What is the daily routine? Daily routine for a student or how to optimally use your time. 30 – leaving the house (approximate time)

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According to sleep expert Michael Breus, understanding your sleep type can help you be more efficient at work and experience significantly less fatigue. Based on observations of patients, he identified 4 chronotypes: “bears”, “lions”, “wolves” and “dolphins”.

50–55% of people are “bears”. They have normal schedule sleep, but they often do not get enough sleep. On the eve of Monday, they go to bed late and cannot get into a rhythm all week.

The main rule: " Bears should not sleep more than 8 hours (even on weekends).

Daily routine for "bears"

Morning: from 7:00 to 11:00

  • Wake up and get your blood pumping with exercise (8-10 minutes) - this will help you quickly come to your senses.
  • Eat hearty breakfast and drink coffee - this will help you not to overeat in the evening. And extra calories in the morning will give you energy for the whole day.
  • Plan your day.

Maximum performance: from 11:00 to 18:00

  • First, it is better to do those things that require more strength and concentration. You will make them faster and better.
  • Closer to lunch, your strength will begin to leave you. Therefore, it is advisable to go outside and take a walk. Bright light and sun will drive away drowsiness and bring the body into a state of readiness.
  • Around 12:00 - lunch, which will give a second burst of energy to finish important work.
  • By 14:00 your brain will start to get tired. Therefore, by this time it is better to schedule meetings, brainstorming sessions and snacks that will help you last until the evening.
  • The best time to train. It will be a little difficult to start, but you will quickly get used to it.
  • After training, have a light dinner: more protein, less carbohydrates.

End of the day: from 22:00 to 23:00

  • It's easy for bears to stay up late, but have a hard time getting up the next day.
  • Therefore, at 22:00, put down your gadgets, and at 23:00, turn off the lights.


“Lions” are 15% of people. They get up early, sometimes even before sunrise. They do 80% of the work before most people wake up.

Daily routine for Leos

Morning: 5:30 to 10:00

  • Breakfast is high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
  • After breakfast, before the others wake up, - best time for meditation or fitness.
  • Coffee will be available around 10:00.

Maximum performance: from 10:00 to 17:00

  • Since breakfast was 3-4 hours ago, it’s worth having a light snack (cottage cheese, protein bar or yogurt).
  • Peak of your performance. This is the best time to immerse yourself in work.
  • Do not postpone meetings until the end of the working day (then you will no longer have the energy). Make appointments at lunchtime.
  • After lunch you will still be full of strength and energy. Try to get as much done as possible before 14:00. After 15:00, switch to simpler tasks.

After work: from 17:00 to 21:00

  • By 17:00 you will begin to experience a strong decline in energy, and at this time it is better not to work.
  • After 17:00 is a good time for fitness, which will give you a burst of energy.
  • Be sure to eat a balanced and healthy dinner.

End of the day: from 21:00 to 22:30

  • Eating healthy and working out will leave you feeling strong enough to enjoy an evening out with friends.
  • At 22:00 you can go to bed.


15–20% of people are “wolves”. They hate the morning, go to bed late, and in the morning they reset the alarm clock several times. They are often late for work and drink 3 strong espressos to somehow recover.

Daily routine for the "wolves"

Morning: from 7:30 to 12:00

  • Set 2 alarms 20 minutes apart. The first alarm will wake you up, and the second will help you come to your senses.
  • Go out to the balcony or somewhere where there is a lot of bright light and drink water. This will help you finally come to your senses and stop hating everything and everyone.
  • It's better to walk to work. You need a 20-40 minute walk. At this time, it will be better to think and you will completely wake up the body.
  • At 11:00 you can finally eat and drink coffee.

Maximum performance: from 12:00 to 20:00

  • Put off your main work until 13:00, then slowly engage in problem solving and communication.
  • At 14:00 you will be at peak performance. Complete complex tasks, arrange brainstorm and make plans.
  • At 17:00 you are still full of energy. Have a snack or lunch and continue working. This is a good time for creative tasks.

After work: from 20:00 to 23:00

  • After work, at 19:00, is the best time to go to the gym.
  • 20:00 - dinner.

End of day: from 22:00 to 0:00

  • It’s easy for you to stay awake until late at night, so it’s better to turn off all gadgets by 23:00 and turn off the lights at 0:00.
  • Take a cold or contrast shower to finally drive away sleep.
  • At 8:00 - a balanced breakfast: half carbohydrates and half protein.
  • Maximum performance: from 10:00 to 18:00

    • Have some coffee. But choose coffee with less caffeine and small quantities.
    • Between 10:00 and 12:00 is the time of your maximum performance. Now it’s good to work on the most complex tasks.
    • After lunch, the energy will begin to leave you. Therefore, it is important to get out into the sun and walk for 20 minutes.
    • Until 18:00 you will again have the strength to take care of important tasks.

    After work: from 18:00 to 22:00

    • Grab a light snack (banana, protein shake, or salad) and head to your workout. Just don't do strength exercises - they won't let you fall asleep on time.
    • At 19:00 have dinner. This is also a good time to socialize with friends, your partner, or family members. This is for you perfect time to resolve conflicts and brainstorm ideas.

    End of day: from 22:00 to 0:00

    • By 22:00, put away all gadgets and take hot bath, read.
    • Go to bed by 0:00. It may be difficult for you to fall asleep right away and you will have to toss and turn for a long time. Try to change your position, sit or lie down until sleep comes.

    Hello everyone on my OZOZH blog.

    Today I am writing an article, first of all, for myself.

    Yes! For myself!

    Because I have a problem with this, and I just can’t overcome it, so I need to understand it well.

    And we will talk about the daily routine for a healthy lifestyle.
    If you are also interested in this question, let’s figure it out together here.

    How does daily routine affect our body?

    For me personally – very much.

    At my core, I am a “lark”, that is, I get up early, and accordingly I need to go to bed early too.

    But, for various reasons, I go to bed late, but cannot sleep for a long time. As a result, I sleep about six hours, which affects my performance, mood, and, well, health.

    Although in the summer my body still forces me to rebuild. I wake up very early, and in the evening I just “pass out.” I don’t know what this is connected with, maybe with the sun - our bedroom windows face east...

    There may also be problems with the digestive system.

    After all, everyone knows that the body is preparing to eat food, but we told him nothing, he asked us a second time and again we said nothing.

    And then in the evening, throughout the day - ON THE!

    The stomach is greatly enlarged; there is not enough juice to simultaneously process all this food. As a result, some went to good use, some went into fat, and the rest either came out or continued to rot (if it was meat).

    So, if you understand, the daily routine is very important for us to maintain.

    Daily schedule for a healthy lifestyle

    6:00 – 7:00
    I often come across information that you need to get up at 5 am. I don’t know, I think this is an exaggeration, even in the summer I can’t get up so early, and why?

    But what if you go to work? But my opinion is this: if it takes an hour or two to get to work, then excuse me, why do you need such work? Do you spend 3-4 hours on the road almost every day? 4 hours of your life! This is no longer a healthy lifestyle...

    But let's go back, that is, morning... the sun has risen... it's time to get up.

    For myself, I determined the ideal time for this - 7 hours. For you it may be a different time, according to your biological clock, and your WORK.

    The very first exercise can be done without getting out of bed. This is “vacuum”, breathing, etc.

    Then a glass of (raw!) water, preferably with lemon, after 10-20 minutes. Can ( Can? Need to!) do basic exercises.
    For me it’s a light warm-up and riding an exercise bike (30 min.)

    8:00 – 9:00
    First breakfast. Well, I think there’s no need to talk about the healthfulness of breakfast? Okay I will not.
    I told you about the recipe for my “super” oatmeal.

    This breakfast saturates me with “long” carbohydrates with oatmeal, quick with honey, protein with yogurt, vitamins and minerals with frozen fruits or berries. As they say in the advertisement - three in one!

    Well, it’s time to go to work, or not... it depends on who...

    Lunch. He is also very important.

    Well, I almost started telling you about the fractional diet...
    But, in my opinion, a daily routine for a healthy lifestyle cannot be created without such a diet.

    In essence, this is not a diet, but constant nutrition, in which a person does not feel strong hunger and, as a result, you never transfer, the body manages to process all the food received, metabolism accelerates, etc. "good" for your body.

    It could be a little protein with vegetables. All products from the article.

    I have this boiled egg with raw red beets ( in winter).

    Dinner. You need to eat thoroughly.

    Time for lunch - 1 hour, is not given lightly. It takes about 20 minutes to eat, the rest of the time is needed for rest and distraction from work.

    It helps a lot to take a nap, just 15-20 minutes. But after lunch you will not be drowsy.
    At this time, we seem to overload our body, and after such a rest, activity will definitely increase.

    Although I have known about this for a long time, and more than once, I have observed how it works, but unfortunately, I have never learned how to quickly “fall asleep and doze off.” Only occasionally do I manage to do everything right, but otherwise I either don’t go to bed at all or fall asleep heavily.

    And then another problem arises, more about it later.

    At this time, for many, there is a decline in activity. But I think that if you take a “proper” nap at lunchtime, you will only gain more energy, I tested it on myself ( when I fell asleep correctly).

    16:00 – 17:00
    Small snack. Not a cup of coffee! And an apple, or a vegetable salad.
    They say that this moment is the second peak of activity. What about you? Somehow I didn’t notice...

    This time is good for active physical activities in the gym or fitness room.
    Unless, of course, you were “active” at work. If you have sedentary work– that’s the hall, that’s what you need!

    After all, the body is still alert and waiting for action.

    19:00 -20:00
    Light dinner.
    You feel a decline in energy, it’s good to do “cleaning” procedures - a sauna or a warm bath, or a shower (everyone has this).

    21:00 – 22:00
    It's time to go to bed. And this is where my problems begin.

    I can’t go to bed so early, although I know and believe that this time comes with the greatest “efficiency” of rest. If you go to bed at such a time, you can really get up at five in the morning and not want to sleep.

    Remember I talked about a lunchtime nap, so this is if you get enough sleep at night. That is, go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 6 am, then a lunch break with a “light” sleep will help.
    And if I didn’t get enough sleep at night, went to bed at 1 or 2 a.m., got up at 8 a.m., then if I “lie down” at lunchtime, I’ll just fall asleep soundly. After this I will wake up broken, without energy, good for nothing, nervous, etc.
    I’m interested in which of you overcame this problem and how, write in the comments.

    This, in my opinion, is what the daily routine should be like for a healthy lifestyle.

    So far, unfortunately, I can stick to this daily routine for a month or two, no more... Then I gradually “slip” from it... I go to bed late, do exercises less and less often... etc.

    Just like in this cartoon.

    I look forward to your opinion on this topic.
    Write what is your daily schedule? And do you consider it, in a healthy way life?

    Hi all! Every person, regardless of whether he is a simple schoolboy or a businessman, simply must be able to plan his day. Do you know why? In order not to work in vain, have time to do what you have planned and not become “overgrown” with diseases that arise against the background of stress and tension. Therefore, today we will pay attention to how to correctly create an individual daily routine in order to get the job done as efficiently as possible, and at the same time feel energetic.


    Time is fleeting, and it is impossible to pause, control, and, moreover, return it. But you have the power to control it, to distribute every minute of life so as to feel its fullness and richness.

    1. Notepad. It will be so difficult to come up with a daily routine that suits you. First of all, just keep a small notebook where you will write down all the desires, goals, and things that need to be accomplished. It is important that he is always with you, you never know when he will enlighten you. Also brainstorm, writing down every thought and idea that comes to mind.

    2. Analysis. When overall plan will be full and ready, try to analyze it in order to discard the unnecessary, or vice versa, to combine some tasks based on similarity. For example, if you have to walk your dog in the morning and evening, then it is quite possible to do shopping at this moment if the necessary supermarket is located near your house. This way you will save not only time, but also energy. Also, do not be afraid to delegate some tasks; if you do not have time to cope with everything, ask your family or those with whom you live to help you.

    3. List. Now write a list of your responsibilities and needs. Then review each item and ask yourself a simple question: “What should I do to...?” For example: “What do I need to do so that my child comes to school on time and studies well?”, “What do I need to do before work?”, “What should I prepare before bed so as not to waste extra time in the morning?” And so on.

    4. Diary. Then take a diary, or, if you prefer, an electronic schedule, and try to distribute all your tasks over time. Try to make a draft first, because the first time it is unlikely that you will be able to take into account all the nuances and create a suitable plan.

    5. Action. And the last step is strict adherence to the routine. It is clear that all sorts of force majeure situations happen that cannot be predicted, but try not to do yourself any favors, respect the boundaries, so over time you will get used to it, and you will not have to make additional efforts; you will already follow the regime at the subconscious level.

    So, the correct daily routine for each person must include elements such as sleep, sports, work, nutrition, communication and rest. If any of these areas are infringed, do not be surprised that there will be no harmony and balance in your life. High ambitions are wonderful, but working without rest, you risk not only getting sick, but one day simply falling ill for a long time.

    If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t have energy, which means you will stop being effective and, accordingly, successful. So, to begin with, I recommend making a life balance wheel to understand which areas “suffer” the most and focus on them. You will learn how this is done and what it is from.

    2. Pleasures

    Be sure, in addition to relaxation, you should include a fun item for every day. Otherwise, you can simply turn into a workhorse, or an unhappy person who has lost interest in life. So, work hard to be happy and don’t put life off until later.

    3. Biorhythms

    I think you are aware that there are biological rhythms in accordance with which the human body functions. And every minute some processes take place, and by adapting to them, you can significantly improve not only your health, but also your life in general. Even medications are taken taking these features into account, so that they are beneficial and not harmful.

    Let's say that drugs to boost immunity are best taken between 9 and 11 am. There is even an hourly table of all the physiological processes that occur in us, you can find it in the article.

    4. Flexibility

    Remember to be flexible and leave plenty of time for unforeseen circumstances. Ideally – 20% of the whole day. Then, even if you suffer from perfectionism, it will be easier for you to adapt and generally get out.

    Disappointment and annoyance from not having time to complete what was planned can cause powerful stress, which, gradually accumulating, can cause a malfunction in the body. So take care of yourself. As a last resort, a note about perfectionists.

    5. Planning time

    Try to edit and make changes in the evenings. Pay attention to your plan before going to bed, then in the morning your routine will not be disrupted, and you will have a clear idea of ​​when and what to do.

    6. Reward

    If there are things that don’t excite you, then try to diversify them with those that interest you. It is especially wonderful if the pleasure is performed as a reward for effort and will. That is, you wrote an annual report - treat yourself to a meeting with friends or dinner at a restaurant with your family.

    7. Discipline

    On weekends and vacations, you should not ruin your discipline; stick to your normal daily routine, but instead of work, plan rest and entertainment.

    8. Tools

    To make it easier, use ready-made assistants, which you can find in the article on planning human activities.

    9. Difficult tasks

    In the morning, write down the most unpleasant tasks, since before 11 o'clock the human brain works most productively. And you won’t have to live until the evening with the feeling that something uninteresting and difficult lies ahead. If you “suffer” from procrastination, use the ways to get rid of it from the article.


    To make it easier to create your daily routine, I want to give an example that you can rely on and build on. Adjust your time individually, depending on your needs and responsibilities.

    • 7:00 – wake up. Get up as soon as the alarm clock rings, otherwise you risk falling asleep again.
    • 7:10 – airing the room and bathing procedures.
    • 7:30 – exercise.
    • 7:45 – breakfast and bed cleaning.
    • 8:20 – drive to work. It is advisable to have time to walk at least a little, it is good for your internal organs and in general, it will help you feel good.
    • 9:00 – perform work duties. Try to arrive 10 minutes early to give yourself time to collect your thoughts. Take short rest breaks before lunch. It will be great if you use the Pomodoro method. Also take care of your eyes and back, do exercises and warm-ups, especially if you have a sedentary job, also at the computer.
    • 14:00 – lunch.
    • 15:00 – begin further duties.
    • 18:00 – it is advisable to take a walk on the way home; fresh air will contribute to sound and full sleep, oxygen saturation will allow you to replenish your energy reserves for the evening.
    • 18:30 – shopping necessary products, a walk with a pet, and other worries.
    • 19:30 – dinner. It is advisable to exclude fatty fried foods, sweets and spicy, salty foods.
    • 20:00 – time for yourself. Do your favorite hobby, read a book, watch a movie, etc.
    • 21:00 – bath procedures and making plans for the next day.
    • 22:00 – listening to calm relaxing music, sleep. It is recommended not to go to bed later than 00:00, otherwise you will disrupt the production of hormones that protect us from stress, and this can lead to insomnia and depression.


    And that’s all for today, dear readers! And as Brian Tracy said: “Remember that every minute you spend planning saves 10 minutes of your work.”

    The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.


    Don't be discouraged if you can't follow the entire schedule at first. Over time, these things will turn into habits that will no longer be so easy to get rid of.

    6:00. Wake up

    Wake up and sing! If possible, immediately immerse yourself in the rays of sunlight.

    6:15. Think positive

    Think about two or three things in your life - no matter how significant - for which you are grateful. You will be surprised how quickly your anxiety about the day ahead will dissipate.

    6:30. Start moving

    Do a few to get the blood moving. Then recharge your batteries with a protein shake to help you get through the rest of the day, oatmeal, Greek yogurt or eggs, especially hard-boiled ones.

    8:00. Leave the house

    While getting to work, you can listen to a podcast or audiobook. It's better to choose something unfamiliar - it will help you learn new things and keep your mind fresh.

    If you can't fully enjoy listening while on the road, do something useful. For example, think about your list of tasks for the day or rehearse your upcoming presentation.

    9:00. Get to work

    Organize your work process so as not to overload yourself and waste your morning work. positive energy. Once you've prepared your task list, turn off your phone, sign out of email and social media, and get to work. As a last resort, try turning on Do Not Disturb mode every 90 minutes.

    12:00. Restore your energy

    Use lunchtime to rejuvenate not only your body, but your mind as well. Go back to what you were listening to or reading in the morning, or try some meditation. If you are an extrovert, then chat with colleagues - this way you will fill yourself with energy even more.

    If you have to have lunch at the computer while working at the same time, then at least have food. It could be a salad fresh vegetables, a meatless wrap, or just a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread.

    15:00. Take a break

    No one has canceled the afternoon slump in productivity, but there is no reason to give in to it entirely. Instead of eating something sweet or drinking an energy drink, take a break and take a short walk - at least near the office.

    If the craving to eat something is irresistible, then give preference to complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. The former help release energy, the latter make you more alert. A great option is whole grain crackers with cheese, dried or fresh fruit, raw vegetables with hummus or mixed nuts.

    18:00. Go home

    The work day is over, so leave your work at work. It's time to relax. If you don't like morning exercise, then it's time to hit the gym or go for a long walk with the dog. Alternatively, go somewhere where you can interact with people. Any activity that helps you forget about work will do.

    19:00. Have dinner

    It's best to eat at least three hours before you go to bed, otherwise the food won't have time to digest before bed. Avoid meals high in fat and carbohydrates. Examples of foods that promote good sleep include salmon, whole grains, yoghurt and bananas.

    You may feel sleepy after swallowing a huge slice of pizza or a triple cheeseburger. But a restless “food coma” will never replace you healthy sleep. And, of course, try to avoid alcohol.

    21:00. Relax

    Meditation, warm bath, cup of herbal tea or just good book will help you relax before bed. Try not to watch TV at night and do not check work documents on the computer. The blue light that comes from screens disrupts and prevents the brain from producing melatonin, a natural hormone that promotes good sleep. As a last resort, use a feature on your computer or smartphone that reduces blue light to a minimum.

    22:00. Go to bed

    No matter how hard you try to protect yourself from daytime stress at night, it can still overtake you. Various little things help in the fight against it. Turn an alarm clock with an LED screen against the wall, and keep the bedroom (about 18 ° C) and dark (the absence of light also helps produce melatonin). Don't think about how to fall asleep quickly - just breathe.

    If you still can't sleep, turn on relaxing music or white noise, write something in your diary, or do something small and boring that you keep putting off.

    Previously, I worked for my grandmother. Served the allotted time from morning to evening and went home. I received a salary once a month. Grandmother always paid the same, regardless of the results of work. If necessary, I gave a magic kick to increase productivity. Now my grandmother is gone, I work on my own and for myself.

    The weak results of my work forced me to analyze “Why I don’t have time to do anything and every day I run in one circle, like a squirrel in a wheel.”

    Planning your daily routine

    Are you familiar with the situation when day after day it’s the same thing and there’s not enough time for anything? Then ask yourself the question: Do you use your time rationally, how often do you have to postpone things until tomorrow because there is not enough time today?

    Lack of time is a far-fetched reason; everyone has 24 hours in a day. Some people have plenty of this time, while others don’t have time to do anything. main reason why people don’t manage to do everything on time is the lack of a clear plan for the day, week, month, year...

    How to correctly create a daily routine, rationally use time and manage everything everywhere is studied by such a discipline as time management, the basics of which I will share with you.

    When there is no time for daily planning

    If you don’t have time for daily planning for tomorrow, then you urgently need to take a notepad with a pen and make a list of priority tasks. Drawing up a plan will allow you to use your time effectively and avoid distractions on the way to your goal.

    The priority of tasks is assessed by the consequences that will occur for you if they are not completed. The urgency and importance of each event is assessed. If the consequences are minor, then the matter is of little importance and is moved to the end of the list.

    A person develops a habit within three weeks. At first it will be difficult to plan tomorrow every evening. After 21 days of regular practice, creating and following a routine will become routine and become the norm.

    The result is created by discipline and consistency of effort over a long period of time.

    The basis of time management is goal setting

    A person has values, fundamental life positions and goals. A person's success depends on how aligned his goals and values ​​are.

    All stress, conflicts, uncertainties arise when your actions contradict internal values. What steps are you taking to make your actions even more consistent with your beliefs?!

    To achieve results, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve and in what direction to develop. A road without a goal is a path to nowhere. When you do something, constantly ask yourself for what purpose you are doing it. You can only get closer to your goal when you know what your goal is.

    Make a to-do list of what you did during the month, week, day. There will be fifty cases. But only 3-5 of them provide 80% success. 10 skills can be well developed, of which 2-3 types of activities are better than other people.

    View your time as an investment in the 2-3 activities that will contribute most to your future. By investing 80% of your time in this way, you will get closer to your goal every day.

    Constantly ask yourself the question of how consistent the achievement of your plans at the moment is with what you are doing now. What is the most valuable investment of time? The correct answer is to spend time on what is most important to achieve your goal at that moment.

    Now go back to your daily to-do list and rank all tasks into categories A, B, C, D, E. The importance of each task is determined by the level of consequences for you, from the results of its implementation or failure to complete it:

    • Category “A” tasks
    • This is what you have to do, which has serious consequences depending on whether you solve these problems or not. Fulfillment will bring you great benefit, failure to comply will be against you.
      Category “A” cases provide 80% of the result.

    • Category “B” tasks
    • This is something that should be done, but has moderate consequences if done or not done. In case of non-compliance, inconveniences may arise, but nothing serious will happen.
      Never take on tasks of category “B” if there are tasks of category “A” that have not been completed.

    • Category “B” tasks
    • These are things that would be good to do. These are easy and pleasant things - sitting with friends, chatting on social networks, drinking a cup of coffee... These are things that do not have any impact on your future.
      Eliminate all category “B” tasks from your workday to leave more time for completing “A” and “B” tasks.

    • Problems of category "D"
    • These are all things that can be delegated to others. Delegate everything that does not have consequences for the future in order to free up time for solving problems of categories “A” and “B”.

    • Category “D” tasks
    • Minor tasks that can be abandoned without any damage or discomfort.

      You can take control of your time if you give up tasks that are not important or of low value to you.

    When there are several “A” category tasks in your plan for the coming day, then rank them according to the level of consequences at A1, A2, A3 and start completing them from A1. This is the most important time management skill you can master.

    Results are obtained by regularly taking steps leading to the intended goal. Break down large tasks into small tasks, this will make them easier to complete and easier to control completion at each stage.

    Daily routine of a successful person

    Success comes from the word to keep up, more precisely from the verb meaning action. It is not the one who acts a lot who succeeds, but the one who does less, but on time. Here is an example of a daily plan, based on which you can easily create your daily schedule.

    • 05:30 - 06:00, rise

    What time do you wake up in the morning? How things will go during the day depends on when and in what mood we woke up.

    • 06:00 - 07:00, morning exercises

    The time when the sun rises and nature wakes up is the best moment to start the day, and the best start to the day is exercise. It is possible to charge fresh air- Be sure to go outside.

    • 07:00 - 09:00, breakfast, morning exercises

    Having woken up at six in the morning, even after exercise, by seven to eight o'clock in the morning the body will be ready to have breakfast. To maintain efficiency and good spirits, the body needs to consume vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements every day.
    After breakfast, slowly look at your to-do list again and, if necessary, adjust your tasks for the day.

    • 09:00 - 12:00, the most fruitful time for

    The body's ability to work is not constant throughout the day. Mark the times when you are full of energy and the times when you are sleepy as a fly. Plan your day taking into account your body.

    Until 12 o'clock, the moment when you can get a lot done. During the period when thoughts flow easily and clearly, it is easiest to concentrate - do important tasks of category “A”.

    • 12:00 - 14:00, lunch break, change of activity

    Knowledge workers, engage in physical activity during this time. Those who are engaged in physical labor, on the contrary, read a book, think about the mystery of time... And don’t forget about lunch.

    • 14:00 -17:30, completing tasks according to schedule
    • 17:30 - 19:00, dinner

    This is a time when you can relax, unwind, and have a leisurely dinner.

    • 19:00 - 21:00, personal time

    You can finish what you didn’t manage to do during the day. Check your email and social media. Time to be with family, fulfill a friend's request. Shake yourself up and take a light jog for the strength of your future sleep.
    Cyclic sports increase self-discipline and develop the skills to distribute one’s strength over a long distance.

    • 21:00 - 22:00, summing up the day

    In the evening, check the list to see if everything has been completed. If not, analyze the reasons that prevented you. Evaluate what took more time and what difficulties arose. Make a schedule of priority tasks for tomorrow.

    By gaining experience in analyzing failed tasks, you will learn to rationally create a daily routine. Prioritizing tasks by importance and making a list of tasks that you can delegate to others will soon become a habit.

    • 22:00 - 23:00 evening toilet, getting ready for bed

    This is the time when you can sit comfortably and read a book before going to bed. Listen to calm music, discarding all disturbing thoughts.

    • 23:00 - 05:30 sleep

    It is recommended to go to bed no later than 23:00, because from 23:00 to 01:00 is the time when our brain and body rest most effectively. To wake up at the scheduled six in the morning and go to bed before 11 p.m. is prerequisite. There can be no talk of any productivity if you don’t give your body enough sleep.

    By following the routine every day, all the points will become second nature, and it will be easy to plan your affairs in the long term.

    In this video, I suggest you watch an excerpt from a lecture on the basics of time management and planning your day.

    1. Shape your environment
    2. Be prepared that to achieve your goals you will need to change your surroundings, even if they are old friends. Talk to people from whom you can get ideas and inspiration. When you have people around you that you want to look up to, you will begin to progress.

      And vice versa, by regularly communicating with people who spend time on a bench drinking a bottle of beer, you will also begin to regularly spend time on a bench. At this point, development and upward movement will stop.

    3. Bad habits
    4. One large company included the following question in its application form for job candidates: how many cigarettes do you smoke per day: 4, 6, 8, 12? The trick to this question is that all the answers are wrong. The company hired only non-smokers...

    5. Delegate minor tasks
    6. Start your workday by completing “A” tasks. You don’t have to take everything on yourself; entrust some of the tasks to other people who will do them faster and better than you. By giving your car to a car service center or ordering an article on a freelance exchange, you didn’t buy a service, you bought time that you would have spent on self-execution work.

      Entrust some of your daily chores to your family members. Children can go to the store or wash the dishes just as well as you can.

      Time cannot be returned, it cannot be preserved, but it can be saved, received for free or exchanged for money. Having bought a hair clipper, I cut my hair at home. At first glance, I'm saving money at the hairdresser. Taking a deeper look, it turns out that I save time on traveling to the hairdresser and waiting in line.

    7. Rest
    8. Extending working hours by reducing rest time is a direct path to breakdowns and stress. On weekends, never think about work. Make it a habit to take breaks throughout the day, giving your body and brain a chance to rest without waiting for signs of fatigue

      After a break, performance improves. Working hard literally wears out the body and leads to serious illnesses. Always find an opportunity to get enough sleep.

    9. All the fears are in my thoughts

    People tend to be afraid of change. Whenever there is an opportunity to take on a new business, doubts begin to arise - what if it doesn’t work out. Fear of leaving your comfort zone is the reason for the failure of all endeavors. Having received a promotion, people continue to perform their old duties in order to feel at ease.

    When you take on a new business with the mindset that something might turn out badly, the mission will remain unfulfilled. Start working with the idea that you can do it; you won’t know until you do it. Doing nothing is much worse than doing something bad.

    Only discipline and consistency of effort over a long period of time will create results. Every day, one step at a time, moving towards the intended image. Taking a small step is not at all difficult and every action will bring results.

    Free video from the Master of Time training

    After I wrote this note, I continued to study the issue. Looking through various materials met Evgeniy Popov's training - Master of Time. Popov’s thoughts have many similarities with mine.

    1. We didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this
    2. Without this, time management doesn't work.
    3. Two important ideas

    The training is paid - the author costs 2990 rubles, so Evgeniy, in the course of personal correspondence, allowed me to publish only the first three videos and a link to his full course Master of Time.

    The material was prepared by Alexander Utyshev, see you next time...
