Individual project success as a social phenomenon. Sociological concepts of success. Deputies of the city assembly

The very concept of success, filled with its modern content, appears as a consequence of certain sociocultural conditions. What is required are criteria, “indicators” of the implementation of an individual’s efforts, markers of the significance of the results achieved along this path. We can talk about success criteria as stratification criteria or factors that determine the inequality of people in society. M. Weber considered wealth, power and social prestige as factors of social inequality. P. Bourdieu included symbolic, economic, cultural and social types of capital among them. Interrelated indicators of success in the modern Western world include a person’s material standard of living, the volume of his property, the degree of his political and cultural influence, level of education, professional competence and prestige of the profession.

However, the civilizational approach to the problem of success allows us to take into account other types of value orientations. In particular, P.A. Sorokin distinguishes ideational (religious), sensual (materialistic) and idealistic (combined) sociocultural types. Naturally, the understanding of success in a religious sociocultural system will differ from its interpretation in a materialistic and combined system.

Provides an even more comprehensive picture stage approach (R. Aron). Identification of primitive, traditional, industrial and post-industrial society based on a number of parameters allows us to identify the dynamics of the formation of ideas about success. Primitive society was deprived of ideas about success, since the social structure was still at the very beginning of its formation and had a tribal form, and the person was the bearer of not an individual, but a social “I”. IN traditional society social connections are dynamic, a mechanism of social recognition appears, and the structure of the personality changes. An idea emerges that, thanks to outstanding personal qualities, a person can change social reality and achieve success, which, however, was not one of the main social values. The concept of success, more or less close to the modern one, arises in the post-traditional era - the era industrial society, which is characterized by a surge of individualism, the formation of a liberal ideology, the rapid development of the capitalist type of economy and trends towards democratization of the political structure of society. The change in the economic situation has led to increased vertical mobility thanks to the destruction of the class hierarchy and its transformation into a class one. At the same time, the indicator of success is not just vertical mobility, but significant vertical mobility. Achieving success is made easier due to the fact that the differences between economic statuses that exist in an industrial society are distributed along the scale of inequality more and more evenly and smoothly in comparison with traditional society. At the same time, in an industrial society, success is determined rather by external parameters, leveling the internal, psychological factor of activity. In the ethical aspect, the good, the achievement of which success is measured, is identified with utilitarian suitability and benefit. Commodity-money relations penetrate into all spheres, placing the economic factor at the forefront, the concept of success arises, and success, understood as maximum productivity and, as a result, maximum “marketability,” becomes one of the main values ​​of industrial society.

IN post-industrial (information society) a characteristic of success is the increasing importance of such a stratification factor as symbolic capital, meaning the possession of information and the ability to use it. The importance of initiative, the ability to take responsibility and adapt to rapidly changing social realities is increasing. Success in the post-industrial era differs from success in modern society, partly reminiscent of ideas about success characteristic of the heyday of ancient democracy, but complicated by modern processes of informatization, globalization, and intensification of innovation activity

According to the above definition, success in its content is a universal phenomenon. Its universality is manifested in its space-time invariance. This phenomenon exists regardless of specific historical conditions; only the forms of its manifestation change.

It should be noted that the theme of success is invariably present in works on social mobility, social values, social psychology of personality and psychology of motivation. Almost always, the topic of success is a topic of study in studies reflecting the interaction of culture and social structure.

Success can be considered both by objective criteria and by subjective indicators. Success from the perspective of an objective criterion is, first of all, social success, measured in terms of public recognition of the corresponding results. Success in the subjective dimension- this is a personal, individual success, which manifests itself in the sensory experience of the subject of success. These two dimensions can coexist either separately or in an integrated position.

Analysis of scientific literature showed that there are objective markers of social success. These primarily include professional status, the presence of a high-quality (prestigious) education and material well-being. Analyzing these criteria, we proceed from the social position a person occupies in social space. In this case, the concept of success is to a certain extent identified with the social status position of the individual in society.

But there are several more criteria for assessing social success. Each individual is either integrated into society or not. The integration of the individual into society is largely associated with the process adaptation. The essence of adaptation, as established by numerous studies, is the mutual adaptation of the individual, his norms, values, ideas, standards of behavior with other members of society, their norms, values, ideas, standards of behavior. Adaptation can be considered complete when a stable balance of these indicators of the individual and society is found. Social success is a successful adaptation in society, achieved through the activity shown by the individual.

Social success in its content presupposes public recognition of the individual’s personal merits. Therefore, one of the necessary conditions for social success is the presence of a certain amount social interactions, which act as a criterion for public recognition. It is clear that there is a direct connection between these two categories: the more socially significant contacts, the higher the degree of social success of the individual. This is the mechanism for the formation of social recognition: through a certain number of social connections, a socially successful person influences others, who, due to the significance of this influence, define the person as socially successful.

The next no less important criterion for social success is the degree of influence of a socially successful individual on society. In this case, a freer person receives advantages over a less free individual, whose behavior is predictable and determined by social norms. A freer personality expands the number of social interactions, thereby expanding the area of ​​influence on others. The number of social connections presupposes the qualitative aspect of success - the assessment of an individual as socially successful in a certain social group. Failure to meet the criterion of success leads to marginalization (partial or complete), that is, the intermediate, “borderline” position of a person between any social groups.

Success is impossible without the subject changing social relations, social space and time in the course of activity. Modern concepts of sociality show that to change the world it is necessary to change the ways in which it is formed, that is, the vision of the world and the practical operations through which groups are constructed and reproduced. This requires symbolic power that allows the subject to influence social space, changing its structure. A “successful” subject of social relations changes social reality both by moving up the hierarchical ladder, increasing his status or acquiring new ones, thus defining a new network of interactions and social connections regarding his place in the social system, and by creating a space of social coordinates according to your own needs to satisfy them and achieve the desired goal.

In addition, a successful person must be able to create alternatives to the existing reality, to deviate within “reasonable limits”, since vertical mobility implies the inevitable marginalization of the subject, going beyond the boundaries of one’s stratum to enter a higher one. Therefore, the scope of the concept of “success”, in addition to the characteristics listed above, should also include creating prospects for further growth. In social terms, this means updating one’s ability to influence social reality, including creating new social connections, alternative symbolic universes. A successful person becomes a kind of “significant other” for a number of social subjects, forming for them a new reality that attracts them, concentrating on himself vectors of social orientation and setting a new configuration of social space.

The modern situation of success is also due to a dynamic social reality, which involves constant formation, reproduction and design. In this regard, success is presented not only as obtaining the maximum result with the least expenditure of energy, time and effort, meeting the internal deep needs of a person and accompanied by the experience of satisfaction, since the activity does not end with achieving or not achieving the goal, and, accordingly, success cannot be complete and final . Nor can we imagine success simply as significant vertical mobility, the importance of which has significantly diminished in post-industrial society. Today, the material standard of living in economically developed countries is so high that it reduces the importance of the material incentive for development, comparing other factors with it in importance, in particular, the search for meaning. The latter signals the increasing role of symbolic power, a symbolic criterion of success.

Attitudes towards success and successful people in Russia and the West are very different. A distinctive feature of the collectivist society, which accompanied most of Russian history, is the subordination of personal interests to a general idea, the aspiration for an ideal, perfect state, the application of the efforts of all members of society to realize this goal. In a collectivist society, the improvement of the individual depends on the perfection of society. Accordingly, the success of the first depends on the degree of implementation of the general goal of the second.

Signs of success are the acquisition of material wealth, fame or fame, and achieved social status. But if for a capitalist society the presence of these markers indexed personal significance, then in the Soviet Union, for example, these signs spoke of involvement in the common cause of building a fair society of the future, of involvement in the main values. These “signs” marked the “dissolution” of a successful person in the future, which was created by common efforts.

Other sociocultural conditions for a specific attitude to success in modern Russia are both the rudiments of the Orthodox tradition and the lack of respect for work, historically conditioned by the slavery of the bulk of the population. After the start of perestroika reforms, which directed the country towards the formation of a Western-style market economy, the consequences of the deep-rooted collectivist consciousness became obvious; the spirit of entrepreneurship in our country is still quite poorly developed; many either cannot or are afraid to take the initiative, relying on help “from above”, on external source of success. This strategy for achieving a goal can be called “relying on luck.”

Modern Russians do not have a unified understanding of success. For one group of the population, success is only spiritual aspirations and the denial of the worldly, for others the worldly principle is also important, but they are unlucky, and this is the source of their protest against success as such. Still others achieved success, but in unjust ways, without thinking at all about the welfare of other people and engaged in demonstrating their own wealth.

After the collapse of the old political and economic system, a significant part of the population found itself inconsistent with the new value guidelines, which required different qualities and abilities. Many of these people were quite successful “in the coordinates” of the old system, but turned out to be “losers” in the new one. The construction of a market economy based on the principle of competition and the priority of commodity-money relations has made such a quality as professionalism relevant. At the same time, the market economy places an increased demand on some skills (initiative, enterprise, the ability to take risks, etc.) and has significantly less need for a number of others.

Within the framework of “market” values, a person whose success is measured by the size of his bank account and the number of luxury goods creates both a desire to imitate and a feeling of envy based on prejudice in the unrighteousness of the ways to achieve this status. But such a stereotype of success is already losing its relevance. The information society puts forward a new image of a successful individual, associated with the depth and practicality of knowledge, the ability to obtain, analyze and implement information, transform it into new knowledge and technologies.

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Leningrad region “Technical school of water transport” Individual project on the topic: “On the way to a dream: the formula of a successful person” Worked on the project: student of group 16, first year, specialty 02.26.02 “Shipbuilding” Ivankova Olesya Sergeevna Supervisor: teacher Kurbatova Larisa Dzhonovna, Shlisselburg 2017 1 Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….3 Degree of theoretical development of the topic…………………… ………………………..4 Experimental part……………………………………………………………………………….5 Conclusion……………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….7 List of sources used……………………………………………………… …..7 Appendices………………………………………………………………………………...8 2 Introduction The relevance of the chosen topic is dictated by the conditions of modern life. The concept of “successful person” is a social phenomenon of modern society. In this regard, the question arises: what kind of person can we call successful, and what are the criteria for success? How to become successful? What is needed for this: knowledge, education or luck? Each generation creates its own ideal, its own model of success in life, puts forward its own components, its own methods and its own time frame for achieving it. The above determined the goal of the work: identifying the criteria of a successful person and building your own formula for success. The object of the study is the concept of “success” as a social and cultural phenomenon. The subject of the study is the image of a “successful” person. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: - to identify the essence of the concept of “successful person”; -based on the questionnaire, determine the criteria for success; - justify success as a result of activity; - justify and derive an individual formula for success. Research hypothesis: a person will be successful if: he formulates an individual formula for success, aimed at striving for himself as “I am successful.” This study used methods such as analysis, dialogue and questionnaires, as well as quantitative and qualitative units of measurement. Target audience: the project is designed for young people, their parents and teachers and scientists dealing with the problem of success in building a professional career. 3 The degree of theoretical development of the topic The topic of success is not one of those well developed in the domestic literature, since the category “success” itself and related concepts (“career”, “own business”, business”, “money”, “status” and similar ) had no previous theoretical legitimacy. Discussions about success and success can be found in non-scientific journalistic sources, for example, in the works of authors offering “recipes” for achieving career success, developing personal effectiveness, explaining various educational practices or trainings (N.I. Kozlov, K. Turner, B. Tracy , D. Kehoe, E. Jlep, etc.). In the proposed concepts, “success” is viewed as something self-explanatory, with established meanings and meanings. The concept of “success” is representative of the American tradition, which includes M. Weber, P.M. Huber Richard M., G. Ichheiser G., W. Galston W., A.B. Griswold A.W., H. Peal N., etc. Success is considered as a concept that, as a rule, is defined by external markers: “wealth”, “money”, “fame”, “recognition”, etc. In In Russian conditions and with the Russian type of mentality, the topic of success was posed fundamentally differently (or was not intended to be of theoretical interest at all). Therefore, today it turns out to be important to study the features of the functioning of this phenomenon in our reality. Among the representatives of Russian philosophy who are close in their vision of these problems from an existential perspective, one can name H.A. Berdyaeva, S.JI. Frank, G. Florovsky and others. In contrast to American pragmatism, the Russian philosophical tradition focuses on the internal, existential factors of human existence. It is impossible not to note the works of modern Russian authors who address the problem of forming a “successful person.” Among them: V.I. Belov, V.P. Toporovsky, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, M.K. Mamardashvili, N.S. Yulina, G.I. Petrova, V.N. Turchenko, I.D. Proskurovskaya, A.B. Popov, I.V. Melik-Gaykazyan et al. 4 These authors call education as the environment in which human development takes place. They view education not only as a social institution, but primarily as a form of human existence that produces a successful person. Experimental part 1. Determination of criteria To determine the criteria for success, students from a group of future shipbuilders (20 people) were interviewed. The work consisted of two stages: At the first stage, they were asked to answer the question: “Who is a successful person?” The survey results are shown in the table (Appendix 1). Based on the answers, we can conclude that students consider a successful person to be a person for whom everything goes well in all areas of life, which means that in his life there is happiness, a good career, and his own profitable business. At the second stage, a discussion was held aimed at identifying students’ opinions about success in life. As these discussions showed, among students, two images of success in life emerged, which are approximately equally widespread: success as a result and success as a process. Thus, we can distinguish the following criteria for “success”, dividing them into external and internal. External criteria include visible human achievements: material well-being; recognition and fame in professional circles; public recognition (awards, titles); access to financial resources to implement your ideas and plans; good health, physical attractiveness; recognition of the “distant” environment. The internal criteria include: satisfaction with one’s life (work, family, financial situation, relationships, etc.); creative realization of personality; transpersonal realization (making a creative contribution to culture, art, and the development of 5 society); a feeling of being needed and able to help other people and satisfy their needs. Let us denote the qualities of a successful person: hard work, patience, dedication, perseverance, determination. And his distinctive characteristics: a successful person always moves forward and never stops there; success today is the amount by which a person has surpassed himself yesterday. There is no doubt that the main criterion of a successful person is a feeling of satisfaction with one’s life, which is impossible without professional competence. 2. Deriving an individual formula for success Following the postulates of success: WANTED - PLANNED - DID, I outlined a goal and a plan for achieving it. Career profile trainee Draftsman Technician Engineer Engineer Category 2 Engineer Category 1 Department head Project engineer Category 3 engineer Group leader Chief engineer of the plant Understanding that in order to achieve my goal it is necessary to determine action vectors, I compiled a coordinate system for my professional career: professional growth, job growth, financial height. Next, I developed an algorithm of actions: 1. Education is an integral part of any person. The first stage is getting an education. 2. “Theory without practice is dead.” The second stage is practice at the enterprise. 3. Learning – throughout life! The third stage is improvement through continuing education and receiving additional education. Based on the research, we will derive a formula for success. 6 First, I need to find something that I would like, but not just like, but so that from the mere thought that I would do it, wings would grow, energy and strength would grow every time I do what I love. Secondly, I must become an expert in this matter, that is, know it thoroughly and do it better than the vast majority of people. Third, I must learn to profit from this. These are the main components of the formula for success: D + E + P = U Conclusion “A talented person is talented in everything”, a truly successful person, spreading an aura of joy around himself, draws happiness and good luck into its orbit! I believe in myself! And I will succeed! You just need to act! Thus, in the process of research, the assigned tasks were solved, the goal was achieved, the hypothesis was confirmed! An individual formula for success is theoretically substantiated and formulated, aimed at striving for oneself as “I am successful.” List of sources used 1. Afanasenko I.V. Career building strategies as a component of professional SELF-CONCEPT [Text] // Collection of materials of the III All-Russian Congress of Psychologists. St. Petersburg, Leningrad State Publishing House, 2011. - 250 p. 2. Great communicator / Career Encyclopedia, [Electronic resource] / Portal “Online magazine” “HEADHUNTER”, 2012 3. Simov S. Planning a successful career /S. Simov// Portal “Territory of Your Development” Internet address: [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: 7 Appendix 1 Table 1. Results of a survey of students to the question: “Who is a successful person?” No. Successful Number of people is % 1 A person for whom everything goes well in life in all areas 55 2 A person who has both happiness and success in life 35 3 A person who has made a good career 5 4 A businessman who has at work, everything works out 0 5 A person who has his own profitable business 5 Table 2. Analysis of one’s qualities and their comparison with those necessary for a shipbuilder. Professionally important qualities Compliance with my personal qualities: responsibility and attentiveness + composure and discipline + 8 technical mindset + computer literacy insufficient perseverance + willingness to delve into one broad task insufficient 9

Currently, in sociology there are many different concepts devoted to the concept of “life success”. However, with all the variety of approaches to the study of this issue, all concepts recognize that the life success of any person is determined by the social environment and his natural predisposition, i.e., the individual’s natural inclinations and inclinations to various types of activities. The success or failure of an activity is recorded in society as the recognition or lack of achievements of an individual. On the one hand, success always depends on the individual’s activity in achieving what is most consistent with his nature, and on the other hand, on the effectiveness of the individual’s resistance to what contradicts his activities.

The essence of an individual’s social success is determined by his conscious or unconscious acceptance of the social group or community in which he intends to establish himself. The choice of group, as a rule, is not random. It is carried out based on the similarity of personal and group values ​​and ideas about ways to achieve success. Values ​​and standards of behavior are a “peculiar cultural code” of models of life success, on the basis of which recognition or condemnation of an individual’s achievements by a group or community occurs. The process of self-affirmation of an individual in a social group is predominantly one-sided, i.e. achieved in any one area of ​​her life. A person’s choice of the sphere in which he intends to establish himself is determined by which natural inclinations and abilities he has more strongly expressed.

As the basis for the concept of success in life, researchers use objective and subjective factors, indicators of material well-being, the degree of rationality in choosing a way to achieve goals, the dynamics of activity, social access code and other indicators.

The concept of success as conspicuous consumption (Veblen T. The Theory of the Leisure Class. - M.: Progress, 1984) is based on the material factor. T. Veblen identifies a special social class in the history of civilization, for which, in his opinion, employment is a socially and ethically taboo area. This class formed its own ideology of “achievement” and “rules of the game” - the norm of monetary competition and social attitudes towards monetary success, a monetary standard of living, monetary canons of taste and fashion, i.e. - conspicuous consumption.

In the concept of success as a rational choice, developed by D. Friedman and M. Hatcher (Ritzer J. Modern sociological theories: 5th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - pp. 318-319), the fundamental thesis is the statement that the formation of goals for achieving success by an individual is predetermined by his preferences. Researchers view social action as the achievement of goals, limited, on the one hand, by the hierarchy of individual preferences, and on the other hand, by social institutions, since they impose rules, laws, regulations and “rules of the game.”

In the exchange theory of J. Homans (Ibid. - pp. 321-328), the process of achieving success by an individual is considered as an activity consisting of three phases: action, reward for the result of the action, repetition of the original action or an action similar to it. He argues: the more often a person's action results in a reward, the more likely it is that the person will do the same again.

The concept of “success” is also considered in risk theory (3. Giddens, W. Beck). The basis of this theory is the idea that modernity is a transition from a classical industrial society to a risk society. Modernization, globalization, technology give rise to a new society, and therefore a new environment, in which the main issue is the question of risks and their prevention. Consequently, we can talk about a new social environment, a new social structure, as well as new “rules of promotion” in this structure, mechanisms for achieving success. Therefore, a successful person in a risk society is a person who has learned new models of behavior and, therefore, knows how to manage risks.

The basis of the symbolic concept of success is the position that interaction between people is carried out through the exchange of symbols developed in the course of social life. The fundamental premise of this concept is that “any objectivity, any state of affairs is or can appear in the consciousness of an individual as a certain semantic configuration. Researchers conclude that social reality is a phenomenon of the consciousness of many subjects: the world is as it is in the consciousness of the individual. Therefore, reality is nothing more than the totality of its individual semantic constructions, which are formed in the human mind as life experiences become available. The main issue here is the question of human interpretation of these symbols. Therefore, the key categories of analysis in this theory are the symbol (a certain social code) and the meaning of this symbol (individual meaning within one code, which is the result of a person’s interpretation of this code). Thus, the basis of interaction between people is the exchange of individual semantic constructions. The tool for expressing individual meanings is language. Goal achievement is a product of the interaction of subjective factors (individual values ​​of success) and objective factors (symbols of success).

The concept of “success in life” is defined precisely in the consciousness of the individual in the form of semantic structures and connections. A relatively holistic picture of the phenomenon of goal achievement, success in a particular community, in a particular society can be represented by a set of individual meanings of success of individuals.

Based on materials

socio-psychological research

How to assess your abilities and capabilities? What can and should a student do to achieve success in life and become a successful person, and what can school, class, and professionals help him with? How to make life beautiful and creative? How to find the key to a happy future?

The majority of young people are not aware of youth, artistic, creative communities, movements, and organizations. Young people are not familiar with the possible “scheme” for achieving success and need qualified support and assistance from specialists.



Department of General Education of the Tomsk Region Administration

MBOU DO "Center for Additional Education of Children"

MMC "Trajectory" Pervomaisky district of the Tomsk region

MU Department of Education of the Zyryansky District Administration

Section “Development of citizenship and patriotism”

Development of the volunteer movement to create a situation of success


"School of Social Success"

teacher of Russian language and literature

Tsyganovsky branch of MBOU "Zyryanskaya

Secondary school" Zyryansky district, Tomsk region

Address : 636865 Tomsk region, Zyryansky

District, Tsyganovo village, Shkolnaya st., 17;

tel: (8-243)42423; (8-243)42447;

e-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

village Tsyganovo-2017

  1. Introduction 3
  2. Relevance of the project, goal and objectives 3-4
  3. Approximate work plan for project implementation 5-8
  4. Efficiency of solutions proposed in project 8-10
  5. Support of partner organizations, residents, sponsors 10-11
  6. Project estimate 11
  7. Literature 12
  8. Applications 13
  • Letters of support
  • Notes in the newspaper
  • Achievements


Today Russia urgently needs well-educated, energetic people who can make bright, interesting decisions. The personal professional achievements of young men and women and the confident future of Russia largely depend on the activity of representatives of the younger generation, their sincere desire to benefit their Fatherland. The 21st century is the century of cosmic speeds and computer technology.
In Russian history, youth have always been the hope for the future and the real support of the state in its most difficult and heroic deeds.
There are youth public associations and initiative groups in our country. Young activists take part in the social and political life of the country. The country hosts various youth and children's festivals, competitions, Olympiads, shows, promotions, sports events, and health days. In our Zyryansky, the traditional “Youth Against Drugs” campaign has been taking place for many years in a row. And our age of the Internet and space flights should become the age of a healthy lifestyle. We are firmly convinced of one thing: no matter what heights humanity reaches, young people remain active. Qualities such as kindness, empathy, hard work and love are still in fashion. In our century, it is fashionable to be healthy and smart. Now many young people have begun to seriously engage in sports; instead of discos, they prefer sports activities and attend sports clubs.
Youth is the present and future of Russia.

Relevance of the project

Modern youth feel the need not so much for medical and psychological support, but rather to find ways of life that provide the joy of human communication, health, creativity, self-organization in matters that are necessary for themselves, others and the world.

Society urgently needs to solve the problem of mass involvement of children and youth in various forms of social creativity as a condition, on the one hand, for active self-realization and self-affirmation, without which it is impossible to build a new civil society; on the other hand, employment and prevention of the whole variety of social diseases.

And only where a child is the organizer and chief designer of his expanding environment, where he is the creator of his relationships with himself, others and the world around him, only there we get a generation of Citizens, Citizens of our village, our city, our country.

The “School of Social Success” project is necessary to prepare young people for independent living and to instill moral values ​​in order to expand the circle of participants, learn to interact with the environment, and gain practical skills for living in conditions close to natural ones.

Today society needs not just educated individuals, but also active, enterprising people who can make their own decisions, are capable of cooperation, and have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country. In order to help schoolchildren become prepared and active citizens of a civilized society, possessing a set of certain qualities, it is necessary to involve them in various forms of social practices, including living in a summer camp.

At what age should you start thinking about the questions: Why am I studying? What is success - sudden luck or clearly planned actions? How to become a successful person? How do ordinary guys grow into famous, worthy people known to everyone, about whom they say: “He achieved success!”? How not to make a mistake in choosing a profession? How to assess your abilities and capabilities? What can and should a student do to achieve success in life and become a successful person, and what can school, class, and professionals help him with? How to make life beautiful and creative? How to find the key to a happy future?

The majority of young people are not aware of youth, artistic, creative communities, movements, and organizations. Young people are not familiar with the possible “scheme” for achieving success and need qualified support and assistance from specialists.

Have you ever thought about what the word “CO-BEING” means? In our calendar, every event is a celebration of the creation of Life, where people together build an image of the Future, and in an atmosphere of mutual trust they learn to competently combine their dreams (projects) and agree on what and how they will do together. Each event ends with the coordination of a living flow of affairs, where everyone takes on only what is close to them. All events are interconnected, mutually complement each other, and therefore have an unprecedented life-giving power. Thus, multifaceted, multi-level projects arise that live and develop like a living organism. All these events flow into the general flow of collective creative actions that take place in the world and form the New Reality - the New World. Our project “Call of Chulym” is one of the links in such a chain of affairs on Zyryansk land. For more than ten years in a row, youth festivals have been held on the banks of Chulym. Participants are children of different ages. This activity is carried out by volunteer teachers.

The geography of this movement is wide. Interested parties and representatives are located in any region, in any geographical area of ​​our country. The breadth, scope and direction of action are very extensive. These include youth forums, festivals, health and educational events. And there are many different events that are aimed at cleansing the personality, reassessing one’s attitude towards life, self-organization and restoring harmony with oneself, with others and with the whole world. And social status and age are not at all important. Desire is all that is needed.

The goal of the “Schools of Social Success” (SSU) project:

Creating a comfortable environment that promotes the development of young people’s abilities in various areas of volunteering.

  • Tasks:
  • Develop a “School of Social Success” program: volunteerism, social culture, healthy lifestyle, preventive technologies.
  • Conduct a school for counselors to prepare volunteers to work with teenagers in a specialized shift.
  • Conduct training seminars on the School of Social Success Program.
  • Conduct a specialized session “School of Social Success” to teach and develop skills in mastering various types of creative activities, promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people with the involvement of specialists from volunteer associations in Tomsk, Biysk and Novosibirsk.
  • The opportunity for each student to achieve success or a successful situation in any type of activity (scientific, creative, sports, etc.)

Scientific and methodological support of the project

An attempt at creative personal development has deep Russian roots and traditions. The theoretical basis of the project is taken from the provisions on the development of natural talent of the professor of the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute T.F. Akbashev, the coordinator of the Siberian Center for Eurasian projects “Planet-3000” N.G. Gocharova, the master technologist “Pedagogy of the Evolution of the Mind”, associate professor of the Siberian Humanitarian Ecological Institute G.A. Misyurina, the author of the theory of solving intellectual problems G.S. Altshuller, etc. The theory of the issue is studied, the results of personal self-development technologies are presented and comprehended, which provide high performance results, which can be seen in the systematic conduct of children's and youth festivals in the Urals, on Turgoyak Island, on Lake Baikal, in the Zyryansky district.

Approximate work plan for the implementation of the ShSU project

Stage 1: preparatory. Implementation period: October – January, 2015-2016. G.

Main activities of the preparatory stage





The letter contains brief information about the project, an invitation to cooperation, and a questionnaire about the participants.

Informing target groups about the project. Clarification of the educational needs of the project target groups to develop the shift concept

2.Development of a volunteer training program for shifts


A program of general, special and technological training for volunteers to conduct a specialized shift.

Schedule of classes.

3. Information meetings with university students in Tomsk

Recruiting volunteers from a number of socially oriented students to conduct a specialized shift

All period

Recruiting the staff of counselors and managers of the “ShSU”

Stage 2: training. Implementation period: February-July, 2016

Staffing: teachers of the Zyryansky House of Children's Creativity, youth centers of the villages of the region, students of TSU and TSPU.

The concept of organizing student training

The staffing of the “School of Social Success” will be ensured through a wide PR campaign, a series of presentation events in educational, social institutions, public youth organizations of the Zyryansky district and Tomsk, Novosibirsk.

The recruitment of a team of specialists involved in training volunteers is carried out within the framework of a two-day school for counselors in the form of an on-site seminar - training on the basis of the Krivoshapkin educational center “Time of Change” in the village of Zyryansky and in Tomsk. The content of the seminar is the development of the concept of “SHSU”, software and methodological support for the training process, curricula, schedules, and familiarization with active learning methods. As part of the seminar, a coaching staff and a team of teachers of the multidisciplinary “ShSU” will be trained. Volunteer training is carried out at TSU.

A basic level of includes training of volunteers on general social issues: what is volunteering; history of the volunteer movement in Russia and abroad; features of the volunteer movement at the present stage; federal and regional social and youth programs; technologies for carrying out social actions.

Specialized levelinvolves in-depth training of volunteers in the following areas - profiles:

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Social Theater;

Social design;

Gaming technologies of prevention;

The peculiarity of the construction of the educational process of training volunteer counselors lies in the combination of its theoretical and practical components, in mastering the “peer-to-peer” technology.

Stage 3: profile shift.Implementation period: August, 2016.

Venue: the bank of the Chulym River in the vicinity of the Zyryansky district.

Participants: schoolchildren, students, teachers, journalists, entrepreneurs, guests from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Cherepanov, Yurga.

Staffing: members of the district youth council, a team of social technologists of the district public organization, volunteers,teachers of the Zyryansky Children's Art Center, youth centers in the villages of the region.

Accommodations:Camping. Nutrition based on the principle of self-organization. Participant registration fee – 500 rubles.

In a programme: Acquaintance. Presentation of commands. Workshops. Trainings. Social and educational games. Self-organization service. Project activities. Presentation of projects. Theatrical performances. Song circle around the fire. Guitar. Self-reflection.

When conducting the “School of Social Success”, 3 components are taken into account:

  • wellness, focused on adolescents mastering health-saving technologies, methods of healing, physical education, and monitoring their health;
  • educational,aimed at obtaining knowledge, ideas and developing skills to prevent the use of alcohol, tobacco, and psychoactive substances among adolescents using peer-to-peer technology.
  • developing, aimed at personal self-development, developing the qualities of a leader, organizer of volunteer practices, and organizing collective creative activities.

The program of the summer camp "ShSU" involves exploring the interaction between man and the river: order, fire pits, the state of the green zone. Studying and understanding the elements of nature: water, air, fire, earth through sensations is a great tool of nature.

Based on the principle of developing cooperation, they answered 4 questions to the core: Water. What is this? Where? Of what? Why do I need this? As a result, poems, songs, drawings, and dramatizations were born. In sports competitions: understanding the personality of legendary Russian folk heroes. There were games “My Secret Friend”, “Circle of My Friends”, “Affairs of the Circle of My Friends”, “The Road of My Dreams”. Workshops were open. All activities are presented in the program.

ART creativity: Unlocking a person’s inner potential through drawing and paint; Sound therapy.

Physical training: Outdoor games, tennis, swimming, gymnastics, massage, dance.

Social studies: andrelationship building tool; technogames: “Secret Friend”, “Path to Success”, “Dream Road”.

Labor training:campaigns “Clean Shores of Chulym”, “Do-It-Yourself Bonfire”.

Social management: “Business card”, presentation of self-organization services.

Guitar and flute school.

The song circle as a tool for building relationships..

Philosophical Theater:“It’s great that we are all here today”, “Find yourself a friend”,“The path to your dream”, “Let’s fill the sky with kindness”.

Self-organization:Self-organization services, socially useful work, school of legal culture, school of young organizer.

Master classes: Floristry, “I am a man, I know myself”, “I am the Master”, “7 steps to success”,"Young hairdresser""Girls and boys".

Social and educational programs:“Circle of your friends”, “Find yourself a friend”.

School of Civic Culture.mastering the basics of social literacy: organizational, project, corporate.

Based on the feelings of what we have lived, we draw a lot on paper one by one, two by two, collectively, observing the laws of silence: accept, support, understand; star law: to burn by igniting others. We listen, we contemplate the world. We sing songs by the fire. A daily ritual is to reflect on the day. This work is carried out through circles at the beginning of the day, self-organization services, workshops, living and awareness of the elements of nature, evening anchors and coordination councils. All work is built through positive experience. According to the principle of complementarity and joint activity, the awareness of the elements and oneself deepens: provided we accept and support, a feeling of joy and friendship is born and arises when we need each other; creativity, imagination, cooperation, interaction and empathy are born. An example of an activity with children could be the technogame “Who? Who are we?”, the purpose of which is to become aware of oneself, to learn to accept, understand, support another, complement him, help him.

The field of personal development and self-realization of participants in the specialized shift

During the shift, teenagers have the opportunity to:

  • realize individual interests, needs, abilities, obtain certain knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people, preventing the use of alcohol, tobacco, and psychoactive substances among young people;
  • gain communication experience, gain knowledge and practical skills in organizing various events in the field of prevention and conflict resolution among peers;
  • realize their creative and artistic abilities by participating in the preparation and conduct of mass leisure events;
  • realize leadership potential, gain organizational skills, get involved in the process of social design, learn to develop social projects and create a team for their implementation;
  • gain effective communication skills, create a favorable psychological atmosphere for working in a team, participating in trainings, role-playing and productive games;
  • engage in the process of mutual assessment, mutual knowledge, interaction, mutual support during the “ShSU” events;
  • relax, improve your health, using the opportunities of the surrounding nature, participating in sports and recreational work, choosing for yourself one of the proposed forms of active recreation;
  • increase the level of psychological culture by participating in psychological trainings and receiving consultations from psychologists;
  • expand your social experience, acquire volunteering skills.

Stage 4: final . Implementation period: August-September, 2016

  1. Summing up the results of the “School of Social Success”
  2. Presentation of certificates to participants.

In all work processes of the Program, the awakening of the original giftedness in children was noted. The meaning of life appears, the desire to contact others, the desire to creatively engage oneself, realize oneself, and constantly strive for something ever newer.

The program can include a variety of actions and involve the heads of organizations, clubs, farms, if the goal is to promote the achievements of this organization, get to know its people, etc. On this basis, long-term cooperation and mutual interest are possible.

Efficiency of solutions proposed in the project,

through the involvement of all project participants in the general educational process and the provision of ample opportunities for the realization of the creative potential of all project participants.

Main results expected to be achieved by the project.

This is the creation of youth teams capable of working in project mode. Mastering communication and self-organization skills. Raising children into leaders who will spread the idea of ​​cooperation in their schools.

Expected results – (in relation to children's recreational and educational recreation):

Correction and strengthening of the psychosomatic state of children; reduction of stress (level), development of the mental and sensory sphere (emotional health). This is the minimum.

The program contains the use of technological games with reflection, which allows the participant to experience and eliminate in a playful form personal and interpersonal psychostresses and barriers with himself, with other people and in general with the world and in relationships with his future.

The program is associated with elementary social design on the basis of TRC (developmental cooperation technologies), which allow you to learn in a short time how to form relationships with yourself, in a group, in a team, contributes to the formation and unity of children, etc. detachments, especially those assembled temporarily.

All parts, which contain a lot of different tools within their subprograms, are aimed at preventing and correcting social deviations, deviant behavior and awakening the moral foundations of life.

Innovation potential(replication of project results, justification of prospects).

This is not just a vacation on the Chulym River (which is also good). The educational and health complex includes:

Mastery of self-regulation technologies by project participants, i.e. such methods that

Firstly, during the rest period they can give a tangible (subjectively and objectively assessed) result of improved health;

Secondly, the use of these technologies independently in later life will allow people to increase their resistance to stress, both internal and external, to environmental pressure - social, informational, physical.

This means that in everyday, such a dynamic modern life, a person will be able to maintain a high level of activity, successful decision-making, build more constructive relationships with himself and with the world, and make effective and accurate decisions.

Change your attitude towards yourself to a more positive, accepting one.

Master ways to overcome interpersonal conflicts (in the family, at school, in a team), learn not only to resolve emerging conflicts effectively, without aggression and depression, but also to prevent possible conflicts by changing the nature and meaning of relationships with people.

Learn to better understand yourself, other people (spouses, children, employees, etc.), which means not wasting energy on unnecessary worries, but directing it to creating your own life, relationships, business.

Learn to awaken high energies in yourself, and this means constant activity, vigor, creativity, the joy of relationships.

Learn to interact creatively with people, giving birth to new projects, new creative ideas, new meanings in life, relationships, and business.

Learn to actively relax without expecting someone to entertain you.

Learn not to expect that happiness, health, success depends on someone or something - to create life with your own hands.

Learn to awaken your inexhaustible potential.

The forms of such education are not the hard work of sitting at desks, but living and playing, where you can get amazing results.

A special feature of the project is its transferability, i.e. replicability based on the principle: “learned it myself” – teach another." One of the sections of the project is training children as instructors in organizing collective creative activities, events, and health promotion.

The “School of Social Success” project, after mastering the principles and methods of its organization, can become a program of action for any educational institution, and not only educational ones, in terms of independent use.

Achieved personal results

  • A. Dudko (educational grant for a trip to Italy)
  • M. Tsygankov (cadets of the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg)
  • A. Anufriev (work at Roscosmos)
  • N. Krivoshapkina (international trainer of the ShSU programs)
  • P. Krivoshapkin (winner of the “Business First Step” project)
  • L. Mekhovich (literary creativity)
  • E. Efremov (song project)
  • P. Slubskikh (design creativity)
  • A. Ryzhkov (successful agricultural worker)
  • Yu. Sitnikova (head of library projects)
  • A. Sitnikova (work under the “Zemsky Doctor” program), etc.

Supporting partner organizations, residents, sponsors (letters) in carrying out activities.

For the project to come true, it is necessary to obtain support at the level of the district leadership, since the financing of the project depends on this. The main partner is the Department of Education of the Zyryansky District, represented by the head who sets the project in motion. Summer camp is living in a specially organized situation, which is the basis of a model of a pedagogical situation that requires solving life problems. It is important to attract organizers from among teachers who have already gained positive experience. Our partners are the Novosibirsk School of Social Organizers “Scarlet Sails” (Popov E.A.), Misyurina G.A., master technologist of “Pedagogy of the Evolution of the Mind”, Associate Professor of the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute, Solonenko O.F., journalist, teacher TSPU for public relations, doctor of the city of Yurga, Kemerovo region Kozhevnikova G.G. Their help is not only theoretical, but also practical: they go by invitation during the summer camp and provide real help. Their participation is prescribed in the program of activities of the ShSU project.

The legal representative of the project and organizer is the Education Department of the Zyryansky District Administration. All organizational issues are resolved during the conclusion of relevant contracts.

Real sponsorship assistance was provided for the ShSU project:

  • ROO of the Zyryansky District Administration - 25 tr.
  • Fund of the Head of Administration of Zyryansky District - 25 tr.
  • L.I. Ryzhova, entrepreneur – bakery products;
  • Yu.V.Maslov, businessman - stationery;
  • L.A. Khrishchenko, chief physician of the Zyryansk Central District Hospital - medicines;
  • V.G. Pimenov, employee of the Omega private enterprise - Omega mineral water;
  • G.M. Lashuk, director of the motor transport enterprise - transport;
  • S. and V. Kozadaevs, entrepreneurs - confectionery products.

Availability of the educational institution’s own contribution in the form of volunteer labor(students, teachers, parents, interested parties).

  • Team of organizing teachers.
  • Workers of the local House of Culture.
  • Parents of students.
  • The youth of the village of Tsyganovo, on whose territory the events took place.

Implementation mechanisms:

  • Information in the regional media about the preparation and progress of the project.
  • Working meetings of the organizing committee.
  • Concluding agreements with village administrators on project implementation.
  • Drawing up cost estimates.
  • Organization and conduct of summer camp
  • Analysis of the activities of the organizing committee based on the results of preparation and conduct of the summer camp “School of Social Success”.

Project estimate Stationery




Additional expenses

10 000


68 000-00

Considering the fact that “Shsu” has been carried out for many years, the project is low-cost, because Already have camping equipment. Meals are provided from the participants' registration fee. Involved specialists receive a salary and travel expenses. As an incentive, students are paid to conduct master classes.

A guarantee of financial support can be the interest of the Education Department of the Zyryansky District Administration in the effectiveness of this type of work. We have experience in conducting and financing summer camps. The effectiveness justifies the project costs.

The School of Social Success project is promising for a number of reasons:

  • students and youth acquire knowledge to unlock creative potential;
  • students need new forms of organizing summer recreation;
  • teamwork increases the importance of everyone;
  • Living in a summer camp contributes to the development of hidden creative potential in a person. The camp is an excellent living situation for realizing your goals;
  • Simple, nature-conforming technologies of self-knowledge, self-determination, self-government, self-improvement, self-organization, i.e. creative self-development guarantee a high quality of life.

Results presentation form(new types of technologies, methods, documentation, monographs, articles, etc.):

  • based on the results of the project, a round table is held annually at the August conference;
  • throughout the year, master classes are held for teachers of the district at seminars at the educational center “Time of Change”, subject educational programs;
  • the results of the work are summarized at all-Russian conferences, an article was published for the Institute of Social and Pedagogical Problems of Rural Schools at the Russian Academy of Education;
  • a more significant result is the practice with children of those techniques and methods of civic education that adults and children received in the summer camp.


  1. Akbashev T.F. Symbols of the transition period. Step five: “The Dawn of Russia” (towards low-cost system solutions). – Kazan, 1993.
  2. Akbashev T.F. The Path of the Mind: Fundamentals of Noospherology. – Ufa: Publishing company “Astarta”, 2007.
  3. Guryanova M.P. Raising a viable personality. - M.: ISPS RAO, 2006.
  4. Dick, N.F. Family traditions in education. - Rostov n/d., 1993.
  5. Plotkin M.M. Rural family as an educational institution: Analytical report. – M.: ISPS RAO, 2007. – Series “Modernization of education and social development of the village.” – Issue 63.-36s.


  • Educational program “School of Social Success”
  • Letters of support
  • Notes in the newspaper
  • Photo report “Happy moments of the festivals “Call of Chulym”
  • Achievements

O.V. Mikhailova


If you want to achieve success, first step over yourself, and then over others.

He who loves the difficulties of his profession, without thinking about success and glory, is called by the gods.

Robert Louis Stevenson

“Success” is studied as a phenomenon manifested in various contexts: philosophical, social, educational. The author turns to the historical genealogy of the concept of “success”, considers genuine and inauthentic modes of success. Conceptual ideas of a successful personality make demands on the creation of a new type of person - super professional and super mobile.

There are concepts that seem obvious, and we use them everywhere, endowing them with meanings that we have introduced, without really thinking about their nature. Apparently, success is one of them. Undoubtedly, being one of the most important aspects of our existence today, the concept of “success” is used as a certain goal, which probably every person strives for, while investing their personal experiences, and often exists as a kind of ready-made “recipe”, including “money, status, fame." We often wish each other success along with health and happiness. What do we mean? And in general, to what extent can “success” be studied philosophically?

Perhaps success is one of the “great questions” today, through the prism of understanding, the dissection of which can give us a new look at our existence today. What is the meaning of a successful existence? To what extent is success a guideline in modern living space?

The purpose of this reflection is an attempt to consider the phenomenon of success in its various manifestations: philosophical, social, educational. Since, in our opinion, it is unproductive and unconstructive to offer a ready-made version of the definition of success, it is worth asking questions, the answers to which will “catch” the “elusive phenomenon.” What is its appeal, why is the word “success” on everyone’s lips? To what extent is success a “Russian” project or a project imposed on us from the outside - a project of the modern Western world? Why did he quickly enter our everyday discourse, adapt, and assimilate on Russian soil? Is “success” a phenomenon of modern times or did it exist previously and in what forms?

At the beginning of our research, we were faced with a problem: what should be the way to consider such a “non-scientific” (not strictly scientific) concept. Apparently, the specificity of this phenomenon, its uncertainty and multidimensionality determine the way it is considered.

The lack of philosophical literature on this topic complicated the task, on the one hand, but on the other hand, on the contrary, aroused even greater interest and opened up the possibility of interpretation.

The existing literature devoted to success is mostly journalistic or intended for specific areas of activity: in management, psychology, various trainings.

When asked what constitutes success, the answers usually boiled down to listing the following social

markers: achieving a set goal, fame, money, prestige, high position, etc. It turns out that success is qualified by others: you are successful only if society recognizes you as successful. However, the question arises: is it possible to talk about Ludwig van Beethoven, Sergei of Radonezh, and other poor people who did not achieve recognition in their time as successful? This is one pole. The other pole that V. Frankl describes is whether people who graduated from Harvard, occupy high positions in the social hierarchy, receive high salaries, but feel inner emptiness and despair, are successful?

It is obvious that in addition to the social, success has an individual dimension. Through Heidegger's distinction between the authentic and the inauthentic, it is possible to talk about success on a personal level. The imperative of being authentic is formulated as follows: “Be yourself!” It is difficult to explain what it means to “be yourself” and “not to be yourself.” Methodologically it is easier to start from a negative premise. “Being not ourselves” is realized if we orient our lives based on the opportunistic interests of social or parental order, pragmatic calculation. For example, we choose an economics major not because we like economics, but because in the future our parents will get a well-paid job.

The inevitable consequence of “not being yourself” will be the feeling of living someone else’s life: it may turn out that I was not in the job that suited my interests, I was not friends with those with whom I wanted, but with whom it was profitable or convenient. It seems that the above reflections are rather banal, but we will need them as a regulating idea in the future. There are two poles: either follow only the voice of your desires and not react to the opinion of the world, or fulfill the orders of society, which can be profitable models of existence. The concept of authenticity as being attentive to one's own needs to be complemented by listening to the social context. Then, a successful person is one who has succeeded personally and has succeeded socially. “What a success!” - we exclaim when a person, by his appearance in this place and at this time, makes reality come to life - to create a book in which people find their inner unspoken, to organize work at an enterprise and inspire in its team the desire to work, or simply to close the necessary wiring in a microcircuit. ..

Historical genesis of the concept of “success”

To find out what the essence of the phenomenon under discussion is today, it is advisable to turn to the genesis of the concept - the historical context where it originated.

The first analogy that arises when mentioning “success” is the Protestant project described by M. Weber in “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.” Human success was sanctioned by God himself and elevated to the rank of a social virtue. The coincidence of professional duties and vocation, which in German is denoted by the same word “Beruf,” was the foundation of the Puritan ethic and the impetus for the development of capitalism and the spirit of entrepreneurship in those geographical regions where Protestantism spread. It was the Protestant ethic that determined the American life model: the pursuit of success as the main value. The meaning-forming component of the idea of ​​success was the merging of spiritual and economic well-being. This is clearly illustrated by the main symbol of America - the dollar, on which is written: “In God we trust” (“We trust in God”). If you serve the dollar, you cannot help but serve God.

In America, although initially religiously pluralistic, Protestantism became the most important. Perhaps because it was Protestantism that represented a fusion, on the one hand, of religious life, and on the other, secular life. According to political scientist W. Galston, religion began to perform a pragmatic function - as a recipe for achieving a successful, God-recognized (which was one and the same) individual life. Protestant principles of business success and fulfilling one's own calling have become the norm of life in American society, which every person must observe. Even the theologians of the day, notably N. Peale, argued that religious faith was not something piously puritanical, but a scientific recommendation for creating a life of success, and that economics and spiritual salvation went hand in hand.

Gradually, with the increased growth of mobility, the expansion of market relations in all spheres - not only economic, but also social - the religious component is “washed out” from the guidelines of the American citizen. Material well-being and independence become not so much a matter pleasing to God, but rather a standard of society.

The pragmatic worldview was expressed in the well-known American philosophical tradition, represented by W. James and C. Pierce, as well as in the education system, which, in essence, performs the function of preserving and reproducing values ​​in society. For teaching in American educational institutions, only those knowledge and skills were selected that could help achieve material success, or contribute to the formation of character traits associated with a “self-made man.” A person is smart insofar as he can convert his knowledge into a material equivalent.

“Success” in the USA is not just a word woven into use along with other words, not only a statement of achieving results in business, but a social norm of existence, a life imperative “be the best”

shim in everything!” Success, one might say, is a national idea, a way of positioning Americans in relation to others. “I am an American” already means superiority and a higher starting position.

Surprisingly, in Russia today we are witnessing the emergence of labor as one of the most important values ​​in life. People are beginning to perceive work not only as an area of ​​effort that brings profit, but also as a space for personal growth and self-realization. Russian stereotypes in relation to work are changing: from the attractiveness of “freebies” (which is reflected artistically in many Russian fairy tales about Emelya and the pike, Ivan the Fool and the Firebird, the old man and the goldfish) to the attractiveness of earning money through one’s own labor. Now a person understands that his income is directly dependent on the effort expended, and not on the time at work. The principle of “equalization” no longer applies.

Natural questions arise: how long can people work for material wealth? Is money the blueprint for success in Russian? Apparently, we want to earn money not only to survive, but to survive in a certain way - to understand why we earn money. If in America the Protestant ethic served as the “justifying” mechanism for material growth, then what will be the spiritual basis for Russian society? Religious unification is neither possible nor necessary in our country; Orthodoxy, as historically the longest-lived religion, in our opinion, cannot serve as a beginning to explain in which direction to move. It must be admitted that today not a single institution - be it the church or the state - is impotent in the role of creators of meaning for the individual: there is no specific state program that reflects the interests of Russians and solves their problems; religion is unattractive either because of its “detached sublimity” or its opportunism. Whether people in the government and the Church understand this is unknown; whether they want to create a project to take Russia out of the space of spiritual disorientation is also unclear.

We can, in turn, turn to the area that is in our field of vision. Education is an institution that allows, on the one hand, the participation of each individual, and on the other hand, it is a mouthpiece: a large number of people will hear you. Through the educational system, abstract idealistic ideas can be transformed into concrete actions. According to Isaac Frumin, a former school director and now a coordinator of Russian educational projects of the World Bank, the education system is a corporation of national scale (my italics - O.M.). Although it has now reached a dead end, it is potentially aimed at building a strategy for the future in the following areas: identifying its inherent (and preferably only) competitive advantages, identifying obvious shortcomings that need to be eliminated, and, finally, discussing the main market trends or, in other words, challenges she needs to answer. There are three fundamental challenges:

The challenge of time, i.e. the need to raise a person who can develop independently;

Calling territory, i.e. providing a person with the opportunity to identify himself with the concept of “Russian”;

The challenge to morality is the donation of the image of a hero.

If Russian education (together with members of society) is able to adequately respond to the challenges of the time, then there is a great possibility of creating a spiritual basis that will support (and ensure) not only the economic, but also the social development of Russians. At least, many experts from completely different fields share this opinion.

Problem situation

What is unique about the current situation in the world and in Russia in particular? What are the specifics of modern sociocultural development, in the context of which the concept of “Success” functions?

Undoubtedly, this is a time of increasingly accelerating pace of life. Probably, almost everyone experiences a lack of time: everything needs to be done, i.e. complete by a certain date. So, for example, in V. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary, success is defined through the verb “to have time”: To have time, to have time in something, to have success, good luck, to achieve what you want. To be on time, to be on time, to be on time. To succeed in business, in work."

In a traditional society, where the main principles and values ​​were stability and the presence of guarantees, the problem of “success” and “success” was not relevant. The parameters of the social system were clearly defined and meeting certain standards (or being “a little better”) meant being “fitted” into this system, i.e. be automatically successful. “Being like the system” is a recipe for success in classical society.

The era of speed and market capitalism has led to the phenomenon of globalization. As K. Nordström and J. Ridderstrale colorfully describe it, this is an extraordinary state of instability and uncertainty associated with an increase (expansion) of opportunities for everyone, on the one hand, and at the same time an increase in competition, on the other, and on a global scale, such a wonderful “ karaoke capitalism".

In modern society, in conditions of value pluralism, there cannot be a single recipe for success. The very concept of “success” cannot be strictly (clearly) defined, because there is no basis, no starting point, it is unclear what needs to be corresponded to.

Apparently, this openness of borders and the speed of change are the factors that increasingly influence our lives.

What should a modern person be like in such a life? Successful, i.e. successful. He manages to compete with the whole world, but first of all “with himself”, a kind of “karaoke person” for whom success, drive, self-motivation are a natural state. “I try to dance not better than others, but better than myself” (Mikhail Baryshnikov).

Apparently, in the modern world there is no need to create generally valid standards of “success” (“eidos of success”). Everyone has their own success. Therefore, a person must create his own recipe for success, and not “cook” from a cookbook.

What should be the educational situation that shapes such individual trajectories of success?

The disappeared social certainty, which was supported by the “caring father” state in relation to the social good, in particular education, has put us in front of a situation where getting an education has become our problem, and not just the state’s. Now we, based on our own ideas about the future, must make a choice. We are free to choose, and this is a positive social effect, but at the same time there is constant risk and responsibility for the decision made. The rector of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences Theodor Shanin says, addressing his students: “I will be very surprised if each of you does not change four specialties during your professional life. And therefore, preparing you “narrowly” for a specific profession is not entirely effective. You need to prepare for adulthood, for the ability to use analytical thinking, for the ability to move from position to position, to understand changed conditions and act in these conditions” (quoted from:).

Thus, the modern situation requires a qualitatively new type of personality: super professional, on the one hand, but at the same time super mobile, quickly responding to all the challenges of the time, on the other. However, these are only the social competencies of a successful person today. There is another dimension - the individual one, which we wrote about above - genuine success, which is expressed in maintaining one’s self in any context or situation.


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