What is in the chalk. How chalk affects health: why sometimes you want to eat a piece of chalk? What are the dangers of stationery or school crayons and whitewash chalk

Modern lifestyle has a huge impact on human health. Increasingly, you can meet people suffering from beriberi and insufficient amounts of nutrients in the body. That is why chalk for food has recently become very popular.

I want chalk, what does that mean?

Many consider the need for chalk to be a very strange phenomenon, abnormal for an ordinary human body.

In everyday life, the desire to gnaw chalk is usually associated with pregnant women, they really often have such taste preferences. This is due to the fact that during the period of formation and growth of the fetus, the female body requires double portions of vitamins and trace elements.

Especially important is a sufficient amount of calcium, which contains lump chalk for food. It serves as a building material for most tissues, nerve cells, skeleton, cartilage, hair, nails, internal organs and skin of a small person.

However, calcium deficiency can accompany absolutely any person, it is usually characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Brittle and dull hair;
  • Caries, bone fragility (frequent fractures);
  • Brittle nails prone to delamination;
  • Dull skin tone;
  • Loss of skin elasticity;
  • Muscle cramps;

Such conditions characterize a pronounced violation of calcium metabolism, which natural chalk for food will help to cope with.

What is chalk made of

The composition of chalk for food is represented by a combination of inorganic salts (carbonates). The main element of such compounds is Ca (calcium). Many are sure that natural lump chalk is nothing more than CaCO3 carbonate known to everyone from school.

However, an in-depth study of this issue makes it possible to make sure that chalk for food includes other elements of the periodic table.:

  1. Of course, calcium oxide occupies almost half of the component composition of the substance. The content of CaO in the mineral reaches 55%.
  2. The second position in the list of components is occupied by carbon dioxide or CO2. Its share in the composition of chalk sometimes reaches 43%.
  3. The oxide of a metal such as magnesium (MgO) occupies a very small volume, which usually does not exceed 2%.
  4. The quartz component affects the density of food chalk in a direct proportion. The more SiO2 a substance contains, the higher its density. The mass fraction of quartz from the total volume sometimes reaches 6%.
  5. Al2O3 is quite a bit inferior in volume content to quartz inclusions. The total volume of aluminum oxide in limestone corresponds to 4%.

Sometimes you can find natural chalk with a pinkish or even reddish tint. This feature of the rock is due to the increased content of iron oxides. In ordinary white chalk, the content of Fe2O3 does not exceed the threshold of 0.5%.

Where is chalk mined

Those who wish to compensate for calcium deficiency should know what chalk is for food and where it comes from.

More than 100 deposits of natural chalk are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Three zones stand out among them, in which the concentration of carbonate reserves reaches high levels.

  • A large share of this figure is Volgograd region, its quarries account for up to 26% of the country's reserves. Lump chalk from these deposits is of excellent quality, it contains a minimum amount of impurities. The number of foreign inclusions does not exceed 2%. However, the Volgograd chalk is quite water-saturated, the water content in dry chalk exceeds the specified standards by almost 10-15%. This fact makes it difficult to extract it.
  • The next position is Belgorod region, up to 24% of Cretaceous reserves are concentrated here. The tasty chalk mined in the area is 99% carbonate, which is an excellent testament to its high quality.

The Saratov region owns an 11% share in the total volume of the Cretaceous wealth of the Russian Federation.

The harm and benefits of chalk when eaten

Lumpy chalk for food is gaining more and more popularity, the harm and benefits of this substance are being discussed by experts to this day. It is not possible to unequivocally assess the sedimentary mineral, because it has both negative and positive effects on the human body.

The benefits of natural chalk for food are as follows:

  1. Strengthens fragile bones and serves as a prophylaxis against caries;
  2. Helps maintain the health and beauty of hair, nails, teeth and skin;
  3. In small amounts, it helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  4. Provides joint mobility and muscle elasticity;
  5. Promotes the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  6. Participates in metabolic processes at the intercellular level;
  7. Affects blood clotting and hemoglobin levels (indirectly).

Delicious chalk for food shows a negative effect only when it is overabundant in the body.

Excessive intake of calcium leads to the following side effects:

  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Decreased strength of bone tissue and tooth enamel;
  • The emergence of the risk of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • angina;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • The appearance of kidney stone disease;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juices, which contributes to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis and ulcers);
  • Gout;
  • Calcification (deposits of Ca salts in the tissues of internal organs).

Speaking about the negative consequences of eating chalk for food, we can conclude that they are caused by the quantity and quality of the consumed mineral.

Which chalk is best for eating

People with a lack of calcium in the body are often interested in where to buy chalk for food, which one is better. They are also studying the question of what is the most delicious chalk for food.

If you want to gnaw on lump chalk, it usually comes to mind school chalk for the board. However, this product is not only won't do any good, but also capable of causing harm due to the presence of chemical additives in it. Such substances poison the body, the resulting toxins disrupt the functioning of internal organs and spoil health in general.

It has been proven that school crayons dry the airways, settling on the epithelium of the larynx. They also clog blood vessels, liming occurs, which leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The hard particles that this type of chalk contains can scratch the enamel of the tooth, which will inevitably lead to caries. Similarly, they act on the oral mucosa, creating microscopic wounds in it that are invisible to the human eye. These cracks are a direct path to the appearance of inflammatory processes and the penetration of infection into the body.

Once in the stomach, school chalk causes a reaction similar to the extinguishing process. Such chalk is less tasty compared to its natural counterpart.

An overwhelming desire to eat a piece of chalk can appear in each of us. There is nothing wrong with this, since chalk is not a poison, but with all the desire, chalk cannot be attributed to ordinary food products.

Chalk eating disorder has long been described in classical medicine and is defined as an eating disorder in which a person feels the desire to eat items that are not related to food. You can meet people who are obsessed with the desire to eat paint, chalk, sand or earth. However, it is impossible to unequivocally classify the eating of chalk as an eating disorder. Nonnutrients are those that provide no nutritional value. A typical example is sand, which does not bring any benefit to the body. On the contrary, it is calcium carbonate, absolutely non-toxic, but at the same time necessary for the body.

Many moms-to-be discover a bizarre addiction to chalk during pregnancy. Most often this is due to a lack of minerals.

The craving for chalk is most likely due to an iron deficiency. With an iron deficiency, a person may crave not only chalk, but also other strange objects, including ice, paper, coffee beans, and seeds. It is not known why iron deficiency causes the desire to nibble on chalk. But as soon as a person replenishes his iron reserves, passion disappears. Women especially suffer from iron deficiency, so they develop a craving for chalk under the influence of regular hormonal changes in the body and pregnancy. Therefore, if you experience an irreversible craving for chalk, then of course it is not forbidden to chew it, but we recommend that you take a blood test.

There is also an opinion that cravings for chalk are associated with excessive stomach acidity. With heartburn, it is used as a natural antacid, which quickly relieves symptoms.

All these addictions are not accidental. Chalk is a natural source of calcium. The craving to eat calcareous rocks, including clay, among other things, indicates a lack of trace elements in the body. Calcium supplements, taken by millions of people, come primarily in the form of calcium salts, with calcium carbonate being the most popular. But if you look up the definition of calcium carbonate, you will read that it is "a white insoluble solid occurring naturally as chalk, limestone, marble...". That is the same chalk.

Building and stationery chalk, which is usually mixed with gypsum to give strength and other chemicals, is strictly prohibited. It is too dangerous for health. Any colored chalk is also banned, as it contains industrial dyes.

It is impossible to tell what the substance you think is chalk might contain unless you have done a reliable chemical analysis. Therefore, if you are not sure of the quality, then it is better to refrain from buying.

Only, which is mined from quarries or rocks, is safe for health. It can be distinguished by its pure white color. Such a product is saturated with vitamins C and has many benefits:

May relieve symptoms of gastritis if eaten in small amounts in the morning 30 minutes before meals.

A small amount of chalk a day improves skin condition. But remember to drink plenty of water to avoid constipation.

Chalk helps with stomach cramps.

Helps with heartburn if taken in small amounts and drink plenty of water.

Like any food, chalk should be consumed in moderation. You can compare it with a daily dose of vitamins. You do not abuse them, so as not to get in trouble in case of an overdose.

Chalk is also loved for its appetizing crunch. If you cannot swallow it, take it with water.

It can be helpful to air the chalk for a few days after you receive it. You can get an unsurpassed taste if you bake chalk in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Roasting makes the chalk crunchier or changes the flavor slightly, but either way it kills the bad bacteria.

Chalk is a natural material of organic origin, a rock from the sedimentary category. If you figure out what chalk consists of, then the basis of the mineral is deposits formed many millions of years ago from fragments of animal skeletons, mollusk shells, and calcareous growths of algae. About 50 percent of the mass is made up of fine particles of crystalline calcite, the origin of which has not been established.

In chemical terms, it is officially considered that the formula of chalk is calcium carbonate CaCO3. However, in reality, the composition of chalk looks a little different:

  • about half of the mineral is calcium oxide CaO (47-55%);
  • about 43% is carbon dioxide CO2;
  • 2% by weight is magnesium oxide MgO;
  • up to 4% in the composition of chalk is aluminum oxide Al2O3.

In addition to the above, chalk necessarily contains quartz inclusions in very small quantities. Some deposits give out a mineral with a reddish tint, which means that iron oxides are present in its composition.

Areas of use of chalk

It is impractical to use chalk as a masonry material due to its extremely low hardness. However, the premises carved into the massifs of Cretaceous deposits have been preserved for centuries in their original form and are quite suitable for life.

How is chalk mined? Most often, these are open pit developments. The resulting lumps are crushed and placed in water. When stirred, particles of calcium float. Subsequently, they are dried and used for various purposes. Unprocessed stones are sent for firing to obtain lime.

Chalk is called construction chalk, which was previously used for whitewashing the interior surfaces of rooms. Now this scope of its application has come to naught, as many other, more advanced finishing materials have appeared. Where is chalk used?

  • The mineral is included in the composition of cement mixtures when it is necessary to give them softness.
  • In the production of glass, paints and varnishes, rubber, plastics, rubber, in the creation of composite materials based on PVC.
  • Chalk is actively used in the carpet and linoleum industry. It helps to regulate the viscous properties of latex adhesives, give products strength and improve heat-saving properties.
  • Chalk has found application in the manufacture of animal feed and soil fertilizers.
  • Chalk powder is the basis for most cosmetics - lipstick, creams, powder.
  • The paper and cardboard industry cannot do without chalk.

Is chalk harmful? It is absolutely safe, and the best proof of this is its use in the creation of toothpastes and powders. Moreover, the lack of calcium in the human body causes a desire to eat a piece of chalk. In this case, you should not use whitewash chalk or school crayons. Pharmacies have special drugs, such as calcium gluconate.

Physical and chemical indicators of chalk

The natural characteristics of chalk from different deposits can vary significantly. Moreover, the properties of the mineral can be different even at different horizons of the same quarry. This is due to certain conditions of its formation and the degree of humidity. Therefore, the physicochemical properties of chalk, given in the following table, are indicative.

No. p / p Name of indicator Unit measurements Indicator


White powder

Mass fraction of CaCO3 + MgCO3 in terms of CaCO3

Mass fraction of iron and aluminum sesquioxides

Mass fraction of substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid

Mass fraction of water-soluble substances

Mass fraction of iron oxide

Chalk density, in pieces

The same, bulk


Modulus of elasticity in loose state

The same, in dense form

Temporary compression strength

Humidity has a great influence on the material. Does chalk dissolve in water or not? When powder is mixed with water, a suspension is obtained, but not a solution. But the presence of water significantly changes the physical properties of the material. In particular, strength indicators decrease, but plasticity appears. Often this complicates the process of extraction and processing. The material sticks to the excavator bucket, car body, conveyor belt. Excessive moisture makes it impossible to extract rock from the lower horizons.

Frost resistance in chalk is extremely low. After defrosting, it breaks up into small particles. However, this quality is useful for deoxidizing the soil, where chalk is used. Pieces of chalk rock up to 100 mm in size are introduced into the soil, which, when plowing and overwintering, are themselves destroyed, and their neutralizing effect lasts for a long time.

How not to confuse chalk with lime

What is the difference between chalk and lime? Although the materials have common roots, they are completely different both in composition and in properties. Chalk contains carbon dioxide, which is not present in lime. Both are environmentally friendly. But chalk is simply mined in quarries, and lime is obtained by firing natural limestone.

How to distinguish chalk from lime on your own? You can use primitive methods. Materials have a different reaction to the action of any acid. It is enough to drop vinegar or lemon juice on the test piece of material. Chalk will hiss, and the interaction of lime with acid will not be accompanied by any sounds.

One more way. You need to take a pinch of material, grind it and try to wash it off with a thin stream of water. Chalk will leave with water immediately and without a trace, and lime is washed off for a long time, leaving the impression of fat.

The mixing of quicklime with water is accompanied by a strong reaction with the appearance of foam. Chalk just gets wet. Lime whitewash does not leave marks if you run your hand over it, unlike chalk. In addition, lime has antiseptic properties, it is a good protection, in particular trees, from fungal infections and insects.

Ecology of life. Health: A long time ago I read a book on Tibetan medieval medicine and I remember this phrase that pregnant women can eat anything: earth, ice, chalk, and you can’t prevent them from doing so. Then I found out that not only pregnant women eat ice, people eat earth and much more.


1. Why do people eat chalk? Is it dangerous?

2. Why do people like to chew on ice?

Answer: this is an ancient reflex to improve the blood supply to the brain, a sign of iron deficiency anemia, hypotension or decreased tone.

A long time ago I was reading a book on Tibetan medieval medicine and I remember this phrase,that pregnant women can eat anything : earth, ice, chalk, and they must not be prevented from doing so. Then I found out that not only pregnant women eat ice, people eat earth and much more.

The appearance of whims is considered by many to be an almost inevitable sign of an interesting situation. There is no single explanation for this phenomenon. Without a doubt, hormonal changes are of great importance. An increase in the level of progesterone, which affects the balance of macro- and microelements, which changes the reactivity of the nervous system.Progesterone also has a direct effect on emotions, changing attitudes towards certain events, substances, products, and actions. In addition, the very fact of pregnancy, which changes the woman's attitude towards herself, her importance and needs, is of great importance.

Today we will focus on a more serious problem. Peak chlorotic - craving for eating completely inedible things: chalk, lime, earth, wallpaper and other things, can be a sign of serious disorders in the body. If you feel like sniffing exhaust fumes, nail polish remover, or constantly mopping your concrete floor at the same time, you need to see your doctor.

Some children, due to their rapid growth, are also forced to suffer from a mineral deficiency. From this we can conclude: the lack of calcium must be balanced with food. According to qualified doctors, only pharmacy chalk can be eaten. It's called calcium gluconate.

The desire to eat chalk can occur when calcium in the body is in short supply. It may also indicate a low level of hemoglobin. In this case, you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor can send you for the necessary tests and, first of all, for a blood test. Based on laboratory data, the specialist will most likely prescribe calcium with the addition of vit.D3. These two components are interdependent of each other - calcium without vitamin is not absorbed in the body.

One study included more than 400 women who were ever pregnant or currently pregnant. All participants were asked what unusual and even strange eating habits pursued them during pregnancy. And the results were truly shocking. Soap, polystyrene, chalk and even ashes - this is just an incomplete list of those items that pregnant women tried to stuff into their mouths. Other strange cravings and cravings included: peppers, raw onions, licorice root, sardines, and ice.

One of the women interviewed, who had never smoked in her life, reported that she enjoyed eating cigarette ashes very much. Her husband smoked, and one terrible evening, looking at the ashtray, she realized that she wanted to lick it. And at that moment it really seemed to her incredibly tasty.

Of course, the researchers were struck first of all by what non-food products pregnant women preferred: ash, chalk, polystyrene. Importantly, all the products that the women named had a very strong and specific taste. Among others: capsicum, licorice, soap, horseradish, etc.

It seems that only pregnant women sometimes suffer from a perverted appetite, but recent studies have shown that a surprisingly large number of men suffer from a disorder called pica, when there is an appetite for inedible things like dirt, chalk or sand.

Geophagy, human eating of earth, ash, dirt, etc.,- a phenomenon that has long occupied the minds of scientists. "People eating the earth" was first noted by Hippocrates, that is, 2,000 years ago. Since then, cases of geophagy have been noticed more and more often, and now, according to reputable sources, there is not a single continent and not a single country where this strange phenomenon has not been noted.

Conducted in Madagascar, where pica is a fairly common phenomenon, studies have shown that there is a nation in the world where the practice of eating inedible prevails among men, scientists say. Why did such a disorder arise among men, because it is usually observed in pregnant women or children?

"I think previous studies simply ignored men and mostly studied pregnant women.", - says study author Christopher Golden (Christopher Golden), eco-epidemiologist. Traditionally, studies of geophagy (the use of land) and pica have described that pregnant women or children suffer from this ailment.

In 2009, Golden and his colleagues studied the behavior of some representatives of the 16 villages of Madagascar, which are located in the area of ​​​​the Makira reserve. The study participants included both women and men. They have been found to occasionally eat 13 inedible substances, including sand, earth, chicken manure, raw rice, raw cassava root, coal, ash, and salt itself.

Approximately 53 percent of the villagers surveyed reported eating inedible things. Among adult men, the peak was observed in 63 percent. Contrary to the stereotype, less than one percent of pregnant women reported eating inedible items exclusively during pregnancy.

Some people have claimed to eat such things for their medicinal properties. in, especially for stomach problems, Golden said. Many people believe that pica benefits their body as a whole. Previously, scientists believed that there were two reasons for the practice of peaking: to fill the deficiency of micronutrients in the diet and cleanse the digestive system, get rid of worms.

Micronutrient deficiencies can be fully explained in the case of pregnant women and children, their diet needs more of some substances than the diet of other people. However, scientists cannot confirm that the human body is really capable of absorbing trace elements from the soil, so the peak, according to Golden, is completely useless for health.

Pika is not unique to the rural population of developing countries. For example, many Americans also eat inedible things, says Golden. "A college buddy of mine used to eat chalk," he said.

Cleveland Clinic psychologist Susan Albers says: " Pika is an appetite disorder that is less well-received and less studied than other eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. However studying this disorder is very important, as it can lead to serious health problems due to the fact that harmful toxins can enter the body along with inedible things".

During the famine in the Volga region in 1920-1921. in many places, earth-eating was widespread, and the earth, mainly clay, was sold in the markets as an edible product. Dravert wrote that the clay, which the inhabitants of the Samara province ate, contained a large amount of decay products of organic substances. As it turned out, these were sapropels that have been used by people for food since ancient times.

Dravert mentioned the Indians of Venezuela, who lived in the basin of the river. Orinoco, which for 2-3 months during the flood of the river were cut off from the mainland and were forced to eat only silty clay, which was roasted on fire. On average, one person ate about 2 glasses of sludge daily. Clays in general were a popular food of the inhabitants of many regions of the Earth - they were used on the Guinean coast and the Antilles, in Persia, on the island of Java, in New Caledonia and India, Bolivia, Siberia, etc.

The use of certain types of minerals is associated with religious rites. For example, in China, diatomaceous earth was very popular, it was called "black food", or "ground rice". Diatomites are rocks composed primarily of the siliceous remains of diatoms that are used both as medicine and as food. In ancient times, it was believed that diatomaceous earth has a supernatural origin and is the food of dragons and immortals therefore, its use should have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of believers.

In Java, it is believed that clays facilitate the flow of childbirth and reduce the number of complications., therefore, in her absence, women eat shards of pottery. Pregnant women from a tribe living on the slopes of Kenya in Africa eat "white soil" from ant mounds or "black soil" from termite mounds.

Minerals are not only used as food by humans. Stones are known to be swallowed by many birds., especially of the chicken family, as well as fish, seals, walruses and dolphins (almost 10 kg of stones and pebbles were extracted from the stomach of one of them). The purpose of these gastrolithic stones is to promote the grinding of food and, consequently, digestion.

Places where there are characteristic signs of the constant appearance of wild animals in order to use earthy substances for food, in the Russian-language scientific literature, it is customary to call "animal salt licks". The English synonym is mineral lick. In the Turkic-speaking environment, such places are called Kudyurs. In addition to solid mineral substances on animal salt licks, animals often drink mineralized spring water. This fact, in our opinion, is related exclusively to sodium supplementation.

Many ruminant ungulates, less often wild boars and bears, visit salt licks, especially in spring and autumn. This is due to the need for mineral supplements., but apparently not only. Even if wild ungulates are fed with table salt, they still visit salt licks. Zoologist D. Shaposhnikov believes that salt licks are a source of not only table salt, but also other minerals necessary for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, especially during the transition from rough winter feed to juicy summer. It is during this period that animals experience massive digestive disorders.

It should be noted that many rock-forming minerals and their mixtures have a positive effect on the symbiotic intestinal microflora of animals, normalize the composition and concentration of digestive juices, promote the absorption of feed, heal wounds and ulcers of the stomach and intestines, and increase the status of the immune system as a whole.

Despite the relative prevalence of the phenomenon, scientists have not yet been able to agree on the reasons why people eat the earth. However, among the many versions there are three most trustworthy. The first suggests that eating inedible land helps to cope with an acute feeling of hunger: although the body does not receive any nutrients, it is possible to get rid of acute hunger cramps for a while.

The second hypothesis, on the contrary, talks about nutrients that can only be extracted from the earth.; they are microelements like iron, zinc or calcium. Finally, the third hypothesis presents the eating of the earth as a kind of protection that protects us from the action of pathogenic microorganisms and plant toxins.

The first hypothesis turned out to be untenable, because cases of eating the earth were noted even when there was plenty of food. In addition, people ate small amounts of earth that could not fill the stomach and quench hunger. The theory of obtaining nutrients from the earth is also not justified - the data suggest that the most preferred substrate for geophagy is clay, which is poor in trace elements.

By the way, if this were a way to replenish calcium reserves, geophagy would flourish among children and the elderly when calcium requirements are high, but statistics do not confirm this. Some have found a relationship between geophagy and anemia, but studies have shown that people continue to eat the earth even if the lack of iron is replenished. Moreover, clay tends to more likely bind nutrients from food, making them unavailable for absorption. As a result, scientists settled on the fact that the clay eaten performs a protective function.

Particular attention should be paid to the ice. Pregnant women and some people experience varying degrees of desire to eat ice, lick icicles. Some authors report that this is simply the result of an iron deficiency.

One form of pike is called Pagophagia, it means - a compulsive desire to chew ice. While the vast majority of peaks remain a mystery to scientists, a new theory may explain why some iron-deficient people report a burning desire to gnaw on frozen foods and ice. Research has shown that ice dissolution provides cognitive enhancement in some people with iron deficiency anemia.

Melissa Hunt, a clinical psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, gave both iron-deficient and healthy participants either a cup of ice or warm water before they took a 22-minute attention test (to diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). She found that iron-deficient participants showed the same results as healthy participants when they consumed a bowl of ice; if they drank a cup of warm water, their results were significantly worse. Meanwhile, there was no difference in healthy participants.

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Hunt and her colleagues concluded that ice helps to improve the cognition and attention of people with iron deficiency, and perhaps to some extent in other people.

Such a phenomenon is called the diving reflex in mammals (as a possible cause of the action of ice). When immersed in water, most air-breathing vertebrates slow their heart rate and constrict blood vessels in their arms and legs. This reduces the flow of oxygen to the periphery of the body, saving it for vital organs, including the brain.

This is a kind of rudimentary, but preserved reflex in humans. It is important to note that the reflex is triggered in a person who has contact with cold water, but not warm. So it's possible that the absorption of an ice cube could lead to an increase in the supply of oxygen and blood to the brain. For those with enough iron, this benefit is unlikely. published

Is it possible to eat chalk, or is it a bad habit? First of all, it is a symptom of a lack of certain trace elements, which in itself is not good. “Are your crayons edible?” - such a question is heard by sellers in stationery stores much more often than you can imagine. Customers say this in a whisper, embarrassed by their strange taste preferences, as if expecting to be laughed at ... In fact, there is nothing to be ashamed of. "Shallow eating" is just a sign of a lack of calcium or iron in the body. If you are constantly drawn to chewing on chalk, this is an occasion to think about your health.

Why do you want to eat chalk? Let's see why you want to eat chalk. Which of the two microelements you are missing depends on the choice of treatment method. It's no secret that all food in modern stores is by no means of the highest quality. Therefore, almost every city dweller suffers from the lack of microelements and the problems that accompany it. It is almost impossible to find natural milk, cheeses, fermented milk on the shelves of supermarkets - and they are the main source of calcium for humans. Not getting enough of it, you feel an irresistible desire to gnaw on chalk: we all remember from the school chemistry course that it consists almost entirely of calcium.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency - cramps of the limbs (including hypothermia), deterioration in the condition and appearance of hair, nails and teeth, as well as less noticeable signs - bones become brittle, blood coagulates worse. With a slight deficiency of this trace element, it is enough to know which foods contain calcium and use them more often: it’s all the same dairy, but also fish, nuts, legumes, rose hips, seaweed, citrus fruits, cereals, vegetables ... With a strong deficiency, you can enhance the effect by taking special dietary supplements or calcium gluconate tablets.

Even meloids should be regularly examined by a dentist - at least once every four months. When teeth lack calcium, their enamel becomes brittle and brittle. During chewing of coarse food, microcracks form on it, into which putrefactive microorganisms enter, causing the development of caries. And the sooner the doctor detects and cures caries, the less suffering will fall on the patient. And the cheaper it will cost him the services of a dentist. But if your teeth have already been seriously damaged, get ready for significant expenses. In this case, it is especially important to find a good dental office with fair prices. Here is the website of the Eva-Dent clinic - they do their job in good faith, but the cost of treatment is acceptable for people of any income level.

In addition, people suffering from iron deficiency (anemia) constantly want to eat chalk. They are given out by dry pale skin, fatigue and drowsiness, in some cases early gray hair, rapid pulse, shortness of breath. In this case, not calcium-containing, but iron-containing products are needed - this is primarily red meat (preferably dried), beef liver, hematogen. If, for ethical reasons, you do not eat animal products, you should take supplements or vitamin shakes with spirulina. Eating chalk with iron deficiency is useless, and moreover, it can be harmful.

Is it harmful to eat chalk? Many meloeders are interested in: is it harmful to eat chalk? In what quantities does it not pose a health hazard? I will answer these questions. There is an opinion that chalk, eaten, provokes the formation of kidney stones. This is true only under one condition: if you use it in unimaginably large quantities, literally kilograms. Then not only the kidneys will suffer - the entire intestines, blood vessels and even the lungs will be covered with a layer of limescale. But two or three small pieces of pure chalk a day will not bring any harm - but it is worth emphasizing: it is pure.

Can I eat school chalk sold in stationery stores? Better not - it contains gypsum, glue, sometimes dyes, and all this certainly will not benefit your body. Uncleaned chalk from a quarry or from a hardware store, as well as whitewash, may contain bad impurities of a very different nature. Not too thoroughly purified and calcium for animals. Truly high-quality, pure chalk can only be bought at a pharmacy, in the form of calcium gluconate tablets. It tastes a little different from ordinary crayon, but you can be sure of its safety. This drug costs a penny - unlike more expensive dietary supplements. Which are sometimes no better - except that they are packaged in prettier and brighter packages.

Is it harmful to eat chalk - figured it out, but is it useful - the question remains open. The fact is that calcium is rather poorly absorbed by the human body, especially in its pure form. Eating crayons and whitewash, even in large quantities, does not fully solve the problem of micronutrient deficiency. Roughly speaking, it is more expedient to eat one hundred grams of cottage cheese than one hundred grams of chalk: in combination with other substances, in particular with acids and vitamin C, calcium is absorbed better. Therefore, nutritionists advise drinking calcium-containing preparations with citrus juices. And of course, optimize nutrition.

Calcium for pregnant women is one of the most important trace elements, since the skeleton of the child is formed from it. A woman can feel its lack for all nine months, and even after childbirth, so gynecologists advise taking special mineral-vitamin complexes from the first trimester. Whether they are so good is also a moot point: pills still do not replace a balanced diet, but can only serve as an addition to it. Among adherents of naturalistic motherhood, there is an opinion that taking medications for pregnant women can cause a lack of lactation after childbirth. And given the fact that fewer and fewer women have been breastfeeding in recent years, this statement no longer seems unambiguously absurd.

There is one folk recipe against calcium deficiency - egg shells ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state are added to food or taken dry, washed down with juice of sour fruits (orange, lemon, cranberry ...). Unlike pure chalk, it does not lead to the formation of limescale on the walls of internal organs, and therefore the eggshell as a source of calcium is a cleaner and harmless product.
