Home rose: care at home. How to properly grow indoor roses in pots so that they bloom. Growing roses in a pot

A home or indoor rose is a miniature (up to 50 cm high), beautifully flowering, potted plant, of which there are about 250 species, but there are many more varieties. In the photo of home roses you can see a wide variety of colors and shapes of buds, which makes this indoor plant very attractive for growing at home.

Among the varieties home roses, most suitable for cultivation as indoor plants, it is worth highlighting such as “Miss Rowena Tom”, “Grusse en Teplitz” or “La France” from a variety of hybrid tea roses, “Madame Falco”, “Marshal Niel” or “Nifetos” from a variety of tea roses, “Orand Triumph” from a variety of polyanthus roses, Bourbon "Souvenir de la Malmaison" or most varieties of Bengal red roses.

The whimsical and demanding nature of home roses is well known and can scare away novice gardeners, but it is still worth trying to grow home roses in pots, because they are very decorative and can bloom for a long time.

And in order to have as few questions as possible about how to care for your home rose, you need to remember certain recommendations:

  1. to place pots with these plants, you need to choose southern and southeastern window openings and balconies;
  2. homemade roses need to be planted in fresh nutritious soil;
  3. in the warm season they need to be provided Fresh air in sufficient quantity;
  4. During the growing season, indoor roses need to be watered abundantly, but take into account the temperature environment and the degree of drying of the top layer of soil;
  5. in the process of caring for a home rose, it is necessary to carry out weekly feedings, especially carefully during flowering and active growth;
  6. transferring plants into larger containers, but only if necessary.

Negative factors when growing indoor roses also need to be taken into account. These include:

  • dry air and direct sunlight, which can cause overheating;
  • cold water used for irrigation;
  • leaving dry leaves and stems, wilted buds and sprouts on the plant;
  • root injury;
  • wintering in a room that is too hot;
  • untimely treatment and control of diseases and pests.

Household roses require constant and quite active care, but provided that a favorable environment for growth is created and maintained, it will only come down to regular watering and fertilizing.


Caring for home roses should begin from the moment of purchase. The whole process can be broken down into the procedures that need to be followed:

  1. Adaptation - while the flower gets used to the new room, you need to repeat as much as possible the conditions in which the plant was before purchasing it in the store, including the watering and fertilizing regime. At this time, you need to isolate drafts and direct sunlight, use settled water for watering. clean water, spray the leaves. You need to replant your home rose only after it has adapted.
  2. Transplantation is carried out after the plant gets used to the new place. You need to replant a new rose together with a lump of earth, only slightly loosening the outer layer and removing a small amount of old soil. Replanting must be done very carefully so that the roots remain intact. It is best to use a mixture of turf and humus soil with an admixture of sand (in a ratio of 4:4:1) and a small amount of complex fertilizers. The pot for replanting should be several centimeters larger in diameter and 5-7 cm higher than the container in which the rose was purchased. A drain hole is required. The bottom of the pot should be covered with a layer of expanded clay drainage. After transplanting, the rose should be left in the shade in a cool place for a day, and then moved to a well-lit windowsill, but not under direct rays, with access to fresh air.
  3. Watering – indoor roses are very demanding when it comes to watering and due to insufficient moisture they can even begin to dry out. Therefore, you need to water regularly, in cool times of the day, at the root, on hot days more often, as the top layer of soil dries. Water for irrigation must be clean, settled, room temperature.
  4. Feeding should also be regular, at least 2 times a month. In this case, you can use complex fertilizers according to the instructions or mullein. In addition to applying fertilizers to the soil, you can use special soluble complexes for fertilizing in the form of spraying. Sick and only transplanted roses are not fed.
  5. Preparation for wintering is also an important stage of care, since house roses overwinter like their garden “relatives”, and some varieties even shed their leaves. In order for an indoor rose to survive this period well, you need to move it to a cool room (15-17°C) with sufficient moist air and without household appliances. Also, before wintering, roses are pruned, leaving 5 live buds on each branch.
  6. Wintering - in autumn winter period Roses need no less careful care, namely watering and spraying, maintaining normal air humidity.

House roses are very beautiful indoor plants, and despite their demanding care, they are still particularly popular among gardeners.

When you buy a charming indoor rose in a store, you want it to remain so beautiful for a long time. But often these hopes are not justified, the flower begins to wither and dies.

The reason lies in improper care indoor rose. This capricious beauty requires special attention, and in city apartments it is quite difficult to create for her the necessary conditions. But you can learn a lot, including caring for this miniature rose.

In flower shops, mini roses are found in a variety of colors; their only drawback is the lack of aroma. Having purchased a flower, you immediately want to transplant it into beautiful pot, but this should not be done, because the plant is already experiencing stress, having changed its place of residence, and it needs adaptation to new conditions. It is better to place it on a south-eastern or southern window and watch it for 10-14 days. If the rose's condition has not worsened, then it can be replanted.

Many people dream of having an indoor rose. This flower always attracts attention, attracts with its aroma and beauty.

Preparing pots and soil

To prevent the soil in the pots from drying out quickly, it is better to choose a glazed ceramic or plastic container for the rose. Optimal diameter pot 12-15 cm, in such a pot a miniature rose looks most advantageous.

At the bottom, drainage from expanded clay or polystyrene foam of 1 cm is required; when there is no drain hole, its thickness is increased to 4 cm. The soil should be loose and rich in organic matter. Use ready-made store-bought soil or mix equal proportions of garden soil, peat, rotted manure and sand.

To protect the pot from heating, you can cover it with white paper, bent at the height of the pot and cut out near the root part

Transfer rules

There is no point in replanting a rose into a large pot in the hope that the bush will grow even more magnificent; on the contrary, it will begin to bloom worse. The diameter of the new container should be only 3-5 cm larger than the previous one.

The roots require very careful handling when transplanting, so the rose is transferred to new pot together with a lump of earth, but if it was planted in peat, then the roots must be cleaned, then the flower will quickly take root in the new soil.

If at the time of the first transplant the rose is already in blooming buds, they should be torn off, since first of all the roots and branches need to get stronger.

Where to put an indoor rose?

These babes love sunlight, therefore it is preferable to place them on windows on the south side. If there is insufficient lighting, flowering is delayed or stops altogether. But the heat is harmful to the rose: +25° is the limit for it, so you need to regularly ventilate the room, given that the flower does not tolerate drafts well. You can protect the rose with a small paper screen, placing it around the plant approximately to its middle.

Watering and fertilizing mode

During flowering, the rose needs moderate watering, it is carried out as the soil dries out. You can water both at the root and in the pan, but in this case the water should not stagnate. The water that the roots were unable to absorb must be poured out of the pan.

When a plant enters a dormant period in autumn and winter, water it even less frequently. The mini-rose loves regular spraying with water from a spray bottle, which moisturizes and surrounding the plant air. But at low temperatures it is better to refrain from this.

In spring and summer, feed the flower once every two weeks; in autumn and winter, do not feed. Best result can be achieved by alternating mineral fertilizers with organic ones. You can feed roses by the root method immediately after watering or spray them with a nutrient solution.

Preparing the rose for the dormant period and spring awakening

Starting from the end of summer, nitrogen is excluded from the fertilizing composition, since it is time for the roses to prepare to rest. After flowering has ended, the pot with the plant is placed in a cool place (no more than 12°C), where the leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off.

In February, the rose is prepared for awakening: it is replanted and placed in a warm place. During the same period, the plant is pruned, during which all weak, dried out and close to each other shoots are cut off. The remaining ones need to be shortened to 4-5 living buds - this way the plant rejuvenates and will delight you with the first flowers in March.

Diseases and pests

Roses are very easily affected by spider mites, and removing them is not easy. You can wash the leaves with a solution laundry soap, having previously covered the ground, use an infusion of garlic or yarrow or special chemicals from this pest.

aphids in small quantity you can simply collect it; in case of severe damage, specialized drugs will also help. Roses can also get powdery mildew. will get rid of her baking soda: dissolve 2 tsp in a liter of water. soda and spray the flower with this mixture, preventing it from getting into the ground.

Rose cuttings

You can propagate a rose by cuttings; this is done in the summer, cutting cuttings from branches that have already bloomed. There should be 2-3 buds left on the cutting, the top straight cut is above the first bud, the bottom cut is oblique. They are immediately placed in water or placed in a mixture of peat and sand. When the cutting takes root in water, it is better not to change it, but simply add fresh water. The rose is planted in the ground when the roots are 1-2 cm long.

When buying a rose in a store, the first thing you need to do is estimate the number of young shoots. The more there are, the more promising the plant is in terms of growth and flowering, and it adapts much faster. If you care for your indoor rose correctly, its bush will be lush, cheerful and strewn with flowers.

A bright and delicate home rose is a real interior decoration. However, it is worth considering that care indoor varieties This flower differs in many ways from growing this garden crop. At home, it is extremely necessary to provide the plant with adequate watering, useful fertilizers and fertilizing, while building the correct light and temperature regime in room. Compliance with the entire set of conditions will allow you to enjoy the view of luxurious buds and succulent leaves all year round.

How to water a homemade rose in a pot

Miniature indoor roses in a pot are extremely demanding when it comes to watering. To irrigate the crop, it is recommended to use water at room temperature or slightly warmer. The main thing is to avoid cold liquid, which can be detrimental to the sprout. The water must stand for at least 1 day.

The miniature bush needs frequent, abundant watering. Drying out of the soil is unacceptable. It is especially important to fully water the flower during the period of flowering and intensive growth.

Watering homemade roses in pots

Note! Moisture should not be allowed to stagnate in the tray with the pot. Otherwise, the soil in the pots will turn sour and the roots may begin to rot.

After irrigating the soil, it is recommended to drain the remaining moisture in the pan after 30-35 minutes. Overwatering is detrimental to the plant, especially in spring and winter, when crop growth is slow. The soil moisture should be slightly increased during the formation of young buds on the branches. Once a few leaves have bloomed, you can water even more.

IN summer time indoor roses love a lot of moisture. In sunny weather, the soil should be irrigated every day. If it’s cloudy outside, then the frequency is set to once every couple of days. When autumn comes, watering must be reduced again.

In the cold season, you need to water the bush moderately, systematically checking the condition of the earthen clod. To do this, the soil will need to be loosened periodically. If the substrate in the pot has not yet dried out, but there is some moisture, then loosening can be done. This will allow you to select right time for irrigation.

On a note! Loosening the soil in a pot is not only an opportunity to find the optimal day for watering. The procedure promotes good ventilation for the roots of the flower, which significantly reduces the risk of rotting.

Irrigation of soil for home roses

Feeding home roses

A beautiful home rose is demanding proper care. It needs fertilizing that allows the plant to:

  • gather strength;
  • bloom for a long period;
  • grow actively and well;
  • please the eye with juicy, healthy leaves.

From the first days of spring until autumn, the flower needs feeding. It will need to be applied once every 7-10 days. Mineral and organic compositions are optimal for this, which are recommended to be alternated.

To feed the bush, you can also use special flower fertilizers in liquid form. Foliar formulations should be used in spring. They need to be applied every 10-13 days, a total of 3-4 times.

It is equally useful to feed indoor roses in pots with root feeding. Mullein solution is perfect for this.

Feeding a domestic rose

Note! The flower does not tolerate feeding during illness or immediately after transplantation. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure in cold weather.

Any of the compositions selected for replenishment is recommended to be used in the evening after the main watering.

Fertilizers for indoor roses: some features of use

The presence of the entire necessary spectrum of vitamins and minerals in the soil is very important for full development and cultural growth. The bush favorably accepts healthy “cocktails” in dry and liquid form.

Mullein solution is especially useful. This fertilizer should be used with water. The solution is prepared according to the 1:10 scheme. You can also use complex mineral supplements. They are applied according to the scheme indicated on the packaging. For decorative flowers requiring careful care, you should use them weekly.

Fertilizer for indoor roses

Flies in Roses: An Effective Home Remedy for Pests

Caring for indoor roses at home is often overshadowed by the appearance harmful insects. This type plants are most often attacked:

  • flies;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • spider mite;
  • rust;
  • various fungal diseases that arise due to stagnation of water in the soil.

Floaters are the main problem home flower. However, there are many methods for removing it. Most often, formulations with soap, various natural ingredients, and substances with a pungent odor are used for this.

An elementary way to eliminate midges is a soap solution. With its help, the buds and leaves of the crop will need to be thoroughly washed. This procedure is repeated several times over the course of a month. Upon completion of the work, the pot should be taken outside.

Garlic extract has an excellent effect on the problem. You can stick a few lobes of this fragrant product into the ground. Another excellent method involves using tomato broth. It is prepared from tomato tops. The greens are boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then it is cooled and filtered. The resulting liquid is suitable for spraying roses, repelling midges for a long time.

Flies in Roses: Fight

On a note! Pests do not tolerate ash and tobacco. You need to pour a little of this product into the soil and lightly moisten the soil. It is believed that in a few days there will be no trace of the midges left.

A soap-potato solution has a similar effect. To eliminate aphids from home roses, you need to take 0.5 kg of potato peels. The peelings are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and left for 2 days. Then the liquid is filtered, after which a little is poured into it liquid soap. The resulting composition is suitable for spraying infected bushes.

You can resort to chemistry. To remove midges, cotton wool soaked in dichlorvos is placed in a flower pot. The plant is sealed in a plastic bag for 20-30 minutes. Then the bag is removed and the rose is taken out into the fresh air.

How much light does a home rose need?

Indoor decorative roses love light. That is why they need to be installed on window sills facing southwest, southeast and south. However, they will need to be protected from heat and drying out. IN summer period the plant is moved to another place or shading is created.

Light for home rose

In winter, the flower likes cool temperatures. In summer, he needs to be provided with moderate conditions. Overdrying the soil in the pot and overheating the crop are unacceptable, as is overcooling the roots in the winter months. Drafts are also harmful to roses.

Note! Small daily temperature fluctuations are beneficial for the flower.

Propagation of roses in autumn at home

It is optimal to propagate domestic roses by cuttings. The method ensures maximum survival of the bush. It is best to use a cutting 30 cm from the branch with the bud. It is recommended to cut it at the smallest angle on each edge. All excess flowers and leaves should be carefully removed.

September is suitable for breeding. It is recommended to root the material in:

  • light soil with sand;
  • water;
  • a mixture of peat and sand.

Note! Using water does not imply changing the fluid. It can only be topped up as needed.

When the cutting grows 2 cm, it is transplanted into the ground. There is no need to deepen the root collar. Since the material is very fragile, it should only be lightly sprinkled with earth. Then you need to water, lightly squeeze the soil and move the pot with the cutting to where it is light. However, exposure to direct ultraviolet rays should be avoided. As a rule, bud growth begins after 2 weeks.

Propagating roses at home in autumn

If sand is used, then bury it planting material you only need 1 cm. After watering and pressing the sand, it is recommended to cover the pots with film or glass. You need to place the pot in a bright and warm place so that the air temperature in the room does not drop below 18 degrees.

How to properly care for homemade roses in pots - video

The home queen of flowers rightfully occupies one of the leading positions in indoor floriculture: unique aroma, bright flowers Various colors against a background of lacy foliage give an authentic charm to this plant.

Miniature roses are considered capricious plants: It may seem to inexperienced gardeners that indoor roses make truly royal demands when growing them at home.

However, not everything is so sad - it’s just that caring for them is somewhat different from agricultural technology garden roses.

If you follow certain rules, roses in pots will delight you with their flowering and fragrance.

Indoor rose: types and varieties suitable for growing at home

In residential premises, roses are planted as potted crops. miniature(varieties Hi – Ho, Lavender Jewel, Amulett, Apricot, Sunblaze, Green Ice, Mandarin, Stars’n’Stripes, Spice Drop);

Hybrid tea(Apricot Silk, Gloria Dei, Peer Gynt, Prima Ballerina, Pascali, Nostalgie, Monika, Deep Secret);


Bengal(Ophelia, Pink Grotendors);

Ground cover(The Fairy, Alba, Meillandecor, Magic).

For tub growing can be used Polyanthaceae roses (Angel wings, Gloria Mundi, Betty Prior) and floribunda(Tchaikovski, Edelweiss, Pomponella, Happy Child, Cream Abundance).

If you plan to cultivate indoors dwarf varieties garden roses, then you need to take your own rooted bushes: plants grafted onto rose hips will not grow at home.

Indoor rose: care at home - propagation, transplantation


Indoor roses are propagated vegetatively. To do this, you can use the branches remaining after pruning. They are cut into pieces about 15 cm long with 3-4 buds. Root the cuttings in water or in a peat-sand mixture. Add a tablet to the water activated carbon. You can soak the cuttings in a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin. An infusion of willow branches can be used as a natural root formation stimulator. To do this, yellow or green shoots are cut into small pieces 5-6 cm long and poured hot water. The infusion will be ready in a day. Roots appear in 2-3 weeks. After this, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.

Rooting cuttings of indoor roses in water

When rooting cuttings in the substrate, they are covered with jars or placed in a greenhouse. The appearance of new leaves is a signal of the appearance of roots. Accustom young plants to room conditions should be done gradually.


Replanting indoor roses in early spring or at the end of August. Before replanting, a potted rose purchased in a store must be given time to adapt to the new “living” conditions. Two to three weeks will be enough for this. After the adaptation period is over, the plant can be transplanted into a new pot. Its dimensions should not be much larger than the parameters of the previous vessel: 5 cm in height and 2-3 cm in diameter. Too large a container will contribute to acidification of the soil and rotting of the root system. If another plant previously grew in this vessel, then it must be disinfected. Water the rose bush in the transport pot to make it easier to remove and not damage the roots.

A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the pot, and a small layer of fresh soil is placed on top of it.

After transshipment, the plant is kept in partial shade, the soil is moistened moderately. After a couple of days you can move the plant to permanent place.

Root or foliar feeding roses begin a month after transplantation.

Roses in pots: care at home - soil, lighting, temperature and humidity

Air temperature and humidity

In residential areas, the air is usually dry, so indoor roses during the growing season should be sprayed twice a day with settled water. To increase the humidity in the rose crown area, place it in a tray with wet fractional filler (the bottom of the pot should not come into contact with water). If the weather is cloudy, then you don’t have to spray. With the beginning of the period of active growth (from February), the temperature in the room where the home rose grows is gradually increased from +14ºС to +25ºС. In summer you can put a pot of roses on open air. During the dormant period (October-February) the rose is kept at +5-8ºС.

The soil

For a home rose you need a loose fertile soil. You can make it yourself by mixing equal parts of humus, garden or turf soil, sand, and peat. In stores you can buy a ready-made substrate for roses (Sad of Miracles soil line, Hera, Agricola, Biopit, Ponon).


Indoor roses are light-loving. The best for their location will be south-eastern and south-western window sills. On southern windows in the summer with intense sunlight, flowering will occur at an accelerated rate, and the plant quickly loses its decorative effect. Therefore, if it is not possible to rearrange the rose pot in appropriate place, then it’s better to shade it. With short daylight hours (in northern regions), additional lighting will not be superfluous. For additional illumination, LED and fluorescent phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum are used (household lamps of this type produce less suitable spectral components of light, so they are less suitable for this purpose).

Additional lighting plants with phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum

To ensure uniform development of the crown of the rose bush, the pot must be turned a little every day.

Rose: care at home - feeding and watering


Indoor roses are very sensitive to watering regime. The amount and volume of watering depends on the type of roses and the growing season. Roses are watered abundantly in the summer, gradually reducing the amount of watering in the fall and winter. Excess water is removed from the pan.

Important! At any time in the life of an indoor rose, it is not recommended to over-water or over-dry the earthen ball in a pot. You can't water roses cold water.

Top dressing

In the spring and summer, indoor roses are fed every 2 weeks immediately after watering. Best effect for abundant flowering obtained by alternating organic and specially created for roses mineral fertilizers, of which there are a large number on sale (for example, the Joy, Pokon, Bona forte, Agricola, Realsil, Garden of Miracles, Fertika, etc. series). From the end of summer, the amount of fertilizing is reduced, because The rose is preparing for a period of rest.


Indoor roses are pruned in September, when they begin to prepare them for “rest.” 5 buds are left on the shoots, the rest is cut off. The leaves are left. Weak, dried and thin branches are cut out from the bush. If pruning is not carried out, the shoots become longer and the duration and quality of flowering decreases.

Rose pruning

Rest period

To bookmark flower buds For the next season, the indoor rose needs a rest period. To do this, after the plants have flowered at the end of summer, stop feeding and reduce the amount of watering. The pot with the rose is placed in a cool room (+4-6ºС). If this is not possible, then the plant is kept on the windowsill at a temperature of +10-14ºС. In February, to “awaken” the roses, they begin to gradually increase watering and move the plant to a warmer place (+15-18ºС).

The main problems when caring for home roses

The most common problem when growing indoor roses is spider mites . They breed “violent activity” on plants weakened by improper care. The rose leaves become dull, and characteristic yellowish dots appear on them in places where ticks have bitten them. The fight against these pests must be systemic, otherwise new generations of insects acquire resistance to the drugs used (Fitoverm, Actellik, Vermitek), and it becomes even more difficult to remove them. Ticks multiply intensively when elevated temperature and low air humidity. Therefore, for prevention, rose bushes must be frequently sprayed with settled water and given a warm shower.

Another frequent “guests” of roses are whitefly And aphid. To destroy them, insecticides are used (Fitoverm, Aktara).

If the watering regime is incorrect, roses are affected by fungal diseases. Powdery mildew progresses in cold and damp stagnant air. A whitish powdery coating appears on the leaves, they dry out and fall off. In this case, the plant must be treated with a solution of fungicide, colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate, and remove the affected parts.

Signs of another fungal disease of roses - rust - are the appearance of reddish-brown spots on the leaves of the rose. Sick bushes develop poorly. They are treated with copper oxychloride, iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture or other fungicides.

If brown, almost black, merging spots form on the leaves of an indoor rose, this indicates damage to the rose black spot (marsonine).

Indoor rose leaves affected by black spot

This disease occurs when there is a lack of nutrients in the soil and it is waterlogged. At the same time, the rose leaves dry out and fall off, the plant weakens and stops growing and blooming. To combat spotting, damaged parts of the bush are removed, the plant is sprayed with copper-containing preparations, and watering is reduced.

Often flower growers are faced with the fact that indoor roses' leaves turn yellow and fall off. This may be for the following reasons:



Natural aging;

Nutrient deficiency, especially during flowering, which depletes the plant. Thus, a lack of potassium causes yellow spots to appear on the leaf blade. Yellowness between the green veins (chlorosis) occurs due to a lack of iron. In this case, the rose will be “brought back to life” by spraying with iron chelate. If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves first turn pale, then turn yellow and fall off;

Excess fertilizer;


A sharp change in the microclimate of the room (for example, when a purchased plant was carried home from a store or apartment moving). During the period of adaptation to the new place of residence, roses must be organized for her. optimal conditions content;

Low humidity air;

Overdrying or waterlogging of the soil;

Too bright solar lighting.

Another common undesirable phenomenon in the behavior of indoor roses is scanty or complete absence of flowering and dropping buds. This happens for the following reasons:


Untimely pruning or complete absence of pruning;

Dry indoor air;

Errors in irrigation regime: use of cold water, overdrying of the substrate or excessive moisture;

Insufficient lighting;

Premature replanting: during budding or flowering, the rose cannot be replanted; it is better to do this after flowering;

Lack of lighting;

Lack of fertilizing or incorrect dosage;

Insufficient humidity and air temperature in the room;

No rest period.

Like its garden relatives, it belongs to the Rosaceae family.

Almost all lovers of indoor plants would like to have this incomparably fragrant flower in their home. However, many gardeners often have no idea how to care for this magnificent plant.

In less than a few weeks, the flower queen turns into a black, unpresentable stump. Neither fertilizing nor replanting helps. What's the matter? How to preserve and grow a rose at home?

Adaptation of a flower to home conditions

Caring for an indoor rose is quite difficult and before purchasing a flower, you need to become more familiar with all the nuances of its cultivation.

First of all, you should choose a quality plant. Many buyers focus on the number of buds, believing that the more, the better. However, this is not quite true. Special attention should be paid to the bush itself, which should have young shoots. This is evidence that the plant is in the growth phase, which means it will easily take root in a new place and will delight you in the future with its beauty and fragrance.

There is no need to rush to immediately replant the flower in a new pot; give the rose the opportunity to acclimatize in your apartment.

After 2-3 days, be sure to carry out preventive actions against pests. Here you can use ordinary soap foam. Each leaf must be washed, especially with inside, soap solution and rinse the plant under running warm water.

You can give your mini rose a contrast shower. To do this, you need to water the flower with hot water for five minutes, then the same amount with cool water.

Here, on the spot, you should remove the flower from the pot and carefully examine the roots. If rotten areas are found, they must be carefully removed. Healthy roots should be light and strong.

After water procedures, the flower is left to dry for 1.5-2 hours, after which it can be transplanted into fresh soil mixture.

Gallery: mini rose (25 photos)

Transplanting an indoor rose

Transshipment of the purchased bush can be carried out at any time of the year. Experts advise doing this in early spring or postponing the procedure until August.

Substrate and pot

Houseplant lovers need to know that garden culture Not suitable for planting at home. For an apartment there is special type- indoor rose, different from garden type and the size of the inflorescences.
