The most needed kitchen appliances. The most essential household appliances for the kitchen. Sandwich maker - a technique for a more hearty breakfast

What should be in the kitchen is a difficult question. If you do not take into account such essential accessories of any modern kitchen as a refrigerator and a stove, what other utensils should always be at hand? And what should a comfortable and bright culinary workshop look like, meeting the needs of even the most demanding housewife? A quick overview of the arrangement and design of the holy of holies of any woman will not be superfluous.

When arranging a kitchen, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions, the number of household appliances and the size of the family.

Kitchen arrangement

First of all, the space should be spacious, not restricting movement (this is ideal, of course), the arrangement of objects should be convenient and practical, everything should be at hand. The most important is the main triangle - the refrigerator, stove and sink. It is advisable to install a dish rack or hang a cabinet next to the sink. The cooker, classified as a hazardous household appliance, is installed in accordance with the latest safety requirements. The refrigerator should not visually crush the space, it is better to push it further into the corner so that the open door does not interfere with the free passage. It is not recommended to place the refrigerator near heat sources or direct sunlight.

Layout types

The refrigerator should organically fit into the kitchen space, not block the passage and be located away from heat sources and windows.

Single-line arrangement means the arrangement of the entire kitchen set in one row along the wall. Not the most convenient type, since the length of such a row is usually 3.5 m, while key points can be inconveniently removed from each other.

The two-line arrangement is perfect for walk-through kitchens. It is recommended to put the gas stove and sink on one side, and the refrigerator and cupboards on the other. In this case, the refrigerator door should not block the passage. It is desirable that the distance between the rows is at least 130 cm.

  1. L-shaped type - the main advantage is the availability of a free area for a dining or work table. If this table is installed, then the type of cuisine will be considered island.
  2. U-shaped type - suitable for large rooms with an area of ​​at least 12 m², otherwise movement between points will be difficult. In this case, furniture and kitchen units are located along three walls, which creates free access to any point.

Kitchen equipment

The microwave will help you quickly reheat cooked food, and it will also completely replace the oven.

Now for the fun part - the kitchen utensils. What kind of equipment is needed in the kitchen? For every culinary specialist, there is no more endless and exciting topic than its assortment. And the modern choice is incredibly large. There are dozens of names of egg cookers, coffee makers, multicooker and rice cookers alone. It is very difficult to choose from the entire wide range what is really necessary and what has only a far-fetched need. True value is revealed only in the process of operation, and there are also common opinions on this. It all depends on the preferences of the culinary specialist, the quality of the devices, views on the preparation of dishes and preparations. An individual approach is required here, each housewife must decide for herself what should be in the kitchen.

But in any case, it will not be superfluous to list the main household appliances. Many modern women can no longer imagine kitchens without them. It should be noted that this list is compiled on the basis of analyzes of the comments of housewives left on the pages of numerous culinary sites. But this statistic must be the most accurate.

A refrigerator and a gas stove are immediately put out of the competition - you cannot do without them. It is only worth noting that the refrigerator must necessarily be two-chamber with a large compartment for frozen foods. But the presence of a classic gas stove is not always relevant. Many began to use the electric prototype, especially in Europe. And in some kitchen interiors, it gets by with the presence of an ordinary hob, a good electric oven or microwave.

5 household appliances you need to have in your kitchen

  1. Dishwasher. There are almost always good reviews about this type of home appliance. But housewives often do an excellent job themselves with this everyday task, following the example of their grandmothers. Firstly, sometimes there is no place for a dishwasher in the kitchen, and secondly, there is not always a need for it, especially if a family of two people. What's the point in an additional unit? But with a large family and an acute shortage of time, this miracle of technology can become an irreplaceable thing.
  2. Microwave. The range of functions can range from the usual reheating of food to baking first-class baked goods. It all depends on the needs of the owners. For express dinners, it's just a lifesaver.
  3. Multicooker. In recent years, this trend is gaining more and more popularity among young housewives, older people prefer to cook the old fashioned way. The set of functions is wide. A multicooker can really replace a whole list of kitchen utensils and save a lot of time.
  4. Bread maker. An interesting and useful unit. You just need to fill it with the necessary ingredients, and he will bake a fresh hot loaf himself. You can also buy an electric knife.
  5. Harvester. There are different opinions about him. Most likely, the matter is in the brand of the device. For some, he cuts and crumbles, while for others he gathers dust for years on the shelf in the hallway. It all depends on the attitude towards cooking, because some do not like different electrical gadgets, especially if they are of poor quality. Having a good harvester, you can give up the mixer, blender and electric meat grinder, although sometimes the opposite option is preferred.

A food processor can replace a number of small appliances - a mixer, juicer, meat grinder and blender.

What kitchen can do without small utensils?

  1. A set of knives. They must certainly be of high quality, only then they will bring pleasure from their use.
  2. A set of pots and pans. It is desirable that they are made of stainless steel and have a Teflon coating.
  3. A set of different containers for storing dry bulk products. For example, it can be beautiful ceramic jars.
  4. Electric kettle.
  5. Coffee grinder and turk for coffee.
  6. A set of small utensils. Various spoons, ladles, tongs and whisk for beating. This set is unique for each hostess.
  7. A set of food trays for storing and heating food. Plastic has proven itself well.
  8. It's a good idea to have a small electronic scale in your kitchen, preferably battery-powered.
  9. Various necessary little things like a measuring cup, funnel, bottle openers, graters, etc.

Sometimes in some kitchens there are household appliances, which are optional, for example, an electric egg cleaner or a tea maker. Of course, deciding what is needed for the kitchen is a private matter for everyone, but you shouldn't go too far.

Every thing in the house should have a direct functional purpose.

And the accumulation of useless piles of rubbish, which can be used only once a year, is pointless. The fewer items in the kitchen, the easier it is to clean up and the more space for creativity and thought.

The speed and simplicity of preparation depends on how much effort you need to make. And it depends on the means that you use. Therefore, it is important to have all the necessary items at hand so as not to do unnecessary and dreary work on your own - just shift it onto the shoulders of the machines 🙂

Therefore, I made a complete list: what equipment is needed in the kitchen. In addition, she highlighted optional items and just from the category of "when there is nothing more to take") You can use the last item for gifts to those who have everything.

Fridge... There is no point in explaining the need for this subject.

Oven / built-in surface- actually what is used to prepare food in the usual way.

Oven usually built into the oven, but if you have a built-in surface, you will have to buy it separately. Not everyone likes to cook in the oven, but sometimes it can be very useful. Many delicious dishes are prepared only in it.

Hood so that the smell during cooking does not stagnate in the kitchen, but erodes into the street. To be honest, I don't have a hood and I don't really understand its meaning. After cooking, unpleasant odors rarely remain (only appetizing), and in extreme cases I open the window and it becomes fresh in 5 minutes.

Kettle- such a necessary item is not very expensive and, as a rule, is available in almost all kitchens. It is useful not only for tea, but also for quick cooking: the kettle boils quickly, pour water into a saucepan and after a couple of minutes you can already throw in spaghetti or dumplings.

Microwave(can be taken with a grill and different modes for cooking). Although you can get by with a simple option to warm up the food. Although it is believed that its waves have a bad effect on the body and spoil the quality of food. So it's up to you to make a decision.

Multicooker- I have been using it for three years and have almost completely switched to it. It can function as a steamer, oven, oven and other cooking devices. In addition, if you have a timer, you can set it for the morning and get breakfast ready by the time you wake up! An irreplaceable thing.

Dishwasher- another useful thing in the kitchen. I believe every family should have it in order to save at least 365 hours a year! In general, there are more pluses than minuses from buying it, and then I will consider this separately. Just know - this technique is needed in the kitchen!

Blender- there are different models: submersible (you drive up and down with a stick) or stationary. Both options are useful in everyday life, but I chose the stationary one. It is very convenient to make cocktails, smoothies, mashed potatoes, or just mix foods.

Coffee maker- coffee lovers in the morning will appreciate this device, it is much more economical to brew coffee by themselves than ordering it every day in a cafe.

Useful kitchen appliances:

Freezer- mainly needed by people who buy a lot of meat products at once or freeze vegetables / berries / mushrooms for the winter. Usually a standard freezer in the refrigerator is enough.

Mixer- used for kneading dough and making lump-free puree.

Juicer- prepare freshly squeezed juice in your apartment!

Toaster- crispy toast for breakfast is easy and simple. Better to use special toast bread.

Potter- can replace the kettle, and even keep the water constantly hot.

Food processor- crushes vegetables, fruits and is useful in many occasions. A very useful item in the kitchen.

Electric meat grinder- you can get by with a manual meat grinder (especially if you transfer this matter to your husband), or do everything without unnecessary difficulties almost automatically.

Bread maker- many people think that it is pointless to spend money on a preparation for making bread. But in it you can cook not only it, but knead dough, make jam, and some models have other functions.

Waffle maker / hazelnut- sweet tooths would definitely need such devices to cook their favorite delicacies at home.

Yoghurt maker- a useful tool for making yoghurts. I haven't tried it myself, but I've seen a lot of positive reviews.

Deep fryer- the dishes are delicious, but terribly high in calories.

What equipment is not needed in the kitchen

... but it would be nice to have 🙂

In this group, I included a technique that facilitates the preparation of a specific dish, but which is not prepared every day and can be prepared in other ways.

  • sandwich maker
  • rice cooker
  • pancake maker
  • popcorn maker
  • the device makes cotton candy
  • electric vegetable cutter
  • dryer for vegetables and fruits
  • electric BBQ grill
  • electric slicer.
  • electric knife.
  • dish warmer.
  • electric opener.
  • egg cooker and egg peeler.
  • tea maker.

My opinion: in addition to basic equipment (refrigerator, kettle, oven ...), I consider the most important multicooker, dishwasher and blender. I’m ready to give up other technologies, but these are the most useful items in the kitchen. They save a lot of time for hostesses, especially for mothers with small children.

Of course, each hostess decides for herself what appliances are needed in the kitchen, and there is no need to purchase all the appliances according to the list. But someone can get inspired and buy something new for their kitchen)

Share your thoughts what other equipment is needed in the kitchen? Maybe I forgot something - we will definitely add to the list)

It is sometimes difficult not only for a young hostess, but also for an experienced hostess to determine what a good kitchen should really be equipped with.

Almost every day, more and more new types and models of kitchen appliances, dishes and accessories appear on store shelves, and manufacturers never cease to convince us that we just need all of them. So what is really needed in the kitchen, and what, in principle, can you do without? We have compiled such a list and conventionally divided it into several categories: "something you can't do without", "it would be nice to start", "what you can dream about" and "you can live without ...". So, dear mistresses, let's start ...

What you can't do without

Let's do this: we will not talk about things that are self-evident, like a refrigerator and a stove. This is understandable - without them in the kitchen, in general, there is nothing to do. Let's talk about the accompanying appliances that a really decent kitchen cannot do without.

Namely, without a good big food processor. Every self-respecting kitchen should have a unit that facilitates the work of the hostess and inspires her to culinary feats. What kind of harvester to choose is up to the hostess. But he really has to help her - cut, rub, chop, chop, mix and knead, etc. Combine functionality must also be combined with ease of use. And of course, for such an important car, you need to allocate an appropriate place in the kitchen so that it can be freely and easily accessible.

In principle, a good food processor can replace a meat grinder, a juicer, an electric grater, a blender, and a mixer. But if it does not perform this or that function or does it, but not to the proper extent, it will have to be replenished with appropriate household appliances.

The automatic coffee maker took the second place in our rating. A good coffee maker (preferably with a timer) will make sure that the owners' morning always starts with a delicious cup of coffee. Unlike the Turks, she will do everything herself, allowing the hostess to calmly gather herself and help her husband and children. With a good coffee maker, you can forget that in the morning coffee has a habit of "running away" and spoiling the mood. The choice of a coffee maker is also highly individual, and not always the most expensive will be the best. By the way, the electric kettle shares this second place with the coffee maker.

The coffee maker must have an assistant - a coffee grinder. It will come in handy not only for making freshly ground coffee, but will also help with grinding spices or even turning granulated sugar into powdered sugar. Although, of course, if there is no special need, it is better to use the coffee grinder strictly for its intended purpose. Small and compact, it will not take up much space in the kitchen and will not cause any inconvenience when taking care of yourself.

A modern kitchen is indispensable without a microwave oven. Preferably with a grill. By and large, the microwave is used as a “warming up” and defrosting machine, but you can cook a variety of dishes in it, while saving a lot of time.

A blender, unlike a food processor, is much more compact, it is an excellent assistant when preparing milkshakes or alcoholic cocktails, it copes with crushing food ice. And when you need to beat eggs or sauce in a steam or water bath, a blender will always come in handy. In a company with a blender, it would be nice to buy a mixer as well.

After some disputes, we also classified the toaster as a necessary household appliance for the simple reason that it is very tasty to start the morning with good coffee and toast with jam or butter, especially caviar. Fast, especially when you consider that toast bread is sold already thinly sliced; convenient, because you do not need to heat the pan with oil and stand relentlessly at the stove; and practical - the toaster is compact and easy to clean. However, it's up to the hostesses.

It would be nice to have

There is hardly a hostess who will regret purchasing a rice cooker. We, at least, have not met such. The rice cooker is a kind of electric saucepan designed for cooking airy and tasty rice. But not just rice! Other cereals are excellently prepared in it. And buckwheat porridge - mmm ... it's just a dream! Themselves Koreans, Japanese and Chinese - the main manufacturers of rice cookers in the world - got the hang of cooking meat, and poultry, and vegetables in them. Of course, all these dishes can be prepared using the traditional method, but if possible, "bring" a rice cooker to your home. She herself will cook rice or porridge for you and go into standby mode, in which she can keep the contents hot for another day (!).

Some rice cookers are also combined with steamers. In such clever girls, you can cook rice in water and steamed chicken at the same time. However, if you are composing your diet solely according to the principles of healthy eating, you definitely cannot do without a separate electric steamer. But what about? After all, steamed food is the most dietary food. Steamers are convenient because the food does not run away in them, does not burn or dry out. You can even "forget" to turn it off - it will turn itself off when the time runs out or the water evaporates. The steamer can cook several meals at the same time, you can defrost and reheat food (by the way, it is a safe alternative to microwave ovens), and finally, they are easy to maintain. And some magic steamers can be programmed so that a delicious and hot dinner will already be waiting for you when you come home from work. The beauty…

After some thought, what category of necessity to assign to the bread maker - "it would be nice to start" or "you can dream", we nevertheless settled on "it would be very nice to start". Indeed, a bread maker or, as the happy owners lovingly call it, a bread maker (and even more tender - a bread maker) is one of the most successful and useful acquisitions for the kitchen. All that is required of you is to fill it with all the necessary ingredients and select the desired mode. She will knead the dough herself and bake the very bread you ask for - white or cereal, with or without additives, with the desired brown crust. Would you like a chocolate muffin? And the orange bun? Easy, hostess! Go, rest, and in a couple of hours set the table for the freshest pastries ...

There are happy kitchens to which the owners bring their many friends. They sit around the table and begin to admire the hostess's comfort and culinary skills. For such kitchens and their owners, a spacious flat electric grill will not hurt. You can put it right in the center of the table, and let everyone fry for themselves pieces of fish, meat, seafood or vegetables, or even pancakes or tapagnacs, without worrying about splashes of fat flying in all directions. In such grills, special holes are provided through which all excess fat flows into the pan, without having time to leave unpleasant odors behind. Both the guests feel good, and the hostess is comfortable - she sits and rests, and does not run around with plates from stove to table. And the grill is easy to clean.

What can you dream about

Glory to the progress coming towards the woman! Glory to the man who invented the dishwasher! Yes, every housewife and every kitchen secretly dreams of a dishwasher. This is not a first necessity, and not even a second, we can always stand at the sink and wash the mountains of dishes left after the holidays. But we will still dream of a caring helper who takes care of our hands, backs and our time. About a compact beauty that decorates the kitchen and gives it a special pride. And just a useful thing that is easy to learn not only for a child, but also for a husband. With such a clever woman in the house, the bickering "who is washing the dishes" will stop, there will be more free time and good mood ... The dishwasher is the same gift from the kitchen category, which will be pleasant to receive. Indeed, with such a gift will be associated love and respect for the hostess, whom they are trying to protect. Then the stay in the kitchen will be a thousand times more pleasant. Glory to the husbands who buy dishwashers for their wives!

With the approach of summer, the acquisition of an ice cream maker, a device for making ice cream, becomes especially relevant. Not every commercial ice cream can please with its taste, and incomprehensible additives, dyes, thickeners, etc. cannot be compared with real homemade ice cream. About an ice cream maker (about a good! Electric ice cream maker), we can say that this is an expensive toy for a spoiled housewife. For a hostess who can afford to relax while making several servings of ice cream, spending much more on this fun than buying ready-made ice cream. But on the other hand, it will be the most delicious ice cream in the whole world ...

You can live without
… Electric slicers.
... an electric knife.
… A warmer.
... electric openers.
... egg cookers and egg peelers.
... tea makers.

A practical and comfortable kitchen is the dream of every housewife, and therefore we, people who are trying to meet these requirements, should be extremely careful in the design and equipment of the kitchen. The main thing to remember here is that not only design and renovation is important, but also household appliances for the kitchen.

There are no problems with such a question today, only financial ones, and if everything is in order with the budget for high-quality kitchen equipment, then there will be enough technology in specialized stores for absolutely everyone. Moreover, it will be not only strictly directed household appliances, which perform only one or two processes in an exquisite and thorough manner, but also a technique for complex use.

Today we decided to consider kitchen appliances, which will help our chefs in the kitchen to work with pleasure. This means that you should find the ultimate minimum, but always strive for the maximum.

Basic kitchen appliances

The most basic kitchen appliances and appliances are fridge, cooking stove and dishwasher. We will refer the sink to the plumbing, and therefore, we will begin our conversation with the refrigerator and the stove.

Quality refrigerator for the kitchen

Choosing a high-quality refrigerator today is quite simple, you just have to go to the average cost, choose a well-known manufacturer with positive reviews, find a refrigerator that meets your requirements and make a purchase. Please note that technology does not stand still, and at the moment you can find a wide variety of proposals, including one and two door refrigerators, standard refrigerators, mini-refrigerators and freezers.

Based on the standard requirements of each person, the best option, combining good cost, quality and reliability, can be two-compartment refrigerators with one compartment for storing food, and the second for freezing them. Note that the internal volume of each compartment is very important here. Additional functions of refrigerators for the kitchen should be chosen depending on the budget.

Good stove for the kitchen

Here it is worth making several divisions at once: a standard or built-in surface, an electric stove or a gas stove, a hob or a complete set with an oven. Naturally, we are used to seeing a stove with an oven at home, that is, a hob and an oven in a single body. In fact, from the middle price niche, this is the most acceptable option. For example, an ordinary gas stove with four burners and a simple grill, where you can bake meat or just cook a hot dish on a baking sheet. If we talk about the premium class and the luxury class, then it is worth highlighting the expensive built-in appliances, which are especially popular today.

But if you choose a stove for a small kitchen or for a standard kitchen without unnecessary frills, then the middle version will be enough, because the stove is not the main one in the kitchen, the chef is the main one!

Auxiliary kitchen appliances

There are many pieces of household appliances for the kitchen, which are not at all necessary in a given room, but it is very nice to have them.

Coffee maker for delicious coffee

A coffee maker in the kitchen is not a luxury, but a direct necessity, because with the help of its magical functions you can prepare an equally magical invigorating drink, a delicious cappuccino or latte. The coffee maker will give you happiness not only in the morning, but also during lunch, when you can wash down a delicious meal with a cup of freshly brewed coffee beans. In general, you can talk about the benefits for a long time, the main thing is to decide on time whether you need an ordinary, drip coffee maker, a simple coffee maker with capsules or bags of ground coffee, or a professional coffee machine.

Microwave (microwave oven)

They say that the microwave in the kitchen is the first enemy of the stomach. On the health side, this is so, because the vast majority of microwave dishes are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. But if we consider the practicality of such kitchen appliances, then it has no equal. You need to defrost the shrimp - the microwave will help, warm up a cup of broth or make a hot sandwich - no problem, making a hot dish, pilaf or porridge is generally easy.

Here it is already worth starting from manufacturers and reviews of real buyers, otherwise it can be very difficult to choose a microwave oven for the kitchen.

Toaster for making crispy hot bread

Not only kids love to crunch delicious bread in the morning, next to which there is a slice of ham and a couple of cooked chicken eggs, or a slice of this bread is abundantly greased with jam. Adults also react positively to toast made by a non-replaceable appliance - the kitchen toaster. Fast and efficient, practical and tasty ... what else is needed for a great breakfast?

Sandwich maker - a technique for a more hearty breakfast

Whoever prefers to have a hearty breakfast, albeit with a slight effect on health, chooses sandwich makers - a special technique for the kitchen, in which you can put a couple of slices of bread, a piece of ham or bacon, a leaf of lettuce and a tomato, close the device for a couple of minutes and get a serious one at the exit and a juicy sandwich. Agree, it's very convenient, especially when you live in a high-speed rhythm and are constantly late somewhere ... well, or just too lazy to cook.

Food processors for the kitchen - an integrated approach to cooking

Indeed, a quality food processor in the kitchen can easily replace a poor chef. He will cut, grind, grind, knead, in general, prepare a semi-finished product from any products. All that remains is to boil, stew or fry what you got from the combine - minced meat, vegetable set, dough and so on.

Recently, food processors have been equipped with additional attachments, and therefore, in the complex you can purchase a high-quality meat grinder, a juicer, a blender and many, many other technical necessities for the kitchen.

Healthy food steamer

Thanks to smart transmissions, celebrities who are constantly losing weight, and prominent athletes who choose healthy diets, we are also getting very serious about the foods and foods we eat. Naturally, due to steam cooking, some products may lose their taste (or may not), but you will acquire absolutely all vitamins and important elements from the product that were not boiled or fried, but remained especially for you, in your own juice.

If you continue to talk about practical kitchen appliances, you simply will not have time to read the material, and therefore we promise to carefully consider every household appliance for the kitchen that is worthy of your attention, study the advantages and disadvantages and tell you how to make the right choice among huge assortment. In general, be careful in household appliances stores, because on their shelves you will find: juicers and fresh makers, pancakes and waffle makers, air grills and devices for carbonating drinks, coffee grinders and slicers, mixers and multicooker, deep fryers and bread makers, dryers for vegetables and fruits, and even home breweries.

Auxiliary household appliances for kitchen care

The fact that the kitchen should be clean will always remain natural, which means that you should help yourself to this cleanliness. There is no doubt that it is not worth running in the dirt, but it is worthwhile to remove crumbs and grease stains from tables and surfaces in time, but there is always that work in which it is better to apply special kitchen equipment.

Cooker hood: we purify the air we breathe

It is much more pleasant to breathe clean and fresh air in the kitchen than to consume the products of combustion of gas, vapor from dishes, and even microscopic fragments of food that can rise above the stove along with the steam into the lungs. Therefore, when completing the kitchen, we definitely consider capital ventilation systems, or choose a high-quality and reliable hood for the kitchen, which will help to cope with air purification and the destruction of unpleasant, mixed aromas.

Dishwasher for the kitchen: we protect the hands of our hostesses

A special balm and aloe vera extract do not keep the skin of the hands in the state in which one would like to observe it, which means that along with fat and food debris, dishwashing detergents gradually wash away the health of the skin of the hands. You can always get rid of such negative factors if you think about buying a dishwasher for the kitchen in time. A practical and very convenient device will help you quickly cope with even the dirtiest dishes, especially after a serious and loud dinner with a large group of friends.

We will definitely help you choose a dishwasher. The main thing is to follow the publications of the site, and you will surely learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of such a technique, as well as about which manufacturer you should pay attention to and which should be bypassed.

Water heater or boiler for the kitchen

This technique is extremely necessary, especially in a private house without a centralized hot water supply, or even at a time when for some reason the hot water was turned off (as we like to do). Pay attention to instantaneous water heaters for the kitchen or storage water heaters for the kitchen. By type, focus only on gas and electric. We'll tell you in secret that if you use a water heater only in the kitchen, then a volume of only 30-50 liters will be enough.

When choosing home appliances for the kitchen, initially pay attention to the quality, manufacturer, reliability and practicality, but do not forget that there is a certain classification of appliances: small appliances for the kitchen, large appliances for the kitchen and built-in appliances for the kitchen.

Decent Kitchen Appliance Manufacturers

If we talk about all the well-known manufacturers of household appliances for the kitchen, then you can make a whole rating or TOP, but if you just mention the most worthy companies for the production of household appliances for the kitchen, it will be easier for you to remember their names and focus on them when buying. So, manufacturers of everything that can be useful in the kitchen: AEG, ARDO, Ariston, BEKO, Braun, Candy, DeLonghi, Electrolux, Haier, Indesit, LG, Liebherr, Moulinex, Philips, Samsung, Siemens, Tefal, Kaiser, Vitek, Saturn, BOSH, Gorenje, Smeg and others.

Today, having told only partially about kitchen appliances, we are announcing a whole series of articles that will help you decorate your kitchen so that you don't want to leave its territory.

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