What types of MDF panels are there? What are MDF panels? What are the advantages and disadvantages of MDF wall panels?

MDF panels for walls are an inexpensive and easy-to-work material that allows you to cover a room in a short time and with minimal costs time and labor. We will talk about the types, advantages and methods of working with MDF panels in this article.

The main raw materials for the production of MDF panels are shavings and other wood waste, which are mixed with certain compounds and pressed under pressure. high pressure. This whole process can be described step by step:

  1. Using a threshing mechanism, the wood is split into small fragments.
  2. The wood chips are washed and sifted to remove debris and large particles.
  3. Then the raw materials are treated with steam.
  4. Add to the mass epoxy resin, mixed and shaped, after which it is pressed under high pressure.
  5. The solid slab is cut into fragments to obtain finished MDF wall panels.
  6. After pressing, the slabs may come out uneven and have a rough and uneven surface. To give the material the desired type it is carefully sanded and prepared for applying a decorative layer.
  7. Decorative finishing involves covering the panels with a special film, painting or laminating them. When applying the film, MDF boards are given a beautiful texture that imitates wood, stone, etc. This layer not only performs decorative function, but also protects the material from moisture and dust, which is why such MDF panels are used in kitchen decoration.

Pros and cons of facing material

The advantages of MDF panels include the following features:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Since phenol is removed from raw materials during the production process, the panels are environmentally friendly and harmless to human health.
  2. Installing the panels on the wall is quick and easy. To carry out such repairs yourself, you do not need to have any specific knowledge and skills. In addition, in the process of cutting the panels, almost no debris remains.
  3. Decorative material, wide choose textures and colors allow you to bring to life any design ideas. MDF panels are used in the decoration of hallways, kitchens, office spaces, halls, etc.
  4. Thanks to their heat and sound insulation properties, MDF panels provide a comfortable stay indoors.
  5. The ease of care of the coating is another plus. The smooth surface of such walls does not require complex cleaning; any dirt can be easily removed with a damp sponge or rag.
  6. The price of MDF panels is relatively low, since the material is made from inexpensive raw materials. A person with average material income can afford this type of cladding.
  7. Before installing the panels, there is no need to level the wall to perfect condition; the material will hide all minor errors.

In addition to the advantages, MDF panels also have a number of negative qualities:

  1. Despite the fact that MDF panels are covered with a water-repellent film, they are still not prepared for prolonged exposure to moisture and dampness. MDF finishing panels of a loggia, bathroom or other room with high level humidity and constant temperature changes - not the best option.
  2. When installing the material on the walls, a frame is used, which means that the panels “steal” a certain part of the living space, making the room a little smaller in area.
  3. It is known that wood burns well, so MDF panels are considered a fire hazardous building material.
  4. It is best to use this type of cladding in an office, hallway or corridor; in a living room such as a hall or living room, the panels will not look so appropriate.

Types of MDF panels

Depending on the manufacturing method and features of use, there are 3 main types of MDF panels:

  1. Fully pressed panels are made by hot pressing of raw materials. As a result of this process, slabs with smooth surface and average density indicators. This type of facing material has good sound and heat insulation properties, high environmental friendliness and affordable cost. Solid pressed panels are considered the cheapest material among other analogues. Many manufacturers also assure that such MDF panels have increased moisture resistance and can be used for wall cladding in rooms with high humidity.
  2. Laminated panels are more expensive, but also more quality look facing material. Laminated panels are produced in almost the same way as the previous type, but their laminated surface repels water better, withstands shock loads well, and is not susceptible to abrasion and the action of many chemicals. The density and strength of this material make it possible to use it not only in the interior decoration of walls, but also on some external surfaces of buildings, provided that the material is not constantly exposed to water.
  3. Moisture-resistant panels are considered the most durable and most expensive type of MDF material. Moisture-resistant boards have high density and even with prolonged exposure to moisture they do not deform. This type of cladding perfectly withstands shock loads and is resistant to mechanical damage. Like previous varieties, moisture-resistant panels have heat and sound insulating qualities. Similar performance characteristics make it possible to install such panels in bathrooms and on the external surfaces of buildings.

MDF panels are also classified according to appearance and type of design:

  1. Veneered material has a surface that imitates in color and texture natural wood. To achieve this effect, the front part of the panels is covered with veneer - a thin layer of real wood. The thickness of such a layer does not exceed 2-3 mm, but the appearance of MDF panels is almost like a natural board.
  2. Glossy panels have a very smooth surface, which is achieved thanks to a laminating layer of polymer film. This film is applied to the front surface of the material and gives it a beautiful, shiny appearance. Glossy panels are resistant to moisture and can be easily wiped off from any dirt.
  3. Painted panels are produced by applying paint to the surface of the material. A special coloring composition not only gives the panels the desired shade, but also masks unevenness and makes the material matte or glossy, depending on the specific type of product.

Advantages of MDF panels over chipboard material

Even the cheapest and simplest MDF panels are considered more quality material compared to chipboard. Here are their main advantages:

  1. The density of MDF is much higher than the density of chipboard, so the first type of cladding is stronger and more durable. It is resistant to mechanical stress and retains fasteners for a long time.
  2. Chipboard is made from wood sawdust, while MDF is produced by pressing the smallest wood fibers - this allows you to create a smoother surface on which the decorative layer is perfectly fixed. Unlike chipboard, the top film on MDF panels lasts for decades.
  3. MDF bends well when heated, which makes it possible to make furniture from it non-standard forms, install radial partitions and arched structures in houses.

MDF is considered a more environmentally friendly material compared to chipboard, so MDF panels can be used in interior decoration without any fear for your health.

Wall decoration with MDF panels

Preparatory stage

To find out the required amount of material, you should measure the width of the walls. MDF panels are produced in several sizes and to calculate required amount fragments, divide the width of the surface by the width of 1 element. Please note that during the installation process there may be a risk of damage to the material, it is worth purchasing products with a small margin. Note that finished MDF panels must be connected to each other evenly and without gaps, since poor-quality joints are almost impossible to hide.

When finishing walls with MDF panels, you will also have to use finishing corners. These parts take the form of strips made of fiberboard and connected to each other using a textured film. Finishing corners are easy to install and are suitable for mounting on straight, sharp and obtuse corners. Such details will help give the finish a beautiful and complete look.

MDF panels are installed on a pre-prepared frame. This design is made from thin wooden slats 4 cm wide and 2 cm thick. Making a frame from more massive and heavier materials does not make sense, since the panels themselves do not have significant weight. The slats of the indicated size are considered standard and are sold at any construction market and in specialized stores.

In addition to slats and MDF panels for wall cladding, you will need additional materials:

  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws measuring 4-8 cm;
  • PVC plugs;
  • clamps - brackets for fixing MDF panels;
  • liquid Nails.

Creating a wireframe

Before installing MDF panels on the walls, it is necessary to make a frame from wooden slats. Such work consists of the following stages:

  1. If the surface of the wall is uneven, you need to carefully examine it and find the most protruding place - this will become the starting point when determining the placement of the frame.
  2. After this, take a pencil and draw horizontal marking lines on the wall, the distance between them should be about 40 cm. Using these lines as a guide, you will make a frame for future cladding. The slats themselves are also fixed on the wall in a horizontal position, but if you plan to mount the panels horizontally, then the frame, accordingly, must be vertical. There are also craftsmen who attach panels in a completely non-standard way, for example, diagonally. Regardless of how you would like to see the final result, it is important to remember that the frame slats must be strictly perpendicular to the MDF panels.
  3. Wooden elements are mounted on the wall quite simply. Place the strip on the surface of the wall where the marked line runs, and then make holes in the wood using a hammer drill. The pitch between the holes should be approximately 60 cm.
  4. Remove the strip and insert plugs into the wall where the holes from the hammer drill remain. Install self-tapping screws into the rail itself. Screw the strip first in the place that sticks out the most from the wall. Then fix the element at other points, and use wedges to level and maintain the plane.
  5. Wedges can be prepared in advance. To do this, one of the slats needs to be sawn into fragments of 5-6 cm and broken into small pieces with a chisel. During the work, extra millimeters can be removed using a knife.
  6. During the installation of the frame, the plane should be leveled. To do this, a thread is pulled from both ends of the rail and pressed with self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the wall to the very end. On each side, 1 match is inserted under the thread; during operation, the level of the rack must be checked against the tension of the thread.
  7. Installation of the frame is carried out by screwing self-tapping screws into required holes and driving in wedges where necessary. The nailed strip should fit snugly against the wall, hold firmly and deviate from the tensioned thread by 1 mm.
  8. All other wooden planks are fixed to the surface in a similar way. Try to nail the bottom element as close to the floor level as possible, otherwise the panels may lag behind the wall at the bottom. In addition, on bottom bar It is convenient to fix the plinth. The same rule should be observed in the case of the top rail, which should be as close as possible to the ceiling or to the level where the suspended structure is supposed to be placed.

Tip: after securing the frame, you can draw its diagram on paper. If you ever decide to hang pictures or lamps on the wall, you will know where to drive the nails.

Wall covering with MDF panels

The process of wall cladding can be described in stages:

  1. Cut the required length of the MDF panel and fix it in the corner part of the wall at a distance of approximately 2-3 mm from the corner. The panels are connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove principle, and the side with the tongue will be exactly in the corner, where it will be attached to the rail using self-tapping screws.
  2. The side of the panel on which the groove is located is mounted on the frame with a clamp. The bracket is installed inside the groove and nailed to the wooden plank with small, suitable-sized nails. As a result, the first panel will be fixed to the wall quite securely.
  3. The remaining elements no longer need to be fixed using self-tapping screws; they are simply connected to each other and secured with clamps on the side of the grooves.
  4. The last panel is mounted on the wall in the same way as the first. If its width turns out to be larger or smaller than necessary, then you can use an extension and fix it on the frame in the same way as the first panel.

After the final cladding of the wall, it is necessary to install the corners. In this case, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. The angle of connection between the elements should be 45° - this makes it easier to install the corners and cut off the excess. To trim unnecessary fragments, it is convenient to use a paint knife or metal cutting scissors.
  2. To make the corner stick better to the panel, you need to apply a layer of liquid nails to it. inner surface, then attach to the MDF and remove. When the glue “sets” a little, the corner is finally fixed on the wall and pressed.
  3. It is better not to wipe off liquid nails that appear along the edges with a dry cloth or remove them with a solvent. Let the glue dry completely, then remove the excess with a paint knife.

MDF panels for walls, photo:

How to cover a wall with MDF panels. Video

Wall decoration with MDF panels has recently become increasingly popular, due to the fact that with their help you can quickly tidy up surfaces quite large area. In addition, installation of the panels will not take much time, since you will not have to wait for numerous layers to dry, as, for example, in the case of plastering works. It also helps that the surface leveled by them does not require any additional finishing, as is the case with drywall. Another advantage of this material can be called quite affordable price on him.

Do-it-yourself MDF wall panels, which can be carried out even if there is absolutely no experience in this work, are installed quite simply. The main thing is to understand the principle of carrying out such cladding, prepare the surfaces and pay attention to Special attention accurate calculations and markings.

What are MDF panels?

The abbreviation “MDF” stands for finely dispersed fraction, from which this finishing material is produced, including wall panels. The production of MDF consists of the process of dry pressing of a fine mass of sawdust and shavings, using high temperatures and pressure. To bind the mass, urea resins modified with melamine are added to it, which prevents the evaporation of formaldehyde by chemically binding it (formaldehyde emission class - E1). MDF panels are considered an environmentally friendly material, so they are not prohibited from being used for interior decoration premises. The principle of installing panels is similar to installing natural wood, but they have more low price than the last one.

Installation of MDF wall panels can be carried out in two ways - by fixing them to a frame sheathing or fixing them to the wall surface using adhesive composition type "liquid nails". This glue is used not only for installing wood products and its products, but also for sealing cracks, since it contains sawdust filler. If filling of defects will be carried out on the remaining visible areas of the wall, then the adhesive mass should be selected according to color so that the repaired areas do not stand out against the general background.

MDF panels are produced in a wide variety of shades and can have a textured micro-relief pattern that imitates various breeds wood or stone, so they can be matched to any interior design. In addition, the panels are easily combined with each other and can be installed vertically or horizontally, depending on what effect the owners want to achieve.

For example, if the ceiling is too high and makes the room uncomfortable, you can install the panels horizontally, using different shades alternately. If you need to visually raise the wall, then the panels are installed vertically.

The panels are produced in different lengths and widths, so before choosing the color and shape of the material, you need to think about what effect you will need to achieve.

Tools for finishing work

To make your work comfortable, you need to prepare tools in advance that will speed up the installation of the finishing material, making it as simple as possible. So, the tools you will need are:

  • Electric jigsaw or vertical saw.
  • Construction level and plumb line.
  • Tape measure, metal ruler and construction corner, simple pencil or marker.
  • An electric drill, a screwdriver, or even a regular screwdriver.
  • Construction stapler.
  • Hammer.
  • Pliers.

Basic methods of installing MDF panels and the materials required for this

To install MDF, you will need certain auxiliary materials. Moreover, the purchase of some of them will depend on the choice of mounting method.

Installation of panels on walls can be done in two ways:

  • Glue.
  • Frame.

Both methods can be used to install panels both in a private house and in an apartment, but for adhesive installation the basic condition must be met - the wall must be perfectly flat. Therefore, if the panels will stick to the surface, then it must first be leveled with plasterboard or the plaster-putty method.

To install the panels with glue, you will need very few auxiliary materials - this is a composition of “liquid nails” and fittings.

If you need to level an uneven wall using MDF panels, while hiding communications behind it or installing insulation and sound insulation, you will first have to install a frame that will bring the entire future surface into one plane.

The frame for installing the panels can be made of wooden beams or metal profiles. It must be said that it is easier to mount MDF on wood material, since nails or even staples from a stapler are suitable for this. When installing panels on a metal profile, metal screws will be needed, and in this case it will no longer be possible to do without them.

When using a frame, a gap will inevitably form between the main wall and the cladding, in which there will be no ventilation air circulation - such conditions are very “attractive” for mold and mildew. Therefore, before installing the sheathing, it is necessary to inspect the wall. If it is wet, it will first need to be dried and then treated with special antiseptic compounds. To external thin walls nevertheless, it is better not to install such cladding at all, since it will quickly become unusable, and in addition, an unfavorable microclimate will be created in the room over time, which can cause allergic reactions in residents.

To install the facing panels on the frame, you will need the following materials:

  • A wooden beam treated with antiseptic compounds, with a section of 15×30, 20×30, 20×40 or 20×50 mm, or a galvanized metal profile - the same as that used when installing drywall.
  • The insulation material is foamed polyethylene of selected thickness.
  • Metal straight hangers that will help align the guides exactly in one plane.

  • Clamps for fastening panels to the frame.

  • Small nails or staples for a stapler.
  • Dowels for attaching brackets (hangers) or direct guides to the wall.
  • Self-tapping screws for wood.
  • Fitting profile elements - corner and plinth. It should be noted that the design of the corner for MDF panels is convenient in that it can be used to decorate both the external and internal joints of planes, even at different angles.

Preparing the wall surface for cladding with MDF panels

Surface preparation can only be carried out if it is dry. If signs are found on it high humidity, you must first determine the cause of this phenomenon and then try to eliminate it. There is no way to cover a damp wall with any panels.

If there are no such obstacles to the installation of MDF panels, then approximately the same preparation of the wall surface is carried out both for the frame system and for gluing. It consists of several operations:

  • Cleaning the wall.

If the wall is covered with wallpaper, then it must be completely removed, otherwise closed space they can become a breeding ground for mold or even insects. High-quality wallpaper that is difficult to remove must first be wetted with water or steamed with an iron, and then scraped off with a spatula. Sometimes you have to resort to using special compounds for.

If the wall is plastered and whitewashed, or well-painted water-based paint, then cleaning it is not necessary.

  • Wall treatment.

In the case where there are mold stains on the wall, the surface must be “treated” - treated with a special “Anti-Mold” compound or with a regular concentrated laundry bleaching agent “Whiteness”. Before treatment, it is recommended to clean the surface to the maximum possible depth with a spatula. When the applied composition is absorbed and dried, the wall must be cleaned again with a spatula, and then the treatment must be repeated. It is advisable to clean the area affected by the fungus down to the base, that is, remove the plaster in this place completely and thoroughly treat the main wall itself.

“Treatment” of affected areas of the wall with antiseptic compounds

This work should be carried out in compliance with mandatory safety measures, wearing a respirator or a special mask, in order to avoid inhaling particles of fungus-affected plaster.

  • Sealing cracks.

If, after removing wallpaper or “weak” plaster, cracks are found on the wall, it is recommended to repair them, especially when planning to place heat- and sound-insulating materials under MDF panels. Cracks must be sealed so that they do not become bridges of cold, and also a place where dampness accumulates, various insects or even mold can find shelter.

The cracks are first cut in breadth and depth, ...

In order for the putty or plaster solution to adhere well to the gap in the crack, it needs to be slightly widened and deepened. It is then cleaned of residues old plaster and processed with a brush.

... and then tightly filled with repair mortar

After the primer has dried, the cracks are sealed with putty mixture or plaster mortar. In this case, it is necessary to try to ensure that the expanded gap is filled to its entire depth.

  • Surface primer.

The next step is priming the entire surface of the walls. Moreover, it is necessary to choose a primer composition containing antiseptic components that will resist the occurrence and development of mold, as well as other manifestations harmful to humans.

Mandatory operation - thorough priming of the entire surface of the wall

If you plan to sheathe wooden walls, it is recommended to choose a primer that contains not only antiseptics, but also fire retardants - they will increase the fire resistance of the wood.

The primer is applied to the wall using a roller in two or three layers, each of which must dry thoroughly before applying the next.

Next, if the panels will be attached to the sheathing, you can proceed to gluing the insulating material. Penofol, which is glued to a primed surface, is well suited for this purpose.

The most convenient to use is penofol with a self-adhesive base.

Today you can find self-adhesive “penofol” on sale - you can very easily fix it on the wall with foil towards the room by removing the protective film backing. If such material is not found, then ordinary “penofol” is purchased. It is cut to the height of the wall and glued to Teploflex glue applied even layer on the wall surface or directly on the insulation. Penofol sheets are pressed to the surface, and with the help rubber spatula the air is expelled from under it.

Gluing the joints of adjacent penofol strips with tape

The sheets of material are mounted end-to-end, and then the glue must be allowed to dry, after which the joints are sealed with special foil tape.

Installation of frame structure

Carrying out marking

If you decide to install MDF panels on a frame, you first need to decide how the elements will be installed, vertically or horizontally, since the location of the sheathing guides depends on this factor. For horizontal orientation of the panels, the guide battens are mounted vertically. And vice versa, if the panels are mounted vertically, the frame elements are installed perpendicular to them, horizontally.

The frame is fixed on top of the insulating material. The pitch between the sheathing guides is usually selected within 500÷600 mm from each other, and they must be installed perfectly evenly.

To find the ideal vertical, you need to use a plumb line with a colored cord, with which you can mark straight lines on the wall. If lines are marked on a foil surface, then immediately after marking, each of them is additionally highlighted with a black marker using a ruler.

To determine the horizontal I resort to the help of a level. The most accurate result will be given by laser or water. If there are no such tools, then you can use a regular construction tool, pushing the bubble into the middle with special care. Having outlined the currents, they are also connected by lines using a colored cord.

Based on the markings, it will be quite easy to correctly secure the guide battens.

When marking, you need to take into account that the first frame guide is installed at the junction of two surfaces, that is, in the corner of the room or along the floor surface. The first racks will serve as a reference line for the remaining elements, maintaining the established step.

Wooden frame

Wooden blocks, despite the marking lines, when installed on a wall are still checked with a building level for evenness. Then, they are attached to the wall with dowels, for which holes are drilled directly through the beams into which plastic dowels are driven, after which self-tapping screws are screwed into them (or driven dowel-nails are used). Fastening elements are installed at a distance of 350÷400 mm from each other. The length of the dowels or self-tapping screws is selected so that they extend into the thickness of the wall by at least 50÷60 mm, and the thickness of the sheathing beam is added to this parameter, taking into account that the head of the self-tapping screw is completely recessed into the wood.

It is more difficult to bring all the posts of the sheathing to the same level if the wall requires leveling with sheathing, and the bars themselves will have to be secured to hangers. In this case, the installation of the frame is carried out in the same way for wooden bars and metal profiles.

First, hangers are attached to the wall along the marking lines. I fix them on the wall with two dowels, maintaining a spacing between adjacent ones of 350÷400 mm from each other. The shelves of the hangers are bent perpendicular to the wall surface.

Then the two outermost beams on the wall are installed, leveled and relative to the wall. They are attached on both sides with self-tapping screws to the shelves of the suspensions. The protruding parts of the shelves are bent back towards the wall.

The installed outer guides are connected along the outer edge by stretched cords at the top and bottom (or right and left - if the frame is horizontally oriented) - this will become reference lines (beacons) for the correct installation of the remaining guides in a single plane.

Metal carcass

Metal profiles prepared to size are fixed to the wall according to the same principle as wooden blocks, but sometimes for structural rigidity they have liners made of timber. To secure the profile, hangers must be used, even if the wall is perfectly flat and the racks will fit closely to it.

If the frame is installed on wooden wall, then the hangers for attaching the sheathing guides are fixed on the wall using wood screws. If installation on another wall base is necessary, then the hangers are best secured with driven dowel-nails.

If the trim is attached to a wall that has a window or doorway, then appropriate guides must be installed along its edge, on which the cladding will first be attached, and subsequently the slopes and trims.

Installation of MDF panels on a frame

Before installing the cladding, all electrical or other cable communications are carried out and secured under the frame, immediately determining the installation locations of sockets and switches, if they are provided on the wall being finished.

Installation begins with the preparation of MDF panels - they need to be cut to the height or length of the wall. The panels are marked using a tape measure and a construction angle, the corresponding lines are drawn along which the cut is made using a jigsaw, a manual vertical circular saw, or even an ordinary hacksaw.

  • The first panel must be leveled until the ideal vertical (or horizontal) is achieved, otherwise the entire cladding will then be skewed.
  • The starting panel is installed with a tenon in the corner and secured to the guides on the corner side in two or three places with self-tapping screws. On the opposite side, clamps are inserted into the groove of the panel at the places where it intersects with the sheathing guides, through which it is finally fixed with nails or staples to wooden frame. Using metal frame The clamps are fixed using small self-tapping screws with a low head so that, after being fully screwed in, it does not interfere with subsequent installation.

  • To begin with, the tenon of each next panel is tightly driven into the groove of the already installed one - this joining edge is already fixed. Mandatory level adjustment of the panel is carried out, since the configuration of this connection allows for a certain backlash. After precise alignment, the panel is fixed in the same way with clamps.
  • So continue the cladding until the end of the wall (or until the end of the section, for example, to the doorway). The last panel on the plane is cut according to its thickness so that it fits freely into the groove, leaving a gap of about 5 mm in the corner. The final fixation of the final panel is carried out with self-tapping screws, directly through it. It's okay - the fastener caps at the beginning and end of the lined wall will be hidden by decorative corners.

Horizontal installation of panels is carried out in the direction from floor to ceiling, and the first panel must also be perfectly level. Fastening to the sheathing follows exactly the same principle as with a vertical arrangement.

  • In the panel on which the socket or switch is to be installed, a round hole with a diameter corresponding to the size of a standard socket box (usually 67 mm) is cut out in advance. Drilling is carried out using a core drill.

The socket must be securely fastened and not bend when inserting the plug of electrical appliances. To ensure rigid support against the wall, it is recommended to additionally secure wooden fragments of suitable thickness on the back side. The front part of the socket and switch is screwed onto cladding panels or to the corresponding sockets of the electrical outlet.

Installation of MDF panels with glue

It is somewhat easier to install MDF panels with glue than with lathing, but using this method, it will not be possible to install insulation.

  • To install the first panel, you need to mark a vertical or horizontal line on the wall, depending on how you plan to install it.

When gluing, the position of the panel must be checked by level.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of glue for working with MDF panels - it must have some special properties:

— The glue must remain sufficiently plastic even after its initial hardening, otherwise there is a risk of deformation of the panels. A composition must be selected that will not be affected by humidity and temperature changes.

— The glue must have a sufficiently thick consistency so that it can be applied in a thick or thin layer, depending on the circumstances, and also be evenly distributed over the surface to be glued.

The best option- “liquid nails” glue

The “Liquid Nails” composition precisely meets these requirements in terms of basic parameters. The primer with which the walls are treated in advance will create good adhesion for the glue on their surface, so the panels will adhere securely to it.

  • The glue is applied to the back side of the MDF lining in dotted or wavy lines. The panel with the glue applied is first pressed firmly against the wall, and then torn off and left to “weather” the glue for 3-5 minutes. After this, for final fixation, the panel is reinstalled and pressed into in the right place, and is held on the wall surface for several seconds until the adhesive composition has set securely.

The adhesive can be applied to the back side of the panels pointwise or in a “snake” pattern.

Therefore, in order to speed up the gluing process, the composition is applied immediately to 8 ÷ 10 canvases, which are pressed against the wall and then torn off. Having spread, applied and torn off the last of the 10 panels, they glue the first, second and so on until it comes to the last. When installing the canvases, they need to be pressed very well against the wall surface, and for better fixation, you can even grab each of them with self-tapping screws in two places. They are screwed into the groove of the panel, and then the self-tapping screw is closed with the installed tenon of the next one.

  • If the trim is installed horizontally, it is recommended to wait until the glue under the lowest fixed panel has dried well - it is necessary to create a reliable support for the remaining panels. If there is no time to wait, then the panel can also be secured to the wall with self-tapping screws.
  • The last mounted panel, if necessary, is reduced in width - it is measured, lined up and the excess part is sawed off using a jigsaw. In the corner, the last panel is screwed to the sheathing or wall with a self-tapping screw.
  • The final installation elements are corner fittings and plinths. The corners are glued at the junctions of two planes using “liquid nails,” covering the heads of the screws that secure the panels to the corners of the wall. In the same way, these fittings are fixed around door and window openings(if special profiles are not used - platbands or slopes).

They can be mounted in different ways, depending on the chosen design - glued with the same glue, installed on special fasteners, or screwed with self-tapping screws to the wall surface. Attaching skirting boards to the floor would be a very serious mistake.

Find out how to produce by reading the step-by-step instructions in the article on our portal.

Advantages and disadvantages of finishing walls with MDF panels

Having become familiar with technological process installation of MDF panels, we can summarize their main positive and negative qualities.

So to merits Such finishing material includes the following qualities:

  • Quite simple installation with the ability to mount panels both vertically and horizontally.
  • A wide variety of colors and textured patterns will allow you to choose a finish to suit every taste and interior style.
  • When installing MDF panels on a frame sheathing, cable communications can be hidden behind them.
  • With the help of panels, even curved walls can be given a respectable appearance and visual evenness, especially with the right combination of shades.
  • Panels, unlike drywall, do not require additional finishing - this saves time, effort, and materials.
  • MDF finishes are easy to care for, as the surface only needs to be wiped periodically with a damp soft cloth.
  • MDF finishing wall panels have a very affordable price.

Disadvantages Such panels include the following points:

  • This type of finishing does not create a perfectly smooth surface, since small gaps or depressions almost always form at the joints, depending on the design of the panel.
  • When attaching such cladding to the sheathing, a gap remains between it and the wall, in which, if pre-treatment is insufficient or other unfavorable conditions, dampness can accumulate, and microflora that is unsafe for humans may develop. Very often, especially if the walls of a private house are lined, this empty space becomes a favorable place for nests or travel routes for rodents.
  • The coating of the panels is not highly resistant to mechanical stress - it is easy to damage it, for example, by moving pieces of furniture without sufficient care.
  • MDF is in no way a moisture-resistant material, so if the wall behind the cladding begins to get damp, the panels may swell and the cladding will begin to deform.

However, it can be noted that despite the above disadvantages, MDF panels are only gaining popularity and fully compete with. Installation of such cladding can be easily carried out even by one person without outside help, moreover, having absolutely no experience in such work, unless, of course, he follows all technological recommendations.

And in conclusion - a small visual material» in the form of a video about the installation of MDF panels:

Video: how to install MDF panels on walls

Wall decoration is an integral part of renovation work in most apartments. The number of options is amazing with a wide variety of options. One of the simplest and fastest is the use of MDF panels. How this material can be used for interior decoration, what advantages and disadvantages it has, and much more will be discussed in this material.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before choosing any building material, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of MDF panels

  • Availability. Easily found at most hardware stores or specialty markets.
  • Low cost. The total cost of the purchased material will be less than most analogues.
  • Ease of installation. The simplicity of the design allows you to install MDF panels quickly and without problems. Even a person with no experience can do this job if they have the necessary tools.
  • Presentable appearance. The appearance of MDF panels looks extremely solid, especially the colors that match expensive wood species.
  • Additional thermal insulation and sound insulation.
  • Safe composition. Do not contain substances harmful to human health.


  • Fire hazardous. Made from wood components, the panels can catch fire when exposed to flame.
  • Poor moisture resistance. A damp indoor environment is not the best option for placing MDF panels. Long-term exposure to a humid environment negatively affects the structure of the material, it swells and bends.

What types of MDF panels are there?

Different types of MDF panels have their own individual characteristics. Their number is constantly increasing. They differ not only in the design of the front part, but also in size, color and production.

Types of MDF panels by production technology

The following modifications are distinguished, depending on the production technology used:

  • Standard. The simplest option, low cost, as it does not have any additional features. It is used for finishing strictly in rooms without sudden temperature changes.
  • Moisture resistant. Treated with a special compound that can withstand moisture. It can be used in bathrooms and toilets, but prolonged and direct exposure to water will still damage the panel.

Types of panels according to the method of design of the front part

The front part of MDF panels can be divided to a large extent, which creates a wealth of choice:

  • . Resistant to many factors: moisture, mechanical damage, etc. It is obtained by applying a special layer to the surface of the panel.
  • Veneered. Placed on the surface thin layer wood, which gives the product a beautiful structure.

  • Cork. A special production technology allows the wall panel to be covered with a thin layer of cork. The resulting modification is very expensive and does not always justify its use.

  • decorative. Imitating natural stone, brick or tile.

Types of MDF panels by manufactured sizes

Before buying MDF panels, you need to familiarize yourself with its dimensions. All manufacturers produce products with different dimensions, however, common options can be noted.

For example, sheets with a length of 2600 mm are most often produced, but you can find options from 2400 to 2700 mm. Width is also not a uniform value. Typically the value of this parameter is in the range of 150-900 mm. Some manufacturers produce sheets with a width of 1200 mm.

The thickness can vary several times. Most often, panels with a thickness of 3-9 mm are used during repairs, but even 60 mm options can be found on sale.

Important! When choosing thickness, you should be guided by the fact that when choosing thin panels (up to 12 mm), they will only perform a decorative function. Above this value, this type of building material develops the properties of retaining heat and dampening extraneous sounds.

Types of MDF panels by installation method

There are three popular types of MDF panels, depending on the installation method:

Color of MDF panels

The color range of the panels is very diverse. The most popular colors are those that imitate the structure of wood, for example, oak or walnut. They look very similar to natural wood, however, they are much cheaper. The weight of the products is much less than that of natural wood.

There are also MDF panels that imitate animal skin and stone. Some manufacturers produce with ornaments and patterns. MDF wall panels painted in one or more colors are popular among consumers. Their skillful combination allows you to create original design solutions. Colors can be either glossy or matte.

How to attach MDF panels?

Before purchasing MDF panels, you need to decide on the method of their installation. The purchase of additional materials for fastening depends on this. In practice, two types of installation of wall panels are most often used:

  1. Frame mounting. Requires certain skills. The frame is best used in cases where the wall has significant irregularities that will be noticeable after installing the panels. It is assembled from wooden blocks or metal profiles. In addition, the design allows for additional insulation. The main disadvantage of this method is the loss of usable space.
  • installation of veneered MDF panels Rada Doors
  • installation of MDF panels on the wall
  1. Sticking to the wall. This method should only be used in cases where the surface has a flat surface. MDF panels are glued using “liquid nails” or other glue that is suitable for this work.

How to choose quality MDF panels

Even though MDF wall panels are relatively inexpensive, purchasing low-quality material can subsequently lead to disastrous results and repeated costs. To choose high-quality panels, follow these tips:

  1. Check the certificate of product compliance with quality standards. When purchasing, be sure to request this document from the seller. Its presence indicates the absence of harmful elements that may be used to produce these panels, such as toxic resins or formaldehyde.
  2. Visually inspect the entire batch of goods you plan to purchase. A large number of defective specimens should alert you. Any unevenness, cracks and other deviations from the norm are a sign of a low-quality product. It is highly not recommended to buy it, even if the price is too attractive.
  3. Look carefully at the colors. In addition to the uniformity of the color scheme, you need to check such a parameter as the evenness of the layer application. If there are irregularities, this indicates low quality of the product.

Popular manufacturers

Today, many companies around the world produce these products, however, not many can boast of good quality. Let's consider the rating best companies MDF panel manufacturers:

  1. Swiss krono group. A large wood processing enterprise that has representative offices and factories in many countries around the world. The products are of European quality at domestic prices.
  2. P&M Kaindl. An Austrian company, one of the leaders in the production of MDF products. The plant has the most advanced equipment, which allows it to produce only high-quality products that are sold all over the world, including in our country.
  3. Sonae Industry. The company from Portugal is also one of the largest in the world. It has been producing MDF boards for almost 30 years. During this time, she has proven herself to be the best.
  4. LLC "Master and K" A domestic company that has existed for more than 20 years. The high-quality products of this plant are used and sold not only in Russia, but also in many countries around the world. The company's product range is constantly expanding.

New 2018

Breeze panels with 3D effect. Allows you to use panels as a decorative accent in the interior. Combines with regular panels.

It can be laid horizontally or vertically, thereby simplifying zoning options.

MDF panels in the interior of different rooms:

Below are photos of projects where the walls of the rooms are covered with MDF panels.

Living room.

Furniture, floor and wall coverings, as well as many other finishing materials are made from MDF boards. However, not everyone understands what this abbreviation means. In the article we will look at all the available information about MDF panels: what it is, what it is used for, what advantages this material has, thanks to which it is so actively used today.

The abbreviation MDF stands for finely dispersed fraction. Such boards are made from wood fibers, the density of which corresponds to average values, by pressing them under high pressure conditions.

The areas of application of the resulting slabs are diverse. For many manufactured factory products, MDF acts as a base. Let's consider several main areas of using this material in everyday life:

  • MDF sheet panels are used for finishing floors and ceilings;
  • covering walls with MDF panels is also quite common;
  • production of furniture, the facades of which can have either a smooth surface or be decorated with carved elements;
  • Due to its properties, MDF is widely used as soundproofing material, allowing you to significantly reduce audibility between rooms;
  • A more unusual, but very popular use of this material is the transformation of steel doors. MDF is used as decorative overlay onto an existing surface, thus improving its appearance. At the same time, you can buy MDF linings for entrance doors in a wide variety of variations and colors.

Interesting to know! Another area using MDF– this is the production of boxes intended both for gift wrapping and simply for transporting various products.

In the bedroom decoration

This material has become so widely used due to the fact that in its production process only materials that are completely safe for human health are used, in particular carbide resins. In addition, such boards have excellent technical characteristics: heat and moisture resistance, and are not susceptible to the formation of various types of fungi and mold on the surface and inside the chips. All this makes MDF boards a worthy competitor to natural wood.

Chipboard or MDF: which is better to choose and why

Lately, MDF has been greatly displaced in the market. Why did this happen and is there a difference between these so similar materials? Let's try to figure out whether this arrangement of positions is justified and what caused it.

First of all, it is worth remembering that this is a chipboard, which, like MDF, is made from wood chips by pressing and adding a special binder. True, the second option has several significant differences and advantages, which became the decisive factor in the popularity of its use in some areas.

The ability to hold parts screwed into it is much worse. If we talk about making furniture, then this is fraught with the falling off of attached parts. Kitchen cabinet doors, door handles and much more may simply fall away. Moreover, it is not possible to re-attach the fallen part, since the holes are subject to rapid loosening. Furniture MDF boards They have a much higher density, which allows them to reliably hold the elements fixed in them.

Environmental friendliness is a significant factor when choosing a material. When wondering what is better - chipboard or MDF for the kitchen, you need to take into account that the first option is absolutely not environmentally friendly. Moreover, it is unsafe for health, since the resins used in the manufacturing process are capable of releasing formaldehyde, a specific substance that has harmful effects. Negative influence, primarily on the respiratory tract, as well as on the mucous membranes and skin of humans. At one time, formaldehyde was included in the list of carcinogenic substances that can contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer. It is worth noting that due to its high environmental friendliness, children's furniture made from MDF is highly valued.

Having understood what MDF is in furniture and other products, as well as the advantages that distinguish it from chipboard, it may seem that this material is ideal. And this is practically true, if you do not take into account its high cost, which often becomes the main obstacle to its acquisition.

In most cases, panels are sold without final coating, which also requires additional costs. You can, of course, buy MDF sheets already coated, or you can tackle this issue yourself. In any case, for those who care about the health of their loved ones, this is a low price to pay.

Which is better: laminated chipboard or MDF, and what is the difference between these materials

Speaking about chipboard, one way or another it is implied that everyone has heard about such material at least once. However, the abbreviation often confuses ordinary users. In fact, this is the same particle board, only with an additional laminated coating. At one time, this technology made it possible to improve the initial characteristics of chipboard and expand the scope of use of this material.

Thus, it is much less susceptible to mechanical damage, thanks to the additional protective layer. In addition, it will be much cheaper to buy a ready-made slab of almost any color. However, with regard to moisture resistance, in this matter laminated chipboard is inferior to MDF and makes it impossible to use it in bathrooms. For the same reason, the question does not arise about what is better for the kitchen: MDF or laminated chipboard.

The problem of environmental friendliness of laminated chipboards also remains relevant. Despite all attempts to reduce the amount of formaldehyde contained, some probability of encountering a fake still remains. That is why it is worth paying special attention to studying the certificates that are attached to each batch of the product. Thus, we again come to the conclusion that in the question of which is better (MDF or laminated chipboard) for furniture and home decoration, the answer is clearly in favor of the first option, especially since you can always buy laminated MDF boards.

How to choose and buy MDF panels for walls, floors, ceilings or furniture

Depending on how you plan to use the purchased MDF panel, it is necessary to take into account its various characteristics and, in specific cases, focus on the most important indicators.

Thus, painted MDF panels are better suited for manufacturing kitchen furniture. They have increased resistance to moisture and therefore do not deteriorate as a result of constant contact with water.

However, this will not be enough to decorate the bathroom. In this case, it is better to give preference to a material with increased moisture resistance, to achieve which double-sided lamination is used. This will protect the panel not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

If you are planning any Finishing work on the facade of furniture, then veneered material is suitable for this purpose. But if we're talking about If there is a need to finish a large area, then it is quite possible to use a regular tiled one.

As for manufacturers, the desired quality can be obtained if the European country of origin is indicated on the packaging. Sweden, Germany, Poland - all these countries have their representative offices in many cities of Russia. But Chinese products, although they will be cheaper, are unlikely to satisfy you with the proper strength and moisture resistance.

Helpful advice! If you want to find one or another original product on the Internet, try to avoid intermediaries who resell products purchased directly from the manufacturer. To do this, it is enough to correctly formulate the Internet request, for example, as “official website MDF furniture Kaliningrad".

But no matter which manufacturer you prefer, be sure to conduct an external inspection of the product before purchasing it. The same rules will apply if you need to purchase an MDF frame profile. The inspection procedure is carried out according to the following points:

  • make sure the surface is smooth and free of chips;
  • check the panel by touch: the surface should be smooth, depressions or bumps are unacceptable, as they can cause a decrease in the strength of the panel;
  • MDF board should not have any odor;
  • all panels must have the same color;
  • also pay attention to the indicator that characterizes the degree of swelling of the material as a result of contact with moisture. The normal value is considered to be 17%.

Also, before you buy MDF wall panels, please note that they can have different thicknesses. Thin ones greatly simplify work, as they are lighter and do not take up much space during storage. However, they are quite fragile, so they can break due to careless handling during operation. Thick ones are much stronger and more reliable, but it is not recommended to use them for decorating very small rooms, because they will take up already valuable space.

How to attach MDF panels to the wall and ceiling with your own hands

Even if you have not worked with such material before, it is quite possible to figure out on your own how to attach MDF panels to a wall or ceiling. And first of all, you need to prepare tools and materials. This list includes a simple pencil, a corner for marking right angles, a construction level, a hacksaw, a hammer drill, a screwdriver or hammer, dowels and screws.

The work begins with cleaning the surface on which the fastening will be made. It must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection for the presence of fungi and mold.

If you need to make a ceiling from MDF panels with your own hands, then you will need both guide profiles and hangers, plus wooden blocks that will act as transverse parts of the frame. If we are talking about MDF fastening panels to the wall, then simple blocks of wood or a special plastic sheathing will be sufficient.

Helpful advice! To make the fastening process easier, it is recommended to use clamps. This will allow you to fix parts of the covering on the sheathing and, in general, will make the task much easier.

The most important thing is to make the correct markings for the sheathing, which in the future will allow you to accurately secure all the elements. How to do this correctly can be seen in the photo of ceilings made of MDF panels. At this stage, it is important to take into account that the distance between the fixed panels and the real ceiling should be sufficient to accommodate lamps, as well as other communications.

Installation of MDF wall panels also begins with marking the place where the first lathing strip will be attached (vertical or horizontal does not matter). Maintaining the required distance, all sheathing elements are attached, and after that the installation of MDF wall panels begins. They are fixed quite simply using clamps or self-tapping screws.

Helpful advice! High-quality and certified products can be found on the official Soyuz website. MDF wall panels made from them are highly valued due to their compliance with all requirements and standards.

It cannot be said that installing MDF panels on a wall with your own hands is difficult process. Rather, it is monotonous and demanding high precision calculations and constant attention.

Tracing paper from the English Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) in Russian differs from the original. So, MDF means medium density fiberboard. And in our country the letters MDF were given the following meaning: finely dispersed fraction or micro wood fiber. It is noteworthy that these values ​​only partially reflect the properties of this material.

Fiberboard, whose density is average, is considered an excellent and inexpensive substitute natural wood. At the same time, over the years of production, manufacturers have improved not only the composition, but also found optimal sizes, which allow the very wide use of MDF.

Each manufacturer, naturally, indicates that MDF is an environmentally friendly material. The main proof of this is that wood derivatives and natural binders are used to produce MDF. In terms of composition indoors.

A few words about MDF:

Types of MDF

Medium density fiberboard is considered a derivative of fiberboard. The main difference is that MDF has a protected surface.

Depending on how the finishing was carried out, there are three types of this material:

  • Laminated MDF. The front side of such a panel is covered with PVC film. Lamination can be matte or glossy. The film can imitate the texture of wood or natural stone. The lamination process itself is possible thanks to pressing. Required film under pressure it is glued to the base. After this MDF processing becomes much more resistant than fiberboard to light, water and chemicals. This MDF has interesting view, good performance and reasonable cost.
  • Veneering. A thin veneer made from valuable wood species is glued to one or even two sides of the MDF. This process is also called veneering. the material receives a number of advantages compared to other types of MDF, namely: resistance to warping, resistance to drying out, increased moisture resistance. This type of MDF - veneered - is quite expensive, it has an impressive appearance, the scope of application due to its high cost is quite small.
  • Painting MDF. The main task assigned to the dyeing process is to give the material increased resistance to external influences. Paint is applied manually or through automatic machines. The MDF surface can only be painted with enamel or paint that flows well while remaining elastic. This type of MDF (painted) is the most inexpensive and most impractical (unless, of course, we are talking about painting flexible MDF). Nevertheless, its use is possible even for cladding work, not only in the production of furniture.

All types of MDF can additionally be processed by milling. Special machines are able to give the material the necessary relief, adding decorativeness to it. And now about the most common types of this material and their use.

Photos of various MDF panels (plates)

Laminated MDF Veneered MDF Painted MDF

Wall panels

The easiest way is to use MDF in the form of panels. The manufacturer produces this material in such a way that installation on the wall can be done quickly even by non-professionals. The design of MDF wall panels is as follows: one side has a ridge, the other a groove. Additionally, the panels can be fastened with staples or glue.

The advantages include:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • various colors;
  • environmental Safety;
  • ease of use, ease of installation;
  • high heat and sound insulation characteristics.

All MDF panels can be classified as decorative, which is absolutely fair. They perform not only practical functions, but also decorate and decorate the space. Wall panels can be laminated, varnished and sanded.

MDF wall panels also have disadvantages. These include relatively low strength, namely easy flammability, fear of large amounts of water and instability to mechanical damage.

In general, the material has a price corresponding to its quality. And thanks to its appearance and ease of care, it is able to decorate a space without causing any problems to the owners.

At the same time, a fairly large variety allows you to choose those panels that will best suit the tasks assigned to them.

MDF lining

In fact, all MDF wall panels are lining. Modern construction material It may well look like lining, for example, made of solid cedar and at the same time cost several times less. It can correct uneven walls. The latter do not need to be puttied, primed or painted.

The lining is not affected by fungus and can last for a decade. With proper installation and proper care, wall panels made from MDF lining can even be used in the bathroom. True, in this case it is worth giving preference to MDF, the labeling of which indicates that it is moisture resistant.

On the ceiling there is a lining made of MDF

Moisture resistant sheets

This material can be called universal. It is able not only to hide the imperfections of the walls, but is also absolutely indifferent to a humid environment. The only drawback that stands out is that moisture-resistant MDF panels, like any others, somewhat reduce the space of the room. In general, it is an environmentally friendly material that resembles plastic in its characteristics.

Glossy panels

Such panels are used in furniture production. They make doors and side walls cabinets The MDF surface is protected by a glossy layer, which allows us to talk about increased service life and a stylish exterior.

Glossy MDF panels can be coated with:

  • polyester,
  • primer.

The latter belong to the category of high gloss (acrylic). This means that the appearance of the material is even more noble and the quality is improved. The acrylic surface of MDF is a perfectly smooth, mirror-glossy surface. After special treatment, the panels become resistant to scratches and moisture.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of all conventional MDF panels is that they bend poorly. And lining walls with curves with them is quite difficult. Apparently, manufacturers, having studied the market, came to the conclusion that it is precisely these materials that are in short supply.

Flexible MDF

Already at the manufacturing stage, the manufacturer made sure that it would be easy to create arched and any other structures from his material, and make high-quality and beautiful furniture.

Flexible MDF panels can be used in two versions:

  • Single layer MDF. The sheets are attached to the frame using glue.
  • Double layer MDF. Its parts must connect to each other.

The indisputable advantages include the fact that flexible MDF is produced only with a smooth surface. This allows the material to be painted, veneered, and decorated.


Kronospan is MDF, high-density chipboard. This series releases laminated coverings for floors with a thickness of 10mm, panels for walls, the material from which cabinet doors are made, including for children's walls and even tabletops. The price of the material is relatively inexpensive and, despite its significant advantages, it deserves high praise.

The difference between MDF and other wood-containing materials

Modern construction at the stage of cladding and decoration practically does not involve the use of real wood. Instead, everything that contains its waste is actively used. In the production of furniture, at least those designed for the mass consumer, there is also no place for real wood. Instead, here and there, for example, chipboard is used.

What is the difference between: chipboard, MDF, plywood, furniture board, lumber, veneer, you can watch the video:

What is better: chipboard or MDF and how they differ

Chipboard is sawdust that is pressed together with formaldehyde resins.

This material has a number of differences from MDF, the main ones are listed in the table:

However, it is worth noting that chipboard is a fairly strong and water-resistant material that can hold nails under load.

The difference between laminated chipboard and MDF

But laminated chipboard (LDSP) is a sanded material that has a facing film. This is what makes laminated chipboard similar to MDF. The film is made of paper and melamine resin and it significantly increases the wear resistance of laminated chipboard.

If you compare this material with MDF, the main differences will be as follows:

MDF is easy to process and is used even in luxury construction. But laminated chipboard has an increased degree of protection against harmful effects, which allows it to be used for tiling kitchens and bathrooms, as well as in the production of furniture for these rooms.

Which is better solid wood or MDF?

Often MDF can be used where solid wood can also be used. These materials, while fundamentally different, also have common features. The main one is that MDF can be used for facades, for example, a kitchen wall. Moreover, now it is one of the most popular materials in furniture production.

Solid wood, especially cedar, oak, and ash, is used extremely rarely when creating furniture sets. The first thing that prevents the use of such wood is the high price. Secondly, wood is a very heavy and sometimes capricious material.

If you compare MDF and array, you can create the following table:

MDF Solid wood
Environmentally friendly material, which also has a fairly wide variety of colors Absolutely environmentally friendly pure material, unless, of course, the tree was grown in the Chernobyl zone
Easy to clean Requires additional care
The surface of this material can be glossy or matte The surface has an expensive, exclusive look
Bends well, but is susceptible to damage and loses color over time The material must not be bent or rounded. Only geometrically correct shapes can be made from an array

Both materials are moisture resistant and, with proper care, can look great and last a very long time.

Veneer or MDF

Veneer can be of at least three varieties: peeled, planed, sawn. And each of them is inferior in strength to MDF.

For comparison, you can see the table below:

It is noteworthy that MDF can be veneered. And this improves its technical characteristics. Both materials are used for doors and in the manufacture of furniture.

Plastic or MDF

You can compare these materials only when it comes to creating panels for walls. The dimensions and appearance of plastic and MDF allow you to create practical, beautiful and durable panels. However, not everyone will be able to distinguish them by appearance.

However, the technical characteristics of the materials differ quite significantly:

Plastic can even be used for cladding furniture and doors. The material belongs to the category of universal ones and many construction workers prefer it.

Medium Density Fiberboard is modern material, which manages to embody the advantages of natural wood, the quality of plastic surfaces and beauty that is suitable for many styles. MDF has a wide color scheme, can be used in various fields and at a relatively high price, the consumer receives exceptionally high quality.
