Happiness in children quotes sayings. Children are the flowers of life. A selection of aphorisms, quotes and sayings about children. Funny statuses about the joy of fatherhood

Children are flowers of life. Every parent knows that there is nothing more beautiful than the smile of their children. We have collected interesting and beautiful quotes about children on this page. Read, leave comments and share with friends.

Beautiful quotes about children with meaning

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy. (Oscar Wilde)

Every child is to some extent a genius and every genius is to some extent a child. (A. Schopenhauer)

Childhood is when everything is surprising and nothing is surprising. (A. Rivarol)

Children are flowers of life that are born with their heads down. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

We were unlucky with our children - they grew up. (Christopher Morley)

With small children, as with intellectuals: when they make noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly, it’s suspicious.

All the children in the world cry in the same language. (L. Leonov)

Children need a role model more than criticism. (J. Joubert)

Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least. (E. Bombeck)

Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood. (A. Chekhov)

Happiness is reflected in children's eyes

Quotes about raising children

In fact, the saying is true that it is better not to raise children, but to show them an example in everything.

Do you know which one is the best? the right way To make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be refused anything. (Rousseau J.-J.)

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that from childhood a person is not taught to control his desires, he is not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of what is possible, what is necessary, and what is not. (Sukhomlinsky V. A.)

Family education for parents is, first of all, self-education. (Krupskaya N.K.)

The growth and upbringing of children is a big, serious and terribly responsible matter. (Makarenko A. S.)

A child has his own special ability to see, think and feel, and there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this ability with ours. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

Quotes about children and happiness

There is happiness... I know him... I know the color of his eyes, his laughter... And it calls me mom!

In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the nightstand, the husband thinks that the food comes from the refrigerator, and the children think that it was found in the cabbage.

Rely on yourself. There are two strong anchors in life - work and children. All other adversities can be endured. (Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov)

Love does not necessarily mean children, but children do mean love.

Life is short, but a person lives it again in his children. Anatole France Thibault

Smile at your children

Love your children!

There are no children, there are people.
Janusz Korczak

Most of us become parents before we stop being children.
Minion McLaughlin

Our children should choose husbands and wives for us.
Valery Afonchenko

Deciding to have a child is a serious matter. This means deciding to let your heart walk outside your body from now on and forever.
Elizabeth Stone

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness.
Victor Hugo

Gifted children are the treasure of the nation. It's hard to disagree with this statement. Indeed, children are our future. You can agree or disagree with other statements by reading short quotes about children with meaning. This collection features wise and beautiful phrases great people, their view on the topic of childhood. These are reflections famous people both past and present. Quotes and aphorisms come across both serious, philosophical and witty. But each of these statements gives reason to think.

Life for a child is one huge experiment.
Alfred Adler

Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Every person is always someone's child.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

When a child grows up, he ceases to understand many things.
Alexander Kulich

He who was not a child will never become an adult.
Charlie Chaplin

Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much.
Fedor Dostoevsky

Save the tears of your children so that they can shed them at your grave.

Unlike talent, stupidity does not rest on children.
Valentin Domil

Mutual love held together by children.

All the children in the world cry in the same language.
Leonid Leonov

What is childhood, if you look at it? Formally, it is a period when a little person tries to learn to understand the world around him, tries to learn the rules of the surrounding society. That is, this is a time of knowledge and discovery. The most interesting stage of a person's life. Quotes about children prove this.

Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.
William Shakespeare

You cannot scare off children with harshness; they only cannot stand lies.
Lev Tolstoy

First a person develops mentally and physically, then sexually. And with the birth of children, the mental period begins again.
Vladimir Borisov

Children are fruits that do not see roots.
Gennady Malkin

Children are always ready for a miracle.
Olga Muravyova

Children listen most attentively when they are not being spoken to.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Children amuse themselves with one activity or another even when they are doing nothing.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Children are innocent - and therefore their conscience sleeps in them; they don't know what it is - remorse.
Valentin Grudeev

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.
Pearl Buck

There are so many quotes and reflections about childhood that it seems that nothing new can be invented. But perhaps among the phrases presented you will find something new for yourself.

If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would only produce geniuses.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.
Nadine de Rothschild

Life is short, but a person lives it again in his children.
Anatole France

Woman better than men understands children, but a man is more a child than a woman.
Friedrich Nietzsche

If you have children, you have nothing else.
Kathleen Norris

Love does not necessarily mean children, but children do mean love.
Valery Afonchenko

Don’t waste a person’s time by telling him how smart your children are, because he wants to tell you about how smart his children are.
Edgar Watson Hovey

It's joyful when your children are a step forward compared to you, it's bitter when they're a step back.
Ilya Shevelev

The most observant people are children. Then - artists.
Vasily Shukshin

Children are the living flowers of the earth, Maxim Gorky once said. It is from this phrase that the famous quote arose: Children are the flowers of life. And in order for flowers to grow well, you need the appropriate environment and atmosphere, that is, a family. We invite you to read

Children are happiness, beautiful quotes about children with meaning. Children are flowers of life. It is important not to forget that children are happy and joyful when their parents are happy and harmonious.

Children don't come from nowhere, they come from God.

“Children who have felt the selfless love of their parents become happy people" - Pearl Buck.

"No one gem will not be able to adorn a woman like the son walking next to her.”

“Looking at your child, you understand that it’s not in vain that you live in this world.”

“A child is my love, happiness and wealth.”

In a family where everything is good, there are no bad children.

Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot overshadow those moments of happiness when you look at this little happiness and understand that this happiness is a part of you!

Nine months give new life at least three lives at once. Sukhorukov Leonid.

Children are our message to the future.

Children are happiness! But it comes at a high price!

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness. Victor Hugo.

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness.

Children are smiling Gods. Anatoly Rakhmatov.

Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life. Sophocles

“We give children life, and they give us the meaning of life.”

A child's state of soul runs through our entire lives - it is this that prompts us to seek the meaning of life, to seek God.

Children are a blessing that grows over the years. (children are happiness quotes)

One child is enough to fill the entire house and yard. Mark Twain

If you look at the world through the eyes of a child, then great happiness for them is simply the touch of their mother’s hands!

A woman - a mother will save the world. Friedrich Nietzsche.

A woman automatically loses freedom from the moment life is conceived in her, but in return, she gains great happiness - Motherhood. Tamara Sinelni.

Having children is wealth, being a mother is great happiness!

When children are happiness, parents are true children! Sukhorukov Leonid.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde.

Any woman, when sleeping, may not hear the phone ringing or knocking on the door. But she can hear her child’s breathing even in her sleep!

Mom is the happiest woman in the world.

Motherhood is the greatest happiness in the world, it is the most priceless gift of God!

There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips. Victor Hugo

There is nothing more beautiful than children's eyes! They are so pure, like heaven!

A child gives birth to parents. Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The birth of a little person, whom you look forward to, is the most wonderful moment in this life. Galina Sukhoverk.

Giving birth to a child takes a lot of energy, health, and time from a woman. But in return it gives a lot of happiness, love, tenderness.

With the onset of motherhood, femininity blossoms in all its strength and beauty. Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

With the birth of children, money, order, peace and serenity disappear in the house... and happiness appears.

The most beautiful thing in the life of any family is children.

family starts with children. Alexander Herzen.

The most expensive necklace on a woman's neck is the arms hugging her child.

Only a happy woman can raise a happy child!

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

Happiness is small, warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, and crumbs on the armchair.

Happiness is the word “mother” written by a child’s hand.

Happiness cannot be bought. But he can be born.

Happiness consists of 4 parts: living parents, healthy children, a loved one and true friends!

When your beloved child is in the arms of your loved one, it is a great happiness.

Quietly sniffling through his nose, hugging his mother, here he is, lying next to him, my piece of heaven!

Only when you approach the crib where your little baby is sleeping do you truly understand what tears of happiness are...

Smile at the child... Feel happiness..

This section contains beautiful quotes about children and happiness. Children are a source of happiness; they bring great joy into this world with their boisterous laughter, clumsy first steps, and even scattered toys.

  • It often happens that if you are late to give an answer to a child, he does not wait for him and answers himself. Jean Piaget
  • Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • The truth speaks through the mouth of a baby. It’s a pity that the pacifier makes it difficult to figure out what exactly it is. Sergey Fedin
  • In very early childhood, heroic feelings should already be instilled, tuning the soul to deeds of love and nobility. And does history provide few examples of heroes? Nikolai Vasilievich Shelgunov
  • Among lower peoples, naturalization is the simplest operation. The child does not continue the old age or maturity of his parents, but their own childhood. Emile Durkheim
  • Adults are children who have passed their expiration date. Sergey Fedin
  • He who has no children sacrifices death. Francis Bacon
  • Everything that a child sees and hears is a family sown in his soul. There it sprouts and then bears fruit. Miguel de Unamuno
  • Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be born.
  • Growing up, children become adults or poets. Sergey Fedin
  • Too good a childhood turns a child into an adult even faster than a bad one. S.Lukyanenko
  • Even giraffes do not allow them to sit on their parents' necks. Konstantin Kushner
  • Children need to be treated gently because punishment hardens them. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from; adults - where does it all go?
  • Parents are the bone on which children sharpen their teeth. Peter Ustinov
  • Children are fruits that do not see roots. Gennady Malkin
  • A child gives birth to parents. Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • Children are our joy if they are healthy, smart and beautiful!
  • The child begins to speak long before he utters his first word. Oswald Spengler
  • Children assume that each of their thoughts is the thought of all others, that everyone can read and understand it, even if it is not expressed quite clearly. Jean Piaget
  • A child is a reward for a woman and payback for a man. Konstantin Melikhan aphorisms about children
  • Children don't owe anyone anything! Makarsky
  • A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the rank of angels... Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Advantage big family is that at least one child may not follow in the footsteps of the others.
  • The charm of children lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world is presented anew to human judgment. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life, until the grave. Henry Ward Beecher
  • Children wonder where everything comes from, and parents wonder where everything goes.
  • A father loves his child because it is his birth; but he must still love him as a future person. Only such love for children is true and worthy of being called love. Any other kind is egoism, cold self-love. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • A devil's spawn is a child who acts like your own but was born into a neighbor's family.
  • Human customs and laws are such that if at the beginning of growth, in childhood, in the prime of youth, when the mind and understanding are very receptive and not overloaded, when talent and abilities are in their prime - if at this time a person does not comprehend anything in the sciences, then will not comprehend subsequently during a long life. Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi
  • If we asked ourselves who the strongest people in our culture are, the logical answer would be babies. Babies rule without being ruled. Alfred Adler
  • No one has ever managed to grow up without making mistakes. Alfred Adler
  • If children, fortunately, can forget about the adult world for a while, they will still be given over to this world in the end. Georges Bataille
  • There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips. Victor Marie Hugo
  • If a child suddenly becomes obedient, the mother is seriously scared - maybe he is about to die. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Don't make children angry: whoever wants to hit as a child will want to kill when he grows up. Pierre Buast
  • If your son emerges from adolescence impudent and shameless, prone to theft and lies, make him a gladiator. Give him a sword or knife in his hands and pray to God that he will soon be torn to pieces by animals or killed. For if he remains alive, then because of his vices you will perish. Don't expect anything good from him. Better let the bad son die. Menander
  • It does not happen that humane children abandon their parents. Mencius
  • Cruelty towards a child is an excess of punishment. Konstantin Kushner
  • Rely on yourself. There are two strong anchors in life - work and children. All other adversities can be endured. Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov
  • A healthy baby means a calm mother. Tatiana Gruzdeva
  • We must strive to ensure that only wanted children are born, since it is cruel to give birth to an unwanted child who may become a victim of physical or mental abuse. Karl Raymund Popper
  • Each child should be applied to his own standard, encouraged to his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own deserved praise. It is not success, but effort that deserves reward. John Ruskin
  • Every child is at risk of developing in the wrong direction. Alfred Adler
  • It’s curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; It follows from this that increasingly bad children grow into increasingly good parents. Vladislav Brudzinski
  • How often do parents truly love their children, how rarely do children truly appreciate parental love. Ilya Shevelev
  • Love does not necessarily mean children, but children do mean love.
  • As dad said, it will be like mom’s way!
  • Motherly love is the most common and most commonly understood example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.
  • Every word of an adult seems mysteriously meaningful to a child. Lev Shestov
  • Man and woman are completed only in the married couple, and the married couple is completed only in the child. Emmanuel Mounier
  • Of all generally immoral relationships, treating children as slaves is the most immoral. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • We do not pretend that we can turn any child into a so-called “talented individual,” but we can always turn him into a “mediocre” adult. Alfred Adler
  • Life is short, but a person lives it again in his children. Anatole France Thibault
  • Our flowers of life often turn into bouquets that are unpredictable for us. Leonid S. Sukhorukov
  • The natural love of parents for children must inevitably return from children to parents like grief, unless love for children contains a high guiding ideal. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require many sacrifices. Pierre Buast
  • If a child considers his parents to be wizards, it is partly because they themselves convinced him of this. Eric Bern
  • Do not assure the child that the stork brought it, so that he does not suspect you are impotent. Ilya Gerchikov
  • If the mother sees that the child has done well, she must certainly praise him, express her approval to him and thereby please his heart. 'Abdu'l-Bahá
  • No child likes to be the smallest and least capable all the time. Alfred Adler
  • If one cannot see the ideal of moral perfection in children, then at least one cannot but agree that they are incomparably more moral than adults. Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov
  • Nothing surprises when everything surprises: this is the nature of a child. Antoine de Rivarol
  • If “men are big children,” then women are small children.
  • Little children left unattended quickly become little parents.
  • The child shows gratitude to his parents with obedience and respect. Ekaterina II Alekseevna
  • It is very easy to encourage a child not to lie. Ernst Simon Bloch
  • Children's definitions are always interesting, but their interpretation is difficult. Jean Piaget
  • A respectful son is one who upsets his father and mother only with his illness. Confucius Kong Tzu
  • Children teach adults not to become completely immersed in a task and to remain free. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • The joy of word creation is the most accessible intellectual spirituality for a child. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • Children multiply our everyday worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. Francis Bacon
  • The child is perpetual motion machine, and also a kicker, a jumper, a biter, a hugger and a tight kisser.
  • Children do not choose their parents. They love them for who they are.
  • A child has a lot to learn before he can pretend. Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • The children of a hero are not always heroes; it is even less likely that grandchildren will be heroes. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • A child under no circumstances wants to be recognized in disguise. Hans Georg Gadamer
  • Children are our judges of tomorrow, they are critics of our views and actions, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life. Maksim Gorky
  • A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky
  • Children are the living flowers of the earth... Maxim Gorky
  • Parents are so simple devices that even children can operate them.
  • The motto of repeaters is: “Repetition is the mother of learning.” Sergey Fedin
  • The most unnecessary discipline in training is caning. Sergey Fedin
  • Speaking of honor, speaking of truth, are you really honest and truthful? If not, then you will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; He will not listen to your words, but to your gaze, your spirit that possesses you. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky
  • A sleeping baby is not only cute, but finally!
  • Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach their children. Catherine II
  • Only a child who knows how to take care of his desires is able to fully experience the joy of communicating with comrades, is able to discover in people - from his teachers, comrades - new and new wealth and values. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • All the children in the world cry in the same language. Leonid Maksimovich Leonov
  • You are young and dream of a child and marriage. But answer me: are you such that you have the right to desire a child?... Have you overcome yourself, are you the master of your feelings, are you the master of your virtues?... Or is it the animal and the need of your nature that speaks in your desire? Or loneliness? Or dissatisfaction with yourself? Friedrich Nietzsche
  • You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Respect... pure, clear, immaculate holy childhood! Janusz Korczak Henryk Goldschmidt
  • In children's fantasies, there are almost always situations in which the child has power over someone. Alfred Adler
  • It’s good to be a child, where you put him, he grows there. Tzviya Yitzchok
  • Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • What a commission, creator, to be a father to an adult daughter! Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov
  • The “natural” love of parents for children must inevitably return from children to parents as grief, unless love for children contains a high guiding ideal. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin