Modern business ideas in the entertainment sector and methods of their implementation. Profitable business ideas in the entertainment sector

Regardless of the field in which the population of Russia is employed, everyone has a need for rest and entertainment. Therefore, the entertainment business will never lose its relevance. But the most important thing is to choose or form the right business idea that will generate income. They can even be very profitable, but before implementing them it is necessary to conduct a market analysis.

Business ideas in the entertainment sector - the most relevant and profitable

You should start any business by choosing a business idea and registering the enterprise. Drawing up a business plan with calculations of expenses and future income will also be an important stage of work.

Advice: Before opening any business, it is necessary to analyze its profitability. The best option There will be an appeal to specialists for this.

Laser paintball

Laser paintball is a type of paintball that means there is no need to buy paint balls and get your clothes dirty. In addition, unlike a regular game, this one does not require instructors, since defeats are recorded automatically using a computer. The opening of such an enterprise will be especially profitable in tourist areas, so this idea can easily be implemented as one in the Krasnodar region.

Segway rental

Segway is a new generation scooter that has recently gained great popularity among lovers of progressive technology. This device ensures fast movement with less energy and time, ease of operation, environmental friendliness and lack of noise.

The cost of one device on two wheels can range from 10 to 100 thousand rubles. To organize a rental business you will need at least 2-3 Segways. As a rule, the place for rental is chosen to be crowded - recreation parks are perfect for this. You don’t need special premises for this, and you can even store the devices at home. This idea is suitable as one of the simplest.

Trampoline Park

How to make money during a crisis? It is unlikely that this will be difficult if you decide to open a trampoline park. On the one hand, in difficult times, any entertainment business is risky, but trampolines, oddly enough, have been and will be popular in the near future. Moreover, there are trampolines for both adults and children; their cost will depend on the purpose. You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur and sell it in recreation parks.

Mobile planetarium

An interesting business idea in the entertainment sector for parents and their children involves purchasing a frame made of light alloy materials and investing from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. The diameter of the dome, as a rule, reaches 5 meters, height – 3 meters. This device can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Equipment you will need is a fan for quickly inflating the planetarium, the inner shell of the dome for projection, the fabric dome itself, and chairs for spectators. To make it more impressive, you can purchase or have special astronaut suits made to order.

Skate park

The popularization of active recreation and sports in Russia is gradually raising them to a new level. For this purpose, sites are built and rebuilt, sports equipment is purchased and installed. Meanwhile, skate parks can be especially popular, since here special equipment is installed for skateboarding and they provide free use of the territory, when it can be difficult to skate in ordinary parks.

It is best to install appropriate sites in or near the center. The park can be both indoor and outdoor. IN in this case the first option is better, since it will be in demand in winter time. In order to open a park, it is necessary to develop its plan and approve it with architects and the city cadastral chamber. You can offer equipment as additional services, so the popularity and importance of the enterprise will increase significantly.

Climbing wall

For several years now, the climbing wall has remained one of the most popular places for a pleasant pastime. At climbing walls you can simply get an adrenaline rush, or you can prepare yourself for climbing a real mountain. Climbing walls today come in three types: children's, entertainment and sports. The least expensive are children's, the most expensive in terms of organization are sports. Depending on the composition and configuration, they are divided into modular (assembled in a special room) and mobile (assembled in 2-3 hours and consist of portable structures). In addition to the main structures, it is necessary to purchase special equipment: safety devices (helmets, ropes, cables), gymnastic mats, various consumables.

Advice: and children's, entertainment, and sports installations can be combined in one building, but in different rooms. This will increase the popularity and demand of the enterprise.

House with the ghosts

Along with various quests, various “panic rooms” have been very popular for several years now, and over the years they have become more and more realistic. Scenery and installations can be supplemented with computer special effects and actors. The most important thing is to remember that the more realistic the situation in such a “haunted house” is, the more real emotions visitors will experience and the more popular the site will be. The main expenses for starting a business will be the cost of renting and renovating the premises, as well as decorations.

Aerodynamic tube

Before opening a business with, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Firstly, the installation itself can cost from 50 thousand to 1 million dollars, and secondly, since its maintenance is very expensive, the time spent in the wind tunnel will also be expensive for those interested. It is not practical to open a business in small towns. The cost of a wind tunnel depends on the dimensions of the device and the country of origin. Domestic products are cheaper than imported ones. In addition, the pipes can run on electricity and fuel.

Where can I get money to start a business?

The easiest way to get money to run an entertainment business is to earn and save. But if this is not possible, you can consider one or more other available methods:

  1. Take a loan from a bank. The difficulty with this method is that you get a large amount pretty hard.
  2. Find a partner. A business partner can be a friend, friend or relative. The most important thing is that he has the opportunity to invest money. However, there can also be several partners - it all depends on the scale of the business.
  3. Find an investor.
  4. Receive subsidies from the state. To do this, you will need to develop and present a well-written business plan.
  5. Launching a related business that does not require investment. Having earned and accumulated a certain amount in such an enterprise, you can change the scale and direction. You can also implement your business idea, but in small quantities, and gradually expand your activities.

Children and their parents are fertile ground for making money. The former want entertainment, the latter are willing to pay so that their children have something to do. And children also need educational services, food, means of transportation, etc. This is why services for children and business ideas related to children have good profitability and often “burn out” if the demand and available supply are correctly analyzed.

Business ideas and children's entertainment

What is good about the entertainment industry for a businessman – a wide choice different options, both expensive at the launch stage and quite budget-friendly.

Let's list the classic business ideas for children in the entertainment sector:

Attachments: from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles per 100 sq. meters. The minimum specified amount of money will be enough to equip the playground with not the most expensive slides, swings, sandboxes, and plastic toys. In some places you will have to make the flooring from soft rugs and artificial grass. Separately, it is worth calculating the rent of the territory (if you do not own a suitable plot of land located in good location), the cost of fencing it, the cost of the work of the observer. We must not forget about benches for adults who will keep an eye on the children. Payment can be charged for an hour, for half a day, for a whole day of stay on the site (with the right of free entry and exit for the paid day).

Business payback: if the site is located in a park or in a densely populated microdistrict of the city, then it will be able to receive an average of 30 children per day, and at least twice as many on weekends. The ticket price will vary depending on the time spent at the site. On average, you can get 150 rubles from one child. In total, even with the most conservative calculations, expenses of 100,000 rubles will pay off in the first month, larger investments - within six months. The business cannot be called 100% seasonal - if you pull up the awnings, you can ride on slides and swings, as well as play in the sandbox, even in the cold season. Although the influx of children will be several times less than in summer.

  • Catching magnetic fish in the pool

Almost every person who works hard all week long is looking for an interesting and useful way to spend time on the weekend. The entertainment business is a specific area that requires constant development from the entrepreneur and the implementation of new ideas in practice. What is meant? For example, if you have your own beer bar, then why not add the opportunity to sing karaoke in your establishment in the future, or offer original views snacks. In this segment of the market related to customer entertainment services, many entrepreneurs fight for the client, since people often choose either the best or cheaper.

The largest percentage of entertainment establishments and complexes are allocated for business for the entertainment of children, this could be an amusement park, game rooms, various competitions and events that make money from ticket sales. This is a large part of the market and, as you know, they don’t skimp on children; it is most profitable to start from scratch in the children’s entertainment sector. For adults, there is also a whole entertainment industry: various bars, concerts, leisure, excursions and more. Each of these areas requires its own characteristics for development and promotion.

One of the main advantages of this line of activity is the opportunity to work both in large cities and in the regions. For example, in a small town this niche may be completely free, and you will be the first who can organize everything and make good money on it. Yes, it is more difficult to attract a client there, but there is no competition, you can slowly develop your business, improving it every year. And if you take a metropolis, then you need to run for modern trends, and people will choose where it is better, and you may not earn anything at all, budgets are needed there.

Here is a classification of the main categories of business ideas in the entertainment sector:

  • children's centers: attractions, recreation parks, various events and competitions with animators.
  • active recreation: paintball, fishing, cycling and quad biking, etc.
  • winter activities: skiing, snowboarding, skating.
  • entertainment establishments: cafes, bars, restaurants.
  • cultural program: galleries, museums and other places.
  • concerts and much more.

We have named the main areas where you can make money on entertainment. Each of these categories has narrow niches, you can start with them and strive in the future to become a full-fledged large-scale business. During a crisis, the demand for these services drops slightly, and people begin to save. It is important to predict this and also optimize business processes and try to reduce monthly payments. In this category of the site, we made a selection of working ideas in the niche of small entertainment business and tried to describe everything in as much detail as possible, with calculations and assessment of profitability. We hope you find this useful. Read, comment and leave your feedback about this area of ​​activity.

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A mobile planetarium is an inflatable spherical dome, inside of which entertaining and educational 3D films are shown. An ideal business for beginners that will pay for itself in just 3 months.

Have you ever dreamed of playing Fort Boyard? Purchase a large gaming quest area with a unique format “Fort Boyard” and become part of the fastest growing franchise of 2018 on favorable terms.

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Psychological salon "1000 ideas"

Psychological salon "1000 ideas" is its own business that changes lives. Unique format, 25 ready-made programs, turnkey training. Investment 80,000 rub.

Investment costs for opening a quest room are 3,105,000 rubles. Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 6 months.

The volume of investments in opening the rental of life-size dolls will amount to 367 thousand rubles. The expected revenue upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 100,000 rubles. (from 4 months of work), net profit - 66 thousand rubles&n...

Investments in opening an ice skating rink will amount to RUB 3,856,900. Expected seasonal revenue will be 8.97 million rubles. Net profit - 5.36 million rubles. Profitability - 59.78%.

Investment costs for the project amount to 249,000 rubles, the bulk of the funds are spent on the development and promotion of the site, as well as on the purchase of professional design software...

With the JELLY SHOTS franchise, there is no question about whether you will make a million or not. The question is how many times will you do this in a year! JS - alcoholic desserts that have no analogues in Russia.

Business plan for the event agency "Ghostbusters"

The total investment in the Ghostbusters project will be 572.2 thousand rubles. Return on sales - 75%. It is planned to recoup the investment within 5 months. work.

Investments in opening the Ferris wheel will amount to 23 million rubles. The payback period of the project is 32 months. The project will be implemented at the expense of the investor's own funds.

Investment in opening a carnival costume rental store – RUB 876,000. To implement the project, 526,000 rubles will be required. own funds and 350,000 borrowed.

The cost of the project will be 3,100,953 rubles. The payback period will be 3 months.

Earn up to 148,000 rubles monthly. Interactive vending model of the railway with the function of issuing gifts. An interesting alternative to standard vending solutions.

Organizing a standard turtle race with 5 red-eared turtles will not require any major investment and can pay for itself in just a few completed orders.

Investments in the Corn Maze project will amount to 558,250 rubles. To implement it we will use our own cash. It is planned to achieve payback by the 5th month of operation.

Investments in opening a karting track will amount to RUB 1,701,000. The payback period for investments, taking into account the start of sales at the beginning of the warm season, will occur in the second season of operation.


Organizing a children's business is a promising solution. Parents try to provide their children with exciting leisure time. The business quickly pays off and brings stable income. There are 2 areas of creating a business in the field of entertainment for children: production of gaming goods, provision of entertainment services.

What gaming products can be produced?

Organizing a business for the production of goods for children's games will require significant investments: purchasing equipment, renting premises, staff salaries, purchasing raw materials, utility bills. But the risks are minimal.

Competition in the production of goods is low. Products of all price categories find their buyers. Products for games can be divided into groups:

  • soft toys, used for home games, gifts;
  • themed toys: transport, dolls, railways, designers;
  • board games: with cardboard cards, dominoes, checkers, chess, lotto, puzzles;
  • accessories for sports games: balls, rackets, rollers, skates;
  • production of printed materials: magazines, books, coloring books.

The gaming products business has a profit margin of 15–20%. Large manufacturing enterprises earn more income due to economies of scale.

Areas of entrepreneurship in the field of leisure

Exist different ideas organizing children's leisure time. Unlike the production of goods, the organization requires less investment. Most entertainment services are provided by small businesses with a small staff.

In order for an enterprise to quickly pay for itself and generate income, it is necessary to evaluate the following factors when choosing an idea:

  • Place of business. For small towns, the preferred types of services are those that children of any age can use: shooting galleries, skating rinks, attractions, trampolines, slot machines. In big cities, you can choose a narrowly focused gaming business: a children's beauty salon, organizing radio-controlled car races. Some ideas are not tied to a specific place and are implemented remotely: organizing children's online computer competitions, writing letters to children from cartoon characters, Santa Claus.
  • The level of family income that the business will target: open an inexpensive car rental or an elite children's horse riding club.
  • Competition. There is no need to create a second circus or puppet theater; it is better to install a trampoline or attractions.

Here are the most popular entertainment business ideas.

Electric car rental

The business is seasonal. To provide rental services, a rental agreement is concluded land plot, purchase electric vehicles and protective equipment. The rental cost will be 5–8 thousand rubles. In summer, rentals operate seven days a week, so at least two instructors are required. Daily wages can be fixed or depend on revenue.

The average price of a car is 12–25 thousand rubles; for rental you will need 5–7 units. The cost of starting a business is from 100 thousand rubles. You can increase the profitability of your business by purchasing models of electric vehicles for different age categories, motorcycles, and ATVs.

The payback period depends on weather conditions, rental location, cost of renting an electric car.

In winter, you can enter into an agreement with the owners of a large shopping center and provide rental services inside it.

Entertainment machines

You can install slot machines in parks, near schools, and in shopping centers. The slot machines are:

  • sports orientation (football, tennis);
  • rocking chairs for kids (horses, cars, rockets);
  • with various goods (watches, bracelets, jewelry).

For high business profitability, it is better to place several slot machines nearby. The entertainment area will be easier to notice, and the cost of renting land will differ slightly.

The price of one slot machine is 30–150 thousand rubles. Fully automated machines do not require maintenance personnel. With an average workload, the business of installing slot machines pays for itself in one year. The specificity of the street location of the machines is the high probability of their breakdown by unscrupulous citizens.

To minimize possible damage, you can insure your business.

Dancing school

All parents want to see their children graceful and flexible. The demand for dance schools is constantly growing. To run a business to open a school, you do not need to have special skills, and the profitability of the idea can be 40–50%.

A successful business in this area is possible only if there are qualified and friendly teachers who can captivate children. You need to start by searching for them. The school should be located nearby educational institutions, public transport stops. It is recommended to rent the premises with the option to buy. When starting a business, you will need to spend money on equipping the hall with mirrors and a machine.

Different dance styles will attract more students. It is advisable to conduct an advertising campaign. The costs of implementing a business idea will pay off in 9–12 months.


Business on entertainment attractions can have different scales:

  • a park for a small city on an area of ​​1–2 hectares, the number of carousels is 5–8;
  • classic stationary park, area 2–4 ​​hectares, attractions – 15–25;
  • amusement parks with an area of ​​10–20 hectares, include a water park, artificial ponds with an entertainment area.

The choice of a specific business idea is made based on financial capabilities. The payback period for a small attraction complex will be 3–6 months. The entertainment carousels should include children's, family and extreme models. They take into account the capacity of the attraction, maintenance costs, visual appeal and safety. When choosing entertainment complexes for your business, you need to know the range of competitors so as not to purchase duplicate models.

The placement of attractions is important for business profitability: the most attractive ones should be located in the far zone of the park. The seasonality of the business is reduced due to the installation of children's cafes, indoor carousels, mini-cinemas, shooting galleries, and the provision of entertainment attractions for rent on the territory of the park.

In continuation of year-round entertainment, skating rinks, equipment rentals, and tubing runs are opened in winter.

Inflatable trampolines

does not require large investments. The cost of one product exceeds 50 thousand rubles. Trampolines domestic producers They are more expensive than Chinese ones, but their quality is better.

Inflatable trampolines are made from PVC high density, equipped with an electric pump for pumping air. There are inflatable attractions for children and schoolchildren. High-quality trampolines undergo certification and safety tests. For a business to install an inflatable structure, an area of ​​30–50 m2 will be required. The lease agreement is concluded with the owner of the land plot. It is recommended to install the inflatable attraction in places with large crowds of people, near shopping centers. 2 people are enough to operate the trampoline.

The entertainment attraction operates in good weather seven days a week. The duration of 1 visiting session is 10–15 minutes, the cost is from 100 rubles. Over the course of a season, you can fully recoup the costs and receive a business income of 30 thousand rubles from one inflatable structure.

Entrepreneurship in entertainment will definitely become profitable. You just need to choose the right direction and place for running your gaming business.
