How to saw straight timber at home. Sawing logs into beams. Circular saw – high performance and ease of use

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For carpenters, boards and beams are the most common blanks, from which crafts and wood products are subsequently produced. And the first thing the material undergoes is sawing into pieces of the required length. At the same time, you should know how to saw off a board evenly, because performing this operation incorrectly can ruin the workpiece or significantly affect appearance, and not for the better.

At large enterprises, the problem of how to saw off a beam or board evenly does not arise. On any serious production There is high-precision equipment that performs this type of work. At home you have to make do with what you have on hand. At the same time, you still need to be able to use the tool or equipment correctly in order to saw off the board correctly, and the cut turns out without flaws.

Note that many enterprises that sell boards and timber provide cutting services. And for this they use the same specialized equipment, so the purchased material will be cut with high quality. But it is not always possible to use such a service, and it often happens that only one piece needs to be cut.

You can cut a board at home using the following tools and equipment:

  • a circular saw;
  • hand saw;
  • angle grinder (“grinder”).

Each of these options has its own specifics, which are important to consider before starting work, that is, you need to know how to cut a beam or board with one or another tool so that the quality of the cut is acceptable.

Circular saw – high performance and ease of use

A circular saw is the best option to carry out work. It has excellent performance and allows relatively short time cut a considerable number of workpieces, and with high quality. In addition, such a saw allows you to make a longitudinal cut of the material, but you need to know how to cut the board straight along.

One of the most important criteria when choosing a circular saw, is maximum depth I drank it away. There are devices on the market that cut materials with a thickness of 30 to 130 mm. That is, you can choose a machine both for cutting only thin boards and for sawing bars.

It is also worth paying attention to the cutting tool itself. Discs with big amount teeth will provide a neat, high-quality cut, while the cutting speed will be low.

Sawing along the grain.

But discs with a small number of teeth will provide high productivity, but the quality of the cut will also be worse.

Now let's talk about how to cut smoothly with a circular saw. One of the conditions for high-quality performance of work is reliable fixation of the workpiece. If the material is loosely secured, the board may “move” when cutting, and the cut will be uneven.

If the circular saw is hand-held, then all work should be performed on a workbench equipped with stops and guides for workpieces. You can make such a device yourself, using any table as a basis.

Before starting sawing, it is important to set the cutting depth correctly. In some hand saws There is an adjustable side guide with which you can perform longitudinal sawing of the material. If there is no such device, then use the same workbench.

More convenient in terms of work is a tabletop circular saw, which is already equipped with everything necessary - guides, clamps. Often, such equipment allows you to cut workpieces at an angle.

During the sawing process, it is important not to exceed the force on the tool, otherwise the quality of the cut will be poor, and the increased load on the saw will lead to rapid dulling of the cutting blade.

Do not forget about safety precautions when using such equipment. Work should be carried out only after checking the serviceability of the saw and the correct fastening of the workpiece. Also don't neglect protective equipment– masks, glasses.

Hacksaw - simplicity and safety

A hacksaw is a simple tool that is quite suitable for the job. And although the cutting speed is low and considerable physical effort is required, such a saw is the most acceptable option for home use.

It is not difficult to cut wood correctly with a hacksaw. The main condition for a high-quality cut of the material is to make the cut correctly. To simplify the task, you can use a regular flat block, which is used as a guide.

The question often arises of how to cut a board smoothly with a hacksaw at an angle. For this purpose, a special carpentry jig- miter box. Moreover, it will help not only to make cuts under the right angle, but will also allow any beginner to cut the board smoothly.

You can also saw off the timber with a hacksaw. The only problem when working with such a workpiece is that you have to put in a lot of effort.

The last option is to use an angle grinder with a wheel with teeth installed for the work. But since the “grinder” is not intended for cutting wood, this method can only be used as a last resort: attempts to cut a board can result in serious consequences. It’s better to use a hacksaw - it’s labor-intensive, but safe.

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How to cut a board straight

How smart and quick-witted our people are!

Sergey Burkov: How to unravel a 3-meter board so that both resulting halves are, for example, 10 mm thick

BANDIT#: you explain it like to schoolchildren, with a countersunk head, etc.

Alex Lobo: Eco miracle.

COMPUTER: What if the board is 2 meters long? How are you going to put it on your butt?

Nikolay Sitkov: Ha, I wasn’t smart enough to use a hacksaw, although I’ve encountered this problem more than once. That’s good👍.

HOW TOO?: Christmas trees, watch your fingers, bro. I wouldn't do that)))

Workshop on the balcony: Simple, cheap and cheerful :)))!!! Like

Mike VIZ: Hello, you have already seen this circular in your frame several times. Is it AEG or another company? Maybe you can do a review, I’m choosing a saw for myself, I’d like to hear advice from an experienced person on what to pay attention to.

Andrey Ivanov: Liked. Like.

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How to cut a board straight

Timber and boards are common materials used in home construction. In the absence of funds for ready materials You can make them yourself using a chainsaw. Before sawing a log into boards with your own hands, it is worth learning more about the features of this process.

The advantage of sawing logs with a chainsaw

Cutting into boards can be done using tools such as an electric chainsaw and additional accessories, designed to make your work easier. When choosing certain products, you need to focus on the amount of work expected. Stationary sawmills are expensive and are purchased only if you plan to organize a business to create boards.

The most accessible tool for the job is a chainsaw. Such devices have several advantages over electric ones:

  • the chainsaw can be used anywhere, regardless of the availability of an electrical outlet;
  • the tool is suitable for working in conditions of high humidity;
  • professional chainsaws are significantly more powerful than electric ones;
  • You can use the chainsaw continuously for an hour.

To cut logs into boards, a special frame is used together with a chainsaw, which is attached to the device and allows you to create boards of the same thickness. A device is also needed to secure the log in one position. In addition, you will also need a guide.

Since household gasoline saws not designed for heavy loads, should be used for sawing logs professional tools. When choosing, you should pay attention to devices with a power of more than 7 horsepower. Before work, the fixed frame is adjusted in accordance with the selected width of the boards. To create a frame, you can use legs from a school desk or metal corners.

Types of working attachments

The choice of nozzles for work depends on the volume and type of work performed. The following devices are used with a chainsaw:

  • drum debarker, which is necessary for removing bark from logs;
  • lightweight attachment for sawing logs;
  • standard attachment used to create boards.

Attachment for longitudinal sawing

When using this attachment, sawing occurs in a horizontal direction. It is fixed to the rail using special clamps and allows you to create boards of equal thickness. After the work is completed, the boards are dried and can then be used in construction.

Lightweight nozzle

Such devices are often used, but they should only be used when creating boards for fences or sheds. This is due to the fact that the attachment is secured to the tire only on one side.


The attachment for removing bark from logs is used using a clinometer transmission. Attachment occurs with belts - special pulleys are used for this.

How to cut a log into boards with your own hands and not spoil the materials

It is worth noting that the performance of the nozzle can be changed, since the shaft rotation speed depends on the size of the pulleys.

Features of sawing logs using a chainsaw

Create optional equipment for sawing logs it is quite simple:

  1. To create a support, a frame is used, which can be created from the legs of a school desk. The most suitable are pipes with square section 20x20 mm.
  2. When constructing the frame, it is necessary to create 2 clamps and secure a cross member at one end. On this element there must be holes for the tie bolts. A protrusion for the tire is created in the middle.
  3. In order to saw a log lengthwise, it is necessary to construct a support frame, the width of which must be at least 8 cm less than the length.
  4. For ease of operation, a handle should be welded to the frame.
  5. Before carrying out work, you must carefully check whether the frame is securely fastened to the tire.

Use homemade instrument simple enough. Before sawing, you need to install 2 sawhorses - they will be used as a support for the log. In addition, a metal strip or flat board is prepared, which will serve as a guiding element.

Long sawing technique

The most difficult stage of the process is making the first cut. To do this you need:

  • install a leading ruler, which consists of two boards that are fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • after this, it is necessary to place the sawn log on the supports and fix it;
  • then it is important to check whether the log is level;
  • at the next stage it is necessary to secure the leading ruler to the supports using self-tapping screws;
  • After this, you can start creating the first cut.

Features of cross cuts

Cross cutting is used only to create firewood or interior elements. The work is carried out according to several principles:

  1. Before carrying out work, the log is placed in a horizontal position on supports. The height of its location should be 0.5 m.
  2. After this, it is necessary to completely clear the log of bark.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to make marks on the entire log, located at an equal distance from each other.
  4. Then, cutting can be done using the created marks.

Cross cutting does not require specialized tools.

Safety rules during work

To avoid injury, you must follow these basic guidelines:

  1. Before using a gas powered tool, you must carefully read the instructions included in the kit.
  2. Since a chainsaw is a dangerous tool, work should not be carried out while intoxicated or sick.
  3. You need to hold the saw with both hands. A secure grip will allow you to control the movement of the tool and maintain its position during unexpected jerks and in the event of kickback.
  4. Should not be on hands while working fuel mixture or oil, as this reduces the security of your grip.
  5. Do not use the saw if it is damaged, not fully assembled or not adjusted.
  6. There should be no children or animals on the site during work.
  7. Unless you have special skills, you should not use a chainsaw on stairs or other unstable surfaces.
  8. Do not cut with your arms outstretched or above shoulder level.

By following the described rules, the risk of injury is significantly reduced.

It is difficult to saw along, because with this type of sawing the tool goes along the fiber without cutting it and, thus, gets stuck in it. Naturally, cutting across or obliquely is much easier.

If you do not have a hand saw or table saw, you will need to use a rip saw. It differs from transverse in that: A) its blade freely enters the entire width of the wood, according to the principle of a jigsaw; b) Each tooth of such a hacksaw is not an equilateral or isosceles triangle, but a rectangular one.

They use different hacksaws, including bow saws. Avoid wide cross-saws.

Before starting work, check the sufficiency and uniformity of the wiring. If the layout is insufficient, the hacksaw will quickly get stuck; if it is uneven, it will immediately drift away from the markings. Mark the cutting line.

At longitudinal sawing try not to speed up the process excessively; position the hacksaw blade fairly flat to the top surface of the workpiece, not completely perpendicular. Do not apply significant pressure on the hacksaw. To adjust the stroke of the hacksaw, make superficial movements along the markings, making a “cut”.

Timber and boards are common materials used in home construction. If you don’t have the funds for ready-made materials, you can make them yourself using a chainsaw. Before sawing a log into boards with your own hands, it is worth learning more about the features of this process.

The advantage of sawing logs with a chainsaw

Cutting into boards can be done using tools such as an electric chainsaw and additional accessories designed to simplify the work. When choosing certain products, you need to focus on the amount of work expected. Stationary sawmills are expensive and are purchased only if you plan to organize a business to create boards.

The most accessible tool for the job is a chainsaw. Such devices have several advantages over electric ones:

  • the chainsaw can be used anywhere, regardless of the availability of an electrical outlet;
  • the tool is suitable for working in conditions of high humidity;
  • professional chainsaws are significantly more powerful than electric ones;
  • You can use the chainsaw continuously for an hour.

To cut logs into boards, a special frame is used together with a chainsaw, which is attached to the device and allows you to create boards of the same thickness. A device is also needed to secure the log in one position. In addition, you will also need a guide.

Since household gasoline saws are not designed for heavy loads, it is worth using professional tools for sawing logs. When choosing, you should pay attention to devices with a power of more than 7 horsepower. Before work, the fixed frame is adjusted in accordance with the selected width of the boards. To create a frame, you can use legs from a school desk or metal corners.

Types of working attachments

The choice of nozzles for work depends on the volume and type of work performed. The following devices are used with a chainsaw:

  • drum debarker, which is necessary for removing bark from logs;
  • lightweight attachment for sawing logs;
  • standard attachment used to create boards.

Attachment for longitudinal sawing

When using this attachment, sawing occurs in a horizontal direction. It is fixed to the rail using special clamps and allows you to create boards of equal thickness. After the work is completed, the boards are dried and can then be used in construction.

Lightweight nozzle

Such devices are often used, but they should only be used when creating boards for fences or sheds. This is due to the fact that the attachment is secured to the tire only on one side.


The attachment for removing bark from logs is used using a clinometer transmission. Attachment occurs with belts - special pulleys are used for this. It is worth noting that the performance of the nozzle can be changed, since the shaft rotation speed depends on the size of the pulleys.

Features of sawing logs using a chainsaw

Creating additional equipment for sawing logs is quite simple:

  1. To create a support, a frame is used, which can be created from the legs of a school desk. The most suitable are pipes with a square cross-section of 20x20 mm.
  2. When constructing the frame, it is necessary to create 2 clamps and secure a cross member at one end. This element must have holes for tightening bolts. A protrusion for the tire is created in the middle.
  3. In order to saw a log lengthwise, it is necessary to construct a support frame, the width of which must be at least 8 cm less than the length.
  4. For ease of operation, a handle should be welded to the frame.
  5. Before carrying out work, you must carefully check whether the frame is securely fastened to the tire.

Using a homemade tool is quite simple. Before sawing, you need to install 2 sawhorses - they will be used as a support for the log. In addition, a metal strip or flat board is prepared, which will serve as a guiding element.

Long sawing technique

The most difficult stage of the process is making the first cut. To do this you need:

  • install a leading ruler, which consists of two boards that are fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • after this, it is necessary to place the sawn log on the supports and fix it;
  • then it is important to check whether the log is level;
  • at the next stage it is necessary to secure the leading ruler to the supports using self-tapping screws;
  • After this, you can start creating the first cut.

Features of cross cuts

Cross cutting is used only to create firewood or interior elements. The work is carried out according to several principles:

  1. Before carrying out work, the log is placed in a horizontal position on supports. The height of its location should be 0.5 m.
  2. After this, it is necessary to completely clear the log of bark.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to make marks on the entire log, located at an equal distance from each other.
  4. Then, cutting can be done using the created marks.

Cross cutting does not require specialized tools.

Safety rules during work

To avoid injury, you must follow these basic guidelines:

  1. Before using a gas powered tool, you must carefully read the instructions included in the kit.
  2. Since a chainsaw is a dangerous tool, work should not be carried out while intoxicated or sick.
  3. You need to hold the saw with both hands. A secure grip will allow you to control the movement of the tool and maintain its position during unexpected jerks and in the event of kickback.
  4. There should be no fuel mixture or oil on your hands while working, as this reduces the reliability of your grip.
  5. Do not use the saw if it is damaged, not fully assembled or not adjusted.
  6. There should be no children or animals on the site during work.
  7. Unless you have special skills, you should not use a chainsaw on stairs or other unstable surfaces.
  8. Do not cut with your arms outstretched or above shoulder level.

By following the described rules, the risk of injury is significantly reduced.

The tree, along with natural stone, is one of the oldest building materials. Despite the currently present construction market a huge variety of all kinds of artificially created materials, wood is still in constant demand. Wood is versatile and available material, and not a single construction project can be completed without its use.

The main raw material for the production of lumber (beams of various sections, edged and unedged boards, etc.) is a log - freed from branches and twigs, as well as from the thinnest upper part of the tree trunk. Logs can be used as a completely independent building material as pillars, piles, masts, etc., however, in most cases they must be sawed to obtain beams and boards. How to cut a log into boards, beams and other lumber will be discussed further.

Sawing logs can be done in various ways:

  • manually, using a saw tool;
  • on sawmills;
  • on woodworking machines and specialized lines.

The price of lumber largely depends on its thickness and the amount of production waste.

In order to make the most efficient use of available raw materials and correctly saw a log, the woodworking industry uses special sawing schemes to reduce the percentage of waste and thus reduce the cost of the final product. Therefore, before cutting a log yourself, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with similar diagrams.

Tools and equipment for sawing logs

Depending on the total number of logs, their length, thickness and the expected quality of the future lumber, various tools and specialized equipment are used for sawing. For getting small quantity lumber at home is quite acceptable manual method processing trunks using chainsaws and conventional hand saws with teeth for longitudinal sawing.

The sawmill is a fairly common type of sawmill equipment. It is a woodworking machine with frame saws, designed for longitudinal cutting of logs to produce edged boards and timber. Sawmills can process logs with a diameter of 15 to 80 cm and a length of up to 7 m.

Sawing tree trunks on circular saws (circular) machines is carried out using circular saw. Such machines can be single-saw (single-disc) and multi-saw (multi-disc). Single-disc circular saws usually work with small-sized and low-quality raw materials. Multi-disc machines are designed for cutting large-diameter round timber.

The most popular currently are the so-called band sawmills, both vertical and horizontal. As cutting tool they use a belt cloth placed on pulleys. Band machines provide high-quality longitudinal and mixed sawing of logs into boards and beams with a minimum amount of waste.

Wood sawing lines are used at large enterprises in the production of lumber in industrial scale. They provide high quality surfaces and precise geometry of the final product and have the highest productivity.

In addition to the above, when mass production Other types of highly specialized sawmill equipment are also used to produce lumber: debarking, edging, band-dividing and other machines.

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Types and methods of cutting logs

Before sawing a log into boards and beams, it is important to choose the most the best way sawing, which is determined by the size, geometry and surface quality of the future lumber, the necessary technical requirements, as well as the type of wood. By orientation to the growth rings of the trunk, types of sawing can be distinguished. This:

  • radial, carried out precisely along the radius of the growth rings;
  • tangential, when sawing is done tangentially to the growth rings, parallel to one of the radii;
  • parallel-forming, when cutting occurs parallel to the direction of the fibers (thus achieving minimum slope fibers in lumber).

Depending on the direction of sawing, there are several ways to saw logs:

  • waddling sawing;
  • sawing with beams;
  • segment method;
  • sector method;
  • circular sawing.

Tumble sawing is carried out using several parallel cuts along the entire cross-sectional plane of the log and gives the output unedged board and two croakers. Tumble cutting is the most in a simple way processing of logs and is used mainly for cutting hardwood round timber of small diameter, since other methods greatly reduce the width of the finished lumber.

Sawing with beams involves cutting out double-edged timber and side boards at the initial stage. The timber is subsequently sawn into edged boards the same width. Up to 60% of all raw materials are cut using lumber. The disadvantage of this method is the need to use two sawmills simultaneously.

The above methods are the main ones. Special methods are used much less frequently: sector and segment. When sector sawing, the log is first divided into several fragments - sectors, numbering from 4 to 8, depending on the diameter of the trunk. These sectors are then sawn into boards along radial or tangential directions.

With the segment method, a beam is cut from the central part of the log, leaving two so-called segments on the sides. The resulting segments are then cut into tangential boards.

The circular sawing method is used for individual cutting of logs and allows you to separate healthy wood from damaged wood. When circular sawing, after sawing off another board or several parallel boards, the trunk rotates around the longitudinal axis by 90° each time.

If you decide to buy or already have it, you will need to study all the specifics of working with this tool. If the purchase and operation are successful, working with a chainsaw will be safe and will bring you pleasure.

To work with a chainsaw, buy yourself special protective clothing, which will consist of a helmet and mask, a bright jacket and pants. This shape will protect you from saw cuts.

How to cut a felled tree with a chainsaw

How to cut boards with a chainsaw with your own hands?

The wood is cut at full throttle using the section of the tire closest to the mechanism body. And for each material it is necessary to use its own specific cutting method.

If you want to cut branches from a tree, you need to stand to the left of the trunk and start cutting at the bottom. Perform all movements slowly. Cutting is done using the nose of the tire, namely the upper and lower blades of the chain.

Cut branches that are thick and difficult to process in several passes. Start cutting with a chainsaw from the end to the base of the tree trunk. It should also be noted that without certain support the trunk may roll, and before starting the work process, make sure that the tree is secure and stable.

After trimming all the branches from the trunk, you can move on to the next stage.– cutting the tree into several parts. Be very careful because... Due to the intense jerks of the chainsaw, the barrel may roll towards you.

If the saw blade gets stuck in the wood, do not pull it out. Turn off the saw motor and tilt the barrel slightly.

If you decide to cut with a chainsaw big trees, then you definitely can’t handle it alone. You will need at least one assistant to help you in case of an emergency. Before starting cutting, carry out visual inspection tree trunk for the presence of dry and rotten branches, because they may fall on you.

It is also worth paying attention to neighboring trees so that they do not interfere with your work. Next, stand to the right of the tree and hold the tool to the side. This will significantly reduce the load on your arms and spine. The whole process is divided into undercut and main undercut. Start cutting at an angle of forty-five degrees to one-fourth the depth of the tree trunk. With such actions, the tree will fall in the direction you want. If a tree falls, try to remove the chainsaw quickly enough.

Before starting work, carefully inspect all teeth and clean them of accumulated chips, dried oil and dust. If the chain is loose, be sure to tighten it. After completing the work and cleaning the tool, be sure to check the condition of the chain oil and lubricant. It is also worth paying attention to the air filter. If there are shavings in it, simply remove them. Sometimes it is necessary to rinse the filter.

If you use a chainsaw frequently, you will have to periodically replace some parts, such as the bar, anti-vibration system, chain and drive sprocket. If you do not change these spare parts, this will have a bad effect on the overall condition of the chainsaw.
