1988 historical events. Eastern calendar. Eastern calendar signs. A state of emergency has been introduced in Nagorno-Karabakh

Ancient legend tells that Buddha invited all the animals to visit him. But most of them were too busy with their own affairs. Only 12 came: a rabbit, a dragon, a rat, a snake, a sheep, a horse, a dog, a bull, a rooster, a pig, a tiger and a monkey. In gratitude for this, the owner gave them one calendar year each. Since then, these animals have taken their place in the traditional Chinese horoscope.

Symbol of 1988

According to the Eastern calendar, 1988 belongs to the dragon. Just not the simple one, but the earthy yellow one. The earth here has certain colors and indicates belonging to any of the five elements. It turns out that the same sign does not have exactly the same properties every 12 years, but has some features.

The Chinese dragon is depicted as a long, snake-like creature with large claws. In Chinese folklore and art, it is considered a symbol of strength that brings happiness. Represents the concept yang Perceived as the master of rain and water in general. Many Chinese use the term "Dragon Descendants" as an ethnic identity.

general characteristics

Everyone who deals with a representative of this sign immediately feels that this is a special person. This is a real aristocrat - proud, strong, independent, does not recognize authorities. Those born this year are people of action who cannot sit on the couch for long. Even if the sofa is in a luxurious mansion. It’s hard not to notice such a person. His energy and charisma fill the entire space wherever he is.

If two dragons meet in a company, they will probably stage “demonstration performances”, competing in eccentric and provocative behavior. Because there can only be one star on stage. The dragon finishes what he starts. The team in which he works does not object to his leadership. At the same time, the dragon does not fight for power, but simply receives it. Those who resist his will will face a struggle.

It is difficult to make friends, since they must certainly meet his high demands. At the same time, he himself is not going to change. As a result, he often feels like he is leading his one-man battles as a lone warrior, not understood by the rest of the world.

He has enough ability to make a career in any profession, For example:

If he chooses the criminal path, he will become not the last person in the mafia or the leader of a gang that penetrates banks with the best level of protection. The Dragon can often be found as a manager, director or president. As a boss he can be difficult, overbearing and extremely demanding. When communicating with colleagues and subordinates, he easily loses self-control, is stubborn, and self-centered. However, he can infect others with enthusiasm and convince others to realize his vision. He is not stingy with praise and awards.

"All or nothing!" - this is his approach to money. In any circumstances, he knows where and how much. He is not afraid to take risks and plays for high stakes. Never satisfied average salary. Even if he earns millions, he will always think that he deserves more. From the height of his pride, he despises too “easy” money.

It is difficult to call him sentimental, sensitive and romantic, but emotions and inner fire are not alien to such a person. The sign has an unusual magnetism that attracts the opposite sex. Who wouldn't want him as their life partner? Not so simple. He will approach the choice of a spouse no less carefully than the search for a friend. In a relationship, there will be little space left for the partner next to him. Only as a decoration or background for its shine.

The Dragon is an excellent, sincere and generous partner. At the same time, he can be a jealous owner. Having a family and children is not an end in itself; a free life suits him quite well. The element of earth in the symbol of the year makes it more balanced and realistic among all other Dragons.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The Chinese based their horoscope on images of animals. People born during a certain period are attributed the characteristics of their “patron”. It is interesting to observe the combination of these principles with European zodiac signs:

  1. Aries. A person with such an explosive mixture never slows down the pace of life; he always has something to do. He feels the need to get involved in things, take a stand, and be there when things happen. He has an extraordinary, exceptional personality. Disadvantages may include impatience, tactlessness and too much self-indulgence. He doesn't know when to say stop. Often takes unnecessary risks.
  2. Calf. The phrase “Keep an eye on the world that sleeps and the dragon that sleeps” suits this person. This seemingly calm, reasonable and balanced person hides a real demon. The main thing is not to bring it to the boiling point. His rage causes the earth to tremble and it is impossible to stop him. Slowly, but with an unshakable will, he achieves what he wants or has planned. It's better not to get in his way.
  3. Twins. If imagination alone was enough to make a dream come true, then this Dragon would become king on Earth. His ideas, plans and projects are exciting, but words mean nothing without action. This is typical straw man enthusiasm - it ignites quickly, but then nothing happens. Easily abandons unfinished business and immediately starts something new. However, many people are fascinated by its location and eloquence.
  4. Cancer. His emphasized kindness and tenderness can be deceiving. Perhaps this is a peculiar approach to dominance. This dragon almost always pretends to be something other than what he really is. He wants to be the undisputed master of the situation. He has strong convictions and is a cunning diplomat. His path to victory is not easy and tortuous. Does not take into account the wishes of others.
  5. A lion. Regardless of motives and interests, he always imposes his will on others. He controls, dominates and rules as naturally as he breathes. He has big plans and a firm belief that the world belongs to him. He actually gets it by using others confidently, with incredible strength and audacity. He never lets events take their natural course. Ambitious, but loyal, extremely selfish.
  6. Virgo. Carefully plans his career. His whole life is organized the smallest details. He has a strictly defined goal, which he implements very meticulously, leaving nothing to chance. Usually he is well off financially and has a stable financial situation, but this is not the effect of chance, but the result of extraordinary determination.
  7. Scales. He can talk all night about changing the world order. He likes to listen to what others have to say and wants to be heard. Charming, sweet, tolerant and dignified. Combined with fiery emotionality, he is able to experience great passions. As long as the fire burns in it, no one can resist, because it has an attractive, devilish charm.
  8. Scorpion. Although he is not ambitious or has a desire to win, he enjoys fighting. Especially in hand-to-hand combat. The sparkles and piercing eyes captivate and fascinate those with whom he speaks, even his enemies. He is a very attractive person who hates being dependent on anyone. He is uncompromising, inflexible and forgives himself too much. He is full of contradictions, cruel and at the same time very attractive.
  9. Sagittarius. If there is a risky mission somewhere, then there will be a Sagittarius-dragon nearby. He craves adventure, freedom and action. More than generous, he flaunts spontaneity and dedication, but in fact does everything to avoid monotony and routine. It's not easy to keep up with him.
  10. Capricorn. A person with this combination has an innate instinct for power and, regardless of circumstances, strives for his heights. He is proud of his achieved social position. He is honest, respects the law, rules and principles. She strives diligently to achieve her ambitious goals, without hesitation. Despite being picky in choosing friends, he is reliable and loyal. He never opens up completely; his opinion is highly valued.
  11. Aquarius. No more independent and unconventional person than Aquarius the Dragon. Torn between the desire to control the situation and the insatiable desire for freedom, he finds a compromise between them. Lives in the present with a rare intensity. Quickly loses interest in everything and is constantly looking for change. He likes change, new products and surprises. Follows the pull of his heart and wants to be responsible only for himself.
  12. Fish. This Dragon is truly an earthly and aquatic creature at the same time. He is nimble, light, almost ethereal. Realism meets dreaminess. May suddenly plunge into himself in order to extract something important from the rich internal resources. During the period of falling in love, he is shy, romantic, sensual, but can move mountains with passion. However, wounded and disappointed, he can mercilessly tear out his heart. Terrible in anger.

Born in the year of the Dragon

In this year of the Dragon such people were born famous people, How:

Let's remember the significant events of distant 1988. In that year, which according to the calendar is exactly comparable to the current year, a huge number of events occurred that influenced future fate Soviet Union and his people.

On May 29, 1988, Ronald Reagan arrived in the USSR.

The US President arrived on an official visit to the country, which several years earlier he called an “evil empire” and called on the whole world to crusade against the USSR... The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere. The Soviet leader suddenly became more accommodating and made unprecedented compromises.
Meeting between Gorbachev and Reagan.

1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'.

Meeting of M. S. Gorbachev with His Holiness Patriarch Pimen and members of the Holy Synod. Kremlin. May 7, 1988

Throughout the week, festive services were held in Moscow churches, and on June 11 an all-night vigil was held. Then celebrations took place in Kyiv, Leningrad and Vladimir, and after June 18 - in dioceses. After a 70-year period of instilling atheism in the country, a new stage in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church began. June 12, 1988 In the Trinity Cathedral of St. Daniel's Monastery Primates and representatives of Local Orthodox Churches They performed the Divine Liturgy and a festive prayer service.

May 15, 1988 - the beginning of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Seeing off comrades on their last journey.

The Soviet Union sent troops into Afghanistan in 1979. During the 9 years of the war, about 600 thousand Soviet troops visited there, more than 15 thousand soldiers and, according to various sources, up to two million Afghans died. About 200 Soviet soldiers are still listed as missing. On May 15, 1988, after the Geneva agreements on a political settlement of the conflict concluded in April, the USSR began withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. The last column with Soviet troops crossed the Afghan-Soviet border on February 15, 1989.
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan.

March 8 - the Ovechkin family of Soviet musicians hijacked a plane. On March 8, 1988, passengers of a Tu-154 flying from Irkutsk to Leningrad were in high spirits. They did not yet know that she was flying with them the large family In a few hours the Ovechkins will be hijacked by a plane and demanded to fly to London. Ninel Ovechkina and her children also had their own special plan, for which the exemplary family had been preparing for almost six months - hijacking a plane and daring escape from the Soviet Union.

Musical group Seven Simeons.

On June 12, 1988, the final of the first Moscow Beauty beauty contest took place.

Masha Kalinina is the first Moscow beauty.

The first Soviet beauty contest was the “Moscow Beauty-88” competition, and the first “officially” recognized domestic beauty was tenth-grader Masha Kalinina.

The beginning of the collapse of the USSR.

On November 16, the Supreme Council of the Estonian SSR declared sovereignty, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Rally on November 26, 1988 in Tallinn.

November 16, 1988 - the Supreme Council of the Estonian SSR proclaimed the sovereignty of the Estonian SSR - the supremacy of the laws of the republic over the laws of the USSR was asserted. This meant a challenge to the Union leadership and led to the collapse of the USSR. In 1989–90, other republics also declared sovereignty.
Popular Front of Tallinn.

A state of emergency has been declared in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Starting from February 13, 1988, rallies were held every day on Lenin Square in Stepanakert, attracting 40-50 thousand people. The people demanded the withdrawal of Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan and reunification with Armenia.
Rally in Stepanakert.

The film "The Last Emperor" by Bernardo Bertolucci received 9 Oscars.

Created on a staged scale, the film by Bernardo Bertolucci, who seemed to have decided to prove that he also knows how to make majestic cinema designed for a wide audience, was received with particular enthusiasm in America, where it collected $44 million (in terms of 2008, this is $74, 3 million). “The Last Emperor” won nine Oscars (except for those already mentioned - awards for the film, direction, editing and original music written by an international team consisting of the Japanese Ryuichi Sakamoto, the Englishman David Byrne and the Chinese Su Kon, as well as for sound). In addition, the film received many other awards in different countries- from Italy to Japan.

On October 16, Soviet television began showing the Latin American series “Slave Isaura” for the first time.

This series, filmed in 1976 based on the novel by writer Bernardo Guimarães, was our first experience of watching “soap operas”. The first episode was released in the USSR on October 16, 1988. As expected, the series was ideologically consistent: it stigmatized slavery, exposed the aristocracy in an unfavorable light, and put ordinary honest people on a pedestal.

By eastern horoscope 1988 is the Year of the Dragon. People born in the year of the Dragon have an unsurpassed balanced character. Any a difficult situation, will be solved in five minutes. They are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to fight to the last.

All those born under the auspices of the Dragon are individuals who have high self-esteem. They are honest, open, emotional. Everything that happens in their life must fully meet their requirements. They don't like to forgive lies. If you mislead them once, then in the future they will not trust and, moreover, they will stop communicating with this person. They are sociable, always in the center of attention, and love when people try to please them in everything. They are used to living in luxury and are proud of it. From an early age they begin to show their character. If the Dragon is not the only child in the family, then it will be very difficult for his parents to cope with the jealousy of the Dragons. The love of parents, according to the Dragon, should belong exclusively to him. If his loved ones pay attention to someone else, this is regarded as betrayal. Over time, when he grows up, he begins to realize that such thinking is wrong, publicly, he does not admit this, but he will also reduce his jealousy. Demanding of their appearance, loves expensive clothes and accessories.

Favorite flower - wild orchid.

Lucky numbers - 3,17, 92.

Favorable days- Monday Sunday.

Combination of the dragon with other signs:

It will be most difficult for a dragon woman. She is smart, beautiful, energetic, but she will have bad luck in relationships with men for a long time.

The fact is that she is very demanding and tyrannical. She will constantly not like something, she will start to break down at every occasion. Not every man can withstand the pressure of a strong and powerful woman. She will understand this and try to improve, become softer, but her efforts will be short-lived, because such a character is given to her by nature and it will be difficult to correct. In terms of career, the dragon woman will be able to achieve great success.

The character of the Dragon of different zodiac signs is united by one feature: admiration for one’s own person. But there are still differences.


  • Aries. The Aries Dragon is energetic and amorous. Capable of cheating on his significant other. Doesn't like lies;
  • Taurus. Kind and open. Always ready to help friends, respects his family. Loyal and will never forgive betrayal;
  • Aquarius. He devotes more time to work and often takes it out on strangers, especially if something doesn’t work out for him. Honest and does not like hypocrisy;
  • fish. They love to travel, dream of children, are arrogant, difficult to get to know, and are overly trusting;
  • Sagittarius. Loves when he is surrounded beautiful women, rests a lot. Sociable, life of the party, fickle;
  • virgins She has unsurpassed beauty, works hard, loves luxury;
  • twins. They like to dream a lot and are passionate about their appearance. They respect their parents. They strive to be the first in everything, they love music and beautiful, expensive things;
  • cancer. He often wears masks to achieve his goals. Harmful, sometimes overly angry and thinks only of himself. His personal comfort and coziness are very important to him. Even if he infringes on his loved ones, he will not pay any attention to it;
  • scales. They are sociable, playful, love to develop a lot and travel. The soul of any company, ready to spend hours discussing various topics with loved ones.

The dragon man is lucky in all matters. He has many friends and will always help if his loved ones need his support. He doesn’t start a family for a long time because he can’t find one that suits him completely.

Despite the fact that he is always surrounded by representatives of the fair sex, for a long time will create only short connections. Until he meets his beloved. She must be beautiful, smart, and at the same time completely admire only him, do everything he says, without arguing with his opinion.

According to the eastern horoscope, the same sign is influenced by five different elements every 12 years: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This leaves a tangible imprint on the formation of a person’s personality and character. For example, the characteristics of men and women born under the sign of the metal Dragon will be somewhat different from the description of other Dragons born in other years.

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In 1988, people were born whose symbol was the yellow earth Dragon. Main feature An animal whose patron element is the earth has a more balanced temperament than its counterparts.

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    Characteristics of the sign

    Yellow Dragons are accustomed to setting clear goals for themselves that they are confident of achieving. These are realists who do not allow themselves to succumb to illusions. They are always able to assess the situation with a sober look. In many ways, it is thanks to these character traits that people born in the year of the earthen Dragon achieve success.

    A person born in 1988 is endowed with the manners of an aristocrat. He is proud, independent and does not recognize authorities. Natural curiosity and meticulousness make him constantly interested in new things and learning. This is a persistent nature, preferring to always be busy with something.

    Having such personal characteristic, the yellow Dragon most often becomes a wealthy person.

    A person born under the protection of this animal is characterized by despotism, otherwise he would not be what he is. One should come to terms with such a feature, because at the same time he is fair and values ​​the opinions of others, even if it contradicts his own. Although the Dragon seeks to subjugate, it is difficult to accuse him of selfishness or pettiness. Such a person perfectly understands the importance of cooperation with people and works taking into account their interests.

    This sign has no problems choosing a profession; he is able to prove himself in any direction. Successfully move along career ladder he is helped by the ability to correctly assess the situation and quickly make decisions suitable solution. Material stability comes first for him. This type of people manages to express themselves in creativity. The profession of a sculptor, artist, or actor is suitable for a dragon. He will also cope with entrepreneurial activities.

    In friendship, such a person is responsive and you can rely on him. Therefore, people born in 1988 usually have many good friends and acquaintances around them. Yellow Metal Dragons are easy to find mutual language with strangers. They are sincere and demand the same from others, as they cannot stand hypocrisy.

    Eastern horoscope: 1986 is the year of which animal?


    Earth Dragon talismans include:

    1987 is the year of which animal according to the eastern horoscope?

    Pros and cons of the sign

    To the benefits People born in the year of the yellow earth Dragon can be classified as:

    • the ability to admit your mistakes;
    • frankness;
    • determination;
    • loyalty to friends.

    To the obvious disadvantages sign is attributed to:

    • some aggressiveness;
    • vanity.


    A man of this sign is calm and knows what he wants. Such a person tries to predict all possible surprises, and therefore does not like surprises. As a leader, he takes a responsible approach to solving work issues and prefers a peaceful agreement.

    In ordinary life, this is a faithful and kind friend who will always support a comrade, thanks to which he deservedly enjoys respect among his acquaintances. Without much thought, he will help not only with advice, but also financially, since the Earth Dragon is most often quite rich.


    The element of earth makes the Dragon woman the most balanced among other representatives of this sign. It is very difficult to make her lose her temper and cause a scandal. This is an extremely friendly person who makes every effort to find mutual understanding with people.

    Having become a boss, she earns a reputation for being strict but fair. Such a woman is smart and capable of building a career in any direction. She also gets along well with children, so often her choice is teaching or becoming a teacher. In this case, she will fully show her hard work and restraint.

    Combination with zodiac sign

    The zodiac sign has a strong influence on personality and character. A combination of Chinese and zodiac horoscope allows you to get to know a person even better.

    Description by zodiac sign:

    Zodiac signYellow Earth Dragon
    AriesPeople under the protection of these two signs will never slow down the pace of their own lives. These are enthusiastic people who are constantly in search of a new activity. Sometimes like this man walking at an unjustified risk, since he does not understand at all where to stop. This is an exceptional personality who often lacks patience and tact.
    TaurusThe Taurus Dragon seems very calm and reasonable from the outside. But once it is brought to a certain point, a real demon will awaken inside such a person. His rage is boundless, and it is unlikely that this erupting volcano will be easily calmed. If this Dragon is heading towards his goal, it is better not to get in his way
    TwinsThis combination of signs endowed its owner with extraordinary imagination. The Gemini Dragon lives with dreams and exciting ideas. But thoughts alone are not enough for success. This person quickly gets excited about the idea, but then nothing happens. It’s easy to put unfinished things on the back burner and take on something new.
    CancerThis person almost always pretends to be something other than what he really is. People are accustomed to his politeness and kindness, but this is rather a cunning way of the Dragon to achieve dominant status. He is cunning and diplomatic, always striving to control the situation. Following winding paths to victory, he does not take into account the desires of others
    a lionFor Leo-Dragon, dominion and control are as natural as breathing. Such a person is confident that the world belongs to him by right, and in any situation he tries to impose his will on others. This is an ambitious and selfish nature, although quite loyal. He believes that leaving events to take their course is an unaffordable luxury. Achieves his plans by boldly using people for his own purposes
    VirgoVirgo-Dragon is a careerist who carefully plans his every action. All of him Life is going according to a clearly defined schedule. Does not allow accidents, moving towards the goal. The result of the extraordinary determination of such natures is a stable financial situation
    ScalesA very sweet, tolerant person who attracts people with her unimaginable charm. Such a Dragon knows how to speak and is ready to discuss an exciting topic all night long. He loves to be heard, but listens to other people with the same interest. He is an emotional person, capable of experiencing strong passions.
    ScorpionA very attractive nature, hating dependence on anyone. Such a Dragon loves to fight, but not out of ambition or a desire to win. He enjoys the process itself. The inner passion and piercing gaze of this person charm even his enemies. Being a contradictory person, he is at the same time cruel, uncompromising, but easily forgives himself for his own weakness
    SagittariusThe Sagittarius Dragon cannot sit still. He cannot imagine life without freedom and adventure; he simply needs some risky mission. He is a generous person, but he is hard to be around. Not everyone understands that this nature simply tries to avoid monotony and routine.
    CapricornA very principled Dragon who respects rules and law. He is honest and strives for goals that others may seem unattainable. But having achieved what he wanted, such a person is proud of himself. He is picky in choosing friends, but he himself is a reliable comrade. His opinion is valued, although such a Dragon never opens up to people completely
    AquariusA very independent and contradictory personality who is torn between the desire for freedom and the desire to keep the situation under control. Loves surprises and changes in the usual. Constantly looking for change, but quickly loses interest
    FishThis nature is endowed with a very subtle combination of realism and dreaminess. Sometimes he is able to immerse himself in his thoughts for a long time, looking for something important for himself. Being in love, he is ready to do incredible things, but at the same time he is shy and vulnerable. Such people cannot be disappointed; they are terrible in anger.

    Love and marriage

    People born under this sign often find their soulmate at a young age. They marry them after some time. If the love story does not develop according to this scenario, there is a high probability that the person will remain lonely. Having created a family, the Dragon tries his best to envelop the house in comfort.

    A man born in 1988 becomes an object of interest to surrounding women. Such a person rarely remains single. He behaves with ladies like a true gentleman, easily guesses a woman's desires and presents wonderful gifts. He is more interested in inner beauty than external data. Having created a family, he completely focuses his attention on it. He will be an ideal husband and loving father who devotes a lot of time to his children.

    In love, the Dragon woman is as reasonable as in life. She does not respect stormy showdowns. It’s hard for even an experienced heartthrob to confuse her. She will never choose a frivolous man as her partner. Such a lady decides to attend a wedding only if the chosen one has managed to win her trust. From family life The Dragon woman does not expect romance; she looks at marriage quite soberly and is ready for everyday life. Children and husband will always be surrounded by her attention.

    Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

    The Chinese horoscope makes it possible to find out how compatible two signs are. The Yellow Earth Dragon requires a partner who will provide room for self-expression and will not be afraid of his authority:

    Eastern calendar sign Compatible with Yellow Earth Dragon
    RatSuch a union is considered successful. Next to the Dragon, the Rat feels more confident. He attracts her and excites her, so the rat will devote herself completely to this person. But the Dragon is amorous, and if someone else captures his attention, he may forget about the Rat
    BullThe relationship of this couple is ambiguous. The Ox is used to living without unnecessary risks, while the Dragon is ready to rush towards adventure in any area of ​​its life. For the Ox, this can be beneficial, but at the same time it can be tiring. For some period the Dragon will be nearby, resting in a stable environment, but later he will want something new
    TigerPeople of these signs have a lot in common. They are endowed with incredible energy, courageous and enterprising. The Dragon will take on the role of leader in this relationship, and the Tiger will become an excellent adviser. The life together of such people is exciting, but somewhat lacking in stability.
    Rabbit (Cat)The chance for this union to exist will appear if the Cat becomes the head of the family. Partners will have to show maximum tolerance towards each other if they expect a long-term passion. The Rabbit has great difficulty in enduring the hot-tempered Dragon; over time, his patience will come to an end
    The DragonTwo Dragons will be fascinated by each other. But the main problem for such a couple will be the division of power. Because of this, partners begin to feel irritated; they cannot be sincerely happy for the success of their other half. This kind of rivalry can end mutual reproaches and insults
    SnakeA wonderful union. The snake has enough wisdom to act from behind the scenes; it does not need power. The dragon will be proud of his loved one and will begin to feel even stronger. Things are a little more complicated if the Dragon is a woman. She loves it when people fawn on her. At first, the partner will play along with her as a courtesy, but later he will truly become attached to her
    HorseThese people can be united by the love of wrestling, they always have a common goal. But if the Dragon is a woman, then difficulties may arise. Such a nature requires worship and great attention. The horse is quite selfish, sometimes it does not have time for its partner. The opposite union is more favorable
    Goat (Sheep)The goat needs a patron to protect it. And she agrees to completely obey him. But the Goat does not know how to give compliments and praise her partner at all. Without this, the Dragon will wither, because he so needs adoration and recognition of his irresistibility. Marriage has a greater chance of survival if the Dragon is a man
    MonkeyBeautiful couple. Both partners will value and respect each other; competition between them is impossible. The Monkey has enough resourcefulness to seduce the Dragon with sensual compliments. After all, the selfless and proud Dragon evokes her sincere admiration. These signs are able to talk about philosophical topics for hours, although their relationship still lacks depth.
    RoosterThe Rooster and Dragon love to show off, but they do it in different ways. The dragon is by nature an attractive and bright personality, its alluring beauty is natural. The Rooster strives to win the love of others and makes certain efforts to do this. At first, the rooster is proud that he was able to capture the attention of such a nature as his partner. But later quarrels will begin between people, destroying relationships from the inside
    DogOne of the most unsuccessful unions. There is misunderstanding between people, exacerbated by the lack of common goals. The dog is that rare sign whose interest is difficult to maintain with just external brilliance. The dragon is not used to this. He needs attention and constant admiration, but the Dog does not know how to show tenderness
    Pig (Boar)Satisfaction with the relationship in such a couple will be somewhat one-sided. The Dragon will turn the head of its partner; for the Pig this is a kind of trap. She will be so carried away that she will have absolutely no time for herself. But there is also positive sides: An alliance with the Dragon will instill more self-confidence and energy in the pig.

What year was 1988 according to the horoscope? This year the element of Earth ruled and among animals the Dragon took the throne. The Wood Dragon is calm and balanced, so you shouldn’t expect any troubles this year. People who are able to set clear, precise goals for themselves will be incredibly lucky this year. This is the time of businessmen, all undertakings will certainly end successfully, bringing financial well-being and moral satisfaction. The friends you make this year will go with you throughout your life, helping and supporting you.

1988 according to the Eastern calendar: Year of the Earth Dragon

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1988 according to the Eastern calendar?

1984 is not the year of anyone, but of the Dragon himself! Those born this year are winners in life. They succeed in everything they undertake. In their work, such people are influential, they are listened to and their opinions are valued. In family life, he has his head in the clouds, and does not want to land at any cost.

The dragon man loves comfort in the house, he tries his best to create it, sometimes he goes too far... By nature, he cleans himself, does not tolerate dirt, trash and shortcomings.

The dragon woman is very distrustful of men; in order to achieve her affection, a lot of effort must be made.

Slowly but surely you will have to prove your interest in life, plans, hobbies. In childhood, dragons do not have perseverance and patience; they need to be instilled in them from childhood, offering games aimed at this. Such games can be puzzles, various pyramids. Don’t be surprised if, after the first failure, the cubes or puzzle pieces are separated throughout the apartment; persuade your child to start over, first adult life This skill will help him a lot.

Features of the Earth Dragon sign according to the Chinese calendar

The dragon will have no problems choosing a profession; any job suits him, he copes with everything superbly. These signs choose their soulmate at a young age and later tie the knot with her; if this does not happen, then there is a huge probability of loneliness.

Dragons are fun-loving creatures, they love holidays and take part in various performances and pranks with great pleasure.

Despite their natural strength and health, problems arise even in such signs. Most often they suffer from throat diseases. Most of all, they enjoy traveling; they enjoy it and get excited about it.

Other countries are especially attractive; such a change of scenery energizes them and gives them a lot of new impressions and emotions. It’s not for nothing that the dragon is the main character of all carnivals!

The character is distinguished by vanity, he strives to improve himself and everyone around him, the dragon wants to get the best and you should not stand in his way! At the same time, Dragons are very dreamy, it is because of this that all their mistakes and failures occur. In the east, the dragon is a symbol of celebration, good luck and fun.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Earth Dragon

  • In the years of the Dragon according to the Chinese calendar, people are born with such positive qualities, such as frankness, determination and the ability to admit one’s mistakes. Negative traits include endurance and aggressiveness.
  • This animal does not need anything; it gets everything it wants. Friends, colleagues and relatives can safely rely on him, he will not betray, in a difficult situation he will provide a shoulder and support.
  • The Dragon is not particularly compatible with other signs, since he will be bored with the Ox, the Rooster will simply be annoying, and a more gentle union can work out with the Monkey, Horse or Dragon. These tandems will complement each other.
  • Very often the Dragon allows itself to be overpowered, but quickly realizes its mistake and changes the situation radically. Trust is one of the main reasons why dragons can suffer; if deception is discovered, it fills him with depression. But as soon as you manage to cope with your inner experiences, the enemy is in trouble.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,