How to protect your cherry orchard from the slimy sawfly. Linden slimy sawfly Fight against cherry sawfly

The cherry slimy sawfly is widespread throughout the non-chernozem zone. Damages cherries, sweet cherries, and less often plums, pears, rowan trees, bird cherry, and hawthorn. Adult insect(5 - 6 mm) black, with two pairs of transparent, slightly darkened wings.

Larvae are greenish-yellow(9-11 mm long), covered with sticky black mucus. They look like small leeches with a thickened front part of the body ( table 48).

The larvae overwinter in the soil at a depth of 2 - 3 cm, under the crown of a tree, at a distance of about 1 m from the trunk. In June the larvae pupate in cocoons, and in July the adult insects emerge.

The female makes an incision with her ovipositor on the underside of the leaf and lays an egg in it. A swelling forms at the site where the egg is laid, and a brown tubercle is visible on the upper side of the leaf.

Table 48. Cherry slimy sawfly:

1 - adult insect;
2 - egg;
3 - cocoon with a pupa inside;
4 - pseudo-caterpillars that skeletonize leaves;
5 - false caterpillar

After 1-2 weeks the larvae hatch, which skeletonize small areas of leaves on the upper side. In this case, the soft parts of the leaf are eaten away and the veins remain intact. Damaged leaves turn brown and from a distance give the impression of being burned by fire.

In September The larvae go into the soil to a depth of 2-15 cm. In the non-chernozem zone, the sawfly develops in one generation.

As a result of damage by larvae, the leaves dry out. and fall off. When foliage is severely eaten, the trees become weakened and the formation of trees decreases. flower buds for next year's harvest.

Damage to young trees leads to a decrease in shoot growth. Sawflies are most dangerous to young seedlings.

How to deal with cherry sawfly

1) loosening and digging of tree trunk circles in autumn and spring to destroy wintering larvae;
2) spraying with infusions of tobacco, shag, wormwood, soda ash (70 g per 10 l of water) or 50% trichlorometaphos-3 (10 - 20 g per 10 l of water), 10% or 30% karbofos (75 - 100 or 25 - 30 g per 10 liters of water) in case of mass appearance of larvae, which usually occurs after cherry harvest.

Insects of the family of true sawflies of the order Hymenoptera, pests of fruit and berry crops. The most harmful are mucous and pale-legged V., which are found on all continents; in the USSR they harm almost everywhere. Mucous V. p.… …

cherry fly

General name of three families of the suborder of sessile-bellied hymenoptera insects: true P. (Tenthredinidae), P. weavers (Pamphiliidae) and stem P. (Cephidae). Over 5 thousand species; in the USSR there are about 1500 species, widespread... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Animals damaging cultivated plants or causing their death. The damage caused by plant pests and diseases is great: according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, global losses annually amount to... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Pests (in plant protection) in Russian Federation are divided into quarantine, especially dangerous and dangerous pests. In addition to plant pests (vertebrates and invertebrates), plant pathogens and weeds,... ...Wikipedia

Table 29- Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 4 apple ermine moth (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 5… … Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

American white butterfly- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a … … Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

hawthorn- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a … … Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

pear moth- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a … … Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

goose- Table 29. Pests of fruit and berry crops: 1 common hawthorn (a butterfly, b caterpillar); 2 gypsy moth (a female, b male, c caterpillar); 3 ringed silkworm (a … … Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

This pest is often found on small-leaved linden - our traditional one in cities and gardens. The body of a nymph - an adult insect - is black, shiny, 5-6 mm long. There are wings.

False caterpillars (intermediate stage of development) are yellow-green, with an expanded front part, covered with transparent mucus on top, so they look like small slugs. They have several pairs of legs.

The caterpillars overwinter in the upper layers of the soil and pupate in the spring. Flight in mid-May - June. Females lay eggs in clusters on the upper side of the leaf under the epidermis. The false caterpillars first gnaw through a small mine and gnaw off the leaves, leaving the lower layer of integument intact.

Damaged leaves turn brown, curl and dry out. Trees lose their decorative properties and become weakened. According to some observations, it often damages trees near water bodies.

Autumn digging of the soil around the tree trunks partially destroys the pseudo-caterpillars that have left for the winter. Among the chemical agents used, spraying of plantings in case of mass appearance of larvae after harvesting with one of the following preparations: phosphamide emulsion or karbofos emulsion, or chlorophos solution, or metaphos suspension.

Have you encountered such a problem?

The cherry slimy sawfly is a hymenopteran insect. Adults do not cause any harm to plantings, since they do not feed, but the larvae, on the contrary, are capable of destroying foliage in huge quantities.

They look a little like small slugs with a thick head, but do not have horns, but their body is also completely covered with dark transparent mucus. Their most favorite delicacy is stone fruit plantings - hawthorn, sweet cherry and cherry, but sometimes they are also found on rowan or quince. The cherry slimy sawfly produces 2 generations per season and has a cyclical development.

The parthenogenetic form of these insects is mainly widespread. The length of females varies from 4 to 6 mm, they have black limbs and transparent, slightly darkened wings that reach 9 mm in span.

The flight of flies begins in early June, with the arrival of resistant warm temperatures, and the second generation appears in late July - early August. After emergence, adult females live on average for a week, and manage to lay up to 65-70 eggs during this period.

By the end of summer, trees affected by sawflies risk losing their crown completely, so you need to know how to deal with the cherry slimy sawfly at all stages of its development.

Pest destruction methods

For help, you can attract insects to the site - natural enemies of the sawfly. These include soft beetles and trichograms, as well as lacewings - in order to lure them, you can plant fragrant flowers and plants in the garden.

Not only we, but also about a dozen other pests, including the cherry slimy sawfly, lay claim to the cherry harvest. The larvae of this insect do not damage the berries themselves; they feed exclusively on leaf tissue, but with severe infestation they noticeably weaken the plant, which affects the yield. To effectively protect the garden, it is necessary to recognize the pest in time, determine the degree of damage to the trees, and apply proportionate control methods.

Insect development cycle

The cherry slimy sawfly belongs to Hymenoptera insects, the main damage is caused by larvae, which look like miniature black slugs. The same thickened head with a thoracic segment, only without horns, the body is covered with dark mucus. They also vaguely resemble leeches. A favorite delicacy is the leaves of stone fruit crops - cherries, sweet cherries, serviceberries, hawthorns, and can sometimes move to rowan berries, quinces, and cotoneasters.

Like all insects, the sawfly develops cyclically. Gives 2 generations of offspring per year.

Adult (imago)

A common form of insect in our gardens is parthenogenetic, when only females are produced from the egg. Its length reaches 5–6 mm, the body and legs are black, the wings are transparent, slightly darkened, the size in span is 7–9 mm.

The flight of insects that pupated in autumn (the first generation) begins in May-June, the second generation, more numerous, flies out by the end of July.

Note! The life span of a female cherry sawfly from emergence from the pupa to death is 7–8 days. During this time, she manages to lay 50–70 eggs. The insect itself is harmless, since it does not feed additionally.


Period embryonic development insect infestation lasts 1–2 weeks, after which larvae hatch from the eggs. At first they are brownish-red in color, then covered with black mucus, as they grow they molt up to 8 times, reaching a length of 9–11 cm. The larval stage lasts from 15 to 25 days. Larvae hatched in August feed longer than the June generation.

Pests become firmly attached to the leaf and begin to systematically gnaw away upper layer pulp. The leaf blade is covered with characteristic spots with a translucent texture. The cherry sawfly, which infects the tree towards the end of summer, eats away the tissue so much that only the skeleton of the leaf remains, consisting of veins.


The larvae pupate in the ground at a depth of 7–15 cm. The offspring of the first generation go to spend the winter already pupated; it is they who fly out at the turn of spring-summer. Larvae younger age enter diapasis, pupae are formed in the spring, and adult insects begin to fly in the second half of summer.

Distribution and harmfulness

The insect is widespread in the temperate climate zone of the Eurasian continent; its biological forms are found in southern Africa, Australia, and South America.

The cherry sawfly is considered to cause little economic harm, so control chemicals carried out only if 25% of the leaves are affected. Massive damage to the tree is indicated by the characteristic, scorched appearance of the foliage. In this case, biological processes are disrupted - the transformation of organic substances (photosynthesis), gas exchange, and moisture evaporation slow down. Accordingly, the plant becomes weaker, its immunity decreases, and productivity deteriorates.

Advice! You can find out whether the sawfly’s harmfulness threshold has reached using a simple visual inspection. It's time to sound the alarm if every fifth of the leaves randomly selected for the test is damaged.

Effective ways to fight

To protect the garden from the cherry slimy sawfly, both agrotechnical and biochemical control measures are used. With a small number of pests, you can get by with preventive and folk remedies. Let's look at the most effective ones.

  1. Deep digging of tree trunk circles in late autumn. This agrotechnical technique allows you to destroy most of the pupae and false caterpillars that are in a state of rest (diapause). When soil layers are turned over, they will fall to the surface and will be destroyed by birds or frozen out.
  2. Mechanical collection of larvae. The technique is used when growing small quantity low-growing varieties fruit crops so that you can inspect each tree. It is clear that this method is effective if there are single specimens of the cherry sawfly.
  3. Chemical treatment of affected plants. Any insecticides designed to control pests of fruit crops are suitable - Confidor, Mospilan, Aktara, Inta-Vir, Calypso. It is also recommended to use pyrethroid preparations for spraying, the effect of which is similar to natural pyrethrins. For example, chamomile flowers contain them in large quantities.

    Advice! The first generation of insects, which coincides with the fruiting period of cherries, can be poisoned with chamomile infusion. On a bucket hot water add 400 g of dried flowers and leave for 24 hours. The solution is filtered so that it sticks to the leaves, 30 g of dissolved tar soap is added.

  4. Use of biological drugs. These are bacterial insecticides based on toxic bacteria. Once in the body of the larvae, they cause paralysis intestinal tract, damage internal organs finally, the death of the pest. Differ from chemicals because they are harmless to humans and pets.
  5. Attracting entomophagous insects to the site. This is the name given to predatory insects that feed on their own kind, eating eggs and larvae. Danger for the cherry slimy sawfly are lacewings, blood-red soft beetles, and trichogramma that feed on eggs. To attract them to the garden, grow flowers and aromatic plants in your area - dill, mint, calendula, marigolds, coriander. The sawfly does not like bright nasturtiums. If trunk circle plant with flowers, this will repel many pests.
  6. Pollination wood ash. Folk method gives results with a small infection of trees. Immediately after the rain, while the leaves are wet, they are pollinated with ash. When the larva comes into contact with it, it gets burned, and its appetite “deteriorates” significantly. After repeated application, most of the pests fall off.

Don't give the cherry sawfly a chance - destroy it harmful insect any accessible ways, otherwise your cherry will only have skeletonized leaves. If it was not possible to defeat the pest by early stages, after harvesting, spray the trees with pesticides.

How to deal with cherry sawfly:
