What beautiful flowers to plant in your dacha. Perennial flowers blooming all summer long photos and names Which perennials are unpretentious

A dacha can become a source of not only tasty and healthy food, but also a place of aesthetic pleasure. To do this, you should not be lazy and plant ornamental plants of your choice on the site. Most gardeners prefer to grow perennial flowers, since they require the least amount of time and effort. We will consider the most popular perennial flowers for the garden- photos with names. The catalog below will help you with your choice if you have not yet decided how to decorate your area.

Perennials for the garden, blooming in summer-autumn: photos with names


This flower, quite unusual for our latitudes, will delight you from the middle or end of summer, depending on the variety. It has many varieties and does not like too hot sun and drought. It can grow in the same place for up to 20 years!

Astilbe is one of the most original perennials from our catalog


This flower from our catalog blooms throughout August and September. It is cultivated only in dachas located in the southern regions. It is demanding of sun and loves acidified soil.

Acidanthera is grown only in the southern zones


Colchicum is very beautiful, but poisonous


This flower, quite famous among summer residents (and not only) blooms in June. It has a large number of varieties, which are divided into two groups, depending on the required conditions.

Photo of cornflowers


Surely, there is no one who does not know what this highly decorative perennial flower. It has no less than 10,000 varieties. They prefer sunny areas and well-fertilized soil.

Gladiolus is the most decorative flower catalog


Summer residents are very fond of this perennial flower because of the long flowering period (from June to the very frost). The land where pelargonium grows needs to be fertilized with manure.

Pelargonium garden


Beautiful, thick flowering perennial for the dacha. Tolerates any unfavourable conditions. Looks great both in a separate planting and in a flower garden.

In the photo: decorative yarrow


Well, how can we not place a photo and name of a flower such as chrysanthemum in our catalogue? It is considered sacred in Asian countries. Many varieties of chrysanthemums decorate summer cottages until the frosts. They are often used to make bouquets that can last for about a month.

Chrysanthemums delight the eye for a long time in the countryside and at home in a bouquet


Asters are the symbol of the school

We tried to select for you the best, in the opinion of the majority, perennial flowers for the garden. Photos with names (catalogue), we hope, helped you navigate the issue of choosing ornamental plants for your site. Do not forget that by combining flowers with different periods flowering, you will receive the joy of contemplating their beauty from the beginning of spring until late autumn.

Verbena: when to plant and how to grow a flower Gypsophila: planting and care in open ground, photo

You will need

  • Delenki (small sections of rhizome with buds) of the following plants:
  • - daylily;
  • - herbaceous peony;
  • - catnip;
  • - oak sage;
  • - paniculata phlox;
  • - host;
  • - heuchera;
  • - astilbe.


Daylily is considered the most unpretentious of the entire list. At the same time, it is unusually beautiful and undemanding when it comes to soil, fertilizing and watering. Its varieties are magnificent - from white shades to deep purple. Height - from 30 to 100 cm.
The location is sunny. Care comes down to removing faded inflorescences in summer and pre-winter pruning. Does not need shelter for the winter.

Herbaceous peony is a classic of our gardens. It is advisable to select three varieties - early, mid and late flowering, then you can admire them for almost a month. Looks great both in composition and as an accent plant in the middle of the lawn.
Sunny location. Care - fertilizing and pre-winter pruning.

Catnip is still rarely found in gardens, although it is a wonderful long-flowering plant that covers the flower garden with a delicate blue cloud from June to August. You can plant a couple of varieties - lower (30-40 cm) and higher (50-80 cm).
It goes perfectly with all varieties of roses, so it is appropriate in the rose garden.
Does not require any maintenance. Sun or partial shade.

Oak sage (forest) also harmonizes wonderfully with roses and other flowers in the flowerbed. Its slender candle inflorescences (white, pink, lilac, purple) have been decorating the garden for a long time. Care comes down to trimming the inflorescences and adding soil to the base of the bush in the fall.

Phlox paniculata is a “grandmother’s” flower, loved by many generations of gardeners. It divides and takes root easily, blooms luxuriantly and brightly. Requires treatment special drugs for diseases (in rainy summers) and fertilizing in the spring and before flowering. Sunny location.

Hosta is an ornamental foliage plant that goes well with all of the above. There are many varieties - with small and huge leaves of yellow, green and even blue shades. Looks great in any flower garden, rose garden, coniferous plants and bushes.
Unpretentious, grows in sun and partial shade.

Heuchera is another plant with beautiful foliage that will decorate any composition and give a head start to even flowering plants. Growing in the sun and partial shade, it is surprisingly unpretentious, does not need fertilizing, and tolerates drought well. Care consists of adding soil to the base of the bush in the autumn so that it does not freeze.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit often suburban area, if you are new to floriculture, or your garden is not for capricious plants– this selection is for you.

To ensure that your garden is surrounded by flowers and does not need your close attention, it is worth planting plants that do not require special care. Here are some of these crops.

The elegant anemone flowers bloom in late August. They look great in a flower bed, and also make up beautiful bouquets. Plant different varieties of anemones to create a colorful flower bed.

This unpretentious plant will bloom beautifully and luxuriantly even in the shade. But for this, astilbe should be well watered.

The crop blooms in July and pleases with its bright elongated inflorescences for 10 weeks.

This plant forms lush spherical bushes up to 50 cm high. In September, when the plant blooms, each stem turns into a bouquet. But even without flowers, this bright ball looks very elegant.

If you choose the right helenium varieties, it will bloom in your garden from June to October.

For abundant and long-lasting flowering, these bright “suns” should be planted in a lighted place and watered periodically.

Add to the garden of blue color– it is often missing. Magnificent geranium does not require special attention. It grows up to 50 cm in height and can bloom even in partial shade. Although the plant blooms for a short time (from May to June), in the fall it reminds itself again: the foliage acquires a reddish tint.

This plant is especially popular in regions where it is impossible to grow lavender. Catnip is an unpretentious perennial that blooms especially profusely and brightly in sunny areas.

And if you prune the catnip after the first flowering, it may bloom again.

Oriental poppy will not cause much trouble either. This plant with fairly large scarlet flowers will become a bright accent in your flower garden. If you plant early and late varieties, then you can extend the flowering of the crop from May to July.

It is difficult to imagine a flowerbed where sedum would be inappropriate. The culture decorates the garden throughout the entire season, even though the plant blooms only at the end of August.

Sedum is very unpretentious, but prefers sunny places and sandy soils.

Chamomile is a win-win option for decorating a flower garden, because it blooms for a very long time and does not need special care. All this crop needs is watering and fertilizing. Perennial daisies require less attention than annual daisies. This plant also lasts a long time when cut.

Another garden “sun” is rudbeckia. Bright yellow flowers adorn the plant from late summer to mid-autumn.

All you need to take care of when planting this crop is to choose a sunny place for it.

Tiny yarrow flowers would not look so impressive if they were not collected in inflorescences-baskets. Be sure to plant this plant in your garden if you are unable to visit your dacha often. Yarrow blooms from June to September - a surprisingly long time.

12. Phlox

Phlox will also be indispensable in a “lazy” garden. They are different colors, there are even “chameleon” varieties that change color depending on the lighting.

At the same time, the plants are so unpretentious that they can be compared to weeds: they take root well and grow quickly.

The topic of floriculture is alien and indifferent to those who are not able to understand and feel the soul of these lovely creations of nature, the enchanting and silent harmony of color.

True connoisseurs of the music of flowers need only look at this natural masterpiece to imagine with their hearts and personally create the magic of unearthly perfection, combining style, shape, color and sound together.

Unpretentious spring flowers

Not experienced gardeners I'm concerned about the question - what unpretentious flowers should I plant in my dacha, so that with the onset of the first warmth, they will announce the arrival of Spring with their blossoming, filling my soul and heart with joy?

After all, the arrival of heat, especially in the Russian Middle lane, often drags on. The seeds of annual flowers have not yet been thrown into the ground. And perennials are just beginning to break through the unheated soil.

But there is no need to be upset - bulbous crops have already formed future buds since the fall and with the onset of spring they will color the flower beds with a rainbow spectrum.

On the first thawed patches, with gentle rays spring sun, white, blue, yellow and striped corollas will appear on your site - this is how they bloom.

These primroses will delight their owners all spring, and then they retire until the next favorable time.

They vary significantly in height - from seven to fifteen centimeters.

When choosing a place for planting, you need to take into account that these are sun-loving individuals. A warm and well-lit secluded place is their favorite corner. Light partial shade near trees and shrubs that have not yet blossomed is also suitable.

Planting of bulbous firstborns is carried out in traditional times - in August and September.

Without a doubt, the owners of a country estate will receive the highest aesthetic pleasure when planting crocuses in groups. During flowering, they will appear in all their splendor, effectively decorating flower beds.

A festival of colors of incredible beauty with large white flowers and blue stripes will delight you until the onset of summer. The inflorescence can have a blue or blue color. The height of the stem can reach 20 centimeters.

Like many bulbous plants, Pushkinia prefers good lighting or light shading.

They look harmonious and impressive with small daffodils, broken hearts and a motley carpet of sedums.

From the beginning of April to the end of May, low - up to 20 centimeters, tender flowers bloom. Their stems are crowned with graceful inflorescences that figuratively resemble bells.

Mouse hyacinth, also called muscari, is rightfully included in the TOP of the most unpretentious garden crops.

Once you plant a bulb under the crown of a tree or, for example, next to a lilac bush, you will welcome spring with this amazing flower for many years.

You can renew or thin out muscari with the onset of summer - in June. But only when you see that the blue flower and its elongated leaves have faded.

A small reminder - during the period of vital activity, the plant needs additional soil moisture. At this point, the troubles are practically over, leaving only the advantages: excellent proximity to other flowers and unpretentious care.

It’s hard to imagine a country “residence” without these flowers, striking in their delicacy and simplicity. Perhaps it is they, except perhaps tulips, that are the calling card of spring.

Agree that the spring scent of narcissus is difficult to confuse with other crops.

From the beginning of April until the last calendar days In spring, this small fragment of the sun pleases with its beauty.

The plant can grow up to 60 cm - it all depends on the chosen variety.

Again, their color depends on the variety. It can be simply white, without losing its tenderness and grace, as well as with a long or short crown, which is framed by fringe.

The place for growing daffodils should be saturated with minerals - this perfect option. In addition, they are very unpretentious to lighting. And they feel comfortable both in bright sun and in a slightly shaded place, hiding under the crown of budding trees.

Narcissist is harmonious flower. It cohabits and decorates, growing with bergenia, tulip, various garden plants, dicentra and other plants.

Over time, they form a snow-white carpet with yellow splashes, which looks very impressive.

As necessary, it can be thinned out by transplanting the bulbs to another place. But it is advisable to do this after a decrease in their vital activity - somewhere in the beginning of summer.

The daffodil tolerates frosty winters relatively calmly. But if in the spring you notice some bare areas, then in the summer they can be planted with young bulbs.

Daffodils in the photo:


Avid gardeners consider the tulip to be the king of home decorative crops. Others, on the contrary, due to the extremely few requirements on his part regarding care, are classified as “commoners.”

The number of varieties, shapes, and colors is so great that true fans of this delightful creature grow only it, allocating its own zone for each variety.

Believe me, tulips blooming is a truly mesmerizing experience. Those who have been to the tulip parade in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea understand what we are talking about.

After all, by skillfully selecting varieties in accordance with their flowering time, you can create fairy tale both on an alpine hill and in a wonderful flower bed near the house. After all, the tulip releases its first color in March, and the latest varieties delight lovers of this beauty before the onset of summer.

Just as the varieties vary, so do the stem sizes. They can reach 50 centimeters.

In order for a fairy-tale picture to appear in the spring, you need to take care of this beauty in the fall. It is better to plant and renew the bulbs in September, placing them in loose, fertilized soil.

Important advice. During the flowering period, occasionally check the condition of the plants. If they are affected by a fungus, remove the flower immediately, as this disease cannot be treated.

Variety of tulip varieties in the photo:

During the active period, tulips need good watering, which should be limited in the summer when the bulbs are resting.

There is no doubt that early bulbous primroses are long-awaited and desired. They are bright and unpretentious. By looking at the photos of varieties and reading the names, you can choose the most unpretentious flowers for your garden. But the trouble is that their foliage is not able to maintain its decorative effect for a long time and decorate your home for a long time.

You need to think in advance about planting other plants next to them.

Lily of the valley

This is, if you like, an axiom or a classic of the spring flower bed. They replace the first wave of flowering. May is their month. Thanks to their good root system, they easily endure winter. In spring, tubular leaves first emerge from the ground, and then stems with surprisingly delicate, fragrant white bells grow from the inside - up to 20 in number. And the flower itself can reach thirty centimeters.

After a bright phase, which lasts until early summer, red berries appear.

Here you need to protect children from eating them - the berries are very poisonous.

The undoubted advantage of lilies of the valley is their unpretentiousness. They thrive in both shade and sun.

- This is a surprisingly versatile creation, equally suitable for both open sunny lawns and shady corners.

This is one of the representatives shade-tolerant plants. These ground cover household members can grow as shrubs, instantly and unpretentiously growing into the ground.

From mid-spring they will decorate your home with greenery and colorful flowers. bright colors incredible diversity: blue, turquoise, pink, white, purple or a mixed palette of all these shades.

This name is known to few amateur gardeners. Appearance gave this beauty a different, more sensual and dramatic name - a broken heart.

After hibernation, having bravely endured the winter cold, dicentra blooms with the first rays of the spring sun, and in May it blooms with white, pink or two shades of inflorescences, surprisingly, without exaggeration, reminiscent of tiny hearts.

The active life period reaches two months. And what’s surprising is that under the soft transparent shadow the color saturation is higher than in the open sun. In such conditions, the inflorescence retains its beauty longer.

A plant that can reach a meter in height after shedding " broken hearts", will become a wonderful green background for your other favorites.

May is the most favorable month for under the treetops, along artificial reservoirs and paths, Brunnera appeared in all its heavenly beauty. It is this heavenly, soft blue color that the flowers of this amazing natural creation appear before your eyes.

The height of the plant is relatively small - up to 50 centimeters.

Brunner will be a wonderful addition to any of your locations. It can fit into any landscape and created composition.

Not requiring daily attention, the plant reproduces well by dividing the bush.

Summer luxury

  1. Sunny side or slight shading.
  2. Soil with good moisture absorption.
  3. Good watering.
  4. Moderate feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. Planting (separation) of bushes at least once every five years.
  6. Flowers can be used to create cozy areas, or bushes can serve as borders.

Viola or pansy

The second name is more familiar. The charming, unpretentious simplicity of these small plants leaves no one indifferent.

The spectrum and number of shades is simply amazing - these are yellow, sky blue, blue with red spots, white like snow, velvety black, lilac, purple colors and different variations of their mixtures.

They are very undemanding to themselves, but it is still worth creating the minimum conditions for their living comfort. Plants do not like lowlands, where moisture lingers for a long time. Their regular diet is ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. But manure, especially unrotted manure, should be excluded from feeding.

If you want to extend the flowering period, then regularly pick out the resulting seed boxes, because the process of their ripening will require a lot of work. additional forces and energy.

Clusters of soft pink flowers attached to a thick stem, and rounded shiny foliage - this is how it can be briefly described.

Your work will be appreciated if you maintain soil fertility. In this case, the growing area should not be heavily shaded. Shortage solar energy will significantly shorten the bright period in the life of this culture.

You need to remember minimal attention to the plant, especially in spring.

During the period of awakening, the flower is very sensitive to fungi. Therefore, treatment with protective drugs will be very useful.

Where will the culture take root better and look more impressive? These are rocky locations in garden plots, flower beds where groups of various types, borders and (rectangular flower beds).


Colchicum is the middle name of Colchicum. It convincingly resembles a crocus. But its flowers are slightly larger and endowed with a delicate aroma. The bulb of this individual is very prolific and can form up to four inflorescences.

The short flowering period, which is just over three weeks, is compensated by the beauty it creates, albeit short-lived.

The crop is quite undemanding both in terms of fertilizing and lighting, as well as in soil composition.

Colchicum looks advantageous not only on alpine hills, but also in flower beds with long-term flowering. Yes, simple flower beds are also suitable.

captivated gardeners with its unusual bright color and size of leaves, which create a fabulous background on the site.

In addition, its long flowering period and absolute unpretentiousness have brought it into the category of the most sought-after representatives of the decorative community.

He is comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. But too bright rays can discolor greenery.

It needs moderate watering, but the soil will need to be saturated with minerals. Organic matter and mineral fertilizers should be applied in spring and early autumn.

When preparing a perennial for winter, it is worthwhile to mulch (cover) the soil with peat, after cutting off the stems to the very roots. But there is no need to cover the rhizomes with soil - it tolerates frost well.


Gardeners call this flower. This perennial has an erect appearance, consisting of shooting stems. Just by looking at a photo of a loosestrife, you can immediately fall in love with this beauty, decorated with bright yellow or red flowers.

A significant part of loosestrife varieties, such as common, dotted, lily-of-the-valley (cletro-shaped), and coin-like, love the sun. Only some prefer the darkened coziness.

Almost all varieties of lysimachia are capable of growing in one place for up to 10 years. However, it needs to be thinned out periodically by cutting the base rhizome.

Minor care includes:

  1. Fairly moist soil.
  2. Regular watering.
  3. Fertilizing with combined mineral fertilizers once a month.

When preparing for winter, there is no need to cover the flower. It is enough to cut off the dried stems at the root.

Gazania is called the South African chamomile not only by landscape designers, but also by avid flower growers. This is due to some similarity in shape and amazing colorful painting. This is where the natural artist did his best work.

The Gazania genus includes almost forty varieties. But in cold winter conditions, not everyone is able to fulfill the mission of perennials.

Suitable for them:

  1. Rock gardens.
  2. Decorative flowerpots.
  3. Area for curbs.
  4. Hanging boxes.

All the flower needs is more sun and an open area. They are unpretentious to water. Even in dry summers, minimal watering is required.

Turf with sand is the optimal soil for them.

The long-lived long-liver looks like flowering shrub. It is covered with small pink and white inflorescences, creating the presence of a delicate haze.

Wherever the flower is planted, it will look advantageous in any place, be it a distant recreation area, a wall, a hedge or a stylized alpine slide.

The perennial ornamental crop, having increased resistance to winter cold, is extremely painful when it comes to “moving” to another place. Therefore, carefully consider the layout of your territory in advance. Well, if there is an emergency need for replanting, then treat the roots with nutritional stimulants.


This garden perennial miracle needs no special introduction. Both his beauty and love for him have no boundaries.

But believe me, beauty requires some attention to itself. Therefore, it is worth considering that gladiolus loves an open area, moderately illuminated by the sun. Drafty and excessive wet soil they don’t like this handsome handsome man.

But in regions with arid climates and high temperature To grow it you need to select shaded corners.

In temperate climates, even light shading can delay the appearance of flowers and cause a deterioration in appearance.

Sandy loam soil that loves should be saturated with organic additives, preferably to a depth of 30 centimeters.

These qualities make it possible to plant survivors in the most problematic areas. A minimum of light and attention are the biggest requirements that a flower makes for its care.

Rocky hills and slopes, the base of a fence, the lower part of tree trunks around the circumference - such zoning will be ideal for a long-lived beauty.

She is not afraid of planting and transplanting. They can be produced painlessly throughout the entire summer season.

The initial seed planting of this perennial is carried out in March. Designers advise to sow densely so that the flower bed turns out bright and lush.

In this case, it is advisable to use seeds of different varieties, such as:

  • Lilac spiral;
  • South Stream;
  • Pink Sunset;
  • Summer morning;
  • Morpheus;
  • Lavender Obelisk;
  • Pledge of Youth;
  • Karavan et al.

After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil up to 0.5 cm.

Regular moistening and loosening of the soil is extremely desirable for delphinium. It is worth knowing that moderate and proper watering eliminates the formation of diseases such as powdery mildew.

The variety of dacha flower beauties is so great that definitive recommendations would be inappropriate. Exclusive taste, minimal knowledge about types and varieties, love and gentle care - these are the... necessary qualities that will help transform your dacha or Vacation home, into an amazingly fairy-tale world.

Flowers that plant themselves

The video below is a review of flowers for the dacha, ideal for a “weekend garden,” so to speak, “for the lazy.” All these crops reproduce well by self-sowing, tolerate transplantation well if necessary, and, of course, are beautiful.

Creating a beautiful and well-kept garden is not the most simple task. Using unpretentious colors will allow you to get amazing results without putting in a lot of effort. Bright flower beds with long-flowering perennials and annuals fit into the landscape design and delight the eye throughout the flowering period.

TOP 10 unpretentious long-flowering annuals with photos

Annuals (also known as “annuals”) are plants that bloom throughout one summer season. Flowers of this type are ideal for forming carpet beds and creating compositions of complex geometric patterns.

Beautiful landscape with flowering plants will please almost any gardener

The most common colors of cornflowers are blue, pink, purple, cyan and red. Sowing seeds in early spring guarantees flowering throughout the summer. What’s interesting is that cornflowers do not require any agricultural work and grow like wildflowers.

In appearance, cute cornflowers resemble snowflakes

Delphinium (larkspur, larkspur)

A real decoration for any garden. It is distinguished by the pyramidal shape of inflorescences pink, blue, white, lilac, light blue or violet shade. Blooms in early summer and blooms until autumn. Optimal time February is considered to be planting.

Sometimes problems arise with the quality of seeds, so for successful cultivation of delphinium it is necessary to stratify the seeds - store them in the refrigerator until planting. In the future, the plant will reproduce well on its own.

Hardy delphinium gets along with many flowers

The most popular decorative and medicinal plant from the aster family. It has bactericidal properties, so it is often used to treat kidney and liver diseases, sore throats, cuts and burns. The baskets of inflorescences are large and small, double and simple, and their color is yellow, peach, orange and white.

The flowering period is from the end of May until the beginning of frost. It is recommended to plant calendula with seeds in open ground in early spring to a depth of 2–3 centimeters. Propagates well by self-sowing.

IN folk medicine not only calendula flowers are used, but the entire upper part

Cosmea (space)

Plant of the aster family. White, crimson and pink “daisies” are familiar to most of our compatriots. They are so unpretentious in care that they often grow even in landfills. Particularly popular among gardeners are the new series of cosmos "Sonata", characterized by the double shape of the flowers.

You can sow a flowerbed with cosmos already in early spring after the harvest snow cover. Flowering in this case will begin in July-early August. You can also plant seeds before winter - in this case in the spring all that remains is to thin out the densely sprouted shoots.

Cosmoea was first discovered in Central and South America

Lavatera (dog rose, wild rose, khatma)

Plant of the mallow family. It features bright bell-shaped flowers of crimson, pink and white. Having planted seeds once, there is no need to purchase them in the future. Lavatera reproduces well by self-sowing and blooms throughout the summer.

It is recommended to sow the crop in open ground in the spring after constant warm weather. However, if you want to get early flowering, the seeds need to be planted for seedlings in late winter - early spring. Winter sowing can be carried out only if spring comes very early in the region or if it is possible to highlight the seedlings.

There are 25 plant species in the Lavatera genus, including shrubs and trees

The color range of this plant is very diverse and includes many shades from white and yellow-brown to bright red flowers. Nasturtium can be grown both in the sun and in the shade. This flower grows best in partial shade.

It should be planted in open ground in May, after soaking the seeds for a day. The flowering period will begin in a month to a month and a half and will continue until the onset of frost.

Nasturtium prefers loose, moderately fertile soils

Many gardeners compare rudbeckia to a little sun - the reason for this is its yellow color with a dark center.

It is recommended to plant this flower in mid-summer. If you sow rudbeckia seeds in early autumn, you will be able to admire the bright large flowers throughout the summer. If you do not collect the seeds later, then in the new spring you will be able to see friendly shoots of self-sowing.

Rudbeckia inflorescences are similar to chamomile, sometimes it is called autumn chamomile

Tagetes (Chernobrivtsi, marigolds)

One of popular plants, actively used to decorate city flower beds. Flowers come in large and miniature, high and low. Distinctive feature is not only beauty and unpretentiousness, but also the ability to repel harmful insects.

You can sow seeds in open ground when the ground warms up to 14 °C, but sometimes self-seeding also occurs. Flowering begins in June and continues until autumn frosts.

Tagetes are valued for their abundant and long flowering


The variety of colors of this plant amazes even experienced gardeners. Star-shaped flowers look especially unusual. Despite the high degree of drought resistance, it is recommended to grow phlox in partial shade.

Phlox can be propagated not only by seeds. Cuttings are carried out from mid-May to June. Then in a month the plant will form root system and by autumn it will bloom. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in March - April, and in open ground - in May. In the first case, phlox will bloom all summer, and in the second - only at the end of summer. You can also plant seeds before winter in October - November. In this case, the planting site will need to be insulated with dry grass or leaves.

In Europe, incredibly fragrant phlox began to be grown in the mid-18th century.

Eschscholzia (California poppy)

Prefers light soils in sunny open spaces and is highly resistant to drought. It can be yellow, purple and white, double and semi-double. If you do not collect the seeds in time, then next year It will be possible to find Eschscholzia in the most unexpected parts of the garden. The pods are capable of shooting grains over fairly long distances.

To get flowering at the beginning of summer, you should start sowing seeds for seedlings in early March. The flowering period in this case will be from June until frost.

Eschscholzia is often used in Moorish lawns

Video: review of annual flowers for a garden flower bed

TOP 10 unpretentious long-flowering perennials with photos

When choosing perennials, you should focus on the maximum possible size of an already mature plant. Groups of such crops are formed according to size and flowering time. In this case, it is necessary to take into account moisture, soil and light preferences. If difficulties may arise with watering, it is recommended to choose drought-resistant specimens.

Aquilegia (catchment, eagle)

They grow in the front or middle part of the flower row. They can reach a height of 80 centimeters and spread up to 50 centimeters in diameter. They differ from their wild relatives in the number of petals on the flowers. Extremely hardy and resistant to any summer weather. The flowering period begins, as a rule, in June - July and at proper care behind the plant continues until late autumn.

Seeds should be sown in moist compost in the fall or late spring. Seed germination can take three months - during this time, you should keep the pot covered with polyethylene on a greenhouse shelf or window sill in the house away from direct sunlight.

Gardeners love aquilegia for its unusually shaped flowers and lacy foliage.


An unpretentious perennial shrub-type flower with a pleasant, special smell. Typical colors of alyssum are white, lilac, pink, yellow, purple and blue. Tolerant of drought and heat, but grows best in partial shade. Blooms from spring to autumn.

To grow alyssum, you need to sow the seeds directly into the soil in warm spring or autumn. Another option is to grow seeds in a greenhouse or pots at home during the spring, and then plant the flowers at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other.

An alpine hill or border is well decorated with alyssum

Ayuga (tenacious)

An extremely unpretentious low-growing plant that can survive in any soil and with any watering. In late spring it blooms blue, white and pink flowers, collected in a long inflorescence. Does not fade for a long time and remains bright throughout the summer season.

Seeds should be sown in open ground in the spring, when the ground is warm enough, or in the fall, when it has not yet cooled down.

Groundcover ayuga grows into a variegated carpet


Unlike many others perennial plants verbena is not so hardy, so to overwinter it must be covered with protective mulch. Easily spreads to areas adjacent to the planting area. It has an attractive aroma and is in great demand among butterflies.

You can grow verbena from seeds. To do this, it is necessary to plant them in pairs in pots at the end of winter or beginning of spring. Leave the containers on a bright but not sunny window. After the sprouts have reached sufficient size, each plant should be placed in the ground for open area at a distance of 25–30 centimeters from each other. With proper care, verbena can bloom until frost.

Active watering is contraindicated for verbena

A distinctive feature of this plant is a tower of blue star-shaped flowers and a small height - only about 30 centimeters. Grows well in containers, blooms for a long time (from June to August).

To grow spiked speedwell in the garden, you need to choose a sunny place with well-drained soil and place the seeds directly into the ground. It is recommended to do this in the second half of autumn, when frost has not yet set in and the soil has not become too cold. You can plant seeds for seedlings in early spring, but in this case it is necessary to harden the seed material. In both cases, the plants will bloom only in the second year of life.

Veronica spica is used in folk medicine and to decorate flower beds


Because of small height(only 10–15 centimeters) it is recommended to place the carnation along the front edge of the flower bed. To grow cloves, seeds should be planted in trays in the fall and placed in a cool place. When spring arrives, transplant them to their final position on sunny area. It is allowed to grow seeds in pots on a sunny window or in a greenhouse, followed by transplanting the sprouts into open ground. The seedlings must be sufficiently developed for this.

The flowering period begins in early summer and continues until the onset of the first cold weather.

Cloves are grown as ornamental plant for garden and cutting

Iris (iris)

An amazing perennial with many varieties. Some varieties prefer moisture and can grow directly in water, while some do not require watering even on the hottest summer day. Flowers appear if the plant is under direct sunlight or in partial shade, lasts a long time. The time of their appearance depends on the specific type and variety of flower ( dwarf irises tend to bloom in spring, and tall ones in summer).

You can plant irises in open ground both in spring and autumn.

Even evergreen varieties of iris are found in nature.

Kniphofia (kniphofia)

A flower with fiery spiers that can grow up to 90 centimeters in height. It is recommended to place it in the middle of the flower bed. It blooms throughout the summer and tends to grow. It loves moisture, however, like most plants, it cannot tolerate stagnation of water in the roots.

Kniphofia needs good drainage


An unpretentious flowering plant that prefers sunny places. Blooms in summer time year for several weeks. The lifespan of the flower is one day, but there are quite a lot of them on long peduncles. If you remove faded flower stalks in time and feed the plant, the daylily will constantly throw out new arrows. IN remontant varieties flowers appear until the onset of frost.

The time of daylily planting is one of its advantages, because it covers the period from early spring to late autumn. If cold period occurs early in the region, it is recommended to plant this flower at least a month before the onset of frost.

Mass flowering of daylily is observed in a well-lit area


Old varieties of this plant are extremely unpretentious, but many of the new cultivars require close attention. Peony blooms, as a rule, in late spring. Capable of growing in both sun and partial shade. If the plant receives direct sunlight for at least a couple of hours a day, it will bloom beautifully in the shade. The darker the place where the peony grows, the longer its flowering period lasts.

The optimal time for planting peonies in open ground is late summer-early autumn, however, if necessary, they can be planted in spring.

Peonies can be either herbaceous or shrubby.

Video: the most beautiful unpretentious perennials

It’s nice when the area around the house is landscaped and decorated with flowers and strange plants. And it’s not a problem, if the plot is small, you can arrange a small and cute front garden on it: .

To decorate your garden with unpretentious plants, you need to remember that it is best to form flower carpets with clear lines from annual plants. The ability of perennials to spread may interfere with this effect.
