Countries divided as a result of conflicts of the Cold War. Cold war. Her stages and end

The current international relations between East and West are difficult to name constructive. In international politics today becomes fashionable to talk about a new turn of tension. There is no longer confrontation for the sphere of influence of two different geopolitical systems. Today, a new Cold War is the fruit of the reactionary policy of the ruling tops of a number of countries, expansion of international global corporations in foreign markets. On the one hand, the United States, the European Union, the NATO block, on the other - the Russian Federation, China and other countries.

Inheritance from the Soviet Union, Russia continues to be influenced by the Cold War, who held the whole world in voltage for a long 72 year. Only the ideological aspect has changed. There are no more confrontation between the communist ideas and the dogs of the capitalist development path. Accents are shifted to resources where basic geopolitical players actively use all available features and means.

International Relations before the start of the Cold War

The cold September morning of 1945 on board the American Linkar "Missouri", which was standing on the Tokyo Bay Ride, the official representatives of the Imperial Japan were signed by the capitulation. This ceremony marked the end of the bloody and cruel military conflict in the history of human civilization. War, which lasted 6 years, covered the entire planet. In the course of military operations flowing in Europe, in Asia and Africa at different stages, 63 states were participants in the bloody slaughter. In the ranks of the armed forces of countries participating in the conflict, 110 million people were called. It does not have to talk about human losses. The world has not yet known such a large-scale and massive murder and have not seen. The environmental losses were both the consequences of the Second World War, its results created ideal conditions for the start of the Cold War, another form of confrontation, with other participants and with other purposes.

It seemed that on September 2, 1945, the long-awaited and long world would finally come. However, after 6 months after the end of the Second World War, the world again plunged into the punch of the next confrontation - the cold war began. The conflict has accepted other forms and resulted in the military-political, ideological and economic confusion of the two world systems, the capitalist West and the Communist East. It cannot be argued that Western countries and communist regimes were going to peacefully coexist. The military headquarters were developed by the plans of the new global military conflict, the ideas of destroying foreign policy opponents were twisted. The condition in which the cold war originated was only a natural reaction to the military preparations of probable opponents.

This time the guns did not become stamped. Tanks, military aircraft and ships did not come together in another mortal fight. The long and exhausting struggle of two worlds for survival, in which all methods and means were used, often more cunning than a direct military collision. The main weapon of the Cold War was the ideology that relied on economic and political aspects. If previously large and large-scale military conflicts arose mainly from economic considerations, on the basis of racial and human-nurseful theory, then in the new conditions the struggle for the spheres of influence. US President Harry Truman and the Ex-Prime Minister of UK Winston Churchill became inspirations of the cross campaign against communism.

The tactics and confrontation strategy changed, new forms and methods of struggle appeared. The World Cold War was not found in such a name. During the conflict, there was no hot phase, the opposing parties did not open fire each other, but on their scale and loss in size - this confrontation can be easily called the Third World War. After World War II, the world instead of discharge, again entered into the strip of tension. In the course of the hidden confrontation of the two world systems, humanity has witnessed an unprecedented arms race, countries - conflict participants plunged into the bunch of spyware and conspiracies. The collisions of two opposing camps with varying success went on all continents. The Cold War stretched out for a long 45 years, becoming the longest military-political conflict of modernity. There were also their decisive battles in this war, attended periods of clutch and confrontation. There are winners and defeated in this opposition. The story gives us the right to assess the scale of the conflict and its results, making the right conclusions for the future.

Causes of the Cold War, broken down in the XX century

If we consider the situation in the world that established after the end of the Second World War - it is not difficult to notice one important point. The Soviet Union, who issued the main burden of armed struggle with the fascist Germany, managed to significantly expand the sphere of his influence. Despite the huge human losses and the destructive consequences of the war for the economy of the country, the USSR became the leading global power. With this fact it was impossible not to be considered. The Soviet army stood in the center of Europe, no less strong were the positions of the USSR in the Far East. This in no way sat in the West countries. Even considering the fact that the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom nominally remained allies, the contradictions between them were too strong.

The same states were soon on different sides of the barricades, becoming active participants in the Cold War. We could not accept Western democracy with the appearance on the world political arena of the new superpower and its growing influence. The main reasons for the rejection of such a state of affairs can be called the following aspects:

  • huge military power of the USSR;
  • the growing foreign policy influence of the Soviet Union;
  • expansion of the sphere of influence of the USSR;
  • distribution of communist ideology;
  • activation in the world of people's liberation movements led by parties of the Marxist and socialist sense.

Foreign policy and cold war - links of one chain. Neither the United States nor the United Kingdom could calmly look at the capitalist system collapsed in their eyes, at the collapse of imperial ambitions and the loss of spheres of influence. The United Kingdom, after the end of the war, the status of the world leader, clinging to the remains of his possessions. The United States, who came out of the war with the most powerful economy of the world, who own an atomic bomb, were sought to become the only hegemon on the planet. In the way of implementing these plans, the mighty Soviet Union was standing with its communist ideology and with policies of equality and fraternity. The reasons that prompted the next military-political confrontation, reflect the essence of the Cold War. The main goal of the opposing parties was as follows:

  • destroy the enemy economically and ideologically;
  • limit the sphere of the influence of the enemy;
  • try to destroy his political system from the inside;
  • bringing the socio-political and economic base of the enemy to complete collapse;
  • the overthrow of the ruling regimes and the political elimination of state entities.

In this case, the essence of the conflict was not very different from the military option, because the goals set and the results were very similar to the opponents. The signs characterizing the state of the Cold War also very much resemble the state in world politics preceding the armed confrontation. For this historical period, expansion is characterized by aggressive military political plans, building military presence, political pressure and education of military unions.

Where did the term "Cold War" come from

For the first time, such a phrase used the English writer and publicist George Orwell. In such a stylistic way, he marked the state of the post-war world, where the free and democratic West was forced to encounter a cruel and totalitarian regime of the Communist East. Orwell Stalinism is clearly identified in many of his works. Even when the Soviet Union was an ally of Great Britain, the writer negatively spoke about the world that expects Europe after the end of the war. The term invented by Orwell turned out to be so successful that his western politicians quickly picked up, using it in his foreign policy and anti-Soviet rhetoric.

It was from their filing that the cold war began, the date began to start in March 5, 1946. The ex-Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during his speech in Fulton used the phrase "Cold War". In the course of the statements of a high British policy for the first time, those contradictions between the two geopolitical camps were publicly voiced, which were in the post-war world.

Winston Churchill became a follower of the British publicist. This person, thanks to the iron will and the nature of whose character, Britain came out of bloody war, the winner, is considered to be the "godfather" of a new military-political confrontation. Euphoria, in which the world was stayed after the end of World War II lasted long. The alignment of the forces, which was observed in the world, quickly led to the fact that two geopolitical systems were encountered in a fierce battle. During the Cold War, the number of participants on both sides was constantly changing. On one side of the barricades stood the USSR and his new allies. On the other hand, the United States, United Kingdom and other allies. As in any other military-political conflict, this Epoch was marked by his acute phases and periods of discharge, military-political and economic unions were again formed, in the person of which the Cold War clearly identified participants in the global confrontation.

NATO block, Warsaw contract, double-sided military-political pacts have become a military instrument of international tension. Strengthening the military component of confrontation contributed to the arms race. Foreign policy adopted the form of open confrontation between the parties to the conflict.

Winston Churchill, despite his active participation in the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition, pathologically hated the communist regime. During World War II, Britain due to geopolitical factors was forced to become an ally of the USSR. However, during the hostilities, in the period when it became clear that the defeat of Germany was inevitable, Churchill understood - the victory of the Soviet Union will lead from the expansion of communism in Europe. And Churchill was not mistaken. The leitmotif of the subsequent political career of the British ex-prime minister was the topic of confrontation, the Cold War, the states in which required to keep the foreign policy expansion of the Soviet Union.

The main force capable of successfully confronting the Soviet bloc, the British ex-prime minister considered the United States. The American economy, the American Armed Forces and the Fleet had to become the main instrument of pressure on the Soviet Union. Britain, which was in the fairway of the American Foreign Policy, was assigned the role of a non-optimated aircraft carrier.

With the filing of Winston Churchill, the conditions for the beginning of the Cold War were clearly discussed by the ocean. At first, this term began to use American politicians during their election campaign. A little later about the Cold War spoke already in the context of the foreign policy of the United States.

The main milestones and events of the Cold War

The central Europe, lying in the ruins, was divided by the iron curtain into two parts. Eastern Germany turned out to be in the Soviet occupation zone. In the zone of influence of the Soviet Union, almost all Eastern Europe turned out to be. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Romania with their people's democratic regimes involuntarily became allies of advice. It's wrong to believe that the Cold War is a direct conflict between the USSR and the United States. Canada included in the orbit of the confrontation, all Western Europe, which was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe responsibility of the United States and the UK. Similarly, there was a situation on the opposite edge of the planet. In the Far East, the military political interests of the United States, the USSR and China faced Korea. In each corner of the globe, the foci of the opposition arose, which became in the consequence of the most powerful crises of the Cold War policy.

War in Korea 1950-53. I became the first result of the confrontation of geopolitical systems. Communist China and the USSR tried to expand their sphere of influence on the Korean Peninsula. Already then it became clear that the armed confrontation would become an inevitable companion of the entire period of the Cold War. In the future, the USSR, the United States and their allies did not participate in hostilities against each other, limiting the use of the human resource of other conflict participants. The stages of the Cold War are a whole series of events, which in one way or to other extent influenced global foreign policy development. Equally, this time can be called skiing on the "American hills". The end of the Cold War did not work out by any of the parties. The struggle was carried out to death. The political death of the enemy was the main condition for the start of discharge.

The active phase is replaced by periods of discharge, military conflicts in different parts of the planet are replaced by peaceful agreements. The world is divided into military-political blocks and unions. Subsequent conflicts of the Cold War put the world already on the edge of a global catastrophe. The scale of the confrontation increased, new entities appeared on the political arena, which caused tension. First, Korea, then indochaytai and cube. The Berlin and Caribbean crises, a series of events, who threatened to put the world on the edge of a nuclear apocalypse became the most acute crises in international relations.

Each period of the Cold War can be described in different ways, given the economic factor and geopolitical situation in the world. The mid-50s and the beginning of the 60s were marked by the growth of international tensions. The opposing parties were actively involved in regional military conflicts, supporting one sides. Diped the racing racing racing. Probable opponents entered a steep peak, where the score of the time was no longer for decades, but for years. The economy of countries was under a colossal press of military expenses. The conclusion of the Cold War began the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Disappeared from the political map of the world Soviet Union. The Warsaw Agreement went to the fly - the military Soviet bloc, which became the main opponent of military political unions of the West.

Final volleys and results of the Cold War

The Soviet Socialist Structure turned out to be unwillingly in the acute competitive struggle with the Western economy. There was a lack of a clear understanding of the path of further economic development of socialist countries, a flexible mechanism for managing state structures and interaction between the socialist economy with the main world trends in the development of civil society was not enough. In other words, the Soviet Union could not stand the opposition in economic terms. The consequences of the Cold War were catastrophic. For some 5 years, the socialist camp ceased to exist. First, Eastern Europe left the zone of Soviet influence. Next came the turn and the world's first socialist state.

Today, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and France are competing with the Communist China. Together with Russia, the countries of the West lead a stubborn fight against extremism and the process of Islamization of the Muslim world. The cessation of a cold war can be called conditional. Changed the vector and direction of action. The composition of the participants changed, the goals and objectives of the parties changed.

Not a single income of someone else's land want. But also their land, not a single top of his land will give anyone.

Joseph Stalin

Cold War is a state of contradiction between the two dominant world systems: capitalism and socialism. Socialism represented the USSR, and capitalism, hawn, the United States and the United Kingdom. Today it is popular to say that the Cold War is the confrontation between the USSR-USA, but at the same time they forget to say that the Speech of the British Prime Minister of Churchillus led to the formal proclamation of the war.

Causes of war

In 1945, contradictions between the USSR and other participants of the anti-Hitler coalition began to appear. It was clear that Germany wage lost, and now the main question is the post-war device of the world. Here everyone tried to pull the blanket in his direction, to take a leading position relative to other countries. The main contradictions were in European countries: Stalin wanted to subjugate them to the Soviet system, and the capitalists sought not to let the Soviet state in Europe.

The reasons for the Cold War are the following:

  • Social. Cohesion of the country in the face of the new enemy.
  • Economic. Fighting sales markets and for resources. The desire to loosen the economic power of the enemy.
  • Military. Armament racing in case of the beginning of a new open war.
  • Ideological. The opponent's society is presented solely in a negative subtext. Fighting two ideologies.

The active stage of the opposition of two systems begins with the US atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If we consider this bombardment apart, then it is illogical - the war is won, Japan is not a competitor. Why bomb cities, and even such a weapon? But if we consider the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the Cold War, then in the bombing anim is to show its power to the potential enemy, and to show who should be the main thing in the world. And the factor of nuclear weapons was later very important. After all, the atomic bomb from the USSR appeared only in 1949 ...

Start of war

If you briefly consider the Cold War, then its beginning today is associated exclusively with the speech of Churchill. Therefore, they say that the beginning of the Cold War is March 5, 1946.

Speech Churchill March 5, 1946

In fact, Truman (US President) said a more specific speech, from which everyone became clear that the Cold War began. And the speech of Churchill (it is not difficult today to find on the Internet and read) was superficial. It said a lot about the iron curtain, but not a word about the Cold War.

Interview Stalin dated February 10, 1946

On February 10, 1946, the Pravda newspaper published an interview with Stalin. Today, this newspaper is very difficult to find, but this interview was very interesting. In it, Stalin said the following: "Capitalism always generates crises and conflicts. It always creates a threat of war, which is a threat to the USSR. Therefore, we must accelerate the pace to restore the Soviet economy. We must give the priority of the heavy industry, and not the consumer goods. "

This speech Stalin turned over and precisely on it all Western leaders who spoke about the desire of the USSR to start the war. But, as you can see, in this speech, Stalin did not even have a hint of the Military expansion of the Soviet state.

Real start of war

To say that the beginning of the Cold War is associated with the speech of Churchill - a little illogical. The fact is that at the time of 1946 it was just the former Prime Minister of Great Britain. There is a certain absurd theater - the war between the USSR and the USA officially begins for the former Prime Minister of England. In fact, everything was different, and Churchill's performance is just a convenient pretext, which was later beneficial to write off.

The real start of the Cold War should be attributed to the minimum by 1944, when it was already clear that Germany was doomed to defeat, and all the allies pulled the blanket for themselves, realizing that it was very important to get domination over the post-war world. If to torture is to hold a more accurate line of the beginning of the war, then first serious disagreements on the topic "How to live on" between the Allies happened at the Tehran conference.

Specificity of war

To properly understand the processes held during the Cold War, it is necessary to understand what this war was in history. Today, increasingly talking about the fact that it was actually the third world. And this is a huge mistake. The fact is that all wives of mankind that were before that, including those of Napoleonic wars and 2 world wars, these were warriors of the capitalist world for rights dominated in a certain in the region. The Cold War was the first global war where two systems were confrontation: capitalist and socialist. Here I may argue that there were war in the history of mankind, where the corner was not capital, but religion: Christianity against Islam and Islam against Christianity. In part, this objection is true, but only from happiness. The fact is that any religious conflicts cover only a part of the population and part of the world, while the global cold war covered the whole world. All countries of the world could be clearly divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Socialist. Recognized the dominance of the USSR and received funding from Moscow.
  2. Capitalist. The United States dominated and received funding from Washington.

There were also "indefinite." There were few such countries, but they were. Their main specificity consisted in the fact that they could not decide what camp to join, so they received funding from two sources: from Moscow and from Washington.

Who started war

One of the problems of the Cold War is a question - who began it. Indeed, there is no army, which crosses the border of another state, and thus declares war. Today you can write off everything in the USSR and say that this Stalin began the war. But with the evidence base of this hypothesis of trouble. I will not help our "partners" and to look for what the USSR could have been motives for the war, but I will give the facts why Stalin the aggravation of relationships were not needed (at least not right in 1946):

  • Nuclear weapon. In the USA it appeared in 1945, and the USSR has in 1949. You can imagine that over the calculating Stalin wanted to exacerbate relations with the United States when the opponent's trump card has a nuclear weapon. At the same time, I remind, there was also a plan for the atomic bombing of the largest cities of the USSR.
  • Economy. The United States and the United Kingdom, by and large, in the Second World War earned, therefore they have no economic problems. The USSR is another matter. The country had to restore the economy. By the way, the United States had 50% in the global GNP for 1945.

The facts suggest that in 1944-1946 the USSR was not ready to start the war. Yes, and the speech of Churchill, which formally and began a cold war, was not uttered in Moscow, and not with her filing. But on the other hand, both opposing camps in such a war were extremely interested.

On September 4, 1945, a Memorandum 329 was adopted in the United States, which developed the plan for atomic bombings of Moscow and Leningrad. In my opinion, this is the best proof who wanted war and aggravate relations.


Any war has a goal and surprisingly that our historians are not even trying to identify the goals of the Cold War. On the one hand, it is justified by the fact that the USSR had only 1 goal - the expansion and strengthening of socialism by any paths. But Western countries were more ingenious. They sought not only to distribute their global influence, but also to apply spiritual strikes on the USSR. And it continues to this day. The following US goals can be distinguished in the War of Historical and Mental Impact:

  1. Make the substitution of concepts at the historical level. Note that under the influence of these ideas today, all the historical personalities of Russia, which bowed to Western countries, are presented with ideal rulers. At the same time, everyone who performed for the rise of Russia is presented by tyrants, despoty and frills.
  2. Development of the Soviet people complex of inferiority. We have tried to prove all the time that we are not such that we are guilty of all the problems of mankind and so on. In many ways, because of this, people were so easily perceived the collapse of the USSR and the problems of the 90s - it was "payback" for our inferiority, and on the self-aim was just reached the target in the opponent's war.
  3. Discharge history. This stage continues to this day. If you learn Western materials, then there our whole story (literally everyone) is presented as one solid violence.

There are, of course, the pages of the story that our country can be punched, but most of the stories are sudden from the finger. Moreover, the liberals and Western historians for some reason forget that this is not Russia colonized the whole world, not Russia destroyed the indigenous population of America, not Russia shot the Hindus from guns, tieting 20 people in a row to save the nuclei, not Russia exploited Africa. Such examples can be remembered, because each country has uniceceptible stories in history. Therefore, if you want to pick up in bad events of our story - be kindly not forget that Western countries have such stories no less.

Stages of war

The stages of the Cold War are one of the most controversial issues, because it is very difficult to gradually. Nevertheless, I can offer the division of this war for 8 key stages:

  • Preparatory (193-1945). Another world war was and formally "allies" performed a single front, but the disagreements were already and everyone began to fight for post-war world domination.
  • Beginning (1945-1949). The usual hegemony of the United States, when the Americans manage to make a dollar with a single world currency and strengthen the position of the country in almost all regions other than those in which the USSR army was located.
  • Height (1949-1953). Key factors of 1949, which allow you to allocate this year as a key: 1 - the creation of atomic weapons in the USSR, 2 - the USSR economy comes out in 1940. After that, an active confrontation began when the United States could no longer speak from the USSR from the position of force.
  • First discharge (1953-1956). The key event is the death of Stalin, after which it was announced the beginning of the new course - the policy of peaceful coexistence.
  • New round of crisis (1956-1970). Events in Hungary led to a new twist of tension, which lasted almost 15 years, for which the Caribbean crisis came.
  • Second discharge (1971-1976). This stage of the Cold War, if briefly, is associated with the beginning of the work Commission for the withdrawal of tension in Europe, and with the signing of the final act in Helsinki.
  • Third crisis (1977-1985). A new round when the Cold War between the USSR and the United States reached apogee. The main point of confrontation is Afghanistan. In terms of military development, the country staged a 2Dikaya "surgery.
  • The end of the war (1985-1988). The end of the Cold War falls for 1988, when it became clear that the "new political thinking" in the USSR ends the war and so far only de facto recognizes the American victory.

These are the main stages of the Cold War. As a result, socialism and communism lost to capitalism, since the moral and mental impact of the United States, which was openly directed to the management of the CPSU, has reached its goal: the party leadership began to put their personal interests and the benefit above the socialist basics.


The confrontation of two ideologies began in 1945. Gradually, this confrontation covered all spheres of public life.

Military confrontation

The main military confrontation of the era of the Cold War is the struggle of two blocks. On April 4, 1949, NATO was created (the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty). NATO includes USA, Canada, England, France, Italy and a number of small countries. In response, on May 14, 1955, the ATS (organization of the Warsaw Treaty) is created. Thus, there was a clear confusion of two systems. But again it should be noted that the first step was made by Western countries that organized NATO 6 years earlier than the Warsaw Agreement appeared.

The main confrontation, which we have already said partially, is atomic weapons. In 1945, this weapon appeared in the United States. Moreover, in America developed a plan for strikes with nuclear weapons on the 20 largest cities of the USSR, using 192 bombs. This forced the USSR to do even impossible to create its own atomic bomb, the first successful tests of which were held in August 1949. In the future, all this resulted in the arms race of a huge scale.

Economic confrontation

In 1947, the United States developed the Marshall Plan. According to this plan, the United States provided financial assistance to all countries affected during the war. But in this regard, there was one limit - only those countries that share the political interests and goals of the United States were assisted. In response to this, the USSR begins to assist in restoring countries after the war, which chose the path of socialism. On the basis of these approaches, 2 Economic Blocks were created:

  • Western European Union (ZEV) in 1948.
  • Council of Economic Mutual Assistance (CEV) in January 1949. The organization, except the USSR, includes: Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria.

Despite the formation of unions, the essence did not change: Zev helped the US money, and CEV helped the USSR money. The rest of the countries consumed only.

In the economic confrontation with the United States, Stalin took two steps, which were extremely negatively affected by the American economy: March 1, 1950 in the USSR left from the calculation of the ruble calculus in dollars (as it was all over the world) to the Gold Security, and April 1952 of the USSR, China and Eastern European countries create trade zone, alternative dollar. This trade zone did not use the dollar at all, which means the capitalist world, which before that owned the 100% world market, lost the minimum of 1/3 of this market. All this happened against the background of the "Economic Miracle of the USSR". Western experts said that the USSR would be able to go after the war in the level of 1940 only by 1971, but it really happened in 1949.


Cold War Crises
Event date
War in Vietnam 1946-1954
Mid 50s - mid 60s
Mid 60s
War in Afghanistan

These are the main crises of the Cold War, but also were other, less significant. Next, we briefly consider what the essence of these crises was, and what consequences they led the world.

Military conflicts

In our country, a cold war, many seriously perceive. In our consciousness sits the understanding that war is "checkers naked", weapons in hand and in the trenches. But the cold war was different, although even it did not cost without regional conflicts, some of which were extremely heavy. Main conflicts of those times:

  • Split Germany. FRG and GDR education.
  • War in Vietnam (1946-1954). Led to the country section.
  • War in Korea (1950-1953). Led to the country section.

Berlin crisis of 1948

For the correct understanding of the essence of the Berlin crisis of 1948, you should examine the map.

Germany was divided into 2 parts: Western and Eastern. Berlin was also on the zone of influence, but the city himself was deep in Eastern lands, that is, on the territory of the territory controlled by the USSR. In an effort to put pressure on Western Berlin, the Soviet leadership organized its blockade. It was the answer to the recognition of Taiwan and adopt it in the UN.

England and France organized a air corridor, providing residents of Western Berlin with all necessary. Therefore, the blockade failed and the crisis itself began to slow down turnover. Understanding that the blockade does not lead to anything, the Soviet leadership removes it, normalizing the life of Berlin.

A continuation of the crisis was the creation of two states in Germany. In 1949, Western lands were transformed into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). In response, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) was created in Eastern lands. It is these events that should be considered a final split from Europe on 2 opposing camps - West and East.

Revolution in China

In 1946, civil war began in China. The Communist Block arranged an armed coup, seeking to overthrow the government of Chan Kaishi from the Gomindan party. Civil war and revolution became possible due to the events of 1945. After the victory over Japan, a base for lifting communism was created here. Since 1946, the USSR has been delivered by the supply of weapons, food and all necessary, to support Chinese communists who have been struggled for the country.

The revolution ended in 1949 by the formation of the People's Republic of China (PRC), where the whole full of power was in the hands of the Communist Party. As for Chankayshistov, they fled to Taiwan and formed their state, which was very quickly recognized in the West, and even accepted it in the UN. In response to this, the USSR leaves the UN. This is an important point, since he had a great influence on another Asian conflict - the Korean War.

Education of the state of Israel

From the first UN meetings, one of the main issues was the fate of Palestine State. At that time, Palestine was actually a colony of Great Britain. The separation of Palestine to the Jewish and Arab state was an attempt by the United States and the USSR to hit the United Kingdom and its positions in Asia. Stalin approved the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the state of Israel, because he believed by the "left" Jews, and expected to gain control over this country, strengthened in the Middle East.

The Palestinian problem was solved in November 1947 at the UN Assembly, where the position of the USSR was played a key role. The poet can be said that Stalin played a key role in the establishment of the state of Israel.

The UN Assembly decided to create 2 states: Jewish (Israel »Arabic (Palestine). In May 1948, the independence of Israel was announced and the Arab countries declared this state a war. The Middle Eastern crisis began. The United Kingdom supported Palestine, USSR and the USA - Israel. In In 1949, Israel won the war and immediately between the Jewish state and the USSR arose conflict, as a result of which Stalin ruined diplomatic relations with Israel. The battle in the Middle East won the United States.

Korean War

The Korean War is an undeservedly forgotten event, which today is little studied, which is a mistake. After all, the Korean War is the third in the history of human victims. During the war years, 14 million people died! More victims only in the two world wars. A large number of victims is due to the fact that it was the first major armed conflict within the Cold War.

After the victory over Japan in 1945, the USSR and the United States divided Korea (formerly colony of Japan) to the zones of influence: Rolling Korea - under the influence of the USSR, South Korea - under the influence of the USA. In 1948, 2 states were officially formed:

  • Korean People's Democratic Republic (DPRK). Zone of the influence of the USSR. Head - Kim Il Saint.
  • The Republic of Korea. US influence area. The head is the son of Mann.

Having enlisted with the support of the USSR and China, on June 25, 1950, Kim Il Saint begins the war. In fact, it was a war for the korea uniting, which in the DPRK planned to finish quickly. The quick victory factor was important because only this could not give the US time to intervene in the conflict. The beginning was promising, UN troops came to the rescue of the Republic of Korea republic, which were 90% of Americans. After that, the Army of the DPRK retreats and was close to collapse. The situation was saved by Chinese volunteers who intervened in the war and restored the balance of power. After that, local battles began and the border between North and South Korea was established on the 38th parallels.

The first discharge of war

The first discharge in the Cold War happened in 1953 after the death of Stalin. An active dialogue between opposing countries has begun. On July 15, 1953, the New Government of the USSR, headed by Khrushchev, announced the desire to build new relations with Western countries, based on peaceful coexistence policies. Similar statements were made from the opposite side.

A large factor in stabilizing the situation was the end of the Korean War and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and Israel. Wanting to demonstrate to bented countries, the desire for the peaceful coexistence of Khrushchev brought the Soviet troops from Austria, having achieved a promise from the Austrian side to maintain neutrality. Naturally, no neutrality was, as there were no concessions and gestures from the United States.

The discharge lasted from 1953 to 1956. Ha This time of the USSR has established relations with Yugoslavia, India, began to develop relations with African and Asian countries, which only recently freed from colonial dependence.

New turn of tension


At the end of 1956, an uprising began in Hungary. Locals, realizing that the positions of the USSR after the death of Stalin, became noticeably worse, raised uprising against the current regime in the country. As a result, the Cold War approached its important point. For the USSR, there were 2 ways:

  1. Recognize the right of revolution on self-determination. This step would give all the rest of the countries dependent on the USSR, an understanding that at any moment they can escape from socialism.
  2. Suppress the rebellion. This approach contradicted the principles of socialism, but only this could be kept the leading position in the world.

The 2nd option was selected. The army suppressed the rebellion. To suppress in places it was necessary to apply weapons. As a result, the revolution was able to win, it became clear that the "discharge" was over.

Caribbean crisis

Cuba is a small state near the United States, but it barely led the world to a nuclear war. In the late 50s, the revolution and the authorities took place on Cuba and the power seized Fidel Castro, who declared the desire to build socialism on the island. For America, it was a challenge - a state appeared near their border, which acts as a geopolitical opponent. As a result, the US planned to solve the situation by military path, but defeated.

The crisis began in 1961, after the USSR secretly delivered rocket to Cuba. This soon became known, and the President of the United States demanded to bring the rocket. The parties aggravated the conflict, until it became clear that the world was on the threshold of the nuclear war. As a result, the USSR agreed to bring the rocket from Cuba, and the United States agreed to bring their missiles from Turkey.

"Prague Vienna"

In the mid-1960s, a new tension arose - this time in Czechoslovakia. The situation here very much resembled the one that was previously in Hungary: democratic trends began in the country. Mostly, the youth opposed the current government, and the movement was headed by A. Dubchek.

There was a situation, as in Hungary, "will allow to hold a democratic revolution, meant to give an example to other countries that the socialist system can be overthrown at any time. Therefore, in Czechoslovakia, the countries of the Warsaw Treaty were sent. The rebellion was depressed, but the suppression caused indignation throughout the world. But it was the Cold War, and, of course, any active actions of one side were actively criticized by the other party.

Discharge in war

The peak of the Cold War fell on the 50s and 60s, when the aggravation of the relationship between the SSR and the United States was so big that the war could start at any time. Starting from the 70s, the discharge of war and the subsequent defeat of the USSR. But in this case I want to stop short to the United States. What happened in this country to "discharge"? In fact, the country has ceased to be people and moved under the management of capitalists, under which it is also under today. You can even say more - the USSR won a cold war in the United States in the late 60s, and the United States as the state of the American people ceased to exist. Power captured capitalists. Appoge of these events - the murder of President Kennedy. But after the United States of the country of the country representing the capitalists and oligarchs - they already won the Cold War of the USSR.

But back to the Cold War and discharge in it. These signs were marked in 1971 when the USSR, USA, England and France signed agreements on the beginning of the work of the Commission on the decision of the Berlin problem, as the constant tension points in Europe.

Final Akt.

In 1975, the most significant event of the "discharge" of the Cold War occurred. During this years, a pan-European security meeting was held, in which all European countries took part (of course, including the USSR, as well as the United States and Canada). The meeting was held in Helsinki (Finland), so the story included as a Helsinki final act.

At the end of the congress, an act was signed, but before that there were difficult negotiations, first of all, 2 points:

  • Freedom of the media in the USSR.
  • Freedom of the departure "From" and "B" of the USSR.

The Commission from the USSR agreed to both paragraphs, but in a special wording that had little to what had obliged the country itself. The final signing of the Act has become the first symbol that the West and East can agree among themselves.

New aggravation of relationships

In the late 70s and in the early 80s, a new round of the Cold War began when the relationship between the USSR and the United States was glowed. There were 2 reasons for this:

The United States in Western European countries have placed medium-range missiles that have been able to achieve the territory of the USSR.

The beginning of the war in Afghanistan.

As a result, the Cold War came to a new level and the enemy took up the usual business - race of weapons. She very painfully beat on budgets of both countries and ultimately led the United States to the terrible economic crisis of 1987, and the USSR to defeat the war and the subsequent collapse.

Historical meaning

Surprisingly, in our country a cold war is perceived non-serious. The best fact demonstrating the attitude towards this historical event and in the West is the writing of the name. We have a "cold war" written in all textbooks in quotes and from the capital letter, in the West - without quotes and with a small one. This is the difference in relation to.

It really was war. Just in understanding people who have just won Germany, war is weapon, shots, attack, defense, and so on. But the world has changed in the cold war against the forefront, contradictions and ways of their decision came out. Of course, it was poured into real armed clashes.

In any case, the result of the Cold War is important, because by its results of the USSR ceased existence. On this, the war itself ended, and Gorbachev received a medal "For the victory in the Cold War" in the US.

For the first time, the expression "Cold War" used the famous English writer George Orwell on October 19, 1945 in the article "You and the Atomic Bomb" in the British Weekly "Tribune". In the official situation, the first of this definition voiced by the adviser to US President Harry Truman Bernard Barukh, speaking to the Chamber of Representatives of South Carolina on April 16, 1947. Since that time, the concept of "Cold War" has become applied in journalism and gradually entered into political lexicon.

Strengthening influence

After graduation, the second global political situation established in Europe and Asia has changed radically. Former allies to combat Hitler's Germany - USSR and the USA - in different ways looked at the further structure of the world. The leadership of the Soviet Union provided serious assistance to liberated countries in Eastern Europe, where communists came to power: Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Many Europeans believed that the replacement of the capitalist system who experienced heavy times to socialist, will help to quickly restore the farm and return to normal life. In most Western European countries, the share of votes filed during the elections for the Communists, ranged from 10 and 20 percent. This happened even in such alien socialist slogans of countries like Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Sweden. In France and Italy, the communist parties were the largest among other parties, the Communists were part of the governments, they supported about a third of the population. In the face of the USSR, they saw not the Stalinist regime, and above all, the strength that was "invincible" Nazism.

The USSR also considered it necessary to maintain the countries of Asia and Africa, freed from colonial dependence and staging on the path of construction of socialism. As a result, the Soviet sphere of influence on the world map quickly expanded.


The United States and their allies completely considered further world development, they were annoyed with the importance of the USSR. The United States believed that only their country was the only power in the world in the world, possessed by nuclear weapons - can dictate their conditions to other states, and therefore they were not satisfied that the tips sought to strengthen and expand the so-called "socialist camp".

Thus, at the end of the war, the interests of the two world's largest powers were included in an irreconcilateral contradiction, each country sought to spread its influence on a greater number of states. The struggle began in all areas: in ideology, to attract to their side as many supporters as possible; in the arms race to talk with opponents from the position of force; In the economy - to show the superiority of its social building, and even seemingly in such a peaceful sphere as sports.

It should be noted that at the initial stage of strength, entered into confrontation, were not equal. The Soviet Union, who delivered the whole severity of the war on his shoulders, was out of it economically weakened. The United States, on the contrary, in many ways, thanks to the war, turned into a superpower - in economic and military relations. During the years of World War II, the United States has increased industrial capacity by 50%, and agricultural production by 36%. Industrial production of the United States, excluding the USSR, exceeded the production of all other countries of the world combined. In such conditions, the United States considered pressure on their opponents completely justified.

Thus, the world actually divided into the social systems in accordance with social systems: one side led by the USSR, the other under the leadership of the United States. The cold war began between these military-political blocs: the global confrontation, which, fortunately, did not reach the open military clash, but constantly provoked local military conflicts in various countries.

Churchill Fulton Speech

The famous speech of the former Prime Minister of Britain U. Churchill in Fulton (Missouri, USA) is considered to be the starting point or signal to the beginning of the "Cold War". March 5, 1946, speaking in the presence of US President Ternahan, Churchill announced that "the United States is at the top of the world force and only two enemy opposes them -" War and Tiranda ". Analyzing the situation in Europe and Asia, Churchill said that the Soviet Union is the cause of "international difficulties", since "no one knows that Soviet Russia and its international communist organization intend to do in the near future, and whether there are some borders of their expansion" . True, the prime minister gave tribute to the merits of Russian people and personally to his "military comrades to Stalin", and even with understanding that "Russia needs to protect their Western borders and eliminate all the possibilities of German aggression." Describing the situation in the world, Churchill applied the term "iron curtain", which fell "from Shattin on Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic, through the entire continent." The countries that were east of Him, according to Churchill, became not only the objects of Soviet influence, but also the growing control by Moscow ... Little Communist Parties in all of these Eastern European states are "grown to the situation and strength that are significantly superior to their number, and they try Achieve in all totalitarian control. " Churchill stated the danger of communism and that "the large number of countries have created communist" fifth columns ", which work in complete unity and absolute obedience in fulfilling the directives received from the Communist Center."

Churchill understood that the Soviet Union was not interested in a new war, but noted that the Russians "the fruits of war and unlimited expansion of their power and ideology". He called on the "fraternal Association of English-speaking peoples," that is, the United States, the UK and their allies to resign the USSR, not only in the political, but also the military sphere. He then noted: "From the fact that I saw during the war in our Russian friends and comrades, I conclude that they do not admire anything more than power, and they do not respect anything less than weakness, especially military weakness. Therefore, the old doctrine of the balance of the forces is now unfair. "

At the same time, speaking about the lessons of the past war, Churchill noticed that "never was in the history of the war, which would be easier to prevent the timely action than the one that had just devastated the huge area on the planet. This error can not be repeated. And for this you need under the auspices of the United Nations and on the basis of the military force of the English-language Commonwealth to find mutual understanding with Russia. Maintaining such relations during many and many peaceful years should be provided not only by the UN prestience, but also by the United States, the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries, and their allies. "

It was a frank hypocrisy, since Churchill still in the spring of 1945 ordered to prepare a "unthinkable" military operation, which presented a plan of war in case of military conflict between Western states and the USSR. These developments were skeptical of British military; Americans did not even show them. In the comments on the project, Churchill presented to him indicated that the plan was "a preliminary sketch of what, I hope, still purely hypothetical probability."

In the USSR, the text of Fultonic speech Churchill was not fully translated, but was repeatedly retold on March 11, 1946 in the TASS report.

I. Stalina The content of Churchill's speech became known literally the next day, but he, as it often happened, preferred to withstand the pause, waiting for which reaction to this performance will follow from abroad. Stalin gave its answer in an interview with the TRADA newspaper only on March 14, 1946. He accused his opponent that he called West to the War from the USSR: "In essence, Mr. Churchill and his friends in England and the United States impose nations not talking In English, something like an ultimatum: Admit our domination voluntarily, and then everything will be fine, - otherwise the war is inevitable. " Stalin put W. Churchill in one row with Hitler, accusing him in Rasiism: "Hitler began the case of unleashing the war with what proclaimed a racial theory, announcing that only people speaking in German represent a full-fledged nation. Mr. Churchill starts the case of unleashing war, too, with racial theory, arguing that only nations speaking English are full-fledged nations designed to finish the fate of the whole world. "

Doctrine Truman

In 1946-1947 The USSR strengthened pressure on Turkey. From Turkey, the USSR was achieving a change in the status of the Black Sea strait and the provision of territory for the accommodation of the Dardanella of his naval base to ensure the safety and unhindered exit to the Mediterranean Sea. Also before the spring of 1946, the USSR was not in a hurry to withdraw his troops from the territory of Iran. The indefinite situation has developed in Greece, where the civil war went, and the Greek Communists were trying to help the Albanian, Bulgarian and Yugoslav Communists.

All this caused extreme US discontent. The President of Truman believed that only America was able to promote progress, freedom and democracy in the world, and the Russians, in his opinion, "do not know how to behave. They look like an elephant in the dishwasher. "

Speaking on March 12, 1947 in the US Congress, Harry Truman announced the need to provide military assistance between Greece and Turkey. In essence, in his speech, he declared the new US foreign policy doctrine, which authorized the US intervention in the internal affairs of other countries. The basis for such an intervention was the need to resist the "Soviet expansion".

The doctrine of Truman suggested "deterrence" of the USSR around the world and meant the termination of cooperation between the former allies who won fascism.

Marshall Plan

At the same time, the "Cold War Front" ran not only between countries, but also inside them. The success of the left forces in Europe was obvious. In order to prevent the dissemination of communist ideas, in June 1947 by US Secretary of State, George Marshall, a plan for assisting European countries to restore the destroyed economy was presented. This plan was called "Marshall Plan" (the official name of European Recovery Program - "European Recovery Program") and became an integral part of the new US foreign policy.

In July 1947, representatives of 16 Western European countries gathered at a meeting in Paris to discuss the amount of assistance for each country separately. Together with representatives of Western Europe, representatives of the USSR and states of Eastern Europe were also invited to these negotiations. And although Marshall stated that "our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, despair and chaos", help, as it turned out, was not disinterested. In exchange for US deliveries and loans, European countries have committed themselves to provide US information about their economy, supply strategic raw materials, as well as prevent the sale of "strategic goods" to socialist states.

For the USSR, such conditions were unacceptable, and he refused to participate in the negotiations, prohibiting it to do both leaders of Eastern European countries, promising them, in turn, preferential loans for their part.

The Marshall plan began with April 1948, when the US Congress adopted the Law on Economic Cooperation, which provided for a four-year (from April 1948 to December 1951), Economic Assistance Program. Help received 17 countries, including West Germany. The total amount of allocations amounted to about 17 billion dollars. The main share got England (2.8 billion), France (2.5 billion), Italy (1.3 billion), West Germany (1.3 billion) and Holland (1.1 billion). Western Germany, financial assistance in the Marshall plan was at the same time with the accomplishment (repair) for material damage caused to the winning countries in World War II.

Education of SEV.

Eastern European countries who did not participate in the Marshall Plan formed a group of socialist system states (except for Yugoslavia, which occupied an independent position). In January 1949, six Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia) united into the Economic Union - the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance (CEV). One of the main reasons for the creation of CEV was a boycott with Western countries of trade relations with socialist states. In February, Albania joined the village of Sav (came out in 1961), in 1950 - GDR, in 1962 - Mongolia and in 1972 - Cuba.

Creating NATO

A peculiar continuation of the Foreign Policy Course of Truman was the creation in April 1949 of the Military-Political Union - the North Atlantic Block (NATO), led by the United States. Initially, NATO included the United States, Canada and Western European countries: Belgium, United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and France (out of military structures of the block in 1966, returned in 2009). Later, Greece and Turkey (1952), Federal Republic of Germany (1955) and Spain (1982) joined the Alliance. The main task of NATO was to strengthen stability in the North Atlantic region and the opposition "Communist threat". (The Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe created their military union - the organization of the Warsaw Agreement (ATS) - only six years later, in 1955). Thus, Europe turned out to be divided into two opposing parts.

German question

The section of Europe has affected the fate of Germany. At the Yalta Conference of 1945, the plan of the post-war occupation of Germany between the winner countries, to which, at the insistence of the USSR, was joined by France. According to this plan, after the end of the war, the East Germany was occupied by the USSR, West - the USA, Great Britain and France. The capital of Germany - Berlin - was also divided into four zones.

Western Germany in 1948 was included in the scope of the Marshall Plan. Thus, the association of the country became impossible, since various economic systems were formed in different parts of the country. In June 1948, the Western allies unilaterally conducted monetary reform in West Germany and West Berlin, canceling the money of the old sample. The whole mass of old Reichsmapock poured into Eastern Germany, which forced the USSR to close the borders. West Berlin was in full surroundings. Between the former allies there was a first serious conflict, called the Berlin crisis. Stalin wanted to use the situation with the blockade of West Berlin to occupy the entire capital of Germany and achieve concessions from the United States. But the United States and the United Kingdom organized an air bridge for Berlin's connection with the Western sectors and broke the blockade of the city. In May 1949, the territories were in the western occupation zone were combined into the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), the capital of which Bonn became. West Berlin became an autonomous self-governing city associated with Germany. In October 1949, another German State was created in the Soviet occupation zone - the German Democratic Republic (GDR), whose capital was Eastern Berlin.

End of US nuclear monopoly

The Soviet leadership understood that the US possessed nuclear weapons can afford to talk to him from the position of power. Especially since, unlike the United States, the Soviet Union came out of the war economically weakened and, therefore, vulnerable. Therefore, forced work on the creation of their own nuclear weapons was conducted in the USSR. In 1948, a nuclear center was created in the Chelyabinsk region, where the plutonium production reactor was built. In August 1949, the Soviet Union successfully tested nuclear weapons. The United States has lost a monopoly on atomic weapons, which dramatically took the fervor of American strategists. The famous German researcher Otto Gan, who opened the process of dividing the atomic nucleus, learning about the test of the first Soviet atomic bomb noted: "This is good news, since the danger of the war has now significantly decreased."

It must be admitted that the USSR achieved this goal was forced to send colossal funds, which caused serious damage to the production of consumption items, agricultural production and the social and cultural development of the country.

"Rropshot" plan

Despite the creation of atomic weapons in the USSR, the West did not leave plans to apply nuclear strikes on the USSR. Such plans were developed in the United States and the United Kingdom immediately at the end of the war. But only after NATO formation in 1949, the United States had a real opportunity to fulfill their fulfillment and they offered another, the longer-scale plan.

On December 19, 1949, NATO approved the DropShot plan ("Dropchot") "To counteract the intended invasion of the USSR to Western Europe, the Middle East and Japan." In 1977, his text was declassified in the United States. According to the document, on January 1, 1957, it was assumed the beginning of a large-scale war of the North Atlantic Alliance forces against the USSR. Naturally, "due to the act of aggression by the USSR and its satellites." In accordance with this plan, 300 atomic bombs and 250 thousand tons of conventional explosives should have been dropped at the USSR. As a result of the first bombardment, 85% of industrial facilities had to be destroyed. At the second stage of war, an occupation was to follow. The territory of the USSR of the NATO Strategists was divided into 4 parts: Western part of the USSR, Ukraine - Caucasus, Urals - Western Siberia - Turkestan, East Siberia - Transbaikalia - Primorye. All these zones were divided into 22 subzones of responsibility, where military contingents of NATO were to be stationed.

Expansion of socialist camp

Immediately after the start of the "Cold War", the countries of the Asia-Pacific region turned into an isna of a fierce struggle between supporters of the communist and capitalist pathological ways. October 1, 1949 in the capital of China - Beijing - the People's Republic of China was proclaimed.

With the creation of the PRC, the military-political situation in the world has changed radically, since the Communists won one of the most none-depleted states of the world. The socialist camp has moved significantly to the east, and the West could not not be considered with a huge territory and the powerful military potential of socialism, including Soviet rocket and nuclear weapons. However, subsequent events have shown that in the scenario of military-political forces in the Asia-Pacific region there was no unequivocal definiteness. China for many years has become a "favorite map" in the global game of two superpowers for dominance in the world.

Attribution of confrontation

In the late 1940s, despite the serious economic situation of the USSR, the rivalry between capitalist and communist blocks continued and led to further increasing weapons.

The opposing parties sought to achieve superiority both in the field of nuclear weapons and in the means of delivery. With such means, in addition to bombers, rockets became. The race of rocket-nuclear weapons began, which led to the extreme voltage of the economy of both blocks. At the needs of the defense were spent with tremendous funds, the best scientific frames worked. Powerful associations of state, industrial and military structures were created - military-industrial complexes (military-industrial complex), where the most modern technique was produced, primarily on the arms race.

In November 1952, the United States experienced the first thermalide charge in the world, the power of the explosion of which was repeatedly superior atomic. In response to this in August 1953, the first hydrogen bomb was blown up in the USSR at the Polygon in Semipalatinsk. Unlike the American sample, the Soviet bomb was ready for practical application. From now on until the 1960s. US overtook the USSR only in the amount of weapons.

Korean War 1950-1953.

The USSR and the United States realized all the danger of the war between them, which forced them not to go to the direct confrontation, but to act "bypass", fighting for world resources outside of their countries. In 1950, shortly after the victory of the Communists in China, the war began in Korea, which became the first military clash of socialism and capitalism, who set the world to the edge of the nuclear conflict.

Korea was occupied by Japan in 1905. In August 1945, at the final stage of the Second World War, in connection with the victory over Japan and its surrender, the USSR and the USSR agreed to divide the Korea on the 38th parallels, assuming that north of her Japanese The troops will give up the Red Army, and the American troops will be accessed by the surrender. Thus, the peninsula was divided into the North - Soviet, and southern, American, parts. The countries of the Antihytler Coalition believed that after some time Korea should reunite, but in the conditions of the Cold War, the 38th parallel essentially turned into the border - the Iron Curtain between the North and South of Korea. By 1949, the USSR and the United States brought their troops from the territory of Korea.

In both parts of the Korean Peninsula, North and South, governments were formed. In the south of the peninsula, with the support of the UN, the United States conducted the elections on which the government was elected headed by the Son Man. In the north, Soviet troops transferred the power to the Communist Government headed by Kim I Sray.

In 1950, the leadership of North Korea (Korean People's Democratic Republic - the DPRK), referring to the fact that the troops of South Korea invaded the DPRK, passed the 38th parallel. On the side of the DPRK, the Armed Forces of China were fought (called "Chinese volunteers). Direct assistance to North Korea provided the USSR, providing the Korean army and "Chinese volunteers" weapons, ammunition, airplanes, flammable, food and medicines. Also in hostilities, a small contingent of Soviet troops took part: pilots and anti-aircraft trains.

In turn, the United States conducted a resolution through the UN Security Council, called upon to provide the necessary assistance to South Korea and sent their troops there under the UN flag there. In addition to Americans, the United Kingdom contingents (more than 60 thousand people), Canada (more than 20 thousand), Turkey (5 thousand) and other states fought.

In 1951, US President Truman threatened to use atomic weapons against China in response to the aid of the Chinese North Korea. The Soviet Union also did not want to give up. The conflict managed to be resolved by diplomatic means only after Stalin's death in 1953. In 1954, the Korea section was enshrined at a meeting in Geneva into two states - North Korea and South Korea. Then was divided and Vietnam. These sections have become peculiar world split symbols into two systems in the Asian continent.

The next stage of the Cold War - 1953-1962. Some warming, both in the country and international relations, did not affect the military-political confrontation. Moreover, it was at that time that the world was repeatedly stood on the threshold of a nuclear war. Race of arms, Berlin and Caribbean crises, events in Poland and Hungary, testing of ballistic missiles ... This decade was one of the most tense in the twentieth century.

Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Department of History of Fatherland and Cultural Science


by history

"Cold War": reasons, essence, consequences


Gaisin A.N.

Student FRT

PIE-210Z Group


1. Cold War first

Causes of the Cold War

1 Korean War

2 Construction of the Berlin Wall

3 Cuban Rocket Crisis

4 Vietnamese War

5 Afghan War

4. Related




The unity of the winning countries could not be durable. The USSR, on the one hand, and the United States, the United Kingdom and France - on the other, represented various social systems. Stalin sought to expand the territory led by communist parties. The Soviet Union sought to access the resources that were previously monitored by capitalist countries. The United States and their allies sought to preserve their domination in Asia, Africa and Latin America. All this led humanity to the face of the Third World War. The confrontation of the USSR and the United States, which turned in the mid-40-80 years of the twentieth century and got the name of the "Cold War", and did not flow into the war "hot", although he constantly led to conflicts in separate regions. The "Cold War" caused a split world into two camps, which took place to the USSR and the United States. The term "Cold War" was put into circulation Churchill during his performance in Fulton (USA) on March 5, 1946. Not being the leader of his country, Churchill remained one of the most influential politicians in the world. In his speech, he stated that Europe turned out to be divided by the "Iron Curtain", and called Western civilization to declare the "communism" war. In fact, the war of two systems, two ideologies did not stop since 1917, however, formed as a fully conscious opposition for precisely after World War II.

Why did she start only after World War II? Obviously, it was dictated by the time itself, the epoch itself. From this war, the allies went out so strong, and the means of conducting war were so destructive that it became clear: to find out the relationship of the same methods too much luxury. Nevertheless, the wishness of the nobody side of the coalition partners did not diminish. The initiative of the beginning of the "Cold War" belongs to the West countries, for which the power of the USSR, which has become apparent during World War II, turned out to be a very unpleasant surprise.

So, the "Cold War" arose shortly after the end of World War II, when the allies began to sum up her results. What did they see? First, the floor of Europe turned out to be in the Soviet zone of influence, and there were feverishly prosecutive regimes. Secondly, there was a powerful wave of liberation movement in colonies against metropolis. Thirdly, the world quickly polarized and turned into a two-pole. Fourthly, two superpowers were formed on the world stage, whose military-economic power gave them a significant superiority over others. Plus, the interests of Western countries at various points of the globe begin to encounter the interests of the USSR. This is the new state of the world formed after World War II, the faster of others and realized Churchill, proclaiming a "cold war".

1.The beginning of the "Cold War"

In 1945, there was deep inequality in power and strength between the two major country countries. Even before the war, the disproportion was shifted in favor of America, especially in the economy. But the military actions further divorced these two countries in the opposite direction. The war did not touch the American land: battles went away from the shores of America. In the US economy, which were the main supplier and the financade of the entire victorious coalition, during the period 1939 and 1945 an unprecedented jump occurred. The power potential of the US industry increased by 50%, the production of products increased 2.5 times. Produced 4 times more equipment, 7 times more vehicles. Agricultural production has grown by 36%. Salary grew, as well as all incomes of the population.

The inequality was also manifested in relation to the possession of nuclear weapons. As is known before 1949, the only power, which has an atomic bomb, were the United States. The Americans did not hide that nuclear weapons were perceived by them as an attribute of the power of the Great Power, as a means of finding a potential enemy - the USSR and its allies, as a means of pressure.

I.V. Stalin considered it necessary to create a US military counterweight. Since 1949, he was assured in the possibility of destabilizing the capitalist system and approaching the proletarian revolution in the West.

For its part, the leadership of the United States sought to provind politics "from the position of power", tried to use all its economic and military-political power for pressure on the USSR. In 1946, the doctrine of the US President of the city of Truman "Restriction of the Communist Expansion" was proclaimed, supported in 1947 of the doctrine of economic assistance to "free nations" ("Marshall Plan", from which the USSR refused). This meant a turn to the "Cold War", which predetermined the deterioration of the international climate and founded the threat of military-political crises. In front of Stalin stood a difficult dilemma: to repulse the pressure that the former allies, now armed with an atomic bomb, rendered on the USSR in conditions when the country is exhausted. Stalin was convinced that the United States and England would not decide to unleash the war. The Soviet government decided to speed up the work on the manufacture of its own atomic bomb. A fully work carried out in strict secrecy has developed from August-September 1945. After Potsdam and Hiroshima, Stalin formed the Special Committee under the Supreme Control of Beria, headed by People's Commissar, designed to lead all the activities to create a new weapon.

The deterioration of relations with the Western world, as well as the revival of imperial ambitions pushed the Soviet leadership to consolidate control over Central and Southeast Europe. In response to the US attempt to tie Western occupation zones with Western European states with economic and political agreements, the USSR and under his pressure, Eastern European countries refused to participate in the American Program of Assistance, and in the future and in the activities of international economic organizations. So was the world after the war. The role of the Communists has greatly increased, the authority of the USSR in the world highly rose. It was clearly not profitable to the United States, Great Britain and other major capitalist powers. The confrontation between the West and the Soviet Union began to wear acute character. Moreover, Stalin annoyed the US economic power after the war in which the states almost did not suffer losses. Increasingly began to talk about the two-pole structure of the world, who stood in the ruins of the USSR gradually climbed to his feet. Above all the others, two superpowers rose - the USSR and the USA. Gradually, imperceptibly for both opposing camps, the arms race began between them - "Cold War".

Its beginning was associated with atomic weapons. The American military, who was thinking with the usual categories of naked strength, began to curl proper means to strike on the "enemy", that is, according to the Soviet Union. Philosophical Stone When solving the problem that was not allowed in recommendations belonging to 1943-1944 was atomic weapons. Support for the position of the United States by most countries of the world was combined with their exclusive position of the owners of a monopoly on an atomic bomb: Americans have demonstrated their power, spending test explosions on the Bikini atoll in the summer of 1946. Stalin during this period made a number of applications in order to smalle the meaning of the new weapon. These statements asked for the whole of Soviet propaganda. But the behavior of representatives of the Soviet Union in a private situation showed their greater concern.

But the American monopoly on nuclear weapons remained only four years. In 1949, the USSR conducted a test of his first atomic bomb. This event has become a real shock for the Western world and an important milestone of the Cold War. In the course of further forced developments in the USSR, nuclear and then thermonuclear weapons were soon created. It became very dangerous to fight for everyone, and fraught with very bad consequences. The nuclear potential accumulated over the years "cold war" was huge, but the giant reserves of destructive weapons did not bring benefits, and the cost of their production and storage grew. If earlier they spoke "We can destroy you, and you are not", now the formulation has changed. We began to say "You can destroy us 38 times, and we - 64!" Disputes are fruitless, especially considering that if the war began, and one of the opponents would apply nuclear weapons, very soon nothing would not be left not only from him, but also from the entire planet.

Arms racing increased rapid pace. It was worth one of the parties to create any fundamentally new weapon, as her opponent threw all the strength and resources to achieve the same. Mad competition touched on all fields of military industry. Competed everywhere: in the creation of the latest systems of small arms (M-16 was answered to the Soviet AKM AKM), in the new designs of tanks, airplanes, ships and submarines, but perhaps the most dramatic competition was in creating rocket technology. The whole, the so-called peaceful space in those times was not even visible part of the iceberg, but a snow cap on the visible part. The United States overtook the USSR in the number of nuclear weapons. The USSR overtook the US in rocket building. The USSR first launched the satellite in the world, and in 1961 he first sent a person to space. Americans could not bear such a visual excellence. As a result - their landing on the moon. At this point, the parties reached strategic parity. However, this did not stop the arms race. On the contrary, it spread to all industries having at least some attitude towards weapons. Here you can, for example, attribute the race to create supercomputers. Here the West took an unconditional revenge for the backlog in the field of rocket education, since the Pure ideological reasons of the USSR spoke jerk in this area.

The arms race touched even education. After the flight Gagarina, the United States was forced to revise the foundations of the education system and introduce fundamentally new learning methods.

The arms race was subsequently voluntary suspended by both parties. A number of contracts restricting the accumulation of weapons were concluded.

3.Causes of the Cold War

For the Cold War, it was characterized by the frequent appearance of "hot" points. Each local conflict was carried on the world arena, due to the fact that opponents of the "Cold War" supported the opposing parties. We will get acquainted with some of the hot spots.

3.1 Korean War

In 1945, Soviet and American troops liberated Korea from the Japanese army. South of the 38th parallels are the US troops, north - the Red Army. Thus, the Korean peninsula turned out to be divided into two parts. In the north, the Communists came to power, in the south - the military, nimbled to the aid of the United States. Two states have formed on the peninsula - Northern Korean People's Democratic Republic (DPRK) and the South Republic of Korea. The leadership of North Korea dreamed of merging the country, at least the power of weapons.

In 1950, the North Korean leader Kim Il Saint visited Moscow and enlisted the support of the Soviet Union. The plans of "Military Liberation" of South Korea were also approved by the Chinese leader Mao Dzhe Dun. At dawn on June 25, 1950, the North Korean army moved to the south of the country. Her offensive was so powerful that after three days she took the capital of the South - Seoul. Then the promotion of Northerners slowed down, but by mid-September almost the entire peninsula turned out to be in their hands. It seemed from the final victory, the Army of the North separates only one decisive effort. However, on July 7, the UN Security Council voted for sending international troops to the help of South Korea.

And in September, UN troops (mostly American) came to the aid of Southerners. They launched a powerful offensive to the north from that Piglet, who still kept the South Korean army. At the same time, a troops were landed on the west coast, dissected by the peninsula in half. Events began to develop with the same speed in the opposite direction. The Americans took Seoul, passed the 38th parallel and continued the offensive on the DPRK. North Korea was on the verge of a full catastrophe when China unexpectedly intervened. The Chinese leadership suggested, not declaring the US war, send the northern Korea troops to the rescue. In China, they were officially called "folk volunteers." In October, about a million Chinese soldiers passed the border river Yalujiang and entered the battle with the Americans. Soon the front was leveled along the 38th parallel.

War last three years. During the American offensive in the 1950s, the Soviet Union threw several aviation divisions to help North Korea. Americans significantly exceeded the Chinese in the technique. China carried heavy losses. On July 27, 1953, the war ended in a truce. In North Korea, a friendly USSR is left in power and China Kim Il Shen's government who took the honorary title of the "Great Chief".

3.2 Construction of the Berlin Wall

In 1955, the section of Europe between East and the West was finally imposed. However, the clear boundary of the confrontation divided Europe not yet to the end. It remained one unlocked "Window" - Berlin. The city was divided in half, and East Berlin was the capital of the GDR, and West Berlin considered its part of Germany. Two opposite public struggles got along with the limits of one city, while each Berliner could get freely "from socialism to capitalism" and back, going from one street to another. Daily this invisible border crossed up to 500 thousand people in both directions. Many Eastern Germans, using the open border, were left forever to the West. Thousands of people were so moved annually, which was very disturbed by the East German authorities. Yes, and in general, the open window in the "iron curtain" did not fit the overall spirit of the era.

In August 1961, the Soviet and East German authorities decided to close the border between the two parts of Berlin. Voltage in the city grew. Western countries protested about the separation of the city. Finally, in October, the opposition reached the highest point. The Brandenburg Gate and Friedrichstrasse, near the main checkpoints, lined up American tanks. Soviet fighting vehicles came to meet them. More than a day, the Tanks of the USSR and the United States stood with the guns aimed at each other. Periodically, tankers included engines, as it were, preparing for an attack. The voltage was somewhat discharged only after Soviet, and after them, and American tanks moved to other streets. However, the final Western countries recognized the section of the city only ten years later. It was issued by the agreement of four powers (USSR, the USA, England and France), signed in 1971 around the world, the construction of the Berlin Wall was perceived as the symbolic completion of the post-war section of Europe.

cold War Revolution Crisis

3.3 Cuban Rocket Crisis

january 1959, the revolution was defeated in Cuba, at the head of which was the 32-year-old partisan leader Fidel Castro. The new government began a decisive fight against American influence on the island. No need to say that the Soviet Union fully supported the Cuban revolution. However, the Gavana authorities seriously feared the US military invasion. In May 1962 Nikita Khrushchev put forward an unexpected idea - to place Soviet nuclear missiles on the island. Such a step, he was jokingly explained the fact that the imperialists "need to run hedgehog in the pants." After some reflection, Cuba responded with consent to the Soviet proposal, and in the summer of 1962 42 rockets with nuclear warheads and bombers could carry nuclear bombs were sent to the island. The transfer of rockets was made in the strictest mystery, but in September, the US leaders suspected non-Ladnoye. On September 4, President John Kennedy stated that the United States would not be afraid of Soviet nuclear missiles 150 km from their shore. In response, Khrushchev assured Kennedy that no Soviet missiles or nuclear charges in Cuba would not and would not.

october American intelligence aircraft photographed start-up site for rockets. In the situation of strict secrecy, the US Guide began to discuss response measures. On October 22, President Kennedy appealed on radio and television to the American people. He said that Soviet missiles were found in Cuba, and demanded from the USSR to immediately remove them. Kennedy announced that the United States begins the naval blockade of Cuba. On October 24, at the request of the USSR, the UN Security Council urgently gathered. The Soviet Union continued to persistently deny the presence of nuclear missiles in Cuba. The situation in the Caribbean is increasingly glowing. Two dozen Soviet ships moved to Cuba. American vessels received an order to stop them if necessary - fire. True, it did not reach the naval battles. Khrushchev ordered several Soviet ships to stay on the blockade line.

From October 23, the exchange of official letters began between Moscow and Washington. In the first Messages, N. Khrushchev called the USA "Clean gangsterism" and "madness of degenerate imperialism."

A few days later it became clear that the United States was determined at all costs to remove rockets. On October 26, Khrushchev sent Kennedy more conciliatory message. He admitted that there is a powerful Soviet weapon in Cuba. At the same time, Nikita Sergeevich urged the president that the USSR is not going to attack America. According to his expression, "Only crazy people can do this or suicides, who wish and die, and the whole world before destroying." Khrushchev offered John Kennedy to give an obligation not to attack Cuba; Then the Soviet Union will be able to take his weapon from the island. The President of the United States replied that the United States is ready to accept the gentlemen commitment not to invade Cuba if the USSR takes his offensive weapons. Thus, the first steps to the world were made.

But on October 27, "Black Saturday" came the Cuban crisis, when a new world war broke out only a miracle. In those days over Cuba, a squadron of American aircraft rushed in the aim of frightening twice a day. And on October 27, Soviet troops in Cuba shot down one of the US intelligence aircraft with an anti-aircraft missile. His pilot Anderson died. The situation has begun to the limit, the President of the United States decided to start the bombardment of Soviet missile databases and military attack on the island in two days.

However, on Sunday, October 28, the Soviet leadership decided to take American conditions. The decision, remove the rocket from Cuba, was taken without coordination with the Cuban leadership. Perhaps this was done intentionally, since Fidel Castro categorically objected to the removal of missiles. International tensions began to quickly fall after October 28. The Soviet Union took off his rockets and bombers from Cuba. On November 20, the United States removed the sea blockade of the island. Cuban (or Caribbean) crisis has ended peacefully.

3.4 Vietnamese War

The Vietnamese War began with an incident in the Tonkin Gulf, during which the US coast guard court fired at American destroyers who provided fire support to the government troops of the South Vietnam in their fight against partisans. After that, all the secret became explicit and the conflict developed by the already familiar pattern. One of the superpower entered the war openly, and the second did everything in it depends to fight it was "mischievously". The war in the United States was an easy walk turned out to be a nightmare of America. Anti-war demonstrations shook the country. Young people rebelled against a meaningless slaughter. In 1975, the United States was considered to be announced that they were "fulfilled their mission" and start evacuating their military contingent. This war greatly shocked all the American society and led to major reforms. The post-war crisis continued for more than 10 years. It is difficult to say what it would be over not covered by the Afghan crisis.

3.5 Afghan War

In April 1978, there was a coup in Afghanistan, later called the April revolution. The Afghan Communists came to power - the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (NDPA). The government headed Writer Nur Mohammed Taraki. However, after a few months, an acute struggle was broken inside the ruling party. In August 1979, the confrontation broke out between the two party leaders - Taraki and Amin. On September 16, the Taraki was shone from the post, excluded from the party and took into custody. Soon he died. These events caused discontent in Moscow, although everything remained as before. Condemnation caused mass "cleaning" and executions in Afghanistan in the party environment. And since they reminded the Soviet leaders of the Chinese "cultural revolution", concerned that the amine could break from the USSR and get close to China. Amin repeatedly requested the Soviet troops in Afghanistan to strengthen the revolutionary power. Finally, on December 12, 1979, the Soviet leadership decided to fulfill his request, but at the same time remove the amine itself. Soviet troops were introduced into Afghanistan, Amin was killed by a grenade explosion during the assault of the presidential palace. Now the Soviet newspapers called him the "agent of the CIA", wrote about the "bloody click of amine and his minions."

In the West, the input of Soviet troops in Afghanistan caused stormy protests. With a new force broke out the "Cold War". On January 14, 1980, the UN General Assembly demanded the withdrawal of "foreign troops" from Afghanistan. For this decision voted 104 states.

Meanwhile, the armed resistance to Soviet troops began to strengthen in the Afghanistan itself. Against them fought already, of course, not supporters of Amina, but opponents of the revolutionary power in general. Soviet printing first argued that there were no fights in Afghanistan that peace and calm reign there. However, the war did not subside, and when it became clear, in the USSR admitted that the bandits were "inflated". They were called "dusts", that is, enemies. Secret, through Pakistan, they were supported by the United States, helping weapons and money. The United States knew well that such a war against the armed people. The experience of the Vietnamese war was used for all 100%, with a little difference with one difference, the roles changed. Now the USSR fought with a weak country, and the United States helped him feel what kind of difficult thing. The rebels controlled a significant part of the territory of Afghanistan. All of them united the slogan of jihad - the sacred Islamic war. They called themselves "Mujaughches" - fighters for faith. The rest of the rebel groups have greatly differed.

War in Afghanistan did not stop more than nine years .... More than a million Afghans died during hostilities. Soviet troops, according to official data, lost 14,453 people killed.

In June 1987, the first were made, while symbolic steps to the establishment of the world. The new Kabul government suggested the rebels "National Reconciliation". In April 1988, the Soviet Union signed an agreement on the conclusion of troops from Afghanistan in Geneva. May 15, the troops began to leave. Nine months later, February 15, 1989, Afghanistan left the last Soviet soldier. For the Soviet Union on this day, the Afghan war ended.

4. Consequences

The last milestone of the "Cold War" consider the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. That is, we can talk about its results. But this is perhaps the most difficult. Since for all the consequences of the bay.

What are they for the USSR and the current Russia? After World War II, the USSR rebuilt its economy in such a way that the overwhelming part of the funds went to the military-industrial complex, since the USSR could not afford to be weaker than the United States. It turned the USSR into the country of universal deficit and a weak economy, and ruptured once a mighty power. However, on the other hand, thanks to this, another state appeared on the political map - the Russian Federation, the state in which we now live, which is developing, and builds exclusively friendly and partnerships with other countries.

What about the USA? First of all, they lost a dangerous opponent in the face of the USSR, and the partner's breakdown in the face of the Russian Federation. And in the second helping "Dresmans" in Afghanistan, the worldwide evil - international terrorism gave birth.

Well, finally, the "Cold War" stressed that the main component that determined the victory of one of the parties is universal values, to translate who could not be a fantastic development of technology or a sophisticated ideological impact.


A small discharge in the confrontation occurred in the 70s. The crown of it was a meeting and cooperation meeting in Europe. The member countries consisted of two years, and in 1975 these countries signed the final act of the meeting in Helsinki. From the USSR, Leonid Brezhnev took him. This document legalized the post-war section of Europe, which was achieving the USSR. In exchange for this concession of the West, the Soviet Union pledged to respect human rights.

Shortly before that, in July 1975, a famous Soviet-American joint flight was held on Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft. In the USSR, the western radio broadcasts stopped. It seemed that the Epoch of the Cold War was forever walked into the past. However, in December 1979, Soviet troops joined Afghanistan - another period of the "Cold War" began. Relationship between the West and the East reached the point of freezing, when, by decision of the Soviet leadership, a South Korean aircraft was shot down with peaceful passengers on board, which was in the airspace of the USSR. After this event, the President of the United States Ronald Reagan called the USSR "Evil Empire and the Center for Evil." Only by 1987 the relationship between East and the West began to gradually improve. In 1988-89, with the beginning of restructuring in Soviet politics there were sharp changes. In November 1989, Berlin Wall ceased to exist. On July 1, 1991, there was a dissolution of the Warsaw Agreement. Socialist camp broke up. In a number of countries - his former members - democratic revolutions occurred, which not only did not condemn, but were supported by the USSR. The Soviet Union refused to expand its influence in the third world countries. A similar sharp turn in the Soviet foreign policy in the West is associated with the name of the USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev.


Encyclopedia for children. T.5, Part 3. Moscow "Avanta +". 1998.

HISTORY OF RUSSIA: Training minimum for applicant. "High school". Moscow. 2001.

N.N. Yakovlev. "CIA against the USSR". "Young guard". Moscow.1983.

Stephen Ambrosis. "Eisenhuer - Soldier and President." "Book LTD." 1993.

Winston Churchill. "Second World War" .T3. "Warmitzdat". 1991.


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Cold War Cold War

The "Cold War", the term, denoting the state of the military-political confrontation of states and groups of states in which the arms race is being conducted, economic pressure measures (embargo, economic blockade, etc.) are applied, the organization of military-static bridgeheads and bases. "Cold War" arose shortly after World War II (cm. THE SECOND WORLD WAR). Basically ended in the second half of the 1980s - early 1990s. Mainly in connection with democratic transformations in many countries of the former socialist system.
Beginning of confrontation
After World War II, the unity of the winning countries could not continue for a long time. The USSR, on the one hand, and the United States, the United Kingdom and France - on the other, represented various social systems. Both sides were striving to expand the territory in which their public orders were distributed. The USSR sought to access the resources that were previously controlled by the capitalist countries. The procrimony and protector partisan movements turned into Greece, Iran, China, Vietnam and other countries. The United States and their allies sought to preserve their domination in Western Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The ruined war in Europe and Asia treated with great interest in the experience of rapid industrial construction in the USSR. Information about the Soviet Union was often idealized, and millions of people hoped that the replacement of the capitalist system who experienced difficult times, on socialist, may allow to quickly overcome the ruin.
The "Cold War" caused the split of the world into two camps, which took place to the USSR and the United States. The conflict between the USSR and the former allies occurred gradually. March 5, 1946, speaking in the presence of US President Truman (cm. Truman Harry) In Fulton, W. Churchill (cm. Churchill Winston Leonard Spencer) accused the USSR in the deployment of global expansion, in the offensive in the territory of the "Free World", that is, that part of the planet, which was controlled by capitalist countries. Churchill called on the "Anglo-Saxon World", that is, the United States, the UK and their allies to resign the USSR. Words were his words about the division of Europe by the Iron Curtain. The speech in Fulton became a kind of announcement of the "Cold War". However, in the United States there were a lot of opponents of confrontation from the USSR.
But in 1946-1947. The USSR strengthened pressure on Greece and Turkey. The civil war went to Greece, and from Turkey the USSR demanded the provision of a territory for the military base in the Mediterranean, which could be a prelude to seize the country. Under these conditions, Truman declared the readiness to carry out "deterrence" of the USSR throughout the world. This position was called "Truman doctrine" and meant the termination of cooperation between the winners of fascism.
However, the front of the "Cold War" ran out between countries, but within them. About a third of the population of France and Italy supported the Communist Party. The poverty of the ruin war of Europeans was a nutrient soil for the success of the Communists. In 1947, the United States put forward the Marshall plan (cm. Marshall Plan) to provide European financial assistance to countries to restore the economy. For this, the United States demanded political concessions: Europeans should have maintained a private individual relations and withdraw communists from their governments. This was consolidated by the split of Europe on the regimes adopted American conditions and submitted to the USSR, who opposed such a plan. Under the pressure of the USSR, by the end of the war in Eastern Europe, the positions of the Communists and their allies sharply strengthened. In these countries, the regimes of "People's Democracy" have emerged. The political split of Europe was supplemented with socio-economic. The split line passed through the territory of Germany, from which the Federal Republic of Germany has been stated in 1949 (cm. Federal District) and German Democratic Republic (cm. German Democratic Republic). But the blockade of Western Berlin (cm. GERMANY), undertaken by the USSR in 1948-1949, failed.
The "Cold War" required the strengthening of the Communist Movement, in which, during the war, new people came, often - democratically configured. In 1947, the largest European compatines instead of the Comintern was created by Kominform (cm. Cominform)who had to coordinate the activities of the Communists in different countries. However, Kominform was used to condemn the attempts of Eastern European communists to look for its ways to move towards socialism. This policy led to the Soviet-Yugoslav conflict and the deployment of mass repression in Eastern Europe. In 1948, repressive campaigns against all who could have cultural contacts with the outside world were also unfolded in the USSR. Repressions directed against dissenters began in the West countries primarily in the United States. These events were fame as "witch hunting." (cm. WITCH-HUNT)
In April 1949, the United States, Canada and most countries of Western Europe created the Military Union - the North Atlantic Block (cm. Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty) (NATO). The USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe in 1955 answered this by creating their military union - the organization of the Warsaw Treaty (cm. Warsaw contract 1955).
Immediately after the beginning of the "Cold War", the countries of the Far East turned into an arena of a fierce struggle between supporters of communist ideas and a pro-Western way of development. The meaning of this struggle was very large, since there were huge human and commodity resources in the Pacific. The stability of the capitalist system largely depended on the control over this region. After the victory of the Communists in the Civil War in China 1946-1949. Communist expansion in the Far East increased. The United States and other Western countries chose a hard military response to a communist challenge, which led to the national liberation war in Vietnam 1946-1954. and Korean war (cm. Korea (South Korea)). Retracting Western countries in Asia has significantly weakened their strategic positions. At the same time, the collaves of the colonial system occurred.
The rivalry of the USSR and the United States inevitably led to the extension of arms with both blocks - socialist and capitalist. The purpose of the opponents to achieve superiority in the field of atomic, and then nuclear weapons, as well as in the means of delivery. Soon such means in addition to the bombers were rockets. The race of rocket and nuclear weapons began. Initially, the leader in the race was the United States. They had atomic weapons, first tested in August 1945, the plans of the American General Staff envisaged the use of atomic weapons against the USSR and its allies in the event of a military conflict. The Soviet Military-Industrial Complex applied every effort to create its own atomic bomb. Soviet scientists and intelligence officers worked on this task. Some engineering solutions managed to receive in the channels of intelligence from secret American institutions, but this data could not be used if the Soviet scientists did not come close to the creation of atomic weapons. The creation of atomic weapons in the USSR was the question of time, but this time was not, therefore these intelligence was of great importance. In 1949, the USSR experienced his own atomic bomb. This news caused shock from the American leadership. The presence of a bomb from the USSR held the USA from the use of atomic weapons in Korea, although such an opportunity was discussed by high-ranking American military.
In 1952, the United States experienced thermonuclear device (cm. Thermonuclear weapons). In 1953, the USSR experienced a thermonuclear bomb. From now on the USA to the 1960s. They overtook the USSR only in the number of bombs and bombers, that is, quantitatively, but not qualitatively - the USSR had any weapon that the United States had. These two states were the most powerful in the world - superpowers.
In 1953 after the death of Stalin (cm. Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich) The new Soviet leadership began to look for ways to improve relations with the West.
From confrontation to "discharge"
In 1953-1954 Wars in Korea and Vietnam were discontinued. In 1955, the USSR established an equal relationship with Yugoslavia and Germany. The great powers agreed to provide the neutral status of Austria occupied by them and bring their troops from the country.
In 1956, the situation in the world aggravated again due to the Suez crisis (cm. Suez crisis) and Hungarian events 1956 (cm. Hungarian events 1956). But this time the superpowers escaped confrontation. In 1958, the United States spoke with the so-called "Doctrine Eisenhower", (cm. Eisenhuer Dwight) which envisaged the possibility of US military intervention in all cases where revolutionary movements threaten the stability of legitimate modes. The United States, thus, assumed the functions of the world policeman. Soon it led them to retractor into a long war in Indochite.
The leader of the USSR, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N. S. Khrushchev (cm. Khrushchev Nikita Sergeevich) During this period, was not interested in strengthening confrontation. The positions of the USSR in the world were durable, the USSR was ahead of the United States in the development of space, which was a symbol of the success of the scientific and technical revolution in the Soviet Union. In 1959, Khrushchev visited the United States. It was the first visit of the Soviet leader's visit to America. But in 1960, the relationship between the USSR and the United States again worsened due to the incident with the American aircraft of the U-2, who invaded the air limits of the USSR.
In 1960, J. Kennedy won the presidential election in the US (cm. Kennedy John). He built his election campaign on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe threat of America's backlog from the Soviet Union. Kennedy put forward the slogan of "new frontiers". America and its allies should have come to new frontiers in both technical and military-political terms. The doctrine of the containment of communism was not sufficient, it was necessary to counteroffensive against the communist expansion.
Immediately after his arrival, Kennedy took an attempt to overthrow the prommunist regime F. Castro (cm. Castro Fidel) in Cuba, operation on Playa Hiron (cm. CARIBBEAN CRISIS) Failed. Kennedy did not have time to recover from this defeat, as his overall a new crisis. At the first meeting with the new American president in April 1961, Khrushchev demanded to change the status of Western Berlin - the focus of Western civilization, from all sides of the territory of the Socialist GDR. Kennedy opposed, and turned around the Berlin crisis 1961 (cm. Berlin (city)).
In 1962, rocket and nuclear rivalry reached its peak in the Caribbean crisis (cm. CARIBBEAN CRISIS). This crisis has learned a lot both Soviet and American leadership. Leaders superpowered realized that they can lead humanity to death. Approaching the dangerous feature, the "Cold War" went to the decline. During the crisis, the USSR and the United States first agreed to limit the arms race. Kennedy made a more realistic course against the USSR, for solving controversial issues through negotiations. In case of extraordinary circumstances between the US President and the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, a direct telephone connection was established ("Hot Line").
Scientists of the whole world pointed out such a dangerous consequence of arms races as nuclear weapons tests. On August 15, 1963, an agreement was concluded for the prohibition of nuclear weapons tests in three environments.
The conclusion of the agreement 1963 did not mean the end of the Cold War. Already next year, after the death of President Kennedy in November 1963, the rivalry of the two blocks aggravated. But now it was supplanted far from the borders of the USSR and the USA - to Southeast Asia, where the war in Vietnam unfolded (cm. War in Vietnam).
In the mid-1960s. The superpower faced with great difficulties (Soviet-Chinese conflict, War in Indochite), who forced them to move from the "Cold War" to establish more peace-loving relations, to politics "Discharge" international tension.
The aggravation of the "Cold War" in 1979-1985
During the discharge, important documents were adopted to limit strategic arms. However, limiting the total volumes of nuclear weapons and rocket technology, these agreements almost did not concern the placement of nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, the superpower could concentrate a large number of nuclear missiles in the most dangerous points of the world, without even disturbing the agreed total volume of nuclear weapons. This led to a rocket crisis of 1979-1987.
Finally discharge buried the invasion of Soviet troops to Afghanistan during the Afghan war (cm. Afghan war) In December 1979. An even more relationship between blocks worsened after the suppression of the trade union association "Solidarity" (cm. SOLIDARITY) in Poland. In 1980-1982 The United States led against the USSR a series of economic sanctions. In 1983 President USA R. Reagan (cm. Reagan Ronald) called the USSR "Empire evil" and urged to eliminate it. The installation of new American missiles in Europe began. In response to this, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yu. V. Andropov (cm. Andropov Yuri Vladimirovich) He stopped all negotiations with the United States. The world came up to the verge of third world war almost also close as during the Caribbean crisis.
In 1983, Reagan put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bstrategic defense initiative (cm. Strategic defense initiative) (Soy), the ideas of "star wars" - space systems that could protect the United States from a nuclear strike. This program was carried out bypassing the contract for (cm. Missile defense). The USSR did not have technical capabilities to create the same system. Despite the fact that the United States was also far from success in this area, the Communist leaders realized that they could lose the "Cold War".
Perestroika and "New Thinking
By the mid-1980s. The countries of "real socialism" entered the strip of crisis. Bureaucratic economy (administrative command system (cm. Administrative command system)) No longer able to ensure the growing needs of the population and with difficulty withstood the arms race. The USSR was increasingly more difficult to carry the burden of "Cold War", support allied regimes around the world, waging a war in Afghanistan. An increasingly notable and dangerous was the technical lag of the USSR from capitalist countries.
In March 1985, a new Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU M. S. Gorbachev came to power in the USSR (cm. Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich). In 1985-1986 He proclaimed a policies of wide transformations known as restructuring (cm. Restructuring). These transformations assumed an improvement in relations with capitalist countries based on equality and openness ("new thinking"). Gorbachev tried to improve relations with the countries of the West. In November 1985, he met with Reagan in Geneva and suggested significantly reduced nuclear weapons in Europe. It was still impossible to solve the problem, because Gorbachev demanded the abolition of soybeans, and Reagan did not infer. But two presidents better learned each other, which helped them to agree later. After an unsuccessful meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, two presidents finally came to an agreement in Washington in December 1987: American and Soviet rockets of the average radius of actions were displayed from Europe. In 1989, during the Eastern European revolutions of 1989, the Iron Curtain collapsed.
In February 1989, the conclusion of Soviet troops from Afghanistan began. There were problems that caused exacerbation of international tensions not only in 1979-1980, but also in 1946-1947. Therefore, it is possible to state the actual cessation of the "Cold War" already in 1990. The level of relations between the USSR and the countries of the West returned to the state to the "Cold War", and they were remembered only to proclaim her ending, as President J. Bush did (cm. Bush George (senior)), declaring the victory in the "Cold War" after the collapse of the USSR, and the presidents B. N. Yeltsin (cm. Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevich) And Bush, stating her termination in 1992. However, the connection between the cessation of the "Cold War" and the collapse of the USSR is mediated. They have a common cause - the crisis of the social system of the USSR.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

Watch what is "Cold War" in other dictionaries:

    - (Cold War) The term is commonly used in relation to the period of deep confrontation of the United States and the USSR after the 2nd World War. In 1945, the United States and the USSR acted as a super powers. At the same time, the USSR easily occupied the countries of Eastern Europe, and the USA as ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    The term denoting the state of the military political confrontation of states and groups of states, in which the arms race is being conducted, economic pressure measures are applied (embargo, economic blockade, etc.), an organization is carried out ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
