The most interesting New Year's scenarios. “Once Upon a New Year” - a class sketch for the New Year

The most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday - New Year- just around the corner! And you need to meet him unforgettably!

We offer a truly universal New Year's scenario for a school where there is everything: fairy-tale characters, riddles, games, competitions, poems, and even remade songs and dances!

The scenario of a wonderful fairy-tale New Year's Eve is also suitable for students primary classes, and for high school students. It will not leave indifferent a completely adult audience - teachers, parents, invited guests - everyone, without exception, will have a lot of fun and interesting!

In addition, our script is quite easy to prepare and simple to organize.
So, let's get ready for the New Year at school!

Props, scenery and music

The Christmas tree should have lights with multiple modes (this is important)!

Song recordings:

1. “Russian Santa Claus!”

2. " New Year's toys, candles and firecrackers” (Khoralov A).

3. “Tease of Santa Claus!” children's song.

4. Song “Game with Santa Claus!” (Zheleznovs).

5. Record the ringing of a bell.

6. Music from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”.

7. Recording of the “backing track” of the song Shapoklyak from the film “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka”.

8. Recording light instrumental music.


1. Leading. Dressed formally: white top, dark bottom.

2. Presenter. Dressed formally: white top, dark bottom.

3. Father Frost.

4. Snow Maiden.

5. Baba Yaga. Dressed in long skirt, jacket, vest, tied with a warm scarf crosswise on top. On his head is a dark scarf. One ear sticks out, the other is hidden. Long tufts of hair escape from under the scarf.

6. Water. Dressed in all green or swamp color. You can take a camouflage uniform. Tied up with "mud". On her head is a green shaggy wig, hair in different directions. And there's a frog glued to the wig.

7. Cheshire smart cat. Dressed in a soft tracksuit. The tail is attached to the back. On the head there is a headband with ears. A cat's face is drawn on the face with a cosmetic eyeliner: a nose, mustache, eyebrows and a wide smile. There are round glasses on his nose. In his hands is a basket with apples and pears.

Scene #1

The song “New Year's toys, candles and crackers” is played (Khoralov A). The Leader and the Presenter appear.

Leading: "Hello!"

Presenter: "Good evening! The celebration of a real miracle, which happens only once a year, is getting closer and closer!”

Leading: “Oh, are you talking about a birthday?!”

Presenter: “Of course, that too an important event, but... for each of us individually! And I’m talking about the New Year - a holiday that is celebrated only in a friendly and very cheerful team!”

Leading: “Yes, and this fabulous holiday only happens once a year!”

Presenter: “But for our long-awaited New Year to come, it must be celebrated very cheerfully, with interesting competitions, riddles, songs!

Leading: “Everything is correct! But the most important thing is that on New Year’s Eve a real wizard who knows how to make all wishes come rushing to us on a reindeer sleigh!”

Presenter: “And what’s his name, guys? Help me remember!”

All (in unison): "Santa Claus!"

Presenters (clap their hands): "Right! Exactly!


"On this fabulous night,

When the blizzard swirls,

We need to drive away sorrows,

Support each other!”



They gathered in a crowd

Everyone is getting ready for the New Year!

Let’s hurry up, you and I too!”

The presenters leave. The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:

"Who am I? Tell me, do you know my name?

Can you guess by appearance?

I am the only granddaughter of Santa Claus!

Come on, tell me loudly, what is my name? A?.."

All (in unison): "Snow Maiden!"

Snow Maiden: "Right! It's me! I am so glad to come visit you! I'm so glad to see you! You are all so elegant, beautiful and, I’m just sure, very, very smart! Right? I'm not wrong ( smiling)? Oh, where is our Grandfather Frost? Hasn’t he come to you yet?”

(The guests shake their heads.)

Snow Maiden: “Probably got lost, he’s already old! Imagine how many thousands of years it is! Shall we call him? Help me please!"

Everyone shouts in unison three times: "Santa Claus!"

The song "Russian Santa Claus" sounds! and, Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:

“How long did it take to get there?

I'm up to you, my friends!

To the New Year's fun!

Are you happy?! And how glad I am!

Near the decorated Christmas tree,

I will gather all my friends!

I will give gifts to everyone,

I will bestow good luck and happiness!

And I wish you good health,

I'll tell you riddles!

Well, are you ready, friends?

Am I starting the holiday?!”

All (in unison): "Yes!"

Father Frost:

“These riddles are not simple,

Expensive gifts for them!

Can you guess it? Great!

I personally congratulate everyone!”

Father Frost (makes the first riddle):

“Two friendly and warm sisters

In winter they warm their hands...(mittens!)"

Snow Maiden:

“Beautiful and fragile fluff,

A gentle one is circling above us... (Snowflake!)"

Father Frost:

"Fast as a tongue twister,

Icy winter... (Slide!)"

Snow Maiden:

“There is sadness for the New Year,

Frost creates... (Ice!)

Walk more carefully

And take care of your health!”

Father Frost:

Multi-colored lanterns hang on the Christmas tree,

Glass, beautiful balls... (Toys!)

Snow Maiden:

Surprisingly, you are happy with him,

It's so beautiful when it's outside... (Snowfall!)

Father Frost: “Oh, how great you are! All my magical riddles have been solved!”

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather Frost, look what a beautiful Christmas tree we have here!”

Father Frost: “And, really! What an elegant Christmas tree! But for some reason the lights on it don’t light up!”

Snow Maiden: “Oh, Grandfather, what should we do? What should I do? Maybe we can call the smartest Cheshire cat? He knows everything! He’s read so many books in his nine cat lives!”

Scene #2

The bell is ringing.

Snow Maiden:

"Who's there? Who's there outside the window?

Does it ring a bell?

Then the cat came running with a basket!

He's in a hurry to join us for the holiday!

Decorating the Christmas tree!

Gathers us all!

He sings songs with us,

Our Cheshire Smart Cat!

To the music from the cartoon "Prostokvashino" the Cheshire smart cat comes out with a basket.

Cheshire Cat: "Hello, my dear! Hello, Grandfather Frost, hello, Snow Maiden! Well, what happened here? Before I had time to go on vacation to my magical fairytale dacha"How again you need my help."

Snow Maiden: “Very, very necessary, cat! Look at our Christmas tree! She is so beautiful and ready to celebrate the New Year! But the lights on it still don’t light up, what should you do? You are so smart and prudent! Tell me, please!

Cheshire Cat (looking closely, he walks around the Christmas tree, talking to himself): “Yeah... uh-huh... Got it! All clear! She's been bewitched! More precisely, they enchanted you so that your holiday would never begin!”

Father Frost: “Who are these robbers here?! Who dared to walk across me and bewitch the New Year trees! Ruining the kids’ holiday?!”

Cheshire Cat: “Yes, here they are, ugly and dirty tricks!”

Scene #3

Baba Yaga comes out. Together with her is her friend Vodyanoy. The backing track of the song Shapoklyak from the cartoon about Cheburashka plays.

Baba Yaga (sings):

"Who helps people?

He's wasting his time!

A friend told me

Friend since childhood - Shapoklyak!

Now I know for sure!

Believe me, friends -

Good deeds

You can’t become famous!”

(The backing track of the song about the merman plays.)

Water (sings):

“I am a merman, I am a merman,

I invite everyone home

After all, in my swamp,

It even seems cozy!

And the New Year is with me,

Like a holiday with the Star!”

(The backing track of the song “Two Stars” sounds.)

Vodyanoy and Baba Yaga (sing while hugging):

“Two stars, two bright nasty things!

Ready for some mischief for the New Year!

We’ll have a party, we promise you!”

Baba Yaga:

“Yes, unfortunately, people are stupid,

Celebrating the New Year!


“They build hopes, big plans,

They dream of living without hassle!”

Baba Yaga:

"Only now, we promise,

Steal your holiday!


If we and the guests couldn’t

Join your company!"

(Chorus repeated.)

Father Frost: “Oh, you scoundrels! Look what they came up with! So, what do you want?!”

Baba Yaga: “So that you complete all our tasks!”

Water: "That's it!"

(Father Frost swings his staff at them. The Snow Maiden and the Cheshire Cat stop him.)

Snow Maiden:

“No need to be angry, Grandfather,

Let's have fun!"

Cheshire Cat:

"Oh, what's for this?

Friends, do we need it?

Turn on the music!

Let's dance together!"

Competition No. 1

The competition is held to the song “Game with Santa Claus!”

You can take part in the competition even while sitting!

The song is about different parts of the body. As soon as any of them is mentioned, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Cheshire Cat show movements with these parts of the body.
Handles (“flashlights”, “claps”, “swinging in different directions”, etc.), legs (“stomp”, “heel, toe and stomp”, etc.), shoulders (“circular movements of the shoulders” , raise, lower”, etc.,) barrels (“turns of the body”, “wobbling”, etc.), jumping (legs “bounce”, etc.).

During this dance game, Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy try to knock down the participants, confuse them, and instead of arms, for example, they show movements with legs and so on.

Father Frost: “Oh, I’m tired of you, friends! This is where we had fun!”

Scene #4

Snow Maiden: “Well, Santa Claus, maybe you and I can light the Christmas tree? Hit with the magic staff! Make us all happy!”

Father Frost:

“Help me, friends!

I can't live without you!

Let's shout together: One, two, three!

Christmas tree - come on, burn!

(Everyone shouts along with Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Cheshire Cat. Father Frost knocks his staff three times. The Christmas tree lights up, but in a weak mode. Baba Yaga and Vodyany rejoice and clap their hands.)

Snow Maiden: “What should we do, Cheshire cat? It burns, of course, but not as brightly as we would like!”

Cheshire Cat: “Well, Grandfather Frost, it’s time to play games and competitions to properly light the New Year’s tree!”

Father Frost:

“And that’s true!

So, the time to be shy is over,

It's time to participate in competitions

And play games!

The Snow Maiden will help me,

He will put everything on the shelves,

He will explain what and how much!

Come on, quickly, let’s begin!”

Scene #5

(Light instrumental music plays.)

Competition No. 2 “Snowball on Duty!”

This is a massive game, the more participants the better.

Everyone who wants to play stands in a circle. The Snow Maiden gives them 1 snowball (a ball wrapped in white cloth).

To the music, participants throw a ball to each other. The participant who has the ball in his hands says a word associated with the New Year or winter. For example: “snow”, “frost”, “Christmas tree”, “cold”, “icicle”.

The one who repeats himself or delays in answering is eliminated.
The game continues until the moment when only 2 participants remain in the circle, one of whom will ultimately be the winner.

The prize could be a toy, chocolate or school supplies.

Competition game No. 3 “Fairytale Dancer”

This game can be played among both students and guests.

To play, you need to prepare in advance a bag with notes containing the names of fairy-tale characters. For example: “Baba Yaga”, “Bear”, “Fox”, “Merman”, “Puss in Boots”.

To the accompaniment of cheerful, active music, each participant draws 1 note from the bag. Then, one by one they go out to dance, getting used to their role. fairy tale character. For example, if there is a note with the role of Baba Yaga, you can run around, dancing around the dance floor, imitating flight on a mortar or broom.

During the dance, the audience must guess which character the participant is portraying.

Scene #6

Snow Maiden: “What great fellows they are! How much fun we had! How they played! Try it, Grandfather Frost, maybe now our Christmas tree will delight us with its lights and finally break the spell?”

Father Frost: “Come on, let’s all do it together: One, two, three! Shine Christmas tree!"

The most powerful mode and the Christmas tree is lit with bright lights. Everyone claps their hands and rejoices. Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy are roaring loudly in the corner of the hall. The hosts of the New Year's Eve party appear.

Leading: “And who here is crying bitterly? Who's crying?"

Presenter: “We still didn’t have enough tears at the New Year’s holiday. What's happened?"

Baba Yaga: “What, what?.. We also want to celebrate the New Year!”

Water: "Yes!"

Baba Yaga: “Look, how much fun you have, not like ours...”

Water: "That's it!"

Leading: “So, it turns out that you want to come to us for the New Year’s holiday, but they won’t let you in?”

Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy: “That’s right, they don’t let me in!”

Presenter: “Or maybe it’s all because you’re just used to doing nasty things to people? Maybe you can try good deeds commit and good words speak from the heart?”

Baba Yaga: “How’s that? Can you help us? Teach me what to say?!”

Father Frost: “So be it, we’ll help! I will now say my wishes, and you and our friends can guess and tell me what I wish for everyone in the New Year! Just speak loudly and sincerely! Do you agree?

Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy: “Yes, yes, yes!”

Game No. 4 “Finish the wishes for Santa Claus!”

Santa Claus takes out an envelope with a postcard.

“On the New Year, like on the New Year,

Everyone is dancing in circles!

Well, I'm like Santa Claus,

I brought wishes!”

1st wish:

"I wish everyone in the world,

Happiness, joy, love!

To make the children happy

And from my heart and with all my..."

(Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy shout: “souls!”)

2nd wish:

“So that mom doesn’t sit at the head of the bed,

I wish everyone a strong, Siberian…”

(Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy shout: “health!”)

3rd wish:

“I wish throughout my life,

Meet many, many good people..."

(Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy shout: “people!”)

4th wish:

May we fall for them every year too,

You get pleasant..."

(Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy shout: “gifts!”)

Fairy-tale characters give gifts to guests. The New Year's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest!" All participants in the scenario and guests dance in a circle. They sing and dance.

Scene #7

Father Frost:

“Well, friends, we promise,

That we will remember you all year!

We keep our promises!

And very soon - in a year,

Wait for us at the gate again!”

Snow Maiden:

“And so that all this New Year,

You lived happily, joyfully, and without any hassle!”

Snow Maiden and Father Frost:

"Happy New Year! With new happiness!

May bad weather pass you by!

And may every New Year

It only brings you joy!”

Snow Maiden:

“And we are not saying goodbye to you!

Next New Year

We meet here again!”

Father Frost:

“Of course I’m leaving!

But I will follow your wishes!

To next year

Everything was done exactly and on time!”

He waves his hand and says goodbye. The Snow Maiden sends air kisses. The Cheshire Cat, Baba Yaga, and Vodyanoy leave with them, waving their hands goodbye. Balloons with the inscription “Happy New Year!” and confetti are flying. The holiday continues in any form.

Discussion: 3 comments

    Wonderful script! How can I download it?

    great script

    good script

The scenario is intended for holding a New Year's holiday in middle school.


  • Presenter
  • Kikimora
  • Goblin
  • Snow Maiden
  • Father Frost
  • Performers of concert numbers

The holiday takes place in the assembly hall, decorated in New Year's style. There is a decorated Christmas tree on the stage. In advance, children, if desired, prepare fairy-tale costumes, which will later be evaluated. The event organizers prepare small gifts for these students.

Progress of the New Year's holiday

The presenter comes on stage.


Good afternoon, dear guests! ( The audience greets the presenter.) Let's say hello even more friendly, more fun, louder! Can you? Good afternoon, adults and children! ( Viewers respond.) Well done! Now I see: with such loud-voiced girls and hot boys you can celebrate the New Year.

Now I’ll go and see if Santa Claus has arrived. Maybe it's time to invite him to the hall? Grandfather! De-e-d! ( Walks off stage still screaming.)

Kikimora runs out and rushes around the stage, trying to scare the audience. She has loose, tangled hair and is dressed in rags or just very unkempt.


Woohoo! ( Takes an inflatable tube out of his pocket.) Hello! Control evil spirits? I urgently need help! Yes. Send Leshy away. It is impossible for one person to disrupt the festival: it is too well organized, and the audience is surprisingly friendly. I've never seen anything like this before!

I give you my coordinates... ( names the school number and address), near the New Year tree.

Kikimora begins to listen, looking up. The sound of an ambulance siren is heard approaching. Leshy appears on a broom. He is dressed in a sheepskin coat and a fur hat, from under which his tousled hair peeks out.


Stop! Why are you speeding?


How is this why? How could I escape from the traffic inspectors? They almost caught up with me, can you imagine?


So you must have broken the rules?


So what? By profession, I am supposed to violate everything, everywhere! Now I really want to ruin this holiday. Well, what do we have here?

Kikimora (grumbles)

Look yourself! You see, we decided to celebrate the New Year. The celebration must be stopped immediately. Let everything be as before. No, just look: the Christmas tree is decorated...

Goblinturns to the tree, walks around it, sighs enthusiastically.


Woohoo! Wow! Marvelous!


Kind people! Look at him! Have you forgotten why we are here?


No, I haven't forgotten. And for what?


You are a fool, dear colleague. We need to hide the Snow Maiden.


Ah, I got it! In places!

Both with different sides They run around the tree, collide, fall, jump up, run away again. The presenter comes out.


Make way, let the Snow Maiden pass! It's high time to start!

Leshy and Kikimora leave the stage. A New Year's melody sounds and a Snow Maiden .

Snow Maiden

Awww! Ah, here you are, my friends! Good afternoon I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!

May the New Year, which is on the threshold,
He will enter your home like a good friend!
Let them forget the way to you
Sadness, adversity and illness!
May they come in the coming year
And luck and success!
May he be the best
The most joyful for everyone!

And now I want to meet you. My name is Snegurochka. What’s your name, you’ll tell me all together now. So, what's your name? ( The audience says their names in chorus.) Oh, I didn’t catch half the names. Come on, one more time! Three four ( Call themselves louder.) Great! Now I know who I came to. My dears, I will ask you questions, and you will answer them. Just loud and friendly! Will you answer?

The audience answers, after which the Snow Maiden asks questions.

Snow Maiden

Shall we have fun and dance? How about singing at the Christmas tree? Be naughty and make noise? But there is no need to be naughty and noisy. Answer "12" in class? Should I stay at home? There is no need to stay at home, especially because of illness. How about working hard? To become an example for others?

Leshy comes onto the stage, dressed in a suit, but still with disheveled hair and a sloppily tied tie.

Goblin (Snow Maiden)

Excuse me, madam, please come to the phone.

Snow Maiden

This is probably Santa Claus. ( Viewers.) Sorry friends, I'll be back soon. And you, in order not to get bored, watch the concert number.

The Snow Maiden leaves the stage, quietly talking on the phone. The goblin turns to face the audience, smiles slyly and rubs his hands, after which he also leaves.

An amateur performance number is demonstrated on stage (at the discretion of the organizers).

After this, Leshy runs out again.


And we stole the Snow Maiden, wow! Stolen, a-ha-ha!

The goblin runs away. The presenter appears.


Ah ah ah! The Snow Maiden has been stolen! How can we save her? Oh, woe!

Kikimora comes forward dressed as the Snow Maiden.


Don't look for me! Let's continue the celebration!

Leshy appears, dressed as Father Frost.


Let me introduce myself, Moroz. Father Frost.


I agree. Snow Maiden. Just the Snow Maiden.

Presenter (viewers)

Well, look, I don’t recognize our guests, who is it? ( Viewers respond.) Friends, these are Kikimora and Leshy.


Well, get out of here, don't disturb the fun.


What kind of hooligans are these? Get away from our holiday!


Oh-oh-oh, they scared me!


Children! To drive out the evil spirits, Santa Claus should be called. Come on, everything is together! De-e-du-shka! Mo-oroz!

All the spectators are calling.

Father Frost (from afar)

I'm coming! ( Takes the stage.) Good afternoon, my dears! Greetings to you from the heart. I remember everyone, I know you all. Happy New Year to all of you, friends, congratulations!


Grandfather Frost, where have you been for so long?

Father Frost

It was because of the gifts that I was late.


And without you, the Snow Maiden was stolen from us.

Father Frost

Can't be! Behold, scoundrels, behold, hooligans! Well, okay, it doesn't matter.

Come on, the wind is icy,
My naughty brother,
Tighten the curtain
And sweep away the idlers!

The sound of a snowstorm is heard. Leshy and Kikimora spin and fall.


Oh, forgive us, we'll bring the Snow Maiden now.

Father Frost

Come on, come on! One foot here, the other there!

Kikimora and Leshy run away and return with the Snow Maiden.

Kikimora and Leshy ( in unison)

Forgive us, we will never do any mischief again.

Father Frost

Well, Snow Maiden, shall we forgive them?

Snow Maiden

I don’t know, Let’s ask our viewers ( turns to the hall)

Friends, what should we do with them? Forgive?

The audience responds. Leshy and Kikimora stand up.

Father Frost

Well, since this is the case, let's have fun together. Which one of you sings well?


Santa Claus, and now we will all happily sing a wonderful New Year's song. Am I right in what I say, friends, or not?

The audience responds and sings a song (at the choice of the holiday organizers).

Father Frost

Oh, what good guys! They made me happy! Can you solve riddles? ( Viewers respond.) Now we will check it.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden read riddles. The goblin always answers incorrectly.

Stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
And he will come to us
On New Year's Eve -
The guys will be happy.
The troubles of the merry

Mouth full:
They are preparing her outfits. ( Christmas tree.)

A strange star fell from the sky,

It fell on my palm and disappeared. ( Snowflake.)

White flakes are flying
They fall quietly and circle.
Everything turned white.
What covered the paths? ( Snow.)

The calendar starts

A month with a name... ( January).

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water. ( Ice.)

He entered - no one saw
He said - no one heard.
He blew through the windows and disappeared,
And a forest grew on the windows. ( Freezing.)

Got caught on the ledge
The head hangs down.
Tiny acrobat
Winter lollipop - ( icicle.)

The snow swirls along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.
Winter-winter friend,
Northern guest... ( snowstorm).

Father Frost

So, I see that you are very smart and quick-witted. This is not surprising. I want to see what other talents you have.


Then, Grandfather, sit down and watch!

Santa Claus sits down on a chair with a groan. An amateur performance number is demonstrated on stage (at the discretion of the organizers).


This is all great, but I have some reservations. Let me tell you!

Father Frost

Tell me if you have anything, Kikimora.


Look, Grandfather Frost, what costumes the children have prepared! It’s not a shame to wear such an outfit to a ball. Everyone present should see it.

Father Frost

So you help the Snow Maiden invite all of them to my stage.

Kikimora and the Snow Maiden bring children on stage in fairy-tale outfits. Everyone names their costume. They all receive gifts, after which they return to their seats in the hall.

Father Frost

Oh, well, you made me happy today! I haven't been so happy for my children for a long time. And they are all so beautiful, smart and talented! You had such a wonderful holiday! So I make a decision - christmas tree light it up! But I can’t do this alone. You must repeat after me:

Beautiful Christmas tree,
Sparkle with lights!
Let's say together:
One two Three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat the words until the Christmas tree lights up. A New Year's melody sounds.

Snow Maiden

How wonderful it is that there is a holiday that comes to every country, walking across our planet, giving a start to the new year!

Father Frost

New Year!

Snow Maiden

Fabulous year!

Father Frost

Let him surprise you with happiness!

Snow Maiden

It will be a year of goodness and love.

Father Frost

So please accept congratulations!

Snow Maiden

Be healthy!

Father Frost

Live in peace and love!

Snow Maiden

Let there be a lot of light and joy.

Father Frost

So that life is like a holiday!

Father Frost

Never forget us!

They say goodbye to the audience and leave the stage.


We have celebrated a fabulous holiday, but it is just beginning. Therefore, I do not say goodbye to you, but look forward to seeing you at the next New Year holidays. Happy New Year!

The holiday ends.

New Year is the most desired and beloved holiday! Especially at school.
Everyone is waiting for him: teachers overloaded with checking tests and essays, head teachers overwhelmed with reports, directors keeping their finger on the pulse of school life, and, of course, students from first to eleventh grades! The premiere of the New Year's performance for kids is coming soon, holiday programs for older guys.
This fuss and preparation begins at the end of November, although ideally this process should be started in September. But the school routine dictates its own pace to us, which professional directors never dreamed of! Therefore, time for organization and rehearsals is always short.
Everyone is really involved in the preparation. These include design studios, theater, dance and vocal groups, student government bodies, and head teachers who “set up” the lesson schedule for the performance. The whole school loves to watch it: from first-graders and sixth- and eighth-graders trying to appear grown-up to graduates! What graduates! And parents and school teachers too! Truly Christmas story for kids - the brainchild of the entire school team! And the students preparing it, who played even the most insignificant roles, “wake up” the next day as school-scale celebrities: they made a holiday!

“It’s written beautifully,” you say, “but how to do it all? And is this possible in a modern school environment?”
Maybe! The main thing, returning to the very beginning, is desire, personnel and a little of your organizational skills to “brew” this mess, put it together and “give out” the holiday!
However, everything is in order. So, I present to your attention the “hot” ten tips for holding a school New Year’s party.


If the spectators are students primary school, they will simply look from the hall at a fairy tale prepared by the theater studio, and then in class they will read poems about winter and receive gifts bought by the parent committee, this will not give the desired effect of participating in the New Year's action. Therefore, the script for the performance must meet the requirements of the show program, in which every student who comes can participate.
You can take any fairy tale as a basis, but play it in the hall, among children, “diluted” with songs to which you can dance in circles or just dance along with the characters, competitions, games, riddles with prizes. Of course, the fairy tale must include Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and other winter characters, for example, the Snowman, the Snow Queen or Winter.
The scenario should contain intrigue in the form of opposition between two forces: “good” ones - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, and some other positive ones
heroes, and “not very good”, so to speak, evil spirits: Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Toska Zelenaya, etc. “Not very good” should be more funny and amusing than evil. It is necessary to introduce jokes into their words, some irregularities of speech close to school slang. An interesting observation: everyone without exception wants to play these characters. They turn out to be the most vibrant and interesting.
It is necessary to take into account the presence of one or two presenters who not only “lead the story”, but also organize the children, play games with them, ask riddles, and lead round dances. Although all the characters do this. From here, the audience gets the effect of being in a fairy tale. And the role of the presenter can be in different characters: clowns, gnomes, buffoons, fairy Winter, Cinderella, etc.
The intrigue of a fairy tale can be any situation. The bad characters stole a bag of gifts from Santa Claus, and all the kids, along with the good characters, “expose” the criminals. Or they replaced the Snow Maiden with Baba Yaga or Kikimora. Or the garlands on the Christmas tree were broken, and Santa Claus had problems with electrical engineering.
You can take another fairy tale plot. Show the New Year's road to Kolobok, who will be saved from the cunning fashionista Fox by the audience, playing cat and mouse with them. You never know how many fairy tales there are... If only there was a desire.
A little about games. Their main task is to excite and amuse the children. Not everyone will dance, but, as a rule, everyone plays. Games such as “My hands are good, but my neighbor’s are better” (its rules are given below in the script), relay races between class teams, and the game “Take a Chair” are well accepted at performances.

The duration of the performance should not exceed one and a half hours

If you exceed this limit, then children simply get tired of perceiving what they see, no matter how interesting it may be.

A set of songs, dances, round dances and games, the number of which depends on the duration of the performance

Carefully select the musical accompaniment of the fairy tale. It is necessary to take care of the musical background for the start of the action, for the appearance of characters, games, competitions.
A special role is given to songs. They should be fun and, of course, winter in content. First of all, these are a couple of traditional round dance New Year's songs: the hit of all times “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and, for example, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.” Although lately we have noticed that fewer and fewer children know the words to these songs. But everyone knows the hit of the group “Disco Accident” - “Happy New Year”. Well, that can be used too. We even have a version of other words to go with the soundtrack of this song.
The content of the songs from the movie “Sorcerers” is very suitable: “Three White Horses”, “Snowflake”. In addition, you can offer to perform the well-known “Song about Bears”, “And It’s Snowing” and, of course, funny dance tunes.
It is advisable that the actors playing the main roles in the fairy tale be able to sing. Then their exit or action may be accompanied by an excerpt from a song. Although you simply can’t load them up with singing a lot. And without that, they will have a great load on their voice. Therefore, the members of the vocal group must sing.
It is very good to involve a folk song ensemble if your school has one. Let him perform one or two funny dances, to which children usually dance with pleasure!

Good sound

Minimum set for the holiday: acoustic system, designed for a hall, tape recorder or media player and necessarily at least three microphones. Without reinforcement, artists will not be able to work for long! Of course, the last rehearsals will need to be carried out with microphones, so that the guys not only learn how to handle it in a basic way, but also how to transmit it to each other without interfering with the action.

Fifth tip. To balance the program, it is necessary to have dance numbers.

These include “back-up dancers” for songs and separate dance numbers. Ballroom dancing looks good, even when performed by one couple. Don't forget about the Snowflake dance, the most popular at all New Year's holidays!

Hall decoration

It should be, on the one hand, traditional, and on the other, carry elements of the chosen scenario. Traditions are, first of all, a beautiful Christmas tree, an abundance of sparkling Christmas tree garlands, rain, tinsel and snowflakes.
The rest of the design depends on the content. The idea of ​​the plot lies at the heart of the stage design. These could be the palaces of the Snow Queen, a fairy-tale castle, or a snow-covered meadow with a hut on chicken legs. The castle, hut, and window silhouettes are cut out of paper and attached to the black “backdrop” of the stage. Powdered trees - large branches attached to the stage, covered with padding polyester sprinkled with foil glitter. You can create the effect of two plans on stage. Simply, an ordinary fishing net is stretched in front of the “backdrop” of the stage, and silhouettes of trees, snowdrifts, or just tinsel are attached to it.
Try adding all this with flashing electric lights. The kids won't take their eyes off the stage, at least for the next 30 minutes!
If there is no stage in the hall where the performance is being held, then you can choose one of the walls as one.
The heads of your design and art studios will offer you many other design options. And technology teachers and high school students will help to implement the plan technically.


The better and more professionally they are made, the stronger the effect of the character in the fairy tale.
They must be recognizable. A character came on stage, and everyone immediately understood: it was Barmaley. At the same time, it is necessary to introduce fashionable elements into the costumes, performing them even in grotesque sizes, especially for negative characters.
Linen is fashionable this season - Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Leshy came out in clothes made of matting with an abundance of fringe and details made from ordinary rope. And Barmaley, like a true metalhead, is hung with chains and huge badges. Shiny transparent fabrics are in fashion and the Snow Queen wore a flowing organza cloak over her traditional dress.
For Baba Yaga, a skirt with a myriad of colored narrow stripes sewn on it also looks good, and under it are old jeans with cut-off legs of different lengths. Add to this the same stylish rag bag, a beret or a bandana instead of a scarf, and you get not Baba Yaga, but some kind of party girl! And there are friends nearby -
Kikimora and Leshy in vests, shiny vests, modern dark glasses and in the same headdresses. The audience is delighted with such characters!
You need to be very careful when choosing a costume for the Snow Maiden. Firstly, the girl playing this role must be graceful and attractive in appearance, and, preferably, with a braid, and a lot of other “what”. Secondly, her costume should correspond to the traditional image of the Snow Maiden from the fairy tale: a white or blue fur coat, trimmed with fur and embroidered with sequins. On the head there is a hat, also with a fur trim, or a kokoshnik, and on the feet there are white boots. It’s difficult to make them or get them anywhere. For a fur coat, it is better to use satin or crepe-satin; you can take faux fur.
But whose costume remains absolutely traditional is Santa Claus! There is no need to experiment with it, you just need to purchase it, although it is quite expensive, and store it like the apple of your eye, especially your beard!

Organization of the show

Under no circumstances should there be more than seventy children in the hall! This is the maximum amount that teenage actors can keep in their field of vision: to interest them in the action of the fairy tale, organize teams for games and relay races, dance with them, i.e., not allow them to be left out. If there are two or three classes in the hall, the effect of a family holiday is achieved, when everyone knows each other well, they are not shy about having fun when parents come and bring their little children. After all, this is often the only opportunity for kids to attend a New Year's party with Grandfather Frost.
It’s good if there are only two or three classes in the age parallel! Then you only need to make a maximum of five performances for first to fifth grades. But if there are five or seven classes, then the number of matinees increases, and they must be distributed over three days. This is a big load, but there is no other way. There is no effect from a holiday that attracts a huge crowd of children.
Therefore, a well-designed schedule of “Christmas trees” plays a very important role in holding New Year’s performances.


Every year the same question comes up; sponsors, where are you?
Of course they are. True, in the person of the parents. We have to raise money for New Year's performances. But the amounts are not particularly large and, as a rule, are included in the class budget in advance. In order to decorate the hall, sew costumes, and purchase prizes for ten to fourteen performances, you need about twenty thousand! Therefore, all classes collect money for Christmas trees. High school students buy tickets to discos, considering this a charitable step: after all, there is no fairy-tale performance for them. But they themselves were little and remember how exciting it is to enter a decorated hall and receive a large chocolate bar from the hands of Santa Claus for winning a costume contest!
A little about the prizes. I advise you to focus on “sweet” gifts - they are affordable, and any child will be happy with them. For each performance, at least fifty “small” prizes are required, for example, Chupa Chups candies, small chocolates, chocolate medals, and ten to fifteen large chocolates, which are awarded to the winners in the costume competition. This way, none of the spectators will leave without a prize! And the children will receive large New Year's bags, purchased in advance by the parent committee, in the classroom. This is where Grandfather Frost comes in like hot cakes! After all, everyone wants to receive a gift from his hands! And it doesn’t matter that this Santa Claus looks a lot like eleventh-grader Roma, whom you can always meet in the cafeteria. Today he is the Chief New Year's holiday, he is Grandfather Frost!
And next year another boy will play this role and also become a “star” on a school scale! And this is from generation to generation. The kids will grow up and create a holiday for other children.
This is the school New Year's fairy tale: we don't wait for anyone, but we make the holiday ourselves and give it to others. And this is the tenth and most important tip!

I have a sketch “Once Upon a New Year” - an excellent class sketch for the New Year that has just now reached publication.

One class and their class teacher already liked it, I hope you do too.

The scene is funny, but with an unobtrusive moral embedded in it. Modern, but also slightly magical – it’s the end of December after all...

I wrote it for ninth-graders, but there is no strict connection, so it is suitable for production for almost all schoolchildren - just replace “War and Peace” with Pushkin’s fairy tales, for example, etc.

And we are starting))

Sketch from the class “Once Upon a New Year”

Intonations are important - you need to choose them and maintain the image.

Roles and characters

1. The presenter is a boy
2. Student X (x) - boy
3. Student U (Greek) - boy
4. Student - girl
5. Teacher-1 - girl
6. Teacher 2 – girl

This is how it is for me, but you can change it. You can also add students and teachers, if interested, and scatter dialogue lines on them. If you need to reduce the number of “actors,” then remove one student or the Leader - then let his voice sound from behind the scenes in any performance.

“Teachers” need to be dressed in business style, do grown-up hairstyles, maybe add glasses. The rest of the characters are in their usual form.


Table and 2-3 chairs around the table

Magic book - a large book or thick folder made of hard cardboard (red, blue or green with snowflakes or stars glued on)

Sheets with texts inside the folder - you can legally peek at them, accompanied by the words “let me look”, “what’s inside?”, “let me have a look too”

Bag with a boy's hat inside

Large bag - big enough to fit a book


8-10 minutes.

You can reduce/increase the action time very easily by removing/adding several wishes of students and/or teachers - I wrote them so that they could be changed without loss to the plot.




The stage is covered with a curtain - all or partly. The presenter comes out:

One day on New Year's Eve, the following story happened in a school in a certain city.

He points to the curtain, it opens, and the presenter leaves. We see a table with chairs and students at the table or around the table in free poses (that is, not in class). Flipping through smartphones.

Student X runs in with a magic book in both hands:

People, look what I have! This is a magical book that makes any wish come true!

Student U:

Where do the firewood come from?

Student X:

From the forest, obviously... I mean, from the teachers' lounge.


Did you steal a book??????????

Student X:

I didn't steal it, I took it for temporary use. By the way, the teacher did the same thing - she took the book away from the girls during class and said that she would give it back later. Well, we'll give it back later.

Student U:

How do you know?

Student X:

So my younger brother told me it happened in their class.

And he continues, and the rest of the words are broken down phrase by phrase into him and the rest of the students present at the table.

Opens the book and reads:

They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true! The truth is coming true!

Oh, okay - these are nursery rhymes, only kids believe in them.

Don't tell me! The bro says that they just wished for some chocolates, and immediately the mothers from the parent committee enter the classroom and hand out gifts with chocolates. The little one, of course, was indescribably delighted at first, and then they realized that they had sold on the cheap - they should have ordered iPhones!

Well, yes! And just for nothing, a little guy took such precious information and leaked it to you?

First of all, he is my brother after all. Secondly, not for nothing, but for 3 pies, so you still owe me a pie. And thirdly, the book had already been confiscated from them anyway.

Okay, storyteller, open your valuable book, let's check it out.

Open and read:

Rules for making wishes... And here are the rules! Well, there's no escape from them. There are rules in the lessons, rules in the book of wishes!

Will we be indignant or will we make wishes?

I want my hat to be found right now, which I lost a year ago. (Walks around, looks under the table, in the corners) The hat is not there, your magic book is not working!

Don't rush to draw conclusions, better rules read it.

Reads from the book:

Wishes will come true only in the New Year. You can make one small wish for each person or one big wish for everyone. For your wish to come true, you must first think very carefully.

What can you think! Let all the teachers get sick and cancel classes!

You can’t wish illness on anyone, it will come back like a boomerang!

Okay, let the teachers all go on vacation during the holidays, travel, visit, and stay there for a little while. Is it possible to make such a wish? Isn’t it good if people talk to their families a little more and get some impressions?

Can you imagine what impressions we will get when they return and our desires come out?

Okay, I agree - it’s a weird idea to think about teachers, we still have to finish our studies before graduation! Let's not talk about teachers then.

And about whom?




End of quote.

Further on in the course of the scene, the children have amazing ideas of desires regarding other classes, the periodic table, the gym, the foundation of the school, lessons foreign language, literature and something else. But all ideas are rejected by the students themselves with a sigh, since the consequences will affect loved ones, world culture and, most importantly, themselves))

Puzzled children take a break to think carefully (and the best thing to think about is over pies)), and leave with their things and a book, as if to the dining room.

The children are gone, but the action continues.




The curtain covers the part of the stage with the table where the children left, and the Presenter appears:

And at the same time, on the same New Year’s Eve, in that same school unknown to us in an unknown city, on another floor, in a room with a sign “Teacher’s Room,” the following happened.

The presenter leaves. The curtain opens and Teacher 1 is now sitting at the table, and Teacher 2 is looking under the table and chairs. Conversation between them...




  • What kind of conversation is this?
  • what actually happens in the staff room
  • desires of students and reasons for their deviation
  • teachers’ wishes and what they actually wished for
  • how did this New Year's Eve end?
  • and even whether the hat was found...
  • that is, full text class scenes for the New Year

You can come up with it yourself or receive from me within 24 hours after payment , cost and details are indicated on the page ""

Or you can choose another fun one - “New Year with Sherlock Holmes” (an article about it has already been published).

There will be mutual benefits in any case))

With wishes for New Year's miracles,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.
