Homemade balcony glazing. Glazing of balconies and loggias - types of glazing and installation technology. Features of installation on remote balconies

The decision to glaze the balcony today will not surprise anyone. Quite the contrary: the lack of glazing raises the question of why this was not done. Indeed, since the apartment layout includes these additional elements, why not make them into premises capable of performing practical function? For example, become an office, dressing room or winter garden.

Selection of glazing type

Glazing of balconies and loggias is a service that is in great demand in construction market. But those who are used to working in their home with my own hands, more often interested in how to glaze a balcony yourself. Despite the apparent complexity of the procedure, this is quite possible: the actual installation of windows on the balcony will not take much time. But first you need to prepare the balcony for this procedure, and in the case of an old balcony, you may even have to repair the floor and parapet, otherwise you can’t dream of high-quality glazing of balconies. What’s the point of installing windows, which a priori have a significant cost, if they do not provide airtightness and will let in not only wind, but also precipitation?

Therefore, before glazing a balcony with your own hands, it is necessary to critically assess the condition of this territory and determine a further plan of action.

When contacting a window production company, it would be good to initially know what exactly is needed. Otherwise, leading questions will be asked, and the customer may not be ready for answers. For example:

  • What frame should I make?
  • How many cameras should there be in a window?
  • Should the windows be casement or sliding?
  • Is it worth covering glass with energy-saving film?

And these are by no means all the questions that the manager will voice. That is why you first need to figure out how to properly glaze a loggia (balcony), and then what kind of glazing to choose for your balcony.

Option number 1 - cold

Such glazing of balconies and loggias protects from wind, dust and precipitation, but does not imply heat retention - it is more of an aesthetic nature, keeping the space clean, but in the cold season it will feel more low temperature, and installing a heater will not help.

Cold glazing of a balcony with your own hands is the easiest thing to do, since the technology of this type of glazing is the least labor-intensive. And in terms of costs, this is the most pleasant option. The frames used here are thin aluminum or wood, the glass is installed in just one layer.

Here, in a closed area, things will be stored safe and sound, since they will not be afraid of dust, rain and snow, birds and other living creatures that sometimes fly into the area. open balconies. Here they will feel good and indoor flowers- it will be enough for them sunlight to grow and please the owners.

Option number 2 - warm

This option is suitable for those who are looking for how to glaze a balcony and then use it as a living space. True, correct warm glazing a balcony is only one part of the work on insulating a room. The insulation technology also involves improving the parapet, sealing the ceiling and floor.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands in this case? Of course, it would be nice to have at least a little experience in installing window structures and carrying out repair work- then you will be able to avoid a number of mistakes typical for beginners.

First, you need to inspect the quality of the foundation - both the floor, which is formed on the external slab, and the parapet, which in old buildings often has insufficient strength, durability and is in very questionable condition. The work flow looks like this:

  1. Strengthening and, if necessary, lengthening the floor.
  2. Construction of a new parapet or reconstruction of an existing one with mandatory insulation.
  3. Installation of window blocks by carefully sealing all cracks.
  4. Reconstruction of the roof if the balcony is located on the top floor.
  5. Floor insulation.
  6. Finishing walls, floors and ceilings.

Creation technology warm balcony represents a complete renovation of a small but independent room. It won't be fast, but if you do everything thoroughly, it will be of high quality.

Option No. 3 - panoramic

Glazing of balconies, popular today, is especially important for residents upper floors. The peculiarity of a balcony glazed in this way is that there are no frames on the windows: panoramic double-glazed windows glazed balconies and loggias fit tightly to each other. Such windows are installed on upper and lower guides, which secure the fasteners. This installation requires professionalism - to take on the task yourself panoramic glazing It’s not worth it, unless you are a specialist in this particular type of work.

This is definitely very beautiful balconies with always interesting view. But here you need to not only know how to glaze a balcony correctly, but also be able to do it. Windows can be fixed, sliding, hinged or tilting. The glass used in such work is not typical, but more durable and impact-resistant.

Of course, you need to understand that in such balconies there is much more sunlight (since the walls are glazed not by 40-60%, as usual, but by 100%). This means that in summer time The air here will be very hot and dry. However, this problem can be mitigated by choosing high-quality reflective curtains.

Window block installation

When contacting a window production company, you can immediately provide measurements of the required products - this will save time. But it is extremely important to take measurements on a perfectly flat surface, and for this you should use a level (more simply, an electronic meter).

By the way, if the upper part of the parapet, on which it will be based balcony block, has even slight unevenness, it is better to modify it with cement or demolish it and rebuild it: a flat surface is one of important aspects for high-quality window installation.

There is no need to write down centimeters in reserve, nor should you reduce the parameters just in case: everything should be written down strictly in accordance with the actual dimensions. If in doubt, it is better to invite an experienced measurer to mark the parameters himself. Of course, this will delay the fulfillment of the order by at least a day, but in this case the likelihood that the windows will not work as they should is minimal. A window designs, made according to individual measurements, in case of errors in these very measurements are not subject to return or exchange!

When the order is processed, the waiting time will begin. It can be filled by preparing the balcony for glazing. What is this?

  1. To free up space as much as possible, remove not only the cans of preserves, but also the shelves on which they stand, so that you can work comfortably on the balcony (as far as possible, given its often compact size).
  2. Dismantling the balcony glazing if it has already worn out or needs to be replaced existing type glazing to another.
  3. Freeing up space in the adjacent room in order to spread out window units and the necessary material.

It is better to dismantle the balcony glazing and remove the garbage before the new structure is delivered - this way there will be more free space in the apartment.

So, when the order is delivered to the place (note that many companies provide two types of services: delivery by car to the entrance and lifting by hand to the apartment - both services will be needed), you can begin installation.

Sequence of installation of window structures

  1. To do this, first the double-glazed windows, together with the elements that secure them around the perimeter (glazing beads), are removed from the frame and placed on a previously prepared, flat place covered with film. This not only simplifies the installation of the frame, but also makes the structure lighter.
  2. Then the opening sashes are removed; if there are any, they are also removed to lighten the weight of the frame. To do this, close the window completely (the handle is directed vertically downwards), remove the hinge covers, lightly tap with a hammer and pull out the pin from the top hinge, then from the bottom (you can use pliers instead of a hammer). Then the handle is moved to a horizontal position, “opening” the window - and the sash is easily separated from the main frame.
  3. Stand profiles are installed on the lower part of the frame - they are inserted into the grooves and secured with self-tapping screws. They will provide a tight connection to the parapet. Holes for anchor bolts are drilled along the entire perimeter at intervals of 70 cm, which will screw the frames to the walls. Moreover, it is necessary to retreat no more than 12 cm from the corner.
  4. Then the prepared frame is inserted into the opening intended for it, fixed with wedges, set strictly to the level, and only after that the bolts are finally tightened.
  5. The ebb, if intended by the design, is installed in place using polyurethane foam and self-tapping screws.
  6. WITH inside On the balcony, the gaps between the frame and the wall are filled with foam, this is especially important in the corner joints. Then, after the foam has dried, double-glazed windows and movable, previously removed sashes are inserted into the frame.
  7. All that remains is to install the window sill - again, using mounting foam and screws.

The described sequence will be the answer to the question of how to glaze a balcony with your own hands. Considering that the mass of the window block, even without glass, is quite impressive, it is still worth enlisting the help of comrades who can hold the block until it is securely attached to the walls.


How best to glaze a balcony depends on the purpose for which it will be used in the future, what the budget is and experience in repair work. In any case, this is quite possible. All you need to do is be patient, persistent and strictly follow the installation instructions.

Glazing a balcony with your own hands - instructions from the master

The renovation is in full swing and it’s time to improve the balcony? Of course, modern diversity in the services market makes you tense. Everyone wants quality and cheap. How about making your own balcony glazing? Let's figure it out together.

Stage one – preparation.

It is impossible to do without this. It is important that the balcony does not collapse under the weight of the structure, the windows do not fly out at the first wind, and the cladding does not come off as quickly as it is being installed.

Technical analysis is one of the components of the initial actions. Assessment of design features, the percentage of dilapidation (accidents) of a living space - these parameters will allow us to draw a conclusion about whether the design of the house is designed for the fact that there will be an additional load on the balcony in the form of glazing.

Having made sure that all this will definitely not collapse, we move on to additional strengthening of the parapet. Depending on the future load, reinforcement is carried out using foam concrete blocks or metal.

Which material to choose? The answer depends on your goals and the technical capabilities of your home. Metal will be universal, suitable even for extremely dilapidated balconies.

How to do this is detailed in the diagram. We only note that a strong metal structure “ties” the parapet and is capable of taking on the main load of the glazing system.

If your balcony is strong and wide, then you can use foam blocks. This material also serves as excellent thermal insulation. But such a structure requires strengthening with reinforcement. Otherwise, the desired effect will not happen.

After the preparatory work is completed, you can, without fear, deal directly with what, in fact, everything was started for.

Stage two – design selection.

Of course, the process itself is not so complicated, considering that almost every man, to one degree or another, has a little knowledge in the field of construction.

But when glazing without the help of specialists, you must be prepared to do not only the “dirty” work with your own hands, but also other related work. One of which is the choice of design.

It makes no sense to say that there are standard and non-standard double-glazed windows. This is already clear to everyone. But the expected result from the design matters. Traditionally, there is a division into warm and cold glazing. What is the difference?

  • Cold food is made using cheap material, and warm food is made using expensive material.
  • Cold glazing does not retain heat inside the room; the temperature always corresponds to that outside. Warm means insulation, which will allow you to maintain room temperature at any time of the year. Read more in the articles - do-it-yourself interior decoration and balcony insulation and waterproofing.
  • Having dealt with the functional load, we will solve the issues with the material. Wood, aluminum, PVC. Today these are all possible options for finishing a balcony:

    • Wooden Euro-windows have a long service life, so you don’t have to worry that they will rot or dry out under the influence of external factors.
    • Aluminum frames are cheap, lightweight and are most often used for cold glazing.
    • If we take PVC, then they have a wide range of additional functions - noise insulation, thermal insulation, imitation of a certain style in architecture, etc. Of course, they are heavier than aluminum and are used for warm glazing.

    How are things going with the lighting in the room? In addition to frames, you should also pay attention to glass. Do you have a sunny side, but want to make a games room on your balcony? To prevent the baby's delicate skin from being exposed to ultraviolet rays, sun protection glasses are used, which are covered with a film using a special technology.

    How energy saving glass works

    This glass absorbs almost 99.9% of radiation. Or maybe the balcony is a future greenhouse? For this purpose, tinted glass is used, which prevents sunlight from penetrating through the glass and creating a “magnifying glass” effect.

    Colored glass and stained glass are ideas for specific styles of both interior and exterior. Well, and finally, energy-saving windows. A thin layer of metal is applied to the surface of the glass at the factory, which retains heat indoors.

    Glass, structure, reinforcement - all preparatory issues have been covered, the decision has been made. All that remains is to understand how it can be glazed. To do this, we move on to the next stage.

    Video - what is energy-saving glass and what are its capabilities:

    Stage three – choosing a glazing method.

    The variety is amazing, just look at the neighboring house. There’s a lot you won’t see there, but let’s focus on the ways.

    a) With take-out. The internal space becomes wider due to the extension of the window profile (relative to the main fence). The increase is insignificant - 20-25 cm. A window sill can be placed on such a frame.

    b) Frameless. In essence, it turns out to be a panoramic window without vertical frames and horizontal partitions. A lot of light is a plus. Problem with care (for example, washing) is a minus. The design is quite durable, so there is no need to worry about bad weather.

    c) Art finishing. This method is relevant when we, for example, install stained glass windows. It’s difficult to do without an artist-designer (unless, of course, you have a talent for drawing). Also read the article: interesting loggia designs.

    Stage four – installation of the visor.

    This should be done before the glazing system is installed, so that later you don’t have to think about how to stick it there so that it doesn’t come off. Using regular dowel nails, we attach it to the ceiling.

    After the canopy is secured, you can begin glazing, but first, you should secure the anchor plates on all sides except the bottom.

    Video - installation of a loggia with a canopy:

    Stage five - step-by-step instructions for glazing.

    Of course, the balcony must be cleared of everything that was previously there: chairs, flowers, linoleum, tiles, old trash, etc. The issue of strengthening was previously touched upon, so we will omit the description of this procedure.

    Installation of wooden windows.

    Correct installation according to GOST

    Installation of the frame. The beams that serve as the base are pre-treated with sealant (but only the mounting surface). Next, a wooden structure is constructed around the perimeter using mounting dowels.

    Window installation. The frames must be glazed, as the glass may simply break. Installation is carried out in the following sequence: front structure - side elements.

    Afterwards, it is necessary to seal the seams using sealant and polyurethane foam. When everything has hardened (at least a day), you can glaze. But first, all grooves must be treated with silicone sealant. The beads used to secure the glass must press it tightly against the frame.

    Video - how to glaze a balcony with wooden windows:

    Installation of aluminum frame.

  • We eliminate everything unnecessary, namely: we remove all opening elements, so as not to complicate our life, we remove the glazing, as in the previous case.
  • Mounting plates are attached to the frame (using metal screws), with a pitch of 700 mm or more.
  • Installation of the frame in the opening, followed by alignment (horizontal, vertical, plane).
  • Fastening mounting plates to surfaces using dowels.
  • We hang the sashes and return the glass.
  • All holes and gaps are eliminated using polyurethane foam.
  • Video - how to install an aluminum frame with your own hands:

    Installation of PVC windows.

    The installation diagram is similar to the previous one, with some exceptions.

    • To remove the window, you just need to remove the plastic beads.
    • Installation is carried out using mounting plates that are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.
    • All gaps are also eliminated with polyurethane foam.

    The final stage is to bring the balcony into an appropriate aesthetic state: installation of siding.

    External installation requires certain efforts, such as the construction of fastening belts. There are two of them - upper and lower.

    Such structures are built around the perimeter, which are attached to the walls using corners or liquid nails. The blocks are connected to each other by metal corners. The lower belt should go along the base of the balcony.

    Attaching the siding itself begins from the sides. The screws should not be overtightened; they are located exactly in the middle of the panel's technological hole. Installing trims that hide all the screws completes the glazing process. It is simply put on the strip of siding until it clicks.

    Thus, by carefully examining the technical characteristics of your premises and strictly following the instructions, it is possible to glaze without resorting to the help of specialized companies and saving your own money.

    Glazing a balcony with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

    A couple of years ago I decided to glaze my balcony. I wanted to give it a cozy look, put an armchair and a coffee table. But without glazing this was impossible. I decided right away that I would carry out all the installation work myself, because I have little experience, and glazing a balcony with my own hands is a labor-intensive process, but quite realistic.
    Just a couple of decades ago, all apartments had only wooden windows, but nowadays in the modern world there are several options for glazing residential premises. They have different characteristics, composition, and each has its own pricing policy. Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option.

    DIY balcony glazing

    Choosing material

    Since I wanted to give my balcony a cozy feel, the main task for me was thermal insulation. Therefore, I immediately chose the “warm” glazing option. But I’ll write more precisely about each one.

    So, there are three types of glazing for balconies:

  • Cold - does not retain heat in the room, used for glazing balconies where maintaining room temperature is not required
  • Warm – maintains room temperature at any time of the year, does not allow cold to pass through. It differs from the cold look in the set of materials used and their characteristics.
  • French - the balcony is glazed along the entire perimeter and height. High-strength and tinted glass is used
  • French glazing of the balcony using transparent mirror windows.

    All that remained was to choose the glazing option for your balcony.
    The most popular option today is glazing with PVC windows, but there are also:

    • Aluminum profile
    • Wooden windows

    Aluminum profile glazing refers to cold balconies

    The option of glazing with an aluminum profile immediately became impossible for me. This type of glazing refers to cold balconies. The material is not thermal insulating - it is used on those balconies that do not need to maintain room temperature. The aluminum profile serves to protect the room from wind, rain and snow.
    However, this form also has its advantages:

    • Low weight of materials used
    • Low cost
    • Parallel sliding sashes

    Balcony glazing - wooden frames

    Wooden windows are made from two types of materials. If homogeneous wood is used, then the cost of windows is relatively low. If the material is laminated veneer lumber, then the price automatically increases and is already on average 60-80% higher than the cost of similar PVC windows.
    For me, the option with wooden windows was not suitable due to the price. Although this is beautiful, the financial side of the issue interested me no less. My choice settled on PVC windows. Good price/quality ratio, heat and sound insulation properties have brought this material to the forefront in demand.


    In addition to glazing the balcony, I was interested in the option of external cladding of the balcony. And for this I chose siding. This material is the most optimal, it is durable, consists of PVC and is not afraid of sunlight and precipitation. In addition, it enhances thermal insulation on the balcony. The siding has a wide range of colors, and the manufacturer claims a service life of no less than 50 years.

    DIY balcony siding

    Advice! For those who decide to carry out all the work on glazing the balcony themselves, you need to know that it is better to complete the outer cladding of the balcony before glazing. This will save time and money. After all, after glazing the balcony, it is not so convenient to carry out external cladding, and calling craftsmen who will do all the work with the help of climbing equipment will cost a lot of money.

    It is quite possible to do siding work yourself, but only if you are confident in your abilities and have skills in such work.
    Otherwise, it is better to entrust all work on covering balconies with siding in apartments to qualified specialists who have professional equipment.

    Finishing the balcony with siding

    I have described the sheathing instructions below:

    • First you need to build fastening belts from wooden beams - upper and lower. In the future, siding will be attached to them
    • We attach the beams to the wall using liquid nails. They are connected to each other using iron corners
    • Let's start installing the siding - you should start from the sides. We do not overtighten the screws; they should be left in the middle of the hole.
    • Upon completion of the siding installation, we hide all the screw heads using platbands

    Balcony siding

    Balcony glazing

    After all the work on the outer cladding of the balcony was completed, I proceeded directly to glazing my balcony.
    Next, I will write step-by-step instructions with which everyone can try to glaze a balcony with their own hands.

    Advice! Start the glazing by installing the canopy - then you won’t have to guess where to attach this canopy so that it doesn’t fall off with the first strong wind. It will be enough to screw it to the ceiling using dowel nails.

    Glazing of balconies with plastic windows

  • Before purchasing windows, you need to find out what size they are needed. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the length of the parapet to the ceiling and from wall to wall. You need to know if there is a distortion on the parapet - a level will help with this. By the way, many companies selling glazing send their own specialist who takes his measurements. This is very convenient and minimizes the possibility of incorrect calculations. I took the measurements myself, leaving a gap of 1.5-2 cm in both directions; for those who are not sure that the diagonals are even, you can leave about 1.5-3 cm. In any case, it will all be blown away with foam.
  • Next, we remove the double-glazed windows from the windows; this is not required for opening sashes. There are a couple of reasons for this action - firstly, together with double-glazed windows, the windows are very heavy, and secondly, there is a possibility of damaging the glass during installation.
  • Afterwards we fix the stand profile. Turn the frame over and insert the profile into the grooves. Then we turn the frame back over. Doing everything will be convenient and simple; the frame without glass is very light.
  • We set the fastenings for the frame at a distance of 15 cm from each edge. We hammer the fixing plate into the grooves with a hammer, then turn it 90 degrees to secure it to the concrete wall.
  • The next step is to install the frame in the opening. A friend helped me with this. Using a level, we leveled the frame and secured it in the opening with self-tapping screws. There is no need to drive them in - you just need to screw them in.
  • Afterwards, all frames are inserted according to the same principle, using a level and self-tapping screws.
  • Once all the frames were in place, I secured them to the parapet, ceiling and walls using anchors. I deepened them by about 60 mm.
  • All that remains is to cover all the cracks. For this, polyurethane foam is used.
  • That's all there is left - we insert the double-glazed window into the frame and return the flaps to their place. It is enough to hang them back on the hinges and check the functionality of all mechanisms.
  • Installation of low tide and window sill on the balcony

    Finally, I installed a drip sill on the outside of the balcony and installed a window sill on the inside.
    Although I spent quite a lot of time completing all the work, and then cleaning the entire room from construction dirt, I was satisfied. Self-glazing of the balcony allows you to save a decent amount of money. In addition, I gained valuable experience and new skills in construction work, and the external cladding of the balcony with siding is doubly pleasing. Now the balcony looks perfect from the outside and this is due not only to the siding manufacturer, but also to me.

    Technologies and types of exterior cladding for balconies

    How to cover a balcony with siding: installation instructions

    Step-by-step construction of a frame for covering a balcony

    Do-it-yourself balcony in Khrushchev: step-by-step instructions

    Analysis and types of repairs of balcony slabs

    Instructions for glazing a balcony with your own hands

    Living in apartments in a big city is associated with a number of problems, the main one of which is considered to be the lack of living space. Many owners use the balcony to store various things in order to free up some space in the rooms where they spend most of their time. However, wind, rain and cold do not always allow this. Do-it-yourself balcony glazing will help solve this problem, at least partially.

    Types of balcony glazing

    The simplest type of structure is the so-called cold glazing. In this case, we are talking about the use of thin single-layer frames, which is why the balcony can be fully used only in the warm season. Such structures can reliably protect against dust, wind, birds and insects (provided they are installed correctly), but they will not help with thermal insulation.

    The main advantage of cold glazing is its low cost

    A more expensive option is warm glazing. To carry out this procedure, full-fledged frames with double-glazed windows for 2-3 chambers are used. In this case, we can already talk about a full-fledged additional room in which you can arrange a corner for relaxation, a small office, a greenhouse, and so on. In some cases, the balcony is even attached to the living room after this procedure.

    Warm glazing involves the use of full-fledged frames, therefore it is a more expensive option

    Also, different frames can be used for glazing:

  • Wooden. This option is considered classic. Such products are environmentally friendly and attractive in appearance, but in terms of performance indicators, they are slightly inferior to metal-plastic frames. This type is best suited for DIY installation.

    Wooden frames are a classic option for balcony glazing

  • Metal-plastic. When installing such products, you can achieve the maximum degree of isolation of the balcony from external irritants: street noise, dust, wind, insects. In addition, metal-plastic structures demonstrate high thermal insulation rates. This option is suitable when you plan to use the balcony all year round. Self-installation is possible, but it requires certain skills and dexterity.

    It is best to entrust the installation of metal-plastic structures to professionals

  • Frameless windows. They are called so because the frames are not visible to the naked eye. In fact, they exist - these are narrow metal profiles, somewhat reminiscent of guides. The use of these elements allows you to create a panoramic view and the effect of no frames. This type of structure is very difficult to install; in addition, installation requires special professional equipment, so it cannot be done independently.

  • Installing frameless windows allows you to create a panoramic view, but requires professional equipment

    Important! Before choosing the final glazing option, you need to soberly weigh your strengths and capabilities. If there is any doubt, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists.

    Installation of wooden frames

    This procedure consists of the following steps:

  • The first step is to strengthen the base. To do this, first install the outer siding, which is supported by a metal handrail. Then a special timber structure is installed inside the balcony. This structure is insulated, after which the same beam is fixed strictly above this structure on the ceiling with brackets.
  • Wooden frames are treated with an antiseptic compound, after which they are painted or varnished.
  • Bushings or bolts are installed in special holes at the top and bottom of the frame, after which they are “planted” in their place, secured in the previously installed beams.
  • Thin wooden slats are inserted into the cracks and used to level the position of the frame.
  • Galvanized canopies are installed outside the windows to protect the wooden structure from moisture.
  • Glazing of wooden frames

    Glazing a loggia with your own hands requires the following tools and materials:

    • Hammer, nails and glazing beads.
    • Rubber spatula, putty or putty.
    • Drying oil and paint brush.

    When installing glass in wooden frames, one problem very often arises - the impossibility of installing glazing beads on the back side of a blind window on floors above the first. If the frames are small, then it is better to first put glass in them, and then carry out the installation. But if we are talking about large massive structures, then placing them on a base with glass is not only difficult, but also dangerous. Therefore, installation will have to be carried out from the inside.

    One of the main problems with installing glass in wooden frames is installing glazing beads on the back side

    Installation Guide:

    • First you need to moisten the brush in drying oil and treat the window openings with it. It should be applied in one layer, but without gaps. After the material has dried (the time is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging), you can begin painting.
    • To do this, they also use a brush, which carefully paints all the openings and leaves to dry.
    • After this, putty or a special putty is applied to the folds of the opening, which will close the gaps between the glass and the frame, preventing water from entering and drafts.
    • Next, the trimmed glass is installed in the frame and pressed against the putty.
    • Then another layer of putty is applied, but on the glass itself, closer to the frame.
    • A glazing bead is placed on the putty strip and carefully nailed with small nails.

    Putty performs the main function in fixing glass

    On a note! The nails must be driven strictly vertically or horizontally, since driving them at an angle can damage the glass.

    Alternative options

    Instead of putty, you can also use a silicone tube, which is cut and laid in the same way as putty, and then pressed with glass. In addition, you can do without driving nails. To do this, apply a thick layer of putty to the glass, after which it is carefully leveled.

    You can also use sealant. Some people think that it will permanently fix the glass in the frame and cannot be replaced. But there is one secret: before applying the sealant, the glass must be treated with a soap solution.

    Installation of metal-plastic frames

  • The first step is to install support posts made of wooden beams.
  • Secure the racks to the ceiling and railings.
  • Remove double-glazed windows from metal-plastic frames to eliminate the possibility of damage. To do this, you just need to pry the glazing bead with a knife or a narrow screwdriver and remove the glass.

    To remove a glass unit from a plastic frame, you must first remove the glazing bead

  • Remove the sash by removing the top window hinge pin with pliers and lifting the sash.
  • Install the support profile from the bottom of the frame.
  • Place the fasteners into the frame grooves.
  • Place the frames in the prepared openings, secure them with clamps and level the location of the frame using wooden slats.
  • Tighten fasteners.
  • Place the sashes in place and secure them.
  • Fill the cracks with sealant.
  • Important! Even small distortions are unacceptable, as they will subsequently lead to breakdown of the entire structure.

    Installation of double-glazed windows

    Gaskets must be placed in the lower and side internal parts of the frame installed in the opening. It is necessary to lay it so that the weight of the glass unit is evenly distributed over the frame. One of the edges of the gasket should extend slightly beyond the boundaries of the frame, so that after hammering in the bead, cracks do not form on the glass. After this, take two suction cups, press them to the surface of the glass and carefully place it in the window frame. At the end, the glazing beads are hammered in with a wooden mallet, and at this point, do-it-yourself glazing can be considered complete.

    To fix the glass unit in the frame, you need to hammer in the glazing beads using a mallet

    Installing frames and glass is a rather complex process that requires experience and certain skills, so if you are not completely confident in your abilities, it is better to immediately call specialists.

    Balcony glazing allows you to turn an open, undeveloped area into a comfortable room. Provided that the glazing is done correctly, the balcony can become an extension of the room, which will significantly expand the living space.

    It is possible to handle balcony glazing yourself. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of existing varieties of balcony structures, select the appropriate option and complete the main stages of work in accordance with the instructions.

    Types of balcony structures

    Today, there are 3 main methods of glazing balconies: using wooden frames, using metal-plastic structures, as well as the frameless glazing method.

    Modern wooden balcony systems are distinguished by high quality, reliability and long service life. Such frames are in many ways superior to outdated analogues, effectively coping with the suppression of street noise and thermal insulation.

    Significant disadvantages appear only when sliding wooden frames are used. They are designed in such a way that water can penetrate into the sliding elements. When the temperature drops below zero, this will cause icing of the window system, which will not have the best effect on its condition.

    Metal-plastic systems

    Modern metal-plastic systems are well-known long-livers. The average service life of such structures is 40 years or more. The risk of frames freezing is eliminated due to the presence of a drainage hole in the design of the system.

    Frameless glazing, despite its apparent lightness and airiness, provides reliable protection from precipitation, muffles street noise and transmits more solar heat.

    The glazing procedure is as follows:

    • lower and upper guides for window sashes are installed. In this case, the functions of the guides are taken over by aluminum profiles;
    • Tempered glass is fixed to the guides, which is characterized by very high strength and resistance to various types of damage.

    However, frameless glazing has a significant drawback: the temperature on such a balcony will be only 2-3 degrees higher than the street temperature, so it will not be possible to fully use the balcony as a living and furnished space in cold weather.

    Concepts of cold and warm balcony glazing

    Cold balcony glazing performed using single glasses installed in lightweight window frames. In summer, such a room will be quite comfortable, but in winter, such a balcony can only be used as a storage room.

    It is important that the supporting frame for such glazing is sufficiently reliable. There is no need to save too much on this structural element, because it is the frame that takes on the bulk of the wind load.

    Warm balcony glazing, equipped taking into account all the rules and technology requirements, allows you to comfortably use the premises at any time of the year.

    When performing such glazing, it is important to create conditions under which the dew point cannot move inside the room. Otherwise, condensation will begin to form on your balcony, which will nullify all efforts to increase the usable area. In addition, the dew point should not penetrate between the installed glasses. This condition is especially difficult to comply with if the balcony is located outside the contour of the building.

    To avoid problems that can result from condensation, 4 basic conditions must be met, namely:

    • provide high-quality moisture and parapet. Any kind of cracks or thermal paths from outside to the room will lead to the appearance of condensation;
    • install frames with double glazing and the same high-quality sealing. In the case of using ordinary wooden frames, it is necessary to create a double seal when installing swing doors and seal all the cracks in the blind structural elements;
    • provide for the possibility of providing controlled natural ventilation. Modern balcony systems made of metal-plastic are usually equipped with dampers from the start. In the case of installing wooden frames, the valve is installed in the parapet;
    • ensure the required level of air exchange between the balcony and the living space. For this purpose, the design of the window connected to the balcony is supplemented with an exhaust fan. In addition, a special ventilation grille is installed at the bottom of the door.

    After completion, take the necessary measures to protect the structure from penetration of atmospheric moisture. To do this, fill the existing cracks with foam and sealant.

    High-quality sealing will further improve the thermal insulation characteristics of structures.

    Good luck!

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    Video - Do-it-yourself balcony glazing

    Precipitation falls on a balcony without glazing, a lot of street dust accumulates there, and gifts from birds appear. Often apartment owners prefer not to store anything in such an open area. To make a balcony a full-fledged enclosed space, it is better to glaze it. Anyone can do this with their own hands.

    What you need to be prepared for before starting glazing

    Balcony glazing requires a professional approach. In such work, it should be remembered that the balcony slab is designed for a certain load. Therefore, she may not be able to withstand the weight gain. To prevent a fatal collapse of the entire structure, it is better to seek advice from specialists. They will be able to give clear recommendations on materials that can be used for glazing in a particular case.

    When glazing a loggia, such detailed calculations of the load-bearing capacity of the balcony slab are not required, since the load of the side of the loggia is transferred to the main wall of the house. Glazing can be produced using almost any materials and methods.

    It is better to do the balcony glazing yourself with your own hands together with an assistant. In such work you will have to constantly lean over the parapet, so it wouldn’t hurt to have someone who can provide backup. For safety, it is advisable to prepare safety equipment in advance.

    Balcony glazing – choosing the best method

    Glazing a balcony with your own hands can be done using both cold and warm methods. In the first option, lightweight frames with single glasses are most often used. In winter, it is quite cold on such a balcony, so during this period of the year this room is used as a pantry for food. Well, in the summer you can organize gatherings on the balcony with such glazing.

    To avoid unnecessary maintenance hassle, we can recommend an aluminum profile as a replacement for wood. This material is easy to install, environmentally friendly and lightweight. During operation, aluminum is not subject to rotting. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the destruction of this material. For such cases, the doors can be used as either rotary or tilt-and-turn. Recently, sliding doors have become increasingly popular.

    Such balcony glazing requires a serious approach to work and careful calculation, since the dew point should not be inside the balcony. Due to improper insulation, condensation in the room can lead to mold throughout the apartment. To ensure that the dew point is not in the room, it is necessary to carry out high-quality hydro- and thermal insulation of the floor and parapet. Remember, even a small gap or cold bridge can lead to condensation.

    For warm glazing of balconies you need a double-glazed window with seals. It is recommended to implement natural ventilation, which can be adjusted independently. For this purpose, the manufacturer of metal-plastic windows provides ventilation dampers. To get rid of condensation, air circulation is required between the balcony and the room. For this purpose, it is necessary to install a fan in the window of the room, which will draw air out of the room. A ventilation grille must be installed at the bottom of the balcony door.

    Types of glazing

    In elite multi-storey buildings, as a rule, panoramic glazing of balconies is used. This option involves a glass fence from floor to ceiling. The most popular is frameless panoramic glazing; with it, the natural lighting of the room increases several times.

    For such glazing, shockproof glass 6–8 mm thick is used, which is treated with metal oxide. Such a double-glazed window is quite difficult to break. Thanks to special coatings, glass can reflect heat back into the room and allow ultraviolet light into the room. Such double-glazed windows have very high sound insulation properties.

    Glass sashes can be hinged, sliding (on rollers) or folding. If the balcony space is small, the best option would be to use a sliding mechanism. In this option, when opening the doors, the room area is not lost.

    Aluminum profiles are also used for glazing. Weight depends on the thickness of the glass and the size of the sections, but, as a rule, does not exceed 20 kg per linear meter. m. Therefore, it becomes possible to carry out glazing of the balcony with removal. For this, detailed strength calculations are not required.

    To assemble the sections, you will need to make guides at the top and bottom of the balcony opening. Then you need to install vertical posts. Then the frame is secured using latches and locks. It is imperative to measure the evenness of the location of the guides and racks. The skew should not exceed 5 mm per linear line. m.

    Glazing of balconies can also be done using metal-plastic windows. In this option, the weight of the structure will be 40 kg per linear meter. m. It is recommended to install such glazing before installing the window sill. Racks made of metal-plastic profiles must be attached to the ceiling and parapet using self-tapping screws.

    Before installation, it is necessary to remove double-glazed windows in all windows, since glass can easily be broken during installation work. To remove double-glazed windows from the frame, you need to pull out the window beads.

    Also, before installing the frame, all sashes must be removed. To do this, you need to squeeze out pins in the upper loops, which can be pulled out using pliers. After this, the sash can be removed from the lower hinge.

    If it is decided to make a winter garden or greenhouse on the balcony, then you can use glazing of the balcony with removal. This will require a parapet of increased strength. Additionally, you will have to take care of installing the visor.

    Consecutive glazing of the balcony

    Finishing and glazing of balconies is always carried out at different stages. For example, with lattice fencing, insulation and decorative external finishing are done before glazing begins. But the interior finishing and installation of the window sill must be done after the window frames are installed.

    If you have a brick or concrete parapet, you first need to level its surface using cement mortar. Then do the exterior finishing. Only after this can glazing work be carried out. Interior finishing and insulation is done after the window sill is installed.

    If the balcony does not have an upper ceiling or is hanging, then you need to use pipe supports. They will be able to withstand most of the glazing load. External frames must be made from 40–60 mm angles. Using a grinder, you need to smooth out all the welds. After this, you need to do degreasing and cleaning. Then you can cover the entire frame with acrylic enamel.

    The most labor-intensive stage of the work is creating the visor. It should protrude 15 cm beyond the glazing. As a rule, 40 mm corners are used. The height of the visor is made within 40 cm.

    The first step for the visor is to make a frame, in which you need to drill 10-12 mm holes for anchor bolts. The distance between the holes should be 40–60 cm. You need to ensure that there are at least 4 holes along the entire length.

    To mark places for bolts on the wall, you will need to attach the frame, level it horizontally using a level and draw marks in the holes. After this, you can start drilling holes for the anchors. Once the bolts are installed, the frame itself can be attached to the wall.

    The next step is to create cross members and slopes that need to be welded to the frame. Then the outer crossbar is attached. Upon completion, you can begin installing the canopy roof. As a rule, galvanized sheets are used for this. They must be laid overlapping in one wave. To prevent water from leaking between the wall and the roof during rain, it is necessary to insert the sheets into the grooves.

    The width of the supporting frames must be made with a small margin (10–15 mm) from the thickness of the window. According to experts, the frame can have a maximum size of 1100x1500 mm (subject to the use of a 40 mm corner). If a 60 mm corner is used, then the length can be made 1300x1700 mm. Using pipe stands, the frame must be connected to the canopy by welding.

    When the frame is completely installed, you can begin decorative finishing and insulation. For cladding it is possible to use metal sheets that must be welded to the frame. As an option, you can use moisture-resistant plywood or plasterboard for finishing. A balcony covered with siding looks quite decent. Basalt wool is used as a thermal insulation material.

    The glazing process begins with the installation of window frames, which must be secured to the corners with 6 mm self-tapping screws. The distance between the fasteners should be 25–30 cm. After the window frames are secured, all grooves need to be foamed. Then the window sashes are installed and the double-glazed windows are put in place. Upon completion, you can begin interior decorative finishing. For this purpose, wooden lining, plastic panels or drywall, which can be painted, are used.

    The presence of a loggia or balcony in an apartment increases its space and can be used in different ways. And the warmer the balcony, the more options for its use. The situation is similar with the loggia. If you look at high-rise buildings or private houses, the vast majority of them will have glazed balconies.

    Moreover, today in the design of a balcony/loggia there is a clear trend - to use this room as a full-fledged room, separate or combined with the main apartment. And with such a task, the issue of balcony glazing becomes more relevant than ever.

    Glazing of a balcony/loggia- this is a device on a balcony slab of a translucent enclosing structure made of window frames and/or glass, which performs the function of protecting the room from cold and/or bad weather.

    How to glaze a balcony with your own hands?

    In the general cost of glazing, the cost of installation work takes 10-15%, depending on the condition of the balcony, design features and floor.

    The procedure for glazing a loggia or balcony is quite simple. Professionals spend from several hours to several days on it (determined by the degree of preparation of the balcony for installation work and its parameters).

    But this is all theoretical; in practice, these are complex high-altitude installation works, which sometimes require the involvement of industrial climbers. You can glaze a balcony or loggia yourself, but it is not recommended.

    Our task is to describe the key parameters of glazing in the form of detailed instructions, which contain a step-by-step description of all the work. And this is largely not a guide to action, but introductory information for understanding what it is, what types of devices there are and what stages the process consists of.

    Balcony/loggia glazing options - types and types

    The approach to glazing depends on four factors:

    1. balcony design: with extension, without extension;
    2. type of balcony glazing: cold or warm;
    3. type of glazing: framed or frameless;
    4. type of glazing: classic or French (panoramic);
    5. type of material used for the manufacture of the frame (profile): PVC, aluminum, wood, fiberglass composite.

    Let us consider them in detail, classifying them according to the design principle, design features and source material.

    1. Design:

    Glazing without extension

    Essentially, this is standard glazing on an existing supporting frame. In this case, the glazing frame is in the same plane with the parapet of the loggia or balcony. This approach is good because the parapet takes on the main load.

    Glazing of balconies with extension (with extension)

    A popular option because it allows you to expand the internal area of ​​the balcony. This approach to redevelopment is indispensable for a narrow balcony or if you want to grow plants on the balcony.

    When installing an external structure, it is necessary to accurately calculate the load on the frame being created and ensure its redistribution to the parapet and load-bearing slab. In addition, external glazing necessitates the construction of a canopy over the frame and a window sill.

    Note. Extended glazing requires protection of the structure from external factors, so an extended balcony/loggia must be sealed from the inside.

    2. Glazing type:

    Cold glazing of balconies

    The type has been known since Soviet times, when there were simply no other options, and the issue of insulation and energy efficiency was not so pressing. Cold glazing involved the installation of wooden frames with one, very rarely two glasses between them. Today, aluminum profiles are used for cold glazing.

    The system is justified if:

    • the balcony is not intended to be used as a living space, because the temperature difference will not exceed 5-7°C;
    • if the load-bearing slab is in unsatisfactory condition and its replacement is not possible;
    • if your budget is limited.

    Nevertheless, cold glazing will successfully protect against bad weather, dust, wind and noise (not exceeding 10 dB).

    Warm glazing of balconies

    Significantly expands the scope of use of a loggia or balcony. The use of multi-chamber profiles with a thermal bridge (thermal break) for the manufacture of frames and multi-chamber double-glazed windows allows for a high level of thermal insulation. In turn, protection from external factors, cold, noise, etc., allows you to use the additional space as a separate room: an office, a bedroom or a place for training.

    It should be borne in mind that warm glazing itself will not provide absolute thermal insulation and will not make the balcony as warm as a room in an apartment or house. Additionally, you will need floors, ceilings, walls and a heating device. But, moving the central heating battery onto the balcony/loggia is prohibited; you need to think about the heating system.

    Warm glazing requires:

    • dew point calculation. It is important that it does not shift towards the room and does not appear as condensation on the glass. Moreover, it was not located between the glasses;
    • ensuring good moisture and parapet walls;
    • consider a system for opening the doors to ensure ventilation of the balcony.

    3. Type of glazing:

    Frame glazing

    Allows you to securely fix the glass unit in a rigid structure. However, it does affect the degree of illumination. Many people are confused by the presence of a large number of jumpers, which make their eyes dazzle.

    It is a type of glazing in which there are no frames, and the fencing functions are performed by thick tempered or laminated glass with machined edges, which eliminates the possibility of getting cut.

    Frameless glazing of the balcony makes it possible to increase the amount of incoming daylight and creates the effect of no boundaries. Due to the fact that with this type of glazing there are no frames to which the sashes could be attached, special attention is paid to the opening mechanism.

    In particular, sliding and folding (sliding) systems are used for frameless glazing:

    Sliding glazing of balconies is a design of rail guides that allow you to move the double-glazed windows to the sides (turn-slide system)

    The sliding folding glazing system for balconies allows you to fold the windows like an accordion or a book (accordion).

    In the first case, the doors do not require space to open; in the second, they require a so-called parking area where the doors will be assembled at the time of opening. Frameless glazing allows you to implement panoramic glazing of the balcony - an option that improves visibility.

    4. Type of glazing:

    • Classic glazing involves installing a frame on an existing parapet. This method is chosen by the vast majority of users because it allows them to reduce glazing costs.
    • . It is distinguished by a significant increase in the glazing area, because with this approach the parapet is dismantled and installed from floor to ceiling.

    5. Type of material used for making the frame:

    PVC (polyvinyl chloride or simply plastic, metal-plastic)

    Glazing of a balcony/loggia with plastic windows is the sole leader in the market of warm glazing systems.

    The characteristics that determined this situation include: the absence of restrictions on installation (while ensuring proper reliability and strength of the base), the ability to choose the degree of thermal insulation (vary the number of chambers in the profile), the ability to choose the number of glasses in a double-glazed window, the presence of insulation, the stability of the material is practically to all environmental factors (except ultraviolet radiation). This allows us to say that metal-plastic windows will last for decades.

    In addition to the mentioned advantages, the PVC profile allows you to ensure an optimal level of tightness, and therefore noise insulation, which is important in cities with high traffic. A significant advantage is the ability to choose the color of the profile for making the frame and the ease of maintenance of the structure.

    The disadvantages are significant weight and questionable environmental performance, despite the fact that renowned manufacturers provide their products with certificates. Plastic glazing of a balcony/loggia is chosen for its reasonable price-quality ratio.

    Note. The demand for PVC profiles for windows has led to the emergence of low quality products. You need to be extremely careful when ordering plastic windows for glazing.

    Aluminum (aluminum window structures)

    Glazing of balconies and loggias with aluminum profiles is chosen by those who prefer a cold glazing system. If an aluminum profile is used for a warm system, it must be equipped with a thermal bridge.

    Aluminum profiles are distinguished by: lightness, the ability to choose the color or structure of the wood, strength, and environmental friendliness. Widespread distribution is hampered by the high cost, which is 1.5-2 times higher compared to PVC profiles.

    Wood (wooden profile for windows)

    Natural and environmentally friendly glazing of a balcony with wooden frames was the only possible option 30 years ago. Today they are being replaced by other materials. But, there are users who only accept wooden balcony glazing and the market responds to demand by offering wooden windows with double-glazed windows.

    Modern wooden frames are distinguished by: high quality, excellent heat and sound insulation, naturalness, and environmental safety. Thanks to new technologies, wood undergoes processing that reduces the rate of its destruction. And the tendency of wood to crack and twist is leveled by the use of high-quality laminated veneer lumber in the production. The cost of wooden Euro-windows is 2.5-3 times more expensive than metal-plastic ones.

    Note. Wooden glazing conflicts with sliding systems, into which water penetrates when opened. Therefore, they are not used if there is a desire to implement sliding glazing of balconies.

    Coordination of balcony/loggia glazing

    Before you start ordering windows, preparing tools and consumables for installation, you need to take into account that changes to the balcony design are subject to approval. Thus, classic glazing can be implemented independently, but glazing with extension or French glazing requires the collection of documents and work.

    Attention! Balcony glazing is a dangerous construction job, so it is performed by specialists. Self-implementation is highly undesirable!

    If you still decide to glaze a loggia or balcony with your own hands, then you should think through safety measures in advance. In particular, it is mandatory to use a safety rope: industrial (more reliable, more durable, more expensive) or sports (lighter, cheaper, service life does not matter if there are no plans to glaze balconies on a commercial basis).

    Safety rope requirements:

    • working length (halyard, direct safety rope) 2.5-3 m. A short one will create difficulties in work, and a long one will not protect against injury if it falls off the frame;
    • a carabiner that can withstand a load of 4 times the user’s weight;
    • rope fastening - by arranging a separate fastening point. To do this, a metal anchor with a ring tip is screwed into the (load-bearing) wall, to which the rope is attached. After the work is completed, the tip is cut off with a grinder.

    Balcony and loggia glazing technology - installation

    Due to the popularity of metal-plastic windows, we will consider the process of how to glaze a balcony/loggia with plastic windows. Note that, unlike the loggia, the work that is performed on the balcony is more complex and labor-intensive.

    Work order - step-by-step instructions:

    1. Dismantling old balcony glazing

    If the balcony has glazing, the old windows are dismantled and the load-bearing capacity of the parapet and floor slab is assessed. This will allow you to make accurate measurements for installing new frames.

    2. Strengthening the balcony slab and parapet

    • The slab can be strengthened by creating a metal frame, part of which will be brought into the apartment;

    • The parapet can be strengthened by replacing it with a metal frame or a new one, lined with brick or (load-bearing, with a density of 1000-1200 kg/m3).

    Note. When choosing a foam block, you should take into account that it requires the use of a special type of fastener - a chemical anchor.

    3. Ordering frames and double-glazed windows

    In addition to the windows, it is necessary to prepare tools (drill, hammer, hammer drill, tape measure, level, plumb line) and consumables (nails, dowels, foam, sealant, pads for the frame: flat ones of different heights and wedges).

    Note. As a rule, window manufacturers do not trust consumer measurements and send out their own specialist.

    4. Installation of a canopy over the balcony (upper ebb)

    The canopy is installed before the frames are installed. It is attached with dowels to the top floor slab. The junction with the slab is filled with sealant. In the case of an external balcony, the canopy is also attached to the floor slab, which means you need to correctly calculate its width. When choosing the configuration of the canopy, you should make sure that it reliably covers the junction of the frame and the base and covers the foam. Otherwise, this unit will need to be covered with a special cover.

    A borderline case of installing a canopy may be installing a roof, if we are talking about glazing a balcony on the top floor.

    5. Glazing of a balcony with a roof

    There are two ways to glaze a balcony or loggia with a roof on the top floor of a house:

    • the roof is part of the glazing structure;
    • the roof is an independent element. In this case, it is installed before the installation of window frames begins.

    When designing a roof, the following requirements must be met:

    • lightness, reliability, strength;
    • ability to withstand snow loads and strong gusts of wind;
    • thermal insulation properties;
    • tightness.

    To make the roof frame, it is advisable to use metal, due to the fact that the timber is subject to deformation. This uses:

    • profile pipe, welded frame;
    • profile pipe or angle, frame with screws;
    • trusses, triangles welded from a corner.

    What roofing material is best to choose for a balcony roof:

    • or metal tiles. Lightweight, durable materials, protected from external influences by several layers of paint, primer and galvanization. Minus - the need for additional sound insulation;
    • bitumen shingles. Pros - you can implement a roof of any shape. Minus - flammability;
    • polycarbonate The advantage is the ability to make a transparent roof. The disadvantage is the relatively short service life (the warranty period is 10 years).

    The characteristic that these roofing materials have in common is their low weight, which means low load on the load-bearing foundations.

    6. Preparing the window frame

    To do this, the sashes are removed, and the double-glazed windows are removed from the blind sashes. Without them, the frame will become much lighter and easier to attach. To remove a double-glazed window, it is enough to pry off the glazing bead with which it is secured with a sharp knife or spatula. Beadings must be signed to avoid confusion when installing them back.

    Note. The installation of the sashes is carried out together with the double-glazed window, so there is no need to disassemble it.

    7. Sealing the support profile

    The stand (window sill, profile) fits quite tightly to the frame, but it can be additionally insulated. To do this you need:

    • remove the stand profile; Material prepared for the website www.site

    • glue a window seal to it; some craftsmen advise applying polyurethane foam;

    • insert the profile back into the frame.

    8. Installation of windows on anchor plates

    This is done when it comes to glazing a loggia. Then the entire frame is supported by anchor plates for windows, which fix it around the perimeter (except for the lower profile). But, if you are glazing a balcony, then it is inappropriate to use only anchor plates here, because they will only hold the side sashes, and the central (front) frame, which is the largest and heaviest, will be attached only to the side frames. This mounting may not be sufficient to support the frame's weight and wind load.

    When glazing a balcony, and especially a balcony with an extension, the frame is fixed with a dowel through the profile. In this case, the dimensions of the gaps should not exceed 30 mm. for side posts and 20 mm. for the lower and upper frame profile.

    Note. The level is set using mounting plates.

    When glazing a balcony, the front (central) frame is installed first, then the side frames. To fasten the frames at the junction, a corner connecting profile is used. It is also necessary when glazing a semicircular balcony or bay window.

    9. Foaming gaps with foam

    All cracks and gaps around the perimeter of the frame are filled with polyurethane foam. Don't blow out too much foam, because... it can lead to deformation of the frame profile.

    10. Installation of double-glazed windows in frames and installation of glazing beads

    To insert the glazing bead, it must be installed in the upper and lower corners and pressed down. The fastening bead will fall into place without any problems. To ensure accuracy and tightness, it is recommended to install long beads first, then short ones.

    11. Installation of opening sashes

    Installation of window sashes, checking their performance and tight fit to the frame.

    12. Installation of low tide outside the balcony block

    The configuration of the ebb should not only ensure water drainage, but also protect the foam from external factors (sun and wind). If it is not possible to install such a strip, you can use a decorative trim and a regular window sill.

    13. Installing a window sill from inside the balcony block

    Independent glazing of a balcony/loggia is possible if you have experience and skills in construction. However, if you have doubts about your own abilities, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. As a rule, a window manufacturing company always offers a team of installers who perform turnkey glazing and provide a guarantee for their work. And knowing the installation procedure will help control the work of the involved specialists.

    How much does it cost to glaze a balcony/loggia?

    The cost of glazing depends on a number of factors:

    • type of construction;
    • the design of the house and the year of construction (glazing in a Khrushchev-era building will cost slightly more in terms of per square meter of opening);
    • number of storeys of the house;
    • type of glazing: warm or cold;
    • profile type: aluminum, wood or metal-plastic;
    • number of chambers in the profile (for aluminum and PVC profiles);
    • presence of a thermal bridge (thermal break in the aluminum profile);
    • type of wood (for wooden frames);
    • type of double-glazed windows: number of chambers, type of glass, material for filling the inter-chamber space;
    • type of window opening: hinged, sliding, folding, fixed;
    • quality of fittings;
    • brand. The cost of a window profile or fittings that are identical in their functional purpose is influenced by the popularity of the manufacturer and the country of origin;
    • other factors individual for a particular case.

    The cost of glazing a turnkey balcony/loggia includes the following types of work:

    Stage Detailing
    1 Specialist visit - assessment of the condition of the balcony;
    - order approval;
    - adjustment of preferences taking into account real possibilities;
    - taking measurements;
    - calculation of the estimated cost and timing of the order.
    2 Dismantling - existing (old) glazing;
    - roofing, parapet (if necessary);
    - preparation of foundations for installation.
    3 Removing the balcony, installing the roof and strengthening the load-bearing elements if necessary
    4 Window system - production of window systems;
    - transportation;
    - rise to the floor.
    5 Glazing installation - installation of a window unit;
    - frame fastening;
    - sealing of junction points;
    - checking the functionality of the fittings and setting them up;
    - installation of a window sill;
    - installation of the visor;
    - low tide installation.
    6 Carrying out external finishing works - external insulation;
    - finishing the parapet with siding or other material.
    7 Carrying out interior finishing work - installation of slopes;
    - internal insulation;
    - Finishing work;
    - installation of electrical wiring;
    - additional services: installation of a dryer, furniture, etc.
    8 Garbage removal - cleaning, disposal of construction waste

    Depending on the condition of the property and the budget, the number of turnkey balcony glazing services provided may vary.

    Approximate cost of glazing a balcony and loggia depending on the type of profile:

    Cold glazing

    (Aluminum Provedal profile), swing opening type.

    Window configuration Average price of glazing, rub
    1.5 m x 0.75 m x 0.75 m x 1.6 m 21 400
    1.5 m x 2.5 m 14 800
    1.5 m x 3 m 19 200
    1.5 m x 0.9 m x 0.4 m x 2.4 m (boot) 27 000
    1.5 m x 0.75 m x 0.75 m x 2.7 m 23 100
    1.5 m x 4 m 22 400
    1.5 m x 5 m 28 000
    1.5 m x 6 m 32 000
    Bay window 24 100

    Warm glazing

    (rehau and Slidors metal-plastic profile), swing opening type.

    Balcony size (length, height, depth) Window configuration Rehau Slidors Gzhel (Russia)
    1.5 m x 2.5 m 22 000
    1.5 m x 3 m 33 000 25 200 32 000
    34 000 40 000
    1.5 m x 1 m x 2.5 m 36 000 36 000 30 000
    1.5 m x 4 m 38 000 29 900
    41 000
    1.5 m x 5 m 48 000 48 000
    59 000
    1.5 m x 6 m 57 000 46 600
    Bay window 31 800

    The cost of glazing depending on the type of opening: cold and warm sliding glazing

    Cost of French balcony glazing: cold and warm sliding system

    Cost of glazing a balcony/loggia with removal:

    Additional services accompanying the removal of a balcony/loggia:

    Strengthening load-bearing structures

    Dismantling works

    External finishing works

    Interior finishing work

    Type of work Average cost, rub.
    Installation of window sill, m.p. 500
    Installation of wooden lining, rub. sq.m. 1 600
    Installation of plastic lining, rub. sq.m. 1 800
    Installation of drywall with frame, rub. sq.m. 1 800
    Installation of laminated panels, rub. sq.m. 1 400
    Insulation with mineral wool, rub. sq.m. 100
    Thermal insulation with penofol, rub. sq.m. 60
    Penoplex insulation, rub. sq.m. 200
    Thermal insulation with isolon, rub. sq.m. 320
    Double thermal insulation (penofol and penoplex), rub. sq.m. 260
    Finishing of slopes (depending on depth and material), pcs. 600-800
    Electrical wiring installation, pcs. 5 000
    Electrical point installation, pcs. 800
    Subflooring (linoleum, carpet), rub. sq.m. 1 300
    Floorboard flooring (subfloor and board), rub. sq.m. 2 000
    Installation of heated floors, sq. m. 2 500
    Installation of skirting boards 80

    Additional services
