Why do you dream about a wardrobe? Why do you dream about a closet?

Regardless of whether you believe it or not, our dreams have the ability to alert us to possible situations in our destiny. Sometimes the meanings of dreams are even surprising.

It would seem that we dreamed of new food or food - what’s unusual about that? But they can predict very important points that will happen in our near future. Therefore, even the interior items that are familiar to us should be given special attention.

For example, why do you dream about a closet? Don't think that this ordinary piece of furniture is nothing. meaningful image. Maybe he will tell you about your “skeletons in the closet”? Or does it reflect the dreamer’s inner content? To find out this as accurately as possible, you need to take into account a lot of nuances:

  • How old is the closet?
  • Is it empty or full?
  • What exactly is stored in it, etc.

And now about all this in order and in detail.

Everyone has their own “skeleton in the closet”

If you dream of a closet that you were able to look into, then what matters is how deeply you were able to do so. Such a dream shows how well you know yourself. The deeper you looked, the better you studied your character.

Availability in the closet also matters. In older models of this piece of furniture they were often located inside. So, to see a mirror inside a closet means to pay more attention to the internal contents than to the outer shell.

Now let's find out why we dream about a closet with. In this dream, their number is important. When there are few of them and, in principle, you can hide in it, this indicates your openness to people: you are quite friendly and willing to communicate.

But when this piece of furniture consists only of glass, it is not good. In this case, you are overly open, and many people take advantage of this for their own gain. Don't show all your thoughts and feelings.

In addition, as the dream book says, a closet in a dream can be a harbinger of unexpected profit or a gift. Seeing a whole pile of clothes fall out of it is a warning. You take on several things at once and risk not finishing them. Don't get carried away, do everything in order, then everything will work out.

Those who had a dream in which the closet was new, full and the things in it were neatly folded, are waiting for a new stage in life. The upcoming changes will undoubtedly only make you happy, pay more attention to the signs presented to you by fate. But when you dream of a closet that is old and empty, you should think about your thoughts and actions. They may not be entirely correct and may lead to undesirable consequences.

If you look into the dream book, a closet in a dream can reflect your inner content, experience and emotions accumulated over the years. Therefore, to see it overflowing with things means to have a rich inner world; a closet with crumpled clothes speaks of some chaos within you that simply needs to be dealt with.

Why you dream of an empty and old closet is probably already clear; this dream does not require any special comments. Take care of yourself. In addition, an empty closet in a dream can symbolize the work ahead; you should not count on others, you will have to achieve everything on your own.

Some dream books believe that the fullness of cabinets reflects the dreamer's relationships with other people. So, to see a closet full of things in a dream speaks of some confusion in relationships, and an empty one speaks of disappointment in someone.

Seeing a huge closet means that it will be a burden for you to communicate with a man. He will bore you with his presence and communication. It is possible that this man will be your own husband. Dreams with cabinets that the dreamer cannot open in any way are an image of the fact that you don’t know yourself well. There is a lot of unknown inside, and it is worth engaging in self-knowledge.


But what if you had to be in this very locker? It is the word “hide” that speaks for itself. You are closed to others, you are inside your shell. This dream shows that you need to come out of this “shell” and be a little more open in front of people.

Perhaps for some reason you stopped trusting others, but not everyone is the same. In addition, if in a dream you had to hide in a closet, this may mean that only in your home you feel completely safe, and outside of it this feeling disappears.

Understanding why you dream about the closet in which you happen to be hiding, it should be noted that there is another meaning to this image. Maybe you're running away from existing problems, and they require a solution. It is necessary to understand that in this way they will not decide on their own and will not disappear anywhere. Stop hiding and learn to overcome any obstacles with dignity.

Analyze your emotional state recently. Are there signs of depression? Then it’s no wonder why you had to hide in a locker in your dream. Against the background of this state, you close yourself inside. This dream is a sign that it is time to take some action to get out of depression.

What if you had a dream in which a closet disappeared? We need to return to the fact that the closet is yours internal state. Its quality and content all reflect exactly this. Therefore, the disappearance is interpreted depending on which cabinet disappeared. Return to the interpretation above and see what exactly will leave your life.

I am with two friends at a hotel. It's daytime and we've just moved in. We lie on the beds and talk. Our room has a bunch of wardrobes and bedside tables with magnetic doors, i.e. they close with magnets or something like that. But these magnets do not work well on several cabinets. I try to close the door of one of them, but something strange happens. at the slightest touch the wardrobe moves in my direction, turns and moves between the beds. Then he stands by the window. We like this change. Girlfriends also begin to touch cabinets and bedside tables, and they also move around the room. We are glad. Later, we decide to visit our editor-in-chief (in March last year, trouble happened to him. He stood up for his subordinate in front of the higher authorities, whom they wanted to fire for no reason. He himself was very nervous, he is tremulous among us. As a result, he suffered a severe stroke with paralysis right side the whole body. The top brass didn't give a damn, but the doctors at first believed that he wouldn't survive at all. And then, two months later, they said that he would not walk, talk, and his development after rehabilitation would stop at the level of a five-year-old child. Now he is slowly getting better. sits, thinks normally, moves around the apartment and even walks outside with a cane. God bless! But his superiors fired him anyway. My friends and I also left work, now we maintain relationships with him and sometimes go to visit. This person is simply dear to me as a human being). Now the continuation of the dream. I call his wife, but at the same time she is, as it were, next to me, and I say that we want to come. She replies that they are going somewhere today, so the visit needs to be rescheduled. My friends and I walk around the city, choosing women's handbags and cosmetic bags. Suddenly I was left alone and decided to go visit a friend with whom I was at the hotel. I go to visit her at home, but end up at work with her mother, in the library (in life she worked in a completely different place and is now retired). There is a sea of ​​books all around, visitors come. The friend appears and disappears, and I seem to be her mother’s friend at the same time. We are talking about something, laughing. Then she goes to accompany me to the underground passage (in reality it is not there). She invites me to their place for the New Year (it has already passed). We walk very quickly, although I know that her legs hurt (as they do in life). I suggest going slower, she agrees, but it’s too late. the attack begins. At this time we are at the station. I sit on the floor against the wall, and my friend’s mother is in front of me, as if on a sled. The friend herself appears. I tell her to go to the doctors or at least to the pharmacy. A policeman comes up and asks his friend if she is related to her mother? I give her some pills. Her pain subsides. We don't feel any anxiety.


I dreamed that a closet in my house burned down; my grandfather made it. But it didn’t completely burn, just the cabinet around the edges; almost all the photographs from past years and letters burned in them. Somehow I don’t grieve much - there is no great grief...


I dream that I return home and see that the old wardrobe is being taken away. This closet was in my mother's old apartment. I suddenly realize that all my money is in the closet among my clothes, but there is no time or opportunity to stop the thieves or those who take the closet. I understand that I didn’t tell my mother that she couldn’t give away the closet. I feel a feeling of horror and helplessness. When I woke up, I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time and understand that this was a dream and not reality.


The shirt and clothing symbolize a way or means of expression. Since clothing is not something given to us from birth, but a collection of habits acquired during upbringing, the symbol of clothing can be understood as a mask that we put on ourselves. There are many such masks in our wardrobe and they can easily be combined [an old wardrobe]. By the way, a definition comes to mind - a fairly close concept to. In principle, judging by the dream, you are ready - perhaps due to growing up - to part with old masks [the wardrobe is being taken away], vaccinated by your parents [the wardrobe was in my mother’s old apartment] . But there is one thing - masks that have become useless are associated with psychic energy earned by the Ego part of the psyche (the energy that I was able to take from the unconscious and transform into an accessible idea). This energy in a dream is represented by money [suddenly I realize that all my money is in the closet among my clothes].
That is, the previously taken course of abandoning the habits instilled by upbringing was carried out too emancipatedly, without taking into account possible reactions from these same habits [I understand that I did not tell my mother that the closet could not be given away]. Therefore, he experiences quite understandable negativity [feelings of horror and helplessness].


I am putting (sorting through) things in the closet in my small family. The front door opens, my son comes in (he is 20 years old, a university student), dressed in a white shirt and dark trousers, and behind him comes a girl, dressed the same, with light red hair, long wavy . Before I saw her, I thought that this was his friend, whom I know. But it was not her, the son continued to stand by front door, as if apologizing for not warning about the guests. Young guys and girls of the same age as him, dressed the same as he and the girl, began to enter the door. First, they all went into the kitchen, and I continued to stand by the closet with my son’s uniform sweater in my hands (my son’s uniform, where he studies, also looks like this: light top, dark bottom). I was very surprised by so many people who came and stood at a loss. After some time, a guy and a girl appeared in the room and silently stood opposite me at a distance of 2 meters from each other. I suddenly had the feeling that I had already seen such a situation before. After them, everyone else began to enter the room, also silently. At that moment, I already realized in the dream that these people were invited by my mother, and not by my son. I hear her voice addressing me by name and patronymic and I understand that she is going into the room for the last person to come. They all came in, sat down silently, and one of them turned off the light. The last thing I saw was their silhouettes against the background of a gray window. I’m 42 years old, my name is Galina, I don’t know what to associate the dream with. Currently, the mother is very sick, and her son also has problems. He constantly has nightmares.


I dreamed that I was looking for something in a wardrobe, and on the top shelf, under a stack of things, I found a bunch of jewelry. When I start looking at them, I realize that these are my jewelry. And immediately I experience joy, combined with a question, because among the jewelry I see my gold chain with a cross, lost 1.5 years ago, which was very dear to me, and I was very worried about its loss. And then she disappeared, by the way, quite strangely, as if she fell through the ground, I remember that I put it in a certain place in the apartment, but then I couldn’t find it. In addition to this gold chain, there were two more pieces of jewelry, a gold bracelet and a silver chain with a cross, which I am currently wearing. Here I am standing in my dream and wondering how my jewelry, which I wear every day, ended up hidden so far away and why it is together with a long-lost gold chain. That's how I woke up with an unresolved question.


(from the translit): I often have nightmares, but I rarely get so scared. I dreamed about a twerk, but with fading I still remember it.
I don’t remember exactly all the details, It’s as if I’m in a room, not only several people, there’s a closet in the room, everything is piled on top... We have to go somewhere, my name is called, I hesitate and then I see red, glowing eyes... there is no body itself, just an octet red light from the voices and the outcome I understood. I’m asking for some papers, my name is, but I can’t virvatsa he’s bleating, I’m writing quotes from our father :) (it’s funny because I don’t know more than one prayer) I turn my head to the right next to me, my mother turned out to be and then he recites a prayer. I begin to hammer out the words and from my side this passage (through which he can pass) does not close completely... from this extinction I woke up...


oraKul (Yaroslav Filatov, psychiatrist-psychotherapist): Since you say that it was the devil, and not just an underground creature, it means that you really encountered the unconscious, or more precisely, its regulatory center. It is usually believed that the regulating center appears to us in a dazzling light, with an all-consuming and beautiful voice (God), but there is also a polar situation. The devil also personifies the regulatory center of the unconscious. The waking ego (as well as the dreaming ego) experiences panic horror from the id (subconscious), considers it a treasure trove of horrors and tries not to encounter it. The dream shows that in the face of unconscious temptations, your attempts to get rid of them with the help of conscience (the antipode of ID) in the form of God or the Super-Ego (reading prayers for expulsion) are unsuccessful, as well as with the help of parental centers (the same conscience, but projected onto the parental orders). In general, I want to note that relying on prayers or parents in an adult’s dream is a sign of such infantilism - instead of taking a conscious attitude towards this or that “evil” or even reconsidering the degree of villainy of this or that idea, you childishly “wet” them censorship. And the fact that you cannot cope with the Devil only indicates that in the fight against your lusts it is time to take a step higher.


I also had dreams about the appearance of the devil, but in the form of a large modern man, I also experienced a terrible, paralyzing fear. I also saved myself by reading prayers. Now I understand this as fear of the unknown in real life, fear of the most difficult trials that I still had to endure. I wish you all love for life! I am writing for the first time.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Wardrobe in a dream according to 22 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Wardrobe” symbol from 22 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream book for a bitch

A closet with things - success in trade or entrepreneurship.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Have a dream in which you look into your closet- means that in the near future you anticipate some changes.

If in a dream you are sorting through your clothes in order to find something suitable- this portends some difficulties for you in communicating with others. Perhaps circumstances will force you to change your image.

If you dreamed that you bought a wardrobe- you will buy expensive theater tickets.

If you dreamed that you sold a closet- you will be given theater tickets.

You dreamed that you broke a closet- a trip to the theatre, restaurant, ball or presentation that you have been planning for a long time will fail.

Freud's Dream Book

Wardrobe - usually symbolizes a woman or female genital organs.

Closet filled with things- symbolizes a woman’s health and her temperament.

An empty closet speaks of a woman’s coldness, and perhaps even of her frigidity.

A broken wardrobe symbolizes various diseases of a woman.

So broken cabinet doors or drawers- symbolize diseases of the genital organs.

If a man is rummaging through a closet- he is dissatisfied with his sex life

If a woman is rummaging through a closet- she is concerned about her health problems, including diseases of the genital organs.

If a man opens it- he strives for sexual contacts.

If a woman opens a closet- she prefers lesbian love

If your cabinet key is lost or you can't open it- a crack has formed in your relationship with your partner, possibly due to problems in the genital area.

If you are renovating or painting- you are very jealous.

If the cabinet doors are open- you constantly reproach your sexual partner for past sexual contacts.

Upside down - symbolizes your penchant for anal sex.

Three-door wardrobe- is already a complex bisexual symbol. Such a dream shows that a woman has masculine characteristics; it is possible that she, even subconsciously, would like to be a man; her sexual orientation addressed to both men and women.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The wardrobe is an inheritance.

Ukrainian dream book

Wardrobe - boredom; profit on the farm; rowing

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Wardrobe according to the dream book?

The wardrobe you dreamed about- a sign that you will buy something useful for you.

More interpretations

Open it - pay attention to how little attention you pay to your family.

They locked you in the closet- you will experience financial difficulties.

The dream in which you bought it- suggests that your happiness in a romantic relationship is just around the corner.

I dreamed that the closet was completely empty- your business may not work out, which will lead to financial difficulties.

The dream book interprets an old wardrobe- as a symbol of your inner self, how fulfilled you are in life, or the people who play an important role in your life, so take a close look at how it looked.

According to the dream book, new wardrobe - is a reflection of the state of affairs on the love front, if it is of high quality and beautiful, then positive changes will occur, but if it is not made conscientiously from cheap materials, then expect trouble.

If you dreamed of a closet with clothes- this means that in the near future it will be difficult for you to achieve mutual understanding with someone from your environment.

Video: Why do you dream about the Wardrobe?

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Did you dream about the Wardrobe, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

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    I’m hiding on the closet, not inside but on the top, from a horror movie! in the room opposite me, there’s also a girl sitting on the closet and selling something, it’s not clear, I’m hiding from her, although I see that she can see me too,

    I walk into my kitchen and see that it is filled with old nightstands, kitchen cabinets and other old furniture. I wonder where all this came from, then I understand that it was my relatives who brought it all in my absence. I turn to go out and suddenly see that against the wall there is a huge, ceiling-length, new three-door wardrobe with sliding doors. I was happy and decided to keep it and throw away the rest.

    In a dream, I saw my dead parents, who put my things in the closet into boxes. I argued with them because of this, threw things out of the closet, shouted that I had very expensive things, and they folded them haphazardly! and tried to hang them up. everything is neat.
    I showed my mother a coat with a fur collar and said that it was very expensive. And my mother showed me her new clothes. The dress is new, it fits her perfectly, the coat. And also a white jacket and the same red one. I liked her outfits.

    Hello. I dreamed about a lot of sliding wardrobes. There are straight corridors out of them. I open it, there’s another closet inside. And so on. Then I leave these corridors, and since there is a small stage, and from this stage there is a slide. The slide is covered with a white fabric. Blue water runs along this fabric. And people laugh and roll down this slide. Then I walk again along the corridor. There are many doors. I walk by and look at my phone and there is a message from my husband. Something about the first step.

    Hello Tatiana!
    Today in a dream a closet fell on me :(, which in reality is in my bedroom. Yesterday I had a nervous breakdown (problems with my husband). And such a dream. I screamed and woke up...

    Hello. On the night from Saturday to Sunday I had a dream. It was as if one of my acquaintances came to me to apologize and brought two expensive bracelets as a gift. Then we started meeting him and walking around shopping centers. I also remember that I called my friend and changed the meeting with her

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was showing my things in the closet to my mother. There were a lot of them, especially vests, my mother asked why I needed so many things and vests in particular, and I answered that it was still not enough and I needed to buy another wardrobe and many, many hangers. what is this for?

    I'm cleaning the toilet and notice that water is rapidly dripping from the pipe above. I tell the deceased father what needs to be fixed. Mom swears at him and I tell her to stop doing this because she’s been swearing at him for 3 days now. I go to the kitchen and pick up food, and the thought comes that there will be hunger. Then I open the closet and decided to see what’s there, but I understand that there is another door and another door and I open another one, in my opinion there were 5 of them. Then the closet falls... and I turn around and leave.

    in the dream there was a closet full of clothes, the closet was high to the ceiling and long, dark in color. There were loops at the end of the closet for outerwear. The most important thing, probably, was that it seemed to be broken. We tried to fix it, screw the door.

    In my dream there was a closet, but it was not only mine and my sisters; my closet consisted of only one door. But it was like there was someone in my closet and it was dark. I was very scared, I even felt this fear

    Good morning! I had a dream that my husband, with whom we are currently in a big quarrel, and I bought a huge new wardrobe for our apartment. And it is so big that it takes up almost the entire room. Beautiful, with a lacquered surface, with a huge number of different shelves and unusual drawers. But we started arguing because my husband occupied all the shelves with his things, and left me one large one, but I didn’t like it, although it was quite comfortable for my height. I wanted another drawer, and secretly began to pull out his socks from there to replace mine, thinking “It will be my way anyway,” but he seemed to have spotted me in this insidious deed and seemed to reluctantly give in to the drawer) And then in a dream I stroked For some reason, wet things.

    Perhaps my dream will be strange, but still I saw it very clearly, and it seemed that all night I had only this dream, usually there are several. So, I saw a black child. And there was some building in which there was a woman who got children addicted to something that was addictive, she invited children to come to her for treats and added it to food, and by this she attracted children so that they would come to her more often, i.e. To. it became addictive to them. For some reason I saw dog food and vodka as food. Then, I realized that this building was a casino, which was open until 10 pm or until 11 pm. In the dream, I wanted to escape from there, and I had to change clothes, I saw a closet and clothes in it (my clothes that I wear in real life), and for some reason I carried the closet with me in order to change clothes unnoticed, then, after that After I changed clothes, I took him to the room where there were people. Also, after I left there, I saw playing cards, which, as far as I remember, this is not accurate, we wanted to play with other people, but when that same woman came, we hid them behind chocolate marshmallows :)) she herself was shocked by her dream, but it was very clear. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything else. Thank you!

    V new apartment My mother and I receive guests, for some reason they drink tea at a separate table. I look around the room, there are 2 closets left from the previous residents - one corner, the other two-door. I opened the two-door, it was empty, I liked it

    Hello. The dream is quite strange, but I dreamed about it twice. It's like I'm sitting on an old tall cabinet. Maybe someone came in and out and the light went out and came back on. I remember vaguely, but something like this. I decided to ask about the decryption, because... A work colleague had a similar dream.

    I dreamed of a crack in the wall, I was scared. and then, sticking my hand into it, I discovered what it was sliding doors closet which I really like and I started rearranging it. I was very pleased because it fit my room perfectly

    IN large room there were many different cabinets and sideboards. All were old and completely unnecessary. In this room with me were old acquaintances whom I had not seen for a long time (classmates). I tried to persuade them to let me throw out all these cabinets, but in the end they only allowed me to do one.

    Hello! I saw in a dream that I was on new job and they tell me I need to put the documents in the closet. It was large and new, with different compartments, which I opened, inside they were empty and dusty and in each there was a large, golden key. I thought that they were from these lockers. I opened the doors, looked in and closed it.

    We are sitting in a group in some bar, everything is fun, then the waiter comes up and says if you break the cabinet everything will be free, in the first dream I tried to break it, nothing worked, a friend tried it the second time, and also without success, the cabinet can be opened, it’s a normal old one True, it’s empty (probably because it’s old) with shelves, I hit the closet, it doesn’t work, I go to my people and wake up

    I am in a strange, unfamiliar room in one of the rooms, there is: one wooden cabinet, and next to it a white glass cabinet for dishes, it contains very beautiful wine glasses and other transparent glass objects. The room is narrow and my daughter (21 years old) passing by me, accidentally touches a wooden cabinet, it falls on a glass one, it also falls and some objects in it break, I am very scared that I will have to answer for this.. and I wake up... answer please what does this mean

    They gave me a bouquet of artificial flowers, I opened the mezzanine on the closet and put them there since there was no vase to put, I saw a vase that was just right for this bouquet, which I didn’t have before, I decided to put the bouquet in it... and I woke up.

    Hello, today I dreamed about how my sister and I went to the store, then we bought the same pants in this store and then we went home to show my mother, and my mother sat and collected parts from the closet, we sat down and also began to collect these parts, there stood closet with closed doors, and then my mother and sister had a fight, she left and I stayed.

    I was standing on the street with a friend and a crowd of angry people was coming at us, we ran to the church to hide there, because I remembered that in this church there is a closet with a red old blanket that you can climb into and hide. A friend refused when he saw this closet, and I climbed in and took cover, but people were already catching up with us and I didn’t have time to close the closet doors and they saw me when I came out of the closet, we started to figure something out and our conversation was interrupted by centipedes, they were black in color and crawled out of the sofa on which a friend was sitting, and from the blanket with which I was covering myself, and from the closet in which I was hiding, we began to crush them with our feet, blanket, hands. In the end we killed them, but I remember what fear overtook me at that moment, even panic most likely, because they were very terrible. And that's it, I woke up.

    A neighbor, whom I don’t respect but have never quarreled with, came and asked for fabric for the lining. I replied that it was there somewhere, but we had to look. Then she opened the closet and began to look at everything there herself, then she pulled out a blue fabric with flowers and asked what it was, then threw it on the floor. I picked it up
    She said that it was a crepe dress (I once had such a dress) and hid it in the closet. At the same time, internally I was very outraged by her behavior

    I was walking to winter forest Someone was watching me, then I saw that this man in black who was hiding from me got on the train and left. After that, there were a lot of carobles in front of me, I climbed onto one and saw the planet, I climbed on it and there was still a ship on it, only it was all in the air. I broke the ice and the sweat closet opened, then I find myself at home, but I’m sitting on the closet door and trying to set up the laptop that stood on the closet)

    Hello! I dreamed that I came to a friend and she showed me a closet that I supposedly wanted to buy, but I refused, saying that we had financial problems. Then we went to another room and she showed me an old wardrobe, well painted, with small transparent pictures on it. She told me that she specially burned it. Then I asked to see her newborn child and remembered my infant daughter, whom I had left at home alone, dropped everything and ran to her across the wasteland. This is such a dream.

    Hello, Tatyana! Today I had a dream that I was taking things out of the closet, not all of them, I was sorting through them for a long time, looking for my swimsuit, and also taking out pieces of fabric from the chest of drawers. That’s it. And it was a very long time...

    Hello. I had a dream in the morning at about 7-8 o'clock. In a dream I saw that I woke up and saw a closet with a broken door and a broken mirror on it. I tried to find out who did it. It turned out that my children's nanny did it. Although at first I thought it was my wife.

    I went into the bedroom and immediately went to the closet to pick out clothes or clothes, I don’t remember, I opened the closet twice. The closet was full of things white I looked and didn’t know what to choose, it seemed to me that there would be some kind of drama with my ex and his new girlfriend (in real life he doesn’t have a girlfriend, we recently broke up, we communicate, but the relationship will not improve. We still live far from each other), but this was my cousin's bedroom

    I dreamed that I was looking for something and rummaging through the nightstands, opening one after another, I found clothes and all sorts of “trinkets.” But I still don’t stop and want to open everything, there were bedside tables that didn’t open

    I dreamed that I was getting out of bed and the closet door opened. I closed it the second time and the closet began to fall on me. I was holding it, but I couldn’t install it. And behind the closet there was a wedding dress hanging (I’m married) .then I went into the corridor. There were things lying right on the floor and a fat yellow and white cat was lying on them

    I dreamed about a closet. the door began to open, then closed, and again and again. Suddenly a note fell out of there, the mermaid turned around, stood there and said DON’T GET INTO THE CLOSET. It's a bummer and not a dream. help me understand the meaning

    Hello. I dreamed of a closet full of clothes. I push more dresses and realize that there are a lot of them. I think why so many? I’m showing it to my younger sister. Then I notice that the dresses are torn in places, I show them to my sister. we're trying to come up with something. Then the closet begins to fall apart before our eyes.

    Hello. I dreamed that I came to the apartment where my ex-husband lives. It was early morning and he and his partner were still sleeping. I quietly walked around the apartment, which was all filled with closets or living room walls. The cabinets were either light or black... all the doors were closed. I didn’t open them and hurried away for fear of waking them up. ex-husband.
    (In my life, I don’t think about my ex and haven’t met him for 9 years. I have a good relationship with my boyfriend.)

    Hello Tatiana! It was in an apartment where I lived before, now I moved to another city... I dreamed of a three-door wardrobe (strong) chock-full of clothes, among the many I recognized my old things. I stood next to me and my ex-man (with whom we broke up several years ago, but I still have feelings of love for him) chose clothes for me... And pulled out a beautiful brightly knitted angora purple on the front it was embroidered with beads (I had almost this one once, it’s my favorite color) and said the words: this is what you’ll wear. I wonder what I dreamed about and what this dream means?) I had a dream on June 20 (today)

    It stood in the kitchen (only instead of kitchen cabinets there were ordinary large cabinets) the color of rich cherry, my mother stood next to me, I began to go into wild hysterics, crying bitterly, asking for the old kitchen to be returned...
    It’s like my apartment, but at the same time it’s not mine.

    I was lying and the cabinets in front of me appeared on wheels and rolled on those who were sleeping in the far part of the room. I blew myself up and ran to stop them, fell, went up to my mother, not in a dream at night after that in real time and said that I needed to tell something, but then he said that I would tell him in the morning, my parents laughed in the morning then

    Last night I dreamed that my husband and I went into a store and saw a lot of beautiful cabinets, they were all attractive to me in their own way, and suddenly I saw smaller wardrobe decorated with gold fittings, it really stood out from the others and we bought it! I was so happy!!

    Hello, I dreamed that I was standing on a huge cabinet, there were other people nearby, and those people below were trying to attach a ladder to it, but it was so bad, there were steps on it only to the middle and it was huge and heavy, made of unplaned boards , so they manage to put the ladder against the closet, I sit on the edge of the closet to start going down and fall down, I fly for a long time and understand that I’m not going to fall and crash, but I’m going to fly up, and that’s what happens, after that I become huge and I pick up the people who were on the closet and help them go down. I had this dream on Friday the 13th, does it mean anything?

    an old house large, rich with catacomb basements, hatches were torn off - there was water below, a pile of manure, a pool underground (like in a rock) deep with clear water - my husband dived there (I was scared for him), everything was lit, many stairs. Everything in the house is dusty, abandoned, there are a lot of closets, desk albums, maps, photos of the former owner. I found a wad of money in a notebook. It's like this house is ours now. We found the backyard - there were some towers in the field. It’s as if the former owner was looking for treasure before.

    Bright room. There's me and my mom. I noticed two new, large, chic cabinets, made of natural wood with varnish, chocolate-red tones. All the doors were decorated with wooden mosaics in the shape of squares; below were bronze legs in the Rococo style, but without shine. I asked my mother “where it came from”, she replied “my dad gave it to me”.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was assembling (installing) an unusual wooden cabinet. It was very beautiful, not just a box, but an unusual shape, the wooden parts fit together very well. I remember that I reinforced the facades with drawers, marked them myself and they had to be cut and adjusted.
    I myself make furniture, cabinetry (cabinets, kitchens), but I never dreamed of cabinets. Maybe this is connected with my professional activity? And literally tomorrow I will be installing the victory alone. But I make furniture from chipboard, and it was completely wooden and very richly made.
    Thank you.

    Hello! Today I had a dream that first I myself threw my wife onto the closet from the back of the closet, walked around the closet and caught her on the other side. The wardrobe was very high. When I was catching her in a dream, I actually woke up and grabbed her so hard that my wife jumped off. Why can someone dream like this?

    Hello Tatiana. This is not the first time I have dreamed about how I can’t get off the closet. But I don’t remember the details of past such dreams. This time the closet was huge and there was a ladder attached to it, but I couldn’t get down for a long time. In the end, I got down without a ladder, on my own.

    So I have a friend. I can’t understand what’s happening to us, we kiss, we both like each other, but none of us offers to date.
    Okay, not about that now, I think what I wrote will help you figure it out.
    The dream itself:
    He comes, brazenly and silently opens my closet, and there is a mess, everything is crumpled, he first looked at it for a few seconds and began to tidy up, laying everything out neatly. Although I told him not to do this.

    He (the husband) broke the wardrobe that we inherited from my husband’s previous family, and in the other room there is a smaller wardrobe, antique, about the same age as the previous one. I open it, it is half empty, my things weigh, but they are my youth sizes, I try them on, they dress loosely, but turn into work clothes at home. A wardrobe with old mirrors on the outside and decorated with patterns and carvings.

    I had a very strange dream. I have two closets at home. One is of ordinary size, and the other cabinet is narrower and very, very tall. And all this stands between the window and the bed. I don’t know why, but I started climbing from the window onto an ordinary cabinet, and then onto this tall one. And you know, I climbed in. After which the cabinet began to “fold”, as if divided into several compartments and began to slide down. I jumped down and an ordinary cabinet fell on me. It must be said that this ordinary closet was empty without doors. And the slender closet was closed. Both cabinets were wooden. After lying down for a while, I crawled out from under the closet and picked it up. And then I noticed that tall one and couldn’t imagine the process of lifting the cabinet. In general, I’m standing there, confused, and then my late older brother comes up and says to me: “Well, again, you ruined everything.” And here the dream is interrupted.

    the dream began with me being hurried to get ready as quickly as possible. A car was waiting for me. A man unknown to me was sitting in it. I sat down in it and started crying. We were driving... then I realized that he was a threat to me. She ran out of the car and ran away into some rocky area. I found my friends and we all ran towards a house. That's where we hid. We ran around this house for a long time; it was huge. Then we heard that some woman was coming towards us and I hid everyone in a huge white closet with things. We stayed there for some time. Then the children came and started opening the doors... but we managed to hide. We spent the night there. In the morning we all woke up covered in needles (someone had stabbed us with needles from head to toe). I had the most needles, and it was very painful to pull them out. When we pulled them out, I went to my friend, we kissed so passionately... then we went to the other guys and that was the end of the dream

    Good afternoon
    I went into my room, and there was no closet in it, I asked my husband where it was, he said we were rearranging it, I was happy because I had long wanted to change everything in the room. We started choosing a new closet, table, wallpaper, and new furniture arrangement.

    I walk into the room, as if I had come to buy a wardrobe for myself, and without noticing others I see a huge, tall wardrobe made of wood, warm Brown, it seems to be new, but like the old one, it is slightly dented above the doors. The closet was covered with oilcloth; I pulled it aside and saw a huge door. Opening it at first, the closet seemed empty, dark with a bunch of oilcloths inflated with air, but then I stretched my hand deep into these oilcloths and felt something. I can’t remember exactly, but it seemed to be something white, just icy white, perhaps with silver edging and pearls, in my opinion it was a dress, very fluffy, long and maybe ancient, as if not from this time. I wanted to get it, but something prevented me and I don’t remember anything else.

    My former Man brought me a closet - he gave me a beautiful new one; it contained various things for me (the closet was fairly filled) Then I saw in the corridor a “wall” of closets, but they were ordinary, simple and not new

    I dreamed that I moved to another apartment. And the guy I love helped me move things. And he took one of the closets (the closet was empty, I didn’t have time to put things in it because I didn’t take them apart because of the move) and threw it away. And I wondered why he threw it away. But she didn’t ask. I thought, since he decided so, it means it should be so.

    I dreamed that I was at the dacha and there was a closet on the street, I opened it and found a lot of jackets and things of my ex-husband and there was a very strong desire in the dream for the current husband to remember them and if the clothes would fit.
    I woke up in great anxiety, what could this dream mean????

    Some kind of war has started for some reason, I’m at my school and hiding from the military, I was hiding in the toilet, they found me, but I somehow got out, started hiding in the closet, the closet was wooden and bad, but the more they didn’t find me, the closet became bigger and more beautiful in the end it became beautiful glass or metal and I came out of the closet and went on the offensive
    P.S. For some reason my dreams became vividly strange, after some I wake up with a feeling of madness, I even begin to be afraid of dreams because they have an increasingly twisted plot

    I dreamed of a field and on it there was a closet full of things next to the house where he lives old witch a girl and a guy were walking nearby, the girl decided to take a shawl from the closet and then the old witch chased after her and wanted to eat her

    I dreamed of my parents’ room where there was a closet and it began to fall apart. Then it was as if we had come to visit a strange woman, as she said that she was the wife of some sheikh, but the atmosphere was not very good, and she served almost raw chicken on the table.

    Hello, I dream of a huge closet, it contains mainly bedspreads and blankets; I’m expecting guests, so I stuffed everything into the closet not very neatly. A fat guest arrives (I don’t know her), for some reason she immediately climbs into the closet. The closet has mirrored doors, it is from floor to ceiling. When the guest began to look inside the closet, I suddenly saw: one mirrored door had a broken bottom. Pieces of the mirror were missing fell out. It didn’t upset me, didn’t frighten me, but rather surprised me. Please decipher the dream. It’s just very black line It’s been going on for a month and a half now. A month and a half ago I dreamed of 2 huge black dogs attacking me. One fell behind quickly, the other didn’t lag behind at all. I couldn’t run away from her either, and I couldn’t push her away. She pounced on me. As a result, out of helplessness, I tore her mouth open, only then did she fall behind. Exactly 1.5 months ago, immediately after this dream (on the same day), troubles began, although I had always been quite lucky in life. Firstly, I got very sick, I had a virus and herpes near my eye, so I was very afraid for my eyesight. Secondly, 2 mothers from my child’s class (the child is an excellent student and very decent) began calling all the parents in the class and convincing them that the teacher was paying more attention to my child, that he answers a lot in class and similar nonsense. Their goal is to kick the child out of the class, But 10 out of 30 people came to this meeting, they couldn’t collect signatures to expel the child from the class. Then the parents decided to hit not my husband and I, but the child himself. They burst into the children’s classroom ( 4th grade) and began to say nasty things about him in front of them. The teacher could not stop them. One of the mothers threatened her with something unknown if she did not kick my son out of the class. The teacher did not kick my son out, she announces an A to him in a whisper. But now the children of two crazy parents are not far behind my child, they are either trying to make him out to be a thief, making up stories about allegedly missing money, or they are intimidating that they will tie him up in the toilet. An analysis of the situation at school is scheduled for this Thursday, yesterday these children accused him of allegedly stealing 50 rubles, which the teacher later found in the class. But the children do not know this yet and claim that they saw my son stealing. On the eve of this incident, I dreamed of white maggots. I was planting a seedling, it was without leaves, and for some reason I threw a handful of maggots into the ground with my hand. I thought that they would loosen the ground. I understand that the dreams are bad. I’m scared for my son (they obviously want to set him up before the meeting on Thursday), so I The interpretation of today's dream about a mirror is so important. And in this dream I also saw my mother, she was very young and beautiful. And today I was scrubbing the table in my dream, and it was hard to scrub. I was in a hurry because of the guests, and he didn’t scrub himself well. Please, help. I think this is a prophetic dream. It’s a bad dream, but this is a hint. What should I do? Thank you very much for your help.

Dream Interpretation Old wardrobe dreamed of why you dream about an Old wardrobe? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Old wardrobe in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Why do you dream about a closet?

Even the most familiar and ordinary things in real life can appear in a dream for a reason, but with the purpose of warning about important events, point out errors. This article will answer why each dreamer dreams of a closet in a specific case. It is generally accepted that this item personifies the dreamer's inner world. His appearance, your emotions and other nuances will say a lot about a person’s condition.

Dream books agree that if you dream of a closet from the outside, then this is good. You will be able to make a good profit, but only if you are careful and prudent in all matters.

A new wardrobe prophesies the beginning of a new life, an old one is a reminder of past life. Maybe there are some unresolved matters left in it? Take a closer look at all the details in your dream, because they may contain useful clues.

Was the piece of furniture too beautiful in your dream? This may indicate that you think too highly of yourself, which is most likely not entirely deserved. The interpreter advises to treat your strengths and weaknesses more soberly, not consider yourself an ideal and try to improve.

If you really dreamed bulky cabinet, which clearly bothered you, then this is a harbinger of unpleasant and annoying communication. It is likely that your close person will not behave very well with you.

If you open a closet and clothes fall out of it, then this is a warning that you should not take on several tasks at the same time. Couldn't you open the doors? The dream clearly suggests that you do not know yourself completely; there is a lot of hidden and unknown things in your soul. The dream book suggests that studying yourself means growing spiritually.

A closet full of things in a dream promises losses and losses in reality. If it was locked, then this dream hints that you lack openness and charm; if empty, it warns of problems and failures. Did they hide something in it? The interpreter gives helpful advice– do not share your problems with others. This may not have the best consequences for you. If the doors did not want to close, then this indicates that you have something to hide. Apparently, there was a very unpleasant incident in your life.

Have you dreamed of a very small cabinet? IN in this case this piece of furniture represents intolerance. To achieve heights, you should be calmer and more patient.

Faulty furniture predicts illness and disease. If the cabinet doors were broken, then troubles will arise with your well-being. An old and lopsided wardrobe in a dream is also a symbol of ill health in reality. Couldn't open the closet? It seems that in reality there will be obvious problems and disagreements in relationships with loved ones. Serious changes, not very favorable, await the dreamer who saw in a dream how a wardrobe fell.

Were you hiding in the closet? There is a high probability that you have unreasonable fears that are preventing you from living in peace. Was someone else sitting in it? This means that in reality you should expect unpleasant surprises and surprises from your loved one. A warning is a dream in which you saw a cabinet with moths. There is a high probability that you are surrounded by those who want to annoy you or use you for their own purposes.

If you dreamed of a bookcase rather than a wardrobe, then this vision shows that you are constantly engaged in mental activity. Was it empty? Most likely, your job does not suit you, and the salary leaves much to be desired.

But a closet with mirrors or just holes on the doors symbolizes the openness and honesty of the dreamer. You should cherish these virtues, but not allow others to take advantage of them.

Wardrobe according to the dream book

The dream book considers the closet that you dreamed about to be an auspicious symbol. Most of the meanings of this dream are related to accumulated wealth: both material values ​​and life experiences. To understand why this piece of furniture is dreamed of, remember whether it was full or empty, what things were stored on its shelves, whether chaos or exemplary order reigned there.

How easy it is for you to look inside, is how well you know yourself. If an honorable role in a dream is occupied by a mirror with inside doors, therefore, the inner world means more to you than external circumstances.

The dream book claims that seeing a closet in a dream is a favorable sign promising unexpected profit. In the near future you will receive a gift or inheritance and make a very successful and profitable purchase.

If you dreamed that a closet fell, the dream means the collapse of hopes associated with a certain person. The dream book believes that what is seen in a dream serves as a reminder that the light has not fallen like a wedge on anyone or anything.

What other interpretations say

The dream book of Simon Kananita interprets any dream in which a closet appears in the exact opposite meaning. In his opinion, a crowded wardrobe foreshadows losses and damages in trade, a locked one reminds that the sleeper lacks charm and openness, an empty one warns of possible failures.

According to Medea’s dream book, the closet represents the experience and accumulated emotions, both positive and not so positive. The clutter within him symbolizes the confusion in life, and the emptiness speaks for itself.

The wanderer's dream book interprets such a dream most symbolically: a closet with things in a dream is nothing more than the dreamer himself. As a last resort, how he would like to see himself, for example, large or sophisticated, with decorative elements.

If you dreamed of a closet with clothes, pay attention to the wardrobe details with which it is filled. If underwear predominates, a romantic adventure awaits you, which can develop into something more. Elegant clothing portends success, products from natural fur- wealth.

Why you dream about an empty closet is somehow connected with disappointment. Perhaps with something that happened in the past, in which case it is advisable to let it go. The dream may represent your current dissatisfaction with yourself.

Everything you dream of about a new wardrobe marks the beginning of a new life. The dream book promises the sleeper global changes, although it does not specify what exactly they are connected with. Perhaps no one knows better than the dreamer himself what a new life means for him.

If an old wardrobe appears in a dream, this is how the past reminds you of itself. It wouldn't hurt to tidy up its contents. Perhaps some of the items found inside contain valuable clues.

Why do you dream of moths in the closet, take it as a warning. The dream book believes that you have many seemingly friendly ill-wishers who are just waiting for the right moment to annoy you.

A dreamer who knows how to combine several types of activities can easily have the following dream: a bookcase. The dream book interprets this symbol of orderliness and diverse views as a sign that everything will work out, and there is no point in doubting your abilities.

I dream of my beloved man, with whom I broke up more than three years back (on your own initiative). I dream about it almost every night. Today the dream was very realistic. I remember it in detail (which is extremely rare). Dream: I'm going on a date with HIM. He invited me to the theater. I choose my outfit carefully. The wardrobe is old. Packed to the brim. It seems that a piece of furniture unfamiliar to me is in the foyer of the theater (but I get dressed without witnesses). I choose clothes: a fur cape, a tailored skirt, a closed blouse. I have beautiful curls long hair. I look smart and attractive (just like in life). I enter the hall. The show is in full swing. My beloved is sitting in the company of male colleagues. They are dressed appropriately for civil servants: gray suit, white shirt, tie. HE hasn't taken his eyes off the door the whole time since the beginning of the action. As soon as I entered, he stood up slightly, waved his hand at me in greeting, and smiled. He holds for me free place. His friends look at me with curiosity and it is clear from their exclaim that they find me beautiful. I feel that my beloved is proud of me. I'm going to him. But the angry old man refuses to let me in to see my man. I am forced to sit separately, where there is space. We both feel great disappointment, we look at each other, but we are at different ends of the hall...

This old man is yours negative emotions(possibly fear, resentment, principles, prejudices). They block your path to it.

I dreamed that I walked into a room, my dad stood there and there were different cabinets, and the black cabinet was the largest. He invites me to put it in my room, but since the color didn’t suit me, I refused, then, after thinking a little, I agreed. Dad started moving the closet into my room. In the place where the closet should be, there was another orange wall, I told him, let’s move it aside and put a black closet. He pushed it aside a little and left, but the black cabinet remained standing nearby.

Hello! I had a dream today that I was walking down the street and they threw out a very big choice a whole set of cabinets blue color, and I called someone to pick them up.

I dreamed about my entrance. I leave the apartment and see a platform decorated with cabinets with tea sets and beautiful dishes. I look and am happy. I'm surprised. I look at the ceiling, and it’s high, clean, white. I look at my door, and it’s new and beautiful, even with glass inserts.

I dreamed of showing a blue dress to my friends and then taking it to the closet. When I opened the closet I had a lot different types dresses that are very neatly hung in the closet. In real life, I don’t have such a closet of dresses.

I dreamed that I found an apartment that I had been looking for for a long time, my boss helped me. She invited me there, I really liked it there, although it was a little gloomy and cold. And then I saw an old piano and looked at it; there were very beautiful carved drawings on it.

I dreamed of an empty closet covered with wallpaper in a masculine style.

I dreamed of a husband sitting in kitchen cabinet, how to understand this?

And I dreamed that my grandmother (she died when I was 10 years old) was rummaging through my closet and said that it needed to be sorted out, and then she kissed me on the cheek and I woke up. The dream was very real.

Hello, I can’t find the meaning of the dream anywhere, help. I come to an old apartment and want to put things in order, change the furniture, but in the yard there is a huge beautiful wardrobe, and I ask my loved ones to bring it to me, but they ignore me. As a result, the son brings in the closet. I start moving the furniture and my leg falls through the old floor, but I quickly pull it out and do this a couple of times. I'm not worried and I think I'll block it later. I'm moving furniture and pushing old furniture I find two windows blocked behind it. Help, what is this?

The dream was very realistic. I dreamed that I was lying on the floor in the center of the room. It was as if I had just woken up there, and when I opened my eyes I didn’t understand what was happening. It seems that she fell asleep in her room, and woke up in her grandmother’s room (she is alive). So I get to my feet and start looking around. I understand that the room is half empty. There was nothing in it except all our closets. 3 with clothes, 1 book, 2 with tea set. The cabinets are closed, but I clearly understand that they are filled with something, as if I can see through them. Only the bookcase with books was open and there were a lot of them there. Suddenly the owner of the room comes in, I say hello to her, but she ignores me. My grandmother just walks around the room, and therefore around me. I understand that my mother is calling me for breakfast. Grandma goes into the kitchen, and I follow her. There were 5 deep plates on the table, as usual. I lick my lips hungrily and realize that for breakfast we are having soup with dumplings (I’ve never seen this before). Mom smiles at me, and my brother eats this soup with pleasure (which is surprising, because he doesn’t eat soups). Then, in my sleep, I hear my name. I understand that someone is calling me, but I don’t want to wake up. I mentally ask the one who is calling me to shut up, but I still wake up. And how should I understand this?

I dreamed that I opened the cabinet at the bottom of the wall, and it was full of food, a large plate with small lacy pancakes, a cake all broken but smoothed, a bag of sweets. What is this for?

Hello. I dreamed of a man with whom I only knew through correspondence. And in the dream he was in my apartment. I decided to change clothes and opened a large closet. There was another room inside. I went there. There were shelves with things, hangers, something like a dressing room. He came in after me and some other people came in too. With someone there was a 6-month-old girl. She fell in the dressing room, and I realized that she was not breathing. She looked like some kind of toy. I called an ambulance.

Let's leaf through the dream book. Wardrobe in a dream: what is it for?

It is not always possible for people to independently unravel the secret meaning of a dream that disturbed their nightly peace. In this case, the dream book comes to their aid. What can a closet mean in a dream? It depends on the details that need to be recalled in memory before turning to a guide to the world of dreams for interpretation.

Modern dream book: wardrobe

What does it mean to dream in which a person simply looks from afar at this piece of furniture? In reality, the dreamer will have a successful acquisition - this interpretation suggests Modern dream book. A closet full of clothes that the dreamer opens should be regarded as a warning. It is possible that problems have arisen in relationships with loved ones to whom the owner of the dream pays too little attention.

What does a closet that contains absolutely nothing warn about? Night dreams with such a plot often disturb the peace of people who in the past made a fatal mistake, the memories of which still cause them anxiety. What other subjects does the Modern Dream Book consider? A closet that the dreamer locks with a key can be dreamed of by a person who indulges in unreasonable spending in real life. If the owner of the dream does not promptly improve his financial situation, he faces ruin.

Old or new?

It is important to remember the condition in which the product was; this factor is also taken into account by almost every dream book. An old wardrobe that looks worn or broken symbolizes the past. There is a high probability that in real life the owner of the dream is haunted by a feeling of guilt for unseemly actions committed many years ago. Therefore, the time has come to start correcting mistakes, otherwise the experiences will not leave the dreamer.

If a moth is found inside this piece of furniture, such night dreams should be regarded as an important warning. The dreamer should take a close look at his surroundings. It is possible that enemies are hiding in the ranks of those closest to you, trying to pass themselves off as well-wishers. If you do not stop contacting them in a timely manner, they can cause a lot of trouble.

What other options does the dream book consider? A new closet disturbs the night's peace of a man who is ready to begin new life and forget about the past. Unfortunately, it is difficult to guess which one life sphere will be affected by the changes, whether they will be positive or negative.

What is inside

Bookshelf seen in dreams by people who have no serious reasons for alarm in reality. Such night dreams indicate, first of all, that their owner is a versatile and educated person. There is no doubt that he will successfully cope with any business he decides to take on.

Why do you dream about a china cabinet? Often such a dream predicts romantic relationship with colleagues. It is even possible that the owner of the dream will have an affair with his boss, which will cause him a lot of trouble. It is also likely that someone will try to seduce the dreamer by abusing their official position.

What other interpretations does the dream book offer? A closet with clothes that appears in a dream can carry different meanings. For example, if it contains fur products, the owner of the dream will receive a large profit and will have the opportunity to get rich. Having discovered underwear in this piece of furniture, you can safely tune in to a romantic adventure that will not keep you waiting. It’s great if the clothes look rich and luxurious; such a dream promises success in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation of Hope for Winter

What does a dream in which a person looks into a closet in search of this or that object warn about? The Dream Book of Winter's Hope claims that in real life the dreamer will soon encounter changes that will be caused by circumstances beyond his control. People who dream about going through things in a closet in reality experience difficulties communicating with others. It is possible that this is due to excessive shyness, which prevents the achievement of goals. In addition, such a dream may simply indicate a secret desire to radically change your image.

The dreamer should be wary if he sees someone else's clothes in the closet. There is a high probability that in reality he will soon have to answer for the sins of others. It is also possible that the owner of the dream is forced to take on a role that is absolutely not suitable for him.

Various stories

Of course, not all the plots of dreams related to this piece of furniture that the dream book deciphers are listed above. A person who is already experiencing or is about to experience severe fear in reality can hide in a closet in their night dreams. Finding psychological comfort for the dreamer will be possible only in his own home.

Closed cabinet, the key to which the owner of the dream cannot find, should be considered as a warning regarding the love sphere. There is a high probability that a difficult period has begun in the relationship with your chosen one. The sources of problems can be different, but if they are not addressed in a timely manner, they will lead to a rupture.

Repairing a closet in their dreams can be done by people who in real life suffer from jealousy, do not trust their partner and try to control him. Buying a new product portends imminent changes that are most likely to happen in your personal life. If the dreamer cannot get out of the cramped closet in which someone locked him, he should pay attention to his financial situation, which will soon worsen.

Dream book of health

What does it say about dreams in which this piece of furniture appears? this dream book? A closet with open doors indicates that the dreamer is used to restraining emotions. He should stop hiding his feelings from others. If the doors are closed, the person opposite should choose his words when communicating with other people. It is possible that someone is trying to find out his secrets.

If the product seems strong and of good quality, such night dreams are a good sign. They indicate that their owner is needlessly worried about his health. A skewed cabinet has a different meaning, which warns of a possible illness that will turn out to be serious.

Why do you dream about a closet?

This can also apply to other people whose hidden thoughts are directed at you.

What if you dream about a closet?

If you see a closet that is beautiful and full, with clothes neatly folded, then this promises big changes in your life. It is during this period of your destiny that all your desires can come true. So be attentive to the signs that life gives you.

But why dream of an old and broken wardrobe? There is nothing good to expect here. It is your bad intentions or evil thoughts towards someone that will be embodied in failures and bad events.

That’s why it’s time to think about what thoughts visited you in the past, and whether you wished harm on anyone.

A good meaning of a dream where you saw an ordinary wardrobe is that in the near future you will meet an old friend and will be sincerely happy about this meeting. Perhaps this person will be able to change your destiny, and for the better.

What does it portend?

If you are hiding in a closet in a dream, this indicates that in reality you are trying to get away from problems and hide as far as possible. But such actions will not lead to anything good, which is why you should not run away from solving important issues, since they need to be resolved right now.

Seeing this part of the interior from the outside means that big profits are possible soon, but you should be as careful as possible, as this may be an imaginary trick. Even if the profit is “pure”, then be careful in your behavior and be able to accept such gifts of fate with dignity.

If you buy a wardrobe in a dream, then this indicates changes in your life. But no one can say what they will be like.

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Wardrobe interpretation of dream book

Dream books interpret a dream about a closet as a very good sign. Most often, its meaning is associated with acquired wealth, meaning not only accumulated property, but also life experience. And in order to explain why he is dreaming, you need to remember every detail. Was the closet empty or full of clothes? What things were in it? Were they scattered on shelves or kept in perfect order?

The easier it is for you to look inside a closet in a dream, the better you know yourself. Open the doors and look carefully - is there a mirror there? If it is located inside the cabinet and not on the outer door, then what is inside is more important to you than anything else.

The dream book interprets such a dream positively also because it promises quick profit. There is a great chance of receiving a pleasant surprise or inheritance, and it is also very profitable to buy something.

But a fallen cabinet makes it clear that your hopes associated with someone will soon be dashed. With this dream, dream books make it clear that you shouldn’t pin all your dreams on someone, it won’t lead to anything good.

Other meanings

But according to the dream book of the Apostle Kanatite, a dream in which a closet is mentioned is not interpreted so positively. For example, a closet filled to the top with things promises problems in trade. If the closet is locked, it means that the dreamer is a closed and closed person. Well, if its shelves are empty, troubles await you soon.

According to Medea’s dream book, the closet symbolizes accumulated experience - everything that has happened in life to learn and experience. Things scattered on shelves speak of disorder in reality, and the emptiness on them requires no explanation.

The wardrobe appears most symbolically in the wanderer’s dream book. According to his interpretation, a closet in a dream is the sleeper himself, or how he imagines himself in his dreams. For example, tall, expensive, beautiful.

If you dreamed of a closet filled with clothes, remember what things were in it. The dream book predicts a whirlwind romance for someone who sees underwear, which may well develop into serious relationship. If things are rich and elegant, success awaits you, and fur and wool promise prosperity.

Why do you dream of an empty closet? Most often, to disappointment. Maybe you are haunted by the past that you just can’t let go of. But this must be done, otherwise the long-awaited peace will never come. This dream also hints to the sleeper that he is dissatisfied with himself.

A change in the period of life is what a new closet may mean in a dream. The dream book speaks of dramatic changes, but does not give an exact interpretation of what exactly. Perhaps only the sleeper himself can decide what the new period means for him.

But the old closet symbolizes something that has long passed and, at first glance, been forgotten. Such a dream cannot be called useless, because if you put things in order, it is quite possible to discover those that will provide valuable information.

A warning is what a moth in a closet might mean in a dream. The dream book says that there are enough enemies in your life who are friendly in appearance, but behind your back they may well spread unsightly rumors about your person.

A closet filled with books is most often dreamed of by very versatile personalities. The dream book says that in life such people easily combine more than one type of activity and have broad views. A bookcase in a dream encourages you not to doubt yourself and your skills - everything will certainly succeed!

A closet in a dream symbolically reflects the dreamer’s current emotional state, as well as his well-being and success in business. Dream books will help you understand how to get the most accurate interpretation, remembering all the details of the vision.

Why do you dream about a closet according to Miller’s dream book?

You open the closet and clothes fall out of it - a warning that you are undertaking to do several things at once to your detriment. You close the closet door, but it opens - you want to hide a bad incident in your life from people.

Buying a wardrobe in a dream means big changes in life. A young girl dreams of tidying up her closet - which means that her family and friends will give her many gifts. You were locked in a closet - this means that financial troubles will soon await you.

What does it mean to dream about a closet according to Vanga’s dream book

If it is full of clothes, it means prosperity.

When there is nothing in it, it means an illness, a fiasco in something.

Why do you dream about a closet in a dream according to Freud’s dream book

Packed to capacity with property - tells a woman that she is full of strength and health. The lady dreamed that she had nothing in her wardrobe - this is a hint to her that she has a lot of indifference and composure. If this piece of furniture is faulty, it means ill health. Broken doors are unhealthy for women in the sexual sphere.

The lady dreamed of herself going through something in her wardrobe - it’s worth paying attention to the health of the intimate area. If she sees herself opening it, she gives preference to lesbian relationships. The cabinet doors are open - you have not been able to forget your lover’s previous connections.

A representative of the stronger sex dreamed that he was rummaging through a closet - this means that he is dissatisfied with his sex life. A man dreams of opening a closet - he wants intimacy.

In a dream, if you couldn’t open the closet, there will be a discord in your relationship with your loved one, which will be based on problems in your intimate life. Repairing or painting a closet is a sign of jealousy.

Why do you dream about a closet according to the Housewives dream book?

Wardrobe means you have become more experienced.

A closet filled to the brim with clothes means difficulties in relationships.

The closet is empty - to dissatisfaction in life.

The closet is closed - you will meet a person who persistently keeps a personal secret.

Wardrobe in a dream according to a psychological dream book

A closet filled with things means wealth.

If nothing is found in it, it means poverty.

Why do you dream about a closet according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Wardrobe - receive an inheritance.

If you dreamed about a bookcase, it means that you will combine mental work with another activity.

If the closet is without books, it is a disadvantage, or you will not be satisfied with your work.

If there are not books in the closet, but something else, then this means you will change your mental work to a different type of activity.

Why did you dream about the closet according to Hasse’s dream book?

A closet filled with things, the more, the richer your business will be.

And if it is empty - to poverty.

If you find someone in the closet, you will get an annoying surprise for a loved one.

If you sit in it yourself, something scares you.

Why else do you dream about a closet?

  • Why do you dream about an old wardrobe?

Seeing a wardrobe that is not new symbolizes who you have become in life, or those people who participate in your destiny. Take a closer look at the state he is in in your dream - this reflects your life.

An old wardrobe that is warped means illness.

  • Why do you dream about a new wardrobe?

A brand new, high-quality wardrobe means excellent health.

  • Why do you dream about an empty closet?

An empty cupboard means bad luck, poverty, disappointment. It also interprets losing not only wealth, but also something more.

  • The wardrobe falls

To any serious change in life.

  • Wardrobe full

The closet is filled with things - to wealth.

  • A closet with clothes is a detriment.
  • If you see the closet from the outside, you will get what you dreamed of.
  • The doors are open in the closet - the material condition will worsen.
  • The doors don’t close because there are a lot of things—uncertainty about feelings, but you don’t want to sort things out.
  • Put things in the closet - you will not find understanding in the team.
  • Look for some thing in it - your loved ones will quarrel because of you.
  • They locked you in the closet - unfortunately.
  • A wardrobe for dresses - to well-being in the family.
  • With shelves - the situation in the family will change.
  • A cupboard with dishes means difficulties at work.
  • A closet with three doors - in search of a person you can trust.
  • Buying a wardrobe is happiness in family life.
  • Hiding something in a closet means you will soon limit yourself in something.