Economical heating of a private home. The most economical heating of a private house: the correct selection of a boiler and wiring diagram. Disadvantages of heating from the mains

For each residential building, whether it is large apartment building, or we're talking about about private one- and two-story households, organization is of great importance efficient heating. Existing options Today there is quite a lot of heating, however, due to technical capabilities, not every house can be connected to gas. It is not always possible to supply solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers with the required amount of fuel. In such situations, the house will be heated with electricity.

Already at the design stage of an electric heating system, we can conclude that this heating method will be much cheaper and more economical. Moreover, if you compare the speed of installation of electrical equipment with the installation and installation of other types of heating systems. In some cases, efficiency is a decisive factor when choosing a heating system. Despite the fact that today electricity is constantly becoming more expensive, new technologies make it possible to use electric heating devices with high efficiency.

Electric heating in your home - the main advantages and disadvantages

The concept of electric heating should be understood as a fairly wide range technical means and opportunities. Electricity is a unique type of artificially produced energy that can be successfully used for domestic purposes. Electric heating can be of two types:

  • with intermediate coolant;
  • with direct heat transfer.

In the first case, we are talking about a system based on an electric boiler that heats the coolant and distributes it through a pipeline system. In the second case, we are talking about independent heating elements and devices operating from the electrical network. To heat a house, like any other room, convectors, thermal electric fans, spiral and infrared heaters are actively used. This heating method is much simpler with technical point vision. The only negative is a significant overconsumption of electricity, which will have to be paid for. Warm floors deserve a separate discussion, a technology that makes it possible to truly achieve comfort in heating living spaces.

If we consider the ratio of the possibilities and benefits obtained from using electric heating with other types of heating, then electricity will look preferable. The main advantage of electric heating systems is high efficiency. To others positive aspects should include:

  • durability of operating systems;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • fairly reasonable costs for the purchase of equipment, installation and connection.
  • silent operation and high level of safety of modern electric heating installations;
  • lack of permits for the installation of electric heating systems.

The economic effect is achieved by installing thermostats on electric heating devices, thanks to which the power supply is automatically turned on and off.

The above advantages are offset by one disadvantage. To install sufficiently powerful heating electrical appliances and an electric boiler in a house, additional equipment of the residential building with electrical distribution devices and devices will be required.

Important! The wiring in the house must be able to withstand significant loads, especially in the cold season. In addition to everything, electric switchboard need to be equipped with a multi-tariff meter that allows intensive use of the cheap night tariff. The main task when installing electric heating systems is to optimize the operation of the entire complex.

Electric boiler or convector - what's the difference? What should you pay attention to?

From a technological point of view, an electric boiler is the most favorable in terms of price-quality ratio. Before making a purchase, you should carefully study the technical capabilities and characteristics of the models on the market. When assessing the capabilities of the boiler, it is necessary to take into account the amount of work that the new equipment will have to cope with. To heat a house with an area of ​​150 m2, according to rough calculations, at least 150 kW of electricity per day will be required. Not every boiler is able to cope with such a volume, and not all power lines are able to withstand such a load.

The boiler is connected to a regular standard water heating system, heating the coolant during its operation.

Each model is equipped, which allows residents to independently choose the temperature regime. The automation itself regulates the boiler power based on the specified parameters, without requiring human intervention, providing the necessary energy savings. The water supply is also regulated using a built-in pump, so there is no reason to worry about normal pressure in the system. Additional equipment that comes with most today modern models electric boilers, increases the functionality of the system and aims to reduce energy consumption, saving you money.

In the process of optimizing operation, it is important to take into account the heat losses that are inherent in the room. This indicator depends directly on the thickness of the walls, the presence of insulation, the number of doors and window openings. The main heat loss occurs through windows and doors.

Last but not least, the heating efficiency depends on the parameters of the selected electric boiler model. There are classic boilers with heating elements, as well as more efficient modern options - induction and electrode (ion). Moreover, they all have an efficiency coefficient of 90%.

For reference: Often, manufacturers write in the accompanying documents for the product that the efficiency of the model is 95-98%. The numbers look impressive, although in reality the figures are much lower, in the range of 90-92%.

When using a large number of electrical household appliances at the same time, the temperature of the coolant in the electric heating system can be reduced, saving on balanced energy consumption. Each specific case gives various options for savings, unlike using other heating systems. For example, an area of ​​50 m2 will require an electric boiler with a power of 3 kW. Having the necessary figures at hand, it is not at all difficult to calculate the number of kilowatts that will be consumed during the month with continuous operation of the boiler.


  • house area – 50 m2;
  • electric boiler – power 3 kW;

We make arithmetic calculations using the following formula: 3x24x30, where 24 is the number of hours in a day, 30 is the number of days in a month. We get 2160 kW per month with the boiler running, and now we multiply this figure by the electricity tariff that is established in your region.

All calculations are approximate. The real amount of energy costs will be visible only after some time. Only then can you make independent adjustments to the operation of the heating system in the house and decide on the advisability of using other electrical appliances.

If you need to organize heating in your own home without laying mains and installing numerous equipment, you can get by with convectors. Unlike electric water heating in convectors, the main operating principle is the convection of warm air. Due to the operation of the heating elements, the surrounding air is heated. The system is almost completely autonomous, compact and capable of quickly warming up small interior spaces.

Convectors are equipped with temperature regulators, with which you can set the optimal heating parameters. The presence of automation ensures automatic switching on/off of the device depending on the temperature conditions inside the room. To install heaters of this type, you must have high-quality sockets and reliable wiring.

Convectors can be installed both on walls and on the floor. The cooled air falls down, falling into the field of action of the heating elements, heats up again and rises up, and so on in a vicious circle. Thus, the process of convection of air masses is achieved. The operating mode for heating convectors is 60-100 0 C. Additionally, the room can be equipped with fans, the action of which will speed up the air exchange of the air mass. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design and the elementary principle of operation, heating of the room with the help of convectors is carried out unevenly. The air near the ceiling will be warmer, while the air masses below will feel cooler.

To achieve savings when using convectors, it is enough to carry out a simple mathematical calculation that allows you to determine required amount devices for normal heating of the room. Practice shows that convectors are effective in heating wooden residential and domestic buildings small area. In capital, stone buildings with large premises, it is not advisable to use convectors. Large volumes of air quickly cool down, the time for heating the room by convection of air masses increases significantly. Consequently, the energy consumption of the heating system increases.

Warm floor - economical heating of a private house

Electric boiler and convectors are not the only options to equip a private house efficient heating system powered by electricity. Warm floors, which today have become fashionable to install in country houses and apartments, can be a successful alternative to any other heating option. From the point of view of physics, a warm floor does not provide a noticeable effect in heating residential premises, however, in comparison with the operation of other electric heating devices, thanks to a warm floor, it is possible to reduce energy costs for heating.

The required effect is achieved through rational heat distribution. Floors are known to be the coolest part of any room. Thanks to heated floors, the coldest part of the room is automatically repurposed from a cooler into a source of thermal energy. The air heated from below throughout the entire area of ​​the room rises upward in uniform flows. For residential premises, heated floors provide savings of 30-40%; for heating other premises, savings can be 50% or more.

With the help of temperature regulators, optimal heating parameters are achieved. By independently determining the temperature conditions inside the room, you can achieve significant savings in energy consumption.

The advantages of heated floors are:

  • an effective way to quickly warm up rooms;
  • acceptable economic indicators;
  • a comfortable indoor microclimate is maintained (oxygen is not burned);
  • simplicity and reliability in operation.

Against the background of the advantages that underfloor heating has, the only drawback This electric heating option seems inconsequential. The problem lies in the complexity of installing such a heating system, associated with the need to reorganize the floor covering.

Preliminary calculation of the cost of heating costs in in this case next:

The approximate power of standard models used in everyday life is 1.5 kW per 10 m 2. We calculate the average daily consumption and get a figure of 360 kW. For rooms of other sizes, calculations are made according to the same principle, the power varies in proportion to the area.

For reference: 360 kW x 2.5 (tariff 2.5 rubles, approximately) we get 900 rubles. Now let’s multiply the resulting figure by real square meters, for example 50 m2. As a result, we face a figure of 4,500 rubles.

Today there is a large selection of options to achieve the necessary comfort inside a residential building using electric heating.

Each of us has the right to choose which heating option suits him best. An electric boiler, heated floors or electric heating devices are options that solve certain problems. You can solve the problem globally by creating a major heating system or resolve issues locally. You can achieve savings in any case if you rationally equip your home with heating elements, reduce heat loss in the room and optimize the operation of the entire energy system in the house.

Most economical way heating a private house - autonomous system, running on natural gas. But often, by objective reasons, this opportunity is not available everywhere. In relative second place in terms of the cost of thermal energy are solid fuel boilers or heating from a fireplace/stove with a closed firebox (if the house is small), but given the need to store fuel and the complexity of maintenance, not everyone likes this heating method. Storing liquefied gas requires expensive containers. Liquid fuel, in addition to difficulties with storage, is characterized by expensive equipment and poor environmental characteristics. Electric heating in a private home does not have all these disadvantages. Except for one thing – the high cost of energy. Although in this case there are opportunities to reduce the burden on the family budget. What features does heating a house with electricity have? We’ll look at the most economical way to heat a house using energy in our article.

Electric heaters do not require chimneys and can be installed anywhere Source

Which heaters are not suitable for the heating system

Sometimes you have to read unfair criticism of certain types of heating devices. They are criticized not for real shortcomings, but for imaginary ones. Although at the end of the criticism the conclusions are completely correct - these devices can only be used as auxiliary heaters, and it is impossible to build an economical heating system with their help.

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In our video we’ll talk about heating in a private country house. Our guest is the author and presenter of the Teplo-Voda channel Vladimir Sukhorukov:

Oil radiator

Considered uneconomical - critics argue that it should not be used as a heating device due to high flow electricity and low returns. But it is this type of device that has one of the highest efficiency - about 98%. That is, it converts almost all electrical energy into heat (the law of conservation of energy has not yet been canceled), and those minor losses of 2% are due to the resistance of the internal walls of the radiator to the coolant. Yes, it is inertial - it takes a long time to warm up, but it also takes a long time to cool down.

Another drawback is that it takes a long time to warm up the room.

But this is a property of all batteries, including water heating, in which the main method of heat transfer is natural convection, and it proceeds slowly.

The main disadvantage is the “rough” power control and the use of mechanical thermostats. And such inaccurate control temperature conditions makes an oil radiator ineffective when trying to optimize heating costs with electricity in a private home. And yet, he has quite heat housing when operating at full power, which is dangerous if there are small children in the house.

There are models of oil radiators that can be hung on the wall Source

Fan heater

It is often written about a fan heater that it burns oxygen. But “oxygen combustion” is nothing more than an oxidation (combustion) process, and the maximum that can burn at a fairly low temperature of the coil is organic dust in the air. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about burning oxygen (after all, it’s not wood that burns) since this insignificant volume must be replenished as a result of mandatory ventilation of the room.

The efficiency of such a device is slightly lower than that of an oil radiator (part of the electricity is spent on operating the fan), but it is not very different, considering that the power of the fan motor itself is small (about 50 W out of a total of 1 or 2 kW). The advantage is that the room warms up very quickly. Disadvantages are a constant noise level (albeit insignificant) and dust transfer throughout the room. And the main drawback of these household appliances is manual power adjustment and the illusory possibility of creating an automated heating system based on fan heaters

The most compact fan heater heating device, and it is great for heating a small area Source

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize once again that the main reason why some types of electric heaters are not suitable for heating a home is not the efficiency (almost all of them are above 95%), but the impossibility of automating system control. It is this factor that does not allow optimizing the operation of the heating system, and without this it is impossible to heat a house with electricity cheaply.

Efficient methods of heating with electricity

Heating with electricity in a private house has the main advantages over all others - these are simple and accurate methods for monitoring and regulating the operation of all components and elements. Even the sensors and display of information about operating modes are more accurate than those of equipment using other types of energy carriers.

Individual electric heating of a private house has three options for heating systems:

  • autonomous water heating systems based on electric boilers:
  • use of infrared ceramic heaters;
  • electric convectors with electronic thermostats.

All these systems can be adapted into a smart home system and controlled remotely.

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Differences between gas and electric heating in the video:

Heating with electric boiler

This is a classic diagram of an autonomous heating system. There are two options for heating the coolant - indirect and direct.

Electric boilers indirect heating There are two types: heating elements and induction.

The design and principle of operation of heating element boilers are quite simple - there is a heating coil enclosed in a sealed metal shell with a dielectric heat-conducting filler, the heat from the spiral through the filler is transferred to the surface of the heating element shell, with which the heating system coolant is in contact.

This is what the “filling” of a 9 kW heating element boiler looks like, which, despite its compact size, is capable of heating a house of 100 m2 Source

Induction boilers appeared for household systems heating is relatively recent. Their operating principle lies in the property of metals to heat up under the influence of an alternating magnetic field. The heating element itself is an inductive coil with a ferromagnetic alloy core, through the “secondary winding” of which the coolant passes.

Scheme of work induction heater Source

Features of electric boilers direct heating is that water not only acts as a coolant, but is also part of electrical diagram- passes through it alternating current between the electrodes. Hence the name of the boilers - electrode.

Each type of boiler has its own disadvantages. Heating elements form scale, which leads to a decrease in the useful power and service life of the boiler. Induction ones are quite expensive, bulky and have “stepped” power adjustment. Electrode ones have strict restrictions on the quality and composition of water, which must have a certain specific electrical resistance to alternating current.

Cascade of four electrode boilers for heating big house Source

Well, the main disadvantage of heating a country house with an electric boiler is the presence of the coolant itself and the “bulky” circulation system of pipes and radiators. Setting up such a system is costly, and the efficiency compared to direct electric heaters may be lower if circulation pumps are used.

Infrared heaters

There are several types of heaters that use radiation (radiation) to transfer thermal energy. This transmission method is considered the most effective for heating a room - first, objects standing in the path of infrared radiation are heated, and then, due to secondary convection, the air is heated from them.

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Video about infrared heaters:

There are three fundamentally different types of infrared heaters:

    reflectors in which the filament coil is enclosed in a quartz glass bulb;

    panel - a heating element is “soldered” in a ceramic monolithic slab;

    film - with carbon coating on a polymer film.

Heating a house with electricity of the first type refers to heaters operating in the short-wave range of infrared radiation.

Such devices can be used as an additional heater, but not as a basic element of the heating system of a private house with electricity.

Disadvantages - the lowest efficiency (due to the visible part of the radiation), lack of precise temperature control and high case temperature.

The second type of device operates in the soft long-wave range. Maximum temperature ceramic panel does not exceed 90°C, but on the body it is even lower. There are two types of control - mechanical and electronic thermostat. The first option involves manual control and its accuracy is low. Using electronic thermostats, you can set the temperature with an accuracy of 1°C.

The infrared panel is so safe that it can be hung on wooden walls Source

Film heaters are the most efficient. They are usually used as part of underfloor heating, but in principle they can be mounted in walls or on the ceiling. But it is the installation as part of the floor covering that most closely corresponds to the correct and uniform heating of the room. Operation is controlled automatically using a temperature sensor-thermostat pair.

If there is not enough space on the floor, then the film heater can be mounted on any free surface Source


In appearance, convectors are very similar to ceramic panel heaters, but inside the metal case there is an “open” heating element enclosed inside a plate radiator. The fundamental difference is in the heating method - cold air enters the case through the bottom row of holes, comes into contact with the radiator, heats up and exits through the top row of holes.

The convector housing not only serves as protection for the heating element, but also increases the speed of the upward flow. Due to this, with the same power, the room is heated faster than from a water heating battery.

The stylish convector panel looks great in modern interior Source

Like ceramic panel heaters, there are two types of thermostats - mechanical and electronic. And it is the electronic control of the work that ensures the accuracy of adjustment and the ability to work in several modes:

  • individual, with manual control, used for heating a separate room;
  • group, operation of several devices under the control of one (common) thermostat, which ensures uniform heating of a large area or the same heating mode for several rooms;
  • intelligent, controlled by remote control, connection to GSM module and control using standard commands from a remote terminal ( mobile connection, Internet), connection to the router and control via local network and/or the Internet.

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What is better to choose: an electric boiler or an electric convector - see clearly in the video:

An example of a real system with an intelligent control circuit for electric heating at home

NOBO, a leading European manufacturer of convectors, produces two compatible systems for “smart” control of electrical appliances. Including " warm floors"(through a thermostat) and any other household appliances that are connected to the network (through a panel, a “break” in the circuit or turning on/off sockets). To do this, they produce special thermostats, socket receivers and hidden-mounted relay receivers.

Using such a system, you can monitor and manage the operation of up to 100 devices or group zones. And 700 series thermostats provide 4 operating modes for convectors: comfortable, economical, non-freezing (air temperature 7°C) and “off”. According to the manufacturer, the flexibility of such a control system for convectors and heated floors allows you to save up to 25% on electric heating at home.

One of two control schemes for a multi-zone electrical system Source

As a result, how to optimize electric heating

In addition to the competent selection of heating equipment, an effective and optimal (from a cost point of view) electric heating system is possible only with comprehensive insulation of the house - from the base to the roof. Otherwise, the cost of heating a ventilated house will be significantly higher, even despite the high efficiency of the heater itself, and heating a house with electricity is unlikely to be cheap.


Owners of private real estate can independently choose the type heating system. Economical heating of a country house is quite possible if you follow some tips and choose the right heating equipment. You can see what it looks like in the photo. Heat sources can be wood, electricity, gas, liquid fuel. Each type of heating device has both disadvantages and advantages, so making a choice is not so easy. It is important to determine which heating in a private home is the most economical for each specific case.

In addition, it is now possible to resort to using alternative types energy – the installation of such heating systems itself is very expensive, but the heat source is absolutely free.

Thus, if you are interested in economical heating systems, then electric heaters may not even be considered (more details: "").

Solid fuel boilers

Stoves in which wood is burned have been used by humanity for many hundreds of years. If you wish, you can install a fireplace in your house and admire the play of the flames on winter evenings. However, the most economical heating at home using wood is impossible - despite the fact that wood is cheaper than electricity, constant heat using this source of heat is still very expensive.

Peat briquettes, granulated wood chips and coal are also suitable as raw materials for solid fuel boilers. These types of fuel are much cheaper than firewood, and are often used for heating private homes, especially in areas where there is no access to a gas main.

Often, with the help of gas boilers, a traditional water heating system is created, the same as in apartment buildings. Such a unit is installed in a separate extension - it is strictly not recommended to place them in residential premises due to the release of gas combustion products (read also: " ").

Liquid fuel boilers

This type heating equipment is not so common compared to gas and solid fuel, but boilers running on liquid fuel also allow you to save a lot on heating. When using liquid fuel, you get an economical heating system for a private home, and the equipment itself is inexpensive (read also: "").
  1. Mini radiators. One of the new products, which is still little known, is a system that uses mini-radiators installed under the baseboard. Such equipment allows you to effectively heat rooms without taking up precious space and without affecting the interior.

    The operating principle of mini-radiators is based on the fact that they do not heat the air, but transfer heat to surrounding objects. They, in turn, contribute to heating the air. As a result, the entire room is heated evenly, and at the same time you can save up to 30% of energy. Thus, this is not only convenient, but also economical heating for the home (more details: "").

    Inside the system there are heating elements that heat running water. The equipment uses a small volume of water - for a baseboard 12 meters long, 4 liters of coolant is enough. Manufacturers provide a guarantee on their products for 3-5 years.

  2. Infrared heaters. They allow you to save up to 60% of electricity, and they do not take up much space. To heat rooms using such devices, it is not necessary to install boilers or lay pipes. Therefore, if you are interested in how to save on heating, then you should pay attention to infrared heaters - they consume a small amount of electricity, but are easy to install and do not require expensive communications.

    Infrared film allows you to improve the indoor microclimate without consuming a lot of electricity. However, it is not enough to effectively heat a house; it can only be used as an additional source of heat.

    Solar systems powered by solar energy make sense to install in southern regions where there are a large number of sunny days a year. The sun can be used to heat water for the heating system and household needs. However, in winter time solar systems may not be enough to properly heat the entire house, so it is recommended to supplement them with traditional boilers. Read also: "".

    Geothermal systems allow you to use the heat of the soil to heat a private home. In each region, the freezing point of the soil is different, so before you start creating such a structure, you need to calculate the required installation depth of the channels. Pipes can be laid vertically or horizontally. The first option is the most expensive, since the channels will have to be dug using special equipment. You can dig trenches for horizontal collectors yourself, but they will take large area near the house.

    As for which heating is the most economical, the cheapest types of fuel are gas, earth heat (more details: "") and the sun. However, it is worth considering that the installation of such heating systems is very expensive, so the initial investment will be quite high. However, during operation you can save on fuel, and after some time all costs will pay off.

Before starting the article, it is worth noting that the gas heating system is considered to be the most effective at the moment. But if for some reason it is not possible to install a gas boiler (for example, there is no gas line at the dacha), it is worth paying attention to such an option as economical heating of a private house with electricity, using one or another heating arrangement.

Sales and installation of systems infrared heating"Zebra" for private homes, offices and social facilities at prices from the manufacturer's factory on the website

Alternatively, electricity is a safer solution and no additional permits are required to install this equipment. In addition, you can easily make electric heating for a private house with your own hands. The disadvantages include, perhaps, high electricity bills.

It should be noted that electric heating, made independently or factory-made, is the most reliable, environmentally friendly and comfortable way to heat a home. This equipment does not require maintenance, is easily adjusted and can be automated, so it is much easier and safer to heat a house with electricity. The design does not include elements that quickly fail. There is no need to constantly monitor the fuel level and sensors.

Moreover, electric heating of a private house has the following advantages:

  1. Ease and simplicity of installation. Installation does not require special qualifications or expensive tools. The equipment itself is sufficient small sizes and its installation does not require much time and effort. All devices are quite easy to transport. This equipment does not require a separate boiler room or chimney.
  2. Safety. The electric heating system does not emit combustion products or carbon monoxide. Even during disassembly or breakdown, no harmful substances are released.
  3. Low initial investment. There is no need to make any special permitting documents, prepare a project and invite special services that will give the go-ahead for installation.
  4. Reliability and noiselessness. Electric heating does not require regular checks at specialized services. During operation, the equipment does not produce any noise due to the absence of elements such as a fan and circulation pump in the system.
  5. High level of efficiency. Even during severe frosts it heats the house quickly enough. Electric heating must be equipped with a special system that allows you to regulate the temperature in each room separately. This makes it possible to significantly save money during the heating season.

A significant disadvantage of this equipment is its high power consumption. Electricity prices in some areas are quite high, and this option for heating your home may not be profitable.

Another significant disadvantage is energy dependence. Heating a room is simply impossible if the electricity is turned off.

The disadvantages also include unstable voltage in the electrical network; this problem is especially acute in rural areas. To resolve this, it is recommended to purchase your own generator, but this will entail additional waste of money.

If you nevertheless decide to economically heat a private house without using gas, that is, electric heating, then you will need to take into account the general condition and power of the electrical wiring. A large private house will require a three-phase network for such purposes. It will be necessary to clarify the allocated power to the house, and how much of this power can be allocated for heating.

Types of electric heating systems and their features

Any electrical system heating a private house can be built according to two principles:

  • Direct. Each room is heated by devices that are powered directly from the network.
  • Indirect. This principle uses a coolant that heats radiators installed in rooms.

There are quite a lot of opinions about which electric heating is the best option for a private home. Most adherents of the indirect method of heating a house cite as their main argument the long cooling process in the system, which provides sufficient advantages when the boiler is stopped. Others, supporters of direct heating, talk about lower costs during the acquisition and installation of equipment.

Let's consider various systems electric heating in order of increasing cost of investment:

  • fan heaters and convectors;
  • heating using infrared radiation;
  • electric baseboard heaters;
  • heated floors of cable and film type;
  • standard water system equipped with electric boiler and radiators.

Installation of wall-mounted electric convectors is carried out in those areas where water heating radiators are usually installed - near cold walls and under windows. Fan heaters usually have forced air injection and a mobile design. They can be placed in the most convenient places. This type of electric heating is the cheapest, but at the same time less efficient.

A heating system based on infrared radiation equipment is more efficient. These devices, attached to the ceiling, heat all surfaces, from which the air is subsequently heated. Baseboard convection heaters, which are located around the perimeter of the room, have proven to be quite effective. But such a structure will require additional costs due to the fact that it will need to be installed instead of baseboards.

Such a proven method of electric heating as underfloor heating is very popular. This method basically uses heating film, electrical cable mats or a heating cable, which are capable of heating a fairly large room. The structure itself is quite inexpensive, but installation under a screed or covering can cause a serious blow to your budget. This heating method is the most economical; moreover, it gives pleasant warmth and creates a feeling of comfort.

All of the above methods have a significant disadvantage; they can only work if electricity is available. If the cost of electricity increases, it becomes possible to install natural gas into the house, or for some reason you need to change the energy carrier, the previous equipment may be useless.

To prevent such a misunderstanding, it is recommended to install an electric boiler and a standard water system with radiators for heating. If you want to change the energy source, you will only need to spend money on a new heat source.

In no big apartment ideal option There will be cable heated floors, their level of comfort is beyond praise. Cheaper methods also have a right to exist. But in stronger cold weather, their capabilities may not be enough and the rooms will be cooler.

In a large apartment, the best option would be to install radiator autonomous electric heating or warm water floors.

It would be much more difficult to choose the best option if it were not for the price of energy. But apartment owners also face the problem of a limited consumption limit (about 3-5 kW).

It is recommended to think about this in advance as soon as you plan to organize electric heating for your apartment. It is necessary to carefully study the contract for the supply of electricity, which specifies this limit; this contract may also stipulate that heating a home using electricity is prohibited.

It is somewhat easier to organize electric heating in a private house than in an apartment. The power consumption limit is much higher; it is possible to check the wiring and, if necessary, put it in order, starting with the power line. From the list above, the owner of the cottage, the most a good option There will be a water heating system with an electric boiler.

This is quite easy to explain: it is necessary to ensure the use of various energy sources, and not just electricity. Based on this, you will need to select a boiler, mount it and assemble one- or two-pipe system.

Design characteristics of electric boilers

Modern boilers operate on three principles of heating the coolant:

  • heating elements;
  • electrodes;
  • based on magnetic induction.

The first option is the most common. The coolant from the system enters the boiler, where it is heated using tubular heating elements and flows back into the heating system. This type of equipment is safe, functional, and also has built-in automation that controls the temperature of the room air and coolant.

Electrode boilers operate on a completely different principle. IN this device the heating element consists of a pair of electrodes to which high voltage is applied. The coolant heats up due to the fact that electric current moves through it from one electrode to another, after which the coolant enters the heating system.

Important! In boilers of this type, there is no electrolysis process (which is why there is no appearance of scale) due to the use of alternating voltage with a frequency of at least 50 Hz.

The intensity of use affects the heating ability of the electrodes, as over time they become thinner and no longer heat the house as much as needed. In electrode boilers, replacing electrodes is a standard procedure.

The design of induction boilers is more complex, although they are structurally more attractive. This type of boiler does not have the heating elements that we are used to. The heat exchanger, which is part of the magnetic circuit, uses a powerful magnetic field to heat the coolant passing through it into the heating system.

Electric heating of a country house, in the form of indirect heat transfer, has serious advantages over gas and air heating: electric hot water boilers are quite reliable, do not require a chimney and have high efficiency. The disadvantages of these devices probably include the requirements for a stable voltage on the network, as well as the presence of good wiring.

Installing a water heating system with an electric boiler requires a significant initial investment, especially if you involve a third party to handle the project of installing, configuring and balancing the system. It is also worth allocating additional money from the budget for the maintenance of this heating system, which includes checking the operation of the valves, periodically flushing the radiators, etc.

How to save energy?

Follow these tips to make electric heating in a private home more economical:

  • use multi-tariff electricity metering, since at night the tariff is much lower than during the day;
  • use non-electric heat sources during business hours;
  • install thermostats in the rooms;
  • give preference to underfloor heating systems;
  • traditional advice: try to insulate the house as much as possible or external wall apartments.

There is no need to neglect automation tools that can help reduce the temperature in unused rooms. And in general, you should not reject any means that will help you reduce energy costs.

Create a project for an optimal electric heating system. For example, a small one-room apartment can be heated by an electric boiler (provided that the heat loss is quite small). But in the house with big amount rooms, he may no longer be able to fully cope with the task.

In this situation, the best option would be to install a convector system with thermostats that will control the climate in each room. Infrared panels optimal solution will be for outbuildings where there is no need to maintain a constant temperature.

Thus, we reviewed all the popular methods of electric heating and concluded that heating a house with electricity is not only the most economical method, but also the safest. Each method has a fairly large list of advantages - environmental friendliness, no need for a fuel supply, noiselessness and ease of operation. But given the cost of electricity, don't count on any economic benefits. Therefore, it is recommended to insulate your home as much as possible to reduce heat loss.

One of the undeniable advantages of private houses over city apartments is the ability to choose the optimal type of heating yourself. It is much more pleasant to realize that the heat in your home does not depend on the mood of various utility services; system maintenance will take place when it is convenient for you. In the end, you know exactly what you are paying for and how much. That is why, even during the design of a house, or during the construction process, many ask themselves the question: “which option is better and " One of the main criteria for such a choice is the concept of benefit.

And before determining which one favorable heating private home, it’s worth figuring out what exactly we’re talking about. After all, the benefits also vary.

For example, for someone, in the understanding, it is beneficial, meaning, to invest inexpensively in the installation of equipment, but the costs, over time, can easily reduce this benefit to zero, due to the high cost of the resources expended. Others prefer to spend money initially and then benefit from more economical expenses.

Both options are fair in their own way, since in the first case, the house may well be built for sale. AND further fate, heating costs are no longer your concern.

But, if the house is yours, and you plan to stay in it for a long period, then it is wiser to start from the benefits of the second option.

So, it is worth paying attention not only to the cost of the equipment, but also to the heating installation itself, and to calculate in advance the optimally beneficial, specifically for you, type of resources used to maintain the operation of the heating system.

Types of heating systems for a private home

Think about which of the listed types of fuel is more economical in your case and is available.

Types of fuel used:

  • Sorted coal;
  • Regular firewood;
  • Briquettes based on wood or peat;
  • Liquid fuel (light fuel oil, diesel fuel, diesel fuel for);
  • Electricity;
  • Natural or liquefied gas.

Having decided, it is worth considering what type of systems, the type of fuel that is beneficial to you, will be powered.

  • Air;
  • Electrical;
  • Water.

Electric heating systems for a private house

What are the features, advantages and disadvantages of the above heating systems? Let's figure it out:

Air heating system for a private house: pros and cons

An air heating system operates on the principle of industrial forced ventilation, driving air through a heater or built-in heat exchanger, where it is heated and distributed throughout the room through specially designated channels.

Key advantages of the system

Due to the lack of coolant, you will never encounter freezing or leakage problems. This means that there are no expenses for off-season preventive work.

Thanks to the humidifiers built into the system, you don’t have to worry about dry air in the room.

The rate of heating of the air in the living space is quite high. The efficiency is not lower than 90%.

The main type of consumption is gas. Although there are also hybrid systems. The cost of these is initially higher than their gas counterparts, but is compensated by the fact that one stove can heat not only air, but also water systems. For those who plan to have combined heating for all occasions, it is worth considering this option in more detail.

What are the disadvantages:

The disadvantages of the system include, first of all, the need for a fairly spacious room for installing a heat generator.

Domestic gas, due to the high content of paraffins in its composition, is poorly suited for the equipment of an American manufacturer. As a solution, you can purchase a hybrid analogue made in Germany that runs on the type of fuel you need.

Noise. The operation of the system, unfortunately, is not silent. Therefore, if silence in your home is a priority for you, you should either refuse air type heating in principle, or choose the quietest option from those offered by the market.

Electric heating in a private house: pros and cons

Electric heating has a variety of uses and can be either the main or an additional source of heat regulation for your home. They can be built-in, overhead and even portable. There are several types:

  • Infrared heating;
  • Convection;
  • Warm floor system.

The principle of operation of the first type is to convert electrical energy into infrared radiation, which heats the room within the radius of the radiation. It is also worth paying attention to the unique ability of the effect in question. Namely, the fact that objects directly heat up. All other types and types of heating heat the air. And, as you know, it is not the best conductor of heat. Mounted in the ceiling, walls and even the floor of your home.

Advantages of electric heating of a private house

It has a number of special advantages. For example, a number of useful properties that are inherent in infrared therapies. Another feature associated with radiation is that even after the system is disconnected from the network, heated objects continue to give off heat.

Thus, saving your energy costs. If we consider a floor infrared heating system, then any type of coating is suitable for it, unlike its electric counterpart. With high thermal insulation of your home, the developers guarantee very economical consumption. The stated figures are at least 65% savings. Easy to install. Not afraid of sudden power surges in the network.

Disadvantages of electric heating of a private house

When it comes to ceilings, it is not always possible to get into the interior composition. Therefore, lovers of aesthetics should think in advance about the design of the ceilings into which the tapes will be installed. If the thermal insulation of the house is low, then there is a chance of not falling into the percentage superiority of cost efficiency promised by the manufacturers.

Convection heating of a private house: pros and cons

Built on the principle of circulation of natural air flows, heated by a heating element built into the convector. Wall and floor mounted. It can also be a portable heat source.

Advantages of convection heating

We can safely mention mobility and the possibility of installation in an already built house. Modern convectors do not dry the air. Safety of use. If the convector suddenly falls or breaks, it is instantly disconnected from the network, thanks to the built-in protection against fire and short circuit in the network. Installation is simple. Place it on the floor or attach it to the wall next to the electrical outlet. Low cost of equipment compared to other systems.

Disadvantages of convection heating

There are no particular disadvantages. Except that the system's power source is purely electric and cannot be hybrid.

Heating a private house using heated floors: pros and cons

The “warm floor” system is an electrical circuit consisting of a special heating cable in Teflon insulation. When current is applied, the filaments heat up to the set software parameters, while releasing heat that warms the floor.

Advantages of electric heated floors

The advantages of this type of heating are usually called the comfortable feeling from the contact of the bare foot with a warm surface. This is especially true for bathrooms and swimming pools. With high-quality installation, the system is quite long-lasting and does not require maintenance.

Disadvantages of electric heated floors

There are also disadvantages to such pleasure. There is an opinion that “warm floors” are harmful to health due to electromagnetic radiation. And partly this is true. Partially because, when installing a system from a cheap manufacturer, protective screens are not included.

More expensive analogues use higher quality materials with protection, reducing the harm of radiation to a level comparable to the operation of a regular TV or microwave. So, basically, the disadvantage of this heating method comes down to the financial side of the issue, since an important factor is played not only by the cost and installation, but also by the coating that follows after installation of the system.

It is not recommended to cover the floor or lay PVC tiles whose adhesive contains harmful chemicals. If these conditions are met, you can enjoy heated floors in your room with virtually no harm.

Advantages of electric heating of a private house

All of the types of electric heating listed above have a number of common positive aspects. They are easy to install, relatively inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and do not dry out the air.

The systems are absolutely silent in use. Possibility of integration into the interior. They do not require maintenance and are easily replaced in case of breakdown. It is possible to regulate the temperature, and do it locally. For example, one room needs to be heated more, but in winter garden, on the contrary, maintain lower temperatures.

Equipped with built-in thermostats that allow you to regulate the required degree of heating without unnecessary energy consumption. When the set temperature is reached, the sensor will operate and turn off the system. It is an alternative to combustible energy sources, subject to high cost or absence of them, as such, in your region.

Unlike air or water heating systems, it is possible to connect to solar panels, which will allow you to receive an additional, free source, subject to sunny weather.

Disadvantages of electric heating in a private home

The other side of the coin will be a possible (in your individual calculations) disadvantage relative to the current cost of electricity. There is also a risk of being left without heating if the power line breaks in bad weather, or if there is an interruption in the power supply to the area where your home is located.

Water heating systems in a private house

Now let's move on to the third, water heating system. A closed circuit of pipes installed or installed externally, with a built-in heat generator (boiler or stove) and heat transfer points (radiator batteries). Water heated by the boiler circulates through the system and heats the space. Sometimes, by analogy with electric “warm floors”, it is installed in the floor.

Let's look at three types of water circulation and their features.

  • Natural;
  • Forced;
  • Combined.

Home heating system with natural circulation

Natural circulation, as the name suggests, is carried out due to a natural process, the difference specific gravity hot and cold water. Warm water, displaced by cold liquid, goes up, goes through a cycle, gives off heat, and, cooling, returns to the boiler.

When installing inlet and outlet pipes, it is worth considering the nuance with a slope of at least 3° for normal, natural circulation and helps reduce the effect of air accumulation called “ airing».

Advantages of natural circulation systems

The advantages of this type include ease of installation, durability, and quiet operation.

Disadvantages of natural circulation systems

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the ineffectiveness of such a system in a house with a heated area of ​​over 100 square meters.

It takes a lot of time to warm up the system and heat the room. Inability to adjust heating temperature. You need to monitor the temperature in cold weather, and you need to keep the boiler running, even if you are not in the house, otherwise the pipes will freeze and may even burst.

Home heating system with forced circulation

To the system forced circulation pump is built in. Or, it is already built directly into the boiler by the manufacturer. Due to the operation of the pump, heating efficiency increases to 30% compared to the first option. Less pipe consumption during installation compared to the first system. It is possible to regulate the temperature. To prevent freezing, you can use a special liquid.

The disadvantage of forced circulation is directly dependent on the power supply

The system combines the work of the previous two. The advantages are the same as those of a “forced” heating system. But you have the opportunity to switch at any time convenient for you and not worry if the electricity supply to your home suddenly goes out.

Boilers for water heating systems offered on the market are very different and suitable for any type of fuel. Including combined types. There is a choice for every type of consumption, taste and budget.

The main disadvantage of water heat exchange systems

This is the cost of installation and periodic maintenance.

How to choose the most profitable heating for a private home

Key points that are worth paying attention to again based on the information received:

1. We decide on plans for the future of this house.

2. We determine the most profitable type of fuel for your region.

3. Pay attention to the area of ​​the house.

4. We think through in detail where and how much we need to warm up the room.

5. Select the most suitable type of heating and its subtypes.

6. Don’t forget about the quality of thermal insulation, which can significantly both increase and reduce your costs in the future.

You can save on heating your home if you draw up a plan in advance that takes into account all the key parameters of the task facing you.

From practice , we can say that the cheapest methods of heating a private house will be:

  • Liquefied gas
  • Diesel fuel
  • Firewood
  • Coal
  • Ready-made briquettes for heating

All these types of heating of a private home are discussed in great detail in the following video:

The cheaper way to heat a country house video
