How to calculate the consumption of putty on walls. Calculating the consumption of putty and plaster mixture online Calculate the consumption of putty online calculator

Leveling the walls is a priority when finishing interior spaces. Both the overall appearance of the room after renovation and its durability depend on how well this work is carried out. finishing materials applied to the walls.

Basic preparation method interior walls- This is plastering and puttying. Plastering belongs to the group of rough work, when the overall accuracy of the work is not so important, since in the future finishing leveling must be performed for further finishing.

Puttying is more technologically advanced difficult process, which includes, in addition to applying a leveling compound, subsequent grinding using manual and automatic tools.

To control costs, you can use a putty consumption calculator for walls by area, which will allow you to calculate the total volume of material depending on the thickness of the applied layer.

When creating the flow calculator, the names of the main brands found on the Russian market. The values ​​from the manufacturer, indicated in the dimension “kg/m2”, were taken as the consumption norm.

To carry out calculations in the “Putty” field you must select suitable composition. Next, you will need to enter the thickness of the layer applied to the working surface, its type and total area.

If a suitable mixture is not available, you will need to select the “Other composition” value and enter information about minimum consumption from the packaging. It is important that the data from the manufacturer is for informational purposes only and rarely corresponds to reality.

In practice, the consumption of any putty is 15-20% higher. This is due to the quality and technical condition of the wall, ceiling and any other surface being treated. The result obtained during calculations using a calculator already includes an error taking into account the structure and condition working basis.

What affects putty consumption?

The technical condition of the wall and other surface affects the putty consumption

Most types of dry putties are packaged in bags from 5 to 30 kg. The putty consumption is indicated on each bag of mixture. To control it, the dimension indicated in kilograms per square meter with a layer thickness of one millimeter is used.

In fact, this is the approximate consumption obtained during application ready mixture onto a completely flat, non-porous surface. For example, on a previously prepared surface treated with a primer or adhesive mixture.

When applied in real conditions, consumption varies greatly and depends on the following factors:

  • condition of the base – technical condition of the base, presence of damage, microcracks, chips and other flaws. All this equally affects the cost of the mixture to a greater extent. The more damage, the large quantity putty will be required to fill them;
  • unevenness of the base - in addition to the operational condition, consumption also increases due to the initial unevenness of the surface. That is, even relatively flat plane panel slab may have small depressions and depressions in the concrete. To determine such problems, it is enough to apply the rule to the plane of the wall;
  • costs during the work - ordinary putty is used to dilute the putty tap water, which gives the final composition sufficient elasticity. During the work, it is permissible for the mixture to fall from the tool, drying on the tool itself and the container in which the mixture was prepared;
  • qualification of the performer - a more experienced and qualified master will spend less putty per 1 m2 of wall. During the work, a smaller amount of the mixture will fall to the floor, dry out, etc. The last two points can be attributed to an error, but when puttying large area this is reflected in the final cost.

As a result, it turns out that up to 20% of the material should be added to the declared values. This is quite enough for even an inexperienced person to complete the finishing work without fear that the putty will run out at the wrong moment.

The calculator for calculating putty per m2 already takes into account the costs according to the above conditions. There is no need to add 10-20% to material costs.

Types of putty for leveling walls

Classification of leveling putties various reasons occurs for various reasons. It is generally accepted to use grouping according to the main connecting component, readiness for use and purpose.

Plaster and cement mixture– two most popular types of putties

Depending on the structure, the putty is divided into the following mixtures:

  1. Gypsum - compositions based on gypsum are the most popular, as they do not shrink significantly after drying and are environmentally friendly. The main area of ​​application is interior finishing work in rooms with normal air humidity.
  2. Cement-based - mainly used for outdoor work and in rooms with high humidity. Significantly more expensive than gypsum-based mixtures. During work, they require more drying time and exhibit slight shrinkage.
  3. Polymer is the most modern look putties based on acrylic, vinyl or latex. The mixture also contains various mineral plasticizers and additives in the form of sand, lime and marble flour.

Plasticizers and other components that affect the plasticity and drying speed of the mixture are included in almost any putty. The exact recipe and composition are indicated in general view and varies depending on the manufacturer of the composition.

According to the degree of readiness for work, putty is divided into two types: dry and ready for use. Dry mixtures are supplied in two or three-layer bags made of thick paper. Clean tap water is used for their preparation and kneading.

Dry mixtures are much more convenient to transport to the work site and store on site. During mixing, you should strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations, since with a large amount of water and exceeding the mixing time, the properties and performance of the compositions are reduced.

Ready mixtures are packaged according to plastic container in the form of large cans and buckets. This putty is ready for use immediately after opening, which reduces the time required to complete the work. The use of ready-made mixtures is justified in the absence the necessary tool for mixing, limited time frames and reducing the total amount of construction waste.

After opening, the finished putty is suitable for the entire warranty period indicated on the container. When compared with dry formulations, ready-made mixtures have a higher price and the risk of running into counterfeit products.

According to the area of ​​application, putty is divided into the following types:

  • starting - a mixture applied as the first layer. Serves to level the rough base after plastering. It has large fractions and inclusions of filler. The applied layer varies from a few millimeters to 2 centimeters. Starting putty can be applied in several layers;
  • finishing – applied over the first layer and serves for final leveling work surface for further finishing. Before applying the composition, the starting layer of putty is sanded and treated with primer. The finishing putty has a finer fraction. Apply in one layer with a thickness not exceeding 3 mm;
  • universal – used for preparing relatively flat surfaces. That is, in cases where the plane does not have pronounced depressions or damage. For example, when preparing walls in panel houses. Apply a thin layer of a few millimeters.

The wall putty calculator includes all of the above types of compounds and their consumption.

When choosing a suitable mixture, the technical condition of the working base must be taken into account. It is not recommended to neglect the application technology and speed up the polymerization process of the composition. With significant deviations in technology, partial or complete peeling of the applied composition is possible.

Brief overview of the market and manufacturers

The Ceresit brand is time-tested and recommended for use

The range of putties is quite extensive and includes more than 30 different items in different price categories. It is not recommended to choose too cheap mixtures, since among them there is a large percentage of defects and fakes.

There is also no need to buy items that are expensive and unknown to the average consumer, since such compositions are developed for highly specialized tasks and are used for specific conditions. To do the finishing yourself, mixtures of well-known brands in the middle price segment are quite enough.

The products are proven and have the best price/quality ratio German company KNAUF. The company produces formulations for various purposes and degrees of readiness.

The Ceresit and Weber Vetonit brands also have high quality, are easily prepared for work and provide all the declared qualities during their service life. More specific names, types and costs of putties can be seen in the table below.

When purchasing, you should not be shy and ask the sellers for a quality certificate for the products you purchase. During the shipment process, it is important to carefully inspect the container or bag with the composition. The container must be tightly closed, without dents or chips. The bag should have a complete appearance, without traces of absorbed water and torn areas.

Before purchasing, be sure to calculate the putty consumption per 1 m2 of wall using online calculator or manually, which will avoid extra costs and will reduce the cost of work performed.

Puttying is a fairly common type finishing works in construction. This is one of last stages finishing, carried out immediately before wallpapering or painting the walls. It is used in cases where it is necessary to level the surface of the wall and get rid of roughness. To obtain the most even surface possible, it is necessary to take into account many factors, and the most important thing is to know the rate of material consumption.


In the process of carrying out work, the most important principle is gradualism. The essence of leveling is to completely fill and smooth out first large and then smaller defects.

To carry out the work correctly, you should follow the rules:

  • The air temperature in the room should remain between +10 – 30 degrees.
  • Air humidity should not exceed 50%.

Before starting puttying, it is necessary to prime the walls, this way the surface will be protected from dust and dirt, and the adhesion between the putty mixture and the wall will improve.

It is also important to prepare the solution correctly, following the manufacturer's instructions. The quality of the finished mixture is influenced by the cleanliness of the container, the correctness of the mixing process, and compliance with proportions.

In order to calculate consumption, it is necessary to decide on the type of putty mass, since they all have individual characteristics. The type of putty, in turn, depends on the material of the surface and the degree of its damage, as well as on what needs to be done with the wall next: paint, wallpaper or tile.

Types of mixtures

Modern construction market presented in a variety of putty mixtures. There are many various classifications, but the main one is the distinction between types of putty according to the degree of readiness for use. According to this parameter, putty is divided into two types:


This type of putty mixture has many advantages and is a fairly popular solution for finishing work. Its price is significantly lower than ready-made putty, it is stored longer and is more convenient to transport. It is not difficult to prepare dry powder for application; the consumption of the prepared material will be small. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when preparing the solution, and also mix a new solution every half hour, since the old one will dry out by then.


This putty will cost the buyer a little more, but will significantly save time when mixing. In addition, when working with a ready-made mixture, there is no need to try to guess the ideal proportions. The disadvantages of this type of mixture are that consumption increases finished material, and the shelf life, on the contrary, becomes shorter.

Types of putty also differ in their interaction with the type of surface being treated.

In addition to the main varieties, which will be discussed below, mixtures are divided into the following groups:

  • Glue mixture is used for painting works. It is plastic, dries quickly and can last for a very long time. However, it is not suitable for use in outdoor work; it is not resistant to humidity and mechanical damage.
  • Latex putty Suitable for all types of surfaces. The cost is higher than adhesive, but this is compensated by better technical characteristics. Easy to apply, does not crumble under load. Disadvantage: low resistance to temperature fluctuations.
  • Putty Tex is in high demand due to the possibility of application to almost any surface, as well as the variety color palette. It is highly resistant and does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures.

  • Water-dispersion mixture- most economical look, while having good performance characteristics. The disadvantage is the difficulty of storage - it is advisable to do this in an airtight container.
  • Facade view of putty used for finishing outside Houses. This mixture is characterized by high resistance to temperature, immunity to humidity, and low cost. The downside is that it may begin to crack after finishing.

The types of mixtures can also be distinguished depending on the manufacturer. Despite the huge number various brands, there are several quality products that can definitely be used in the renovation process:

  • Putty "Vetonit"- This is a high-quality mixture for plastering walls before finishing. “Vetonit” is used only in dry rooms; for one square meter you will need a little less than one and a half kilograms of the mixture. If you lay the material in a layer 1 mm thick, when using putty for wallpaper/painting, the consumption will be equal to one and a half kilograms per square meter. surface meter.

  • “Shitrok” – putty mixture, which is characterized by fairly low consumption. With a layer thickness of 1 mm, it is equal to 0.5 kg per 1 m2. This is a polymer putty, divided into latex and acrylic solutions. Can be used for gypsum plasterboard walls, does not contain asbestos, and is sold ready to use.

What does consumption depend on?

How much putty will be needed to complete the repair, what parameters affect its consumption - this is the main question that needs to be resolved before starting work. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation when, shortly before the end of the work, it turns out that there is not enough material, it is necessary to calculate in advance required quantity.

Factors affecting consumption:

  • the condition of the walls (degree of roughness, presence of cracks) and the material from which they are made;
  • type of putty (facade, decorative, for interior work);
  • putty application technology;
  • correct preparation of the mixture;
  • the next stage of repair (painting, whitewashing or wallpapering).

But first of all, the type of putty affects the consumption of putty. Depending on the type of work, putty is divided into three basic groups:

Starting (leveling)

This type is characterized by the highest consumption. This putty is used at the first stage of work; it is used to level the surface, seal cracks and chips. Penetrates deep inside the wall, applied on top of the plaster


The second type of putty is consumed in slightly smaller quantities than the starting one. It can serve as a transitional stage from the starting to the finishing line, or replace both types at once, but only if very minor defects need to be eliminated.

Finish (decorative)

The type characterized by the lowest consumption. It is applied as the very last thing before finishing and is used to give the wall maximum smoothness. Finishing mixture can also be used as the first layer if only minor surface defects need to be eliminated.

Correct calculation of the amount of material is an important step necessary before starting finishing work. If there is less putty than required, it will be necessary to prepare a new one and then try to join it with the previously applied mixture. If the amount of the mixture exceeds the norm, it will remain unclaimed, since it will no longer be possible to use it. Any error in calculations delays the finishing process and delays the completion of repairs.

How to calculate?

To calculate the exact amount of material that will be used during the repair process, do the following:

  1. find out the exact area of ​​the room;
  2. measure the height and sum of the lengths of the walls;
  3. calculate the thickness of the walls, taking into account all surface defects;
  4. determine the thickness and number of putty layers (taking into account surface defects).

It is important to remember that the amount of mixture used also depends on other less important factors. It often happens that a fairly large amount of unclaimed material remains while working on tools; the composition hardens before it is used. It also happens the other way around: you have to redo some areas during the work, which will require additional mixture. In general, inevitable losses can reach up to 10% of the total amount of material, so it is worth taking this point into account when preparing the mixture. In addition, the putty consumption rates also depend on the base of the mixture used.

The basis can be:

  • cement;
  • plaster;
  • adhesive.


Before starting work, you need to understand how plaster differs from putty.

Both are used for finishing and serve for leveling, but there are important differences between them:

  • Plaster, unlike putty, is used in much larger volumes. With the help of putty, as a rule, only small defects are masked, while plaster levels out larger damaged areas.
  • The price of putty is significantly higher than the price of plaster due to differences in composition.

To calculate the required amount of putty for a plastered surface, you need to take into account climatic indicators and carry out work only in the range specified by the manufacturer.

For walls without significant defects, it is enough to apply a layer of 1 mm (the calculation is equal to a kilogram per 1 m2) of starting putty and 0.5 mm (0.6 kg/m2) of finishing putty. An increase in layer thickness entails a proportional increase in flow rate. Don’t forget about re-puttying, which is best included in the calculation before starting work. Consumption is approximately equal to one kilogram per square meter.


Currently, drywall is one of the most common options for finishing a room. There is an opinion that there is no need to putty the coating if there is drywall, because it already has a flat surface. However, this opinion is wrong. Be sure to use a finishing putty to prevent paint or adhesive from soaking into the drywall.

The exact consumption directly depends on the surface area that needs to be treated. There is a little trick that allows you to reduce the amount of mixture: before puttying, the sheets of drywall need to be treated with a primer.

The amount of material for work depends on the composition.

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to carefully study the features and technologies of using the material. The amount of putty must be used before going to the store, because an incorrectly calculated amount can delay the repair for a long time.

Types of putty and scope of application

To choose the right putty, you need to thoroughly study the characteristics and operating features of each type. of this material. According to the scope of application, putty is divided into several types.

  • Leveling– this type is used on initial stages repair, with its help you can carefully level the walls or ceiling, as well as hide various surface defects. The material dries quickly and is practically impossible to sand. Leveling putty is applied to brick or concrete. If you do not apply finishing putty, you will not be able to wallpaper or paint the surface.
  • Finish– it is applied in a thin layer, it prepares the surface for finishing. Thanks to the fine-grained structure and plasticity, the walls and ceiling are smooth. The layer thickness is 0.5 cm, but must be applied in several layers.
  • Universal– it can be used both for starting and for finishing. This type is designed for any surface and guarantees a smooth, blemish-free finish. The material has a high level of strength and can be easily putty. But the cost of universal plaster is quite high, but even novice specialists can work with it.

Putties also differ in their level of readiness: there are dry and ready-made. The first type has a powdery composition and is sold in bags of 5 - 25 kg. The shelf life is one year; the material must be stored in dry form.

The finished putty is sold on a latex and water-dispersion basis in special containers. Special substances contained in this material ensure the durability of the product.

Also, putties are distinguished according to their base:

  • On plaster basis - the composition contains gypsum, polymer additives and all kinds of fillers. This product is ideal for rooms with low humidity levels. This putty is safe, odorless and has an affordable price, thermal insulation, elasticity, and fire resistance.
  • On the cement basis - the product is suitable for facade and interior work. The composition contains cement, sand and water. When the putty dries, the surface must be sanded. It is recommended to apply the diluted mixture within 24 hours.
  • Polymer– used for coating cement, concrete, gypsum and polyurethane surfaces. It is distinguished by its high cost, but environmental friendliness and safety.

  • Acrylic- intended for finishing stages, namely, for thoroughly leveling the surface for its future finishing. The product is resistant to damage, high quality and safe.
  • Latex– it is often used for drywall, niches or arches, but it does not withstand low temperatures. It is distinguished by ductility and strength. It is easy to work with drywall even for a novice builder.

  • Water-dispersed– designed for puttying walls and ceilings made of concrete, brick, aerated concrete, wood, stone and other materials.
  • Oil-adhesive– it is used on wooden and concrete surfaces for finishing walls and ceilings with paint. Has proven itself in working with wet surfaces.

  • Facade– designed for outdoor use, it is moisture resistant, durable, and fast drying.
  • Shpakril– special putty for skirting boards and leveling walls after plastering.

Among such a wide range of putties, it is quite difficult to choose the optimal type, so in case of difficulty, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

What does consumption depend on?

The consumption of each type of material per square meter is calculated individually. For example, some types of putty must be applied in several layers, and in some cases only one layer 0.5 mm thick is sufficient.

The calculation of the material also depends on the surface. If there are a lot of unevenness, cracks, and height differences, then more putty will be needed. Therefore, if you are constructing a building yourself, try to ensure that there are as few defects as possible.

The builder’s experience also influences the material consumption, because the more experienced the craftsman, the better his work will be, and the less putty he will spend.

You can find out how much putty is needed per room by making preliminary calculations. But keep in mind that consumption is also affected by the quality of the prepared mixture.

How to calculate?

To for construction work buy required amount putty, you need to know exactly the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls. You can do the calculation yourself, knowing such information as: the sum of the lengths of all the walls in the room, the height of the walls. It is also necessary to take into account the width and length of the walls, as well as the thickness of the material applied.

Calculation of material per square meter is carried out according to the formula:

  • the rate of putty consumption per 1 m2 is multiplied by the thickness of surface defects;
  • the length of all walls in the room is summed up;
  • the length of the wall above the doorway is multiplied by the height in the same area, and the sum of the height of the walls is added to the result;
  • the result of the first action is added to the sum of the lengths of all walls, this result is multiplied by the resulting number of the third action.

One bag of putty is enough for everyone differently - it all depends on how many layers to apply and in what quantity.

Each manufacturer indicates its own figures in the characteristics table, which depend on chemical properties and type of material. For example, 20 kilograms of finished mixture of the finishing type will be enough for 38 - 40 square meters.

Use of popular brands

When doing repair work for the first time, you will probably encounter the problem of choosing a high-quality putty. It is best to opt for products famous companies with a good reputation. Of course, the cost of such putties is higher, but they mix well, are easily applied to the surface and do not crack over time.

  • The brand is in demand Ceresit, its range includes putties various types for both starting and finishing finishing. For example, Ceresit ST29 is used to work with brick, concrete, and cement surfaces. The mixture can be applied an hour after mixing, and it dries in 15 hours. Ceresit CT 225 is intended for finishing, resulting in a smooth and durable surface.
  • Putties "Prospectors" and "Hercules"– materials that are appropriate for use in rooms with high humidity levels. The mixtures can be applied even to damp walls; they are strong, reliable and durable. “Prospectors” are supplied in durable bags of 5 and 20 kg. This putty is produced on the basis of white cement.

  • Latex putty "Tex" is very popular among craftsmen. Regardless of the layer thickness, the mixture is durable and has a long service life. The material is elastic and does not leave unnecessary marks after pulling the spatula along the wall or ceiling. Big choice color shades allows you to please every customer.
  • Putty worth noting "EK", which is used to eliminate defects on foam concrete, cement and gypsum surfaces. The mixture is used to seal seams; it is applied in a thin layer, thereby preparing the walls or ceiling for painting or wallpapering. The product is easy to use and once dry it creates high level strength.

  • Company "Knauf" offers a wide range of putty mixtures: ready-made and dry products, gypsum, cement, finishing, starting, waterproof, etc. After application, the mixture makes the surface even and smooth.
  • Putties "Vetonit" deserve a huge amount positive feedback, thanks to a wide range of types and excellent characteristics. Mixtures of this brand can be used in different conditions. The price range allows us to please every customer.
  • "Scanmix"– putty for external use, made on the basis of cement, therefore it has increased moisture resistance. In addition, this mixture is resistant to low temperatures. The product is also environmentally friendly, it is safe for both environment and for human health.

Before you start renovation work, it is important to have information about how much building material necessary for a particular surface. As for putty, its calculations may vary depending on the manufacturer of the material, the type of putty, and the working surface.

First you need to figure out which putty consumption for the wall needs to be calculated. If the external walls are to be finished with putty, then the material consumption will be greater than for internal work.

For example, Vetonit putty is used to finish rooms with increased level importance, and is applied in a medium layer. The same layer is applied to adhesive putty, because it involves applying a special adhesive paint, which is thick in structure and adds extra volume to the surface. Gypsum and finishing types of putty are designed to be applied to surfaces in a thin layer; their consumption will be significantly less than that of other types of material.

The approximate consumption of putty per 1m2, according to the material, is given below.

  • Vetonit putty, its consumption per 1 m 2 is 1 kg 200 g;
  • Adhesive putty is used on walls with a consumption of up to 500g per 1m2;
  • Finishing putty consumption for walls per 1m2 is 450g;
  • Gypsum putty is used on walls with a consumption of 900 g per 1 m 2.

How much is needed for external and internal walls?

Before you begin finishing the walls outside and inside, you need to take into account the material on which the putty is applied. The starting external putty is applied to cinder block, brick, wood (with mesh) and covers significant flaws and unevenness in the walls.

Finishing putty for exterior work is intended for cosmetic leveling of uneven surfaces and complete finishing of the surface. This means that the starting putty will be consumed more on the walls than the finishing putty, because it is the basis of the structure in the finishing of the building. In terms of material, the consumption of starting putty on the wall for exterior finishing building is 1 kg or more per 1 m 2, but finishing putty will require up to 1 kg per m 2.

For interior work on finishing walls with putty, the numbers remain similar, starting putty will require 700-900g per 1m2, finishing putty will need 400-500g per 1m2 of wall.

How to calculate putty consumption for repairs (video)

How many layers to apply

How much putty needs to be applied to the walls and in how many layers depends directly on the walls of the building. On the outside of a brick and cinder block building, the first, rough layer is applied using starting putty. Starter putty can be applied in up to 2-3 layers. Then the starting layer of putty is covered with finishing putty once or twice, depending on the type of putty.

It turns out that the first layer of such putty serves as a start, and the second layer of putty completes the finishing of the wall and serves as the finish. Acrylic and silicone putty is applied in one layer, it is quite convenient to use, in the sense that the required volume can be laid out in one layer.

Too thick putty is not needed on the wall, it will lead to its deformation in the future, but also thin layer You can't put it on the wall either.

How to calculate quantity

In order to purchase the required amount of putty for repairs, you need to know the exact area of ​​the room along the perimeter and height of the walls. The expense can be made manually, knowing the following data: the sum of the length of all walls in the room, the height of the walls, the length and height of the wall above and below the door. The width and length of the walls, the thickness of the material applied taking into account unevenness are taken into account.

Calculation by formula:

  1. Multiply the rate of material consumption per 1m2 by the thickness of the irregularities, which we took into account in the calculations;
  2. Add up the length of all the walls in the room;
  3. Multiply the length of the wall above the doorway by the height of this section, and add the sum of the height of the walls to the indicator;
  4. To action 1 add the amount of action 2. Multiply the resulting amount by the number of action 3.

Consumption of putty on plaster

On all packaging materials, the manufacturer indicates the calculation of putty in the solution per 1 square meter, which means that the amount of finished putty will be 3-4% less than the finished one.

Therefore, when making material calculations and purchasing it, it is necessary to take this factor into account.

It is also important to become familiar with the properties of the putty when preparing the mixture, its composition and capabilities, because some types of putty are significantly reduced in volume, while some types of material remain unchanged.

How long will a bag of putty last?

The consumption of putty in the volume of one bag is enough in each case differently, depending on how many layers it is applied. Each putty manufacturer names its own numbers, which depend on the chemical properties of the materials and the type of putty. This is the norm, they can vary within + and –.

If you take ready-made putty from the finishing types, then 20 kg of material is used for 38-40 square meters.

The base or starting putty is used a little more than the others. The finished mass is 20 kg, enough for 30-35 square meters. This indicator is due to the fact that a large volume of basic putty is used to seal cracks, holes and holes in the wall, and only 80-90% of the solution is applied to the walls in its pure form.

If we take the average performance of various types of material for wall putty in one layer, it turns out that one kilogram of putty is used for 1 meter square wall, if puttyed in a layer 1 mm thick.

How to prepare putty (video)

As you know, putty is a special building mass made from a binder component and various additives. It is used before applying the finishing for rubbing plaster, sealing seams and final leveling of walls with minor height differences, usually from 1 mm to 2 cm. Traditionally, a layer of putty is located between the plaster and the finishing decor.

Thanks to putty, the wall becomes strong, smooth, without unevenness and various flaws, with a beautiful appearance, while wallpaper or new paint will last you much longer. You can purchase putty either in the form of a dry mixture, which is mixed with water, or in the form of a ready-made putty mass. The rate of putty consumption per 1 m2 is from 1 to 1.5 kg. per layer 1 mm. depending on the type of mixture.

Preparatory work

Before the beginning work, the question naturally arises: how much putty will be needed for repairs and what determines its consumption? Let’s say the work is coming to an end, but in the end it turns out that there wasn’t even enough putty. Or another situation: he makes putty work crew, which will give you an inflated estimate when you have to buy extra. To avoid getting into such situations, you need to understand the specifics of rationing building materials.

Putty consumption primarily depends on its type: each type of putty mass is consumed differently. You also need to take into account the condition of the surface being treated, which affects the thickness of the putty layer. Among other nuances that affect the consumption of material, one can highlight the correct preparation of the mixture, as well as the quality of applying the putty.

Now there are three basic types of putty, on which the consumption rates of building materials directly depend: starting, universal and finishing.

Starting putty - consumption per 1 m2.

For initial leveling of the base, starting putty is used. It is applied as an intermediate coating between plaster and finishing putty. At the same time, the starting putty contains a rather coarse fraction in its composition, since it is most often based on gypsum or lime. Therefore, its consumption will be the greatest. Starter putty is sold in paper packages of 25 and 30 kg.

The consumption of the starting putty composition usually averages 1.0-1.4 kg per “square” of base with a layer of 1 mm. This information is provided in more detail in the instructions.

Practice has proven that one standard 30 kg bag of any starting putty with minimal unevenness, and even under a painting mesh, is quite enough for 10-20 square meters. m walls.

But if the walls are in poor condition and not leveled, then the consumption putty mixture will increase. For example, if the layer of starting putty is planned to be 5 mm, then its consumption will increase to approximately 4-8 kg per square meter. m.

Features of starting putty consumption

It should be taken into account important point: It is not recommended to apply a starting putty composition thicker than 5-10 mm in one pass, otherwise it may crumble in the future. The description for any putty usually indicates the minimum and maximum permissible level layers at a time.

For example, for “Polimin ShG-11” putty, the calculated thickness at a time is taken to be no less than 3 mm, but not more than 10 mm. Composition yield: 1.05 kg per “square” with a layer of 1 mm.

But “SATYN PW-01” putty has a maximum permissible layer thickness of 8 mm, consumption per sq. m. is 1.3 kg.

The instructions for the starting polymer-cement putty “Ceresit CT 29” indicate that the thickness of application of one layer varies from 2 to 20 mm, and in fact, the consumption of this mixture per square meter. meter is 1.8 kg with a millimeter layer

ADVICE! To minimize the cost of building materials and not exceed acceptable limits, it is advisable to study the surface in advance and, if necessary, plaster old, rough and uneven walls.

By the way, as an initial leveling composition, you can also choose the popular “Knauf HP Start” starting mixture based on lime and gypsum. It is very convenient and is suitable both as plaster and as a starting putty. The stated limits of the coating are 1-3 cm. With a mortar thickness of 10 mm, a 30 kg packet of mixture is enough for 3.8-4.0 sq.m.

Apply finishing ready-made putty at a time you need the thinnest layer, usually 0.2-1.5 mm, otherwise it may “float” and crack. A container weighing 17 kg will be enough for 35-40 sq. m walls.

In addition to the finished mixture, dry mixtures like Vetonit LR+ based on special polymer components are used for final leveling of walls. It is sold in 25 kg packaging. Consumption of finishing “vetonite” is 1.2 kg per unit area with a layer of 1 mm. You can putty here thicker: the thickness of one layer of mixture per pass is taken to be within 1-5 mm.

Or here’s another alternative - Knauf Satengips finishing putty in a 25 kg bag with the minimum possible layer of 0.2 mm, maximum - 5 mm. Consumption: 1 kg of composition per “square” of wall with a millimeter layer thickness.

As you can see, in different manufacturers putty consumption rates differ. In order not to make a mistake, especially with a shortage of building materials, take the initial parameters of the mixture consumption on the packaging, multiply them by the area of ​​the wall being treated and add 15% to the result. Accordingly, if the putty layer is planned to be more than 1 millimeter, multiply everything by the required thickness coefficient and eventually get the required amount of material.

Tips for preparing a putty mixture solution

When preparing putty from a dry mixture, follow all the recommendations in the instructions: you need to add water in a given proportion, use clean containers, mix correctly, take intervals so that the mixture sits a little, make sure that no foreign objects get in, etc. An incorrectly prepared mixture will not will only increase the consumption of building materials, but may lead to poor quality of repairs. Also remember about the density of the mixture. If it is necessary to level out fairly significant unevenness, then the putty should be mixed to a thicker consistency. In this case, the composition consumption per unit area will be greater.

Finally, the mixture consumption also depends on quality of putty application. In particular, novice craftsmen often suffer from some overuse of building materials. Of course, in general, do-it-yourself putty will cost much less than hiring a repair team: buying another bag is not as bad for your pocket as paying a premium to an outside foreman. But there may be a risk of inadequate quality of work. Therefore, if you putty yourself, carefully follow the technology and sequence of work. Specialists construction company they have putty thousands of square meters of walls and ceilings, and they will do it efficiently when carrying out repairs in your home!
