Interesting planets in the universe. The most unusual planets in the universe (11 photos)

Our Universe is full of amazing and inexplicable things. For example, today scientists have discovered hypervelocity stars that do not fall and are not meteorites, giant clouds of dust with the aroma of raspberries or smelling of rum. Astronomers have also discovered many interesting planets outside our solar system. Which of the planets discovered in the last decade are the most mysterious?

Enjoy watching and have a wonderful mood for the whole day!

So, let's go.

Planet Osiris

The scientific name of the planet Osiris is HD 209458 b. It is located in the constellation Pegasus and is located at a distance of more than 150 light years from our Earth. HD 209458 b is one of the first planets discovered by scientists outside our solar system. The radius of Osiris is 40% greater, while the mass is 30% less than that of Jupiter, and the distance of the planet from its star is less than 5 km, and therefore its temperature is about 1000 ºC. An amazing feature of HD 209458 b is that due to high temperature and the enormous pressure this gas giant is unable to hold in its gravitational field the gases of which it consists. The flow of gases evaporating from Osiris is immediately blown away by the radiation of the hot star and forms a tail. Therefore, scientists classified HD 209458 b as a comet planet. It is predicted that, under constant conditions, it will completely evaporate in 1 trillion. years.

Planet of the Rock Rains

The scientific name of the rock shower planet is COROT-7 b (previously it was called COROT-Exo-7 b). This mysterious planet located in the constellation Monoceros at a distance of about 489 light years from Earth and is the first rocky planet discovered outside our solar system. Scientists suggest that COROT-7 b was previously a huge gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn, but due to the close distance to its star, it could have been evaporated to a rocky core. Scientists have also found that, like our Moon, COROT-7 b is located on one side to its star and is also illuminated from one side. On the illuminated side of the planet, the temperature can vary from +2000 to +2600 °C and there is a giant lava ocean on the surface, and on the unlit side it can reach -200 °C and this side is probably covered with a huge layer of ice. The planet's atmosphere consists mainly of evaporated rock that falls as rock precipitation in the form of rock showers.

Planet Methuselah

The scientific name of the planet is Methuselah PSR 1620-26 b. It is located in the constellation Scorpius at a distance of about 12.4 thousand light years from Earth and is the oldest of all known planets at the moment. It is believed that she is three times older than Earth and 1 billion years younger than the Universe. Its age, according to some versions, is 12.7 billion years. Planet Methuselah has a mass 2.5 times that of Jupiter and orbits an amazing binary star (pair of stars): a Pulsar (B1620−26 A) and a White Dwarf (PSR B1620−26 B). The pulsar rotates around its axis 100 times per second, and the mass of the White Dwarf is 3 times less than our Sun. Methuselah completes a revolution around its double star in 100 years.

Planet from Hell

The scientific name of the planet from Hell is Gliese 581c. This planet is located in the planetary system of the star Gliese 581 at a distance of about 20 light years from us. In terms of its parameters (size and orbital parameters) and probable conditions, it is very similar to Earth, which is why it is interesting for scientists. It could have been developed by us if not for the hellish conditions on it. It is believed that the average temperature on Gliese 581c is +40 °C, while on Earth it is +17 °C. At the same time, one side of the planet is always turned towards the red dwarf it revolves around. Because of this, the difference in temperatures is such that if a person finds himself on the light side, he will instantly burn, but on the dark side, he will immediately freeze. In the band between the two sides at a tolerable temperature there are other difficulties. In addition, scientists still do not agree on the presence of water and atmosphere on Gliese 581c. In addition, due to the fact that the planet is at the very bottom of the light spectrum we can see, the sky of the planet is a hellish red color. For this reason, if there are photosynthetic plants on the Gliese 581c, they are all black.

The blackest planet

The scientific name of the blackest planet is TrES-2b. TrES-2b is a similar distant "brother" to Jupiter. This planet is located about 760 light years from our solar system. She, like our Jupiter is a gas giant, has almost same size and revolves around a star similar to the Sun. The cardinal difference between TrES-2b and all other planets is that it is the blackest planet. This is due to the fact that, almost like a black hole, it absorbs about 99% of the light falling on it. The temperature of the planet is about 982 ° C, which allows it to emit a barely noticeable reddish glow, which is most likely noticeable, since the planet still reflects 1% of the light. However, TrES-2b is even blacker than carbon, which reflects 4% of the light that hits it.

The loneliest planet

The scientific name of the loneliest planet is HD 106906 b. This gas giant, which is 11 times larger than Jupiter, is located in the constellation of the Southern Cross at a distance of about 300 light years from us. The planet revolves around its star at a distance of 97 billion km. This is 22 times greater than the distance from the Sun to Neptune. This is such a great distance that light from the parent star reaches HD 106906 b only after 89 hours, while the Earth receives sunlight in 8 minutes. In addition, according to modern theories, a planet cannot form this far from its star, so scientists speculate that this lone planet may be an underformed star.

Lightest planet

The scientific name of the lightest planet is HAT-P-1. It is located in the constellation Lizard at a distance of 450 light years from earth. It is a huge gas giant, larger than Jupiter by 36%. However, its mass is 60% of the mass of Jupiter. And if you look at its density, which is estimated as 290 ± 30 kg/m³, then we can confidently say that HAT-P-1 is the lightest planet, for example, the density of the Earth is 5510 kg/m³. And I think the assumption that HAT-P-1 can float in water with a density of 1000 kg/m³ is not unreasonable. All that remains is to find a suitable container and send it to the Lizard constellation to check this fact.

A planet with an incredibly huge system of planetary rings

The scientific name of the planet with an incredible number of rings is 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6 b or 1SWASP J1407 b for short. Scientists have not determined for sure whether this planet is a gas giant or a brown dwarf, but it is definitely the only one in the system of its star. 1SWASP J1407 b is located 400 light years from Earth. The ring system of this planet is the first discovered outside our solar system, and the largest known at the moment. The rings of J1407 b are very similar to the rings of Saturn, but are 200 times larger in size than Saturn's. If Saturn had rings as large as those of J1407 b, it would be possible to observe solar eclipse within 56 days. Scientists suggest that the spaces between the rings represent the rotating satellites of this planet.

Planet of Blazing Ice

The scientific name of the burning ice planet is Gliese 436 b. The planet is 33 light years from earth and is located in the constellation Leo. Gliese 436 b is comparable in size to Neptune: it is 4 times more than Earth and 22 times heavier. An amazing feature of Gliese 436 b is that it is mainly composed of water, which remains in a solid state when high blood pressure and a surface temperature of 300 °C - “burning ice”. This is due to the enormous gravitational force of the planet, which not only prevents water molecules from evaporating, but also compresses them, turning them into ice.

Diamond Planet

The scientific name of the diamond planet is 55 Cancri e. The planet is located in the 55 Cancer system at a distance of about 40 light years from Earth. 55 Cancri e is 2 times larger than Earth in size and 8 times larger in mass. Its composition is dominated by carbon, as well as its modifications graphite and diamond. In this regard, scientists suggest that 1/3 of the planet consists of crystalline diamond. According to preliminary calculations, the cost of subsoil 55 Cancri e may be 26.9 nonillion (30 zeros) dollars. For example, the GDP of all countries on Earth is 74 trillion. (12 zeros) dollars. All that remains is to find a shortcut for travel and equipment for the expedition.

Yes, many discoveries sound no more realistic than fiction and turn all scientific ideas upside down. This has always been and will be, but now we know that the Earth is not flat. And we can confidently say that the most unusual planets are still waiting to be discovered and, I think, will surprise us more than once.

For thousands of years, astronomers could only explore the planets of our solar system. The first planets were discovered due to a strange movement in the night sky, different from other stars. The Greeks first called these “irregular stars” wanderers, using the old Greek word ‘planan’. Incredibly complex nature planetary systems were first indicated by Galileo, who examined Jupiter through a telescope and noticed how celestial bodies revolve around the gas giant. In 1994, the first planet outside our solar system was discovered. Dr. Alexander Wolschan observed unusual changes in the signal from the pulsar Beta Pictoris, proving the existence of several planets in orbit. Since then, at least 1,888 more exoplanets have been discovered, revolutionizing scientists' understanding of the cosmos, the way planets formed, and even the evolution of the universe over 13 billion years. The most unusual planets in the universe sometimes look more like science fiction than actual celestial bodies.

HD 106906 b - The Loneliest Planet
This enchanting planet hangs out in the constellation Krax, approximately 300 light years from Earth. Eleven times the size of Jupiter, HD 106906 b has become a real discovery for modern astronomers. Despite its enormous size, the planet orbits its star at a distance 20 times the distance between the Sun and Neptune, which is approximately 60,000,000,000 miles. This makes it one of the loneliest known planets in the universe. Astrophysicists are amazed by this outlier because planets like Jupiter tend to be closer to their star. There is a hypothesis that HD 106906 b is a failed star, challenging the binary star theory. TrES-2b: black hole planet
Close in size to Jupiter, the planet TrES-2b is located approximately 750 light-years away in the orbit of a sun-shaped star. It absorbs so much light that scientists consider it the darkest planet in the world. known universe. Despite being a Jupiter-class gas giant, it reflects less than 1 percent of light, as opposed to 33% for Jupiter. As a result, the planet is so dark that it is difficult to detect. However, TrES-2b is a fairly hot planet, emitting a dim reddish glow.
Planet Methuselah
The planet Methuselah is unusual in that it is about a billion years younger than the Universe. Such planets are known as PSR 1620-26 b. They are so old that traditional astrophysical models ignore it. Traditionally, it was believed that the planet could not be 13 billion years old due to the lack of materials in the universe to form it. Yet Methuselah is almost three times older than Earth and was formed just one billion years after big bang. The planet moves among a spherical cluster of stars locked together by gravity in the constellation Scorpio. In the Methuselah cluster, it orbits a binary star system consisting of a white dwarf star and a pulsar.
Planet Osiris
Next on the list is the planet Osiris, which ignores the lessons of Icarus. This exoplanet is also known as HD 209458b. Osiris is located 150 light years away in the constellation Pegasus. Osiris is approximately 30% larger than Jupiter. Its orbit is one-eighth the distance from Mercury to the Sun, and the temperature of this planet is approximately 1.832 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat and pressure of this gas planet led to significant evaporation of various atmospheric gases emanating from the gravitational field of the planet, like air from the invisible hot air balloon. Osiris has stunned astronomers and astrophysics experts who have discovered how hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are leaking from the planet. All this led to the emergence of a new type of classification - chthonic planets. Planet CoRoT-7b
CoRoT-7b was the first rocky planet discovered in the orbit of another star. Astronomers believe it was once a giant gas planet similar to Saturn or Neptune, before atmospheric and gas levels were reduced by its close proximity to the star. Due to the fact that the planet constantly faces the star with only one side, the temperature of this side is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while dark side frozen to 350F. These conditions contribute to the occurrence of rock rains, when molten rocks rise into the atmosphere under the influence of gases and, solidifying, fall down.
Planet HAT-P-1
HAT-P-1 is larger than Uranus and floats in water. Only because of this can the planet be called unusual. Recently discovered by Harvard's Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, HAT-P-1 is a gas giant half the size of Jupiter. This incredible planet has sparked heated debate in the halls of academic astronomy. Classified as a "hot Jupiter," the planet is nearly 25% larger than any model estimates. Astrophysicists are desperately trying to find the reason why the planet has expanded beyond the established norm. Perhaps in the distant future, humanity will be able to travel 450 light years from Jupiter to find answers to all of its questions.
55 Cancri costs $26.9 nonillions
A super-Earth planet, 55 Cancri is roughly twice the size of Earth and has temperatures reaching 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit. 55 Cancri e was discovered in 2004. After several years of observation, astronomers believe that this large rocky planet is composed mainly of carbon transformed into diamond and graphite. According to the current market value diamond, 55 Cancri is worth $26.9 nonillion, which is approximately 384 quintillion times more than the Earth's current combined GDP of $74 trillion. According to Forbes, only 0.182% of 55 Cancri e is needed to pay off the total debt of all governments in the world, equal to $50 trillion. Investors should keep in mind that this potential mining project is only 40 light years away from Earth.
Planet J1407 b and its rings
Discovered in 2012, the planet J1407 b was only recently revealed to the public. It is 400 light-years from Earth and has a system of planetary rings that are 200 times the size of Saturn. Ring system J1407 b is so large that if Saturn had rings of similar size, they would dominate Earth's sky and be much larger than full moon. Scientists have observed gaps in ring systems and suggest that these are exomoons orbiting this exoplanet. The ring system is so large that astronomers observed a 56-day eclipse of the star around which J1407 b orbits. You can read about interesting mysteries of the Moon in a separate feed on LifeGlobe.
Gliese 436 b – Burning Ball of Ice
The last unusual planet on this list is classified according to the Gliese catalog and is labeled 436 b. Its size is approximately the size of Neptune. Planet 436 b is about 20 times larger than Earth, but its orbit is only 4.3 million miles from its star, unlike Earth, which orbits 93 million miles from the Sun. The temperature on the Gliese 436 b is 822 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot ice is held on the planet by enormous gravitational forces. These forces prevent water molecules from evaporating and leaving the planet. Continue reading also about the planet Gloria, which some consider to be a twin of the Earth.
Gliese 581 c
Like many other planets, Gliese 581C orbits its own red dwarf star. This means that the side facing the star is hot, while the dark side is permanently frozen. However, scientists suggest that part of Gliese 581C is habitable. This planet is one of the best candidates for human expansion. Living on such a surface can be like hell, because the red dwarf star constantly bombards the planet with infrared rays, but plants can get used to even such conditions.

For thousands of years, astronomers could only explore the planets of our solar system. The first planets were discovered due to a strange movement in the night sky, different from other stars. The Greeks first called these “irregular stars” wanderers, using the old Greek word ‘planan’. The incredibly complex nature of planetary systems was first pointed out by Galileo, who examined Jupiter through a telescope and noticed how celestial bodies orbited the gas giant. In 1994, the first planet outside our solar system was discovered.

Dr. Alexander Wolschan observed unusual changes in the signal from the pulsar Beta Pictoris, proving the existence of several planets in orbit. Since then, at least 1,888 more exoplanets have been discovered, revolutionizing scientists' understanding of the cosmos, the way planets formed, and even the evolution of the universe over 13 billion years. The most unusual planets in the universe sometimes look more like science fiction than actual celestial bodies.

Like many other planets, Gliese 581C orbits its own red dwarf star. This means that the side facing the star is hot, while the dark side is permanently frozen. However, scientists suggest that part of Gliese 581C is habitable. This planet is one of the best candidates for human expansion. Living on such a surface can be like hell, because the red dwarf star constantly bombards the planet with infrared rays, but plants can get used to even such conditions.

HD 106906 b - The Loneliest Planet

This enchanting planet hangs out in the constellation Krax, approximately 300 light years from Earth. Eleven times the size of Jupiter, HD 106906 b has become a real discovery for modern astronomers. Despite its enormous size, the planet orbits its star at a distance 20 times the distance between the Sun and Neptune, which is approximately 60,000,000,000 miles. This makes it one of the loneliest known planets in the universe. Astrophysicists are amazed by this outlier because planets like Jupiter tend to be closer to their star. There is a hypothesis that HD 106906 b is a failed star, challenging the binary star theory.

TrES-2b: black hole planet

Close in size to Jupiter, the planet TrES-2b is located approximately 750 light-years away in the orbit of a sun-shaped star. It absorbs so much light that scientists consider it the darkest planet in the known universe. Despite being a Jupiter-class gas giant, it reflects less than 1 percent of light, as opposed to 33% for Jupiter. As a result, the planet is so dark that it is difficult to detect. However, TrES-2b is a fairly hot planet, emitting a dim reddish glow.

Planet Methuselah

The planet Methuselah is unusual in that it is about a billion years younger than the Universe. Such planets are known as PSR 1620-26 b. They are so old that traditional astrophysical models ignore it. Traditionally, it was believed that the planet could not be 13 billion years old due to the lack of materials in the universe to form it. Yet Methuselah is almost three times older than Earth and was formed just one billion years after the big bang. The planet moves among a spherical cluster of stars locked together by gravity in the constellation Scorpio. In the Methuselah cluster, it orbits a binary star system consisting of a white dwarf star and a pulsar.

Planet Osiris

Next on the list is the planet Osiris, which ignores the lessons of Icarus. This exoplanet is also known as HD 209458b. Osiris is located 150 light years away in the constellation Pegasus. Osiris is approximately 30% larger than Jupiter. Its orbit is one-eighth the distance from Mercury to the Sun, and the temperature of this planet is approximately 1.832 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat and pressure of this gas planet caused significant evaporation of various atmospheric gases, emanating from the planet's gravitational field, like air from an invisible balloon. Osiris has stunned astronomers and astrophysics experts who have discovered how hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are leaking from the planet. All this led to the emergence of a new type of classification - chthonic planets.

Planet CoRoT-7b

CoRoT-7b was the first rocky planet discovered in the orbit of another star. Astronomers believe it was once a giant gas planet similar to Saturn or Neptune, before atmospheric and gas levels were reduced by its close proximity to the star. Because the planet has only one side facing its star at all times, that side's temperature is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while the dark side is frozen at 350F. These conditions contribute to the occurrence of rock rains, when molten rocks rise into the atmosphere under the influence of gases and, solidifying, fall down.

Planet HAT-P-1

HAT-P-1 is larger than Uranus and floats in water. Only because of this can the planet be called unusual. Recently discovered by Harvard's Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, HAT-P-1 is a gas giant half the size of Jupiter. This incredible planet has sparked heated debate in the halls of academic astronomy. Classified as a "hot Jupiter," the planet is nearly 25% larger than any model estimates. Astrophysicists are desperately trying to find the reason why the planet has expanded beyond the established norm. Perhaps in the distant future, humanity will be able to travel 450 light years from Jupiter to find answers to all of its questions.

55 Cancri costs $26.9 nonillions

A super-Earth planet, 55 Cancri is roughly twice the size of Earth and has temperatures reaching 3,900 degrees Fahrenheit. 55 Cancri e was discovered in 2004. After several years of observation, astronomers believe that this large rocky planet is composed mainly of carbon transformed into diamond and graphite. According to the current market value of a diamond, 55 Cancri is worth $26.9 nonillion, which is approximately 384 quintillion times more than the Earth's current combined GDP of $74 trillion. According to Forbes, only 0.182% of 55 Cancri e is needed to pay off the total debt of all governments in the world, equal to $50 trillion. Investors should keep in mind that this potential mining project is only 40 light years away from Earth.

Planet J1407 b and its rings

Discovered in 2012, the planet J1407 b was only recently revealed to the public. It is 400 light-years from Earth and has a system of planetary rings that are 200 times the size of Saturn. The ring system of J1407 b is so large that if Saturn had rings of similar size, they would dominate Earth's sky and be much larger than the full moon. Scientists have observed gaps in ring systems and suggest that these are exomoons orbiting this exoplanet. The ring system is so large that astronomers observed a 56-day eclipse of the star around which J1407 b orbits. You can read about interesting mysteries of the Moon in a separate feed on LifeGlobe.

Gliese 436 b – Burning Ball of Ice

The last unusual planet on this list is classified according to the Gliese catalog and is labeled 436 b. Its size is approximately the size of Neptune. Planet 436 b is about 20 times larger than Earth, but its orbit is only 4.3 million miles from its star, unlike Earth, which orbits 93 million miles from the Sun. The temperature on the Gliese 436 b is 822 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot ice is held on the planet by enormous gravitational forces. These forces prevent water molecules from evaporating and leaving the planet. Continue reading also about the planet Gloria, which some consider to be a twin of the Earth.

Koprulu Sector

Ayur system

The Aiur star system has four worlds that orbit the sun. Golden Orb of Day). Aiur - the third planet from the sun, Aleun (eng. Aleun) - the fourth planet from the sun. Two more planets are unknown.


View of the planet Aiur in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Ayur(in other translations Aiur or Ayur, (English) Aiur) (Aer or Air)) is the home planet of the Protoss, covered with jungle. This world was characterized by stormy weather and rough seas. Of the fauna of the planet, only Benglaas are known - animals similar to panthers.

Physical data:

  • Satellites: 1 - Saalok (white, medium size, more than 3500 km in diameter). Protoss tribe Shelak) calls Saalok - “White Circle of Night” (eng. White Circle of Night)
  • Diameter: 13,273 km
  • Axis tilt: 18.5 degrees
  • Climate: −30…+30 °C, high humidity
  • Geography: 5 major continents, 4 oceans, 2000 lakes, 12 mountain ranges (5 of them volcanic)
  • Predominant terrain: jungle, wasteland
  • Fauna: Native Lifeforms: (unknown how many survived the Zerg invasion): Bengalaas, Kel-Taar, Kwa-Kai, Lombad, May-Lur, Omara, Protoss
  • Basic settlements: approximately 38 protoss temples (destroyed), 5 major cities (destroyed), 2,000 minor settlements (destroyed), approximately 65 primary zerg hive clusters, approximately 289 secondary zerg hive clusters, over 600 tertiary zerg hive clusters
  • Dominant Life Form: Zerg
  • Affiliation: Zerg Swarm
  • Population: over 5 billion zerg, unknown number of protoss survivors
  • Import: none
  • Export: none

Antiga system

The Antiga star system has two planets: Antiga Prime and an unnamed gas giant. The outer planets of the system are icy.

Antiga Prime

Secret headquarters of the Sons of Korhal on the second moon of the planet Antiga Prime

Star of Zlata Frankovskaya Antiga Prime(English) Antiga Prime) is a planet that formerly belonged to the Confederacy. This world was covered in wastelands and had at least two moons. It also had large reserves of resources - minerals and vespene gas, which made it very valuable.

The planet was originally inhabited by Confederate colonists. Gradually, the population's dissatisfaction with the corrupt central government grew, and when the Sons of Korhal arrived on the planet, the Antigans were ready to revolt. To prevent it, the Confederation sent Alpha Squadron to the planet under the command of General Edmund Duke. The local militia base was subordinate to a Confederate officer, and an Alpha base was stationed nearby to control the Antigans. From a secret base on the second moon of the planet, the Sons of Korhal sent Sarah Kerrigan to reconnoiter the situation, and Jim Raynor with a detachment of soldiers as support. Sarah Kerrigan killed a Confederate officer, after which the Antigans carried out a successful attack on Alpha's base. At the same time, the rebellious capital of the planet (eng. Andasa City) was completely destroyed by a detachment of Confederates under the command of Lieutenant (eng. Cliff Nadaner). General Duke was aware of what was happening, but could not do anything because his flagship cruiser Norad 2. Norad 2) was attacked by the zerg and fell to the surface of the planet. Alpha Squadron was unable to push back the zerg who had landed on the planet. Seeing an opportunity to gain a powerful ally, the leader of the Sons of Korhal ordered Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan to rescue Duke. Alpha soldiers fought alongside the rebels to save their commander. When Norad 2 was found, Mengsk gave Duke an ultimatum - either he goes over to the side of the Sons of Korhal, or he dies. Duke went over to Mengsk's side. This was one of the biggest victories of the rebels - an entire elite squadron led by a general went over to their side. In panic, the Confederacy sent Delta Squadron to defeat the Sons of Korhal and put down the rebellion, despite the presence of the zerg. However, Mengsk was able to decrypt the disks received on Mar Sara from the Jacobs base, and received blueprints for the psi emitter. Delta Squadron blocked the Sons of Korhal. Mengsk ordered Kerrigan to install a psi emitter at Delta's base and activate it. The plan was a success, and hordes of zerg destroyed Delta. The rebels managed to leave the planet, after which a Protoss expeditionary fleet flew to the planet and destroyed all life with strikes from orbit. Currently, Antiga Prime is a lifeless, scorched desert.



View of Braxis from high orbit

View of the planet Braxis in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit.

Physical data:

  • Satellites: Edis (dark gray, medium size, more than 2000 km in diameter)
  • Diameter: 9480 km
  • Gravity: 0.82 from standard
  • Axle Tilt: 24.3 degrees
  • Climate: from −60°С to +60°С, very low humidity
  • Geography: 3 continental glaciers, 43 mountain ranges (4 of them volcanic), 4 oceans (3 of them frozen)
  • Predominant terrain: glaciers
  • Fauna: ursadont (newly introduced)
  • Main settlements: 1 large Terran settlement, 3 small Terran settlements, 10 small Protoss settlements (destroyed), 2 ancient Protoss temples (destroyed)
  • Population: more than 24 thousand Terrans
  • Import: food, weapons, work force
  • Export: refined minerals, vespene

Braxis Alpha

View of the planet Braxis Alpha in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

solar system


Physical data:

  • Companions: 2 - Ursa (eng. Ursa) (brown, small size, more than 1100 km in diameter) and Kanis (eng. Canis) (also brown, small in size, more than 1100 km in diameter); located in a narrow asteroid ring
  • Diameter: 12248 km
  • Gravity: 0.98 from standard
  • Axis tilt: 6.2 degrees
  • Climate: from −25°С to +25°С, low humidity
  • Geography: 6 continents, 2 large oceans, 72 radiation-contaminated areas
  • Predominant nature of the terrain: megacities on terraformed lands, radioactive deserts, wastelands
  • Fauna: scantid, dive hawk (introduced), bengalaas (introduced), rhinadon (introduced), hedgehog lizard (introduced), milot (introduced), clay dog ​​(introduced)

Status at the start of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

  • Main settlements: 8 large urban agglomerations, 5592 residential areas, 1012 industrial zones
  • Dominant Life Form: Terrans - Terran Dominion
  • Affiliation: Terran Dominion
  • Population: over 6.3 billion Terrans
  • Imports: minerals, vespene, food, live animals, luxury goods
  • Export: high-tech goods, military equipment, machinery, media, entertainment


Moria. View from orbit

View of the planet Moria in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Moria- a very mineral-rich planet covered in wasteland. The name of the planet is most likely taken from Tolkien's book The Fellowship of the Ring, where Moria was the name of the mountains in which the huge Dwarven mines were located.

Moria was one of the first three planets inhabited by Terrans. The Argo ship landed on Moria. When landing, the ship's main computer blocked all information, and therefore, despite its enormous resources, technologically Moria lagged behind Tarsonis, whose colonists had access to the ATLAS supercomputer (abbr. from English. Artificial Tele-empathic Logistics Analysis System ). This allowed Tarsonis to develop faster and populate surrounding planets, founding the Terran Confederacy. The military power of Tarsonis grew, and the Morian colony, which had prospered thanks to major mineral developments, began to fear that the Confederacy would try to take over the planet. The Kel-Morian Syndicate was founded to protect the colony's cartels from Confederate encroachment. This led to complications with Tarsonis and ended in the Guild War. Guild Wars). The war lasted four years. The Confederacy was victorious and imposed Moria humiliating world, according to which all mineral development was transferred to Tarsonis, although the syndicate formally retained autonomy. After the creation of the Terran Dominion, Moria became part of it. Following the defeat of the Dominion, the Syndicate was forced to make a deal with the UED to avoid hostilities. A garrison of the Directorate remained on the planet. Following this, the zerg of Kerrigan's Brood, led by the protoss dragoon Phoenix, invaded Moria in order to accumulate enough minerals to attack Korhal. Along the way, the zerg infected many people. After the Brood War, Moria again became part of the Dominion, although retaining significant autonomy.

The planet was first introduced in the StarCraft user manual.

Physical data:

  • Satellites: 2 - Vito (green, small in size, more than 1000 km in diameter), Brutus (gray, small in size, more than 1000 km in diameter)
  • Diameter: 13528 km
  • Gravity: 1.16 from standard
  • Axis tilt: 2.4 degrees
  • Climate: from −32°С to +32°С, very low humidity
  • Geography: 5 large continents, 6 large seas, 14 highlands (5 of them volcanic)
  • Predominant terrain: desert
  • Fauna: rhinadon, scalet (introduced), mine weevil, stoneweed

Status at the start of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

  • Main settlements: 16 large settlements, 86 small settlements, 751 mines, 802 processing plants, 323 factories
  • Dominant Life Form: Terrans - Kelmorian Syndicate
  • Affiliation: Kelmorian Syndicate
  • Population: over 4.1 billion Terrans
  • Imports: unrefined minerals, food, water, luxury goods, medicines, labor
  • Export: refined minerals, vespene, precious metals, industrial products


View of Char from high orbit

View of the planet Char in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

View of the Char Aleph platform against the backdrop of the planet Char in the game StarCraft: Brood War. Observation from low orbit

Status at the start of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

  • Affiliation: Protoss
  • Population: 4.6 billion Dark Templars and 6.5 billion Protoss of Aiur

Capital of the Dark Templars Telematros

The capital of the dark templars on the planet Shakuras is Telematros(English) Talematros). The city is located citadel- a place where a special Council headed by the Matriarch gathers. The telesailor is located on a huge hill surrounded by five fortified posts. In addition, the city is protected by pylons based on Khaidarin crystals, which generate a powerful electromagnetic field that prevents flying zerg from navigating in space. After the protoss from Aiur arrived on Shakuras, they sent several representatives to the city and improved its defensive systems. During the Brood War, the infected Sarah Kerrigan travels to Shakuras to kidnap the matriarch Raszagal. To do this, she needed to penetrate the city, but a field of pylons impeded the operation. Her servant Samir Duran went to five special energy clusters outside the fortification and reconfigured them so that they exploded along with all of Telesatros's pylons.

It is unknown whether the city was subsequently rebuilt.


View of the planet Shiloh in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Physical data:

  • Satellites: 1 - Bivouac (green, small in size, more than 873 km in diameter)
  • Diameter: 10694 km
  • Gravity: 0.98 from standard
  • Axis tilt: 5.8 degrees
  • Climate: from −27°С to +27°С, low humidity
  • Geography: 3 major continents, 3 oceans, 4 inland seas/large lakes
  • Predominant terrain: plain/savannah/tundra
  • Fauna: curved toad, nerrat

Status at the start of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

  • Main settlements: 6 large settlements, 18 small settlements
  • Dominant Life Form: Terrans - Terran Dominion
  • Affiliation: Terran Dominion
  • Population: 255 million Terrans
  • Import: metals, electronics, agricultural machinery
  • Export: grain, agricultural products

New Folsom

View of the planet New Folsom in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Physical data:

  • Satellites: 1 - Sue (blue, small, 792 km in diameter)
  • Diameter: 6391 km
  • Gravity: 1.3 from standard
  • Axis tilt: 3.7 degrees
  • Climate: on average from −51°С to +51°С (peak temperature exceeds +800°С), very low humidity
  • Geography: 4 continents (variable number), 97 volcanic calderas, 9 mountain ranges (all volcanic), 53 lava lakes, 3 lava seas (variable number)
  • Predominant terrain: volcanic
  • Fauna: none

Status at the start of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

  • Main settlements: none
  • Dominant Life Form: Terrans - Terran Dominion
  • Affiliation: Terran Dominion
  • Population: 3,500 Terrans
  • Import: food, water, ammunition, medicine, spare parts for prison module
  • Export: unrefined minerals, minerals

It is one of the most dangerous planets in the sector.

System Sarah

The Sara star system has two planets: Mar Sara and Chau Sara, which orbit a yellow star, and there is also an asteroid ring in the system. Colonization of the system began in 2480, just before the Guild War.

Mar Sara

View of the planet Mar Sara before it was burned by the Protoss in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Mar Sarah. View from orbit

View of the planet Mar Sara in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Mar Sara- a wasteland-covered terran planet.

Initially inhabited by the Confederacy, the planet served as a mining site various metals and minerals. Shortly after the Protoss attacked the planet of the same Chau Sara system, Mar Sara was infected with zerg, which spread across the planet, killing colonists and Confederate soldiers. Marshal Raynor's attempts to organize a defense ended in his imprisonment because the zerg attack was caused by an experiment by Confederate scientists using psi emitters. The extremist organization "Sons of Korhal" organized the evacuation of the surviving population after the Confederate troops abandoned the planet to its fate, and then freed Raynor. Just before the evacuation, rebels attacked the Jacobs complex and stole disks with encrypted data. The spread of the zerg ceased with the arrival of a Protoss expeditionary fleet under the command of Executor Tassadar, who sterilized the planet with orbital strikes (this was part of the Conclave's campaign to combat the zerg). Despite a direct order to destroy all life on the surface of planets infected with zerg, he gave the Terrans time to evacuate. For violating the order, Tassadar was demoted and replaced by another Executor. Years later, Mar Sara, burned to the ground, became part of the Terran Dominion. A factory was built on the planet for the production of terrazine - a gas that turned ghosts into spectra - killing machines that unquestioningly obeyed any orders.

The planet first appeared in the game StarCraft.

Physical data:

  • Satellites: 2 - Pyramus and Thisbe (gray, medium size: more than 2000 km in diameter)
  • Diameter: 9265 km
  • Gravity: 1.09 from standard
  • Axis tilt: 13.5 degrees
  • Climate: average temperature about 34°C, low humidity
  • Geography: 18 small dust seas, 28 hills (17 of them of volcanic origin)
  • Predominant terrain: heathland, mountains, deserts
  • Fauna: none (slightly zerg infested)

Status at the start of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

  • Main settlements: 12 large settlements (destroyed), 86 mines, 12 processing plants
  • Dominant Life Form: Terrans (Kelmorian Syndicate, Terran Dominion)
  • Affiliation: Terran Dominion
  • Population: Over 80,000 Terrans, unknown number of Zerg
  • Imports: mining equipment, labor, food, water
  • Export: processed minerals, unprocessed ore, vespene and terrazine gases, scrap metal
Chau Sarah

View of Chau Sara from high orbit

Chau Sarah(English) Chau Sara) is a Terran colony rich in minerals and metals. The surface of the planet is covered with wastelands. Its population was 400,000 people, and its capital was the city of Los Andares. Los Andares).

Colonized by the Confederacy, Chau Sara became the base of operations for Alpha Squadron. At the beginning of the war with the zerg, the squadron was given the task of defeating the extremist group “Sons of Korhal”, which had established its base on the planet. During the mission, Alpha Squad encountered unknown alien organisms that attacked the base. The attack was repulsed, and the Cerberus squadron came to the aid of Alpha. Together the two units destroyed all the terrorists. The Sons of Korhal did not appear on Chau Sara again. Magistrate Collins reported that one of the most secure places on the planet - the Flannum scientific complex - was captured by alien organisms. Alpha and Cerberus squadrons cleared the way to the complex. Two special forces flamethrowers from Cerberus were sent to the complex and rescued the scientists and surviving guards. A little later, the city of Los Andares was attacked by aliens. General Edmund Duke personally took part in the defense of the city, fighting in his tank. The attack was repulsed; Collins proposed setting up a tough defense, but the Cerberus commander, who had special powers, ordered Alpha Squadron to attack the zerg (and that was exactly what they were) and took control of the colony. The Zerg were defeated on November 12, 2499. The population and troops were evacuated to the nearest colony planet Mar Sara. In December of the same year, a Protoss expeditionary fleet under the command of Tassadar arrived in orbit around Chau Sara. All life on the planet was destroyed by impacts from orbit.

What happened on Chau Sara is revealed in the StarCraft demo and the StarCraft: Revelations comic.

Tirador system

The Tirador star system has two co-orbital planets - Tirador VIII and Tirador IX, and is also the homeland of alcoholic drink(English) Tyrador Mindbender) and wild beast (eng. Tyrador blood-shrike). Located several days' journey from Korhal IV.

Status at the start of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Affiliation: Terran Dominion

Tirador VIII

View of planet Tirador VIII against the background of planet Tirador IX in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit.

Tirador VIII(English) Tyrador VIII) - the smaller planet of the two planets of the Tirador System, has ten continents. The capital of the planet is a city. Gramercy City), from where Valerian Mengsk watched his father's inauguration as Emperor of the Dominion.

Tirador IX

Tirador IX(English) Tyrador IX) is the homeland of Matt Horner, one of the original 13 worlds of the Confederacy. Has the cities of New Canaan New Canaan) and Elsekaro (eng. Elsecaro), is a popular tourist resort.


KL-2- dead planet. Formed a ring of asteroids after it exploded.


View of the planet Agria in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Agria(English) Agria) was founded by Dr. Bernard Hanson, known for his achievements in the field of terraforming. Until recently, the colony was one of the largest agricultural centers and nature reserves of the Dominion. After the death of Bernard Hanson, his daughter Ariel became the head of the colony, but soon the zerg attacked the planet, and the colonists, resorting to the help of Raynor's Raiders, had to evacuate to Meinhoff. It is possible that Agria is currently infested with zerg.

Redstone III

View of the planet Redstone III in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Redstone Mineral Resources Redstone III) became the main cause of the conflict between various mining guilds, which eventually escalated into a full-scale war.


View of the planet Meinhoff in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Known for its rich mineral reserves, the planet Meinhoff Meinhoff) long years was under the control of the Kelmori Syndicate. Lately, however, it has become a haven for refugees from worlds under attack by the zerg. Has the city of Yorgenton.

When the zerg attacked the planet Agria, the colonists began to evacuate (with the help of Raynor's Raiders) to Meinhoff. However, soon, for unknown reasons, an unknown epidemic broke out on the planet. Even buildings were susceptible to contamination. James Raynor realized with horror that the colonists had become infected with the zerg evolution virus, which spreads so quickly in the body that it cannot be cured. Raynor had to destroy a huge number of infected colonists to stop the epidemic, and at the same time several zerg infesters, which, as it turned out, were the cause of the huge epidemic.

Realizing that they were now in danger, the colonists began to look for a new planet to colonize. Soon this planet became Harbor, located on the border of the Protoss sector.


View of the planet Bel-Shir in the game StarCraft II: WoL. Observation from high orbit

Bel-Shir was once a place where the Protoss Templars found peace and solitude. Since then, many ancient sanctuaries and destroyed temple gardens have remained on the planet. It also contains Terrazin gas, necessary to transform ghosts into phantoms, which the Protoss call the "breath of life", considering the gas a gift from the Xel'naga. In order to train phantoms, you need a lot of Terrazine. Therefore, their leader, Gabriel Tosh, pushed James Raynor to steal the gas, citing that “if you know the buyers, this gas can be sold for a fortune.” Raynor and his Raiders began invading the altars containing Terrazin and stealing it, although the Protoss attempted to seal the altars to prevent Raynor and his Raiders from reaching the gas. Having collected enough Terrazine, Raynor's Raiders began to hastily leave the planet, ignoring the threats of the Taldarim Executor Nyon.

Nothing can be true, but it's not true. There are much larger and more massive planets. For the entire Universe, our Earth is just a grain of sand lost in it. The solar system is only one of the elements of the Galaxy. The Sun is the main component of the Galaxy. Eight planets revolve around the Sun. And only the ninth - Pluto - was removed from the list of rotating planets because of its mass. Each planet has its own parameters, density, temperature. There are those that consist of gas, there are giant ones, small ones, cold ones, hot ones, and dwarf ones.

So what is the largest planet known so far? In the spring of 2006, an event occurred that shook the theory of celestial bodies. At the Lovell Observatory (USA, Arizona) in the constellation Hercules, a huge planet was discovered, twenty times the size of our Earth. Of the existing ones discovered today, this is the largest planet in the Universe. It is hot and similar to the Sun, but it is still a planet. It was called TrES-4. Its dimensions exceed the dimensions of the largest planet in the solar system - Jupiter - by 1.7 times. It is a giant gaseous ball. TrES-4 consists mainly of hydrogen. The largest planet orbits a star located at a distance of 1400 Temperature on its surface is more than 1260 degrees.

There are a sufficient number of giant planets, but so far no larger than TrES-4b has been discovered. The largest planet is more than 70% larger than Jupiter. The huge gas giant could be called a star, but its rotation around its star GSC02620-00648 definitely classifies it as planetary. As the responsible employee of the observatory G. Mandushev reported, the planet is more gaseous than solid, and you can only dive into it. Its density ranges from 0.2 g per cubic centimeter, which is comparable only to balsa (cork) wood. Astronomers are at a loss as to how this largest planet with such a low density has the ability to exist. Planet TrES-4 is also called TrES-4b. It owes its discovery to amateur astronomers who discovered TrES-4 thanks to a network of small automated telescopes located in the Canary Islands and

If you observe this planet from the ground, you can clearly see that it is moving along the disk of its star. The exoplanet orbits the star in just 3.55 days. Planet TrES-4 is heavier than the Sun and has a higher temperature.

The discoverers were Lowell employees, and later astronomers from the W.M. Hawaiian Observatory. Keck confirmed this discovery. Scientists at the Lovell Observatory have an assumption that the largest planet TrES-4 is not the only one in this constellation, and that it is quite possible that there may be another planet in the Hercules constellation. Lowell employees introduced the world to solar system- Pluto. However, in 2006, Pluto, in comparison with the giant TrES-4, began to be called a dwarf planet.
