How to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof? How to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof with your own hands Insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with a warm roof

Each bathhouse requires organization high-quality insulation ceiling. This is necessary to prevent the loss of warm air, which will inevitably tend to the top. If the ceiling does not hold it back, then the process of heating the bath and maintaining a constant elevated temperature inside will require increased heat consumption and time.

Another possible problem is condensation in uninsulated rooms. Cold drops flowing here and there will significantly reduce the degree of comfort. And the moisture, which will rise upward along with heat flows, will gradually destroy the ceiling and structural elements of the roof. To avoid condensation, when making a bathhouse, you need to put a heat-insulating “pie” on the ceiling, which will protect the wooden structures in the attic of the bathhouse with cold roof.

Criteria for choosing insulation

Expert advice on the requirements for heat insulators for a Russian bath:

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Konstantin Alexandrovich

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If the material you have selected for thermal insulation meets all the criteria listed above, then it will be safe, warm and comfortable to be inside the waiting room and the steam room itself.

Bathroom ceiling insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool is more often found on sale packaged in rolls, their thickness ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters. It is not difficult to work with such material; you just need to unwind the roll, measure the fragment required in length and, cutting it with an ordinary knife, lay the insulation where it is necessary. Thicker material, over 10 centimeters thick, is sold in the form of slabs or mats, which are laid spaced between structural elements sheathing, rafters or joists from the attic side. Often this method of fastening does not require additional fastening. Experienced builders advise choosing basalt wool for thermal insulation of steam rooms.

In other cases, elements of insulation material will need to be secured. Fixation methods may vary in each specific case and depend on the density of the material and the spaces between the structural elements of the attic or roof.

In addition to fastening by surprise, there are other fastening methods:

ATTENTION! When starting to work with mineral wool, you must prepare means to protect your eyes, breathing and hands - goggles, a respirator and gloves. Ideally, you should use a protective suit to protect your body.

The procedure for thermal insulation of the ceiling space in a bathhouse

Thermal insulation of bathhouse ceiling with expanded clay

Expanded clay is a very budget-friendly and fairly common insulation material for floors and ceilings. You can easily fill it yourself with a minimum of effort. Essentially, expanded clay is large clay granules that have been baked at high temperatures. Its texture resembles a stone with many pores. Such insulation is not afraid of harmful insects, bacteria and other pests of buildings do not develop in it. It is not biodegradable. The insulation is absolutely harmless to human health, since it does not emit hazardous substances. In addition, it is completely non-flammable. The algorithm for thermal insulation of the ceiling space using expanded clay varies depending on the material of the floors - wooden or concrete. First, familiarize yourself with the sequence of insulating concrete floors.

The procedure for insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with expanded clay will differ slightly depending on whether the ceiling is concrete or whether they were used for its arrangement. wooden elements. First, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the procedure for insulating concrete floors. Detailed information about each technological stage of insulation is given.

Thermal insulation of concrete and expanded clay floors

Insulating concrete floors with expanded clay does not create any special problems.

ATTENTION! Despite the fact that expanded clay has a porous structure and belongs to lightweight materials, its thirty-centimeter layer will have quite a considerable weight. Insulation of wooden floors using this material is only possible if the ceiling is strong enough. In the case of internal ceiling lining with OSB slabs, it will be necessary to provide the slabs with additional fastening. It is produced by installing sheathing, which is attached to the beams using special pins.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of a wooden bathhouse using expanded clay

The installation of the insulating “pie” can now be considered complete. The further procedure will be carried out according to the wishes of the owner of the premises. Most often, finishing flooring is laid either on the beams themselves, or on top of logs specially laid for this purpose. This is advisable if a residential attic is being built.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling using ecowool

Ecological wool is considered a completely safe material of natural origin. It has a long service life and copes quite effectively with the function of maintaining heat in the room. The material is free-flowing, therefore, for its transportation and storage, it must be pressed and packaged in consumer packaging - briquettes. For direct use, ecowool is freed from packaging and fluffed, after which it increases in volume several times. Professionals prefer to use equipment specially designed for this purpose when applying ecowool. First, the material is slightly moistened and sprayed onto the insulated surface. After this, the lathing is blown with dry material, which is injected using powerful compressor. This fact is the most significant disadvantage of using ecowool, since purchasing or renting equipment is not cheap. At the same time, if you plan to insulate a not too large area, for example, the ceiling space of a small bathhouse, it is quite possible to carry out the work manually. The process will take a lot of time and will increase the degree of insulation consumption, but the thermal insulation will still be of high quality and will not cost too much.

The list of tips for arranging sheathing and layers of insulation from moisture and steam is the same as for mineral wool, so there is no point in repeating them again. But it is worth considering that when industrially applying ecowool, hydro- and vapor barriers are usually not used. When applying manually, you should not refuse them for greater reliability.

REFERENCE. In order to achieve maximum quality indicators when manually insulating with ecowool, it is important to correctly assess the required weight of the building material.

It is calculated using a simple formula:

m (weight of ecowool) = S (area of ​​the cell where the insulation will be placed) * L (thickness of the thermal insulation layer) * P (standard density of the insulation, for horizontal surfaces - 45 kg/m3).

After the sheathing space is filled with insulation, waterproofing and sheathing material are installed on top of it.

Insulation of the bathhouse ceiling with polypropylene foam

Foamed polypropylene, also called penofol, or foamed polyethylene - all these types of insulation materials are similar in structure, and they are installed in a similar way. The thermal insulators under consideration are very easy to install, but their thermal insulation performance is often insufficient. Because of this feature, polypropylene foam and similar materials are best used in combination with other types of insulation, for example, mineral wool.

Such a tandem can provide the most effective heat conservation in the room being finished.

Scheme of insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with foamed polypropylene

A mixture of cement and sawdust

Such insulation material has long been known and belongs to the traditional ones that were used even before the era modern materials for thermal insulation. In such compositions, cement is successfully replaced with clay, and straw can be used instead of sawdust. The mixture is made by mixing dry ingredients with water. The proportion is as follows: for 10 shares of sawdust you need to add 1 share of cement and the same amount of lime. The resulting dry mass is poured with 1.5 parts of water and thoroughly stirred until a thick mixture of uniform texture is obtained. The mass is laid out on the insulated surface and distributed evenly.

ATTENTION! Sawdust for preparing the mixture must be thoroughly dried, ideally for about one year.

This insulating material is characterized by minimal cost and environmental friendliness. But its thermal insulation qualities are inferior to those of mineral wool or expanded clay. The process of preparing and laying the mixture requires significant labor, and upon completion of installation it will be necessary to seal the cracks that inevitably appear.


Thermal insulation of the ceiling in a bathhouse in a country house is very important. If you want to save on heating the steam room, you won’t be able to achieve this without thermal insulation. If you have limited funds, you may prefer budget options proper insulation, which will allow you to inexpensively make a ceiling and enjoy steaming in the bathhouse and not think about the cold that the ceiling emits.

Video about insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with sawdust and cement

Are you wondering how to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with your own hands? Thermal insulation in a bathhouse is the key to a comfortable stay in the room and a reduction in heating costs.

You can read about the features of arranging a bathhouse in terms of thermal insulation in this article. The information below will discuss issues related to insulation. We will focus on popular insulating materials and their properties, and talk about practical tips that will help you learn how to insulate the ceiling of a bathhouse from the outside with minimal financial costs.

Why insulate the roof

Everyone knows from physics lessons that hot air rises. This is why most of the heat from the bath comes out through the ceiling. Either a multi-layer ceiling design or the use of a special thermal insulation layer will help eliminate problems with the rapid release of heat from the room. If you do not cover the ceiling in the bathhouse correctly, this can lead to condensation on the ceilings and an increase in the time it takes to fully heat the room. If you don’t know what is the best way to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse, our article contains instructions on choosing materials.

Important! It is best to lay each subsequent layer of insulation perpendicular to the previous one. This is the only way to create reliable design resistant to deformation.

Insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with an attic requires more attention than insulating a one-story building. This is due to the fact that the arrangement of the ceiling in a building with an attic provides for a more powerful ceiling structure. As a result, not only the roof space, but also the roof structure gets in the way of the warm air masses; as a result, if there is a second floor, warm air masses are retained much better in the room than when using one floor. However, even if the structure is multi-story, do not forget about thermal insulation. Otherwise, the room will quickly become unusable due to high humidity.

Before insulating the attic of a bathhouse, pay attention to what the ceiling is made of. If it is made of logs, be sure to install a sheathing where the logs will be laid for vapor insulation. Sand is poured over the logs, then the insulation is laid according to the usual pattern.

Ceiling protection with insulation

Insulation must be carried out simultaneously with a layer of vapor insulation, regardless of the type of roof and ceiling.

It is this layer that prevents condensation from settling. Few people know, but moisture from condensation accumulating in the insulation has a negative effect and significantly shortens its service life, thereby reducing thermal insulation characteristics. Don’t know how to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse from the outside? It is better to give preference to materials made from safe and reliable raw materials.

On the modern market, vapor insulation is presented in a wide range, this allows you to choose the right insulation without significant financial costs. In addition to budget insulation products, there are special hydro-vapor barrier products on sale that allow not only to insulate the roof, but also to avoid excessive vapor formation. They cost more, but in terms of performance characteristics they outperform their competitors.

How to insulate the ceiling of a bathhouse from the outside? You can give preference to modern insulation, consisting of mineral wool and a layer of foil.

Important! Don't forget the rules against fire safety. Yes, between chimney and a layer that can quickly ignite, a distance of at least 30 centimeters must be left. A special box is often installed around the pipe, for example, made of steel, filled with non-flammable expanded clay.

What materials are best to use for insulation?

When building a bathhouse, the question often arises of how to insulate the bathhouse ceiling from the outside. You can use the old one old-fashioned method, implying the use of improvised means without special financial costs, or purchase highly effective modern insulation materials that have the characteristics of thermal insulation and vapor barrier.

How to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with your own hands? You can find this information below; we will tell you about the most common insulation materials and how to install them:

Expanded clay

The attic in the bathhouse is often filled with expanded clay; it is not only low in cost, it does not require specific skills to use. Expanded clay is granular clay that has been processed at high temperatures. The material is not interesting for insects and rodents; it is distinguished by its durability and maximum fire safety.

If the attic has wooden floors, you should pay attention to the fact that even a 30-centimeter layer of expanded clay has significant weight, which the floors cannot handle. It is best used with concrete structures.

Mineral wool

Sold in rolls, thickness can vary from 5 to 10 centimeters depending on the chosen model. Does not require special skills when laying from the attic side. It is enough to unwind the roll, place the cotton wool in the required place and cut it to size. The advantages include the fact that during installation there is no need to use additional fasteners.


Insulation of the attic of a bathhouse is often done using ecowool. The advantages include thermal insulation efficiency and durability. In fact, it is free-flowing, but to facilitate transportation and storage, the cotton wool is slightly compressed and sold in the form of briquettes.

Before use, it is advisable to unpack the ecowool, dry it and fluff it up. As a result, the material will increase in volume by 3-4 times.

Insulation of the attic of a bathhouse with ecowool occurs according to the following principle: the cotton wool is slightly moistened and sprayed using special equipment. Then the spray zone is filled with dry ecowool, and special compressors are used to strengthen the structure.


If the question arises of how to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with your own hands, a material such as polypropylene often comes to mind. The insulation is presented in the form of foam material; it provides decent thermal insulation of the room and does not require special skills when installing. Often, to improve the degree of insulation of a room, the material is used in combination with mineral wool.


A modern thermal insulation material, which is foamed polypropylene, the bottom layer of which is made of foil. The advantages of this material include the fact that it does not require an additional layer of hydro- and vapor barrier.

The technology for laying penoizol is that the material is sprayed and fills the voids in liquid state. During the hardening process, the material foams. It is unlikely that you will be able to use penoizol yourself; for installation you will have to involve specialized construction companies with the necessary equipment.

Growing aerated concrete

Material for concrete floors. Two types of aerated concrete are used - thermal insulation and structural. The material is a vapor-forming mixture mixed with concrete. The material is sold in hardware stores in the form of a dry mixture; to use it, just add water in the proportions specified in the instructions.

Insulation using growing aerated concrete differs significantly from classical surface insulation. Basically, the material simply seals the surface, filling all the cracks and voids. Due to this, heat loss in the room is significantly reduced.

Ceiling insulation

In the absence of these materials, you can give preference to polystyrene foam. The material is easy to install and does not require special equipment for installation.

Important! Do not choose ordinary polystyrene foam for insulation; it has been repeatedly proven that when heated, it releases harmful substances that can negatively affect the health of bathhouse visitors.

When using liquid insulating materials, it is desirable to construct formwork. Most often, permanent structures made of glass-magnesium sheets are used for these purposes. The sheets are secured to each other using ordinary self-tapping screws. If aerated concrete is used, do not forget that the components react with each other, and the volume of the solution doubles. This fact should be taken into account when choosing the height of future formwork.

More detailed information You will find information about the strength gain of the material and the resting time before the insulation completely hardens and is put into operation in the instructions for use for the material you are using.

To improve the insulation characteristics, on top of the main layer, if the dimensions of the attic allow, you can use another layer of other materials, which we described above.

Let's sum it up

In the article, we dwelled in detail on the issues of how to insulate the ceiling of a bathhouse, talked about the main materials, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. When choosing suitable insulation, rely on its performance properties and your financial capabilities. It is worth remembering about fire safety when arranging a bathhouse.

Do not forget that some materials emit hazardous substances when heated, so using them in a bathhouse is highly undesirable.

Be sure to follow the instructions from the insulation manufacturer and take care of personal protection. Good luck!

Carrying out bath procedures heals and strengthens the entire body. Fans of this action prefer to have their own bathhouse on the site. Like any other structure, a bathhouse building needs insulation of the walls, ceiling and floor. Since heated air rises to the ceiling, insulation of the attic and ceiling space is necessary. This will help maintain comfortable warmth in the room.

Why do this?

The main rooms in a Russian bath are the steam room and the dressing room. The steam room maintains a high level of temperature and steam. Warm up wet air tends to escape through gaps in the ceiling and walls. It is impossible to make a sealed steam room out of wood. The majority of heat loss occurs through the ceiling as hot air rises. To reduce the outflow of heat, insulation is installed. The thermal insulation material will act as a barrier and protect the steam room from rapid cooling. Insulating the steam room will reduce heat loss.

The ceiling can be insulated from the attic side or from below. The technology of thermal insulation works includes the construction of a multilayer structure. The result of high-quality ceiling insulation will be a reduction in heating costs and an increase in the time of maintaining comfortable heat in the room.

Types of ceiling structures

The bathhouse can be built without an attic or with it. The presence of an attic depends on the type of roof. Flat roof does not involve the construction of an attic space. If the roof is pitched, then you can arrange cold attic or an attic on the second floor. For mansard type roofs need powerful floor beams. For a bathhouse, proper insulation is carried out from the outside of the ceiling.

According to the method of installation, ceiling structures are:

  • hemmed;
  • panel;
  • flat.

The false ceiling is sheathed with edged or tongue-and-groove boards along the bottom of the attic floor beams. In this case, the load is distributed across load-bearing beams. Whether installation of additional sheathing is necessary depends on the weight wooden planks, with which the ceiling is hemmed. Properly fitted boards can be left as a finishing touch. The filing is carried out inside the bathhouse.

Positive sides ceiling lining from the inside:

  • high strength;
  • suitable for different room sizes;
  • it is possible to arrange an attic;
  • the attic space remains functional.

A panel ceiling is a set of parts made from boards or panels. Each panel is equipped with a thermal insulation layer. The sheathing frame is attached to the floor beams. Then the entire area of ​​the room is covered with shields. A moisture-resistant seal is placed at the joints. In the steam room, sealing the seams must be done especially carefully.

Floor ceilings can be installed if the width of the bathhouse building does not exceed 2.6 meters, since the ceiling is laid on the walls. Installation is simple - on top load-bearing walls thick boards are laid. With deck ceilings, the attic space cannot be used to store heavy or large items, as the structure cannot support much weight. Flooring is considered the cheapest type ceiling structure.

Material selection

A bathhouse is a specific room where a high temperature level leads to an increased fire hazard. All Construction Materials require strict adherence to fire safety regulations. Wooden structures are treated with fire-retardant compounds.

There are also increased requirements for insulation:

  • Fire resistance. The insulation should not support combustion.
  • Ecological cleanliness. The insulation must not contain toxic substances.
  • Moisture resistance. High humidity leads to the destruction of building materials.

  • Biostability. Fungi should not develop in the insulation and rodents and insects should not settle in.
  • Protective functions. The heat insulator should not let cold air from the attic into the steam room. The insulation acts as a barrier to heat and keeps it inside.

To insulate a bathhouse from the attic side, heat insulators are used in the form of slabs, rolls and loose material.


Bulk insulation materials include:

  • expanded clay;
  • sawdust;
  • ecowool;

  • vermiculite;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • aerated concrete.

Their use is effective, since during installation there are no joints that can become cold bridges and reduce the insulating functions. Mineral wool and foamed polyethylene are produced in rolls. Materials in the form of slabs for bath structures are not often used - these are polystyrene foam and penoplex.

Expanded clay is a porous baked clay of different fractions.

For bath buildings, it is considered an ideal insulation material, since it exhibits the following characteristics:

  • high strength ensures long service life;
  • non-flammable, impact resistant high temperatures;

  • this is an environmentally friendly natural raw material;
  • convenient for backfilling, does not generate dust, does not require preliminary preparation;
  • it does not harbor rodents, does not grow mold, or is affected by fungus;
  • This is an affordable, inexpensive material.

A large number of positive qualities expanded clay does not eliminate the disadvantages that must be taken into account during installation. Compared to artificial heat insulators, expanded clay has 2 times higher thermal conductivity. This fact is taken into account and a layer of 25-35 cm is covered with expanded clay, which makes it possible to achieve a good heat-saving effect.

The clay granules themselves are light, but the thickness of the backfill layer has a lot of weight.

To withstand considerable weight, you need powerful floor beams and strong false ceilings. During construction, this is calculated in advance.

The next feature of expanded clay is its susceptibility to water. During sintering, a glassy film is formed on expanded clay granules. This reduces the water absorption capacity of the natural material. But still, for a heat insulator, the moisture absorption rate of 10-20% is quite high. To avoid moisture accumulation in the material, thereby increasing weight, waterproofing is used. Subject to all conditions installation work insulation with expanded clay will become safe and durable.

Insulation with sawdust is a common method of thermal insulation of bath ceilings, which is still relevant in our time. Wood sawdust– environmentally natural natural material, formed as a result of wood processing. This is the cheapest and affordable way insulate the ceiling from the attic side.

Sawdust has negative characteristics:

  • the effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on the density and thickness of the sawdust layer;
  • high degree of flammability and flammability;
  • high level of moisture absorption;
  • there may be mice;
  • sawdust requires labor-intensive preparation and additional materials.

To reduce the flammability and hygroscopic properties, clean sawdust is not laid out on the ceiling, but mixed with cement and a multi-layer structure is arranged. The bottom is leveled with clay, followed by wet sawdust mixed with cement and lime. To prevent the previous layer from cracking when drying, you can cover everything on top with earth. This results in “breathable” thermal insulation that is resistant to water and fire.

Modern insulation for baths is ecowool. It consists of cellulose fibers with chemical additives that improve the properties of the material.

Insulating an ecowool bathhouse is justified because it has many positive aspects:

  • flame retardant additives provide non-flammability;
  • environmental cleanliness is due to the natural composition;
  • thermal insulation is comparable to artificial insulation;
  • boric acid in ecowool prevents rodents from infesting and microorganisms from multiplying;
  • low weight allows you to apply a layer of any thickness;
  • in case of wetness after drying, it retains its thermal insulation properties at the same level;
  • long service life.

When using ecowool it is necessary good ventilation attic space. This is necessary to reduce the humidity of the insulation, since the level of moisture absorption can be up to 20%. Ecowool can be applied wet or dry.

Better insulation with a smaller thickness will be obtained by the wet method using spray equipment. This may become a limitation in the use of ecowool.

Vermiculite consists of raw mica, expanded at a temperature of 900 degrees. According to its characteristics, vermiculite resembles expanded clay. It is fire-resistant, reliable, lightweight, bio-resistant, environmentally friendly. But its level of thermal insulation is higher and comparable to mineral wool. Vermiculite easily absorbs water and evaporates steam when ventilated without losing its qualities.

Polyurethane foam is rarely used as insulation for baths due to its high cost. But this insulation is worth the money because it has no negative performance properties. He is liquid plastic, sprayed special device. A monolithic and sealed layer is created. Polyurethane foam has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient and is not susceptible to fire and water. The use of polyurethane foam is limited by the high cost of using third-party organizations for installation.


Rolled mineral wool is a common fibrous insulation material used for insulation. different buildings. The composition varies depending on the type of mineral wool. Glass wool is made from an alloy of glass. The raw materials for stone wool are rock minerals.

The limitation for using glass wool is the difficulty of installation. A type of stone wool, basalt wool, is often insulated independently. For a steam room, you should choose an option with foil glued on one side of the roll.

Among the advantages of using it in a bath are:

  • cotton wool does not burn, but melts when a fire occurs;
  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • low weight does not put a load on the ceiling;
  • It is convenient to insulate with mineral wool; due to its softness and elasticity, it can be laid on an uneven base;
  • Cotton wool does not contain a breeding ground for mice and insects.

The main disadvantage of mineral wool is its hygroscopicity - moisture absorption can be up to 40%. Since the bathhouse has a humid environment, laying high-quality waterproofing and vapor protection becomes a necessity. The environmental qualities of basalt wool are also questionable. To connect fibers in production, chemical compounds are used that are harmful to human health.

Reflective foil rolls of foamed polypropylene or polyethylene are used as a vapor barrier and to increase the heating rate of the bath. The material has proven itself well because it is lightweight, water-repellent and has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. Counts environmentally friendly material, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and chemical solvents. When burned, it breaks down into water, releasing carbon dioxide. Polypropylene foam is resistant to temperatures up to 200 degrees, polyethylene foam - up to 120 degrees.


An effective cheap slab insulation - polystyrene foam - is not used for bathhouse buildings, since when the temperature rises above 70 degrees, the material deforms and melts, releasing caustic toxic smoke.

Foam plastic is being replaced by penoplex - extruded polystyrene foam. It has excellent thermal insulation data and hydrophobic qualities. A light weight and the size of the slabs 60*120 cm will allow you to quickly insulate the ceiling. The slabs of material must not come into contact with the hot pipe. It is also susceptible to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The disadvantage of penoplex is its low environmental friendliness, so its use for insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse is a controversial decision.

Mineral wool can be produced in slabs. It retains all the properties of the rolled version, the only difference being rigidity.

Vapor barrier and waterproofing

The need for vapor and waterproofing depends on the type of heat insulator. Installation of protective layers is necessary for mineral wool, ecowool, expanded clay, and sawdust. There is a certain rule for the order in which layers are placed. The first layer is a vapor barrier, then insulation. The top is covered with waterproofing with a ventilation gap of 2-5 cm.

A high level of humidity in the bath requires a high-quality vapor barrier flooring. It performs two functions at once - it will protect against steam from the room getting onto hydrophobic insulation. The barrier will not allow moisture to be absorbed into the thermal insulation, increase its weight, or deteriorate its thermal conductivity. Also, a vapor barrier will prevent moisture from penetrating into the attic space, causing condensation to form on the wooden roof structures.

The vapor barrier can be installed from the attic side or inside the room. With internal protection vapor barrier material attached between the rough ceiling sheathing and external finishing. External vapor barrier spreads over the attic floor and beams.

The main task during installation is to create the most airtight vapor barrier layer.

The following vapor barrier materials are used:

  • clay 2-3 cm thick;
  • glassine;
  • dry cardboard;
  • wax-impregnated paper;
  • roofing felt;

  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • foil with a kraft paper base;
  • fiberglass-based foil;
  • foil based on lavsan.

Waterproofing is needed to prevent moisture from getting into the insulation from the cold attic. Water can form as a result of condensation when the attic space is not properly ventilated. Roof leaks may also occur. Upper layer waterproofing will protect the insulation from getting wet.

For waterproofing, thick polyethylene film, roofing felt or modern waterproofing films are used.

Step by step guide

Depending on the type of insulation used and the type of ceiling structure, the methods of installing thermal insulation differ. The choice of ceiling structure depends on the size of the bathhouse, budget, number of workers, and type of insulation.

The flooring option for constructing a ceiling is suitable for small bath buildings. This is a convenient and low-cost method. The ceiling is laid on the walls. Such a ceiling can be with an attic, but more often it is made without an attic. The flooring can be grooved lumber or regular unedged but well-fitted boards more than 4.5 cm thick.

Rolled heat insulators are well suited for flat ceilings.

Using mineral wool, insulation will look like this:

  • On top wooden flooring vapor barrier material is spread. A good solution would be to use foil-foamed polyethylene or polypropylene. It will provide additional insulating properties to the insulating layer. The joints are hermetically sealed.
  • Mineral wool in a roll is laid on top. If mounted basalt wool, which has foil on one side, then you don’t have to lay it vapor barrier film. When using polypropylene, the thickness of the mineral wool layer can be reduced by 20%.
  • Then the mineral wool is covered with waterproofing material.
  • At the end, a rough plank floor is laid.

For a flat ceiling, heavy thermal insulation materials such as expanded clay are not used. It is necessary that the thermal insulation layer be small, less than 15 cm. If the layer exceeds the height of the wall, then it is necessary to construct an enclosing box on top of the wall, lengthening the entire structure.

You can also use the traditional method - insulate the ceiling with a sawdust-cement mixture. To prepare it, take a bucket of dry sawdust and half a liter of cement. This mixture is stirred, gradually adding water in small portions. The result should be a moistened, homogeneous, loose mixture.

Gradually cover the entire surface 10 cm thick with this material and compact it well. After drying, a monolithic structure is formed. If cracks appear due to uneven evaporation of the liquid, they are coated with liquid clay. There is no need to lay waterproofing on top, but a vapor barrier layer must be laid underneath.

design false ceiling You can do it yourself without any help. In this case, wooden beams are laid on the walls. Strong beam floors can become the basis for an attic-type attic. The ceiling is hemmed onto the bottom side of the beam, and the top side will become the attic floor. Thermal insulation is laid between the beams.

All types can be used as a heat insulator bulk insulation, mineral wool rolls and slabs.

If selected backfill materials, then installation work is carried out in the following order:

  • Cheap lumber is stuffed onto the underside of the beams.
  • A vapor barrier film is rolled out along the bottom of the rough boards, secured with a wooden strip.
  • After protection from steam, the ceiling is finished with clapboard, installed with a gap of 2 cm.
  • On the attic side, a surface separated by floor beams is obtained. Insulation of the required thickness is poured into this sheathing. If in the crack draft ceiling the insulation spills out, then they need to be covered. The heat insulation layer should be 2-4 cm below the beam. This is a natural ventilation gap.
  • An attic floor made of boards or wood boards is laid on the beams. If expanded clay is used for insulation, then waterproofing must be laid under the floor.

Mineral wool in rolls and slabs is installed according to the following algorithm:

  • Perpendicular to the beams, a vapor barrier layer is attached with slats from the side of the room.
  • Then the finishing of the ceiling is installed. Lining is used, edged boards or tongue-and-groove wooden planks.
  • Mineral wool is placed in the spacer between the floor beams. When the size of the roll or slab does not correspond to the width between the beams, then a slatted or mesh collection needs to be built underneath. If the thickness of the wool is greater than the beam, then it must be increased with wooden slats to the missing height. The lack of height can be dealt with in an alternative way - to compensate for a smaller layer of cotton wool by laying penoplex on the top tier.
  • Overlapping beams are laid with any waterproofing material.
  • Rough boards are nailed onto the waterproofing to serve as the floor for the attic.

If a panel type is chosen to create a bath ceiling, then preliminary preparation will be required. The dimensions of the panels are calculated based on the width of the interblock span. Think over the layout. A gap of 4-5 cm is left between the beams and panels.

Panels are made from low-quality lumber, knocked together in two layers perpendicular to each other, with sides attached. All wooden parts are treated with a fire-retardant compound. A reflective vapor barrier material is placed on top of each panel. An alternative could be basalt wool with foil. A piece of mineral wool, a layer of ecowool, a mixture of sawdust and cement or loose expanded clay is laid on the vapor barrier. The panel is ready for installation.

In this form, the panels are lifted into the attic in accordance with the diagram. Next, they begin installation, placing them in the same plane with the floor beams. The gaps between the beams and panels are pierced with insulation. The result is a cellular structure, which is covered with a waterproofing film. The attic floor can be installed on the beams. Lifting heavy panels and wall-mounted installation does not require self-installation.

For bath structures, the criterion of environmental friendliness of the insulation is important, so it is better to choose natural heat insulators that meet fire safety standards. Expanded clay, prepared sawdust-cement backfills, and vermiculite are well suited for thermal insulation. They can be installed independently, following installation technology.

When installing insulation, you need to build a protective steel box for the chimney pipe. Expanded clay can be poured into the box. It is necessary to ensure that wooden structures do not touch the chimney.

When insulating with mineral wool, it is better to choose multi-layer installation with overlapping of previous joints. This method will avoid heat leakage through the seams of the insulation. This will not affect the cost of the heat insulator, since it is sold in cubic meters. There is no need to exceed the thickness of the planned layer, but choose a thinner roll of cotton wool.

Foil materials are more relevant for bath buildings, since the foil reflects infrared heat rays from the ceiling, improving the heating rate of the steam room. This reduces heating costs. The vapor barrier with foil is laid with the reflective side down. To fix the joints of vapor barrier films, foil tape is used. To form a sealed vapor barrier, the seams are overlapped by 10 cm and then secured.

The thickness of the installed layer of a specific heat insulator is calculated based on climatic conditions and the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material.

The average thickness of the thermal insulation layer for natural insulation materials is 25-35 cm, for artificial materials - 15-20 cm.

The greater the temperature difference between the environment and the heated steam room, the faster the hot air tends to leave the room. Proper sealing of all cracks, gaps and technological openings will prevent rapid heat loss. A monolithic thermal insulation layer with a sealed reflective vapor barrier will significantly reduce heat loss.

How and with what to insulate a bathhouse, see the following video.

When going to a hot bathhouse to take a steam bath, we certainly put on a warm hat, although for a beginner it looks more than strange.

But a hat is like a heat insulator that absorbs moisture and protects your head from overheating. Likewise, when building the bathhouse itself, the insulated ceiling is the most important part.

It is unacceptable to forget about this after insulating the floor and. In order for the bathhouse to retain heat well, it is necessary to correctly select the insulating material and method of thermal insulation of the ceiling, of course, taking into account the type of roof.

Main types of attic roofs

Types of bathhouse ceiling insulation:

  • – more convenient to use, most effective for a ceiling located under an uninsulated roof, the insulation is laid out on attic floor and is covered with a rough or finished floor;
  • – prolongs the durability of the material, there are no temperature changes, but you will have to “steal” a few centimeters of the height of the bathhouse, a frame is mounted on the ceiling, after fixing the first layer of vapor barrier, and insulation is placed in it, then the vapor barrier is again and the ceiling covering is attached.

With a cold roof or with an attic - what's the difference?

An attic is a floor in the attic space, i.e. the premises in use have an insulated roof and an existing floor, so it is more convenient to carry out repairs or installation of insufficient insulation from inside the bathhouse. And if the ceiling has a cold roof, then it is more convenient to install the heat-insulating “pie” from the outside, i.e. from the attic side.

In the presence of attic floor there is a problem with the penetrating temperature threshold from the steam room, from where a large amount of steam, warm and hot air rises and, accordingly, if it is not properly disposed of, it will accumulate in the attic space. Therefore, in order to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof, you should carefully calculate the thickness taking into account the loads and take care of better vapor and waterproofing.

How to insulate

Ceiling insulation with sawdust

Traditionally, people insulated wooden houses with sawdust and lived without bothering warm houses in severe frosts. People still recommend insulating the ceiling with dry straw and fragrant sawdust to this day. They are environmentally friendly, safe, hypoallergenic, natural. No special skills or special tools are required to use them.

If there is a solid base, a vapor barrier is first laid: roofing felt, rubimast, high-strength cardboard or membrane film; the edges are brought out to the sides of the beams and attached with a stapler to prevent spillage downwards. The cracks are pre-blown polyurethane foam. Then sawdust is poured in, pure or with impurities.

Sawdust-based insulation compositions

Sawdust-based insulation compositions are:

  • clean– sawdust of different fractions is used, the rough layer is coarse shavings – 10 cm, the finishing layer is another 10 cm of fine shavings, usually this thickness coincides with the height of the beams, a diffuse membrane is spread on top so that the sawdust does not fly apart;
  • with clay
    • first option: a layer of crumpled clay is laid out - 20-25 mm, on top of sawdust, as a thermal insulation layer - 10-15 cm, dry earth - 10-15 cm;
    • second: shavings are mixed with clay in equal volumes and laid out on a prepared base 10 cm thick; clay to sawdust ratio 2:3;

ATTENTION! The service life is significantly shorter than that of other insulation materials.

  • with cement - sawdust is mixed with cement in a ratio of 10:1, mixed with water to a very thick solution, laid in a layer 20-30 cm thick, antiseptic and fire retardants are added if desired.
Clay-based solutions

Clay concrete– obtained by mixing: sawdust, clay, lime, cement or gypsum with water. To knead 1 cube you will need: 200 kg of sawdust, 300 kg of cement, 70 kg of lime, 300 kg of clay, 350 liters of water. First of all, combine the dry ingredients, then add lime and clay. The result is a solution with good qualities thermal insulation, durable, reliable, inexpensive, does not rot.

Clay-sand– the ratio of sand and clay is 2:6, water is added to the consistency of sour cream. The cracks of the flooring are covered with liquid clay, after drying, a vapor barrier membrane is laid with an overlap of 15-20 cm, the joints are glued with foil tape, the base is evenly covered with a mixture of sand and clay with a thickness of 5-7 cm, after hardening, we fill it with 10-15 cm of dry sand, logs can be mounted on top and finishing floor.

Expanded clay

Bulk type thermal insulation material. An environmentally friendly product, made from clay, perfect for thermal insulation of a bathhouse ceiling. Main properties: non-flammable, does not emit harmful substances when heated, light weight, does not create additional load. To insulate the ceiling, expanded clay with a fraction size of 4-10 mm is used, the layer thickness is at least 30 cm.

Useful video

Watch a video about how to properly use expanded clay for ceiling insulation and what mistakes to avoid:

IMPORTANT! Expanded clay does not tolerate contact with moisture well; waterproofing is required when used.


Mineral-based fibrous insulation is produced in the form of mats, slabs, and rolls. It is considered the most effective for thermal insulation of ceilings, it has a long service life, although it also costs more. Properties of mineral wool: retains heat well, noise insulator. Placed between floor joists. For a bathhouse with an insulated attic, a thickness of 10 cm is sufficient, with a cold ceiling of 15-20 cm.

REFERENCE! Modern manufacturers They make thermal insulation materials with a special waterproofing protective layer from foil-coated polyethylene foam or foil.

Other insulation materials

ecowool from small cellulose fibers;
polystyrene foam boards– a favorite among heat-protective building materials, due to ease of installation and low cost;
folgoizol used to preserve the heat of the ceilings of baths and saunas; it is not subject to corrosion and decay from the environment.
polyurethane foam– material sprayed using special equipment.

Insulation of the ceiling in a bathhouse with an attic

The attic room is the coldest in the bathhouse, because... does not have a “thermal cushion”, so insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with an attic is the most important task, with such design diagram The building uses thermal insulation for both the second floor floor and the roof. After all, the excess heat from the bathhouse fully heats the attic room, and the heat-insulating layer prevents it from overheating.

Conserving heat under the roofing material is also necessary. Both in winter and summer, you will be comfortable. Under the summer sun, the roof heats up, the outside heat combines with that coming from the steam room, and as a result, on a bath day you will get a scorching heat on the second floor.

How to insulate

Approximate “pie” of insulation from the inside of the steam room (about insulation for the steam room

  • aluminium foil;
  • wax paper.

  • Vapor barrier membrane.

Types of insulation materials

Ceiling insulation technology

The insulated ceiling is ready.

Heated air tends upward and, if there is no obstacle in its path, it goes into the atmosphere. This barrier is the ceiling. If it is insufficiently insulated, about 2/3 of the thermal energy may escape through it. Therefore, in order not to incur unnecessary expenses on heating the street, it is necessary to insulate the bathhouse ceiling with your own hands. Everything should be organized in such a way that condensation does not form on the wood, and because of it, microorganisms that can destroy the building material do not appear.

Types of baths according to roof features

Depending on the design features roofs, log baths or timber baths are divided into buildings with and without an attic.

Bathhouses with an attic have a significantly thicker ceiling, which prevents warm air from escaping from the room. IN in this case bath ceiling thermal insulation
produced during the construction process. The air mass that fills the space under the roof also helps reduce losses. The heat will be retained a little longer by the roof insulation.

In a building that does not have an attic, there are much fewer barriers to heat retention and they are too weak, so insulation is especially necessary here. But insulation of the ceiling in a bathhouse with an attic or attic also needs to be done.

Features of the vapor barrier device

In any case, the vapor barrier material is laid first, and only then the thermal insulation material.

The following materials are used as vapor barriers in bathhouses without an attic:

  • aluminium foil;
  • thick cardboard, well impregnated with drying oil;
  • wax paper.

For buildings with an attic, the same materials are used, but clay is most often used. It is applied to the ceiling boards from the roof side in a layer equal to 2 cm (read also: “How to insulate the roof of a bathhouse with your own hands - choose the material and method of insulation”).

Industrially produced materials are used:

  • Polyethylene film (0.4 mm with variations). It creates a greenhouse effect and is therefore not popular. When using this material, a gap should be left, which is required for the evaporation of condensate that forms.
  • Special vapor barrier polyethylene film, having fibers that are capable of holding condensation.
  • Vapor barrier membrane.

The main task of a vapor barrier is to retain steam and prevent it from reaching the insulation. Due to accumulated moisture, the service life of the thermal insulation material is reduced, the weight of the ceiling structure increases, and the quality of insulation decreases.

Functions of insulation of bath ceilings

As the required temperature in the room increases, it becomes more difficult to construct a barrier to prevent heat loss. Decide this problem allows the installation of heat-insulating material in a multi-layer ceiling structure.

Thermal insulation allows you to eliminate the following types of heat leaks:

  • heat loss through ceiling cracks;
  • gradual movement of heat from heated objects to cold ones;
  • warm air overcoming homogeneous barriers.

At proper organization insulation, all functions assigned to it will be implemented. If thermal insulation is not performed correctly, problems may arise such as the formation of condensation, prolonged heating of the room and waste of more fuel.

Types of insulation materials

Before you begin thermal insulation work, you need to choose how to insulate the attic of the bathhouse.

Mineral wool is a chaotically intertwined fiber; air voids are formed between them, which perform the function of retaining heat. This insulation on bathhouse ceilings is most often used. When wet, mineral wool loses its thermal insulation qualities. If the roof has insufficient protection against rainwater leaks, then it is recommended to lay waterproofing material on top of the insulation. There must be a thermal insulation gap between the layers of waterproofing and insulation.

Also, the ceiling in the bathhouse can be insulated with foamed polypropylene. This material very light and will not weigh down the ceiling structure. A material foiled on one side was developed especially for baths and saunas. In addition to the main function of insulation, it reflects the heat flow with the foil side. Acting on the principle of a mirror, this insulation material Provides faster heating of the steam room.

Expanded clay can also be used as insulation for the ceiling in a bathhouse. It is used in large baths. It is necessary to fill the expanded clay with a uniform layer equal to 30 cm. The material is relatively light, but, nevertheless, the weight of the ceiling structure will increase. This insulation material, like mineral wool, absorbs moisture well, so a waterproofing layer is also necessary.

Another option for insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with your own hands is the so-called “folk” heat insulator.

In this case, insulation is carried out as follows:

  • Soft clay is laid in a layer of 2 cm. It can be replaced with a mixture of chernozem and peat, wood shavings, which are filled with cement mortar, you can also mix clay with sawdust or sand.
  • Sawdust or oak leaves are filled in (any other can be replaced).
  • Dry soil is poured in a layer equal to 15 cm.

Growing aerated concrete is also used to insulate the ceiling in the bathhouse. To fill it, you need to make the simplest formwork.

The thickness of the insulating layer depends on the amount of heat loss and the technical parameters of the bath. Also, when making calculations, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions, since insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof not only prevents heat from leaving the room, but also protects against the penetration of cold air from the street. When the outer part of the ceiling freezes, condensation will form on the ceiling. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to increase the thermal insulation layer. Read also: " Proper insulation steam rooms from the inside - advice from the master.”

Here are different kinds thermal insulation materials. Which one then better insulation For the ceiling in the bathhouse, the use is determined in each specific case.

Ceiling insulation technology

Regardless of what material the bathhouse is built from, there are almost no differences in the design of its upper ceiling. As load-bearing base beams protrude. They are laid on top rims made of logs or beams, and if the structure is brick or panel, then the mauerlat serves as a support for the beams. Read also: “How to insulate brick bathhouse with your own hands correctly.”

Before installation, the timber used for beam floor, must be treated with an antiseptic. But if the wood has not been treated by special means in advance, this must be done before starting work on laying the insulating material. The areas where wood comes into contact with materials such as brick, foam concrete, and metal require especially careful treatment. Read also: “How and with what to insulate a bathhouse from the outside - options and examples.”

Let's consider step by step how to properly insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse:

  • Boards are attached to the bottom of the beams.
  • Rolling boards are made, that is, low-quality boards are taken and two rows perpendicular to each other are knocked together. It should look like a box. Before knocking down the roll-up panels onto the ceiling of the bathhouse with your own hands, you need to make calculations. Beams and panels should not be positioned tightly to each other; gaps of at least 5 cm should be left between them. From the chimney to wooden shields there should be a distance of at least 25 cm. You need to draw a diagram and, in accordance with it, calculate the size and shape of each of the shields. To avoid confusion during installation, all panels must be numbered.
  • Finished shields also need to be impregnated with antiseptic agents.
  • A vapor barrier in the bathhouse is laid inside each shield. It must be secured with staples.
  • The shields go up. You need to start with those that will be installed last.
  • Shields are placed according to numbering. Installation is carried out in such a way that the lower planes of the shield and beam coincide.
  • Then thermal insulation material is placed in the “boxes”. It is also necessary to insulate the joints between the panels and beams. The owners of the bathhouse independently select the best way to insulate the ceiling in the bathhouse. The choice depends on a combination of various factors.
  • Boards are laid on top. They must be placed across the beams. In this case, it is not necessary to take the entire length of the board; you can also use short boards. The boards can be replaced with fiberboard or self-made slabs from a cement solution mixed with sawdust.
  • The finished ceiling should be treated with fire-fighting agents.
  • All wooden elements located near the chimney must be covered with asbestos sheets.

The insulated ceiling is ready.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the steam room

The ceiling of the steam room must perform two functions: not to let in warm air and steam outside and ensure the accumulation of steam in the room. The ceiling of the steam room must contain two layers of vapor barrier and additional layers of thermal insulation.

Let's consider several options for installing a ceiling in a steam room.

Design from Sosnin Yu.P. and Buharkina E.N.

  • Tongue and groove boards 25 mm thick are taken and attached to the beams. The boards must be coated with drying oil in two layers, which should make them moisture resistant.
  • Low quality boards are fastened across the beams on top. There should be a distance of 3 cm between them. In this way, a moisture gap is created.
  • Next, roofing material or plastic film is spread over the boards. Reinforced foil is best.
  • Slag or sand is poured. The layer should be 20 cm.

Other methods of thermal insulation of the ceiling in the steam room

The technology for performing thermal insulation using clay and mineral wool is as follows:

  • For filing from below to the ceiling beams it is used unedged board 5 cm thick.
  • Outside, along the beams, a narrow board is attached using wood grouse. It is necessary to support the binder.
  • Tongue-and-groove aspen boards are screwed to a fixed thin board; a ventilation gap must be left between them.
  • Vapor barrier material is spread on the attic side.
  • Then clay mixed with sawdust is laid in a 3 cm layer.
  • Mineral wool is laid. You should take insulation with a density of 125 units and a width of 15 cm.
  • To protect from the wind, a polypropylene film is laid.
  • Finally, the attic floor is made from boards

If in the bath log floor, then the sheathing is first made, and then the sheathing is attached to it. Glassine is laid on top as a vapor barrier. Then sand is poured in a layer equal to 20 cm. The remaining actions depend on the wishes of the owner of the bathhouse.

To properly insulate a bathhouse, you need to know which insulation is best for a bathhouse on the ceiling, in what sequence the layers should be placed, as well as the features of insulating the ceiling in a steam room. The ceiling arrangement options described above can be changed depending on climatic conditions and personal preferences.

How to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse correctly - do-it-yourself insulation options

Heated air tends upward and, if there is no obstacle in its path, it goes into the atmosphere. This barrier is the ceiling. If it is insufficiently insulated, about 2/3 of the thermal energy may escape through it. Therefore, in order not to incur unnecessary expenses on heating the street, it is necessary to insulate the bathhouse ceiling with your own hands. Everything should be organized in such a way that condensation does not form on the wood, and because of it, microorganisms that can destroy the building material do not appear.

Types of baths according to roof features

Depending on the design features of the roof, log baths or baths made of timber are divided into buildings with and without an attic.

Bathhouses with an attic have a significantly thicker ceiling, which prevents warm air from escaping from the room. In this case, the thermal insulation of the bathhouse ceiling
produced during the construction process. The air mass that fills the space under the roof also helps reduce losses. The heat will be retained a little longer by the roof insulation.

In a building that does not have an attic, there are much fewer barriers to heat retention and they are too weak, so insulation is especially necessary here. But insulation of the ceiling in a bathhouse with an attic or attic also needs to be done.

Features of the vapor barrier device

In any case, the vapor barrier material is laid first, and only then the thermal insulation material.

The following materials are used as vapor barriers in bathhouses without an attic:

  • aluminium foil;
  • thick cardboard, well impregnated with drying oil;
  • wax paper.

For buildings with an attic, the same materials are used, but clay is most often used. It is applied to the ceiling boards from the roof side in a layer equal to 2 cm (read also: “How to insulate the roof of a bathhouse with your own hands - choose the material and method of insulation”).

Industrially produced materials are used:

  • Polyethylene film (0.4 mm with variations). It creates a greenhouse effect and is therefore not popular. When using this material, a gap should be left, which is required for the evaporation of condensate that forms.
  • A special vapor barrier polyethylene film with fibers that can hold condensation.
  • Vapor barrier membrane.

The main task of a vapor barrier is to retain steam and prevent it from reaching the insulation. Due to accumulated moisture, the service life of the thermal insulation material is reduced, the weight of the ceiling structure increases, and the quality of insulation decreases.

Functions of insulation of bath ceilings

As the required temperature in the room increases, it becomes more difficult to construct a barrier to prevent heat loss. This problem can be solved by laying thermal insulation material in a multi-layer ceiling structure.

Thermal insulation allows you to eliminate the following types of heat leaks:

  • heat loss through ceiling cracks;
  • gradual movement of heat from heated objects to cold ones;
  • warm air overcoming homogeneous barriers.

With proper organization of insulation, all functions assigned to it will be implemented. If thermal insulation is not performed correctly, problems may arise such as the formation of condensation, prolonged heating of the room and waste of more fuel.

Types of insulation materials

Before you begin thermal insulation work, you need to choose how to insulate the attic of the bathhouse.

Mineral wool is a chaotically intertwined fiber; air voids are formed between them, which perform the function of retaining heat. This insulation on bathhouse ceilings is most often used. When wet, mineral wool loses its thermal insulation qualities. If the roof has insufficient protection against rainwater leaks, then it is recommended to lay waterproofing material on top of the insulation. There must be a thermal insulation gap between the layers of waterproofing and insulation.

Also, the ceiling in the bathhouse can be insulated with foamed polypropylene. This material is very light and will not weigh down the ceiling structure. A material foiled on one side was developed especially for baths and saunas. In addition to the main function of insulation, it reflects the heat flow with the foil side. Acting on the principle of a mirror, this insulation material ensures faster heating of the steam room.

Expanded clay can also be used as insulation for the ceiling in a bathhouse. It is used in large baths. It is necessary to fill the expanded clay with a uniform layer equal to 30 cm. The material is relatively light, but, nevertheless, the weight of the ceiling structure will increase. This insulation material, like mineral wool, absorbs moisture well, so a waterproofing layer is also necessary.

Another option for insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with your own hands is the so-called “folk” heat insulator.

In this case, insulation is carried out as follows:

  • Soft clay is laid in a layer of 2 cm. It can be replaced with a mixture of chernozem and peat, wood shavings, which are filled with cement mortar, you can also mix clay with sawdust or sand.
  • Sawdust or oak leaves are filled in (any other can be replaced).
  • Dry soil is poured in a layer equal to 15 cm.

Growing aerated concrete is also used to insulate the ceiling in the bathhouse. To fill it, you need to make the simplest formwork.

The thickness of the insulating layer depends on the amount of heat loss and the technical parameters of the bath. Also, when making calculations, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions, since insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof not only prevents heat from leaving the room, but also protects against the penetration of cold air from the street. When the outer part of the ceiling freezes, condensation will form on the ceiling. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to increase the thermal insulation layer. Read also: “Proper insulation of a steam room from the inside - advice from an expert.”

Here are the different types of thermal insulation materials. And what is the best insulation for the ceiling in a bathhouse to use is determined in each specific case.

Ceiling insulation technology

Regardless of what material the bathhouse is built from, there are almost no differences in the design of its upper ceiling. Beams act as a load-bearing base. They are laid on top rims made of logs or beams, and if the structure is brick or panel, then the mauerlat serves as a support for the beams. Read also: “How to insulate a brick bathhouse with your own hands correctly.”

Before installation, the timber used for the beam floor must be treated with an antiseptic. But if the wood has not been treated with special means in advance, then this should definitely be done before starting work on laying the heat-insulating material. The areas where wood comes into contact with materials such as brick, foam concrete, and metal require especially careful treatment. Read also: “How and with what to insulate a bathhouse from the outside - options and examples.”

Let's consider step by step how to properly insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse:

  • Boards are attached to the bottom of the beams.
  • Rolling boards are made, that is, low-quality boards are taken and two rows perpendicular to each other are knocked together. It should look like a box. Before knocking down the roll-up panels onto the ceiling of the bathhouse with your own hands, you need to make calculations. Beams and panels should not be positioned close to each other; gaps of at least 5 cm should be left between them. There should be a distance of at least 25 cm from the chimney to the wooden panels. You need to draw a diagram and, in accordance with it, calculate the size and shape of each panel . To avoid confusion during installation, all panels must be numbered.
  • Finished shields also need to be impregnated with antiseptic agents.
  • A vapor barrier in the bathhouse is laid inside each shield. It must be secured with staples.
  • The shields go up. You need to start with those that will be installed last.
  • Shields are placed according to numbering. Installation is carried out in such a way that the lower planes of the shield and beam coincide.
  • Then thermal insulation material is placed in the “boxes”. It is also necessary to insulate the joints between the panels and beams. The owners of the bathhouse independently select the best way to insulate the ceiling in the bathhouse. The choice depends on a combination of various factors.
  • Boards are laid on top. They must be placed across the beams. In this case, it is not necessary to take the entire length of the board; you can also use short boards. The boards can be replaced with fiberboard or self-made slabs from a cement solution mixed with sawdust.
  • The finished ceiling should be treated with fire-fighting agents.
  • All wooden elements located near the chimney must be covered with asbestos sheets.

The insulated ceiling is ready.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling in the steam room

The ceiling of the steam room must perform two functions: not allow warm air and steam to pass out and ensure the accumulation of steam in the room. The ceiling of the steam room must contain two layers of vapor barrier and additional layers of thermal insulation.

Let's consider several options for installing a ceiling in a steam room.

Design from Sosnin Yu.P. and Buharkina E.N.

  • Tongue and groove boards 25 mm thick are taken and attached to the beams. The boards must be coated with drying oil in two layers, which should make them moisture resistant.
  • Low quality boards are fastened across the beams on top. There should be a distance of 3 cm between them. In this way, a moisture gap is created.
  • Next, roofing material or plastic film is spread over the boards. Reinforced foil is best.
  • Slag or sand is poured. The layer should be 20 cm.

Other methods of thermal insulation of the ceiling in the steam room

The technology for performing thermal insulation using clay and mineral wool is as follows:

  • For filing from below to the ceiling beams, an unedged board 5 cm thick is used.
  • Outside, along the beams, a narrow board is attached using wood grouse. It is necessary to support the binder.
  • Tongue-and-groove aspen boards are screwed to a fixed thin board; a ventilation gap must be left between them.
  • Vapor barrier material is spread on the attic side.
  • Then clay mixed with sawdust is laid in a 3 cm layer.
  • Mineral wool is laid. You should take insulation with a density of 125 units and a width of 15 cm.
  • To protect from the wind, a polypropylene film is laid.
  • Finally, the attic floor is made from boards

If the bathhouse has a log floor, then the sheathing is first made, and then the sheathing is attached to it. Glassine is laid on top as a vapor barrier. Then sand is poured in a layer equal to 20 cm. The remaining actions depend on the wishes of the owner of the bathhouse.

To properly insulate a bathhouse, you need to know which insulation is best for a bathhouse on the ceiling, in what sequence the layers should be placed, as well as the features of insulating the ceiling in a steam room. The ceiling arrangement options described above can be changed depending on climatic conditions and personal preferences.

How to properly insulate a ceiling under a cold roof?

Currently, almost all residential buildings are heated using gas or electric heat-generating equipment. Even country houses and garden houses, which are used only in summer, are no exception. Most buildings that are not used year-round are equipped with inexpensive cold-type roofs, through which the main heat losses occur while maintaining a comfortable temperature regime. In this article we will tell you how to properly insulate a ceiling under a cold roof so that the house is always warm.

Features of cold roofs

The design of the roof depends on the nature of the use of the house and the space under the roof. The choice of form depends on these factors, roofing material, diagram of the rafter frame and the presence or absence of a thermal insulation layer . In private housing construction, 2 types of roofs are used:

    Warm roof. This type of roofing design provides for complete insulation of the slopes. A warm roof is installed if the room located under the slopes is used as a living space. It is considered an excellent option for equipping a residential attic. It makes sense to build roofs of this type for houses that are used and heated all year round, as they eliminate heat loss through the slopes. Cost of materials and installation work for the construction warm roof significantly higher than the cost of building a cold one.

Important! If the attic space is not heated, then the air in it serves as a kind of buffer zone, which serves as thermal insulation and reduces heat loss. The air rising from the heated rooms of the first floor, according to the law of convection, gradually cools and does not heat the surface of the slopes from the inside, due to which ice does not form on them.

To retain heat, as well as reduce fuel consumption to maintain an optimal temperature, the ceiling located under a cold roof is insulated using loose or fibrous thermal insulation materials. Since heated air always rises, this operation is effective measure reducing heat loss.

Thermal insulation methods

High-quality thermal insulation reduces heat loss and home heating costs by 30%, which is a good saving in terms of the family budget. Using suitable insulation and right choice The installation method creates a comfortable microclimate in the room.

The issue of thermal insulation of the ceiling under a cold roof is best decided at the stage of building a house, then you can choose the most effective and convenient option. Most often, insulation is installed in 2 ways:

    Insulation from the attic. Builders consider insulation of the ceiling located under the cold roof on the attic side to be the most effective and correct. The fact is that the ceiling is most often made of wood, which in itself is a good peat-insulating material. In this case, the insulation is laid on the attic floor and covered with a subfloor. If insulation is carried out from the attic side, then materials in the form of slabs or backfill can be used.

Insulation from the ground floor side. In cases where there is no access to the attic, when reconstruction of old houses with a finished attic floor is being carried out, thermal insulation is carried out from the side of the first floor. To do this, a frame made of metal profiles or wooden slats, lay insulation boards there, and then cover them with plasterboard. The disadvantage of this method is that it reduces the height of the ceiling. In addition, installation at the top is always much more difficult and longer. The effectiveness of this insulation method is less, so it is used when there is no other way to reduce heat loss without dismantling the floors.

Note! Any thermal insulation works comprehensively. Therefore, if you want to solve problems with heat loss in a house with a cold roof, do not forget about thermal insulation of the floor, door and window openings. A clear way to analyze where the heat goes is to look at the house with a thermal imager in winter. To improve the energy efficiency of your home, you need to pay attention to the areas painted red and yellow, as it is through them that heat escapes.


The modern construction market offers an impressive range of materials for thermal insulation, but not all of them are suitable for insulating the ceiling under a cold roof. In order for the costs to be justified, it is necessary that the thermal insulating layer is resistant to moisture, has low thermal conductivity and meets safety standards for human health.

The following materials are used for insulation:

    Expanded clay. Expanded clay is a fill-type insulation material that is produced by firing clay shale. It has light weight, a porous structure and high thermal insulation properties, and is not susceptible to moisture. To insulate the ceiling using this material, a vapor barrier film is laid on the attic floor and secured with construction stapler, and then fill with expanded clay with a layer of 15-30 cm. If a finished floor is installed in the attic, then fill the space between the joists with insulation.

Experienced craftsmen remind us that vapor barrier and waterproofing layers play an important role in insulating the floor located under a cold roof. To protect the insulation from getting wet as a result of interaction with heated air saturated with water vapor, a vapor barrier membrane is first laid. And on the roof side it is protected from leaks using a waterproofing film.

Video instruction

How to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof?

If the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof is not insulated, condensation will accumulate on its surface. Cooled drops of water dripping from above onto people in the bathhouse will clearly deprive them of the expected pleasure. Droplets of water falling further upward with warm air currents will contribute to rotting and complete destruction. ceilings, and in general - the rafter structure of the roof. The only way to prevent such troubles from occurring is to insulate the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof.

Planning work on thermal insulation of a bathhouse roof

Before purchasing the building materials necessary for work and preparing necessary tools, you need to draw up a detailed plan for the insulation work to be performed. Drawing up a plan will allow you to avoid mistakes and alterations to the roof structure.

The process of thermal insulation of the ceiling and roof of a bathhouse is not very labor-intensive work, so it is not difficult to do it yourself, even if you do not have sufficient experience in carrying out repair and construction work. The main thing is that you must strictly adhere to the sequence (technology) of performing installation operations. Another argument for self-insulation of the ceiling is the availability of the necessary thermal insulation materials - they are available in almost all hardware stores.

Insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof includes 3 stages:

  1. Thermal insulation.
  2. Laying a vapor barrier layer.
  3. Waterproofing.

At the end of the work, the result is a structure similar to a layer cake, in which the lowest layer is the ceiling, and above it there are successive layers of steam, heat and waterproofing insulators. Then you can begin to select the necessary building materials.

Choosing a heat insulator for the roof and ceiling of a bathhouse

In a well-heated bathhouse, it is necessary to maintain sufficiently high humidity and temperature values. Thermal insulating building material must be fully suitable for such requirements and, most importantly, it must not emit substances hazardous to people and the environment during heating. And besides this, a good heat insulator for a bathhouse should not support combustion, be excessively heavy and inconvenient to move and install.


One of the most common options for fiber heat insulators for insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof and individual housing construction, available in 3 types:

  • glass wool;
  • slag wool produced from blast furnace waste (slag);
  • stone wool is made from melts of basalt and other minerals.

The main advantage of mineral wool, in addition to very low heat conductivity, is that mold and fungi spores do not develop on it, and insects and rodents avoid it. For a bathhouse located on a plot of land, this advantage of mineral wool is very important. It should also be noted that this building material does not change volume and shape when the ambient temperature changes, does not support combustion, and is very convenient for installation due to its light weight. Mineral wool is produced in rolls or in the form of rectangular sheets/panels.

There are two disadvantages of mineral wool - this is the high ability of mineral wool to absorb any moisture (especially slag wool) and the phenolic compounds contained in it. These 2 disadvantages can be easily eliminated: with the help of good hydro- and vapor barriers and preventing contact of air flows and mineral wool, especially in the interior of the bathhouse.

Important: when performing any work with mineral wool, you must be in tight outerwear, and use protective devices (goggles and a respirator) to protect the eyes and respiratory organs, since its small elements affect human skin, eyes and lungs.

Expanded clay

This building material consists of small porous clay pebbles. Based on all its properties, expanded clay is considered the most suitable thermal insulator for insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse with a cold roof.

Insulation of a bathhouse roof using expanded clay

This material is safe - it does not support combustion, does not harm people and environment, does not emit substances that are polluting or harmful to humans. Expanded clay is durable and does not collapse under the influence of the sun's rays. Fungal and bacterial spores do not develop in this building material, it is inexpensive and its installation is simple.

Expanded clay also absorbs significantly less water than mineral wool, however, for its installation it is necessary to use hydro- and vapor barriers.


More recently, this heat insulator was one of the most popular among all heat-insulating building materials. But, despite its excellent heat-insulating properties, polystyrene foam cannot be used to insulate the roof or ceiling of a bathhouse - this building material is flammable and, when burned, releases toxic substances that are dangerous to human life. It can also decompose and lose its shape when exposed to high temperatures in the bath.


This is a fibrous natural heat insulator made from cellulose fibers with various additives which give additional properties– resistance to combustion and protection against the appearance of rodents, microorganisms and insects. Ecowool has a small specific gravity and can fill absolutely all the gaps and crevices.

Just like expanded clay, ecowool is an environmentally friendly heat insulator that does not emit hazardous substances into the air.

Roof insulation using ecowool

However, this heat insulator has a significant drawback - it absorbs a lot of liquid, which leads to a deterioration in the heat-insulating properties. Therefore, when using ecowool, excellent ventilation of the under-roof space and a high-quality waterproofing layer are necessary. Another disadvantage of its use is the complexity of installation; the “wet” installation method requires special equipment.

A mixture of cement and sawdust

This is a “classic” building insulation material that was used before the advent of foam plastic and mineral wool. Sometimes clay is used instead of Portland cement, and sawdust is replaced with straw.

Important: the sawdust used in this mixture must be dried for several months, or even better, for a year.

This is a very cheap and environmentally friendly thermal insulator, but with low thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, making the mixture is very labor-intensive.

Materials for hydro- and vapor barrier

Vapor barrier of the ceiling in the bathhouse is very important, otherwise the moisture circulating in the room will worsen the properties of the heat insulator and lead to the development of mold and fungi both on the ceiling itself and on the parts of the rafter structure. For vapor barriers, special films and coatings are most often used - in particular, with anti-condensation membranes (preferably with a layer of foil). Vapor barriers from the TechnoNIKOL company currently occupy the leading positions on the market.

Both special films and cheaper building materials - roofing felt or thick polyethylene can also be used as a waterproofing material.

Ceiling insulation in bathhouses

There are 3 main types of ceilings in baths:

Floor-type ceilings are common in small bathhouses, which are used seasonally and quite rarely. On the upper parts of the walls, boards that fit together are placed, fixed without support beams. The resulting structure is very simple, but it cannot withstand a lot of weight, so the thermal insulation layer must be thin and light.

Important: a floor-type ceiling must be erected just below the upper border of the walls in order to obtain space for pouring expanded clay or placing mineral wool.

From the attic side, a film vapor barrier is placed on the flooring so that the foil on it is directed downwards. The vapor barrier itself is laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm, and the joints and seams are sealed with special vapor barrier tape with a layer of foil.

Mineral wool is laid on top of the vapor barrier, expanded clay or a cement-sawdust mixture is placed. The insulation layer should not be thick.

Then the heat-insulating layer on top is covered with a waterproofing material (film or roofing felt) on top of which boards or plywood sheets are nailed.

Heated ceiling insulation

For this type of ceiling, it is not the flooring that is placed on the upper parts of the walls, but supporting wooden beams made from beams or spliced ​​boards. The attic floor and ceiling are then placed below and above these support beams. And in the space between the attic floor and the ceiling, layers of heat, steam and waterproofing are installed.

Stages of installing a suspended ceiling in a bathhouse

The process of placing a heat insulator is performed as follows. On the roof side, a film waterproofing insulator is placed on the beams and stapled. Next, boards or plywood sheets are laid on top of it. The false-type ceiling is durable, so the resulting under-roof space can even be used as an attic.

Mineral wool is placed between the beams. The thickness of the heat insulator depends on the location of the bathhouse structure: for middle latitudes 15.0-18.0 cm, in areas with severe winter frosts - 20.0-25.0 cm. Layers of heat-insulating building material are laid so that the joints of the previous layer overlap the next layer .

A vapor barrier film is attached to the floor beams below. On top of the vapor barrier, slats are fixed perpendicular to the beams.

After this, the lining is laid, which is nailed or secured with self-tapping screws directly to the slats.

Insulating a panel-type ceiling is the most difficult and is practically not used for self-production. First, the panels are made directly, and then they are lifted up and fixed - either on cross-beams or on the upper parts of the walls.

Important: the choice of the type of ceiling and heat-insulating building material must be made based on the planned budget, construction experience, the area of ​​the bathhouse and the frequency of its use.
