Derivative prepositions are formed. Non-derivative and derived prepositions

Topic: Non-derivative and derived prepositions


Introduce students to derived and non-derivative prepositions;

Develop the ability to distinguish derived prepositions from homonymous ones parts of speech,

use prepositions correctly in speech;

Foster a culture of communication, attention, and respect for the language.

Lesson type: lesson in gaining new knowledge.

Forms of work: frontal, individual, group

Equipment: computer, media projector, handouts, textbook.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Today in class we will reveal another little secret of the Russian language. But to find the key to this mystery, you need to complete several tasks. Let's first smile at each other, I'm glad to see your smiles and I think that today will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you!

Open your workbooks and write down the number.

I . Linguistic warm-up

(1 student at the blackboard, check d/z exercise 295 (2.3)

- Correct speech errors: (slide)

Warn about danger, confidence in victory, worrytake care of your younger brother, pay attention to spelling,characteristic of verbs.

(Mutual check)

(Warn against danger, confidence in victory, worrytalk about your younger brother, pay attention to spelling, yourrelated to verbs.) (slide)

- What do you know about pretext?

2. Language warm-up.

Recording dictation of text followed by self-test.

The neighbor's cat Timofey crawled out from under the fence. He sat at the mouse hole for an hour, but the harmful mouse never showed up. Due to this turn of events, Timofey was left hungry.

Check if you wrote it correctly.

Please explain the punctuation in the second sentence. Make a diagram. (slide)

Name the parts of speech in the first sentence. (slide)

What other prepositions are written with a hyphen? (slide)

3. Statement of the problem.

    Please name the derived and non-derivative prepositions

Same slide.

    Why can't you find them? (We don't know what it is)

3) What is needed to complete this task? (You need to find out which prepositions are called derivatives and which are non-derivative)

4) This will be the main goal of our lesson.

4. Communicate the topic of the lesson, write it on the board and in notebooks. (slide)

So what is the purpose of our lesson? (slide)

How can we solve our problem?

Reading paragraph 50 pp. 138-139

5. Messages from students showing the presentation.

After working with the textbook, we learned the following about prepositions:

(The most ancient prepositions are called non-derivative. They consist of only one, less often two syllables, and sometimes even one consonant sound. And here they are: by, about, from, before, through, with, with, at, in, without , to, from, to, on and others...

Derivative prepositions are formed by the transition of independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones, thereby losing their lexical meaning and morphological characteristics. For example: about, past, despite, by, etc.

(slide) Derivative prepositions are formed from

Adverbs : near, around, past, after, behind;

noun : in view of, to the extent of, as a result of, about, during;

Participles : thanks, ending, including, despite .

6. Solving the problem.

Can you now name derived and non-derivative prepositions? (slide)

Now you will see 2 offers. Determine which of them

derivative preposition. (slide)

What else can we add to the purpose of our lesson? What else do we need to learn? (Distinguish derivative prepositions from independent parts of speech) (slide)

How are they different?

7. Primary consolidation. (slides)

- Let's look at a few examples.


A gusty wind quickly rushed towards me through the yellow, dried stubble.

Along the old shady garden path, the son hurried towards the house, and the father walked towards him.

It is indecent to be late for a previously scheduled meeting.

Rushed (towards whom?) towards to me. – Etc. pretext .

Went (where?) towards .– Adverb .

Be late (for what?) for a meeting. – Noun .


I left my acquaintances, thanking them for their warm welcome.

Thanks to the help of a friend, I coped with difficulties

Left (doing what?) thanks to . – Participle .

coped ( thanks to what?) thanks to help.–

Derivative preposition .


Derivative prepositions cannot be asked a question; they do not denote specific objects,

signs or actions.

They are not members of a sentence; they indicate the connection between the main and dependent words in a phrase. Formed from significant parts of speech.


Determine what part of speech the highlighted word is in the sentences.

The football player was racingpast (adverb) . During the trip we sailedby house (preposition).

Sasha and Tanya were happythanks to parents for wonderful gifts. (gerund) Andrey understood the rule thanks to the teacher. (preposition)

ATTENTION! A derived preposition can be replaced by a non-derivative or another derived preposition.

due to a snowstorm (due to),

about the hike (o),

due to frost (due to),

during the day (for),

a few years later (after)

make your way through the thickets (through),

sitting near the fire (at) .

Before the beginning next job physical exercise against the backdrop of nature:

Stand up slowly, raise your arms sharply,

lower them smoothly, jump high,

squat low, sit quietly at your desk.

8. Independent differentiated work:

1 option - ex. 296. Selective cheating. Write down phrases with derived prepositions.

Option 2 – work on cards (see Appendix) Write down only phrases with non-derivative prepositions.

Option 3 - work with cards. Write down the phrases in two columns: 1) with non-derivative prepositions; 2) with derived prepositions

9. Checking independent work .

Option 2 – self-check using the card.

Option 3 – self-test according toslide:


Climbing a mountain against predictions

Under the tree during class

On the way due to the rain

In the Caucasus due to bad weather

From under the dome towards the wind

Outside the window due to fire

1 option – collective verification.

10. Test work with self-test

1. How many prepositions are there in the poetic passage?

Russia begins with addiction

To work, to patience, to truth, to kindness.

That's where her star lies. She's beautiful!

It burns and shines in the dark. (V. Bokov) (A-5; B-6; V-7; G-8)

2. Which part of the sentence is a preposition?

A. Circumstance.

B. Addition.

B. It is not an independent member of a sentence, but is included in their composition along with significant words.

3. Find phrases with non-derivative prepositions:

A. jump over puddles;

B. live at the station;

B. Thanks to heavy rains;

D. Build behind the house.

4. Indicate the sentence in which the highlighted words are prepositions.

A. The herd pulled past the house.

B. Virgo looks around with amazed eyes.

V. Near the forest, as if in a soft bed, you can sleep well.

G. The most persistent ones walked ahead.

5. Indicate derivative prepositions.

A. In, on, over, from, under, with.

B. Thanks to, during, according to, despite.

(Answers: 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, B, 4-A, C, 5-B)

11. Lesson summary.

    How do derived prepositions differ from non-derivative ones?

(Difference between derived prepositions and non-derivative ones: derived prepositions originate from independent parts of speech)

How are they similar?

(Derivative and non-derivative prepositions serve to connect words in a phrase)

12. Homework.

1. P.50, exercise 297

2. Creative task of your choice: Describe the street where you live, using adverbial prepositions: near, near, behind, near

13. Evaluation, gratitude.


Write down phrases only with non-derivative prepositions.

Go into the water, tell a secret, load into a boat, appeared from behind the clouds, appeared in front of me, settled down near the dachas, walked near the house, was expected for the holiday, collapsed with her, walked towards the wind, will find thanks to resourcefulness, be on the mountain.

Insert the necessary prepositions into the sentence:

We met old friends when exiting... the metro.

We were invited to participate in... a competition.

The frightened kitten jumped out right... corner.

… the walk was canceled due to bad weather.

The Russian language has independent and... parts of speech.

Functional parts of speech are….

The auxiliary part of speech, which expresses the dependence of some words on others in a phrase and sentence, is called....

Prepositions with words are always written…. They should be distinguished from...

Prepositions can be non-derivative and...

Non-derivative prepositions are, for example, ....

Derivatives are those prepositions that...

Derivative prepositions can be formed from…. (examples)

Write down the phrases in two columns: 1) with non-derivative prepositions; 2) with derivative prepositions.

Climbing a mountain, contrary to predictions, under a tree, during a lesson, along the road, due to rain, in the Caucasus, due to bad weather, from under a dome, towards the wind, outside the window. Due to a fire.

There are many spelling rules in the Russian language. Most of them cause writing difficulties not only for schoolchildren and foreigners who study Russian, but also for adults. One of these rules is the spelling of prepositions. Mainly the problem is finding them correctly. With simple non-derivative prepositions, everything is more or less clear, and most people do not have difficulty finding them. But in Russian there is another group of words that, depending on the context, can refer to different parts speech. These are derived prepositions that come from adverbs, nouns or gerunds. They are so difficult to write that many people have great difficulty encountering them in the text.

Characteristics of derived prepositions

All prepositions in the Russian language are auxiliary parts of speech that do not have their own eigenvalue and morphological characteristics. They serve as a connecting link between words in a sentence and are used to build a grammatically correct and competent construction. Derivative prepositions in the Russian language appeared relatively recently. They originated from significant parts of speech due to the loss of their own morphological characteristics and meaning. Because of this, their spelling often differs from the original words, causing spelling difficulties. They are used quite often in speech, so every literate person should be able to find them and write them correctly.

Features of this part of speech

1. Derivative prepositions can be simple, consisting of one word, for example, “near”, “around”, “thanks to”, “towards” and others. But many of them consist of two words, retaining the form they had as a significant part of speech. Usually this is a combination of a non-derivative preposition with a noun, so merged with it in meaning and grammatically that it is often perceived as one word. For example: “with the help”, “for lack of”, “not counting”, “at the expense”, “to the extent” and others.

2. The spelling of such prepositions needs to be memorized, because most often it is not regulated by any rules. IN difficult cases need to check with spelling dictionary. The greatest difficulty is in writing the prepositions “during”, “in continuation”, “as a result”, “subsequently”.

3. To determine that a derivative preposition is used in a sentence, and not independent part speech, you need to replace it with another preposition or conjunction. For example, “as a result” - “because of”, “about” - “about”, “towards” - “to”, “like” - “how”.

4. There is a small group of derived prepositions that are difficult to distinguish from the independent parts of speech from which they originated. This causes difficulties in writing them. In this case, you can only understand the meaning in the context. These words are: “about”, “as a result of”, “thanks to”, “despite” and others.

Types of derivative prepositions

All prepositions under consideration are divided into three groups depending on what part of speech they came from.

1. Adverbial prepositions, that is, derived prepositions formed from adverbs, have retained their meaning. Basically they indicate the time and location of an object in space. For example, “near the house”, “after school”, “inside the box” and others.

2. Denominal prepositions are so called because they are formed from a noun. They can denote spatial, temporal, causal or object relations. This is a fairly large group of prepositions, and they are the ones that most often cause spelling difficulties, for example: “in connection”, “to the extent”, “about”, “like”, “on arrival” and others.

3. Verbal prepositions originate from gerunds, which have lost their meaning of additional action. They are closely related to nouns and are usually used with only one case. For example: “thanks to (what?)”, “in spite of (what?)”, “despite (what?)”.

What meanings do they have?

Each derived preposition, when combined with nouns, gives it a specific meaning. Most often they are used with one case, but you can also ask adverbial questions about them. The most common meanings of derived prepositions:

They denote a certain period of time: “during”, “at the end”, “in completion”, “after” and others;

Causal relations are determined by prepositions: “thanks to”, “in spite of”, “due to”, “as a result of”;

They can indicate the location of an object: “near”, “about”, “opposite”, “in front” and others.

How to learn to write prepositions correctly

The spelling of independent words is regulated by spelling rules. Most people learned them during school and have no difficulty spelling. And derived prepositions do not follow any rules. You need to remember how to write them. But in difficult cases, you can check with a spelling dictionary. The difficulty is most often caused by people’s inability to distinguish sentences with prepositions from constructions with independent parts of speech. If you learn to find these words in the text, there will be fewer mistakes. After all, most people still know the basic rules of spelling.

Ways to search for prepositions in text

1. You need to try to replace the word with another preposition. Each derived preposition has a similar one from the category of non-derivatives, for example, “in view of - because of”, “about - about”, “towards - to”, “following - for” and others. Significant parts of speech are replaced only by synonyms: “for an account - for a book”, “for a meeting - for a date”.

2. Ask a question about the word. If there is a preposition in a sentence, then most likely it will be part of the question, and the answer will be a noun: “I live opposite the school - (opposite what?)” or “(where?) - opposite the school.” And the word, as an independent part of speech, itself answers the question: “this house is opposite - (where?) - opposite.”

3. A derivative preposition cannot be removed from a sentence without losing the meaning and destroying the grammatical structure: “to walk in front of the column - to walk (?) the column.” If you remove the significant part of the speech, then although the meaning will be impoverished, the sentence will not lose its integrity: “he walked ahead - he walked.”

4. They can also be distinguished by meaning. For example, “during the day” is a preposition that denotes a period of time, and “during the river” is a noun that denotes the flow of water.

What derivative prepositions are written together

Among the words of this part of speech there are many that have long been used in the Russian language. Some prepositions have so merged with nouns in meaning that almost no one has any difficulty spelling them. For example, “near”, “like”, “in view of”, “instead of”, “like”, “inside” and others. But there are also words that are written together only when they are used as prepositions. And here you need to be able to distinguish them from significant parts of speech. For example, “due to the rain” is a preposition; you can replace it with the word “due to,” and “as a consequence of the case” is a noun: “(in what?) - as a result.” More examples of frequently used prepositions and their difference with homonymous parts of speech: “towards each other” - “to meet friends”, “about repairs” - “to a bank account”. You also need to remember that “not” in prepositions formed from gerunds is written together: “despite his advanced age (despite what?)” is a preposition, but compare: “he walked without (not looking) around” .

Compound derivative prepositions

Spelling of prepositions that consist of two words also causes difficulties. But they are not connected with separately written these words, and most often with a letter at the end of the preposition. It needs to be remembered, since basically it is completely different from the nouns from which these words come:

The letter “and” is written at the end of the prepositions “after”, “on arrival”, “at the end”, “in connection”, “in accordance”, “in comparison”, “during”;

You need to remember the spelling of prepositions with the letter “e” at the end: “during”, “in continuation”, “in conclusion”, “in contrast”, “in conclusion”, “in commemoration”, “on arrival”, “on arrival” ";

There is also a group of prepositions that cause almost no difficulties: “by virtue”, “to the extent”, “in connection” and some others.

In order for a person’s speech to be literate, it is necessary to use derivative prepositions as much as possible. They enrich the language, allow you to more accurately express your thoughts and use grammatically correct constructions.

Prepositions- function words that express various relationships between words and are used as a means of syntactic subordination of nouns or pronouns to other words in a sentence and phrase.

Prepositions take a position before a noun (pronoun) or before an adjective relating to this noun (pronoun). Only a few prepositions can follow a noun: for the sake of, in spite of, in spite of, towards. For example, for God's sake or for God's sake.

Preposition along with case ending of a noun forms a prepositional-case construction and is a grammatical means of connecting words in a sentence: return from school, tell fortunes on coffee grounds, etc. Some prepositions are always used with the same case: for example, the preposition to - with the dative (to go to the house), pro - with the accusative (to tell about the exhibition), etc. Other prepositions in different offers can be used with different cases and express different relationships of nouns to other words in a sentence. For example, the preposition po can be combined with the dative case (talk on the phone), with accusative case(get bogged down) and prepositional (at the end of the session).

In modern Russian, the class of prepositions is constantly replenished due to the transition of other parts of speech to it.

Based on their origin, prepositions are divided into two groups: non-derivative and derived prepositions.

Non-derivatives (antiderivatives) prepositions are not related in origin to other parts of speech: in, to, from, for, on, etc.

Derivatives (non-derivatives) Prepositions by origin are related to other parts of speech. So, the prepositions around, on the contrary, along, next to came from adverbs, and the prepositions during, in continuation, about, etc. came from nouns, the prepositions thanks to, including, starting with, etc. came from verbs.

Derived prepositions are often homonymous to the words from which they are derived. For example: Thanks to (preposition) you, I was able to solve the problem. I wrote to him, thanking (gerund) for his help. Prepositions differ from the producing word in combinability: the preposition thanks is combined with the dative case form of the noun (thanks to a friend), and the gerund thanks is combined with the accusative case of the noun (thanks to a friend). Material from the site

In addition, the prepositions during, in continuation, in conclusion must be distinguished from nouns. Nouns (flow, continuation, conclusion) have a lexical meaning; a noun can change the form of number and case. Prepositions express only temporary relations and do not change.

According to their composition, prepositions are divided into simple and compound prepositions.

Simple prepositions consist of one word: about, on, in, as a result, etc.

Compound prepositions include two or three words: regardless of, during, judging by, in contrast to, towards, etc.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • preposition definition
  • preposition definition
  • fairy tale derivative and non-derivative prepositions
  • derivative prepositions including before
  • Prepositions are simple and compound, derivative and non-derivative.


Compare the sentences: “We ran around the house,” “There were a lot of flowers around.” In the first, “around” is a derived preposition, in the second, “around” appears in the place clause. “He came to me, thanks” and “Thanks to him, mine has improved.” In the first sentence “thanks” is a gerund, in the second it is a preposition.

Parts speeches- these are groups of words with similar characteristics. In the Russian language, there are independent and auxiliary parts. Independent names or indicate objects, properties, quantity, action, state. These words received this name because they can be used in speeches without function words.

To independent parts speeches include noun, adjective, verb, numeral, pronoun, speeches e. A noun is an independent part speeches, which generally names the subject and answers the questions who? What? This group of words can denote an object (table, house), a person (boy, student), ( , ), a sign (depth, height), an abstract concept (conscience, altruism), an action (singing, dancing), an attitude (equality, exclusivity ). Nouns, animate or inanimate, proper or common, have gender, number and case. In a sentence they most often appear or. Adjective - independent part speeches, denoting a feature of an object and answering the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “whose?”. A sign is usually understood as properties, quality, belonging, characterizing objects. According to their meaning, adjectives are divided into qualitative, relative and possessive. Adjectives depend on nouns and agree with them, that is, they are placed in the same case, number and gender. Adjectives can have a full and short form (green, green). In a sentence these parts speeches there are usually agreed upon definitions. Short adjectives are used only as predicates. The verb is an independent part speeches, which denotes the state or action of an object and answers the questions what to do? what to do? (to be, to look). Verbs are imperfect and perfect, transitive and intransitive. This part speeches changes according to inclination. The initial (indefinite) form of a verb is called the infinitive. It has no time, number, person or gender (to do, to walk). The verbs in the sentence are . Communion is special shape verb denoting the attribute of an object by action. It answers the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?” (flying, drawn). A gerund is a special unchangeable form of a verb that denotes a sign, but acts as a sign of another action. It answers the questions “doing what?”, “having done what?” (crying, playing, missing). The numeral is an independent part speeches, which denotes the number, number of objects, as well as their order when counting. According to their meaning, they are divided into quantitative (answer the question “how much?”) and ordinal (answer the questions “which?”, “which ones?”). The numerals change (fifth, fifth, fifth). In a sentence, numerals are subject, predicate, adverbial tense, and attribute. Pronoun is an independent part speeches, indicating objects, signs, but not naming them (I, mine, this). In a sentence they are used as a subject, an object, a definition, and less often - a circumstance, a predicate. According to their meaning, pronouns are divided into personal (I, you, he, they), reflexive (themselves), interrogative (who, which), relative (who, what, which), indefinite (something, some), negative (no one, how many). then), possessive (my, our, yours), demonstrative (that, such, so much), (any, other). On speeches e - independent part speeches, which denotes a sign of an object, a sign of an action, a sign of another sign. It answers the questions “how?”, “where?”, “where?”, “when?”, “why?”, “for what?” (good, carefully, beautiful, tomorrow, very). On speeches e is not inflected, does not conjugate, and is most often an adverbial adverbial clause in a sentence.

Video on the topic


  • Independent parts of speech
  • which part of speech answers the question where

Almost always, after trying a fragrance, you will unmistakably guess which gender it was created for. Subtle connoisseurs of perfumery will recognize individual notes to the composition of eau de toilette, unique only to products for men or women.


Modern eau de toilette, whose era began in the first half of the 20th century, consist of several groups of notes that gradually reveal themselves in the aroma. The basis for women's fragrances are floral, berry and fruity scents - this is the idea of ​​the fair sex, tender and juicy, like gifts of nature. And the solidity and reliability are emphasized by woody and herbaceous notes.

Some essential oils are not used at all in women's: lavender and sage give the composition a tobacco shade, which is not suitable for delicate ladies. The individual character of fragrances on the skin of a particular person is achieved through the use of certain notes. In waters for these purposes, musk is usually used, in men's waters - amber. Without musk or amber, the aroma would not be intertwined with the natural smell of a person, but would “sound” separately.

In the nineties, in the wake of androgynous fashion, a whole range of unisex perfumes appeared - fragrances equally suitable for women and men. In them, the base notes are shifted from floral accents to citrus, herbaceous, and sea notes.

As a rule, women are less consistent in their perfume preferences. If a man can use the same scent for years, the fair sex tends to experiment and study. Ladies will not refuse to have 3-4 bottles at their disposal for different occasions: light fruity for a business morning, for a feminine look, bohemian spicy oriental, fresh citrus for active rest.

Finally, perfumes can also be distinguished by the design of the bottle. Packaging for women's fragrances tends to be fancier. To attract the attention of the fair sex, manufacturers use different colors, unusual shapes and materials. Men, for the most part, are more conservative, so eau de toilette for them is packaged in strict bottles. geometric shapes, without frills and decorations.

Students foreign languages are faced with the problem of staging such service parts of speech as. This also applies to English language. However, this problem can be solved quite simply, namely, familiarize yourself with the rules and complete a number of practical tasks.

In Russian as “for”. "This lawn is behind our yard." “This lawn is located in the back of our yard.” "Under" - under. For example, “There is a toy under the bed of the child.” "It's under the child's bed." As a preposition of place, "by" means "about" or "at". "This nice guy is standing by me." “This guy is standing next to me now.” "In front of" is translated into Russian as "before". "There is a big bookstore in front of my house." “There is a large bookstore in front of my house.”

Pay attention also to prepositions of direction in the language. The most common one is "to". It can have the meaning “to”, “on”, “in”. "I'm going to Paris this week." "I'm going to Paris this week." "From" is translated into Russian as "from" and "from". "I have come from Moscow". "I came from Moscow." "Out of" means "from". "I'm taking out a pencil out of my bag." “I take a pencil out of my bag.” Another important preposition is “at”. It has the following Russian equivalents: “u”, “na”, “about”. "They have been at Smiths recently." “The Smith family recently visited them.”

Numbers, standing nearby With letter designation, indicate the octane number; the larger they are, the more stable the gasoline molecules and the less detonation. The octane number may be preceded by one letter (A) or two (AI). “A” indicates that the fuel is intended for automobiles, “I” indicates that the octane value was determined by research. High octane fuel is always more expensive. It is worth immediately noting that in everyday life you can independently determine the brand of fuel, i.e. its octane number is impossible - laboratory tests are needed. However, understanding the application and advantages of both brands is quite possible.

Gasoline AI-92

It is considered to belong to the Regular motor gasoline category. It is a high-octane fuel used in high-compression automobile engines. Gasoline is resistant to detonation and ensures smooth engine operation. However, in European countries It is considered an "endangered" fuel, mainly due to the toxicity of exhaust gases. AI-92 is widely used in Russia. This gasoline can be leaded or unleaded (according to the amount of lead).

Gasoline AI-95

Belongs to the Premium motor gasoline category. It is considered a fuel of improved quality. In its production, gas gasoline and various additives are used to reduce detonation. This type of fuel contains minimal lead content, which is a definite plus in environmental terms. There is also a subclass of 95 gasoline - “Extra” fuel, characterized by the complete absence of lead. In terms of anti-knock qualities, AI-95 is almost similar to its “colleague”, 93 gasoline.

Comparison of fuel brands

If we compare theoretically, then 95 gasoline is of better quality than 92 gasoline, at least the toxicity of exhaust gases is much less. However, in practice the situation is somewhat different; especially if it is connected with Russian gas stations. The main difference between the 95th and the 92nd is the presence more additives, in particular, various esters, which promote faster combustion of fuel, which gives small savings in gasoline consumption. But in reality, this saving is more than eaten up by the higher cost.

Moreover, as practice shows, it happens that at Russian gas stations the 92nd turns out to be better than the 95th. In fact, the difference between these two types of fuel today is minimal and depends on the integrity of the manufacturer and seller. Therefore, there is only one way out - refuel at a proven gas station.

Tip 11: What is the physical meaning of derivative
In order to find the derivative of a function, take an arbitrary function - the dependence of the “y” on the “x”. In the expression of this function, replace its argument with the increment of the argument and divide the resulting expression by the increment itself. You will get a fraction. Next, you need to perform a limit operation. To do this, you need to direct the increment of the argument to zero and observe where your fraction will tend to in this case. That final, as a rule, value will be the derivative of the function. Please note that in the expression for the derivative of the function there will no longer be any increments, because you have directed them to zero, so only the variable and (or) constant will remain.

So, the derivative is the ratio of the increment of a function to the increment of the argument. What is the meaning of such a magnitude? If you, for example, find the derivative of a linear function, you will see that it is constant. Moreover, this constant in the expression of the function itself is simply multiplied by the argument. Next, if you plot a graph of this function at different meanings derivative, simply changing it over and over again, you will notice that with large values, the slope of the straight line becomes greater, and vice versa. If you are not dealing with a linear function, then the value of the derivative at a given point is about the slope of the tangent drawn at a given point of the function. Thus, the value of the derivative of a function indicates the growth rate of the function at a given point.

Physical meaning of the derivative

Now, to understand the physical meaning of the derivative, it is enough to simply replace your abstract function with any physically based one. For example, suppose you have a dependence of the path of movement of a body on time. Then the derivative of such a function will tell you about the speed of movement of the body. If you get a constant value, then we can say that the body moves uniformly, that is, at a constant speed. If you get an expression for the derivative that linearly depends on time, then it will become clear that the movement is uniformly accelerated, because the second derivative, that is, the derivative of this derivative, will be constant, which actually means the constancy of the velocity of the body, and this is its acceleration. You can pick up any other physical function and see that its derivative will give you some physical meaning.



1. Classification of prepositions

2. Spelling of derived prepositions

3. Solve exercises

Pretext - an auxiliary part of speech that expresses the relationship between words in a phrase.


Fromstructure there are prepositions:

Simple (consist of one word -from, to, for) ;

Complex (consist of two or more words -depending on, based on and etc.).

In my own wayorigin prepositions are divided into

Non-derivatives:in, on, about, without, before and etc.

Derivatives formed by moving into the category of prepositions of words various parts speeches:during, due to etc. (from nouns);near, along, towards etc. (from adverbs), etc.

In my own waymeaning there are prepositions:

Spatial:to, around, between, from, from, for, to, over, at and etc.

Example: walk home; fly around the Earth;

Temporary:from, to, to, in, for, through and etc.

Example: leave in the morning, meet in a month;

Causal:from, as a result of, thanks to, in view of and etc.

Example: jumping for joy, absent due to illness;

Goals:on, for, for and etc.

Example: money for a ticket, go shopping.


It is necessary to distinguish between derived prepositions and nouns in indirect cases, used with non-derivative prepositions.

The derivative preposition DURING is written in two words with the ending E, has the meaning of temporal length, answers the questions HOW LONG? WHEN? Noun coming after him. It hastime value :

(HOW LONG?) I studied hard throughout the year.

(WHEN?) I read a lot of books during the summer.

DURING BETWEEN non-derivative preposition You can insert an adjective into a noun and CURRENT.

There are many turns in the (lower) RIVER .

Derivative preposition

IN CONTINUATION is written in two words with a final E, has the meaning of temporal length, answers the questions HOW LONG? WHEN? Noun coming after him. It hastime value :

(HOW LONG?) The house was being repaired for a month.

(WHEN?) It was unbearably hot for several days.

CONTINUED Between the non-derivative preposition B and noun. V prepositional case CONTINUATION you can insert an adjective:

New characters appeared in the (long-awaited) sequel to the novel.


The derivative preposition TOWARDS is written in one word; it can be replaced with the preposition TO or TO MY SIDE:

The school principal was walking towards me (= towards me, in my direction). I decided to go out to meet the guests (= to the guests).


Between the non-derivative preposition NA and noun. MEETING, you can insert an adjective, while with the noun. MEETING there must be a preposition C

: Still, I decided to go to an (unexpected) meeting with friends.


The derivative preposition ABOUT is written together and = O, ABOUT:

We talked about (= about) a trip to the forest.


Between the non-derivative preposition NA and noun. ACCOUNT, you can insert an adjective:

The money has arrived in a (known) account.


The derivative preposition RESULTATION is written in one word with the final E, and = BECAUSE, indicatesreason , answers the question WHY?:(WHY?) Due to illness, he stayed at home.

NOTE: Do not confuse the spelling of the derived preposition AFTER (= BECAUSE of) and the adverb SUBSEQUENTLY (= THEN):Subsequently, he remembered school more than once. Due to a broken arm, he was unable to attend school.


Between the non-derivative preposition B and noun. CONSEQUENCES used in one of the cases, you can insert an adjective:

During the (high-profile) investigation into the theft case, many facts were revealed.

IN VIEW (= BECAUSE OF; BY REASON) The derivative preposition IN VIEW is written in one word, and = BECAUSE OF, = BY REASON:

Due to rain, the excursion did not take place.

KEEP IN MIND A stable combination is written with three words.


The derivative preposition LIKE is written in one word and = LIKE:

We built something like (=like) a hut.


In geometry class we solved problems involving similar triangles (= similar triangles).


1. Derivative preposition IN CONNECTION WITHwritten separately, in three words : due to departure .

2. The derivative preposition IN CONCLUSION is writtentwo words with an E at the end and has the meaning “FINISHING”, “IN THE RESULT”, “AT THE END”:At the end of my report I would like to summarize what has been said.

3. Derivative preposition IN DIFFERENCE from someone, somethingwritten as two words with an E at the end : Unlike me, my sister gets straight A's.

4. REMEMBER the spelling of the following prepositions, which are written together:In the middle of the room); NEAR (the monument); INSTEAD (brother).



The derivative preposition DESPITE NOT is written with NOT together and consists of two words, and = ALTHOUGH, CONSPITE:We went to the city, despite (= although there was) rain.

NOT LOOKING AT (= Without looking at) The gerund DESPITE refers to a verb and answers questionsHOW? WHAT TO DO?: Walked (how?) without looking (= without looking) at passers-by


Exercise 1.

Explain the difference in the spelling of the highlighted words ingiven in pairs of sentences.

1. During The weather will not change in the next 24 hours. During the disease improved. 2. In continuation The audience was very attentive throughout the lecture. ABOUT future fate the author is going to tell the heroes in continuation stories. 3. Finally The meeting adopted a resolution. In custody doctors indicate the method of further treatment. 4. Due to Bad weather did not allow the excursion to take place. Because of Medical examination data were used in the criminal case. 5. In view of With the upcoming imminent departure, you need to hurry up and get ready. Should have in mind possible changes in working conditions. 6. Something happened like homemade bicycle. Sort of Tolstoy was a lot of gifted people.

Exercise 2.

With what cases are derivative prepositions used? Write by filling in the missing letters and opening the brackets.

Option 1.

According to (calculation), contrary to (opinion) of experts, contrary to (prediction), due to (inattention), thanks to (knowledge), despite (blizzard), due to (the onset of) cold weather, towards (wind), according to (assignment) of the commander, according to (expiration) of an hour, upon (return) from a business trip, upon (arrival) in the city, work at (night).

Option 2.

According to (rule), despite (ban) doctors, contrary to (public opinion), as a result of (illness), thanks to (support) friends, despite (failure), in view of (upcoming events), towards (adventures), by (instruction) coach , upon (arrival) at the station, upon (return) from vacation, upon (arrival) in the city, study in (evenings).

Exercise 3.

Pretext? Adverb or noun with preposition? Open the brackets and determine whether the words with brackets should be written together or separately. Identify parts of speech.

    (To) a meeting with graduates;

    (B) in view of the upcoming departure;

    Situate (in) sight of the city;

    Inquire about the voucher;

    Transfer money (to) the company’s account;

    (B) due to lack of time;

    Arrive (at) destination;

    Place (in) the place of the preface;

    Hurry (to) meet with the writer;

    Go out (to) meet guests;

    Put on (in) the place of the hat;

    Ask (about) health;

    To be (in) sight of the enemy;

    Keep in mind;

    (B) due to lack of transport;

    Brooch (like) a butterfly;

    Make arrangements for the wounded;

    Keep a good offing;

    Agree words (in) gender and number;

    An object (in) a kind of ball.

Exercise 4.

Together or separately? Open the brackets and determine whether you need to write the letter B together or separately with the words. Explain the choice of the final vowel E or I.

  1. 1 (During) the evening there was music.

  2. I found out about this later...

  3. (In) consequence... details of the case became clear.

  4. (In) the currents... the river has many rapids.

  5. Demobilization (as a) consequence of... injuries.

    (As a result of... bad weather, the flight is delayed.

    (In) the flow... of the river there was a sharp turn.

    We will learn about the further life of the heroes (in) the continuation of the film.

    (In) the investigation... started by the prosecutor, there is a lot of uncertainty.

    Peter (in)subsequently... praised himself for his foresight.

    Continue.. all day;

    Participate (in) the investigation..;

    Get hurt (as a) result of... negligence;

    Wait (for) one and a half days.

    I regretted (in) later... the words spoken.

    I was idle (during) the lesson,

    Take a closer look (in) the flow... of a stream.

    Resigned as a result of... shell shock.

    Lose (as) a consequence of... inattention.

    Insist (in) the continuation of ... negotiations on your point of view.

    (B) conclusion... of an expert.

    Take a bow (at) the conclusion of the concert.

    (B) conclusion... of speech to dwell on something.

    Participate (in) concluding a truce.

    (B) consequences... communication session delays
