Decorative wattle. Do-it-yourself wattle fence at the dacha: photo, master class. Strengths and weaknesses of wicker fences

You can decorate your backyard area, zone the area and properly design the designated zones using wicker fencing made by yourself. Such fences look rustic and charming and fit organically into the natural landscape.

Wicker fences are formed quickly and without special effort Therefore, such fences are gaining more and more popularity.

Check out the master class on self-creation wicker fence and look at photos with presentable options for fences made by yourself, differing in purpose.


Before you start creating a wicker fence, decide what its purpose will be. A wicker structure can serve as a regular fence, be used to place accents or divide personal space for more convenient movement, emphasize a certain style direction, or serve as an original mini-fence for beds and flower beds in the garden.

Based on the purpose, you need to choose from a range of materials used for the construction of such structures. If you need a durable and reliable fence, you can make a wicker fence from twigs, branches and vines of trees - willow, hazel, willow, etc.

Let's look at the main pros and cons of decorating a personal garden using such wattle fences.

Advantages and disadvantages of wattle

The advantages of wicker fencing for a summer residence include:

  • presentable and original appearance. You can choose one of several weaving techniques to give the fence a brighter and more interesting design;
  • environmental friendliness– such fences are created from materials of natural origin that do not emit toxic substances;
  • budget cost. For the construction of wicker fences, available materials are suitable, so the costs are minimal. Ready-made fences are more expensive, but their price is acceptable;
  • ease of installation. You will complete the installation in a short time without the help of specialists. The fence can be placed anywhere summer cottage.

Such fences have plenty of advantages, but they also have disadvantages that you also need to know about. First of all, short term operation. Wicker fences are deformed due to strong gusts of wind and quickly wear out under the influence of precipitation.

Wicker fences do not belong to the category of permanent structures; they cannot provide protection against intrusion by outsiders and serve primarily a decorative purpose. In case of wear individual elements It will be difficult to restore such buildings to their aesthetic appearance.

To replace broken parts, you will have to unravel the entire fence to eliminate noticeable defects. A small hedge is easier to replace with a new one.

Types of wicker fences and fences

Wicker fences differ in a number of parameters.

For example, they are classified into three groups based on height:

  • high fences can rise two meters above the ground. These are the most reliable hedges that can provide partial protection of the garden area. It is recommended to design such fences with stone supports - in this case they will serve you for many years;
  • hedges medium height(about a meter long). They can be installed in that part of the territory that you want to divide into zones;
  • short fences reaching a maximum height of 70 centimeters. Such structures are used for fencing flower beds and flower beds, and are actively used for decorating areas.

Fences made from wicker parts are also divided according to weaving technique. There are fences with vertical and horizontal designs - let's look at the characteristics of each type.

A wicker fence made of flexible elements can be placed on a finished base (for example, made of metal) to increase its service life. There is also a flat type of wicker fencing, reaching two meters in length and interconnected. If you prefer this option, it will be easier for you to restore part of the fence or completely replace it if damaged.

Wicker fences and mini-fences can also have a rounded configuration: they are usually installed on flower beds ah or beds in the garden to obtain a presentable design.

If you are thinking about how to make a wattle fence with your own hands, you should choose the appropriate materials for its manufacture.

Let's look at the most popular and practical options.

Selection of materials and features of their preparation

What and from what materials can wattle be made? For this purpose, materials that can be reconfigured and fastened together are used. For example, you can weave nice fences for your garden area from willow branches - a flexible but quite durable material.

Wicker fences are constructed using supporting supports; the posts can be positioned both vertically and horizontally. When making a wicker fence from willow and willow branches, it is recommended to treat its elements with antiseptic compounds and equip it in the area where the structure is located. drainage system and a sand cushion.

Over time, the rods will turn green, and the fence will look even more aesthetically pleasing.

A few words need to be said about the preparation of branches. It is advisable to prepare material for fencing in the first month of spring or at the end of autumn. Give preference to smooth branches, dry them well to preserve their natural color. If you wish, you can repaint some of the rods, bleach them with peroxide, or give them brown tint using potassium permanganate.

After removing the bark, the branches need to be varnished. The bark is removed with a pincher - a special tool, pliers or manually(for better removal of the bark, keep the branches in water for several days).

Another interesting option fencing made from wicker elements is created from wicker. Such hedges look presentable and natural, but to ensure their reliability it is necessary to take into account a number of points. First of all, remove the bark from the twigs and treat them with an antiseptic composition. The antiseptic can be replaced with varnish or manganese solution.

To make the vine more flexible, soaking the branches and twigs in hot water. To increase the elasticity of the twigs, you can also treat them in a steam bath, and then immediately begin weaving. Dried branches will become more elastic and durable; fences made of this material keep their shape perfectly.

How to weave wattle from twigs? This video tells about the features of this work - after watching it, you will learn how to make a wattle fence for a flowerbed with your own hands:

Important! If you are designing a compact hedge, use branches maximum 2 centimeters thick. For tall fences, use thicker vines.

Wicker fences from wooden elements are considered the most reliable. For example, you can construct a fence from planed boards, but you will need strong supports to install it.

The boards can be placed both horizontally and vertically. Interlocking boards will add stability to the structure; nails or screws are used to secure such elements.

Please note that it is difficult to build a wicker fence from boards yourself; when choosing this option, it is wiser to use the services of professionals: they will make a reliable and neat fence that will become a stylish element landscape decor. But if you still want to cope with this task on your own, study the master class on creating such a fence:

This video clearly demonstrates how to properly construct a wicker fence from boards.

PVC fencing is also popular. Due to the protective layer, they have a long service life, are easy to install, and are resistant to sun rays, temperature changes and precipitation and are light in weight.

There are many models of such fences; You can buy a ready-made structure and quickly place it in your dacha. The prices for such fencing are affordable.

There are other ideas for making wickerwork. For example, many people like wicker plastic fences: although they are made from artificial material, but in terms of properties they successfully compete with other species. Hazel hedges look original.

Suitable for such structures and materials with polymer composition. Wicker fencing made from broom is in demand. In many areas you can find wicker structures made of WPC. It is more rational to order most of these models from specialized companies: in this case, you will receive both a beautiful and reliable fence.

Read about how to build with your own hands: examples and options for original gazebos that will decorate any area - with step by step instructions on production.

Read about how to make a flowerbed from border tape.

Design ideas small plot in front of the house are described in the article at:

The subtleties of creating with your own hands

There are wicker fences with both horizontal and vertical weaving techniques.

The classic horizontal method involves laying elements between supports. Such designs are usually used to form compact fences, for example, to design beds, flower beds and small flower beds.

When choosing vertical method the rods are intertwined first at the bottom, moving upward, thus forming high fences. The rods are placed on transversely located strips fixed on vertical supports. If you use your imagination or use the services of professionals, study non-standard instructions self-made wicker fencing, you can create beautiful patterns that attract the attention of others.

Weaving can also be diagonal. In this technique, the branches are placed between two supports - transversely, or dug in and intertwined with each other.

Having decided on the material, weaving technique, location and height, you can begin making a wicker fence.

How to make a wattle fence yourself? Prepare pine or oak pegs with a diameter of 5-7 centimeters. Oak and pine wood is the most durable, elements made from it will last for a long time. Be sure to treat the parts with fire and moisture retardants and pest repellents.

The main element of wicker fences are rods. If they are not plastic, you can use them at any time. It is recommended to prepare parts made from natural materials for use in accordance with the described recommendations.

Making a wicker fence begins with deepening the pegs. Simply drive or dig stakes made from artificial raw materials into the soil at a distance of 30 cm from each other (this way the fence will not tilt or sag).

If you prefer materials of natural origin, then first create a drainage system. Make depressions (about 40 centimeters each), pour a small amount of sand into them - this will protect the stakes from rotting.

Having deepened the stakes, you can begin weaving the pattern. To increase elasticity, first place the tops of the branches in water, adding a little salt to it. With the horizontal technique, braid them between the supports. With the vertical method, weave several twigs horizontally at an identical distance, and then begin to weave them vertically.

If you want to create a dense fence, the branches and twigs should be placed as close to each other as possible. Such a fence will protect from the bright sun and will be more reliable. Cut off the curved ends with pruning shears or file with a hacksaw.

After finishing weaving in accordance with the step-by-step instructions, cover the fence with paint or varnish.

In this article, we revealed to you the secrets of creating wicker fences for your summer cottage with your own hands. Study photos and pictures of such structures to choose a design, and watch a video teaching the details of making such fencing yourself:

On country dacha I want to do something with my own hands so that it turns out both beautiful and unusual. Where does the dacha begin? From the fence. And the most colorful wooden fence is the wattle fence. If you wish, you can master the technology of constructing this picturesque hedge.

Wattle and its features

It is almost impossible to see a fence in modern everyday life, but since in films and theatrical productions about past rural life it is an indispensable attribute of the scenery, everyone has an idea of ​​this type of fence.

Its appearance is characteristic: stakes braided with flexible shoots are dug into the ground at a certain pitch. This design corresponds to the definition of “cheap and cheerful”: it does not need a foundation, but construction material V rural areas easy to get for free.

And any person can handle the construction alone. Therefore, in the old days, the fence was a popular version of the fence. The main value of wattle fence lies in its artistry - the average person associates it with antiquity and national traditions. The impression will be especially strong if sunflowers grow near the wicker fence, the canvas is decorated with stems climbing plants

, and an upside-down clay pot hangs on one of the stakes.

The wattle fence can be decorated with clay pots, ornamental plants and flowers

But it’s difficult to call such a fence good quality, so it won’t be appropriate everywhere. It is possible to fence a country plot with a private house with a fence if it is stylized as antique. In most cases, such a fence is used for zoning a courtyard, fencing a raspberry field, or for decorating a flower bed.

Photo gallery: where to use wattle fence The wattle fence encloses tall berry plantings and acts as a support for the branches along the perimeter Small wicker fence serves as a dividing strip for flower beds

The fence placed between areas in the form of a fence is made high

The contour of a wicker fence does not have to be straight, so it is suitable for round flower beds and areas.

Preparation for production

First, we think about what material we will use to build the fence based on personal preferences and advice from wicker masters.

Material for wattle

  • To work you will need:
  • wooden rods (willow, grapevine, hazel, birch, etc.);
  • wooden stakes or thick branches of any trees;
  • racks, metal pipes;

poles and wire. birch branches; but traditionally such a fence is woven from willow twigs.

They combine strength, flexibility and affordability: willow grows in abundance everywhere.

They also make a living wattle fence from it: the shoots are planted in the ground and, as they grow, they are laid in the canvas.

Cattails and reeds, despite their flexibility, strength and ubiquity, should not be considered successful material for wattle fence: after drying, the shoots become very brittle, so the fence will turn out to be very short-lived.

Blanks for weaving vary in color, thickness and structure of each type of wood

Take a measuring tape or stick with you to measure the rods to the desired length. And it is equal to at least two steps between the supports, that is, each rod must tie at least three posts.

Choose plastic and even rods, from 1 to 3 cm in diameter. Specimens with branches or painful growths are rejected.

It is more convenient to work with freshly cut vines. But if time is lost after cutting, the branches have dried out - immerse them in water or hold them over steam. The quality of the plant material will be restored. If it is necessary to prepare twigs in advance for a long period, then the chopped vines are freed from leaves, tied into bundles and placed under a canopy for drying. To save space, build a temporary shelving unit. Being well dried, the material is stored for a long time.

For stakes, select thick branches (with a diameter of four centimeters). They are buried in the ground, so their length should exceed the height of the future fence by at least 0.5 m. If the height of the fence is more than one meter, it is advisable to dig in stakes a third of their length.

Rot-resistant pine, cleared of bark (contains a large amount of resin) or a metal pipe is well suited for this purpose - the posts will still be hidden by the canvas.

Calculate the number of supports based on the duration of the fence and the step between them. The posts are installed half a meter apart from each other, but the thinner and lighter the vine used, the smaller the distance between the stakes. You can also do this: dig stakes every 1 m, and between them install one or two intermediate supports made of a thick willow rod, dug to a depth of 30 cm.

In addition to the above, long poles and wire will be useful.


  • You will need the following tools:
  • garden auger (there are models with a motor);
  • pruning shears, knife, awl;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;


Types of weaving fences

A fence made of branches is woven different ways. The appearance of the fence directly depends on the functions that are assigned to it and on the selected material.

According to the direction of thin branches in the fence, weaving is divided into two types:

Vertical weaving fence - video

And there are many ways to weave: use ready-made options or come up with your own. Let's consider three main ones:

  • braiding - shaped framing of pegs with one or two rods at once according to the principle of braiding. The method is difficult for a beginner, since you have to hold several rods in one hand, move them between the pegs and not lose the pattern. Such a fence is placed in front of the beds so that no shadow is created, or used as a dividing strip;

    A fence in the form of braided braids is placed so that sunlight passes through it well

  • weaving in one layer - they begin to build their first fences with it, since this is the most easy way. The vine is wrapped around the pegs like a wave - first on one side, then on the other. It is secured at the edges with a metal bracket or screwed with wire. The fence has small gaps, so it can be used anywhere;

    Weaving in one layer is the simplest type of weaving a fence, but if you add curly elements to it, it will decorate both a low flower bed with greenery and a flower garden.

  • multi-strand weaving is the most labor-intensive and the hard way. The rods need to be very long, thin and pliable, otherwise they will break. This type of wattle fence turns out dense and massive. Placed on strong poles or framed in wooden frames.

    Multi-strand weaving is used for fences that fence off other people's areas, or for recreation areas where they shelter from the sun

In addition to these methods, there are additional options weaving, but they are all based on the principle of braiding vertical or horizontal sticks, poles, metal pipes or thick rods in different directions.

In addition to these methods, there are many others - choose the one that you consider suitable for your situation

Methods for installing a fence

The wattle fence is convenient because it is installed in different ways, depending on the operating conditions. The external fence is mounted on metal posts and framed in a rigid frame. It turns into a real strong fence.

Wicker rectangular blanks are made separately and framed in a rigid frame and mounted on steel poles, used as a fence

The fence for zoning the space is woven into the gaps between the trees or pillars of the summer veranda.

The fence visually divides the space into certain zones and is attached between trees and other parts of the site

If you are going to protect a place to relax and shade it from direct sunlight, then the fence is woven into the finished metal structure installed at this location.

A weave woven into a metal structure will protect your resting place from the sun and protect you from the eyes of your neighbors.

Making wattle fence: step-by-step instructions

First, the area is cleared of debris. Then make the markings:

  1. Steel pins or pegs cut from wood are driven into the corners of the fenced area.
  2. A nylon cord, fishing line or twine is pulled between the corner pegs.
  3. Along the thread, the position of the intermediate posts is indicated (in increments of up to half a meter).

Installation is carried out sequentially:

  1. Holes are drilled in the ground at least half a meter deep so that the fence is securely held and does not fall down after the weaving is completed.
  2. Install racks. They clean the bark, soak it with an antiseptic, and the buried part also needs to be coated. bitumen mastic, tar or wrap with roofing felt (fixed with wire or sewn with a construction stapler).
  3. The corner supports are lowered into the recesses first, but they are not filled in, but only secured with wooden wedges or brick fragments. The cord is pulled over their tops and the horizontal tension is visually checked; If necessary, the immersion depth of the racks is adjusted, and the holes are filled with soil and sand and compacted. Metal racks can be concreted.
  4. Pull the cord again and, using it as a guide, install intermediate stakes. If they are wooden, then in order to avoid sagging during the braiding process, their tops are fastened with the help of even poles.
  5. If the vine is dried, it is softened by steaming, which gives the most quick effect, or by immersing in hot water (the process will take several hours), or by dipping only the ends into water (flexibility will be restored in 1 - 2 weeks).
  6. Using a two-pronged fork, the teeth of which converge in a wedge and have sharp inner edges, remove the bark from the twigs. If the bark is difficult to remove, it means the rods are not completely wet

    You can make an emilka yourself by simply splitting a branch and wrapping it tightly in the place of the split so that it does not go deeper

  7. Weave the bottom row (15 cm from the ground), using a thicker vine. The individual rods that make up the row must be laid with overlap in one rack. That is, if the first rod goes around the first 4 posts, then start laying the second one from post No. 3. In the overlap area, the rods are tied together with wire or tape.

    Diagram of the fence device: other diagrams can be used

  8. It is advisable to strengthen the bottom row - the vine is intertwined with wire and screwed to the supports with self-tapping screws. If the rods are thin, then metal staples are used to secure the row.

    Horizontal weaving of a fence starts from the bottom - you can weave from single rods or encircle the stakes in a bunch at once

  9. Where the first row went around the counter in front, the second should be located behind it, and vice versa. This alternation is also observed when weaving subsequent rows. When there are 3 or 4 of them, you need to tap the wicker with a mallet and compact the rows. To strengthen the fabric, use wire weaving - every 7-8 rows with fixation on supports.
  10. The ends of each row are trimmed and drilled to the outer supports with screws.

    The ends of each rod should be securely fixed to the rack by drilling them or wrapping them with wire

In a living wicker fence, the vine grows vertically. For this:

  1. Rods are tied horizontally to the posts - 25 cm apart.
  2. The top bar is brought to the tops of the hedge so that they do not stick out in different directions.
  3. The living vine is woven vertically between horizontal rods in the same way as between vertical pegs in horizontal weaving. In this case, the lower end of each rod is stuck into the ground so that the plant takes root. The upper edge of the canvas is trimmed.

Over time, the living wattle fence will strengthen. It is better to trim the tops of growing fences in early spring or late autumn.

The willow vine has taken root and the fence has turned green

The hedge provides shade, coolness and rustles the leaves.

How to make wattle durable

When exposed to air, dead wood either disintegrates or rots. Therefore, the finished fence is coated with a special varnish (furniture or yacht varnish).

To change the original color of the fence, it is painted with potassium permanganate, bleached with hydrogen peroxide or painted, renewing the color every year.

If painting the fence is not part of your plans, it should be treated with a good antiseptic. The lower part, which is most exposed to moisture, can be additionally treated with vitriol or heated bitumen.

You can also make Swedish paint. To do this you will need (per 10 liters of finished product):

  • table salt 250 g;
  • rye flour 800 g;
  • iron sulfate 400 g;
  • drying oil or linseed oil 300 g;
  • iron minium 300–600 g;
  • water - approximately 6 liters.

Paint making recipe:

  1. 2 liters of water are brought to a boil and dissolved in it table salt and iron sulfate.
  2. In a separate container, rye flour is mixed with water to the consistency of slurry and this mixture is poured into brine.
  3. Cook for 30 minutes with constant stirring.
  4. Drying oil is gradually added, after which the broth must be mixed with vigorous movements (an emulsion should form).
  5. Add red lead dissolved in hot water.
  6. The resulting concentrate is mixed well again and diluted with water to a volume of 10 liters.

The mixture tinted with red lead will have a golden color. Instead, you can use other alkali-resistant pigments containing iron (umber, ocher, iron oxide mummy). The paint will turn red or Brown color.

The composition is applied so that approximately 300 ml is spent for every 1 m2. The paint is rubbed in until the pores are filled. Best weather For painting work- windless and cloudy, then the paint dries for a long time and adheres better to the surface.

If the surface to be painted is particularly rough, add more flour to the paint. It acts as a leveling mixture and, thanks to it, paint adheres better to such surfaces.

Swedish paint is not suitable for wood planed to a smooth state.

Old fence in a new way

The forgotten wattle fence is finding a second life today in the form of blanks from plastic products. This is a so-called polymer vine - a tube made of high-strength polyethylene with a diameter of 18 mm, the outer surface of which imitates a natural vine.

An artificial vine is a tube made of soft plastic, but looks like natural wood

Polymer rods are flexible, have high strength, do not rot and are absolutely indifferent to weather factors such as temperature changes, precipitation or drought. The service life according to the manufacturers is 20 years.

The color of the product can be white, ash, brown or gray. Green vines are also supplied upon special order, but they cost 10% more. The length of the whip is 3, 4 and 6 m.

We also offer ready-made sections of wicker fences, the frame of which is made of metal profiles with powder coating. They are of different heights, and the width is 1.5 m. There are options with continuous weaving, that is, without gaps, in which each row is formed by two vines. You can order a set with gates and wicket.

The appearance of a fence made of artificial material cannot be distinguished from a wooden one

The “branded” wattle fence looks presentable because it is perfectly smooth and neat, so it can be used to fence an area with an expensive cottage. At the same time, we can talk about the vandal resistance of the fence: the fabric is woven in such a way that it is impossible to simply pull out the rod - to do this you will have to disassemble the entire section.

The fence is mounted on strip foundation 200 mm deep. The racks are equipped with wide soles, screwed to the foundation, without deepening.

You can purchase the set separately and weave a round one instead of a straight one. Flower beds are also arranged in “baskets” woven from polymer wicker.

Video: weaving a fence in a simple way in one layer

It is not without reason that the wattle fence remained popular among the people for a long time. Simple manufacturing technology available materials and available means, and at the same time - an interesting appearance, giving the site an unusual flavor.

In the city, we are accustomed to solid fences around the site: we protect it from unkind glances, and it reliably protects the property. Another thing is a dacha, where everyone knows each other, shares seeds and seedlings, exchanges experiences and news. Therefore, the wattle fence in the country, which is more decorative than practical, is truly a godsend: original, cheap.

In addition, you can easily make a wicker fence with your own hands from waste material:

Separately, we can talk about a wicker fence made of bamboo - it is constructed extremely simply, in a matter of hours. One drawback is the high cost of such a highly technological structure.

The main value of decorative wicker is that it can be constructed from almost any available material:

  • Thin boards. They can be connected vertically and horizontally. Combine with other materials (metal, brick). In this case, you will get a more reliable and permanent structure
  • Picket fence. Planed thin strips can also be woven in vertical or horizontal directions
  • Flexible branches any diameter. The cheapest option for making braids with your own hands. Branches from any tree will do. They can be grouped in bunches or single branches can be used if the diameter of the workpieces is large
  • Green willow or wicker wickerwork. In early spring, when leaves are about to appear in the villages, the branches are stuck into the ground, where they take root and form a living network
  • Bamboo. Having calculated the exact amount of material, it is purchased in special stores.

Important! Preparation of branches for a wicker fence must be carried out before the sap flow of the trees begins.

The best time is January-February or late autumn. Some practitioners advise harvesting vines in the summer. True, at this time the rods can be brittle and unsightly due to the many new shoots that need to be removed. Having analyzed all the information about the timing of harvesting branches for weaving, we can say with confidence that the optimal timing for harvesting material falls on the time period: September-March.

How to prepare the material correctly

The easiest way to prepare branches for a future fence is to save them after sanitary or formative pruning in the garden. Branches of apple, pear, plum, cherry, and chokeberry will be useful for work.

If there are small copses near your summer cottage, you can go there to get material for a wicker fence. The rods should be cut using sharp garden pruners, making a rectangular cut. You should choose rods with a diameter of up to 2 centimeters to get a tight weave. With this method, you will get a blank fence, without gaps.

Willow vine, the best material for weaving, can be purchased at nurseries. To create an openwork pattern, we recommend choosing a thin vine, up to 1 centimeter in diameter.

Particular attention should be paid to preparing stakes for the fence, the base of the fence. You can use stakes with a diameter of over 5 centimeters. It is necessary to select horizontal poles for them to give rigidity and stability to the fence.

Instead of wooden stakes, you can use metal or plastic pipes, angles or fittings to create a wicker fence.

The wattle rods can be cleaned of bark, coated with an antiseptic and painted with a color-matched stain. White twigs look very original - the secret of giving them this color is simple: cut and peeled twigs are treated with hydrogen peroxide. This job is easy to do:

  • Hydrogen peroxide is applied to the branch with a thin brush
  • The branch is left in the light for a couple of days
  • You can repeat this operation to achieve a better whiteness effect.

Tip: to ensure that the branches are well cleared of bark, you need to soak them in water for several days.

The flexibility of weaving rods will be given by treating them with steam or boiling them in water. The method of “boiling” the twigs will give the vine an interesting brown tint. When boiling the rods, you can add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the water to get a rich, bright color. You can also use various aniline dyes - the process for dyeing rods is the same as for fabrics.

Stages of making wattle fence in the country

Fact: making a wicker fence at your dacha is the simplest and cheapest fencing option that you can quickly make with your own hands.

We decide on the material for the base of the fence. He can be:

  • Wooden. In this case, we deepen the stakes by 20-30 centimeters, having previously treated them with bitumen and wrapped them with roofing material. This is a guarantee that the tree will last at least ten years without signs of rotting. We use poles with a diameter of at least 5 centimeters as conductors. Stakes - we place the supports at a distance of no more than 0.5 meters from each other. This is an ideal step for weaving flexible vine branches and stiffer twigs of other trees.
  • Metal. To give greater rigidity to the structure and its durability, the frame for weaving the fence can be made from profile pipe. We choose the minimum cross-section of pipes - rods and branches are lightweight materials.
  • Combined. Reinforcement bars can be used as supports, polyethylene pipes for supplying water to the house. Great solution may be old pipes from a tent, the fastening of which has failed. This way, you can give them a second life without spending a penny on fence supports.

Weaving Basics

There are several ways to weave a fence:

  • Vertical weaving. Between the supports, rods are installed horizontally in increments of 20 - 30 centimeters, between which the rods are stretched, starting from the ground
  • Horizontal weaving is classified as classic - the interlacing of rods is done in a figure eight or infinity sign manner - each subsequent rod is a continuation of its predecessor. If the rods are thin, then before weaving begins they are collected into bundles, which are the unit of weaving.
  • Oblique weaving can be attributed to a design move - some of the rods are braided diagonally. We recommend using this method for those who are already familiar with the basics of weaving small fences - flower beds, gazebos.

Tip: To create a beautiful wicker fence, trim branches and twigs from slight slope for a stronger connection.

At the junction points, the rods can be secured with wire. Try to ensure that the “unaesthetic” joints are on the “wrong” side of the fence.

Living wicker hedge

If you cut branches for a wicker fence during the period of sap flow, do not be upset - you can make a “living” wicker that is stunning in its beauty. To do this, at the border of the site, dig shallow holes at a distance of 20 - 30 centimeters in a row.

If desired, you can make a two-row fence. In this case, the distance between the rows should be at least 50 centimeters. Place two willow branches at an angle in each hole and water them well until they take root.

As plants grow, their branches should be intertwined, creating an impenetrable barrier for animals and unwanted guests. Remember that such a hedge must be trimmed twice a season to give it the desired shape.

Wicker flower beds are used mainly for decorating a summer cottage. In addition, the walls of the fence protect the flowers from damage, and several products create a single style on the site. Pairs well with others decorative elements, especially if they are also made in a similar way.

Flower beds made of wicker vines are used when decorating a site in a rustic, ethnic or natural style. They differ from other fencing methods by being cheap, easy to manufacture and environmentally friendly.

There are two types of flower beds - ground and hanging. The former are the most common option for wicker fencing. Large products are structures consisting of supports dug into the ground and walls made of thin branches. They look like fences with beautifully stretched vines.

Depending on the type of plant, the flowerbed is supplemented with various elements. For example, for climbing species, a canopy or lattice is formed from twigs in the upper part of the structure, to which young shoots are woven. Visually, it looks like a human-sized basket with a high handle.

The fence does not have to be dug into the ground. Small products can be installed without fixation and moved from place to place, thus changing the order in the territory. The most popular above-ground flower beds are oval or round shape, often with handles.

The height of the basket depends on its diameter; the smaller it is, the higher the walls. Low products often serve as a border fence. In this case, they are woven in a rectangular shape.

Hanging products have small sizes, they can be hung on the walls to decorate the area. Small dimensions allow them to be mounted on walls, tree branches, fences, etc. For creating suspended structures comply with the following requirements:

  • They must rotate on a pendant to periodically turn one side toward the light.
  • It is recommended to plant plants that do not require careful care in hanging flower beds. Petunias are usually placed at heights, pansies, daisies. They grow quickly and turn the wall into a blooming garden.
  • The volume of the product must be at least 10 liters due to the large roots of many plants. In small baskets they squeeze out the soil and dry out.
  • Suspended systems must have a tray in which moisture remains after watering. Without it, the water will quickly wash away the minerals. If there are no pallets in the soil, it is necessary to periodically add fertilizers.
With the exception of the listed features, caring for seedlings in wickerwork does not differ from terrestrial plants.

Wicker flower bed technology

To make a flower garden with a fencing made of twigs, several factors should be taken into account - the location of its installation, the properties of the material, the type of plant. All the necessary information for making a wicker flowerbed with your own hands is given below.

Harvesting vines

Before starting work, prepare the material. Thin, long flexible branches that are easy to bend are suitable for weaving. The best rods are made from willow, hazel, willow, and birch. IN small quantities You can add branches of apple, raspberry, dogwood, and grapevine to the composition, which add zest to the product. Most often they stop at what is available.

It is recommended to harvest the material in the fall, when the plants stop growing. At other times of the year you can also stock up on material, except for the beginning of summer, when the rods have not yet acquired greater strength. Vine for weaving flower beds is commercially available, but you can cut it yourself.

When preparing rods, use our recommendations:

  • The branches must be at least 1.5 m long, preferably the same length. The best ones are those that are one year old.
  • Cut the twigs at an angle, leaving 15 cm long sections with buds on the branches. Under such conditions, the plant will quickly recover.
  • Inspect the cutting areas. Samples with a loose core are not suitable for work. Also throw away twigs with a reddish core and visible defects - broken, damaged, broken.
  • After cutting, remove the leaves from the twigs immediately.
  • To remove the bark, you can use a special tool - a pincher. The procedure can be performed immediately after cutting from the tree. Do not delay this operation. Removing dried bark is very difficult.
  • Store cut branches in water so that they remain flexible for a long time.
Before making a wicker flowerbed, prepare the vine for installation according to our recommendations:
  1. Tie the blanks into a bundle and place them vertically in a bucket. Make sure that all the branches touch the bottom, then form several bundles, the rods of which will differ in length by no more than 10-15 cm.
  2. Soak the material in hot water to increase flexibility. First, divide the vine by size. It is enough to immerse twigs with a diameter of about 2 mm in water for 10 minutes, with a diameter of 8-10 mm for 1 hour. During the operation, wood bark releases dyes, so use a container that you don't mind.
  3. Dry the soaked rods and place them in a plastic bag. This increases the period of maximum flexibility of the vine.
If you often make wicker flower beds, it makes sense to create a plantation on which the vine will constantly grow.

To set it up, perform the following operations:

  • From twigs with a diameter of 3-4 mm, cut into pieces 25 cm long.
  • Make holes in the soil to a depth of 20 cm.
  • Install the rods in them so that they protrude 4-5 cm above the ground.
  • After 1-2 years, the cuttings will grow and can be cut for weaving.
It is necessary to plant preparations every year.

Rules for weaving flower beds

To create flower beds, the vine is stretched between the posts in various ways:
  1. Horizontal. Is the most simple option weaving fencing for flower beds. Rods are stretched between the pillars parallel to the ground. The junctions of the branches are fastened with wire or bark.
  2. Vertical. For this case, additional slats will be needed. Some are attached to poles parallel to the ground (for rectangular flower beds), others are necessary to increase the rigidity of the structure. They are placed vertically between the supports at the same distance.
  3. Oblique. It is obtained by laying several branches at an angle at once.
  4. Chess. It differs in that the rods are passed not through one post, but through several, creating a beautiful pattern. It is allowed to paint the material before work various colors to create aesthetics.
The fence can be turned into a hedge if the supports are made from willow stakes. They will grow and completely change the appearance of the building.

To obtain beautiful flower bed, adhere to the basic rules of weaving:

  • For work, choose rods 1-2 cm thick; the larger the product, the thicker the workpiece.
  • Laying is carried out from the thick part of the rod to the thin one.
  • After finishing one row, start the next one on the other side. This ensures the same wall thickness throughout its entire height.
  • To ensure the row is horizontal and to prevent branches from slipping off the stakes, secure them in their normal position with wire.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a wicker flower bed-basket

To create it you will need stakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm and thin rods. The height of thick branches is selected taking into account the above-ground part plus 20 cm of the underground part. Thus, for a fence 25-30 cm high, stakes 50 cm long are needed. Sharpen the blanks and coat them with an antiseptic to extend their service life.

You can use metal tubes, but they will spoil the aesthetic appearance.

To create the walls you will need a vine 1-1.5 cm thick and 1.5 m long. Before weaving, it must be processed as indicated above.

Sequence of work:

  1. From the site where you plan to place the flower bed, remove fertile soil, collect plant roots, and loosen the soil.
  2. Mark the contours of the flower bed on the site. If it is round, draw a circle and mark its position with pegs, driving them into the ground after 25-30 cm.
  3. Drive stakes into the corners of the rectangular structure, and two more next to it, one on each side. During weaving, the rods are pulled through them, forming a so-called “lock”. For reliability, they are additionally fixed in this position with wire.
  4. Attach horizontal slats to the supports, which can be used to control the horizontality of the rows.
  5. Next, the rods are braided around the stakes in a given way. Place the first branch near the ground. She should go around three or four supports in a zigzag, alternately in front and behind. After finishing the branch, take the next one and continue the operation from the area where it ended. In the place where the joint occurs, cut the vine at an angle of 45 degrees and secure it with additional wire. You can experiment with the width of the step or the number of rods laid in one row. To make the design beautiful, choose blanks of the same length or trim off the excess.
  6. After creating a row, tap it with a hammer to reduce the gaps between the branches. This is due to a significant reduction in the diameter of the rods after they dry and the appearance of large gaps between them.
  7. At the end of weaving, protect the vine from the sun and precipitation, which will extend its service life. To do this, the finished product can be varnished or painted with stain. The varnish should be matte, because... glossy gives the structure an artificial look.
  8. Cover the bottom and sides of the flowerbed plastic film to prevent soil from spilling out.
  9. Create a drainage layer at the bottom of the basket from crushed stone, broken stone and sand.
  10. Fill the container with fertile soil, plant the plants and water them.
Often, fencing for flower beds is woven in winter or early spring from willow grass. This is a species of willow that grows as a small shrub.

The operation is performed as follows:

  • Prepare a barrel of any diameter.
  • Fill it with snow and compact it.
  • Prepare the willow rods. Thick branches are suitable for supports, thin branches are suitable for weaving. Cut the blanks before the buds bloom on the bushes.
  • Along the perimeter of the barrel, insert thick samples into the snow after 15-20 cm.
  • Stretch thin talnik rods around them, two at a time. After creating the first two rows, the racks will still move, but then the structure will become rigid.
  • Repeat the procedure until the basket reaches the required height.
  • Trim any protruding vertical stakes.
  • Make a flowerbed handle. To do this, braid several branches together and fasten them diagonally to the sides of the basket.
  • Remove the product from the barrel and use it for its intended purpose.
How to make a wicker flower bed - watch the video:

Today, hand-made wattle fence serves more decorative decoration on the site, although there are wickerwork from boards or overgrown hedge create a reliable obstacle to intruders entering the territory.

Simplicity and natural beauty rustic style are becoming more and more popular in design every day country houses and personal plots. And more and more often, various fences, meadows, hedges or wickerwork are used to fence the territory or decorate the site. In ancient times, a fence woven from thin rods or branches was the most common type of fence.

Types of wicker fences, what to make from and how to install the fence?

Making a wicker fence with your own hands is not difficult and not expensive. Traditionally, the fence is constructed from available materials: flexible tree branches or thin rods and stakes. Most often, a fence is installed on an area to delimit space, to protect a flower bed or beds from animals or to create a secluded place for rest. Having decided to start weaving for the first time, making a low border for a flower garden will become good master class before making a tyna with a complex pattern.

Types of wicker

Very conventionally, wicker fences are divided into groups according to different characteristics.

Preparing material for wattle fence

For a wicker structure, it is necessary to prepare two types of material.

Wattle fence in the country

By properly preparing the rods, you can make a wattle fence from hazel, cherry, apple, willow, aspen or birch. Branches should be cut in early spring or late summer, when sap flow in the plants is slow. Freshly cut vines remain flexible for a week. It is better to remove the bark from the branches with nippers, a pincer or homemade device from a thick branch with a crevice. Dry branches are given elasticity by a week of soaking, steam or hot water treatment. If desired, you can enhance the brown color of the rods by adding a little potassium permanganate to the water and bleach with hydrogen peroxide. Vitriol will give the wood a grayish tint. Reed stems become golden when dried in the sun, and remain pale green in color when dried in the shade.

Looks original and low decorative hedge from thick branches. You can make a rare fence out of them only right away, before they dry out.

The formation of a drainage cushion of sand in the holes for installing wooden supports and along the entire length of the fence will prevent rotting of the wood. Through sand, water will seep faster into the lower layers of the soil and will not have a destructive effect on the wooden fence.

Wicker from boards

A more durable wicker fence will be the “Austrian” wickerwork made from boards. With a high resin content and affordable price, pine boards with a thickness of 20–25 millimeters and a width of up to 10 centimeters are most often used. To make pillars for this fence, use wooden beam or more durable and strong supports made of profiled pipe, covered with boards. The length of the span between the supports from 2 to 3 meters is determined by the flexibility of the board. 3–5 intermediate bars are installed between the pillars.

The base and fence posts can be laid out of stone or brick, and between them, ready-made sections made of horizontal or vertical wicker can be installed. Impregnation with an antiseptic agent and varnishing will extend the service life of the wicker structure. You can add stain wooden fence any colour. It is important to know that if you weave from a damp board, then after drying, gaps of 5–10 millimeters will form.

How to make a wattle fence with your own hands?

Artificial sunflowers placed on pegs will add national flavor to the wicker fence. clay pots. Gardeners will be pleased with the flower beds fenced with graceful tine made of thin vines and flower beds-baskets woven with their own hands. Having mastered checkerboard weaving, you can decorate your suburban area with an exclusive gazebo or an original canopy over a bench.

Living wattle fence

An unpretentious willow with easy care can become a beautiful hedge.

Thin twigs cut in early spring will sprout roots after standing in water for about a month. And already in early May they can be planted in the ground. For living weaving, willow cuttings are planted at an angle, weaving them into a mesh network. The growing branches are woven into the hedge or carefully trimmed with pruning shears. Cheerful green wattle will organically complement the rustic exterior of a country house.
