Dream interpretation of washed floors. Was it clean or dirty before cleaning? Flooring color

Sometimes in dreams a person sees incredible things, but most often these are quite ordinary objects. And when correct interpretation, even such a habitual action for many as washing the floors allows you to learn a lot of interesting and important information about the future. To make it more complete, it is necessary to take into account other details of the dream, the emotional load, and also trace the connection with the events of reality.

Why dream of washing floors?

A dream where you thoroughly wash the floors predicts progress in career ladder. The dream book says that you will be able to achieve what you want if you insist on your own and do not conflict with management. If someone else is removed, it means you will miss the chance and the position will go to your opponent. Night vision where you wash a clean floor predicts the occurrence of various troubles and diseases. There is information that a dream where you had to wash the floor indicates disappointment in life.

If you decide to wash dirty floors in a dream, this means positive sign which promises changes in life. There is also opposite information, according to which such a dream predicts the death of a loved one. Cleaning up at work in a dream means that in reality your bosses have long noticed your efforts. There is another interpretation where such a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of disgust from work. Most likely, new responsibilities will arise in the near future that you will not be delighted with. A dream in which you need to wash the floors in a hospital predicts an improvement in your financial condition. A night vision where you tried to wash the floor from stains indicates that in reality you have to make attempts to hide the facts of life in order to appear better. If you had to clean someone else’s house, it means that you will be able to change the life of another person with your behavior. I had to wash the floor with a mop in a dream; such a night vision has a negative meaning, according to which in reality there is a risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.

Cleaning up school means that in order to achieve success in life you need to follow the recommendations of other people. If you washed the floor in an official institution, this is a positive sign that promises improvement in business. A dream where you had to wash the floors in your apartment recommends forgetting about the mistakes of the past and starting life from scratch. One of the dream books says that a night vision where you washed the floors in the house indicates discussions behind your back and in the future you will have to participate in a meaningless scandal. If you washed the floors clean water, which means that in the future you can count on success at work, perhaps you will receive a promotion or increase in salary.

A dream in which you had to wash the floors in a church is a warning that you will have to endure something in the future. If another person was washing the floor, then you should be on guard, because enemies are developing things behind your back. plan of attack, perhaps at work, someone is vying for your place. A night vision where you washed the floor for another person without much desire warns that in life you will have to give up your place. If you had a dream where you had to wash the floor at the request of another person, it means that in reality you are a faithful friend who you can rely on at any time.

Why does a woman dream of washing floors?

For a married representative of the fair sex, a dream where she cleans up own home, indicates that she is not satisfied family life. The dream book recommends making some changes to restore your relationship with your loved one. For single women spring-cleaning predicts the appearance of a new admirer and, most importantly, the relationship may end in a wedding.

Why do you dream about washing the floor?

Any dream that comes out of the subconscious is probably intended to inform a person about something very important. You should not take all dreams lightly. If the dream is vivid and memorable, you should carefully consider all the little things and details in order to interpret it correctly.

Such a dream is washing the floor. If someone asks the question: “Why do you dream about washing the floor?”, we can confidently say that this dream is not so simple and it should be interpreted very meaningfully, focusing on even the most seemingly insignificant details. IN real life the floor is the foundation, the foundation on which a person stands and moves along it. Floor in real life is associated with a solid base, which is designed to hold numerous objects on itself. Also in a dream, it is positioned as a certain fundamental basis that is designed to support many areas of life. So, if a person dreams that he is washing the floor, then this dream is interpreted as his attempt in real life to organize all aspects of his existence. If in a dream a person washes the floor very carefully and at the same time his actions are independent, without involving additional people, then in real life an incredible promotion awaits him. Moreover, all attempts and aspirations to find some highly effective solutions will be approved by management and assessed at the highest level. professional level. Also, some dream books offer a different interpretation of floor washing. Such actions can be a symbol that a person is preparing in life for some very important event for him or for very important changes.

When interpreting such a dream, it is worth paying attention Special attention on the water used to clean the floor. If the water is clean and transparent, then the changes will be favorable, and if it is dirty, then most likely they will have a negative imprint.

If you dreamed that you were washing your floor in a dream, this means that in real life a person strives to change his position, move forward, and not stop at what has already been achieved. When characterizing such a dream, it is worth paying special attention to the feelings that the person experienced while performing such a procedure. How pleasant and important was washing the floor to him, the room in which he washed the floor, and also from what material flooring made. If a person dreams that he is washing the floor in his own house, then this can be interpreted as complete readiness for radical changes in his personal life, for a new round in his life. professional activity and even global changes on the love front. If you dreamed that a person was washing the floor in an unfamiliar room, then in real life he will prove himself to be a reliable and devoted person who can be relied on in any situation. Such a dream is interpreted as a sign that behavior, actions and decisions can have the most significant impact on the lives of other people. If a person in a dream was asked to wash the floor in some unfamiliar room, then who, if he did not refuse, can be considered a reliable friend who is able to come to the rescue at any time. In addition, you can focus on the type of room in which the floors are washed: educational, office, office, apartment, etc.

If this is an official institution, then with the help of this institution in real life, things can go smoothly for the person washing the floor there. Drawing conclusions about a dream in which a person is washing, we can say that such a dream will be favorable if the action itself does not cause negative emotions, and the person sees that the surface is becoming really clean, and the water used for cleaning is not too dirty.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that such dreams can also have a negative meaning. Thus, some of them can be interpreted as the desire of other people to receive individual benefits, if a person dreamed that, for example, a colleague or stranger was washing the floor in his personal apartment. Either mop a friend's floor or stranger in an apartment or house may mean some concessions that can lead to losses and discomfort in real life.

Some dream books, when interpreting floor washing, foreshadow a deceased person, but such a prediction may come true if there is a seriously ill person in the house, or someone is in critical condition in the hospital. If a person dreamed of washing floors, then when interpreting it is worth focusing on numerous little details, and the more such details there are, the better, since they are the ones who will play decisive role, and it will be possible to more accurately determine the events that this dream predicted.

You should not take everything written to heart. Dream books can also be outdated, and the interpretation of each dream can be completely different, depending on the level and type of life of each person individually. You always need to be attentive and active in any situation in order to achieve what you want.

Dreams warn, call, inform, but one should never categorically evaluate and take to heart everything written anywhere. The most important thing is a person’s attitude towards his dreams. Let it always be quite positive.

Washing floors in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Washing floors is a symbol of a career.

In a dream, washing floors portends a successful career that you will have to build with my own hands. You will have to comply with many mandatory rules and requirements. Full submission to management will be required. But the result will not keep you waiting and will bring moral and material satisfaction. A career will completely change your life for the better.

Why dream of washing floors means not achieving your goal if in a dream you have to clean a stranger’s house. This dream foreshadows that the planned position will be taken by someone else. Namely, a more successful colleague who will reach the intended goal earlier.

Sweeping the floor speaks of doing work without putting any effort into it. Such actions do not deserve a reward, so you should not expect profit. Also, promotion in position is not expected.

Miller's dream book interprets washing floors as a warning that someone is trying to ruin a career. In a dream, the sleeper slips and falls on a freshly washed floor.

The situation can be corrected if you show patience and endurance. In this case, everything will become accessible and possible.

Miller's dream book online warns that if you wash other people's floors in a dream, do it carelessly, or even quit what you started, then in real life you should not expect a prestigious position and high salary. To do this, you will have to start working again and do it at double the pace and with maximum effort. Only after this will you be able to enjoy the result and rejoice in your own achievements.

Dream interpretation of washing the floors

Why do you dream of washing floors in a dream according to the dream book?

Washing floors in a dream means changes for the better at work, a promotion, receiving a bonus or fee, changes in life.

Walking on a washed floor means the absence of barriers, obstacles on the way to achieving long-standing goals, easy getting what you want, making dreams come true.

Where did you wash the floors in your dream? What did you use to wash the floor in your dream? What floor did you wash in your dream? Who washed the floor in the dream?

Where did you wash the floors in your dream?

Wash floors in someone else's house in a dream

The dream book characterizes washing the floors in someone else’s house as influencing the owner of the house. Your influence brings results, changes are positive character, the dynamics of improvement can be traced.

Wash the floors at work in a dream

If you dreamed that you were washing the floor at work, this signifies recognition of you as an irreplaceable employee by your employer, your value and exclusivity. The work done will be appreciated.

Why dream of washing floors at school?

A dream where you wash floors at school foreshadows an inevitable change in your place of study. An event will bring less emotional stress if you prepare for it in advance.

Why dream of washing the floor in the entrance

Washing the floors in the entrance in a dream means changing your place of residence. The move has been planned for a long time, it’s time to turn long-standing plans into reality. Focus on the main thing, don't get distracted by the little things.

I dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen

Dreaming that you are washing the floor in the kitchen means new relationships with the opposite sex, increased mutual feelings and affection. It is possible to receive a new long-awaited position at work, a promotion.

What did you use to wash the floor in your dream?

Washing the floor with a mop in a dream

The dream book describes washing the floor with a mop as the presence of conflicts in life, quarrels with loved ones or relatives, work scandals and a showdown. The dream warns of possible unpleasant situations in the future.

Washing floors with your hands in a dream

If you dreamed that you were washing the floor with your hands, difficulties in life were coming. Before change can happen, you have to deal with existing problems Having resolved long-standing issues and matters, the time for new projects has not yet come.

What floor did you wash in your dream?

Wash a clean floor in a dream

To dream that you are washing a clean floor means that your health will deteriorate, troubles and problems will arise. Show yourself more attention, listen to the desires and needs of the body, it signals potential troubles.

Why dream of washing a wooden floor?

Washing a wooden floor - a dream foreshadows spiritual harmony, peace, and serenity of spirit. Do not let your guard down, otherwise you may fall for the tricks of a scammer who wants to defraud you of funds. Exercise utmost care and caution.

Who washed the floor in the dream?

Mom washes the floor in a dream

Mom washes the floor in a dream - you can count on timely help from your parent. Do not hide your problems from your loved ones; they are always ready to provide support and participation to the best of their ability.

A neighbor washes the floor in a dream

I dreamed that a neighbor was washing the floor - previous relationships with patrons could be disrupted due to gossip. Attempts by ill-wishers to harm you will fail and will not bring the expected results.

Husband mops the floor in his dream

I dreamed about my husband washing the floor - the distribution of responsibilities; the husband will take upon himself to solve most of the existing problems. Show your participation and support, it is necessary for conservation good relations.

Grandmother washes the floor in a dream

A dream where a grandmother washes the floors means temporary difficulties, passing adversity. You will overcome problems and find the right solution. There's no need to rush the time will come and you will find the right solution.

A man washes the floor in his dream

A man is washing the floor - the dream book interprets this dream as receiving unexpected, timely help. Successful completion of the case will bring positive emotions, joy and approval.

Daughter washes the floor in a dream

A daughter washes the floors in a dream - the child’s readiness to make amends, to repent of the committed action towards you. Show leniency and kindness towards her emotional impulse.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Wash floors, dishes, why dream about Wash floors, dishes in a dream

Small Velesov dream book Why in a dream you dream about washing floors and dishes:

What does washing mean in a dream - To spread gossip; wash - health, wealth, renewal, change for the better // people wash their bones, family troubles, losses, rob; hot water– troubles; in clothes - trouble; V clean water- health; in dirty - illness; in the river - troubles, debts to repay.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Wash floors and dishes according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Wash in a dream? What does it mean to dream about – Wash yourself - Avoid conflicts during this period Wash someone or wash with someone - You have a chance to improve relationships with a loved one. Take advantage of it

Dream Interpretation To wash or to be washed - Your sadness will turn into joy.

Dream Interpretation Wash the floor - For leaving your home.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

What does it mean to dream about washing floors - To a scandal; to death.

Autumn dream book Why dream about washing floors and dishes according to the dream book:

Why dream of mopping the floor - To gossip.

Summer dream book Why dream about washing floors and dishes according to the dream book:

Wash the floor - To see in a dream how you wash the floor in all rooms is a sign of receiving guests.

Dream Interpretation Washing dishes - Reconciliation in the family.

Islamic dream book Why do you dream about washing floors and dishes in a dream?

What does it mean to see someone doing laundry in a dream - seeing him in a dream is a sign of getting rid of worries, anxieties and misfortunes.

Cleaning the floor for parents

Dream Interpretation Wash the floor for parents dreamed of why you dream about washing the floor for your parents? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see parents washing the floor in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wash the floor

Seeing in a dream how you wash the floor in all rooms is a sign of receiving guests.

Dream Interpretation - Wash the floor


Dream Interpretation - Wash the floor

To leave your home.

Dream Interpretation - Wash the floors

To a scandal; to death.

Dream Interpretation - Wash the floor in a savings bank

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Wash the floor of a deceased person

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing in a dream warm water- a sign of hypocrisy, which will backfire on the one who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water- cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bath with a man, this means strong unrest for fear of losing the affection of a loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. Cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone's hair or see others wash it for themselves - you will soon go to interesting trip, which will bring you a lot of pleasure.

If a dream has alarmed you in some way, you should not immediately get upset and panic; perhaps its interpretation has the opposite meaning.

Why dream of washing floors? It's worth looking into.

Why dream of washing floors - basic interpretation

Not everyone likes to clean. But what if you dreamed about how you washed the floors? What is the significance of such a dream? If you dream that you are washing the floors in the morning, what is the meaning of such a dream? It means your new beginning, a new business that you have long dreamed of.

But how to correctly and completely interpret a dream?

It is necessary to take into account all its details:

Do you wash the floors in your house?

Are they dirty?

Are you able to wash them?

Who else washes the floors with you;

How do you feel after cleaning?

If you wake up and experience inexplicable fear after a dream about how you wash floors, such a dream means that you are afraid to change something in your life. You are afraid to take responsibility for all possible changes. It’s easier for you to sit back, do nothing, but also not take risks.

Even if the risk is not justified, the dream book indicates that great prospects will soon open up before you and if you don’t try now and try your luck, you will regret it for a long time. A dream in which you wash the floors all night indicates the difficulty of making a decision. You will worry and doubt and will not be able to accept it.

Try to think ahead about all your future actions and don’t worry if something doesn’t work out for you, try again and again. A dream in which you wash the floor of blood speaks of some terrible events that will soon happen to you. Be prepared for difficulties.

If you dream that you are washing a wooden floor, such a dream suggests that in reality you will encounter a number of unforeseen circumstances and resistance. They will not be objective and dependent only on you. Such circumstances will directly depend on the influence of strangers on your life.

If you wash a wooden floor in a dream and after that it heaves, such a dream means that unexpected expenses will soon await you. Your wallet will be empty and you won't be able to do anything about it. You will try to minimize costs, but you will not be able to do this. Try to set aside some money in advance, which you can then spend on your own needs. Do not rush to purchase expensive valuables. Now you don't have the opportunity to spend that much money.

A dream in which you wash a concrete floor suggests that your hopes for a favorable combination of circumstances will not be crowned with success. You will really want a new development in your life, but it will not happen. Your hopes will be empty both in your personal life and in your professional sphere. You should not count on success in advance if you are cleaning a concrete floor from dirt after rain.

Traces that you washed away appear again? Then you should seriously think about whether you did the right thing with your loved ones. Someone is reaching out to you, someone wants love from you, constantly reminds you of yourself, but you always deny the person attention. The dream book says that you are acting recklessly and incorrectly. There is no need to bring resentment to the forefront. You need to learn to forgive, then unpleasant situations will stop bothering you.

If you wash the floor in a dream and it falls apart under your feet, cracks and holes appear in it - such a dream means that you will soon have troubles in your personal life. You will lose your support and hope, you may even stop enjoying life. But these difficulties will be temporary. Don't worry too much about them.

If in a dream you wash the floor with water Green colour- such a dream speaks of stagnation in your affairs and no matter how much you want to change the situation, you will still face the same recurring problems. It is important not to retreat in front of them, not to be afraid of stagnation, but to use this time for good.

For example, you can effectively do something else while it's stagnant. It is important to understand that you have taken on too much and now you may not have time to deal with the accumulated matters.

A dream in which someone else is cleaning the floors means that someone else will take on responsibilities for something important to you. Don't worry about this. You do your job well. And if someone volunteered to help you, you can only thank the person.

A dream in which you are preparing equipment for cleaning the floor speaks of your preparation for something very important. You have long dreamed of realizing yourself in this business, and you have finally come close to solving this issue.

Try not to put off what you have planned if you are polishing the floor until it shines. Your decision will concern something new and unique. You will need this so much that you will happily decide to make every effort both to improve your financial situation and to improve your life in general.

Why dream of washing floors according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that washing floors in a dream means worries and suffering regarding your personal life in reality. You are very worried about how your personal life will turn out. You practically don’t give yourself the opportunity to restore the relationship. It is difficult for you to live for someone if your floors are not washed in a dream.

You are most likely not willing to sacrifice personal time and space for the sake of someone else, which is why in your dream you get tired while mopping the floors. Seeing yourself washing the floors in a huge, luxurious house means a change in relationship to a more productive one. If you see that the floors you are washing in mall, you should think about whether you value yourself and your relationships too much, perhaps you do not give them due importance.

A dream in which a man washes the floors for you means that in reality he will take care of you and show attention to you. But you should not abuse his attention and disposition towards you. It’s better to try to reciprocate, then the relationship will reach a new level.

If a pregnant woman dreams of washing the floors, such a dream means that she will suffer due to unrequited feelings. It may seem to her that no one loves, everyone has abandoned her, no one expects love from her and is not ready to give it to her. But actually it is not. Everything in her life is still ahead.

Why dream of washing floors according to the Esoteric Dream Book

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why you dream of washing floors. Such a dream means a streak of bad luck and failure. If you try to wipe the dirt off the floor, you will be denigrated and slandered. You will not be able to fully restore your reputation. You will have to prove your worth for a long time.

If you see that you are washing away some inscriptions from the floor, it is important to listen and take a closer look at the details. They will make your life complete and beautiful. Try to be more attentive to your colleagues if in a dream you are washing floors at work. Such a dream speaks of possible troubles with them. They will create discomfort and trouble for you. A dream in which you wash floors with dirty water means that you will be fixated on the same issue for a long time. To understand it, it is important to look inside yourself.

If you see someone else washing the floors in your house, remember who it was. A lot in your life depends on this person. You will be increasingly inclined to believe that it was the influence of ill-wishers on your life that led to stagnation in business.

Why dream of washing floors according to other dream books

In Grishina’s dream book it is said that washing floors is a dream associated with indignation and hard work. Perhaps you yourself know where and what you were wrong, but you don’t want to admit it. Try not to contradict yourself so actively. The more you contradict and resist life, the more problems you will have. This is indicated by a dream in which you wash the floor too hard.

Aesop's dream book says that if you wash the floors of an unfamiliar woman, you are subconsciously afraid of betrayal. Are you afraid that you will be betrayed? close person. And the sooner you stop being afraid, the faster you will get a healthy, cheerful relationship.

If in a dream you see yourself washing the floor in a cafe, in reality you will have such a good rest that you will have to be ashamed of your actions and words. Try to worry less about this and devote yourself more to work. Your results in your work will soon be colossal. Especially if you dreamed about how you washed the floors until they shine. Whatever the dream, listen to your intuition.

Why dream of washing floors? Cleaning is done before an important celebration or event. In the dream this meaning is retained. However, the accuracy of the interpretation is determined by many details, for example, the place of cleaning or the color of the floor. Let's look at it in detail.

The traditional interpretation of a dream about washing the floors in your home means moving or temporary absence. If you are not planning to leave, then get ready to welcome guests.

Did you wash the floors in your dream? Get ready for changes in life. What they will be depends on your position in life and the details of the dream plot. For example, people concerned about career growth can receive a long-awaited promotion and salary increase. If the dreamer was concerned about other life issues, changes should be expected in the area of ​​​​life of interest.

The dream plot scenario can be different:

  • the dreamer washes the floors himself;
  • someone else does the cleaning;
  • the floors are washed in one’s own/someone else’s house;
  • floors are washed in an unfamiliar/unexpected room;
  • what kind of water is used for cleaning - dirty/clean;
  • How to wash floors - with a mop, with your hands.

Cleaning indoor floors promises a reward for the effort expended, successful career. Your achievements at work will be noticed and appreciated. For the prophecy to come true fully, be modest with your superiors and do not stubbornly defend your point of view - this can be left for later. It is important to be able to compromise and be flexible in communication.

Cleaning location

If the dreamer washed the floors with my hands, in reality, this means a desire to quickly cope with an unpleasant situation, to hide unpleasant moments as much as possible. If saw a mop in his hands, it is worth accepting the offer of a previously unfamiliar person - it promises good luck in business, profit or winnings.

  • Wash the floor in your own home - expect favorable changes in your life.
  • Cleaning the entrance means the prospect of improvement living conditions, relocation is possible.
  • Washing the floors in your parents' house is unlucky for the family.
  • Clean the house deceased grandmother- to resolve family conflicts with your help.
  • Cleaning the store will add numerous household chores.
  • Cleaning a church building is a warning of danger, be on your guard; It is also worth repenting of sins.
  • Cleaning the school premises is a sign of success in your career or studies.
  • Cleaning the kitchen - to strengthen mutual feelings with your loved one.
  • Wash the sidewalk on the street - to big trouble in life.
  • Cleaning the house of friends or relatives means you will soon take part in solving their problems.
  • Cleaning the cemetery area is a sign of a new turn in life that promises good luck.
  • Cleaning the office space means a change of job or a change of position.
  • Cleanse an old house- to change your place of residence.

Wipe thoroughly with a cloth stain on the floor- in reality, you want to hide some fact from others and make every effort to do this. However, the secret will still become public knowledge.

Floor type and color

What floor did you wash in your dream? Cleaning a new, durable flooring promises reliable support in life. Rocking old flooring - your loved ones will let you down. A leaky flooring prophesies that happiness will slip through your fingers.

Clean dirty room- to favorable events in fate. Wash clean room - to unfavorable changes and circumstances.

Washing the flooring dark color- you do unnecessary things, fuss and pay attention to little things. Washing light flooring(especially tiles, laminate) - to joyful events in life.

In the interpretation of the dream, it matters who did the cleaning:

  • if the dreamer is pregnant, the time for childbirth has come;
  • mother washes the floor - expect problems in communication;
  • your husband washes - envious people are up in arms against you.

If the water in the bucket is clean- expect favorable changes. If you see dirty water- expect gossip and judgment of people.

Interpretation of dream books

  • ABC of dream interpretation believes that the image of gender symbolizes the dreamer’s life position, habits and foundations. Accordingly, cleansing a room means getting rid of the old and familiar. Seeing garbage in a room and trying to remove it means removing debris from your life.
  • Modern dream book gives the following interpretation: cleaning the room - to illness and deterioration of well-being.
  • Dream book of the 21st century believes that a washed floor in a dream foreshadows conflicts in the family. At the same time, cleaning the floor is for guests.
  • Dream Interpretation of Morozova interprets this plot to separation, change of place of residence and even death. If you see water oozing from under the floor, prepare for shock: your family is in danger.
  • Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation gives a negative interpretation to the dream: it prophesies death.
  • Online dream book interprets this plot to deterioration of health.
  • Vanga's Dream Book predicts career success and gratitude from superiors.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus sees in this plot a positive change in the relationship with a partner: you will get new sensations from love. Washing floors in an unfamiliar room - you will influence other people.
  • Miller's Dream Book interprets the dream in accordance with the characteristics of the room. A dirty room means negative changes in fate, a clean room means positive ones.

Popular interpretation attributes a negative connotation to dreams with this plot. However, you should not take signs literally - the interpretation of a dream depends on the events taking place in your life and on the internal perception of what you see. Often the correct interpretation can be obtained by listening to the inner voice of intuition.

Dream where you do wet cleaning, may seem insignificant. Why dream of washing the floors in the house? You might think that it doesn't matter because you dreamed about what you did during the day. But actually it is not. Let's look at the dream book: washing floors in a dream - what is this for? Anyone who has this dream will be helped by fate in their job advancement, given an increase in salary and good luck!

A dream in which you wash floors with clean water portends you good luck in business matters.

It has great importance, where you wash the floor (in your own or someone else’s house, at your mother’s or mother-in-law’s, at a friend’s or a friend’s, at a colleague’s or at a stranger’s), what kind of floor (dirty, clean), what kind of water is in the bucket after washing. Try to remember in detail so that we can help you interpret the dream correctly, because if you lose sight of something, you may misunderstand what was intended.

A good sleep value can be based on the following important points:

  • The water used to wash floors is clean;
  • A sleeping person feels a positive and pleasant mood;
  • There should be no discomfort or negative mood during sleep;
  • The result of labor should be visible to the eye (the floor becomes clean)

This is what he says about the negative meaning of the dream:

  • Muddy, black and dirty water is a bad sign;
  • The sleeper sees that a completely different person is washing the floor in his house. This means that he will definitely take advantage of your benefit (for example, he can sit on you at work and be promoted instead of you).
  • The worst sign: a dream for a dead person. It often comes true in cases where there is a seriously ill person in the house.

Where exactly did you clean in your dream?

If you dreamed of washing the floors in your house, you can forget about all the troubles, you will easily get rid of them. It is especially good if relatives or friends help you in a dream - in real life they will help you sort out your problems, you will be surrounded by care and attention. All minor troubles will go away without a trace. Perhaps the annoying neighbor moves or you manage to replace the old chair, either way you can breathe deeply because all your worries will go away. It's time for change!

If you are cleaning the house of strangers, then your actions will affect their fate.

Dream Interpretation: washing the floors in someone else's house is interpreted as the fact that your actions will affect the fate of the owners of the house if they are familiar to you in reality. Perhaps you already influence these individuals or are an authority for the owners of the house. You help them change better side or cope with any difficulties. If the people you help are especially unpleasant, people laugh at you, you should beware of job offers, there will be no benefit and you will fail.

If you wash the floor of your significant other, you should not be dependent on your partner; such a relationship does not bode well. Perhaps he or she is using you for personal gain, you need to beware of any offers (especially in financially). Don’t be upset, you need time to understand “who is who”, perhaps this dream was influenced negative emotions his friends or parents.

If you are cleaning your friend’s floor, they are trying to drag you into a dubious adventure, for which you will have to pay for yourself. On the other hand, all the profit from it will go to you (especially if you wash the floor with your own hands). If your friend helps you with cleaning, then you will divide the results equally. It is very important how you yourself feel towards your friend: if you have a good relationship and are not in a quarrel, then you help consciously, regardless of the circumstances. If you do not trust your friend, you are afraid of her, she will use you for her own purposes.

If you are cleaning your friend's floor, perhaps he needs your support, he feels lonely. You should definitely check on your friend if you are cleaning the floor and he is standing over your soul. If your friend is impatient in a dream and rushes you, then the problems that you help him solve will remain at the same stage (the solution to the problem does not depend on you).

If you are cleaning your mother’s floor, you need to quickly find out how your parents are doing, maybe they have problems. If your mother asked you to wash the floor in a dream, it means that in reality she is embarrassed to do it. In a dream, when you come to your parents’ house and take a rag from your mother, you will try to solve all your parental concerns yourself. When your mother walks on the washed floor, it means that she is pleased with your help. It does not bode well if your mother is unhappy with your work, in the present she is upset by your actions, dissatisfied with your actions towards your family.

If you are cleaning your mother-in-law's house, expect trouble to arise.

If you see that you are washing the floor in your mother-in-law’s house, then expect enemies to appear. Soon there will be people who will annoy you. Their presence will make you feel resentful. These faces will drive you crazy with their obsession.

If you are cleaning the floor in the house of a grandmother who has died, prepare for conflicts in the family. There will be a scandal, at the end of which everyone will remain “right.” Resentment towards another will overtake everyone. To get out of this unpleasant situation, find out everything at once. Time is not on your side. Do not delay disassembly for more than one day.

Why dream of washing floors at work - if you see yourself washing the floor at work, then know: you will not receive moral satisfaction from what you are doing. Most likely, you are a person who unconditionally and meekly fulfills your own and other people’s responsibilities. At the same time, your boss is satisfied with this state of affairs. If you sweep the floor with a broom in a dream, then in reality you are a bad worker.

If you are mopping a colleague’s floor, that person has a lot of cunning! She is trying to transfer work responsibilities to you, but don’t worry in vain, now it will be difficult to do this, because you have been warned higher powers. You need to be vigilant and not succumb to provocations from your colleague. If you only wash small area in the house, then she will not have time to load you with work. In a dream, when you clean together together, in reality you will become a good team.

Why dream of washing floors at school - your career will skyrocket. Good changes will come in your life. In addition, you can be pleased with the upcoming financial well-being.

Washing the floors in the entrance in a dream means that the thought of improving your home will soon arise in your head. You may want to build a house or buy the best apartment. In fact, you will even start saving money for this. The only disappointment: the dream will not come true soon.

If you see yourself washing the floor under open air, then know: you will soon have grief. A loved one will get into trouble that will disturb your soul. You will have to make every effort to help your loved one.

Which part of the floor are you cleaning?

If you see that you are washing the floor close to the threshold or the threshold itself, then know: there is no support in your life. The past follows you around. And no one can distract you from this and help you forget.

A dream in which you had to wash the floors in the kitchen is definitely a sign of love. There will be changes in relationships: you will experience new love or an old spark will suddenly flare up. In fact, you will soon “lose your head” and be ready for unrealistic actions.

If you see yourself simply wiping a stain off the floor, then in reality you are impersonating someone else. You are deceitful, you are an insincere person, he exposes you in this.

Manual cleaning means that serious changes will occur in life.

How does the dream book interpret washing floors in a dream with your hands? Everything we do with our hands in a dream means persistent, patient work. You have been reaching your goal for a long time and deserve a reward. If there are no difficult stains or marks during washing, then you can easily cope with your problems. When you scrub a stain for a long time and persistently (especially if it is bloody), there is some kind of deception in your life that prevents you from achieving your goal.

What material was the floor made of?

  • Unstable surface (maybe he's rocking) - reconsider your surroundings. Beware, even the closest person can betray your feelings.
  • A reliable hard floor means you're lucky. There are people who can support you. You can always rely on them, in any difficult situation;
  • Leaky floor - be wary, you are losing peace of mind, happiness, and gaining trouble;
  • Wooden flooring - you have a desire to establish bad relationships with people;
  • If you wash the floor with clean water, then you are trying to wash away all gossip from your life line;
  • Tiled floor - your life is full of consistency and stability;
  • Gender dark palette - study yourself. You worry about unnecessary and unimportant things. Your worries are unfounded.
  • The floor is a light palette - you are the right, adequate person. It is possible that there will be pleasant and joyful changes in the future.

Was it clean or dirty before cleaning?

The floor is dirty and covered in garbage - this means problems. If you wash for a long time, and there is still a lot of dirt, you should give up and wait, perhaps your problem cannot be solved yet. If you quickly deal with the garbage, and then the floors sparkle with shine - you are great, you will cope with troubles without outside help.

Washing a clean floor is good sign, especially for women. It means supporting loved ones, preserving hearth and home, peace in the house. Family quarrels will be resolved, conflicts will be settled. For the expectant mother, washing clean floors means good current pregnancy and easy childbirth.

What kind of water did you see in your dream?

The water after washing is clean, transparent - quick release from illness, a successful contract, a truce with the enemy. If someone helped you wash the floor, and the water in his bucket is dirty, you need to break off the relationship with this person, he is trying to discredit you.

The water in your bucket is cloudy or dirty - during everyday chores, do not forget about your health, you may get sick or succumb to the bad influence of others. In a dream where you are washing the floor at home, dirty water means that you will get rid of old prejudices and look at the world with new eyes. You will cope with the oncoming illness without much loss.

Have you watched the process from the outside?

  • Ancient Hebrew dream book. Watching from the sidelines as the floors are washed is not coming to the aid of a friend. To see stains being scrubbed away or debris being removed from the floor - someone will correct your mistakes. Communicating with a cleaning lady in a dream means bringing trouble to someone.
  • Psychoanalytic dream book. You will have to work hard and suppress the desire to argue with authoritarian bosses if you want to truly achieve good results. This period will not last long, but with the right approach it will bear fruit.
  • Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov. In a government house - expect bad news from afar. At a funeral there is a forced period of downtime, but soon you will make up for everything you missed. A woman washes the floor with her hands - a promising business proposal, bonuses and awards in the service.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

There is another opinion about what it means to wash floors in a dream. If a person sees such a dream, then he dreams of the comfort and warmth of his hearth. He was completely overwhelmed by the desire for spiritual intimacy and trust with loved ones. Now let’s take a look at the most current dream books of our time and find out what their famous authors think about the interpretation of this dream.

Miller's Dream Book - you will make a big profit

Psychologist Gustav Miller supported the traditional opinion that cleaning the floor brings great profit. As Miller’s dream book says, washing the floors with your hands until they shine, all your achievements will go to another person. When you dreamed that you were mopping the floor at work, and your managers saw it, then promotion up the career ladder awaits you.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - career changes are imminent

The seer spoke of this dream as a joyful event. She invested career success in the meaning of the dream. At the same time, she noted that success will definitely come if you maintain good relations with your superiors. You need change and go towards it. If someone helps you with cleaning, then you should listen to this person. When a person watches you clean, you are not trusted.

From Freud - you are ready for new love

If you rub something that is already clean, then this is good. Everything is fine in your life.

The great psychoanalyst compared cleaning floors to the relationship between loving people. According to his interpretation, the dream meant that people needed to put everything in its place (dot the i’s). It is likely that someone wants a new love relationship.

In your personal life, you lack your own partner. You want new sensations, feelings. If your young man in a dream does not want to help you, we are afraid to think that he does not need changes, he resists them. You are tired of the monotony, you need to think about a new partner.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - it's time to make a decision

The decisions made by the sleeper will have a huge impact on others. The sleeper will also begin to experience changes in his personal life.

Modern dream book - you want changes

Psychologists who worked on modern dream book, consider this dream a manifestation of weakness, a cry for help. Your subconscious demands changes in the outside world; you yourself must begin to change. It might be worth doing your own physical fitness, look at your surroundings with different eyes and change your social circle, change appearance. When changes burst into your life, you will be satisfied with yourself and the situation in your home.

Hebrew dream book - you will be addicted

Humiliation, dependent position. You will become undesirably dependent on strangers, you will find yourself obliged to something. If you are paid money for cleaning floors, they will demand an exorbitant payment from you in gratitude for the service.

Chinese dream book - you will help a friend

Modern dream book of yogis - you will meet with bureaucracy

Contact government agencies, receive documents. Seeing your dirty hands or stains on your clothes is a tedious bureaucratic procedure. Receiving payment for cleaning floors in a dream means encountering the incompetence of government employees and disruptions in work.


In any case, seeing in a dream that you are washing the floor is a good omen. Perhaps good luck will soon smile on you, you will cope with problems at work, and your work will be appreciated by the people around you. You will find calm and peace in your relationship with your significant other.

Did you wash the floors in someone else's house in a dream? The plot warns of troubles, humiliation, conflicts, and problems. But the dream book also gives positive interpretations: influence on other people, time for action. The details of the vision will help to correctly explain why you dream about it.

Great time for action

The dream plot indicates: you will gain influence on the owner of this house, which will become the reason for the success of your professional activities.

A vision in a dream seems to push you: you need to start acting, you shouldn’t wait for a more favorable period. Timely actions will bring favorable changes, but excessive waiting may result in failure.

Get rid of your shortcomings

Why do you dream of someone else's home where you wash the dirty floor? The dream book explains: you are used to achieving your goal by any means, but this does not make you look good.

Did you dream of seeing yourself washing it with dirty water? This means: the sleeper only creates the appearance of fruitful activity, but in reality does nothing useful.

Did you scrub away a dirty stain in a dream? The dream book tells you: this speaks of your insincerity, you are trying to seem better, you are showing yourself not as who you are. However, someday the mask will fall - then those around you will see your true face. Avoid falsehood - then the attitude of others will be sincere.

Where was the floor washed?

Remember whose house you saw:

  • parental - misfortune will happen at home;
  • mothers-in-law - people will appear who will irritate you;
  • deceased grandparents - you will be able to resolve the conflict on your own;
  • acquaintances, relatives - you will help solve their problems;
  • in some old house - to a change of residence.

Miller's Dream Book: Vain Hopes

Washing floors in someone else's house in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dream plot is a warning: hopes of achieving the goal will be in vain. The position you applied for will be taken by a more successful work colleague.

There are problems ahead, we need to show restraint

The interpretation of a dream about washing floors in a stranger’s home can be as follows: where the plot of the dream developed, the sleeper will soon experience humiliation and serious troubles.

Why dream of using a mop to wash the floors in someone else’s house? In reality, you will begin to quarrel and conflict with people because of some misunderstandings. But these excesses can bring sad consequences. Still, try to show restraint and calmness - only then will you cope with difficulties.

Did you wash your hands in a dream? The dream book says: there are many problems to be solved on the personal front and at work. You need to deal with old troubles so that you can move on. Pay maximum attention.
