Ways to perform the correct twisting of wires. Proper twisting of electrical wires: connection methods How to make wire twists

When installing electrical wiring, special attention is paid to electrical contacts, since the quality and reliability of the entire electrical network as a whole depends on this. An integral part of such contacts is the connection of wires. For this, both modern technologies and old methods are used. Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages. What type of twisting of wires to use is selected from the conditions and possibilities.

Wire Twisting Requirements

Twisting the wires together is the most popular and easiest way, but at the same time the most unreliable. To understand how to twist the wires correctly, it is necessary to imagine what processes can take place at the junction. Over time, as a result of temperature exposure, the clamp loosens. This is caused by the linear expansion of the conductor during the passage of large amounts of current. The contact at the junction is weakened, its resistance increases, and, accordingly, the place of twisting is heated. The wires oxidize and overheat, contact disappears or insulation breakdown occurs, which is fraught with a short circuit and fire.

The requirements for twisting wires are regulated by the rules for the installation of electrical equipment (PUE). The basic rules for any method of connecting wires are to ensure contact without additional resistance. That is, this value at the place of twist must not exceed the minimum the resistance value of the wires themselves. This is also true for the requirements of mechanical strength, the contact point should not be less durable than the strength value of the wires themselves.

Therefore, according to the PUE, simply made connections in the form of twisting during the installation of electrical wiring are prohibited. After twisting, additional operations are required to increase its reliability. It can be soldering, welding, crimping, mechanical clamping.

It is important to note that twisting is applicable only if the conductors to be connected are made of the same material. Otherwise, a chemical compound is formed due to oxidation, which quickly destroys the twist.

There are different types of twists:

  • parallel simple;
  • sequential simple;
  • parallel groove;
  • consistent groove;
  • bandage.

Before starting the connection, it is necessary to prepare the wires. To do this, you will need to remove the insulation over a length of at least 50 mm, clean the bare wire with fine emery, and only then proceed to twisting. Parallel connection applied when it becomes necessary to combine the ends of the wires with each other, for example, in junction boxes. Sequential twisting when making branches.

Parallel Connection Method

Parallel connection is a simple operation that involves a method in which two wires, stripped to the same length, are applied parallel to each other. Next, the bare ends are crossed so that the edges touch each other. Then, with a rotational movement, they begin to twist. Turn in one direction, in which - it does not matter.

The insulated parts of the conductors must not be twisted together. First, the conductors are twisted by hand, forming a direction, and then they are tightened with pliers. At the same time, the ends of the wires are taken with pliers to give uniformity to the twist. The “parallel groove” method implies that during twisting, one core is motionless, and the second braids it. To do this, starting from the end of the insulation, one wire makes three to four turns around the second. We lay the first one with a tight touch parallel to the second and at the end we perform again three to four turns.

Description of the sequential method

Serial simple connection is carried out in a different way. The stripped ends of the wires are not applied to each other, but are located opposite, overlapping. The middle of stripped veins are applied to each other, and then braided in one direction and in the other. In this case, it is necessary that the stripped wires do not fall on the insulation of the opposite wire. When twisting with a groove, each core is braided with the other only at the end of the insulation, and in the middle it passes with a tight touch.

Cable twisting

Runs in parallel , and the sequential method. In the first method, the wires are pressed against each other with an insulating layer, and a third conductor is wound around the stripped conductors with spiral movements. To do this, one end of the additional wire is held with fingers, and the other is wrapped around with the help of pliers, firmly squeezing the wires to be connected to each other. In the second method, the stripped cores are applied in parallel, but opposite each other, not reaching one or two millimeters to the insulation of the opposite wire. Then they are tightly rolled in with an additional conductor.

Stranded cable twisting

With this connection, there are small nuances. To increase the contact area, the same methods are used, but with a preliminary separation of the cores in each wire. After removing the insulation, the cores are bred in each wire, and two to four pigtails are created from them with an equal number of cores in each. Then they are stacked one on top of the other, and the wires are twisted one pigtail from each wire. At the end, the resulting pigtails are intertwined. In this way, the correct twisting of wires with strong mechanical strength and low resistance will be obtained.

The number of turns that is obtained during operation should be more than six. Types of wire connections do not depend on the material used and are performed the same for both aluminum and copper wires. It's important to understand what to twist different types wires cannot be connected to each other, and the aluminum wire may break off if twisted too much. If it is necessary to twist more than two wires, then the process technology will not change.

Additional technological operations

Since the PUE prohibits only twisting, and it is impossible to connect different materials, the twisting process should end with a terminal block or soldering. To make the connection reliable, the following technological operations are used:

  • soldering;
  • welding;
  • screw terminals;
  • crimping in special spring devices;
  • crimping.

Soldering and welding when connecting

The only drawback of this operation is the complexity of the work. Soldering requires tin and flux. When working with copper, rosin is used as a flux, while for aluminum, highly active fluxes containing oleic acid and lithium iodide are used. If a soldering iron with a power of up to 100 W is enough for soldering copper, then aluminum is welded using a gas heater, the heating temperature should be 400-500 degrees. Solder for copper is used lead-tin. And for aluminum with zinc content.

The technology itself is simple, since the thermal conductivity of the twist is greater than that of the solder, then when melted, it goes to the junction, creating a thin layer. When soldering, large flows of solder are not allowed, it should be evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Application of screw terminals

Screw clamps in their principle of operation imply mechanical squeezing of twisted surfaces by means of a bolted connection. For this, steel pads are used. The finished twist or individual strands of wire are placed under a steel washer and compressed by screwing in the screw. In this case, the clamping is carried out both by the washer itself and only by the screw. The first method is better, since the contact surface is larger.

The terminal block itself looks like a plate on an insulator with a group of contacts. With the help of terminal blocks, both copper wires and aluminum wires of different sections are connected.

Use of spring devices

Allows you to make the fastest connection without the use of a tool. Wago terminal blocks are widely used. They are available not only in different sizes, but also for a different number of connected wires. With their help, single-core and multi-core wires of different sections and types are connected. The wires are combined both separately and among themselves. To do this, the terminal blocks have a latch-flag, which allows you to lay the wire and clamp it inside after snapping. Or use a clip-on device.

Using the Wago terminal, aluminum and copper can also be connected to each other. But for this, a special paste is used that prevents air from entering, and the cores of the wires are bred into separate cells.

Crimping of connected cords

If it is necessary to connect wires of large cross section, lugs (sleeves) are used. The wires are stripped and inserted into the sleeves, then with the help of press tongs the sleeve is compressed and the wire is crimped. Such a connection is considered reliable, but requires a specialized tool.

Connecting insulating clamps (PPE) are also considered a kind of crimping. After twisting the wire, depending on the diameter, the caps are screwed on top of the connection, pressing the contact and isolating it.

The last final stage after the connection is made is its thorough isolation. As an insulator, a dielectric electrical tape or a thermotube is used. The insulation should be 2-3 cm larger than the junction itself. The insulation must be of high quality, otherwise there is a possibility of a breakdown between the wires, which will lead to a short circuit.

Twisting wires is one of the methods when you need to make a branch or additional wiring connection. However, according to the PUE, it is prohibited to use it. But knowing how to properly twist the wires, it is really possible to avoid unforeseen cases, especially a short circuit, which is often fraught with fire.

Wire connection

To ensure full electrical conductivity, the integrity of the wiring is important. Its damage or poor-quality coupling is unacceptable. It is important to ensure that the contacts are tightly connected and the connection is reliable in the areas of "electrical nodes". There are certain methods that eliminate breaks in the cable. Welding should be noted among them. It applies to copper and aluminum wires. This ensures a particularly secure grip.

Connections can be divided into types:

  • twist;
  • welding;
  • soldering;
  • crimping;
  • terminal blocks;
  • self-clamping terminal blocks (WAGO terminals);
  • PPE caps;
  • bolt clamp.

Connection methods

The most complete connection for wires made of copper is soldering. It is easy to implement with the help of flux (rosin, borax) and tin solder. Terminal blocks are also used - a special device that is carried out using screw clamps. They are selected separately in accordance with the cross section of the cores. Self-clamping terminal blocks are often used to save time on electrical work. PPE insulating caps are used to isolate a twisted or soldered electrical connection. Today, WAGO terminals are widely used in the energy sector, which are available for wire wires and cables of various diameters. In addition, WAGO terminals allow you to connect conductors made of various materials (copper and aluminum).

The choice of which connection to use depends on various factors:

  • material (steel, copper, aluminum);
  • the number of twisted elements;
  • section;
  • place of work (house, street, in the ground, etc.).

Types of twists

Reliable and tight twisting protects against unforeseen emergencies. It is important to do it as correctly as possible. Even the slightest safety violations can cause a fire. For this reason, the rules for the installation of electrical equipment do not provide for the legal application of this method. Despite the ban, it is relevant both in production and in everyday life. Existing types of wire twists can be used temporarily when, for some reason, a quick connection with safer methods is not possible.

Simple methods are known by which it is really safe and durable to make a connection. They are not difficult even for a beginner. When performing, it is allowed to use both two wires and several. Usually the following known types of twists are used:

  • bandage;
  • groove;
  • simple branch method.

Types of twists of wires

The above twists of electrical wires are quite reliable electrical connections. But the implementation requires certain skills with the work of a hand tool. Self-learning is available to every person who practices the repair of electrical wires.

A bandage is one of the methods of twisting wires, often used in everyday life. It is characterized by the use of an additional segment, which is superimposed on the connected conductive wires. This is a good method for series, parallel, and branch connections.


Beginners sometimes wonder: "how to connect a single-core and stranded copper wire?". In fact, the main requirement is a tight and reliable fit of the cross-sectional area of ​​the cores to each other. Knowing how many wires can be twisted into one twist, you can quickly complete the task. The number of electrical conductors depends on their cross section. The larger it is, the less wires are allowed for the twisting process. And vice versa: the smaller the cross-section of the conductive cores, the more wires can be twisted.

The connection of stranded wires by twisting the "groove" method is not difficult. This is an easier way to get the job done than a "bandage". In this connection, it is not necessary to use an additional piece of wiring. A full-fledged connection of wires by twisting in this case is carried out directly by the wires themselves. They are stacked in parallel, in series or branch.

Before twisting the three wires together, it is necessary to strip the ends of the wires from the insulation and use a hand tool to twist. It is acceptable to use the methods of "groove" and "bandage", as well as a simple branch. The maximum number of wires in a twist using the latter method depends on the diameter of the conductive core. Even with the smallest diameter of veins, their number should not be more than six. Novice electricians are wondering: "how to make a twist of 4 wires?". It is most optimal to perform this action using the “groove” or “simple branch” method.

Twisting wires according to PUE

The length of the twisting of wires according to the PUE borders in the range - from 3 cm to 6 cm, depending on their diameters.

Twisting a single-core with a multi-core is carried out as follows:

  1. The ends are prepared at a distance of 4 cm to 8 cm.
  2. A stranded conductive core is superimposed on a single-core one and wound up to 4 cm long.

Wire twisting tool

This task requires certain tools. Among the required:

  • pliers ();
  • side cutters;
  • hydraulic or manual pressurizers.

Press hydraulic manual KBT "PGR-70"

You will also need a twisting nozzle and insulation material. When working with these tools, safety regulations must be observed. Certain skills are required for the job. Although it is possible to twist the insulated wire by hand in some cases, today it is common to use a wire twister. It greatly facilitates the work and guarantees a high quality result. Such a device for work, such as pneumatic or hydraulic press tongs, allows you to terminate the conductive cores for their further connection.

There are also small devices that allow you to speed up the twisting of the cores. Such a device is inserted into a screwdriver and twists them by rotation.

Devices for twisting

Connection isolation

An important requirement in the connection procedure is their isolation to avoid accidents. Insulating materials include:

  • polyvinyl chloride pipes;
  • insulating tape;
  • heat shrink tubing;
  • special caps twist insulators.

Wire insulation methods

Methods for insulating wires directly depend on the material that is used. They are divided into methods such as sticking, winding and heating. In the first case, the material is placed on the twisted segment. In the second, a simple winding is performed using an insulating tape. In the third - insulation with a heat shrink tube provides for its installation on the current-carrying part with its subsequent heating.

To the question of beginners, “is it possible to insulate wires with electrical tape?” must be answered in the affirmative. This is one of the most common methods. The main requirement is compliance with the expiration date of the material and the absence of visible damage.

Despite the fact that at first glance the procedure for twisting electrically conductive wires seems simple, a responsible approach to business is required.

Laying electrical wiring in the house involves connecting wires, from the main network you will need to make branches necessary to provide power to electrical appliances.

How to make a wiring connection

The connection of wires is required everywhere in the premises, in the car, devices and mechanisms, wherever there are wires. Today, the following methods are used:

  • twist;
  • Welding;
  • Soldering;
  • With the help of special blocks, terminal blocks;
  • Using self-clamping terminal blocks;
  • With PPE caps.

What you need to know about twist

Look carefully at the photo of the twisting of wires, you will see that it can be done in different ways. You will need to prepare tools: a knife to strip the insulation, pliers to make the connection reliable, and you will also need electrical tape to insulate the twist.

Method - twisting the wiring with protected ends

Bare the wires by at least 5 cm, cross the ends that are not protected by insulation, clamp the resulting crosshair with pliers and twist them together by performing a rotational movement.

A common way is twisting with a groove

To get started, check out the sequence of steps on how to make a twist of wires with your own hands. Bend the ends of the wire into small hooks, hook them together, wrap one wire around the other.

Insulate the resulting twist to ensure human safety, contact reliability, prevent current leakage and short circuit.

Professionals say that these types of wire twisting can be made more durable by using the following recommendations:

Twisted contacts are additionally connected by soldering or welding, as a result, the contact acquires maximum reliability, it is almost impossible to break it. It is preferable to use soldering when both cores of the connection have a large cross section.

WAGO terminals greatly facilitate the connection, making it more efficient, they are needed when you have to figure out how to twist copper wires with aluminum ones. The whole procedure will take place quickly enough, while the "wags" allow you to connect wires with a different cross section, the contact will turn out to be reliable and durable.

If the home master is faced with the task of connecting the wires in an electrical outlet or lamp, use the WAGO terminal blocks.

Thanks to PPE clamps, the reliability of the connection increases significantly, it becomes as safe as possible. These products have a low price, so they are available in any electrical store.

Wires twisted together should not be immediately closed with a junction box. It is better to observe how the power grid works for several hours, after which it is recommended to check the temperature at the attachment point. If the connection is very hot, you need to do everything again: most likely, the contacts turned out to be unreliable.

The twist itself is not waterproof, so it’s better to take a box to connect the cores inside the wall, if without it, then the twist wires will need to be insulated with cambric.

It remains for you to determine for yourself which method of twisting is best, and consider methods for isolating knots.

What the DIYer Should Know About Soldering and Welding

Soldering is considered to be simply an improvement in twisting, first the wires are twisted and then they are soldered using a soldering iron with solder. Advantages of soldering:

  • Increasing the strength of the twist;
  • Reduced resistance, which means the twist point will not heat up.

Copper stranded wiring can be easily soldered, but this method is not suitable for all wires, the exception is the twisting of aluminum wires. Since soldering is fragile, it must not be done carelessly, otherwise a poor-quality connection will result.

Welding is another way to improve stranding, it increases reliability, but is also not suitable for aluminum wires. It is used for multi-core copper cables with a large cross section, welding reliability is considered higher compared to soldering.

When using welding, the possibility of weakening the twist cannot be ruled out; under the influence of high temperatures, the performance characteristics of the metal can change.

Isolation methods

The insulation of the wires is carried out using various types of electrical tape, it is necessary to isolate the place of twisting and a length of insulated wires equal to at least 2 or 3 cm. Then it will be possible to make high-quality insulation that protects against unwanted ingress of moisture on the contacts, and for this purpose special thermotubes are additionally used.

Insulation with a thermotube

A tube with the desired length is put on one core before twisting.

Twisting is performed, after which the thermotube is shifted to the junction of the contacts.

It is necessary that the tube fit as tightly as possible to the wiring, so it is heated a little with a lighter. Under the influence of high temperature, the thermotube will shrink, and it will be possible to ensure a tight grip on the wiring.

The advantages of all kinds of twists lie in the simplicity of their execution, despite the minimal equipment, they have proven to be quite reliable connections.

When high-quality insulation is made, for which good electrical tape was used, the life of the twist will be quite long. Such a connection is convenient in operation: it is detachable, which means that if necessary, the wires can simply be twisted again.

Twisting is used in loose electrical wiring that sags, this method has been adopted by motorists, in the car the wiring is subjected to constant vibration.

Among the disadvantages of twisting, the following should be noted:

It is not possible to connect conductors with different cross-sections; in such a connection, as a rule, there is a very high resistance, which causes constant heating of the wires and melting of their insulating layer.

It is difficult to join stranded cables with a twist, which are soft and with any tension the connection can break.

When there are several insulated wires in the wiring, due to the fact that each core is insulated individually, the total thickness can be very large.

Twisting is not suitable when it is necessary to interconnect wires made of different materials - copper and aluminum.

When choosing a method, it is important to take into account all sorts of nuances, only then will it be possible to get a high-quality connection with your own hands. Twisting must be done after the power has been turned off for safety reasons.

Photo of twisting wires

This article has a somewhat provocative title. I am sure that there will immediately be people who will write instructively, saying that twisting is illegal and wire twisting is prohibited according to the PUE.

Nobody argues with this. If it were not for the fact that, despite everything that is written in the PUE, the vast majority of wire connections on the territory of the former large Soviet country are still made on twists.

I won't claim that it's very good wire twist- this is the most reliable and high-quality way to connect wires, although they constantly try to prove it to me. It seems that someone even measured and compared the voltage drop on the twist and on the whole piece of wire, so it turned out to be less on the twist. Perhaps this is something from the field of mythology among electricians. We will simply proceed from the fact that good twisting can be called one of the stages and a very important element of such methods of connecting wires, such as soldering or welding.

Before discussing further about the correct twist, let's dwell on what will happen if the wires are connected just like that, without technology, "how it happened." In this case, at the point of contact of the two wires occurs. There are two reasons for this - a decrease in the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wire at the point of contact (mainly due to microprotrusions during connection) and the presence of an oxide film on the wire cores.

oxide film- the result of the interaction of the atoms of the metal of which the core consists with oxygen in the air. Such an oxide film has a very decent resistivity. The oxide film is absent only in noble metals - gold, platinum, etc. (that's why they are "noble", that they do not react with anyone). In silver, the resistivity of the oxide film is the same as that of the metal itself, so silver is actively used in the contacts of various electrical devices.

When the wire is heated by the current passing through it, the transient contact resistance increases even more, because. the generated heat is not completely removed to the environment, but also heats up the wire itself, including the twist.

As a result, all this can lead to an avalanche-like process, when the place of twisting heats up more and more. Here you have one of the causes of fires due to the so-called "malfunctions in the wiring."

I met one case when an aluminum twist in a neighbor's dacha stood for only one day. The reason for this is not only the presence of poor-quality twisting, but also the material of the conductive core of the wire. already posted on the site.

The most interesting thing is that no circuit breakers and fuses in the electrical panel will help in this case, because. they respond to an increase in current in the circuit. In our case, the current does not change, it just heats up the place of contact between the two wires more and more.

Based on this, we can conclude that a good twist of the wires is necessary, first of all, so that the contact contact resistance always remains stable and does not change over time.

So, what does it take to make a good twist of wires?

First you need to remove the insulation without damaging the wire strands. We clean the bare area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe core from dirt with a clean rag soaked in acetone or white spirit. Then we clean the wires with a metal brush or sandpaper to a metallic sheen.

Next, we twist the stripped veins with two pliers. To do this, we bend the ends of the cores at an angle of 90 ° at a distance equal to 7-10 diameters of the core from the insulation cut, and wind them up for each other. We wind 5-7 turns of one core onto another with pliers.

We wind 5-7 turns of another core and seal the connection with pliers, i.e. we tighten the coils of cores with two pliers in opposite directions. Then tightly bend the ends of the wires.

In order to make a branch, it is necessary to wind 10-15 turns of the branch core around the main core. Seal the branch with two pliers, tightening the turns of the core by moving them in opposite directions. Then tightly bend the end of the branch core. After all these operations, the twisting will be mechanically strong and reliable.

There are many other ways to connect wires with a twist. All these methods are given even characteristic names.

For example, here are the methods shown in one well-known book for young electricians:

The option that I described in this article, using two pliers, has been tested by practice and has never failed itself.

After creating a high-quality twist, the wires can be soldered (little used due to labor intensity), welded (in one of the articles on the site it was somehow proved that).

A good twist is also needed, for example, for a more modern and less time-consuming method of connecting wires - when used, which is a good alternative to electrical tape.

In appearance, it looks like a regular cambric, which is put on for twisting with a margin in both directions. Then the heat shrink tube heats up (you can use a regular lighter for this, but it is better to use an electric hair dryer), tightly wraps around the cable and insulates it securely.

Do your twists right!

If you have your favorite wire connection options - share and tell us about it in the comments to the article!

To provide connections and branches during electrical installation operations, twisting of wires is used. Contacts with this method of switching must be reliable. Carrying out work on the installation of wiring of all types - in everyday life or in industry - is subject to a collection of requirements and rules for how to twist the wires correctly. They say that it is impossible for additional resistance to appear at the points of contact between the veins. Neglect of this rule will lead to heating of the contact point.

Connection is carried out in accordance with electrical safety standards using the following methods:

  • twists.
  • Welding.
  • Soldering.
  • Screw clamp.
  • Terminal blocks and blocks.
  • Self-clamping express terminals.
  • PPE caps.

Connecting wires with a twist implies the advantages and disadvantages of the method. There is a PUE regulation to prohibit such an operation. But despite it, twisting is often used.

Twisting contacts occurs during rough installation. This is explained by the need to establish the fact of the correct operation of already mounted connections. Check the integrity of electrical lines, introduce the necessary amendments, install additional devices:

  • switching structures;
  • simple and special sockets;
  • equipment for conversion, voltage stabilization;
  • rectifiers;
  • accounting devices.

Upon completion of the preliminary work, the fully assembled circuit is tested for functionality. In case of incorrect operation of the equipment, lack of electricity find out the cause and site of damage. You have to change faulty nodes, twist the wires correctly.

Correct twisting of wires makes it possible to quickly resume power supply. Depending on the situation, they decide what to do with the elements of accession:

  • The finished combination remains.
  • Improving.
  • It changes to a new one, with a different way of connecting the cores.
  • An elementary set of tools for wire manipulation. It is easy to perform work in the field in the absence of powerful consumers.

Therefore, it is worth considering the maximum number of connected devices, deciding how to properly twist the wires, calculate the appropriate cable cross-section, and further develop the power system in the event of an increase in the number of consumers. Then the mounted soldering will serve reliably for more than one year.

The twisting of cable cores to connect pieces of wiring to each other appeared immediately after the discovery of electricity. At first, this approach suited everyone. But time does not stand still new electrical equipment has appeared, the need for development has increased power networks with increased power and current strength. The question arose of how to twist the wires in the more complicated realities. Twisting ceased to guarantee uninterrupted operation in such conditions. But at the household level, it is widely used and meets the requirements of networks with a low load.

Pros and cons of twists

The advantages of a braided connection are:

  • twisting speed;
  • long service life with high-quality installation;
  • does not require the use of complex tools;
  • ideally serves signaling networks where there is no powerful electrical equipment;
  • if necessary, the contact point can be additionally stretched or soldered;
  • is inexpensive;
  • the tap contains two - four branches at the same time;
  • connection is repeated in case of error or inaccurate execution.

There are also many disadvantages:

  • high-quality insulation;
  • not intended for use in power networks;
  • inconvenient way to assemble wires;
  • when heated, a fire occurs;
  • voltage drop associated with feeder overloads.

Twisting wires with different cores

Such combinations are strictly prohibited for use. It is unacceptable to combine copper and aluminum wire! When touched, these metals enter into a chemical oxidation reaction, galvanized . The contact is broken. With increasing load in the chain, solder erosion accelerates. Connecting in such conditions leads to sad results:

  • heating, sparking and, as a result, a fire;
  • weakening of contact at the solder point;
  • the size of the contact space is reduced;
  • power surges in the circuit section disrupt thermal equilibrium and destroy twisting.

Occurrence of oxide

The influence of air on the conductors oxidizes the junction. For copper and aluminum conductors, such an aggressive environment reduces the service life. The use of expensive metals like silver or gold in conventional schemes it is not economically feasible. The problem is solved by isolating the twists with a quality dielectric material with the correct execution methods. Such measures prolong the trouble-free operation of the soldering point and the entire circuit.

Resistance at the junction of the wires

The result of weak contact between the cable cores is an increase in resistance in this place. There is heating in the transition space and the destruction of the entire connecting circuit. Tight wire bonding will reduce these risks.

Types of connections in electrical circuits

Twisting is classified according to the material of manufacture of the cores participating in the operation, their types, and the method of twisting. The cross-sectional areas, the permissible load must be identical.

Wires with copper conductors allow multiple, up to ten times, torsion without compromising strength and contact. They easily also suitable for triple - quadruple connections. Aluminum cable is not so resistant to mechanical stress. One or two attempts to gossip - and he breaks off.

Cable cores are single and multi-wire. The twisting method must be found taking this feature into account.

For arranging temporary or mobile wiring, a more reusable twisted soft cord is chosen. The stationary and final electrical circuit is made up of a monolithic residential.

Connection of multi-wire cables is allowed. The directories contain data for all types. Materials are selected according to the numbers for mounting from wires with various combinations lived. It is necessary to take into account the cross section according to the current rating. The ways of weaving such endings do not differ.

The connection of wires will last more than one year if the exact order of manufacture is followed during execution.

So we do with the following veins.

TU cambric is displaced to the junction and heated to a monolithic overlay on the area of ​​twisting. In the absence of a tube, insulating tape is used. It is applied in three to four layers in full overlap.

In the absence of special devices for splicing cables, we use twisting. The main requirement is the maximum contact area of ​​the cores at the point of alignment. After stripping, we twist each wire at the sheath by one centimeter. We fluff the bare ends through the hairs. Manipulation is performed with each contact.

Serial connection is carried out by combining opposing beams one into the other, so that wires are intertwined. The twist is made from two sides in opposite directions.

When mounted in parallel, the manipulations are close. The wires fit like a house and the fluffy corollas are braided into a braid. The connections are sealed with pliers and insulated.

The easiest method soldering of single-wire conductors is called parallel. The wires are brought together at an arbitrary angle, the stripped sections are twisted from the point of adhesion.

To build up by the method of simple sequential interlacing, the bare wires are bent, shifted towards the intersection and twisted with a screw in opposite directions.

When one wire is bent and twisted around the second one in 2 places before connection (at the insulation and in the area of ​​its folded edge), the cable is spliced ​​in a way of parallel crossing with the gutter.

Similar consistent twisting is done with a braid of both strands. Two twisted places are formed at the base of the insulating layer.

A brace-assisted connection is required when working with heavy gauge wire or cable. A similar technique also has parallel and sequential versions. The core is pre-prepared from a monolithic wire of a thinner section, soft and made of a material similar to the main cable. The stripped ends are bent at a right angle, brought to each other. The prepared shroud core is wrapped around them in uniform turns.

The connection of an additional wire and a branch for each option occurs in a parallel way. Branching with a bandage differs in that that only the attached process is wrapped around.

With the intensive development of electronic technology, the load on electrical networks increases. The requirements for the reliability of soldering branches of the current supply are also growing. The twist connection is gradually becoming a thing of the past. This is clearly seen in production areas, where installation is carried out in progressive ways, and obsolete splices are replaced.
