for getting new impressions from travel, successful trips. Also, the card in this place awakens its patrons and defenders to more active actions (these can be Saints, teachers, guardians)
Tip: pick up photos of the places you want to visit, where to go. For a call and friendship with your patrons, place here photos of the Pleasants, Guardian Angels, etc.

How it works

Wishing board is effective with different points vision of magic, psychology, visualization. Numerous reviews of people who have used it confirm the undeniable advantages of this method:

  1. Order. All hidden dreams acquire accurate images and wordings-messages. As they say, everything is properly documented and fixed.
  2. Balance. All spheres of influence are involved in one balanced and harmonious invocation. Nothing is forgotten, everything is in balance.
  3. Programming. There is an awakening of one's own subconscious, programming of the deep self to achieve all the goals set.
  4. Visualizations. A stable thought form is born, which immediately begins to work. appear in life necessary people useful situations occur. After all, every thought is material!

The finished wish card should be in a conspicuous place and always catch your eye (but only on yours, it should be hidden from strangers). And as soon as you see it, mentally transfer yourself to the images that you created. It is recommended to do this every day. If you make the treasure board correctly, then desires will begin to come true in the period from 3 days to 3 years (as people say).

The ideal time to make a wish card with maximum benefit is New Year holidays. (On how to properly meet New Year 2017 — )

How to fulfill your long-cherished dream? What if she's not alone? These questions at least once, but arose in the head of each of us. After all, the state of current affairs is not always entirely satisfactory.

Either the work seems boring and unprofitable, or the furniture in the apartment has become unfashionable, or the car has stopped working reliably. I want to change something right now. The universe has taken care of everything. After all, our subconscious can only work for us. His powers are limitless.

At first glance, it may seem that this is on the verge of fantasy. We don't own magical powers to command all dreams and desires to come true. But, if you look a little more in detail, it will become obvious that we still have not studied our body and do not use all its properties and capabilities.

It is human nature to dream about so many things. Sometimes even in the head does not fit everything you want. The Feng Shui wish map was created in Eastern countries to help group all your thoughts. It could be good health a good relationship in the family or the happiness of children.

What does a feng shui wish card look like?

Almost all areas of Feng Shui use the Bagua grid. The wishlist is no exception. Having superimposed a grid on a regular drawing paper, it is necessary to determine the place for each zone. In the sectors responsible for the spheres of life, relevant images and photographs will be placed. The center of the paper sheet will serve as a place for your photo.

Mesh Bagua

Thanks to given element feng shui can change every aspect of your life. The grid is applied to the living room, to the office, even to the table. Everywhere you can activate the corresponding zones, which depend on the direction of the world and have a number of unique features and properties:

  1. Zone of Financial Prosperity- located in the southeastern part; responsible for attracting Money and increase family budget; has a light shade of green.
  2. Reputation and respect zone- the location is in southern sector; develops respect for you in others; has red tones.
  3. Zone love relationship - this is the southwestern part; it is easy to guess that these are all relationships associated with the opposite sex (romance, dating, living together); dyed brown.
  4. Family life and happiness zone– placed in the east of the grid; connected with close people (wife, husband, children, other relatives); has green tones.
  5. Health and Wellness Zone- this is the central sector in which you place your photo; he is responsible for the general condition of the body, both mental and physical; painted in yellow.
  6. Hobby Zone- located in the western part; everything related to human development is located here; has a white color.
  7. Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge- located in the northeast; helps to bring understanding and clarity to any mental process, develops logic; has light brown hues.
  8. Zone Career growth and success in work - this is the north of the grid; responsible for professional growth, for high-quality and decent remuneration for your work; has a blue color.
  9. Travel Zone- located in the northwestern part; helps to find wise advisers who guide you on the right path; has a gray tint.

According to Feng Shui, a wish card can be square, rectangular, or round. Form is not the main thing. Watch the sizes of each sector: they should be identical.

How to make a wish map

As already mentioned, you need whatman paper. Of course, it would be more convenient if square shape. So you can easily divide it into identical squares.

As in the Bagua grid, there should be nine. Each of them must match its own color. Inattentive completion of the task will make the feng shui map completely ineffective and invalid.

Next, decide on the day of compilation. It would be better to do this when the moon is young and growing. So you will help all spheres of life to develop and progress more quickly. You can also choose according to special Eastern calendars lucky day.

Instructions for designing sectors

The central part of the wish card is responsible for a healthy body. Here you need to place your photo. Try to find a picture that makes you smile and be happy. You must like the photo. For other sectors, you can find pictures in old newspapers. If you do not find what you need, just draw the images that appear to you.

The feng shui wish card can be decorated in any way. You can turn on your imagination and enjoy all its impulses.

Draw anything you want to your photo, you can make any background for it (sea, Vacation home, the famous mountain resort, the seat of an expensive beautiful car).

Also with other pictures: draw on them best images, which will correspond to certain sectors.

Experts of oriental teachings advise to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • When you put your dreams and desires on paper, they must be sincere and only your own. Perhaps your relatives or friends constantly told you about new furniture or about a more profitable job, and these ideas were not at all to your liking. Therefore, it is not necessary to use other people's thoughts, it will be misunderstood by the Universe.
  • The entire surface of the drawing paper must be filled in: use any decorations, applications, drawings, do not leave a single white area.
  • When developing a wish map, follow a certain algorithm of actions: first, the top line of sectors, then the middle one, and finally the bottom one. You need to move in the direction from left to right.
  • Visualizing your dream, reproducing it in detail in your head, you will attract favorable energy to you. It will help you change things for the better as soon as possible.

Each photo, each image must be accompanied by a phrase in which you must express your specific desire. Moreover, the more precisely you express yourself, the faster it will begin to be realized.

That is, if you dream of good and stable income, write in the appropriate zone the exact amount of money that would suit you completely. If you've been craving to ride your own new car for a long time, check the make and color.

The central part is responsible for the Health zone. We found this out using the Bagua grid. Here is your photo. Write about your health problems, how you cope with them and become stronger and more resilient.

How to activate the feng shui wish card

Use the card daily in your life. Every night before going to bed, you should look at each zone and plunge into the world of pleasant dreams.

To create a calm and peaceful atmosphere, use your favorite audio recordings. Only they should be melodic and harmonious. Rock music will not be appropriate here.

During the activation of the card, use scented candles and lamps. Create specific images and feel how they come into your life.

Don't tell anyone about your idea. The universe does not like talkativeness and boasting.

At correct execution all the recommendations and advice you will find powerful energy sources. They are embedded in us from birth, but in order to take advantage of their action, it is necessary to give the right signal to the Higher Forces. A feng shui wish map will serve as such a signal.

Where is the best place to keep a wish card?

Hang whatman paper with images of your desires in a place that will be in front of your eyes every day. If you hide it in a secluded corner, throw it on the mezzanine or roll it up, then the emerging positive energy will not have access to the exit. What result can be discussed?

To improve the effect of a feng shui card, place it:

  • in the bedroom (or the room where you like to rest and relax) - if you see the map after sleep, then the whole day you will be concentrated and focused on the result
  • on the inner wall of the cabinet - if you do not live by yourself, then the cabinet door will help to hide the map from prying eyes

In rooms where the water system and sewerage are located (kitchen, bathroom, toilet room), there is an unfavorable climate for the creation and circulation of energy flows.

Most Common Questions

Those who use the Feng Shui wish card often face some questions. Consider the most popular.

  1. Why are my dreams not coming true?

It happens that a person himself, without knowing it, makes too complicated desires. For example, he dreams of flying into space or of unlimited power. Most likely, such thoughts will be perceived by the Universe as pride. Avoid scale.

Just like global thoughts, the Cosmos does not accept meager requests. You can fulfill such desires on your own without anyone's help.

  1. Will the electronic version of the card be effective?

Of course, this option will also be an appeal to the Higher Mind. But, think for yourself, will the printed letters and images contain your personal energy. Therefore, try to make a wish card by hand using colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

  1. When to expect the first results?

Those who got what they wanted thanks to the card say that the first surprises began to please within three to four months. But this became possible only after permanent job with it, continuous visualization and representations.

  1. One of my wishes has changed, what should I do?

Of course, this will not positively affect the performance of the card. After all, at the very beginning of your work, you should think over all the details as specifically as possible. But, if this does happen, there is a way out. Change the picture and phrase with the dream on the map.

When the feng shui wish card begins to fulfill your dreams in turn, and possibly several at once, do not forget to release the corresponding sector on paper. This is necessary for rational use the strength of the elements.

In order for life to change in the desired direction, it is necessary to correctly strive for these changes. positive attitude and faith in your actions will transform your every day beyond recognition.

Wish card will help you become the builder of your destiny and provide a much-needed boost. Feel the surge of happiness and harmony along with the great teachings of Feng Shui.

Live Feng Shui!

Alexandra Kalashnik,specially for the site ""


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Everything that surrounds us and belongs to us is somehow connected with our desires, dreams and goals.

All people have a goal, and this is what drives us, determines our actions and actions. But very often it turns out that a person does not know how to set goals for himself. Or he just doesn't have time for it. We can say that many bad things that happen in our lives are also most likely the result of wrong desires in the past.

There are many practices and various rituals to achieve what you want, but in this article I want to talk about the simplest and, most importantly, effective way fulfill your most cherished desires. This method is called compilation. This is a great way to fulfill your desires through visualization using the power of intention. So many famous people have used this practice and openly declared it.

What you will need to draw up a Wish Map

The wish fulfillment card itself is a collage, a picture on which you will draw your future, so we will need:

White sheet of paper or whatman paper;
- Magazines and pictures that represent your desires. The more colorful they are, the better;
- Your photos. On them you should definitely like yourself and be in a good mood;
- Scissors;
- Markers, colored pens and pencils;
- And many of your wishes!

How to make a wish

Stupid question? Yes, perhaps not. If you are now asked about the most cherished desire, you will almost certainly get confused. And all because there are many desires. Therefore, the most important thing when drawing up a Map is correct definition what exactly you want to get in the end.

Desires can be very different: good job, finances, a new apartment, a car, a family, children, a vacation on the ocean, health, a new image and figure, and much, much more.
But don't be greedy, you don't need to think of mansions on Red Square, a career as the president of the planet or a spouse with a ten-zero account in a Swiss bank - desires must be real. But - a little overpriced.

The best desires are those in which you want to multiply something, for example: to change the car to a newer and more expensive one or to work for a more interesting one. In no case should you try to change the past, the Desire Map is a projection of the future, which will certainly become the present at the right time.

Do not set deadlines, formulate your desire as "here and now" - when drawing up a Wish Map, you must feel and formulate everything in the present tense, for example, "I have a new large and bright apartment."

Do not write the word “I want”, otherwise you will just want, as in a joke: “I again want to go to Paris so much.” Have you been there before? No, I already wanted to.

Also, you should not specify absolutely everything: do not write the address of the apartment and in no case, if you make a wish for family and marriage, do not indicate a specific person - perhaps the Universe has its own plans for him. But you can always think of something like that - for example, by describing his appearance and the best character traits, then you will either be with this person, or meet someone very similar, or maybe much more suitable for you.

Also, wishes should be good. If you want your neighbor's dacha to burn down - this is clearly not what the Wish Map will fulfill - pick up matches and solve your cherished dream on your own, but remember the consequences. Speaking of consequences: when you make a wish, you need to jump ahead a little and think, will it be so good for you if you get what you want?

When drawing up a Wish Map, you need to take into account that your wording is understood literally, which is why you need to indicate what you want in as much detail as possible. The desire must be complete and specific. Let me explain using my example: a few years ago, when creating a Map, I wanted a new big apartment, and, without much straining, cut out a picture of a huge beautiful cuisine and glued it to the cherished place. About six months later I was offered a good option exchange, but he was good only one: in new apartment there was a kitchen not 9 meters, but 21. And most importantly - I could not even think that this could be. Therefore, if you want, for example, a new job, create a detailed image of this job, use pictures with beautiful offices, write with a marker “I have good wage”, write the position you want to occupy, otherwise it may well turn out that new job will not satisfy you completely.

Important nuances

Most right time for compiling the Map - the period of the growing moon, since energy these days has an increasing effect. And even better - a full moon, at any time of the day.

The most important thing is that you should be in a good mood at the moment of drawing up, you do not need to run and make a Map when you are tense. Firstly, you will not be able to formulate desires beautifully and impartially, and, secondly, you will not be able to put maximum positive energy into it.

A wishlist can be drawn many times. I usually make it up for a year, and at the same time I write at the top of the card: 2014. You can add pictures to it, or, if you change your mind about any of the desires, take a picture, so you should not use Super Moment glue.

The whole process must be done in complete solitude and with good music, you must have an environment that allows you to beautifully express your dreams. This is a secret thing, it is only yours, do not use other people's advice and other people's ideas, as these are your dreams and only you know what you want. Do not show the card to friends and acquaintances, hang it in the place where you often look, for example, in a wardrobe. I usually attach it to the side wall of the refrigerator, since I look there much more often, while no one sees it there.

Making a wish map

There are many opinions about how to correctly place your desires in sectors on paper, as it is believed that this is an ancient Eastern practice.

But I don't think that glossy magazines existed in China a few hundred years ago, so I consider the practice to be modern. The most important thing in it is the power of intention and faith in a better future. However, some rules should still be observed, since energy centers definitely exist and their correct relationship enhances the effect of the fulfillment of the plan.

We take White list paper (I usually take a landscape sheet) and draw our future.

To the center
you need to put a photo of yourself beloved - the happiest and best on this planet. I usually take a photo where I am younger, as I always want to remain as young and attractive as possible. At the same time, taking a felt-tip pen, you can write a wish about what you want to be, for example, “I am happy” or “I am always lucky.” If you want to change your figure, you can write “I am slim, I weigh 58 kg”, you can even put a picture of the body of your dreams.

To the Wealth Sector you can put pictures with banknotes, jewelry, cars - everything that you associate with an increase in material level and prosperity. At the same time, it is desirable to sign: "my income is constantly increasing." This is perhaps the most tempting sector, and your imagination should know the measure. Try not to exaggerate reality too much.

Glory in the sector can you describe the various awards and merits that you can be awarded, or something related to celebrity and fame - what if you become a famous abstract artist? In this world, as you know, everything is possible.

Sector love- if you do not have a loved one, you can put a photo of romantic couples and describe the life partner you see next to you. Don't forget to add what kind of relationship you want. And do not be afraid to wish, do not think that there is something impossible for you. Let me remind you that in fact love is light and warm feeling, which some confuse with suffering and experiences, so be careful in this matter.

Children, creativity- if you want a child, add pictures of happy kids, if you have them, add their achievements or a description of their good future. You can also place an image here. creative works or describe what level of skill you want to achieve.
Travel, friends- describe good relationships with friends, find photos of beautiful parties, resorts and countries you want to visit.

Career, work- write what exactly you want to change in your work, who you see yourself in the future, what position you want to achieve, with what salary, find pictures with a beautiful and comfortable office.

Knowledge, self-development- maybe you want to get additional education, pass exams for rights or even defend a dissertation - everything is in your hands, draw, write.

family, home- here you can reflect a lot: both repairs in the apartment, and new housing, and new interior, new furniture- everything that means comfort to you. You can post photos of happy families.

In conclusion, from each picture you need to draw arrows to the photo, attracting it all to yourself.

And finally

In order for the card to always remain "alive", periodically add small wishes to the card. I do not advise you to overload it much, do everything in moderation.

By the way, you can make a similar Map on your computer by creating a collage using pictures from the Internet, this will also work. On the desktop of the computer, you will probably see it quite often. But it is much better to do it with your own hands, since initially you will put more of your energy into it, a real piece of yourself.

There are many ways that are used to speed up the process of fulfilling your desires. According to experts in psychology and Feng Shui, an excellent method is visualization, which translates thoughts into reality. A feng shui wish card for 2018, which is easy to create with your own hands, will help with this.

Wish card for 2018

When to activate the wish card in 2018?

In fact, the map is already working from the moment it is started, since visualization should be applied all the time, imagining how the pictures that are pasted become reality. The wish card for 2018 launches its energy from the moment the first wish is fulfilled, as described above, the sooner this happens, the better. There are no date restrictions.

Feng Shui Wish Card Affirmations

Except beautiful photos in each sector, it is recommended to write affirmations - short phrases that include a verbal formula that can fix the image and set the subconscious mind. Compilation according to Feng Shui necessarily includes the application of self-composed phrases that should be related to desires. Here are some examples:

  1. Health. “I am healthy, all diseases have receded”, “I love my body”.
  2. Career. "Every day gives me new opportunities that I use to the maximum", "I have excellent career prospects."
  3. Reputation. “People treat me well”, “The number of my subscribers is growing every day”
  4. Wealth. “I attract money to me”, “The amount on my card is constantly increasing.”
  5. Wisdom. “My intuition is well developed, and it helps in solving various issues”, “Every day teaches me something new and useful.”
  6. A family. “My family is strong and everyone lives in love”, “I am in a position and will soon become a mother.”
  7. Love. “Love surrounds me in everything”, “My soulmate makes me happy.”
  8. Hobbies. “All my ideas are ingenious and unique”, “I realize my creative potential”.
  9. Travels. “I travel and learn a lot of new and interesting things”, “I’m going on vacation to relax at sea”.

Where to hang a feng shui wish card?

For images to work, they must be constantly in front of the eyes, but at the same time other people should not look at them. Feng Shui experts advise hanging a map in the bedroom so that a person can start and end their day by looking at pictures. Can be removed in expanded form (folding the card is prohibited) on the top shelf or cabinet. Most appropriate place where the feng shui map can be located - cabinet door with inside. Can do electronic card and install it on your desktop.

A wish map, also known as a treasure map, is a powerful tool for visualizing our wishes and goals, thanks to which we program our subconscious mind for their speedy implementation. It helps to articulate our dreams more clearly, contributes to the transformation of our lives for the better, and in many areas. By creating it, you literally form your new reality, the future, and exactly the way you want it to be. Consider some of the nuances of compiling a personal map of desires.

You can project your desires on any paper medium, whether it is drawing paper, A4 sheet or wallpaper occupying the area of ​​one of the walls, this will be the basis of your map. Before creating a collage, carefully consider the future composition, analyze your goals and aspirations again, select the appropriate pictures that will symbolize the end result of each of your wishes. You can cut them out of glossy magazines, newspapers, print from the Internet. Your map may be abstract, but it's best if you find images that describe your goals and dreams in every detail, down to the smallest detail. For example, if you want to get a dog, find a photo of a puppy of the appropriate breed, if you dream of a certain car - the picture should have a car of a certain brand and color scheme. After the necessary images are selected, divide the base of your map into nine sectors that are responsible for certain vital spheres. Try to keep the divided parts equal. You can do this both conditionally and graphically, and it will not be superfluous to color each of the sectors in the appropriate color, which favors the fulfillment of the desired. You can choose any shape for your creation: octahedron, circle, square. Place your favorite photo in which you are happy in the center of the collage. This area is responsible for your health, appearance and its color is yellow. If you dream of a toned tummy or a radical change in your image, attach the corresponding picture found here. Be sure to annotate each image.

Above your photo is the sector of fame and your achievements, its accompanying color is red. Here paste pictures symbolizing the recognition of you by society, various awards and diplomas, Thanksgiving letters etc. To the right of it is the area of ​​​​relationships, love, marriage. Write here your wishes about the betrothed and the wedding, and if you are married, focus on your relationship. Mention how sensitive, caring, and faithful your husband is. The tone of this area is pink. To the left of the glory sector is the part responsible for your wealth. Here any fantasy will play out, select pictures of the desired real estate, jewelry, indicate the amount under the money. The inscription may be something like this: "I'm driving my Ferrari FF to my villa in Nice." Color is purple or green. To the right of your photo is the sector of your children and creativity, its tone is white. On the left is the part that represents your home, family, its color is green. Under the center of the collage, fill in the block of business and career, your work. To the right of it is the sector of travel, friends and helpers, do it on a gray background. The final fragment of your map is responsible for the sphere of knowledge, mentors, wisdom and experience, its predominant color is beige. When you're done designing, give your wish card an expiration time frame. As you realize your dreams, you can replace the pictures.