How to feed your baby breast milk. Feeding an infant. How to properly breastfeed a newborn baby. Mommy's nutrition while breastfeeding

Mother's milk is the best food for a child, created in accordance with all his needs. Breastfeeding is easy to achieve – just follow the recommendations developed by the World Health Organization.

An early start is the key to long-term feeding

  1. To keep your breast skin clean, just rinse it once a day during the shower. There is no need to wash her with soap before each feeding.
  2. Dry skin of the areola after feeding can be lubricated with vegetable oil (olive, almond).
  3. Cracked nipples can be treated with Purelan cream or Bepanten ointment. Silicone areola pads help some women.
  4. You need to wear a comfortable cotton bra with wide straps, without wires.

And no need to pump!

We have already said that with established nutrition of a newborn, the breast produces exactly as much milk as the baby sucks. If you express after finishing feeding, then the next time more milk will arrive, you will have to express again, etc.

If there is a strong flow of milk in the first weeks (hyperlactation), you can slightly express the engorged breast before feeding if the baby cannot grasp the areola, or if he is choking on a powerful stream of milk.

Avoid weighing your baby every day; the absence or presence of weight gain is not a sign of nutritional deficiency. Moreover, weighing before and after feeding is not indicative. WHO recommends weighing your baby no more than once a month.

Until what age should a baby be fed?

WHO recommends continuing breastfeeding for up to two years. Mother's milk will help the baby more easily endure illnesses and teething. The breast will calm the baby and enable him and the mother to feel more comfortable during periods of crisis.

Only a mother knows how to feed her baby breast milk correctly and for how long. Therefore, rely on the recommendations listed above, watch your baby, listen to yourself - and you will provide yourself and your baby with long and nutritious feeding without unnecessary problems.

Even before the baby is born, expectant mothers want to know everything about breastfeeding. Natural nutrition refers to feeding the baby directly from the mother's mammary gland. During feeding, nutrients are transferred from mother to baby, which is necessary for close contact between them. Therefore, every mother should know how to properly breastfeed a newborn.

For healthy newborns, the first breastfeeding occurs in the delivery room. It is advisable to apply the baby for 2-3 minutes in the first half hour, regardless of whether the mother has milk. From this moment the woman begins the period of breastfeeding. In response to the child's voice, milk is released reflexively. This provides emotional satisfaction, awakens the maternal instinct, and increases the production of breast milk. This is how proper breastfeeding is formed.

The first feeding of breast milk to the baby is carried out simultaneously with the skin contact procedure. Breastfeeding allows for an emotional bond to be established between mother and newborn. The likelihood that a woman in labor who has nursed her baby will leave him in an orphanage is very low. Healthy babies immediately find the nipple and begin to suck. Touching the baby's lips to the nipple increases the production of oxytocin, which promotes uterine contraction and rapid recovery after childbirth.

The main principle is a free schedule. You need to feed your baby on demand. This way he sets up his own diet. On average it happens about 8–15 times per day. Late night eating is encouraged. This solves the problem of how to maintain breastfeeding for a long time.

Breastfeeding for the first month

The first month of life is the period when lactation is established. It is necessary to ensure that the baby latches onto the breast correctly during feeding. The first breastfeeding develops the sucking reflex. Unsuccessful nipple latching leads to serious breast complications for a nursing mother:

  • nipple cracks;
  • lactostasis;
  • lactation mastitis;
  • refusal of the baby to eat naturally.

The first week after birth, milk is at its richest. It is called colostrum. This food contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, lactobacilli, and protective immunoglobulins. Pulsed secretions of colostrum occur in response to contact between mother and baby, as well as when the nipple is stimulated by the lips and tongue of the infant. The sooner a newborn receives colostrum, the less contamination it will have from the environment.

Feeding positions

A mother must know how to breastfeed her baby correctly. First of all, a woman should choose a comfortable position. There are several options for breastfeeding newborns:

  • lying on your side;
  • sitting;
  • standing.

The predominant position is considered to be lying down. Many mothers use it. Used when there are stitches on the perineum, when it is still impossible to sit. It also allows mom to get some rest. There are two ways to feed a baby while lying down.

In the first case, the baby has her tummy turned around and lies on her mother’s stomach. With one hand the mother supports the head of the baby, with the other - the gland. In the second option, how to breastfeed a newborn, the baby is on the side of the mother. At the same time, you need to support the baby's head so that he does not choke on the milk.

To use the pose while sitting or standing, the baby must be held in your arms, as if in a cradle. The baby turns his tummy towards his mother. With one hand the mother supports the newborn, and with the other she helps him take the nipple.

How to breastfeed your baby

Before applying it to the mammary gland, you need to make sure that the little one is comfortable. It is clean, dry and calm. It is correct to put the baby to the mammary gland, but in no case vice versa. The baby is brought closer to the mother, supporting his shoulders and head. A hungry baby opens his mouth on his own. He needs to insert the nipple with the areola into the oral cavity.

Upon contact with the red border of the lips, a sucking reflex occurs. The little one is eating. This unconditioned reflex is present 1 year after birth, which can be used when the baby is restless. After satiation, the baby releases the mammary glands. The mother should feel relieved. We must remember that the more the baby eats, the more milk comes in. This is the law of food consumption.

How to establish breastfeeding

It is better to prevent problems with lactation than to deal with the consequences. There are principles for successfully maintaining natural nutrition, adhering to which a sufficient flow of milk is achieved:

Regularly following simple rules will help avoid problems with the production of breast milk. Allows you to organize the baby. It will help you solve the problem of how to establish breastfeeding.

How long to breastfeed a baby

Breastfeeding mothers wonder how long they need to breastfeed their baby to keep him full and happy. And also how long to breastfeed your baby. After all, children raised on breastfeeding, according to statistics, are healthier than their peers who took artificial formula.

So, a healthy newborn regulates the amount of food eaten independently. For saturation, 10–15 minutes is considered the norm. When satisfied, he calmly releases the nipple. Lazy children eat in about 20 minutes. It must be remembered that breastfeeding newborns should not last longer than half an hour. This time is enough for saturation. Long-term breastfeeding leads to nipple resorption and cracks.

The duration of the lactation period varies for each woman. It depends on the health of the mother and the maturity of the baby. For the first six months, human milk is simply vital for promoting health and building immunity. The lactation period for women up to two years is considered normal. However, the question of how long to breastfeed is decided on a purely individual basis.

Breastfeeding rules

There are certain standards for feeding an infant. When keeping a baby, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before the procedure, the breasts of a nursing mother are washed with warm boiled water without the use of smelling detergents;
  • you need to express a few drops of milk from the breast and bring the baby, the release of colostrum awakens a feeling of hunger;
  • during breastfeeding, the mother should not be distracted by extraneous factors; she needs to focus as much as possible on the baby;
  • the mother should know that it is impossible to change diapers or wash the baby during feeding, this distracts attention;
  • it is necessary to monitor how long breastfeeding lasts;
  • after finishing a meal, it is necessary to hold the little one in an upright position to release air from the stomach that was trapped during swallowing;
  • When breastfeeding, the breast should be dried with a soft towel to avoid nipple cracks;
  • If feeding from one breast is insufficient, you can offer the baby the second one.

It must be remembered that you cannot use detergents two hours before contact with the baby. The baby may refuse to eat. By following the rules of breastfeeding, you can develop a diet, sleep and wakefulness for your baby, as well as extend the lactation period.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby?

Not all babies have a period of breastfeeding. There are contraindications for drinking breast milk. They depend both on the health of the mother and on the condition of the baby.

First of all, you should not breastfeed a baby with extreme prematurity, birth trauma with cerebrovascular accident, or hemolytic disease of the newborn. In such conditions, the newborn’s body is not functionally mature for independent nutrition. You can feed a baby for the first time only when the digestive system is ready to accept food.

On the maternal side, a contraindication for natural nutrition is chronic diseases in the decompensation stage:

  • cardiovascular;
  • endocrine;
  • kidney;
  • blood;
  • malignant tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • postpartum psychosis.

The group that includes temporary contraindications during lactation includes acute respiratory and intestinal infections. To maintain the lactation period during illness, it is necessary to express the mammary glands. This will support breastfeeding as if it were a natural process.

Nutrition while breastfeeding

For sufficient secretion of breast milk during lactation, the quality of the mother's diet is of great importance. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins must be supplied in a certain ratio. Diet plays a special role during the period when the milk production regime is just being established. You need to know what you can eat after giving birth. For lactation, the entire daily diet of a nursing mother should include 110 g of protein, no more than 120 g of fat, and 500 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of food is 3200–3500 kcal.

In equivalent to daily food consumption, this is: 200 g of meat, 50 g of hard cheese, up to 500 g of vegetables (of which no more than 200 g of potatoes), 300 g of fresh fruit, no more than 500 g of flour products. If possible, eliminate sugar from your diet.

Overeating and abuse of unwanted foods can cause allergies in your baby.

Breastfeeding is the foundation for good baby health. In the first six months of life, it is not recommended to give anything other than breast milk. Feeding a child by month includes the introduction of complementary foods into the diet. This gradually prepares the baby for the transition to the adult table. Each mother decides for herself how long to breastfeed her baby.

The birth of a child is the beginning of a wonderful, but also the most difficult period of life for a family. We have to resolve many issues, some of which appear even before birth. But perhaps the most important problem is nutrition. What to feed - breast or formula? Modern doctors recommend breastfeeding. But how to breastfeed a newborn correctly and until what age should it be done? Should we rely on Mother Nature, who, as they believe, will not allow us to make mistakes, or is it better to learn from those who understand the problem?

The ideal time to start breastfeeding, according to WHO experts, is immediately after birth. Putting a baby to the breast in the first hour of his life helps both the baby adapt to a sudden change in his “living environment” and the mother to more easily endure the process of childbirth. The production of oxytocin during sucking helps the uterus contract faster, resulting in atonic bleeding (the worst complication of the early postpartum period) being prevented. There is a lot of research showing the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby - from reducing the risk of childhood infections to preventing obesity and even increasing IQ.

Should you wash your breasts before breastfeeding?

In the recent past, washing the mammary glands with soap before feeding was considered absolutely necessary. It was even recommended to treat them with antiseptics, which was supposed to prevent gastrointestinal infections in the baby, which he could allegedly contract from dirty breast skin.

WHO recommendations in recent years have clearly stated that frequent washing of the mammary glands leads to the destruction of the protective water-fat layer of the skin. The result of this is a decrease in local immunity and an increase in the risk of skin infections. It is enough to take water procedures just once or twice a day without getting attached to feeding. You don’t move around on the ground with your bare chest, so why wash it all the time?

As part of food hygiene, hand washing should not be forgotten. Here everything is different - every time after visiting the toilet, changing a diaper and washing the baby, you should thoroughly wash your hands with some kind of detergent (even for dishes, although regular toilet soap is best). Here, too, you should not fanatically strive for absolute sterility - you are not planning to perform an operation. Just wash your hands and just give your baby the breast.

I have a small papilloma on my nipple, can I breastfeed my baby?

It all depends on the size, position and condition of the papilloma. If feeding causes pain or bleeding is noted during sucking, the growth should be removed using one of the safe methods (laser, electrocoagulation, cryocoagulation). It is unlikely that your child will become infected with the papilloma virus, but if this tumor bothers you, consult a doctor and together think through treatment tactics. It is impossible to give a single piece of advice here; it all depends on the specific situation.

What positions are there for breastfeeding?

Even doctors sometimes ignore the important issue of breastfeeding positions, getting off with the line “the main thing is that you are comfortable.” This is not a completely correct approach, although there are no clear recommendations, as in sports, such as “heels together, toes apart.”

Of course, for the first time, a woman exhausted by childbirth may attach the baby incorrectly, but later they should explain to her how to breastfeed correctly. So the rules are:

  1. The baby's head and his body, regardless of your position, should be on the same line. He will not be able to suckle if his head is twisted, bent or wobbling left and right. Don't believe me? Turn your head to the side and try to drink from a cup.
  2. The baby is turned to face the breast so that his nose is level with the nipple. This way he will be able to capture mainly the lower part of the areola.
  3. Bring the baby as close to your body as possible. You should not put the breast in the baby’s mouth; it is better to bring him to the breast yourself, otherwise the nipple will periodically fall out. This is fraught with excessive swallowing of air, belching, colic, and is simply unpleasant for the baby.
  4. Do not bend over while feeding - your back should be completely relaxed.
  5. In newborn babies, the whole body needs to be supported, not just the head.
  6. If you need to hold the breast, do it from below, forming something like the letter C from your fingers. Do not grab the nipple with “scissors” made from the index and middle fingers - there is a high risk of pulling out the nipple.

How to breastfeed while lying down

It is better to breastfeed properly while lying down only during the day. Yes, I want to sleep at night! Yes, no strength, we agree! But momentary convenience for you can turn into tragedy if you fall asleep and “sleep” the child. So there is only one rule - feed, then lie down and continue to sleep. Let the baby sleep in his crib.

How to breastfeed twins

If you're lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) and have twins, the feeding problem becomes a little more complicated. It may take more time, and such a life also takes a lot of energy. But they also feed twins and even triplets, some feed both their own and someone else’s child, which means you can handle it too. There should be enough milk, because the child himself stimulates its production, and the more children, the more stimulation. Help will most likely be needed in other household issues not related to feeding (washing, ironing, cooking, etc.), but this is the second question.

Technically, there is no difference between feeding one or two children: babies should grasp the entire areola with their mouths and suck so as not to choke or suffocate. You can feed them alternately or at the same time - whatever suits you. Most mothers prefer the simultaneous option - it takes a little less time. The main rule is not to “tie” Vasya to the right breast, and Petya to the left: each baby sucks differently and may require different amounts of milk. If Vasya always sucks more from one breast than Petya from the other, the breasts will become asymmetrical and this will be aesthetically unpleasant even for the mother herself. Therefore, breasts must be alternated.

There are several positions in which feeding two children does not turn into torture:

  1. "Out of hand." Babies are placed under their armpits on rolled up blankets or special pillows. The children's legs are located behind the mother. Each child is given a breast: the right - the right, the left - the left.
  2. "Crosswise." First, one child is laid down, pressing him to himself, then the second, pressing him to the first.
  3. "Parallel". The first child lies on the arm, the second - under the armpit, the bodies are located in the same direction.

It is ideal if you feed your children at the same time. However, you should not fanatically follow this advice: one of the two wants to sleep, so let him sleep. Don’t forget that the main rule is that the baby is in charge of feeding, not his mother.

When I breastfeed, one breast is larger than the other. Could this be due to the fact that I feed more often from my right breast than my left? Olga, 27 years old

Yes, Olga, if before giving birth your mammary glands were the same, then this is the reason for the difference. A more “active” breast produces more milk, and accordingly it increases in size. Try to alternate, placing the baby on the right breast during one feeding, and on the left during the second, and everything will return to normal. And don't worry, usually after lactation stops both mammary glands become the same.

Which is better to feed: one breast or both?

Among nursing mothers, especially inexperienced ones, there is a myth that if you feed a baby with only one breast, it will become larger than the other and everything will remain that way. In reality, however, after the end of feeding, both mammary glands return to normal and their size becomes exactly the same.

Biologically, there is no difference between feeding one or both breasts - milk will be produced as much as the baby needs. Moreover, if a child prefers to eat only from one “plate”, do not disturb him. This is the essence of feeding “on demand” - to let the baby eat how, when and how much he wants. He, not you, controls his diet. Just don't pump unclaimed breasts: there's no point in doing so.

Of course, more radical situations are possible - for example, one breast was completely removed and replaced with an implant. Of course, you won’t be able to feed her anymore, but there’s still a second one left! She may well provide the volume of milk needed for the baby.

Why does a baby freak out and arch when breastfeeding?

There can be a lot of reasons: uncomfortable position, lack of milk, difficulty sucking, improper attachment, colic. Together with your doctor, you should rule out medical causes and also pay attention to irregularities in feeding techniques. In extreme cases (for example, with hypogalactia), supplementary feeding should be given.

Should I breastfeed after a year?

In former times, it was believed that a child should be weaned when he reached one year or a little later. Even many modern experts claim that milk after a year is no longer the same, it does not contain the necessary substances, the child lacks something, his digestive system is formed in such a way that mother’s milk is no longer absorbed properly. It is a myth!

The World Health Organization explains that breastfeeding after one year and up to two years is an important factor in the psycho-emotional development of the baby. Moreover, according to the results of three studies conducted in Brazil and Bangladesh (1987, 1989, 1995), it has been proven that in countries where there is a risk of food and respiratory infections, where access to medical care is low, breastfeeding children in the second year of life significantly reduces the frequency of their diseases and facilitates the course of diseases in already ill children. WHO insists on natural nutrition for children up to 6 months, strongly recommends - up to a year, and highly recommends breastfeeding and after a year - up to two years.

I've been breastfeeding for 6 months now, but I started getting my period. Should the child be weaned due to this? Alena, 30 years old

No, Alena, you don’t need to wean. Typically, lactation prevents periods from appearing, and this reduces the chance of getting pregnant by 98%. But it happens that menstruation begins earlier. This is not a reason to give up breastfeeding, since the taste of milk does not change, its composition also remains the same. Continue breastfeeding and use protection if another pregnancy is not desired.

Is it possible to breastfeed and formula-feed?

Sometimes situations arise when the baby begins to not have enough milk. There is even a special term for this - hypogalactia, which can be primary (usually due to disorders of the nervous and endocrine regulation of lactation) and secondary, arising as a result of many external factors:

  • complications of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • pathology of the mammary glands;
  • serious violations of feeding technique;
  • improper breast care;
  • severe course of various diseases;
  • improper or (more often) insufficient nutrition;
  • overwork, stress, lack of mood for feeding;
  • late start of breastfeeding;
  • disruption of the baby's sucking process;
  • taking medications or foods that change the taste of milk.

It is clear that with secondary hypogalactia it is possible to correct the situation, and by eliminating the cause of decreased lactation, normal milk production can be restored. Conventionally, this also includes lactation crises, when for a short period of time the child begins to lack nutrition due to a growth spurt.

Can I exercise while breastfeeding?

Yes, you can. However, you should plan your workouts so that your baby’s meals do not coincide with his workouts. Remember also that sports can cause chronic fatigue, which will affect the amount of milk produced. And definitely do not take any sports medications while feeding, because some of them may be dangerous for the baby.

In most such cases, mothers usually transfer the baby partially or completely to feeding with artificial formulas, making a big mistake. First of all, you need to see a doctor or a breastfeeding specialist and decide together with them whether it is enough to breastfeed your baby or whether you need to introduce supplementary feeding. Remember that it may only seem to you that the baby does not have enough milk (especially if he has suspicious grandmothers), but in fact the baby may gain even more than the required weight.

If there is a need for additional feeding, then some rules should be followed. Firstly, supplementary feeding is always given after the breast, otherwise the baby will stop sucking it altogether. Secondly, you should use only high-quality mixtures, but in no case whole cow’s or goat’s milk. Thirdly, when preparing the mixture, strictly follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with each jar. An excessively thick formula will lead to an overload of the child’s body with proteins and minerals (this is dangerous!), and a formula that is too thin will simply not be enough for the baby to eat. Pay attention to the composition - the daily dose of the mixture should contain all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macronutrients in the required quantities.

Everyone says that the baby should be fed naturally. But I don't want to breastfeed, I'm afraid that its shape will change. What should I do? Irina, 24 years old

Irina, first you should determine what is more important to you - a healthy child or beautiful breasts. If the first, then try to set yourself up to give up your “wants or don’ts” and take care of the baby. If the latter, then remember that sooner or later the beauty of your breasts will dry up, and in adulthood it will be painful for you to watch how the child moves away from you psychologically. Are you prepared to be single in old age?

Should I pump my breasts after feeding?

Most mothers believe that if the baby has not sucked everything from the breast, the milk must be expressed, otherwise there will be less milk. This is only half the truth. There is a substance in milk called an “inhibitor” that suppresses its production. The more milk in the breast, the more inhibitor it contains, the more its secretion is suppressed. Then everything is simple: the baby sucked a lot - there is little inhibitor left - a lot of milk was produced and vice versa. Thus, if the baby has not sucked everything, the body understands that it should not produce so much milk and reduces its “production”. This is how mastitis and engorgement of the mammary glands are prevented.

It has been noticed that mastitis develops more often in those women who express milk constantly: they always have too much milk, it stagnates, becomes infected and illness occurs. Let the baby and your breast regulate the process themselves, this is biologically correct. Pumping is only necessary in a few cases, most often associated with the inability of the baby to attach to the breast.

My hair is falling out a lot and I am breastfeeding. Is this connected and what should I do to avoid losing what remains of my hair? Ira, 21 years old

Irina, hair loss is a sign of a certain problem in the body. Most are guilty of hormonal imbalances, although only a few percent of such situations can be explained by this reason. Most often, hair falls out due to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the mother's diet, as well as due to overwork. In the second case, you can shift some of the everyday issues to other family members (husband, grandmothers, older children). First, you need to reconsider your diet and diet. It is better to do this with a doctor, and not with a local therapist, who for the most part do not have the necessary skills, but with a breastfeeding specialist or nutritionist.

Diet while breastfeeding

A healthy mother of a healthy child should not adhere to any diet. A nutritious, balanced diet is the key to successful lactation. All stories about the dangers of certain products are just myths. If your child is not allergic to the tomatoes you eat, eat them. If he is not “confused” by strawberries, bon appetit. Honey and nuts are strong allergens, and isn’t it strange that they are often recommended when milk production decreases? The main thing in a woman’s nutrition is its quantitative and qualitative usefulness. And if the child reacts to something, well, cancel this product. And don’t drink alcohol - it’s dangerous in any quantity, even 10 grams. You should not eat fast food either - it is biologically inferior and often dangerous food due to the low-quality ingredients included in its composition.

The same rule applies to drinks - drink something that does not affect your health. Ideally, you should drink only clean water. It is not recommended to take tea, coffee, especially energy drinks, as this stimulates the child’s nervous system, which is not prepared for such a boost.

We're planning a birthday, and I'm not sure I can avoid drinking a drop of alcohol. Tell me, how long after you can breastfeed after drinking alcohol, for example, beer? Anna, 20 years old

Hello Anna. Alcohol is a powerful neurotoxin; it is extremely dangerous for a baby’s nervous system, even in minimal doses. We advise you to completely stop using it during the entire breastfeeding period. However, if you cannot avoid this, you should remember one rule - 20 ml of pure alcohol is destroyed by the body in an average of 3 hours. This is 50 grams of vodka or cognac, 150-200 ml of wine or a glass of beer. We recommend multiplying this time by two and also multiplying it by the amount of alcohol you drink.

Is breastfeeding acceptable in public?

Often in benches in courtyards or squares you can see women putting their baby to their breasts. Sometimes this causes serious debate about the permissibility of breastfeeding in public places. Leaving aside the moral side, let's look exclusively at the medical aspect.

Breastfeeding is an “on demand” process, which means that where and when the baby wants to eat, there and then he needs to be fed. Nobody bothers you to cover your chest with a light scarf if the moral standards of society condemn such situations. The child should eat when he wants. Your task is to ensure the hygiene of the procedure. However, if you shower once or twice a day, this is quite enough to prevent infections. Just remember to treat your hands with antiseptic wipes before feeding.

2 years ago I had breast augmentation. Now I'm pregnant, and I know that the best food for a baby is breast milk. But is it possible to breastfeed with implants? Shouldn't they be removed in advance? Nastya, 28 years old

Good day, Nastya. The danger of silicone to a child is a myth. If the substance were toxic, it would have killed the woman herself first. Moreover, silicone is insoluble in water, which means it cannot penetrate into milk, even if the implant is damaged. Another proof of its safety is that millions of pacifiers for children are made from it and not a single one has ever been poisoned.

However, after breastfeeding, the shape of the breast may change and the implant will become noticeable. No one is immune from this; repeated plastic surgery may be required. Remember that the shape of your breasts could change without implants. And isn’t the health of the child more important than the beauty of the breast, which, especially, is seen only by one husband?

You can ask your question to our author:

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Article last updated: 04/28/2019

Loving parents are always concerned about the health of their baby, and in infancy, nutrition is undoubtedly the most important thing. Pediatricians recommend that all women breastfeed their children naturally. Studies show that breastfed children suffer less from allergic reactions, obesity and diabetes, they have higher immunity and are less likely to have speech defects. The composition of human milk is unique; even the best formulas are not its complete analogue. Nature made sure that it was ideal for a newborn. Lactation problems that occur in mothers are often associated with a lack of knowledge about how to breastfeed correctly.

First breastfeeding

For several days after giving birth, the mother does not have milk; only a small amount of colostrum is produced. Don't worry that there is too little of it and the child will be hungry. For a newborn, only 20-30 ml is enough. Colostrum is much superior to milk in the concentration of proteins, vitamins and microelements. But the content of fats and carbohydrates in it is reduced. This helps populate the baby’s intestines with beneficial microflora and clear it of meconium, reducing the likelihood of newborn jaundice.

The immune system of a newborn is in its infancy. Immunoglobulins contained in colostrum will become the baby’s first defenders against infections.

Nowadays, maternity hospitals practice early latching of a newborn to the breast. In addition to preventing possible problems with lactation, early application causes contraction of the mother's uterus and accelerates the separation of the placenta.

Contraindications to early breastfeeding

Early application is impossible if:

  1. The woman had a caesarean section under general anesthesia;
  2. There was a lot of blood loss;
  3. The mother has been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted or serious infectious disease;
  4. The pregnant woman was treated before giving birth by taking a course of antibiotics;
  5. The condition of the newborn is serious, the test result using the rapid assessment method is below 7 points.

In order to be able to fully breastfeed when the problems disappear, it is necessary to regularly express milk with a breast pump or manually.

It is recommended to perform the first pumping no later than 6 hours after birth, then perform the procedure every 3 hours with a night break of 5-6 hours. This will help maintain lactation at an acceptable level and avoid mastitis.

Causes of insufficient lactation

Insufficient lactation occurs in a woman during the postpartum period if:

  1. she suffered toxicosis in the third trimester of pregnancy,
  2. there was an obstetric operation,
  3. she had a hormonal imbalance
  4. age over 35 years.

How to put a baby to the breast

Important practical tips from lactation consultants on how to breastfeed your baby correctly:

  • The baby must independently grasp the areola along with the nipple. When he is hungry, he looks for the breast with his open mouth, makes sucking movements with his lips, and turns his head. Mom can help him by holding the areola between two fingers so that the baby grasps more than just the tip of the nipple. At the same time, the lips turn slightly outward. The deep grip of the nipple protects it from cracks.
  • Mommy should get comfortable so as not to get tired, because... Feeding usually takes quite a long time. There should be no unpleasant painful sensations during the sucking process.
  • The baby should be positioned with his stomach facing his mother, his mouth should be against the chest, his neck should not be turned, and his head should be firmly fixed. The baby should be able to adjust the position of the nipple in the mouth and turn away when he is full. He should not make any effort to reach the nipple, as this may cause insufficient latching. You need to make sure that the baby’s nose is not covered.
  • If the baby cries and does not take the breast, you can gently touch his cheeks or lips and squeeze a few drops of milk into his mouth.
  • If a superficial grip occurs, the mother can pull away by lightly pressing the baby’s chin.
  • You have to control the grip depth all the time. The baby can latch onto the breast correctly, but during the sucking process it gradually moves to the tip of the nipple; it is not difficult for mommy to understand this from the painful sensations. Take the breast away from the baby and reattach it.

Feeding positions

  1. The mother is sitting, holding the child in her arms, with her head resting on the crook of her elbow - this is the most common position. While the baby's weight is small, it is convenient to hold it in one hand, and with the other you can help to grasp the nipple correctly.
  2. If a newborn is having problems, additional head control can be obtained by holding the baby with the hand opposite the breast offered to the baby. In this case, the head, slightly tilted back, is supported by the palm of the hand, which allows the child to more comfortably grasp the areola. The disadvantage is that the mother's hand gets tired quickly, so it is recommended to place a pillow under it.
  3. It is also a good position for controlling latching and high-quality emptying of the mammary gland when the baby is positioned on the arm and on a pillow under the armpit on the side of the mother. Since there is no pressure on the abdomen, this is a suitable position after a caesarean section.
  4. The most comfortable position for the mother is lying on her side. The baby is placed side by side, raising his head with the help of a hand or a blanket folded several times.
  5. Feeding is possible when a woman, lying on her back, places the baby on her stomach.

Breastfeeding rules

A newborn should be fed on demand; this is one of the conditions for successful lactation. Milk production is directly proportional to how much the baby sucks.

Mother's milk is easily digested, so frequent feeding does not harm the baby's digestive system. After about six weeks, the child himself will have established a fairly stable schedule.

If the child is restless, then mothers perceive feeding on demand as a situation where the baby literally lives in the mother’s arms. This does not suit all women. Many doctors recommend a free schedule, when meals are not tied to a specific time, but a two-hour break is still observed. If the child is sleeping, they do not wake him up. If he is calmly awake, not demanding food, then it is not offered.

The duration of one feeding depends on the personal qualities of the baby. Some babies eat more actively and quickly get full, others suck slowly and fall asleep, but when they try to remove the nipple, they wake up and continue to eat. It is considered normal when sucking lasts about half an hour.

You can determine that a child is eating enough by the following signs: he calmly lets go of the breast, is in a good mood, sleeps normally, and gains weight in accordance with his age.

It is recommended to give one breast per feeding, alternating them. Let the child empty its contents completely. This will allow for sufficient lactation, and the baby will receive both initial liquid portions, the so-called foremilk, and thicker hind milk, containing a significant amount of nutrients. If there is not enough milk, then it is possible to use both breasts in one feeding, but avoid overfeeding.

The most effective method of preventing insufficient lactation is to regularly put the baby to the breast, because it is the irritation of a woman’s nipple that triggers the process of milk production.

If a woman has problems that she cannot solve on her own, then you can find out how to breastfeed correctly from a pediatrician, an experienced midwife or a lactation consultant.

Timing and frequency of feedings

Breastfeeding is necessary for a newborn until six months of age, and it is advisable to continue it for up to a year. Further preservation of natural feeding depends entirely on the desire and capabilities of the mother.

In the first week, the child requires food up to 10-12 times a day, then the number of feedings decreases. The process may be uneven. During periods of active growth, which are 7-10 days, 4-6 weeks, 6 months, the baby’s appetite increases. The increase in milk production may lag for 2-3 days and at this time food may be required more often. But the general trend toward increasing intervals and decreasing the number of feedings continues. By the age of one year, a child is usually given breastfeeding 2 times a day.

When feeding on demand, the question of night feedings often arises. This can be quite tiring for a mom.

Pediatricians advise that during the first six months you must respond to requests, since night feeding increases the overall production of milk and provides the baby with additional useful substances.

Later, when the baby’s diet becomes more varied due to the introduction of complementary foods, you don’t have to get up at night. Creating a humid and cool microclimate in the sleeping room will help with this. You can also practice late evening bathing before the final feeding of the day.

Most mothers try natural feeding while in the hospital. It is advisable to give your baby breastfeeding within the first 60 minutes after birth. Experienced midwives help attach the baby and talk about the peculiarities of feeding. If you haven’t immediately figured out how to properly feed your newborn with breast milk, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can master breastfeeding with simple tips.

Before you put your newborn to your breast for the first time, you need to find a position in which you can spend half an hour without discomfort. You have 3 options:

  • sitting;
  • standing;
  • lying on your side.

Most women choose a lying position for the first feeding, since after childbirth it is almost impossible to remain in an upright position for a long time. Until complete recovery, you need to feed the baby while lying on your side to protect yourself from unpleasant sensations. If you choose this option, then check out how to properly position your newborn for feeding while lying on his side:

  1. Release your chest on the side you are lying on.
  2. Place your baby with his stomach facing you so that his head is against his chest.
  3. Bring the nipple to the baby's mouth, he will immediately try to take it. When sucking, the entire areola should be in the baby’s mouth, which means that it is captured correctly.

A sitting position is comfortable. This position allows mothers to feed two babies at the same time. In the maternity hospital, this position can be uncomfortable, since you will have to keep your arms suspended on the bed, and there will be no support for your back. If you have a spacious chair at home, then feed the baby while sitting in it, placing your hands on the armrest.

While sitting, two infants can be fed at the same time, placing them on a special pillow in the “under-arm” position.

The standing pose is rarely used, as it puts too much stress on the spine and arms. It is used only by women who have had stitches in the perineum after natural childbirth. They need to lean on the table to reduce the load on the spine and legs. At the first opportunity, the position is changed. It is also recommended when the baby does not latch onto the breast correctly while lying on a bed that is too soft or uncomfortable.

A light massage of the mammary gland using circular movements will ensure a flow of milk.

Breastfeeding experts give some tips on how to properly position your baby for feeding:

  • place it on its side facing you;
  • the chin and cheeks must be pressed to the chest, and there must be free space between the gland and the nose;
  • bring the nipple to the newborn - he will take it himself;
  • there should be no pulling sensations (their appearance means that the baby is too low);
  • If there is a nipple without an areola in the newborn's mouth, immediately release the breast (gently press the corner of the baby's mouth with your little finger, adjust the breast and offer it to the newborn again).

Evaluate the result: if the baby has enough air and he has latched onto the nipple correctly, leave it until he is full. The first seconds of feeding can cause unpleasant sensations in a young mother due to the fact that the skin on the nipples has not yet become rough enough. Until this happens, the woman will experience pain when the nipple is grabbed. The application is done correctly if there is no discomfort. When feeding, only the baby's swallowing should be heard.

Learn in advance how to properly latch your baby to the breast, as mistakes in this process can lead to:

  • capturing tiny bits of air;
  • colic in a baby;
  • the appearance of cracks in the nipples;
  • injuries to the milk ducts.

If you feel pain throughout the feeding session, the cause is often poor grip of the areola. The baby's lips should be located on its edge.

During one feeding, do not give the second breast. Ideally, you should offer the baby a different mammary gland each time. If you follow this rule, then the baby is guaranteed to eat fore and hind milk, which will allow him to eat fully and balancedly, and receive a full set of vitamins and useful microelements.

There is an exception to the rule of using one breast per application. It can be neglected if not enough milk is produced.

How can you tell if your baby is full?

In addition to knowing how to properly attach a baby to the breast, mothers need to receive information about the signs of satiety of the baby. After all, it is very easy to overfeed a baby, for whom every feeding session is an opportunity to feel the protection and support of the mother.

The baby is full if he:

  • behaves calmly;
  • cheerful after the process is completed;
  • gains sufficient weight according to WHO standards;
  • released the breast on his own;
  • After feeding, he falls asleep soundly or goes on to active activities.

If a newborn is often capricious, anxious, or crying, then before giving him both breasts at one feeding, it is necessary to carry out a control weighing. It is held once a week. If, after a seven-day period, the child’s weight has become higher, it is necessary to look for another reason for crying.

Signs of overeating are:

  • regurgitation after feeding;
  • rapid weight gain exceeding established norms;
  • increased gas formation, leading to colic and abdominal pain.

Regurgitation can be a sign of a neurological disorder, so it is important to monitor the child’s health and visit doctors in a timely manner. If your pediatrician notices signs of overeating in your baby, release the nipple 15-20 minutes after the start of feeding. When overeating, do not try to reduce lactation, this often leads to its complete loss.

Baby feeding time

The question of the time of each meal cannot be resolved unambiguously. The duration of one feeding session depends on the individual characteristics of the child. Some babies eat actively and quickly, so only 10 minutes are enough for them to be satisfied. Other kids enjoy the process for a long time; it takes them more than 40 minutes. In the first month of life, you should not interrupt feeding yourself. Gradually, the newborn will adjust the duration of sucking.

Experts consider a feeding session lasting up to 30 minutes to be correct. It may last longer if the baby is premature or weakened. If the baby falls asleep with the breast in his mouth, then you just need to release the nipple and transfer it to the crib. For newborns, sleeping after feeding is considered normal.

If you are interested in the total duration of breastfeeding, then it is selected individually. You should stop breastfeeding after one year. After the first 6 months of life, you can gradually replace feedings with complementary foods, which will prepare the baby’s digestive system to accept normal food, and the mother will gradually reduce lactation.

It is important not only to know how to breastfeed, but also to learn how to maintain time intervals. Doctors recommend applying the baby hourly, but it is best to do it on demand. Breaks can be from 15 minutes to 2 hours, and during night sleep the interval increases. If the baby is calm and does not require breastfeeding, then after 3-4 hours you should independently offer him something to eat. Don't wake your baby to breastfeed. A well-fed baby will not sleep peacefully; he will independently demand food.

What not to do?

If you know how to attach your baby when feeding, this does not mean that you do not have other questions. The process of breastfeeding is very complex, and young mothers often make mistakes that negatively affect the lactation process.

Another mistake is frequent weighing. If the baby slowly gains weight, the mother begins to give him an artificial formula. It acts as additional nutrition or completely replaces natural nutrition. Find out your child’s body weight no more than 4 times a month, then you will be able to objectively assess the changes.

Solving difficult situations

Before you properly attach your baby to the breast, you need to prepare for possible problems with lactation.

Small inverted nipples usually change their shape before childbirth. If this does not happen, then you can change the feeding position, stretch out the flat nipple yourself, and use silicone pads. Many people believe that small, tight breasts can become an obstacle. This is not a problem: it is enough to express for 1-2 weeks so that the baby can get his own food. During lactation, the mammary glands can increase by 1-2 sizes - just a couple of weeks after giving birth, small breasts will change, and it will be convenient to feed.

Before giving birth, you should not solve the problem of excessively tight breasts and incorrect nipple anatomy, since touching the breasts can cause the production of the hormone oxytocin.

Cracks are not a reason to refuse natural feeding. Until they heal, use silicone pads for feeding, and between applications, apply Bepanten ointment and take air baths. Make sure that the medicinal composition does not get into the child’s mouth. Sometimes, in order to get rid of cracks, you need to learn again how to properly breastfeed, since improper grip of the areola leads to nipple injuries.

In the first 3 months after the start of lactation, every young mother faces the problem of random leakage of milk. Any woman will not like walking around with milk stains on clothes in the chest area, so use special disposable pads that fit into your bra.

More frequent breastfeeding or pumping can help prevent breast engorgement. Take a warm shower and do a light massage before feeding. As a folk remedy, you can use cabbage leaf compresses. After feeding, apply a cold compress to relieve swelling.

Lactation crises do not mean that it is time to stop feeding the baby. There is less milk, but this situation can be overcome: drink tea with cumin and fennel, eat right, and rest. During the first year of a baby's life, you will encounter crises at least 3 times.

Mothers often independently program themselves for failure. It is worth understanding that feeding is a natural process that is available to every woman after childbirth. You should not neglect it, even if you want to restore your figure faster. Losing weight can be combined with feeding the baby. Do not use diets: the diet of a nursing mother should be complete. It is worth excluding only sweets, products with chemical dyes and those that can cause an allergic reaction in a child. If you are used to creating a menu for yourself, keep in mind that its calorie content should be slightly higher than the norm for adult women. The diet must include fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

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