What not to do at baptism 19. Epiphany rituals: what is possible and what is not? Yuletide dreams by day - what dreams we see during Yuletide week

Epiphany is one of the main holidays of Christians, ending the Christmas festivities (Yuletide). It was on January 19 that John the Baptist called to cleanse the souls of people from sins and diseases in the waters of the Jordan. At the same time, the baptism of Jesus took place, in whose honor this holiday was established.

On January 18, Epiphany Eve begins, which is a strict fast before a major holiday, the name of which is Epiphany. We mark this day by illuminating water in churches, which Orthodox Christians keep at home all year round, giving it when they are sick, sprinkling their clothes and their home, and also perform the ritual of bathing in an ice hole. Holy water is believed to heal the body and soul.

Traditions and signs for Epiphany

Each religious holiday has its own special signs and traditions. At Baptism they are also different. From them you can determine what the coming year has in store.

Interesting! It is believed that the signs of this holiday are the most fateful and true, which is why people pay so much attention to them, especially the older generation.

Epiphany signs:

· Clear and cold weather promises a poor harvest due to the dry summer.

· If the weather is snowy and cloudy, then the year promises to be fruitful.

· Blizzard and snow on Epiphany promises a year rich in harvest.

· Dogs bark – hunters will be lucky this year, as there will be a lot of game.

· If a bird knocks on the window, then you need to pray for deceased relatives, as they ask for help from the living and for deeds pleasing to God.

These are old Russian signs, but there are also more modern signs of the Epiphany holiday:

· Meeting on the street with a person carrying a bouquet of flowers - fortunately.

· Meeting a man in red means falling in love.

· Meeting a person in black clothes means you shouldn’t indulge in romance this year, as you will only come across deceitful people.

· A broken plate means a wedding (yours or a loved one’s), and dropping it but not breaking it means new prospects.

· Getting burned on this day means moving. If the burn is on the upper part of the body, you must move of your own free will, and if it is on the lower part, you must move under duress.

· Meeting new people during the Epiphany holidays promises to be a lifelong experience good friends. The Lord blesses the relationships created on such a day.

· If you are lucky enough to get caught in a snowstorm on Epiphany, it means there will be money and prosperity all year.

· Interesting sign for girls. If a girl had to wash all the dishes after a festive feast, then she will get married this year. The groom is already on the doorstep.

Epiphany traditions:

· For a long time, on Epiphany, housewives baked breakfast cookies in the form of crosses for each member of the household. If the cross turned out fluffy and crispy, then a successful year awaited the person; if the baked goods were a little burnt, then the year would be unfavorable. An uneven, cracked cross meant serious problems for the family member to whom it was intended. The burnt baked goods were not given to anyone, but were simply given to the birds.

· On the day of Epiphany, priests bless the water in rivers by lowering a cross into it. By plunging into holy water three times, Orthodox Christians are cleansed of illnesses and sins. But it is advisable to take a dip not in a swimsuit, but in a shirt, and then, without washing, dry and store it. During an illness, you need to wear it and the illness will go away.

· On January 19, Epiphany, the Great Blessing of Water takes place. People line up in churches to drink holy water, and then keep it in their homes all year, considering it a cure for all ailments.

· The great celebration is traditionally accompanied by the release of doves as a sign of the end of the Christmas holidays.

· Epiphany frosts have always been strong since ancient times. On Christmas Eve, it was customary to serve oneself kutya before dinner, and the owner of the family, looking out the window, invited Frost to taste the treats. At
At this point he always said: “If the frost does not come to my house, let it not come to the harvest.”

· Interesting fact! Nowadays this tradition is no longer observed, but in the past it was customary to place a bowl of water on the table. The ripples on the surface of the water meant that the Sacrament of baptism had been completed.

· Fortune telling has long been a tradition. You can guess from January 6, before Christmas until January 18. On January 19, fortune telling is prohibited.

· Cleansing the home with holy water.

After quarrels, negative energy accumulates in the corners of every house, which can, if the home is not periodically cleaned, again and again provoke household members into conflicts.

To cleanse the house, you need to constantly ventilate, releasing negative energy, do wet cleaning with salt added to water. It is believed that salt helps to “dissolve” negativity. This should be done at least once a week, but cleansing the house on Epiphany is of particular importance. On this day, the following ritual is performed: with the help of holy water, with the right pinch, each corner is sprinkled in a cross-shaped motion, going clockwise and starting from the front door with the words: “By sprinkling this sacred water, so that every unclean and demonic action can be carried away.” The ceremony ends at the door.

These traditions and signs Orthodox people revered since times Ancient Rus'. Much is permitted on the Feast of the Epiphany, but there are also prohibitions.

What is allowed to be done at Epiphany

1. You can and should perform all religious rituals at Epiphany, such as attending a church service, drawing holy water, plunging into an ice hole 3 times and setting the festive table.

Important! Most often, the ice hole is made in the form of a crucifix and one should enter the ice hole strictly from the west and exit on the east side.

2. Fast before the holiday.

3. The owner of the house should draw crosses with chalk above the windows and doors to protect her home from harm.

4. Sprinkle your home with holy water against evil spirits.

6. On this holiday you can baptize children and get married. Such events on this day promise great happiness.

What is forbidden to do on Epiphany on January 19

1. You can’t quarrel, think about bad things or wish harm on someone.

2. You can’t just quarrel on this holiday, but especially not while holding holy water in your hands. It is believed that from negative energy she loses her strength.

3. You cannot collect a lot of Epiphany water.

Although it has double power in Baptism, it must be treated as a spiritual medicine.

4. You should not be greedy when collecting sacred water. It is believed that greed brings disaster to a person.

5. You cannot dilute holy water with water. Because of this, it loses its magical properties.

6. Fortune telling on the feast of Epiphany is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to hide all the objects with the help of which fortune-telling was carried out during the Christmastide period. Fortune telling after the holiday is also prohibited.

7. You can't get drunk. You are allowed to drink a glass of wine, but you should not get drunk.

8. Starting from Christmas Eve and until the end of January 19, you cannot take anything out of the house and lend money, otherwise you can bring poverty on your family for the whole year.

9. Physical labor is prohibited on Epiphany.

You can have fun, visit, relax. Physical labor is allowed only on Christmas Eve and only until lunch.

10. You cannot cry on Epiphany, otherwise tears will flow all year long.

Fortune telling on the holiday of Epiphany is prohibited, but various rituals are allowed. All of them are carried out using sacred water. It is believed that rituals performed on Epiphany have special power.

The main rituals performed at Epiphany:

1. Ritual for physical health and peace of mind.

It is best to perform the ritual on the night of January 18-19. You need to dial full bath hot water, add a little holy water, then dip your cross in it and lie down in the bath so that the water covers the body completely. You need to lie there for 15 minutes and get out without drying yourself.

2. Ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

On the evening of Epiphany Eve, you need to pour holy water into the bowl, then put a silver-colored coin in there and place the bowl under the moonlight. You need to make a wish and whisper it 3 times over the bowl. In the morning, you need to pour out the water, hide the coin in a secluded place and not tell anyone about it. The ritual takes on double power if Baptism coincides with the full moon.

3. Ritual to attract wealth.

On the night of January 18-19, you need to take holy water from the church, bring it home and go around all the rooms clockwise (without sprinkling) with the words: “Holy water came to the house and brought prosperity. Losses will pass this house, and prosperity will come every day. Good luck will accompany me in everything, I will never know failure in anything!”

The water must be left overnight important place at home, according to the housewife, and wash her face with it in the morning.

4. Ritual for marriage.

On the night before Epiphany, a girl who wants to get married must go to the crossroads and say the following words to all 4 directions:

“Male soul, my betrothed, come with me and to my home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

5. Purification ritual.

You need to bless the water in the temple and buy 3 candles there. You are not allowed to talk to anyone on the way home. At home, you need to place the water you brought in the center of the table on a new white tablecloth (this is important!). One candle should stand behind the vessel with water, the other two on the sides. Then you need to light all the candles one by one with one match and look through the water at the fire of the candles, clasping the vessel with your hands, feeling how the flame warms and cleanses. Then the words are spoken:

“As the thoughts of Christ are pure, so be my soul pure. Just as holy water is pure, so be my body pure. I wash myself, remove damage, cleanse my spirit and body. Amen."

Then you need to wet your hands in water, and pour the rest onto your head, feeling a surge of divine energy and cleansing of all bad things. Over the next week, you must not give anything from your home to anyone or take anything from others yourself.

All signs and rituals on great holiday The baptisms of the Lord will be effective if you sincerely believe in them, and believe in a change in fate in better side.

On January 18, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve, and on January 19, Epiphany. These two days are very strong in their energy, so it is so important to adhere to certain rules.

Since ancient times, on this day it has been customary to collect water and stock up for the year. It is believed that Epiphany water washes away sins and helps to cleanse, acquires special healing properties and helps cope with various ailments and diseases.

You need to consecrate every corner of your home with it in order to ensure order and peace in the house in the coming year. It is worth noting that medicinal properties You may lose water if, while collecting or taking it, you quarrel with someone or are visited bad thoughts. It is believed that on Epiphany you must drink holy water in order to be healthy all year round.

What you can do on Epiphany:
On Epiphany Christmas Eve the whole family gathers at the table; only Lenten dishes are served. But on January 19th Holy Epiphany The Lord is already setting up a sumptuous table with various delicacies.
sprinkle all corners of the house with holy water so that there is harmony and understanding in the family;
can be observed on January 18-19 fast.
dive into an ice hole if your health allows. Epiphany water washes away sins and helps to cleanse oneself.
What not to do at Epiphany:
Under no circumstances should you touch scissors on this day (so as not to cut your fate) - get a manicure, pedicure, and haircuts. And even if you go to a beauty salon, that is, someone else’s hands will make you look beautiful, you will still bring negative events into your destiny - illness, grief, fears
quarrel, swear, leave home in anger;

complain, gossip, slander;
cleaning, washing, knitting and sewing. It is better to stop any work these days;
After Baptism you cannot guess, otherwise you will change your fate for the worse.
You shouldn’t borrow money on this day; you’ll be asking for loans all year. And what’s unpleasant is that it will constantly grow.
Signs and superstitions for Epiphany 2018:
People baptized on January 19, according to popular belief, will be happy throughout their lives.
For the newlyweds, Epiphany was the best day to negotiate a wedding: “Epiphany handshake means a happy family.”
If the wind blows from the south on January 19, the summer will be stormy.
The weather on January 19 was used to predict what the weather would be like in December.
Cold and clear at Epiphany - for a dry summer, fresh and cloudy - for a rich harvest.
It is not customary to feed chickens at Epiphany, so as not to have to dig gardens.
And for three days after Epiphany, the linen is not rubbed.
If dogs bark a lot at Epiphany, there will be a lot of animals and game.
If it snows, especially when they enter the water, next year will be fruitful.
Epiphany fortune telling
In the old days, fortune telling at Epiphany was a popular pastime. However, fortune telling is not a religious custom at all. Fortune telling has nothing to do with true Christianity and the feast of Epiphany itself, but goes back to paganism.
At Epiphany, girls told fortunes about their betrothed: they put different rings in a bag of grain and, taking them out in turn, determined their fate. A copper ring promised a poor groom, a silver one - from a family with average income, a ring with a gem - a noble groom, and a gold one - from a merchant.
Another common fortune telling was to go out the gate in the evening and call for your betrothed. meet young guy was considered a good omen, and the old man - a bad omen.
Dreams on the night of Epiphany were considered prophetic, and girls wished to see their future spouse in their dreams.
On Epiphany, mothers bake cross-shaped cookies for breakfast. For each member of the household, the housewife specially marks his cookies. When baked goods are taken out of the oven, the cookies determine what kind of year the family members will have. If the cross is lush, ruddy and well baked, then success and prosperity await the one to whom it was placed. If the baked goods are burnt, then the year will be unsuccessful. If the cross turns out to be cracked and uneven, serious problems await this family member. Most often, burnt and failed crosses are not shown to anyone; they are best fed to the birds.

Prayer on the Feast of Epiphany (Epiphany)
“Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages, Light from Light, enlightening all things, in the last year of the Most Holy Virgin Mary incorruptible incarnate and coming into this world for our salvation! You did not suffer to see the human race tormented by the devil, and for this sake, on the bright day of Your Epiphany, you came to the Jordan to a sinner and a publican to be baptized by John, sinless, that you might fulfill all righteousness and take away the sins of the whole world in the waters of the Jordan, like a Lamb God, what I have to bear on Myself and atone for with Baptism of the Cross, Thy Most Pure Blood. For this reason, I immersed You in the waters, the heavens enclosed by Adam were opened to You, and the Holy Spirit descended on You in the form of a dove, bringing enlightenment and deification to our nature, and Your Divine Father proclaimed His favor to You with a heavenly voice, You have already done His will and man has accepted His sins. and You have already prepared for Yourself the slaughter, just as You Himself declared: “For this sake the Father loves Me, because I lay down My soul, that I may receive it again,” and so on this all-bright day, You, Lord, laid the foundation for our redemption from the Fall ancestral For this reason, all the powers of heaven rejoice and all creation rejoices, longing for their liberation from the work of corruption, saying: Enlightenment has come, grace has appeared, deliverance has come, the world has been enlightened and people are filled with joy.

Let heaven and earth rejoice now, and let the whole world play; let the rivers splash; May springs and lakes, abysses and seas rejoice, for their nature has been sanctified today by Divine Baptism. Let the assembly of men rejoice today, for their nature has now returned to the first nobility, and let them all sing with joy: It is time for the Epiphany. Come mentally to the Jordan, we will see a great vision in it: Christ is coming to Baptism. Christ comes to Jordan. Christ buries our sins in water. Christ comes to seek the stolen and erring sheep and, having found it, brings him into paradise. As we celebrate the remembrance of this Divine Sacrament, we earnestly pray to Thee, O Lord who loves mankind: grant us, who thirst at Thy voice, to come to Thee, the Source of ever-living water, so that we may draw the water of Thy grace and the remission of our sins and renounce wickedness and worldly lusts; Let us live chastely and virginally, and righteously and piously in this present age, awaiting the blessed hope and the manifestation of Thy glory, the Great God and our Savior, who may save us not from our deeds, but by Thy mercy and by the renewal of Thy Holy Spirit by the washing of His rebirth, His Thou hast poured out abundantly, so that, having been justified by His grace, we will be heirs of eternal life in Thy Kingdom, where, together with all the saints, grant us to glorify the all-holy Your name with Your Beginningless Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

To commemorate this bright event, a holiday was established, which is otherwise called Epiphany. The event is celebrated annually on the same date.

  • Epiphany rites and traditions
  • Make a wish for Epiphany
  • Folk signs for Epiphany

When does the blessing of water occur?

Church holidays, as a rule, begin in the second half of the previous day. Therefore, in churches and temples, the consecration of water begins after the morning service during Epiphany Eve, the procedure continues on the day of the celebration - January 19 at the end of the liturgy.

The clergy claim that the water blessed on Christmas Eve is in no way inferior in its miraculous powers to the water blessed on the day of Epiphany itself. Holy water can heal a person from fatal diseases, fulfill his innermost dreams, and bestow good luck.

Water blessed at Epiphany is used in small doses throughout the current year until the next holiday. Holy water is sprinkled on the corners of the apartment to cleanse it of negativity; this liquid can fill the home with powerful positive energy. The consecrated liquid should be drunk in small sips, but pouring it under your feet and washing dirty objects on this day is extremely undesirable.

Epiphany rites and traditions

The main world Christian tradition on the Epiphany holiday is the solemn procession of the cross to the Jordan River, where the baptism of Christ took place. On this day, Christians from all over the world gather and march to holy places. Having reached the river, people wash themselves in its waters, cleansing themselves of sins and sinful thoughts.

But not always a person has the opportunity to join the world Procession of the Cross. Therefore, in all Russian cities and villages, swimming is carried out in local rivers. The dive is carried out in three steps, with each dive you need to pronounce words sacred text: “I plunge into the name of the Father; I immerse myself in the name of the Son, I immerse myself in the name of the Holy Spirit.” Those who do not have the courage and health to plunge into icy water sprinkle themselves with the holy liquid, while saying prayers.
A special ice hole for swimming is called Jordan.

It is worth noting that dipping into Jordan is a folk, not a church tradition. Church ministers claim that any water on this sacred day becomes holy. Therefore, you can wash your face even with ordinary tap water, while reading a prayer and believing with all your heart in liberation from sins.

Those who regularly swim in the Jordan at Epiphany should keep in mind the following rules:

You can start swimming after the evening service on January 18;
for safety reasons, diving is carried out only in special places equipped for these purposes, after the consecration ceremony has been carried out;
before starting the dive, you should say the Lord’s Prayer;
the immersion is carried out completely, together with the head, after which you should cross yourself three times;
It is advisable to purchase special shirts for swimming; you should not carry out this procedure in shorts and bathing suits;
On the eve of the dive, it is recommended to eat well, but not to overeat; after the procedure, it is advisable to drink a cup of hot tea.

Not everyone can plunge into ice water. There are some diseases that are a contraindication to such a procedure. You should not dive into an ice hole if you have a cold, hypertension, or chronic skin diseases.

It is noted that the water on the day of Epiphany becomes different, it is softer and more pleasant to the taste. This applies not only to holy water, but also to any other, even that which flows from under water tap. Throughout the holiday, you can draw water directly from the tap, noting the improvement in its properties. On this day, the water becomes tastier and cleaner.

What to do on Epiphany and Epiphany Eve

The celebration of Epiphany is accompanied by several rituals and traditions. It is very important to observe strict fasting on the day before the festival. Epiphany Christmas Eve comes on January 18, popularly this date is called “Hungry Kutia”. On Christmas Eve, the only dish is considered to be kutia, made from cereals. You cannot add butter or milk to it; it must be lean. Eating kutya is allowed only after sunset. Even water should be consumed in limited quantities at this time.

But on Christmas Eve you should prepare for the celebration, and for Epiphany itself there should be at least 12 types of dishes on the table. Baptism is celebrated at a luxuriously set table, which must include meat dishes.
Holy water brought from the church is necessary for sprinkling all the corners in the room; this procedure will save a person’s family from illnesses and troubles for the whole year. It is believed that people baptized on January 19 are in good health and live happily ever after. Epiphany is an ideal holiday for reconciliation; if a person is in a quarrel with someone, then on this day you need to forget about differences and reconcile.

What not to do on the day of Epiphany

Epiphany is a sacred holiday; on this bright day you cannot be depressed, suffer and be sad, otherwise the whole year will be sad. On this day, such a quality as all-forgiveness, which Christ preached, is highly valued, therefore it is very important to be able to forgive your offenders; you should not be offended or quarrel on this great day.

On Epiphany you cannot do dirty things related to water. Since any water on Epiphany is holy, there is no need to desecrate it, wash floors with it, or wash clothes. For three more days after the celebration, the water can retain its properties; it cannot be desecrated during this time. It is better to postpone any work for this period.

You can tell fortunes on the eve of Epiphany, but on the holy day itself it is not recommended. There is a belief that if you tell fortunes on Epiphany Day, you can predict fate not for the better. You should not read conspiracies on this day, the church is categorically against such actions, you should not go against its canons, especially on holy days.

You cannot drink alcoholic beverages on the holy day, even if they are not strong. It is not recommended to use obscene words; any negativity should be driven away from yourself, especially before you start swimming in the ice hole.

Make a wish for Epiphany

On the night of January 18-19, anyone can make a wish; if the plan is full of pure thoughts, then it will come true, since on this holy day the heavens heed the requests of sincerely believing people. In order for the Lord to hear the one asking, his desires should not contain the desire to harm someone, he cannot ask for material benefits, just as he cannot demand undeserved honor.

Before making a wish, you need to read the Lord’s Prayer while standing in front of the icon, then you should voice your request. If the request is pure and truly necessary for the person asking, it will be fulfilled.

Folk signs for Epiphany

There are several popular beliefs and signs for Epiphany that will help predict the weather and the future.

Our ancestors believed in the following signs:

On the night of Epiphany, you should look at the starry sky; bright stars indicate that the summer will be dry and spring will come early;
if Epiphany night falls on the new moon, there is a danger of spring floods, spring will come late, summer will be cool;
if there are severe frosts on Epiphany, and they are stronger than at Christmas, then the year will be fruitful;
Epiphany snow has healing properties;
if dogs bark loudly in the vicinity on the night of January 19, this portends a successful financial year;
a lot of snow fell for the Epiphany holiday - it will be a grain year.

In order to scare away evil from their homes, our ancestors painted crosses over the doors and windows. This custom continues to this day. You cannot leave shoes outside the door on Epiphany night, this can lead to illness.

In order to have a lot of happiness and love in your personal life, since ancient times in Rus', weddings were held during the period from Epiphany to Maslenitsa. A person born on Epiphany Day will be healthy and happy.
All signs and beliefs have deep roots; our ancestors sacredly believed in them. But to believe in them or not is everyone’s business. Epiphany is a holy holiday that is best celebrated among your friends and loved ones.

Signs for Epiphany on January 19: what you can do and what you can’t do are not so numerous, but they definitely exist. Let us recall that it is on January 19 every year that Orthodox believers celebrate Epiphany, while Catholics and other faiths celebrate this event on January 6, because the date of the Nativity of Christ falls on December 25 (for Orthodox Christmas Christ is celebrated on January 7).

Baptism is an ancient and important church event, which in Rus' has always received special attention. However, this holiday is actively celebrated by believers all over the world. It has been established since the time of the apostles. With the date of Epiphany, January 19, the period called Christmastide ends. The celebration of Epiphany begins on Christmas Eve, January 18th. The recipe is relevant for any holiday,

Important! One of the traditions of the holiday on January 19 is the Great Blessing of Water. People go to church to get holy water. Of course, it is better to come to the temple in advance and attend the service. Moreover, the ceremonial services begin on Christmas Eve, January 18. After them, the water is blessed in honor of the great holiday.

  • Take home a lot of Epiphany water and stock up on it. Still, this is spiritual food and one cannot be greedy here.
  • Carry out various Christmas fortune telling. The tradition of fortune telling has been preserved among the people since pagan times, Christian church does not recognize such rituals. But, all the same, people still have a time for fortune telling - this is the Christmastide period from January 6 to January 18. That is, on the feast of Epiphany itself, January 19, it is no longer possible to guess.
  • Dilute holy water. It's considered simple bad omen, the clergy also recommend not to get carried away with such dilution.
  • When collecting Epiphany water, you cannot think about something bad, much less swear. If such a bad phenomenon occurs, the water will lose its holiness.
  • Wash on the Epiphany holiday itself, and then for another two days.

Separately, it is worth noting the signs for Epiphany: what can be done and what cannot be done; fortune-telling is absolutely forbidden from January 19 onwards. Even on the day of Baptism you should not cry, otherwise such a person will constantly shed tears throughout the year.

  • Be sure to go to worship.
  • Fast during Christmas Eve. You can eat any plant food, giving up meat, dairy products, and fish.
  • Collect holy water with good intentions and in small quantities.
  • Make the sign of the cross.
  • Swim in a consecrated ice hole to wash away your sins.

It is also customary on the holiday of January 19 to sprinkle your home with holy water, which has just been brought from church. This will help the family lead a pious and godly life throughout the year, as well as cleanse the house from the influence of any negative force.

Here it is once again important to emphasize that holy water is a church shrine, which should be treated with trepidation and reverence. Such water, no matter what container it is in, does not spoil for many years. Epiphany water should be stored in the red corner.

By the way, signs for Epiphany on January 19: what you can do and what you can’t do at home. There is one more ritual. The owner of the house needs to draw crosses in chalk above the windows and doors to protect her home from evil forces.

Traditions for Epiphany in Rus'

We have listed the main signs of dos and don’ts, although, of course, this is far from full list. In Rus', many different rituals have always been associated with this important day.

For example, in honor of the holiday, doves were released as a sign of Divine grace that descended on Jesus Christ during the rite of Baptism. After the first church bell on January 19, it was customary to light the stove; this helped protect the house from fire in the New Year.

As for the ice hole for swimming, which is called “Jordan,” it was prepared a week before the holiday. They cut a hole in the river, then sawed out a cross and placed a cross made of ice over the hole. The craftsmen also sawed out the throne and the royal gates from ice, which were additionally decorated with spruce branches.

These are the main signs for Epiphany on January 19: what you can do and what you can’t do, which should definitely be studied. Let there be good people in your family Orthodox customs Epiphany celebrations are preserved and passed on from generation to generation.

Epiphany is the end of the New Year and Christmas festivities, but this is not the importance of the holiday. During the period of Christianity, Epiphany acquired enormous significance for people living or striving to live a full spiritual life, and became a sacred symbol of purification for the majority.

Not without the fact that church holiday a lot of people mixed in folk signs and beliefs, which, by the way, tend to come true. There was also some magic.

Epiphany turned out to be a holiday with a somewhat liberal slant, allowing fortune telling, the use of spells and analysis of omens. But what you cannot do on Epiphany, January 19, is swear and harbor anger. Actually, such actions are punishable on any day, but especially on Epiphany.

Guessing - only on Christmas Eve

Marriage, health and well-being of loved ones are a familiar set of questions, the solution to which remains relevant for centuries, and you want to know the answer in advance, and so that it is sure to be positive.

You can find out your fate, but not on Epiphany itself, but the evening before, until 00:00 inclusive. Next - taboo. At midnight, a new, festive day starts, and those who did not have time to find out their future are late. Fortune telling will have to be postponed until whole year. In the old days, girls did just that; they were God-fearing and well aware of what they should not do on Epiphany, January 19th.

Conspiracy conspiracy

Conspiracies can also be classified as fortune telling. Active actions on the part of man to correct his fate were also taken before midnight. But some rituals (for money, for example) were allowed to be performed before dawn, in parallel with collecting Epiphany water.

Analyzing (January 19) - what can be done and what cannot be done - we come to the conclusion that it is possible to wish for yourself and those around you wealth, health, marriage (marriage) and direct all your spiritual, magical and prayerful forces towards this. You can’t think bad things - the boomerang effect in holidays appears more clearly and acts faster.

List of baptism signs

The main signs for Epiphany, January 19 (what you can do and what you can’t do) a hundred and fifty years ago were a program of action that was adopted by everyone, young and old.

Now they are not believed in so widely and are perceived, rather, as entertainment, but they are increasingly noticing that forecasts made on the basis of the fluffiness of the snowfall, the clarity of the stars, and the direction of the wind are not without logic.

They don’t do laundry at home for two days after Epiphany, and for two weeks they don’t do it in an ice hole.

But dipping into the ice hole is welcome. It is especially useful for those who dared to tell fortunes the day before - water will wash away this sin.

You can sprinkle your house with holy water.

Before Epiphany, the hostess is allowed to personally draw small crosses above the windows and front door- this will save the house from troubles.

If a bird knocks on the window at Epiphany, pray for your deceased relatives; it is their souls asking the living for help and godly deeds.

Why can't you feed chickens?

One of the strange, at first glance, Epiphany prohibitions is on feeding chickens on this day. It would seem that such cruelty to living beings is unacceptable. But zealous rural residents, who count not only every laying hen, but also every sprout in the garden in the summer, take the ban very seriously.

They have well-fed chickens - number one on the list of “What not to do on Epiphany, January 19.” What does the poor bird have to do with it, forced to suffer on this bright holiday? It is not known where this sign came from, but they say that if you do not feed the chickens on Epiphany, in the summer they will not rake the beds and spoil the seedlings.

Physical labor is prohibited

On the big day, all types of physical labor are prohibited. This is probably the most pleasant thing. What can’t you do on Epiphany, January 19? That’s right, work! The time freed from everyday tedious work can be spent pleasantly and usefully - attending a church service, going on a visit, having fun with friends.

Of course, meetings with nice people we mean “fifty or more.” You can warm your soul a little with alcohol even on Epiphany. What you shouldn’t do on the holy day is get too carried away and “overdo it.” Firstly, the holiness of the holiday does not save you from hangovers and headaches. Secondly, looking like a famous pet is simply indecent. It's better to get drunk from have a nice day, happy holiday, revel in the faith in the wonderful future predicted on Christmas Eve, and enjoy life for nothing.
