Where to get a certificate of compulsory pension insurance. What documents are needed to obtain SNI for a child?

Obtaining some documents for a citizen of the Russian Federation is mandatory and important operation. For example, such papers today include an identity card, registration and SNILS. We have to focus our attention on the last document. What kind of paper is this? What information does it contain? What is needed for SNILS in this or that case? The answers to all these questions will be discovered further. In fact, dealing with such paper is easier than it might seem at first glance.

SNILS is...

The first step is to understand what document we are talking about. What is SNILS?

In Russia, this is what they call a citizen’s insurance certificate. It must be issued for every person. Now even newborns receive this paper.

Why do you need SNILS? This is a kind of certificate confirming that a person has insurance experience. The document is used for many operations. For example, when providing medical care or state support. An extremely important document, without which a person will not be able to use all the opportunities of the country. Almost all state and municipal services are offered only with SNILS.

Information on the document

What does this paper look like?

SNILS is a small green and white card. It is usually laminated during manufacture. It contains some information about the owner.


  • insurance certificate number;
  • Full name of the recipient citizen;
  • date of issue;
  • date of birth of the citizen;
  • gender

In addition, on back side SNILS you can see some instructions regarding issues related to replacing the document. It is the insurance number that plays main role all over the map.

Does a child need SNILS? Yes, and without fail. According to the new rules in force in Russia, without this green card it will not be possible to issue a medical policy. This means that the child will not be able to be observed at the clinic. An adult must also have a SNILS.

Where is it issued?

Now a little about which authorities can issue such a document. What is needed for SNILS? As a rule, it all depends on the age category of the recipient. But before collecting the necessary papers, everyone must decide where exactly to take them.

Today you can apply for SNILS:

  • through the MFC;
  • at the employer;
  • at school/university;
  • in the Pension Fund of Russia.

In practice, the first scenario is becoming more and more common. But for now, SNILS is issued through the Pension Fund of Russia personally by the citizen, as well as by contacting the employer. How to act in this or that case? What process features should you pay attention to?

Reasons for replacing/issuing SNILS

For example, when exactly a person needs to register for SNILS or replace it. There are a number of situations that entail the need to reissue a document.

As a rule, you will need to think about what is needed for SNILS in the following cases:

  • initial registration of the document (at birth, obtaining citizenship);
  • after paper damage;
  • in case of theft/loss of a “green card”;
  • when personal data changes (marriage, divorce, gender change);
  • for typos and errors in SNILS.

Accordingly, after the birth of the baby, parents should think about obtaining a “green card” for a new citizen of the country. But what will be required in this or that case?

Documents for SNILS for adults

In fact, there are not many papers a citizen should find. What documents are needed for SNILS? For example, if we're talking about on the initial registration of paper by an adult citizen.

In this case, the person must bring with him:

  • application for issuance of SNILS (filled out either at the employer, or at the place of training, or at the MFC, or directly at the Pension Fund);
  • ID card (passport);
  • birth certificate (preferred).

As a rule, this is enough. You can take your registration documents with you. But if a citizen has a civil passport with him, there is no need for additional information about his place of residence.

Replacing SNILS

But what if we are talking about cases of replacing a “green card”? What documents are needed for SNILS under such circumstances?

Their list depends entirely on the reason for contacting a particular authority. Among the main documents requested when replacing an insurance certificate are:

  • passport;
  • old SNILS (if available);
  • birth certificate (not required, but desirable);
  • document that provides the basis for the implementation of the task (marriage/divorce certificate, gender reassignment certificate).

Of course, the citizen will have to write an application to exchange the document. This process is completely free and does not require payment of state fees. A similar list of papers is presented to any of the previously listed bodies.

For newborns

What documents does a child need for SNILS? Their list is not too different from the previously proposed packages of papers. Fortunately, this operation in Russia is carried out without unnecessary stress and red tape.

Newborns are offered to apply for SNILS directly at the Pension Fund. Parents need to bring with them:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • ID card of one of the parents;
  • an application filled out on behalf of the legal representative.

These documents are submitted to the territorial Pension Fund, after which the baby’s mother or father is given a SNILS in the name of the newborn. As a rule, some employees ask legal representatives for a certificate of registration of the child. It is advisable to have it with you.

For children

What documents does a child need for SNILS? What to do if we are not talking about a newborn at all?

Under such circumstances, the list of everything needed does not change much. When registering the document for the first time, you must present:

  • a statement of the established form on behalf of the parents;
  • registration certificate (preferably);
  • birth certificate.

If it is planned to re-issue the paper, then the basis for making the appropriate changes is reported to the previously listed list.

But these are not all the features you need to know about. What does a child over 14 years old need for SNILS? Such minors can obtain a green card for themselves. They need to contact the Pension Fund with an application, birth certificate and personal passport.

Production time

From now on, it is clear what documents are needed to obtain SNILS in a given case. Registration of an insurance certificate takes varying amounts of time. By law, it is replaced within 3 weeks from the date of application established form. Sometimes the procedure goes faster. It all depends on the load on a particular organ.

In some regions, newborns are issued SNILS immediately. Typically, such situations occur if parents submit an application to the PRF at their place of residence. Newborns do not need to wait for the “green card” to be ready; staff quickly produce it on site.

From now on, it is clear what documents are needed to obtain SNILS. It could be seen that this operation does not cause any trouble to the population. There is some information that every insurance certificate holder should be aware of.

For example, working foreigners and stateless persons can apply for SNILS. To do this they will need:

  • a patent or other document certifying a person’s right to work within the Russian Federation;
  • passport;
  • migration card;
  • registration certificate.

The insurance certificate number never changes. It is assigned to each citizen only once in his life. Even after changing personal data, the number remains the same.

From now on it is clear what is needed for SNILS. Questions related to obtaining such a document will no longer cause any difficulties.

Until April 1, 2019, all persons insured in the pension insurance system (both Russian citizens and foreigners) were issued certificates - small laminated green cards. They contained basic information about the person, his account number, and the date of receipt of the personal account. From this date, Federal Law No. 48-FZ of April 1, 2019 came into force, which introduced changes to the registration procedure. In particular, when registering in the system individual accounting the citizen is provided with an individual account, but the certificate is no longer issued. Instead of green cards, a “document confirming registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system” is introduced. It can be electronic or paper.

The form of the document has not yet been approved, but most likely it will include all the necessary information about both the insured person and his personal account number. Certificates issued earlier remain valid and do not need to be exchanged or thrown away. Like the new documents, they can be presented when applying for employment, receiving benefits and benefits, and applying for government services.

Amendments were made not only to Federal Law No. 27-FZ of April 1, 1996 “On individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system”, but also to Labor Code RF. Updated edition Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says:

Upon conclusion employment contract for the first time the employer formalizes employment history. If an individual personal account has not been opened for a person applying for work for the first time, the employer submits it to the relevant territorial body Pension Fund Russian Federation information necessary for registering the specified person in the individual (personalized) accounting system.

Where to get SNILS in Moscow: MFC addresses

Most often, guests of the capital who come to work are interested in how to get SNILS at the MFC in Moscow. There is nothing complicated about this. You choose a suitable center, which in the capital is called “My Documents”, make an appointment there, and on the appointed date go with your passport to a specialist. There you will be asked to fill out a special form and, if necessary, they will explain what exactly needs to be done.

Note that the proposed list is universal. Additionally, there is no need to search for where to get SNILS for a pensioner in Moscow or a child under 14 years old. Services will be provided to any applicant who has a Russian birth certificate or passport.

If a foreign citizen applies for an insurance number, the above algorithm for how to obtain SNILS in Moscow through the MFC may not work: some centers do not serve persons with other citizenship or without it. In this case, upon employment, the employer independently sends documents to the Pension Fund. Officials will prepare everything they need within three weeks.

How to issue a certificate for the first time and in case of loss

If for some reason a “green card” was not issued during employment or the owner lost it, the document must be created/restored. Where can I get a duplicate SNILS in Moscow? In the same multifunctional centers. But this will no longer be the certificate itself, but a document confirming registration in the individual accounting system. Another option is to contact directly the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence or registration. You can also try to issue new document through the employer.

As for the question of how to get SNILS for a pensioner in Moscow, the answer depends on whether you have citizenship. If you have a Russian passport, you can go to any multifunctional center. If it is not there, it is better to immediately contact the Pension Fund. Here they will not be able to refuse to issue SNILS. Where to get it (Moscow) - see the list below.

List of Pension Fund branches in the capital

Where to change SNILS in Moscow and when to do it

The law requires that personal data in all documents be consistent. Therefore, if the full name in the passport has changed. or date of birth, you need to exchange a “green card”. The insurance number itself will remain the same, but personal information will be corrected. New documents confirming registration will be issued at any MFC or Pension Fund branch.

All services for issuing and exchanging certificates are free. You must only have your passport with you.

or, as it is called for short, SNILS is one of the main documents that all citizens of our country receive. Without this document, official employment is impossible, so each of us should know how to get it. We will talk about the procedure for obtaining SNILS in this article.

Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance: what is it?

The current pension system in our country is designed in such a way that information about length of service does not play any special role for a future pension. Now it is much more important whether insurance pension contributions have been paid for you. At first labor activity For every person working in our country, the employer opens a personal account, which is regularly received cash. Such a system is confirmation of the employee’s work activity. The size of the future pension is formed from insurance contributions.

It looks like this: this is a plastic card that has green color, which displays information about the citizen - his full name, date and place of birth, gender; the date of registration of the person (who is the card owner) in the compulsory pension insurance system and the number of his individual personal account (See What does the new SNILS look like (photo)?)

When registering a citizen for a job, the employer must submit information about the work activity of his new employee to the Pension Fund, and subsequently make contributions to his pension account. Payment of insurance contributions is the responsibility of the employer, stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It happens that citizens pay contributions to the Russian Pension Fund independently, based on the existing insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. For example, when he is registered as an individual entrepreneur.

How to get information about a personal account?

It must also be said that once a year, if a citizen applies, the Pension Fund must provide information about the state of his personal account (as of the current date), reflecting information about all receipts to the account over the past year. Such information can be provided in any way most convenient for the insured person, when the applicant in the application reflects contact information and the method of obtaining information:

  • electronic communications,
  • mailing list.

You can also get information on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services. To obtain online information about the status of your personal account, you must go to the specified website in the “Public Services” section and select the “Notification of the status of your personal account” tab. The notification will be generated in a few seconds. Information about all income, including the funded and insurance parts of the pension, will be reflected there. In addition, it will indicate the coefficient of income received from the temporary placement of funds accumulated in your account and the amount of income received from such placement over the past year.

If you need Additional Information, then on the website you can leave a request to receive an extended notice. True, to obtain such information, you will have to wait. The total established period for consideration of received citizens' appeals is 30 calendar days, and in exceptional cases (if it is necessary to request additional information in other government bodies, for example), this period can be extended, but for a maximum of another month.

Where to get a pension fund insurance certificate

If you apply for a job and do not have one, the responsibility for completing the document falls on the shoulders of your employer. By the way, the same rule applies to persons working under a contract. That is, when the contractor does not have pension insurance certificate , the customer assumes responsibility for its preparation. When signing documents upon hiring, an employee fills out a standard form, which must be submitted by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation no later than 2 weeks from the date of conclusion of the employment contract.

In turn, the territorial branch of the Pension Fund must issue an insurance certificate, and this must be done within 3 weeks. During the same period, a personal account is opened for the employee.

Manufactured pension insurance certificate sent to the employer; he must make a copy of the document no later than a week after receiving the document from the Pension Fund; then the plastic card (SNILS) is given to the employee.

This is the mechanism for obtaining pension insurance certificate through the employer, but what should others do? How, for example, to obtain a pension insurance certificate individual entrepreneur or an unemployed citizen?

Obtain an insurance certificate of state pension insurance yourself

Receipt rules insurance certificate of the Pension Fund allow the opportunity to receive it in person. Where to get a pension insurance certificate in this case?

We answer: you need to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of your registration and fill out a form. After 3 weeks you will need to appear to receive your completed pension insurance certificate.

It must also be said that there is a mandatory replacement of the plastic carrier (SNILS) in case of changes in the personal data of its owner. This happens, in particular, when the insured person changes his last name (For more details, see Replacing SNILS when changing your last name: where and how to change SNILS?). Then his employer or he personally (if he does not have a job or is engaged in private business) submits an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to obtain a new certificate. The Pension Fund registers the information provided, after which the citizen is issued a new card.

We emphasize once again: the SNILS number assigned once is unchanged. Consequently, the second document issued will be received under the same number as the previous one.

Is it possible to apply for SNILS via the Internet?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to submit an application for a replacement pension insurance certificate on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services. Therefore, you will have to apply in person: either to the employer or directly to the Pension Fund branch.

It should also be noted that there is no state duty or other fees for issuing the document. So get new pension insurance certificate, every citizen has the right to a duplicate of a lost certificate or information about a personal pension insurance account completely free of charge. In addition, the Pension Fund is responsible for violating the deadlines for providing individuals specified services.

How to get SNILS in Moscow? The procedure provided for obtaining SNILS in the Russian Federation also applies to Moscow. List necessary documents and the terms of issue can be clarified with the Pension Fund authorities at your place of residence. We will tell you further about how and where to get SNILS in Moscow.

Where to get SNILS in Moscow?

You can get SNILS in Moscow:

  • when contacting the Pension Fund authorities at your place of residence in person;
  • by handing over to the employer a set of documents for issuing a pension certificate.

You can also submit documents to receive SNILS at the MFC (registration procedure of this document in this body will be similar to the procedure in the Pension Fund, which we will discuss further). But since this function has not yet been transferred to all multifunctional centers, it is better to clarify this information in your district unit. As for registering SNILS via the Internet, unfortunately, it is currently not possible to fill out an application on the government services portal and submit documents to receive a pension certificate.

Obtaining SNILS in Moscow

So let's look at 2 situations:

1. You are not officially employed, and you need to issue a SNILS.

To do this, you take the following documents:

  • questionnaire of the insured person according to form ADV-1;
  • passport (or other document that proves your identity).

2. You have an employment contract in your hands, but still no SNILS.

IN in this case you contact your employer with this question.

You need to fill out the insured person's form and present your passport to the employer. Along with these documents, an inventory of the transferred documents is submitted in the ADV-6-1 form.

Within 5 working days, the pension certificate is issued by the Pension Fund and transferred to the employer. After receiving the SNILS, the employer must give it to the employee, and the employee, in turn, must sign the statement in the ADI-5 form, which is then returned to the Pension Fund.

The employer is responsible for all information provided to the Pension Fund about the employee. Therefore, the employee who is involved in the registration of SNILS must have a corresponding power of attorney issued by the head of the organization.

If for some reason the employee quit before receiving SNILS, the employer, after receiving the certificate from the Pension Fund, is obliged to notify the resigned employee and send him a notice to the last known address. Until the employee appears, the employer keeps the original document in his personal file.

NOTE! There is an exception to the rule of registration of SNILS by the employer when the employee joins labor Relations without such a document: according to Art. 312.2 of the Labor Code, an insurance certificate is issued independently by employees working remotely through the exchange of electronic documents.

Obtaining SNILS for a child in Moscow

Obtaining SNILS for a child is possible in 2 ways:

1. If the child is under 14 years of age, his parents or legal representatives apply to the Pension Fund with the following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • questionnaire of the insured person;
  • passport of one of the parents.

The presence of the child when submitting documents is not necessary. The pension certificate is produced within 5 days and is handed to one of the parents upon presentation of a passport.

2. If the child has reached the age of 14 years, he can independently contact the Pension Fund authorities at his place of residence, presenting the passport and questionnaire of the insured person.

Obtaining SNILS by a foreign citizen in Moscow

A foreign citizen in Moscow can receive SNILS:

  • when independently applying to the Pension Fund authorities - but only after receiving a temporary residence permit or residence permit;
  • in the case of official employment for an indefinite period or concluding a fixed-term employment contract for a period of at least 6 months - in this case, the employer must issue a SNILS.

The insured person's application form for a foreign citizen must be filled out in accordance with the identity document. If this is a document on foreign language, then a notarized translation into Russian is required.

Since 2015, the list of foreign citizens located in the Russian Federation who can receive SNILS has been expanded. According to the new rules, all foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation can now become its owners, regardless of the duration of the employment contract with them.

Why is it necessary to obtain SNILS?

SNILS is the personal account number of an insured citizen in the compulsory pension insurance system.

This number is used to identify the owner of the pension certificate. The number is individual and is generated by the pension fund. SNILS consists of 11 digits, 9 of which are the document number, the last 2 are the control (verification) number.

On the SNILS personal account, all information about the citizen’s length of service and insurance premiums transferred to his name are generated.

Previously, until 2013, all insured citizens received “letters of happiness”, which provided a detailed report on all pension savings in the citizen’s personal account.

Since 2013, to receive these notifications, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund.

So, the purpose of SNILS is as follows:

  1. Using it you can register on the government services portal.
  2. SNILS is required to obtain a universal electronic card.
  3. SNILS is necessary to ensure interdepartmental interaction between various government agencies upon receipt of this or that information about a citizen.
  4. It is according to SNILS that the Unified Register of citizens who can qualify for various social benefits and payments is formed.

To obtain SNILS, a standard package of documents is presented: a passport (or other document certifying the identity of a citizen) and a questionnaire of the insured person.

If your personal data changes or your certificate is lost, you also need to submit documents to the Pension Fund to reissue it. The personal account number will remain unchanged.

How to get a SNILS for a child: how and where to quickly get an insurance certificate, what documents are needed for registration, how to get a SNILS for a child, SNILS for foreign citizens

How and where to obtain an insurance certificate, obtaining SNILS for a child, what documents are required for registration. What is SNILS? In the Russian Federation, SNILS is one of mandatory documents, which a citizen applying for government services must have with him. The thing is that the certificate number corresponds to the personal personal account in the State Pension Fund. It is on it that funds are accumulated, which are transferred by the employer during the period of employment of a person.

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The standard procedure for obtaining a certificate will depend on what category of citizens the applicant for it belongs to:

  • For non-working citizens, personal identification is obtained in person;
  • Working citizens can obtain SNILS through their employer; all necessary data is sent to the Pension Fund by the enterprise’s accounting department;
  • Foreign citizens can count on receiving a personal personal account of the insured person in the general manner - through their company or personally in the absence of employment;
  • Parents are responsible for preparing documents for obtaining SNILS for minor children. Alternatively, this procedure can be initiated by the child’s legal representatives, the administration educational institution or civil registration authorities;
  • If children are adults, they themselves can receive SNILS for their child. Don't forget that you are a citizen and come of age a little later.

What documents are needed to obtain SNILS

Where can I get SNILS

In essence, the process of obtaining a certificate of the established form comes down to fulfilling two requirements:

  1. The first is to establish the identity of the applicant.
  2. Secondly, filling out data that will subsequently be entered into the unified register of insured persons.

Currently, you can obtain SNILS through the MFC. This option is well suited for those who live far from the Pension Fund office or do not want to wait for a long time queue. There is practically no difference, except for the increase in the period for submitting the document from the center to the fund operators. You can obtain the prepared certificate either at the Pension Fund of Russia branch or at the MFC where you applied to obtain the policy.

The personalized accounting program in the Russian Federation was launched a long time ago and is currently working successfully. Data centers have a high degree of protection and data backup function. If a pension certificate is lost, it can always be restored by re-applying.

How to get SNILS for a foreign citizen

How does the system of issuing certificates work (for example, foreign citizens)

After a person with a citizenship other than Russian is hired by an organization, the enterprise administration takes measures to notify the Pension Fund. The company is obliged to do this, since it automatically has the right to transfer the corresponding payments to budget revenue. for foreign citizens is issued on the basis of relevant documents signed by the applicant, a transfer inventory in the form ADV-6-1.

The deadline for obtaining a certificate consists of three periods:

  • 2 weeks after employment of a citizen of another state - to submit documents;
  • 3 weeks from the date of receipt of the questionnaire from the employer to the fund;
  • 1 week for SNILS for foreign citizens to be presented at the enterprise.

In total, the maximum time for obtaining an official document of an insured person on the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens cannot exceed 6 months. In practice, this time is significantly less, since the main company for issuing policies is actually completed. Currently, those who are re-employed receive SNILS; they do not need to submit documents to obtain a document for newborns; this will be done by the Civil Registry Office.


Before receiving SNILS for a foreign citizen, it is necessary to take into account certain subtleties current Russian legislation. The fact is that the presence of a policy undoubtedly indicates the payment of mandatory payments by the employer. On the other hand, it remains up to the foreign citizen to fulfill the requirement to confirm the fact of stay on the territory of Russia. In other words, such a citizen, when assigning a pension or other types of benefits, will be required to present a residence permit or other documents.

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