Amaranth tricolor. Growing amaranth from seeds and through seedlings, how to collect seeds. Description and characteristics of Amaranthus

An interesting plant, amaranth, which is part of the Amaranthaceae family, has a very long history of cultivation. It dates back more than 8,000 years. And almost all this time, amaranth or amaranth was used as a food and feed crop, since amaranth seeds contain a large amount of protein and other useful substances.

The genus of this plant includes 90 species that grow in the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, America and Africa. Most of these species are annual herbaceous plants, but there are also perennials. Amaranth bushes are formed by fragile, succulent, little or no branching shoots.

Large leaves of an elongated oval shape are colored in yellowish, green, reddish-brown shades. They can also be two-color or even three-color. An amaranth flower consists of a perianth, five stamens and one pistil with a forked stigma. Amaranth seeds ripen in a capsule fruit.

In landscaping and landscape design They use several types, forms and varieties of amaranth or amaranth. To understand what amaranth looks like, you can look at the photo.

Amaranth caudate found naturally in the Caucasus and southern regions of our country. The bushes of this annual crop, reaching a height of one to one and a half meters, are formed by powerful, erect shoots. Large elongated oval leaves of greenish-purple or green shades cover the stems from top to bottom. Small crimson or deep red flowers are collected in long, drooping, spike-shaped racemes. Flowering lasts from June until October.

Amaranth caudate

The various forms of this type of acorn grass look especially beautiful:

  • Bead-shaped - the inflorescences resemble round beads on a string.
  • The dark purple form is distinguished by upright, short red inflorescences and reddish-brown leaves.
  • The white-flowered form of amaranth is loved by gardeners for its original greenish-white inflorescences.

Amaranth caudate white-flowered form

"Crimson Beads" amaranth is a tall annual that quickly reaches a height of about a meter. Well branched shoots are covered big amount green leaves. Decorative, brownish-raspberry, hanging inflorescences are perfect for living and winter bouquets. This plant is used to create floral and landscape compositions.

Amaranth paniculata, native to western and eastern Asia, is an annual plant. The bushes of this crop reach a height of 75 to 150 cm. Erect, strong shoots are covered with large brownish-red leaves, which are attached to the stems with long petioles. Small red flowers are collected in vertical or spaced inflorescences. Flowering occurs from June to the first frost. Amaranth paniculata seeds ripen in capsule fruits.

The most popular forms of this type are:

  • The sanguineus form has erect purple inflorescences with slightly drooping ends.
  • The nana form is a low-growing plant up to 50 cm high.
  • The cruentus form attracts attention with drooping red-brown inflorescences.

Amaranth paniculata form cruentus

Amaranth "Cherry Velvet" can reach one and a half meters in height, has a cherry-purple color of a vertical inflorescence.

Amaranth “Lacy” is distinguished by lush flesh-colored inflorescences and an extended flowering period.

Amaranth tricolor– spectacular annual crop height from 75 to one and a half meters. The bush, shaped like a pyramid, consists of strong vertical shoots. The elongated oval leaves have a tricolor color (red, yellow, green). Flowering begins in June and continues until frost. Produces a large number of seeds.

The following varieties and forms of tricolor amaranth, which are often considered independent species, look especially impressive and beautiful:

  • The splendens form is distinguished by dense green leaves with brownish-red spots.

Amaranth tricolor form splendens

  • The willow variety is liked for its long, wavy, narrow leaves, which are painted in a greenish-bronze hue.
  • The ruber form attracts attention with the reddish-bloody color of the leaves.

Amaranth tricolor looseleaf variety
Amaranth tricolor form ruber

  • The rubriviridis variety has distinctive ruby ​​purple leaves.

Varieties created on the basis of tricolor amaranth especially stand out among others for their appearance.

Amaranth "Illumination" is beautiful plant, reaching a height of 50 to 70 cm. Its large leaves are colored various colors. The leaves that have just appeared at the top are yellowish-red in color, which gradually turns into reddish-orange. All other leaves are painted a shade of bronze.

Amaranth tricolor “Illumination”

Amaranth "Perfecta" is also obtained on the basis of a tricolor species and this is immediately noticeable by the color of its leaves. Those located in the upper part of the bush combine yellow, red and green shades in their color. All other leaves have a green tint with brownish-red spots of various shapes.

Dark amaranth is an annual herbaceous plant. A weakly branched bush can grow up to one and a half meters. The medium-sized, pointed leaves are greenish-red-brown or red-brown in color.

The erect inflorescences are shaped like a wide spike and most often have a reddish-purple hue.

Dark amaranth

This species has only one known form - blood red. Leaves, shoots and even hanging inflorescences are painted in a reddish-bloody hue.

Among the varieties of dark amaranth, it is worth highlighting “Pygmy Torch”, which has a compact size. Its reddish-purple inflorescences, reaching a length of only 40 cm, gradually turn brownish-brown. The leaves also change color. From green they become multi-colored.

Dark amaranth “Pygmy Torch”

Except decorative species and varieties created on their basis are also worth mentioning upturned amaranth, which grows almost throughout Russia and is considered, despite all the useful and medicinal properties, a powerful weed.

Amaranth upturned

Vegetable amaranth has also been developed and is used in preparing a variety of dishes. There is also salad amaranth.

We grow seedlings

Before you start planting and caring for amaranth, you need to grow seedlings. In most regions of our country (except for the south), amaranth is often grown in seedlings. To do this, choose wide and low containers filled with loose, breathable and nutritious soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-7).

Sowing is carried out in late March - early April. To germinate amaranth seeds for one square meter of moistened soil is sown from 1 to 1.5 grams. They are covered with a thin layer of earth about 1 cm and covered transparent plastic, glass or film. The seeded container is placed in a well-lit place where a constant temperature is maintained at 22 degrees Celsius.

Amaranth seeds germinate within 5-8 days. As soon as more than half of them hatch, the shelter is removed and the temperature is reduced by 2-3 degrees. In order for the remaining seeds to germinate, you need to keep the soil moist. To prevent the appearance of blackleg and other diseases, the soil is treated with a solution of Fitosporin or Previcura.

Amaranth seeds

Seedlings begin to be planted as soon as they have one or two pairs of true leaves. For picking, choose pots with a diameter of 9 to 12 cm. They are filled with universal flower or vegetable soil, to which river sand is added.

Two weeks after transplantation, young amaranths begin to be fed with floral fertilizers for foliage and ornamental flowers. Feeding is carried out every two weeks. After sowing, the plants bloom in 2.5-3 months.

Well-lit areas with permeable, light and nutritious soils are best suited for growing this crop. High grades flower beds are planted according to a pattern of 50 by 50 cm, and low ones - 30 by 30 cm.

The planting site is carefully dug up, leveled and ammophos or nitrophoska (10-15 grams per 1 m2) is added. Since amaranth does not tolerate negative temperature, they are planted in beds or flower beds after the end of frost. In the southern part of Russia this happens in early May (5th-10th), and in central Russia - in early June (5th-10th).

This culture can be used not only for decoration, but also for making salads. Vegetable amaranth grows well in the garden.

There is always a place for amaranth in the garden, as it will be a decoration flower arrangements throughout the summer and autumn.

Amaranth can be called a unique crop. This is an ornamental plant pink flowers which will decorate any area. In addition to this, it is incredibly beneficial for the body and treats many ailments. Many gardeners avoid this crop because they are sure that it is very capricious. But this is not so: unpretentiousness is one of the main qualities of a plant amaranth. Growing from seeds Moreover, it will be accessible even to beginners. Some varieties of crops even grow everywhere like weeds - for example, upturned amaranth. You need to start getting acquainted with the plant with a story about it.

America was the first country to actively cultivate amaranth. She appeared there about 8,000 years ago. In addition to beans and peas, amaranth became the main grain crop that the Aztecs and Incas ate. Amaranth was brought to Europe by Spanish sailors, and at first it was planted only in flower beds for beauty.

Europeans first thought about the benefits of amaranth in the 18th century, when it became widespread as a fodder crop. It is now common in China and India. In Russia, different varieties of amaranth are known as shchiritsa, velvet, cockscomb, cat's tail and under a host of other names. But few people take the culture seriously, perceiving it as a beautiful weed. Mainly due to the fact that many people have no idea about the range of beneficial qualities of the plant.

Benefits of amaranth

The name of the culture comes from the word “amanthos”, translated as “unfading flower”. This is a perennial plant that is used for food as a preventive and medicinal vegetable. With regular use, amaranth helps get rid of:

  • obesity;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • protein deficiency.

Amaranth is also indicated for inflammatory processes in the body and even fights malignant tumors. It heals the body and helps prolong youth. Most often, amaranth is consumed internally in the form of a tea drink, which is infused on the leaves. However, all components of the plant are suitable for food - the stem, leaves and seeds. The latter are especially valuable.

Features of amaranth seeds

Amaranth seeds are difficult to confuse with planting material of other crops. They are very small, like coarse dust. They vary depending on the color of the adult plant:

  1. Amaranth with light flowers and green leaves. The seeds have a delicate beige tint. The shell is dense, smooth, slightly shiny. You can compare the planting material to white sesame, but very small.
  2. Plant with red leaves. It is grown as an ornamental crop to decorate a garden plot. It has beautiful flowers and unusual leaves. These varieties have black seeds and also look like coarse dust.

For all varieties, the seeds ripen in about 3 months. To ripen, it is better to store them in a seed box and in a dark place.

Removing seeds for cultivation

Amaranth seeds are sold at any flower shop. However, gardeners prefer to propagate the crop with their own planting material. You can remove it from an adult flower on your site or ask a neighbor.

Obtaining seeds occurs as follows:

  1. The plant is cut at the base and then placed on a smooth surface. This could be a table, a stool, a dark corner in a garden house.
  2. The “panicles” are left to ripen for 2 months. The place should be dry and dark. Constant air circulation is also necessary so that the cut plants are well ventilated.
  3. The seeds are ready to be extracted when the seed pods turn brown. This means they are dry enough.
  4. Planting material is removed from the boxes by passing it through a sieve with very small holes. The resulting seeds are kept in dark room, scattered over smooth surface. In this state they should rest for about a week. The seeds are stirred regularly.
  5. Amaranth seeds are a treat for mice. A few elderberry branches, which should be placed around a tray with seeds, will help protect them from rodents.

Dried seeds are placed in paper bags or dry containers. They retain their germination capacity for 4-5 years.

Important! Not all seeds ripen at the same time. Therefore, you need to cut off whole inflorescences at once, otherwise some planting material will crumble on the ground. Next season, a whole amaranth garden will grow in this place.

Growing amaranth from seeds

Unpretentious amaranth sprouts well with direct sowing, that is, sowing directly into open ground. In order for the process to go correctly and please you with a good harvest, cultivation occurs according to a certain algorithm.

Step 1: Choosing a time to plant

The optimal sowing time is the end of April/3rd decade of May. As a rule, by this time it is already established warm weather. Before planting, it is important to make sure that the soil has warmed up to 7-10 degrees. However, there are other options for time limits, they are presented in the table below.

Table 1. How to choose the time to plant amaranth seeds.

When to sowNuancesAdvantages of choosing the timing of sowing
Mid February
  • suitable only for sowing seedlings, since open ground is not yet ready to receive seeds;
  • Young shoots need to be artificially illuminated, as they will not get enough sun.
  • amaranth will bloom much earlier than when sown in May;
  • sooner it will be possible to use the plant for food:
  • Early removal of seeds will allow you to prepare them for wintering as soon as possible, without lingering in the garden plot.
In late March
  • suitable for growing in garden plots in the Moscow region and other cities in the middle zone, in the Urals
  • seedlings do not need to be illuminated;
  • the flowers will not stretch upward, but will ripen in the form of decorative bushes.

In regions with harsh climates, amaranth has difficulty germinating when planted directly into the ground in a garden plot. Therefore, in the northern regions it is recommended to pay attention to growing amaranth using the seedling method.

Step 2. Preparing the seeds

Before planting in the ground, amaranth seeds must be mixed with porous material. This could be sand, ash or wood shavings. Approximately 20 parts of material are taken for one part of seeds. This porous structure will allow oxygen and moisture to penetrate to the seeds. Therefore, the development of the plant will occur more intensively.

Step 3. Preparing the soil

To plant amaranth, you can use several soil variations:

  1. Universal primer from a specialty store. As a rule, such soil is already supplied with everything necessary for good seed germination. The acidity of the soil should be neutral.
  2. Priming own production . This is simple garden soil with the addition of peat and humus. The main condition is that the soil must be loose, airy, and well-permeable to oxygen and moisture.

If you plan to sow in open ground, land preparation begins in the fall. The soil on the site is dug up and nourished with peat, compost, and rotted manure. In early spring the procedure is carried out again. This time the soil is enriched with mineral fertilizers and loosened.

If aramanthus is grown from seedlings, you can also use any soil. It must be pre-disinfected. For this use:

  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • copper sulfate;
  • colloidal sulfur;
  • fungicides, including Gamir, Fitosporin, Extrasol.

Amaranth for good growth It is important that the soil contains phosphorus and potassium. This must be taken into account when fertilizing the soil with mineral components in spring.

Important! If the crop is grown for food, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content should not be applied to the soil. This mineral can turn into deadly nitrate over time.

Step 4. Sowing process

There is nothing complicated about sowing amaranth. The procedure follows the following algorithm:

  1. Watering the soil. The soil for sowing must be moist, so before planting it is well watered.
  2. Making holes for seeds. In moist soil, make several grooves parallel to each other. The depth is about 1.5 cm, the distance between the furrows is about 40 cm.
  3. Planting seeds. The seeds are placed 3-4 pieces in one hole; they should be at a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. The seeds are covered on top with a thin layer of earth, which is leveled and compacted.

In about 8-9 days the first shoots will appear. Frail shoots are removed so that only strong shoots remain. After thinning, the soil is further loosened. When the sprouts grow to 20 cm, the beds are fed with nitrogen fertilizer. The solution must be very weak.

The appearance of the first shoots

Growing amaranth seedlings

Amaranth seedlings are grown in low but wide boxes. They can be wooden or plastic. You can also use flower pots. Their height should be no more than 10 cm so that the root system does not grow excessively. The landing algorithm will be like this:

  1. The boxes are filled with soil and moistened, after which the seeds are scattered. Cover the seeds with a layer of soil 0.5 cm thick on top.
  2. The top layer of soil is moistened with a spray bottle. Then the pots are covered with film or placed in bags to create a mini-greenhouse.
  3. Greenhouses need to be placed in a warm, well-lit place. The warmer it is under the film, the faster the sprouts will hatch. At temperatures above 22 degrees, the first green shoots appear within a week. If it starts at 16 degrees, you should expect sprouts no earlier than 12-13 days later.
  4. With the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed. In order for the seedlings to be dense and healthy, they need to be transplanted into individual cups. Picking begins after germination of the first living leaf.

At the bottom of each drawer there should be several holes to allow excess liquid to escape. Otherwise, the plants will rot.

How to care for seedlings

Amaranth seedlings are cared for in the same way as others garden crops Oh. Care consists of several points, all of them are presented in the table below.

Table 2. Principles of caring for amaranth seedlings.

What do we have to do?Peculiarities

The soil under the sprouts should always be moist, but not too wet. It is best to moisten the soil with a spray bottle as it dries, so as not to accidentally damage the young sprout with a dense stream of water from a watering can.


At the end of February and at the beginning of spring, seedlings do not have enough sunlight, and amaranths need full daylight. In order for plants to develop properly, they need to be illuminated. Fluorescent lamps or special phytolamps are ideal for these purposes.


The first hardening procedure is carried out 10-12 days before planting seedlings on garden plot. To do this, plants are taken out onto the balcony or outside for 15 minutes a day. The hardening time increases gradually. If it is not possible to take the pots outside, you can simply open the window.


Seedlings dive after 3-4 true leaves appear. The strongest plants are transplanted into individual pots with a diameter of at least 10 cm.
  1. The cups are filled with soil to the very top. It is best to take soil from the common box where the seedlings grew.
  2. The soil must be moistened in advance. Make a 3-4 cm indentation in each cup.
  3. The seedlings are carefully removed from the box one by one and placed in a glass.
  4. After transplanting, the tops of the seedlings are pinched off. This will force the plants to develop roots rather than stretch upward.

Adult life: transplanting amaranth into open ground

If sowing took place in mid-March, the seedlings will be ready to be transferred to the garden plot in early May. As a rule, at this time the soil has already warmed up to +4 ... +6°C, and the danger of night frosts has subsided.

But the young shoots have lived in a greenhouse climate all this time, so they need to be prepared before transplanting.

Preparing seedlings for transfer to the ground

Young greens must go through several procedures. They will help you get used to the garden climate. These are:

  1. Reduce watering. A week before the intended transfer to the ground, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering.
  2. Long-term hardening. Pots with seedlings are taken outside for 2-3 hours. For the last 3-4 days before being transferred to the ground, the plants are left to spend the night outdoors.

Principles of transplanting into open ground

When transplanting plants into a garden plot, it is important to consider several recommendations. They relate to the choice of time and place where the flowers will be planted.

Principle 1. Amaranths grow in the sun

The place for amaranths is chosen in advance. In general, this plant can take root in any conditions. However, there are a few points to consider:

  1. The plant needs a lot of light. Choose the sunniest and warmest place on the site. There, amaranth will develop actively, and the flowers will be much brighter than in the shade.
  2. Excessively wet and swampy soil is not suitable for growing amaranth. This plant loves sandy loam or su clay soil and good drainage.
  3. Amaranth is a very friendly crop, which gets along well next to other flowers.

Principle 2. Flowers are transplanted in the evening

The best option for transplanting seedlings is late evening or cloudy weather. There should be no sun on the site. Transferring from pots is already stressful for young plants, and bright Sun rays may even destroy them altogether.

The same principle applies for the next 3-4 days after transplantation. If the weather outside is sunny, it is recommended to shade the plants for several days. In such conditions, they adapt better to a new place and begin to grow more actively.

Principle 3. Good watering and neatness

So, the place and time have been chosen, the seedlings are ready. The landing process begins:

  1. The soil in the pot with seedlings needs to be well moistened so that they can emerge from the soil more easily.
  2. In the prepared soil, it is necessary to make holes sufficient to accommodate the rhizome. The distance between the bushes should be about 30-40 cm. If you are planning a whole flower garden, the gap from row to row is left at least 70-80 cm.
  3. Young seedlings need to be removed from the pots as carefully as possible so as not to damage the roots. Plants are placed in holes at a slight angle.
  4. The seedlings are deepened in the ground up to the first leaf, and the soil around it is slightly crushed.

Rows of amaranths in the ground must be well watered. This will allow the plant to quickly adapt to the new soil.

Amaranth, more recently, was a plant that was of little interest to amateur gardeners. Interest has increased due to the emergence of information about its unique healing properties. In the 20th century, in our country, cultivated species of Amaranth, imported from Mexico, were grown in industrial scale, used as animal feed. They made silage from it, which was used to fatten pigs and cattle. In the village, poultry, rabbits, goats, and calves were fed with greens and amaranth seeds.

Thanks to scientific breeders, decorative varieties have been obtained that are successfully used to decorate homestead areas and gardens. Amaranth is an excellent decoration for any garden: low varieties are suitable for borders, borders and containers, tall varieties look great in hedges and in the center of flower beds.

Amaranth is a genus of annual herbs common in Africa, South America and other countries with subtropical and tropical climates; in temperate climates, this plant is much less common. About 16 species of amaranth are found in Europe and Russia.

The amaranth genus includes up to 70 species of plants with a height of 15 to 80 centimeters and above. In nature, tall species can be found, reaching a height of 2-3 meters. The root of this plant is thick, taprooted, and goes two or even three meters into the ground.

The color of the stem and leaves can be either green or purple-red. In some species of amaranth, a root crop is formed. The leaves are elongated, pointed at the end, there are different shapes: lanceolate, diamond-shaped or ovoid.

The petioles of the leaves located in the lower part of the thick trunk are longer than those that grow higher, thanks to which the upper leaves never shade the lower ones. The flowers are small, collected in paniculate inflorescences. There are axillary and apical flowers.

Most decorative varieties amaranth, the length of the panicles is large, can reach up to 1.5 meters.

The vegetative period for plants of this genus lasts from 3 to 5 months, the duration depends on the climate. Amaranth is sown in spring in warm soil. The temperature should not be lower than 8° C. The seed ripening period is from August to September. During this period, the stems and leaves turn creamy. Ripe seeds fall off easily when the stem is shaken. The fruits resemble a rounded box. Up to 500 thousand small, dark brown seeds are formed on one plant per season.

The wide variety of types and varieties of amaranth should not confuse the novice gardener or gardener. Before choosing any variety, you need to decide for what purpose it will be planted.

All varieties of amaranth can be divided into types according to their intended purpose:

  • decorative;
  • vegetable;
  • grain;
  • stern

Decorative varieties are usually heat-loving and light-loving. Lack of light leads to a significant loss of decorativeness, they stretch out, the leaves lose their brightness and color.

Forage varieties are very productive, growing a large volume of green mass per season. The composition of the food plant is no less useful and also has medicinal properties.

Vegetable varieties:

  • Valentina
  • In memory of Kvasov
  • White list
  • Sturdy

They are grown for fresh consumption of young shoots and leaves. They can also be used to prepare various dishes; when cooked, the plant retains its beneficial properties.

Cereal varieties contain a large percentage of squalene in the grains - a much-needed liquid hydrocarbon to the human body for its anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial and fungicidal properties. Amaranth grain varieties produce oil that has medicinal properties.

Amaranth Tricolor

Amaranth Tricolor

Beautiful and spectacular, plants of this species are annuals: erect pyramidal-shaped bushes. The narrow, slightly wavy leaves have a tricolor color: green, yellow, red. All varieties of this species are very decorative. Plant height is from 0.6 m to 1.5 m.

Variety Illumination

Variety Illumination

It's beautiful light-loving plant. Stem height is from 0.5 m to 0.7 m. Large leaves are colored different colors. One leaf plate can have patterns: green, yellow, red. Young leaves, which just appear on the top of the head, are yellowish-red, change color over time and become reddish-orange. Lower leaves bronze shade.

Prefect variety

Prefect variety

Amaranth tricolor belongs to the species. Like all plants of this species, it is characterized by tricolor leaves. Lower leaves are colored green color, covered with brownish-red spots. The leaves located at the top of the stem have a traditional tricolor color.

Early Splendor variety

Early Splendor variety

Plants of this variety have an original color. The lower leaves are a dark, almost black purple-green color. The upper leaves are bright crimson.

Variety Aurora

Variety Aurora

Plants of this variety have a bush form. The leaves are beautiful, wavy, golden yellow.

Amaranth Dark

Amaranth Dark

Dark amaranth is an annual herbaceous plant. The bush is slightly branched, grows up to 1.5 meters. The leaves are medium sized and have a pointed end. Leaf color is red-brown or greenish-red-brown. Inflorescences are erect, spike-shaped. The color is red-violet.

Variety Pigmy Torch

Variety Pigmy Torch

A compact bush-shaped plant with inflorescences reaching a length of 0.4 m, at first they are red-violet, later turning brown. Young green leaves become multi-colored as they grow. The height of the bush is 0.6 meters.

Variety Green Thumb

Variety Green Thumb

A low-growing plant of emerald green color.

Variety Rotschwanz

Amaranth caudate can be found in natural conditions in Africa, Asia, South America These are tall one and a half meter plants. The stems are powerful and erect. Elongated, ovoid the leaves come in two colors, purple or green. Inflorescences are paniculate, long. The colors are crimson or yellowish-green. Plants of this species bloom from June to October. Popular varieties:

  1. Grunschwartz. tall plant. The inflorescences are light green.
  2. Rotschwanz. Tall bush (0.75 m.). Inflorescences are red.

Variety Rother Dam

Amaranth paniculata is an annual herbaceous plant that came to us from Asia. Both tall varieties up to 1.5 meters in height and low-growing (dwarf) varieties no higher than 20 cm have been bred. The color of the leaves is dark red. The inflorescences are erect, purple, appear in June, bloom until frost. Dwarf varieties popular among gardeners:

  • Rother Dam;
  • Rother Paris;
  • Grune Torch;
  • Hot Biscuit;
  • Miniature torch.

Growing from seeds at home

The climate in our country is mostly harsh and amateur gardeners have to grow amaranth using seedlings. In southern regions with warm winters, sowing can be done directly into the soil. Seeds germinate fairly quickly at a soil temperature of 15°C.

A standard question that arises for a gardener when growing a new crop. In the case of amaranth, seeds can be sown as early as mid-February. But then you need to be ready to illuminate the young shoots. Since in February - March there is still little sun. So that the seedlings do not stretch, without additional lighting, in Middle lane, Moscow region, in the Urals I recommend sowing amaranth no earlier than mid-March.

First prepare the containers for sowing - they should be wide and not very deep; their height should not be more than 10 centimeters.

For growing amaranth seedlings, universal soil sold in flower shops is suitable. The soil, home-made, should consist of garden soil, peat, humus. The basic requirements for it are simple, it must be: nutritious, loose, breathable, with a neutral reaction.

Both purchased and home-made soil must be disinfected before use. Any old-fashioned processing methods are suitable: steaming, calcination, freezing, treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, and modern methods using various drugs. Today, the most popular soil treatment products are:

  • copper sulfate;
  • colloidal sulfur;
  • systemic fungicides (Fitosporin, Alirin-B, Gamir, Extrasol).

The planting boxes must be filled with soil and watered. Scatter the seeds over the surface and cover with soil in a 0.5 cm layer. Spray upper layer soil from a spray bottle and cover the tops of the boxes with cling film, you will get mini-greenhouses.

Place the greenhouses in a warm place, the higher the air temperature, the faster seeds will rise. Usually, if the room temperature is 22° C or higher, the sprouts hatch within a week; after the green sprouts appear, the film must be removed.

To obtain strong seedlings, seedlings must be picked into separate cups and picked after the appearance of a true leaf.

Caring for amaranth seedlings is no different from caring for seedlings of other garden and garden crops. Amaranth seedlings must be watered; the soil in the cups must be constantly moist. In February and March, daylight hours are short, seedlings need lighting; fluorescent lamps can be used to illuminate the seedlings.

It is necessary to carry out hardening. Start ten days before planting young plants in a permanent place. You can harden in two ways:

  • take boxes with plants outside or onto the balcony;
  • open the window for ventilation.

All about growing amaranth: video

The last days of May are the most the right time for planting seedlings in open ground. Place the ridges in a place well lit by the sun; amaranth loves light.

In plants growing on sunny side, leaves and flowers are more bright.

Plant seedlings in a row manner. Optimal width paths between two rows - 0.5 meters. In a row, plants should be placed 12 cm apart from each other and thinned out as they grow. If amaranth is planted to produce young greenery, you can use a 15 cm by 15 cm pattern.

It is better to carry out work on transplanting seedlings onto ridges in cloudy weather or in the evening; in sunny weather, young plantings can be protected from the sun for several days. In the shade, plants adapt faster to a new place and grow.

After transplanting to a ridge, amaranth grows slowly for a month, its roots are actively forming, during which time the ridges must be weeded at least twice. Then amaranth begins to grow rapidly, almost 6 cm per day.

During active growth, there is no need for weeding; amaranth suppresses all weeds. Care at this time consists of periodic thinning of plants, shallow loosening of row spacing, watering, and fertilizing.

No fertilizers good harvest not to get amaranth responds well to fertilizing, loves watering with an ash solution. Do not use nitrogen fertilizers often, as increased leaf growth can slow down flowering. Fertilizing should be done in the morning, after the soil has been well watered.

Growing and caring for amaranth: video

There are pests that interfere with the normal growth of amaranth. Basically, plantings suffer from weevils and aphids, penetrating into the stems of the plant, the weevil larvae damage the plants and inhibit its growth.

Large colonies of aphids can also suppress the plant. It is recommended to treat plants infected with pests with preparations. Popular treatments for aphids and weevils:

  • karbofos solution;
  • actellik.

If the summer is rainy and the air is humid, then favorable conditions for the proliferation of fungi and the occurrence of fungal diseases. For medicinal purposes, plantings must be treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate.

Usually, at the end of August, beginning of September, amaranth panicles change color and turn orange. The stems of the plant also change color, they become light. It is by these signs that they know that the seeds are already ripe; if you shake the panicle, seeds begin to fall from it.

To harvest seeds, plants must be cut. Place the picked panicles in the shade in a draft. Dry for a week, then thresh, after threshing, scatter the seeds in a thin layer to dry and dry for at least two weeks. Seed germination lasts for 4-5 years.

Amaranth, regardless of the type, is endowed beneficial properties. For treatment, amaranth caudate is usually used. All parts of the plant are medicinal raw materials. The leaves are collected before the amaranth blooms. In summer, when the plant is in bloom, the panicles are cut off. At the end of August or beginning of September, seeds are collected, and then the roots are dug up.

Amaranth seeds contain more protein than all other crops grown by humans. Amaranth protein is not inferior in composition to cow's milk.

The seeds are rich in vitamins and necessary for a person microelements. The phytosterols, squalene and polyunsaturated fatty acids it contains give the product particular value. Oil obtained from seeds is used to treat and prevent many diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • cervical erosion;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • fibroids;
  • cataract.

Amaranth is considered an effective immunostimulant due to its high squalene content. Preparations containing squalene are used in the treatment of:

  • burns;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • tumors;
  • dental diseases (periodontitis).

Amaranth leaves are valued for their content of carotenoids, zooxanthin, rutin and calcium. You can make salads from amaranth leaves picked before flowering; they are especially useful for patients diagnosed with diabetes, people suffering from excess weight and constipation. The leaves can be dried and used as a seasoning in winter.

Useful properties of amaranth: video

Healing amaranth oil can be bought, or you can prepare it yourself at home. First grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, then transfer them to a glass container and pour vegetable oil. For these purposes, you need unrefined oil. Leave for a week, then strain. You can re-fill the seeds with the already decanted oil and leave it for another 7 days, this will increase the concentration of nutrients in the amaranth oil.

Oil prepared in this way can treat psoriasis. For the first week, drink a dessert spoon of oil, twice a day, half an hour before meals. Then, for three months, a tablespoon, three times a day before meals. For three months, drip a full pipette of oil into the nostrils: once in the morning, once in the evening. Apply oil to the affected areas of the skin several times a day. Oil can be used to treat periodontitis; to do this, you just need to rinse your mouth with it twice a day.

How to lose weight with amaranth oil

To lose weight you need:

  1. Go on a low-calorie diet.
  2. Limit consumption of animal fats.
  3. Of vegetable fats, use only amaranth oil: a tablespoon 2 times a day before meals for a course of 2 weeks.

At home. you can prepare decoctions and infusions from amaranth, using proven folk recipes.

Prepare the decoction:

  1. Grind dry leaves, flowers and roots of amaranth, 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 2 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Place the container with the mixture on the fire and heat slowly for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the broth, strain and drink half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Useful for skin, both sick and healthy, infusion for baths. You will need about 300 g of dry leaves and flowers and 2 liters. boiling water Boil the infusion in a closed saucepan for 15 minutes, strain the cooled infusion and add to the bath.

For gastrointestinal problems, an infusion of dried amaranth leaves and flowers, prepared in a cold way, helps: take 1 part leaves and flowers and 10 parts water. The water should be cold. Leave for about 20 minutes, drink the strained infusion half a glass before meals.

For sore throats and gum problems, fresh amaranth juice helps; it should be diluted cold boiled water. Take 1 part juice and 5 parts water, mix, rinse your mouth or throat.

Infusion for illnesses genitourinary system prepared from 1 liter of boiling water and 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves and flowers. Drink one glass of infusion per day.

Amaranth planted in the garden or summer cottage will not only decorate it, but also help fight pests in the garden. If you plant amaranth next to carrots, you can get rid of carrot fly. Its care is minimal, but its benefits for the treatment and prevention of diseases are great.

Amaranth is an annual herbaceous plant of the Amaranthaceae family. On Russian territory this plant grows completely freely, well known under such names as velvet, amaranth, fox or cat's tail. In this article we will talk about growing amaranth from seeds, determine when to plant and how to propagate.

Amaranths, regardless of type and variety, are characterized as a light-loving, drought-resistant and unpretentious plant in terms of soil and care. Depending on the type and variety, the plant may have erect or spreading stems and branches. Color palette flowers from green to purple tint. The flowers of most varieties are very small, tightly collected in elongated inflorescences that form spike-shaped racemes (panicles).

Succulent leaves are located on numerous lateral branches, the color of the leaves is predominantly green or dark burgundy. Amaranth is loved not only for its healing properties, but also for the beauty of the inflorescences, the duration of flowering and the unfading cut.

More than 70 species of amaranth are known, most of them are considered weeds and only 12 species are cultivated and are used as ornamental, vegetable, fodder and even grain crops.

How to grow seedlings from amaranth seeds

Amaranths are grown in two ways - by sowing seeds in open ground and by seedlings. It is best to sow seeds for seedlings a month before the planned planting of seedlings in a permanent place. Since amaranth seedlings are recommended to be planted in warm soil, sowing should be done about a month before the end of strong spring mornings.

The optimal time for sowing seeds for seedlings is the end of March - beginning of April. Read also the article: → "". Before sowing seeds in planting containers, it is necessary to perform several pre-sowing measures:

  1. Seed preparation. Only healthy, whole and largest seeds are selected for sowing. If the seeds more than a year, then to improve their germination it is enough to carry out the following pre-sowing treatment - 24 hours before sowing, soak the seeds in a weak solution baking soda. This method disinfects the seeds, promotes early emergence, as well as early and abundant flowering herbaceous ornamental crop.
  2. Soil preparation. The germination of amaranth seeds mainly depends on the water and air permeability of the soil. Vermicompost has these characteristics and can be purchased in special flower shops. This soil substrate can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to have clean, disinfected garden soil and river sand, as well as some humus. Mix the components in a ratio of 3:2:1. If the soil was taken from personal plot, then such a substrate should be disinfected by calcination in the oven at a temperature of 100°C - 120°C, this will destroy any pathogenic flora.
  3. Preparation of planting containers. There are not many requirements for the container; it is enough that the container is equipped at the bottom drainage holes for withdrawal excess moisture and several holes on the sides of the container for air circulation. Seedlings can be grown in disposable cups, as well as in peat tablets, which greatly facilitates the process of transplanting seedlings to a permanent place (pots, flowerpots, flower beds, beds).
  4. Location of landing tanks. For containers with sowing, you should select the most illuminated window sill. The place must be protected from drafts.
  5. Sowing seeds. It is recommended to moisten the soil before sowing. In planting containers, seeds are evenly distributed on the surface of the soil, then lightly sprinkled wet soil. The thickness of the top layer should not exceed more than 1 cm. Containers with seedlings are covered with glass and placed in a dark but warm place. As soon as the shoots appear, the covering material (glass, film) is removed from the container and moved to the windowsill.
  6. Care. No watering is required until seedlings emerge. Basic care involves removing accumulated condensation on inner surface glass (film).

Shoots appear already on 7-10 days. Before planting in a permanent place, seedlings must be kept indoors at an air temperature of at least + 16°C

Picking seedlings and planting seedlings in a permanent place

To grow strong amaranth seedlings with a powerful root system for seedlings, it is necessary to plant young shoots in pots with a larger area for nutrition and development. Seedlings dive when the first true leaf appears. Young amaranth plants are planted in a permanent place as soon as the threat of spring frosts has passed. When returning spring frosts occur, the seedlings should be covered with film.

Tip #1. To predict spring return frosts, it is enough to monitor the temperature readings on a thermometer.

Experienced gardeners note that if late in the evening the air temperature on the thermometer drops to +1...+2 C, this means that there will be slight frost at night, and accordingly, the seedlings need protection. Amaranth seedlings easily tolerate transplantation into open ground. The scheme for planting seedlings in open ground depends on the variety. Let's consider three schemes for three main types of plants:

  1. for floral and decorative varieties – 50x70 cm;
  2. For vegetable varieties– 30X70 cm;
  3. for grain varieties - 60x70cm.

Despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious to the soil, prepared seedlings are best grown on fertile, sandy loam and turfy soils. Before planting seedlings, the soil should be loosened, weeded, the remains of weeds removed and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer applied. After about a month, the young shoots begin to gain 3-4 cm in height every day.

Optimal temperature conditions for the growth and development of amaranth +16°C…+20°C

Caring for seedlings in open ground

Caring for young plants in open ground does not require much effort or financial costs. Let's consider the main types of activities related to plant care, which determine the development and duration of flowering of the plant, as well as resistance to diseases.

Watering. Amaranths are very responsive to watering; for example, with frequent and abundant watering, the leaves of the plant begin to fall off. The best way To please the plant - water as the soil dries. Water the plant in the morning and evening hours.

Feeding. Amaranths should be fed 4 times during the entire period of development and flowering. Mineral fertilizers are applied throughout the growing season:

  • before boarding;
  • budding
  • after flowering.

In the table we consider the main types of mineral fertilizers, as well as the timing and rates of their application.

Fertilizers Application period Application rates g/m2 Basic substances

in autumn before spring planting. At the end of spring and summer


Potassium sulfate and carbonate

Phosphorus 30-40 Superphosphate

Phosphorus flour

Nitrogen Spring, autumn 30-40 Ammonium sulfate
25-30 Ammonium nitrate

The first feeding should be done only after 2 weeks. During this period, young plants adapt to the soil, and their roots will become receptive to useful additives. To obtain a compact plant, amaranth should be pinched repeatedly. This agrotechnical technique will allow the plant, as an adult, to maintain the correct balance between the tall and fairly weighty above-ground part of the plant and its root system.

The first pinching of seedlings is carried out when they are completely rooted and noticeably begin to grow. The second pinching is carried out until inflorescences form, which will slow down flowering and allow new shoots to grow. It is worth noting that only the most stretchy and non-branching shoots of the plant are pinched.

Features of growing amaranth by direct sowing in open ground

Amaranth grows well on loose and permeable soils, so sowing seeds should not be done in heavy clay soil, or in soil that contains a small amount of turf soil. The optimal soil for sowing seeds in open ground is sandy loam, turfy and podzolic soil.

To grow amaranths in flowerpots, flower beds, and tubs, use a soil mixture of 2 parts leaf and humus soil with the addition of one part each of peat and turf soil. Pre-sowing tillage begins in the fall; organic fertilizers, namely rotted dung or compost heaps. Mineral fertilizers include superphosphates and potash fertilizers.

The seedlings are thinned out and watered warm water. Further care associated with weeding and weed removal. Throughout the growing season, the plant is fed 3-4 times. For feeding, choose universal mineral fertilizers. In the table we consider the advantages and disadvantages of two methods of growing amaranth.

Methods Advantages Flaws
Direct sowing in open ground Does not require physical effort or additional financial costs. Slow plant growth. Late flowering (in the second half of summer)
Planting seedlings in open ground Early flowering. Has a developed root system, which allows you to settle down on permanent place almost all seedlings. With short daylight hours, the sprouts stretch out and become fragile. Low temperature air leads to the death of immature shoots.

Universal mineral fertilizers for the annual herbaceous plant amaranth

It is advisable to apply complex fertilizers rather than single-component mineral fertilizers, since universal fertilizers contain not only the main components in the correct ratio, but also microelements such as molybdenum, boron, and iron. Let's look at the most common types of fertilizers for annual plants, the introduction of which is permissible when growing ornamental plants in open and closed ground conditions:

Fertilizers Consumption Advantages Application period
"Kemira Lux" Open ground - 20 g per 30 liters of water

Closed soil - 20 g per 40 liters of water

Potted plant – 20 g per 30 liters of water

Does not contain heavy metals.

In spring and summer 2 times a month
"Agricola Vegeta"
Open ground – 1 tsp. for 3 liters of water

Closed soil - 1.5 tsp. for 3 liters of water

Potted plant – 1 tsp. for 4-5 liters of water

Contains additional microelements.

Increases resistance to diseases.

Does not contain heavy metals.

In spring and summer once every 15 days.
"Gilea" Stimulates plant growth.

Increases the green mass of plants.

Increases resistance to diseases.

During the growth period 2 times a week
"Fertimix" Open ground – 20 ml per 1 liter of water

Closed soil – 25 ml per 1 liter of water

Potted plant – 15 mg per 1 liter of water

Stimulates the root part.

Rapid penetration into the plant.

Protects against negative factors and diseases

During the growth period 2 times a month
"Green Guy" Open ground - 35 ml per m 2

Closed soil - 25 ml per m 2

Potted plant – 20 per m2

Stimulates uniform growth.

Increases resistance to diseases.

Before sowing seeds and planting seedlings - once a month

Decorative varieties of amaranth, their advantages and disadvantages

In the plant growing industry, there are four types of ornamental amaranth, which differ in the color and shape of the flowers:

  1. caudate amaranth;
  2. paniculata amaranth;
  3. amaranth tricolor;
  4. dark amaranth.

Paniculate amaranth varieties have the longest flowering period - from June to October.

The above types of amaranth grow freely throughout Russia. Let's consider the most common varieties of amaranths of the above types. Varieties of amaranth caudate include:

  • Variety "Rotshvanz" - medium-sized plant with erect and powerful stems. The leaves are large, the color of the leaves is green-purple. The flowers are crimson or red in color and are collected in balls that hang from paniculate inflorescences. Widely used in landscape design.
  • The variety "Gryushvants" is a medium-sized plant with erect and powerful stems. The leaves are elongated, green in color. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in drooping paniculate inflorescences. Tailed varieties of amaranth reach a height of up to 80 cm and require a large space

Varieties of paniculate amaranths include:

  • The Rotterdam variety is a medium-sized plant with elongated leaves. The color of the leaves and flowers is dark burgundy. The flowers are collected in erect inflorescences. They are used in the design of flower beds, as well as for decorative cutting. Plant height up to 60 cm.
  • Variety "Grunefakel" - low-growing variety plants, plant height up to 40 cm. Flowers are dark green or purple in color, collected in paniculate inflorescences.
  • The "Biscuit" variety is a tall plant variety. Reaches a height of up to 1 m. It has large green leaves. The flowers are collected in erect inflorescences, the color of the flowers is red or light green. Paniculate amaranth varieties have the longest flowering period - from June to October.

Varieties of tricolor amaranth include:

  • Variety "Aurora" is a deciduous, medium-sized plant variety. Maximum height– 70 cm. Erect stems form a pyramidal bush. The leaves are elongated, ovoid in shape. The leaf color is tricolor. Most often, the leaves are colored yellow, green and red.
  • Variety "Splender" is a deciduous, medium-sized plant variety. Plant height is 50-60 cm. The leaves are colored crimson and purple-green.

Tricolor amaranth blooms from June until frost. The most resistant species to diseases

Varieties of dark amaranth include:

  • The Pigmy Torch variety is a medium-sized plant variety. Reaches a height of up to 70 cm. The inflorescences are purple. The leaves are oblong purple or green.
  • The Green Thumb variety is a low-growing plant variety, no more than 40 cm high. The inflorescences and leaves are green. Varieties of dark amaranth are used for decorative cutting and making dry bouquets.

DIY folk bait recipe for amaranth flowers

Flower growers often use various folk recipes to feed amaranth plants during the period of active growth and flowering. Let's consider 2 main recipes for feeding:

  1. Feeding with sugar - you will need 1 liter for cooking. water and 2 tbsp. Sahara. Method of application: sugar is applied under the plants and watered. It is necessary to feed once every 1.5 months.
  2. Feeding with mineral fertilizer and milk - for preparation you will need a universal mineral fertilizer. 20 g of fertilizer is diluted in 0.5 liters of water. Before watering the plants, 1 tsp. the solution is diluted in 0.5 liters of milk. It is necessary to feed once a month. Fertilizers have a beneficial effect only when all other conditions are favorable for the plants and no errors have been made in their maintenance.

Prevention of diseases in open and closed ground

The main diseases of the amaranth plant are black leg and brown rot. To prevent blackleg disease, the following measures are used:

  1. Sowing of seeds is carried out in treated planting containers with copper sulfate.
  2. When growing seedlings, the soil is disinfected and sand is sprinkled around the plant.
  3. Regular thinning of planting.
  4. Moderate watering.

To prevent brown rot disease, the following measures are taken:

  1. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers.
  3. Regular inspection and removal of diseased bushes.

In the table we consider the causes and methods of combating diseases

Recommendation for the use of amaranth in landscape design

Amaranths drought-resistant plants, that is why in landscape design irreplaceable helpers in dry areas in gardens. Many gardeners plant the plant where it is worth covering unsightly areas. Amaranths in landscape design look ideal as a background plant.

Therefore, amaranth is planted with low growing plants. In border strips, medium-growing panicle amaranth is used for planting, and tall varieties are planted as hedges.

Varieties of dark amaranth are used for decorative cutting and making dry bouquets

Common mistakes when planting amaranth

Experts identify several mistakes that gardeners often make when growing amaranth:

  1. Planting ornamental varieties on heavy loamy soils.
  2. Planting seedlings during the period of persistent spring frosts.
  3. The depth of seed placement in the soil is more than 2 cm.


Question No. 1. How do seeds of cultivated varieties of amaranth differ from vegetable and grain varieties?

Seeds of cultivated varieties are colored dark color, seeds of other varieties are light in color.

Question No. 2. Why should amaranth seeds be purchased only in specialized stores?

When purchasing seed material outside of specialized stores, there is a risk of getting the wrong plant variety. Moreover, amaranth belongs to a group of plants that are characterized as cross-pollinating, which means there is a possibility of obtaining seed material of cultivated varieties crossed with wild varieties of amaranth. From such seeds grow plants that are not suitable either for decorating garden plots or for eating.

Question No. 3. What crops are precursors for growing amaranths?

Previous crops include potatoes and any grain crops.

Question No. 4. When are panicles removed to collect seeds?

The optimal time for seed ripening is mid to late August. Signs of seed ripening are darkening of the stem at the base and the formation of light spots on the leaves.
