Artamonov Leonid Konstantinovich. Leonid Konstantinovich Artamonov and his journey to the White Nile

Leonid Konstantinovich Artamonov(February 25 - January 1) - Russian general and traveler, participant in the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars.


Born on February 25, 1859 in the village of Kapritsa, Ananyevsky district, Kherson province. He graduated from the Vladimir Kyiv Military Gymnasium, the Konstantinovsky and Mikhailovsky Artillery Schools (and was released as a second lieutenant in the 20th Artillery Brigade). Member of the Ahal-Tekin expedition of 1880-1881. In 1883 he completed his studies at the Nikolaev Engineering Academy and served in sapper units in Nikolaev and Odessa. After graduating from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff in 1888, he was sent to serve in the Caucasian Military District, and in 1890 - to the Trans-Caspian region. He made repeated trips for reconnaissance purposes to the border regions of Turkey (1888), Persia (1889, 1891), and Afghanistan (1893). In 1896 he received the rank of colonel. In 1897, he was appointed head of the convoy of the Russian mission in Abyssinia, as a military adviser and representative of Negus Menelik II in 1898, he made a successful military expedition to the White Nile with Abyssinian troops opposing British colonial expansion. These events and the actions of the Ethiopian troops are directly related to the Fashoda crisis, but Colonel Artamonov was late with his troops to change the balance of power, however, these actions were enough for the recognition of the borders of Ethiopia by all colonial powers.

In 1904 - head of the 8th East Siberian Rifle Division, 54th Infantry Division. In January 1906 - temporary commander of the 8th East Siberian Rifle Division, acting. d. commandant of the Vladivostok fortress. From July 7, 1906 to December 14, 1908 - head of the 22nd Infantry Division. Lieutenant General (1907). Since December 1907, Chief Commander of Kronstadt. From March 5, 1911, he commanded the 16th Army Corps. From March 17, 1911, he commanded the 1st Army Corps. General of Infantry (1913).

General Artamonov committed an even greater crime on August 14, 1914, while commanding the 1st Army Corps in the 2nd Army of General Samsonov. General Artamonov's corps provided the left flank of the 2nd Army at Soldau. On this day, August 14, General Artamonov personally reported to General Samsonov by telephone that his corps “stands like a rock” and that the army commander “can completely rely on him,” and 10 minutes later he himself gave the order to withdraw the entire corps, without informing General Samsonov anything about it (taken from books by Colonel Bogdanovich “The Invasion of East Prussia” pp. 144-145, investigation by the commission of Adjutant General Panteleev on the causes of the death of the 2nd Army).

Camp gathering 1907 (From letters of M.V. Alekseev)

On August 18, 1914, he was removed from office after unsuccessful actions in East Prussia. Since 1914, in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Minsk Military District. Since 1916, in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District. From January 29 to April 12, 1917, he commanded the 18th Siberian Rifle Division.

Full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society since 1882.

After the October Revolution he lived in Moscow, worked in the Moscow City Council, from 1927 to 1930 he lived in Novgorod, from 1930 in Leningrad. He died on January 1, 1932, and was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in Leningrad.

Selected bibliography

Colonel Artamonov with Cossacks Shchedrov and Arkhipov upon returning from Abyssinia

  • Serbian Armed Forces. St. Petersburg, 1911
  • Persia as our enemy in Transcaucasia. Tiflis, 1889
  • In Afghanistan. Herat province, Askhabad, 1895
  • Trip to Persia. Astrabad-Shahrud region and North Khorasan. In 3 parts. Tiflis, 1894-1897
  • Collection of routes in the Olty-Saganlug-Erzerum area, Tiflis, 1890
  • Military-geographical sketch of Northern Azerbaijan, Tiflis, 1890

As a leading editor, he worked on multi-volume publications:

  • Collection of materials on the Anglo-Boer War in South Africa. St. Petersburg, 1899-1902
  • Collection of materials on China and the fight against the rebellious movement of the “Big Fists”. St. Petersburg, 1900


He had the Order of St. Stanislav 3rd class with swords and bow (1881); St. Anna 4th degree (1881); St. Anna 3rd class with swords and bow (1882); St. Vladimir 3rd degree (1899); Golden weapon with the inscription “For bravery” (1901); St. Stanislav 1st class with swords (1904); St. Anna 1st class with swords (1905); St. Vladimir 2nd degree (December 9, 1909); White Eagle (December 6, 1913); St. Alexander Nevsky (March 16, 1916), the Abyssinian Order of the Star of Ethiopia, 2nd class (1900) and the Persian Order of the Lion and the Sun, 3rd class.

Russians in Abyssinia

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  • Leonid Konstantinovich Artamonov. // Avilov R.S., Ayushin N.B., Kalinin V.I. Vladivostok fortress: troops, fortification, events, people. Part I. “To spite an arrogant neighbor.” 1860–1905 Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2013. - pp. 332-337.
  • Kancelson I. S. Preface // Artamonov L.K. Through Ethiopia to the banks of the White Nile. M., 1979
  • Zalessky K. A. Who was who in the First World War. - M.: AST, 2003. - 896 p. - 5000 copies.
  • - ISBN 5-271-06895-1. Datsyshen V. G.
  • Boxer War. Military campaign of the Russian army and navy in China in 1900-1901. - Krasnoyarsk, 2001.

Online ""

An excerpt characterizing Artamonov, Leonid Konstantinovich
“Don’t think so, after the first time my braids stood on end all day!” – the little girl said more cheerfully.
I just wanted to kiss her! Somehow, seeing that I was ashamed of my weakness, she managed to make me feel good again immediately.
“Do you really think that little Leah’s dad and brother could be here?..,” I asked her again, surprised from the bottom of my heart.
- Certainly! They could simply have been stolen. – Stella answered quite calmly.
- How to steal? And who?.. But the little girl didn’t have time to answer... Something worse than our first “acquaintance” jumped out from behind the dense trees. It was something incredibly nimble and strong, with a small but very powerful body, every second throwing out a strange sticky “net” from its hairy belly. We didn’t even have time to utter a word when we both fell into it... Frightened, Stella began to look like a small disheveled owlet - her big Blue eyes
I had to urgently come up with something, but for some reason my head was completely empty, no matter how hard I tried to find something sensible there... And the “spider” (we will continue to call it that, for lack of a better one) in the meantime was quite apparently dragged us into his nest, preparing to “supper”...
-Where are the people? – I asked, almost out of breath.
- Oh, you saw - there are a lot of people here. More than anywhere... But they, for the most part, are worse than these animals... And they will not help us.
- So what should we do now? – I asked mentally “chattering my teeth”.
– Remember when you showed me your first monsters, you hit them with a green beam? – Once again, her eyes sparkling mischievously (again, she came to her senses faster than me!), Stella asked cheerfully. - Let `s together?..
I realized that, fortunately, she was still going to give up. And I decided to try it, because we had nothing to lose anyway...
But we didn’t have time to hit, because at that moment the spider suddenly stopped and we, feeling a strong push, plopped down to the ground with all our might... Apparently, he dragged us to his home much earlier than we expected...
We found ourselves in a very strange room (if, of course, you could call it that). It was dark inside and complete silence reigned... There was a strong smell of mold, smoke and bark of some kind unusual tree. And only from time to time some faint sounds were heard, similar to groans. It was as if the “sufferers” had no strength left...
– Can’t you illuminate this somehow? – I asked Stella quietly.
“I’ve already tried, but for some reason it doesn’t work...” the little girl answered in the same whisper.
And immediately a tiny light lit up right in front of us.
“That’s all I can do here.” – The girl sighed sadly
In such dim, meager lighting, she looked very tired and as if grown up. I kept forgetting that this amazing miracle child was just nothing - five years old! She is still a very tiny girl, who should have been terribly scared at the moment. But she endured everything courageously, and even planned to fight...
– Look who’s here? – the little girl whispered.
And peering into the darkness, I saw strange “shelves” on which people were lying, as if in a drying rack.
– Mom?.. Is that you, mom??? – a surprised thin voice whispered quietly. - How did you find us?
At first I didn’t understand that the child was addressing me. Having completely forgotten why we came here, I only realized that they were asking me specifically when Stella pushed me hard in the side with her fist.
“We don’t know what their names are!” I whispered.
- Leah, what are you doing here? – a male voice sounded.
- I'm looking for you, daddy. – Stella answered mentally in Leah’s voice.
- How did you get here? – I asked.
“Surely, just like you...” was the quiet answer. – We were walking along the shore of the lake, and did not see that there was some kind of “failure” there... So we fell through there. And there was this beast waiting... What are we going to do?
- Leave. – I tried to answer as calmly as possible.
- And the rest? Do you want to leave them all?!. – Stella whispered.
- No, of course I don’t want to! But how are you going to get them out of here?..
Then a strange, round hole opened and a viscous, red light blinded my eyes. My head felt like pincers and I was dying to sleep...
- Hold on! Just don't sleep! – Stella shouted. And I realized that this had some kind of strong effect on us. Apparently, this terrible creature needed us completely weak-willed, so that he could freely perform some kind of “ritual”.
“We can’t do anything...” Stella muttered to herself. - Well, why doesn’t it work?..
And I thought she was absolutely right. We were both just children who, without thinking, embarked on very life-threatening journeys, and now did not know how to get out of it all.
Suddenly Stella removed our superimposed “images” and we became ourselves again.
- Oh, where’s mom? Who are you?... What did you do to mom?! – the boy hissed indignantly. - Well, bring her back immediately!
I really liked his fighting spirit, bearing in mind the hopelessness of our situation.
“The thing is, your mother wasn’t here,” Stella whispered quietly. – We met your mother where you “failed” here from. They are very worried about you because they cannot find you, so we offered to help. But, as you can see, we were not careful enough, and ended up in the same terrible situation...
- How long have you been here? Do you know what they will do to us? – trying to speak confidently, I asked quietly.
- We recently... He brings new people all the time, and sometimes small animals, and then they disappear, and he brings new ones.
I looked at Stella in horror:
– This is a very real, real world, and a very real danger!.. This is no longer the innocent beauty that we created!.. What are we going to do?
- Leave. “The little girl repeated stubbornly again.
– We can try, right? And grandma won’t leave us if it’s really dangerous. Apparently we can still get out on our own if she doesn’t come. Don't worry, she won't leave us.
I would like her confidence!.. Although usually I was far from being a timid person, this situation made me very nervous, since not only we were here, but also those for whom we had come into this horror. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to get out of this nightmare.
– There is no time here, but it usually comes at the same interval, approximately like there were days on earth. “Suddenly the boy answered my thoughts.
– Have you already been today? – Stella asked, clearly delighted.
The boy nodded.
- Well, let's go? – she looked at me carefully and I realized that she was asking me to “put” my “protection” on them.
Stella was the first to stick her red head out...
- Nobody! – she was delighted. - Wow, what a horror this is!..
Of course, I couldn’t stand it and climbed after her. There really was a real “nightmare”!.. Next to our strange “place of imprisonment”, in a completely incomprehensible way, human beings were hanging in “bundles” upside down... They were suspended by their legs, and created a kind of inverted bouquet .
We came closer - none of the people showed signs of life...
– They are completely “pumped out”! – Stella was horrified. – They don’t even have a drop of vitality left!.. That’s it, let’s run away!!!
We rushed as hard as we could, somewhere to the side, absolutely not knowing where we were running, just away from all this blood-freezing horror... Without even thinking that we might get into the same thing again, or even worse, horror...
Suddenly it suddenly became dark. Blue-black clouds rushed across the sky, as if driven by a strong wind, although there was no wind yet. In the depths of the black clouds, dazzling lightning blazed, the mountain peaks blazed with a red glow... Sometimes the swollen clouds burst against the evil peaks and dark brown water poured out of them like a waterfall. This whole terrible picture was reminiscent of the most terrible of the terrible, a nightmare....
– Daddy, darling, I’m so scared! – the boy squealed subtly, having forgotten his former belligerence.
Suddenly one of the clouds “broke” and a blindingly bright light blazed out of it. And in this light, in a sparkling cocoon, was approaching the figure of a very thin young man, with a face as sharp as a knife blade. Everything around him shone and glowed, from this light the black clouds “melted”, turning into dirty, black rags.
- Wow! – Stella shouted joyfully. – How does he do this?!

From the nobles of the Podolsk province. Graduated from the Vladimir Kyiv Military Gymnasium. 1.9.1876 entered Konstantinovskoye military school. On 2/25/1878 he graduated from school and was transferred to the Mikhailovskoye Artillery School. On 08/09/1879 he graduated from college in the 1st category and was promoted to second lieutenant with an appointment to the 20th artillery brigade. 12/20/1879 promoted to lieutenant. Member of the Ahal-Tekin expedition of the Russian army. On October 27, 1882 he entered the Nikolaev Engineering Academy. On November 3, 1882, he was elected a full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. 11/25/1882 enlisted in the engineering corps. On October 3, 1883 he graduated from the academy. On 11/17/1883 he was assigned to the 11th Engineer Battalion. 3.2.1884 transferred to the 11th engineer battalion. 5.5.1884 assigned to the 12th Engineer Battalion. On August 16, 1884, he was promoted to staff captain. 10.1.1885 transferred to the 12th engineer battalion. On September 27, 1885 he entered the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. March 31, 1888 promoted to captain. On April 13, 1888, he graduated from the academy in the 1st category and was assigned to the General Staff and assigned to serve in the Caucasian Military District. On November 26, 1888, he was transferred to the General Staff with the appointment of senior adjutant of the headquarters of the 1st Caucasian Cossack Division. 22.6.1889 appointed chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Caucasian Military District. 26.5.1890 appointed chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Transcaspian region. On August 30, 1892, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and appointed senior adjutant of the headquarters of the Amur Military District. On January 30, 1893, he was appointed as a staff officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Trans-Caspian region. On June 17, 1895, he was appointed as a staff officer under the command of the 2nd Transcaspian Rifle Brigade. From September 28, 1895 to March 13, 1896, he temporarily commanded the 1st Transcaspian Railway Battalion and remained in office. On March 24, 1896, he was promoted to colonel for distinguished service. From 10.10.1897 to 17.3.1899 he was part of the Russian diplomatic mission in Abyssinia (Ethiopia). 11/15/1897 appointed to the disposal of the Chief of the General Staff. From 8.5.1899 to 26.8.1899 seconded to the Life Guards Moscow Regiment for qualification command of the battalion. Participant in the campaign of Russian troops in China in 1900-1901. 14.9.1900 promoted to major general. 7.2.1901 appointed commander of the 2nd brigade of the 31st infantry division. On 10/30/1903 he was appointed head of the 8th East Siberian Rifle Brigade. Participant Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 22.2.1904 appointed commander of the 8th East Siberian Rifle Division. 10/17/1904 appointed commander of the 54th Infantry Division. 4.7.1906 seconded to the General Staff. 7/7/1906 appointed commander of the 22nd Infantry Division. On April 22, 1907, he was promoted to lieutenant general with the approval of the division chief. 12/14/1908 appointed chief commander of Kronstadt. 12/31/1910 appointed commandant of the Kronstadt fortress and chief executive defensive work in Kronstadt. On March 5, 1911, he was appointed commander of the 16th Army Corps. On March 17, 1911, he was appointed commander of the 1st Army Corps. On April 14, 1913, he was promoted to infantry general. Member of the First World War. On August 18, 1914, for unsuccessful actions during the East Prussian operation, he was expelled from his post and appointed to the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Minsk Military District. 9.4.1916 appointed to the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District. While in reserve, he repeatedly traveled to the theater of military operations, where he supervised work to strengthen positions. On January 29, 1917, he was appointed commander of the 18th Siberian Rifle Division. 04/19/1917 appointed to the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Dvina Military District. On May 12, 1917, he was dismissed from service upon request with a uniform and a pension. In 1917-1918 was a delegate from the laity of the Holy Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, which elected the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. In 1918-1921 served in the statistical department of the Moscow City Council. In 1922-1924 he worked as an engineer at the Moscow Committee for State Constructions and the Moscow Military Engineering Directorate. From 1927 to 1930 he lived in Novgorod, then moved to Leningrad. He was buried at the Volkovo Orthodox Cemetery.

Born on February 25, 1859 in the village of Kapritsa, Ananyevsky district, Kherson province. He graduated from the Vladimir Kyiv Military Gymnasium, the Konstantinovsky and Mikhailovsky Artillery Schools (1879, released as a second lieutenant in the 20th Artillery Brigade). Member of the Ahal-Tekin expedition of 1880-1881. In 1883 he completed his studies at the Nikolaev Engineering Academy, now the Military Engineering and Technical University, and served in sapper units in Nikolaev and Odessa. After graduating from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff in 1888, he was sent to serve in the Caucasian Military District, and in 1890 - to the Trans-Caspian region. He made repeated trips for reconnaissance purposes to the border regions of Turkey (1888), Persia (1889, 1891), and Afghanistan (1893). In 1896 he received the rank of colonel. In 1897, he was appointed head of the convoy of the Russian mission in Abyssinia; as a military adviser and representative of Negus Menelik II, in 1898 he made a successful military expedition to the White Nile with Abyssinian troops opposing British colonial expansion. Participant of the Chinese campaign against the Boxers 1899-1901. Since 1900, chief of staff of the South Manchurian detachment. Since 1901, major general, commander of the 2nd brigade of the 31st infantry division. Participant in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. In 1904, head of the 8th East Siberian Rifle Division, 54th Infantry Division. In January 1906, temporary commander of the 8th East Siberian Rifle Division, acting. Commandant of the Vladivostok fortress. From July 7, 1906 to December 14, 1908, head of the 22nd Infantry Division. Lieutenant General (1907). Since December 1907 Chief Commander of Kronstadt. From March 5, 1911 he commanded the 16th Army Corps. From March 17, 1911 he commanded the 1st Army Corps. General of Infantry (1913). On August 18, 1914 he was removed from office after unsuccessful actions in East Prussia. Since 1914 in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Minsk Military District. Since 1916 in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District. From January 29 to April 12, 1917 he commanded the 18th Siberian Rifle Division.

Full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society since 1882.

He had the Order of St. Stanislav 3rd class with swords and bow (1881); St. Anna 4th degree (1881); St. Anna 3rd class with swords and bow (1882); St. Vladimir 3rd degree (1899); Golden weapon with the inscription “For bravery” (1901); St. Stanislav 1st class with swords (1904); St. Anna 1st class with swords (1905); St. Vladimir 2nd degree (December 9, 1909); White Eagle (December 6, 1913); St. Alexander Nevsky (March 16, 1916) and Abyssinian Ethiopian Star 2nd class. (1900).

After October revolution lived in Moscow, worked in the Moscow City Council, from 1927 to 1930 he lived in Novgorod, from 1930 - in Leningrad. He died on January 1, 1932, and was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in Leningrad.

Selected bibliography

  • Serbian Armed Forces. St. Petersburg, 1911
  • Persia as our enemy in Transcaucasia. Tiflis, 1889
  • In Afghanistan. Herat province, Askhabad, 1895
  • Trip to Persia. Astrabad-Shahrud region and North Khorasan. In 3 parts. Tiflis, 1894-1897
  • Collection of routes in the Olty-Saganlug-Erzerum area, Tiflis, 1890
  • Military-geographical sketch of Northern Azerbaijan, Tiflis, 1890
  • Through Ethiopia to the banks of the White Nile. M., 1979

As a leading editor, he worked on multi-volume publications:

  • Collection of materials on the Anglo-Boer War in South Africa. St. Petersburg, 1899-1902
  • Collection of materials on China and the fight against the rebellious movement of the “Big Fists”. St. Petersburg, 1900


  • Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd class. (1881);
  • Order of St. Anne 4th class. (1881);
  • Order of St. Anne 3rd class. (1882);
  • Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd class. (1899);
  • Golden weapon "For bravery" (1901);
  • Order of St. Stanislaus, 1st class. (1904);
  • Order of St. Anne 1st class. (1905);
  • Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd class. (1909);
  • Order of the White Eagle (1913);
  • Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (1916).

Artamonov Leonid Konstantinovich Orthodox. From the nobles. Graduated from the Vladimir Kyiv Military Gymnasium. Entered service on September 1, 1876. He graduated from the 2nd military Konstantinovsky and Mikhailovsky artillery schools (1879). Released as Second Lieutenant (Art. 08/09/1879) in the 20th Art. brigade. Later he served in the 11th and 12th engineer battalions. Graduated from the Nikolaev Engineering Academy (2nd category). Participant of the Ahal-Tekin expedition of 1879. Lieutenant (Art. 12/20/1879). Campaigner 1880-81. Full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society since 1882. Commanded a company in the 12th engineer battalion (05/20/1884-07/30/1885). Staff Captain (08/16/1884). Graduated from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff (1888; 1st category). Captain (Art. 03/31/1888). He was a member of the Caucasian Military District. Art. adjutant of the headquarters of the 1st Caucasian Kaz. divisions (11/26/1888-06/22/1889). Chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Caucasian Military District (06/22/1889-05/26/1890). Chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the troops of the Transcaspian region. (05/26/1890-08/30/1892). Lieutenant Colonel (08/30/1892). Art. adjutant of the headquarters of the Amur Military District (08/30/1892-01/30/1893). Staff officer for assignments at the headquarters of the troops of the Transcaspian region. (01/30/1893-06/17/1895). Staff officer at the command of the 2nd Transcaspian brigade (06/17/1895-11/15/1897). Colonel (pr. 1896; art. 03/24/1896; for distinction). Was at the disposal of the Chief. Headquarters (11/15/1897-02/07/1901). In 1897, military adviser in Abyssinia. He served his qualification command of the battalion in the Leningrad Guards. Moscow Regiment (05/18/08/27/1899). Participant of the Chinese campaign 1900-01. In 1900, chief of staff of the South Manchurian detachment. Major General (Project 1901; Art. 09.14.1900; for military distinction). Commander of the 2nd Brigade, 31st Infantry. divisions (02/07/1901-10/30/1903). Head of the 8th East Siberian Brigade (10/30/1903-02/22/1904). Participant in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Commander of the 8th East Siberian Infantry Division (02/22/10/17/1904). Commander of the 54th Infantry. division (10/17/1904-07/04/1906). In 01.1906, temporary commander of the 8th East Siberian Infantry Division, acting. Commandant of the Vladivostok fortress. Was seconded to Chief. Headquarters (04.07.-07.07.1906). Chief of the 22nd Infantry. divisions (07.07.1906-14.12.1908). Lieutenant General (pr. 1907; art. 04/22/1907; for distinction). Chief commander of Kronstadt (12/14/1908-12/31/1910). Commandant of the Kronstadt Fortress and Chief. head of defense works in Kronstadt (12/31/1910-03/05/1911). Commander of the 16th Army. corps (03/05-03/17/1911). Commander of the 1st Army. corps (from 03/17/1911). Gene. from infantry (ex. 1913; Art. 04/14/1913; for difference). Participant of the campaign in Vost. Prussia in 08.1914. For extremely unsuccessful leadership of the corps troops in the battles of 08/13/26/1914 at Uzdau and Soldau on 08/15/28/1914 by order of the 2nd Army, General. A.V. Samsonov was removed from office. Expelled from office with appointment to the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Minsk Military District (from 08/18/1914). After passing the exam. Przemysl in Galicia was appointed its commandant. As of 03.1916 - in the reserve of ranks of the Minsk Military District, seconded to the disposal of the Chief of the troops of the Southwestern Front. From 04/09/1916 in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District. On July 10, 1916 in the same position. Commander of the 18th Siberian Infantry Division (29.01.-12.04.1917). From 04/19/1917 he was in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Dvina Military District. Dismissed from service upon request with a uniform and pension on 05/12/1917. Participated (from the laity) in the work of the Pre-Conciliar Council and elected the Patriarch of the Holy Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917-1918. From 1918 to 1924 he worked in Soviet institutions in Moscow: until 1921 in the statistical department of the Moscow City Council, and then as an engineer in the Moscow Committee for State Constructions and the Moscow Military Engineering Directorate. In 04.1922 he was arrested. From 1927 to 1930 he lived in Novgorod, where he was given a significant pension for those times - 400 rubles. He spent the last two years of his life in Leningrad, where he died. He was buried in the Volkov cemetery. Awards: Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd class. with swords and bow (1881); St. Anne 4th Art. (1881); St. Anne 3rd Art. with swords and bow (1882); St. Vladimir 3rd Art. (02/26/1899); St. Vladimir 4th Art. (1890); St. Stanislaus 2nd Art. (1893); Golden weapons (VP ​​08/18/1901); St. Stanislaus 1st Art. with swords (1904); St. Anne 1st Art. with swords (1905); St. Vladimir 2nd Art. (09.12.1909); White Eagle (12/06/1913); St. Alexander Nevsky (03/16/1916). Foreign orders: Persian Lion and Sun 3rd class. (1891); Bukhara Rising Star 2nd Art. (1893); French Legion of Honor Officer's Cross and Persian Lion and Sun 2nd Art. (1897); French Nishan-el-Anuar Grand Cross and Abyssinian Ethiopian Star 2nd class. (1900). Discrepancies: The list of senior officers of 1913 gives the date of birth as 02/22/1857; list of the General Staff 1914 - 02/25/1857. Works: Author of the memoirs “Through Ethiopia to the Shores of the White Nile”, M. 1979.

  • Biography:

Orthodox. From the nobles. Graduated from the Vladimir Kyiv Military Gymnasium. Entered service on September 1, 1876. He graduated from the 2nd military Konstantinovsky and Mikhailovsky artillery schools (1879). Released as Second Lieutenant (08/09/1879) to the 20th Artillery Brigade. Later he served in the 11th and 12th engineer battalions. Graduated from the Nikolaev Engineering Academy (2nd category). Participant of the Ahal-Tekin expedition of 1879. Lieutenant (Art. 12/20/1879). Campaigner 1880-81. Full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society since 1882. Commanded a company in the 12th engineer battalion (05/20/1884-07/30/1885). Staff Captain (08/16/1884). Graduated from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff (1888; 1st category). Captain (Art. 03/31/1888). He was a member of the Caucasian Military District. Art. adjutant of the headquarters of the 1st Caucasian Kaz. divisions (11/26/1888-06/22/1889). Chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the Caucasian Military District (06/22/1889-05/26/1890). Chief officer for assignments at the headquarters of the troops of the Transcaspian region. (05/26/1890-08/30/1892). Lieutenant Colonel (08/30/1892). Art. adjutant of the headquarters of the Amur Military District (08/30/1892-01/30/1893). Staff officer for assignments at the headquarters of the troops of the Transcaspian region. (01/30/1893-06/17/1895). Staff officer at the command of the 2nd Transcaspian brigade (06/17/1895-11/15/1897). Colonel (pr. 1896; art. 03/24/1896; for distinction). Was at the disposal of the Chief. Headquarters (11/15/1897-02/07/1901). In 1897, military adviser in Abyssinia. He served his qualification command of the battalion in the Life Guards Moscow Regiment (05/18/08/27/1899). Participant of the Chinese campaign 1900-01. In 1900, chief of staff of the South Manchurian detachment. Major General (Project 1901; Art. 09.14.1900; for military distinction). Commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 31st Infantry Division (02/07/1901-10/30/1903). Head of the 8th East Siberian Brigade (10/30/1903-02/22/1904). Participant in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Commander of the 8th East Siberian Infantry Division (02/22/10/17/1904). Commander of the 54th Infantry Division (10/17/1904-07/04/1906). In 01.1906, temporary commander of the 8th East Siberian Infantry Division, acting. Commandant of the Vladivostok fortress. Was seconded to Chief. Headquarters (04.07.-07.07.1906). Chief of the 22nd Infantry Division (07.07.1906-14.12.1908). Lieutenant General (pr. 1907; art. 04/22/1907; for distinction). Chief commander of Kronstadt (12/14/1908-12/31/1910). Commandant of the Kronstadt Fortress and Chief. head of defense works in Kronstadt (12/31/1910-03/05/1911). Commander of the 16th Army Corps (03/05/03/17/1911). Commander of the 1st Army Corps (from 17. 03.1911). Gene. from infantry (pr. 1913; art. 04/14/1913; for distinction). Participant of the campaign in Vost. Prussia in 08.1914. For extremely unsuccessful leadership of the corps troops in the battles of 08/13/26/1914 at Uzdau and Soldau on 08/15/28/1914 by order of the 2nd Army, General. A.V. Samsonov was removed from office. He was in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Minsk Military District (from 08/18/1914). After passing the exam. Przemysl in Galicia was appointed its commandant. As of 03.1916 - in the reserve of ranks of the Minsk Military District, seconded to the disposal of the Chief of the troops of the Southwestern Front. From 04/09/1916 in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District. On July 10, 1916 in the same position. Commander of the 18th Siberian Infantry Division (29.01.-12.04.1917). From 04/19/1917 he was in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Dvina Military District. Dismissed from service upon request with a uniform and pension on 05/12/1917. Participated (from the laity) in the work of the Pre-Conciliar Council and elected the Patriarch of the Holy Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1917-1918. From 1918 to 1924 he worked in Soviet institutions in Moscow: until 1921 in the statistical department of the Moscow City Council, and then as an engineer in the Moscow Committee for State Constructions and the Moscow Military Engineering Directorate. In 04.1922 he was arrested. From 1927 to 1930 he lived in Novgorod, where he was given a significant pension for those times - 400 rubles. He spent the last two years of his life in Leningrad, where he died. He was buried in the Volkov cemetery. Works: Author of the memoirs “Through Ethiopia to the Shores of the White Nile,” M. 1979. Discrepancies: The list of senior commanders of 1913 gives the date of birth as 02/22/1857; list of the General Staff 1914 - 02/25/1857.

  • Ranks:
on January 1, 1909 - Kronstadt Fortress, lieutenant general, chief commander of Kronstadt
  • Awards:
St. Stanislaus 3rd Art. with swords and bow (1881) St. Anne 4th Art. (1881) St. Anne 3rd Art. with swords and bow (1882) St. Vladimir 3rd art. (02/26/1899) St. Vladimir 4th Art. (1890) St. Stanislaus 2nd Art. (1893) Golden weapons (VP ​​08/18/1901) St. Stanislaus 1st Art. with swords (1904) St. Anne 1st Art. with swords (1905) St. Vladimir 2nd art. (12/09/1909) White Eagle (12/06/1913) St. Alexander Nevsky (03/16/1916) Foreign orders: Persian Lion and Sun 3rd class. (1891); Bukhara Rising Star 2nd Art. (1893); French Legion of Honor Officer's Cross and Persian Lion and Sun 2nd Art. (1897); French Nishan-el-Anuar Grand Cross and Abyssinian Ethiopian Star 2nd class. (1900).
  • Additional Information:
-Search for a full name using the “Card Index of the Bureau for the Accounting of Losses on the Fronts of the First World War, 1914–1918.” in RGVIA -Links to this person from other pages of the RIA Officers website
  • Sources:
(information from the website
  1. East Prussian operation. Collection of documents from the world imperialist war on the Russian front (1914-1917). M., 1939.
  2. Zalessky K.A. Who was who in the First World War. M., 2003.
  3. List of senior military commanders, chiefs of staff: districts, corps and divisions and commanders of individual combat units. Saint Petersburg. Military Printing House. 1913.
  4. List of generals by seniority. Compiled on April 15, 1914. Petrograd, 1914
  5. List of generals by seniority. Compiled on July 10, 1916. Petrograd, 1916
  6. List of the General Staff. Corrected on 06/01/1914. Petrograd, 1914
  7. List of the General Staff. Corrected to 01/01/1916. Petrograd, 1916
  8. List of the General Staff. Corrected on 01/03/1917. Petrograd, 1917
  9. List of the General Staff. Corrected on 03/01/1918/Ganin A.V. Corps of General Staff officers during the years Civil War 1917-1922 M., 2010.
  10. OK. Artamonov and his journey to the White Nile (
  11. Egorov N.D. Russian generals on the eve of the Civil War (Materials for the biographical reference book). M. 2004.
  12. List of generals by seniority. Compiled on 09/01/1904. St. Petersburg, 1904; VP 1914-1917 and PAF 1917. Information provided by Valery Konstantinovich Vokhmyanin (Kharkov)
  13. Photo from Scout magazine No. 1274, 04/08/1915