Which log house for a bathhouse is better? Log for a bath: which one is better? Determining the type of log

Initially, “small towns” – wooden chocks – were used as point supports. But over time, any wood rots and requires replacement, so it was replaced by concrete structures.

This type of foundation is good because its construction can smooth out the unevenness of the site: it is enough to deepen a row of foundations to the required level to obtain a level area. Can be used in the construction of small one-story baths.

Pile gained great popularity, especially due to the fact that screw piles can be installed even in winter. Therefore, construction of other types of baths for which such a base is suitable can begin at any time of the year.

The essence is to twist specially made piles at equal intervals (the distance between them is regulated depending on the massiveness and size of the structure).

Pile foundations also include foundations made from bored piles, about this, as well as about pile foundations We recommend reading it.

What is the best material to build a bathhouse from: the main question is the walls

The wall material directly determines:

  • type of foundation required;
  • types of insulation and their application (outside or inside).

Therefore, it is so important to understand the walls in the topic “What is the best material to build a bathhouse from.”

Blocks: what material are they made of?

Block baths have won love among builders and buyers for good reason: they are characterized by incredibly short construction times with a relatively low cost. If you have a certain amount of skills, you can independently cope with the construction of a bathhouse from blocks. The most common types of blocks include:

  1. foam concrete;
  2. expanded clay concrete;
  3. aerated concrete;
  4. gas silicate;
  5. cinder blocks.

Block baths require decorative finishing, because... do not differ in special aesthetic qualities in their “pure” form.

Which blocks are best to build a bathhouse from?

Ease of production cinder blocks leads to development handicraft, which cannot withstand product manufacturing standards. However, they undoubtedly have one advantage - low price.

Gas silicate the blocks are highly hygroscopic, require high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier, in addition, it is important not to make a mistake in its types: they all have different parameters for strength and thermal insulation. Use for bathhouse construction is not always justified.

Therefore, answering the question: which blocks are best to build a bathhouse from, we say: they fit well aerated concrete and foam concrete– they are easy to use, light in weight and easy to process. The cellular structure guarantees excellent thermal insulation properties, but also requires high-quality vapor barrier and waterproofing.


Wood is one of the most traditional materials that meet all environmental requirements. Today the industry offers different types processed wood:

  1. log(the most thorough material);
  2. timber(processed wood of certain dimensions, for example: 100*100, 200*200);
  3. carriage(a log hewn from two opposite sides - especially popular in Scandinavian countries);
  4. double beam(represents 2 boards with grooves, between which insulation is placed, most often mineral wool or ecowool).

What kind of wood is best to build a bathhouse from?

The main division of wood building material lies in the nature of the logs used: resinous (coniferous) or non-resinous (deciduous) species.

What kind of wood is best to build a bathhouse from? Made from dense and well dried. Aspen is one of the non-resinous species, but such wood is very expensive, and oak is especially expensive. The fundamental difference is that poorly dried coniferous wood will resin for a long time (resin smudges will form).

Therefore, they are most often built from pine and other coniferous species. In addition to a lower price (compared to the same aspen), they have such advantages as:

  1. smooth and straight trunk;
  2. easy processing of logs;
  3. knots do not spread inside the wood (as, for example, in birch);
  4. retain heat excellently (aspen is significantly inferior in this characteristic).

In view of the above, if you chose pine as the answer to the question: what kind of wood is best to build a bathhouse from, then you should give preference to well-dried wood.

From which forest? is it better to build a bathhouse? It would be desirable if this were winter forest (that is, chopped in winter and dried during the summer under cover).

REFERENCE. Dead wood is periodically offered as a building material, and this is to some extent justified, such wood has high density. But it requires special treatment with antiseptics, otherwise there is a high chance of damage by rot in places of high humidity.

Timber or log: what to make a bathhouse from?

Each of these materials has its own advantages:

  • log sauna does not require additional thermal insulation, except for inter-crown insulation;
  • timber bathhouse It’s easier to lay than from a log; a minimum qualification is enough to lay the beam with minimal gaps.

Therefore, when choosing a material and what to make a bathhouse from, use additional information from .

Which timber is better to build a bathhouse from?

To build a bathhouse, it is best to use well-dried timber: it will shrink less, and there will also be a lower risk that the timber will begin to bend. High humidity timber reduces its thermal insulation properties.

Which timber is better to build a bathhouse from? For, based on the type of wood from which it is made, you can use the table below:

Wood species Dryness coefficient, % Mechanical strength for wood with 15% humidity, MPa (kgf/cm²)
in the radial direction in tangential direction for compression along the fibers bending chipping
in the radial plane in the tangential plane
Coniferous trees
Pine 0,18 0,33 43,9 79,3 6,9 (68) 7,3 (73)
Spruce 0,14 0,24 42,3 74,4 5,3 (53) 5,2 (52)
Larch 0,22 0,40 51,1 97,3 8,3 (83) 7,2 (72)
Fir 0,9 0,33 33,7 51,9 4,7 (47) 5,3 (53)
Hardwood species
Oak 0,18 0,28 52,0 93,5 8,5 (85) 10,4 (104)
Ash 0,19 0,30 51,0 115 13,8 (138) 13,3 (133)
Birch 0,26 0,31 44,7 99,7 8,5 (85) 11 (110)
Maple 0,21 0,34 54,0 109,7 8,7 (87) 12,4 (124)
Elm 0,22 0,44 48,6 105,7 13,8 (138)
Elm 0,15 0,32 38,9 85,2 7 (70) 7,7 (77)
Soft-leaved tree species
Aspen 0,2 0,32 37,4 76,6 5,7 (57) 7,7 (77)
Linden 0,26 0,39 39 68 7,3 (73) 8 (80)
Black alder 0,16 0,23 36,8 69,2
Black aspen 0,16 0,31 35,1 60 5,8 (58) 7,4 (74)

According to the results of many studies, double timber is ahead of similar indicators ordinary timber, but used as internal insulation mineral wool casts doubt on its use in the construction of a bathhouse.

Useful video:

Watch the video explaining the benefits double timber. It seems reasonable to conclude that the technology is more suitable for homes than bathhouses.

For good warm bath it is best to use a 200*200 beam; the use of a thinner beam or half-beam (for example, 100*50) will require significant financial costs for external insulation. Although, if the bathhouse is heated only in the summer ( country option), then not thick walls, 10 centimeters, may be enough.

Foam block

As already mentioned, it has a high ability to absorb moisture due to its porous structure, so proper vapor and waterproofing is required. About the benefits and strengths Foam concrete baths can be found in these articles:

  • , and .

Frame baths

Gained great popularity thanks to short terms construction, as well as others that allow carrying out. You should be careful when choosing insulation for the frame, since a bathhouse is a building with increased temperature conditions use. Therefore, the insulation must be safe and not emit harmful substances when heated. More detailed information you can read in this article: .

Dedicated to choosing the type of foundation for frame baths.


It was not for nothing that log bathhouses were so popular, because before there was no such assortment of insulation materials, so everyone made do with simple caulking: plugging cracks and gaps with natural materials: moss, flax, etc.

Bathhouses made of timber already require minor insulation from the outside, especially in areas with cold winters.

But during the construction of block and brick baths You can’t do without insulation at all.

What needs to be insulated in any bathhouse?

In any bathhouse, regardless of what building material it is built from, it is required. This is no accident: after all warm air always strives upward. If you do not insulate the ceiling, then all the heat will go outside. baths Frame baths have insulation already inside the frame, so additional insulation appropriate if you are in an area with extremely cold winters. More .


Any floor needs insulation, especially if the foundation has not been insulated. Depending on the organization of the floor in your bathhouse (spill or non-spill), the choice of insulation depends. If the floor is torrential, then the insulation must be protected from moisture, otherwise when wet it will lose all its properties. More information .


Roof insulation will be needed if you organize attic floor, in this case you can use polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

Insulation from inside or outside

Most often, insulation is done from the inside; log bathhouses and saunas, which are used in winter in cold regions, are insulated from the outside. often combined with decorative finishing. provides the effect of a thermos and protects the wall material from damage high temperature. It should be remembered that.

A little about insulation

It is necessary to understand that you cannot purchase a batch of one type of insulation and use it to insulate the entire bath.

This topic is the subject of heated debate, which only flares up more brightly with the advent of the next new product on the insulation market.

What can you use to make a bathhouse quickly and inexpensively?

What can you use to make a bathhouse quickly and inexpensively? Choose one, or build it yourself from timber or. These materials require minimal qualifications and dexterity. The use of natural insulation materials will also reduce the cost of the project.

They are also popular because of their low cost and ease of implementation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.


It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question: what is the best material to build a bathhouse from? As you can see, the choice is huge. It is worth focusing on your personal preferences and budget options. We have tried to provide you with a detailed section of information that will allow you to more easily understand this difficult topic and choose the solution you need.

Classic Russian steam room, log house, built of wood different breeds. The selection criteria used to be the availability of wood in a particular region, the ease of processing the material, its reliability and durability.

The level of development of logistics has made any, even exotic materials available; woodworking technologies have also gone far from traditional methods. The importance of choosing the type of wood for construction remains unchanged. residential buildings, saunas and baths.
It is worth noting that now the choice of lumber for construction is not limited to logs; today, log houses are assembled from the following materials:

  • rounded log;
  • profiled timber;
  • glued lumber, logs or beams.

Modern laminated timber products are distinguished by increased strength, high-precision equipment guarantees geometric accuracy forms, there will be no cracks or gaps between the logs in the log house.
However, the properties of wood are crucial, because each type of wood has a unique fiber structure, density, moisture resistance and heat transfer parameters. When answering the question of which tree is better when building a log house for a bathhouse, they do not ignore the climate in the region.

Practicality and economy: what kind of wood should I use to build a bathhouse?

Timber today is used in low-rise suburban construction as the main building material; they are also used for finishing work. For the construction of residential buildings and baths, coniferous and deciduous trees, the following breeds are most in demand:

  • pine;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • Linden.

They also build baths from cedar and oak. The wood of these species is characterized by unique properties, log houses made from it are unusually reliable, durable, they do not need to be processed either outside or inside. But the cost of a steam room made of cedar or oak logs is unusually high; such buildings are rarely ordered.
The most economical and practical option for a bath on suburban area can be called a log house made of pine. Being the most common type of tree in Russia, pine serves as a raw material for the production of sought-after wood. It's lightweight and soft material, easy to process and does not require a foundation of increased strength.

Spruce log or timber is also building material, suitable for the construction of a log house. With parameters similar to pine, spruce has wood with a light golden hue that does not darken over time. In general, spruce and pine lumber are often used in construction, which is greatly facilitated by their relatively low cost.

The need for cladding and processing of a log bathhouse

Wood of such species as spruce, pine and larch, with all its advantages, also has a significant drawback - a large amount of resin. At temperatures typical for bath procedures, resin is released abundantly on the surface of the wood, which can cause discomfort, even burns. In addition, the aroma of pine needles is not pleasant or beneficial to everyone.
For a log house, the material for which is coniferous wood, there is a need for cladding and processing inside. It is better to cover the inside of the log house with hardwood lumber with high moisture resistance. In addition, it is convenient to lay the necessary communications between the walls and the interior decoration.
In addition to the reasons listed above for cladding and processing a log house, there is also the need to insulate the structure, which is especially relevant for our latitudes. In the question of how to insulate a log house for a bathhouse, one should be guided by the purpose of the structure and the features of its operation.

When choosing insulation, you should pay attention to the following parameters: resistance to temperature changes, water-repellent properties, absence of harmful chemical compounds.

A log house is a building with original, distinctive architecture. In order not to disturb its natural configuration, the outside of the bathhouse can be painted. This will protect the structure from aggressive influences external environment, the bathhouse will acquire aesthetic completeness. Market paint and varnish materials offers big choice environmentally friendly dyes.
Another reason for cladding and interior decoration The bathhouse is served by the specificity of this structure. A microclimate is created inside the steam room, which is characterized by high air temperature and humidity. A contrast is created between the external and internal state atmosphere, lining and finishing will protect bearing structures from these influences.

Cutting a log frame into a warm corner

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Economical and durable option: the choice depends on the cost of the material

When considering which wood to cut for a bathhouse, you will have to look for a compromise between the quality, reliability, durability of the material and its cost. It is better not to save on lumber; you should order dry logs with a high class of processing.
Our ancestors used exclusively butt logs for felling. This timber is obtained from the lower part of the trunk, from the root to the lower border of the crown. These logs have almost no knots or other defects. For the production of modern laminated logs and beams, premium grade boards are used.

When choosing an economical and durable option for a log house for a bathhouse, you will have to take into account a number of parameters and characteristics of wood species, compare their costs, and take into account the need for cladding and interior decoration.
So, a bathhouse made of coniferous trees will cost less, but will require additional costs Finishing work. A frame made of linden, which has long been considered a “bath tree” in Rus', will cost more, but you will save on cladding. True, the linden log house is whimsical to use.
All natural lumber has its own advantages and disadvantages; they can also be skillfully combined when building a bathhouse. The decisive factor when choosing the materials from which to build a log house for a bathhouse will be personal taste preferences and planned budget costs.

What you need to know when ordering a log house for your home or bathhouse; how, without being a specialist, to control the quality of a log house; what nuances, secrets and features exist when choosing, manufacturing and assembling log houses - you will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

A wooden house is among all the alternatives, one of best options home for permanent residence. The most reliable wooden houses, the warmest and most time-tested are log houses. Today on the market of construction organizations there are a huge number of offers for their manufacture and assembly. Therefore, every person, without having any construction skills, can come to such an organization, point his finger at the project he likes and, after a certain period of time, receive ready house. However, a large number of proposals determines a large number of unscrupulous performers. What do you need to know when choosing a log house for a house, so as not to fall for the bait of such “would-be builders”? There are a number of nuances that determine both the quality of the log house and its final cost.

Type of logs for the log house

Currently, house logs are made from two types of logs: non-rounded and rounded.

Unrounded logs. Essentially it is just a tree trunk, freed from knots and bark (barked). Partial trimming of the log is possible. Home distinctive feature of such logs is to preserve the natural camber, that is, the difference between the diameters of the opposite ends of the log.

  • Since the outer dense layer is preserved, non-rounded logs are more resistant to aggressive environmental influences, that is, more durable. In addition, they are less likely to crack;
  • have lower thermal conductivity, that is, houses made from such logs are warmer;
  • natural color and texture;
  • cheaper because they are not subject to complex technological processing.
  • longer in preparation for laying a log house, since the crowns from such logs are made by hand and require individual adjustment to each other, in addition, the inability to achieve an ideal fit leads to the need for increased insulation of the seams between the crowns;
  • require more time to shrink.

Rounded. The logs pass through a special machine in which they are given the same diameter along their entire length. Next, all the necessary grooves are made by machines in the factory. Thus, the individual crowns are perfectly matched to each other.

  • individual crowns are faster to manufacture;
  • It is easier to assemble a finished log house from rounded logs;
  • due to the factory fit of individual crowns, the log house requires less insulation of the seams;
  • Due to the uniform diameter of the logs, the finished log house looks neater.
  • a house made of rounded logs needs additional treatment with bioprotective compounds;
  • high price.

From which logs to make a log house, everyone needs to decide for themselves. The debate about which is better began with the advent of rounded logs and continues to this day. Factory conditions for the manufacture of log crowns actually minimize possible flaws during production. However, here there are several nuances that you need to know and take into account if you decide to buy a log house made from rounded logs. The same nuances are also true for houses made of non-rounded logs.

Choosing or creating a house project

The construction of any house begins with the selection or creation of a project. What criteria are primarily taken into account in the project? This, of course, is the size of the future house and the number of floors. The lengths of the walls determine the area of ​​one floor, which, when multiplied by the number of floors, will give full area home, and the height of the walls will determine the dimensions of the ceilings. Knowing some of the nuances of building houses made of wood, you can optimally select these criteria and, at the same time, not overpay.

When choosing a project, you should take into account that the standard length of lumber is 6 m. This also applies to logs. At this length, the curvature is the lowest, which means that when producing rounded logs there is a minimum of waste, and the construction of a log house from such non-rounded logs is the most technologically advanced. Thus, when planning a house with dimensions that are multiples of 3 m, that is, 3, 6, 9, 12 m, etc., you can save a lot on lumber, since other sizes will lead to waste of material.

Further. Design feature the log house is that the floor joists cut between the first and second crowns. Ceiling beams similarly - between the penultimate and last crowns. Therefore, the actual height of the ceilings will be equal to the height of the frame of one floor minus two diameters of the crowns and minus 5-10% for shrinkage. This must be known when calculating the required amount of material to ensure the required ceiling height.

The next nuance will be the internal walls. If you are planning a house with several floors, then you should not forget that interfloor ceilings yours will be wooden. To prevent the floor from walking underfoot, a structure is needed retaining walls or supporting beams with pillars. Maximum length floor joist, which rests at both ends on supporting structures and does not play underfoot - 3.5 m. Thus, when constructing a supporting structure interior wall the width of the room cannot be more than 3.5 m. You can save on material for such a wall and, if desired, partially bypass the 3.5 m limit by constructing a retaining beam under the logs, resting its ends on external walls, and along its length into supporting pillars. It makes sense to make the step between the pillars no more than 3.5-4 m.

If necessary, construction interior partitions this design will be the basis for them. Lightweight design, and not a wall made of logs - this also saves on material.

Another nuance that should be taken into account when designing is the gables. Which one to choose, log or plank? Perhaps, if the pediment covers an unheated attic, then it can be covered with boards. If you plan to do residential attic, then there is no point in building a wall from boards, insulating and finishing - the operations are not cheap, and the final appearance the house will be damaged. Log house in this case it will be preferable.

Selection of material for the log house

So, we decided on the type of logs and chose the project. What's next? Next we order a log house. And here, if you want the log house to last for decades, you need to choose the right material. Again, knowing some specific nuances of selecting material for a log house, you can protect yourself from unscrupulous or illiterate manufacturers.

Choosing a wood type

For the manufacture of log houses, mainly coniferous wood is used. These are pine, spruce, larch, cedar, fir, etc. In addition, in some cases aspen is used. It is used to make log houses for bathhouses, and some elements of log houses for residential buildings.

Due to its uniform density, sufficient evenness along the entire length and low price, the main material for log houses is pine. Spruce is used less often, as it is more susceptible to decay. In places of increased exposure to moisture - this is the first and sub-rafter crowns and window sill beams - it is advisable to use wood that is not afraid of water - larch or aspen. There will be nothing wrong with making a log house entirely from larch, except for its very high cost. Aspen is not suitable for a residential building because it is not warm enough.

To control the selection of wood for a future log house, you need to know what a particular type of wood looks like. Pine is a yellowish wood with a pronounced textured pattern. Spruce is similar to pine, only much whiter and less dense. Larch is an orange wood with a bright pattern. Aspen is white-gray, with virtually no pronounced structure. Knowing this, it is easy to ensure that in the right places the manufacturer used the most suitable wood for this purpose.

Defective material

The timber used to make a log house must be free of visible and invisible defects. Visible ones are easily recognized by simple inspection. The invisible ones can be partially identified by the sound made by the log when tapped with the butt of an ax or a small sledgehammer. The sound should be ringing, high, clear and almost the same along its entire length.

Control of log size and technological grooves

It should be understood that not only the strength of the house, but also its ability to retain heat depends on the thickness of the walls. The required wall thickness is determined by the climate of the area in which the house will be operated. In log houses, when calculating the thickness, it is necessary to take into account two parameters: the diameter of the log (in the thinnest part, if it is not rounded) and the width of the bowl selected in the log for joining the crowns. So, the bowl should be approximately 2/3 of the diameter of the log. In climates with winter temperatures down to -20 °C, the bowl must be made at least 10 cm. At temperatures up to -30 °C - 20 cm, -40 °C - 30 cm. Moreover, no matter what, the diameter of the log should not be less than 20 cm.

If you plan to make a log house from non-rounded logs, you need to pay attention to the process of manufacturing individual crowns. Today, many craftsmen select grooves using a chainsaw, rather than an ax, as before. What is the result? The correct groove should be part of a circle repeating the cross-sectional circle of the previous crown.

In this case, the sealing material completely fills the entire space between the rims. The seam is dense and warm.

If you use a chainsaw, then two cuts will never give such a result. The result will be a picture like this:

The logs will only touch each other at the edges of the grooves. The rest of the space is emptiness. Each seam of such a log house is a bridge of cold. There is only one way out - fill the empty space with insulation - either heavily caulked, or by drilling holes, with polyurethane foam.

You can control how your log house is made only when the log house is not assembled. To hide this unpleasant moment for you, unscrupulous builders do everything right from the visible ends, but in the middle... Thus, if you heard the sound of a chainsaw on construction site- this is a reason to think about the advisability of cooperation with such a manufacturer. Although, in fairness, it should be said that a chainsaw is not always inappropriate. It can be of great help in a number of operations. Therefore, only constant monitoring technological process and periodic measurements can significantly protect you from purchasing a low-quality log house.

Type of cut

There are two types of cutting crowns in the corners - into the paw and into the bowl.

Cutting into the paw (without residue)

Suitable for summer buildings and baths, since the corners in houses with such logs are much colder than those of houses with bowl-shaped logs. In addition, the strength of such a log house is also significantly lower. When the logs warp during natural shrinkage, the crowns at the corners, not being securely fastened, may diverge, which will create additional cracks. The only advantage of such a log house is low price, since the log is completely used.

Cutting into bowl (with remainder)

The corners of such a log house are much warmer and stronger. If you plan to live in the house permanently, then it is advisable to make a log house in this way.

Installation of a log house

Log houses from rounded logs are always first manufactured in a factory, and only after that the finished log house is assembled on site. The interval between manufacturing and assembly should be as short as possible, otherwise, the more time passes, the greater the likelihood of warping of crowns that are not fastened to each other in any way and, as a result, crooked and cracked walls.

By the way, an unconditional sign high level manufacturer of log houses from rounded logs is vacuum packaging for the period from production to assembly. It will retain the original moisture content of the material, which will ensure the crowns fit perfectly to each other.

As for log houses made of non-rounded logs, there are two options:

  • manufacturing and assembly immediately on site;
  • manufacturing, transportation and subsequent assembly on site.

What's better? If you manage to find a master who agrees to the first option, then it will be much better.

You are buying required amount scaffolding and bring it to the construction site. If the foundation of the house is ready, then the log house is assembled directly on it as the crowns are made. The rows are immediately laid with sealing material. If there is no foundation, then you can assemble the frame on temporary supporting pillars, followed by the construction of a foundation under it.

What will you get in this case? Firstly, cost savings due to transportation finished log house. Secondly, by assembling the log house immediately and permanently in place without additional disassembly/assembly, you will get a better final result.

Currently, sealing seams with non-traditional materials is gaining popularity - sealants, polyurethane cords, etc. Whether to use them or not is up to you. But is it worth building an environmentally friendly wooden house and spoil it, at the same time, with various chemicals?

So, knowing just a few nuances in the selection of materials and manufacturing and assembly technologies, you can easily ensure that your log house turns out to be of high quality, warm and reliable.
