Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Justin. The meaning of the female name Justina

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Meaning of the name

Female name. Derived name from the name Ustin. French synonym for Justine.

A cheerful, cheerful child from early childhood. In infancy, she should be protected from colds; she is susceptible to bronchitis. December Justina is very emotional, and parents should spare her nervous system. The girl is very brave, begins to walk early, explores all corners of the house, which causes a lot of trouble for her parents. Willingly makes contact with strangers, loves animals, is not afraid big dogs. At school, Justina is not a very good student, and not because she is incapable: yes, she is restless, but she is diligent and obliging. He carefully and always completes his homework, but since he doesn’t comprehend everything in class due to inattention, he rarely gets grades higher than a B. Justina is musical, musical literacy comes easily to her, she has good hearing and a sense of rhythm.

In adulthood, Justina’s restlessness does not prevent her from being a good worker; she knows how to pull herself together and do everything that is required of her. He is respected by his colleagues and often receives praise from his superiors. Ambition forces her to move up the career ladder faster than her colleagues. Although Justina does not know how to walk over the heads of others, if someone starts pushing her away in order to take some place herself, she will calmly step aside. But in matters of principle she is persistent and, if desired, knows how to achieve a goal. She is sociable, gets along with people easily, has many friends. Even more - friends. July Justina is less decisive, too modest. It is difficult to wake up in the morning, but in the afternoon her activity increases.

This woman is responsive and helpful with friends. In society, he easily gains everyone's attention and becomes the center of it. Unobtrusive, does not seek to lead anyone. Justina's first marriage may be unsuccessful; divorce occurs due to the fault of her husband, due to his infidelity. After the divorce, Justina does not marry for a long time; she can live for some time with her lover in civil marriage, afraid to make a mistake again. A very generous, hospitable hostess, she cooks well, loves to treat her friends with her signature dishes, comes up with new recipes herself, and loves to eat with taste. She enjoys great success among men and often changes fans in her youth. Before marriage, she has many sexual partners and is very temperamental. However, having met the man of her dreams, she becomes a faithful friend, for her everyone else ceases to exist.

Spring Justina is an active woman, goes in for sports, loves art, and is a fine connoisseur of everything beautiful. He willingly attends exhibitions and often attends premieres in theaters. She is smart, talented, hardworking. She often takes initiative at work, for which she is valued as a high-quality professional. She is friendly, friendly and sociable. Such Justina is most often married only once and quite successfully; she gets divorced very rarely. In family

Winter Justina is highly sexual, especially December, but she also has more complex nature: emotional, hot-tempered, unbalanced. Such a woman is often insidious and fatal for men. It is difficult to find a suitable spouse. A second or even third marriage may be successful. She is a faithful, caring mother and wife, but too independent and loves to be alone; He always rests separately from his family.

Summer Justina is too kind, which many dishonest people take advantage of. She cannot refuse to help anyone, she is completely selfless. IN family life she is happy if she marries a man born at any time of the year except summer - a summer partner does not suit her personality, and the marriage may not be strong.

Autumn - smart, enterprising, charming. He knows how to present himself and has good taste. She can open her own business, successfully gains weight in society, especially if her business is related to art, and can prove herself in the field of clothing modeling.

Destiny number - 7 (16)(name number)

Like the name number 7 conceals within itself the ability to direct talent into the field of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results of what has already been achieved and on real planning for their future. By understanding other people, they often become leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they decide to engage in commercial or financial affairs, then they themselves will need outside help.

October 15,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Justin

Name number: 7

Number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, calculating mind, but at the same time loves risks. Prefers to be guided in everything own opinion. He always achieves success in his chosen field of activity. Possesses developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, and willpower.
Number 7 is introverted. His motto: "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Justina

YU- conservatism, fear of everything new, tendency to idealize people. These people are very romantic and often sacrifice themselves in relationships. Despite this, they are prone to very tough actions. The main goal of their life is the search and knowledge of the truth. These people prefer to make friends with people who are older than them and have similar interests.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, present critical thinking. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • YU- (YU = U) Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
  • WITH- Word
  • T- Firmly
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Justina's name in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Justina in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

What to name a boy. Male names


Meaning and origin of the name

Translated from Latin iustus means "fair, honest, truthful, decent."

IN various countries around the world, the name Justin will sound differently: Ustin - in Russia, Justin - in England, Justin - in Germany, Romania, Hungary, Justine - in France, Justin - in Spain, Justino - in Italy, Justinus - in the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. Accordingly, from each male name female forms were formed - Justina, Ustina, Ustinya, Ustinia, Justina, Justina, Justina.

The names Justin (Justin, Justin, Justen) should not be confused with the related names Justus (Just, Just, Justes, Justo) and Justinian (Justinien), which have a common origin, but a difference in the formation of the name and its use.

Energy name

In Russian sound, the name Justin (Ustin) has very strong mobility, impulsiveness (especially if a person prefers to be called Justin) and, strange as it may seem, uncertainty. The main difficulty is to find a digestible diminutive form for this name, so it is not surprising if in childhood and youth Ustin will be quite concerned about how best to introduce himself and, most likely, will settle on full version your name. However, here too there is a choice between Ustin and Justin.

In fact, there is nothing out of the ordinary in these searches, it’s just through his name that a person realizes himself, and the lack of digestible options creates some uncertainty in self-awareness and even a feeling of self-doubt.

Such a situation can greatly annoy Justin, exacerbating his already developed pride, and when he finally settles on the full form of the name, he will already hold on to it, not tolerating any deviations - because otherwise he will again lose confidence in himself.

It is interesting that such an attitude towards himself and his name usually makes Justin a serious and punctual person, which is not at all consistent with the sound energy of the name - he has to learn to control himself and play his chosen role. On the one hand, this strengthens Justin’s will and nerves, on the other hand, emotional mobility, hidden behind a mask of restraint, gives his character inner passion.

So let's say, in communication with close people, Justin can completely transform, giving vent to his accumulated feelings - both negative and positive. Sometimes this can complicate his family life, because where, if not in the family, are people accustomed to venting their irritation?

It is most favorable if Justin is able to learn to combine his restraint with a sense of humor, and at the same time begins to devote more time not only to personal difficulties, but also to the problems of other people. Laughter is the best way out nervous tension, especially since this will help the ambitious Justin release internal energy to achieve success in any career, including those requiring emotionality and creative imagination.

Characteristics of the name Justin

As a child, Justin is an easy-going and obedient boy. But these are purely external impressions. Within the walls of his home, he is a little despot, very selfish and capricious. In order to raise such a child to be decent, parents will need a lot of firmness in order not to follow his whims. Otherwise, the adult Justin will repel everyone with his obnoxious disposition.

As an adult, Justin becomes an educated and strong-willed man. He doesn't care about life's troubles. He is capable of showing such significant assertiveness that he sometimes baffles his interlocutor. However, this is even good for success at work.

Justin most often has irrepressible energy, is impulsive, and often does not know what he wants.

This is a proud and proud person. Justin experiences mistakes and failures in his work or personal life very painfully. During such periods he becomes nervous and irritable and splashes out his negative emotions even to close people.

Sometimes Justin can be very insecure. He is not very willing to communicate with unfamiliar people and is distrustful of them. These character traits make Justin serious and punctual. Trying not to show others his insecurity, he controls himself and clearly plays the role assigned to him. Such behavior, without a doubt, strengthens a man’s character, and the internal mobility, peeking out from under the mask of a serious person, adds charm and attractiveness to him. With a circle of close people, Justin changes completely. He gives vent to all his feelings - both positive and negative. Sometimes this negatively affects the peace in his family.

Justin's internal passions are somewhat smoothed out if the man's external restraint is combined with a sense of humor, and the man himself devotes more time to the problems of others rather than his own. The best way out of accumulated tension is laughter, and Justin should remember this. Moreover, the ability to make a joke at the right time and defuse the situation will be a positive development for career growth this ambitious man.

From the outside, Justin may seem slow and kind. But this person is very difficult to get along with. He is secretive, emotional and stubborn. At the same time, he is quite a calculating person. He always maintains sobriety and perseverance.

Shows accuracy and responsibility in his work. Justin is honest in relationships, always straightforward, speaks only the truth, even if it is unpleasant. He does not tolerate liars and flatterers. In friendship, Justin values ​​loyalty and sincerity above all else.

Justin is very selective in his communication. He does not like to have other people's opinions imposed on him. He chooses friends who are similar in their way of thinking to himself.

Justin is in no hurry to get married. He approaches the choice of his future wife very seriously, because he is afraid of making a mistake. As a rule, Justin's first marriage breaks up due to a mismatch of characters. From the first time it is very difficult for a man to find the one he needs. However, from an everyday point of view, Justin shows himself well. He performs housework duties well and shows himself to be an attentive father. But with his wife, Justin is often capricious and demanding. Justin takes upon himself all matters of maintaining the family and willingly helps his wife in running the household. He is not very emotional and prefers to restrain his feelings, especially in front of strangers. He shows his love for loved ones by caring for them. Since childhood, Justin has been trying to instill in his children high moral principles. In marriage, he usually remains faithful.

Secrets of communication

It’s unlikely that you should trust Justin’s calmness too much - the fact that he knows how to control himself does not mean that he will forget the insult inflicted on him! It will never hurt to remember his sensitivity to criticism. But it would be advisable for him to be more careful with his love of praise and greed for flattery.

Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Yustinka, Justya, Yusta, Ustin, Ustim, Ustinka, Ustya, Ustyukha, Ustyusha, Ustinka, Ustimko, Ustinko, Ustinochko, Ustimonko, Ustimochko, Ustinka.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Virgo.
Planet: Saturn.
Name colors: greenish-yellow, steel, brownish.
Most favorable colors: brown, orange.
Talisman stone: jasper, amber.

Justin's name day

January 1 (14) - St. Justin, Bishop of Theatine
April 13 (26), April 14 (27), June 1 (14) -
Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher of Rome.
July 18 (31)- Saint Justin of Tivoli, martyr
September 17 (30)- Justin of Rome, presbyter, saint, martyr
October 5 (18)- Justin of Trier, saint, martyr

Trace of a name in history

The Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher (d. 166) was born into a pagan family in the city of Shechem and, from very early childhood, was distinguished by a great thirst for knowledge. In the end, of all the sciences, Justin chose philosophy, believing that it was it that would lead him to the knowledge of perfect Truth. However, man only assumes, but, as we know, God disposes - in Justin’s life, not philosophy, but religion became his guiding fire, giving him what he had been looking for for so long: the meaning of life.

This is how it happened. According to legend, one day, while walking outside the city away from people, Justin met an elder. This old man seemed very unusual to him: he talked for a long time with the young man about life, philosophy and the structure of the world, not inferior in knowledge to his learned interlocutor, although, judging by his poor clothes, he did not have the opportunity to study. At the end of the conversation, the sage, stopping the flow of Justin’s questions, said to him:

– You will find all the answers in the Holy Scriptures. But first of all,” the elder added, “pray diligently to God so that He will open the doors of Light for you.” No one can comprehend the truth unless God Himself gives him understanding, Who reveals it to everyone who seeks Him with prayer and love.

And from then on, the philosopher, having been baptized, used all his talents and the gift of persuasion to convert pagans to his faith. He began to wander throughout the Roman Empire, sowing seeds of faith everywhere. “Whoever can proclaim the Truth and does not proclaim it will be condemned by God,” he wrote.

Justin opened a school where he preached Christian philosophy. Saint Justin consistently defended the truth and salvific value of Christian teaching, convincingly refuting pagan wisdom.

Crescent, who was jealous of him, whom Justin always defeated in debates, brought many false accusations against him before the Roman court. Saint Justin was taken into custody, tortured and suffered martyrdom.

Now the day of Justin the Philosopher (also called Roman or Great) is celebrated by Christians on June 1, and children born on this day are named after him. The relics of Saint Justin the Philosopher rest in Rome.

Other famous namesakes of Justin

  • Justin I(518-527) - Byzantine emperor, founder new dynasty rulers.
  • Justin II, Flavius ​​Justin(c. 520-578) Byzantine emperor (565-578), did not achieve success in foreign policy, actively built Constantinople.
  • Archimandrite Justin(in the world - Blagoje Popović; 1894-1979) - Serbian clergyman, doctor of theology. Author of various multi-volume spiritual works.
  • Ustin Ivanovich Arapov(1797-1873) - Russian public figure, military serviceman with the rank of major general, participated in the Russian-Turkish war.
  • Bishop Justin(in the world - Yakov Mikhailov; ? -1879) - Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal.
  • Justin (Yustin) Ivlianovich Dzhanelidze(1883-1950) - an outstanding Soviet surgeon, worked extensively on the treatment of heart wounds. His 1927 monograph on this issue became over time not only a reference book for surgeons in the USSR, but is still relevant today. I. I. Dzhenalidze invented a special vascular compressor, which made it possible to avoid complications (paralysis) in the postoperative period. Also involved in plastic surgery, his interest extended to different types plastics (skin, bone, tendon, etc.). He studied particular problems of traumatology and reconstructive surgery. This prominent scientist and public figure distinguished himself in various aspects of medicine - burns, diseases of the chest organs, emergency surgery and others. In addition to the fact that this outstanding surgeon became a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree and a Hero of Socialist Labor, Justin Dzhanelidze was an excellent teacher. Since 1964, the doctor headed the All-Union Society of Surgeons, which became official recognition of him as the chief surgeon of the USSR. He was repeatedly the head of Soviet delegations of surgeons at international congresses of doctors, the author of many books that have become reference books for many doctors to this day. In memory of the great surgeon, the Institute of Emergency Medicine in St. Petersburg was named after him.
  • Justin Petrovich Zhuk(1887-1919) - Russian revolutionary, active participant Civil War in Russia, Knight of the Order of the Red Banner (1920).
  • Ustim Yakimovich Karmelyuk(1787-1835) - leader of the peasant uprising in Podolia (1813-1835).
  • Justyn Todorovich Lichuk(1901-1986) - chairman of the Ukrainian collective farm "First of May", participant in several documentaries, twice Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Justin Grigorievich Pigulyak(1845-1919) - Ukrainian portrait painter, famous not only in his homeland, but in other countries. He is the author of such portraits as “Taras Shevchenko”, “Bogdan Khmelnytsky” and others. Most of his paintings disappeared and have not yet been found.
  • Ustin Sergeevich Potapov(?-1785) - Russian major general, St. Petersburg governor. In 1782, by decree of Catherine II, construction began new road to Arkhangelsk via Novaya Ladoga. Awarded the Order St. Anna, 1st degree and the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree.
  • Justin Adamovich Chaplits(1797-1873) - Russian general, participant in the Caucasian War.
  • Justin de Jacobis(1800-1866) - saint of the Roman Catholic Church.

The female name Justina is a form of the ancient Roman male name Justus, meaning "fair", "decent". It is not famous in the countries of the world, but in Russia it is one of those old names that are reviving popularity due to its gentle romantic sound.

Characteristics of the name Justina

Justina has a good character, distinguished by many positive qualities such as cheerfulness, friendliness, selflessness, decency. She is indeed a very pleasant person who always lifts your spirits with her smile and respectful attitude towards people. The same Justina appears in childhood. She will undoubtedly be everyone's favorite: brave, lively, affectionate and very sociable. Her parents may not like her activity very much, but problems with Justina do not go beyond broken knees. A girl with this name studies well, although she often lacks perseverance and concentration. If her parents teach her to be neat and independent, then the owner of this name will be able to achieve great success in life. Adult Justina is hardworking and creatively developed. She takes her work very responsibly and is principled in many matters. She has a lot of friends, since the owner of this name easily meets people, loves to communicate, developing her horizons.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Justina is most suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20. Taurus will make the owner of this name an observer, but at the same time an active participant in life. She will become more patient with people, will be intellectually developed, peaceful, purposefully determined and able to appreciate everything beautiful.

Pros and cons of the name Justin

What are the positive and negative sides can be noted in the decision to name the child after Justin? On the one hand, it is rare, beautiful, ancient, goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several beautiful options abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Yustya, Justinka, Tina, Yustyusha. The character of most Justins is also distinguished by many positive qualities, so the name Justin can be considered a good name for naming your child.


Justina’s health is not the best. She may have problems with the kidneys, pancreas, back, and upper respiratory tract.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Justina proves herself to be a good housewife and a faithful wife. Love and a warm relationship with her husband are very important to her, so she will never forgive infidelity or bad attitude towards herself. Justina raises her children responsibly and affectionately; she will not beat them and will not be strict. The owner of this name strives to be, first of all, a friend and kind patron for children.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Justina would be suitable to be a clothing designer, seamstress, director, screenwriter, book illustrator, architect, sculptor, primary school teacher, music teacher.

Name day

A cheerful, cheerful child from early childhood. In infancy, she should be protected from colds; she is susceptible to bronchitis. "December" Justina is very emotional, and parents should spare her nervous system. The girl is very brave, begins to walk early, explores all corners of the house, which causes a lot of trouble for her parents. Willingly makes contact with strangers, loves animals, and is not afraid of large dogs.

At school, Justina is not a very good student, and not because she is incapable: yes, she is restless, but she is diligent and obliging. He carefully and always completes his homework, but since he doesn’t comprehend everything in class due to inattention, he rarely gets grades higher than a B. Justina is musical, musical literacy comes easily to her, she has good hearing and a sense of rhythm.

In adulthood, Justina’s restlessness does not prevent her from being a good worker; she knows how to pull herself together and do everything that is required of her. He is respected by his colleagues and often receives praise from his superiors. Ambition forces her to move up the career ladder faster than her colleagues. Although Justina does not know how to walk over the heads of others, if someone starts pushing her away in order to take some place herself, she will calmly step aside. But in matters of principle she is persistent and, if desired, knows how to achieve a goal. She is sociable, gets along with people easily, has many friends. Even more - friends.

“July” is less decisive, too modest. It is difficult to wake up in the morning, but in the afternoon her activity increases. Responsive, helpful with friends. In society, he easily gains everyone's attention and becomes the center of it. Unobtrusive, does not seek to lead anyone. Justina's first marriage may be unsuccessful; divorce occurs due to the fault of her husband, due to his infidelity. After the divorce, Justina does not marry for a long time; she may live with her lover in a civil marriage for some time, fearing to make a mistake again.

Justyna is a very generous, hospitable hostess, she cooks well, loves to treat her friends with her signature dishes, comes up with new recipes herself, and loves to eat with taste.

Justina enjoys great success with men and often changes admirers in her youth. Before marriage, she has many sexual partners and is very temperamental. However, having met the man of her dreams, she becomes a true friend; for her, everyone else ceases to exist.

“Spring” Justina is an active woman, goes in for sports, loves art, and is a keen connoisseur of everything beautiful. He willingly attends exhibitions and often attends premieres in theaters. She is smart, talented, hardworking. She often takes initiative at work, for which she is valued as a high-quality professional. She is friendly, friendly and sociable. Such Justina is most often married only once and quite successfully; she gets divorced very rarely. She is flexible in the family, compliant, and a good housewife.

“Winter” Justina is highly sexual, especially “December”, but she also has a more complex character: emotional, hot-tempered, unbalanced. Such a woman is often insidious and fatal for men. It is difficult to find a suitable spouse. A second or even third marriage may be successful." She is a faithful, caring mother and wife, but too independent, loves to be alone; she always rests separately from her family.

"Summer" Justina is too kind, which many dishonest people take advantage of. She cannot refuse to help anyone, she is completely selfless. In family life, she is happy if she marries a man born at any time of the year except summer - a “summer” partner does not suit her personality, and the marriage may not be strong.

"Autumn" Justina is smart, enterprising, and charming. He knows how to present himself and has good taste. She can open her own business, successfully gains weight in society, especially if her business is related to art, applied arts, and can prove herself in the field of clothing design.
