How to properly prune your garden in autumn. Pruning trees in the fall - preparing trees for winter! Tree pruning in autumn in Crimea

" Trees

Tree pruning is the key to success and a mandatory procedure that every experienced gardener knows about. Any fruit tree requires constant and careful care. Only in this case will it produce a rich harvest.

Fruit trees such as apple, pear and stone fruit trees need pruning. They are very picky about pruning. Why prune fruit trees?

By pruning, gardeners solve several problems at once:

  1. Growth and fruiting.
  2. Reducing crown dimensions.
  3. The phytosanitary task is to create conditions unfavorable for pests and diseases.

The procedure of pruning trees prolongs their life and leads to a rich harvest.

If little light enters the crown, then the branches located inside the crown do not bear fruit and die over time. Fruits are formed only on those branches of the tree that receive light.

AND if tree pruning was done rarely or not at all, then the fruits will be on hard-to-reach branches, located, as a rule, high.

Thanks to the cutting procedure the tree crown is formed correctly. Which leads to the growth of side branches and allows you to get more fruits on the available branches.

When and which trees in the garden can be pruned?

Trimming fruit trees in a particular season depends on the following factors:

  • what goal the gardener wants to achieve with this procedure;
  • in what climatic conditions is the garden located?
  • depending on the type of tree.

What time of year is it best to prune: spring, summer, winter or autumn?

In the central and northern regions of Russia not recommended autumn pruning , because due to severe frosts, the wounds on the trees will not have time to heal.

This also happens because the movement of sap in the tree slows down as it goes into a dormant state. As a result, the tree may become sick and die.

Therefore, in these regions it is best to do pruning in early spring, not in the fall. It is important to consider that the procedure can be carried out as soon as the air temperature rises above 0℃.

Besides It is important to start pruning from old trees Since the buds on them swell faster than on young ones, it is recommended to prune strictly before the buds swell.

Pruning fruit trees in spring:

In the southern regions of the country, pruning can be done in winter period . This is due to the fact that in the south the frosts are not as severe as in the north.

Winter pruning is primarily carried out in order to rejuvenate old trees and create the correct crown for young seedlings.

Also winter pruning is often carried out to reduce fruiting of young trees. It is believed that a tree that produces rich harvests for 2-3 years in a row should be allowed to rest.

In addition, from high yield thin branches young tree may break. Therefore, it is important to trim off unnecessary branches in winter. In winter, gardeners prune first the pome-bearing species, and then the stone fruits.

The ideal dimensions of a fruit tree are 3 m in height and 3 m in width. They will allow you to collect most of the crop without the help of stepladders or ladders.

Some gardeners believe that summer is the best time for pruning.. But in in this case we're talking about about trees 3 years old and older. They claim that pruning during the summer months results in rapid growth new shoots.

In addition, if you prune while the fruit is filling, the quality of the fruit will noticeably improve.

Another plus summer pruning is the sap secreted by the tree. It covers the wound, which leads to rapid healing, and also acts as protection against pests.

Most experienced gardeners believe that pruning is best done when the tree is dormant. Therefore, preference is given to early spring.

At what age should fruit trees be pruned?

You can start doing this procedure annual shoots for crown formation.

If the tree has already reached 10-15 years of age, it is considered old. Such a tree has a reduced number of growths and productivity. It needs anti-aging pruning.

To do this, branches are cut into 3-7 year old wood. Thus, the crown is reduced. But already by next year young shoots will thicken it. It is important to ensure that the number of cuts on one side of the branch does not exceed three.

Which plants to do and which ones not to

Almost all fruit trees require pruning. Since it is precisely this that leads to an increase in yield, allows the tree to grow faster, and also protects its numerous pests and diseases.

Trim, apricot, cherry plum It is possible only when leaves appear on the trees. If this is done while the tree is dormant, pruning can lead to damage to the trees by fungi and diseases.

In summer, you can remove dried branches, also shorten new shoots and remove branches that interfere with the crown.

Features of the procedure

It is important to do tree pruning carefully and follow the basic rules so as not to cause harm.


First of all, you need to decide on the appropriate pruning season. This will depend on the type and age of the fruit trees, as well as the location of the garden and the climate.

Preparing garden tools

The availability of all the tools necessary to carry out this procedure will play a big role in the result of pruning.

In order to avoid increasing the diameter of the damaged area on the tree Only sharp tools should be used for cutting.

  • garden hacksaw;
  • pruner;
  • air pruner - a pruner on a long rod, for cutting branches at the top;
  • ladder;
  • glasses;
  • garden varnish or drying oil paint are the means necessary to treat the cut area.

Do not cut with a rusty tool.. Otherwise, the tree may get sick and die as a result.

Circuit and technology

Before you start cutting, it is necessary to determine why it is needed and draw up an action plan.

Below are the main goals that gardeners achieve using this procedure:

  • form the correct tree crown;
  • strengthen thin young shoots;
  • remove crossing branches, defuse the crown to allow sunlight to penetrate into it;
  • remove diseased branches, allowing them to grow healthy;
  • increasing the number of fruiting branches;
  • prepare the tree for winter.

If you need to get the most out of a fruit tree rapid growth, during the pruning period it is necessary to reduce the main number of fruit-bearing buds.

Once the goal is determined, it is important to learn pruning techniques. Several techniques are known, among which the most popular are three:

  1. Bud cut. This technique helps set the correct direction for branch growth. You should find a branch with good growth. The cutting blade of the pruning shears should be turned towards the remaining part of the branch. The cut is made at a slight angle of 5 mm. in front of the kidney. The new branch will grow in the direction the bud is facing.
  2. Cut to ring. This technique is used when it is necessary to remove a full-fledged branch that grows inside the crown, interferes with other branches and creates density. The scheme is as follows: in the place where the branches connect, it is necessary to make a cut exactly along the outer ring.
  3. Side branch cut. This technique allows you to change the direction of growth from one shoot to another. Ineffective branches are cut off, and the lateral ones take on the function of the main branches.

Good aftercare

If the cut diameter is more than 1 cm, the wound should be treated without fail. To do this, you need to buy or prepare your own garden varnish and treat the wound on the tree with it.

If for some reason the garden varnish does not apply to the wound, you can use drying oil paint.

Young fruit trees should only be pruned to form a proper crown. Otherwise, pruning may lead to a deterioration in fruit-bearing properties.

People who take care of their trees and prune them correctly and on time, always receive gratitude in the form of a good harvest.

If a person decides to do this procedure for the first time, it is very important to follow the recommendations knowledgeable gardeners, since this process seems simple only at first glance.

But in fact, carelessness and ignorance can lead to the death of the plant.

Tree pruning in the fall is a must for every self-respecting gardener. This procedure helps plants better tolerate winter cold.. Autumn pruning is usually carried out before the first night frost. The period when the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off means the approach of sleep and rest for your garden. And in order for the trees to overwinter in comfortable conditions, the gardener will have to work hard.

Fall pruning goals

In autumn, fruit trees are pruned in two ways: shortening and thinning. This is done not only to ensure the best functioning of your garden. The fact is that an abundance of snow can break tree branches. Therefore, in spring and summer you will have to treat your green spaces. Accordingly, you will have to forget about the harvest.

In addition, trees that are properly pruned in the fall usually begin to bear fruit well after winter. But you should not, armed with pruning shears, shorten everything in your garden. Excessive zeal can lead to fruit trees developing worse.

Circumcision garden plants in the fall it is also of a sanitary nature. By removing dried and diseased branches, you help improve the health of your fruit crops.

Features of circumcision

The scheme for pruning fruit trees in the fall is as follows. The tree crown is thinned out. This provides the plant better ventilation and saturation with ultraviolet rays.

For seedlings, this procedure is carried out annually until the crown is fully formed. Only a few main branches are left on the trunk; all other young shoots are removed.

For old trees, crown thinning is usually done every two years. All shoots that grow incorrectly are removed. For example, straight up or down, intertwining with each other.

The shortening method is used to ensure that tree branches grow in the desired direction, allowing the crown to form correctly. To do this, the branches are shortened to a bud, which will ensure shoot growth in the desired direction. Fruit tree branches should be parallel to the ground. This greatly facilitates plant care and harvesting.

In addition, it would be correct to remove all diseased branches covered with lichen. It is best to do this in the fall. With the onset of cold weather, such shoots make the tree especially sensitive to frost. Accordingly, the plant will survive wintering much worse.

You shouldn't leave dry branches either. With strong gusts of wind, they can break and damage fruit-bearing branches.

To remove dried shoots, it is best to use a garden hacksaw. Remember that dry branches are removed mainly down to living wood tissue.


It is worth noting the fact that fruit trees are pruned in the fall only in regions with moderate climatic conditions. This is not recommended in the northern regions. The plants will not have time to recover before the onset of cold weather, so the bark at the cut site may freeze. This will lead to drying out of the wood and subsequent death of green spaces.

It is best to prune fruit trees in September or October. At this time, the movement of juices inside the plant slows down. It's worth taking a closer look at lunar calendar, it was noticed that if the procedure is carried out a few days before the new moon, the trees recover much faster.

We increase productivity

How to prune trees to increase their fruitfulness? This question worries most novice gardeners. Firstly, only horizontal branches should be left.

It has been noticed that the largest number of fruits are produced by branches located parallel to the ground. In addition, autumn pruning is initially aimed at increasing fertility. Therefore, if you want to regularly collect a lot of fruits from each tree, you should not neglect this event.

Secondly, if the frame branches grow incorrectly, you should not prune them, otherwise you will wait for more than one year for the harvest. In this case, they need to be stretched, giving them the desired direction of growth. This is done according to the following scheme.

Using a rope, the branch is tilted to the maximum possible angle. The rope is tied to a peg and the plant is left alone for about two weeks. After this period, the branch is pulled up again and left alone.

The procedure is carried out until the main branches forming the crown are located at right angles to the ground. They can be left in this position for the winter, and the pegs and rope can be removed in the spring.

Thus, by the next season, the crowns of fruitful crops will grow correctly. This will significantly increase the productivity of your garden. The main thing is to be careful when performing work. Excessive zeal and haste can lead to the branch cracking or breaking off. In this case, all that remains is to cut it down.

Some gardeners resort to more radical methods changes in the direction of growth of frame branches. They operate according to the following scheme. In the spring, branches that grow incorrectly are broken, and the broken area is wrapped with plastic film.

By autumn, such a break is overgrown, and the branches acquire desired angle tilt This method can only be used by experienced gardeners. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better not to try.

Additional measures

To prune fruit trees correctly means to burn all the diseased branches removed. This will prevent relapse of the disease and help protect other plants.

It is worth noting that if the plant is affected by black cancer or glass, it is not recommended to trim the crown too much. Fruit crop from such a radical intervention may die.

After autumn pruning of young seedlings, it is recommended to water them abundantly immediately after completion of the procedure. It would be a good idea to fertilize with mineral fertilizers. This will help the young plant cope better with stress.

In autumn, all the nutrients that the tree accumulates during the season are concentrated near the roots. In this way, plants prepare themselves for hibernation. Therefore, when pruning, do not forget to process sections with a diameter of more than one centimeter garden varnish.

This precaution can be neglected during summer or spring pruning. During these seasons, there is intense movement of juices inside the tree, so the plant itself covers the cut protective film. In autumn and winter, it is recommended to process the cuts without fail.

Before carrying out autumn pruning, do not forget to disinfect garden tools. Otherwise, this procedure, instead of practical benefit, will provoke disease in your plants.

You can hang bird feeders on trees. Birds will help you in pest control.

In addition, it is recommended to cover the trunk and forks of the main branches with lime. This will protect trees from external influences. For example, many forest inhabitants are not averse to feasting on winter time tree bark. You can also wrap tree trunks with thick paper or burlap. This winding can be secured using copper wire.

In order to protect your garden from rodents, in the fall you can wrap a plastic bottle cut lengthwise around the trunk.

Having carried out the whole range of the above measures, you can be sure that you have properly prepared your garden for winter. Accordingly, with the onset of the season, your fruit trees will be guaranteed to produce a bountiful harvest.

Planting a seedling in the ground does not guarantee that the garden will grow lush and productive. All crops grown on the site require constant attention of the owner, regardless of the season.

Pruning fruit trees is one of the main stages of garden care. It allows you to form the correct crown, regulate growth and fruiting. In addition, proper pruning of fruit trees can prolong their productivity. You will find all the necessary recommendations in our article.

Proper pruning of fruit trees

Pruning refers to the removal of dry and damaged branches and shoots. In addition, during the process, excess branches are cut out, which thicken the crown and reduce the quality of the crop (Figure 1).

Why is it carried out?

Proper pruning also performs a sanitary function. Removing excess branches helps prevent disease, and a rejuvenating procedure can extend the life of the plant.

Figure 1. Types of pruning of fruit crops

It is important to choose the right time to remove branches. It is best to do this in the fall or early spring, when the sap has not yet begun to move in the trunk. At the same time, autumn thinning is possible only in regions with a mild climate, since severe frosts can lead to damage to the crop at the cutting site.

Methods and techniques (shortening, thinning)

There are two main methods of pruning: thinning and shortening (Figure 2). Each of them has its own characteristics.

Figure 2. Pruning techniques: shortening and thinning

Shortening involves partial removal of branches and shoots. For example, if 1/5 or ¼ of a shoot is cut off, such shortening is called weak; if 1/3 or ½ is removed, it is called medium, and from half to 2/3 is called strong.

In the process of shortening, rejuvenation is also carried out. For light branches, cut off increments of 2-3 recent years, for moderate growth, 4-6 years of growth are removed, and for strong growth, almost the entire part of the skeletal branches is removed.

Note: By shortening, you can stimulate the growth of buds and shoots, as well as make fruiting branches thicker. However, shortening too much can cause the plant to weaken and yields to decrease.

Thinning allows you to remove excess branches from the crown. Using this method, you can increase the size of the fruits and make the tree stronger and more productive. This reduces the number of buds that only consume the juices of the crop but do not produce fruit. The juice flows faster from the roots to the leaves, the crop grows faster and bears fruit more intensively.

More useful information You will find information about pruning in the video.

Types of pruning

Depending on the purpose for which excess branches are cut, there are several types of pruning. For example, using this procedure you can form a crown the right size and shape, extend the fruiting period of the tree or prevent the development of disease.

Each type has its own characteristics, although it is carried out using the same garden tools and techniques.

To form the crown

This procedure is called formative. It is especially relevant for small garden plots. Using these manipulations, you can create a compact crown while maintaining high level fruiting (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Formative pruning technique

Removing branches to form a crown allows you to give the plant a suitable silhouette. In addition, the formed skeletal part becomes more resistant to stress. Depending on the timing of formative pruning, growth can be slowed down or increased. When removing branches in February, growth will be more active, and cutting in early spring will slow down the development of the crop.

Regulating fruiting

Most often it is carried out in late winter or early spring, but in regions with a mild climate, branches can be removed in the fall.

The main purpose of regulatory pruning is to maintain the contours of the crown and maintain optimal lighting of the branches. In addition, the skeletal branches are strengthened in the process. They are not overloaded with young shoots, and the fruits become larger and ripen evenly.


During the process, branches and shoots with mechanical or any other damage are removed. Typically, they are removed in the spring as part of the garden inspection process after winter.

Some branches may freeze, so they need to be shortened to healthy wood. All shoots with signs of disease or damage are also cut off. This will preserve the viability and fruiting of the crop.


Required by old trees that, due to prolonged growth, stop or significantly reduce fruiting. In the process, all old branches that form too small fruits or an insufficient number of ovaries are removed (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of anti-aging pruning

Rejuvenating pruning stimulates the growth of new branches. Typically, the process removes annual growth (approximately 10-15 cm), which stimulates bud growth and increases yield.

Timing for pruning fruit trees (when is the best time to do it)

Wondering when is the best time to prune? orchard, we can say that optimal time autumn, winter and spring are considered, when the movement of sap in the trunk stops and the plant is at rest.

In regions with harsh winters, it is recommended to remove branches in the fall or spring, so that the cut site is not damaged by frost and the tree does not die. Let's consider the features of this procedure by season.


Experienced gardeners advise to trim horticultural crops in the fall only if absolutely necessary. For example, stone fruit crops tolerate such an event very poorly and may even die before they have time to get stronger before frost.

However, these warnings do not apply to sanitary cleaning. If you find diseased or damaged branches, they must be removed immediately to save the rest of the plant.

The author of the video will talk about the main features of autumn pruning.

in winter

In severe frosts, the wood becomes very fragile, so it is not recommended to remove it. In fact, this is the only limitation, because in winter all plants are dormant and branches can be removed freely if the weather is relatively warm and calm.

Figure 5. Pruning an orchard in winter

The main advantage of the procedure is that the tree experiences less stress and the wound heals faster. In addition, damage is much more visible on branches devoid of leaves (Figure 5).

in spring

It is believed that pruning can be started at any time with the onset of spring. Actually this is not true. It is better to start the procedure when sap flow has not yet begun, but the tree is already ready to awaken. In this case, the culture will not experience severe stress, and the wound will heal faster (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Spring pruning orchard

Since the timing of removal of damaged branches and growth different cultures differ, the gardener has the opportunity to plan the work in such a way as to provide all the trees with the necessary care.

It is advisable to start work on a quiet, windless day at a temperature of at least -5 degrees. All wounds are covered with garden pitch or yellow clay to speed up the formation of colus.


In summer Special attention given to seedlings. They need to remove the tops of growing shoots to form a crown.

However, if diseases are detected, infected branches are removed without waiting for the sap flow to stop. If this is not done, the disease can quickly spread throughout the garden. All removed branches must be burned immediately.

Pruning fruit trees in winter

The most important requirement for pruning fruit trees in winter is the absence of severe frost. If the air temperature is below -8 degrees, work cannot be carried out.

Note: Despite the fact that in winter the plants are dormant and can more easily withstand stress after the branches are removed, in severe frost the wound will take too long to heal and can lead to the death of the entire crop.

However, in winter it is much easier to detect damage, since the crown is completely devoid of foliage and defects become more noticeable. This also allows for a smoother and more precise cut. It is better to remove thin branches with pruning shears, and cut thick ones on both sides so that the cut is even and does not damage healthy wood.

Choosing Trimming Tools

To remove branches, you need to use special tools. Back to main garden tools include (Figure 7):

  • Secateurs- it is better to choose a regular model rather than a tool with a ratcheting mechanism, since you will have to press it several times to cut it. Using a simple pruner is much easier and more convenient.
  • Hacksaw with spaces between the teeth. This design will prevent the accumulation of sawdust and will allow you to keep your equipment clean. For work in the garden, only a special hacksaw is chosen, which is not recommended for use for other work, so that the blade does not become dull.
  • Air sector- tool with telescopic handle, to which the blades are attached. To make a cut, just use a special lever. This tool will be very useful for cutting the upper branches.

Figure 7. Basic gardening Tools for trimming

In addition to the equipment, you need to buy garden varnish - a special ointment that is used to cover wounds on branches for faster healing.

In principle, pruning can be done immediately after the trees have “fallen asleep” - they have shed their leaves and stopped active sap circulation. October-November in some regions is already so cold that work can begin. However, do not rush to perform pruning, which is typical for spring, when fruit branches, crown, frostbitten branches or spare ones are cut off. Such pruning in the autumn is more likely to do harm than good. Experienced gardeners know that trees after such an operation survive the winter much worse and take longer to recover in the spring.

Moreover, we cannot know in advance which branches will be damaged by frost by spring and which will remain unharmed, but in the spring we can accept correct solution, choosing from the surviving branches those that will be left for fruiting. The thing is that pruning is divided into several types. For example, sanitary pruning carried out almost all the time, both during the flowering period and during harvesting. carried out no more often than once every 5-10 years, depending on the tree. Formative pruning is carried out almost annually in order to form the correct skeleton of the tree, its uniform growth and ease of harvesting.

In addition to pruning, it would be a good idea to water the trees abundantly - this helps strengthen them before winter.

In addition, a good wintering is influenced by another factor that many gardeners do not think about - we are talking about timely harvesting. Quite often, summer residents leave the fruits on the tree, waiting until they begin to crumble or become softer, which is exactly what should not be done, especially if we want to store the fruits.

When to pick the fruits, we are preparing the tree for winter!

But not only the fruits suffer - the tree itself is depleted from chronic delays in harvesting, since it devotes all its strength to the fruits while they are on it. Beginners and others should remember that consumer and technical ripeness differ very significantly. Technical ripeness occurs several days earlier; as a rule, the fruits have already acquired the color characteristic of consumer ripeness, but have not yet reached the desired taste.

Once upon a time, my husband and I were exhausted pruning our garden at the end of winter. It was necessary to correct the shape of each tree, remove all the branches that had dried up during the fruiting season and the dry fruits remaining in the crown. That year, when this procedure was preceded by autumn sanitary treatment of the garden, the work became less tedious and more productive.

Autumn work in the garden ends the season and prepares the new harvest. After trees and shrubs have shed their leaves, they can be transplanted to a new location. Those that remain in their old places are cut and mulched. Fallen leaves are raked and stored to form leaf humus for the next season.

If you happen to see hares in your area, young trees are protected from their attacks by installing mesh fences around the trunks.

Each season is a special stage in the life of a fruit tree, produced in different periods Pruning affects plant development in different ways. Autumn procedure prepares the crown for wintering, carries a sanitary load. In summer, the plant actively absorbed solar energy, synthesized it into sugar and produced a large number of fruits.

As cold weather sets in, sugar from the leaves moves to the roots to winter storage. Heavy pruning during this period can harm the tree organism, because it will not have time to completely heal the wounds.

It is important to use sharp tools - pruners and saws. Dull blades lead to deformation of branches. Rubbing, intersecting branches, as well as dried out and disease-affected shoots are removed.

Branches weakened by infection become a source of disease for the entire plant, insect pests settle in them under the bark, and fungal colonies develop. During autumn cleaning, you can also remove excess growth, but not too much, as this can weaken the tree.

When to do autumn pruning

When choosing a time for year-ending procedures in the garden, you need to focus on the weather and air temperature. Pruning should be done on a dry day before the first frost, when the plants freeze in anticipation of spring warmth.

The basic rule of pruning during this period should be a gentle attitude.

Excessive removal of branches during this period will have a bad effect on fruiting next year. It is not recommended to disturb young trees on the eve of cold weather; they are treated only in the spring.

Fall pruning goals

  1. Giving the crown the correct shape and decorative appearance.
  2. Increasing the thickness and strength of branches. Shoots that are regularly shortened become thicker. Strong tree with strong branches it is less prone to breakage during the ripening of the crop.
  3. Garden rejuvenation. Regular tree care prolongs their youth and active fruiting.
  4. Subsequent ease of care. A properly formed crown is the key easy care behind the tree, easy access to any part of the crown.
  5. Health improvement. Healthy branches stimulated by pruning are not affected by fungal infection.


Pruning is performed using two methods: the branches are shortened and the crown is thinned. A tidied tree will not hold a large amount of snow on its branches, risking breaking the shoots. The plant will have to spend a lot of energy in the spring to recover from such damage.

Thinning the crown promotes good ventilation and unobstructed access sun rays. During spring and summer, the crown of the fruit tree becomes spreading and overgrown big amount shoots.

Task autumn care behind the garden - maintaining the correct pyramidal or round shape. It is important to maintain the symmetry of the sides in relation to the trunk.

Autumn pruning of old trees

If the fruit tree is neglected and has not been pruned for several seasons in a row, it does not need to be radically treated in the fall. First of all, you need to remove dried branches and those shoots that show obvious signs of disease. You can remove several branches growing inside the crown that interfere with neighboring ones.

Treatment of young trees

When the seedling reaches three years of age and adapts to its new location, you can begin pruning it. In the fall, sanitary treatment is carried out, the spring formation of the crown is planned:

  • branches that are incorrectly directed must be removed;
  • shoots that intertwine with neighboring ones are removed.

You can remove one or two branches from a young tree at a time.

Scheme and technique of pruning

For an old tree the following must be removed:

  • vertically directed shoots, they will not bear fruit and only contribute to thickening of the crown;
  • branches growing at an acute angle relative to the trunk are not able to bend down; in the event of a future abundant harvest, they will break;
  • dry and broken shoots.

Trimming technique:

  • You should not break a cut branch; thin trunks are cut with pruning shears, thick trunks are sawed off with a hacksaw;
  • It is advisable to treat instruments with an antiseptic;
  • if a tree is infected with a fungus, only diseased shoots need to be removed; it is better to postpone the formation of the crown until spring, when the tree has more strength;
  • If a branch thicker than one centimeter in diameter is cut, the cut must be covered with garden varnish; it will protect the wood from freezing.

Trimming order:

  • removal of dry, broken and diseased branches;
  • pruning weak shoots that do not bear fruit, covered in season a small amount foliage, the tree spends a lot of energy feeding them;
  • removing those that grow at an acute angle to the trunk and inside the crown;
  • treating wounds with garden varnish or oil paint;
  • removal from the garden and burning of diseased and pest-affected branches.

Following deadlines and knowing pruning techniques is the key to healthy trees and bountiful harvests.
