Garden shredder with electric motor drawings. Assembling a garden branch shredder with your own hands is the second method. Design and principle of operation of a shredder with a knife RS


After pruning trees in the garden, a huge number of branches accumulate under the fence. This pile only grows over time, but it could be useful. You will now find out how to achieve this.

Why do you need a shredder - a whim or a necessity?

Frankly speaking, the cost of a garden shredder for branches and grass is by no means small - on average quality product will cost the buyer $300–350. For this money you can buy a lot of useful things. garden tools and the necessary equipment, so it is not at all surprising that our fellow citizens rarely give their choice to this useful invention, limiting themselves to watching videos where the happy owners of such a unit chop branches. However, the benefits from it outweigh all the costs.

Every year we cut branches, pull out or mow grass, harvest crops - have you ever wondered where the useful micro- and macroelements that feed all vegetation come from in the soil? No way! Every year we deplete natural reserves with our own hands, best case scenario returning mineral fertilizers to the soil. But all these granules and powders, for all their benefits, are not able to improve the structure of the soil, nor are they capable of retaining moisture.

Nature provides a completely different mechanism for fertilizing the soil - branches, leaves and fallen fruits form compost on the ground, which over time decomposes into micro- and macroelements.

Plant fibers improve soil structure, making it more airy and attractive to earthworms. Large pieces of branches and stems create a cover above the ground that prevents premature evaporation of moisture. Weed sprouts cannot break through this cover; they need light to grow.

The ancient inhabitants of our planet knew how to observe nature - at a time when no one knew about mineral fertilizers, the ancient Egyptians managed to harvest wheat harvests several times larger than is possible today in the most advanced farms. The whole secret of the yield was that they never collected straw from the fields - it rotted, fertilized the land and protected the roots of the wheat on hot days.

Today, more and more gardeners and gardeners are returning to this method of fertilizing and protecting plants - you've probably heard of such a technique as mulching. Mulch is chopped branches, straw, peat, in a word, organic matter, which covers the root circle garden trees or garden beds. In the first year, a layer of mulch prevents the growth of weeds, and during the fall and winter it overheats and fertilizes the soil. Watch the video to appreciate all the benefits of mulching.

Businesses have begun to satisfy the need for mulching - today in all specialized stores you will find pine bark, peat, colored sawdust and other types of mulch. It is proposed to sprinkle mulch not only on the beds, but also garden paths, as in the video. Now compare the prices for mulch and calculate how long it will take to pay for itself, which, in fact, produces this material from garbage. Most people today purchase this unit not in order to reduce the volume of garbage, but in order to convert this “garbage” into a form convenient for mulching.

Shredder device - meat grinder for wood

In some ways, this device is really similar to a meat grinder - branches and tops are sent into a receiving funnel, at the bottom of which there is a disk cutter, sharp knives or a crushing gear, which transform whole branches and stems into small chips. The degree of crushing of waste depends on the design of the shredder - it can be either large chips or completely small pieces. This is the whole point of the device - before choosing a shredder, you should clearly define the tasks that you intend to assign to this device.

For example, for an old, well-kept garden the best choice- a gasoline unit that will process large and dry branches, but if the garden is young, then the branches will be thin, which means that a slightly different type of device will be needed. There is a third type of shredder for processing vineyard or grass waste. Moreover, in appearance, all devices will be almost identical! What should you pay attention to? First of all, you should be interested in the device that is responsible for grinding - it can be a disk, a cutter or knives.

Disc system – crushing is carried out by a disc with one or more knives. It is best to choose a disc shredder for processing young, thin branches, green stems, grass and foliage. If you send dry or too thick branches into the receiving funnel, the disc will cope with this, but the knives will quickly become dull. According to many users, to prevent the disk from clogging when working with soft waste, they should be combined with harder ones, for example, leaves should be fed into the funnel along with young branches. In addition, it is recommended to slightly hold the waste (if the length of the branches allows - no need to put your hand into the funnel!) - this way the unit will deal with it more efficiently, transforming it into small chips and pieces of wood.

Milling knives - for large branches!

The milling crushing system is more powerful - most often a gasoline garbage shredder is equipped with such a mechanism. The cutter is like a gear with pointed edges, which itself pulls the raw materials into the funnel - you just need to load the waste into the receiving department, and you can do other things. The cutter is capable of crushing fairly thick branches up to 5–7 cm thick, as in the video. Most models with this type of knives are equipped with varying degrees of protection against motor overload - the motor stalls if you feed a branch that is too thick for the unit to handle. A reverse function is provided to clear the knives from clogged debris.

A gasoline milling garden waste shredder is a powerful and expensive device, however, despite its advanced characteristics, many remain disappointed after purchase - the fact is that the unit does not handle soft debris, such as grass and leaves, as well as large branches. Small waste and branches can simply scroll without being chopped. But it copes with large branches with a bang, and the resulting pieces of wood are excellent for mulching garden paths and tree trunk circles. By the way, some models of units allow you to adjust the size of the fraction of the resulting chips.

What happens? If we choose a disk shredder, we still won’t be able to process large branches, and the milling unit is not capable of shredding small debris - not the effect that gardeners expect from such an expensive purchase. There is a solution - universal garden waste shredders with the Turbine-Cut blade system. The cutting mechanism in this case is similar to a turbine with many sharp knives that will equally effectively chop large branches and small grass. They cost more than others, but the unit will not sit idle in the garage - without it in the garden or vegetable garden you will feel like you have no hands.

Electricity or gasoline – which one to rely on?

Which power source should you choose – electricity or a gasoline engine? If simplicity of design and operation is very important to you, then take a closer look at the electric type of engine. The advantages are obvious - you don’t have to replenish gasoline in the tank, you don’t have to breathe in exhaust, and they make much less noise. To put the unit into action, you just need to press the button, as in the video instructions.

True, the characteristics of most lag behind gasoline ones. If you choose units of equal power, then electric ones will cost much more. The shredder directly depends on the presence of a long wire and an outlet, so you won’t be able to work like that somewhere in a forest or park. Electric option suitable for small areas country houses, and they are not that expensive.

The gasoline unit is in most cases equipped with a two-stroke engine - it is easy to operate, produces significantly less noise than a four-stroke, and produces relatively clean exhaust. In addition, there is no need to add oil to gasoline. The undoubted advantage of all gas-powered shredders is complete freedom of action. No matter how large the area, you can get into any corner - there is no need to drag garbage to one side of the garden. If you need a large amount of coarse mulch to improve garden paths, you can safely go with such a unit to the nearest pine forest, and there you will get excellent, homogeneous wood material, better than even store-bought mulch.

The gasoline engine makes garbage shredders more powerful - some models can even handle branches with a diameter of up to 75 mm. Of course, buying a unit will cost you more, and you will also have to regularly spend money on fuel. The disadvantages include their greater noise compared to electric ones, as well as their greater weight - it will be difficult for petite ladies to handle such a unit.

Rules of choice - so as not to regret the purchase!

We have already found out that for small dacha An electric chopper will be quite sufficient, and Turbine-Cut knives have been identified as the most optimal cutting mechanism. However, these are not all the points that need to be taken into account.

When purchasing, pay attention to whether the kit includes a spare cutting element– Buying an additional one will be quite expensive. Also study the degree of difficulty of replacing knives - sometimes you have to disassemble almost the entire unit, and sometimes it is enough to turn a special nut by hand. Find out if it is possible to change the fraction of sawdust and shavings obtained.

This does not matter if you intend to dispose of your recycled waste in a landfill. However, if the crushed product is used as mulch or placed in compost pit, then size matters. Thus, large pieces of branches will decorate garden paths, and small pieces are perfect for mulching beds. The fine fraction is also ideal for compost - during the decomposition process it will create high temperature, which will destroy pathogens of fungal diseases.

When choosing, make sure that loading the branches will be really convenient - sometimes you need to hold them or, conversely, push them. If the unit is too tall for your height, then doing this will be extremely inconvenient and tiring - at least stand on a stool! To simplify the loading process and protect the user, many manufacturers add a special pusher shovel to the kit. Pay attention to the secondary characteristics:

  • The automatic branch feeding function is for those who are too lazy to bend over again. However, do not rush to overpay - if the automation can handle grass and tops on its own, then it will still have to help with large branches that take on the most intricate shapes. What's the point of this function then?
  • For many consumers, noise level is a very important characteristic. Of course, such a unit cannot be absolutely silent, but not everyone can endure a roar comparable to the sound of an airplane taking off. Don't feel sorry for yourself, feel sorry for your neighbors! Fortunately, almost all manufacturers today are concerned about reducing noise. A gasoline shredder is usually much louder than an electric one.
  • The method of moving the wood chipper around the site and its transportation is another important detail. In most cases, wheels and a handle are provided for this purpose. Narrow wheels are not at all designed for moving on soft soil, so choose units with wide and large wheels. A handle that is too wide can also create problems when transporting the shredder, for example if you want to transport it in the trunk of a car.
  • Knife reverse is a very useful engine function that simplifies the process of cleaning the knives from branches and grass stuck there. Unfortunately, not all units are equipped with reverse, which significantly complicates life for consumers. Be sure to check when purchasing whether the model you choose has reverse.

About safety when working with a shredder

Almost all units, regardless of manufacturer, are equipped with a function for blocking the motor when the protective cover is folded back, which covers the knives. Check from time to time whether this mechanism is working properly. Safety precautions when working with the unit are completely simple - do not forget to wear safety glasses and rubber gloves. Eye and hand protection is a must! Even a regular baseball cap will protect you from minor scratches, which can be obtained from flying wood chips.

No matter how carefully you place the branches in the receiving funnel, and no matter what shape it is, the chips will still fly off into different sides. Powerful shredders are especially powerful. Under no circumstances should you put your hands into the hopper to push through a stuck branch. Many units have a self-tightening mechanism, which can lead to severe injuries for such “daredevils.” If the manufacturer does not include a pusher or spatula in the kit, make a similar device from a thick branch.

Use the unit for its intended purpose - do not try to chop branches that are too thick or plastic bottles, metal or glass. Powerful knives can handle anything, but after such misuse they will become hopelessly dull. By the way, knives become dull due to the presence of soil in the garbage, so be sure to clean the roots of adhering dirt. It is best to chop branches while they are damp - they are better crushed and do not create a large load on the knives, especially if it is simple mechanisms. Stick to these simple rules to use the shredder long years.

When engaged in home gardening, summer residents are invariably faced with the need to dispose of various garden waste. You can simplify the disposal of such waste by using various specialized tool. Making a branch shredder with your own hands is not difficult, which will allow you to save on the purchase of expensive factory equipment.

Garden shredders have simple design; at making the right choice components used, it is not difficult to assemble the unit at home. You just need to decide on the design of the shredder - based on an electric or gasoline engine.

The design of a homemade garden shredder will consist of the following elements:

  • metal frame;
  • engine;
  • knives mounted on the shaft;
  • protective casing;
  • boxes for receiving crushed waste;
  • launch system.

Do garden tools possible in a mobile or stationary version. To make the frame, it is permissible to use a frame from a workbench or weld the structure yourself from metal corner. The box for receiving crushed waste is made of tin or a plastic bucket. Need to take care of quality protection cutting tool, which is responsible for grinding plant waste. A durable casing for a do-it-yourself branch chopper, drawings of which can be found on the Internet, is made from sheet steel or cut from a pipe of suitable size.

The operating principle of garden waste shredders is extremely simple and vaguely resembles the operation of a meat grinder or coffee grinder. On the shaft, which is connected through gears to the drive, there are numerous rotating knives that quickly grind vegetation, after which the crushed waste enters the plastic box and are disposed of by the gardener.

The basis of the shredder for branches and leaves will be an electric or gasoline engine, the power of which is 5-7 horsepower. When using an electric motor, a drive with a power of 1.5-3 kW will be sufficient. The easiest way is to make an electric shredder, which will be simple in design, reliable and durable. In the future, such equipment will not require any serious maintenance or repair.

Do-it-yourself electric garden shredders use electric motors, removed from old equipment. The performance of the shredder, as well as the ability to work with thick branches and solid waste, will directly depend on the motor power rating.

Shredders with a motor power of 1.5 kW are characterized by low productivity and are capable of grinding branches with a diameter of no more than 20 mm. Devices with a drive power of 3−4 kW will become excellent choice for a personal plot, easily coping with both the utilization of grass and the grinding of branches 40 mm thick.

It is not recommended to use more powerful engines for the manufacture of homemade shredders, since such equipment will have complex design and work for high speed rotation of the grinding mechanism is often problematic. To make a homemade shredder, you can use an electric motor from a trimmer, washing machine or Bulgarians.

Homemade units and factory-made crushers use cutting attachments various types. The choice of one type of cutting tool or another will depend on the drive power and the entire design of the device.

The most popular attachments are:

  • disk with blades;
  • milling;
  • milling-turbine type.

The simplest knot crushers are equipped with a disk cutting tool, on which numerous flat blades are located. When rotating, they grind garden debris and do an excellent job with fallen leaves and grass.

Milling knives are made in the form of a gear, on which numerous circular saws are mounted. Such nozzles easily grind grass and branches, but it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the crushed waste. Wet grass and leaves can clog the cutter, after which you will need to open the housing and clean the cutting edges.

Milling turbine attachments are distinguished by their versatility of use, easily coping with the grinding and disposal of grass, branches and large wood waste. Their disadvantage is the difficulty of making them yourself: most likely, you will need to purchase ready-made attachments from factory shredders.

The manufacture of such a device, if there is an appropriate circuit, is not particularly difficult. You just need to choose a working electric motor, the power of which will allow you to easily grind branches, grass and leaves in the future.

Popular are homemade garden shredders for leaves and wood chips, which are made from old washing machine. You can use not only an electric motor, but also a housing with a frame, which greatly simplifies the manufacture of equipment. It is possible to make a branch chopper for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, which will be mounted on a cultivator and other mechanized equipment.

Tools you will need:

  • electric drill;
  • pliers;
  • Grinder;
  • wrench and screwdriver.

The electric motor power in old Soviet washing machines usually does not exceed 1 kW, so the shredder can only be used for chopping grass and fallen leaves. Make cutting knives can be made from scraps of metal, which are sharpened and fixed on the electric motor shaft. You can also use factory attachments, which are distinguished by their quality and greatly simplify the manufacture of a homemade shredder.

The work algorithm will be as follows:

This simplest option grinder, for the manufacture of which any old Soviet washing machine is suitable. The summer resident will be able to do all the work independently, having minimal experience working with an angle grinder and welding machine.

A self-made grinder from a grinder is another simple option that won’t take much effort to implement. special labor. For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • steel corner;
  • metal container;
  • fasteners;
  • purchased or homemade knives;
  • sheet metal;
  • welding machine;
  • electric drill;
  • angle grinder.

The power of the power tool will be sufficient for grinding leaves and processing branches of small thickness. It is recommended to use old grinders with a drive power of 3 kW to make a shredder.

Assembly is carried out in the following sequence:

Completed homemade device is distinguished by its simplicity, and thanks to the excellent power of the electric motor from the angle grinder, this homemade shredder branches and grass will cope with various garden waste. You can make knives yourself or purchase them already. ready-made options from a lawn mower-trimmer.

By making garden shredders for branches and grass with your own hands from a trimmer, grinder or drive from a washing machine, you can get functional and easy-to-use equipment that will allow you to easily dispose of various garden waste, including trimmed branches, fallen leaves, mown grass and other biological waste.

Making such equipment will not be particularly difficult. It is only necessary to decide on the design of the unit to be used and then, according to the available documentation, carefully weld and assemble a homemade chopper, which, if possible, will not be inferior to factory equipment.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: After pruning trees in the spring, most gardeners are faced with the problem of disposing of old branches. This is where a garden shredder can come to your aid - a device that turns the raw material into chips or flour.

After pruning trees in the spring, most gardeners are faced with the problem of disposing of old branches. If you are an economical owner, accustomed to putting all waste into use, then most likely you send all the branches to compost heap. All this stuff rots there and in 3-4 years you are guaranteed to get something beautiful. organic fertilizer- compost. All this, of course, is wonderful, but it takes too long. If you first chop up the branches and leaves on them, your compost will mature within a season, or even in a couple of months. And here a garden shredder can come to your aid - a device that turns the source material into chips or flour. The devices available for sale are not cheap, so we suggest you read the instructions on how to make a garden shredder with your own hands.

Materials we will need

We will not convince you that a homemade shredder will be completely free. Naturally, some parts will go into its production, which will cost money. However, on average, homemade unit will cost you 2 times less than a ready-made shredder from a well-known brand. Judge for yourself, for the shredder you will need:

  • Circular saws – 15-25 pieces
  • Motor – petrol or electric
  • Stud (rod) M20, washers and nuts for it
  • Pulley (for example, from a VAZ generator) and a tight belt
  • Bearings
  • Metal pipes for frame
  • Sheet metal for bunker
  • Plastic washers 14-24 pieces

The design of a garden shredder - we will determine the most important parts of the unit

Crushing of material in a garden shredder is carried out using knives. In finished models, the knife is most often a metal disk with 2-3 cutting surfaces. A large amount of work quickly renders the teeth unusable and they have to be sharpened periodically - you must admit, this is not very convenient, and it also takes up your time. If you decide to make a garden shredder with your own hands, then you can avoid repeating these design flaws, but assemble a reliable, high-performance and, most importantly, durable knife.

We suggest using circular saws with carbide tips for this. You will need not one disk, but several, to assemble a system from them - a package. In ready-made garden shredders, the knife, as a rule, has a thickness of 3 cm, but we can make a package of any thickness - everything will depend on the number of saws purchased. On average, for a high-quality knife 6-10cm thick you will need 15-25 pieces. Each blade has many teeth, originally designed for sawing hard wood. Therefore, grass stems, leaves and branches will be the same to them as seeds. In extreme cases, if the teeth on your saw become dull, there is nothing stopping you from going to the nearest tool store and purchasing a replacement.

Circular saws can be successfully used as shredder knives

However, the knife is not everything. In order to set it in motion we need an engine. To quickly chop branches in small volumes, it is easier to use an electric motor. Its use may seem somewhat inconvenient due to the cable and the need to connect to an outlet, but it operates almost silently and does not emit exhaust gases. The walk-behind tractor has more power, so it is ideal for those cases where you need to crush coarse material often and for a long time.

Step-by-step instructions and nuances of work

1. The saws are mounted on an axis, the diameter of which is determined by the mounting diameter of the disks (20mm). A stud with an M20 thread is suitable for this. Accordingly, washers and nuts of the same diameter will be required.

Saws mounted on the axis of the future chopper

If we install the discs on the pin close to each other, the knife will not work. And here's why: the width of the saw teeth is greater than the width of the blade itself, so when rotating, the teeth will cling to each other. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to separate the disks a short distance. This can be done as easily as possible using homemade washers that you can cut from thin plastic. Their quantity should be 1 piece less than the quantity circular saws.

2. A pulley is put on the stud axle (from a VAZ generator or from a pump). To rotate the axle, two VAZ intermediate shaft bearings with an internal diameter of 20 mm are also used.

3. From profiled metal pipes a frame is welded onto which the walk-behind tractor rod is attached. The engine is mounted on the frame so that it can be moved relative to the circular saws. This is necessary to change the tension of the drive belt if necessary.

An axle with circular saws is attached to the frame

4. For ease of use, a thrust block made of metal profile is attached to the frame, against which branches and stems will rest when crushing.

5. A metal casing must be put on the cutting unit, which is welded from sheet metal or cut from galvanized steel. To be safe, it is better to use the first option.

It is better to make the casing from sheet iron - it is more reliable!

6. Another hopper with a socket is attached to the top for loading the material to be crushed. To this detail special requirements is not presented, so most often it is made of flexible galvanized steel.

The receiving hopper is easy to make from galvanized steel

Advantages of a homemade option

Unlike factory models, a homemade shredder does not require excessive care. It will become a universal assistant in the household and will help not only to chop branches and other household waste, but also to crush fruits (apples, pears, plums), along with the seeds. This is very convenient when you need to make jam, puree or homemade wine when the fruits are crushed to a paste.

Garden shredder in action

The circular saws that form the blade of the unit are capable of processing fairly large pieces of wood. Of course, we are not talking about logs, but branches with a diameter of 10 cm will be quite tough for him. This is how a homemade shredder compares favorably with a factory-made product, the body of which simply will not allow large pieces of material to pass through. Accordingly, you will significantly save your time, because you will not have to sort branches by size and think about where to put too large fragments. Also, you will not need to monitor the moisture content of the material, while a purchased shredder requires adjustment of the degree of dampness of the feedstock. The fact is that most modern ready-made shredders, the electric motor is located at the bottom of the structure, so when processing wet stems, moisture will inevitably get into the motor, and this will lead to breakdown. IN homemade product you are free to decide for yourself where to install the engine; in the version described above, it is located horizontally, at the same level with the knives.

It is also worth paying attention to the cost savings when using a homemade shredder. Firstly, manufacturing will initially be cheaper than buying a factory device, and secondly, a “homemade” device will not need to purchase expensive parts if it breaks down - all its elements are not expensive.

A homemade garden shredder can crush even large branches, turning them into chips

In addition, a homemade garden shredder is highly productive. All waste loaded into the hopper will be pulled into the saw blades and disappear at incredible speed. Thus, homemade apparatus can be no worse than an expensive and modern garden tool. In a word, if you really need a chopper, but there is no money to buy it, there is only one way out - to make it yourself!

Video example of using this unit

A garden shredder (shredder or chipper) is a mounted or trailed device that is used to clean park farms and garden plots from various types of plant debris.

This device helps to dispose of branches, leaves, and small tree trunks. Disposal occurs by crushing the source material and further using the resulting mixture as fertilizer to cover garden paths.

Both industrial shredders and small-sized devices are produced that can be used for work in a suburban area.

Types of Garden Shredders

The types of shredders are distinguished by the cutting system they use. In turn, the cutting system may differ in its elements, with the help of which the process of processing leaves, grass, and branches is carried out.

The most popular cutting systems (RS), tested in practice and proven to work well, are:

  • Hammer RS - installed on low-power units, which are designed for processing small-caliber branches. The advantage of such shredders is their low price;
  • RS based on cutting mills– used in powerful units for grinding solid waste, as well as large wood waste;
  • Knife PC – used in most popular models of garden shredders. Devices with such a system easily process both grass and leaves, as well as branches of various thicknesses.

Note! The blade cutting system of a garden shredder is the most versatile and is well suited specifically for those jobs that are performed on personal plot.

Find out how to make a router from a drill with your own hands:

Design and principle of operation of a shredder with a knife RS

Despite the rather complex drawings that can be viewed on the Internet, the design and operating principle of such a chopper are quite simple.

The body of the garden shredder is usually mounted on a special support in the form of wheels or legs for convenient transportation of the device. Externally, this whole structure looks like a cart with a handle. Inside the housing there is a mechanism (gasoline or electric), as well as a grinding system.

The whole principle of operation of the chopper is very similar to the principle of operation of a conventional meat grinder:

  • A cutter with knives is attached to the electric motor shaft, with the help of which garden waste is shredded;
  • The drive is carried out using a belt and a transmission mechanism;
  • The hopper (a special bag for collecting garbage) receives waste, which is ground by the cutting system described above;
  • The shredded wood obtained from the bunker can be used by the gardener as compost.

Types of Garden Shredders

Types of shredders differ according to the type of engines used in them:

  • An electric shredder is a low-power shredder (up to 3000 W), designed for processing small vegetable waste (any herbaceous plants, leaves and branches up to 35-40 mm thick). Typically used on garden plots small area;
  • With gasoline engine comes in different capacities, stationary or mobile;
  • Mobile shredders can be divided into self-propelled (wheeled tractors) and trailed.

It should be noted that wheeled shredders can also be used to remove waste from park alleys. This installation additionally has a unit that operates on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. It is designed for cleaning small debris - tin cans, corks, etc.

DIY garden shredder

Necessary materials and constituent elements:

  • Iron sheet for making a hopper into which the starting material (branches, leaves) is supplied. Sheet thickness - 10 mm And 2 mm;
  • Iron corners for the manufacture of beds(the base on which the hopper and engine are installed);
  • Disk for fastening knives;
  • Pulley - 2 pcs;
  • Knives - 3 or 4 things; You can use a car spring - this is the best option for making knives at home;
  • Knife shaft - 2 pcs;
  • Rivets, bolts, nuts– fasten and screw structural elements;
  • Profile pipe;
  • Electric motor;
  • Wheels– you can use wheels from wheelbarrows, like those used in supermarkets and markets;
  • Brush And dye to bring the structure to its proper form.
    1. Preparatory work. Creation of a competent drawing of the future structure. Special attention is given to determining the location of the electric motor shaft. According to the diagram presented in the figure below, the drawing of a garden chipper consists of several shafts, with knives attached to each of them ( 2-3 pieces). The shafts themselves are located between two metal disks. Smooth rotation of the shafts is ensured by bearings;
  1. Assembly of the structure. Based on the drawing, we proceed to assembling a homemade chipper.

Assembling a garden shredder

    • Creating a frame. For this: profile pipe cut into pieces. There should be 4 parts in total. Two of them are long 40 cm, and the other two - 80 cm. Next, we attach the short blanks to the long ones. Fastening is best done using a welding machine. The result is a frame;

    • Attach to the finished frame 2 racks;
    • We make a shaft. For this you will need metal blanks(round and square shape). The round blank is ideal for mounting knives in quantities 3 pieces, square - for 4. Both blanks are sharpened for cuts for knives;
    • Work on the creation of a grinding (crushing) drum. The drum walls are made from metal sheet thick 10 mm. We make holes in the walls, where we then insert bearings;

    • Install inside the bearings shafts and secure them well. On the shafts, in turn, we put gears;
    • Working on creating a bunker receiving box. We cut out blanks from the prepared metal sheet in the amount 4 pieces. The shape of the blanks is a parallelepiped. The narrow edges of the workpieces need to be folded (approximately 3-4 cm). We bend the long side of the blanks in the opposite direction, also 3-4 cm. We connect all the workpieces to each other, and weld the edges with a welding machine for greater reliability;

    • We install the resulting structure on the base(frame) of the chopper and fasten it with bolts;
    • Installing the engine And tension the drive belt. If it is necessary to dispose of large branches, you can use a higher power engine, enlarge the hopper and install the entire structure on a stationary base - a table;

  • For all “working” elements of the chipper install protective cover and a receiving container for raw materials. To create them, thin sheet iron (2 mm).

Where to buy a garden shredder

Comfortable garden shredder can be purchased at affordable price in specialized stores. Prices vary from 100 dollars before 4000 (Bosch AXT chopper).

However, before purchasing the best thing acquainted with reviews buyers on the Internet, and also inquire from familiar summer residents who already use a shredder in their gardening.

And most importantly, think carefully, evaluate all the pros and cons, consider what volume of work is planned on your site, what kind of plant debris predominates there, how often you plan to use the shredder. Then it will become clear what type of garden shredder is needed. Or maybe you can still make a garden shredder yourself?

A good example of making a garden grass and branches shredder with your own hands is presented in this video.

When pruning trees in winter, every gardener is faced with the problem of storing thin branches, since they take up quite a lot of space. You have to chop them manually or using a special chopper. The second option is preferable, as it makes it possible to process the wood into small chips very quickly. Only factory-made units are too expensive, and therefore in this article we will tell you how to make a branch chopper with your own hands much cheaper.

Types of wood chippers

The main element of the unit is the working mechanism, whose task is to grind small branches to a fraction of a certain size. Different factory-made shredders differ in the design of this mechanism. The drive that rotates it can be anything: gasoline, diesel or electric.

The following types of factory units are most suitable for reproduction at home:

  • disc chopper for grass and branches;
  • unit with a cutting mechanism made from wood saws for a circular saw.

In a disc crusher, branches are literally chopped into small chips sharp knives, mounted on the flywheel in the form of a thick metal disk. It is spun by an electric or gasoline engine via a belt drive. For safety reasons, the disk is covered with a metal casing, and a hopper is used to feed branches manually. It is located at an angle to the rotating knives in such a way as to split wood as efficiently as possible.

The advantage of a disk shredder is that it processes wood quickly enough, that is, it has high performance. The main disadvantage is the need for periodic removal and sharpening. cutting edges knives. Not everyone can do this kind of work with their own hands; the knives have to be sharpened by a master and they have to pay money for it. It turns out homemade crusher for wood will force you to incur costs during operation.

It should be noted that the materials for making a disc chopper at home will be quite inexpensive. Especially when metal of the required thickness can be found in household or get it from your nearest scrap metal collection point. But you will have to spend money on the second type of crushers - buy 2 dozen wood saws for a circular saw.

The operating principle is as follows: the drive rotates a shaft on which saws with hard alloy teeth are installed one next to the other. Wood is supplied to them through the loading hopper and the mechanism literally bites into it, crushing it to the size of sawdust. The processing speed is not too high, but the sawdust is small, which can be much more convenient for heating a house than wood chips. For example, you can make fuel briquettes from them yourself.

Important. In both types of shredders, it is not the speed of rotation of the shaft that is decisive, but the force developed. In the first option, it is higher due to the untwisted heavy flywheel, which allows you to cut branches faster. A sufficient number of shaft revolutions is 1500 rpm, no more is needed.

How to make a disc crusher?

If you like this type chopper, you need to understand that its assembly will require good skills welding work. In addition, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • steel sheet with a thickness of 10 to 16 mm;
  • the same, 5 mm thick - on the casing and loading hopper;
  • high-carbon steel for knives, a car spring is suitable;
  • round or profile pipes to weld the frame;
  • steel shaft with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • 2 rolling bearings No. 307 or others;
  • fasteners (bolts and nuts)
  • pulleys, belt.

Note. There is no need to install a belt drive if you plan to use an electric motor with a speed of 1500 per minute for the crusher.

On various Internet resources you can find all sorts of drawings of a wood chipper; we bring to your attention one of the popular options:

A regular circle with a diameter of 400 mm is cut out of thick metal, and a hole for the shaft is made in its center. The pulleys and shaft must be machined to lathe, in this case, threads should be cut at the ends of the shaft for attaching the flywheel and pulley. Knives can be made at home, following the drawing; in extreme cases, entrust this task to a milling machine operator. Next, from steel sheet it is necessary to weld a protective casing with a hopper, and from it to make cages for bearings with holes.

In essence, a homemade wood chipper is a cutting mechanism mounted on a frame of any design. The drive motor can be placed in a convenient location depending on the length of the belt. Do not forget to make the engine mount sliding so that the belt can be tensioned. The mechanism shaft is also installed on the frame, and a pulley and flywheel are attached to it. The knives should be bolted to the flywheel so that their angle of inclination is 30°. To do this, you need to prepare special steel linings.

Chopper with a working matrix of saws

The assembly of this unit is somewhat simpler than the previous one; there is less welding work. For the shredder you will need:

  • wood saws with hard alloy teeth – 20 pieces;
  • separating washers 5 mm thick with a hole of 20 mm – 19 pcs.;
  • sheet steel 2 mm thick;
  • pipes for making a frame;
  • shaft with threads at the ends with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • 2 rolling bearings;
  • fasteners (bolts and nuts)
  • pulleys, belt.

This simple garden shredder is assembled by alternating washers and saws on a common shaft, after which they are compressed from the sides with nuts. Washers are placed between the saws so that their thicker carbide cutting parts do not press against each other and are not compressed when the nuts are tightened. Then the bearings are pressed onto the shaft and installed in cages welded to a frame made of pipes.

The remaining work on assembling the chopper is carried out as in the previous version: it is necessary to make a belt drive on pulleys with the engine attached to the frame, make a casing with a hopper and put them in place, as shown in the photo:

Note. During operation, the resulting matrix of circular saws can become clogged with small fractions of wood, and sometimes wood chips get stuck in it. But carbide teeth serve for a long time without sharpening; the main thing is not to overheat them, otherwise the soldering tips may fly off.


When there are a lot of trees growing on a personal plot, a homemade wood chipper can be very useful thing. At a minimum, it will save you from a pile of cut branches that takes up a lot of space. The scope of application of the resulting sawdust and wood chips is extremely wide, including they can be useful for heating your home.
