Who is an astrologer? The relationship between the heavenly bodies and human destiny! Who is an astrologer and what does he do?

I find the topic relevant, since the services of astrologers are becoming more and more popular, but most people, even turning to an astrologer, do not know at all what to expect.
“Oh, look for me there - isn’t it time to resume activity in my business?” - such a question can be asked by a person who is known to this astrologer, for whom a Natal chart has already been compiled and when they have already figured out that “this business” is suitable for him.

What is a Natal Chart.
- How much will your horoscope cost?
- (hearing the price) What are you talking about? I read my horoscope yesterday in the newspaper for free. ...

By the way, for Vasilisa Volodina, who worked in the “Let’s Get Married!” program, drawing up a horoscope cost 90 thousand rubles. This is last year. Perhaps the price has gone up now. And the queue was scheduled for 8 months in advance.

I can say one thing. You should never think of an astrologer as if he is “making money.” You can charge that kind of money for a horoscope, because you can write it for a week, a month, and even years. Like "War and Peace". And the astrologer writes it himself. He does not have shops with automatic machines or supermarkets throughout the city. In short - no hired force. Therefore, he does not “mow”, but gives himself for a certain reward. And he himself has the right to determine his own.

So, the Natal Chart is EVERYTHING. This is the entire set of products that are in this incarnation-life. It is from them that a person will prepare food for those who come to him and those to whom he goes. This is what he will always eat himself and bring himself into the world exactly as he has become, absorbing these products. These products may already be on the table, stored in the refrigerator, hidden in the cellar, or spoiled undisassembled in the far corner of the hallway.
A person will NEVER EAT something that was not in his home-life at all. Something that is not in his Natal Chart will never happen to him.
But even the best, most delicious and healthy foods. If a person has never found a recipe for their preparation anywhere, but has always chewed the same thing in life, without thinking, or looked only at others, not knowing his own Natal chart.

Forecasts are already something else. These are Products – extended over time, throughout the entire period of life. Forecasts show those products that will suddenly catch your eye when you need to grab something and run on with your business. Or the astrologer sees a period when a person suddenly wants exactly this and that. Then the person begins to rummage through the shelves of the refrigerator, may look into the cellar, or even remember the unopened bag in the corner.
Whether a person will be able to cook what he wants depends on how much the person understands the “compatibility” of these ingredients. Will what you eat do any good? How will the body react with its further vital activity?
Alas, how the human body reacts, the person himself will find out later. Usually towards the end of life. When you run out of food and run out of energy to cook it. ...

Forecasts can be made both for significant periods in life and for every weekday.

Therefore, if Vasilisa Volodina describes the entire Natal Chart, plus subtleties and secrets ONLY FOR A GIVEN PERSON for preparing individual dishes that are very useful for his life, and also writes forecasts for all periods of life, and even for every day, then I will tell you - She values ​​herself too cheaply!!!

In short, astrologers are people too and they always make compromises when meeting with a client and own time on him. If an astrologer sees that a person does not like not only to think, but also to read, that he is rushing through life at breakneck speed and he just needs hints so as not to completely fall into ruin, then the astrologer will meet him halfway. Perhaps he will look at this client’s Natal Chart for himself, but he will not even think of telling him about such depths. He will give throughout his life good advice this person and take money from him for every hour of conversation, to the satisfaction of each party.

Whereas a person who wanted to know a lot and a lot about himself sat next to an astrologer or on Skype with him more three hours, opening his mouth in surprise and not recognizing himself... I paid very little for it... And I didn’t receive anything for further reading - he will be very dissatisfied!

Therefore, guys, do not hesitate to ask how your joint work on your own destiny will take place!
Astrologers are also all different. Some open up more in conversations, but don’t like to write at all. Others, like me, get tired of talking. Especially the sentries. It’s easier for me to write all day long. But in our time, not everyone CAN READ. Even to myself.

Therefore - definitely. There must be compatibility and mutual understanding between the astrologer and the client. Chat in advance to feel the closeness of views!
And never start with price. This is not a consumer item.

My daughter calls: “Mom, a friend of mine wants a horoscope! How long will it take you to do it?
“Mmm...” I hesitated, about to ask – what exactly does the girl want?
My daughter got ahead of my questions: “They promised her in one place for 500 rubles!”
- A! – I laughed. “I’ll make her one like this for three hundred.” I’ll print everything out from the computer and don’t let anyone ask questions later. Because I myself won’t know what I printed there.

So, computer horoscopes. Hurray that they exist! For previously only special people could afford astrologers royal blood. The work on all the calculations of the Natal Chart is so painstaking and tedious. They are also good for those who are planning to study astrology, starting by first understanding their own horoscope.
Yes, all known data on the location of planets in signs, houses, degrees is collected into a computer program. By rulers of houses and signs. By aspects between planets.
Based on all the data that fits into a certain algorithm. Which can be written with a specific formula. And professional astrologers also often use the words and phrases selected there to make their lives easier and not reinvent the wheel.
The main task of an astrologer is to understand how the best way to bring out in a person all the rarest and most valuable inclinations with actions, to prepare the most refined and healthy food from the available set. And - avoid the trap of being poisoned by low-quality food from this person’s supplies. Moreover, to do this in the most rational and beautiful way. And no computer program can solve this particular problem. This is not a chess game. And even if the program helps to find a common denominator under the entire motley set of products (even this will not work for all horoscopes), then absolutely every program slows down in the search for viable solutions. Only an astrologer can do this.

By the way, not every person can be an astrologer. Of course, all professions for people are also included in their horoscopes. And for an astrologer the strength of such planets as Chiron, Mercury, Saturn is very important. Good aspects between them, better trigons. Because they also provide strong logic. And also important is the included one, with the planets in it – the Eighth House of the horoscope. Because he is the one who is able to bring other people’s secrets to the surface.

Now more and more astrologers are being released! And this is good. If all people are astrologers, then no social restrictions will be needed, the crime situation will drop sharply, there will be no need to draw up stupid laws that do not work in practice, or introduce any sanctions. There will be no wars and violence. For every person, even being a potential aggressor, will firmly know that this is only his problem and no one else’s! There may no longer even be borders between states. Now even astrological programs are introducing RELOCATION calculations. And each person can look at what place a number of times globe it is his horoscope that will play in full force.

So, there are more and more astrologers. But, I’ll tell you a terrible thing now. All this study is being done precisely so that there are more people Familiar with ASTROLOGY! So that the world becomes cleaner and brighter! And no matter how hard an experienced astrologer tries to earn his salary at such a university as a teacher, he will NEVER fully reveal ALL his professional subtleties and secrets. Until my deathbed. And even if you ask him directly, “Where did you get this and that???”, he will only slyly lower his eyes. Therefore, in all astrological programs there are absolutely no these important subtleties, which have been collected by a practicing astrologer for years or taken from some ancient sources that have practically not been published.

Moreover, I began to notice that astrological programs began to become more and more complicated, but at the same time they were losing a lot of valuable things. For example, too many Progressions have now been introduced, and they are often only misleading. After all, all the events of life are ideally viewed in just one of them! I also noticed that the calculation of Bindu Points began to disappear. But only by using them can you work on CORRECTING your fate if the horoscope is very negative.

I also want to say about astrologers, about working with them, and now you can work all over the world via the Internet, here it should be noted that astrologers (in general, we are not talking about the unique ones) who live on the periphery, and not in megacities, charge their work, the money is less than those who live in places with more expensive life support. But... The opportunity to “pick out raisins” from a lot of information was much higher for them. In megacities. Only in the early nineties did hereditary astrologers throw homemade books with amazing data onto the market, not at all then afraid that they would be pawned in computer programs. Circulation - no more than two hundred! To survive on at least a penny. It was then that one could draw into oneself something very, very valuable.
Nowadays there are a lot of buns, but there are few truly heart-healthy raisins in them.

That's probably all I wanted to say about the work of astrologers. For those who are interested.


Zhanna, I think you will agree with me that even the knowledge that is available on astrology on the Internet provides quite a bit of information. I have been convinced more than once (I also have literature) that if I had not ignored the acquired knowledge about a person, I would not have ended up in difficult situation. But on the other hand, they discovered my soul’s inadequacies. If you are warned, how can you work on yourself?
A kick is more effective than a warning.

And perhaps there is also a family horoscope? And there everything is so intertwined, confusing... Mom, don’t worry)))

I'm sure you should be born an astrologer! This is not mathematics or even psychology, it is a gift from Above. I wonder if you have had any cases where there were errors? After all, only the Supreme Mind knows everything. Sorry for the abundance of questions. There is more)))

Both, Raisa. Sometimes the genetics passed on are excellent, but one of the restless ancestors will certainly cause harm. Such things can and should be removed. It happens more often when you tell a girl that someone who helps her a lot in life, for example, is her grandmother on her mother’s side. And the girl answers that this is so, and she feels this support all the time. What was purely genetic here, I don’t know.

I just think that everyone should know astrology, at least at the basic level (of course, not like now, who was born under what sign...). Then life would be completely different! And no one could mislead people! After all, even the most uneducated people know arithmetic and know how to handle money. They take the CORRECT CHANGE at the checkout!

We welcome those who are not yet familiar with astrology!

For you - who is an astrologer, why turn to astrology, how can an astrologer help other people?

Who is an astrologer and what does he do?

Human, device knowledgeable solar system, at least the basics of astronomy, the laws of motion of celestial bodies. But astrology goes beyond astronomy. Because next you need to learn to see, understand what myths are hidden behind the names of the constellations, how the signs of the Zodiac differ from the constellations, what myths are behind the names of the planets.

An astrologer reads an astrological chart. This map reflects the real position of the planets at any given time (present, past, future). This is “pure science” because astronomical data is used. And then “art” begins, although this definition is conditional. An astrologer does not read a chart on a whim or according to his own imagination. There are clear rules for interpreting a map, because an astrological chart is a kind of “scheme” with a set of “symbols”, and each symbol has its own meaning, its own definition. This is a kind of “language” - the language of the Cosmos, and the astrologer translates it into our native “human” language.

A person who takes the path of interest in astrology studies astrological meaning planets of the solar system, what they mean in the map, what functions they perform; what are the houses of the horoscope and much more... And here the continuity of knowledge and traditions is important - senior, experienced astrologers pass on their knowledge to beginners, training takes place individually or in special groups, “schools”.

Therefore, an astrologer is a person who learns a lot (having left school, university, graduate school and everything else behind him). And you have to study for the rest of your life in order to get closer to the “ideal” of understanding the laws of the cosmos, the universe, earthly life, the human soul and the ability to relate one to the other.

What is all this “wisdom” for? It is assumed that knowing what laws govern “visible and invisible” life in space, one can explain many things and phenomena that occur on earth - in nature, in the life of countries, states and in the life of an individual person. Thus, you can navigate in the present, past and future - that is, in time. But in astrology, the geographical location on earth is also taken into account, so it is possible to predict the influence of all celestial influences on people and in space.

What can astrology do for the common man?

Since ancient times, man has adapted all these “wisdoms” for his earthly, completely utilitarian needs - when to plant, sow and harvest, when the ruler of the country should prepare to repel an enemy attack, what awaits the ruler - will he be able to retain power for a long time and who his secret detractors; merchants wanted to know when it was best for them to hit the road in order to bring their valuable goods safely to the place of trade and make a good profit and return back without being robbed by robbers. Parents of brides and grooms wanted to know who would be the best person to marry their children to, and whose marriage would produce quick and healthy offspring. This is how it is in our times - humanity’s concerns for its prosperous life have not changed.

The twentieth century enriched astrology with the desire to understand the structure of the human soul on the basis of the development of the science of psychology. Astrologers began to describe in great detail the character of an individual, and how this character is revealed in external realities and influences a person’s life as a whole. Someone began to specialize in studying the purpose of a person, looking for “traces of past incarnations” and investigating the interweaving of relationships with the current incarnation - what he needs to repeat, but “finish”, correct, what new experience to gain and develop.

Someone uses astrological knowledge to transform their lives and to help other people transform.

Also, the twentieth century opened the way to predictions of exchange rates, securities, decline/rise in demand and supply - this is for those whose native environment is business.

With the help of astrological knowledge you can choose optimal time for our endeavors - we want success, who wants to make a mistake or step on their “favorite rake”?

We can predict the likely time of occurrence of an event that we suspect is “somewhere around the corner.”

A separate area of ​​astrology is the study of human interaction. Why does the same person fall in love with someone, live soul to soul, be friends, share “their shirtsleeves,” successfully collaborate in a common cause, but just can’t find someone with them? common language, quarrels, is afraid, does not love, “goes a mile away”, suffers betrayal, suffers financial losses. Synastry astrology talks about this; the astrologer draws conclusions based on a comparison of the birth charts of two different people.

You can try to research, predict how an individual person will fit into a particular city or country; or how a country or city will affect the life and affairs of a person when moving from his “native” to a “foreign land”.

Someone, thinking globally, tries to understand the political vicissitudes and makes predictions for the future of the state and its ruler.

And, perhaps, the classic of astrology, passing from century to century, is horary astrology, the resolution of a wide variety of people’s questions according to the time the question arose in a person’s mind and “fell from the lips.”

What does information from an astrologer give a person?

The most important thing in coming into contact with astrological knowledge is the understanding that “something from above” comes to your aid, as a hint. Hence, the astrologer feels his special measure of responsibility and commitment to certain ethical and moral values ​​- it is unknown how the astrological information “issued” by him will respond to another person.

For his part, a person, after contacting an astrologer, having received a “forecast” and any other information, must understand that this is not a “sentence” and he is not doomed to “lifelong success” or “temporary failure” (according to the principle “there is nothing more permanent than temporary"). This is just INFORMATION, on the one hand. How it can be disposed of, how it can be used - the Man himself also plays a big role in this.

The natal chart is “issued” for life, and it is impossible to avoid the main events destined by individual fate, it is impossible to avoid the people given to us as “fellow travelers”. It is impossible to escape “adversity” by simply moving to another city.

Someone says, why then know what will happen to you - it’s an extra “cargo.” If you know everything in advance, it means knowing that you have no freedom, everything is predetermined, everything is clearly marked in your life. “This thing smells” like depression :-)

The natal chart is “issued” for life, and it is impossible to avoid the main events destined by individual fate.

A person has a powerful tool - his own awareness what's happening. As they say, the meaning of life is in life itself. For example, an actor is given a script - his role is “predestined” by the screenwriter, director; an actor can play it lazily, falsely, somehow, indifferently, mechanically, without including his feelings and without opening up his soul. And you can even play the “second or third” role with genius, so that it will leave a bright mark on the viewer and give an outlet to the creative spark of the actor himself - the “resident” of the role. That is, having a “script” in hand, you can realize how to live your life better, brighter, and creatively.

You can learn to get along with a person with whom your relationship has been damaged, based on information from an astrologer - on the basis of which common affairs you both will have a positive relationship with, and in which matters it is better not to enter into joint ventures.

Why do you need to contact an astrologer to choose a “lucky” date? There are people who intuitively choose the time for their undertakings, and, as they say, thanks to their instinct, they find themselves “in in the right place V right time“, they don’t even need an astrologer. But there are other cases. People start something and fail, gain negative experience, and are afraid to continue to act in the desired direction. Here the astrologer can identify the reasons for actions leading to negative experiences (at the wrong time, in the wrong way, or the person doesn’t need it at all, it’s “not his thing”). You can get recommendations about successful/unsuccessful, suitable/not suitable days for one thing or another. But there are also cases when a person needs to go through a “difficult experience” in a certain area of ​​life, and there is no need to talk about a “favorable time” for starting. Then the astrologer can warn the person about possible difficulties, and a person enters this sphere with awareness, with understanding. Then the person starts inner work to find options - how to cope with the task, and turn “difficulties” into experience (into luggage, into a personal piggy bank).

In a similar way, a consultation with an astrologer can help if a person is confused, does not dare to make a choice, does not see obvious ways to solve the problem that has arisen (does not see an alternative), and does not understand the motives for the actions of the people around him. The astrologer draws an impartial conclusion from the map of the issue - this is, as it were, an outside view of a person’s situation and a vision of the trend in the development of his situation. No less valuable - you can predict dates key events in the chain of this unique story. You can behave not “at random”, but in accordance with the symbolism of the astrological horary chart - this is contribution to awareness of what is happening in your own life.

So, ASTROLOGY is interesting to study in any sense and with different goals, and without a goal at all - for its own sake... if your life has begun to seem too prosaic to you...

You can contact an astrologer, it is useful and informative... A consultation with an astrologer is an opportunity for you to look at yourself from the outside, change your perspective, the angle of view of yourself and your actions. This is an opportunity to look a little ahead - if you are now behaving in one way or another, what might come out of it later.

It’s up to you to make decisions and act! An astrologer's conclusions are information, a recommendation, a probable forecast, a reflection of yourself, which you cannot always see for yourself. An astrologer can help you coordinate your intentions and actions with the external current reality in which you find yourself.

Astrology...... Of course, many have heard about astrology, some people are distrustful of this science, but skeptics don’t even call it a science, while others call it the science of sciences, which covers all areas of our lives, starting with the description of a person’s character and ending with more global topics of politics, economics, natural disasters... Well, what does astrology mean for the average person. Yes, it’s very simple - a replacement for fortune telling, a psychologist and just a friend. That is, who is close to what. Therefore, when choosing an astrologer, you should listen to advice on how to distinguish a real astrologer from a hack astrologer or a “guru” astrologer. When looking at a chart, a real astrologer must also have moral principles. And the client must be a thinking person. So, first you must understand what kind of astrologers there are.

There are 4 types of astrologer


This type differs from others in that first of all, as a psychologist, he will listen, look closely, and sympathize with the client. He will not rely only on knowledge of astrology, he will rely on your reaction and make his predictions in order to please the client.

2. astrologer-theorist. Oh yes, this astrologer will bombard you with such terms and concepts that you will not understand anything and will leave without receiving answers, ashamed of your ignorance.

3 astrologer guru. Yes, he will tell you something, but as an absolute truth he will explain known truths while telling the story of his life.

4. And finally, a real universal astrologer. You will immediately recognize it by its inherent brevity. Only he will not take responsibility for your fate, he will only tell you where and how you can act, giving several options for the development of events and instilling the idea that only you are responsible for your life.

If an astrologer gives the final verdict on your life, he is likened to a simple fortune teller giving a life program, like some kind of biorobot. But what makes a person unique is that he has the mindset, the willpower to resist the program and make his destiny with his own hands. If you are really unlucky in one area or another, good astrologer He will simply tell you where a mistake is being made or advise you to change your field of activity or change your place of residence - that is, offer several options, but the final decision is up to you. After all, a decent astrologer understands all his responsibility not only for your destiny, but also for his own. High spiritual person cannot take on the role of the arbiter of destinies, since he understands that punishment and retribution will not take long to come. Since the concept of karmic punishment for past mistakes is inherent in astrology. Astrology is not only an ancient science, but also centuries-old wisdom accumulated over centuries, and an astrologer is that sage, elder who relies not only on accumulated knowledge, but also discovers and explores something in this constantly changing world. Now many astrologers, as well as eminent ones, are faced with the problem of accuracy of forecasts; only a researcher-astrologer has the opportunity to correctly assess the situation and suggest or warn something. After all, the true is known only to one thing, be it God, the highest mind or the absolute, to whom something is close, and therefore equating oneself with it is punishable in this or another life. Therefore, do not expect an accurate guide to your destiny from an astrologer. The main thing is faith in yourself, and of course love for yourself as a great creature higher powers. The main goal of a person is to realize his abilities, potential in this world and, according to the domino principle, realization will occur in all areas of life. And therefore, when analyzing and interpreting your chart, an astrologer can advise and help with this.

“For Gemini, all negotiations this week will be successful... Aries, do not forget about the quality of the work being performed... Pisces, keep in mind that your rash actions can lead to sad consequences...” Newspapers, magazines, and now there are also web pages. Such forecasts are called astrological, and the people who make them are called astrologers. My generation still saw the times when one could meet astrologers only in historical novels, but in the post-Soviet period, people who predict fate and give advice in accordance with the location of the stars have become as much a part of everyday reality as plumbers or hairdressers, and their forecasts - the same “obligatory part” of the media as weather forecasts or jokes.

Astrology is often called “the flighty daughter of astronomy.” This is not entirely true - it would be more correct to call her the “mother” of astronomy. The birthplace of astrology is Mesopotamia, one of the most ancient civilizations. People noticed that the movement of the heavenly bodies is repetitive, cyclical. But other phenomena have the same character, much closer to human Everyday life: the change of seasons, river floods, the growth and fruiting of plants, breeding seasons in animals, even epidemics of certain diseases... which means that all this can be predicted by the location of the luminaries! In essence, such astrology (it is called natural) gave birth to timekeeping - clocks and calendars... and, of course, it also gave birth to astronomy.

Astrology in ancient Mesopotamia was practiced by priests, and the religion of that civilization was closely related to magic. And it was here that one of the basic magical principles penetrated into ancient natural astrology - the obligatory connection between phenomena. Simply put, “after that means, as a result of that.” If such and such an arrangement of luminaries is associated with certain events, it means that it is their cause. This is what the activities of astrologers from ancient times to the present day are based on.

Some astrologers manage to make a brilliant career - just remember the well-known Pavel Globa with his astrological forecasts on TV. Others have a more modest scope - a small private office, which someone will definitely look into... however, this also guarantees good earnings. There is an even more progressive way - astrological consultations online (paid, of course). As for the notorious weekly horoscopes, I’ll tell you a secret: they are not always written by astrologers, this is often done by ordinary editorial staff. Shuffling the same cliched phrases is not at all difficult - the main thing is that they warm the reader’s self-esteem and can be applied to any person - here as in the example given at the beginning: whose rash actions do not lead to dire consequences, who does not need to think about the quality of the work performed?

In essence, “real” astrologers do the same thing, although they take into account many factors when drawing up a horoscope: exact time birth, and sometimes even the place, the location at that moment of the Sun, Moon and planets in certain astrological houses - sections of the zodiac belt that once corresponded to certain constellations, all sorts of “oppositions”, etc. Any horoscope ultimately turns out to be a set common phrases, often contradicting each other - as a result, the human mind “catches” what suits it, and ignores what is inappropriate. There must be statements about some “ hidden abilities“- nothing lulls one’s vigilance like flattery.

We have already said that astrology can be called the “mother” of astronomy. So, if we continue this analogy, we can say that the “daughter” has matured, received an education and works for the benefit of people, and the “mother” drank herself to death and fell into insanity. Astronomers managed to change the picture of the world several times, studied the planets of the solar system, discovered their satellites, Kuiper belt objects, black holes and quasars, distant galaxies, discovered planets orbiting other stars, explained how celestial bodies are born, created completely grounded theory about the birth of the Universe - astrologers have been repeating the same thing for centuries... yes, horoscopes are now compiled according to the same principles as many centuries ago - astrology does not demonstrate any development. For example, due to the precession of the earth's axis, the starry sky now looks different than at the time of the birth of astrology, and Aries should read horoscopes for Pisces, but not a single astrologer takes this into account.

And finally, not a single astrologer has yet answered the main question: how do constellations and planets influence people and their destinies.
