Constant melancholy in my soul. Constant depression, sadness in the soul, melancholy and deep sadness. What to do? Own life script

Lovesickness is perhaps the most inevitable and common phenomenon. We are born with one of the main tasks: to find our soul mate and, alas, we often make mistakes in our search. And, how, sometimes it hurts so much that... But let's figure out whether this melancholy is love, where it comes from, what is the nature of these feelings and how can you quickly get rid of this obsession?

So, if you are suffering from lovesickness or have experienced a breakup and cannot build a new relationship, then read on - here is what you need most at the moment.

If you feel emptiness, heaviness in your chest, fear and loss of interest in life, you are tormented by obsessive thoughts that the world is collapsing without the one who left... you have been overtaken by longing for love. This feeling is destructive in nature and has nothing to do with love. If such a great feeling as love turns into melancholy, know: it was not love, but dependence. And this can be dealt with.

Why is lovesickness dangerous?

At first, this destructive state takes you out of a working creative state, hiding any inspiration and desire to do something into darkness. Then it takes away your chance to build new harmonious relationships, where there is mutual love and interest. Anyone who could not survive the departure of a loved one will step on the same rake again and again, repeating his mistakes with others. This is a vicious circle, where at the end the same lovesickness awaits. When this condition drags on, it takes away health (more often these are sexual and endocrine systems). Your lower chakras are blocked, and even when a lot of time has passed, and it may seem to you that you have already experienced a breakup (or divorce) and perhaps are dating someone, you will still continue to experience outflow of energy. If it is not eliminated in a timely manner, it can manifest itself on the physical level in the form of a disease.

The first thing that will lift you to your feet and give you the strength to breathe deeply is energy cleansing.

Step 1: Wax casting.

Day: Saturday (preferably), waning moon.

Cream on wax helps remove negative energies that are caused by lovesickness. This is an operational measure, thanks to it you will be able to recover quickly. On our portal there is an article “Wax casting”, where you will learn how to do it yourself. But, of course, it is better if the cream is applied to the wax by an experienced person or magician. However, energy cleansing may have a temporary effect if you do not take the following steps.

Undoubtedly, it is possible and even necessary to carry out such cleansing periodically; they will help you maintain good emotional and physical state, however, they will not guarantee that you will find your soul mate and enjoy life. Therefore, in order to heal past wounds and heal, you need to look for the root cause and keep in mind: it is not in the one who abandoned you. And, while you have strength after energy cleansing, I recommend performing the following ritual.

Step 2: Ritual for getting rid of lovesickness.

Day: Saturday, waning moon.

This ritual will help cope with lovesickness and get rid of obsessive thoughts about the one who left you. It is performed on the principle of transferring the disease to a candle, which is subsequently burned. The ritual is easy to perform and is suitable even for beginners.

To carry out you will need following materials: black magic candle, a small piece of wax (50 grams), a bowl, salt, incense (myrrh or frankincense).

The process of the ritual is described at the end of the article.

Step 3: Eliminate bindings.

Day: Saturday, waning moon.

For those who were in close love relationships, there are energy bindings at the level of the second and fifth chakras, as a rule, and depending on the relationship - at others. Any attachment is an outflow of energy and an inability to do something on your own. These are shackles, in other words. And whoever wants to move on must take them off.

A practice that allows you to break energy connections is more difficult than, for example, cream on wax, because... it requires extrasensory perception. However, if you feel the energies, you can try to remove the bindings yourself, as we described how to do this in the article - “How to break the bindings?” . But if you don't have psychic abilities or you encounter difficulties (for example, the bindings are restored after a while), you can always turn to our specialists for help.

After you go through the cleansing and break the ties, it will be much easier for you to find the root cause of your longing for love: why you can’t let go of this person, what makes you hold on to him.

Step 4: Healing the Soul.

The moment we experience a strong emotional shock, we lose a piece of ourselves - a piece of our soul. And after that, trying to defend ourselves, we choose the wrong decisions for ourselves. Because of this, we find the wrong person, build the wrong relationship with him that we dreamed of, and end up sitting around nothing, withering away in love-sickness.

But a piece of the soul does not disappear forever, it can be returned and healed. To do this, our specialists conduct shamanic practices, during which you go to the world of the soul, find the reason why it left, and change negative attitudes that don't let you live.

You can read more about the shamanic journey through the world of the soul or the lower world, as it is also called, in the article “Choose your future.”

This meditative practice will help you understand yourself, restore the strength that you lost with the loss of a piece of your soul, heal yourself and magically, and the changes will be immediate, get a chance to be happy in love.

Step 5: Ritual of Forgiveness.

Day: Saturday, waning moon.

Only one who has let go, who does not hold grudges and is completely free from this person can sincerely forgive. Therefore, I recommend that you perform a ritual of forgiveness at the very end, as the final stage in getting rid of lovesickness. You can also find this ritual on our portal in the article “Ritual of Forgiveness”. It is simple to perform and necessary in order to be completely free and feel good.

Loneliness is not a death sentence, it is a reason to find a mate. Think positively, don’t be afraid of change and fight for your happiness.

The course of the ritual of getting rid of lovesickness

On a small table, place a black candle in the center, in front of it - a piece of wax, to the left of it - a bowl (fill drinking water and add a pinch of salt, stir) and on the right - a stand with incense.

Turn the table so that you can stand in front of it facing east.

First you need to clean the room. To do this, take the bowl and walk around the room clockwise, starting from the east side. While splashing water, say:

I cleanse this place with Earth and Water, let all evil leave this place!

I consecrate this place with Earth and Water, may love and prosperity come to this place!

Put the cup back and take the incense. Walk around the room in the same way as with the bowl. Smoking the space, say:

I cleanse this place with Air and Fire, let all evil leave this place!

I consecrate this place with Air and Fire, may love and prosperity come to this place!

Place the stand with incense on the table. The space for the ritual has been cleared.

Now take a black candle and place it on the middle of your chest. Say out loud or to yourself:

Inhale and exhale, imagining how you and the candle are connected by a beam of green light emanating from your chest. Take six more inhalations and exhalations, strengthening this connection (seven in total). On the eighth inhalation and exhalation, imagine how this already strong and bright green ray is joined by yellow and blue rays emanating from the solar plexus and jugular recess, respectively. Take six more breaths, strengthening these connections. On the fifteenth inhalation and exhalation, imagine how the green, yellow and blue channels are intensified and complemented by orange and blue, emanating from the pubic and forehead areas, respectively. Take six more breaths, strengthening these connections. On the twenty-second inhalation and exhalation, imagine how the green, yellow, blue, orange and blue channels are intensified and complemented by red and violet, emanating from the perineum and crown area, respectively. Take six more breaths, strengthening these connections. On the twenty-ninth inhalation and exhalation, imagine how all the channels unite into one large one, which connects every organ and every cell of your body with candles. Take six more breaths, strengthening this connection.

The entire meditation is done in thirty-five inhalations and exhalations.

Place the candle on the table and take a piece of wax in your hands. Warm a piece of wax in your hands. Press it to the place in your body where the feeling of melancholy is concentrated, and say again:

I wish for healing, I wish to be freed from longing for love, I wish to remove the mental and energetic causes of my longing once and for all.

Feel your longing come out into the wax. After you feel that the wax has become a little heavier, divide it into 3 unequal parts so that the smallest is half the size of the middle one and three times the size of the largest. Make three cats or dogs from these pieces that will symbolize your melancholy. Place them on the table and say again:

I wish for healing, I wish to be freed from longing for love, I wish to remove the mental and energetic causes of my longing once and for all.

Attach these “animals” to the candle where they want to be (feel it). Then, one by one, start pressing them onto the candle until they flatten and turn into waxy plates on the surface of the candle. Repeat one more time:

I wish for healing, I wish to be freed from longing for love, I wish to remove the mental and energetic causes of my longing once and for all.

Light a candle with the words:

I wish for healing, I wish to be freed from longing for love, I wish to remove the mental and energetic causes of my longing once and for all. Let my melancholy go to this candle and burn, let everything that causes melancholy leave my life. May heaven guide me on a path of healing and love for life. So be it and so it is.

Let the candle burn for 30 minutes and extinguish it with a wave of your hand or touch of your fingers, but under no circumstances blow on the candle. While the candle is burning, be next to it.

1. Use the “eat the elephant” rule. If you're feeling overwhelmed because you have a big task to do and can't seem to get started, try breaking it down into smaller tasks, says psychiatrist David D. Burns:

“This way we will make our task much easier, and most importantly, we will immediately see the result! It's like being offered to eat an elephant. Obviously, you could only do this by dividing it into small steaks.”

One day, Burns says, he was literally in despair at the pile of documents on his desk. So what did he do? I found the document that needed to be worked on first (action one), put it in front of me (action two), and moved the rest of the papers to another table so that they would not put pressure on it (action three). The work went much faster: “Such an easy victory over a problem that had previously frightened me instantly lifts my spirits. And you start moving forward faster."

2. Breathe deeply. This is one of the oldest calming techniques in the world and one of the most effective. A few deep breaths help activate that part nervous system, which is responsible for slowing the heartbeat and lowering blood pressure. Focused deep breathing helps you take your mind off your problems for a short time.

Negative experiences should not be suppressed, you should listen to them and help yourself survive and feel them

Start by exhaling forcefully to release some air from your lungs. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds, then take a deep breath, counting to seven, and hold your breath for the same amount again. Then exhale for 10-14 seconds. If you can’t exhale that long, just try to exhale for as long as you can without getting too caught up in counting the seconds. Repeat the cycle 10 times, preferably sitting on the edge of a chair with your eyes closed.

3. Allow yourself negative emotions. The temptation to get rid of bad mood and immediately suppressing negative emotions is great, but this can only do harm. Instead, psychotherapists advise allowing yourself to experience all the emotions that arise.

“Don't silence your feelings, instead ask yourself what's going on,” advises psychologist and motivational speaker Heidi Ligouri. By ignoring emotions, we only make the situation worse. Negative experiences should not be suppressed, you should listen to them and help yourself survive and feel them in order to move forward.

4. Stop and say something nice to yourself. Self-criticism is inherent in almost everyone, especially in a depressed state. “We are often hard on ourselves,” notes Heidi Ligouri. “Not only do we not allow ourselves to feel something, but we also judge ourselves every time these feelings come... Be generous to yourself!”

If your mood has deteriorated due to some mistake or simply unpleasant thoughts about yourself, stop and remember something that you like about yourself. Such praise, even from oneself, helps to distract from the self-flagellation that often accompanies a bad mood. Research has shown that doing these regularly can protect us from anxiety and depression.

5. Ask yourself what to do next and do it right away. Let's say you're 20 minutes late for an important meeting, and in the middle of an important presentation you notice that you have a huge coffee stain on your shirt. Of course, you continue, but both during the presentation and after it you feel out of place.

Imagine that every movement literally throws out some part negative energy

David D. Burns advises in such situations to ask yourself what you want to do in the next hour or two - continue to be upset, call a friend, go home to sleep? Give yourself advice on how to cope with a bad mood and follow it.

6. Go for a walk. Just go to Fresh air. It is advisable to go out of town, to a park or at least a public garden, but even a short walk along the nearest street will have a beneficial effect. The point is to focus on the walk. Turn off your phone, take your time, enjoy the process of walking.

This way you are distracted from stress and negative thoughts, and at the same time get additional benefits from physical activity, albeit small. This good medicine from stress and bad mood, and even such a modest exercise as a calm walk gives results.

7. Find a personal mantra that helps you. Come up with or observe a few phrases that always have an effect on you positive action- calm, inspire. For example, psychotherapist Kathleen Dahlen de Vos uses the following phrase: “I’m having a hard time right now, but everyone feels bad sometimes. I’ll be kind to myself because I’m safe and okay.” Choose the wording that works specifically for you. Repeat to yourself when you feel low.

8. Dance. This great way throw out excess anxiety and negative energy. Using a mix of positive, energetic songs that you enjoy, give yourself the freedom to truly dance “like no one is watching.” Movements should not be choreographic, rather chaotic, but expressive and strong. Imagine that every movement literally throws out some negative energy.

9. Play with your pet. Statistically, pet owners live longer, and for good reason: time spent with a pet is deeply calming and uplifting. David D. Burns shares his impressions of being rescued by his adopted cat Mitsy: “It teaches me something on a deep level. She's not special, just an abandoned cat. And I'm not special! But when we are together, life becomes special.” There is not just a friend with you, but also a being who needs you, this helps you gather your thoughts and spirit. Someone needs you and is important, which means everything will be fine.

Changing the quality of life from the inside and outside - how to get rid of longing for a loved one? What to do if you miss your loved one for a long time?

How to get rid of longing for a loved one?

A strong emotional shock that has not undergone treatment turns into emotional longing for a loved one. Letting go is hard - this is undeniable, but it is important to think about how exactly you should live further. Make yourself a priority and then it will be easier to get rid of longing for your loved one.

How to get rid of longing for a loved one:

  1. Tell yourself that meeting and breaking up is normal.
  2. Stop calling him “darling.”
  3. Change your point of attention.
  4. Now is the time to make a change.
  5. Start with yourself, or rather, with your face.

Breakups are normal

Let's look at the situation that has arisen from this angle: partings and meetings are a natural process. We meet to build relationships, and in the future a family. In very rare cases, a person does not need either the general or the company. Psychologists and philosophers still support the common idea that man is a social being or “zoos politicos” (Aristotle), who is drawn to society with a need to communicate and make contacts. When choosing a partner, we pay attention to attractive features, character traits, but the main thing is comfort. If in a previous relationship you did not find a like-minded person and partner, this is for the best. Keep looking.

Don't say "darling"

“As you name the ship, so it will sail” does not apply in our case. Setting “beloved”, “my favorite person”, etc. will not attract your partner back. By avoiding looking at the situation realistically, we slow down our progress. Change the status of the relationship - ex, past partner. You are free! Don't mentally tie yourself to something that doesn't exist. This may not be fully realized, but internal installations prevent you from moving forward. Potential partners, based on your gestures, facial expressions (of which more later), behavior and phrases, subconsciously perceive the information that you are closed, not free, that there is someone else “loved”, but in reality this is not the case.

Attention = mania

It’s not for nothing that the word attention is consonant with “mania.” Although both nouns are far from each other, an interesting grain of association can be found. Mania in translation means “madness”, “attraction”. The person is focused on the object/subject and literally sees nothing around. You need to change your point of concentration. Think less about your ex, mind your own business more: work, hobbies, study, self-education, travel. When Life is going, as if by thumb, our perception is “overwritten.” Learn to tell yourself in time: “Stop!” and do not chew phrases, images, thoughts. You know the Chinese proverb “no one returns from travel the same as he was before”? Perception changes due to the expansion of the usual horizons. Even going out of town for a weekend means introducing something new and not stewing in the cauldron of the past.

Now is the time to change everything

Now is the time to change something in your life. Turning points These are small revolutions. As you know, there are two ways of development (history in particular): evolution and revolution. So, a revolution is a sharp, deep, often violent upheaval; radically changing the system. She awakens dormant powers. There is no mysticism - the hormonal system reacts to stress, producing adrenaline and norepinephrine. The stories of people lifting a car to save their loved ones are amazing. Why is your situation worse? Move your familiar world– you now have just a lot of strength for this.

  • Start a business;
  • Change the style;
  • Change your job or at least get a promotion;
  • Get a pet;
  • Renovate your apartment;
  • Move to another country;
  • Smaller caliber: buy lipstick in an unusual color;
Longing is written on the face

Pamper yourself with something new - This is already the first step towards fundamental changes. Don't get tired of loving yourself and maintaining your beauty. By the way, regarding your face and facial expressions, melancholy manifests itself in the shades of your emotions, the timbre and pitch of your voice, and the activity of your speech. Longing is, first of all, an emotion.

Psychologists define melancholy as follows:

  • Stooped posture;
  • Downcast look;
  • Sad eyes;
  • Slow speech;
  • Lack of smile;
  • An expression of heaviness on the face;

Would you call such a person joyful, happy? You can see from him that he is in anguish! Previously, melancholy was considered contagious, but even now I don’t want to communicate with those for whom “everything is always bad.” Change your facial expressions and within 5 minutes a signal will be sent to your brain - deceive yourself with a joyful facial expression, and then reinforce it with real changes.

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You can yearn for the past, present, future; by friends, relaxation, carefree time, past feelings, homeland. A person can feel sadness about anything. Where does this feeling come from? Can we control it? How to get rid of it? Let's figure it out.

Melancholy arises from feelings of abandonment, loss, misunderstanding, inability to talk, to share one’s views. Sometimes it seems that melancholy appears for no reason, we are “just sad,” but in fact at this moment we feel lonely, misunderstood, unaccepted, unloved, unfulfilled, unhappy, dissatisfied. We feel that we do not have something very desirable.

“I miss those times,” “I miss you,” we say. But in fact, we yearn for our comfort, peace of mind, and well-being. Probably, in those times and with that person, our best moments of understanding and happiness passed.

Consequences of melancholy

Melancholy generates fear and is physically and mentally exhausting. “Sick” and “sick” are the closest concepts to melancholy. We can be “sick” of the world, of ourselves. If a person feels sick, it means that he is doing something wrong in his life. There is nothing more terrible and destructive than rejection and self-loathing.

Although melancholy is similar to sadness, they are different concepts. Everyone feels sad, but sadness only strikes those who have not found or have lost themselves, their place in life. Next to longing there is always hope for a return to previous conditions, habits, emotions, people, ourselves. Melancholy is preceded by sadness, and after melancholy comes a feeling of hopelessness and depression. It is important to notice this in time and start solving it. internal problems. The phrase “don’t be sad”, of course, will not help, you need to act.

How to get rid of sadness

So, those who are busy with themselves and their life and self-realization do not have to feel bored or sad. Moreover, this should be aimed at creating personal well-being and bear appropriate fruit.

  1. You need to not just keep yourself busy with something, don’t grab everything, but choose an activity that suits your interests, capabilities, etc. It is very important in what you do. You may have to go through several options for this. But remember that the goal is to find yours, not to try everything.
  2. Longing, like fear, fills the void. How did it form in you? What do you want to fill it with? Emptiness and weakness are the basis for melancholy. Believe me, if you do not consciously fill the void with things that are good for you, then “weeds” will fill it.
  3. Longing is the desire to return the past or find something that does not exist, but the problem is that a person can only be happy in the present. By the way, if longing is directed to the future, then, as a rule, we're talking about oh to part with something, oh anxious thoughts. Therefore we need to act. Here and now.
  4. Feel the melancholy, feel the full spectrum of your . There is no need to be afraid of it, run away in illusion or wear “ pink glasses" Hear what she tells you. Now answer each question rationally, analyze each of your thoughts. What worries and excites you? These are the unmet needs that have caused the fragmentation of the inner world.
  5. Write down on paper all the situations (the very first conditions are especially important) when you felt melancholy or sadness. For example, after breaking up with a loved one or after changing jobs, after illness, gaining a couple of kilograms, losing a habit or acquiring a harmful addiction. Now, for the identified problem, write down the pros and cons that this situation has brought into your life. Perhaps you have more free time or the opportunity to test your willpower and grow personally.
  6. Work on shaping Your goal is to learn to see not difficulties and obstacles, but opportunities. We need to stop asking “Why?” and think “For what?” Get started now. Write down how the changes that have occurred can help your self-development. Separately describe how you can resist the current circumstances.
  7. Movies and books are, of course, good, but I don’t want to encourage you to sit idle on the couch and distract yourself from boredom. The goal is to qualitatively fill the void, which involves active actions. If books, then practical guides and manuals, scientific literature. If films, then documentaries. Although even among feature films there are films with a very deep plot. Sometimes you decide to relax while watching a movie, but it turns out the opposite. In general, be selective, always see final goal, the significance and value of what you are doing right now.
  8. Play sports. That's really true universal remedy, correcting appearance and, plus giving hormones of happiness. Nothing gives you self-confidence and strengthens you like playing sports. Choose the type you like and practice regularly.
  9. Deal with .
  10. Learn not to dream, but to set goals and ways to achieve them. Melancholy goes shoulder to shoulder with anxiety. So what is it that worries you? Is there any point in this worry? Can you influence the circumstances?
  11. Longing is dangerous because it narrows one’s horizons to the object of longing. Of course, you need to calculate it, but then it is important to learn to think broadly.
  12. Write on paper what could make you happy, what would happen without sadness. Implement this list step by step.
  13. Learn. Just one event cannot cancel out all the opportunities and benefits.
  14. Give life individual meaning, admit to yourself your needs and satisfy them. , passivity is what feeds melancholy.
  15. Understand yourself, accept yourself. Define the conditions own self-realization and self-satisfaction. For example, for some it is enough to find love, but for others it is important to have a job they love. Some people want to do everything.
  16. Avoid idleness. “Eh, I wish...”, “Eh, I would, but there’s no money...”, “Eh, others are lucky, I wish I could become so rich and successful.” Each person is responsible for his own successes and failures. You need to take responsibility for life. Every person can do it.

Melancholy is a sign of a person’s peculiar disorientation and weakening of self-confidence. Accordingly, in order to get rid of melancholy, you need to find yourself and your place in life, navigate new conditions, make plans, set priorities, and move towards goals.

Unfortunately, general recommendations It’s almost impossible to give. Each person, like his longing, is unique. In your work you need to start from the individual and personal reasons for melancholy, the reasons for dissatisfaction with yourself and the current circumstances, the feeling of inadequacy. Each person has his own system of values ​​and needs, therefore the conditions for self-realization are different.

Negative emotions such as constant depression, sadness and deep sadness, melancholy in the soul cause a person to feel hopelessness and incredible self-pity. I want to constantly shed tears, complain about my unhappy fate and evoke sympathy.

Today, many people know for themselves what it means to fall into depression and feel aching sadness and melancholy in their souls. Persistent depression is a serious mental disorder, although it is taken for granted by many modern life and is treated with special antidepressants. But these negative emotions cannot be cured with pills; their presence indicates serious problems and a person’s internal breakdown.

In a state of depression, a person, as a rule, feels very depressed, he is overcome by sadness and melancholy and sad thoughts, a person tends to feel sorry for himself, he feels complete loneliness and his lack of understanding by others, he does not even want to move. A person suppressed by melancholy and sadness can eat sweets (or drink alcohol) in order to somehow brighten up the joyless state. He may be tormented by joyless thoughts about how bad everything is, sometimes leading to thoughts of suicide.

A person can fall into deep sadness and a depressive state for various reasons: if an accident happened to him or someone close to him, problems at work, due to gloomy and cloudy weather, watching a sad movie or just like that - it will take its toll on the soul yearning.

Depression and eternal sadness in the soul are dangerous for a person, they not only reduce his vital activity and spoil his mood, constant depression and sadness also threaten the emergence of serious health problems. Besides gastrointestinal disorders from constant dissatisfaction with oneself and life, heart problems from tormenting experiences and melancholy, insomnia from heavy thoughts, problems with the musculoskeletal system from reluctance and fear to develop and move forward in life, constant depression also contributes to the emergence of dependence on any means of solving problems (alcohol, drug addiction, food). Also, in the most extreme case, it leads to a complete reluctance to live, a feeling that a person is dying of melancholy.

Why is there sadness in my soul?

Of course, you should not blame external circumstances for the occurrence of your depression and deep sadness. Reasons for the data negative emotions a lot and they all lie not in external stimuli(which are only a reason), but inside the person himself. Of course, the reason to be sad is not the rainy weather outside, not a quarrel with a loved one, a passing car getting wet from head to toe, troubles at work, or an unexpected pimple popping up on your face. After all, some people easily perceive such “little things in life,” but for those susceptible to depression and melancholy, this is the greatest tragedy in life.

The information in this article is the result personal experience its author, all articles are written based on their own results of using the system and are not intended to convince anyone of anything.

This site is a personal initiative of its author and has no relation to the author of the Turbo-Suslik technique, Dmitry Leushkin.
