How to glue vinyl wallpaper. How long does paper-based vinyl wallpaper take to dry?

At the end of the last century, they were first invented, which the average person really liked. But unfortunately, experts in this field were quite skeptical, arguing that, unlike paper wallpaper, these wallpapers do not allow air to pass through. And this has a bad effect on the walls. Our developers do not stand still, so not so long ago they invented universal look wallpaper that has a double layer and at the same time breathes well. Of course it is vinyl wallpapers. Many people are afraid to buy them because they don’t know how to take care of vinyl wallpaper and what to combine with it. It's very unfortunate that this happens. Because they have great qualities.

Basic composition and important characteristic qualities

Before you start pasting, you need to buy the material and in order to figure out what kind of wallpaper to buy, it is advisable to know its composition. The fact is that there are two types of vinyl wallpaper: non-woven and paper. The difference between them is small - both paper and fabric allow air to pass through perfectly, so it doesn’t matter what basis you use.

Other characteristic qualities are much more important. As you know, we considered only one layer, but vinyl products are two-layer. So, the second layer is polyvinyl chloride. This name scares many, but in fact it just means a decorative outer layer that has beneficial properties: repelling fat, salt and moisture, as well as resisting acids and alkalis.

The polyvinyl chloride layer is of the following types:

  • Silkscreen printing. This type has a very solid appearance, as it resembles silk and is able to reflect incident light. This happens because in upper layer Silk elements are woven in. In turn, according to texture, silk-screen printing is divided into textured texture and smooth texture. Designers note the exceptional similarity of silk-screen printing with textile wallpaper, perfectly combined with many interior designs. In addition, silk-screen printing is protected from fading when exposed to direct sunlight.

  • Foamed. They are made by printing (stenciling) and heat treatment, due to which the vinyl base foams and acquires a special texture. Despite the unusual texture, experts note the excessive fragility of such a coating; it is especially reckless to glue such wallpaper in children's rooms, where children are unlikely to be careful when handling wall decoration. Foam samples are not wear-resistant, if there is a pet living in the apartment that likes to sharpen its sharp claws not only on the scratching post, but also on hard surfaces - just one scratch can lead to the removal of an entire layer of coating.
    This does not mean at all that the foam material is completely unsuitable for gluing to walls, it just requires careful handling and care.

  • Hot stamping. The pattern is pressed in using heat.

All vinyl products are high-class washable. They can be glued in any room, even in the bathroom and kitchen, because vinyl withstands perfectly high humidity air and high temperature. This type of wallpaper can hide all the imperfections, irregularities, etc. that the wall plane has. Common defects include wall bevels and cracks in the plaster.

Gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing is beneficial in rooms where it is necessary to achieve a wall-leveling effect. But remember that you still need to properly prepare the wall structure for the interlining, achieve maximum surface uniformity, and only after that start gluing.

Caring for the non-woven finish is quite simple - lightly dampen a soft cloth in water and walk over the wallpaper without pressing. During the cleaning process, an ordinary damp cloth may be useful, preferably one without aggressive components, which, for example, includes alcohol. Small deposits and cobwebs can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner without an attachment.

Vinyl coating is especially loved by designers and creative people with good artistic taste, who prefer to carry out repairs with their own hands. The process of pasting vinyl wallpaper often turns into a real art, allowing you to decorate a room as you wish.

Is it possible to paint vinyl wallpaper?

Please note that today there are individual copies of vinyl wallpaper on sale that are intended for subsequent painting. The manufacturer assures that such samples can be painted up to 15–20 times, and they will not lose their high-quality surface. We would not recommend carrying out such bold experiments, but the vinyl coating will withstand 2-3 stains in any case.

To avoid getting into trouble, check with your sales consultant about the type of vinyl wallpaper, each of which, as a rule, has a number of features for use and gluing.

Main principles of gluing

Preparing the wall surface

Vinyl wallpaper, so that it turns out to be of sufficient quality, beautiful and correct, you will learn from the description below. First of all, you need to prepare the wall. If it has large cracks, potholes and other defects must be removed. You also need to remove the old wallpaper and remove the excess layer of putty, then dry it well.

How to choose putty for filling cracks? Everything is simple here - choose a composition that does not contain PVA, for example, the Vetonit putty mixture has proven itself well. Apply the material gradually, laying out in thin layers, as if forming a cake, each time leaving time for the previous layer to dry.

In order to check the percentage of readiness of the wall, you can stick a piece of simple tape to it, wait a couple of minutes and tear it off. If there are traces of plaster on the surface of the tape, it means the wall is not ready yet. There is another option: stick a small piece of cling film overnight, if the next morning swellings form under it - the wall has moisture.

After complete drying wall structure walk over the surface with sandpaper and leave the room for ventilation with open windows and a balcony for 1 week. Next, the wall needs to be treated with either a primer or wallpaper glue (use high-quality Moment or Kelid glue). It is advisable to process work surface antifungal agent. The quality of the pasting will depend on how the wall is prepared for work.

If your goal is to achieve a neutral tone, use exclusively pigmented products in a neutral shade.

Preparing wallpaper and tools

Before gluing wallpaper on vinyl based, you need to carefully prepare the necessary construction equipment. To work you will need:

  • A good solid wide spatula.
  • Bucket.
  • A not too hard household brush or a piece of unnecessary rags.
  • A brush for applying adhesive.
  • Well sharpened knife.
  • Roller and brush (to apply glue).
  • Scissors that fit comfortably in your hand.
  • Rubber roller (smooth wallpaper).
  • Pencil.
  • Tape measure or meter.
  • Glue.

Large flat surface on which to place everything necessary tools and wallpaper. This could be a table or a clean floor.

At first, it may seem that decorating walls with vinyl wallpaper is an overwhelming task for you. However, experts assure that non-woven fabric is a pliable material, which cannot be said about thin wallpaper made of paper. Hanging vinyl wallpaper on a paper base requires skill and patience; it will no longer be possible to do without the assistance of an assistant.

When buying glue in a store, focus on a high-quality adhesive composition, the label of which includes: this type wallpaper The desire to save extra money and glue the vinyl material with the glue that you already have at home may disappoint you with the final result. It also happens that such negligence leads to the rapid peeling of the strips and the need for regular wall finishing.
After preparing the equipment and materials, you can proceed directly to the gluing process itself.

How to stick wallpaper on a wall correctly?

Dilute the glue in the ratio as indicated in the instructions, but after you prepare the wallpaper.

Each roll of vinyl wallpaper has specific instructions that must be followed unconditionally. Wallpaper needs to be cut to the length of the wall, but with the addition of ten centimeters. This is needed for overlap. For example, the height of the surface to be pasted is 2.4 m, which means you cut off 2.5 m.

In the event that they have a pattern or something similar that needs to be selected, you will have to apply each cut piece to the next one. You need to connect the images first and only then cut them. Thus, continue to do so. To create a single design, it is easier to work with 2-3 rolls at once. It is recommended to cut the wallpaper in such quantities that there are no more than ten sheets; they must be carefully stacked on top of each other in the order in which the pattern was selected. It must be folded face down.

By the way, before cutting the wallpaper into strips, it is advisable to check how well they match each other. It happens that when shopping in the turmoil, by chance, among all the rolls of the same pattern, you come across 1-2 that do not correspond to the chosen pattern. If the strips have already been cut, it will no longer be possible to return the rolls to the store, and you will have to spend additional money on purchasing the missing wallpaper.

When working with glue, be careful: under no circumstances should the glue get on the front side. Please note that vinyl wallpaper adhesive must swell for ten minutes before being applied. As a rule, glue is applied to both the wallpaper and the wall. But, as for vinyl, there are varieties in which only the wallpaper surface is smeared with glue. You will find this information in each package.

Craftsmen note better adhesion of the coating if the strips of material are well coated along the edges. Also, the finish will last longer if you glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper base, covering both the stripes and the wall with adhesive. Gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base requires applying glue only to the wall surface.

Secrets of high-quality vinyl flooring

Since you need to glue vinyl ones end to end, try not to stretch them. Wait for the primer to dry and start gluing. In order for the vertical to be positioned correctly, draw a line along the level to guide you. You need to start gluing from the corner located near the window, but do not touch the corner itself or stick it with an overlap.

So, apply glue to the wallpaper, connecting them with the greased side, and only then, if necessary, smear the wall.

This is necessary so that the glue has time to swell directly on the wallpaper, and also to speed up the work process. Please note that the wall must be coated immediately before contact with the material.

The canvas is pressed to the surface and, starting from the top, gently roller down. Try to remove all the formed bubbles and emptiness. But do this carefully, as it is important that vinyl wallpaper adhesive does not get on it, otherwise it may leave stubborn stains.

It is advisable to fix the first stripe directly next to window opening, this cunning trick will hide joints and seams. For beginners who are faced with gluing vinyl wallpaper for the first time, it is more convenient to first draw a vertical line on the wall with a pencil, and, focusing on it, start gluing.

Taping corners and hard-to-reach places

Of course, it is clear that in corner areas it is impossible to glue wallpaper end-to-end, so there are several ways to correct this shortcoming. It is possible to glue them in the corner with an overlap. To do this, you need to put one centimeter on the other side, which will be covered with another cloth. But this option is only suitable for plain and small-patterned wallpaper. This is the simplest method, although it requires special glue.

More labor intensive, but worth it, the following method is considered: apply wallpaper on each opposite side with an overlap of three centimeters. After they have dried thoroughly, you need to use a stationery knife to cut two sheets simultaneously strictly vertically. Those parts that you cut off must be removed, and the edges of the canvases must be bent and glued. The seam turns out perfect.

Few people know how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper behind a radiator, because it is a very complex process. Some people don’t fool around and simply paint it over to match the wallpaper. Of course, this is not very aesthetically pleasing, so here are our recommendations especially for those who prefer wallpaper. To do this, they are cut into small strips approximately 10–20 cm wide and glued using a small roller.

To trim the edges of the wallpaper at the top and bottom, as a rule, a special triangular ruler is used, which has cutting properties. If there is none, then using an ordinary triangle and stationery knife make even cuts.

The most frequently asked question is: how to glue vinyl-based wallpaper in the area of ​​sockets and switches. Everything is much simpler than it seems.

Before you start working in this area, you need to turn off the power supplies and remove the plastic trims. You should not cut the wallpaper in advance. Glue them as is, and before rolling them with a roller, make a cut and cut the wallpaper along the hole, level the surface. After drying a little, secure the platbands.

Another important problem that arises during repairs is door and window openings. When you have reached the opening, you can trim the canvas from the bottom to the top of the door (window) crossbar, then press it tightly and roll it. Cut off everything unnecessary and continue gluing based on the previous one.

Heavy vinyl is much more difficult to glue, but it is possible. Firstly, they need special glue, and secondly, they have a significant drawback: while spreading the glue, they stretch greatly, and during the drying process, on the contrary, they narrow. Therefore, if you have chosen this type of vinyl wallpaper, contact specialists for advice.

Video on how to glue vinyl wallpaper


If you prefer vinyl wallpaper for renovation, you’re done! right choice. Despite all the contradictions, they have many advantages: waterproof, fireproof, non-toxic and easy to clean. Caring for them is really simple. Simply wipe with a damp cloth or, in case heavy pollution, wash with detergent.

In addition, a wide range of textures and color palette make it possible to create a design of unimaginable beauty. Among this variety, you can choose one that suits absolutely any style.

When thinking about how to glue embossed vinyl wallpaper, you need to take into account that they are divided into heavy canvases and light ones. The existing difference between them is quite noticeable. The reason for the drop in demand for vinyl was the poor water vapor permeability of sheets made from this material. This primarily affects the indoor climate. Environment takes in every second of evaporation not only from the human body, but also through the air he exhales, and if the wall covering does not allow the water vapor accumulating in the air to pass through, dampness accumulates in the room on all the walls. Considering that the vestibule installed windows made of PVC is deaf, like interior doors, this leads to mold growth.

Gluing heavy vinyl sheets is much easier than thin ones, which require more careful preparation of the wall surface. Therefore, usually the walls need to be puttied, sanded and primed, making them perfectly smooth. No protrusions should be noticeable. If inclusions remain under the glued canvases, then this will not spoil the appearance of the interior as much as on thin wallpaper, which spoils the effect more.

Heavy type embossed vinyl wallpaper is not too critical to the level of quality of preparation of the base surface.

They should also not be applied to plaster, but sanding the putty layer can also be done less thoroughly than for light wallpaper. When covering walls with heavy vinyl wallpaper, the appearance of small indentations or scratches is not as bad as the presence of any convex parts or sand.

What kind of glue will you need?

Heavy vinyl wallpaper sticks best regular glue including starch. The presence of antifungal additives allows you to protect the surface of the walls from the appearance of fungus and mold. Special glue for vinyl canvases can be easily diluted in water without forming lumps. The finished glue can be stored for over 10 days. It is produced in the form of dry mixtures, the shelf life of which in a packaged state is from 3 years.

You should use wallpaper glue according to the instructions, trying to apply the composition onto the strip as evenly as possible. The adhesive should be applied with clean and dry hands. When applied by roller to strips adhesive composition a sliding layer is created, allowing them to be glued without problems. Aligning and joining such canvases after they are applied to the wall is not difficult.

When the glue dries, it creates a transparent film, which is important because the glue will not be visible after wallpapering the walls. Sometimes vinyl adhesive is used to prime the surface, as it can provide perfect adhesion to the wall surface. This glue is safe for human health because it does not contain or emit harmful substances.

How to properly stick heavy vinyl wallpaper

At the very beginning, you should cut the roll into separate strips, leaving a margin of 5 cm or more. If there is a pattern, you need to cut the canvas, adjusting the stripes in accordance with it. Then the strips are laid out face down on a specially prepared clean place. They should be placed one on top of the other so that they can rest. After this, they need to be rolled into a roll with a pattern inside and left for a day. This is necessary so that the wallpaper does not curl when applying the glue with a clean roller.

Not only embossing, but also various decorative elements can be applied to vinyl wallpaper.

If the roller is completely new, then clumps of fur may come off it. It is better to use a used roller. To apply glue to the canvas, prepare plastic film having a suitable length and width. The glue is applied in a thin layer, and then the strips of wallpaper are folded in half so that the layer of glue is inside and can saturate 2 or 3 canvases at once.

The glue is applied as evenly as possible, otherwise the vinyl sheets will separate from the walls in places. When applying glue, it should be taken into account that for vinyl wallpaper it will take some time, indicated directly on the glue packaging, for them to be properly saturated with glue. After the required time for impregnation, you must immediately begin gluing the canvases to the wall. Usually a stepladder is used for this purpose. Remove excess glue from the wallpaper with a clean material.

Gluing begins from the corner of the room wall, which is located perpendicular to the window. Heavy vinyl wallpaper, unlike light ones, can be glued in the corners in solid strips, rather than cutting them, as is required for lightweight wallpaper. Lightweight vinyl wallpaper can tear when the heating is turned on, which can be the result of temperature changes.

The strips must be applied to the very top of the wall, then they are carefully straightened downwards, smoothing them with a roller. You can use a spatula or brush to force out excess air from under the sheets. Vinyl wallpaper practically does not stretch, unlike ordinary canvases. Therefore, even if you miss the smallest air bubble, it will not be so easy to remove it.

When gluing heavy vinyl wallpaper, pay special attention to each connection, then roll it with a clean roller. You should choose it depending on the texture of the wallpaper. For smooth, heavy vinyl wallpaper, a rubber roller is often used. After gluing each strip, you should immediately cut off exactly the top or bottom of the wallpaper near the ceiling or baseboard.

What problems can you encounter when gluing wallpaper joints?

It is better not to glue vinyl wallpaper in bedrooms because it does not allow air to pass through.

To ensure a high-quality connection of vinyl wallpaper on the wall surface, it is necessary that the edges of the strips be thoroughly coated with glue. After joining according to the pattern or without it, all connections must be blotted with a dry sponge to remove the glue. You cannot rub the joints, otherwise they will become glossy and shiny in the light. In practice, the joints do not require maximum attention; this will make the entire surface look more natural.

For manufacturers of some types of vinyl wallpaper, it is very important that a special adhesive is used for gluing the joints. This type of glue is sold separately in PVC tubes with long narrow spouts. The mechanism for working with this type of glue is as follows.

After gluing the two adjacent sheets, take joint glue to inject it into the seam, and then roll it with a joint roller. The main thing is not to allow air bubbles to pass through when the wallpaper is glued to the surface of the wall, which sometimes appear the next day. To eliminate swelling, you should purchase a 5 cm cubic pharmaceutical syringe, where you add the glue composition to inject it into punctures with swollen places. The remaining glue must be pressed out by wiping it dry.

Pasting walls is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance; the main thing is to follow a number of rules so that the whole work is crowned with success. Here are some rules:

  1. When gluing vinyl sheets in the corners of a room, experts do not recommend bending the strip to join the corner of the room, since the joint will be very noticeable. It is best to glue a single strip with an overlap of 3-5 cm.
  2. near the doors it is possible, if you do not stick vinyl sheets on two openings at the same time. It is necessary to carry out gluing, observing one-sided order.
  3. A plumb line used to level the canvas will help you correctly paste the walls near the windows. This is required in order to properly trim its protrusions and tuck them inside the window niche. Then the wallpaper is glued under the windowsill.
  4. Behind the radiators, it is necessary to paste the wallpaper correctly, as recommended by experts, 20 cm inward; there is no need to glue the canvas further. If you really need to cover the entire wall behind the radiator, then cut the canvas into 10 cm strips and paste them, pressing them with a long-handled roller. It is best to paint the wall behind the radiator.
  5. Wallpaper sheets near the baseboards and ceiling should be glued using a ruler, which is necessary for cutting at the edge. The ruler is a regular profile with a triangular shape. This tool will not become dull when cutting vinyl.
  6. To cover the ceiling with vinyl wallpaper, you must make markings. Glue the canvas starting from the window and continuing to the center of the ceiling. All work must be done by two people. In this case, one should glue the canvas from the stepladder, and the other should support it with a mop, standing on the floor.
  7. To properly cover the ceiling with vinyl wallpaper, you need to make a preliminary marking, and the back side of the border should be moistened with water and left wet for 5 minutes. Then you need to apply the adhesive composition to the prepared border, which should be fixed in the required place. If the surface of the wallpaper is embossed, the border is installed before the vinyl wallpaper is applied. Next, the wallpaper strips are adjusted in accordance with the borders. The edges of the strips are trimmed with a ruler for wallpapering. For gluing, use special border glue.
  8. When wallpapering walls next to electrical sockets or switches need to be de-energized. In places where there is a socket or switch, the glued sheets are cut crosswise. The resulting corners should be bent inside the socket, and then the switch and socket should be installed in their original places.

In order for the wall to remain beautiful after pasting and the vinyl covering to hold tightly, you must follow simple rules:

  • An important nuance of vinyl wallpaper with rapport is that they should be glued joint to joint, creating a pattern. You need to glue directly if the markings on the package contain arrows located opposite each other. Otherwise, offset pasting is assumed. The distance in centimeters by which the touching strips must be shifted is indicated on the packaging.
  • Before gluing, you need to choose the right glue. It could be special composition for vinyl wallpaper, if the base is non-woven. For a paper base, ordinary adhesive mass is sufficient. The main thing is that it has a fairly viscous consistency.
  • The canvases are glued to the wall from top to bottom. First, the section is pressed along the longitudinal axis. Then you need to expel excess glue and air to the sides. To do this, use a roller or dry, clean rag.
  • The edges are coated especially carefully. A high-quality counter-joint requires that the joints are rolled with a special narrow rubber roller or pressed with rags. Removing glue means ridding the walls of stains.

Besides general rules The type of vinyl wallpaper base influences how it is glued. This can be paper or non-woven fabric. And if in the first case the canvas is lighter, then vinyl wallpaper on non-woven fabric, which has a foamed relief coating, is heavy and thick, and this must be taken into account.

Features depending on the base

What is the best way to glue vinyl wallpaper?

The choice depends on the type of material that forms the base of the vinyl sheets. If it is paper, you can use PVA glue, but it is difficult to achieve quality, since the strips will slowly slide under their own weight. The use of paste is also not recommended, since the substance of flour and starch is a suitable environment for the life of microorganisms. So how to glue wallpaper so that it does not move away from the wall?

Non-woven base

Specialized mixtures are used, which include modified starch. To prevent mold from appearing, components are used that, in addition to their antiseptic effect, increase viscosity and adhesive ability.

Paper based

The use of adhesives for paper wallpaper is allowed. But this is when there are no foam relief elements on the surface of the canvas that weigh down the wallpaper. If painting is intended, this method will not work. But when we're talking about On a surface with a colored pattern, wallpaper glue can be used.

IMPORTANT! The glue consumption is usually indicated on the glue packaging. But this depends on the type of surface and the base of the wallpaper. The average consumption is 180g of dry matter per 4-5 rolls.


To perform all the necessary actions, you need to have on hand:

  • utensils for preparing glue;
  • rollers for squeezing out excess glue and air;
  • plastic film to cover the floor;
  • dry rags to ensure cleanliness;
  • narrow rollers for rolling counter joints;
  • wallpaper knife, pencil or ballpoint pen;
  • measuring ruler and guide for cutting strips;
  • a wide spatula, which is useful for adjusting the canvas;
  • special corner rubber roller for rolling internal corners.

All this must be prepared before gluing vinyl wallpaper, regardless of the type of base.


Before performing the final interior decoration, you need to do the following:

  1. Decide on the selection of vinyl wallpaper and glue.
  2. Prepare surfaces.
  3. Remove all consequences of repairs.
  4. Turn off the electricity.
  5. Remove the covers of sockets and switches.
  6. Buy the necessary tool.

In addition, before gluing wallpaper, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for diluting glue and preparing wall surfaces.

How to dilute glue correctly?

Dry granules are poured into water. The solution is constantly mixed manually or using a special attachment on a drill or screwdriver. Cooking instructions are on the packaging. The main thing is that you don’t need to knead the whole pack. Sufficient quantity for three or four stripes.

Surface preparation

You cannot glue vinyl wallpaper over paint, old wallpaper, or polystyrene foam. The canvas will not adhere to OSB, tiles and laminated panels. Concrete walls suitable, but if they are uneven, the defects are eliminated with putty. On plasterboard structures the strips are glued without preliminary preparation if the surface is clean. Before gluing, you need to remove any residue:

  • old wallpaper;
  • lime;
  • paints or whitewashes;
  • oil stains and dirt;
  • everything is unnecessary.

You need to clean it as thoroughly as possible, right down to removing the plaster and applying a new layer. The surface must be coated with a primer.

Wall gluing technology

When cutting strips, you need to take into account the presence of a pattern. If it is necessary to glue with a shift, take into account the margin that is laid in order to adjust the pattern. The strips are glued end to end without overlap. If the base is non-woven fabric, there is no need to coat the stripes. The sequence of actions comes down to four stages.

What to do with hard-to-reach places?

The technology for gluing external and internal corners is a specific process that involves the use special means. When gluing walls around window (door) openings and behind radiators, you need to measure and cut out the necessary pieces in advance.

The photo shows a diagram of gluing wallpaper around sockets and switches:

The photo shows a diagram of wallpapering behind the radiator:

Step-by-step instructions for gluing the ceiling

Strips of vinyl wallpaper are glued from the window to the entrance. Direction – across the length of the room. The technology is similar, but has a number of features.

Video guide step by step

For clarity, it makes sense to watch a specially filmed video that describes in detail how to glue vinyl wallpaper to the wall and ceiling.

The premises must remain closed throughout the day. A draft leads to overdrying. Forced heating is also undesirable, and the use of air heaters is prohibited. Within a day it will be possible to open windows and doors. But if it’s cold outside and the room is not heated, you’ll have to wait 2-3 days.

Having done everything as described above, anyone can hang vinyl wallpaper with my own hands, and save money.

Decorating walls with ordinary paper, even if very durable, is not in fashion today; it is much more interesting to find out how to properly stick vinyl wallpaper, decorate a room with it, creating your own unique design.

What do you need to know before gluing vinyl wallpaper?

If you decide to abandon stereotypes in decoration living rooms, first take a broader look at the materials available. Today, paper looks almost primitive, but you shouldn’t go to the opposite extreme either - and cork is quite expensive. Non-woven fabric is quite affordable, but requires very careful handling and, without experience, it is better not to mess with it. It remains to be seen how to properly hang vinyl wallpaper; perhaps this will be the most optimal solution both in terms of price and ease of finishing.

So, the choice is made. Now let's take a closer look at the material that was given preference. Essentially this is the thinnest layer PVC, or, in other words, polyvinyl chloride, is a fairly common flexible plastic. The most common types of wallpaper made from it are smooth and foam. The first are divided into compact vinyl and silk-screen (with the addition of silk threads). The latter, obtained by heat treatment, are divided into varieties such as heavy, high density and chemically embossed.

The advantage of vinyl is that it can be washed, and special impregnations prevent the occurrence of fungi. In addition, the foamed or textured surface of the material allows you to hide small irregularities on the wall or ceiling. The disadvantage of such wallpaper is that it does not allow air to pass through at all. In other words, if the house is built from “breathable” materials, vinyl trim will turn the premises into a thermos. During the gluing process, the paper base can stretch, which can cause distortions if the material is handled improperly.

The site’s site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate required amount wallpaper

We glue vinyl wallpaper with our own hands - step-by-step instructions

The first and basic rule that you need to follow when decorating a room is that you should never glue vinyl wallpaper onto uneven walls, the only exception may be small chips. Yes, the material in question is capable of smoothing out minor curvatures of the plane of the walls, but the key word here is “minor.” And protrusions, even the most inconspicuous ones, are unacceptable. Therefore, as carefully as possible, using plaster and putty. If you have to finish a material with a high degree of moisture absorption, it must first be treated with a primer. Only then do we glue the vinyl wallpaper with our own hands.

The room whose walls are to be covered with wallpaper should not be cold or damp; in addition, you need to turn off the air conditioning and make sure there are no drafts.

You can weld the glue yourself; it can be a paste or any other option available to you with the addition of PVA. However, a homemade composition is not always good, especially if you need to cover a wall with it. The fact is that on dark concrete or on primed cement plaster It will be difficult to see where the glue has already been applied and where it is not yet applied. And uncoated areas will definitely result in problems when covering walls with wallpaper. Therefore, it is better to take special mixtures that, thanks to certain additives, when applied to any surface, paint it lightly. pink color, becoming transparent after drying.

Technology for gluing vinyl wallpaper step by step

Before you start work, take a plumb line and a pencil, and check how vertical the line of the angle is, from which it is best to start gluing the walls. Choose an arbitrary angle, preferably the one closest to the door; if it is not vertical, apply a plumb line to the highest point and mark a line with coated thread. Next, we will consider in detail the technology of gluing vinyl wallpaper.

How to properly hang vinyl wallpaper - step by step diagram

Step 1: Wallpaper Marking

On a well-washed and dried floor, unwind the roll face down. We take a tape measure and measure the required length, having previously found out the height of the wall from the ceiling to the baseboard (taking into account the ceiling border). We make marks with a pencil along both edges of the roll and connect them with a cutting line, along which we separate the measured piece of panel with scissors. In the same way, we divide the remaining roll into equal parts, combining it with the previous canvases so that the pattern at the joints matches.

Step 2: Surface Preparation

The previously drawn vertical line from which we need to glue the wallpaper can easily become smeared when applying glue, so we draw along it with a pencil. Next we have 2 ways. If the vinyl layer is applied to a paper base, use a roller to cover a strip of wallpaper with glue, then fold its ends towards the middle and leave it to swell for a precisely measured time, usually indicated on the roll.

In just these few minutes you can just have time to prime the wall with the adhesive mass. If the base is non-woven, the glue is mostly applied with a roller to the wall, and the panel is covered with it only around the perimeter.

Step 3: Getting Started

The most difficult stage begins - gluing vinyl wallpaper with your own hands. We take the first strip by the upper corners (if they have a paper base, then very carefully, without stretching) and apply along the previously marked line. You can glue it either from the ceiling or with a small indentation, following it along the entire perimeter of the room. Inserting a piece of wallpaper into a plaster molding requires special skill.

We smooth the panel from top to bottom, pressing it against the wall with successive movements. It is best to do this using a wide foam roller, just be sure to take a clean one and do not confuse it with the one you used to apply the glue.

Step 4: Complete wall finishing

Before gluing the joints of vinyl wallpaper, apply the strips to the wall, following the pattern. Remember, the material you are working with is quite dense and overlapping always looks extremely unsightly. In places where wires exit the walls (switches, sockets), we make small holes before the panel completely covers this area, and bring the wiring to outside cutting

Then we continue smoothing. If the ceiling has a slope, for example attic room, we apply the strip end-to-end to the previous one, holding the next cut at the corner closest to the seam, and leaving the second one hanging freely. Then, pressing the panel along the upper edge of the wall, we cut off the excess piece with a sharp stationery knife.

During the smoothing process, make sure that no air remains under the wallpaper; you also need to try not to stretch the canvas, as otherwise wrinkles will appear. We also carefully push the excess glue to the edges and then remove it with a clean rag. If air bubbles do form, carefully pierce them with a needle and press the wallpaper in this place, smoothing it with a roller. When we reach the corner, we try to ensure that the stripe switches to next wall the edge is no wider than 5 centimeters, especially if the corners are uneven. At the end of the work, carefully trim the not yet dry canvas along the baseboard and make the holes wider in the locations of switches and sockets. We dry the wallpaper without air conditioning or drafts, without opening the window and closing the door tightly.

Installing vinyl wallpaper correctly is not difficult, and with some experience, almost anyone can do it. The main thing is to follow certain rules, take into account the characteristics of vinyl and follow the gluing technology.

Vinyl wallpaper differs from other types of wallpaper in that it consists of several layers: non-woven material is used as a base (in less expensive versions it is replaced by paper), and the surface of such wallpaper is covered with polyvinyl chloride. It is this coating that gives the wallpaper special strength and allows the wallpaper to be washed with water.

At the same time, the top layer can be not just plain: today you can see a large number of different models of vinyl wallpaper with patterns and even with relief embossing.

Are you ready for a disruptive renovation?

First of all, it is necessary to talk about the advantages of vinyl wallpaper. This material is more expensive than paper and acrylic wallpaper, but the investment is worth it:

  • Vinyl wallpaper is highly wear-resistant: it can last long years during which they will not lose their color and quality;
  • The pattern on such wallpaper does not blur and fades very easily;
  • Vinyl wallpaper can easily withstand moderate mechanical damage: for example, when brought into a room new furniture, you don’t have to worry that if you accidentally hit the wall, the vinyl wallpaper may tear or leave dents and scratches on it.

When renovating a space, you always need to keep in mind one hidden but significant factor: the age of the house.

The fact is that every building during its “life” undergoes a process of shrinkage. Even if the foundation is reliable and the soil under the house is quite dense, the building begins to sag under its own weight from the moment of construction. This leads to slight deformation of walls and ceilings.

That's why if you are entering new house and immediately start making repairs - choose vinyl wallpaper. They are made of a material that, due to its elasticity and strength, can withstand shrinkage of the house, while paper wallpaper In new buildings, after a few years, breaks and cracks appear.

The complete set is missing... a cup of coffee

Two people can handle gluing quickly and easily

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper, you must prepare in advance all the tools that you will need during the work process.

Your “arsenal” must include:

  • Brush for applying glue to wallpaper;
  • Spatula for smoothing the fabric;
  • Clean roller small size(used for rolling seams);
  • Clean rags;
  • As well as scissors, a ruler and tape measure, a pencil, a wallpaper knife and a brush for applying glue to hard-to-reach areas.

Manufacturers of some types of wallpaper indicate that it is enough to apply glue only to the roll itself. In the case of vinyl wallpaper, the adhesive must also be applied to the wall.

It would not be amiss to warn that the glue must be special for vinyl wallpaper.

Other adhesives will not be able to provide good quality gluing. But even when using special glue, you must strictly follow the instructions for its preparation: improperly diluted glue will also cause the wallpaper to soon begin to peel away from the walls.

Preparing the wall comes down to the following steps: the wall must be cleaned of the old coating; if there are cracks and unevenness, the wall must be leveled and puttied.

A mandatory requirement for the work site is that there should be no drafts in the room, and the walls should be dry.

Do not open windows for fear of the influence of harmful glue on the body: wallpaper glue No harmful substances have been added for a long time, and the glue itself has absolutely no pungent odor.

High-quality wallpaper, which is easy to apply - non-woven wallpaper. Find out, save time.

Washable wallpaper is available material, which is not only beautiful, but also practical. are ideal for the kitchen.

Create harmony in your kitchen interior by learning.

We are not stokers, not carpenters...

Immediately before you start applying glue to the wall, you need to draw a strictly vertical line on it - this will be your guideline, which will not allow you to paste the wallpaper crookedly.

You can draw such a line using a building level, and if you don’t have one at hand, you can use the old fashioned way - using a plumb line.
You need to take an ordinary thread, tie a heavy weight to its end (a long nail will do just fine), and, applying such a plumb line to the top point of the wall, release the thread so that the weight is near the floor, but does not touch it.

When the plumb line stops swinging, mark with a pencil several points of contact between the plumb line and the wall.

By connecting all these risks into one line, you will get the very vertical that you have to focus on. Of course, it’s easier to use a building level, and the readings will be more accurate, but wallpapering is just one of those jobs in which such small errors are not critical.

After that The glue is applied in an even layer to the wall, then the strip is glued. There is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper itself. Such wallpaper is very dense, and therefore if you glue it overlapping, the seams will be noticeable.

In order to carefully glue vinyl wallpaper into a joint, it is best to work together, or even three if you lack the skills.

Pressing a strip of wallpaper against the wall, you need to iron it with a cloth, rubber roller or plastic spatula from top to bottom and to the sides - in a herringbone pattern.

This will allow excess air to be expelled from under the strip, and the wallpaper will lie evenly and tightly, without bubbles.

The glue protruding along the edges as a result of smoothing is removed with another rag.

Such Excess glue must be removed as quickly as possible before it dries.

After this, the seams between the strips are rolled with a clean roller, and if it is noticeable that in some places the strip does not fit well in the wall, add a little glue under the wallpaper using a brush.

Interesting features or small pitfalls

Nothing complicated and fundamentally new for those who have already had to do this. But a person who is taking up wallpapering for the first time and knows about it only in theory will definitely benefit from advice and an analysis of the “pitfalls” from experts.

The most important rule that cannot be broken is When gluing, you do not need to stretch the wallpaper strip.

You shouldn’t pull it at all, and even if the strip accidentally lays uneven, don’t pull it in the right direction.

Just tear it off before the glue dries and glue it properly.

Like any other wallpaper, vinyl wallpaper begins to be glued from the window into the room. And when you reach the corner - take your time Special attention last strip.

You shouldn’t wrap it on another wall, arguing that “it would be a pity to cut off and throw away a third of the length of the material.” This cannot be avoided without production costs.

Press the strip tightly into the corner and carefully cut off the remainder so that no more than one or two centimeters of the strip extends onto the other wall. On these centimeters you can already glue an overlapping strip, which is glued after the corner on the other wall.

When it comes to heating radiators, the opinions of professionals differ: some advise tinkering and wallpapering the space behind the radiator as much as possible (even from scraps of wallpaper that are sure to remain during the work), some advise not to waste time on this, and some generally prefer to enclose the battery with fashionable last years MDF boxes.

The choice is yours, but the fastest and most convenient option– simply paint the space behind the radiator with a brush to match the color of the wallpaper.

Installing wallpaper correctly is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to follow the advice of professionals described in the article. Learn all the secrets of high-quality vinyl wallpaper hanging with the help of a useful video.
