The best exercises for a flat stomach. How to make your stomach flat at home. Upper abs with obliques

Not all women have the opportunity to go to the gym. Some people can’t leave home with their children, others simply don’t have time, the reasons can be very different. However, everyone wants to look beautiful and fit, especially to have a thin and slender waist. In this case, you should perform exercises for a flat stomach. The most effective ones at home are crunches, clamshells, lying leg raises, planks and vacuums. How to do these exercises correctly to get the maximum benefit from them?

Strengthening the abdominal muscles and making the stomach firmer and firmer can be achieved through effective exercises, but the fat in our body cannot be reduced in certain areas. Therefore, you must understand that in order to get a flat stomach, training alone cannot achieve the desired result.

If you eat more calories than you consume, and after exercise you grab a sweet bun and gobble up fries, then the whole result will be hidden under a decent layer of fat. It is important to combine a set of exercises for a flat stomach at home with.

  • The press can be pumped daily. But if you feel severe muscle pain after your last workout, then it is better to give your body time to recover and postpone the workout. The best option is to train your abs 4 times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Exercises for a flat stomach and smaller waist can be performed at the beginning or end of a regular strength training routine. However, if the abs are your problem area, then it is better to dedicate a separate session for this.
  • You should not exercise on an empty stomach, but it is not recommended to exercise immediately after eating. It is better to wait 2-3 hours after a full meal. However, it shows the greatest effectiveness when performed in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Exercises should be done at a vigorous pace until you feel a burning sensation in the area being worked, and at the end of the workout you should feel pleasantly tired. It is better to do a hard workout several times a week than to do half-hearted exercise every day.

List of the most effective exercises for a flat stomach


The most popular home exercise. Its advantage is that it is easy to perform; twisting can be done by both beginners and experienced trainees. Starting position: lie on the floor, if it’s hard, it’s better to spread a small mat, bend your legs at the knees, your heels and lower back are pressed to the floor, your arms can be crossed on your chest or held just above your ears. Start twisting your upper torso towards your legs.

It is important to rise with a twisted rather than straight body. Ab crunches are performed in various variations, when the body is fully straightened, or simply by raising the head and shoulders. In this case, the legs remain motionless throughout the exercise.

You can also prop your feet up on a straight, elevated surface, such as a sofa. This option is lightweight, but no less effective. When performing crunches, try not to lower your head and neck to the surface; keep them slightly elevated so as not to relieve the load.

Crunches are great for removing belly fat. They should be placed at the beginning of the complex and the emphasis in training should be on it.


Intense and effective exercise for the waist. Lie on a flat surface, place your hands on the floor and slightly bend them at the elbows, your legs are also slightly bent and raised. As you inhale, begin to pull your legs towards your body, and maintain balance with your hands, then return to the original position and immediately, without rest, pull your body towards your legs again. The name of the exercise is so unusual because the movement resembles closing a book. To complicate the task, you can stretch your arms out in front of you.

Raising legs from a lying position

It is also one of the most effective exercises. Lie down on a gymnastics mat, extend your arms and place them palms down. Bend your legs and, as you exhale, pull them towards your chest, that is, your knees at the highest point should be approximately in the same vertical plane with your chest. Take a short break and return to the original position. This exercise focuses on working the lower abs.

Another exercise to remove belly fat. not only helps to get rid of fat deposits, but also effectively loads the entire body. Lean on the floor, standing on bent elbows and toes, legs and body should form a straight line, eyes and head directed downward, do not raise your neck. Stay in this position for as long as possible, and tense your abs while doing it. Beginners can start with 20 seconds and, as their training progresses, increase the time in the plank to a minute.

It will help you find a beautiful tummy, make your waist more toned, and get rid of bloated and bulging abs. By doing it regularly, you will learn to always keep your waist pulled in and neat, which will visually reduce its size. It is recommended to do the vacuum on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to bed.

Exhale deeply, emptying your lungs of air, and draw in your stomach as much as possible. When performed correctly, it should feel as if your stomach is stuck to your spine. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds, inhale and relax, then repeat. The vacuum can be done standing, sitting on a chair, lying down or on all fours, as you prefer. Beginners are advised to start in a prone position. While holding your breath, you can take small breaths, thereby increasing the vacuum time.

Workout program for a belly of steel at home

These are the most effective abdominal exercises. Do them regularly, eat right, and soon you will be able to wear revealing clothes without the slightest embarrassment.

Do these exercises 10 minutes a day every day for two weeks and your stomach will become flat.


Birch improves the flexibility of the spine and strengthens the muscles of the upper body, and the back itself, helping to acquire a flat stomach and even posture.

Lay a blanket on the floor. Lie on your back so that your head is on the floor and your shoulder blades are at the very edge of the mat. Push through your legs, squeezing your lower abs to lift your body. As you exhale, lift both legs together, bringing them to a right angle with your torso. Toes point up. Breathe calmly. As you exhale, raise your legs higher by lifting your hips and back from the surface. Support your lower back with your palms.

  • Do 20-30 lifts.

Elbow-knee twist

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body straight, lift your leg bent at the knee and reach for it with the elbow of your opposite hand. Raise your leg by working your abdominal muscles, not your back. The faster you do it, the more calories you will be able to burn.

  • Do this exercise 20 times.

Upper abs with obliques

In everyday life, the lateral press is almost not loaded, and the depth of its location does not allow you to work on it together with other muscle groups. Provided proper nutrition and proper load on the entire body, the “sides” disappear, folds are eliminated, and the lumbar region loses weight.

Lie on your left side, body straight, legs pressed to the floor, top hand behind your head, and bottom hand straight ahead. Raise your head and shoulders up, performing lateral twists (small amplitude, pause at the top point). Then lower yourself back.

  • Perform the exercise 10-15 times on each side.

Oblique lifts

This is a great abdominal exercise that mainly targets the rectus abdominis muscles.

Lie on your back. Place your hands behind your head, raise your legs and bend your knees slightly. The hips should be in a vertical position. Inhale and lift your shoulders off the floor, while moving your knees towards your head and twisting your torso. At the end of the movement, exhale.

  • Perform the exercise for 15-25 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.


Classic squats are especially effective in the fight against extra pounds. With their help, you can improve the course of metabolic processes in the body, gradually forcing all fat reserves to transform into muscle tissue. Squats also strengthen the muscles of the back, lower leg and abdominal muscles, as well as the internal and external muscles of the thighs.

Place your feet hip-width apart and squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your back straight and look ahead without turning, head, neck and back in the same plane. Make sure your knees don't go past your toes. But don’t overexert yourself: when you get very tired and your pace slows down, calorie consumption slows down and the effectiveness of exercise decreases. It is important to breathe correctly - inhale on the descent, exhale on the ascent.

  • Perform the exercise 15 times in three approaches.


The plank exercise is the best thing that was invented for lazy, unathletic women who dream of a good figure. Just 5 minutes a day will give you a boost of energy. In a week the results will be noticeable.

First, fix your shoulders by pressing them as tightly as possible to your body and slightly pulling them towards your waist, bringing your chest forward. Then, squeezing your abs and buttocks, lift yourself off the ground, pulling your body into a line and pointing your tailbone back. Focus your weight on your toes and bent elbows. During the plank, you need to breathe so that your navel tends to touch the spine. This is if you want to get rid of your belly.

  • Perform the exercise by doing 4 sets of 10-30 seconds, gradually increasing the time.

Set yourself a goal and take small steps closer to achieving it every day. Also watch your diet: reduce your intake of carbohydrates and foods containing fats. Such foods promote the rapid formation of a layer of fat just under the skin.

Maintain your drinking regime. The body needs to consume 1.5-2 liters of plain water per day. Drinking 150-200 ml. water just half an hour before meals will help you say goodbye to 2 to 5 kg. excess weight.

Every woman dreams of having a flat, beautiful and toned stomach. But not everyone manages to make it like this. There are many methods for achieving this goal, both effective and not so effective. Let's look at the most popular and effective options.

You should not hope that your stomach will become flat instantly, that this will happen in a week or three. To achieve results, you will need to work for a long time, perform a series of physical and difficult exercises and follow a diet.

A flat stomach is the desire of many women. How to make it at home, how to remove excess fat and tone your figure - we will tell you in detail in our article.

Any diet is designed in such a way that a lack of calories occurs and the body begins to draw on stored reserves. This is how fat burning occurs.

To combat excess weight in the abdominal area, you should avoid the following foods::

  • White bread;
  • Pastries and cakes;
  • Buns;
  • Candies;
  • Fatty foods;
  • Alcohol;
  • Salty and spicy dishes.

Fruits are allowed, but in small quantities and separately from the main meal - they contain a lot of calories. But it is useful to eat grapes and bananas during a diet, since the calories of these delicacies are easily absorbed by the body.

Water means a lot during weight loss, you will need a lot of it. Along with purified water, it is worth drinking herbal teas. This liquid helps remove accumulated toxins and waste in the body.

It is important to create a meal schedule, since it must be taken at the same time. It is worth considering that portions should be minimal, but the number of meals should be at least five times.

In the evening, the last snack should be 4 hours before bedtime. If there is an urgent need, you can satisfy your hunger with a glass of kefir, a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese, steamed vegetables or vegetable salad.

Physical activity is required in the process of losing weight. Aerobic exercise plays a significant role. These include: running, swimming, cycling, walking at a fast pace.

Exercises for the abdominal and back muscles are considered important. For effective exercise, you need to tense your muscles when exhaling, and relax when inhaling.

Effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

There are a large number of techniques that allow you to achieve maximum flatness of the abdomen in a certain time. Each of them can become effective, it all depends on the characteristics of the body.

Exercise machines for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

Often the problem with excess calories in the waist area leads people to the need to purchase expensive exercise equipment. The selection of a wide variety of units for every taste, budget and need is impressive.

The simulators are divided into two groups:

Cardio equipment is available in every gym and club. And this is not surprising, since without active training, proper weight loss is impossible or will occur at a slow pace.

Well-known and popular cardio equipment are a treadmill, stepper, exercise bike, rowing machine, elliptical trainer.

To remove excess sides, a stepper is suitable, but for working out the abdominal muscles and the entire lower body, an elliptical trainer will be effective.

To remove excess calories from the abdomen and waist, the following strength training equipment is used: exercise machine-rider Rider, cardio twister, bench for the press, block exercise machine for the press, hula hoop. Each of the listed units, with intensive training and zeal for exercise, produces its own results, thanks to which you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror with a smile.

Yoga for belly slimming

Yoga is considered an effective method of combating excess weight in the abdominal area.

There are several basic poses that can solve the problem:

Important! In case of health problems or the presence of any diseases, it is prohibited to do the above exercises too often.

Breathing exercises for losing belly fat

Thanks to this technique, you can get a flat stomach without resorting to diets and heavy exercise.

There are many breathing complexes, but let’s consider the classic version:

  • In a sitting position inhale deeply for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, and exhale slowly for the same duration. Repeat ten times;
  • In a supine position exhale slowly and deeply for six seconds, while tightening your abdominal muscles. Exhale quickly and repeat the same inhalation again. Repeat several times;
  • Lying down inhale for four seconds, take two more short breaths, and then slowly exhale, and again two short exhales. This exercise must be repeated ten times.

The important thing in this technique is regularity. The most favorable time is morning, before breakfast.

Interesting! If possible, it is worth doing breathing exercises in fresh air. This will lead to a stunning effect.

Exercises on a fitball for losing belly fat

Exercises performed on a fitball are unique because almost all the muscles of the body are tensed when performed. Before performing it, it is important to do a light warm-up.

Let's look at common exercises:

  1. Lie on your back Raise your straight legs at a right angle and hold a fitball between your ankles. Raise and lower your legs quickly without bending;
  2. Lie on your back Raise your legs with a fitball pressed between your feet at an even angle. Rock from side to side;
  3. Lie on your back on the fitball, place your palms on the floor. The legs must be extended so that they are parallel to the floor. Roll so that the ball is near your toes, stay in this position for a while, and then roll back;
  4. Sit on the ball, the back should be straight. Press your feet to the floor. Move your buttocks from side to side so that the ball rolls. The body and legs should not be involved in the execution.

Plank exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

This technique helps increase endurance and muscle strength.

There are several options:

Jillian Michaels - How to Get a Flat Stomach in 6 Weeks

This program helps many in the fight against extra pounds. The training lasts only half an hour, but the end result is impressive.

The program consists of two levels. Each of them will take three weeks. For classes you will need two small dumbbells weighing up to three kilograms and a special gymnastic mat.

Videos about the best exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides

How to get a flat, beautiful belly at home - in this video:

Slim stomach. How to do it at home and a set of exercises in this video:

A quick diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides

There are several options for quick diets for losing weight in the abdomen and sides:

The dangers and disadvantages of rapid weight loss

Rapid weight loss has a bad effect on the condition of the entire body.

Problems you may encounter:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased vitality;
  • metabolic disease.

Important! When deciding to torture your body with fast diets, you should carefully monitor changes in the body’s functioning!

How to lose weight without dieting and get rid of belly fat

There are weight loss methods that do not require diets or physical effort. Let's take a closer look at the common options.

Injections in the stomach for weight loss

An injection in the stomach for weight loss suppresses the feeling of hunger. Certain vitamins and hormonal preparations are injected under the skin of the abdomen.

There are three main drugs used for injection:

  1. hCG(human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced in a woman’s body during pregnancy. For many years, this remedy has been used for medical purposes. This substance treats infertility. It is generally accepted that an injection of this drug can not only burn fat deposits, but also replenish lost muscle mass. After the injection, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet. The injection feels painful and can cause a number of side effects.
  2. Vitamin B12– helps improve metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to the injection, energy appears in the body, metabolism improves, and this cannot but lead to weight loss. The injection is safe and does not cause pain.
  3. Lipotropics- These are natural substances produced in the body. Thanks to their introduction into the body, metabolism improves and weight can be reduced. The effectiveness of such an injection has not yet been proven.

For these injections, as for any drug, there are contraindications:

  • allergic reaction of any type;
  • intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • acute renal, liver failure;
  • acute infections;
  • blood diseases.

Important! In addition to the listed contraindications, injections are strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. The procedure is also prohibited when taking medications such as warfarin, aspirin and the like for a long time.

Cupping abdominal massage for weight loss

Cupping abdominal massage is also called vacuum massage. It has a complex effect on subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin structure.

Blood flow improves, venous blood moves faster and lymphatic drainage is performed better. Thanks to this, fat cells are destroyed.

You can perform a vacuum massage yourself or contact a specialist at a beauty salon. Special plastic jars are used for the procedure. The procedure should be carried out at least two hours before meals. After finishing, you should remain in a horizontal position for half an hour.

There are contraindications for vacuum massage:

  • gynecological pathology;
  • diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • when birthmarks and moles are located on the skin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tumor processes.

Important! When carrying out the procedure yourself, you must adhere to the basic rules and principles of the procedure. If you do not comply, you can harm your own body.

Electric Belt Slimming Belt Ab Gymnic

Ab Gymnic is a weight loss belt whose action is based on electrical impulses. Suitable for both men and women. Men have the opportunity to get sculpted muscles without physical activity, and women can easily get rid of fat deposits in problem areas.

The operation of the belt is based on current sources, which are located over the entire area of ​​the belt. Electrical impulses emanating from sources affect muscle tissue. Thanks to this, the muscles develop vigorous activity and begin to contract in the same way as during physical training.

Worth knowing! When using the Ab Gymnic belt, there is no pain. Electrical impulses of low power are safe for the human body.

There are contraindications for using this miracle belt:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy or during the menstrual cycle;
  • severe infectious diseases;

The results of using the famous belt are noticeable after the first session.

Vibration exercise machines for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

The basis of any vibration training device is the vibration principle. When using such devices, muscles can contract and relax again about 50 times in one second. Thanks to this, the muscles feel the load, but the heart works in its usual rhythm.

This option is well suited for those who need intensive training, but do not have time for it. When combining training on vibration machines with fitness classes, results can be obtained in a short time.

Exercises with such simulators can have a different focus, such as massage, relaxation and stretching of muscles, and strength training.

Important! Vibration simulators are useful not only for muscle training, but are also used in various types of professional sports and health medicine.

Despite the beneficial qualities of vibration simulators, there are also contraindications:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Bypass;
  • Various tumors;
  • Inflammation;
  • Thrombosis.

Exercises on vibration simulators can also have a negative impact on various diseases of the cardiovascular system, migraines, and diseases of the retina. That is why before you start training with these devices, you should undergo a full medical examination.

Slimming cream for the abdomen and sides

Many female representatives believe that by applying a special cream to problem areas, you can lose weight while lying on the bed. But that's not true. Not a single remedy will give a good result if it is not additionally combined with physical exercise and diet.

There are several types of cream, which differ from each other in the period of application and features of action.

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Warming cream applied immediately before training. Its features include enhancing the effect of physical activity and protecting muscles from damage and stretch marks;
  2. Pepper cream effective in the fight against excess fat deposits around the waist. The result will be noticeable within a few days. You can prepare such a remedy yourself by adding pepper tincture purchased at a pharmacy to the usual cream;
  3. Massage cream, divided into two types: cosmetic and anti-cellulite. The name of each species speaks for itself.

Honey massage for belly slimming

Honey massage is considered to be an effective method for removing excess fat deposits from various parts of the body.

Important! Before carrying out the procedure, you should take care of the main ingredient - honey. Its main characteristics should be quality and naturalness.

Thanks to this type of massage, you can not only get rid of excess fat deposits, but also remove accumulated toxins from the body. After several sessions, the skin will become more elastic and firm. The annoying and unsightly cellulite will disappear.

For one session you will need two teaspoons of honey, diluted with a few drops of essential oil. To achieve maximum effect, at least 10 sessions will be required.

Belly slimming patch

Among all the famous and popular weight loss products, the transdermal patch occupies a special place. The essence of the action of this device is simple: the main substances included in the patch have the correct effect on the fatty layers located under the skin layer. In the process, deposits begin to decompose, and metabolism improves.

The patch has many advantages. First of all, there is no need for physical activity and diets. You can wear it at any time of the day, you don’t have to take it off, only while taking a shower. But there are also disadvantages. Its high cost is considered important. Therefore, not everyone can afford it.

Wraps for slimming the abdomen and sides

To tighten a flabby and sagging abdomen with fat accumulations, wraps are often used.

There are two options for this procedure:

  1. Hot wrap, the effect of which is reminiscent of visiting a regular sauna. The only difference is that only the abdomen and waist are exposed to this effect;
  2. Cold wrap allows you to remove toxins from the body due to the outflow of fluid from skin cells.

Both the first and second options are effective. The first results can be noticed immediately. This is due to the fact that excess fluid and accumulated toxins are removed from the body.

Not all women can use hot wrap; there are contraindications. Especially with varicose veins. In this case, only cold wrap is used.

In the absence of contraindications, good results are achieved by alternating both wrapping options.

Unconventional ways to get in shape

Often physical activity and diets become unbearable for some representatives of the fair sex, and, consequently, dreams of a beautiful slim figure become just dreams. But there are unconventional ways that sometimes help in the pursuit of this dream.

Corset for slimming the abdomen and sides - visual immediate weight loss

The corset is popular among women all over the world. The essence of this device is to tighten the figure. Thus, waist imperfections are hidden, creating an ideal toned figure.

Over time, the body begins to adapt to this position. And at the same time, it becomes impossible to eat an extra piece of appetizing food.

This type of underwear accessory is made from special fabric., which is pre-impregnated with components that create a wrapping effect. Thanks to this, metabolism and blood circulation in the body improves.

Such impregnation can cause discomfort and increased sweating. There are contraindications for the corset: expecting a child, the presence of gynecological diseases, diabetes mellitus and heart problems.

Apple cider vinegar for belly fat loss

Apple cider vinegar has long been used in the fight against excess weight.

Its main properties are:

There are several ways to use apple cider vinegar:

  1. To prepare the drink you need to take 200 ml of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, dissolve a tablespoon of honey in it and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix all this thoroughly and consume it every day in the morning half an hour before your first meal. This drink allows you to get rid of extra pounds around the waist and fill your body with energy.
  2. There is another way b preparations. It requires one glass of boiled water and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The prepared drink is consumed three times a day before meals.
  3. Besides making drinks, apple cider vinegar is added to already cooked dishes. These are various salads, first and second courses.

In addition to internal use of apple cider vinegar, there is also external use. To do this, various wraps, massages and rubbing of problem areas of the body are performed.

Apple cider vinegar is contraindicated for certain diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Hepatitis in chronic form;
  • Delicate and sensitive skin.

Apple cider vinegar has a negative effect on tooth enamel, so you should immediately rinse your mouth after eating or drinking.

Belly dancing for weight loss

Looking at the performance of belly dancing, you can see that the main load falls on the muscles of the thighs and abdomen. This is a great option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and legs. Also, such training is good for training the lumbar part of the body, which can have a good effect on a woman’s future pregnancy.

You can practice using video lessons found on the Internet or in a club with a specially trained trainer.

With constant training, fat deposits will begin to be burned, and If you want to get quick results, you need to think about a balanced, healthy diet.

Important! During pregnancy, belly dancing classes are strictly prohibited, although trainers often say the opposite.

Eat to lose weight: products for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Opponents of diets know: rapid weight loss leads to a new instant gain of a large number of extra pounds.

However, there are known foods that help you lose excess weight when consumed:

Thanks to such products, fasting will not be necessary, since they are low in calories and help remove toxins and excess fluid.

The problem remains: how to tighten the skin of the abdomen after losing weight

To tighten your skin, you need to follow several basic rules:

  • Stick to proper nutrition including the presence of lean animal protein, vegetable fats, complex carbohydrates;
  • Use at least two liters of water per day;
  • Study sports;
  • Use cosmetic procedures, including massages, wraps, treatment of problem areas with special scrubs;
  • Refuse from bad habits.

Thanks to these rules, the skin will become tightened and beautiful after some time.

To get a flat stomach, you can use various methods. This could include special diets, various sports, and some unconventional methods. The choice and subsequent result depends on the physiological characteristics of the human body. Before choosing any of the options, you should consult with an experienced doctor and undergo a full medical examination.

Ecology of consumption. Fitness and sports: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and bend your knees at a right angle...

1. Twisting with simultaneous lifting of the pelvis

Initial position. Lie on your back, bend your knees and lift them off the floor. Place your hands behind your head, point your elbows to the sides.

How to do it. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your body and pelvis, pulling them towards each other, and while inhaling, lower yourself down. Keep your stomach flat. If you can rise higher, but your stomach is inflated, stop, pull it tighter, inhale and exhale, rise higher, controlling your flat stomach in the navel and lower abdomen. The movement should occur through the efforts of the abdominal muscles, and not by stretching the neck, so make sure that it is not tense and open your elbows to the sides.

Repeat 16 times.

2. Diagonal twists

Initial position. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and bend your knees at a right angle (table top position), place your palms behind your head and lift your shoulder blades above the floor. Stretch your neck, do not overstrain it.

How to do it. As you exhale, twist your body, stretch your left elbow towards your right knee, and straighten your left leg forward diagonally. As you inhale, return to the starting position and, without lowering your body, repeat the twist in the other direction. Throughout the exercise, pull your navel toward your spine and keep your stomach flat. Do not lift your lower back and pelvis from the floor; twist from the lower rib, not from the waist.

Repeat 8 times in each direction.

3. Taking the legs to the side from the table top position

Initial position. Lie on your back, place your arms at your sides, raise your forearms perpendicular to the floor and rest your elbows on the floor. Legs are in table top position.

How to do it. As you exhale, without changing the angle of your knees, lower your legs to the side until your shoulder blades are still pressed to the floor. Keep your stomach flat, pull it in even more. As you inhale, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. If at first it is difficult to maintain balance, start performing the exercise with a small amplitude, controlling the movement of the abdominal muscles, and then increase it and push harder with your elbows - the stomach should bear the main load. Repeat on the other side.

Perform 8 times in each direction. After this exercise, lower your feet to the floor and rest a little.

4. Opening your elbows and straightening your legs at the same time

Initial position. Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, elbows pointing forward, legs in table top position. Raise your body without lifting your lower back from the floor.

How to do it. As you exhale, straighten your legs, stretching them forward and up at an angle of approximately 45-60 degrees to the floor, and at the same time open your elbows, pointing them to the sides. As you inhale, return to the starting position without lowering your body and legs.

When stretching your legs, make sure that your lower back does not sag: press it harder from the floor, drawing in your abdominal muscles. There should be no distance between the floor and the lower back - this will protect your back from overstrain. Opening your elbows, lower your shoulders and stretch your neck muscles. Do not rush to immediately lower your legs low, first feel the movement with high leg lifts, the main task is to maintain a flat stomach.

Repeat 8 times.

5. Extension from hand to foot

Initial position. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees and place your left foot on the floor, and lift your right foot until your shin is parallel to the floor. Lift your body and turn to the right, lower back on the floor.

How to do it.As you exhale, straighten your right leg at the knee and at the same time reach with your left hand towards your right foot. As you inhale, return to the starting position without lowering your body.

Perform 8 times in each direction. published

Are you having trouble fitting into the jeans you wore a few years ago? Do you feel like you are losing confidence due to belly fat? Know that you are not the only woman in the world with this problem. Almost 50-60% of women around the world are dissatisfied with their appearance and are looking for ways and means to reduce their waist size. If you want beautiful abs, dream of a perfectly flat stomach and a narrow waist, do our exercises for losing weight on your stomach and sides at home and be ready to make lifestyle changes. This combination will give an impressive effect in the shortest possible time and will stay with you for a long time.

If you are obese, you will find it difficult to get rid of belly fat and get a flat belly. But, if you are determined, then you will have to completely give up your favorite cupcakes, burgers, pizza and ice cream, and instead focus on green leafy vegetables, as well as foods that are high in fiber. This is the only way you can reduce your waist size.

The best way to get a slim figure is a combination of proper nutrition and exercise. A balanced diet will help reduce your calorie intake and create a calorie deficit, and exercise will help burn calories and tone your muscles. We have prepared a complex that you can perform at home every day in order to quickly see the result in the mirror.

A small amount of body fat is normal as it serves to protect bones and internal organs. But excess amounts should be a matter of serious concern. You can lose excess weight through exercise and a low-carb diet. But first, let's look at the reasons:

1. Poor metabolism

With age, metabolism slows down, and this leads to active weight gain. Women are more predisposed to this than men. You might have wondered why some of your friends eat fried foods and sweets, but most of the time have a flat stomach, while you always accumulate fat in this area. The main reason is that your friends have a higher metabolic rate than you.

2. Genetics

It has been proven that fat cells in the body depend on your genes, or rather their number. If your grandparents or parents are overweight, then you will have the same problem. There are 2 types of body structure: pear-shaped and apple-shaped. If your body is pear-shaped, then weight accumulates in the lower part of the body, such as the buttocks. If your body is apple-shaped, then fat accumulates in the abdominal area.

3. Sedentary lifestyle

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not exercise, spending most of your time watching TV or computer, you will inevitably gain excess weight over the next few years.

4. Overeating

If you eat more than you should, you will definitely gain weight. If overeating is combined with a sedentary lifestyle, then you will become fat in no time, and you will easily gain weight.

5. Incorrect posture when sitting

If you do not maintain proper posture and always slouch when sitting, then you can be sure that you will accumulate fat deposits in the abdominal area. You should always sit with your back straight.

6. Stress and illness

Stress is one of the main reasons for the accumulation of fat around the waist. Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body, which leads to the appearance of extra centimeters. Diseases such as breast cancer, sleep apnea, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in women lead to the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdominal area.

7. Weak muscles

If your abdominal muscles are flabby, then you will easily accumulate excess in this area.

8. Hormonal changes

As a woman approaches middle age, the amount of body fat begins to increase in proportion to her body weight. The risk of fat accumulation around the waist increases during menopause. In women, hormones play an important role in regulating body fat levels.

The most effective exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with photos

This is the best set of exercises that will help you get a flat stomach at home, because it consists not only of abdominal crunches, but also includes intense exercises that promote rapid fat burning not only on the stomach. But you need to clearly understand that the effect will be stronger and more noticeable the more effort you put in and the more comprehensive you approach the issue of fat burning. This means that along with exercise, you will maintain proper nutrition and will not rush to extremes, for example, resorting to low-calorie diets, which are comparable to a hunger strike.

1. Crunches

There is no more popular movement than crunches. It is not the most effective, but it will help you strengthen your core muscles if you combine it with the right diet, and you will see results in a short time.

  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Take a deep breath and lift your upper body off the floor. Exhale as you rise.
  • Inhale as you lower back to the starting position. Inhale as you lower your body to the floor.
  • Do 10 reps and then repeat for 2-3 sets.

2. Reverse crunches

  • Lie face up on the mat. Bend your knees, with the entire surface of your feet on the floor.
  • Lower your arms along your body.
  • Raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Raise your lower back so that your knees move toward your chest.
  • Inhale as you place your feet on the floor. Exhale as you lift your back off the floor and bring your knees toward your chest.
  • Do 10 reps in 3 sets.

The movement is very similar to a regular crunch, but here you will have to rotate one shoulder towards the other.

  • Lie down on the mat, place your hands behind your head.
  • Bend your knees so that your feet do not touch the floor.
  • Raise your upper body as you would for a regular crunch, while rotating your right shoulder toward your left. The left side of the body should be on the floor.
  • Repeat the movement for the other side. Turn your left shoulder towards your right, without lifting the right side of your body from the floor.
  • Do 10-12 reps.

4. Crunches with legs raised

  • Lie face up on the mat. Stretch your legs up and cross them.
  • Make the same movements as when performing regular crunches.
  • Inhale as you lower your torso and cross your legs. Exhale as you rise.
  • Do 10-15 reps for 3 sets in a row.

It is very similar to side crunches. The only difference is that here you have to lift your right leg as you move your left shoulder towards your right and vice versa. Do 10-12 reps on each side for 2 sets in a row.

  • Lie down on the floor or mat. Keep your hands on the left and right sides of your head, respectively.
  • Raise your legs and bend your knees.
  • Pull your right knee towards your chest. As you raise your right knee, you should try to reach your left elbow with it.
  • Extend your right leg and pull your left knee toward your chest. Raise your upper body and make sure your right elbow touches your left knee.
  • Do 10-12 reps on both sides in 2 sets in a row.

This movement focuses on working your lower back, thighs, and abs.

  • Get into a plank position on the floor or mat with your knees and elbows on the floor.
  • The gaze is directed forward, and the neck and spine are lined up.
  • Lift your knees off the floor and place your feet on your toes.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds. Make sure you breathe normally while exercising.
  • Now alternate between moving into a side plank position on each side of your body for 30 seconds.

  • Lie on the floor on your side.
  • Shift your body weight to your right elbow or arm and right leg. Make sure your right arm is bent at a right angle.
  • Place your left leg on top of your right. Keep your legs straight. Raise your hips.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds. If you have experience with this movement, you can hold the position for 1-2 minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.

If you're just starting out with abdominal training, you should first try lunges with a torso rotation.

  • Take a step forward with your left leg and bend it at the knee. You will feel a stretch in the back of your right thigh.
  • Raise your arms forward parallel to the floor.
  • Take a big step forward with your left foot and squat down as if sitting in an imaginary chair. The right leg should remain behind and be placed on the toe.
  • Make sure your back is straight.
  • Lunge with your other leg.
  • Do 15 reps.

  • Stand straight with your feet together. Raise your arms above your head and place them together.
  • Bend your torso to the left as much as possible so that you feel a stretch in the right side of your body. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise on the right side of the body. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Once you feel comfortable holding the position for 15 seconds, you can increase this time to 30 seconds or more.

10. Exercise vacuum

Excellent helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and focuses mainly on breathing.

  • Get on all fours, supporting your body on your knees and elbows.
  • Take a deep breath. The press should be relaxed.
  • Exhale. As you exhale, tighten and draw in your stomach.
  • Hold this position for about 15-30 seconds
  • Do 15 reps for 2-3 sets per day.

  • Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back.
  • Place your arms at your sides, palms down. Take a deep breath.
  • Exhale and then raise your knees so that they are close to your chest.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Do not round your back or lean forward when your knees are at your chest.
  • Lower your feet to the floor. Do 15 reps.

12. Walking

Walking is another good exercise for beginners. You must do it if you want to get rid of belly fat, it burns fat deposits throughout the body. Walking briskly for 30 minutes a day at least 5 times a week will allow you to see gradual changes in your weight. This low-intensity exercise will give your heart a good workout and help boost your metabolism.

13. Jogging

Once you have mastered brisk walking, you can switch to jogging, which will help you easily burn extra calories in your body. Jogging will help you stay fit, stay healthy and fight excess weight.

14. Running

If you want to diversify the daily monotony of doing the same workouts, you can try running 2-3 days a week. Running will get your heart pumping, which will help you burn more calories than walking or jogging.

15. Cardio workout

Cardio exercise is one of the best ways to burn a lot of calories and also get rid of excess fat around your waist. Do them for 30 minutes a day at least 4-5 times a week and you can also reduce stress levels, increase lung capacity, support heart health and improve sleep.

16. Swimming

Swimming is a very good exercise that allows you to keep your entire body in good shape. Swimming will also improve the effects of your cardio workout. You must choose the optimal training pace that will allow you to burn more calories. At the initial stage, it is best to swim at least 1-2 times a week.

Video complex of 5 effective exercises for a flat stomach

The following program is for faster weight loss in the abdominal area; it consists of advanced level exercises and is not suitable for everyone. But if you are able to master it, then in a short time after starting training, you will see impressive changes in your body.

Delicious foods for weight loss

If you think that you are overweight, then you need to immediately reduce your intake of carbohydrates, fatty foods and start eating foods rich in fiber. Below are the foods that will best help you lose weight.

  1. Apples: You can consume them 3-4 times a day as a replacement for high carbohydrate foods.
  1. Almond: Rich in vitamin E and high in fiber, which promotes a feeling of fullness and reduces hunger.
  1. Green leafy vegetables: Rich in fiber and very low in calories. They will help prevent water retention in the body.
  1. Avocado: High in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids, which help break down fatty acids into energy and water.
  1. Cucumber: Has high water content and very low calories.
  1. Watermelon: 80% water and very few calories. Watermelon will help you achieve your desired waistline.
  1. Beans: Helps in improving digestion and also strengthens muscles, reduces hunger and prevents overeating.

Along with consuming these foods, it is very important to do certain exercises that will help you get rid of excess fat on your sides. You must combine exercise and diet to burn fat effectively. It's important to include them in your schedule so you can always stay in better shape.

With an integrated approach, combining proper nutrition and exercise, you will see results within a few weeks. You can do these exercises at home on your own or with the guidance of a professional trainer. If you have the willpower and determination to put in a lot of effort to lose belly fat, then you can easily achieve it on your own. Remember that without effort there are no results, and getting rid of extra pounds is no exception. To speed up weight loss due to excess fat, try to avoid foods rich in fast foods and increase your calorie consumption every day through physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. For example, replace the elevator with walking up the steps; instead of taking the trolleybus or metro, walk along the street.

How to determine the amount of fat?

It was previously believed that subcutaneous and visceral fat was healthy because it could be used when the body needed extra energy. But times have changed. Research has shown that being overweight leads to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is vital to always monitor your fat levels and keep them under control. Here are some ways to measure your waist.

A) Waist-to-hip ratio

Measure the narrowest part of your waist and then the widest part of your hips. To calculate your waist-to-hip ratio, you need to divide these values. If the result is approximately 8.0 or more, then the risk of cardiovascular disease is very high.

B) Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI) is your body weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. If your BMI is in the range of 25-29.9, then you are in the overweight category. If your BMI is more than 30, then you are obese. Don't want to be at risk? Then you need to significantly reduce the amount of body fat.

B) Waist circumference

Use a measuring tape to find out your waist size at your navel. You should breathe normally during the measurement. If your waist size is greater than 86 cm, then you are at risk of chronic heart disease.
