Which is better to choose a bath or shower? How did it even occur to us to buy a shower cabin? Option #1 - cast iron bathtubs

A bath or shower is an age-old question that arises during global renovations in an apartment. Each of these options has its supporters, as well as pros and cons. Let's look at these issues in more detail.

When choosing a regular bathtub, you should only pay attention to the material from which it is made and its quality. Modern market This area is represented by the following options:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • acrylic.

Cast iron bathtubs can last for a quarter of a century if the top coating is taken care of. In addition, they are resistant to deformation and can retain heat for a long time. But over time, the coating still wears off, becoming porous, which significantly complicates the cleaning of plumbing fixtures. The disadvantages also include the difficulty of installing the product due to its very heavy weight.

Bathtubs made of steel differ from the previous version in lighter weight and are available for sale in versions various shapes. But the products are very easy to deform and give off heat well, so the water in such plumbing quickly cools.

Acrylic products are the most popular today. They retain heat for a long time and allow repair work with minor damage and are easy to clean. Disadvantages include instability to mechanical damage, abrasion of the top coating and high cost compared to previous options.

When choosing more advanced bathtubs equipped with various additions, it is difficult to say which is better: a bathtub or a shower. Such plumbing may include not only a standard body, but also the following “curiosities”:

  • devices for chromotherapy;
  • disinfection system;
  • special equipment and containers for aromatherapy;
  • air compressor;
  • nozzles;
  • pump;
  • tubes for supplying air and water.

With such equipment, the question of what is better is a bathtub or a shower cabin can be considered meaningless.

About shower cabins, their equipment and advantages

When faced with a choice - a bath or a shower, you also need to take a closer look at the second option. The shower cabin is a plumbing fixture necessary for carrying out hygienic procedures. Part of this device includes:

  • pallet;
  • 2 doors;
  • 3 walls.

More simple models are issued without rear walls. They are installed in the house in such a way that the walls of the bathroom also become the walls of the plumbing fixtures.

example of separation in the form of impact-resistant glass

Improved options are monoblock systems with built-in computer control. They are completely sealed and include all necessary equipment for comfortable water procedures. Here you need to doubt whether it is better to choose a shower cabin or a bathtub, since such a comfortable plumbing fixture can easily compete with the most expensive and equipped one.

Shower cabins can have a wide variety of shapes, and you can choose them based on the parameters of your own bathroom. They can be rectangular, angular and round in shape. Plumbing fixtures with minimal parameters will fit perfectly into tiny bathrooms, which are often found in apartments.

And now about the additional functions that make the benefits of the shower invaluable:

  • tropical shower - the flow of water breaks into tiny drops and creates the impression of being under warm summer rain;
  • aromatherapy is created by placing containers with oils on the walls of plumbing fixtures, through which passing steam or drops of water spread a pleasant relaxing aroma throughout the room;
  • a Turkish bath is possible in plumbing that has built-in steam generators that supply steam to the cabin;
  • vertical and horizontal hydromassage - special rotary nozzles are built into the plumbing fixtures, which supply jets of water pre-mixed with air;
  • – is possible with a special system that independently supplies flows of cold and hot water alternately.

The opinion of experts regarding a contrast shower is unanimous - this is one of the most useful water procedures, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole: it hardens, invigorates, and tones.

But with booths, just like with any other devices, it’s not so simple: they have their pros and cons. If the advantages are already clear, then the disadvantages should be examined in more detail:

  1. All built-in functions can only operate with a certain water pressure (pressure of at least 1.5 bar). If such parameters are lacking, the cabin can only provide a normal water procedure;
  2. Over time, a characteristic white coating from drying drops of water accumulates on the doors and walls of plumbing fixtures, so after each procedure all parts need to be thoroughly washed, and this is very inconvenient;
  3. Lack of opportunity for relaxation, which is sometimes so necessary after a hard day at work.

What should you choose?

Which is better, a bath or a shower, depends on the person and his needs and likes. Let's consider the most important nuances, which you should focus on when choosing a plumbing fixture for your bathroom:

  1. Saving water

It is generally accepted that water consumption in a bathtub is much greater than in a shower stall. But it is not always the case. When installing a cabin with various additions in the form of contrasting and tropical shower the procedure can last a very long time and the water consumption will be enormous.

  1. Saving square meters

Many apartments include very small bathrooms. Such a bathroom can only accommodate a small cubicle. At the same time, you can forget about additions in the form of a tropical shower and a Turkish sauna, because such plumbing requires large sizes.

  1. Installation time

Installing a bathtub does not require any special skills, but with a stall you will have to suffer. If there are additions in the form of radio, ventilation, etc., additional communication networks will be required. There may also be difficulties with the installation itself, where you will have to knock down the tiles and adjust the parameters of the room.

  1. Price

The cost of a good acrylic bathtub is significantly lower than any shower cabin. Of course, you can choose a budget option with small parameters and only a pallet, but does this make sense?

Many people, when arranging their bathroom, are faced with a choice: shower or bath? Now we will try to find out the positive and negative sides both solutions.

Shower or bath?

The first thing you need to understand is what you yourself are used to, and what kind of pastime is more enjoyable for you. The bath has a relaxing effect and allows you to relax after a hard day at work. A shower will help you wake up and give you energy for the day.

Let's look at the bath and shower as a means of cleansing. Staying in the bath allows you to gently open the skin pores and thus cleanse them. It should be remembered that it is better to use for the bathroom various varieties soaps, not shower gels, since the latter create a special film on the skin that can only be washed off under a strong stream. In this regard, the shower provides the function of hydromassage and deeper cleansing.

We must not forget about the medical aspect. Doctors advise people with vascular and vein problems (hypotension, hypertension, varicose veins veins). People with problem skin will also have to carefully select the temperature and time spent in water, since too hot water can cause harm. sensitive skin. The shower has practically no contraindications, except for one of its varieties - a contrast shower. Again, such a shower should not be taken by people with problematic blood vessels, since a sharp change in water temperature is not beneficial in such cases. And, of course, if you have a runny nose or a cold, it is better not to experiment with cold water.

Which is more economical?

From an economical point of view, the shower is the clear winner. Since the showers occupy themselves less space than a bathtub, they are better suited for bathrooms with small square footage, which will save useful space.

The shower also wins in terms of the amount of water consumed. On average, taking water procedures in the shower will require 1.5–2 times less water than in the bathroom. This is due to the fact that in the shower, dirt is immediately washed away from the skin with new streams of water, while while lying in the bath, you will have to rinse several more times.

But lying in the bath, you can relax and forget about the problems of a hard day, and steam your skin. Therefore, if the bathroom space allows, then you should not deny yourself this pleasure.

You need to understand what specific style you want to decorate your bathroom in. For modern and aggressive styles, such as “high-tech” and “minimalism”, a shower cabin will be the absolute choice. Here you will need cabins made of transparent glass with metal inserts.

If you adhere to more classic interior, for example, in the Provence style, then you cannot do without a beautiful white bathtub and walls decorated with pastel-colored tiles.

The shape of the bathroom can be different, as well as the material from which it is made: from iron to hardwood. Many design solutions they look very stylish, but again are suitable for large rooms.

The editors of the site advise you to make a choice in favor of what you need, because the bathroom is a very personal space and a place for privacy.
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The bathroom is a place where you don’t just clean, but wash away fatigue, negativity and Bad mood, relax and rest not only with your body, but also with your soul. Some people like to soak in deep bath, some prefer an invigorating shower, but everyone tries to make this room as comfortable as possible. Ideally, of course, you would install both, but, unfortunately, not everyone has enough space to do so. Therefore, owners often have to do Difficult choice and stop at one thing. To understand which is better - a bathtub or a shower cabin, you first need to consider the types and advantages of each of them separately.

What types of baths are there?

Bathtubs can be systematized according to several parameters: material, shape, size, cost and even color. One of the main indicators will be the material of manufacture, namely:

  • cast iron,
  • steel,
  • acrylic,
  • quarried

Cast iron bathtubs are a classic from the times of our parents. They were very common at the time Soviet Union, and still have fans due to a number of advantages. Cast iron bathtubs are quite strong and durable, retain heat for a long time, however, they do not heat up quickly, and have high noise insulation when filling with water. A one-time drawback can be called the large weight, but you set it and forget it, unless you decide to start repairs again. And here real minus is a fragile enamel that wears off quite quickly, especially under the influence of modern chemicals detergents. After this, the surface becomes unpleasantly rough and may even scratch the skin. Of course, there are now many companies offering recoating of cast iron and steel baths enamel, but, as practice has shown, the second layer is also short-lived, and if applied poorly, it can quickly begin to peel. As a result, the plumbing acquires a completely unaesthetic appearance.

Steel baths are the most budget option. Probably, only this and their relative ease can be called advantages. At the same time, steel products have very fragile both the outer casing and the enamel coating (similar to cast iron), in addition, they cool quickly and are very loud when drawing water.

Acrylic and quarryl - modern materials that have revolutionized the concept of bathtubs

Modern materials used today in the manufacture of bathtubs can be said to have made a mini-revolution in this area. Thanks to them, we moved away from the standards of identical rectangular models, and a huge variety of choices appeared.

Acrylic bathtubs are the most popular today, they are widespread, and there are several reasons for this. Such models are quite light, durable, easy to clean, retain heat well and have a low noise level. True, they can easily be damaged by a direct strong impact, for example, if something metal, heavy or sharp falls into the bathtub. But restoration is also not difficult and not expensive. And one moment: acrylic bathtubs They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which has also enhanced their reputation.

Quaril plumbing can be considered a new product. Such bathtubs have recently entered the market and are not yet as popular as acrylic ones. Quaril is a combination of acrylic and quartz sand. Due to quartz, they are more durable, warmer and in weight are between acrylic and cast iron. The downside is the rather high cost.

There are also stone, marble, glass, earthenware, and wooden baths. But this is for a higher budget; they are usually made to order.

Shapes and sizes

Previously, bathtubs were often classified by size, which, in fact, was not special labor, because determining standard dimensions for several models is not a problem. Today, due to the availability of materials that are easier to work with, products of a wide variety of shapes are produced, and it is no longer possible to unify them. When choosing a bathtub, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room itself, since even an asymmetrical model should simply fit and not have protruding sides. And don't forget about the parameters of your family members. After all, if the average height of household members is above average, and the bathroom area allows you to determine only small size plumbing, it makes sense to change the bathtub to a shower stall. We'll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the latter below.

What can you find now and what is popular? Until recently, there was no option for this; they chose from rectangular or... rectangular. However, today the variety is so great that it’s easy to get confused. The shape of the bathtub is:

  • rectangular,
  • square,
  • round,
  • oval,
  • corner,
  • asymmetrical.

The main thing is to consider the size and convenience of the location. Internal organization baths are also varied. For the comfort of consumers, headrests, armrests, handles are made, the tank can follow the shape of the body, etc.

Which is better - a bath or a shower? Advantages and disadvantages of baths

When trying to answer the question of what is better, you must first consider all the useful points and possible accessories that can improve your bathtub. An undoubted advantage: by taking a full bath and adding aromatic substances, you can completely rest and relax, wash away the stress of the past day. Some people can spend up to several hours in this type of rest. It is impossible to do this in the soul. Moreover, a warm bath has many medicinal properties, it is prescribed for certain diseases. Yes, and bathing children requires a large space, and a shower instead of a bathtub will not help in this matter.

The downside of bathtubs is the rather large area they occupy. And if this is not a problem for large bathrooms, then in small rooms (a fairly common phenomenon in old houses) certain inconveniences arise. In such a situation, the best solution would be to replace the bathtub with a shower. Well, and one more negative factor is the large consumption of water required to fill the container. And if several people intend to pamper themselves, then the conclusion suggests itself...

Bath accessories

For greater objectivity, it is worth mentioning modern devices. We are talking about the hydromassage function. Previously available only in sanatoriums and special salons, today they have come to our home along with special hydromassage baths. Of course, such models are much more expensive than regular ones, but the pleasure is worth it. Moreover, manufacturers offer to purchase special hydromassage inserts, which are much cheaper, and they can be installed even on old plumbing fixtures.

For shower lovers, there are now excellent shower panels on sale with a wide range of functions, and they can be adapted to the bathtub. Of course, they do not completely replace the shower box, but they are much closer to it in terms of their purpose.

Differences between showers

Until recently, a shower stall did not evoke as many positive emotions as it does today. Its fans were only people who did not like to waste time taking baths, because the only function of the shower was... a shower. But now there are so many modern technologies, which is increasingly common for many families when asked “Which is better - a bathtub or a shower?” answer: definitely a shower!

The classification of shower cabins is somewhat different from that of bathtubs. There is no point in distinguishing between materials, since now everything is mostly made from acrylic and plastic, except that in cheaper models there may be steel pallet. They are divided mainly by shape (external and pallet) and by doors (sliding, hinged). There are also open shower cabins that have only doors (without a top), and closed ones - shower boxes. But the main difference between this type of equipment is the number of functions.

Functions of shower cabins

A shower stall in a bathroom can be either simple or with big amount functions - from small to entire boxes. Some modern models replace the massage parlor and combined. The most popular functions of shower boxes are as follows:

  • hydromassage (horizontal and vertical);
  • "Turkish bath";
  • tropical shower;
  • aromatherapy (inhalation);
  • chromotherapy;
  • voice control and others.

The quantity and quality of such functions directly depends on the cost of such shower cabins. In more expensive models The most modern devices have been installed, the list of which could take a long time.

Advantages of a shower cabin over a bathtub

Why Firstly, it is quite compact and does not take up much space. It is quite economical, moreover, it saves both water and time, which does not need to be wasted while the water is pouring. A wide variety of shapes and models will help even the most demanding buyer decide.

And, of course, a huge variety of functions, many of which are therapeutic, allows such equipment to win the love of more and more people. Also, shower cabins, depending on their parameters, have a fairly wide range of prices. Thus, anyone can choose a model to suit their taste and budget.

Small bathrooms

As mentioned, if you have a large bathroom, you can install both a bathtub and a shower. But, unfortunately, such an ideal picture does not always exist. Therefore, when decorating and equipping rooms with a very small area, there is always a difficult choice: which is better - a bathtub or a shower?

Having considered all the advantages of both, but still taking into account the tiny size of the room, they usually settle on a shower stall. Of course, this may upset those who like to get wet, but, as many people note, it’s better good shower than a tiny bathtub in which you can’t even stretch out to your full height.

However, what to do if you have small children for whom a shower is not suitable for caring for? In this case, an alternative choice may be a shower (hydromassage) box, which has a tray with fairly high sides. Of course, it will not replace a bath for an adult, but its size is quite sufficient for a child to bathe. Which the kids actually do with great pleasure.

Indulge your desires

So which is better? Bath? Or you can hear different things about this. Some people prefer to fill the tank hot water, add foam or sea ​​salt and forget about the hustle and bustle and problems for an hour or so at 1.5. For some, it’s enough to recharge with energy under a cool shower. Give the third one exclusively a jacuzzi...

As they say, how many people - so many opinions. And, it is worth adding, financial opportunities. Therefore, you still need to base it on your personal preferences, and then on factors such as the size of the bathroom, the material of manufacture, functions and accessories, and design. If you are an actively living person who does not like to waste time on water procedures, then it is better to choose a shower. If you like to pamper yourself and relax in a pleasant environment, then it would be better to replace the shower stall with a bathtub. The main thing is that the purchase pleases you and brings you pleasure.

Happy owners of cottages and luxury apartments have the opportunity to install any equipment they want in their spacious bathrooms.

To the owner ordinary apartment, as a rule, you have to solve the dilemma of what to choose: a bathtub or a shower?

Let's compare both options, evaluate their strengths and weak sides and listen to the arguments of supporters of each of the devices.

The complexity of this problem lies in the fact that both baths are good in their own way. Moreover, what suits one may not suit another, and often family members have to break a lot of copies before they agree on one of the options. Let's look at the pros and cons of each solution.



  1. In the bath you can relax and truly relax, something that the owner of a shower cabin can only dream of. In our hectic times, when many people suffer from stress and chronic fatigue syndrome, this opportunity is extremely important not only for the body, but also for the psyche. Soaring in hot bath, as if in weightlessness, it is easier for the user to detach himself from the many problems surrounding him than in any other situation.
  2. If you dissolve herbal infusion or sea salt in water, then bathing turns into a healing procedure. First of all, she provides positive influence on the skin, which is especially important for women. In their lives, for obvious reasons, all kinds of cosmetic subtleties play a significant role. But also for men suffering, for example, from one or another skin disease, herbal bath will be very useful.
  3. Bathing is much better at removing impurities, sweat and dead cells from the skin, since due to the relatively long stay in hot water all this has time to become limp and soften.
  4. A person frozen in the cold will warm up in a hot bath much faster than in a shower. As you know, the Japanese survive in their cardboard and unheated houses only thanks to super-hot Fuko baths, which provide a charge of heat for many hours. If they only had showers at their disposal, the residents of the Land of the Rising Sun would have a hard time.
  5. You can take a bath together, creating a romantic ambience with the help of candles and a couple of glasses of champagne, which, of course, is not available in the shower stall.
  6. By equipping it appropriately, you can get much of what a shower cabin provides. This is not only a regular shower, but also side hydromassage jets, as well as a stand with a tropical shower. And the bath itself can be equipped with air massage nozzles. The second option for the shower cabin is not available.
  7. A bathtub is easier to keep clean than a shower stall, which has a lot of protrusions and hard-to-reach places.
  8. A bath is indispensable if there are children in the family. For a very small baby, it will act as a small pool in which you can swim before bed. After such procedures, children sleep well, and in addition, they contribute to hardening.
  9. Older children love to play with various toys in the bath. Today, they even produce a special type of bath foam, from which you can sculpt a variety of shapes.
  10. The bathtub can be used to soak and wash items that cannot be washed in a washing machine. Also, only in the bathroom can you wash a large item, such as a rug.
  11. Bathing a large dog, and many families have such dogs today, can only be done in the bathtub.
  12. You can take a bath even with very low pressure in the water supply, while a shower, and even more so hydromassage nozzles, will be useless in such a situation.

The main disadvantage of a bath is big sizes, which is of particular importance in a small bathroom. For example, in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, if there is a bathtub, it becomes impossible to install a washing machine.

A way out of this situation may be to install a bathtub of a special configuration, which on one side (it is assumed that the user’s legs will be located here) is somewhat narrowed.

Shower cabin


  1. The most important plus is that it takes, especially. Next to the shower cubicle even in the tiniest bathroom washing machine will fit freely. Moreover, the cabin can be very small - today models are produced with dimensions in terms of 80x80 cm. It is only important to climb into it before purchasing and move around a little to understand whether you will not be cramped here.
  2. Of course, you can’t relax in a shower cabin, but a shower requires much less water than a bath. The difference in the cost of one bath may seem small, but in a month, and even more so in a year, quite a significant amount will be saved.
  3. If the cabin is a so-called shower box, then the steam generated during bathing will not enter the room. Such models are connected by an air duct directly to the exhaust ventilation duct and are equipped with a fan that pumps out wet air. For a bathroom whose walls and ceiling are not lined with moisture-resistant material, and even more so for wooden house, this option is the most acceptable.
  4. The side of the shower cabin can be very low; in the so-called ultra-low pallets it is practically absent altogether. A user with limited mobility - elderly, sick or overweight - can easily enter such a cabin. And in order to take a shower in the bathtub or lie in it, in any case you will have to climb over the high side.
  5. Some functions available in modern shower boxes will not be available to the bathtub owner. Although he can still install a stand with a “tropical shower” shower, he will definitely not be able to create a sauna environment with the help of a steam generator. In addition, “advanced” shower cabins have a radio and telephone. Of course, you can lead them to the bathtub, but you will have to tinker a lot with the selection of equipment, its fastening, insulation from moisture, laying wires, etc.

To this you can also add spectacular lighting, which is available in all closed boxes. It can change color, thus influencing the user's mood (this is called chromotherapy).

Which is better to choose?

As you can see, there are situations when the choice becomes clear. For example, if the family has small children or lives in the house big dog, willy-nilly you have to install a bathtub.

Exactly the same as in wooden house the most appropriate is a closed installation, the design of which prevents steam from entering the room.

In all other cases, the lifestyle of the household members should be taken into account. Many people today, especially young people, due to increased employment, are forced to save every second. Such a person will have no need for a bath, since he simply does not have time to lie in it.

If the owner free time has, then choosing a bathtub will be more preferable, since, as shown above, it provides more opportunities.
